Myanmar缅甸 包括人文、地理、习俗、政治、经济、文化

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➢ The Karaweik Palace卡拉威宫 p.97
仰光市内景点的标志一。是 一艘浮于湖中的鸟型大船, 很有特色。外观金碧辉煌, 里面装饰豪华。每天晚上7 点至10点有缅甸民族歌舞表 演,以自助餐的形式开放。
➢ The Inya Lakes茵雅湖
仰光市内最大的湖泊,位于 市区北部。湖面相当大,湖 四周热带植物茂盛,风景优 美,是一处让人流连忘地方。
➢ Hydroelectric power BOT
2008年 ,我国在缅甸投资最大的水电BOT项目— —瑞丽江一级水电站2号机组正式并网发电,首次 实现境外投资水电能源回送国内,标志着我国水 电开发企业在探索境外水能资源的开发合作与利 用、努力实践国家对外资源开发战略方面迈出了 稳健的一步。
tobacco and linen
oil palm
oil palm
➢ 油棕主要产品是棕油和棕仁油。棕油精炼后是营养价值极高的食用油脂, 可制造人造奶油;棕油主要用来制造肥皂、润滑油、化妆品等,也是纺织 业、制革业、铁皮镀锡的辅助剂等。棕仁油味美,除直接食用和制造人造 奶油外,还用于制造高级肥皂、香皂和各种化妆品。此外,棕仁粕是很好 的饲料和肥料。果壳可制活性炭,用作脱色剂和吸毒剂。脱果后的空果穗 可制牛皮纸,作肥料、燃料和培养草菇等。未成熟的花序割开后流出的汁 液,可酿酒、制糖和做饮料。油棕果含油量高达50%以上,有“世界油王” 之称。
Natural resources
➢ Abundant forests (50% of the land)– “forest country” : teak (No.1)
➢ Fisheries 原石
➢ Water ( lack of conservancy/ not yet exploited) ➢ Minerals: tin, tungsten, zinc, aluminum, antimony,
manganese, gold and silver/ ruby, spinel尖晶石, tourmaline电气石, peridot橄榄石
➢ teak
Tourist sites
➢ Shwedagon Paya仰光大金塔或雪德宫大金塔p97
“SHWE”即“金”之意,“DAGON”是仰 —— the tallest pagoda
➢ Mandalay曼德勒市
Mandalay Hill resort
➢ Bagan
蒲甘古城素有“万塔之城”的美誉, 是缅甸最负盛名的旅游胜地。金顶 的Ananda Pahto是蒲甘现存的佛 塔中最大最美的一座,塔内四方位 各有站立的金佛一尊,被公认为蒲 甘最庄严美丽的佛像。
➢ Inle Lake 因莱湖
轮正中绘有缅甸地图,表明缅甸的国界和疆域。两侧各 有一头佛教的吉祥物圣狮,面向外侧,好似守护神,象 征保卫国家的坚强力量。国徽底部一条黄色饰带上用缅 文书写着缅甸国名。
➢ Three mountain ranges The Rakhine Yoma若开山脉, the Bago Yoma勃
trade & investment
➢ 2007-2008 surplus贸易顺差 ➢ Export-import mainly with Asian countries ➢ Export of agricultural, aquatic and forest product to China
haulage ➢ A giant market with import demands ➢ Marine traffic line with Guangxi ➢ Railway to Kunming ➢ The main invested fields: p.107
➢ The majority of ministry and cabinet posts are held by military officers—— resistance from the armed ethnic groups
➢ At least 25% of the legislature will be military, selected by the Chief of Defense Services
➢ National policy of reconciliation and cooperation
➢ The US have applied long-term economic sanctions 经济制裁 and a policy of diplomatic isolation on Myanmar—— the military regime’s violation of human rights 侵害人权
➢ The long-necked tribe (kajaani tribe)
➢ Myanmar ➢ In 1057, the Pagan Kingdom(蒲甘王朝) by
Anawrahta(阿奴律陀) ➢ In 16th,the Toungoo Dynasty(东固王朝) by
➢ Insufficiency of railways
➢ The Rangoon Airport / the Mandalay Airport – international airport
➢ Poor telecommunication ➢ Slow speed of the internet
光的古称)。仰光大金塔是佛教最神圣的 建筑之一。大金塔的故事据说佛主本人— —悉达多·乔达摩(Siddhartha Gautama) 颇有渊源。乔达摩曾把自己的八根头发赠 与两位缅甸商人,他们将其带回家乡并送 给了缅甸国王,欧卡拉帕(Okkalapa)。 当欧卡拉帕打开装着头发的箱子时,周围 的树突然枝繁叶茂,宝石从天而降,佛主 的头发放出万道金光。这些头发迅即被供 奉起来,为之建造的佛塔成为了仰光大金 塔的前身。传奇的仰光大金塔被缅甸王室 扩建了几个世纪,考古学家考证其定型于 十一世纪。大金塔位于缅甸首都仰光,占 地14英亩。它的中心部分是巨大的佛塔, 高约300英尺,镶满了黄金和宝石。数百 年来,中心的佛塔一直是佛教徒一个重要 的朝圣地。
➢ Great tourism potentials ➢ A small percentage of the GDP in tourism
➢ The Rangoon port– the biggest harbor
➢ Waterways– the most important transportation
➢ 1945, __th_e_U_K_ recontrolled Myanmar.
➢ 1948, independent under the leadership of General Aung San翁山将军
➢ 1962, General Ne Win奈温 led a military coup.
➢ 1974, the Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma by U Nu乌努 .
➢ 1988, the military opened fire on the demonstrators. ➢ 1988, Defense Minister General Saw Maung苏貌将军
➢ padauk紫檀木, door frame鸡翅木 , ebony 乌木, 黑檀, ironwood铁木
➢ Only 20% of the GDP ➢ Agricultural processing, textiles, footwear
鞋类, wood products, copper, tin, tungsten钨,iron, pharmaceuticals医药 品,……. ➢ Opening of 18 special industrial zones ➢ Encouragement of foreign investment
➢ 1886, Myanmar was administered as a province of British India.
➢ 1937,a self-governing coloLeabharlann Baiduy by Britain.
➢ 1942, Myanmar was under __J_ap_a_n_es_e_ occupation.
➢ 2010, a democratic election to form a new government.
Than Shwe丹瑞大将
➢ Capital: Nay Pyi Taw内比都( 2006)
➢ Why do we say Myanmar has a strict military
Mingyinyo ➢ 1752, the Konbaung Dynasty(贡榜王朝 ) by
➢ In the late 19th, the_B_rit_is_h _ colony
➢ When does this country get two names ,ie, Burma and Myanmar?
➢ China and Myanmar are friendly neighbors.
one of the least developed countries
➢ Since 1988, a centrally planned economy– a market-oriented economy
➢ Per capita GDP: US$300
➢ Agriculture: crop production, livestock, fishery, and forestry —— 50% of the GDP
➢ 1/3 of the rural households own no land or livestock ➢ Only half of the arable land is under cultivation Products: wheat, corn, peanuts, sesame, cotton, pulses, oil palm,
固山脉, the Shan Plateau p.95 ➢ River systems (60% river territory area) The Ayeyarwady(Irrawaddy)River(No.1) Salween River The Sittang River
➢ The tropical monsoon climate ➢ (North) 21--32℃ (coastal and delta regions) ➢ Cyclone Nargis飓风 in 2008
government? (p.99-101) ➢ The head of Myanmar: Senior General Than Shwe丹瑞大
将 —— Chairman of SPDC( the State Peace and Development Council: the highest authority) ➢ Senior General Than Shwe丹瑞大将—— the Minister of Defence
staged a coup d’Etat(军事)政变and formed the SLORC.
➢ 1997, the SLORC was renamed SPDC( the State Peace and Development Council)国家和平和发展委员会 .
➢ 1989, the SLORC adopted the name “Union of Myanmar”