铁路行车组织英语名词术语大全1.铁路行车组织(organization of train operation)铁路行车组织是铁路运输组织的重要组成部分,是铁路综合运用各种技术设备合理组织列车运行以实现旅客和货物运输过程的生产计划与组织工作。
2.铁路技术管理规程(简称《技规》Regulations Governing Railway Technical Operation)《技规》是铁路进行技术管理和从事运输生产的基本法规。
3.铁路行车组织规则(简称《行规》Rules Governing Organization of Train Operation;operating rules)《行规》是铁路局根据《技规》中行车组织篇规定的原则,结合铁路局管内技术设备的具体条件所制定的一种行车组织的补充规则,作为《技规》的补充。
4.车站行车工作细则(简称《站细》Detailed Instructions Governing Train Operation at Station;technologic instructions of station)《站细》是根据《技规》和《行规》的有关规定,结合车站技术设备和作业等具体条件所制定的车站技术管理和作业组织的基本技术文件。
6.车组(wagon group)若干车辆连挂在一起,称为车组。
7.车列(train stock;train set)若干车组连挂在一起,称为车列。
铁路运输常用术语表索引一、综合 (11)1. 铁路行车组织 (11)2. 铁路技术管理规程 (11)3. 铁路行车组织规则 (11)4. 车站行车工作细则 (11)5. 列车 (11)6. 车组 (11)7. 车列 (11)8. 旅客列车 (12)9. 混合列车 (12)10. 客运列车 (12)11. 军用列车 (12)12. 货物列车 (12)13. 快运货物列车 (12)14. 直达列车 (12)15. 始发直达列车 (12)16. 阶梯直达列车 (12)17. 空车直达列车 (12)18. 循环直达列车 (13)19. 技术直达列车 (13)20. 直通列车 (13)21. 区段列车 (13)22. 摘挂列车 (13)23. 小运转列车 (13)24. 超限列车 (13)25. 重载列车 (13)26. 组合列车 (13)27. 路用列车 (13)28. 特殊用途列车 (14)29. 列车牵引重量标准(列车牵引定数) (14)30. 换算长度 (14)31. 超重、超长与欠轴 (14)32. 分界点 (14)33. 车站 (14)34. 线路所 (14)35. 客运站 (15)36. 货运站 (15)37. 客货运站 (15)39. 区段站 (15)40. 技术站 (15)41. 中间站 (15)42. 站界 (15)43. 车站等级 (16)44. 中转车 (16)45. 无调中转车 (16)46. 有调中转车 (16)47. 货物作业车 (16)48. 一资货物作业车 (16)49. 双重货物作业车 (16)二、行车 (17)50. 接发列车工作 (17)51. 行车闭塞法 (17)52. 空间间隔法 (17)53. 站间区间 (17)54. 所间区间 (17)55. 闭塞分区 (17)56. 区间状态 (17)57. 区间空闲 (18)58. 区间占用 (18)59. 区间封锁 (18)60. 书面联络法 (18)61. 时间间隔法 (18)62. 行车凭证 (18)63. 接发列车作业程序 (18)64. 办理闭塞 (18)65. 发车预告 (18)66. 准备进路 (18)67. 接车进路 (19)68. 发车进路 (19)69. 通过进路 (19)70. 布置进路 (19)71. 开闭信号 (19)72. 引导接车 (19)73. 交付行车凭证 (19)74. 接送列车 (19)75. 列车接近 (20)76. 列车到达 (20)77. 列车出发 (20)78. 列车通过 (20)79. 指示发车 (20)81. 优先发车站 (20)三、车站管理 (21)82. 调车 (21)83. 解体调车 (21)84. 编组调车 (21)85. 摘挂调车 (21)86. 取送调车 (21)87. 推送调车法 (21)88. 溜放调车法 (21)89. 单钩溜放法 (21)90. 连续溜放法 (21)91. 多组溜放法 (22)92. 惰力溜放法 (22)93. 牵引溜放法 (22)94. 驼峰调车作业组织方式 (22)95. 单推单溜 (22)96. 双推单溜 (22)97. 双推双溜 (22)98. 中间站调车 (22)99. 越出站界调车 (22)100. 跟踪出站调车 (23)101. 手推调车 (23)102. 调车作业通知单 (23)103. 要道还道 (23)104. 储存进路 (23)105. 编组隔离限制 (23)106. 关门车 (23)107. 换算闸瓦压力 (23)108. 十、五、三车距离信号 (24)109. 调整钩位 (24)110. 连挂 (24)111. 接管 (24)112. 试拉 (24)113. 摘车 (24)114. 提钩 (24)115. 推进、推峰、预推 (24)116. 分解 (24)117. 定速溜放、变速溜放 (25)118. 驼峰间隔时间 (25)119. 观速观距 (25)120. 制动 (25)121. 间隔制动 (25)123. 易行线、难行线 (25)124. 堵门车 (25)125. 隔钩车 (25)126. 目的制动 (26)127. 选闸、试闸、磨闸、拧闸 (26)128. 基本鞋、辅助鞋 (26)129. 排风、拉风 (26)130. 无改编(无调)中转列车技术作业 (26)131. 部分改编中转列车技术作业 (26)132. 解体列车到达技术作业 (26)133. 始发列车出发技术作业 (27)134. 调车钩 (27)135. 挂车钩 (27)136. 摘车钩 (27)137. 推送钩 (27)138. 溜放钩 (27)139. 钩分 (27)140. 调车程、重程、空程 (27)141. 车辆停留时间标准 (27)142. 有调中转车停留时间标准 (28)143. 待解时间 (28)144. 集结时间 (28)145. 待编时间 (28)146. 待发时间 (28)147. 待检时间 (28)148. 无调中转车停留时间标准 (28)149. 中转车平均停留时间标准 (28)150. 货车一次货物作业平均停留时间标准 (28)151. 车站最高限额车数 (29)152. 车站出入车数 (29)153. 车站行车量 (29)154. 车站作业组织 (29)155. 核对现车 (29)156. 票据交接 (29)157. 分部解体 (29)158. 坐编 (29)159. 预编 (29)160. 交换车 (30)161. 固定线路使用方案 (30)162. 调车区 (30)163. 车站技术作业图表 (30)164. 现在车 (30)165. 运用车 (30)167. 列车预确报 (30)168. 列车预报 (30)169. 列车确报 (31)170. 车站有效车 (31)四、运输组织 (32)171. 车流 (32)172. 车流组织 (32)173. 车流去向范围 (32)174. 车流径路 (32)175. 最短径路 (32)176. 特定径路 (32)177. 列车编组去向 (32)178. 车组去向 (32)179. 支点站 (32)180. 车流调整 (33)181. 车流推算 (33)182. 重车调整 (33)183. 去向别装车调整 (33)184. 限制装车 (33)185. 停止装车 (33)186. 集中装车 (33)187. 变更车流输送径路 (33)188. 空车调整 (33)189. 正常调整 (34)190. 综合调整 (34)191. 紧急调整 (34)192. 备用货车(备用车) (34)193. 备用车基地 (34)194. 调度工作 (34)195. 调度区段 (34)196. 调度命令 (34)197. 单一指挥 (35)198. 货物列车编组计划 (35)199. 运输工作日常计划 (35)200. 旬计划 (35)201. 调度日(班)计划 (35)202. 轮廓计划 (35)203. 日要车计划 (35)204. 货运工作计划 (35)205. 装车计划 (36)206. 卸车计划 (36)207. 有效车 (36)209. 列车到发及运行计划 (36)210. 分界站列车交接计划 (36)211. 管内工作车输送及各站配空挂运计划 (36)212. 施工封锁计划 (37)213. 机车工作计划 (37)214. 机车交路 (37)215. 车站作业计划 (37)216. 车站班计划 (37)217. 车站阶段计划 (37)218. 调车作业计划 (37)219. 列车运行调整 (37)220. 3~4小时列车运行调整计划 (38)221. 列车等级 (38)222. 列车合并运行 (38)223. 列车反方向运行 (38)224. 列车运缓 (38)225. 列车等线 (38)226. 列车保留 (38)227. 列车停运 (38)228. 列车加开 (38)229. 列车赶点 (39)230. 列车正点 (39)231. 列车晚点 (39)232. 列车早开 (39)233. 技术计划和运输方案 (39)234. 货运工作方案 (39)235. 日历装车计划 (39)236. 挂线装车 (40)237. 列车工作方案 (40)238. 三定列车 (40)239. 枢纽小运转方案 (40)240. 机车工作方案 (40)241. 施工方案 (40)242. 列车运行图 (40)243. 列车运行线 (40)244. 上行方向 (41)245. 下行方向 (41)246. 列车车次 (41)247. 核心车次 (41)248. 机车周转图 (41)249. 平行运行图 (41)250. 非平行运行图 (41)251. 单线运行图 (41)253. 单双线运行图 (42)254. 不成对运行图 (42)255. 追踪运行图 (42)256. 非追踪运行图 (42)257. 二分格运行图 (42)258. 十分格运行图 (42)259. 小时间格运行图 (42)260. 基本运行图 (42)261. 分号运行图 (42)262. 区间纯运行时分 (43)263. 停车附加时分 (43)264. 起车附加时分 (43)265. 列车在车站上的间隔时间 (43)266. 相对方向列车不同时到达间隔时间 (43)267. 会车间隔时间 (44)268. 同方向列车连续间隔时间 (44)269. 同方向列车不同时到发间隔时间 (45)270. 同方向列车不同时发到间隔时间 (46)271. 相对方向列车不同时通过间隔时间 (46)272. 有敌对进路时的相对方向列车不同时到发间隔时间 (47)273. 有敌对进路时的相对方向列车不同时发到间隔时间 (47)274. 追踪列车间隔时间 (48)275. 通过能力 (48)276. 输送能力 (48)277. 运输能力 (48)278. 区段最终通过能力 (48)279. 现有通过能力 (48)280. 需要通过能力 (49)281. 设计通过能力 (49)282. 能力利用率 (49)283. 区间通过能力 (49)284. 运行图周期 (49)285. 限制区间 (49)286. 平行运行图区间通过能力 (49)287. 非平行运行图区段通过能力 (50)288. 扣除系数 (50)289. 非平行运行图的货物列车通过能力 (50)290. 非平行运行图货物列车的计算通过能力 (50)291. 非平行运行图货物列车的使用通过能力 (51)292. 货运通过能力 (51)293. 车站通过能力 (51)294. 咽喉道岔通过能力 (51)295. 到发线通过能力 (51)296. 咽喉道岔或到发线的计算通过能力 (52)297. 咽喉道岔或到发线的空费时间 (52)298. 车站改编能力 (52)五、运输指标 (53)299. 装车数 (53)300. 增加使用车数(增加装运车数) (53)301. 使用车数(装运车数) (53)302. 自装自卸车数 (53)303. 自装交出车数 (53)304. 卸车数 (53)305. 增加卸空车数 (53)306. 卸空车数 (53)307. 接入自卸车数 (54)308. 接运通过重车数 (54)309. 接运重车数 (54)310. 交出重车数 (54)311. 接入空车数 (54)312. 交出空车数 (54)313. 货车工作量 (54)314. 空车工作量 (54)315. 管内工作车 (55)316. 管内工作车工作量 (55)317. 移交重车 (55)318. 移交重车工作量 (55)319. 货物周转量 (55)320. 换算周转量 (55)321. 重车走行公里 (56)322. 空车走行公里 (56)323. 运用车走行公里 (56)324. 空车走行率 (56)325. 管内工作车走行公里 (56)326. 移交重车走行公里 (56)327. 货车重周转距离 (56)328. 货车空周转距离 (56)329. 货车全周转距离 (57)330. 空车周转距离 (57)331. 管内工作车周转距离 (57)332. 移交重车周转距离 (57)333. 货车中转距离 (57)334. 货车有调中转距离 (58)335. 货车无调中转距离 (58)336. 空车中转距离 (58)337. 管内工作车中转距离 (58)339. 货车中转次数 (59)340. 货车作业次数 (59)341. 货车双重作业系数 (59)342. 货车管内装卸率 (59)343. 空车管内装卸率 (59)344. 管内工作车管内装卸率 (59)345. 移交重车管内装卸率 (59)346. 货车无调中转平均停留时间 (59)347. 货车有调中转平均停留时间 (60)348. 货车中转平均停留时间 (60)349. 货车一次货物作业平均停留时间 (60)350. 货物作业车平均停留时间 (60)351. 货车空态系数 (60)352. 货车周转时间 (60)353. 空车周转时间 (61)354. 管内工作车周转时间 (61)355. 移交重车周转时间 (61)356. 空车保有量 (62)357. 管内空作车保有量 (62)358. 移交重车保有量 (62)359. 运用车保有量 (62)360. 货车日车公里 (62)361. 货车日产量 (62)362. 货物运输密度 (63)363. 运输密度 (63)364. 货物列车密度 (63)365. 列车密度 (63)366. 配属机车 (63)367. 非配属机车 (63)368. 支配机车 (63)369. 非支配机车 (63)370. 运行机车 (63)371. 非运行机车 (64)372. 本务机车走行公里 (64)373. 单机走行公里 (64)374. 重联机车走行公里 (64)375. 补机走行公里 (64)376. 机车沿线走行公里 (64)377. 机车换算走行公里 (64)378. 机车辅助走行公里 (64)379. 机车总走行公里 (64)380. 机车全周转时间 (64)381. 机车运用周转时间 (65)383. 机车平均周转距离 (65)384. 机车旅行速度 (65)385. 机车技术速度 (66)386. 机车周转次数 (66)387. 机车在本段、折返段停留时间 (66)388. 机车在本段、折返段所在站停留时间 (66)389. 机车日车公里 (66)390. 支配机车日车公里 (66)391. 列车平均总重(或机车平均牵引总重) (67)392. 列车平均组成辆数(本务段平均牵引辆数) (67)393. 货运机车日产量 (67)394. 支配机车日产量 (67)395. 机车使用台数 (67)396. 机车需要系数 (68)397. 列车技术速度 (68)398. 列车旅行速度 (68)399. 列车旅行速度系数 (68)400. 列车出发正点率 (68)401. 列车运行正点率 (68)六、安全 (69)402. 责任行车事故件数 (69)403. 责任行车重大、大事故件数 (69)404. 每百万机车走行公里行车重大、大事故件数 (69)405. 行车事故 (69)406. 冲突 (69)407. 脱轨 (69)408. 挤岔 (69)409. 冒进信号 (70)410. 行车中断 (70)411. 行车中断时间 (70)412. 人员伤亡 (70)413. 列车事故 (70)414. 调车事故 (70)一、综合1.铁路行车组织organization of train operation铁路行车组织是铁路运输组织的重要组成部分,是铁路综合运用各种技术设备合理组织列车运行以实现旅客和货物运输过程的生产计划与组织工作。
铁路专业部分常用词汇中英文对照一、职务名词1. 路局MD (Managing Director): 总局长DMD (Deputy Managing Director): 副总局长CS (Corporate Secretary): 公司秘书MPCA (Manager Planning and Corporate Affairs): 企划部经理CME (Chief Mechanical Engineer):机辆总工CCE (Chief Civil Engineer):工务总工FM (Finance Manager):财务经理MM(Marketing Manager):市场经理TM(Traffic Manager):运输经理SM (Supplies Manager):物资经理SM (Safety Manager):安全经理HRM (Human Resources Manager):人事经理HPR (Head Public Relations):公关部主管HIT (Head Information Technology):信息部主管CIA (Chief Internal Auditor):内审主管Chief Pension Officer:退休金主管Chief Controller :调度长2. 分局、站段及工厂RGM (Regional General Manager): 分局总经理RME (Regional Mechanical Engineer):分局机辆总工RCE (Regional Civil Engineer):分局工务总工S&T (Signaling & Telecommunication) Engineer:电务(信号与通信)工程师Head Commercial :商业主管Head Human Resources :人事主管Chief Administration Officer:行政主管Area Manager:区域经理WM (Workshop Manager): 工厂经理SM (Station Master):站长Senior Passenger Officer :客运主管DPC (District Police Commander): 地区警察指挥官二、部门和组织名词或惯称Head Office :路局或总部CRET(Chinese Railway Expert Team):中国铁路专家协调组Regional Office:分局Area Office:区域办事处Workshop:工厂CSP (concrete Sleeper Plant):轨枕厂Quarry :采石场TTC(TAZARA Training Center):坦赞铁路局培训中心Locomotive Depot:机务段Rolling Stock Depot:车辆段Marshalling Yard:编组场Construction Unit:房建队Board of Directors:董事会Board Committee:董事会委员会Committee meeting:委员会会议或预备会Council of Ministers: 部长理事会Union:工会三、设备名称1. 机车LocomotiveMainline/shunting locomotive: 干线/调车机车DFH Locomotive:东方红机车Diesel Engine:柴油机Traction Motor:牵引电机Wheel set:轮对Bogie:转向架Running Part:走行部Axle: 车轴Coupler:车钩Valve:阀Bearing: 轴承Brake shoe:闸瓦Cow Catcher:排障器Vacuum horse:真空软管Air pipe:风管Control system:控制系统Battery:蓄电池DE (Diesel Electric):柴油电传DH (Diesel Hydraulic):柴油液传Driver’s Cab:驾驶室Crank Shaft:曲轴Locomotive failure:机故2. Wagon:货车DSO (Down Side Open wagon): 低帮车CDSO (Container Down Side Open wagon): 低帮集装箱货车HSO (High Side Open):高帮车Co (Covered wagon):棚车F (Flat wagon):平板车FT (Flat Tank wagon):平板罐车JTW (Jumbo Tank wagon):大型罐车CF (Container Flat wagon):集装箱平车WW (Well Wagon):井型车BV (Brake Van):守车LS (Livestock wagon):牲畜车B (Ballast wagon):石渣车R (Refrigeration wagon):冷藏车3. Coach:客车1st Class Coach:一等车厢(软卧)2nd Class Coach:二等车厢(硬卧)3rd Class Coach:三等车厢(硬座)MD’s Coach: 总局长专用车Super Seat:软座车厢Dining/buffet Car:餐车Lounge Car:酒吧车Luggage Van:行李车4. 其它设备Gantry crane:龙门吊Trolley:轨道车Reversing Gear:换向机构Rescue crane:救援吊车Re-railing Equipment:复救设备Forklift:叉车Mobile crane:汽车吊Air compressor:空压机Mono block:轮饼Coupler knuckle:钩舌Wooden sleeper:木枕Concrete sleeper:混凝土轨枕Bridge sleeper:桥枕Turnout:道岔Semaphore signal:臂板信号机Interlocking equipment: 联锁设备Semi-automatic block system:半自动闭塞Head Crane:桥式吊车Drop Table:落车台Flaw detection machine:探伤仪Triple valve:三通阀Generator:发电机Shop :车间Second crusher:二级破碎机四、运输词汇Financial year:财政年度Passenger train:客车Freight train: 货车Commuter train:通勤车Up train:上行列车Down train:下行列车Fuel:燃油Locomotive routing:机车交路Locomotive availability:机车完好率Timetable:时刻表Arrival time:抵达时间Departure time:出发时间Freight traffic:货运量Passenger ridership:客运量Parcel:行包tonne-km:吨公里turnaround time:周转时间punctuality:正点率interchange:过轨level crossing:平交道口good shed:货场weighbridge:轨道衡copper:铜manganese:锰coal:煤fertilizer:化肥timber:木材maize:玉米wheat flour:面粉molasses:糖稀container:集装箱sulphur:硫磺general cargo:杂货accident:事故derail:脱轨capsize:倾覆五、其它专有名词或短语Ministry of transport: 交通部Immigration office:移民局Exemption: 豁免证/工作许可PS (Permanent Secretary):常秘cemetery:公墓Protocol:议定书Concession:特许经营Concessionaire:特许经营者/特许经营单位Manpower position:员工人数Clearance:清关Shipping documents:海运文件Bill of Lading: 提货单Packing List:装箱单Insurance:保险Commercial Invoice:商务发票Production meeting:生产交班会minutes:会议记录MOU (Memorandum of Understanding):谅解备忘录Invitation letter:邀请函Motor vehicle license: 机动车辆证/上路许可financial statement:财务报表quarter:季度Turnover:营业额Revenue:收入Expenditure:支出Pension:退休金Rates: 费率Freight tariff: 货运价格Passenger fare:客车票价Permanent way:工务线路speed restricted area:限速地段land slide: 滑坡tamping machine:捣固机light/heavy motor trolley: 轻型/重型轨道车ballast:道砟curve: 曲线culvert:涵洞tunnel:隧道gradient: 坡度gauge:轨距/限界motive power:动力(设备)single locomotive operation:单机牵引MU (multiple unit) operation:多机牵引axle load:轴重Cummins:康明斯Transmission type:传动类型Hydraulic transmission:液力传动Piston:活塞Air brake: 空气制动Vacuum brake:真空制动H.F. (High Frequency) radio: 高频电台Microwave:微波Optic fiber:光纤Light repair: 小修Medium repair:中修Rehabilitation/overhaul:大修Spare part:零配件Kilimanjaro passenger train:乞力马扎罗号客车Mukuba passenger train:姆库巴号客车Compartment:客车包厢VIP lounge:贵宾室Control order:调度令Booking office:售票处。
铁路专业英语词汇 收藏
railway clearanc e 铁 路净空 railroad bed 铁路路基 railway curve 铁路曲线 (弯道) railway tunnel 铁路隧道 railway line, railroad line 铁路线 stop sign(al) 停车标志 (信号) danger sign(al) 危险标志 (信号) unprotec ted crossing 无防护设 备的道口 signal light (lamp) 信号灯 signal box, signalma n's cabin 信号房 signalma n 信 号员 wing rail (of frog) 翼轨
铁路车辆 类英语单 词。本文 由七厘米 网站原 创,转载 请注明出 处。
dining car, restaura nt car, diner 餐 车 pantry 餐车食品 室 open wagon, (railway ) wagon, (railway ) truck 敞车 carriage , coach, car 车厢 roof 车 顶
warehous e 仓 库 siding, sidetrac k 侧 线,旁轨 turnout 岔道 weighing machine 秤重机 derailin g (火车) 出轨 single line (track) rail 单线 points, switches 道岔 switch lock, point lock 道岔锁 wait sign, wait signal 等候标志 (信号) marshall ing yard, shunting yard 调车场 dispatch ing 调度 dispatch er 调度员 crossove r 渡 线,转线 轨道 rail 钢轨
铁路专业词汇一、铁路;铁道railway railroad铁路线 railway line; railroad line铁路网 railway network; railroad network 铁道科学 railway science铁路技术 railway technology铁路等级 railway classification国有铁路 national railway; state railway 地方铁路 local railway; regional railway 私有铁路 private railway合资铁路joint investment railway;jointly owned railway标准轨铁路 standard-gage railway窄轨铁路 narrow—gage railway米轨铁路 meter-gage railway宽轨铁路 broad—gage railway单线铁路 single track railway双线铁路 double track railway多线铁路 multiple track railway重载铁路 heavy haul railway高速铁路 high speed railway电气化铁路;电力铁路 electrified railway;electric railway干线铁路 main line railway; trunk railway 市郊铁路 suburban railway地下铁道;地铁subway;metro;underground railway工业企业铁路 industry railway矿山铁路 mine railway轻轨铁路 light railway; light rail高架铁路 elevated railway单轨铁路;独轨铁路 monorail; monorail railway磁浮铁路magnetic levitation railway; maglev森林铁路 forest railway山区铁路 mountain railway既有铁路 existing railway新建铁路 newly-built railway改建铁路 reconstructed railway运营铁路railway in operation;operation; operating railway专用铁路 special purpose railway干线 trunk line; main line支线 branch line铁路专用线 railway special line货运专线railway line for freight traffic; freight special line; freight traffic only line客运专线railway line for passenger traffic;passenger special line; passenger traffic only line客货运混合铁路 railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic铁路运营长度;运营里程 operation length of railway; operating distance; revenue length列车运行图 train diagram铁路建筑长度construction length of railway区间 section区段 district轨距 rail gage; rail gauge轮重 wheel load轴重 axle load最大轴重 maximum allowable axle load限制轴重 axle load limited限界 clearance; gauge限界图 clearance diagram铁路建筑限界railway construction clearance;structure clearance for railway; railway struction gauge基本建筑限界fundamental construction clearance; fundamental structure gauge 桥梁建筑限界bridge construction clearance; bridge structure gauge隧道建筑界限tunnel construction clearance; tunnel structure gauge铁路机车车辆限界 rolling stock clearance for railway; vehicle gauge机车车辆上部限界clearance limit for upper part of rolling stock机车车辆下部限界clearance limit for lower part of rolling stock装载限界loading clearance limit;loading gauge阔大货物限界 clearance limit for freight with exceptional dimension;clearance limit for oversize commodities接触网限界 clearance limit for overhead contract wire;clearance limit for overhead catenary system;overhead catenary system gauge列车与线路相互作用track-train interaction轮轨关系 wheel-rail relation; wheel-rail interaction粘着系数 adhesion coefficient车轮滑行 wheel sliding; wheel skid车轮空转 wheel slipping牵引种类 kinds of traction; category of traction牵引方式 mode of traction牵引定数tonnage rating; tonnage of traction装载系数 loading coefficient速度 speed持续速度 continuous speed限制速度 limited speed; speed restriction 均衡速度 balancing speed构造速度construction speed;design speed最高速度 maximum speed临界速度 critical speed重载列车 heavy haul train高速列车 high speed train超长超重列车 exceptionally long and heavy train列车正面冲突 train collision列车尾追 train tail collision列车尾部防护 train rear end protection 伸缩运动 fore and aft motion蛇行运动 hunting; nosing列车压缩 train running in列车拉伸 train running out列车分离 train separation列车颠覆 train overturning列车动力学 train dynamics列车空气动力学 train aerodynamics机车车辆振动 vibration of rolling stock 纵向振动 longitudinal vibration横向振动 lateral vibration垂向振动 vertical vibration摆滚振动 rock-roll vibration浮沉振动 bouncing; vibration测滚振动 rolling ; vibration测摆振动 swaying; vibration点头振动 pitching; nodding摇头振动 yawing; hunting机车车辆共振 resonance of rolling stock 机车车辆冲击 impact of rolling纵向冲击 longitudinal impact横向冲击 lateral impact垂向冲击 vertical impact货运站综合作业自动化automation of synthetic operations at freight station 行车指挥自动化automation of traffic control编组场综合作业自动化automation of synthetic operations in marshalling yard 铁路运营信息系统railway operation information system铁路数据交换系统 railway data exchange system运营系统模拟simulation of operation system铁路法 railway law铁道法规 railway act铁路条例 railway code铁路技术管理规程 regulations of railway technical operation综合运输comprehensive transport; multi-mode transport; intermode transport国际铁路联运international railway through traffic大陆桥;洲际铁路transcontinental railway;intercontinental railway;land—railway国际联运协定 agreement of international through traffic国际联运议定书 protocol of international through traffic国际铁路联运公约convention of international railway through traffic 二、铁路新线建设newly—built railway construction铁路技术改造 technical reform of railway;technical renovation of railway; betterment and improvement of railway铁路主要技术条件 main technical standard of railway; main techincal requirement of railway单位工程 unit project分部工程 part project分项工程 item project预可行性研究 pre—feasibility study项目建议书 proposed task of project可行性研究 feasibility study设计阶段 design phase; design stage三阶段设计three-step design; three-phase design两阶段设计 two-step design; two—phase design一阶段设计 one-step design; one—phase design初步设计 preliminary design技术设计 technical design扩大初步设计enlarged preliminary design; expanded preliminary design施工图设计 construction detail design;working-drawing design变更设计 altered design设计概算 apporximate estimate of design;budgetary estimate of design个别概算 individual approximate estimate 综合概算comprehensive approximate estimate总概算 sum of approximate estimate; totalestimate; summary estimate修正总概算amended sum of approximate estimate; revised general estimate调整总概算 adjusted sum of approximate estimate投资检算 checking of investment预算定额 rating of budget; rating form for budget概算定额 rating of approximate estimate; rating form for estimate投资估算 investment estimate估算指标 index of estimate机械台班定额 rating per machine per team;rating per machine—team工程直接费direct expense of project; direct cost of project工程间接费 indirect expense of project;indirect cost of project工程预备费 reserve fund of project设计鉴定certification of design;appraisal of design竣工决算final accounts of completed project铁路用地 right—of—way铁路勘测 railway reconnaissance调查测绘survey and drawing of investigation;investigation survey;investigation surveying and sketching地形调查 topographic survey地貌调查topographic feature survey; geomorphologic survey地质调查 geologic survey经济调查economic investigation; economic survey水文地质调查 hydrogeologic survey 土石成分调查survey of soil and rock composition土石物理力学性质 physical and mechanical properties of soil and rock土石分类 classification of soil and rock 地基承载力bearing capacity of foundation; bearing capacity of ground; bearing of subgrade隧道围岩分级classification of tunnel surrounding rock地质图测绘survey and drawing of geological map; surveying and sketching of geological map勘探 exploration; prospecting挖探 excavation prospecting钻探 boring; exploration drilling物探 geophysical prospecting室内测试 indoor test; laboratory test 原位测试 in situ test静力触探static sounding;static probing; cone penetration test动力触探试验 dynamic penetration test标准贯入试验 standard penetration test 区域地质 regional geology工程地质 engineering geology不良地质 unfavorable geology特殊地质 special geology工程地质条件engineering geologic; requirement; engineering geologic condition气象资料 meteorological data冻结深度 freezing depth地震基本烈度basic intensity of earthquake; seismic basic intensity工程地质图 engineering geological map地层柱状图column diagram of stratum; graphic logs of strata; drill log of stratum洪水调查 flood survey河道调查 river course survey冰凌调查ice floe survey; frazil ice survey汇水区流域特征调查 survey of catchment basin characteristics水文断面 hydrologic sectional drawing;dydrologic section; hydrologic cross-section主河槽 main river channel设计流速 design current velocity设计高程;设计标高 design elevation河流比降slope of river;comparable horizon of river历史洪水位 historic flood level最高水位 highest water level; HWL通航水位 navigation water level; NWL桥涵水文 hydrology of bridge and culvert 水利半径 hydraulic radius桥前壅水高度 backwater height in front of bridge; top water level in front of bridge 桥渡勘测设计 survey and design of bridge crossing水面坡度 slope of water surface水文测量 hydrological survey泥石流流域 catchment basin of debris flow 分水岭 watershed; dividing ridge汇水面积catchment area;water collecting area; drainage area洪水频率 flood frequency设计流量 design discharge设计水位 design water level 施工水位construction level; construction water level; working water level设计洪水过程线 designed flood hydrograph 容许冲刷 allowable scour一般冲刷 general scour局部冲刷 local scour; partial scour 三、铁路测量 railway survey线路踏勘;草测 route reconnaissance初测 preliminary survey定测 location survey; alignment; final location survey导线测量 traversing; traverse survey光电导线 photoelectric traverse地形测量 topographical survey横断面测量 cross leveling; cross-section survey; cross-section leveling线路测量 route survey; profile survey;longitudinal survey既有线测量;旧线测量 survey of existing railway线路复测 repetition survey of existing railway; resurvey of existing railway 测量精度 survey precision; precision of survey均方差;中误差 mean square error最大误差;极限误差maximum error;limiting error中线测量 center line survey中线桩 center line stake加桩 additional stake; plus stake外移桩 shift out stake; stake outward;offset stake水准点高程测量 bench mark leveling中桩高程测量;中平 center stake leveling曲线控制点 curve control point放线 setting—out of route; lay out of route交点 intersection point副交点 auxiliary intersection point转向角 deflection angle分转向角 auxiliary deflection angle坐标方位角 plane-coordinate azimuth象限角 quadrantal angle经纬距 plane rectangular coordinate断链 broken chain投影断链 projection of broken chain断高 broken height铁路航空摄影测量;铁路航测 railway aerial photogrammetry铁路航空勘测 railway aerial surveying 航带设计 flight strip design; design of flight strip铁路工程地质遥感remote sensing of railway engineering geology测段 segment of survey航测选线 aerial surveying alignment航测外控点field control point of aerophotogrammetry全球定位系统 global positioning system;GPS像片索引图 index of photography三角测量trigonometric survey;triangulation精密导线测量 precise traverse survey;accurate traverse survey三角高程测量 trigonometric leveling隧道洞外控制测量 outside tunnel control survey隧道洞内控制测量in tunnel control survey; through survey隧道洞口投点 horizontal point of tunnel portal; geodetic control point of portal location of adit桥轴线测量 survey of bridge axis铁路选线 railway location; approximate railway location; location of railway route selection平原地区选线 location in plain region; plain location越岭选线location of mountain line;location of line in mountain region;location over mountain山区河谷选线 mountain and valley region location; location of line of in mountain and valley region丘陵地段选线hilly land location;location of line on hilly land工程地质选线engineering geoligic location of line线间距distance between centers of tracks; midway between tracks车站分布 distribution of stations方案比选scheme comparison;route alternative投资回收期 repayment period of capital cost纸上定线 paper location of line缓坡地段 section of easy grade; section of gentle slope紧坡地段 section of sufficient grade非紧坡地段 section of unsufficient grade;section fo insufficient grade导向线 leading line; alignment guiding line拔起高度;克服高度 height of lifting;lifting height; ascent of elevation横断面选线cross-section method of railway location;location with cross-section method;cross-section method for location of line展线 extension of line; development of line; line development展线系数 coefficient of extension line; coefficient of development line套线 overlapping line线路平面图 track plan; line plan线路纵断面图 track profile; line profile 站坪长度 length of station site站坪坡度 grade of station site控制区间 control section; controlling section最小曲线半径 minimum radius of curve圆曲线 circular curve单曲线 simple curve缓和曲线transition curve;easement curve; spiral transition curve缓和曲线半截变更率rate of easement curvature; rate of transition curve复曲线 compound curve同向曲线 curves of same sense; adjacent curves in one direction反向曲线 reverse curve; curve of opposite sense夹直线intermediate straight line;tangent between curves坡度 grade; gradient; slope人字坡 double spur grade限制坡度 ruling grade; limiting grade加力牵引坡度pusher grade;assisting grade最大坡度 maximum grade临界坡度 critical grade长大坡度 long steep grade; long heavy grade动力坡度 momentum grade均衡坡度 balanced grade有害地段 harmful district无害地段 harmless district变坡点 point of gradient change; breake in grade坡段 grade section坡段长度 length of grade section坡度差algebraic difference between adjacent gradients竖曲线 vertical curve分坡平段 level stretch between opposite sign gradient缓和坡度 slight grade; flat grade; easy grade起动缓坡 flat gradient for starting加速缓坡 easy gradient for acceleration; accelerating grade坡度折减compensation of gradient;gradient compensation;grade compensation曲线折减 compensation of curve; curve compesation隧道坡度折减 compensation of gradient in tunnel; compensation grade in tunnel绕行地段 detouring section; round section 换侧;换边 change side of double line容许应力设计法 allowable stress design method破损阶段设计法plastic stage designmethod极限状态设计法 limit state design method 概率极限状态设计法;可靠度设计法probabilisatic limit state design method 地震系数法 seismic coefficient method 四、路基 subgrade;road bed; formation subgrade岩石路基 rock subgrade渗水土路基permeable soil subgrade; pervious embankment非渗水土路基non—permeable soil subgrade; impervious embankment特殊土路基 subgrade of special soil软土地区路基 subgrade in soft soil zone;subgrade in soft; clay region泥沼地区路基subgrade in bog zone;subgrade in morass region; subgrade in swampland膨胀土地区路基;裂土地区路基 subgrade in swelling soil zone; subgrade in expansive soil region盐渍土地区路基 subgrade in salty soil zone; subgrade in saline soil region多年冻土路基 subgrade in permafrost soil zone特殊条件下的路基 subgrade under special condition河滩路堤 embankment on plain river beach 滨河路堤 embankment on river bank水库路基subgrade in reservoir; embankment crossing reservoir崩塌地段路基subgrade in rock fall district; subgrade in collapse zone岩堆地段路基subgrade in rock deposit zone; subgrade in talus zone; subgrade in scree zone滑坡地段路基 subgrade in slide岩溶地段路基;喀斯特地段路基 subgrade in karst zone洞穴地段路基subgrade in cavity zone; subgrade in cavern zone风沙地段路基 subgrade in windy and sandy zone; subgrade in desert雪害地段路基subgrade in snow damage zone; subgrade in snow disaster zone泥石流地段路基 subgrade in debris flow zone路基横断面 subgrade cross-section路基面 subgrade surface; formation路基面宽度 width of the subgrade surface;formation width路拱 road crown; subgrade crown路肩 Road shoulder; subgrade shoulder路肩高程 formation level; shoulder level 路堤 embankment; fill路堑 cut; road; cutting半堤半堑 part—cut and part-fill section;cut and fill section基床 subgrade bed; formation基床表层 surface layer of subgrade bed; formation top layer; surface layer of subgrade基床表层bottom layer of subgrade;formation base layer; bottom layer of subgrade bed一般路基general subgrade;ordinary subgrade最小填筑高度minimum fill height of subgrade; minimum height of fill临界高度 critical height基底 foundation base; base路堤边坡 side slope of embankment; fill slope talus坡脚 toe of side slope护道 berm取土坑 borrow pit路堤填料embankment fill material; embankment filler; filling material of embankment填料分类classification of filling material岩块填料 rock block filler; rock filler; rock fill粗粒土填料 coarse-grained soil filler;coarse—grained soil fill细粒土填料fine-grained soil filler;fine—grained soil fill压实标准 compacting criteria相对密度 relative density压实系数 compacting factor; compacting coefficient最佳含水量optimum moisture content;best moisture content最佳密度 optimum density; best density 核子密度湿度测定determination of nuclear density-moisture路基承载板测定 determination of bearing slab of subgrade预留沉落量reserve settlement;settlement allowance反压护道 berm with superloading; berm for back pressure; counter swelling berm石灰砂桩 lime sand pile换土 change soil; soil replacement爆破排淤blasting discharging sedimentation;silt arresting by explosion; discharge of sedimentation by blasting抛石挤淤throwing stones to packing sedimentation; packing sedimentation by throwing stones;packing up sedimentation by dumping stones路堑石方爆破 rock cutting blasting; rock blasting in cut定向爆破 directional blasting浅孔爆破 shallow hole blasting深孔爆破 deep hole blasting洞室药包爆破 chamber explosive package blasting; chamher blasting扬弃爆破 abandoned blasting; abandonment blasting抛掷爆破 pin—point blasting松动爆破 blasting for loosening rock药壶爆破 pot hole blasting裸露腰包爆破adobe blasting; contact blasting路堑边坡 cutting slope; side slope of cut 堑顶 top of cutting slope; top of cutting 路堑平台platform of cutting; berm in cutting弃土堆 waste bank; bankette; spoil bank 五、防护工程Protection works挡土墙 retaining wall重力式挡土墙 gravity retaining wall衡重式挡土墙balance weight retaining wall;gravity retaining wall with relieving platform; balanced type retaining wall锚定板挡土墙 anchored retaining wall by tie rods;anchored bulkhead retainingwall; anchored plate retaining wall加筋土挡土墙 reinforced earth retaining wall; reinforced soil retaining wall锚杆挡墙 anchored bolt retaining wall; anchoraged retaining wall by tie rods管柱挡墙 cylindrical shaft retaining wall 沉井挡墙 caisson retaining wall抗滑桩 anti—slide pile; counter-sliding pile护墙 guard wall护坡slope protection;revetment;pitching排水沟 weep drain; drainage ditch; drain ditch边沟;侧沟 side ditch天沟gutter;overhead ditch;intercepting ditch吊沟 suspended ditch跌水 hydraulic drop截水沟 intercepting ditch; catch-drain 急流槽 chute排水槽 drainage channel渗水暗沟 blind drain渗水隧洞 leak tunnel; permeable tunnel;drainage tunnel渗井 leaching well; seepage well渗管 leaky pipe平孔排水 horizontal hole drainage反滤层 reverse filtration layer; inverted filter; protective filter检查井 inspection well; manhole砂井;排水砂井 sand drain隔断层insulating course;insulating layer透水路堤 pervious embankment; permeable embankment渗水路堤 immerseable embankment排水砂垫层 sand filled drainage layer;drainage sand blanker坡面防护 slope protection护岸 revetment; shore protection导流堤 diversion dike拦石墙 stone cut off wall; stone falling wall; buttree落石槽 stone falling channel; trough for catching falling rocks柴排firewood raft;mattress; willow fascine固沙造林stabilization for sands by afforestation挡风墙 wind-break wall防风栅栏 wind break fence砂土液化 sand liquefaction六、桥梁 bridge中-活载 CR—live loading; China railway standard loading桥梁标准活载standard live load for bridge桥梁荷载谱 bridge load spectrum换算均布活载 equivalent uniform live load 设计荷载 design load主力 principal load恒载 dead load土压力 earth load静水压力 hydrostatic pressure浮力 buoyancy列车活载 live load of train列车离心力 centrifugal force of train列车冲击力;冲击荷载 impact force of train 冲击系数 ceofficient of impact人行道荷载 sidewalk loading附加力 subsidiary load; secondary load 列车制动力 braking force of train列车牵引力 tractive force of train风荷载 wind load列车横向摇摆力 lateral swaying force of train流水压力 pressure of water flow冰压力 ice pressure冻胀力 frost heaving force特殊荷载 particular load船只或排筏的撞击力 collision force of ship or raft地震力 seismic force地震烈度 earthquake intensity地震震级 earthquake magnitude施工荷载 constructional loading荷载组合 loading conbination铁路桥 railway bridge公铁两用桥combined bridge; combined highway and railway bridge; combined rail—cum-road bridge跨线桥;立交桥 overpass bridge; grade separation bridge; flyover高架桥 viaduct旱桥 dry bridge人行桥 foot bridge; pedestrian bridge 圬工桥 masonry bridge钢桥 steel bridge铆接钢桥 riveted steel bridge栓焊钢桥 bolted and welded steel bridge 全焊钢桥 all welded steel bridge摩擦结合式高强度螺栓high strength friction grip bolt扭剪式高强度螺栓torshear type high strength blot螺栓示功扳手 bolt wrench with indicator 混凝土桥 concrete bridge钢筋混凝土桥 reinforced concrete bridge 预应力混凝土桥prestressed concrete bridge先张法预应力梁 pretensioned prestressed concrete girder后张法预应力梁post—tensioned prestressed concrete girder部分预应力混凝土桥 partially prestressed concrete bridge结合梁桥 composite beam bridge低高度梁 shallow girder无碴无枕梁girder without ballast and sleeper型钢混凝土梁;劲性骨架混凝土梁 girder with rolled steel section encased in concrete; skeleton reinforced concrete girder简支梁桥 simply supported beam bridge连续梁桥 continuous beam bridge悬臂梁桥 cantilever beam bridge板桥 slab bridge空心板桥 hollow slab bridge板梁 plate girder工形梁 I—beam箱形梁 box girder槽形梁 trough girder桁架 truss拆装式桁架 demountable truss刚架桥;刚构桥 rigid frame bridge斜腿刚架桥;斜腿刚构桥strutted beam bridge; slant-legged rigid frame bridge 悬板桥;悬带桥 stressed ribbon bridge悬索桥;吊桥 suspension bridge斜拉桥 cable—stayed bridge浮桥 pontoon bridge; floating bridge;bateau bridge拱桥 arch bridge固端拱;无铰拱 fixed-end arch双铰拱 two—hinged arch三铰拱 three-hinged arch实腹拱spandrel—filled arch;solid-spandrel arch空腹拱 open-spandrel arch双曲拱two—way curved arch;cross—curved arch系杆拱;柔性系杆刚性拱 tied arch榔格尔式桥;刚性系杆柔性拱桥Langer bridge; flexible arch bridge with rigid tie洛泽式桥;直悬杆式刚性拱刚性梁桥 Lohse bridge; rigid arch bridge with rigid tie and vertical sespenders尼尔森桥 Nielsen systen bridge尼尔森式骆泽梁桥;斜悬杆式刚性拱梁桥Nielsen type Lhse bridge;rigid arch bridge with fighd tie and inclined suspenders活动桥 movable bridge竖旋桥 bascule bridge平旋桥 swing bridge升降桥 lift bridge正交桥 right bridge斜交桥 skew bridge曲线桥 curved bridge曲梁 curved beam特大桥 super maior bridge大桥 major bridge 中桥 medium bridge小桥 minor bridge单线桥 single track bridge双线桥 double track bridge多线桥 multi—track bridge正桥;主桥 main bridge引桥 approach spans上承式桥 deck bridge半穿式桥;中承式 half through bridge;midheight deck bridge下承式桥 through bridge双层桥 double-deck bridge永久性桥 permanent bridge临时性桥;便桥 temporary bridge跨径;跨度 span净跨 clear span桥梁全长 overall length of bridge桥下净空 underneath clearance主梁中心距center to center distance between main girder节间长度 panel length梁高 depth of girder拱度 camber挠度 deflection节间 panel锚跨;锚孔 anchor span悬跨;吊孔 suspended span桥梁上部结构 superstructure腹板 web plate翼缘 flange翼缘板 flange plate弦杆 chord member腹杆 web member斜杆 diagonal member竖杆 vertical member吊杆 suspender hanger加劲杆 stiffener节点 panel point节点板 gusset plate拼接板 splice plate缀条 lacing bar缀板 stay plate; tie plate侧向水平联结系 lateral bracing横联 sway bracing制动撑架 braking bracing桥门架 portal frame纵梁 stringer横梁 floor beam; transverse beam桥面系 floor system端横梁 end floor beam起重横梁 jacking floor beam梁端缓冲梁auxiliary girder for controlling angle change应变时效 strain ageing碳当量 carbon equivalent钢丝 steel wire钢丝束 bundled steel wires钢绞线 steel strand钢筋 reinforcement; steel bar箍筋 stirrup纵向钢筋 longitudinal reinforcement弯起钢筋 bent-up bar架立钢筋 erection bar构造钢筋 constructional reinforcement 预应力筋 tendon套管 sheath梁腋 haunch拱圈 arch ring拱肋 arch rib拱顶 rach crown 拱矢 rise of arch起拱点 springing拱腹 soffit拱腹线 intrados拱背钱 extrados桥塔 bridge tower; pylon索平面 cable plane缆索 cable斜缆 stay cable; inclined cable吊缆 suspension cable索鞍 cable saddle索夹 cable band; cable clamp锚座 socket锚碇 anchorage明桥面 open deck; ballastless deck; open floor桥梁道碴槽 ballast trough道碴桥面 ballasted deck; ballasted floor 桥梁护轨 guard rail of bridge桥梁护木 guard timber of bridge桥枕 bridge tie; bridge sleeper桥上人行道 sidewalk on bridge步行板 foot plank避车台 refuge platform伸缩缝 expansion joint正交异性板 orthotropic plate栏杆 railing; handrail; handrailing泻水孔 drainage opening直结轨道 track fastened directly to steel girders抗剪连接件;抗剪结合件 shear connector 支座 bearing固定支座 fixed bearing活动支座expension bearing;movable bearing平板支座 plate bearing摇轴芝座 rocker bearing滚轴支座 roller bearing球面支座 spherical bearing板式橡胶支座 laminated rubber bearing 盆式橡胶支座 pot rubber bearing聚四氯乙烯支座poly—tetrafluoroedthylene bearing; PTFE bearing涡流激振 wortex-excited oscillation弛振 galloping颤振 flutter扰流板 spoiler风嘴 wind fairing桥梁自振周期 natural vibration period of bridge浮运架桥法 bridge erection by floating 架桥机架设法 erection by bridge girder erecting equipment顶推式架设法erection by incremental launching拖拉架设法 launching method赝架式架设法 erection with scaffolding 悬臂架设法 catilever erection; erection by protrusion悬臂灌注法cast—in—place cantilever construction; free cantilever segmental concreting with suspended formwork悬臂拼装法cantilevered assembling constrution; free cantilever erection with segments of precast concrete预制混凝土构件 precast concrete units; precast concrete members活动模架逐跨施工法segmental span-by—span construction using form traveller桥梁合龙 closure就地贯注法cast—in-place method;cast-in—situ method活动吊篮 travelling cradle顶进法 jack-in method旋转法施工;转体施工 erection by swing method液压式张拉千斤顶hydraulic tensioning jack桥梁下部结构 substructure桥台 abutment重力式桥台 gravity abutment埋置式桥台 buried abutment锚定板式桥台 anchor slab abutmentU形桥台 U-shaped abutment耳墙式桥台abutment with cantilevered retaining wall台身 abutment body前墙 front wall台帽 abutment coping翼墙 wing wall锥体护坡 quadrant revetment; truncated cone banking台后填方 filling behind abutment桥墩 pier空心桥墩 hollow pier实体桥墩 solid pier重力式桥墩 gravity pier柔性桥墩 flexible pier拼装式桥墩assembly pier; pier constructed with precast units制动墩 braking pier柱式桥墩 column pierV形桥墩 V-shaped pier圆端形桥墩 round—ended pier圆形桥墩 circular pier矩形桥墩 rectangular pier排架式桥墩 pile bent pier墩身 pier body; pier shaft墩帽 pier coping围栏railing around coping of pier or abutment承台 bearing platform破冰体ice apron;ice—breaking cutwater; ice guard地基foundation;foundation soil;subgrade加固地基 improved foundation; improved ground天然地基natural foundation;natural ground桥梁基础 bridge foundation扩大基础 spread foundation明挖基础open—cut foundation;open excavation foundation沉井基础 open caisson foundation浮式沉井基础 floating caisson foundation 沉井刃脚 cutting edge of open caisson围堰 cofferdam双壁钢围堰钻孔基础double wall steel cofferdam bored foundation预制钢壳钻孔基础prefabricated steel shell bored foundation泥浆套沉井法slurry jacket method for sinking caisson空气幕沉井法air curtain method for sinking caisson沉箱基础 pneumatic caisson foundation管柱基础 tubular column foundation 桩基础 pile foundation预制桩 precast pile就地灌注桩 cast—in-place concrete pile;cast-in—situ concrete pile螺旋喷射桩 auger injected pile摩擦桩 friction pile支承桩 bearing pile钻孔桩 bored pile挖孔桩 dug pile钢桩 steel pile钢管桩 steel pipe pile钢板桩 steel sheet pile板桩 sheet pile木桩 timber pile钢筋混凝土桩 reinforced concrete pile砂桩 sand pile挤密砂桩 sand conpaction pile流砂 quick sand; drift sand送桩 pile follower试桩 test pile斜桩 batter pile; raking pile; spur pile 护筒 pile casting重锤夯实法 heavy tamping method灰土换填夯实法mothod of lime-soil replacement and tamping灌注水下混凝土 underwater concreting;concreting with tremie method导流建筑物 regulating structure丁坝;挑水坝 spur dike顺坝 longitudinal dam河床铺砌 river bed paving码头 wharf排架 bent脚手架 scaffold悬空脚手架hanging stage; hangingscaffold七、铁路涵洞 railway culvert涵洞孔径 aperture of culvert管涵 pipe culvert箱涵 box culvert拱涵 arch culvert盖板涵 slab culvert无压力涵洞 inlet unsubmerged culvert压力式涵洞 outlet submerged culvert半压力式涵洞 inlet submerged culvert明渠 open channel; open ditch; open drain 倒虹吸管 inverted siphon潮汐河流 tidal river淤积 silting; siltation流冰 ice drift铁路轮渡 railway car ferries轮渡站 ferry station轮渡栈桥 ferry trestle bridge渡轮 ferry boat轮渡引线;轮渡斜引道 ferry slip八、铁路隧道 railway tunnel山岭隧道 mountain tunnel越岭隧道 over mountain line tunnel水下隧道;水地隧道 subaqueous tunnel;underwater tunnel地铁隧道subway tunne;underground railway tunnel浅埋隧道 shallow tunnel; shallow—depth tunnel; shallow burying tunnel深埋隧道 deep tunnel; deep-depth tunnel;deep burying tunnel单线隧道 single track tunnel双线隧道 double track tunnel多线隧道 multiple track tunnel车站隧道 station tunnel 地铁车站 subway station; metro station 特长隧道 super long tunnel长隧道 long tunnel中长隧道 medium tunnel短隧道 short tunnel隧道群 tunnel group地铁工程subway engineering;metro engineering洞口 tunne ladit; tunnel opening隧道进口 tunnel entrance隧道出口 tunnel exit迎坡;正面坡 front slope洞门 tunnel portal洞门框 tunnel portal frame端墙式洞门 end wall tunnel portal柱式洞门 post tunnel portal翼墙式洞门 wing wall tunnel portal耳墙式洞门 ear wall tunnel portal台阶式洞门 bench tunnel portal正洞门orthonormal tunnel portal;straight tunnel portal斜洞门 skew tunnel portal明洞门 open-cut—tunnel portal; gallery portal衬砌 lining拱圈 arch边墙 side wall仰拱 invert; inverted arch底板 floor整体式衬砌 integral lining装配式衬砌 precast lining; prefabricated lining模筑衬砌 moulded lining洞口段衬砌lining of tunnel portal section。
机务段:铁路运输系统的主要运用部门,负责机车(即俗称的”火车头“) 的运行和维护。
2.车辆段:是铁路系统的一个重要部门, 他的主要工作就是检修火车的车辆(不包含机头) 。
GSM-R:GSM—Railway 属于专用移动通信的一种,专用于铁路的日常运营管理,是非常有效的调度指挥通信工具。
CTC:Centralized Traffic Control System,调度集中。
railterms(铁路机车车辆专业英语词汇)铁路工程 ;铁道工程铁路建设 ;铁道建设铁道 ;铁路高速铁路 ;高速铁道干线铁路 ;干线铁道多线铁路 ;多线铁道双线铁路 ;双线铁道货运铁路 ;货运铁道客运铁路 ;客运铁道城市铁路 ;城市铁道市郊铁路 ;市郊铁道宽轨铁路 ;宽轨铁道窄轨铁路 ;窄轨铁道轻轨铁路 ;轻轨铁道重轨铁路 ;重轨铁道重载铁路 ;重载铁道专用铁路 ;专用铁道专用线军用铁路 ;军用铁道缆索铁路 ;缆索铁道高架铁路 ;高架铁道独轨铁路 ;独轨铁道齿轨铁路 ;齿轨铁道磁浮铁路 ;磁浮铁道山区铁路 ;山区铁道地下铁道 ;地下铁路;地铁;地铁国营铁路 ;国营铁道私营铁路 ;私营铁道合资铁路 ;合资铁道地方铁路 ;地方铁道联邦铁路 ;联邦铁道既有铁路 ;既有铁道;既有线新建铁路 ;新建铁道试验线 ;实验线环行试验线 ;环行实验线新线建设铁路规划 ;铁道规划路网规划铁路用地 ;铁道用地铁路用电 ;铁道用电铁路用水 ;铁道用水新线验收新线运营旧线改造线路改造桥梁改建隧道改建电气化铁道改造 ;电气化铁路改造复线修建旧线改造投资工程经济铁路投资 ;铁道投资新线投资基建投资铁路电气化投资 ;铁道电气化投资投资预算预算决算造价贷款集资 ;融资经济核算招标投标承包U形桥台安全标志安全地点安全电压安全技术措施安全距离安全帽安全绳安全梯安全网安全用电安全炸药安全装置暗挖法拔起高度板式橡胶支座半穿式桥半堤半堑半路堑式明洞半湿喷混凝土机半压力式涵洞保护地线保险带爆破排淤崩塌地段路基避车台边沟变更设计变坡点标准贯入试验滨河路堤不良地质步行板槽式列车槽型梁侧壁导坑法测段测量放样测量精度插板支护插入式混凝土振捣器拆迁拆装式桁架柴排柴油打桩机颤振长大坡道长线张拉台座超前导坑超前锚杆潮喷混凝土车站隧道沉管法沉井挡墙沉井刃脚承台驰振冲击式钻机冲击系数抽验出碴初步设计初测初期支护触电保安器船只或排筏的撞击力粗粒土填料大桥大型矿车大型临时工程带式输送机待避所单侧导坑法单斗挖土机单梁式架桥机单曲线单位工程单线桥单线隧道单项预算单转子滑片式空压机导流建筑物导线测量导向线倒虹吸管道碴桥面低高度梁地层压力地层柱状图地貌调查地温梯度地形调查地震基本烈度地震力地震系数法地震震级地质图测绘电动吊车电动卷扬机吊沟吊缆调查测绘调查坑道调整总概算丁坝顶推式架设法定测动力触探试验动力坡度冻结深度冻胀力洞口洞口段衬砌洞门洞室药包爆破洞穴地段路基斗车斗式提升机端横梁端墙式洞门短隧道断高断链墩身多年冻土路基多线隧道耳墙式洞门二次衬砌反铲挖土机反滤层反台阶法反向曲线反压护道方案比选防爆设施防尘防风栅栏防护拦杆防护音响信号防滑鞋防火净距防火门防雷装置防水等级防水涂层防坠器放线非紧坡地段非渗水土路基废弃工程分部工程分部开挖法分坡平段分水岭分项工程分转向角风道式通风风动凿岩机风镐风管式通风风荷载风沙地段路基风嘴浮力浮式沉井基础浮式起重机浮箱浮运架桥法辅助设施附加力附着式混凝土振捣器复曲线副交点覆盖防护盖板涵盖板式棚洞概率极限状态设计法概算定额干喷混凝土干喷混凝土机刚架式棚洞钢拱支撑钢筋调直机钢筋混凝土桩钢筋冷拉机钢筋切断机钢筋弯曲机钢桩格构拱蛤壳式抓斗隔断层隔火带个别概算工程报价工程承包工程船舶工程地质图工程地质选线工程发包工程间接费工程投标工程预备费工程运输工程招标工程直接费工程质量检验工程质量评定工程质量验收工法制度公铁两用桥拱背线拱度拱腹拱腹线拱肋拱圈封顶拱矢拱形明洞构件支撑构造钢筋估算指标箍筋鼓筒式混凝土搅拌机固端拱关键工程管柱挡墙灌浆压力灌筑水下混凝土光电导线滚轴支座过渡工程涵洞孔径旱桥航测外控点航测选线航带设计合格工程河床铺砌河道调查河流比降河滩路堤核子密度湿度测定恒载横洞横断面选线横联横通道衡重式挡土墙洪水调查洪水频率后张法预应力梁护道护墙护筒滑坡地段路基缓和曲线半径变更率缓坡地段换侧换算均布活载换土灰土换填夯实法汇水区流域特征调查混凝土泵车混凝土吊斗混凝土搅拌楼混凝土搅拌运输车混凝土桥混凝土振动台活动吊篮活动模架逐跨施工法活动桥机械台班定额基床基床底层基底极限状态设计法急流槽挤密砂桩技术设计加固地基加筋土挡土墙加力牵引坡度加速缓坡加桩夹直线架立钢筋架桥机架设法检查井简易混凝土搅拌站建筑业总产值交点交接桩接触网作业车节点板节间节间长度截水沟紧坡地段近体防护浸水路堤经纬距精密导线测量净跨静水压力静压力拔桩机救生设施就地灌注桩就地灌筑法矩形桥墩聚四氟乙烯支座绝缘鞋掘进机法均方[误]差均衡坡度竣工报告竣工决算喀斯特地段路基开工报告开挖工作面勘探抗滑明洞抗剪连接件可行性研究坑道自稳时间空腹拱空气幕沉井法空心板桥空中索道控制工程控制区间跨径矿山法扩大扩大初步设计扩大基础拉槽拦石墙栏杆缆索起重机朗格尔式桥离心水泵历史洪水位立爪式装岩机梁端缓冲梁梁高梁腋两阶段设计列车冲击力列车横向摇摆力列车活塞作用列车活载列车离心力列车牵引力列车制动力临界高度临界坡度临时工程临时性桥临时支护流冰流砂流水压力漏斗棚架法路堤边坡路堤填料路拱路基承载板测定路基横断面路基面路基面宽度路肩高程路堑边坡路堑平台路堑石方爆破路堑式明洞履带式起重机履带式桩架轮渡引线轮渡栈桥轮渡站轮胎式起重机螺杆式空气压缩机螺栓示功扳手螺旋喷射桩裸露药包爆破洛泽式桥落石槽落石冲击力马口埋置式桥台盲沟锚定板挡土墙锚定板式桥台锚碇锚杆挡墙锚跨锚座铆接钢桥冒顶明洞门明桥面明渠模筑衬砌摩擦结合式高强度螺栓蘑菇形开挖法木桩目测尼尔森式洛泽梁桥尼尔森体系桥泥浆套沉井法泥石流地段路基泥石流流域泥沼地区路基扭剪式高强度螺栓爬升模板排架排架式桥墩排水砂垫层抛石挤淤抛掷爆破喷锚构筑法喷锚支护喷射钢纤维混凝土喷射混凝土回弹喷射混凝土机械手盆式橡胶支座棚洞膨胀土地区路基偏压衬砌拼接板品字形导坑法平板式混凝土振捣器平孔排水平行导坑平旋桥平原地区选线坡度代数差坡段坡段长度坡脚坡面防护破冰体破损阶段设计法起动缓坡起拱点起重横梁气象资料弃土堆汽车式起重机前墙潜孔钻机潜水泵潜水钻机浅孔爆破堑顶强制式混凝土搅拌机墙顶封口桥渡勘测设计桥涵拱圈桥涵水文桥梁标准活载桥梁道碴槽桥梁合龙桥梁荷载谱桥梁护轨桥梁护木桥梁全长桥梁上部结构桥梁下部结构桥梁自振周期桥前壅水高度桥上人行道桥下净空桥轴线测量丘陵地段选线球面支座区域地质曲线控制点曲线折减取土坑取样试验检查全断面开挖法全焊钢桥全回转式架梁起重机全球定位系统全验缺陷工程扰流板绕行地段人行道荷载人员掩蔽所人字坡容许冲刷容许应力设计法软土地区路基三角测量三角高程测量三铰拱三阶段设计砂井砂土液化山区河谷选线上导坑法上下导坑法设计概算设计高程设计荷载设计洪水过程线设计鉴定设计阶段设计流量设计流速设计水位深井水泵渗井渗水暗沟渗水隧洞渗水土路基施工产值施工调查施工防护施工复测施工工艺流程施工荷载施工机械利用率施工机械完好率施工计划管理施工利润施工水位施工图设计施工形象进度施工验收施工准备施工总工期施工组织方案湿喷混凝土湿喷混凝土机湿式凿岩石灰砂桩实腹拱实施性施工组织设计实体桥墩事故报告试桩室内测试手持式凿岩机。
elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway ⾼架铁路 mine railway 矿区铁路 funicular (railway) 缆索铁路,登⼭铁路 light railway line 轻便铁道 urban railway 市区铁路 railway network 铁路 railway transport 铁路运输 trial run 试车 open to traffic 通车 porter 搬运⼯⼈ ticket inspector 查票员 ticket 车票 single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票 return ticket, roundtrip ticket 来回票 platform ticket 站台票 railway station 车站 station hall 车站⼤厅 information desk 服务台 waiting room 候车室 passenger station 客车站 time-table 时刻表 arrival time-table 到站时刻表 departure time-table 发车时刻表 ticket-collector, gateman 收票员 ticket office, booking office 售票处 junction 枢纽站 rail and water terminal ⽔陆联运站 platform bridge 天桥 luggage barrow 推⾏李车 enquiry office, information desk 问讯处 way station ⼩站 label ⾏李标签 luggage office ⾏李房 left-luggage office ⾏李暂存处 platform-ticket 验票⼝ barrier 栅栏门 platform 站台 (electric) platform truck 站台车 platform tunnel 站台地道 platform roofing 站台顶棚 station-master 站长 terminal; terminus 终点站 escalator ⾃动扶梯 The train leaves the station at……, The train is due out at…… ⽕车在(某时)离站 to have one's ticket punched (给检票员)检票 10 minutes behind schedule 晚点⼗分钟 to change trains at…… 在(某地)换车 The train is due at…… 在(某时)到达 to break the journey 中途下车 dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车 pantry 餐车⾷品室 open wagon, (railway) wagon, (railway) truck 敞车 carriage, coach, car 车厢 roof 车顶 concertina walls (车厢通道两侧的)伸缩篷 step; foot board (车厢门⼝的)踏板 gangway (车厢的)通道 lidded ashtray 带盖烟灰盒 tank wagon 罐车 mixed train 混合列车 freight train, goods train 货物列车 engine, locomotive 机车 window seat 靠窗座位 coach, passenger train 客车 express train, express 快车 refrigerator wagon 冷藏车 car attendant; train attendant 列车员 guard, conductor 列车长 slow train, way train 慢车 covered wagon van, box car 棚车 ordinary train 普通列车 sleeping carriage with cushioned berths 软卧客车 up train 上⾏车 livestock wagon 牲畜车 sleeping car, sleeper 卧车 down train 下⾏车 luggage van, baggage car ⾏李车 rack, baggage rack ⾏李架 sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬卧客车 ordinary seat 硬席 carriage with semicushioned seats 硬座车 mail car 邮政车 mail and luggage van 邮政⾏李车 through train 直达车 special train 专车 pointsman, switchman 道岔⼯⼈ signal for blocking the track, block signal 闭塞信号 semaphore signal, home signal 臂板信号 warehouse 仓库 siding, sidetrack 侧线,旁轨 turnout 岔道 weighing machine 秤重机 derailing (⽕车)出轨 single line (track) rail 单线 points, switches 道岔 switch lock, point lock 道岔锁 wait sign, wait signal 等候标志(信号) marshalling yard, shunting yard 调车场 dispatching 调度 dispatcher 调度员 crossover 渡线,转线轨道 rail 钢轨 track 轨道 sleeper, railroad tie 轨枕 rail chair 轨座 buffer stop, bumping post 缓冲桩 goods shed, freight depot 货棚 goods station 货运站,货站 container 集装箱 locomotive (engine) shed 机车库 station warning sign 进站预告标 clearance 净空 (signal) gantry (铁路上⽀持信号装置的)跨线桥 barrier (道⼝)拦路⽊ section 路段 reduce speed sign(al) 慢⾏标志(信号) bell and whistle sign, whistle sign 鸣笛预告标 platform car, flat car 平车 grade crossing, level crossing (道路与铁路的)平⾯交叉 track-laying machine, tracklayer 铺轨机 double line (track) rail 双线 volume of railway freight 铁路货运量 railway connections 铁路交叉点,铁路联络线 railway warning sign 铁路警告标志 railway clearance 铁路净空 railroad bed 铁路路基 railway curve 铁路曲线(弯道) railway tunnel 铁路隧道 railway line, railroad line 铁路线 stop sign(al) 停车标志(信号) danger sign(al) 危险标志(信号) unprotected crossing ⽆防护设备的道⼝ signal light (lamp) 信号灯 signal box, signalman's cabin 信号房 signalman 信号员 wing rail (of frog) 翼轨 distant signal, disk signal, target 圆盘信号机 back-turning section 折返段 frog 辙叉,岔⼼ turn-table 车台,旋车盘 point (box), switch (box) 转辙器 switch signal, point indicator 转辙信号。
铁路各专业单词整理Freight train货运列车Passenger train旅客列车Heavy freight重载货运Sleeping car卧铺车Dining car餐车Run-around track调车线Inter-city train城际列车Local train管内列车,慢车Elctric traction电力牵引Stopper慢车Double-decked passenger train双层旅客列车Locomotive 机车freight wagon货车passenger coach 客车multiple units动车组metro car 地铁车辆light rail轻轨railway service cars 铁路服务车Coach, carriage 客车Motor car (trailer car)动力车(拖车)Container集装箱车Tanker罐车Driving cab司机室TOFC平板拖车Box wagon棚车Monorail单轨Refrigerator wagon冷藏车High-speed railways高速铁路Maglev磁悬浮Open-topped wagon敞顶车Rail铁轨standard gauge标准轨距narrow gauge, broad gauge窄轨,宽轨Trackbed 道床Sleeper 枕木Crosstie 枕木subballast,道砟,底部道砟fastener紧固件Turnout道岔Derail(derailment)脱轨Crossing 平交道口colliery 煤矿quarry 采石场flanged steel wheels 有凸缘钢轮copper ore 铜矿speak of 谈到,提及backbone 骨干bulk freight 散装货物mass commutation traffic 大规模通勤运输short haul 短途运输Merchandise traffic 货物运输Depreciation 减值,折旧,贬值Settling 沉降,沉积bulk freight 散装货物Subgrade 地基,路基Soil stratum 地层Embankment 堤坝Trim off 修剪Organic topsoil 有机表层土ivil engineering 土木工程Earthwork 土方,土方工程Gravity wall 重力墙Drainage 排水系统,排水装置Real estate 房地产,不动产Crane 起重机Tamper 捣固机Trolley 台车,手推车,电车Headway 进展,向目标前进Cog railway嵌齿铁路Rubber-tired underground橡胶轮地铁Siding旁轨,支线Coupler车钩Maintenance of way 道路维护Long-distance train长途列车Channel Tunnel海峡隧道parcel package 包裹Travelling post offices 移动邮局 Centrifugal force 离心力pram 婴儿车Wheelchair 轮椅Conurbation 有卫星城市的大都市elevated structure 高架结构Accelerate (decelerate) 加速(减速)Tram, trolley, streetcar有轨电车 Flexibility 机动,灵活 Low loder 低架拖车Sneak into 偷偷地摸进Stow away 偷乘,搭白车Fatality disasterKit 工具包,装备earn one‘s keep 值得雇用, 挣饭吃Show up 揭露,露出Dead end terminal 闭塞终端 Buffer stop 止冲器 Crossover 转辙轨Locomotive escape 机车折返 Phase out 逐步淘汰,逐步停止Intensive service auxiliary equipment 辅助设备, 备用设备, 附属设备Heavy maintenance 大修Keep at forefront of 保持在……最前沿train loading 列车运载量Train capacity 列车运载能力Density of passengers 乘客密度Load factor 上座率Patronage 保护,光顾,赞助High degree of standardisation 高度标准化pilot end beam Bellmouth 钟形口,喇叭口Line up 整队,排列Semipermanent coupler 半永久车钩Be bolted together 螺栓连接Cushioning 减震,缓冲Uncoupling 解钩,拆开(反,coupling)Buckeye, Knuckle and Janney coupler 詹式车钩Coupler knuckle (jaw) 钩舌Coupler head 钩头Hinge pin 折页销Fully automatic coupler 全自动车钩Disengage 脱离pneumatical 风力的,空气的Keep in good working order 保持正常运转状态Drawgear 牵引装置Bolt 螺栓Pedal 踏板Funicular 索道Coupler alignment bar 车钩调直杆Pushbutton 按钮Shock absorber 减震器Multicore cable 多芯电缆Baggage行列车Coach客车Combine合造车Dome圆顶车Lounge游乐车Dinner餐车Observation瞭望车Sleeper、 sleeping car、Pullman卧铺车RPO铁路邮政车Housing car封闭车Autorack, auto carrier汽车运输车Boxcar, or van棚车Refrigerator car, reefer冷藏车Stock car牲畜车Open top car敞车Gondola敞车Hopper漏斗车Ballast car砟车Flat car平车Depressed-center flat car凹底平车Piggyback car背负式车Schnabel car钳夹车Tank car罐车Caboose守车Snow plow除雪犁Dynamometer car动力检测(试验)车Encompasss 包围,环绕,构成,包括Listed in alphabetic order 按字母顺序排列lining 衬里,衬套,内层Contamination 污染,玷污Corrosive action 腐蚀作用Stainless steel 不锈钢Glass enamel 玻璃釉彩,搪瓷Pocket for stake 柱插口Tie-down point 栓柱Manual brake equipment 手制动Air brake equipment 空气制动primary underframe 主车架,主底架Cumbersome 笨重的Intermodal shipping 联合运输Tonnage 吨位log 木材,原木Lumber 木材Slope down 向下斜Scrap metal 金属屑,废金属Aggregate 粒料,总计,聚集Wood chip 木屑,木片Drop end 落端门Shovel 铲Perishable freight 易腐货物spoiling 变坏,损毁Insulation 绝缘层,保温层Keep outCooling system 冷却系统Cold brine 冷盐水Waterproof 防水的Airtight 密封的,气密的Warehouse 仓库,库房Breakage 破坏,破损Barrel 桶Drum 鼓型圆桶safety valve 安全阀Tilting train摆式列车Head-end equipment车端设备Branch line支线Air-conditioned hard seat car空调硬座车seating capacity定员Length between truck pivot centers车辆定距tare weight空重Clearance 间隙Wheelbase轴距Gauge轨距Constructional speed构造速度Wheel diameter车轮直径Stanhope 轻便马车en route 在途中Streamlined 流线型的Ornate 装饰的, 华丽的, (文体)绚丽的to date 到此为止Aluminum steel 铝钢,含铝钢evolve into 发展[进化]成Fluted 有凹槽的Conveyance 运输Row upon row 一排排,一行行carry-on 手提行李,手提的Aisle 走廊Partitioned into 分割,分隔开efficiency apartment 有小厨房和卫生设备的小套公寓房间,公寓小套间Interior 内部Galley 厨房Recede 后退,倒退,变得模糊Fell out of use 开始不用,渐废Vantage 优势,有利情况Roofline 屋顶轮廓线Dumbwaiter 楼上楼下送饭菜的小升降机,可移动的上菜架或上菜桌Aluminum of high strength alloy 高强度铝合金pane 长方块, 尤指窗格, 窗格玻璃, 边, 面,方框Vestibule 门廊, 前厅Ride comfort乘坐舒适性Irregularity轨道不平顺Wheel tread车轮踏面Suspension悬挂系统Tread gradient踏面锥度Flange轮缘Running performance运行品质Articulated bogies铰接式转向架Lower center of gravity低重心Swing hanger摇枕吊Bolster bogie摇枕转向架Bolsterless bogie无摇枕转向架Wheelset hunting轮对蛇行Anti-yaw damper抗蛇行减震器Suspension gear悬挂装置JR日本铁路Bogie frame构架Lateral damper横向减震器Traction transfer device牵引装置Brake equipment制动装置Axle bearing and axle box轴箱轴承及轴箱Axle spring轴箱弹簧Brake disk制动盘Traction motor牵引电机Gear box齿轮箱,减速箱Wheelset轮对Traction force牵引力Air spring, air bag空气弹簧Side beam侧梁Coil spring圆弹簧Cross beam横梁Press welding压力焊B earing轴承Support rigidity支撑刚度Pedestal swing spring type导框式定位Play,游间,游隙,摆动量Leaf spring板弹簧IS typeIS拉板式定位Bending strength弯曲强度Unsprung mass(weight)Non-sprung mass簧下质量Axle beam type转臂式定位Cylindrical roller bearing圆柱滚子轴承Ball bearing球轴承Overhaul大修Nose suspension device轴悬,臂式悬挂装置Cardan driving device 万向轴驱动Torque converter变扭器Wheel tread brake踏面制动Disc brake盘型制动Brake shoe闸瓦Frictional heat摩擦热Brake pad制动闸片Motor braking动力制动Quill drive 空心轴驱动Hollow shaft空心轴Gearwheel, driven gear从动齿轮Pinion, driving gear主动齿轮Electric locomotive电力机车Rail head轨头Reprofile镟修Wheel/rail interface轮轨关系Lubricant润滑物Flatted wheel车轮擦伤Bogie transom转向架横梁Brake cylinder制动缸Parking brake停车制动Heavy duty brake重载制动Frame mounted motor架悬式电机Lifting lug吊耳Gearbox齿轮箱Compressed air压缩空气WSP(wheel slide protection)车轮防滑装置Speed sensor速度传感器Pendulum (titling) bogie摆式转向架Service life使用寿命Design concept设计理念Running speed运行速度Maximum speed最大速度Lateral force横向力Transition curve过渡曲线Circular curve圆曲线Self-steering bogie自导向转向架Running stability 运行平稳性Forced steering bogie迫导向转向架Obscurity 隐蔽,偏僻,含糊Abrasion 磨耗In terms of according to、In comparison to 对比Be sensitive to 对……敏感Rotational resistance 回转阻尼Harmonic 谐波, 和声, 谐函数Isolate … from…隔离Be commercialized for 商业化,商品化Welding technology 焊接技术General structure 一般结构Rolled steel 钢材,轧制钢Seamless steel pipe 无缝钢管Critical component 关键部件Corrugated wheel 波形辐板车轮Susceptible to 易受影响的Mass imbalance 动量不平衡Resonance 共振Put into service 投入运营,交付使用Right angle cardan driving device 直角万向轴驱动装置Impede stopForged steel 锻钢Porcupine 豪猪Rubber bushed links 用橡胶衬里的连杆Gearwheel 大齿轮In relation to 关于,涉及,与……比较Degree of coning 锥度Squealing noise 尖啸Flange or rail greasing 轮缘或轨道油脂Slippage 滑动Weled steel box format 焊接箱型结构Press against 压向Neutral section 分相区Leading bogie 导向架Vehicle suspension车辆悬挂系统Cushion system缓冲系统Laminated steel spring板弹簧Axle load轴重Carrying load载重Spring hanger弹簧吊Spring lank弹簧托板Swing link吊杆Side frame侧架,侧梁Side bearer (bearing)旁承Center bearing下心盘Equalizer bar suspension均衡梁式悬挂系统Commonwealth bogie均衡梁式转向架Levelling valve高度调节阀Solid rubber suspension pack橡胶堆悬挂系统Parlance idiom,谈话,说法,用法Take the form of leaf steel spring 采用板弹簧型式Securing strap 保护带,安全带Be left out for simplicity 为简便起见,不显示(去掉)……End on 从一端看,从端面看,一端向前地Rivete 铆钉,固定Side view 侧视图Simplified diagram 简图Sideways movement 侧面运动Reversal 逆转Durability 耐久性, 耐用性; 坚固Axle box yoke 轴箱轭Rubber Chevron V型橡胶Boarding and alighting 上车,落下Intermittent gentle hissing 断断续续的轻微的咝咝声Alight from 走下来,下车Kinetic energy动能Air brakes or pneumatic brakes空气制动Brake pipe列车管,制动管Compressor空气压缩机Main reservoir主风缸Driver’s brake valve司机阀Equalising reservoir均衡风缸Feed valve给气阀;进给阀Angle cock截断塞门,折角塞门Hose橡胶软管(制动软管)Auxiliary reservoir辅助风缸Triple valve三通阀Brake cylinder制动缸Brake block闸瓦Relay valve延迟阀Fail safe 失效安全Friction material摩擦材料Composition material复合材料Brake rigging制动装置Rate of application制动倍率Slide valve滑阀Graduating valve递动阀,节制阀Regulating valve调整阀,调节阀Propagation rate制动波速Distributor分配阀Diaphragm膜片Throttle节流阀slack action列车冲动E-P brake电空制动Dynamic braking动力制动Rheostatic braking电阻制动Regenerative braking再生制动Psi Pounds per square inch磅/平方英尺Replenished 补充Trigger 打开,激发,引起Distributor 分配阀Sophisticated 复杂的Choke 阻气门Inshot 跃升装置; 跃升time lapse 时滞, 时延Elusive 令人困惑的; 油滑的; 难记忆的Spur 踢马剌, 剌激物, 刺激Essential ingredient 关键因素Thyristor 闸流晶体管; 半导体开关元件; 可控硅; 硅可控整流器Circuitry 电路, 线路Resistor 电阻器Power electronic 电力电子Sliding door滑动门,塞拉门Routine examination常规检查Consumable易损易耗件Maintenance regime维修体制Existing railway既有铁路Maintenance management维修管理Interchangeability互换性Operating pattern运行模式Converging聚集,会合Marshalling编组Electrified railway电气化铁路current collection equipment吸流装置Audit审计Performance indicator绩效指标maintenance standard维修标准Common sense 常识Revisit 再访, 重游, 重临Draw on 戴上, 吸收, 利用, 引诱, 向...提取, 招来, 临近Rectify 矫正, 调整Progressively adverse effect on 日益增加的反作用Morale 士气,民心Upholstery 室内装潢Clomatic condition 天气条件Of equal importanceChore 家务杂事Contractual 契约的Good access to components 零部件的易接近性Superfluous 多余的, 过剩的, 过量的Watertight 不漏水的, 水密的Thwarted 反对; 阻挠, 挫败, 妨碍Overlook 俯瞰, 耸出, 远眺, 没注意到Refitting 整修, 改装premise 房产; 房屋Planning stage 计划阶段Termini 目的地, 界标,terminus 的复数Converging 集中,收敛,会聚Proximity 接近, 亲近Jack 插孔, 插座, 起重器, 千斤顶, 男人Inspection pit 检查坑Walkway 走道, 人行道Wheel turning facility 车轮加工设备Constructed wash roadDe-icing arrangement 防止结冰, 装以除冰装置, 除冰Fire alarm 火灾报警Magnetic field磁场Maglev磁悬浮Propulsion推进Levitation 悬浮Guidance导向Attractive force吸引力Ferromagnetic 电磁铁的Magnetic repulsion磁力推进Superconducting magnet超导磁体Linear motor线性电机Magnetizing rail磁化轨道Payload weight负载Dynamic load动载荷Electrodynamic suspension, EDS电力悬浮Electromagnetic suspension, EMS电磁悬浮Levitate (使)轻轻浮起, (使)飘浮空中Cryogenics 低温学Linear synchronous motor LSM同步直线电机Linear induction motor LIM直线感应电机Gas turbine 燃气涡轮Turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨发动机Concurrently 同时发生的事件,并发的, 协作的, 一致的Availability crisisMetropolitan 大城市Turbulence 骚乱, 动荡, (液体或气体的)紊乱FRA Federal Railroad Administration 联邦铁路管理局[美] Power supply供电Electric traction system电力牵引系统Overhead wire接触网Power transmission电力传输Third rail第三轨Collector受流器Pantograph受电弓Return circuit回路Substation配电站Earthing protection接地保护Signalling circuit信号电路Catenary接触网Dropper吊线Electric arc电弧Mast柱子Booster transformer, BT吸流变流器Return wire回流线Track magnet轨道磁铁Neutral section分相区Communication cable通信线缆Pigtail引线In parallel with 与...平行、与...并联Microprocessor 微处理器Grip with 掌握,理解Electrolysis 电解Insulated 绝缘的Manhole (锅炉, 下水道供人出入检修用的)人孔, 检修孔At one’s peril 由某人自担风险Take precautions to do 采取防范措施Aggravate 使恶化, 加重Stitching 用U字钉钉箱, 缝纫Sag 松弛, 下陷, 下垂, (物价)下跌, 漂流Evacuate 疏散, 撤出, 排泄Visual intrusion 视觉障碍,妨碍CBI英国工业联合会Urban transport policy 城市交通政策Urban sprawl城市扩张Light rail轻轨Road transport路面交通Steep gradient大坡道sharp curve小半径曲线Criteria标准Congested urban area 拥挤的城市区域House of Commons Transport Committee 上议院交通委员会Congested 拥挤的Pedestrians 步行者Cyclists 骑脚踏车的人Public transport user;公共交通使用者Motorists 乘汽车者Intractable 难处理的Down-marketed 价廉质次的, 低档市场的Park and ride 停车换乘Pollutant 污染物质Resurgence 复苏Overambitious 野心太大的Underutilized 为充分利用的。
铁路行车组织专业英语名词术语1 一般名词术语general terms1.1 铁路行车组织organization of train operation1.2 铁路技术管理规程(简称《技规》)Regulations Governing Railway Technical Operation1.3 铁路行车组织规则(简称《行规》)Rules Governing Organization of Train Operation;operating rules1.4 车站行车工作细则(简称《站细》)Detailed Instructions Governing Train Operation at Station;technologic instructions of station 1.5 列车train1.5.1 车组wagon group1.5.2 车列train stock;train set1.5.3 旅客列车passenger train1.5.4 混合列车?mixed train1.5.5 客运列车passenger trains1.5.6 军用列车military train;troop train1.5.7 货物列车goods train;freight train1.5.7.1 快运货物列车fast goods train1.5.7.2 直达列车through goods train;block traina.始发直达列车through goods train originated from one loading pointb.阶梯直达列车through goods train originated from several adjoining loading pointsc.空车直达列车through train of empty wagonsd.循环直达列车unite train;shuttled through block traine.技术直达列车technical through train1.5.7.3 直通列车inter-marshalling yard through goods train;transit train1.5.7.4 区段列车district train1.5.7.5 摘挂列车pick-up goods train;way freight train1.5.7.6 小运转列车district transfer train;joint terminal transfer1.5.7.7 超限列车train attached with wagons loaded with out-of -gauge goods1.5.7.8 重载列车heavy-load train1.5.7.9 组合列车combined train1.5.8 路用列车service train1.5.9 特殊用途列车special-purpose train1.6 列车牵引重量标准(又称列车牵引定数)train load limit;train tonnage rating1.7 换算长度(简称换长)converted length1.8 超重、超长与欠轴over-loaded train,train in excess specified length,underloaded train and train under specified length 2 车站工作组织organization of station working2.1 一般名词术语general terms2.1.1 分界点intermediate train distancing post;operating control point2.1.2 车站station2.1.3 线路所block post2.1.4 车站的分类classification of stations2.1.4.1 客运站passenger station2. 货运站goods station;freight station2.1.4.3 客货运站passenger and goods station2.1.4.4 编组站marshalling yard;marshalling station2.1.4.5 区段站district station2.1.4.6 技术站technical station2.1.4.7 中间站intermediate station;wayside station2.1.5 站界border of station;station limit2.1.6 车站等级class of station2.1.7 车站运用车的分类classification of serviceable wagons at station 中转车transit wagona.无调中转车transit wagon without resortingb.有调中转车transit wagon with resorting2.1.7.2 货物作业车local wagon;local cara.一次货物作业车local wagon for one goods operationb.双重货物作业车local wagon for double goods operations2.2 接发列车工作reception and departure of trains2.2.1 行车闭塞法train block system2.2.1.1 空间间隔法space-interval methoda.站间区间block section between stationsb.所间区间block section between postsc.闭塞分区block section2.2.1.2 区间状态state of sectiona.区间空闲section unoccupiedb.区间占用section occupiedc.区间封锁section closed2.2.1.3 书面联络法written liaison method2.2.1.4 时间间隔法time-interval method2.2.1.5 行车凭证running token2.2.2 接发列车作业程序procedure of receiving and despatching a train2.2.2.1 办理闭塞block working;handling of blocking2.2.2.2 发车预告advance notice of despatching a train. 路签(牌)折返使用token not be put in the instrument and it is delivered to the other train inmediately 准备进路preparation of the routea.接车进路receiving routeb.发车进路despatching routec.通过进路through route2.2.2.5 布置进路setting of train routes2.2.2.6 开闭信号clearing the signal or setting the signal at danger2.2.2.7 引导接车receiving trains by the pilot or the call-on signal2.2.2.8 交付行车凭证delivery and taking over of tokens2.2.2.9 接送列车meeting the train and sending the train offa.列车接近train approachb.列车到达train arrivalc.列车出发train departured.列车通过train passing through2.2.2.10 指示发车directing the dispatching of train2.2.2.11 直接发车despatching the train directly2.2.3 优先发车站the station having the priority for despatching the first train 2.3 调车shunting operation;shunting work2.3.1 解体调车shunting for break-up of trains2.3.2 编组调车shunting for make-up of trains2.3.3 摘挂调车shunting for detaching and attaching of wagons2.3.4 取送调车shunting for taking-out and placing-in of wagons2.3.5 调车作业方法shunting method2.3.5.1 推送调车法push and pull method;push-pull shunting2.3.5.2 溜放调车法push-off shuntinga.单钩溜放法loose shuntingb.连续溜放法fly-shuntingc.多组溜放法push off multiple wagon groups at one cutd.惰力溜放法push off wagon groups by inertiae.牵引溜放法slip-shunting2.3.6 驼峰调车作业组织方式scheme of hump operations2.3.6.1 单推单溜single push and single loose2.3.6.2 双推单溜double push and single loose2.3.6.3 双推双溜double push and double loose2.3.7 中间站调车shunting operations at. intermediate station2.3.7.1 越出站界调车shunting beyond the station limits2.3.7.2 跟踪出站调车shunting in pursuit of a leaving train2.3.8 手推调车hand shunting2.3.9 调车工作基本知识和基本技能elementary knowledge and essential technique of shunting2.3.9.1 调车作业通知单shunting list2.3.9.2 要道还道request for track No. and reply with track No. 储存进路pre-selection of routes2.3.9.4 编组隔离限制requirement for separation in placing in train of wagons2.3.9.5 关门车wagon closed its cut-out-cock its automatic brake2.3.9.6 换算闸瓦压力converted brake shoe (block) pressure2.3.9.7 挂车to attach wagons;coupling operationa.十、五、三车距离信号signals giving the distances of 10、5、3 wagons away from standing wagonsb.调整钩位adjust the position of couplerc.连挂couple up;to attach;couplingd.接管coupling of brake pipe;connect air hose couplingse.试拉drawing-out test;trial haul2.3.9.8 摘车to uncouple wagon;to detach wagonsa.摘管uncouple of brake pipeb.提钩uncoupling2.3.9.9 推进,推峰,预推pushing,pushing up operation at hump,pre-pushing on hump2.3.9.10 分解rolling off;sortinga.定速溜放、变速溜放rolling at normal speed,rolling at varying speedb.驼峰间隔时间interval between two sorting operations at hump2.3.9.11 观速观距observing the rolling speed of wagons and observing the distance between wagons 制动brakinga.间隔制动spacing braking;distance brakingb.易行车、难行车easy rolling wagon (fast-running wagon),hard rolling wagon(slow-running wagon)c.易行线、难行线easy running track,hard running trackd.堵门车wagons standing right near the points and obstructing shuntinge.隔钩车the following cut of wagons running into the same track as the foregoing after an interval of one cut f.目的制动objective brakingg.选闸、试闸、磨闸、拧闸select hand brakes,test hand brakes,grind brake blocks,apply the hand brakesh.基本鞋、辅助鞋primary brake shoes,auxiliary brake shoes2.3.9.13 车辆溜逸wagon running away2.3.9.14 排风、拉风air discharging,to let the remaining air in auxiliary cylinder come out2.4 各种货物列车技术作业technological processes of goods train2.4.1 无改编(无调)中转列车技术作业technological processes of transit train without resorting2.4.2 部分改编中转列车技术作业technological processes of transit train with partial resorting2.4.3 解体列车到达技术作业technological processes of received train for breck-up2.4.4 始发列车出发技术作业technological processes of outgoing train made-up at station2.5 调车钩shunting trip2.5.1 挂车钩wagon coupling trip2.5.2 摘车钩wagon uncouping trip2.5.2.1 推送钩push or pull trip2.5.2.2 溜放钩rolling -off trip2.5.3 钩分required minutes per trip2.6 调车程、重程、空程shunting trip, working trip,light locomotive trip2.73.7 车辆停留时间标准standard of wagon detention time2.7.1 有调中转车停留时间标准detention time standard of wagons in transit with resorting2.7.1.1 待解时间time waiting for break-up of train2.7.1.2 集结时间wagon detention time under accumulation2.7.1.3 待编时间time waiting for make -up of train2.7.1.4 待发时间time waiting for despatching of train2.7.1.5 待检时间time waiting for technical examination2.7.2 无调中转车停留时间标准detention time standard of wagons in transit without resorting2.7.3 中转车平均停留时间标准standard of average detention time of wagons in transit2.7.4 货车一次货物作业平均停留时间标准standard of average detention time of local wagons in one operation2.8 车站最高限额车数vehicle standing capacity at station2.9 车站出入车数number of inbound and outbound wagons handled at station2.10 车站行车量number of trains handled at station2.11 车站作业组织organization of station working2.11.1 核对现车checking up train stock with train composition list2.11.2 票据交接handing over goods documents2.11.3 分部解体breaking train stock up by sections2.11.4 坐编make up of train by keeping a large wagon group on reception and departure track and supplementing it with other wagon groups from the sorting yard2.11.5 预编marshalling wagon destination groups in advance in the course of accumulation of wagons2.11.6 交换车wagons transferred form one yard to another2.11.7 固定线路使用方案variant of specialization of tracks2.11.8 调车区shunting area;switching district2.11.9 车站技术作业图表station technical working diagram2.11.10 现在车wagons on hand2.11.10.1 运用车serviceable wagons;wagons for traffic use2.11.10.2 非运用车wagons not for traffic use;non -serviceable wagons2.11.11 列车预确报train advance and out reports2.11.11.1 列车预报train advance report2.11.11.2 列车确报train out report;train consist telegram2.11.12 车站有效车station effective wagon3 车流组织及列车运行图organization of wagon flow and train graph3.1 车流组织organization of wagon flow3.1.1 车流wagon flow3.1.2 车流组织organization of wagon flow3.1.3 货物列车编组计划(简称编组计划)goods train formation plan;goods train formation diagram 3.1.4 车流去向范围the range of wagon destination3.1.5 车流径路wagon routing3.1.5.1 最短径路the shortest route3.1.5.2 特定径路the specified wagon routing3.1.6 列车编组去向train destination3.1.7 车组去向wagon destination3.1.8 支点站fulcrum stations3.2 列车运行图train graph;train diagram;train working diagram3.2.1 列车运行线train path3.2.2 上行方向up direction3.2.3 下行方向down direction3.2.4 列车车次train number3.2.5 核心车次kernel train number3.2.6 机车周转图locomotive working diagram3.3 列车运行图的种类classification of train working diagrams3.3.1 平行运行图parallel train working diagram3.3.2 非平行运行图non-parallel train working diagram3.3.3 单线运行图train working diagram of single-track line3.3.4 双线运行图train working diagram of double-track line3.3.5 单双线运行图train working diagram of partially double-track line3.3.6 成对运行图train graph scheduled with trains in pairs3.3.7 不成对运行图train graph scheduled with trains not in pairs3.3.8 追踪运行图train working diagram of trains despatched in pursuit spaced by automatic block signals 3.3.9 非追踪运行图train working diagram of trains despatched not in pursuit3.3.10 二分格运行图2-minutes train graph3.3.11 十分格运行图10-minutes train graph3.3.12 小时格运行图hourly train graph3.3.13 基本运行图primary train working diagram3.3.14 分号运行图variant train working diagram3.4 运行图的组成因素elements of the train working diagram3.4.1 区间纯运行时分the pure running time in section3.4.2 停车附加时分the additional time for stopping (deceleration)3.4.3 起车附加时分the additional time for starting (acceleration)3.4.4 列车在车站上的间隔时间(简称车站间隔时间)time interval between two trains at station3.4.4.1 相对方向列车不同时到达间隔时间time interval between two opposing trains arriving at station not at the same time3.4.4.2 会车间隔时间time interval for crossing of two oppsite trains at station3.4.4.3 同方向列车连发间隔时间time interval for despatching two trains in succession in the same direction3.4.4.4 同方向列车不同时到开间隔时间time interval between two trains in the same direction arriving and despatching from station not at the same time3.4.4.5 同方向列车不同时开到间隔时间time interval between two trains in the same direction despatching and arriving at station not at the same time3.4.4.6 不同时通过间隔时间time interval between two opposite trains passing through station not at the same time3.4.4.7 有敌对进路时的相对方向列车不同时到开间隔时间time interval between two opposing trains arriving and despatching from station not at the same time due to conflicting routes3.4.4.8 有敌对进路时的相对方向列车不同时开到间隔时间time interval between two opposing trains despatching and arriving at station not at the same time due to conflicting routes3.4.5 追踪列车间隔时间time interval between trains running in pursuit spaced by automatic block signals4 铁路通过能力the carrying capacity of the railway line4.1 一般名词术语general terms4.1.1 通过能力carrying capacity4.1.2 输送能力conveying capacity4.1.3 运输能力transport capacity4.1.4 区段最终通过能力(又称限制通过能力)final (resultant)carrying capacity of district4.1.5 现有通过能力existing carrying capacity4.1.6 需要通过能力carrying capacity required4.1.7 设计通过能力carrying capacity of the railway as designed4.1.8 能力利用率utilization coefficient of carrying capacity4.2 区间通过能力carrying capacity in the block section4.2.1 运行图周期period in the train working diagram4.2.2 限制区间carrying capacity limiting section4.2.3 平行运行图区间通过能力(简称平行运行图通过能力)carrying capacity in the block section computed on the basis of parallel train working diagram4.2.4 非平行运行图区间通过能力(简称非平行运行图通过能力)carrying capacity in the section computed on the basis of non-parallel train working diagram4.2.5 扣除系数coefficient of removal4.2.6 非平行运行图的货物列车通过能力carrying capacity in the section computed on the basis of nonparallel train working diagram in terms of number of goods trains4.2.6.1 非平行运行图货物列车的计算通过能力calculated carrying capacity in the section computed on the basis of nonparallel train working diagram in terms of number of goods trains4.2.6.2 非平行运行图货物列车的使用通过能力utilinable carrying capacity in the section computed on the basis of nonparallel train working diagram in terms of number of goods trains4.2.7 货运通过能力carrying capacity in terms of tons goods carried4.3 车站通过能力和改编能力the carrying capacity and sorting capacity at station4.3.1 车站通过能力carrying capacity at station4.3.1.1 咽喉道岔通过能力carrying capacity of throat turnout4.3.1.2 到发线通过能力carrying capacity of receiving and dispatching tracks4.3.1.3 咽喉道岔或到发线的计算通过能力calculated carrying capacity of throat turnout or receiving and dispatching tracks at station 咽喉道岔或到发线的使用通过能力utilizable carrying capacity of turnout or receiving and dispatching tracks at station4.3.1.5 咽喉道岔或到发线空费时间void time at throat turnout or receiving and dispatching tracks4.3.2 车站改编能力sorting capacity at station5 货物运输工作技术指标technical indices of goods traffic5.1 工作量指标the quantitative indices in goods traffic5.1.1 装车数wagon (car) loadings5.1.2 增加使用车数(增加装运车数)wagons utilized additionally5.1.3 使用车数(装运车数)wagons utilized for loading5.1.4 自装自卸车数local traffic;wagons loaded and unloaded locally5.1.5 自装交出车数delivered traffic;wagons loaded locally and delivered at junction station5.1.6 卸车数wagon (car) unloadings5.1.7 增加卸空车数wagons emptied additionally5.1.8 卸空车数wagons emptied5.1.9 接入自卸车数received traffic;loaded wagons received at junction station for unloading5.1.10 接运通过重车数transit traffic;loaded wagons in transit5.1.11 接运重车数loaded wagons received at junction stations5.1.12 交出重车数loaded wagons delivered at junction stations5.1.13 接入空车数empty wagons received at junction stations5.1.14 交出空车数empty wagons delivered at junction stations5.1.15 货车工作量work in goods traffic5.1.16 空车工作量amount of work in empty wagons5.1.17 管内工作车工作量amount of work of local wagons to be unloaded5.1.17.1 管内工作车local wagons to be unloaded5.1.17.2 管内工作车工作量amount of work of local wagons to be unloaded5.1.18 移交重车工作量amount of work loaded wagons to be delivered at junction stations5.1.18.1 移交重车loaded wagons to be delivered at junction stations5.1.18.2 移交重车工作量amount of work of loaded wagons to be delivered at junction stations 5.1.19 货物周转量5.1.19.1 货物周转量freight turnover5.1.19.2 换算周转量turnover;volume of traffic (converted ton-kilometers)5.2 货车运用指标indices of utilization of wagons5.2.1 车辆走行公里wagon kilometers5.2.1.1 重车走行公里loaded wagon kilometers5.2.1.2 空车走行公里empty wagon kilometers5.2.1.3 运用车走行公里serviceable wagon kilometers5.2.1.4 空车走行率percent of empty to loaded wagon kilometers5.2.1.5 管内工作车走行公里wagon kilometers of local wagons to be unloaded5.2.1.6 移交重车走行公里wagon kilometers of loaded wagons to be delivered at junetion stations 5.2.2 货车周转距离average wagon kilometers in one turnround of wagon5.2.2.1 货车重周转距离average loaded wagon kilometers in one complete turnround of wagon 货车空周转距离average empty wagon kilometers in one complete turnround of wagon 货车全周转距离average wagon kilometers in one complete turnround of wagon5.2.2.4 空车周转距离average wagon kilometers in one turnround of empty wagon5.2.2.5 管内工作车周转距离average wagon kilometers in one turnround of local wagon to be unloaded5.2.2.6 移交重车周转距离average wagon kilometers in one turnround of loaded wagon to be delivered at junction stations5.2.3 货车中转距离5.2.3.1 货车中转距离average kilometers of wagons in transit handled at technical stations per transit operation5.2.3.2 货车有调中转距离average kilometers of wagons in transit with resorting handled at techhnical stations per transit operation 货车无调中转距离average kilometers of wagons in transit without resorting handled at technical stations per transit operation5.2.3.4 空车中转距离average kilometers of empty wagons in transit handled at technical station per transit operation5.2.3.5 管内工作车中转距离average kilometers of local wagons in transit handled at technical stations per transit operation5.2.3.6 移交重车中转距离average kilometers of loaded wagons to be delivered in transit handled at technical stations per transit operation5.2.4 货车中转次数number of transit operations in one turnround of wagon5.2.5 管内装卸率local loading and unloading rate5.2.5.1 货车作业次数number of goods operations (loadings and unloadings) 货车双重作业系数coefficient of double goods operations5.2.5.3 货车管内装卸率local loading and unloading rate of wagons5.2.5.4 空车管内装卸率local loading and unloading rate of empty wagons5.2.5.5 管内工作车管内装卸率local loading and unloading rate of local wagons to be unloaded5.2.5.6 称交重车管内装卸率local loaling and unloading rate of loaded wagons to be delivered at junction stations5.2.6 货车中转平均停留时间average detention time of wagons in transit5.2.6.1 货车无调中转平均停留时间average detention time of wagons in transit at technical stations without resorting5.2.6.2 货车有调中转平均停留时间average detention time of wagons in transit at technical stations with resorting5.2.6.3 货车中转平均停留时间average detention time of wagons in transit5.2.7 货车货物作业平均停留时间average detention time of local wagons for goods operations at station 货车一次货物作业平均停留时间average detention time of local wagons for one goods operation5.2.7.2 货物作业车平均停留时间average detention time of local wagons at station5.2.7.3 货车空态系数share of detention time of local wagons for one goods operation in the empty state5.2.8 货车周转时间5.2.8.1 货车周转时间wagon turnround time;time of turnround of wagon5.2.8.2 空车周转时间wagon turnround time of empty wagons5.2.8.3 管内工作车周转时间wagon turnround time of local wagons to be unloaded5.2.8.4 移交重车周转时间wagon turnround time of loaded wagons to be delivered at junction stations5.2.9 运用车保有量number of serviceable wagons to be kept5.2.9.1 空车保有量number of empty wagons to be kept5.2.9.2 管内工作车保有量number of local wagons for unloading to be kept5.2.9.3 移交重车保有量number of loaded wagons for delivery at junction stations to be kept5.2.9.4 运用车保有量number of serviceable wagons to be kept5.2.10 货车日车公里wagon kilometers per wagon per day5.2.11 货车日产量average daily output of serviceable wagon5.3 运输密度指标indices of traffic density of5.3.1 货物运输密度density of goods traffic5.3.2 运输密度density of traffic;traffic density5.3.3 货物列车密度density of goods trains5.3.4 列车密度density of trains5.4 机车运用及其指标locomotive operation and its indices5.4.1 机车在运用上的分类classification of locomotives in operation5.4.1.1 配属机车allocated locomotive5.4.1.2 非配属机车non-allocated locomotive5.4.1.3 支配机车locomotive at the disposal of the railway administration5.4.1.4 非支配机车locomotive not at the disposal of the railway administration5.4.1.5 运行机车locomotive in service5.4.1.6 非运行机车locomotive not in service5.4.2 机车走行公里locomotive kilometers5.4.2.1 本务机车走行公里train lead locomotive kilometers5.4.2.2 单机走行公里light locomotive kilometers5.4.2.3 重联机车走行公里double-headed locomotive kilometers5.4.2.4 补机走行公里assisting locomotive kilometers5.4.2.5 机车沿线走行公里locomotive kilometers on the road5.4.2.6 机车换算走行公里converted locomotive kilometers5.4.2.7 机车辅助走行公里auxiliary locomotive kilometers5.4.2.8 机车总走行公里totol locomotive kilometers5.4.3 机车周转时间locomotive turnaround time5.4.3.1 机车全周转时间locomotive complete turnround time5.4.3.2 机车运用周转时间locomotive operating turnround time5.4.3.3 机车旅行时间time of locomotive running on the road5.4.3.4 机车平均周转距离average locomotive kilometers in one complete turnround of locomotives 机车旅行速度average locomotive travelling speed5.4.3.6 机车技术速度average locomotive technical speed5.4.3.7 机车周转次数number of locomative round trips5.4.3.8 机车在本段、折返段停留时间detention time of locomotive at home and turnaround depot5.4.3.9 机车在本段、折返段所在站停留时间detention time of locomotive at stations where locomotive depot and locomotive turnround depot are located5.4.4 机车日车公里5.4.4.1 机车日车公里kilometers per locomotive ter day;average daily locomotive kilometers5.4.4.2 支配机车日车公里kilometers per locomotive at the disposal of railway administration per day5.4.5 列车平均总重(或机车平均牵引总重)average gross tonnage of train;average gross weight hauled by locomotives5.4.6 列车平均组成辆数(本务机车平均牵引辆数)average number of wagons per train5.4.7 机车日产量average locomotive daily output5.4.7.1 货运机车日产量average daily output of freight locomotive5.4.7.2 支配机车日产量average daily output of freight locomotive at the disposal of railway administration5.4.8 机车使用台数5.4.8.1 机车使用台数number of locomotives in use5.4.8.2 机车需要系数coefficient of number of locomotives required per one pair of trains5.5 列车运行指标indices of train running5.5.1 列车速度指标indices of train running speed5.5.1.1 列车技术速度average train technical speed5.5.1.2 列车旅行速度average train travelling speed;commercial speed5.5.1.3 列车旅行速度系数coefficient of travelling to technical speed of goods trains5.5.2 列车正点率指标indices of percent of punctuality5.5.2.1 列车出发正点率percent of punctuality of trains despatched on time to total trains5.5.2.2 列车运行正点率percent of punctuality of trains running on time to total trains5.6 行车安全指标indices of safety of operation5.6.1 责任行车事故件数number of responsible accidents in train operation5.6.2 责任行车重大、大事故件数number of responsible accidents in grave and serious accident5.6.3 每百万机车走行公里行车重大、大事故件数number of responsible accidents in grave and serious accident per 106 locomotive kilometers 6 铁路运输调度工作railway traffic control6.1 一般名词术语general terms6.1.1 调度工作traffic control6.1.2 调度区段train dispatching section6.1.3 调度命令traffic order;train order;train control order6.1.4 单一指挥under the command of the sole person;centralized and unified command6.2 车流调整regulation of wagon flow6.2.1 车流推算estimation of wagon flow6.2.2 重车调整regulation of loaded wagon flow6.2.2.1 去向别装车调整regulation of wagon loadings by destinations6.2.2.2 限制装车restriction in wagon loadings6.2.2.3 停止装车embargo on wagon loading6.2.2.4 集中装车concentrated loading6.2.2.5 变更车流输送径路alter the route of movement of loaded wagons6.2.3 空车调整regulation of empty wagons6.2.3.1 正常调整normal regulation of empty wagons6.2.3.2 综合调整overall regulation of empty and loaded wagons6.2.3.3 紧急调整emergency regulation of empty wagons6.2.4 守车调整regulation of brake-van6.2.5 备用货车(备用车)reserve wagons6.2.6 备用车基地reserve base of wagons6.3 运输工作日常计划day-to-day transport work plan;dayly plan in transport6.3.1 旬计划ten days′plan6.3.2 调度日(班)计划daily and shift transport plans6.3.3 轮廓计划daily outline plan6.3.4 日要车计划daily wagon requisition plan6.3.5 货运工作计划goods traiffic plan6.3.5.1 装车计划wagon loading plan6.3.5.2 卸车计划wagon unloading plan6.3.5.3 有效车effective wagon6.3.6 列车工作计划train working plan6.3.6.1 列车到发及运行计划train receiving,despatching and running plan6.3.6.2 分界站列车交接计划train receiving and delivery plan at junction stations6.3.6.3 管内工作车输送及各站配空挂运计划plan of hauling local wagons for unloading and disribution of empty wagons for loading at stations 施工封锁计划plan of clossing sections for construction6.3.7 机车工作计划locomotive working plan6.3.7.1 机车交路locomotive working district;locomotive routing6.3.8 车站作业计划station working plan6.3.8.1 车站班计划shift station working plan6.3.8.2 车站阶段计划stage station working plan6.3.8.3 调车作业计划shunting operation plan6.4 列车运行调整train operation adjustment6.4.1 3~4小时列车运行调整计划train working adjustment plan in three or four hours6.4.2 列车等级train classes-priority6.4.3 列车合并运行one train combined with another;two trains combined into one6.4.4 列车反方向运行train running in reverse direction on double-track line6.4.5 列车运缓train running behind scheduled time in the section6.4.6 列车等线train waiting for a receiving track6.4.7 列车保留train stock to be reserved6.4.8 列车停运train withdrawn from schedule6.4.9 列车加开train running as extra;scheduling of extra train6.4.10 列车赶点train running at gaining speed for making up time lost6.4.11 列车正点train running on scheduled time6.4.12 列车晚点train running behind scheduled time6.4.13 列车早开train despatched ahead of scheduled time6.5 技术计划和运输方案technical planning and traffic programme in railway transport6.5.1 货运工作方案the programme of goods traffic;goods working programme6.5.1.1 日历装车计划calendar loading arrangement6.5.1.2 挂线装车organize the loading of wagons according to every forwarding train path6.5.2 列车工作方案train working programme6.5.2.1 三定列车dispatching trains by specified loading and unloading stations,specified train path for forwarding and specified contents of composition6.5.2.2 枢纽小运转方案transfer train working programme6.5.3 机车工作方案locomotive working programme6.5.4 施工方案the programme of construction7 行车事故7.1 行车事故train operation accidents7.1.1 重大事故grave accident7.1.2 大事故serious accident7.1.3 险性事故bad accident;dangerous accident7.1.4 一般事故ordinary accident7.1.5 冲突collision7.1.6 脱轨derailment;run off rail7.1.7 挤岔splitting of points;forcing open of the point7.1.8 冒进信号passing of a signal in the stop position;overrunning of signal at danger 7.1.9 行车中断stop in operation;interruption of train operation7.1.10 行车中断时间time of interruption of train running7.1.11 人员伤亡personal casualty7.2 列车事故accidents in train operation7.3 调车事故accidents in shunting operation。
齿轨铁路是一种登山铁路。一般铁路可以攀爬 的斜坡坡度约为4°至6°,间中亦可越过短的 9°路段。齿轨铁路在普通路轨中间的轨枕上, 另外放置一条特别的齿轨。行走齿轨铁路的机 车,配备了一个或多个齿轮,跟齿轨啮合着行 走。这样机车便能克服黏着力不足的问题,把 列车拉上达坡度达48°的陡峭斜坡。
In rail transport, a train is made up of a single or several connected rail vehicles that can be moved together along a guideway[ˈgaɪdweɪ]轨道 to transport freight[fret]货物 or passengers from one place to another along a planned route [rut, raʊt] n.航线;路. 在铁路运输中,火车由一辆或几辆相连的轨道车辆组成,这些车
cog [kɑ:g] n.钝齿 railway
stow[stoʊ] vt.装,装载,收藏 away无票偷乘(交通工具,尤指船或飞机);
摆式列车是一种车体转弯时可 以左右倾斜摆动的列车,摆式 列车能够在普通路轨上的弯曲 路段高速驶过而无需减速。
1.国内技术工艺不成熟,特别是摆式机件可靠性差,列车故障率高,实际运用效 果大打折扣; 2.摆式列车之所以能有效提高运行均速是因为它能以车体自主倾斜弥补线路欠超 高,从而以较高速度通过小曲线半径弯道,因此特别适合既有老线路的提速。但 国内已经选择走新建高速铁路客运专线的道路(既有线提速虽然比新建高铁来得 省钱,可是国内既有铁路干线目前已基本饱和,除了新建客运专线分流外别无他 法),在最小曲线半径和线路超高已经很宽裕的高速铁路上,摆式列车无用武之 地; 3.摆式列车对轨道的磨损较严重,国内工务维护又不及国外先进水平,加大了运 营成本; 4.在已经有了技术日益成熟、国产化程度稳步提高的CRH系列动车组的情况下, 铁总的确没有意愿再为了研制摆式列车而不辞辛苦专门去引进国外技术再慢慢 “消化吸收”。
rail terms(铁路机车车辆专业英语词汇)
开挖工作面 勘探
抗滑明洞 抗剪连接件 可行性研究 坑道自稳时间
空腹拱 空气幕沉井法
空心板桥 空中索道 控制工程 控制区间
跨径 矿山法 扩大 扩大初步设计 扩大基础 拉槽 拦石墙 栏杆 缆索起重机 朗格尔式桥 离心水泵 历史洪水位 立爪式装岩机 梁端缓冲梁 梁高 梁腋 两阶段设计 列车冲击力 列车横向摇摆力 列车活塞作用 列车活载
竖杆 竖井联系测量
竖旋桥 栓焊钢桥 双壁钢围堰钻孔基础 双侧导坑法 双层桥 双铰拱 双梁式架桥机 双悬臂式架桥机 水库路基 水力半径 水面坡度 水泥输送泵 水文测量 水文地质调查 水文断面 水准点高程测量
顺坝 松弛压力 松动爆破
送桩 随工验收 碎石机 隧道报警装置 隧道衬砌模板台车 隧道出口 隧道底鼓 隧道地表沉陷 隧道地中位移 隧道洞口投点 隧道洞内控制测量 隧道洞外控制测量
全断面开挖法 全焊钢桥
全回转式架梁起重机 全球定位系统 全验 缺陷工程 扰流板 绕行地段 人行道荷载 人员掩蔽所 人字坡 容许冲刷 容许应力设计法 软土地区路基 三角测量 三角高程测量 三铰拱 三阶段设计 砂井 砂土液化 山区河谷选线 上导坑法 上下导坑法 设计概算 设计高程 设计荷载 设计洪水过程线 设计鉴定 设计阶段 设计流量 设计流速 设计水位 深井水泵
渗管 渗井 渗水暗沟 渗水隧洞 渗水土路基 施工产值 施工调查 施工防护 施工复测 施工工艺流程 施工荷载 施工机械利用率 施工机械完好率 施工计划管理 施工利润 施工水位 施工图设计 施工形象进度 施工验收 施工准备 施工总工期 施工组织方案 湿喷混凝土 湿喷混凝土机 湿式凿岩 石灰砂桩 实腹拱 实施性施工组织设计 实体桥墩 事故报告 试桩 室内测试 手持式凿岩机
专用线 军用铁路 ;军用铁道 缆索铁路 ;缆索铁道 高架铁路 ;高架铁道 独轨铁路 ;独轨铁道 齿轨铁路 ;齿轨铁道 磁浮铁路 ;磁浮铁道 地山下区铁铁道路;地;山下区铁铁路道;地
铁路英语词汇elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway 高架铁路mine railway 矿区铁路funicular (railway) 缆索铁路,登山铁路light railway line 轻便铁道urban railway 市区铁路railway network 铁路网railway transport 铁路运输trial run 试车open to traffic 通车porter 搬运工人ticket inspector 查票员ticket 车票single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票return ticket, roundtrip ticket 来回票platform ticket 站台票railway station 车站station hall 车站大厅information desk 服务台waiting room 候车室passenger station 客车站time-table 时刻表arrival time-table到站时刻表departure time-table 发车时刻表ticket-collector, gateman 收票员ticket office, booking office售票处junction枢纽站rail and water terminal水陆联运站platform bridge天桥luggage barrow 推行李车enquiry office, information desk 问讯处way station 小站label 行李标签luggage office 行李房left-luggage office 行李暂存处platform-ticket 验票口barrier 栅栏门platform 站台(electric) platform truck站台车platform tunnel站台地道platform roofing 站台顶棚station-master 站长terminal; terminus 终点站escalator自动扶梯The train leaves the station at..., The train is due out at... 火车在(某时)离站to have one's ticket punched(给检票员)检票10 minutes behind schedule晚点十分钟to change trains at... 在(某地)换车The train is due at... 在(某时)到达to break the journey 中途下车dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车pantry 餐车食品室open wagon, (railway) wagon, (railway) truck 敞车carriage, coach, car 车厢roof车顶concertina walls (车厢通道两侧的)伸缩篷step; foot board (车厢门口的)踏板gangway (车厢的)通道lidded ashtray带盖烟灰盒tank wagon罐车mixed train 混合列车freight train, goods train 货物列车engine, locomotive 机车window seat 靠窗座位coach, passenger train客车express train, express 快车refrigerator wagon 冷藏车car attendant; train attendant 列车员guard, conductor 列车长slow train, way train 慢车covered wagon van, box car 棚车ordinary train 普通列车sleeping carriage with cushioned berths 软卧客车up train 上行车livestock wagon牲畜车sleeping car, sleeper 卧车down train 下行车luggage van, baggage car 行李车rack, baggage rack 行李架sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬卧客车ordinary seat 硬席carriage with semicushioned seats硬座车mail car 邮政车mail and luggage van 邮政行李车through train直达车special train 专车pointsman, switchman 道岔工人signal for blocking the track, block signal 闭塞信号semaphore signal, home signal臂板信号warehouse 仓库siding, sidetrack侧线,旁轨turnout 岔道weighing machine 秤重机derailing (火车)出轨single line (track) rail 单线points, switches 道岔switch lock, point lock 道岔锁wait sign, wait signal 等候标志(信号)marshalling yard, shunting yard调车场dispatching 调度dispatcher 调度员crossover 渡线,转线轨道rail 钢轨track轨道sleeper, railroad tie 轨枕rail chair轨座buffer stop, bumping post 缓冲桩goods shed, freight depot货棚goods station 货运站,货站container 集装箱locomotive (engine) shed 机车库station warning sign 进站预告标clearance 净空(signal) gantry (铁路上支持信号装置的)跨线桥barrier (道口)拦路木section 路段reduce speed sign(al) 慢行标志(信号)bell and whistle sign, whistle sign鸣笛预告标platform car, flat car 平车grade crossing, level crossing(道路与铁路的)平面交叉track-laying machine, tracklayer铺轨机double line (track) rail 双线volume of railway freight 铁路货运量railway connections 铁路交叉点,铁路联络线railway warning sign 铁路警告标志railway clearance铁路净空railroad bed 铁路路基railway curve 铁路曲线(弯道)railway tunnel 铁路隧道railway line, railroad line 铁路线stop sign(al) 停车标志(信号)danger sign(al) 危险标志(信号)unprotected crossing 无防护设备的道口signal light (lamp) 信号灯signal box, signalman's cabin 信号房signalman 信号员wing rail (of frog) 翼轨distant signal, disk signal, target 圆盘信号机back-turning section 折返段frog 辙叉,岔心turn-table 车台,旋车盘point (box), switch (box) 转辙器switch signal, point indicator 转辙信号更多铁路评论请登陆中国铁道论坛(/)。
铁道车辆名词术语一、一般名词术语 General1、车辆的种类铁道车辆rolling stock,railway vehicle,railway car 客车carriage,passeger car货车wagon.freight car特种车special car钢木车steel-wood car全金属车all metal car全钢车all steel car二轴车two-axle car四轴车four-axle car六轴车six-axle car转向架式车rogie car关节式车articulated car动车motor-car拖车trailer控制车controlling car动车组powered car train-set合造车combined car简易客车simply equipped coach代用客车substitute passenger car双层客车double-deck coach母车car with axle generator子车car without axle generator座车seat coach硬座车semi-cushioned seat coach软座车cushioned seat coach,soft seat coach卧车sleeping car硬卧车semi-cushioned berth sleeping car软卧车cushioned berth sleeping car行李车luggage van,baggage car邮政车mail van,postal car了望车observation car公务车service car,private car文教车culture and education car医疗车hospital car卫生车ambulance car试验车test car维修车maintenance car宿营车dormitory van,train crew car轨道检查车track inspection car轨道探伤车rail faults detection car隧道摄影车tunnel-photographing car限界检查车structure gauge detection car检衡车track scale test car发电车generator car锅炉车boiler car救援车relief car敞车open-top car,gondola car棚车covered wagon,box car平车flat car罐车tank car守车caboose, brake van煤车coal car砂石车gravel car矿石车ore car漏斗车hopper car水泥车cement car保温车thermal car隔热车insulated-cover wagon,insulated box car加冰冷藏车ice-cooled refrigerator car冷冻板冷藏车eutectic-ice-cooled refrigerator car加温车heater car冷藏加温车refrigerator and heater car机械冷藏车mechanical refrigerator car单节机械冷藏车mono-unit mechanical refrigerator car 机冷货物车mechanical refrigerator freight car机冷发电车mechanical refrigerator generating car机械冷藏车组mechanical refrigerator car train-set通风车ventilated car家畜车live stock car, stock car活鱼车fish car零担办公车office car for peddler train集装箱车container car长大货物车heavy-duty car,high capacity car凹底平车depressed center flat car落下孔车well car, well-hole car双联平车twinned flat car钳夹车schnabel car自动倾翻车side dump car除雪车sweeper, snow plow长钢轨车组long rail car train-set电站车组power station car train set车辆纵向longitudinal direction of car车辆横向transverse direction of car车端end of car一位端“B” end of car二位端“A” end of car一位侧No.1 position side二位侧No. 2 position side轴位position of axle轮位position of wheel梁位position of sill车钩中心线高hright fron top of rail to coupler center车辆长度length of car车辆宽度width of car车辆最大宽度max. width of car车辆高度height of car车辆最大高度max. height of car车体长度length over ends of car body底架长度length of underframe罐体长度length of tank barrek车体宽度width over sides of car body底架长度underframe width车体内长inside length of car body车体内宽inside width of car body车体内侧面高inside height of car body车体内中心高inside height from floor to roof centre地板面高height of floor from rail top车辆定距(心盘中心距)length between bogie pivot centers车辆全轴距total wheel base of car车辆定距比ratio of car body length to length between bogie centres 换长equivalent length旁承间隙side bearing clearance自重tare weight载重loading capacity整备品重servicing weight总重gross weight自重系数coefficient of tare weight,tare-to-load capacity 每延米重load per meter of track簧上重量suspended weight,weight above spring簧下重量non-suspended weight,weight under spring构造速度design speed通过最小曲线半径min. radius of curvature negotiated 动力系数coefficient of kinetic force振动舒适度comfortable quality of vibration平稳性指标(振动舒适度指标)index of running stability 倾复稳定性security of over turing from track脱轨稳定性security of derailment6、其他空车empty car轴数number of axle车辆标记lettering and marking of car车辆型号model of car车辆号码serial number of car定员seating capacity技术履历簿technical ancestry book吊hanger卡clamp,clip吊卡anchor,suspension座seat,rest,bracket吊座hanger bracket托carrier,support,bearer环ring链chain连接板connecting plate补强板reinforcing plate筋板rib隔板partion plate撑板staying plate托板supporting plate固定板fastening plate压板pressing plate吊板hanging plate支承板bearing plate垫板shim,pad调整板adjusting plate限制板locating plate挡板baffle plate防跳板anticreep plate护板shield plate防尘板dust guard plate磨耗板wear plate防火板fireproof plate盖板cover plate腹板web plate翼板flange plate地板floor plate顶板roof plate墙板side plate装饰板decorating plate饰带板lining根据位置不同所用板plate used in other place节流板moderating plate,limiting plate垫shim,pad,liner,washer盖cap,cover,lid阀valve体body梁girder,sill,beam,stringer柱post斜撑diagonal brace压条cornice,molding,treadle bar承木wooden parting stringer,nailing strip隔热材料heat-insulating material二走行装置running gear1 一般走行装置running gear转向架bogie,truck二轴转向架two-axle bogie三轴转向架three-axle bogie组合转向架combination bogie导框式转向架pedestal bogie导框式转向架non-pedestal bogie导框式转向架pedestal bogie整体侧架转向架bogie with integral box side frame 构架frame,bogie structure侧架bogie side frame轮对wheel set有箍车轮tyred wheel整体车轮solid wheel碾钢车轮wrought steel wheel,rolled steel wheel 轴箱journal box承载鞍adapter轴箱定位装置box guidance弹簧减振装置spring and vibration absorber device弹簧悬挂装置suspension damper弹簧装置spring device轴箱弹簧装置journal spring device摇枕弹簧装置bolster spring device轴箱弹簧journal spring摇枕弹簧bolster spring均衡弹簧equalizer spring空气弹簧air spring橡胶弹簧rubber spring第一系弹簧装置primary suspension第二系弹簧装置secondary suspension一系弹簧装置single-stage suspension二系弹簧装置two-stage suspension自动高度调整装置automatic height ajuster减振器vibration absorber摩擦减振器snubber油压减振器hydraulic damper旁承side bearing滑块式旁承sliding block side bearing摆块式旁承pendulum side bearing滚子式旁承roller side bearing液压旁承hydraulic siide bearing气液旁承hydro-pneumatic side bearing转向架基础制动装置bogie brake rigging踏面制动tread braking盘形制动disc braking,rotor braking单侧制动signle side braking双侧制动clasp braking制动梁brake beam闸瓦brake block,brake shoe闸片brake ling中磷闸瓦medium phosphor brake shoe高磷闸瓦high phosphor brake shoe合成闸瓦composite brake shoe制动盘braking disc心盘面自由高free height from rail top to centre plate wearing surface 转向架对角线bogie diagonal轴距wheel base固定轴距fixed or rigid wheel base转向架全轴距total wheel base of bogie assembly轮对内侧距distance between backs of wheel rims轴颈中心距distance between acting centres of journal load踏面tread踏面斜度tread taper踏面基点taping point滚动圆rolling tread circle车轮直径wheel diameter轮箍厚度tire thickness轮辋内侧厚度rim inside thickness轮辋外侧厚度rim outside thickness轮辋宽度rim width轮缘高度flange height轮缘高度测定线flange base line轮缘厚度flange thickness轮毂直径diameter of boss轮毂厚度boss thickness轴箱导框间隙pedestal clearance with pedestal guide摇枕挡间隙column guide cleatance with the column轴载荷axle loading force轴荷重axle load轴重wheel set load心盘载荷centre plate loading force旁承载荷side bearing loading force斜对称载荷obliquely symmetrical loading force弹簧静挠度static deflection of spring弹簧动挠度dynamic deflection of spring弹簧挠度裕量surplus deflection of spring,reserve deflection of spring 挠度裕量系数reserve coefficient(or surplus factor) of spring deflection 转向架扭曲刚度bogie against distortion rigidity摩擦减振器相对摩擦系数relative friction coefficient of snubber油压减振器阻力系数damping coefficient of hydraulic damper减振指数damping index临界阻尼值critical damping value脱轨系数coefficient of derailment轴温axle temperature轮缘垂直磨耗vertical wear on flange踏面擦伤scotching on wheel tread踏面剥离flaking on wheel tread2、转向架构架 bogie structure发电机吊架genertor hanger support缓解弹簧座release spring bracket闸瓦托吊座brake head hanger bracket安全吊座safety hanger bracket固定支点座fixed fulcrum bracket端梁end sill侧梁side sill纵向梁longitudinal sill辅助梁auxiliary transom摇枕吊耳bolster hanger lug横梁transom闸瓦托吊耳brake head hanger lug3 转向架侧 bogie side frame轴箱承台pedestal journal roof上斜弦梁top oblique chord检查孔inspection hole斜楔挡friction wedge stop上弦梁top chord立柱column轴箱挡pedestal leg制动梁滑槽brake beam guide下弦梁bottom chord弹簧承台spring seat凸脐spring seat boss摇枕孔bolster opening下斜弦梁bottom oblique chord轴箱导框pedestal4 摇枕及弹簧装置bolster and spring device 弹簧托梁spring plank carrier摇枕吊bolster hanger摇枕吊销bolster hanger pin摇枕吊销座bolster hanger pin seat油压减振动器hydraulic damper,oil damper弹簧夹板spring button摇枕弹簧(外圈)bolster spring(outer)摇枕弹簧(内圈)bolster spring(inner)下旁承体bogie side bearing base下旁承胶垫bogie side bearing rubber pad下旁承滑块bogie side bearing sliding block摇枕挡bolster guide下心盘bogie centre plate中心销centre pin摇枕bolster下旁承bogie side bearing横向缓冲器lateral buffer横向拉杆lateral connecting rod摇枕板弹簧bolster double elliptic spring弹簧托板spring plank安全吊safety hanger摇枕吊轴bolster hanger shaft5 摇枕bogie bolster斜楔摩擦面bolster friction wedge pocket slope凸脐spring seat boss心盘安装面centre plate location排水孔draining hole中心销孔centre pin hole固定杠杆支点安装面dead lever fulcrum bracket location下旁承座bogie side bearing seat摇枕挡column guide6,7 轮对轴箱及弹簧装置wheel set,journal box and spring device后挡板rear guard油卷lubricating pad前枕front guard轴箱盖box lid轴瓦垫journal bearing wedge轴箱体journal box body轴瓦journal bearing防尘板dust guard,dust shield车轴皮带轮axle belt pulley车轴axle车轮wheel防尘挡圈dust guard ring滚动轴承roller bearing弹簧支柱spring guide-post定位套locating bush轴箱弹簧journal spring支持环spring guide缓冲胶垫rubber pad轴箱后盖journal box rear cover轴箱体journal box body紧定螺母set nut防松板locking plate轴箱前盖journal box frim cover均衡弹簧座equalizing spring seat轴箱导框pedestal均衡弹簧(内圈、中圈、外圈)equalizing spring(inner,intermediate,outer) 均衡梁equalizer轴箱托板journal box tie bar轴箱导框磨耗板pedestal wear plate 8 轮对wheel set车轴axle车轮轮箍tire,tyre车轮扣环retaining ring车轮轮心wheel centre整体车轮solid wheel9 车轴axle中心孔centre hole轴颈前肩hournal front fillet轴颈后肩journal rear fillet轮座前肩wheel seat front fillet轮座后肩wheel seat rear fillet轴中央部axle middle portion轴身axle body轮座wheel seat防尘板座dust guard seat轴颈journal轴领collar10 整体车轮solid wheel辐板web plate轮缘flange轮毂孔wheel hub bore轮毂hub,boss轮辋rim踏面thread辐板孔web plate hole11 轴箱体journal box body前壁front wall内顶journal box roof轴箱口journal box opening雨檐eaves瓦垫挡journal bearing wedge stopper 承台座pedestal seat底部bottom排水槽draining slot轴箱盖耳孔座journal box hinge lug后壁rear wall防尘板槽dust guard slot瓦耳挡bearing lug guard侧壁side wall导槽pedestal guide12 油压减振器hydraulic damper压板pressing plate胶垫rubber fitting垫板pad套sleeve密封盖seal cap密封圈seal ring密封衬垫seal ring retainer螺母nut密封弹簧seal spring导向套guide bush缸端盖cylinder end cap缸体cylinder body防尘罩dust protector活塞piston芯阀key valve阀套valve bush阀座valve seat阀瓣valve clack进油阀座oil inlet valve seat储油缸oil storage cylinder13 转向架基础制动装置bogie brake rigging制动梁brake beam制动梁缓解弹簧brake beam release spring闸瓦托吊brake head hanger固定杠杆dead lever拉杆间隙调整器pull rod type slack adjuster制动梁拉杆brake beam pull rod移动杠杆live lever上拉杆导轮托top connecting rod guide移动杠杆上拉杆live lever top connecting rod 拉杆connecting rod移动杠杆拉杆吊live lever conection hanger闸瓦插销brake shoe key闸瓦brake shoe闸瓦托brake head闸瓦间隙调整器brake shoe slack adjuster拉环brake beam and lever connection移动杠杆拉杆live lever connection闸瓦托调整簧brake head spring卡板catch plate压板button调整板adjusting plate调整螺杆adjusting screw调整弹簧adjusting spring调整螺母adjusting nut14 制动梁brake beam滚子roller滚子轴roller shaft下拉杆安全吊lower connecting rod safety link支柱strut弓形杆tension rod槽钢梁compression channel内挡箍inner check ring闸瓦托brake head端部磨耗板end wear plate15 轴端发电装置axle-end drive generating equipment调整手轮锁紧螺母adjusting hand wheel lock nut调整手轮adjusting hand wheel调整弹簧垫adjusting spring guide调整弹簧adjusting spring调整弹簧座adjusting spring seat调整丝杠adjusting lead screw连接轴connecting shaft连接轴紧固螺母connecting shaft sernut密封前盖front seal cap挡尘板dust guard皮带轮belt pulley挡盖guard cap电机托cenerator bracker客车发电机generator for passengercar调整杠杆adjusting lever。
铁路各专业单词整理Freight train货运列车Passenger train旅客列车Heavy freight重载货运Sleeping car卧铺车Dining car餐车Run-around track调车线Inter-city train城际列车Local train管内列车,慢车Elctric traction电力牵引Stopper慢车Double-decked passenger train双层旅客列车Locomotive 机车freight wagon货车passenger coach 客车multiple units动车组metro car 地铁车辆light rail轻轨railway service cars 铁路服务车Coach, carriage 客车Motor car (trailer car)动力车(拖车)Container集装箱车Tanker罐车Driving cab司机室TOFC平板拖车Box wagon棚车Monorail单轨Refrigerator wagon冷藏车High-speed railways高速铁路Maglev磁悬浮Open-topped wagon敞顶车Rail铁轨standard gauge标准轨距narrow gauge, broad gauge窄轨,宽轨Trackbed 道床Sleeper 枕木Crosstie 枕木subballast,道砟,底部道砟fastener紧固件Turnout道岔Derail(derailment)脱轨Crossing 平交道口colliery 煤矿quarry 采石场flanged steel wheels 有凸缘钢轮copper ore 铜矿speak of 谈到,提及backbone 骨干bulk freight 散装货物mass commutation traffic 大规模通勤运输short haul 短途运输Merchandise traffic 货物运输Depreciation 减值,折旧,贬值Settling 沉降,沉积bulk freight 散装货物Subgrade 地基,路基Soil stratum 地层Embankment 堤坝Trim off 修剪Organic topsoil 有机表层土ivil engineering 土木工程Earthwork 土方,土方工程Gravity wall 重力墙Drainage 排水系统,排水装置Real estate 房地产,不动产Crane 起重机Tamper 捣固机Trolley 台车,手推车,电车Headway 进展,向目标前进Cog railway嵌齿铁路Rubber-tired underground橡胶轮地铁Siding旁轨,支线Coupler车钩Maintenance of way 道路维护Long-distance train长途列车Channel Tunnel海峡隧道parcel package 包裹Travelling post offices 移动邮局 Centrifugal force 离心力pram 婴儿车Wheelchair 轮椅Conurbation 有卫星城市的大都市elevated structure 高架结构Accelerate (decelerate) 加速(减速)Tram, trolley, streetcar有轨电车 Flexibility 机动,灵活 Low loder 低架拖车Sneak into 偷偷地摸进Stow away 偷乘,搭白车Fatality disasterKit 工具包,装备earn one‘s keep 值得雇用, 挣饭吃Show up 揭露,露出Dead end terminal 闭塞终端 Buffer stop 止冲器 Crossover 转辙轨Locomotive escape 机车折返 Phase out 逐步淘汰,逐步停止Intensive service auxiliary equipment 辅助设备, 备用设备, 附属设备Heavy maintenance 大修Keep at forefront of 保持在……最前沿train loading 列车运载量Train capacity 列车运载能力Density of passengers 乘客密度Load factor 上座率Patronage 保护,光顾,赞助High degree of standardisation 高度标准化pilot end beam Bellmouth 钟形口,喇叭口Line up 整队,排列Semipermanent coupler 半永久车钩Be bolted together 螺栓连接Cushioning 减震,缓冲Uncoupling 解钩,拆开(反,coupling)Buckeye, Knuckle and Janney coupler 詹式车钩Coupler knuckle (jaw) 钩舌Coupler head 钩头Hinge pin 折页销Fully automatic coupler 全自动车钩Disengage 脱离pneumatical 风力的,空气的Keep in good working order 保持正常运转状态Drawgear 牵引装置Bolt 螺栓Pedal 踏板Funicular 索道Coupler alignment bar 车钩调直杆Pushbutton 按钮Shock absorber 减震器Multicore cable 多芯电缆Baggage行列车Coach客车Combine合造车Dome圆顶车Lounge游乐车Dinner餐车Observation瞭望车Sleeper、 sleeping car、Pullman卧铺车RPO铁路邮政车Housing car封闭车Autorack, auto carrier汽车运输车Boxcar, or van棚车Refrigerator car, reefer冷藏车Stock car牲畜车Open top car敞车Gondola敞车Hopper漏斗车Ballast car砟车Flat car平车Depressed-center flat car凹底平车Piggyback car背负式车Schnabel car钳夹车Tank car罐车Caboose守车Snow plow除雪犁Dynamometer car动力检测(试验)车Encompasss 包围,环绕,构成,包括Listed in alphabetic order 按字母顺序排列lining 衬里,衬套,内层Contamination 污染,玷污Corrosive action 腐蚀作用Stainless steel 不锈钢Glass enamel 玻璃釉彩,搪瓷Pocket for stake 柱插口Tie-down point 栓柱Manual brake equipment 手制动Air brake equipment 空气制动primary underframe 主车架,主底架Cumbersome 笨重的Intermodal shipping 联合运输Tonnage 吨位log 木材,原木Lumber 木材Slope down 向下斜Scrap metal 金属屑,废金属Aggregate 粒料,总计,聚集Wood chip 木屑,木片Drop end 落端门Shovel 铲Perishable freight 易腐货物spoiling 变坏,损毁Insulation 绝缘层,保温层Keep outCooling system 冷却系统Cold brine 冷盐水Waterproof 防水的Airtight 密封的,气密的Warehouse 仓库,库房Breakage 破坏,破损Barrel 桶Drum 鼓型圆桶safety valve 安全阀Tilting train摆式列车Head-end equipment车端设备Branch line支线Air-conditioned hard seat car空调硬座车seating capacity定员Length between truck pivot centers车辆定距tare weight空重Clearance 间隙Wheelbase轴距Gauge轨距Constructional speed构造速度Wheel diameter车轮直径Stanhope 轻便马车en route 在途中Streamlined 流线型的Ornate 装饰的, 华丽的, (文体)绚丽的to date 到此为止Aluminum steel 铝钢,含铝钢evolve into 发展[进化]成Fluted 有凹槽的Conveyance 运输Row upon row 一排排,一行行carry-on 手提行李,手提的Aisle 走廊Partitioned into 分割,分隔开efficiency apartment 有小厨房和卫生设备的小套公寓房间,公寓小套间Interior 内部Galley 厨房Recede 后退,倒退,变得模糊Fell out of use 开始不用,渐废Vantage 优势,有利情况Roofline 屋顶轮廓线Dumbwaiter 楼上楼下送饭菜的小升降机,可移动的上菜架或上菜桌Aluminum of high strength alloy 高强度铝合金pane 长方块, 尤指窗格, 窗格玻璃, 边, 面,方框Vestibule 门廊, 前厅Ride comfort乘坐舒适性Irregularity轨道不平顺Wheel tread车轮踏面Suspension悬挂系统Tread gradient踏面锥度Flange轮缘Running performance运行品质Articulated bogies铰接式转向架Lower center of gravity低重心Swing hanger摇枕吊Bolster bogie摇枕转向架Bolsterless bogie无摇枕转向架Wheelset hunting轮对蛇行Anti-yaw damper抗蛇行减震器Suspension gear悬挂装置JR日本铁路Bogie frame构架Lateral damper横向减震器Traction transfer device牵引装置Brake equipment制动装置Axle bearing and axle box轴箱轴承及轴箱Axle spring轴箱弹簧Brake disk制动盘Traction motor牵引电机Gear box齿轮箱,减速箱Wheelset轮对Traction force牵引力Air spring, air bag空气弹簧Side beam侧梁Coil spring圆弹簧Cross beam横梁Press welding压力焊B earing轴承Support rigidity支撑刚度Pedestal swing spring type导框式定位Play,游间,游隙,摆动量Leaf spring板弹簧IS typeIS拉板式定位Bending strength弯曲强度Unsprung mass(weight)Non-sprung mass簧下质量Axle beam type转臂式定位Cylindrical roller bearing圆柱滚子轴承Ball bearing球轴承Overhaul大修Nose suspension device轴悬,臂式悬挂装置Cardan driving device 万向轴驱动Torque converter变扭器Wheel tread brake踏面制动Disc brake盘型制动Brake shoe闸瓦Frictional heat摩擦热Brake pad制动闸片Motor braking动力制动Quill drive 空心轴驱动Hollow shaft空心轴Gearwheel, driven gear从动齿轮Pinion, driving gear主动齿轮Electric locomotive电力机车Rail head轨头Reprofile镟修Wheel/rail interface轮轨关系Lubricant润滑物Flatted wheel车轮擦伤Bogie transom转向架横梁Brake cylinder制动缸Parking brake停车制动Heavy duty brake重载制动Frame mounted motor架悬式电机Lifting lug吊耳Gearbox齿轮箱Compressed air压缩空气WSP(wheel slide protection)车轮防滑装置Speed sensor速度传感器Pendulum (titling) bogie摆式转向架Service life使用寿命Design concept设计理念Running speed运行速度Maximum speed最大速度Lateral force横向力Transition curve过渡曲线Circular curve圆曲线Self-steering bogie自导向转向架Running stability 运行平稳性Forced steering bogie迫导向转向架Obscurity 隐蔽,偏僻,含糊Abrasion 磨耗In terms of according to、In comparison to 对比Be sensitive to 对……敏感Rotational resistance 回转阻尼Harmonic 谐波, 和声, 谐函数Isolate … from…隔离Be commercialized for 商业化,商品化Welding technology 焊接技术General structure 一般结构Rolled steel 钢材,轧制钢Seamless steel pipe 无缝钢管Critical component 关键部件Corrugated wheel 波形辐板车轮Susceptible to 易受影响的Mass imbalance 动量不平衡Resonance 共振Put into service 投入运营,交付使用Right angle cardan driving device 直角万向轴驱动装置Impede stopForged steel 锻钢Porcupine 豪猪Rubber bushed links 用橡胶衬里的连杆Gearwheel 大齿轮In relation to 关于,涉及,与……比较Degree of coning 锥度Squealing noise 尖啸Flange or rail greasing 轮缘或轨道油脂Slippage 滑动Weled steel box format 焊接箱型结构Press against 压向Neutral section 分相区Leading bogie 导向架Vehicle suspension车辆悬挂系统Cushion system缓冲系统Laminated steel spring板弹簧Axle load轴重Carrying load载重Spring hanger弹簧吊Spring lank弹簧托板Swing link吊杆Side frame侧架,侧梁Side bearer (bearing)旁承Center bearing下心盘Equalizer bar suspension均衡梁式悬挂系统Commonwealth bogie均衡梁式转向架Levelling valve高度调节阀Solid rubber suspension pack橡胶堆悬挂系统Parlance idiom,谈话,说法,用法Take the form of leaf steel spring 采用板弹簧型式Securing strap 保护带,安全带Be left out for simplicity 为简便起见,不显示(去掉)……End on 从一端看,从端面看,一端向前地Rivete 铆钉,固定Side view 侧视图Simplified diagram 简图Sideways movement 侧面运动Reversal 逆转Durability 耐久性, 耐用性; 坚固Axle box yoke 轴箱轭Rubber Chevron V型橡胶Boarding and alighting 上车,落下Intermittent gentle hissing 断断续续的轻微的咝咝声Alight from 走下来,下车Kinetic energy动能Air brakes or pneumatic brakes空气制动Brake pipe列车管,制动管Compressor空气压缩机Main reservoir主风缸Driver’s brake valve司机阀Equalising reservoir均衡风缸Feed valve给气阀;进给阀Angle cock截断塞门,折角塞门Hose橡胶软管(制动软管)Auxiliary reservoir辅助风缸Triple valve三通阀Brake cylinder制动缸Brake block闸瓦Relay valve延迟阀Fail safe 失效安全Friction material摩擦材料Composition material复合材料Brake rigging制动装置Rate of application制动倍率Slide valve滑阀Graduating valve递动阀,节制阀Regulating valve调整阀,调节阀Propagation rate制动波速Distributor分配阀Diaphragm膜片Throttle节流阀slack action列车冲动E-P brake电空制动Dynamic braking动力制动Rheostatic braking电阻制动Regenerative braking再生制动Psi Pounds per square inch磅/平方英尺Replenished 补充Trigger 打开,激发,引起Distributor 分配阀Sophisticated 复杂的Choke 阻气门Inshot 跃升装置; 跃升time lapse 时滞, 时延Elusive 令人困惑的; 油滑的; 难记忆的Spur 踢马剌, 剌激物, 刺激Essential ingredient 关键因素Thyristor 闸流晶体管; 半导体开关元件; 可控硅; 硅可控整流器Circuitry 电路, 线路Resistor 电阻器Power electronic 电力电子Sliding door滑动门,塞拉门Routine examination常规检查Consumable易损易耗件Maintenance regime维修体制Existing railway既有铁路Maintenance management维修管理Interchangeability互换性Operating pattern运行模式Converging聚集,会合Marshalling编组Electrified railway电气化铁路current collection equipment吸流装置Audit审计Performance indicator绩效指标maintenance standard维修标准Common sense 常识Revisit 再访, 重游, 重临Draw on 戴上, 吸收, 利用, 引诱, 向...提取, 招来, 临近Rectify 矫正, 调整Progressively adverse effect on 日益增加的反作用Morale 士气,民心Upholstery 室内装潢Clomatic condition 天气条件Of equal importanceChore 家务杂事Contractual 契约的Good access to components 零部件的易接近性Superfluous 多余的, 过剩的, 过量的Watertight 不漏水的, 水密的Thwarted 反对; 阻挠, 挫败, 妨碍Overlook 俯瞰, 耸出, 远眺, 没注意到Refitting 整修, 改装premise 房产; 房屋Planning stage 计划阶段Termini 目的地, 界标,terminus 的复数Converging 集中,收敛,会聚Proximity 接近, 亲近Jack 插孔, 插座, 起重器, 千斤顶, 男人Inspection pit 检查坑Walkway 走道, 人行道Wheel turning facility 车轮加工设备Constructed wash roadDe-icing arrangement 防止结冰, 装以除冰装置, 除冰Fire alarm 火灾报警Magnetic field磁场Maglev磁悬浮Propulsion推进Levitation 悬浮Guidance导向Attractive force吸引力Ferromagnetic 电磁铁的Magnetic repulsion磁力推进Superconducting magnet超导磁体Linear motor线性电机Magnetizing rail磁化轨道Payload weight负载Dynamic load动载荷Electrodynamic suspension, EDS电力悬浮Electromagnetic suspension, EMS电磁悬浮Levitate (使)轻轻浮起, (使)飘浮空中Cryogenics 低温学Linear synchronous motor LSM同步直线电机Linear induction motor LIM直线感应电机Gas turbine 燃气涡轮Turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨发动机Concurrently 同时发生的事件,并发的, 协作的, 一致的Availability crisisMetropolitan 大城市Turbulence 骚乱, 动荡, (液体或气体的)紊乱FRA Federal Railroad Administration 联邦铁路管理局[美] Power supply供电Electric traction system电力牵引系统Overhead wire接触网Power transmission电力传输Third rail第三轨Collector受流器Pantograph受电弓Return circuit回路Substation配电站Earthing protection接地保护Signalling circuit信号电路Catenary接触网Dropper吊线Electric arc电弧Mast柱子Booster transformer, BT吸流变流器Return wire回流线Track magnet轨道磁铁Neutral section分相区Communication cable通信线缆Pigtail引线In parallel with 与...平行、与...并联Microprocessor 微处理器Grip with 掌握,理解Electrolysis 电解Insulated 绝缘的Manhole (锅炉, 下水道供人出入检修用的)人孔, 检修孔At one’s peril 由某人自担风险Take precautions to do 采取防范措施Aggravate 使恶化, 加重Stitching 用U字钉钉箱, 缝纫Sag 松弛, 下陷, 下垂, (物价)下跌, 漂流Evacuate 疏散, 撤出, 排泄Visual intrusion 视觉障碍,妨碍CBI英国工业联合会Urban transport policy 城市交通政策Urban sprawl城市扩张Light rail轻轨Road transport路面交通Steep gradient大坡道sharp curve小半径曲线Criteria标准Congested urban area 拥挤的城市区域House of Commons Transport Committee 上议院交通委员会Congested 拥挤的Pedestrians 步行者Cyclists 骑脚踏车的人Public transport user;公共交通使用者Motorists 乘汽车者Intractable 难处理的Down-marketed 价廉质次的, 低档市场的Park and ride 停车换乘Pollutant 污染物质Resurgence 复苏Overambitious 野心太大的Underutilized 为充分利用的。
铁路行车组织英语名词术语大全1.铁路行车组织(organization of train operation)铁路行车组织是铁路运输组织的重要组成部分,是铁路综合运用各种技术设备合理组织列车运行以实现旅客和货物运输过程的生产计划与组织工作。
2.铁路技术管理规程(简称《技规》Regulations Governing Railway Technical Operation)《技规》是铁路进行技术管理和从事运输生产的基本法规。
3.铁路行车组织规则(简称《行规》Rules Governing Organization of Train Operation;operating rules)《行规》是铁路局根据《技规》中行车组织篇规定的原则,结合铁路局管内技术设备的具体条件所制定的一种行车组织的补充规则,作为《技规》的补充。
4.车站行车工作细则(简称《站细》Detailed Instructions Governing Train Operation at Station;technologic instructions of station)《站细》是根据《技规》和《行规》的有关规定,结合车站技术设备和作业等具体条件所制定的车站技术管理和作业组织的基本技术文件。
6.车组(wagon group)若干车辆连挂在一起,称为车组。
7.车列(train stock;train set)若干车组连挂在一起,称为车列。
铁路专用英语专业词汇中英对照翻译----铁路工程词汇线路工程 railway line engineering铁路勘测 ;铁道勘测 railway reconnaissance铁路选线 ;铁道选线 railway route selection;railway location;approximate railway location;location of railway route selection经济勘察 economic investigation地质调查 geological survey;geologic survey方案比较 project comparison铁路勘探 ;铁道勘探 railway exploration铁路测量 ;铁道测量 railway survey线路测量 route survey;profile survey;longitudinal survey曲线测量 curve survey既有线测量 survey of existing line;survey of existing railway铁路线路图 ;铁道线路图 railway map定线 location of line铁路设计 ;铁道设计 railway design线路设计 track design平面设计 plane design纵断面设计 longitudinal section design横断面设计 transverse section design曲线设计 curve design车站设计 station design站场设计 design of stations and yards标准设计 standard design线路等级 line grade铁路限界 ;铁道限界 railway clearance建筑限界 construction clearance设计规范 code of design设计标准 design standard铁路线路 ;铁道线路 railway line铁路曲线 ;铁道曲线 railway curve缓和曲线 transition curve;easement curve;spiral transition curve小半径曲线 small-radius curve曲线半径 curve radius曲线超高 superelevation on curve;cant;elevation of curve欠超高 inadequate superelevation;deficient superelevation未被平衡加速度 unbalanced acceleration竖曲线 vertical curve坡道 gradient坡度 grade;gradient;slope限制坡度 ruling grade;limiting grade坡度折减 grade compensation;compensation of gradient;gradient compensation避难线 refuge siding;catch siding双线插入段 double track interpolation铁路连接线 ;铁道连接线 railway connecting line隧道内线路 line in tunnel桥头引线 bridge approach站线 siding站线长度 length of station line铁路标志 ;铁道标志 railway sign警冲标 fouling point indicator;fouling post线路中心线 track center line;central lines of track线间距离 ;线间距 distance between centres of lines;distance between centers of tracks;midway between tracks线路试验 ;线路实验 track test;road test;running test路基 subgrade铁路路基 ;路基;铁道路基 railway subgrade;subgrade软土路基 soft soil subgrade沙漠路基 desert subgrade冻土路基 permafrost subgrade膨胀土路基 subgrade in swelling soil zone路基基床 subgrade bed路堤 embankment;fill高路堤 high-fill embankment路堑 cut;road cutting深路堑 deep cutting路肩 road shoulder;subgrade shoulder边坡 side slope护坡 revetment;slope protection;pitching路基滑动 subgrade slip滑坡防治 landslide preventive treatment路基排水 subgrade drainage塑料排水板 plastic drainage board路基加固 subgrade strengthening土工织物 geotextile挡土墙 ;挡墙 retaining walls锚定板 anchor plate锚杆 anchor bolt抗滑桩 antiskid pile;anti-slide pile;counter-sliding pile加筋土 reinforced earth植被 vegetation路基防护 subgrade protection防护工程 protective engineering防护林 protection forest防沙 sand proof固沙 stabilization of sand输导砂 sediment transport路侧建筑物 roadside structure排水沟 weeper drain;weep drain;drainage ditch;drain ditch挡风墙 wind-shield wall;wind-break wall隔声墙 sound-proof wall防雪栅 snow fence;snow guard轨道理论 track theory轨道设计 track design轨道参数 track parameter轨距 track gauge;rail gage;rail gauge轨距加宽 track gauge widening轨底坡 cant of rail;rail cant轨道力学 track dynamics;track mechanics轨道强度 track strength轨道阻力 track resistance道床阻力 trackbed resistance;ballast resistance扣固力 fastening force钢轨应力 rail stress轨道承载力 track bearing capacity轨道稳定性 track stability;stability of track轨道试验 ;轨道实验 track test轮轨关系 wheel-rail interaction;wheel-rail relation轮轨动力学 wheel-rail dynamics轮轨作用力 wheel-rail force轮轨接触 wheel-rail contact接触应力 contact stress轨道结构 track structure轨道 track铁路轨道 ;轨道;铁道轨道 railway track;track线路上部建筑 ;轨道 track superstructure;track重型轨道 heavy track宽轨枕轨道 broad sleeper track板式轨道 slab track;slab-track整体道床轨道 monolithic roadbed track防振轨道 anti-vibration track高架轨道 elevated track无缝线路 jointless line;continuously welded rail track;jointless track桥上轨道结构 bridge deck track structure隧道内轨道结构 track structure in tunnel钢轨 steel rail重型钢轨 heavy rail长钢轨 long rail焊接长钢轨 long welded rail缩短轨 shortened rail;standard shortened rail;fabricated short rail used on curves;standardcurtailed rail热处理钢轨 heat-treated rail合金钢轨 alloy steels rail旧钢轨 used rail钢轨钢 rail steel钢轨螺栓孔 rail bolt hole轨缝 rail gap;joint gap钢轨焊缝 rail welding seam钢轨接头 rail joint异型接头 compromise joint伸缩接头 expansion joint焊接接头 welding joint;welded joint绝缘接头 track section insulator;insulated joint胶接接头 adhesive joint鱼尾板 fish plate鱼尾螺栓 fish bolt扣件 fastening;rail fastening弹性扣件 elastic fastening;elastic rail fastening弹条式扣件 elastic rod type fastening分开式扣件 separated fastening;separated rail fastening;indirect holding fastening扣板式扣件 clip fastening刚性扣件 rigid fastening垫圈 ring道钉 spike;track spike;rail spike;dog spike螺纹道钉 threading spike;screw spike垫板 tie-plate;tie plate橡胶垫板 rubber tie-plate;rubber tie plate防爬器 anticreeper;anti-creeper;rail anchor轨距拉杆 gauge tie rod轨下基础 underrail foundation;sub-rail foundation;sub-rail track bed轨枕 sleeper;tie;cross tie木枕 wooden sleeper;wooden tie混凝土枕 ;砼枕 concrete sleeper;concrete tie轨枕板 ;宽轨枕 sleeper slab;broad sleeper钢枕 steel sleeper;steel tie合成轨枕 composite sleeper纵向轨枕 longitudinal tie岔枕 points sleeper;switch tie;turnout tie桥枕 bridge tie;bridge sleeper轨排 track panel;track skeleton枕下胶垫 rubber pad under sleeper道床 track bed;ballast bed碎石道床 ballast bed整体道床 monolithic track bed;solid bed;integrated ballast bed;monolithic concrete bed沥青道床 bituminous raodbed;asphalt roadbed;asphalt cemented ballast bed石棉道床 asbestos ballast道碴 ballast道床覆盖 ballast cover轨道附属设备 track auxiliary equipment钢轨涂油器 rail lubricator融雪器 snow melter复轨器 replacer;re-railer;rerailing device脱轨器 derailer车挡 bumper;bumper post道岔 switch;point;turnout;switches and crossings单开道岔 single point;simple turnout;lateral turnout双开道岔 double turnout三开道岔 three-throw turnout;symmetrical three throw turnout;three-way turnout 交分道岔 slip switch高速道岔 high-speed switch切线型道岔 tangent turnout道岔设计 turnout design过岔速度 switch crossing speed辙叉 frog;crossing整铸辙叉 integrated cast frog锰钢辙叉 manganese steel frog crossing焊接辙叉 welding frog crossing组合辙叉 combined frog;assembled frog可动心轨辙叉 movable point frog;movable-point frog可动翼轨辙叉 movable wing rails;movable-wing frog尖轨 switch point;point tongue;switch rail;tongue rail;blade滑床板 slide chair;slide plate;switch plate基本轨 stock rail翼轨 wing rail护轮轨 guard rail导曲线 curve of turnout;lead curve道岔附带曲线 curve following turnout branch line交叉 crossing渡线 track cross-over;crossover通过道岔 passing switch铁路道口 ;铁道道口 railway crossing平交道口 level crossing道口板 crossing slab道口路面 crossing road surface立体交叉 ;立交 grade separation线路施工 track construction石方工程 rock excavation土方工程 earthwork填方 filling挖方 cutting土方调拨 mass dispatching线路施工机械 track construction machinery and equipment 轨道施工 track construction轨道工程 track construction轨道铺设 track laying铺碴 ballasting轨枕铺设 sleeper laying铺轨 rail-laying轨排组装 track panel assembling轨排装运 track panel loading轨排基地 track panel base钢轨焊接 rail welding钢轨热处理 rail heat treatment钢轨铺设 rail laying钢轨锁定 rail locking道岔铺设 switch laying轨道施工机械 track construction machinery铺轨列车 tracklaying train;track laying train铺轨机 rail-laying machine;track laying machine钢轨焊接车 rail welding car焊轨机 steel rails weldeding mill;rail welding machine 轨排组装机 track panel assembling machine轨排运送车 track panel transport car铺枕机 sleeper-laying machine铺碴车 ballasting car铺碴机 ballasting machine铺道岔机 turnout-laying machine焊接长钢轨运送车 welding long rails transport car动力稳定车 dynamic track stabilizer线路状态 track state路基病害 subgrade defect沉降 settlement坍方落石 ;危石 collapse rock翻浆冒泥 frost boiling;mud-pumping路基壅水 subgrade water damming路基渗流 subgrade seepage flow路基冲刷 subgrade erosion振动液化 vibration liquifaction冻融 freezing and thawing冻胀 frost heaving冻害 freezing damage;frost heaving雪害 snow damage;snow blockade;snow drift沙害 sand damage轨道状态 track condition轨道变形 track deformation;track disorder;track distortion 轨道不平顺 track irregularity低接头 depression of joint三角坑 warp;twist钢轨爬行 rail creeping涨轨跑道 ;钢轨鼓曲 buckled track;rail buckle钢轨疲劳 rail fatigue钢轨伤损 rail failure;rail defects and failures钢轨断裂 rail fracture钢轨裂纹 rail crack;rail crackes轨头剥离 rail head shelling;gage line shelly cracks钢轨锈蚀 rail bubble;rail corrosion钢轨磨耗 rail wearing波形磨耗 ;波浪磨耗 undulatory wear螺孔裂纹 bolt hole crack辙叉伤损 ;辙叉损伤 frog failure木枕开裂 wooden sleeper cracking轨枕伤损 ;轨枕伤损 sleeper damage道床脏污 ballast contamination线路养护 track maintenance线路维修 track maintenance;maintenance of track日常维修 routine maintenance;current maintenance状态修 repairing on condition;repair according to condition 巡回检查 inspection tour轨道检测机具 track detection equipment道尺 track gauge轨道检测 track detection灾害检测装置 disaster detector超声波探伤仪 ultrasonic flaw detector钢轨探伤车 rail detecting car;rail flaw detection car轨道检查车 ;轨检车 track inspection car;track recording car 高速轨道检查车 ;高速轨检车 high-speed track inspection car 养路作业 track maintenance operation起道 track lifting;raising of track垫碴起道 ballast filling track lifting改道 track realigning;gage correction;gaging of track拨道 track lining捣固 tamping除草 weeding除草剂 herbicide除雪 snow clearing防冻 anti-freezing融雪 snow melt融雪剂 snow melt agent钢轨加热 rail heating钢轨打磨 rail grinding钢轨矫直 straightening of kinked rail钢轨更换 rail replace钢轨探伤 rail detecting钢轨焊补 rail repairing welding轨缝调整 rail gap adjusting应力放散 stress-relieving钢轨温度 rail temperature钢轨涂油 rail lubrication轨枕更换 sleeper replacement扣件作业 fastening operation轨枕修补 sleeper mending枕木防腐 timber sleeper treating道岔养护 switch maintenance道岔更换 switch replacement辙叉焊补 frog welding and repairing道床作业 ballast operation道碴清筛 ballast screening道碴更换 ballast replacement道床整形 ballast trimming曲线养护 curved track maintenance线路管理系统 track management system养路组织 track maintenance organization养路计划 track maintenance planning维修天窗 maintenance time维修周期 maintenance period养路安全 track maintenance safety列车接近警报器 ;列车接近报警器;列车接近报警装置 train approach warning device 养路质量 track maintenance quality养路机械化 track maintenance machinization线路中修 intermediate repair of track起道修 ;线路中修 track raising repair;track intermediate overhaul线路大修 major repair of track线路更新 ;线路大修 track renewal;track overhauling线路修复 track restoration铁路抢修 ;铁道抢修 railway emergency maintenance养路机械 track maintenance machine起道机 track lifting machine拨道机 track lining machine起拨道机 track lifting and lining machine捣固机 tamping machine捣固车 tamping wagon道床夯拍机 ballast compactor配碴整形机 ballast distributing and trimming machine;ballast distributing and regulating machine 道碴清筛机 ballast cleaner扒碴机 crib ballast raker;crib ballast removers道碴更换机 ballast replacement eqnipment道床清扫机 ballast cleaning machine轨枕更换机 sleeper replacement equipment钢轨更换机 rail replacement equipment钢轨打磨机 rail grinding machine钢轨打磨车 rail grinding wagon直轨器 rail straightening tool;rail straightener锯轨机 rail saw;rail cutting machine;rail sawing machine钢轨钻孔机 rail drilling machine钢轨加热器 rail heater轨缝调整器 rail gap adjuster;rail puller道钉机 spike driver除雪机 snowbreaker;snow removing machine;snow remover除雪车 snow-fighting vehicle;snow plow;snow plough除草机 weeder;weed cutting machine;weed cutter清沟机 ditcher碎冰机 ice crusher养路机具 track maintenance implements液压机具 hydraulic tool轨道车 track car上下道装置 up and down track device发电车 mobile power plant car;generator car综合养路机械 comprehensive track maintenance machine机械化养路基地 mechanized maintenance base工务部门 maintenance of way branch大修队 capital repair brigade工务段 engineering district;maintenance of way section;track division;track district;track maintenance division养路员工 track maintenance worker工务修配厂 maintenance of way shop焊轨厂 rail welding plant枕木防腐厂 timber sleeper treating plant采石场 quarry;stonepit铁路专业英语词汇________________________________________elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway 高架铁路mine railway 矿区铁路funicular (railway) 缆索铁路,登山铁路light railway line 轻便铁道urban railway 市区铁路railway network 铁路网railway transport 铁路运输trial run 试车open to traffic 通车porter 搬运工人ticket inspector 查票员ticket 车票single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票return ticket, roundtrip ticket 来回票platform ticket 站台票railway station 车站station hall 车站大厅information desk 服务台waiting room 候车室passenger station 客车站time-table 时刻表arrival time-table 到站时刻表departure time-table 发车时刻表ticket-collector, gateman 收票员ticket office, booking office 售票处junction 枢纽站rail and water terminal 水陆联运站platform bridge 天桥luggage barrow 推行李车enquiry office, information desk 问讯处way station 小站label 行李标签luggage office 行李房left-luggage office 行李暂存处platform-ticket 验票口barrier 栅栏门platform 站台(electric) platform truck 站台车platform tunnel 站台地道platform roofing 站台顶棚station-master 站长terminal; terminus 终点站escalator 自动扶梯The train leaves the station at..., The train is due out at... 火车在(某时)离站to have one's ticket punched (给检票员)检票10 minutes behind schedule 晚点十分钟to change trains at... 在(某地)换车The train is due at... 在(某时)到达to break the journey 中途下车dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车pantry 餐车食品室open wagon, (railway) wagon, (railway) truck 敞车carriage, coach, car 车厢roof 车顶concertina walls (车厢通道两侧的)伸缩篷step; foot board (车厢门口的)踏板gangway (车厢的)通道lidded ashtray 带盖烟灰盒tank wagon 罐车mixed train 混合列车freight train, goods train 货物列车engine, locomotive 机车window seat 靠窗座位coach, passenger train 客车express train, express 快车refrigerator wagon 冷藏车car attendant; train attendant 列车员guard, conductor 列车长slow train, way train 慢车covered wagon van, box car 棚车ordinary train 普通列车sleeping carriage with cushioned berths 软卧客车up train 上行车livestock wagon 牲畜车sleeping car, sleeper 卧车down train 下行车luggage van, baggage car 行李车rack, baggage rack 行李架sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬卧客车ordinary seat 硬席carriage with semicushioned seats 硬座车mail car 邮政车mail and luggage van 邮政行李车through train 直达车special train 专车pointsman, switchman 道岔工人signal for blocking the track, block signal 闭塞信号semaphore signal, home signal 臂板信号warehouse 仓库siding, sidetrack 侧线,旁轨turnout 岔道weighing machine 秤重机derailing (火车)出轨single line (track) rail 单线points, switches 道岔switch lock, point lock 道岔锁wait sign, wait signal 等候标志(信号)marshalling yard, shunting yard 调车场dispatching 调度dispatcher 调度员 crossover 渡线,转线轨道rail 钢轨 track 轨道sleeper, railroad tie 轨枕 rail chair 轨座buffer stop, bumping post 缓冲桩goods shed, freight depot 货棚goods station 货运站,货站 container 集装箱locomotive (engine) shed 机车库station warning sign 进站预告标 clearance 净空(signal) gantry (铁路上支持信号装置的)跨线桥barrier (道口)拦路木 section 路段reduce speed sign(al) 慢行标志(信号)bell and whistle sign, whistle sign 鸣笛预告标platform car, flat car 平车grade crossing, level crossing (道路与铁路的)平面交叉track-laying machine, tracklayer 铺轨机double line (track) rail 双线volume of railway freight 铁路货运量railway connections 铁路交叉点,铁路联络线railway warning sign 铁路警告标志railway clearance 铁路净空railroad bed 铁路路基railway curve 铁路曲线(弯道)railway tunnel 铁路隧道railway line, railroad line 铁路线stop sign(al) 停车标志(信号)danger sign(al) 危险标志(信号)unprotected crossing 无防护设备的道口signal light (lamp) 信号灯signal box, signalman's cabin 信号房signalman 信号员 wing rail (of frog) 翼轨distant signal, disk signal, target 圆盘信号机back-turning section 折返段 frog 辙叉,岔心turn-table 车台,旋车盘point (box), switch (box) 转辙器switch signal, point indicator 转辙信号。
铁路运输railway transportation;railway traffic铁路运输管理railway transport administration铁路运营railway operation铁路运输组织railway traffic organization铁路运输质量管理quality control of railway transportation铁路旅客运输规程regulations for railway passenger traffic铁路货物运输规程regulations for railway freight traffic铁路重载运输railway heavy haul traffic铁路高速运输railway high speed traffic铁路保险运输insured rail traffic铁路保价运输value insured rail traffic铁路军事运输railway military service铁路旅客运输railway passenger traffic铁路客运组织railway passenger traffic organization行李luggage;baggage包裹parcel广厅public hall;concourse行李房luggage office;baggage office售票处booking office;ticket;office候车室waiting room;waiting hall高架火车厅overhead waiting hall问讯处information office;inquiry office客流passenger flow直通客流through passenger flow管内客流local passenger flow市郊客流suburban passenger flow客流量passenger flow volume客流调查passenger flow investigation客流图passenger flow diagram旅客发送人数number of passenger despatched;number of passengers originated 旅客到达人数number of passengers arrived旅客运送人数number of passengers transported旅客最高聚集人数maximum number of passengers in peak hours车票ticket客票passenger ticket加快票fast extra ticket特快加快票express extra ticket卧铺票berth ticket站台票platform ticket减价票reduced-fare ticket学生票student ticket小孩票child ticket残废军人票disabled army man ticket国际联运旅客车票passenger ticket for international through traffic册页客票;联票coupon ticket代用票substituting ticket定期票periodical ticlet公用乘车证service pass行李票luggage ticket;baggage ticket车票有效期ticket availability行李包裹托运consigning of luggages and parcels行李包裹承运acceptance of luggages and parcels行李包裹交付dilivery of luggages and parcels旅客换乘passenger transference变更径路route diversion错乘takeng wrong train漏乘missing a train越站乘车overtaking the station旅客列车乘务组passenger train crew旅客列车乘务制度crew working system of passenger train旅客列车轮乘制crew poolng system of passenger train旅客列车包乘制assigning crew system of passsenger train旅客列车包车制responsibility crew system of passenger train列车员train attendant列车长train conductor乘警train police客运密度passenger traffic density旅客列车直达速度through speed of passenger train旅客列车车底周转时间turnround time of passenger train set列车车底需要数number of passenger train set required客车平均日车公里average car-kilometers per car-day列车平均载客人数average number of passengers carried per train列车客座利用率percentage of passenger seats utilization per train客车客座利用率percentage of passenger seats utilization per car铁路货物运输railway freight traffic铁路货运组织railway freight traffic organization综合性货运站general freight station;general goods station专业性货运站specialized freight station零担货物中转站less-than-carload freight transhipment station;part-load transhipmint station 营业站operating station非营业站non-operating station货场freight yard;goods yard尽头式货场stub-end type freight yard通过式货场through-type freight yard混合式货场mixed-type freight yard装卸线loading and unloading track轨道衡线weight bridge track货区freight area;goods area场库storage yard and warehouse堆货场storage yard货物站台freight platform;goods platform货棚freight shed;goods shed仓库warehouse货位freight section;goods section企业自备车private car月度货物运输计划monthly freight traffic plan旬间装车计划ten day car loading plan要车计划表car planned requisition list日要车计划表daily car requisition plan货物品类goods category计划内运输planned freight traffic计划外运输out-of-plan freight traffic;unplanned freight traffic 直达运输through traffic成组装车car loading by groups合理运输rational traffic对流运输cross-haul traffic过远运输excessively long-distance traffic重复运输repeated traffic迂回运输round about traffic;circuitous traffic无效运输ineffective traffic整车货物car load freight零担货物less-than-carload freight大宗货物mass freight散装货物bulk freight堆装货物stack-loading freight成件包装货物packed freight鲜活货物fresh and live freight罐装货物tank car freight易燃货物inflammable freight易冻货物freezable freight轻浮货物light and bulk freight重质货物heavy freight整车分卸car load freight unloaded at two or more stations一批货物consignment货物运到期限freight transit period货物运单consignment note货票way bill;freight invoice货车装载清单car loading list货物托运consigning of freight货物承运acceptance of freight货物交付dilivery of freight货主owner of freight;consignor;consignee货物发送作业freight operation at originated station货物到达作业freight operation at destination station货物途中作业freight operation en route货物标记freight label运输条件traffic condition运输限制traffic limitation;traffic restriction货车施封car seal货物换装整理transhipment and rearrangement of goods货物运输变更traffic diversion货源freight traffic source货流freight flow货流量freight flow volume货流图freight flow diagram货物发送吨数tonnage of freight despatched货物到达吨数tonnage of freight arrived货物运送吨数tonnage of freight tranaported计费吨公里tonne-kilometers charged运营吨公里tonne-kilometers operated货运密度density of freight traffic货车标记载重量marked loading capacity of car货车静载重static load of car货车动载重dynamic load of car货车载重量利用率coefficient of utilization for car loading capacity 货车日产量serviceable work-done per day超限货物out-of-gauge freight超限货物等级classification of out-of-gauge freight超限货物检查架examining rack for out-of-gauge freight阔大货物exceptional dimension freight超常货物exceptional length freight货物转向架freight turning rack货物转向架支距distance between centers of freight turning rack跨装straddle车钩缓冲停止器device for stopping buffer action游车idle car货物重心的横向位移lateral shift for center of gravity of goods货物重心的纵向位移longitudinal shift for center of gravity of goods 集重货物concentrated weight goods重车重心center of gravity for car loaded重车重心高center height of gravity for car loaded危险货物dangerous freight;dangerous goods易腐货物perishable freight冻结货物frozen freight冷却货物cooled freight加冰所re-icing point控温运输transport under controlled temperature保温运输insulated trainsport冷藏运输refrigerated transport加温运输heating transport通风运输ventilated transport容许运输期限permissive period of transport国际货物联运international through freight traffic铁路的连带责任joint responsibility of railway发送路originating railway到达路destination railway过境路transit railway国际铁路协定agreeement of frontier railway国际铁路货物联运协定agreement of international railway throangh freight traffic国际联运货物票据international through freight shipping documents国际联运货物交接单acceptance and delivery list of freight for international through traffic国际联运车辆交接单acceptance and delivery list of car for international through traffic国际联运货物换装transhipment of international through goods国际联运车辆过轨transferring of car from one railway to another for international through traffic 货物交接所freight transfer point铁路行车组织organization of train operation铁路行车组织规则rules for organization of train operation车站行车工作细则instructions for train operation at station列车train车列train set旅客列车编组passenger train formation旅客列车passenger train旅客快车fast passenger train旅客特别快车express train旅客直达特别快车through express train国际联运旅客特别快车interantional express train直通旅客列车through passenger train管内旅客列车local passenger train市郊旅客列车suburban passenger train混合列车mixed train旅游列车tourist train临时旅客列车extra passenger train;additional passenger train军用列车military train;troop train货物列车freight train;goods train始发直达列车through train originated from one loading point阶梯直达列车through train originated from several adjoining loading points空车直达列车through train with empty cars循环直达列车shuttled block train单元列车unit train组合列车combined train技术直达列车technical through train直通列车transit train区段列车district train摘挂列车pick-up and drop train区段小运转列车district transfer train枢纽小运转列车junction terminal transfer train路用列车railway service train列车重量标准railway train load norm车辆换算长度converted car length铁路站场与枢纽车站工作组织organization of station operation站界station limit车站等级class of station无调中转车transit car without resorting有调中转车transit car with resorting本站作业车local car接发列车train reception and departure行车闭塞法train block system空间间隔法space-interval method时间间隔法time-interval method书面联络法written liaison method行车凭证running token办理闭塞blocking进路route准备进路preparation of the route列车进路train route调车进路shunting route通过进路through route接车进路receiving route发车进路departure route平行进路parallel route敌对进路conflicting route]开放信号clearing signal关闭信号closing signal调车进路shunting;resorting;car classification解体调车break-up of trains编组调车make-up of trains摘挂调车detaching and attaching of cars取送调车taking-out and placing-in of cars推送调车push-pull shunting溜放调车fly-shunting;coasting;jerking驼峰调车humping有调中转车停留时间detention time of car in transit with resorting 集结时间car detention time under accumulation无调中转车停留时间detention time of car in transit without resorting中转车平均停留时间average detention time of car in transit双重作业double freight operations一次货物作业平均停留时间average detention time of local car for loading or unloading车站办理车数number of inbound and outbound car handled at station车站技术作业表station technical working diagram现在车cars on hand运用车serviceable car;car for traffic use;cars open to traffic非运用车non-serviceable car;car not for traffic use列车编组顺序表train consist list;train list列车预报train list information in advance列车确报train list information after depature车流car flow车流组织organization of car flow货物列车编组计划freight train formation plan车流径路car flow routing列车去向train destination列车编成辆数number of cars in a train列车运行时刻表timetable列车运行线train path上行方向up direction下行方向down direction列车车次train number核心车次scheduled train number机车周转图locomotive working diagram平行运行图parallel train diagram非平行运行图non-parallel train diagram单线运行图train diagram for singletrack双线运行图train diagram for doubletrack成对运行图train diagram in pairs不成对运行图train diagram not in pairs追踪运行图train diagram for automatic block signals基本运行图primary train diagram分号运行图variant train diagram车站间隔时间time interval between two adjacent train at station不同时到达间隔时间time interval between two opposing trains arriving at station not at the same time 会车间隔时间time interval for two meeting train at station同方向列车连发间隔时间time interval for two trains despatching in succession in the same direction追踪列车间隔时间time interval between trains spaced by automatic block signals运输能力transport capacity通过能力carrying capacity输送能力traffic capacity货运波动系数fluctuating coefficient of freight traffic能力储备系数coefficient of reserved capacity区间通过能力carrying capacity of the block section运行图周期period in the train diagram通过能力限制区间restriction section of carrying capacity列车扣除系数coefficient of train removal运输工作技术计划plan of technical indices for freight traffic装车数number of car loadings卸车数number of car unloadings接运重车数number of loaded cars received交出重车数number of loaded cars delivered接入空车数number of empty cars received交出空车数number of empty cars delivered运用车工作量number of serviceable cars turnround管内工作车local cars to be unloaded移交车loaded cars to be delivered at junction stations空车走行率percentage of empty to loaded car kilometers货车周转距离average car-kilometers in one turnround货车中转距离average car-kilometers per transit operation管内装卸率local loading and unloading rate货车周转时间car turnround time运用车保有量number of serviceable cars held kept货车日车公里car kilometers per car per day列车密度train density技术速度technical speed旅行速度travelling speed;commerial speed列车出发正点率percentage of punctuality of trains despatched to total trains 列车运行正点率percentage of punctuality of trains running to total trains铁路运输调度railway train control;railway traffic dispatching调度所traffic controller’s office ;dispatcher’s office调度区段train dispatching section;train control section调度命令traffic [dispatching] order;train [dispatching] order车流调整adjustment of car flow装车调整adjustment of car loading空车调整adjustment of empty cars备用货车reserved cars运输工作日常计划day-to-day traffic working plan调度日班计划daily and shift traffic plans运行图天窗‘sky-light’ in the train diagram;‘gap’ in the train diagram车站作业计划station operating plan车站班计划station shift operating plan车站阶段计划station stage operating plan调车作业计划shunting operation plan列车运行调整train operation adjustment运转车长train guard列车等级train class反向行车train running in reverse direction列车运缓train running delay列车等线train waiting for a receiving track列车保留train stock reserved列车停运withdrawal of train列车加开running of extra train运输方案traffic program分界点train spacing point线路所block post辅助所auxiliary block post车站station会让站passing station越行站overtaking station中间站intermediate station区段站district station横列式区段站transversal type district station纵列式区段站longitudinal type district station编组站marshalling station;marshalling yard路网性编组站network marshalling station区域性编组站regional marshalling station地方性编组站local marshalling station单向横列式编组站unidirectional transversal type marshalling station 单向纵列式编组站unidirectional longitudinal type marshalling station 单向混合式编组站unidirectional combined type marshalling station 双向横列式编组站bidirectional tranxversal type marshalling station 双向纵列式编组站bidirectional longitudinal type marshalling station 双向混合式编组站bidirectional combined type marshalling station主要编组站main marshalling station辅助编组站auxiliary marshalling station自动化编组站automatic marshalling station客运站passenger station通过式客运站through-type passenger station尽头式客运站stub-end passenger station客货运站mixed passenger and freight station货运站freight station尽头式货运站stub-end freight station直通式货运站through-type freight station换装站transhipment station工业站industrial station港湾站harbour station国境站frontier station国际联运站international through traffic station联轨站junction station技术站technical station铁路枢纽railway junction terminal三角形枢纽triangle-type junction terminal十字形枢纽cross-type junction terminal顺列式枢纽longitudinal arrangement type junction terminal 并列式枢纽parallel arrangement type junction terminal环形枢纽loop-type junction terminal混合形枢纽combined type junction terminal尽端式枢纽stub-end type junction terminal站线siding;station track;yard track到发线arrival and departure track到达线receiving track;arriving track出发线departure track编发线marshalling-departure track调车线shunting track;classification track牵出线switching lead;shunting neck;lead track存车线storage siding机车走行线locomotive running track机待线locomotive waiting track安全线catch siding避难线refuge siding尽头线stub-end siding专用线private siding客车洗车线washing siding for passenger vehicle联络线connecting line迂回线round about line环线loop枢纽直径线diametrical line of junction terminal段管线depot siding整备线servicing siding线路中心线central lines of track驼峰推送线pushing track of hump驼峰溜放线hump lead;rolling track of hump驼峰迂回线uound about line of hump难行线hard running track易行线easy running track线束track group线路全长total track length线路有效长effective track length坡度牵出线draw-out track at grade道岔绝缘段insulated switch section道岔配列switch layout禁溜车停留线no-humping car storage车场yard到达场receiving yard;arriving yard出发场departure yard到发场receiving-departure yard直通场through yard调车场marshalling yard;shunting yard;classification yard 辅助车场auxiliary yard箭翎线herringbone track调车设备marshalling facilities;classification facilities。
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铁路行车组织英语名词术语大全1.铁路行车组织(organization of train operation)铁路行车组织是铁路运输组织的重要组成部分,是铁路综合运用各种技术设备合理组织列车运行以实现旅客和货物运输过程的生产计划与组织工作。
2.铁路技术管理规程(简称《技规》Regulations Governing Railway Technical Operation)《技规》是铁路进行技术管理和从事运输生产的基本法规。
3.铁路行车组织规则(简称《行规》Rules Governing Organization of Train Operation;operating rules)《行规》是铁路局根据《技规》中行车组织篇规定的原则,结合铁路局管内技术设备的具体条件所制定的一种行车组织的补充规则,作为《技规》的补充。
4.车站行车工作细则(简称《站细》Detailed Instructions Governing Train Operation at Station;technologic instructions of station)《站细》是根据《技规》和《行规》的有关规定,结合车站技术设备和作业等具体条件所制定的车站技术管理和作业组织的基本技术文件。
6.车组(wagon group)若干车辆连挂在一起,称为车组。
7.车列(train stock;train set)若干车组连挂在一起,称为车列。
8.旅客列车(passenger train)旅客列车是以客车(包括代用客车)编组的为运送旅客及行李、包裹、邮件的列车。
9.混合列车(mixed train)混合列车是以运送旅客的车辆为基本车组,与运送货物的车辆混合编成的列车,或是货物列车中编挂乘有旅客的车辆达到规定辆数的列车。
10.客运列车(passenger train)旅客列车与混合列车的总称。
11.军用列车(military train;troop train)军用列车是按规定条件运送军队与军用物资的列车。
12.货物列车(goods train;freight train)货物列车是以运送货物的车辆编成的列车。
13.快运货物列车(fast goods train)快运货物列车是快带运送鲜活、易腐及其他急运货物的列车。
14.直达列车(through goods train;block train)在装(卸)车站或技术编组,通过一个及其以上编组站不进行改编作业的列车,称为直达列车。
15.始发直达列车(through goods train originated from one loading point)在一个车站装车后组成的直达列车,称为始发直达列车。
16.阶梯直达列车(through goods train originated from several adjoingin loading points)在同一区段或相邻区段的几个站装(卸)车后组成的直达列车,称为阶梯直达列车。
17.空车直达列车(through train of empty wagons)在一个或数个卸车站,或者在技术站由空车编成而成的直达列车,称为空车直达列车。
18.循环直达列车(unite train;shuttled through block train)以一定类型和数量的货车编成,在固定的装(卸)站之间不拆散循环往返的直达列车,称为循环直达列车。
19.技术直达列车(technical through train)在技术站以中转车及货物作业车等编成的直达列车,称为技术直达列车。
20.直通列车(iner-marshalling yard through goods train;transit train)在技术站编组并通过一个及其以上区段站不进行改编作业的列车,称为直通列车。
21.区段列车(district train)在技术站编组并到达相邻技术站,在区段内不进行摘挂作业的列车,称为区段列车。
22.摘挂列车(pick-up goods train;way freight train)在技术站编组并在邻接区段内的中间站进行摘挂作业的列车,称为摘挂列车。
23.小运转列车(district transfer train;joint terminal transfer)在技术站和邻接区段规定范围内的几个车站间开行的列车称为区段小运转列车。
24.超限列车(train attached with wagons loaded with out-of-gauge goods)挂有装载超限货物的车辆并冠以超限列车车次的列车称为超限列车。
25.重载列车(heavy-load train)牵引重量超过5000t的货物列车为重载列车。
26.组合列车(combined train)由二或三列车联挂在一起组成的货物列车,称为组合列车。
27.路用列车(service train)路用列车是专为运送铁路自用物资或设备的列车。
28.特殊用途列车(special-purpose train)为特殊目的而开行的列车,如专运列车、救援列车、抢修抢救列车、除雪列车、回送入厂列车、试运转列车等。
29.列车牵引重量标准(又称列车牵引定数train load limit;train tonnage rating)在一定类型机车车辆及线路条件下,按照牵引计算和牵引试验所确定的列车重量,称为列车牵引重量标准。
30.换算长度(简称换长converted length)机车车辆通常以其前后两钩舌内侧距离按11m长为一换算单位计算得出的比值表示其长度,称为换算长度。
31.超重、超长与欠轴(over-loaded train,train in excess specified length,underloaded train and train under specified length)货物列车实际牵引重量超过运行图规定的该区段货物列车牵引定数(考虑规定的波动尾数),且连续运行超过规定距离者为超重;货物列车实际牵引长度超过运行图规定的该区段货物列车换算长度(考虑规定的波动尾数)且连续运行超过规定距离者为超长。
32.分界点(intermediate train distancing post;operating control point)为保证行车安全和提高区段通过能力,将铁路线路划分为区间的设备称为分界点。
34.线路所(block post)线路所为无配线的分界点,一般只办理接发列车工作。
35.客运站(passenger station)专门为办理旅客运输而设的车站,称为客运站。
36.货运站(goods station;freight station)专门办理货物运输而设的车站称为货运站。
37.客货运站(passenger and goods station)办理行车工作和客货运业务的车站称为客货运站。
38.编组站(marshalling yard;marshalling station)担当大量列车解编作业,编组直达、直通和其它列车和车站称为编组站。
39.区段站(district station)设于划分货物列车牵引区段的地点,或区段车流集散地点;一般只改编区段到发的车流,解体与编组区段、沿零摘挂列车的车站称为区段站。
40.技术站(technical station)编组站和区段站总称为技术站。
41.中间站(intermediate station;wayside station)一般设于技术站之间区段内,只办理列车接发、会让和通过作业,沿零摘挂列车的调车和装卸作业的车站称为中间站。
42.站界(border of station;station limit)车站管辖范围的界限称为站界。
43.车站等级(class of station)为衡量车站客货运量和技术作业量大小,以及在政治上、经济上和铁路网上的地位所划分的不同等级称为车站等级。
44.中转车(transit wagon)在车站一般不进行装卸作业的运用货车称为中转车。