
第五步连句成篇, 第五步连句成篇,过渡自然
对译出的要点通过合理的组合,加 对译出的要点通过合理的组合, 上必要的连接词或词语以及照顾到文章 的首尾呼应,再加上必要的结束语。 的首尾呼应,再加上必要的结束语。
参考答案 It was March the eighth that day, Women’s Day. LiHua had a good idea and told his father that he was going to do something to celebrate it. He asked his father to help him. First they decided to do some housework, which was always done by his mother. LiHua cleaned the house completely while his father did some washing.
See you later!
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看图作文讲评2 看图作文讲评
下列四幅图描述了李华一家某一天的经历。请根 下列四幅图描述了李华一家某一天的经历。 据画面及图中的有关提示, 据画面及图中的有关提示,用第三人称的口吻 写一篇120字左右的短文意:可以适当增加细节,并展开合理的想 使故事完整连贯。 象,使故事完整连贯。
第二幅图 They decided to do some housework, which was always done by his mother. LiHua cleaned the house completely. His father did some washing.

She turned off the light and was leaving the classroom when she turned around to make sure all things were done well. Just then it began to rain heavily.when she got home,it was already half past three.
She hurried right to her classroom and opened the door.Oh,dear! All the windows were open,and the strong wind filled the classroom with great noise.it was not at all easy for her to shut up all the windows.
The wind blowing in through the open window made her feel a bit cold. She knew a heavy rain would soon arrive.She thought of her classroom again. She wondered whether the students on duty had closed the windows properly. She got up and put on her clothes.It was then 2 o’clock.
芳芳是个好学生。请根据下面5幅图用英语 写一篇短文,词数120以上.
• 如果单从画面看,所得的信息无非是:一天夜里, 风刮得很大。芳芳两点钟起床,赶到学校,把窗 户关好后回家。 • 如果你就按上述所看到的信息去写,肯定拿不到 高分。这是篇记叙文,记叙了芳芳做好事的前后 经过。但记叙离不开人。所以要根据“芳芳是个 好学生”这个信息对人物展开合理的想象:Fang Fang is a good student.She lives near her school.This term she was elected monitor of her class.She is a very responsible for her class work.给下面的叙述奠定了基础。

参考词汇:help, stop, knock…down, the fallen oil bottle, straighten, disagree, set a good example to, build up our society注意:不要受所给词语的限制要求:1.词数:100词左右;2.开头已给出。
One day, Xiao Ming saw a little girl fall over.______________________________________一、选择要点左边一幅图1.女孩跌倒2.小明要帮她3.小明的母亲阻拦他说:“不要扶,否则人家会说是你把她碰倒的。
”右边一幅图1.有一天,小明母亲看到倒在地上的瓶子2.小明说:“我扶了,你会说是我碰倒的”二、简译要点左边一幅图1.One day, Xiao Ming saw a little girl fall over. (试题中已给出)2.Xiao Ming wanted to help the girl up.3.His mother stopped him and said, “Don’t do that, otherwise others will think it was you who knocked her down.”右边一幅图1.Another day, the mother saw the fallen oil bottle on the ground.2.Xiao Ming said to his mother,(注意小明的话要用虚拟语气)“If I had straightened the bottle up, you would have thought that I did it.”三、增加要点,以使文章连贯1.小明的母亲看到倒在地上的瓶子,而小明却视而不见,心情如何:比如表示惊讶,震惊等2.小明的母亲看到这种情形后,可能对小明说些什么:比如:你为什么不把倒在地上的瓶子扶起来呢?翻译增加的要点(Another day,)the mother was shocked to see Xiao Ming just let the fallen oil bottle be,saying to him,“Can’t you see the fallen oil?Why can’t you straighten it up?”四、自拟感想1.我对小明母亲在上述图中所述故事中的做法看法:不同意2.我想:①父母应该为孩子树立好榜样②父母不仅要关心孩子的身体,还要关心他们的思想③父母应该让孩子知道帮助处在困难中的人是一件快乐的事。

I often stay up late to go over my lessons for college entrance examination.Picture 1:I woke up at nine o’clock this morning .Picture 2:I got dressed.I rushed into the living room .Mother was preparing breakfast there .Picture 3:I got on my bike .Picture 4:When I got to the school,I found the schoolgate was closed.3、衔接将图中和图与图之间隐藏的要点挖掘出来。
Last night I didn’t go to bed until 12 O’ clock.对第二幅图我们要根据常识补出:(起来后)要洗漱:I brushed my teeth and washed my face quickly.对于第二和第三幅图之间我们也应该根据常识补出下列要点:图中的母亲有没有讲什么?(因为时间紧张,母亲没有来得及讲什么)我去上学肯定要拿什么?(书包)Before she could say anything,I got my school-bag…对于第三幅图,我们可以相象一下:“我”骑车往学校赶的路上的心情害怕迟到受处罚,而拼命地骑车I was afraid that I would be punished by the teacher because of be late so I rode as fast as I could. 对于第四幅图我们可以推测:因为车骑得快,因而心理感到好象没过几分钟就到了学校.It seemed only a few minutes before l got to the school.4、成文加上过渡词语、改变一些句式,整理成文。
英语高考作文 看图作文评价

能表达丰富的内容所致;体现了较强的 语言运用能力; • 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,所写 内容连贯、结构紧凑。 完全达到了预期的写作目的。
In the morning of Feb.8,2018, I was walking along on the park road. A old man was acrossing the park road. The car hitted the old man , the
Evaluating &improving a composition
Lin Lihong
2)字数统计及检查体裁、 人称、主体时态.
4)语法(如语态、人称和数、 句子结构、用词等是否正确及 时态是否一致)
In the morning of Feb.8,2018, I was walking along on the park road. A old man was acrossing the park road. The car hitted the old man , the
car don’t stop but drived away quickly. I remembered the car number is AC864.
• 未能传达任何信息:写的内容与要求无 关。
第五档 (1—5分)
未完成试题规定的任务。 • 明显遗漏主要内容; • 句式单调、词汇贫乏; • 语法或用词方面错误较多,严重影响了

• 5、连句成篇,过渡自然 • 对译出的要点通过合理的组合,加上必
要的连接词或词语以使表达连贯,再加 上文章开头和结尾的话照顾到文章的首 尾呼应。
• My uncle will never forget what happened to him yesterday.
• How he regretted what he had done!
• 将围绕主题初选出的要点和 经过合理想象补出的要点翻 译出来并连成句子。将图中 和图与图之间隐藏的要点挖 掘出来。
• 第一幅图:Yesterday evening my uncle was invited to dinner by his friends.He was so glad that he drank a lot of beers.As a result he got drunk.
• 第二幅图:根据他说的话:No problem可以推断:朋 友劝他,他没听,坚持驾车回家
• 第三幅图:酒后驾车,可以想象开车的情况:蜿蜒向 前,撞树出事故。根据第四幅图可推断他没有死而是 受了伤。警察到现场,将他送往医院。
• 第四幅图:因伤势严重,要住院几天;警察对他处罚 吊销驾照
• 4、变点为句
第四幅图:He had to stay in hospital for several days because of being seriously injurned. He was fined by the police and his driving license was revoked.
• How he regretted what he had done!
第二幅图:酒后ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ车
高考英语 书面表达专题指导与练习讲评(图画式作文)练习讲评一

请根据下面6幅图,用英语写一篇题为An Accident的短文。
An Accident①有一天,我和父亲在湖边散步;②一个女孩骑自行车路过(结合后面的图中所反映的内容可以推断女孩骑车的速度很快)。
遣词造句(注意多重表达)One day Daddy and I were taking a walk by the lake .A girl rode past at a very high speed.We heard a frightened scream.There was a big noise of something dropping into the water.Something dropped into the water, making a big noise.We turned and found the girl struggling in the lake.The girl was crying for help.We heard the girl crying for help.Dad and I ran as possible as quickly towards her and pulled her out of the water.Without hesitation, Dad and I ran quickly towards her and saved her.We also managed to get her bike which fell into the lake.We were also able to pull her bike out of the water.The girl rode away even without saying"Thanks".I had thought the girl would say "Thank you"to us before she left, but she said nothing and rode away.I felt quite puzzled at her behavior.I felt quite disappointed at her impoliteness.连贯成篇One day Daddy and I were taking a walk by the lake when a girl rode past at a very high speed. Then suddenly we heard a frightened scream, followed by a big noise of something dropping into the water. We turned and found the girl struggling in the lake, crying for help. Without hesitation, Dad and I ran quickly towards her and pulled her out of the water. We also managed to get her bike. Almost immediately,the girl rode away even without saying"Thanks". I felt quite puzzled at her impoliteness.围绕女孩的无礼行为自拟感想①对自己:为什么要帮助别人?帮助别人是明德,不是图别人的感谢;②对女孩的无礼进行评论:许多年轻人不懂礼貌,这对建设和谐社会非常有害。

八点多,别人还在觥筹交错,我们就结伴回酒店了。路上,那个比我年长几岁,在我心目中一直是“老奸巨猾”印象的销售经理跟我说,他父亲11月去世了,58岁,去世前,病了十九年。我拍拍他 的肩膀,什么也没说。他送我到酒店,我俩又聊了一个小时,交流工作和生活,一起吐槽。他像往常一样,笑呵呵说了很多,在无数扯淡里,也给了我一些有用的建议。等他笑着告辞走了,我跟自己说, 完全看不出来……拉上窗帘前,我看了眼远处的灯光,用最后一点矫情,跟西安说了声晚安。
我没纠结天天的事儿,跟叶子随便说了两句就挂断了,趴床上处理完邮件,又写了篇文章。然后,是学英语。快11点的时候,老板发来信息,又安排了一份工作任务。第二天的活动挺顺利,唯一美 中不足的是午餐,太素。不过,这并不妨碍我吃很多。负责做讲座应用部经理对这种午餐没有兴趣,销售经理很是善解人意地出去给她买了份水盆羊肉回来。她是我们公司的技术大拿,也是我的老同 事老朋友了,我到现在这家公司,跟她也有关系。下午,她就赶飞机回上海了,因为孩子明天要考试。我跟销售经理留下参加主办方的晚宴,很丰盛,有各色牛羊肉,清蒸鱼,还有葫芦鸡。最重要的是, 还上了一大碗面条。本以为要跟臊子面失之交臂的我,开心地拍照发到群里说:“臊子面,可算吃到了。”结果,有人提醒我说:“像是油泼面。”面条味道很一般,也可能是因为上来太晚,我已经吃 撑了,所以吃不出味道。球探比分

高三英语看图作文讲评汇编文字讲稿7 看下列六幅图,请你以Save Water为题写一篇120字以上的短文。
第一步:认真审图,了解大意仔细看图,图中出现了两个人物.为了叙述的方便,我们分别给他们取名为:李明和李冬.大意是:李明玩水,李冬看到了,及时纠正,提醒人们节约用水.第二步:围绕主题,提炼要点围绕确立的主题,仔细看图,初步列出每幅图的要点,并简要译出.图1:李明打开水龙头玩水,把水溅得满地都是.Li Ming turned on the tap to play with water and splashed water here and there on the ground. 图2:李冬正好路过,李明把水溅在他身上,李明被弄得浑身湿透.Li Dong happened to pass by when Li Ming splashed him with water and made him all wet. 图3:李明没有关水龙头就逃走了.Li Ming ran away without turning off the tap.图4:李冬走过去关上水龙头.Li Dong went over and turned off the water.图5:李冬写好布告贴在水龙头附近的墙上.Li Dong wrote a notice and put it up on the wall near the tap.图6:李明返回后看到布告,布告上写着“节约用水”Li Ming went back and saw the notice,reading “Save Water”.第三步:合理想象,补出要点将六幅图连起来并结合考虑每幅图中的各个细节进行想象,将隐藏的要点补出来,使故事连贯。
第一幅图:补出故事发生的时间:如放学后的某一天第四幅图:补出:李冬看到这一切……,怎么做(关上水龙头);心里怎么想:非常生气,认为不应该浪费水.第五幅图:补出:写布告的地点.如:回家写第六幅图:补出:过了一段时间…..(李明返回,看到布告后的)愧疚心理.第四步:连句成篇,过渡自然Save WaterOne day after school, Li Ming turned on a tap and splashed water here and there on the ground. Li Dong happened to pass by when Li Ming played a joke on him to splash him with water and made him all wet. Li Ming was afraid that Li Dong would puish him so he ran away without turning off the tap. When Li Dong saw this, he went over and turned off the water. He was angry because he thought water shouldn‟t be wasted. Then he went home and wrote a notice,reading…Save Water‟.He put it up on the wall near the tap. After some time, Li Ming went back and saw the notice. He felt sorry for what he had done.江苏省石庄高级中学高三英语看图作文讲评汇编文字讲稿8为迎接高考,你常常复习功课到深夜。

• 芳芳是个好学生。请根据下面5幅图用英语 写一篇短文,词数120以上.
• 如果单从画面看,所得的信息无非是:一天夜里, 风刮得很大。芳芳两点钟起床,赶到学校,把窗
• 如果你就按上述所看到的信息去写,肯定拿不到 高分。这是篇记叙文,记叙了芳芳做好事的前后
好学生”这个信息对人物展开合理的想象:Fang Fang is a good student.She lives near her school.This term she was elected monitor of her class.She is a very responsible for her class work.给下面的叙述奠定了基础。
Fang Fang got o’clock.
She closed the windows of her classroom.
After a while she got up to the school.
She turned off the light and was leaving the classroom when she turned around to make sure all things were done well. Just then it began to rain heavily.when she got home,it was already half past three.
• 第三步:整理成文
• 根据合理的想象和字数限制合成一篇短文
• One night, the wind was blowing outside and struck the window so heavily that the noise woke up Fang Fang. The wind blowing in through the open window made her feel a bit cold.She knew a heavy rain would soon arrive when she wondered whether the students on duty had closed the windows properly. It was then 2 o’clock but she to go out right away,and get to the school before the storm came.She opened the door,and rushed out into the dark.On the way,the strong wind made it difficult for her to go forward quickly.In spite of this,she ran as fast as possible,and after a while she got to the school. She hurried right to her classroom and opened the door.Oh,dear! All the windows were open,and she shut up all the windows one by one. She turned off the light and was leaving the classroom when it began to rain heavily.When she got home,it was already half past three.

钱塘江流域邻近中国东南沿海,属亚热带季风气候区,年平均温度17℃,冬季盛行西北风,天气晴冷干燥;夏季多东南风,气温高,光照强,空气湿润;春秋两季气旋活动频繁,冷暖变化大,夏多 锋面雨,季风环流的方向与主要山脉走向基本正交,山脉起着阻滞北方寒流和台风的作用,以及江水四季澄碧,清澈见底。夹江两岸,群山蜿蜒,翠岗重叠,山势各殊万态,神木参天,谷多飞瀑流泉, 种植土壤肥沃,春茶吐芽时节,细雨蒙蒙,云雾环绕,气候潮湿,因其优越独特的生态环境和特殊的地理位置,成就了“涌潮茶”独特的品质与风韵。
每一种茶就像是一位老师,帮你扫除疲惫,涤净心尘,带你走进意趣盎然的世界。不同的茶,不同的时间、不同的地点、不同的泡数,会给你的带来完全不同的感受。它像一段经历,更像每一个平 凡的日子,跌跌宕宕、起起伏伏,时而浓郁,时而柔和,时而清新,而宁静。nba论坛
我喜欢和习惯泡的是一种涌潮茶,倒不是因为这茶的名字“涌潮”二字如人生潮汐的风景轨迹,潮起潮落,其中沉浮,温凉自知。我更喜欢和习惯了他的茶味醇厚有劲,多道冲泡,水底香韵依然不 减,既老成深邃,又有十分烂漫,这是其它茶所不具有的,这种气节或许是与其产地和出身分不开的。
高三英语看图作文讲评课件 人教版

• 五、查错改错:主谓一致吗?时态正确吗?有“半截话” 吗?要尽量剔除错误 • 六、誊写:卷面整洁不一定加分,卷面潦草一定要扣分!
假设下面六幅图画描述的是你在5月3日(星期五)的一段亲 身经历。请你根据画面所示内容,用英语写一篇100字左 右的日记。
I went to the cinema this afternoon.
Warming up Revision of proverbs 1. 双鸟在林不如手握其一。(到手为财。) 2. 事实胜于雄辩。 3. 经验是好的,只要代价不太高。 4. 英雄所见略同。 5. 母爱永恒。
Today’s proverb:
恩将仇报。(以怨报德。)Bite the hand that feeds one.
根据提供的信息写 “建设和谐社会”倡议 书
全国卷1 、 山东、广东、辽宁、江西
记叙为主 旁带说明 稍加议论
剖析产生现象的社会原因,需自己表达观点否 • 二、抓要点:确定主要行为(详略得当,突出主题),
• 一、看图审题:认真读题然后找出基本要素:5W1H: • 何时, 何地 ,何人, 为何, 如何, 做了何事 明白主题和寓意,
May 3rd,Friday
On my way to the cinema this afternoon, I happened to see a case fall off a man’s bike. After picking up the case, I shouted at the man loudly, but he rode too fast to hear me. I was wondering what I should do when an idea suddenly struck me. I stopped a taxi as quickly as I could so as to catch up with the man. Fortunately, I caught up with him and handed the case to him. Getting the case back from me, the man was so grateful to me that he insisted on offering me some money as a reward. But I refused him politely. I went back to the cinema with the help of the driver. To my surprise, the driver didn’t accept the money because he was very moved at what I did. How proud I was!

晚上回家用肉炒了芦笋和白菜,微波炉把买来的俩馒头加热了一分钟,开吃。芦笋全部吃光,白菜留了半盘,明天中午带饭的。至于米饭,那会在早上起床再烧,半个小时就熟了,来得及。吃饱喝 足,坐在阳台上看了看窗外的风景,学了会儿英语,就洗澡上床躺着了,顺便等叶子的电话。7点多,电话响了,接起来,天天就在那头着:“爸爸,讲一个故事,小狐狸迟到了,他还踢老师,被警 察装在笼子里抓走了。”我给他讲了迟到和早退,又顺便讲了旷课和旷工,以及可能的后果。小狐狸不让爸爸去上班,让他陪自己玩,爸爸要走,他就哭着打滚,爸爸只好留下,但他爸爸总是旷工,老 被罚款,家里没钱出去旅游了。“我让爸爸去上班。”天天跟我说:“爸爸不陪我,我有点不开心,但不难过。”故事讲完了,跟他说再见,天天却突然说:“爸爸,我还有话说。”我很好奇:“什么 事儿啊,你说。”“爸爸,我要批评你!”他在那头说。“批评我什么啊?”我问。“你在我三岁半的时候打过我。”他说。“瞎说,我什么时候打不过你!”我委屈道。“你就是打过。”他说。我完 全不记得了,小孩子可能会说冒话吧,但还是跟他说:“好吧,那爸爸道歉,你能原谅爸爸吗?”“嗯,我原谅你了。”天天说:“但你不许再打我了。”“爸爸保证,以后再也不打天天了。”我说。 “如果你再打我……”他在那边说。我插话说:“那你就再也不原谅爸爸了。”他却说:“不是,我会提醒你,但还是会原谅你的啊。”百合网会员登录网页

(词数:100左右)时间:明天上午8点地点:科学宫主讲人:南京大学王教授内容:污染问题(1)the Great Wall Hotel (2)traffic light(3)post-office (4)the Science Palace一、选择要点1、来通知你有关演讲的事,碰巧出去了,得留个便条给你。
二、简单翻译1. come to inform you of a speech,happen to be out,leave you the note2.a lecture /a speechat 8:00 tomorrow morning,in the Science Palace,Professor Wang from Nanjing University, on/about pollution3.walk there/go there on foot,get out of the hotel,turn left,walk down/along the street,come toa traffic light,turn right,cross the first crossing,go forward/straight ahead,go across the second crossing,see a post office, the Science Palace right opposite to it/on the other side.三、扩展成句I came to inform you of a speech.You happened to be out.I have to leave you the note.There will be a speech on pollution in the Science Palace at 8:00 tomorrow morning.It will be made/given/dilivered by Professor Wang from Nanjing University.You can go there on foot.Get out of the hotel.Turn left.Walk down the e to a traffic light.Turn right.Cross the first crossing .Go forward.Go across the second crossing.See a post office. The Science Palace is right opposite to it /on the other side of the street.四、合并要点I came to inform you of a speech but you happened to be out.So I have to leave you the note. There will be a speech on pollution given by Professor Wang from Nanjing University in the Science Palace at 8:00 tomorrow morning.You can go there on foot.When you get out of the hotel, turn left and walk down the street until you come to a traffic light,and there turn right,cross the first crossing and go straight ahead.Then go across the second crossing and you’ll see a post office. The Science Palace is right opposite to it.五、增加要点If you are interested in the lecture, please get to the Science Palace before 8:00./You are expected to listen to the speech.The Science Palace is not far from the Great Wall Hotel六、整理成文(注意便条的格式)January 20, 2006Dear Mr. Smith,Today I came to inform you of a speech but you happened to be out.So I have to leave youthe note.There will be a speech on pollution made by Professor Wang from Nanjing University in the Science Palace at 8:00 tomorrow morning. If you are interested in the lecture, please get to the Science Palace before 8:00.The Science Palace is not far from the Great Wall Hotel. You can go there on foot.When you get out of the hotel, turn left and walk down the street until you come to a traffic light,and there turn right,cross the first crossing and go straight ahead.Then go across the second crossing and you’ll see a post office. The Science Palace is right opposite to it.Yours trulyLi Hua。
高考英语 书面表达专题指导与练习讲评(图画式作文)练习讲评四

根据基本的价值观,我们可以归纳出图画所要表达的主题是:As can be seen from the cartoons, it is a story about a bad example of family education .围绕确立的主题,仔细看图和文字,列出图中的要点。
遣词造句(注意多重表达)A boy was trying to help a girl who fell over on the ground.A boy wanted to give a hand to a girl who fell over on the ground.His mother prevented him from helping the girl.His mother persuaded him not to do so.She said to his son “Don’t do that, otherwise others would think it was you who knocked her known”.She said to his son “If you did that, others would think it was you who knocked her known”.(注意虚拟语气的运用)Mom saw that her son ignored the fallen oil bottle on the ground .The boy was seen sitting leisurely with an oil bottle lying on the ground besides his feet.The boy said to his mother, “If I had lifted the oil bottle, you would think that it was me who brought it down.”The boy explained to his mother that had he lifted the oil bottle, she would think that it was him who brought it down.(注意虚拟语气的运用)Hearing his son’s explanation, Mom was shocked/astonished/surprised.连贯成篇As can be seen from the cartoons, it is a story about a bad example of family education. In the first picture, a boy was trying to help a girl who fell over on the ground while his Mom prevented him from doing so, saying “Don’t do that, otherwise others would think it was you who knocked her known”. In the second picture, the boy was seen sitting leisurely with an oil bottle lying on the ground besides his feet. “Why can’t you straighten it up?” she asked angrily, but she was greatly shocked by the explanation from the boy, “IfI had lifted the oil bottle, you would think that it was me who brought itdo wn.”围绕漫画主题自拟感想①我对漫画中母亲的做法看法:不同意②建议(解决的办法)父母是孩子的第一任老师,应该为孩子树立好榜样;父母不仅要关心孩子的身体,还要关心他们的思想;父母应该让孩子知道帮助处在困难中的人是一件快乐的事。

• Another big change is that our housing conditions have been improved. When they got married about twenty years ago, my parents had to live in a small room crowded with furniture, but now we have moved into a two-storeyed building with quite a few rooms inside it.
(2)公式: F =kQ1Q2/r2
• 四、修饰成文
• Changes In Our Life
• Over the past twenty years or so, great changes have taken place in our life. Take my family for example. In the past my parents got in touch with others by sending letters but now we can get in touch with others over the telephone at home.And my parents used to listen to the radio for news and other information,but now we can get much more news and information by watching TV.
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[填空题]在实际测量中,由于热端与冷端之间距离测量端。 [单选]病人X线片可见Codman三角,可能的诊断为()A.脂肪肉瘤B.骨肉瘤C.皮质旁肉瘤D.骨髓瘤E.骨巨细胞瘤 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列不符合先天性胆总管囊肿影像学检查特征的是()A.腹平片示右中上腹有一囊性占位性病变B.B超显示肝大,胆囊肿大淤胆C.B超显示右上腹囊性肿物,未见正常胆总管D.钡餐见十二指肠前移,前后径受压变窄E.IVP示右中上腹囊性肿物,右肾显影不清 [单选,A型题]能抑制敏感细胞蛋白质合成的细菌毒素为()A.白喉毒素B.肉毒毒素C.霍乱毒素D.表皮剥脱毒素E.红疹毒素 [单选]20世纪70年代中期以来,认知心理学家们开展了大量的关于儿童元认知的元认知知识、元认知体验、元认知监控这3种元认知成分的特征培养的研究,发现(),并认为这是导致年幼儿童不能很好地完成认知任务的重要原因。A.年幼儿童在元认知的这3种成分上都明显不如年长儿童B.年幼儿童 [判断题]泵站内轴流泵的电机应采用保护接零,剩水泵的电机应采用保护接地。A.正确B.错误 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料:某道路改建工程A合同段,道路正东西走向,全长973.5m,车行道宽度15m,两边人行道各3m与道路中心线平行且向北,需新建DN800mm雨水管道973m。新建路面结构为150mm厚砾石砂垫层,350mm厚二灰混合料基层,80mm厚中粒式沥青混凝土,40mm厚SMA改性沥青混 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪一项是乌梅丸的主治证?()A.寒格B.久利C.脏厥D.热利下重E.邪热伤阴 [单选]仪表专业中,以下字母表示流量的是()。A、FB、EC、PD、S [问答题,简答题]为什么要对抄表员进行抄表区轮换? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]《金匮要略》论历节病的成因是()。A.外感风寒湿之气B.肝肾亏虚,筋骨失养C.肝肾亏虚,风寒湿侵D.肝肾不足,寒伤骨髓E.阳气亏虚,血行不利 [单选]传输层模式可分为().A.电路模式.分组模式.贴中继模式和ATM模式B.PDH.SDH.ATM模式C.铜线系统.同轴电缆系统.光纤接入系统等 [判断题]装置引蒸气时应先开回水阀,再开进气阀。A.正确B.错误 [单选,B1型题]体现了新公共健康精神的项目是()A.预防为主B.三级预防C.强化社区行动D.人人享有卫生保健E.群众性自我保健 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]口角位置相对于()A.尖牙与第一前磨牙之间B.中切牙与尖牙之间C.第一、二前磨牙之间D.第二前磨牙与第一磨牙之间E.中切牙与尖牙之间 [填空题]依据支路电流法解得的电流为负值时,说明电流()方向与()方向相反。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]男性,54岁,近年来腰臀部疼放射到左足跟处,MRI示有L5,S1椎间盘突出,查体可能发现的体征是()。A.左提睾反射消失B.左膝反射减弱或消失C.左跟腱反射减弱或消失D.左跖反射消失E.左肛门反射消失 [单选]黄体的形成、发育和功能,描述恰当的是()A.维持14天左右均退化B.分泌孕激素C.排卵后由卵泡内膜和卵泡颗粒细胞形成D.排卵后由卵泡膜形成E.排卵后由卵泡细胞形成 [单选,A型题]以下哪项不属于食管的生理性狭窄()A.与咽连接处B.主动脉弓压迹C.左主支气管压迹D.食管下段鸟嘴样狭窄E.与胃连接部位 [判断题]不含汞的进出口电池,无需办理《进出口产品备案书》A.正确B.错误 [单选]结核病的传染源是排菌患者,一个涂片阳性的肺结核患者,平均每年可以传染的人数是()A.1~2个B.2~3个C.3~5个D.5~10个E.100个 [单选]转场航空器超过预定起飞时间()仍未起飞,又未申请延期的,其原飞行申请失效。A.半小时B.一小时C.两小时 [单选]《国务院关于投资体制改革的决定》要求,对使用政府性资金投资建设的项目,实行()管理。A.审批制B.核准制C.备案制D.注册制 [单选]分类随机储存兼具分类储存及随机储存的特色,需要的储存空间应为()。A.与分类储存相同B.大于分类储存C.小于随机储存D.介于两者之间 [单选]鲁迅在《阿Q正传》中塑造的阿Q形象,是一种()A.再造想象B.创造想象C.幻想D.无意想象 [单选]某市百货商场销售额2007年与2006年相比为150%,同期价格水平下降6%,则该商场销售量指数为()。A.133%B.159.57%C.121%D.118% [单选]国家税金、耕地占用税和营业税属于()负担。A.隐性B.显性C.间接D.直接 [单选]下述哪种情况下可出现睾丸鞘膜积液()A.睾丸肿瘤B.附睾炎C.原发病因不清D.睾丸外伤E.以上都是 [单选]在乳腺癌全野切线源皮距照射定位时,下列哪项描述是错误的()A.放好内外切线野的铅丝,向内切野方向转动机架50度左右,将内切野的内缘放在铅丝处B.升降床并左右移床至源皮距100cmC.透视并转动机架同时调节治疗床使两根铅丝与射野中心重叠并切肺1.5~2cmD.用虚线画上内切线 [单选,A1型题]关于脊髓灰质炎三型混合疫苗接种,错误的是()A.接种对象是两个月以上的正常小儿B.用热水先将糖丸融化后再服用C.基础免疫需服用三次,每次间隔一个月D.4岁还需要加强免疫一次E.口服后可获得局部免疫和体液免疫 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列关于DR较CR更具优点的描述中不正确的是()A.患者接受X线的剂量更小B.时间分辨力明显提高C.后处理图像的层次更加丰富D.实现X线数字化储存、再现及传输E.省略了CR技术中激光读取的步骤,更加简单 [单选]铁路平面无线调车A型号调车长台,调车长连续按压两次黄键再按下红键,546Hz音频呼叫()。A.站长B.区长C.车站发车人员D.司机 [单选]近视度数较高者常伴有多种眼底病变,但不包括()A.视网膜周边部骨细胞样色素沉着B.黄斑出血C.玻璃体后脱离D.豹纹状眼底E.视网膜下新生血管膜 [单选]以电子信息为代表的高科技产业的核心是(),它也是信息社会经济发展的基石。A.计算机技术B.网络技术C.微电子技术D.集成电路 [单选]按1980年的美元记价,设GD表示GDP平减指数。则1990年的实际GDP等于1990年名义GDP()。A.乘以(GD80/GD90);B.乘以(GD90/GD80);C.除以1980年的GD;D.除以1990年GD和1980年GD的差额。 [填空题]若AP工作在3.8GHZ频段,此频段可利用的不重叠信道有(),可根据邻区情况灵活使用。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]患儿,男,8岁,因少尿、血尿5天以急性肾小球肾炎收住入院,近一天呕吐5次,伴头痛、烦躁不安、一过性失明,该患儿可能出现了()A.严重的循环充血B.高血压脑病C.消化性溃疡D.脑栓塞E.脑膜炎 [单选]下列有关法律规范的效力等级和适用的说法哪一项是正确的?()A.地方性法规与规章具有同等效力B.规章具有同等效力C.部门规章之间对同一事项的规定不一致时,应由部门规章制定机关协商解决D.根据授权制定的地方性法规与法律规定不一致,不能确定如何适用时,由全国人大常委会 [单选,A1型题]男孩,3个月10d。每天以母乳加牛奶混合喂养。现添加米糊类食品,消化良好,其理由为()A.生后2个月唾液腺发育已完全完善B.唾液腺分泌的淀粉酶已为成人活力的1/3C.过早添加会引起频繁呕吐D.3个月后添加米糊食品还为时过早E.添加米糊食品最好为生后6个月 [单选,A1型题]精神药品处方至少保存()A.1年B.2年C.3年D.5年E.7年