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扎克伯格表示,现在的互联网只是由一堆网页间毫无组织的链接所组成。 这只是互联网的开端。“开放图谱”将让所有人都位于网络的中心。我们将赋 能于人们,让他们能创建一个更智能更个性化的网络。
扎克伯格有两套名片,一套只写着‘CEO’, 另一套则写着‘我是CEO,混蛋!’”。 他的办公室门上则贴着“我没时间,滚蛋。” “如果你是鬼,进来。那么你是白痴,滚远 点。”
“Different from the social networking website MySpace”, Zuckerberg said, “Usually an ordinary user can only see less than Facebook group in the others information 0.5%, this is because the Facebook took the information protection mechanism, not let the information disaster caused by flooding water, ensure user privacy safe and sound. In contrast, MySpace registered users as long as they wish, you can browse all other user data."
Facebook 就像是时尚 时尚永远都不会终结。 —— 扎克伯格
We are a private company, has no obligation to disclose the company ownership structure. The elder Bill Gate, personally I quite successful example of respect, he is also in the IT industry. If the outside to give me plus' Gates second 'hat, this is your wishful thinking. Why should I be Bill Gate? Microsoft is on the Windows and Office fortune, carrying my dream is the Internet, more specifically Facebook."
Steve Jobs & Mark Elliot Zuckerberg
“这周我得到一部iPhone。这个周末我用了四个充电器,以 便我随时能够充电。我还装了一部固定电话,以确保随时可以打电 话。”虽然对iphone的电池待机差做出了批评,但乔布斯和马克还 是亦师亦友的关系!
我做的东西 必须要酷 !!!
主要成就: 盖茨第二”的美誉 美国社交网站Facebook的创办人 代表作品:Facebook社交网站
《财富》杂志 10月11日 公布《2012“全球40位40 岁以下的商界精英”》排 行榜,扎克伯格夺得亚军。
据《福布斯》杂志保守估 计,马克·扎克伯格拥有 135亿美元身家,是2008 年全球最年轻的单身巨富, 也是历来ing the unknown future, Zuckerberg is confident: "a lot of companies have claimed that based on social network sites, their site similar, providing is dating sites, the media information collection, or community similar information, but Facebook is designed to help people understand the world. We will never copy of portal website, let users as much as possible consumption of time on the site. I believe Facebook future profitable. Want to peep has nothing to do with the netizen, no way!"
Facebook的创建目的并非 成为一家公司。它的诞生,是为了 践行一种社会使命:让世界更加开 放,更加紧密相连。
当人们发表关于我们的正面评论, 一定要说“不要相信这一切”。当 人们发表关于我们的负面评论,也 一定要说“不要相信这一切”。
姓名: 马克· 扎克伯格 外文名 : Mark Elliot Zuckerberg 国籍: 美国 出生地: 美国纽约州 出生日期:1984年05月14日 职业: Facebook社交网CEO 毕业院校: 哈佛大学
Facebook was not originally created to be a company. It was built to accomplish a social mission — to make the world more open and connected.
——Mark Elliot Zuckerberg
Today, our society has reached another tipping point. We live at a moment when the majority of people in the world have access to the internet or mobile phones — the raw tools necessary to start sharing what they're thinking, feeling and doing with whomever they want. Facebook aspires to build the services that give people the power to share and help them once again transform many of our core institutions and
In 2012 the person who is the most generous in the Silicon Valley
在硅谷为慈善事业捐献股票的榜单上,Facebook首席 执行长扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)排名第一。2012年, 28岁的扎克伯格为慈善事业捐赠了4.988亿美元的 Facebook股票。这些股票全都于去年12月份捐给硅谷 社区基金会(Silicon Valley Community Foundation), 用于教育和健康项目,共1,800万股。