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Andy Sachs才刚刚从大 学毕业,就在最时尚的杂 志社里找到一个令人羡慕 的工作,做魔鬼时尚主编 Miranda Priestly的助理。 社会在Andy Sachs的眼里, 来说就像她的穿着一样, 简单,大方。而经历了各 种困难挫折之后,Andy Sachs选择了坚持做好这个 工作。可是接着发生的一 切“不公平”,“事 故”“城府”等等令Andy Sachs最终还是做出了抉 择……
Learning point
1.grid your loins 也可用gird up one's loins表示,意思是 “Prepare oneself for action准备好(行动)”。 例句:I'm girding up my loins for that crucial interview. 2.sack俚语,意思是“解雇,开除”,既可以做动词 也可以做名词用。 3.Bloody time 太慢了 Bloody原意:血腥的;血淋淋的,这是bloody的俚语 用法,在这里相当于damn,用于表达自己的厌恶, 翻译成中文的话,大约类似于“该死的”,本身除 了表达厌恶外没有什么意义,而Bloody time,就是 很地道地表达“该死的时间”。
10. go up in smoke Go up in smoke 的意思就是To be destroyed (by fire),它既指某物被火 完全毁坏。 也可以引申为"某事被彻底破坏"。 11.Hang by a thread 也写作hang by a hair,意思是depend on a small thing or be at risk,命悬一线。
12. what they did, what they created was greater than art because you live your life in it. live in something;意思是活在……之中,为……而活。 live in短语: 1)live in the past 2)live in hope of(继续期望某件事情会 发生) 此外,live in 还可以表示“居住在工作或学习的地方”。 例如:They wanted a baby-sitter who could live in.
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Andy Sachs says that "I learned a lot" while she worked as an assistant to Miranda Priestly . Beside work practice, she learns that her inner self can't be changed by glamour. She's ambitious, intelligent, working hard and she also surprised me that she always manages to have a smile even in very difficult times. She proves herself that can reach the stars in one year but that means...losing friendships, humor and a boyfriend. She doesn't like to quit but control the adversities. I was enchanted by her from beginning to end. This movie isn't a comedy with gags but I smiled a lot. I think it is the best movie of 2006.
Frustrated with her demanding and unreasonable boss, Andy seeks advice from Nigel ,who helps her transform into something that Miranda could take more seriously. It works. As Andy's confidence improves, her ambition to win Miranda's trust and approval becomes stronger. She starts to cater to Miranda's every need, ridiculous schedule and demand at the expense of her own personal life, jeopardizing her relationship with beau, Nate . Before she knows it, she's becoming more and more like Miranda.
Miranda Priestly Andy Sachs Emily Serena Nate Lily
Meryl Streep Anne Hathaway Emily Blunt Gisele Bundchen Adrian Grenier Tracie Thoms
Andy gets a job as the second assistant to Miranda Priestly ,the ultra-demanding editor-in-chief. Her job involves doing Miranda's errands such as picking up her dry-cleaning and coffee. Besides, Andy has no interest in fashion or office politics. Immediately, she is a fish out of water. Miranda's first assistant, Emily , doesn't think much of Andy either. Miranda, however, thinks Andy is smart (and "fat") and different, somebody for her to
13.beat to the punch 也写作beat to the draw,意思是“比另一方/其他人反应 更快、更快采取行动” 例如:The new salesman tried to serve one of my customers, but I beat him to the draw. 14.Make a big deal out of 意思是:极端重视,对……大惊小怪,小题大做。 15. Just own up to it. Own up (to) “坦白地承认,供认”的意思。 当own up 后面要加"承认的事情"时, 需要叫上 to。
7.pick on “挑剔、戏弄”的意思。 例如:The boss is always picking on him. Pick on 还有“挑选(通常是挑选去做不愉快的事情)” 的意思。 例:The professor always picks on me to translate long passages. 8.fish out Fish out 的本意是“捕光某一水体中 的鱼”。 Fish out 还可以表示“从一堆东西中 发现/找出……(通常要费一番力 气)”。 例:She finally fished out the right letter from the files. 做此意 解时,这个片语也写作 fish up。 9.run errands 捎信,跑腿;供差遣
4.you are chained to that desk. 你必须一直呆在桌子旁。 Chain to,原意是:…的链子,束缚。 5.slice one’s hand open with … 被…划破手 6.Man the desk at all time. 随时坚守岗位.(man用作动词) 同样用法的还有:I've been manning the desk.