














































大气中的二氧化碳(CO2)浓度已经超过415 PPM,即CO2质量超过整个大气质量的万分之4.15,创造了有史以来的最高纪录。




二氧化碳浓度标准正常值当空气中二氧化碳含量正常的时候,它对人体无危害,那么,多大含量是正常的?一般在室内和大自然环境二氧化碳浓度是多少呢?在大自然环境里,空气中二氧化碳的正常含量是0.04%(400 PPM),在大城市里有时候达到500 PPM。

室内没有人的情况下,二氧化碳浓度一般在500到700 PPM左右。


如果我们短期处于二氧化碳过高的房间里,二氧化碳对我们的身体会起到以下影响:当二氧化碳的浓度达到1%(1000 PPM)时,人们会感到沉闷,注意力开始不集中,心悸。

如果在不透气的卧室里二氧化碳达到1000 PPM,而我们连续睡觉8个小时,早上起床时我们会感觉没有休息好,不想起床。

如果办公室的空气中CO2含量达到1000 PPM,员工们的工作效率会下降。

二氧化碳浓度达到1500-2000 PPM时,人们会感到气喘、头痛、眩晕。












根据美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)的数据,1958年至2021年的间隔中,二氧化碳浓度从约316.2 ppm (百万分之一)增加至415.37 ppm,呈现出显著的上升趋势。














[1] Pieler in atmospheric carbon dioxide-Global. esrl. noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/ . 2009[2] Etheridge D M,Steele L P, el CO2record derived from a spline fit (20 year cutoff) of the Law Dome DE08 and DE08-2 ice cores. ornl.gov/ftp/trends/co2/lawdome. smoothed. yr20 . 1998#--------------------------------------------------------------------# USE OF NOAA ESRL DATA## These data are made freely available to the public and the# scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination# will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights.# The availability of these data does not constitute publication## of the data. NOAA relies on the ethics and integrity of the user to # insure that ESRL receives fair credit for their work. If the data # are obtained for potential use in a publication or presentation,# ESRL should be informed at the outset of the nature of this work. # If the ESRL data are essential to the work, or if an important# result or conclusion depends on the ESRL data, co-authorship# may be appropriate. This should be discussed at an early stage in # the work. Manuscripts using the ESRL data should be sent to ESRL# for review before they are submitted for publication so we can# insure that the quality and limitations of the data are accurately # represented.—## Contact: Pieter Tans (303 497 6678;)## File Creation: Wed Jun 5 12:05:50 2013## RECIPROCITY## Use of these data implies an agreement to reciprocate.# Laboratories making similar measurements agree to make their# own data available to the general public and to the scientific# community in an equally complete and easily accessible form.(# Modelers are encouraged to make available to the community,# upon request, their own tools used in the interpretation# of the ESRL data, namely well documented model code, transport# fields, and additional information necessary for other# scientists to repeat the work and to run modified versions.# Model availability includes collaborative support for new# users of the models.#--------------------------------------------------------------------### See for additional details.?## Data from March 1958 through April 1974 have been obtained by C. David Keeling# of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and were obtained from the# Scripps website The estimated uncertainty in the annual mean is the standard deviation# of the differences of annual mean values determined independently by # NOAA/ESRL and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.## NOTE: In general, the data presented for the last year are subject to change,# depending on recalibration of the reference gas mixtures used, and other quality# control procedures. Occasionally, earlier years may also be changed for the same# reasons. Usually these changes are minor.【## CO2 expressed as a mole fraction in dry air, micromol/mol, abbreviated as ppm## year mean unc1959196019611962196319641965~19661967196819691971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 (1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 #1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 %1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 #20112012*#--------------------------------------------------------------------# USE OF NOAA ESRL DATA## These data are made freely available to the public and the# scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination# will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights.# The availability of these data does not constitute publication"# of the data. NOAA relies on the ethics and integrity of the user to # insure that ESRL receives fair credit for their work. If the data # are obtained for potential use in a publication or presentation, # ESRL should be informed at the outset of the nature of this work. # If the ESRL data are essential to the work, or if an important# result or conclusion depends on the ESRL data, co-authorship# may be appropriate. This should be discussed at an early stage in # the work. Manuscripts using the ESRL data should be sent to ESRL # for review before they are submitted for publication so we can# insure that the quality and limitations of the data are accurately # represented.|## Contact: Pieter Tans (303 497 6678;)## File Creation: Wed Jun 5 12:05:50 2013## RECIPROCITY## Use of these data implies an agreement to reciprocate.# Laboratories making similar measurements agree to make their# own data available to the general public and to the scientific# community in an equally complete and easily accessible form.|# Modelers are encouraged to make available to the community,# upon request, their own tools used in the interpretation# of the ESRL data, namely well documented model code, transport# fields, and additional information necessary for other# scientists to repeat the work and to run modified versions.# Model availability includes collaborative support for new# users of the models.#--------------------------------------------------------------------### See for additional details.~## Data from March 1958 through April 1974 have been obtained by C. David Keeling# of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and were obtained from the# Scripps website Annual CO2 mole fraction increase (ppm) from Jan 1 through Dec 31.## The uncertainty in the Mauna Loa annual mean growth rate is estimated # from the standard deviation of the differences between monthly mean # values determined independently by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography# and by NOAA/ESRL.## NOTE: In general, the data presented for the last year are subject to change,`# depending on recalibration of the reference gas mixtures used, and other quality# control procedures. Occasionally, earlier years may also be changed for the same# reasons. Usually these changes are minor.## CO2 expressed as a mole fraction in dry air, micromol/mol, abbreviated as ppm## year ann inc unc 1959196019611962*19631964196519661967196819691970197119721973。





氧化碳的浓度已经达到了380部分每百万份(ppm)左右,而到了2019年,二氧化碳的浓度已经超过了400 ppm,也就是说,从1986到2019年这33

































全球1960到2020的二氧化碳浓度数值-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述服务器未连接1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容可以包括以下内容:本文分为引言、正文和结论三部分。














文章1.3 目的部分的内容可以如下所示:1.3 目的本文旨在探究全球1960年到2020年的二氧化碳浓度数值,并从中得出一些结论和洞察。




























































































图22009-2016年瓦里关CO2浓度平均季节变化3大气CH4浓度的变化特征(1)图3是2009-2016年瓦里关站大气CH4月平均浓度的变化,可以看出,瓦里关地区大气CH4浓度也呈现逐年增长的趋势,从2009年的年平均浓度值1847.16ppb上升到2016年的1906.85ppb,上升了59. 69ppb,年平均增长率约为7.5ppb·a-1,而1991年至2011年瓦里关CH4浓度的年平均增长率为4.26ppb·a-1[3],CH4的年平均增长率上升较为明显。





【参考文献】[1]温玉璞,季秉法.青海瓦里关大气CO2本底浓度变化规律的观测研究[J].中国环境科学,1993(6):420-424. [2]周秀骥.中国大气本底基准观象台进展总结报告:1994-(上接第173页)时存在重点细节掌握不牢、主观分析不够深入、综合应用能力不强等情况。






















历年二氧化碳浓度数据## English.Historical Carbon Dioxide Concentrations.Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas that plays a significant role in regulating the Earth's climate. The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has been increasing steadily since the pre-industrial era, primarily due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and agricultural practices.Pre-Industrial Era (Before 1750): The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere was relatively stable at around 280 parts per million (ppm).Industrial Revolution (1750-1850): The onset of the Industrial Revolution marked the beginning of a rapid increase in CO2 emissions. The burning of coal for industrial purposes and deforestation for land use releasedsignificant amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.19th and 20th Centuries: The concentration of CO2 continued to rise steadily throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, reaching 310 ppm by the mid-20th century.21st Century: The rate of increase in CO2 concentration has accelerated in recent decades due to the continued use of fossil fuels, urbanization, and population growth. In 2023, the global average concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere reached 419 ppm, exceeding 400 ppm for the first time in human history.Impacts of Increasing Carbon Dioxide Concentration:Climate Change: CO2 acts as a blanket in the atmosphere, trapping heat and contributing to global warming.Ocean Acidification: Increased CO2 levels in the ocean lead to acidification, threatening marine life and ecosystems.Health Impacts: Prolonged exposure to high levels of CO2 can have adverse effects on human health, such as respiratory problems and cognitive impairment.## 中文回答:多年来的二氧化碳浓度数据。

大气 CO2 浓度的变化与原因

大气 CO2 浓度的变化与原因

大气 CO2 浓度的变化与原因近年来,全球气温持续升高,引发了大规模的气候变化。

其中,大气 CO2 浓度的变化是其中一个重要的因素。

那么,大气 CO2 浓度的变化是如何产生的呢?这篇文章将从以下几个方面来探讨这个问题。

一、大气 CO2 浓度的变化历史首先,我们来看看大气 CO2 浓度的变化历史。

数据显示,自工业革命以来,大气 CO2 浓度一直在上升,当前已经达到了近800 万年来的最高水平。

而在过去的 650,000 年中,大气 CO2 浓度的变化与气候变化密切相关。

研究表明,当大气 CO2 浓度在过去130,000年内超过280 ppm (每百万分之一的体积)时,地球就进入了一个比较温暖的气候期。

反之,当大气 CO2 浓度下降至低于280 ppm 时,地球就会变得更加冷却、寒冷。

二、大气 CO2 浓度的变化原因那么,大气 CO2 浓度是如何受到影响的呢?下面我们来看看这方面的原因。



这些燃料的燃烧会释放大量的二氧化碳到大气中,从而导致大气 CO2 浓度增加。

此外,人类的土地利用改变也会导致大气 CO2 浓度的变化,如森林砍伐、草地放牧等活动会导致植物的损失和土地的脱碳。

2、自然因素除了人类活动外,自然因素也会对大气 CO2 浓度的变化产生影响。


根据一些研究,全球的植物呼吸和死亡会每年向大气中释放大约 1200 亿吨的 CO2。


根据估计,在过去的 200 年中,海洋吸收了大约 1/3 的二氧化碳排放量。


三、大气 CO2 浓度变化的影响那么,大气 CO2 浓度变化对我们的影响是什么呢?以下是其中的一些影响:1、气候变化:二氧化碳是主要的温室气体之一。



大气中二氧化碳浓度历史趋势概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述自工业革命以来,全球二氧化碳浓度持续增长已成为当今社会关注的一个重要问题。








1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分。






1.3 目的本文旨在通过对大气中二氧化碳浓度历史趋势进行概述与解释说明,增进读者对这一全球环境问题的认识与理解。



2. 正文:2.1 二氧化碳的自然来源和排放途径二氧化碳是一种常见的温室气体,在自然界中有多个来源和排放途径。


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[1] Pieler T.Trends in atmospheric carbon dioxide-Global. http://www. esrl. noaa. gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/ . 2009[2] Etheridge D M,Steele L P, el al.Historical CO2record derived from a spline fit (20 year cutoff) of the Law Dome DE08 and DE08-2 ice cores. http://cdiac. ornl. gov/ftp/trends/co2/lawdome. smoothed. yr20 . 1998#-------------------------------------------------------------------- # USE OF NOAA ESRL DATA## These data are made freely available to the public and the# scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination# will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights.# The availability of these data does not constitute publication# of the data. NOAA relies on the ethics and integrity of the user to # insure that ESRL receives fair credit for their work. If the data # are obtained for potential use in a publication or presentation,# ESRL should be informed at the outset of the nature of this work. # If the ESRL data are essential to the work, or if an important# result or conclusion depends on the ESRL data, co-authorship# may be appropriate. This should be discussed at an early stage in # the work. Manuscripts using the ESRL data should be sent to ESRL# for review before they are submitted for publication so we can# insure that the quality and limitations of the data are accurately # represented.##Contact:PieterTans(3034976678;********************)## File Creation: Wed Jun 5 12:05:50 2013## RECIPROCITY## Use of these data implies an agreement to reciprocate.# Laboratories making similar measurements agree to make their# own data available to the general public and to the scientific# community in an equally complete and easily accessible form.# Modelers are encouraged to make available to the community,# upon request, their own tools used in the interpretation# of the ESRL data, namely well documented model code, transport# fields, and additional information necessary for other# scientists to repeat the work and to run modified versions.# Model availability includes collaborative support for new# users of the models.#-------------------------------------------------------------------- ### See /gmd/ccgg/trends/ for additional details.## Data from March 1958 through April 1974 have been obtained by C. David Keeling# of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and were obtained from the# Scripps website ().## The estimated uncertainty in the annual mean is the standard deviation # of the differences of annual mean values determined independently by # NOAA/ESRL and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.## NOTE: In general, the data presented for the last year are subject to change,# depending on recalibration of the reference gas mixtures used, and other quality# control procedures. Occasionally, earlier years may also be changed for the same# reasons. Usually these changes are minor.## CO2 expressed as a mole fraction in dry air, micromol/mol, abbreviated as ppm## year mean unc1959 315.97 0.121960 316.91 0.121961 317.64 0.121962 318.45 0.121963 318.99 0.121964 319.62 0.121965 320.04 0.121966 321.38 0.121967 322.16 0.121968 323.04 0.121969 324.62 0.121970 325.68 0.121971 326.32 0.121972 327.45 0.121973 329.68 0.121974 330.18 0.121975 331.08 0.12 1976 332.05 0.12 1977 333.78 0.12 1978 335.41 0.12 1979 336.78 0.12 1980 338.68 0.12 1981 340.10 0.12 1982 341.44 0.12 1983 343.03 0.12 1984 344.58 0.12 1985 346.04 0.12 1986 347.39 0.12 1987 349.16 0.12 1988 351.56 0.12 1989 353.07 0.12 1990 354.35 0.12 1991 355.57 0.12 1992 356.38 0.12 1993 357.07 0.12 1994 358.82 0.12 1995 360.80 0.12 1996 362.59 0.12 1997 363.71 0.12 1998 366.65 0.12 1999 368.33 0.12 2000 369.52 0.12 2001 371.13 0.12 2002 373.22 0.12 2003 375.77 0.12 2004 377.49 0.12 2005 379.80 0.12 2006 381.90 0.12 2007 383.76 0.12 2008 385.59 0.12 2009 387.37 0.12 2010 389.85 0.12 2011 391.63 0.12 2012 393.82 0.12#-------------------------------------------------------------------- # USE OF NOAA ESRL DATA## These data are made freely available to the public and the# scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination# will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights.# The availability of these data does not constitute publication# of the data. NOAA relies on the ethics and integrity of the user to # insure that ESRL receives fair credit for their work. If the data # are obtained for potential use in a publication or presentation, # ESRL should be informed at the outset of the nature of this work. # If the ESRL data are essential to the work, or if an important# result or conclusion depends on the ESRL data, co-authorship# may be appropriate. This should be discussed at an early stage in # the work. Manuscripts using the ESRL data should be sent to ESRL # for review before they are submitted for publication so we can# insure that the quality and limitations of the data are accurately # represented.##Contact:PieterTans(3034976678;********************)## File Creation: Wed Jun 5 12:05:50 2013## RECIPROCITY## Use of these data implies an agreement to reciprocate.# Laboratories making similar measurements agree to make their# own data available to the general public and to the scientific# community in an equally complete and easily accessible form.# Modelers are encouraged to make available to the community,# upon request, their own tools used in the interpretation# of the ESRL data, namely well documented model code, transport# fields, and additional information necessary for other# scientists to repeat the work and to run modified versions.# Model availability includes collaborative support for new# users of the models.-------------------------------------------------------------------- ### See /gmd/ccgg/trends/ for additional details.## Data from March 1958 through April 1974 have been obtained by C. David Keeling# of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and were obtained from the# Scripps website ().## Annual CO2 mole fraction increase (ppm) from Jan 1 through Dec 31. ## The uncertainty in the Mauna Loa annual mean growth rate is estimated # from the standard deviation of the differences between monthly mean # values determined independently by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography# and by NOAA/ESRL.## NOTE: In general, the data presented for the last year are subject to change,# depending on recalibration of the reference gas mixtures used, and other quality# control procedures. Occasionally, earlier years may also be changed for the same# reasons. Usually these changes are minor.## CO2 expressed as a mole fraction in dry air, micromol/mol, abbreviated as ppm## year ann inc unc1959 0.94 0.111960 0.54 0.111961 0.95 0.111962 0.64 0.111963 0.71 0.111964 0.28 0.111965 1.02 0.111966 1.24 0.111967 0.74 0.111968 1.03 0.111969 1.31 0.111970 1.06 0.111971 0.85 0.11 1972 1.69 0.11 1973 1.22 0.11 1974 0.78 0.11 1975 1.13 0.11 1976 0.84 0.11 1977 2.10 0.11 1978 1.30 0.11 1979 1.75 0.11 1980 1.73 0.11 1981 1.43 0.11 1982 0.96 0.11 1983 2.13 0.11 1984 1.36 0.11 1985 1.25 0.11 1986 1.48 0.11 1987 2.29 0.11 1988 2.13 0.11 1989 1.32 0.11 1990 1.19 0.11 1991 0.99 0.11 1992 0.48 0.11 1993 1.40 0.11 1994 1.91 0.11 1995 1.99 0.11 1996 1.25 0.11 1997 1.91 0.11 1998 2.93 0.11 1999 0.93 0.11 2000 1.62 0.11 2001 1.58 0.11 2002 2.53 0.11 2003 2.29 0.11 2004 1.56 0.11 2005 2.52 0.11 2006 1.76 0.11 2007 2.22 0.11 2008 1.60 0.11 2009 1.88 0.11 2010 2.44 0.11 2011 1.84 0.11 2012 2.65 0.11#-------------------------------------------------------------------- # USE OF NOAA ESRL DATA## These data are made freely available to the public and the# scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination# will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights.# The availability of these data does not constitute publication# of the data. NOAA relies on the ethics and integrity of the user to # insure that ESRL receives fair credit for their work. If the data # are obtained for potential use in a publication or presentation, # ESRL should be informed at the outset of the nature of this work. # If the ESRL data are essential to the work, or if an important# result or conclusion depends on the ESRL data, co-authorship# may be appropriate. This should be discussed at an early stage in # the work. Manuscripts using the ESRL data should be sent to ESRL # for review before they are submitted for publication so we can# insure that the quality and limitations of the data are accurately # represented.##Contact:PieterTans(3034976678;********************)## File Creation: Wed Jun 5 12:05:50 2013## RECIPROCITY## Use of these data implies an agreement to reciprocate.# Laboratories making similar measurements agree to make their# own data available to the general public and to the scientific# community in an equally complete and easily accessible form.# Modelers are encouraged to make available to the community,# upon request, their own tools used in the interpretation# of the ESRL data, namely well documented model code, transport# fields, and additional information necessary for other# scientists to repeat the work and to run modified versions.# Model availability includes collaborative support for new# users of the models.-------------------------------------------------------------------- ### See /gmd/ccgg/trends/ for additional details.## Data from March 1958 through April 1974 have been obtained by C. David Keeling# of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and were obtained from the# Scripps website ().## The "average" column contains the monthly mean CO2 mole fraction determined# from daily averages. The mole fraction of CO2, expressed as parts per million# (ppm) is the number of molecules of CO2 in every one million molecules of dried# air (water vapor removed). If there are missing days concentrated either early# or late in the month, the monthly mean is corrected to the middle of the month# using the average seasonal cycle. Missing months are denoted by -99.99. # The "interpolated" column includes average values from the preceding column# and interpolated values where data are missing. Interpolated values are# computed in two steps. First, we compute for each month the average seasonal# cycle in a 7-year window around each monthly value. In this way the seasonal# cycle is allowed to change slowly over time. We then determine the "trend"# value for each month by removing the seasonal cycle; this result is shown in# the "trend" column. Trend values are linearly interpolated for missing months.# The interpolated monthly mean is then the sum of the average seasonal cycle# value and the trend value for the missing month.## NOTE: In general, the data presented for the last year are subject to change,# depending on recalibration of the reference gas mixtures used, and other quality# control procedures. Occasionally, earlier years may also be changed for the same# reasons. Usually these changes are minor.## CO2 expressed as a mole fraction in dry air, micromol/mol, abbreviated as ppm## (-99.99 missing data; -1 no data for #daily means in month)## decimal average interpolated trend #days# date (season corr)1958 3 1958.208 315.71 315.71 314.62 -11958 4 1958.292 317.45 317.45 315.29 -11958 5 1958.375 317.50 317.50 314.71 -11958 6 1958.458 -99.99 317.10 314.85 -11958 7 1958.542 315.86 315.86 314.98 -11958 8 1958.625 314.93 314.93 315.94 -11958 9 1958.708 313.20 313.20 315.91 -11958 10 1958.792 -99.99 312.66 315.61 -11958 11 1958.875 313.33 313.33 315.31 -11958 12 1958.958 314.67 314.67 315.61 -11959 1 1959.042 315.62 315.62 315.70 -11959 2 1959.125 316.38 316.38 315.88 -11959 3 1959.208 316.71 316.71 315.62 -11959 4 1959.292 317.72 317.72 315.56 -11959 5 1959.375 318.29 318.29 315.50 -11959 6 1959.458 318.15 318.15 315.92 -11959 7 1959.542 316.54 316.54 315.66 -11959 8 1959.625 314.80 314.80 315.81 -11959 9 1959.708 313.84 313.84 316.55 -11959 10 1959.792 313.26 313.26 316.19 -11959 11 1959.875 314.80 314.80 316.78 -11959 12 1959.958 315.58 315.58 316.52 -11960 1 1960.042 316.43 316.43 316.51 -11960 2 1960.125 316.97 316.97 316.47 -11960 3 1960.208 317.58 317.58 316.49 -11960 4 1960.292 319.02 319.02 316.86 -11960 5 1960.375 320.03 320.03 317.24 -11960 6 1960.458 319.59 319.59 317.36 -11960 7 1960.542 318.18 318.18 317.30 -11960 8 1960.625 315.91 315.91 316.92 -11960 9 1960.708 314.16 314.16 316.87 -11960 10 1960.792 313.83 313.83 316.76 -1 1960 11 1960.875 315.00 315.00 316.98 -1 1960 12 1960.958 316.19 316.19 317.13 -1 1961 1 1961.042 316.93 316.93 317.03 -1 1961 2 1961.125 317.70 317.70 317.28 -1 1961 3 1961.208 318.54 318.54 317.47 -1 1961 4 1961.292 319.48 319.48 317.27 -1 1961 5 1961.375 320.58 320.58 317.70 -1 1961 6 1961.458 319.77 319.77 317.48 -1 1961 7 1961.542 318.57 318.57 317.70 -1 1961 8 1961.625 316.79 316.79 317.80 -1 1961 9 1961.708 314.80 314.80 317.49 -1 1961 10 1961.792 315.38 315.38 318.35 -1 1961 11 1961.875 316.10 316.10 318.13 -1 1961 12 1961.958 317.01 317.01 317.94 -1 1962 1 1962.042 317.94 317.94 318.06 -1 1962 2 1962.125 318.56 318.56 318.11 -1 1962 3 1962.208 319.68 319.68 318.57 -1 1962 4 1962.292 320.63 320.63 318.45 -1 1962 5 1962.375 321.01 321.01 318.20 -1 1962 6 1962.458 320.55 320.55 318.27 -1 1962 7 1962.542 319.58 319.58 318.67 -1 1962 8 1962.625 317.40 317.40 318.48 -1 1962 9 1962.708 316.26 316.26 319.03 -1 1962 10 1962.792 315.42 315.42 318.33 -1 1962 11 1962.875 316.69 316.69 318.62 -1 1962 12 1962.958 317.69 317.69 318.61 -1 1963 1 1963.042 318.74 318.74 318.91 -1 1963 2 1963.125 319.08 319.08 318.68 -1 1963 3 1963.208 319.86 319.86 318.69 -1 1963 4 1963.292 321.39 321.39 319.09 -1 1963 5 1963.375 322.25 322.25 319.39 -1 1963 6 1963.458 321.47 321.47 319.16 -1 1963 7 1963.542 319.74 319.74 318.77 -1 1963 8 1963.625 317.77 317.77 318.83 -1 1963 9 1963.708 316.21 316.21 319.06 -1 1963 10 1963.792 315.99 315.99 319.00 -1 1963 11 1963.875 317.12 317.12 319.10 -1 1963 12 1963.958 318.31 318.31 319.25 -1 1964 1 1964.042 319.57 319.57 319.67 -1 1964 2 1964.125 -99.99 320.07 319.61 -1 1964 3 1964.208 -99.99 320.73 319.55 -1 1964 4 1964.292 -99.99 321.77 319.48 -1 1964 5 1964.375 322.25 322.25 319.42 -11964 7 1964.542 320.44 320.44 319.58 -1 1964 8 1964.625 318.70 318.70 319.81 -1 1964 9 1964.708 316.70 316.70 319.56 -1 1964 10 1964.792 316.79 316.79 319.78 -1 1964 11 1964.875 317.79 317.79 319.72 -1 1964 12 1964.958 318.71 318.71 319.59 -1 1965 1 1965.042 319.44 319.44 319.48 -1 1965 2 1965.125 320.44 320.44 319.97 -1 1965 3 1965.208 320.89 320.89 319.65 -1 1965 4 1965.292 322.13 322.13 319.80 -1 1965 5 1965.375 322.16 322.16 319.36 -1 1965 6 1965.458 321.87 321.87 319.65 -1 1965 7 1965.542 321.39 321.39 320.51 -1 1965 8 1965.625 318.81 318.81 319.93 -1 1965 9 1965.708 317.81 317.81 320.68 -1 1965 10 1965.792 317.30 317.30 320.36 -1 1965 11 1965.875 318.87 318.87 320.87 -1 1965 12 1965.958 319.42 319.42 320.26 -1 1966 1 1966.042 320.62 320.62 320.63 -1 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329.09 329.09 326.94 -1 1972 7 1972.542 328.05 328.05 327.24 -1 1972 8 1972.625 326.32 326.32 327.37 -1 1972 9 1972.708 324.93 324.93 327.73 -1 1972 10 1972.792 325.06 325.06 328.05 -1 1972 11 1972.875 326.50 326.50 328.51 -1 1972 12 1972.958 327.55 327.55 328.56 -1 1973 1 1973.042 328.54 328.54 328.58 -1 1973 2 1973.125 329.56 329.56 328.87 -1 1973 3 1973.208 330.30 330.30 328.99 -1 1973 4 1973.292 331.50 331.50 329.12 -1 1973 5 1973.375 332.48 332.48 329.60 -1 1973 6 1973.458 332.07 332.07 329.96 -1 1973 7 1973.542 330.87 330.87 330.09 -1 1973 8 1973.625 329.31 329.31 330.43 -1 1973 9 1973.708 327.51 327.51 330.43 -1 1973 10 1973.792 327.18 327.18 330.23 -1 1973 11 1973.875 328.16 328.16 330.17 -1 1973 12 1973.958 328.64 328.64 329.66 -1 1974 1 1974.042 329.35 329.35 329.44 -1 1974 2 1974.125 330.71 330.71 330.11 -1 1974 3 1974.208 331.48 331.48 330.19 -1 1974 4 1974.292 332.65 332.65 330.25 -1 1974 5 1974.375 333.19 333.19 330.25 15 1974 6 1974.458 332.12 332.12 329.93 27 1974 7 1974.542 330.99 330.99 330.20 31 1974 8 1974.625 329.17 329.17 330.31 31 1974 9 1974.708 327.41 327.41 330.35 29 1974 10 1974.792 327.21 327.21 330.29 29 1974 11 1974.875 328.34 328.34 330.33 29 1974 12 1974.958 329.50 329.50 330.47 31 1975 1 1975.042 330.68 330.68 330.81 31 1975 2 1975.125 331.41 331.41 330.86 28 1975 3 1975.208 331.85 331.85 330.49 26 1975 4 1975.292 333.29 333.29 330.77 30 1975 5 1975.375 333.91 333.91 330.94 301975 7 1975.542 331.74 331.74 330.92 27 1975 8 1975.625 329.88 329.88 331.06 31 1975 9 1975.708 328.57 328.57 331.54 30 1975 10 1975.792 328.36 328.36 331.46 17 1975 11 1975.875 329.33 329.33 331.39 25 1975 12 1975.958 -99.99 330.59 331.60 1 1976 1 1976.042 331.66 331.66 331.82 25 1976 2 1976.125 332.75 332.75 332.19 29 1976 3 1976.208 333.46 333.46 331.99 29 1976 4 1976.292 334.78 334.78 332.24 25 1976 5 1976.375 334.78 334.78 331.86 31 1976 6 1976.458 334.06 334.06 331.74 25 1976 7 1976.542 332.95 332.95 332.06 21 1976 8 1976.625 330.64 330.64 331.87 31 1976 9 1976.708 328.96 328.96 331.94 28 1976 10 1976.792 328.77 328.77 331.92 30 1976 11 1976.875 330.18 330.18 332.33 26 1976 12 1976.958 331.65 331.65 332.69 24 1977 1 1977.042 332.69 332.69 332.75 29 1977 2 1977.125 333.23 333.23 332.60 26 1977 3 1977.208 334.97 334.97 333.36 29 1977 4 1977.292 336.03 336.03 333.39 29 1977 5 1977.375 336.82 336.82 333.87 30 1977 6 1977.458 336.10 336.10 333.76 25 1977 7 1977.542 334.79 334.79 333.96 28 1977 8 1977.625 332.53 332.53 333.92 30 1977 9 1977.708 331.19 331.19 334.27 27 1977 10 1977.792 331.21 331.21 334.43 30 1977 11 1977.875 332.35 332.35 334.59 28 1977 12 1977.958 333.47 333.47 334.48 31 1978 1 1978.042 335.10 335.10 335.11 26 1978 2 1978.125 335.26 335.26 334.58 28 1978 3 1978.208 336.61 336.61 334.95 30 1978 4 1978.292 337.77 337.77 335.11 28 1978 5 1978.375 338.01 338.01 335.05 30 1978 6 1978.458 337.98 337.98 335.60 27 1978 7 1978.542 336.48 336.48 335.68 31 1978 8 1978.625 334.37 334.37 335.88 31 1978 9 1978.708 332.33 332.33 335.49 24 1978 10 1978.792 332.41 332.41 335.66 31 1978 11 1978.875 333.76 333.76 336.01 28 1978 12 1978.958 334.83 334.83 335.79 31 1979 1 1979.042 336.21 336.21 336.23 311979 3 1979.208 338.13 338.13 336.40 29 1979 4 1979.292 338.94 338.94 336.21 24 1979 5 1979.375 339.00 339.00 336.01 20 1979 6 1979.458 339.20 339.20 336.79 30 1979 7 1979.542 337.60 337.60 336.78 29 1979 8 1979.625 335.56 335.56 337.10 29 1979 9 1979.708 333.93 333.93 337.17 26 1979 10 1979.792 334.12 334.12 337.44 28 1979 11 1979.875 335.26 335.26 337.54 30 1979 12 1979.958 336.78 336.78 337.76 24 1980 1 1980.042 337.80 337.80 337.95 30 1980 2 1980.125 338.28 338.28 337.73 28 1980 3 1980.208 340.04 340.04 338.43 31 1980 4 1980.292 340.86 340.86 338.21 30 1980 5 1980.375 341.47 341.47 338.45 31 1980 6 1980.458 341.26 341.26 338.79 30 1980 7 1980.542 339.34 339.34 338.48 26 1980 8 1980.625 337.45 337.45 338.92 24 1980 9 1980.708 336.10 336.10 339.27 26 1980 10 1980.792 336.05 336.05 339.32 29 1980 11 1980.875 337.21 337.21 339.38 27 1980 12 1980.958 338.29 338.29 339.23 27 1981 1 1981.042 339.36 339.36 339.41 31 1981 2 1981.125 340.51 340.51 339.89 28 1981 3 1981.208 341.57 341.57 339.98 31 1981 4 1981.292 342.56 342.56 339.93 30 1981 5 1981.375 343.01 343.01 339.98 31 1981 6 1981.458 342.49 342.49 340.02 28 1981 7 1981.542 340.68 340.68 339.81 31 1981 8 1981.625 338.49 338.49 339.97 28 1981 9 1981.708 336.92 336.92 340.17 30 1981 10 1981.792 337.12 337.12 340.44 31 1981 11 1981.875 338.59 338.59 340.76 30 1981 12 1981.958 339.90 339.90 340.81 28 1982 1 1982.042 340.92 340.92 341.03 30 1982 2 1982.125 341.69 341.69 341.06 27 1982 3 1982.208 342.85 342.85 341.21 21 1982 4 1982.292 343.92 343.92 341.31 9 1982 5 1982.375 344.67 344.67 341.63 31 1982 6 1982.458 343.78 343.78 341.32 29 1982 7 1982.542 342.23 342.23 341.45 28 1982 8 1982.625 340.11 340.11 341.61 27 1982 9 1982.708 338.32 338.32 341.53 261982 11 1982.875 339.48 339.48 341.62 28 1982 12 1982.958 340.88 340.88 341.77 31 1983 1 1983.042 341.64 341.64 341.79 31 1983 2 1983.125 342.87 342.87 342.30 27 1983 3 1983.208 343.59 343.59 342.04 30 1983 4 1983.292 345.25 345.25 342.63 26 1983 5 1983.375 345.96 345.96 342.80 29 1983 6 1983.458 345.52 345.52 343.03 25 1983 7 1983.542 344.15 344.15 343.41 30 1983 8 1983.625 342.25 342.25 343.72 28 1983 9 1983.708 340.17 340.17 343.34 27 1983 10 1983.792 340.30 340.30 343.63 31 1983 11 1983.875 341.53 341.53 343.66 29 1983 12 1983.958 343.07 343.07 343.97 26 1984 1 1984.042 344.05 344.05 344.15 31 1984 2 1984.125 344.77 344.77 344.21 29 1984 3 1984.208 345.46 345.46 344.00 23 1984 4 1984.292 -99.99 346.77 344.17 2 1984 5 1984.375 347.55 347.55 344.35 27 1984 6 1984.458 346.98 346.98 344.50 25 1984 7 1984.542 345.55 345.55 344.82 29 1984 8 1984.625 343.20 343.20 344.67 24 1984 9 1984.708 341.35 341.35 344.54 27 1984 10 1984.792 341.68 341.68 344.99 28 1984 11 1984.875 343.06 343.06 345.16 28 1984 12 1984.958 344.54 344.54 345.42 28 1985 1 1985.042 345.25 345.25 345.35 29 1985 2 1985.125 346.06 346.06 345.51 26 1985 3 1985.208 347.66 347.66 346.27 28 1985 4 1985.292 348.20 348.20 345.64 27 1985 5 1985.375 348.92 348.92 345.75 31 1985 6 1985.458 348.40 348.40 345.94 30 1985 7 1985.542 346.66 346.66 345.86 28 1985 8 1985.625 344.85 344.85 346.22 27 1985 9 1985.708 343.20 343.20 346.32 27 1985 10 1985.792 343.08 343.08 346.36 27 1985 11 1985.875 344.40 344.40 346.53 29 1985 12 1985.958 345.82 345.82 346.75 29 1986 1 1986.042 346.54 346.54 346.56 26 1986 2 1986.125 347.13 347.13 346.59 26 1986 3 1986.208 348.05 348.05 346.71 31 1986 4 1986.292 349.77 349.77 347.21 30 1986 5 1986.375 350.53 350.53 347.39 301986 7 1986.542 348.11 348.11 347.30 26 1986 8 1986.625 346.09 346.09 347.49 29 1986 9 1986.708 345.01 345.01 348.16 25 1986 10 1986.792 344.47 344.47 347.71 30 1986 11 1986.875 345.86 345.86 347.99 30 1986 12 1986.958 347.15 347.15 348.06 30 1987 1 1987.042 348.38 348.38 348.31 30 1987 2 1987.125 348.70 348.70 348.01 28 1987 3 1987.208 349.72 349.72 348.31 27 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352.93 30 1989 5 1989.375 355.89 355.89 352.65 31 1989 6 1989.458 355.30 355.30 352.88 30 1989 7 1989.542 353.98 353.98 353.33 31 1989 8 1989.625 351.53 351.53 353.11 29 1989 9 1989.708 350.02 350.02 353.27 28 1989 10 1989.792 350.29 350.29 353.53 30 1989 11 1989.875 351.44 351.44 353.60 30 1989 12 1989.958 352.84 352.84 353.78 28 1990 1 1990.042 353.79 353.79 353.74 301990 3 1990.208 355.65 355.65 354.21 31 1990 4 1990.292 356.28 356.28 353.66 29 1990 5 1990.375 357.29 357.29 354.10 30 1990 6 1990.458 356.32 356.32 353.92 30 1990 7 1990.542 354.89 354.89 354.27 29 1990 8 1990.625 352.89 352.89 354.51 30 1990 9 1990.708 351.28 351.28 354.53 27 1990 10 1990.792 351.59 351.59 354.81 31 1990 11 1990.875 353.05 353.05 355.10 29 1990 12 1990.958 354.27 354.27 355.12 30 1991 1 1991.042 354.87 354.87 354.85 29 1991 2 1991.125 355.68 355.68 355.01 28 1991 3 1991.208 357.06 357.06 355.58 27 1991 4 1991.292 358.51 358.51 355.88 30 1991 5 1991.375 359.09 359.09 355.94 31 1991 6 1991.458 358.10 358.10 355.75 30 1991 7 1991.542 356.12 356.12 355.51 29 1991 8 1991.625 353.89 353.89 355.50 31 1991 9 1991.708 352.30 352.30 355.58 30 1991 10 1991.792 352.32 352.32 355.55 31 1991 11 1991.875 353.79 353.79 355.78 30 1991 12 1991.958 355.07 355.07 355.89 31 1992 1 1992.042 356.17 356.17 356.12 30 1992 2 1992.125 356.93 356.93 356.23 29 1992 3 1992.208 357.82 357.82 356.28 29 1992 4 1992.292 359.00 359.00 356.30 30 1992 5 1992.375 359.55 359.55 356.33 31 1992 6 1992.458 359.32 359.32 356.92 30 1992 7 1992.542 356.85 356.85 356.27 30 1992 8 1992.625 354.91 354.91 356.61 30 1992 9 1992.708 352.93 352.93 356.27 29 1992 10 1992.792 353.31 353.31 356.57 30 1992 11 1992.875 354.27 354.27 356.32 30 1992 12 1992.958 355.53 355.53 356.37 31 1993 1 1993.042 356.86 356.86 356.83 28 1993 2 1993.125 357.27 357.27 356.43 28 1993 3 1993.208 358.36 358.36 356.70 31 1993 4 1993.292 359.27 359.27 356.60 30 1993 5 1993.375 360.19 360.19 357.00 31 1993 6 1993.458 359.52 359.52 357.09 30 1993 7 1993.542 357.42 357.42 356.83 27 1993 8 1993.625 355.46 355.46 357.14 28 1993 9 1993.708 354.10 354.10 357.45 26。
