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China’s ministry of education and the country’s securities regulator said they would be working together to “increase financial literacy(读写能力)” among China’s youth. Officials said the campaign to improve understanding of the country’s financial [faɪ'nænʃ(ə)l; fɪ-] securities and futures markets would begin with adj. 金融的;财政的,财务的 textbooks for primary and middle schools.
证监会发言人高莉说:“这对保持社会和谐稳 定有重要意义。”
Tech companies have unveiled financial literacy apps for kids while schools in cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have introduced related lessons. In 2014, students in Shanghai scored the highest of any country on a financial literacy test conducted by the OECD.
virtual ['vɜ:tʃuəl] 有官员们表示,他们Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu将致力于提高教师的金 adj. 虚拟的 融素养,鼓励高校面向所有学生开设相关课程, 采用实习、虚拟交易等其他“创新”方式增进 学生对市场的了解。
The country’s securities regulator said it would also be offering its own courses and lectures.
近年来,中国许多退休人员或不懂行的投资者 因为有风险的投资项目或遭欺诈而损失积蓄, 为此政府一直尽力提高民众的金融素养。
Over the last year, thousands of Chinese have lost money in peer-to-peer lending schemes gone wrong and other online scams(欺诈). At least one person, a woman in Zhejiang province, reportedly committed suicide after losing about $40,000.
conduct ['kɒndʌkt] 中国的科技公司已推出面向孩子的金融知识应 vt. 管理;引导 用。上海、广州和深圳等城市的学校也引入了 相关课程。在2014年经合组织开展的金融素养 测试中,来自上海的学生名列榜首。
Officials said they would also focus on improving the financial literacy of teachers, encourage universities to offer related courses to all students, and find other “innovative(改革 的)” ways to improve understanding of markets like internships or virtual trading.
中国教育部和证监会称,将共同努力“提升(青少 年)投资理财素质”。有官员表示,提高对本国证 券和期货市场的了解将从中小学教科书开始。
For years, authorities have been trying to improve financial literacy as retirees or less savvy( 理解,悟性 ) investors have lost their retiree [rɪˌtaɪə'ri) ] or fraud savings to risky schemes( 计划,方案 (欺骗). n. 退休人员
commit suicide 去年,数千名中国人因为网络借贷平台倒闭或 自杀死亡 遭网络欺诈而损失钱财。据报道,浙江省一位 女性在损失了大约4万美元(约27万元人民币)后 结束了自己的生命。
“This has great significance for maintaining social harmony and stability,” Gao Li, a spokesperson for the securities commission, said on Friday. stability [stə'bɪlɪtɪ harmony ['hɑːmənɪ ]] n. 稳定性 n. 协调;和睦;融洽
投资理财进课堂 金融素养从娃娃 抓起
Chinese primary school textbooks may soon include definitions for terms like “price-toearnings ratio(比率)” or “buy and hold” as the country embarks( 着 手 ) on a campaign to definition ['defɪnɪʃən] improve investor awareness. n. 定义 investor [ɪn'vestə] n. 投资者 随着中国开始提高民众投资意识,小学教科书 可能很快会加入“市盈率”或“买入并持有” 等术语的定义。