



2015-2016年八年级(上)期末数学试卷一、选择题(共12小题,每小题2分,满分24分,每小题只有一个正确的选项,请将正确选项填入相应的表格内)1.(2014•莱芜)下列四个实数中,是无理数的为()A.0 B.﹣3 C.D.考点:无理数.专题:常规题型.分析:无理数就是无限不循环小数.理解无理数的概念,一定要同时理解有理数的概念,有理数是整数与分数的统称.即有限小数和无限循环小数是有理数,而无限不循环小数是无理数.由此即可判定选择项.解答:解:A、0是整数,是有理数,故A选项错误;B、﹣3是整数,是有理数,故B选项错误;C、=2是无理数,故C选项正确;D、是无限循环小数,是有理数,故D选项错误.故选:C.点评:此题主要考查了无理数的定义,其中初中范围内学习的无理数有:π,2π等;开方开不尽的数;以及像0.1010010001…,等有这样规律的数.2.(2014秋•漳州期末)无理数的整数部分是()A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4考点:估算无理数的大小.分析:看在哪两个整数之间即可得到它的整数部分.解答:解:∵,∴2<<3,∴的整数部分为2,故选:B.点评:本题考查估算无理数的大小的知识;用“夹逼法”得到无理数的范围是解决本题的关键.3.(2014秋•漳州期末)下列计算正确的是()A.(x3)3=x6B.a6•a4=a24C.(﹣mn)4÷(﹣mn)2=m2n2D.3a+2a=5a2考点:同底数幂的除法;合并同类项;同底数幂的乘法;幂的乘方与积的乘方.分析:根据幂的乘方,底数不变指数相乘;同底数幂相乘,底数不变指数相加;单项式的除法,合并同类项法则对各选项分析判断利用排除法求解.解答:解:A、(x3)3=x3×3=x9,故本选项错误;B、a6•a4=a6+4=a10,故本选项错误;C、(﹣mn)4÷(﹣mn)2=m2n2,故本选项正确;D、3a+2a=5a,故本选项错误.故选C.点评:本题考查了同底数幂的除法,同底数幂的乘法,幂的乘方的性质,合并同类项法则,熟记各性质并理清指数的变化情况是解题的关键.4.(2014秋•漳州期末)观察下列各组数:①9,16,25;②8,15,17;③7,24,25;④12,15,20.其中能作为直角三角形边长的组数为() A.①②B.②③C.③④D.①④考点:勾股定理的逆定理.分析:利用勾股定理的逆定理对四个答案进行逐一判断即可.解答:解:①、错误,∵92+162=337≠252=625,∴不能作为直角三角形边长;②、正确,∵82+152=172=289,∴能作为直角三角形边长;③、正确,∵72+242=252=625,∴能作为直角三角形边长;④、错误,∵122+152=369≠202=400,∴不能作为直角三角形边长.故选B.点评:本题考查的是利用勾股定理的逆定理判断三角形是否为直角三角形,即三角形的三边若满足a2+b2=c2,则此三角形是直角三角形.5.(2014秋•漳州期末)下列命题中正确的是()A.全等三角形的高相等 B.全等三角形的中线相等C.全等三角形的角平分线相等 D.全等三角形对应角相等考点:命题与定理.分析:认真读题,只要甄别,其中A、B、C选项中都没有“对应”二字,都是错误的,只有D是正确的.解答:解:A、全等三角形的对应边上的高相等,故错误;B、全等三角形的对应边上的中线相等,故错误;C、全等三角形的对应角的角平分线相等,故错误;D、全等三角形的对应角相等,正确.故选D.点评:本题考查了全等三角形的性质;注意全等三角形的性质中指的是各对应边上高,中线,角平分线相等.对性质中对应的真正理解是解答本题的关键.6.(2014秋•漳州期末)计算(18x4﹣48x3+6x)÷6x的结果为() A.3x3﹣13x2B.3x3﹣8x2 C.3x3﹣8x2+6x D.3x3﹣8x2+1考点:整式的除法.分析:多项式除以单项式,先把这个多项式的每一项分别除以单项式,再把所得的商相加.解答:解:(18x4﹣48x3+6x)÷6x=3x3﹣8x2+1.故选:D.点评:考查了整式的除法,多项式除以单项式实质就是转化为单项式除以单项式.多项式除以单项式的结果仍是一个多项式.7.(2014秋•漳州期末)若等腰三角形的周长为20,有一边长为4,则它的腰长为()A. 4 B.8 C.10 D.4或8考点:等腰三角形的性质;三角形三边关系.分析:根据等腰三角形的性质分为两种情况解答:当边长4cm为腰或者4cm底边时.解答:解:分情况考虑:当4是腰时,则底边长是20﹣8=12,此时4,4,12不能组成三角形,应舍去;当4是底边时,腰长是(20﹣4)×=8,4,8,8能够组成三角形.此时腰长是8.故选B.点评:本题考查了等腰三角形的性质和三角形的三边关系;已知没有明确腰和底边的题目一定要想到两种情况,分类进行讨论,还应验证各种情况是否能构成三角形进行解答,这点非常重要,也是解题的关键.8.(2014秋•漳州期末)要直观反映我市某一周每天的最高气温的变化趋势,宜采用()A.折线统计图B.条形统计图C.频数分布统计图D.扇形统计图考点:统计图的选择.分析:根据统计图的特点进行分析可得:扇形统计图表示的是部分在总体中所占的百分比,但一般不能直接从图中得到具体的数据;折线统计图表示的是事物的变化情况;条形统计图能清楚地表示出每个项目的具体数目.解答:解:根据题意,要求直观反映我市一周内每天的最高气温的变化情况,结合统计图各自的特点,应选择折线统计图.故选:A.点评:此题主要考查统计图的选择,根据扇形统计图、折线统计图、条形统计图各自的特点来判断.9.(2014秋•漳州期末)如图,有两棵树,一颗高10m,另一颗高5m,两树相距12m,一只鸟从一棵树的树梢飞到另一棵树的树梢,则小鸟至少飞行()A.5m B.10m C.13m D.17m考点:勾股定理的应用.分析:根据“两点之间线段最短”可知:小鸟沿着两棵树的树梢进行直线飞行,所行的路程最短,运用勾股定理可将两点之间的距离求出.解答:解:如图,设大树高为AB=10m,小树高为CD=5m,过C点作CE⊥AB于E,则四边形EBDC是矩形,连接AC,∴EB=5m,EC=12m,AE=AB﹣EB=10﹣5=5(m),在Rt△AEC中,AC===13(m).故小鸟至少飞行13m.故选:C.点评:本题考查了勾股定理的应用,根据实际得出直角三角形,培养学生解决实际问题的能力.10.(2014秋•漳州期末)如图(1)所示在边长为a的正方形中挖掉一个边长为b的小正方形(a>b),把拿下的部分剪拼成一个矩形如图(2)所示,通过计算两个图形阴影部分的面积,验证了一个等式,则这个等式是()A.a2﹣b2=(a+b)(a﹣b)B.(a+b)2=a2+2ab+b2C.(a﹣b)2=a2﹣2ab+b2D.(a+2b)(a﹣b)=a2+ab﹣2b2考点:平方差公式的几何背景.分析:左图中阴影部分的面积=a2﹣b2,右图中矩形面积=(a+b)(a﹣b),根据二者相等,即可解答.解答:解:由题可得:a2﹣b2=(a﹣b)(a+b).故选:A.点评:此题主要考查了平方差公式的几何背景.解题的关键是运用阴影部分的面积相等得出关系式.11.(2014秋•漳州期末)如图,AE于BF交于点O,点O在CG上,根据尺规作图的痕迹,判断下列说法不正确的是()A.AE、BF是△ABC的内角平分线B.点O到△ABC三边的距离相等C.CG也是△ABC的一条内角平分线D.AO=BO=CO考点:作图—基本作图;角平分线的性质.分析:利用尺规作图的痕迹可得AE、BF是△ABC的内角平分线,即可得出答案.解答:解:∵由尺规作图的痕迹可得AE、BF是△ABC的内角平分线,∴点O到△ABC三边的距离相等,CG也是△ABC的一条内角平分线,故D选项不正确,故选:D.点评:本题主要考查了基本作图及角平分线的性质,解题的关键是熟记角平分线的作图方法.12.(2014秋•漳州期末)如图,已知S△ABC=12,AD平分∠BAC,且AD ⊥BD于点D,则S△ADC的值是()A.10 B.8 C. 6 D. 4考点:等腰三角形的判定与性质;三角形的面积.分析:延长BD交AC于点E,则可知△ABE为等腰三角形,则S△ABD=S△ADE,S△BDC=S△CDE,可得出S△ADC=S△ABC.解答:解:如图,延长BD交AC于点E,∵AD平分∠BAE,AD⊥BD,∴∠BAD=∠EAD,∠ADB=∠ADE,在△ABD和△AED中,,∴△ABD≌△AED(ASA),∴BD=DE,∴S△ABD=S△ADE,S△BDC=S△CDE,∴S△ABD+S△BDC=S△ADE+S△CDE=S△ADC,∴S△ADC═S△ABC=×12=6,故选C.点评:本题主要考查等腰三角形的判定和性质,由BD=DE得到S△ABD=S△ADE,S△BDC=S△CDE是解题的关键.二、填空题(共8小题,每小题3分,共24分)13.(3分)(2013•泰州)9的平方根是±3 .考点:平方根.专题:计算题.分析:直接利用平方根的定义计算即可.解答:解:∵±3的平方是9,∴9的平方根是±3.故答案为:±3.点评:此题主要考查了平方根的定义,要注意:一个非负数的平方根有两个,互为相反数,正值为算术平方根.14.(3分)(2014秋•漳州期末)计算(2m+n)(2m﹣n)= 4m2﹣n2.考点:平方差公式.专题:计算题.分析:原式利用平方差公式计算即可得到结果.解答:解:原式=4m2﹣n2.故答案为:4m2﹣n2.点评:此题考查了平方差公式,熟练掌握平方差公式是解本题的关键.15.(3分)(2014秋•漳州期末)计算:﹣8x3y2÷2xy= ﹣4x2y .考点:整式的除法.分析:利用系数,同底数幂分别相除后,作为商的因式求解.解答:解:﹣8x3y2÷2xy=﹣4x2y.故答案为:﹣4x2y.点评:本题主要考查了整式的除法,解题的关键是熟记,把系数同底数幂分别相除后,作为商的因式.16.(3分)(2014秋•漳州期末)若+(b﹣3)2=0,则a+b= 2 .考点:非负数的性质:算术平方根;非负数的性质:偶次方.分析:利用非负数的性质解得a,b,求得a+b.解答:解:∵+(b﹣3)2=0,≥0,(b﹣3)2≥0,∴a+1=0,b﹣3=0,解得:a=﹣1,b=3,∴a+b=2,故答案为:2.点评:本题主要考查了非负数的性质,利用算术平方根的非负性求值是解答此题的关键.17.(3分)(2014秋•漳州期末)测量某班40名学生的身高,得身高在1.60m以下的频率是0.4,则该班身高在1.60m以下的学生有16 人.考点:频数与频率.分析:利用频率=,进而得出该班身高在1.60m以下的学生数.解答:解:∵测量某班40名学生的身高,得身高在1.60m以下的频率是0.4,∴该班身高在1.60m以下的学生有:40×0.4=16(人).故答案为:16.点评:此题主要考查了频数与频率,正确掌握频数与频率之间的关系是解题关键.18.(3分)(2014秋•漳州期末)如图,∠A=∠D=90°,要使△ABC≌△DCB,只需再添加一个条件∠ABC=∠DCB,本题答案不唯一即可.考点:全等三角形的判定.专题:证明题;开放型.分析:添加的条件是∠ABC=∠DCB,根据全等三角形的判定定理AAS即可求出答案.解答:解:添加的条件是∠ABC=∠DCB,理由是:在△ABC和△DCB中∴△ABC≌△DCB(AAS),故答案为:∠ABC=∠DCB.本题答案不唯一.点评:本题主要考查对全等三角形的判定的理解和掌握,能熟练地根据全等三角形的判定定理进行证明是解此题的关键.19.(3分)(2014秋•漳州期末)如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,AB的垂直平分线交AB于D,交BC于E,若CE=1,∠AEC=45°,则BE的长是.考点:线段垂直平分线的性质.分析:根据等腰直角三角形的性质得到AE=CE,然后根据线段的操作频繁的性质即可得到结果.解答:解:∵∠C=90°,∠AEC=45°,∴∠EAC=45°,∴AE=CE=,∵DE垂直平分AB,∴BE=AE=,故答案为:.点评:本题考查了线段垂直平分线上的点到线段两端点的距离相等的性质,等腰直角三角形的性质,熟记各性质是解题的关键.20.(3分)(2014秋•漳州期末)如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC=10,BC=12,若点P在边AC上移动,则BP的最小值是9.6 .考点:垂线段最短;等腰三角形的性质;勾股定理.分析:过点A作AE⊥BC,垂足为E,过点B作BD⊥AC,垂足为D,首先由等腰三角形三线合一可知BE=6,在Rt△AEB中,由勾股定理可求得AE=8,然后利用等面积法即可求得BD的长.解答:解:如图,过点A作AE⊥BC,垂足为E,过点B作BD⊥AC,垂足为D.∵AC=AC,AE⊥BC,∴BE=EC=6,在Rt△AEB中,==8,由三角形的面积公式可知:,即:,∴BD=9.6.故答案为:9.6.点评:本题主要考查的是等腰三角形的性质、勾股定理以及垂线段的性质,利用等面积法求得BD的长是解题的关键.三、解答题(共7题,满分52分)21.(6分)(2014秋•漳州期末)计算:++(﹣1)2015+|4﹣π|.(结果保留π)考点:实数的运算.专题:计算题.分析:原式第一项利用算术平方根定义计算,第二项利用立方根定义计算,第三项利用乘方的意义化简,最后一项利用绝对值的代数意义化简,计算即可得到结果.解答:解:原式=2+3﹣1+4﹣π=8﹣π.点评:此题考查了实数的运算,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.22.(8分)(2014秋•漳州期末)(1)9x2﹣4y2;(2)2x2+4x+2.考点:提公因式法与公式法的综合运用.专题:计算题.分析:(1)原式利用平方差公式分解即可;(2)原式提取2,再利用完全平方公式分解即可.解答:解:(1)原式=(3x+2y)(3x﹣2y);(2)原式=2(x2+2x+1)=2(x+1)2.点评:此题考查了提公因式法与公式法的综合运用,熟练掌握因式分解的方法是解本题的关键.23.(6分)(2014秋•漳州期末)如图,已知B,F,E,D在同一条直线上,AB=CD,AB∥CD,BF=DE,求证:AE=CF.考点:全等三角形的判定与性质.专题:证明题.分析:利用SAS证明△ABE≌△CDF,根据全等三角形,对应边相等,可得到结论AE=CF.解答:证明:∵BF=DE,∴BE+EF=DE+EF.即BE=DF,∵AB∥CD,∴∠B=∠D,在△ABE和△CDF中,,∴△ABE≌△CDF.∴AE=CF.点评:本题考查了全等三角形的判定和性质;证明线段相等往往可以通过全等三角形来证明,这是一种经常用、很重要的方法,要注意掌握.24.(6分)(2014秋•漳州期末)近年来,各地“广场舞”噪音干扰的问题倍受关注,某中学八年级学生就此问题对市民进行了随机问卷调查,问卷内容有以下四种:A.有一定影响,要控制好音量;B.影响很大,建议取缔;C.没影响;D.其它根据调查结果,制作了如图两幅不完整的统计图:根据以上信息解答下列问题:(1)本次调查的人数是200 人.(2)将两幅统计图补充完整.考点:条形统计图;扇形统计图.分析:(1)根据项目A有80人,所占的百分比是40%即可求得总人数;(2)根据百分比的意义即可求得B、C项目的人数以及B、D所占的百分比,从而补全图形.解答:解:(1)本次调查的总人数是:80÷40%=200(人),故答案是:200;(2)项目C的人数是:200×20%=40(人),B项目的人数是:200﹣80﹣40﹣50=30(人).D项目所占的百分比是:×100%=25%,B项目所占的百分比是:×100%=15%.点评:本题考查的是条形统计图的综合运用.读懂统计图,从统计图中得到必要的信息是解决问题的关键.条形统计图能清楚地表示出每个项目的数据.25.(8分)(2014秋•漳州期末)先化简,再求值:[(x﹣y)2]﹣x(x+y)+4xy÷y,其中x=﹣1,y=2.考点:整式的混合运算—化简求值.分析:先化简,再把x=﹣1,y=2代入求值.解答:解:[(x﹣y)2]﹣x(x+y)+4xy÷y=x2﹣2xy+y2﹣x2﹣xy+4x,=﹣3xy+y2+4x,当x=﹣1,y=2时,原式=6+4﹣4=6.点评:本题主要考查了整式的化简求值,解题的关键是正确的化简.26.(8分)(2014秋•漳州期末)如图,在海上观察所A处,我边防海警发现正北60海里的B处,有一可疑船只正在往正东方向80海里的C处行驶,速度为40海里/小时,我边防海警立即派海警船从A处出发,沿AC 方向行驶前往C处拦截,当可疑船只行驶到C处时,海警船也同时到达并将其截住,求海警船的速度.考点:勾股定理的应用.分析:首先利用勾股定理求得线段AC的长,然后利用行驶时间相等求得边防海警船的速度.解答:解:∵AB=60海里,BC=80海里,∴AC==100(海里),∵可疑船只的行驶速度为40海里/小时,∴可疑船只的行驶时间为80÷40=2(小时),∴我边防海警船的速度为100÷2=50(海里/小时),答:我边防海警船的速度为50海里/小时,才能恰好在C处将可疑船只截住.点评:本题考查了勾股定理在实际生活中的应用,本题中正确的找到CB,AB,AC的等量关系,并且根据该等量关系在直角△CAB中求解是解题的关键.27.(10分)(2014秋•漳州期末)如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,BC=30cm,AC=40cm,点D在线段AB上从点B出发,以2cm/s的速度向终点A运动,设点D的运动时间为t0.(1)AB= 50 cm,AB边上的高为24 cm;(2)点D在运动过程中,当△BCD为等腰三角形时,求t的值.考点:勾股定理.专题:动点型.分析:(1)在Rt△ABC中,由勾股定理即可求出AB;由直角三角形的面积即可求出斜边上的高;(2)分三种情况:①当BD=BC=30cm时,得出2t=30,即可得出结果;②当CD=CB=30cm时,作CE⊥AB于E,则BE=DE=BD=t,由(1)得出CE=24,由勾股定理求出BE,即可得出结果;③当DB=DC时,∠BCD=∠B,证明DA=DC,得出AD=DB=AB,即可得出结果.解答:解:(1)∵在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,BC=30cm,AC=40cm,∴AB===50(cm);作AB边上的高CE,如图1所示:∵Rt△ABC的面积=AB•CE=AC•BC,∴CE===24(cm);故答案为:50,24;(2)分三种情况:①当BD=BC=30cm时,2t=30,∴t=15(s);②当CD=CB=30cm时,作CE⊥AB于E,如图2所示:则BE=DE=BD=t,由(1)得:CE=24,在Rt△BCE中,由勾股定理得:BE===18(cm),∴t=18s;③当DB=DC时,∠BCD=∠B,∵∠A=90°﹣∠B,∠ACD=90°﹣∠BCD,∴∠ACD=∠A,∴DA=DC,∴AD=DB=AB=25(cm),∴2t=25,∴t=12.5(s);综上所述:t的值为15s或18s或12.5s.点评:本题考查了勾股定理、等腰三角形的判定与性质、三角形面积的计算;本题综合性强,有一定难度,特别是(2)中,需要进行分类讨论,运用勾股定理和等腰三角形的性质才能得出结果.。

2015-2016学年广州市广州大学附属中学八年级上 期中考试物理试题(含答案)

2015-2016学年广州市广州大学附属中学八年级上   期中考试物理试题(含答案)

2015-2016学年广州大学附属中学八年级上物理期中考试卷一、单项选择题(共有14小题,每小题3分,共42分.每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项最符合题意.)1.下列现象不属于机械运动是()A.一江春水向东流B.春风拂面C.月亮绕地球转D.通电,电视机里出现了图像2.生活中经常对一些物理量进行估测,下列数值最接近实际情况的是()A.人骑自行车的平均速度约为1m/s B.唱一遍中华人民共和国国歌的时间大约是15min C.某同学跑100m成绩为14s D.初中生掷实心球的距离约为30m3.下列关于运动和静止的说法正确的是()A.地球同步卫星围绕地球飞行时,以地面为参照物,卫星是运动的B.月亮在云中穿行时,以云为参照物,月亮是运动的C.小明同学乘坐在运动的翻滚车中时,感觉地面上的人和建筑物都在旋转,这时他选取的参照物是轨道D.漂流而下的小船,以河岸为参照物,小船是静止的4.图象可以表示物体运动的规律,如图1所示,表示物体做匀速直线运动的是哪一段()A.AB段和EF段B.AB段和DE段C.BC段和EF段D.BC段和DE段图1 图2 图35.交响乐中钢琴和小提琴同奏一段乐曲,除了响度有区别外,你能把它们分辨出来的理由是()A.频率不同B.音色不同C.声速不同D.振动快慢不同6.有一种电动牙刷,它能发出超声波,直达牙刷棕毛刷不到的地方,这样刷牙干净又舒服.则下列说法正确的是()A.电动牙刷发出的超声波不能在空气中传播B.超声波不是由物体振动产生的C.超声波的音调很低所以人听不到D.超声波能传递能量7.如图2所示,在四个完全相同的玻璃杯内装有质量不等的同种葡萄酒,用大小相同的力敲击四个玻璃杯,会发出不同的声音.这“不同的声音”主要是指声音的()A.音调B.振幅C.音色D.响度8.冻肉出冷库时比进冷库时重,这是因为()A.肉中的水会结冰B.库内的水蒸气凝华附在肉上C.肉中的冰会熔化D.肉中的水会蒸发9.在很多加油站都有这样的提示:“请熄火加油”、“请不要使用手机”等.这样是为了防止火花点燃汽油引起火灾,因为常温下汽油容易()A.液化B.凝华C.汽化D.升华10.两支温度计玻璃泡所装水银一样多,但直玻璃管的内径不同,经检验都是优等产品,现将它们同时竖直插入一杯热水中,则()A.尽管内径不同,但水银柱升高长度相同,因此示数相同B.内径细的水银柱升得较高,两支温度计示数相同C.内径细的水银柱升得较高,示数当然也较大D.内径粗的水银柱升得较低,示数当然也较小11.关于晶体和非晶体,下列说法正确的是()A.金刚石、食盐、玻璃和水晶都是晶体B.凡到一定的温度开始熔解的固体,就一定是晶体C.晶体和非晶体熔化时都要吸收热量且温度保持不变D.天上飘落的雪花,是非晶体12.小明同学口渴了,跑到厨房只看到了一壶刚烧开的热茶,正冒着“热气”,于是就从冰箱拿出一瓶冰冻的饮料,发现饮料瓶周围在冒着“冷气”.对这两种现象,下列说法中正确的是()A.都是液化现象B.都是汽化现象C.“热气”是液化,“冷气”是汽化D.“热气”是汽化,“冷气”是液化13.如图3所示,在烧杯和试管中都装着水,给烧杯加热使杯中水沸腾,继续加热,则()A.试管中的水将沸腾B.试管中的水温能达到沸点,但不能沸腾C.试管中的水达不到沸点,不能沸腾D.以上三种情况都可能发生14.音乐小组的几位同学制作了各自的乐器,乐器发声的波形图如下图4所示,对此说法不正确的是()A.乐器发声时都在振动B.乐器发声的音调相同C.乐器发声的响度相同D.乐器发声的音色相同图4 图5 图6二、填空题(每空1分,共24分)15.小华在家里修理厨房里的桌子时,不停的有敲击物体的声音发出,为了使隔壁的小明学习时避免干扰,小华采取了三种方案:①在被敲的地方垫一块抹布;②把房间、厨房门窗关严;③嘱咐小明暂时用耳机塞住耳朵.上述三种方案中,笫一种是在处减弱噪声;第二种是在中减弱;第三种是在处减弱噪声.16.图5中甲、乙是两种声音的波形图,从图形可知:图是乐音的波形,图是噪声的波形.理由是.从环境保护的角度看,上物理课时,音乐教室传来的歌唱声属于(填“噪声”或“乐音”).17.体温计的测量范围是,分度值是.某人拿一个体温计给甲同学测量体温是36.8℃,再给乙同学测体温时没有甩(乙同学的体温是36.4℃),测量的结果是;如果又给丙同学测体温时仍没有甩(丙同学的体温是37℃),测量出丙同学的体温是.18.现代城市里常常在主要街道上设置噪声监测设备.若某一时刻该装置的显示屏显示90的数据,这个数据的单位是;当附近没有汽车或摩托车驶过时,显示屏上的数据将(选填“增大”或“减小”).19.请写出这些自然现象的物态变化名称;下列春天到了,积雪融化,夏天的早晨,草地上出现露珠,秋天的早晨,出现大雾,初冬的早晨,地面上出现白霜.20.如图6是电冰箱工作原理图.电冰箱工作原理是利用了制冷剂作为热的“搬运工”,把冰箱冷冻室里的“热”搬运到冰箱外边.制冷剂是一种既容易又容易的物质(填物态变化的名称).工作时,电动压缩机将制冷剂蒸气压缩并把它压入冰箱的冷凝管里,在这里蒸气变成液体并(选填“吸热”或“放热”),这些热被周围空气带走.冷凝器里的液态制冷剂,经过一段根细的毛细管进入冰箱内冷冻室的管子里,在这里迅速汽化(选填“吸热”或“放热”),使冰箱内温度降低,生成的蒸气又被压缩机抽走,压入冷凝器,再液化并把从冰箱内带出来的热放出.制冷剂这样循环流动,冰箱冷冻室里就可以保持相当低的温度.21.(1)小明用刻度尺和三角板按图7甲测一枚纽扣的直径,该刻度尺的分度值是mm,纽扣的直径是cm.(2)用温度计测出冰箱冷冻室的温度如图7乙,示数为.(3)图7丙秒表的计数为s。



3.计算(2a2)3 的结果是(
A.6a5 B.6a6 C.8a5 D.8a6
4.如果把分式 中的 x 和 y 都扩大 2 倍,那么分式的值(
A.不变 B.扩大 2 倍 C.扩大 4 倍 D.缩小 2 倍
5.PM2.5 是指大气中直径小于或等于 0.0000025m 的颗粒物,将 0.0000025 用科学记数法
(2)如图 2,若 AB=BD,∠BDE=22.5°,试探究线段 DE 与 AC 的数量关系,并证明你的 结论.
A.0.25×10﹣ 5 B.0.2×5 1﹣0 6 C.2×.5 1﹣0 5 D.2.5×10﹣ 6
6.如图,已知△AOC≌△BOD,∠A=30°,∠C=20°,则∠COD=( )
A.50° B.80° C.100° D.130°
7.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,已知 A(0, ),B(﹣ 2,﹣ ),△ABC 是等边三角 形,AD 是 BC 边上的高,则点 C 的坐标是( )
2015-2016 学年广东省广州市越秀区八年级(上)期末数学试卷
一、选择题(本题共 10 小题,每小题 3 分,满分 30 分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只
A.长方形 B.梯形 C.钝角三角形 D.正六边形
24.一辆汽车开往距离出发地 320km 的目的地,出发后第一小时内按原计划的速度匀速行 驶,一小时后以原来速度的 1.2 倍匀速行驶,并比原计划提前 30min 到达目的地,求前一 小时的汽车行驶速度. 25.如图,线段 AB 与 CD 相交于点 E,AB⊥BD,垂足为 B,AC⊥CD,垂足为 C. (1)如图 1,若 AB=CD,∠BDE=30°,试探究线段 DE 与 CE 的数量关系,并证明你的结 论;



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3. 试卷标题要统一(复制粘贴):加粗居中加粗:ctrl+B;居中:ctrl+E 左对齐ctrl+L 右对齐:ctrl+R^:ctrl+H另存为:f12______: shif+-(数字0旁边)回到首页(ctrl+home); 回到尾页(ctrl+end);格式刷格式刷后Ctrl+H后弹出以下对话框解决方法:复制一个合格的,然后改掉数字即可。


56.The article is intended to ______.A. warn people of the possible risks in adopting RFI D. technologyB. explain the benefits brought about by RFI D. technologyC. convince people of the uses of RFID. technologyD. predict the applications of RFI D. technology57.We know from the passage that with the help of RFI D. tags, people _______.A. will have no trouble getting data about othersB. will have more energy for conversationC. will have more time to make friends2016-2017学年广大附中八年级上第一次月考第二节语法选择(每空1分,共15分)Many books have been written about “the art of giving”. And we also know that it’s hard to give people a gift, _1 a personal one. If we want to make it better, we should understand who you will give the gift to and their likes and 2 As is often the case, some little kids think they don’t get enough gifts _3 some old people think they get too many gifts. Different people like different kinds of gifts. Some presents are never too 4 For example, when a little child just gives his or her mother a leaf from a tree, it is enough to make her very 5 Gift giving is different in different 6 Here are some of their likes. In Japan, people sometimes give special gifts. But they are not opened. Later, the same gift may be given away to someone 7 , because many people have enough things and don’t want _8 gifts themselves. In Canada, a tree can help remember 9 In the USA, some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buying them gifts. In Swede n, doing something for someone is the best gift. People don’t need to _10 too much money. Instead, making a meal for him or her is enough.To make things 11 , some people would rather just give money. In some cultures, however, 12 money can make people uncomfortable. “When someone gives me money, it just makes me think they’re being lazy,” says John Wilson. “In England, we have a saying: It’s the thought that 13 When someone gives me money, I feel they don’t think it about at all. I prefer to receive a gift 14 has some thought behind it.”Different people have very different thoughts 15 this subject! So maybe the art of giving is difficult! What do you think?1. A. specially B. especially C. Commonly D. usually2. A. Displays B. disadvantages C. Disagreements D. dislikes3. A. while B. When C. as D. if4. A. same B. Similar C. Small D. huge5. A. Lonely B. happy C. Sad D. angry6. A. Cities B. towns C. Provinces D. countries7. A. else B. other C. Another D. else’s8. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too9. A. a child B. a person C. a guide D. a chef10.A. spend B. take C. cost D. make11.A. more difficult B. easy C. Difficult D. easier12.A. using B. giving C. receiving D. fetching13.A. Counts B. Discovers C. Finds D. invents14.A. who B. What C. Where D. that15.A. to B. On C. Up D. In1-5:BDACB 6-10:DACBA 11-15:DCADB第三节完形填空In some science fiction movies, the robots are just like humans. They help with the housework and do the most 16 jobs.Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future. 17 , they agree it may 18 hundreds of years. Scientists are now trying to make robots 19 people and do the same things as us.But robot scientist James White 20 . He thinks that it will be 21 for a robot to do the same things as a person. 22 , it’s easy for a child to wake up and know where they are. Mr White thinks that robots won’t be able to do this. But other scientists disagree. They think that robots will be able to talk to people 23 25 to 50 years. Robot scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people. For example, there are already robots 24 in factories. They do simple jobs over and over again. People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored. But robots will 25 get bored.In the future, there will be more robots everywhere, and humans will have 26 _ work to do. New robots will have many different 27 . Some will look like humans, and 28 might look like snakes. After an earthquake (地震), a snake robot could help look for people under buildings. That may not seem possible now, but computers, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes 29 impossible a hundred years ago. We never know 30 will happen in the future!16.A. interesting B. unpleasant C. pleasant D. popular17.A. But B. So C. However D. While18.A. use B. spend C. pay D. take19.A. look like B. look at C. look for D. look up20.A. agrees B. disagrees C. likes D. dislikes21.A. easy B. difficult C. important D. possible22.A. For example B. Instead C. Such as D. Besides23.A. after B. for C. over D. in24.A. worked B. work C. working D. to work25.A. always B. easily C. never D. often26.A. more B. less C. fewer D. little27.A. shapes B. colors C. sizes D. actions28.A. the other B. other C. the others D. others29.A. seem B. seemed C. got D. look30.A. that B. how C. what D. where16-20:BCDAB 21-25:BADCC 26-30:BADBC第四节阅读理解(每题2分,共40分)(B)We each have a memory(记忆力). That’s why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. Many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories.A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember and speak two languages every day. In school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.But your memory will become better and better when you do more and more exercises.31. Some people can easily learn many things by heart because _________.A. they always sleep very wellB. they often eat good foodC. they read a lot of booksD. they have very good memories32. Everybody learns his mother language _________.A. at the age of sixB. when he is a small childC. after he goes to schoolD. when he can read and write33. Before a child can speak, he must _________.A. read and writeB. make sentencesC. hear and remember the soundsD. think hard34. In school the pupils can’t learn a foreign language well because _________.A. they have no good memoriesB. they have no recordersC. they have too much time for itD. they are busy with other subjects35. Your memory will become better and better _________.A. if you have plenty of good foodB. if you do more and more exercisesC. if you do morning exercises every dayD. if you get up early31-35:DBCDB(C)Mr. Brown was born in a poor family. He couldn't go to school when he was young. Now he's a porter and works at a station. He doesn't think it necessary to know some knowledge of science. His son. Bill, began to go to school last year. The boy likes nothing except playing. He doesn't listen to the teachers in class and can't do his homework after class. It's the hardest thing for him to do math exercises. And he wants to drop it.Last evening Mrs. Brown heard Bill crying in the next room while she and her husband were watching TV. She came up to him and asked, "What's the matter, Bill?""I can't do my math homework," said the boy, "I won't go to school tomorrow!""No, no, don't do that!" said the woman." Maybe your father can help you."Then she asked her husband to help their son with his math. Mr. Brown said, "But I don't know math, either. ""It doesn't matter," said his wife. "You'll only coax him out of crying."Mr. Brown had to do as his wife said. The next afternoon Bill came back and showed his exercise book to his father. The man had a look at it and shouted to his wife, "Come here quickly, dear! I got an A in math!"36.Which of the following is true?A. Mr. Brown was going to be a porter when he was youngB. Mr. Brown's parents were too poor to send him to schoolC. Mr. Brown wasn't interested in science when he was youngD. There was no school in Mr. Brown’s hometown.37.Bill can't do his homework because ________.A. his father wouldn't help himB. he doesn't listen to his teachersC. he doesn't like studyingD. he wants to drop maths38.Bill cried to ________.A. get his parents' helpB. go to bed earlierC. get something to eatD. watch TV with his parents39.The phrase "coax sb. out of crying" in the story means ________.A. 制止某人哭泣B. 惹得某人哭泣C. 哄某止哭泣D. 哄某人停止哭泣40.is good at math in their family.A. BillB. Mr BrownC. NoneD. None36-40:BCACC(D)Wild animals are our friends, but many of them are getting fewer and fewer. We should try to protect them. The four animals below are now in danger.Tibetan AntelopesTibetan antelopes (藏羚羊) are medium-sized animals. They mainly feed on grass. They are usually found in groups of about 20. They are killed for their wool, which is warm, soft and fine and can be made into expensive clothes. Although people can get the wool without killing the animals, people simply kill them before taking the wool. The number of them is dropping year by year. There are less than 75,000 Tibetan antelopes left in the world, down from a million 50 years ago.Golden MonkeysGolden monkeys are mainly found in Sichuan, Gansu, Shanxi provinces and Shengnongjia mountainous area of Hubei Province. Golden monkeys have golden-orange fur. They move around in the daytime, usually in groups of as many as 100 to 200 heads, or 20 to 30 heads. They feed on fruits and young leaves of bamboos. But people are destroying the environment where they live. Trees and bamboos are disappearing, so golden monkeys have less and less to eat.ElephantsElephants are very big and strong. They are bigger than any other animals on land. They are grey and have long trunks and tusks. They have poor eyesight, but very good hearing and smell. They can lift heavy things and break down branches with their trunks. Elephants are very friendly towards each other and towards their neighbours. Normally, they live in a group for many years. Young male elephants do not leave the group until they are about 12 years old. Now, there are very few elephants in the world. The number of them is becoming smaller and smaller because their living areas are used for farming. Also, people hunt them for their tusks.WolvesWolves are not very big. They have grey fur. Wolves have very good eyesight, hearing and smell. Wolves' food is various. They eat animals, insects and snails. They are friendly to each other and never attack people. They do not k ill for fun. Wolves are in danger, too. They are losing their living areas because people cut down forests. Soon they will have no home or food.41.Tibetan antelopes usually live in groups of about _______.A. twentyB. thirtyC. one hundredD. two hundred42.Which of the following animals are the biggest on land?A. Tibetan antelopes.B. Golden monkeys.C. Elephants.D. Wolves43.Which of the following sentences is right?A. There are less than 7,500 Tibetan antelopes left in the world now.B. Golden monkeys usually move around during the night.C. Elephants have good eyesight, but very poor hearing and smell.D. Wolves are friendly to each other and they never attack people.44.What is the correct meaning of the underlined word “trunk” in paragraph 3?A. 象牙B. 象鼻C. 躯干D. 树干44.What can be the best title of the passage?A. Wild animals in dangerB. How to hunt wild animalsC. Animals in the zooD. How to train the animals。



2014-2015学年广东省广州市越秀区八年级(上)期末数学试卷一、选择题(本题共有10小题,每小题3分,共30分,每小题有四个选项,其中有几个选项符合题意,选错、不选、多选或涂改不清的均不给分)1.(2014越秀区期末)在下列四个轴对称图形中,对称轴的条数最多的是()A.等腰三角形B.等边三角形C.圆D.正方形2.(2014越秀区期末)下面有4个汽车标志图案,其中不是轴对称图形的是()A. B.C.D.3.(2014越秀区期末)若分式的值为零,则x的值为()A.±1 B.﹣1 C.1 D.不存在4.(2014越秀区期末)下列运算错误的是()A.x2•x4=x6B.(﹣b)2•(﹣b)4=﹣b6C.x•x3•x5=x9D.(a+1)2(a+1)3=(a+1)55.(2014越秀区期末)下列各因式分解中,结论正确的是()A.x2﹣5x﹣6=(x﹣2)(x﹣3)B.x2+x﹣6=(x+2)(x﹣3)C.ax+ay+1=a(x+y)+1 D.ma2b+mab2+ab=ab(ma+mb+1)6.(2014越秀区期末)如图,在△ABC中,若AB=AC,∠A=30°,DE垂直平分AC,则∠BCD的度数是()A.45°B.40°C.35°D.30°7.(2014越秀区期末)到三角形三条边的距离都相等的点是这个三角形的()A.三条中线的交点B.三条高的交点C.三条边的垂直平分线的交点 D.三条角平分线的交点8.(2014越秀区期末)若等腰三角形的两条边的长分别为3cm和7cm,则它的周长是()A.10cm B.13cm C.17cm D.13cm或17cm9.(2014越秀区期末)如图,若AB=AC,BE=CF,CF⊥AB,BE⊥AC,则图中全等的三角形共有()对.A.5对B.4对C.3对D.2对10.(2014越秀区期末)如图是屋架设计图的一部分,点D是斜梁AB的AB的中点,立柱BC、DE垂直于横梁AF.已知AB=12m,∠ADE=60°,则DE等于()A.3m B.2m C.1m D.4m二、填空题(本题共有6小题,每小题3分,共18分)11.(2014越秀区期末)要使分式有意义,那么x必须满足.12.(2014越秀区期末)已知一个n边形的内角和是其外角和的5倍,则n=.13.(2014越秀区期末)如图,已知△ABC≌△AFE,若∠ACB=65°,则∠EAC等于度.14.(2014越秀区期末)如图,若AB=AC,BD=CD,∠B=20°,∠BDC=120°,则∠A等于度.15.(2014越秀区期末)如图,已知BD是∠ABC的角平分线,DE⊥AB于E点,AB=6cm,BC=4cm,S△ABC=10cm2,则DE=cm.16.(2014越秀区期末)如图,已知射线OC上的任意一点到∠AOB的两边的距离都相等,点D、E、F分别为边OC、OA、OB上,如果要想证得OE=OF,只需要添加以下四个条件中的某一个即可,请写出所有可能的条件的序号.①∠ODE=∠ODF;②∠OED=∠OFD;③ED=FD;④EF⊥OC.三、解答题(本题共有7小题,共72分)17.(2014越秀区期末)完成下列运算(1)计算:7a2•(﹣2a)2+a•(﹣3a)3(2)计算:(a+b+1)(a﹣b+1)+b2﹣2a.18.(2014越秀区期末)完成下列运算(1)先化简,再求值:(2x﹣y)(y+2x)﹣(2y+x)(2y﹣x),其中x=1,y=2(2)先化简,再求值:,其中x=1,y=3.19.(2014越秀区期末)如图,在△ABC中,AC=BC,AD平分∠BAC,∠ADC=60°,求∠C的度数.20.(2014越秀区期末)如图,已知AB=AC,D是BC边的中点,DE和DF分别平分∠ADB和∠ADC,求证:DE=DF.21.(2014越秀区期末)客车和货车同时分别从甲乙两城沿同一公路相向而行,相遇时客车比货车多行驶了180千米,相遇后,客车再经过4小时到达乙城,货车再经过9小时到达甲城,求客车、货车的速度和甲乙两城间的路程.22.(2014越秀区期末)如图,已知AC∥BD,EA、EB分别平分∠CAB和∠DBA,CD过点E,求证:AB=AC+BD.23.(2014越秀区期末)在等腰直角三角形AOB中,已知AO⊥OB,点P、D分别在AB、OB上,(1)如图1中,若PO=PD,∠OPD=45°,证明△BOP是等腰三角形.(2)如图2中,若AB=10,点P在AB上移动,且满足PO=PD,DE⊥AB于点E,试问:此时PE的长度是否变化?若变化,说明理由;若不变,请予以证明.2014-2015学年广东省广州市越秀区八年级(上)期末数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(本题共有10小题,每小题3分,共30分,每小题有四个选项,其中有几个选项符合题意,选错、不选、多选或涂改不清的均不给分)1.(3分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)在下列四个轴对称图形中,对称轴的条数最多的是()A.等腰三角形B.等边三角形C.圆D.正方形【解答】解:A、有1条对称轴;B、有3条对称轴;C、有无数条对称轴;D、有4条对称轴.故选C.2.(3分)(2016春•万州区期末)下面有4个汽车标志图案,其中不是轴对称图形的是()A. B.C.D.【解答】解:A、是轴对称图形,故错误;B、是轴对称图形,故错误;C、是轴对称图形,故错误;D、不是轴对称图形,故正确.故选D.3.(3分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)若分式的值为零,则x的值为()A.±1 B.﹣1 C.1 D.不存在【解答】解:由分式的值为零的条件得,|x|﹣1=0,且x﹣1≠0,解得x=﹣1.故选:B.4.(3分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)下列运算错误的是()A.x2•x4=x6B.(﹣b)2•(﹣b)4=﹣b6C.x•x3•x5=x9D.(a+1)2(a+1)3=(a+1)5【解答】解:A、底数不变指数相加,故A正确;B、底数不变指数相加,故B错误;C、底数不变指数相加,故C正确;D、底数不变指数相加,故D正确;故选:B.5.(3分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)下列各因式分解中,结论正确的是()A.x2﹣5x﹣6=(x﹣2)(x﹣3)B.x2+x﹣6=(x+2)(x﹣3)C.ax+ay+1=a(x+y)+1 D.ma2b+mab2+ab=ab(ma+mb+1)【解答】解:A、原式=(x﹣6)(x+1),错误;B、原式=(x﹣2)(x+3),错误;C、原式不能分解,错误;D、原式=ab(ma+mb+1),正确,故选D6.(3分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)如图,在△ABC中,若AB=AC,∠A=30°,DE垂直平分AC,则∠BCD 的度数是()A.45°B.40°C.35°D.30°【解答】解:∵AB=AC,∠A=30°,∴∠ABC=∠ACB=75°.∵DE垂直平分AC,∴AD=CD,∴∠A=∠ACD=30°∴∠BCD=∠ACB﹣∠ACD=45°.故选A.7.(3分)(2007•中山)到三角形三条边的距离都相等的点是这个三角形的()A.三条中线的交点B.三条高的交点C.三条边的垂直平分线的交点 D.三条角平分线的交点【解答】解:∵角的平分线上的点到角的两边的距离相等,∴到三角形的三边的距离相等的点是三条角平分线的交点.故选:D.8.(3分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)若等腰三角形的两条边的长分别为3cm和7cm,则它的周长是()A.10cm B.13cm C.17cm D.13cm或17cm【解答】解:①当腰是3cm,底边是7cm时:不满足三角形的三边关系,因此舍去.②当底边是3cm,腰长是7cm时,能构成三角形,则其周长=3+7+7=17(cm).故选C.9.(3分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)如图,若AB=AC,BE=CF,CF⊥AB,BE⊥AC,则图中全等的三角形共有()对.A.5对B.4对C.3对D.2对【解答】解:由题意可得出:△ABE≌△ACF(HL),△ADF≌△ADE(HL),△ABD≌△ACD(SAS),△BFD≌△CED(ASA).故选:B.10.(3分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)如图是屋架设计图的一部分,点D是斜梁AB的AB的中点,立柱BC、DE垂直于横梁AF.已知AB=12m,∠ADE=60°,则DE等于()A.3m B.2m C.1m D.4m【解答】解:如右图所示,∵立柱BC、DE垂直于横梁AC,∴BC∥DE,∵D是AB中点,∴AD=BD,∴AE:CE=AD:BD,∴AE=CE,∴DE是△ABC的中位线,∴DE=BC,在Rt△ABC中,∵∠ADE=60°,∴∠A=30°,∴BC=AB=6m,∴DE=3m.故选A.二、填空题(本题共有6小题,每小题3分,共18分)11.(3分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)要使分式有意义,那么x必须满足x≠2.【解答】解:由题意得,x﹣2≠0,解得x≠2.故答案为:x≠2.12.(3分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)已知一个n边形的内角和是其外角和的5倍,则n=12.【解答】解:多边形的外角和是360°,根据题意得:180°•(n﹣2)=360°×5,解得n=12.故答案为:12.13.(3分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)如图,已知△ABC≌△AFE,若∠ACB=65°,则∠EAC等于50度.【解答】解:∵△ABC≌△AFE,∴∠ACB=∠AEF=65°,∴∠EAC=180°﹣∠ACB﹣∠AEF=50°.故答案为50.14.(3分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)如图,若AB=AC,BD=CD,∠B=20°,∠BDC=120°,则∠A等于80度.【解答】解:过D作射线AF,在△BAD和△CAD中,,∴△BAD≌△CAD(SSS),∴∠BAD=∠CAD,∠B=∠C=20°,∵∠BDF=∠B+∠BAD,∠CDF=∠C+∠CAD,∴∠BDF+∠CDF=∠B+∠BAD+∠C+∠CAD,∴∠BDC=∠B+∠C+∠BAC,∵∠C=∠B=20°,∠BDC=120°,∴∠BAC=80°.故答案为:80.15.(3分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)如图,已知BD是∠ABC的角平分线,DE⊥AB于E点,AB=6cm,BC=4cm,S△ABC=10cm2,则DE=2cm.【解答】解:过D作DF⊥BC于F,∵BD是∠ABC的角平分线,DE⊥AB,∴DF=DE,∵S△ABC=10cm2,AB=6cm,BC=4cm,∴×BC×DF+×AB×DE=10,∴×4×DE+×6×DE=10,∴DE=2,故答案为:2.16.(3分)(2015秋•平南县期末)如图,已知射线OC上的任意一点到∠AOB的两边的距离都相等,点D、E、F分别为边OC、OA、OB上,如果要想证得OE=OF,只需要添加以下四个条件中的某一个即可,请写出所有可能的条件的序号①②④.①∠ODE=∠ODF;②∠OED=∠OFD;③ED=FD;④EF⊥OC.【解答】解:∵射线OC上的任意一点到∠AOB的两边的距离都相等,∴OC平分∠AOB.①若①∠ODE=∠ODF,根据ASA定理可求出△ODE≌△ODF,由三角形全等的性质可知OE=OF.正确;②若∠OED=∠OFD,根据AAS定理可得△ODE≌△ODF,由三角形全等的性质可知OE=OF.正确;③若ED=FD条件不能得出.错误;④若EF⊥OC,根据ASA定理可求出△OGE≌△OGF,由三角形全等的性质可知OE=OF.正确.故答案为①②④.三、解答题(本题共有7小题,共72分)17.(10分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)完成下列运算(1)计算:7a2•(﹣2a)2+a•(﹣3a)3(2)计算:(a+b+1)(a﹣b+1)+b2﹣2a.【解答】解:(1)原式=7a2•4a2+a•(﹣27a3)=28a4﹣27a4=a4;(2)原式=(a+1)2﹣b2+b2﹣2a=a2+2a+1﹣2a=a2+1.18.(14分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)完成下列运算(1)先化简,再求值:(2x﹣y)(y+2x)﹣(2y+x)(2y﹣x),其中x=1,y=2(2)先化简,再求值:,其中x=1,y=3.【解答】解:(1)原式=4x2﹣y2﹣4y2+x2=5(x2﹣y2),当x=1,y=2时,原式=5×(1﹣4)=﹣15;(2)原式=﹣•=+===,当x=1,y=3,∴原式=3.19.(9分)(2015秋•庐江县期末)如图,在△ABC中,AC=BC,AD平分∠BAC,∠ADC=60°,求∠C的度数.【解答】解:设∠BAD=x.∵AD平分∠BAC,∴∠CAD=∠BAD=x,∠BAC=2∠BAD=2x.∵AC=BC,∴∠B=∠BAC=2x.∵∠ADC=∠B+∠BAD=60°,∴2x+x=60°,∴x=20°,∴∠B=∠BAC=40°.在△ABC中,∵∠BAC+∠B+∠C=180°,∴∠C=180°﹣∠B﹣∠BAC=100°.20.(9分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)如图,已知AB=AC,D是BC边的中点,DE和DF分别平分∠ADB和∠ADC,求证:DE=DF.【解答】证明:∵AB=AC,D是BC边的中点,∴AD⊥BC,∠EAD=∠FAD.又∵DE和DF分别平分∠ADB和∠ADC,∴∠EDA=∠FDA=45°.在△AED与△AFD中,,∴△AED≌△AFD(ASA),∴DE=DF.21.(10分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)客车和货车同时分别从甲乙两城沿同一公路相向而行,相遇时客车比货车多行驶了180千米,相遇后,客车再经过4小时到达乙城,货车再经过9小时到达甲城,求客车、货车的速度和甲乙两城间的路程.【解答】解:设客车的速度是x千米/小时,则货车的速度是千米/小时,依题意有=,解得x1=90,x2=﹣18(不合题意舍去),经检验,x=90是原方程的解,==60,90×4+60×9=360+540=900(千米).答:客车的速度是90千米/小时,则货车的速度是60千米/小时,甲乙两城间的路程是900千米.22.(10分)(2014秋•越秀区期末)如图,已知AC∥BD,EA、EB分别平分∠CAB和∠DBA,CD过点E,求证:AB=AC+BD.【解答】证明:在AB上取一点F,使AF=AC,连结EF.∵EA、EB分别平分∠CAB和∠DBA,∴∠CAE=∠FAE,∠EBF=∠EBD.∵AC∥BD,∴∠C+∠D=180°.在△ACE和△AFE中,,∴△ACE≌△AFE(SAS),∴∠C=∠AFE.∵∠AFE+∠EFB=180°,∴∠EFB=∠D.在△BEF和△BED中,,∴△BEF≌△BED(AAS),∴BF=BD.∵AB=AF+BF,∴AB=AC+BD.23.(10分)(2015秋•河东区期末)在等腰直角三角形AOB中,已知AO⊥OB,点P、D分别在AB、OB 上,(1)如图1中,若PO=PD,∠OPD=45°,证明△BOP是等腰三角形.(2)如图2中,若AB=10,点P在AB上移动,且满足PO=PD,DE⊥AB于点E,试问:此时PE的长度是否变化?若变化,说明理由;若不变,请予以证明.【解答】(1)证明:∵PO=PD,∠OPD=45°,∴∠POD=∠PDO==67.5°,∵等腰直角三角形AOB中,AO⊥OB,∴∠B=45°,∴∠OPB=180°﹣∠POB﹣∠B=67.5°,∴∠POD=∠OPB,∴BP=BO,即△BOP是等腰三角形;(2)解:PE的值不变,为PE=5,证明如下:如图,过点O作OC⊥AB于C,∵∠AOB=90°,AO=BO,∴△BOC是等腰直角三角形,∠COB=∠B=45°,点C为AB的中点,∴OC=AB=5,∵PO=PD,∴∠POD=∠PDO,又∵∠POD=∠COD+∠POC=45°+∠POC,∠PDO=∠B+∠DPE=45°+∠DPE,∴∠POC=∠DPE,在△POC和△DPE中,,∴△POC≌△DPE(AAS),∴OC=PE=5,∴PE的值不变,为5.参与本试卷答题和审题的老师有:caicl;dbz1018;2300680618;sks;ZJX;算术;lf2-9;HLing;wd1899;星期八;HJJ;zjx111;wdzyzmsy@;hdq123;上善若水(排名不分先后)菁优网2016年11月14日。



别交 AB,AC 于点 D,E,若 AB = 6,AC = 5,则 △ADE 的周长是

15. 如图,在正方形方格中,阴影部分是涂黑 7 个小正方形所形成的图案,再将方格内空白的一个小
16. 如图,△ABC 中,∠BAC = 90◦,AD ⊥ BC,∠ABC 的平分线 BE 交 AD 于点 F ,AG
1. 2. 如图,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DABABDBBA C
∵ ∠3 = ∠1 + 90◦,而 ∠1 = 40◦,
∴ ∠3 = 130◦,
∵ a ∥ b,
∴ ∠2 = ∠3 = 130◦.
3.A.由 3,8,5 可得,3 + 5 = 8,故不能组成三角形;
A. 1
B. 1 或 3
C. 1 或 7
D. 3 或 7
11. 点 P (3, 2) 关于 x 轴对称的点的坐标为

12. 若等腰三角形的两边长分别是 4 和 6,则这个三角形的周长是

13. 若正多边形的一个内角是其外角的 2 倍,则这个多边形的边数是

14. 如图,在 △ABC 中,∠ABC 与 ∠ACB 的平分线相交于点 O,过点 O 作 DE ∥ BC,分
E,D 为垂足,CE = 10 cm,则 AB =( )
A. 4 cm
B. 5 cm
C. 6 cm
D. 不能确定
9. 如图,在直角梯形 ABCD 中,AD ∥ BC,∠C = 90◦,AD = 5,BC = 9,AB = AE,



2015-2016学年广东省广州市华南师大附中八年级上学期期中物理试卷一、选择题(每小题2分,共30分.每小题只有一个最佳答案,请把答案填写在答题卷上,填在试卷上的无效)1.(2分)下列几种估测最符合实际情况的是()A.人步行的速度约为5m/s B.全新的2B铅笔长约18cmC.课桌的高度约为1.5m D.一张试卷厚度的大约1mm2.(2分)如图所示,是初二的某同学参观科技馆时与火箭模型的合影,请估测火箭模型的高度约为()A.15米B.10米C.6米 D.3米3.(2分)如图所示,用悬挂着的乒乓球接触正在发声的音叉,乒乓球会多次被弹开。

这个实验是用来探究()A.声音能否在真空中传播B.声音产生的原因C.音调是否与频率有关D.声音传播是否需要时间4.(2分)两次用不同大小的力分别拨动如图所示的锯条,它能用来研究乐音特征中的()?!!A.响度B.音色C.音调D.以上都可以5.(2分)在0℃的环境中,把一块0℃的冰投入0℃的水中,将会发生的现象是()A.冰全部熔化B.冰有少部分熔化C.水有少部分凝固 D.冰不会熔化,水不会凝固6.(2分)甲、乙两人同时从同一起跑线出发,同向做匀速直线运动,某时刻他们的位置如图所示,下列能正确反映两人运动距离与时间关系的是()A.B.C.D.7.(2分)下列现象不可能出现的是()A.寒冷的冬天,冰冻的衣服会变干B.潮湿的夏天,从冰箱里取出的啤酒瓶上会出现小水珠C.有风的天气,游泳后从水中出来会感觉冰冷D.冬天戴眼镜的人从室内走到室外,眼镜上会出现小水珠8.(2分)医生在诊病时使用的听诊器()A.能使心脏振动的振幅增加,响度增大B.能改变心跳的频率,使声音变调C.能改变心跳的音色,使声音好听些D.能减小声音传播过程中的能量损耗9.(2分)2007年2月3日,我国成功地将第四颗“北斗一号”导航定位卫星送入太空。




2015-2016学年广东省广州市某校八年级(上)期末英语试卷一、语法选择(共1小题;每小题15分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从26~35各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.1. Everyone uses his or her own special words(1)________his or her ideas and feelings.Some of these expressions are (2)________used for many years.(3)________are popular for just a short time.Such an American expression is"Where is the beef?"It(4)________when something is not as good as it(4)________is said to be.(5)________,"Where is the beef?"was one of(6)________expressions in the United States.It (7)________as if everyone was using it at that time.We all know"McDonald's"was famous for a hamburger made(8)________beef.When some businessmen saw it,they opened their own hamburger restaurants.One company(9)________"Wendy"said its hamburgers were bigger than(10)________sold by McDonald's or anyone else's.The company began to use the expression"Whe re is the beef?"to make people(11)________that Wendy's hamburgers were the biggest.The television showed three old women eating hamburgers.The bread(12)________ covered the meat was very big,but inside there was only(13)________meat.One of the women said she would not eat a hamburger with such a little pieceof beef."Where is the beef?"She shouted(14)________a funny way.The idea for Wendy's hamburger restaurant was a(15)________.As we said,it seemed everyone began using the expression"Where is the beef?"二、完形填空(共1小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从36-45各题所给的A、B、C、D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.2. A boy lost his arms in an accident and his father lost his life.Since then, he had to (1)________the arms of his younger brother.Except for writing with his toes(脚趾头), he could hardly do (2)________ in his life.As the two brothers grew up together, they had lots of (3)________ and they often argued (争吵).Then one day, his younger brother(4)________ him.So he was very sad and didn't know (5)________ to do.A girl lost her hands because of a fire.Though her elder sister wanted to (6)________ her, she decided to be completely independent (独立的).At school, she always studied hard.Once she wrote the following in her composition, "I am (7)________.Though I lost my hands, I still have legs.Though my wings are broken, my heart ca n still fly."One day, the boy and the girl were both invited to a television interview program.They bo th were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their (8)________.The boy wrote"My younger brother's arms are my arms"(9)________ the girl wrote"Broken wings, (10)________ heart".(1)A go onB work onC look forD depend on(2)A anythingB somethingC nothingD everything(3)A questionsB hobbiesC problemsD differences(4)A hitB leftC lovedD hated(5)A whoB whereC whatD which(6)A take outB take care ofC take awayD take off(7)A sadB luckyC excitedD shy(8)A toesB handsC armsD legs(9)A asB soC whileD because(10)A jumpingB brokenC beatingD flying三、阅读理解(共4小题;每小题10分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.3. Michael Jackson's sudden death really astonished(震惊) his fans, but soon they are glad to find another younger"King of Pop"has appeared.Wa ng Yiming, who is known as Xiao Bao, has already been popular across the world with his wo nderful dance moves.He once appeared on U.S.television show"Ellen"and performed su ccessfully at the World Expo 2010.About seven years ago, Xiao Bao was born prematurely (早产), which made his mother really worried.He was so weak.What could he do? Doctors s uggested that moving his body to music would help make him strong, but soon his parents w ere surprised by how quickly Xiao Bao fell in love with music!"When he was young, we just st arted playing music to him and he started moving around like this.But we didn't think that he had such a strong feeling for music.When he was just several months old, we would let h im listen to music and he would stop crying and calm down at once, "the proud mother once said.So far, Xiao Bao has learned the moonwalk and other Jackson's moves well.His fans a re crazy about his wonderful shows.He has drawn more people's attention.He is fast beco ming internationally popular.There are lots of problems waiting for him, but Xiao Bao will never give up.He is serious about his dancing career.Where there is a will, there is a way .We are sure that Xiao Bao's dream will come true one day.(1)Xiao Bao has been famous for________.A his young age.B his dance moves.C his television shows.D his strong body.(2)Why did doctors advise Xiao Bao to dance?________A Because they knew Xiao Bao's feeling for music.B Because Xiao Bao's parents wanted them to do so. C Because Xiao Bao likes Michael's dancing a lot. D Because they thought dancing would be good for his health.(3)How did Xiao Bao's parents feel when they first saw his reaction(反应) to music?________A Surprised.B Happy.C Proud.D Worried.(4)What can we learn from the passage?________A People have paid little attention to Xiao Bao.B Xiao Bao's fans are not satisfied with his moves.C Xiao Bao works seriously and never gives up dancing.D His parents worry about their son's crazy love for music.(5)What's the best title for the passage?________A A Boy's dancing dream.B A Younger"King of Pop".C Michael Jackson's Moves .D Wang Yiming's Hobby.4. One day a farmer's donkey(驴) fell down a well.The animal cried for hours as the farmer tried to find a way to get it out.Finally, he decided to give up the animal, because it was old, and the well needed to be covered up.He invited all of his neighbors to come over and help him.They all began to fill the well wi th dirt(污土).The donkey realized what was happening and began to cry.Then, to everyone's surpri se, it became quiet.A few minutes later, the farmer finally looked down the well.He was surprised at what he saw.With each shovel(铲) of the dirt that hit its back, the donkey shook it off and took a step up.As the farmer's neighbors went on to shovel dirt on top to the animal, he still shook it off a nd took a step up.Pretty soon, the donkey happily got out.Life is going to shovel dirt to you, all kinds of dirt.Each of our troubles is a stepping stone .You can get out of the deepest well just by not stopping and never giving up!Shake it off an d take a step up.(1)The farmer________ and decided to give up getting the donkey out at last.A couldn't get the donkey out.B thought the donkey was old.C knew the well was useless.D All of the three.(2)The donkey cried again because it________.A didn't like the dirt.B knew that it was being killed.C was hungry.D felt unco mfortable.(3)The donkey________ so it became quiet.A found a way to save itself.B was killed by the farmer.C felt hopeless.D was t oo tired to cry.(4)The donkey saved itself by________.A making the trouble a stepping stone.B asking the neighbors for help.C keepin g quiet.D beginning to cry.(5)Which of the following is NOT true?________A The farmer decided to give up getting the donkey out at last.B The donkey saved its elf at last.C The donkey died at last.D The farmer asked the neighbors for help.5.Alice was now in a long dark room with doors all round the walls, and she could not see the White Rabbit anywhere.She tried to open the doors, but they were all locked(锁上)."How will I ever get out again? "she thought sadly.Then she saw a little glass table wit h three legs, and on the top of it was a very small gold key.Alice quickly took the key and tri ed it in all the doors, but she couldn't open any.Then she saw another door, a door that was only forty centimetres high.The little gold ke y unlocked this door easily, but Alice couldn't get through it-she was much too big.So she lay on the floor and looked through the open door, into a beau tiful garden with green trees and bright flowers."I'd like to be out there-not in this dark room.Why can't I get smaller? "It was already a very strange day, and Alice was beginning to think that anything was possible.After a while she locked the door again, got up and went back to the glass table.She put the key down and then she saw a little bottl e on the table.Round the neck of the bottle was a piece of paper with the words DRINK ME i n large letters."It can be dangerous to drink out of strange bottles, "she said."What will it do to me? "Sh e drank a little bit very slowly.The taste was very nice and very soon Alice finished the bottl e."I think I'm getting smaller and smaller every second."And she was."And now, "she said happily, "I can get through the little door into that beautiful garden."She ran at once to the door.Then she remembered that the little gold key was back on the glass table.She ran back to the table for it, but she was now much too small!The key was hi gh above her, on top of the table.She tried very hard to climb up the table leg, but she could n't do it.At last, tired and unhappy, she got angry with herself.Soon she saw a little glass box near her on the floor.She opened it, and found a very small cake with the words EAT ME on it.Nothing could surprise Alice now.(1)Why couldn't Alice get into the garden at first?________A Because she couldn't open any of the doors.B Because the door was too high.C Because she was too big to get through the door.D Because she couldn't find the key t o the door.(2)Where did Alice find the little gold key according to the story?________A In the garden.B On the floor.C In the glass box.D On the glass table.(3)We can learn that Alice felt a little________ from the underlined sentence.A proud.B angry.C afraid.D excited.(4)Which is the right order of the events according to the story?________A ②⑤③④①.B ②④⑤①③.C ②①⑤④③.D ②③④⑤①.(5)What do you think Alice will probably do at the end of the story?________A Wait for the White Rabbit.B Eat the small cake.C Climb up the table leg again .D Sit on the floor and cry.6. OUR BUSES CAN MAKE YOUR HOLIDAYEast Bus--maybe the best choice on your visit to the famous places of interest in Beijing. Sit back, relax and see all there is to see, with no need to worry about driving, finding a par king place or leaving your car with no one to watch it.We have lots of buses taking you to visit Tan'anmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Summe r Palace, the Temple of Heaven Park, the Olympic Center and the Great Wall.The whole tour will take you three days.Chinese & English speaking guides.Booking by phone four days advance(预先).Tour price: ¥580.00per person( half price for children under 1.2m tall), including the ticket price, breakfast and lunch. For more information, please phone Yong'an Tourism Company at 010-23368688/23368689.Add: 356Chaoyang Road, Beijing.Open 7days a week.8: 00-16: 00(1)When they visit the places of interest on an East Bus,the visitors________.A need to watch their cars .B have to worry about the driving.C have to find plac es to park their car .D can sit back and relax themselves.(2)From the advertisement,we can see that East Bus is a kind of________.A tourist bus .B village bus.C airport bus .D school bus.(3)________ on an East Bus can speak two languages.A The guide .B The driver .C The visitors .D The children.(4)Children under 1.2m tall need to pay________ for the trip.A 230yuan .B 290yuan .C 320yuan .D 460yuan.(5)which of the following is NOT true?________A The tour price includes six meals.B Visitors can see six places within three days.C Visitors must go to the company to book the tickets.D The office hour of the comp any is eight hours a day.四.写作(共三节,满分6分)第一节单词拼写(共6小题,每小题1分,满分6分)根据下列句子意思及所给出的音标写出所缺单词.在答卷填写时,要求写出完整单词.(每空只写一词)7. Many people in this village became ill,the government is trying to find out the t________.8. The teacher told us to o________ the library rules and don't carry food or drinks.9. ----It's so cold today,would you m________ my closing the window?----Of Course not.10. Qi Baishi was a famous Chinese a________.His paintings are still popular today.11. ----Tom never washes his clothes,he even asks his younger sister to do it for him.----Really?How l________ he is!12. The girl f________ the history exam but passed the English exam.第二节完成句子(共7小题,每小题2分,满分14分)根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子.(每空只写一词)13. 西蒙看起来很不高兴,因为同学们捉弄了他.Simon looked very unhappy,because his classmates________________________him.14. 这个任务太难做了,没有人愿意去做.This task is________ difficult________nobody is prepared to do it.15. ----南沙将建一个自由贸易区.----哦,真是一个好消息.----A Free Trade zone will be built in Nansha.----Oh,________________________it is!16. 寒假就要到了,能不能告诉我你要去哪度假?The winter holiday is coming,could you tell me________________________________to spend your holiday?17. 圣诞节,我们买了很多花来装饰我们的花园.Many flowers________________to decorate the garden on Christmas Day.18. 她昨天太激动了.她的眼睛里满是泪水.She was so excited yesterday.Her eyes________________________ tears.19. 我每天至少要花两个小时完成家庭作业.It________ me at least two hours________________ my homework every day.第三节、书面表达(共l小题,满分15分)20. "我的校园我的家"建设美好校园需要你我的共同努力.假设你是李华,请你给校长信箱写一封信,就以下几方面给学校提建议.要求:1.短文应包括上述所有要点,可适当发挥;2.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息;3.词数80左右.(开头已给出,不计入词数)Dear headmaster,School is our home.As a student,I think it's my duty to make the campus a better place.Now I am writing to you to give some suggestions.________.2015-2016学年广东省广州市某校八年级(上)期末英语试卷答案1. B,B,C,C,A,D,A,A,C,D,A,C,D,C,B2. DACBCBBACD3. BDACB4. DBAAC5. CDCAB6. DAABC7. ruth8. bey9. ind10. rtist11. azy12. ailed13. played,jokes,on14. so,that15. what,good,news16. where,you,will,go17. were,bought18. were,filled,with19. takes,to,finish20. Firstly,I want to give some suggestions about our school canteen.Food safety is very important,but we also need different kinds of food.Secondly,we hope the library opening hours could be longer and the books which we like reading woul d be increased so that we can do more reading in school.Thirdly,we hope there are more clubs and activities in our school so that our school life will be more interesting and colorful.At last,we want to plant more trees and flowers in our school,we hope our school will be as beautiful as a park.That's all.Thanks for your reading.。




第Ⅰ卷选择题(40分)一、选择题(每小题只有一个正确答案,每小题2分,共40分)1.身高160cm的小明,利用自己的身体特征进行了以下估测,接近真实值的是()A.教室宽5臂展,约8m(臂展:两臂左右平伸时,两手中指尖之间的距离)B.教室长10步幅,约30m(步幅:走路时,两脚尖之间的距离)C.课桌长4拃,约2.8m(拃:张开手,拇指尖到中指尖之问的距离)D.物理课本厚指宽,约10cm2.关于错误和误差,下列说法正确的是( )A.误差的产生与测量工具无关,所以使用更精密的测量工具也不能减小误差B.在测量中应避免错误,而误差是不能绝对避免的C.只要使用精密测量工具,测量方法正确,就不会产生误差D.对一个物体的长度进行多次测量取平均值,可以避免误差3.甲、乙二人各乘一台升降机,甲看见楼房在匀速上升,看到乙也在匀速上升.乙看见楼房在匀速上升,则他们相对于地面:( )A.甲上升,乙下降B.甲下降,乙上升C.甲、乙都下降,但甲比乙慢D.甲、乙都下降,且甲比乙快4.某物体在做匀速直线运动中,关于公式=/V S t的下列说法中正确的是( )A.速度V与路程S成正比B.速度V与路程S、时间没有关系C.路程S与时间成反比D.速度V与时间成反比5.要测量一个瓶子的直径,下列几种方法中正确的是( )6.听音乐时,要判断是什么乐器在演奏,依据的是( )A.声音的响度B.声音的音调C.声音的音色D.音乐的节奏7.敲锣时,要想使锣停止发声,只要用手按住锣面即可,这是因为( )A.锣声通过手掌被人吸收B.手对锣面形成真空,无法传声C.锣面停止振动,不能发声D.有声音,但被手遮住,听不到8.一个运动物体在前2秒内的平均速度是米/秒,后秒内的平均速度是5米/秒,则它在5秒内的平均速度是( )A.4米/秒B.4.2米/秒C.3.75米/秒D.1.6米/秒9.甲、乙两物体同时同地同方向开始做匀速直线运动,甲的速度大于乙的速度,它们的s t 图象如图所示a、b、c三条图线中的两条,运动5秒甲、乙间的距离大于2米,则( )A.甲的s t-图一定为图线a B.甲的s t-图可能为图线bC.乙的s t-图一定为图线c D.乙的s t-图可能为图线a10.正在拉二胡的一位同学不断用手指上下移动去控制琴弦,这样做的目的是( )A.使二胡发出不同的音调B.为了获得更好的音色C.为了获得更大的响度D.阻上琴弦振动发音11.教室内气温为25℃,小江同学在温度计的玻璃泡上涂抹少量与室温相同的酒精.如图中能比较正确地反映温度计示数随时间变化的图象是( )12.下列四个选项中,平均速度最大的是( )A.汽车以36km/h的速度在公路上行驶B.航模飞行器以15m/s的速度飞行C.百米赛跑中运动员用10s跑完全程D.从30m高处竖直下落的物体用了2.5s13.以下几个实验现象,能说明声音产生的原因的是( )A.放在玻璃钟罩内的电铃正在发声,把玻璃罩内的空气抽去一些后,铃声明显减弱B.把正在发声的收音机密封在塑料袋里,然后放入水中,人们仍然听到收音机发出的声音C.拉小提琴时,琴弦的松紧程度不同,发出的声音不相同D.拨动吉他的琴弦发出声音时,放在弦上的小纸片会被琴弦弹开14.关于声现象,下列说法中正确的是( )A.在高速铁路和居民区之间设置隔声墙,是在人耳处来减少噪声的B.离同一说话人较近的听众比远处的听众感觉声音更响亮些,是因为不同远近的听众,声波的振幅不一样C.通常女声比男声音调高,是由于女性声带振动比男性声带振动慢D.医生利用超声波粉碎人体内的结石,是因为声波可以传递信息15.从物理学的角度对以下成语进行解释,正确的是( )A.震耳欲聋—声音的响度很大B.隔墙有耳—声音的传播可以不需要介质C.掩耳盗铃—固体不能传声D.耳熟能详—声音的传播速度很大16.物理课上老师做了这样的演示实验:在标准大气压下,将0℃的冰放在敞口的烧瓶中加热,直到沸腾.如图所示是四位同学根据记录数据,绘出的冰在物态变化过程中温度随时间变化规律的图象,你认为正确的是( )17.以下分析正确的是( )A.寒冷的冬天早晨,窗户玻璃上的冰花,是水凝固形成的B.冻肉出冷库时比进冷库时重,这是因为水蒸气凝华附在肉上C.冬天在室外看到口中呼出的“白气”是水汽化后形成的D.冷却物体时,用0℃的冰和0℃的水效果一样,是因为它们温度相同18.自然界中有许多奥妙的声,声音是人们交流信息的重要渠道,是日常生活中经常接触到的物理现象.下列有关声现象的说法错误的是( )A.用牙齿听声利用的是骨传导B.用超声能击碎人体内的结石,说明声波具有能量C.外科医生对结石病人的“超声”排石是利用声波可以传递信息D.市区内某些路段“禁鸣喇叭”,这是在声音传播的过程中减弱噪音20.“神舟”六号飞船的表面有一层特殊材料,可避免飞船因高速运动与空气摩擦生热被烧毁,这种材料能起到这种作用的主要原因是( )A.材料坚硬,不怕热B.材料非常光滑,不易与空气摩擦生热C.材料不传热D.材料受热熔化,汽化吸收二、填空题(每空2分,共22分)21.一列长为200m的火车,通过一长为1000m的隧道,若火车速度为72km/h,则火车司机通过该隧道所用时间为__________秒.22.一辆汽车在平直公路上行驶,在10min内前进6km,停车10min后又以72km/h的速度匀速行驶20min,汽车第一次停车前的平均速度为_____________km/h;汽车在全程中的平均速度为_______km/h.23.李明同学用刻度尺测量一支铅笔的长度为16.83cm,请问李明同学所用的刻度尺的分度值为_________,所测得铅笔长度的准确值为__________,估测值为__________.24.交通部门常用测速仪来检测车速.测速原理是测速仪前后两次发出并接收到被测车反射回的超声波信号,再根据两次信号的时间差,测出车速,如图甲.某次测速中,测速仪发出与接收超声波的情况如图乙所示,×表示超声波与测速仪之间的距离.则该被测汽车速度是(假设超声波的速度为340米/秒,且保持不变,计算保留二位小数)__________米,秒.25.在用如图所示的方法“测平均速度”的实验中,请据图回答问题:(1)实验原理是__________.(2)在实验中,除了用到如图所示的器材外,还缺少的器材是__________.(3)所测路程为__________m.(4)假设所用时间为7s,那么小车的平均速度__________m/s.(保留两位小数)三、实验探究(每空1分,共22分)26.下图中测量铅笔长度所用刻度尺的分度值是__________,测量值是__________cm.下图中体温计的量程是__________,示数是__________.27.如图,将一把钢尺压在桌面上,一部分伸出桌面,用手拨动其伸出桌外的一端,控制伸出桌面部分长度不变,轻拨与重拨钢尺,则钢尺发出声音的__________不同;改变钢尺伸出桌面的长度.用相同的力拨动钢尺,则钢尺发出声音的__________不同.(音调、响度、音色)28.在“观察水的沸腾”实验中,在烧杯上盖上硬纸片,是为了__________,当水沸腾时,看到水中发生剧烈的汽化现象,形成大量的气泡,气泡在上升过程中体积变__________ (填“大”或“小”),到水面破裂开来.某同学通过实验,记录的数据如下表,可见水的沸点是__________℃.当水沸腾后时间(min)02456 (10)温度(℃)80858994989898 (98)管,是为了使海波__________.下表是一位同学探究某固体熔化时测量的数据和观察的现象,可知该物质的熔点是__________℃,熔化约用了__________分钟.物质熔化过程中不断吸收热量,温度时间/min0245679101112温度/℃72747677787980808080818283状态固态固液共存液态30.北方冬天的清晨,玻璃窗上有美丽的“冰花”,这是_________ (选填“室内”或“室外”) 空气中的水蒸气遇冷_________形成的,此过程要_________热(选填“吸”或“放”).31.如图所示是声音输入到示波器上时显示振幅与时间关系的波形.其中声音音调相同的是_________图和_________图,响度相同的是_________图和_________图.四、简答题(4分)32.小明在家中听音响时,忽然想到课本上说声音能使空气形成疏密相间的波动并以此将声音传到远方.小明想:“声音的这种波动我为什么看不见?这种说法到底对不对呢?”小明想了一会儿,起身找来一个小碟、一段铁丝和一勺洗衣粉.小明将洗衣粉倒入碟子中,加水溶解;然后将铁丝弯成一个带把的铁圈,将铁圈放在水中,使铁圈附上一层薄膜.小明将铁圈放在音响的喇叭前,打开音箱.这时,他发现,薄膜随着声音不断的在发生变化,如图所示.(1)小明通过实验说明了什么结论?(2)小明的研究大致上经历了什么样的探究过程?(3)小明在实验的过程中成功运用了什么物理学的探究方法?五、计算题(33题6分,34题6分,共12分)33.有一支未刻刻度的水银温度计,当玻璃泡放在冰水混合物中时,水银柱的长度为4cm,当玻璃泡放在个标准大气压下的沸水中时,水银柱的长度为24cm.问题:(1)对于这支水银温度计而言,外界温度每升高℃时,玻璃管内的水银伸长多少cm?(2)当室温为22℃时,水银柱的长度为多少cm?(3)用这支温度计测某种液体的温度时,发现水银柱的长度为16cm,则该种液体的温度为多少℃?34.李明参加军训打靶,靶与李明同学的距离为340m,从枪响后经过1.5秒该李明听到子弹击中靶的声音.(没空气阻力不计,子弹沿水平直线匀速飞行,声音速度为340m/s,光的传播速度为8310m/s)(1)站在远处的同学张军先看到枪口的火光后听到枪声,原因是_______________________.(2)子弹离开枪口的速度是多少?(3)若两个声音的时间间隔0.1≥秒时,人耳才能分辨出是两次声音,否则听到的就是一次声音;求靶距李明多远时,他只能听到一次声音?(即分辨不出枪响的声音和子弹击中靶的声音,计算结果保留二位小数)中大附中2015-2016学年上学期期中考试初二年级物理科答题卷本试卷满分100分题号一二三四五总分得分第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共60分)二、填空题(每空2分,共22分)21.___________.22.___________;___________.23.___________,___________,___________.24.___________25.(1)___________.(2)___________.(3) ___________.三、实验探究(每空1分,共22分)26.___________,___________.___________,___________.27.___________;___________28.___________________________.___________.___________.___________29.___________.___________,___________.___________.___________.30.___________、___________、___________.31.___________、___________、___________、___________.四、简答题(4分)32.五、计算题(每题6分)33.34.。



广大附中2015−2016年度初二(上)期末测试题物 理本试卷分第一部分、第二部分和第三部分。



第一部分(共36分)一、选择题(每题3分,共36分)1.关于参照物,下面说法正确的是( )A .只有静止不动的物体才能选做参照物B .只有运动的物体才能选做参照物C .参照物的选取是任意的,但应有利于问题的研宄D .研究地面上物体的运动时,必须选择地面或地面上不动的物体作为参照物2.下列各种运动中,速度最大的是( )A .奔跑着的猎豹的速度可达40m s /B .在水中游动的旗鱼的速度可达108km h /C .飞行的褐海燕1分钟能前进5kmD .百米赛龅某一著名运动员的成绩是996s .3.以下是关于声现象的一些说法,其中正确的是( )A .小提琴演奏者通过手指在弦上按压位置的变化来改变发声的响度B .敲锣时用力越大,所发声音的音调越高C .将手机放在密闭的容器中,随着向外不断抽气,手机铃声越来越大D .城市某些路段两旁的透明板墙可以减小噪声污染4.如图三幅图所示的是音叉、钢琴、长笛所发出的声音的波形图,则三种声音不同之处是:( )A .音调B .响度C .音色D .以上三个都不同5.往保温瓶里灌开水的过程中,听声音就能判断壶里水位的高低,因为( )A .随着水位升高,音调逐渐升高。

B .随着水位升高,音调逐渐降低。

C .灌水过程中音调保持不变,响度越来越大。

D .灌水过程中音调保持不变,响度越来越小。


关于人观察到的鱼和白云,下列说法正确的是( )A .鱼是实物,自云是光的反射形成的虚像B .鱼和白云都是光的反射形成的虚像C .鱼是实物,自云是光的折射形成的虚像D .鱼和白云分别是光的折射和反射形成的虚像7.下列现象中,属于光的反射现象的是( )A .木工检查木料是否平直B .演员对镜练习C .用放大镜观察指纹D .阳光穿过树林8.以下是关于光现象的一些说法,其中正确的是( )A.有时对着墙壁按遥拉器键也能控制电视机,这是因为紫外线发生了反射B.斜插入盛水的玻璃杯中的筷子,看上去好像在水面处折射了,这是光的反射现象C.看到物体成的虚像时,并没有光线射入我们的眼睛D.透过书桌上的玻璃板看玻璃板下面的字,是光的折射现象.看到的字是虚像9.生活中常把碗放在大锅内的水中蒸食物,碗与锅底不接触,如图所示。



2015-2016学年广州市越秀区八上期末数学试卷一、选择题(共10小题;共50分)1. 下列图形中,具有稳定性的是A. 长方形B. 梯形C. 钝角三角形D. 正六边形2. 下列图形中是轴对称图形的是A. B.C. D.3. 计算的结果是A. B. C. D.4. 如果把分式中的和都扩大倍,那么分式的值A. 不变B. 扩大倍C. 扩大倍D. 缩小倍5. 是指大气中直径小于或等于的颗粒物,将用科学记数法表示为A. B. C. D.6. 如图,点,,在同一直线上,已知,,,则A. B. C. D.7. 如图,在平面直角坐标系中,已知,,是等边三角形,是边上的高,则点的坐标是A. C.8. 已知,且,则的值是A. B. C. D.9. 如图,在正五边形中,连接,,则的度数是A. B. C. D.10. 如图,在长方形中,,,点是线段上的一个动点,点是点关于直线的对称点,在点的运动过程中,使为等腰三角形的点的位置共有A. 个B. 个C. 个D. 无数个二、填空题(共6小题;共30分)11. 在中,,,,则的取值范围是.12. 若分式的值为,则的值是.13. 如图,,要使,则需要添加的一个条件是.(只需填写一个条件即可)14. 计算的结果是.(结果化为最简形式)15. 某学校有一块长方形活动场地,宽为,长是宽的倍,实施“阳光体育”行动以后,学校为了扩大学生的活动场地,让学生能更好地进行体育活动,将活动场地的长和宽都增加了,则活动场地的面积增加了.16. 如图,在中,,,,,平分交于点,,垂足为,则的周长为.三、解答题(共9小题;共117分)17. 先化简,再求值:,其中,.18. 分解因式:(1);(2).19. 解分式方程:.20. 如图,在中,是边上的高,是的平分线,,,求的度数.21. 如图,在中,,点在的外部,,.(1)作图,作的平分线,交于点(用尺规作图,保留作图痕迹,不写作法);(2)求证:.22. 如图,在的正方形格纸中,格线的交点称为格点,以格点为顶点的三角形称为格点三角形,如图中的是一个格点三角形,请你在下面四张图中各画出一个与成轴对称的格点三角形,并用虚线标出它们的对称轴(要求画出的四个格点三角形互不相同).23. 如图,在中,,垂足为,,点在上,,,分别是,的中点.(1)求证:;(2)求的大小.24. 一辆汽车开往距离出发地的目的地,出发后第一小时内按原计划的速度匀速行驶,一小时后以原来速度的倍匀速行驶,并比原计划提前到达目的地,求前一小时的汽车行驶速度.25. 如图,线段与相交于点,,垂足为,,垂足为.(1)如图,若,,试探究线段与的数量关系,并证明你的结论;(2)如图,若,,试探究线段与的数量关系,并证明你的结论.答案第一部分1. C2. D 【解析】根据轴对称图形的意义:如果一个图形沿着一条直线对折后两部分完全重合,这样的图形叫做轴对称图形,这条直线叫做对称轴.A,B,C 不是轴对称图形;D选项是轴对称图形.3. D4. A5. D6. B7. A8. C9. B 10. B第二部分11.13. (答案不唯一)14.15.16.第三部分17.当,时,.18. (1)(2)19. 去分母得:整理得:解得:检验:当时,,故此方程无解.20. ,是边上的高,,,,,是的平分线,,.21. (1)如图,为所作;(2),平分,,,,在和中,,,.22. 如图所示:23. (1),,在与中,;(2),,,分别是,的中点,,,,,,,,.24. 设前一小时的平均行驶速度为千米/小时.依题意得:解得:经检验:是分式方程的解且符合题意.答:前一小时的平均行驶速度为千米/小时.25. (1),证明如下:因为,,所以,因为,所以,因为,所以,所以,因为,所以,所以,即;(2),证明如下:如图,连接,延长,交于,因为,,所以,因为,所以,所以,在与中,所以,所以,在与中,所以,所以,因为,所以.。



广大附中八年级2015-2016第一学期期中试卷一 选择题(共10题,每题3分,合计30分)1 下列图案是轴对称图形的有( )A 1个B 2个C 3个D 4个2 下面是4组线段的长度,哪一组能组成三角形( )A 2,2,4B 5,5,5C 11,5,6D 3,8,24 3 如图,已知∠AOB=40°,OM 平分∠AOB ,MA ⊥OA,MB ⊥OB,垂足分别为A,B 两点,则∠ MAB 等于( )4.已知等腰三角形的一边长为5,另一边长为8,则它的周长为( )A 18B 21C 13D 18或215. 在下列条件中:①∠A+∠B=∠C ②∠A:∠B:∠C=1:2:3 ③∠A=90°-∠B ④∠A=∠B=21∠C 中,能确定△ABC 为直角三角形的条件有( ) A 1个 B 2个 C 3个 D 4个6.如图所示,∠1-∠2,BC=EF,欲证△ABC ≌△DEF,则还须补充的一个条件是( )A . AB=DE B. ∠ACE=∠DEF C. BF=EC D. ∠ABC=∠DEF第6题 第7题 第8题7. 如图,△ABC 中,∠C=90°,AC=BC ,AD 是∠CAB 的角平分线,DE ⊥AB 于E,已知AC=6cm ,则BD+DE 的和为( )A 5cm B. 6cm C.7cm D 8cm8.如图,点P是△ABC内的一点,若PB=PC,则()A 点P在∠ABC的平分线上B 点P在∠ACB的平分线上C,点P在边AB的垂直平分线上 D.点P在边BC的垂直平分线上9.给出下列条件:①两边一角对应相等②两角一边对应相等③三角形中三角对应相等④三边对应相等,其中,不能是两个三角形全等的条件是()A ①③ B. ①② C. ②③ D. ②④10.如图,P是∠BAC的平分线AD上一点,PE⊥AB于E,PF⊥AC于F,下列结论中不正确的是()A. PE=PFB. AE=AFC. △APE≌△APFD. AP=PE+PF二填空题(共6题,每题3分,合计18分)11. 已知点P(-3,4),关于X轴对称的点的坐标为___________________12. 如图,若∠A=70°,∠ABD=120°,则∠ACE=_____________________第12题第13题第15题13. 如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,∠A=50°,BD为∠ABC的平分线,则∠BDC=_________14. 一个三角形的三边长为2,5,x,另一个三角形的三边长为y,2,6.若这两个三角形全等,则x+y=_________________15. 如图,在△ABC中,∠C=90°,AB的垂直平分线交BC于D,若∠B=20°,则∠DAC=____________16.如图,小亮从A点出发前进10m,向右转15°,再前进10m,又向右转15°……这样一直走下去,他第一次回到出发点A时,一共走了________________m.三解答题(共72分)17.(本题9分)△ABC在平面直角坐标系中的位置如图所示,A,B,C三点在格点上。



பைடு நூலகம்
A.x2﹣ 5x﹣ 6=(x﹣ 2)(x﹣ 3) B.x2+x﹣ 6=(x+2)(x﹣ 3)
C.ax+ay+1=a(x+y)+1 D.ma2b+mab2+ab=ab(ma+mb+1)
6.如图,在△ABC 中,若 AB=AC,∠A=30°,DE 垂直平分 AC,则∠BCD 的度数是 ()
21.客车和货车同时分别从甲乙两城沿同一公路相向而行,相遇时客车比货车多行驶了 180 千米,相遇后,客车再经过 4 小时到达乙城,货车再经过 9 小时到达甲城,求客车、 货车的速度和甲乙两城间的路程. 22.如图,已知 AC∥BD,EA、EB 分别平分∠CAB 和∠DBA,CD 过点 E,求证: AB=AC+BD.
故选 D. 【点评】本题考查了轴对称图形的概念:轴对称图形的关键是寻找对称轴,图形两部分沿
23.在等腰直角三角形 AOB 中,已知 AO⊥OB,点 P、D 分别在 AB、OB 上, (1)如图 1 中,若 PO=PD,∠OPD=45°,证明△BOP 是等腰三角形. (2)如图 2 中,若 AB=10,点 P 在 AB 上移动,且满足 PO=PD,DE⊥AB 于点 E,试问: 此时 PE 的长度是否变化?若变化,说明理由;若不变,请予以证明.



2024届广东省广州市越秀区广州大附属中学数学八上期末统考试题请考生注意:1.请用2B 铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用0.5毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。



一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1.已知图中所有的小正方形都全等,若在右图中再添加一个全等的小正方形得到新的图形,使新图形是中心对称图形,则正确的添加方案是( )A .B .C .D .2.直线y=-2x+m 与直线y=2x -1的交点在第四象限,则m 的取值范围是( )A .m >-1B .m <1C .-1<m <1D .-1≤m≤13.能说明命题“对于任何实数a ,a 2≥a ”是假命题的一个反例可以是( )A .2a =-B .1a =C .0a =D .0.2a =4.下面是某同学在一次作业中的所做的部分试题:①3m+2n=5mn ;②33345a b ab a b -=-;③3253(2)12x x x -=;④324(2)2a b a b a ÷-=-; ⑤ 326()m m =⑥32()()a a a -÷-=-,其中正确的有( )A .5个B .4个C .3个D .2个 5.如图所示的方格纸,已有两个小正方形被涂黑,再将图中其余小正方形涂黑一个,使整个被涂黑的图案构成一个轴对称图形,那么涂法共有( )种.A .6B .5C .4D .36.如图,在三角形纸片ABC 中,∠ACB =90°,BC =3,AB =5,在AC 上取一E ,以BE 为折痕,使AB 的一部分与BC 重合,A 与BC 延长线上的点D 重合,则CE 的长度为( )A .1B .32C .2D .527.如图,将长方形纸片ABCD 折叠,使边DC 落在对角线AC 上,折痕为CE ,且D 点落在对角线D′处.若AB=3,AD=4,则ED 的长为A .32B .3C .1D .438.如图,把三角板的斜边紧靠直尺平移,一个顶点从刻度“5”平移到刻度“10”,则顶点C 平移的距离CC ′=( )A .10B .5C .4D .39.下列条件不可以判定两个直角三角形全等的是( )A .两条直角边对应相等B .两个锐角对应相等C .一条直角边和斜边对应相等D .一个锐角和锐角所对的直角边对应相等10.在ABC ∆中,::1:2:3A B C ∠∠∠=,则A ∠=( )A .30B .60︒C .90︒D .120︒二、填空题(每小题3分,共24分)11.用不等式表示x 的3倍与5的和不大于10是____________________;12.若等腰三角形的两边长是2和5,则此等腰三角形的周长是__.13.计算:(31)(2)x x ++=_______.14.计算:()()3121m m --=_____;15.在如图所示的方格中,连接格点AB 、AC ,则∠1+∠2=_____度.16.已知点(3,2)A -,直线AB y ∥轴,且6AB =则点B 的坐标为__________.17.一个多边形的内角比四边形内角和多720,并且这个多边形的各内角都相等,这个多边形的每个内角的度数是__________.18.计算22213(2)()m n m n ---⋅的值___________.三、解答题(共66分)19.(10分)某次学生夏令营活动,有小学生、初中生、高中生和大学生参加,共200人,各类学生人数比例见扇形统计图.(1)参加这次夏令营活动的初中生共有多少人?(2)活动组织者号召参加这次夏令营活动的所有学生为贫困学生捐款.结果小学生每人捐款 5 元,初中生每人捐款 10 元,高中生每人捐款 15 元,大学生每人捐款 20 元.问平均 每人捐款是多少元?(3)在(2)的条件下,把每个学生的捐款数额(以元为单位)——记录下来,则在这组数据中,众数是多少?20.(6分)如图,ABC ∆三个顶点坐标分别是(1,1),(4,2),(3,4)A B C(1)请画出ABC ∆关于y 轴对称的111A B C ∆;(2)直接写出111,,A B C 的坐标;(3)求出111A B C ∆的面积.21.(6分)如图,在△ABC中,AC=6,BC=8,DE是△ABD的边AB上的高,且DE=4,AD=25,BD=45.求证:△ABC是直角三角形.22.(8分)某校要从甲、乙两名同学中挑选一人参加创新能力大赛,在最近的五次选拔测试中,他俩的成绩分别如下表,请根据表中数据解答下列问题:第1 次第2次第3次第4次第5次平均分众数中位数方差甲60分75分100分90分75分80分75分75分190乙70分90分100分80分80分80分80分(1)把表格补充完整:(2)在这五次测试中,成绩比较稳定的同学是多少;若将 80 分以上(含 80 分)的成绩视为优秀,则甲、乙两名同学在这五次测试中的优秀率分别是多少;(3)历届比赛表明,成绩达到80分以上(含 80分)就很可能获奖,成绩达到 90分以上(含90分)就很可能获得一等奖,那么你认为选谁参加比赛比较合适?说明你的理由.23.(8分)如图,在ABC ∆中,903, 7C AC BC ∠=︒==,,点D 是BC 边上的动点,连接AD ,以AD 为斜边在AD 的下方作等腰直角三角形ADE .(1)填空:ABC ∆的面积等于 ;(2)连接CE ,求证:CE 是ACB ∠的平分线;(3)点O 在BC 边上,且1CO =, 当D 从点O 出发运动至点B 停止时,求点E 相应的运动路程.24.(8分)列方程解应用题:为宣传社会主义核心价值观,某社区居委会计划制作1200个大小相同的宣传栏.现有甲、乙两个广告公司都具备制作能力,居委会派出相关人员分别到这两个广告公司了解情况,获得如下信息:信息一:甲公司单独制作完成这批宣传栏比乙公司单独制作完成这批宣传栏多用10天;信息二:乙公司每天制作的数量是甲公司每天制作数量的1.2倍.根据以上信息,求甲、乙两个广告公司每天分别能制作多少个宣传栏?25.(10分)如图,在ABC ∆中,AD 是BC 边上的中线,E 是AB 边上的中点,过点C 作//CF AB 交ED 的延长线于点F .(1)求证:BDE CDF ∆≅∆.(2)当AD BC ⊥,2ADE S ∆=时,求ABC ∆的面积.26.(10分)阅读下面材料,完成(1)-(3)题.数学课上,老师出示了这样一道题:如图1,已知等腰△ABC 中,AB =AC ,AD 为BC 边上的中线,以AB 为边向AB 左侧作等边△ABE ,直线CE 与直线AD 交于点F .请探究线段EF 、AF 、DF 之间的数量关系,并证明.同学们经过思考后,交流了自已的想法:小明:“通过观察和度量,发现∠DFC 的度数可以求出来.”小强:“通过观察和度量,发现线段DF 和CF 之间存在某种数量关系.”小伟:“通过做辅助线构造全等三角形,就可以将问题解决.”......老师:“若以AB为边向AB右侧作等边△ABE,其它条件均不改变,请在图2中补全图形,探究线段EF、AF、DF三者的数量关系,并证明你的结论.”(1)求∠DFC的度数;(2)在图1中探究线段EF、AF、DF之间的数量关系,并证明;(3)在图2中补全图形,探究线段EF、AF、DF之间的数量关系,并证明.参考答案一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1、B【分析】观察图形,利用中心对称图形的性质解答即可.【题目详解】选项A,新图形不是中心对称图形,故此选项错误;选项B,新图形是中心对称图形,故此选项正确;选项C,新图形不是中心对称图形,故此选项错误;选项D,新图形不是中心对称图形,故此选项错误;故选B.【题目点拨】本题考查了中心对称图形的概念,熟知中心对称图形的概念是解决问题的关键.2、C【解题分析】试题分析:联立,解得,∵交点在第四象限,∴,解不等式①得,m >﹣1,解不等式②得,m <1,所以,m 的取值范围是﹣1<m <1.故选C .考点:两条直线相交或平行问题.3、D【分析】根据题意、乘方的意义举例即可.【题目详解】解:当a=0.2时,a 2=0.04,∴a 2<a ,故选D .【题目点拨】本题考查的是命题的真假判断,正确举出反例是解题的关键.4、C【分析】根据合并同类项,整式的乘除法法则,幂的乘方,同底数幂除法,依次运算判断即可.【题目详解】①3m+2n=3m+2n ,不是同类项不能合并,故错误;②33334545a b ab a b ab -=-,不是同类项不能合并,故错误;③3253(2)12x x x -=,故正确;④324(2)2a b a b a ÷-=-,故正确;⑤ 326()m m =,故正确;⑥32()()a a a -÷-=,故错误;∴正确的有③④⑤故选:C【题目点拨】本题主要考查了同类项的合并,同底数幂的乘除,幂的乘方,熟悉掌握运算的法则进行运算是解题的关键. 5、A【分析】根据轴对称的概念作答,如果一个图形沿一条直线对折,直线两旁的部分能互相重合,那么这个图形叫做轴对称图形,这条直线叫做对称轴进行分析,得出共有6处满足题意.【题目详解】选择一个正方形涂黑,使得3个涂黑的正方形组成轴对称图形,选择的位置有以下几种:1处,2处,3处,4处,5处,6处,选择的位置共有6处.故选:A.【题目点拨】本题考查了轴对称图形的定义,根据定义构建轴对称图形,成为轴对称图形每种可能性都必须考虑到,不能有遗漏. 6、B【解题分析】试题分析:由Rt△ABC中,BC=3,AB=5,利用勾股定理,可求得AC的长,由折叠的性质,可得CD的长,然后设DE=x,由勾股定理,即可列方程求得结果.∵Rt△ABC中,BC=3,AB=5,∴由折叠的性质可得:AB=BD=5,AE=DE,∴CD=BD-BC=2,设DE=x,则AE=x,∴CE=AC-AE=4-x,∵在Rt△CDE中,DE2=CD2+BCE2,∴x2=22+(4-x)2,解得:,∴.故选B.考点:此题主要考查了图形的翻折变换,勾股定理点评:解题过程中应注意折叠后哪些线段是重合的,相等的,如果想象不出哪些线段相等,可以动手折叠一下即可.7、A【分析】首先利用勾股定理计算出AC的长,再根据折叠可得△DEC≌△D′EC,设ED=x,则D′E=x,AD′=AC﹣C D′=2,AE=4﹣x,再根据勾股定理可得方程22+x2=(4﹣x)2,再解方程即可【题目详解】∵AB=3,AD=4,∴DC=3∴根据勾股定理得AC=5根据折叠可得:△DEC≌△D′EC,∴D′C=DC=3,DE=D′E设ED=x,则D′E=x,AD′=AC﹣CD′=2,AE=4﹣x,在Rt△AED′中:(AD′)2+(ED′)2=AE2,即22+x2=(4﹣x)2,解得:x=3 2故选A.8、B【分析】先求出一个顶点从刻度“1”平移到刻度“10”的距离,再根据平移的性质得出答案.【题目详解】解:∵把三角板的斜边紧靠直尺平移,一个顶点从刻度“1”平移到刻度“10”,∴三角板向右平移了1个单位,∴顶点C平移的距离CC′=1.故选B.【题目点拨】本题考查了平移的性质,结合图形及性质定理是解题的关键.9、B【分析】根据全等三角形的判定定理:AAS、SAS、ASA、SSS及直角三角形的判定定理HL对4个选项逐个分析,然后即可得出答案.【题目详解】解:A、两条直角边对应相等,可利用全等三角形的判定定理SAS来判定两直角三角形全等,故本选项正确;B、两个锐角对应相等,再由两个直角三角形的两个直角相等,AAA没有边的参与,所以不能判定两个直角三角形全等;故本选项错误;C、一条直角边和它所对的锐角对应相等,可利用全等三角形的判定定理ASA来判定两个直角三角形全等;故本选项正确;D、一个锐角和锐角所对的直角边对应相等,可以利用全等三角形的判定定理ASA或AAS来判定两个直角三角形全等;故本选项正确;故选:B.【题目点拨】本题考查了直角全等三角形的判定.注意,判定两个三角形全等时,必须有边的参与.10、A【解题分析】根据三角形的内角和为180°,即可解得∠A的度数.【题目详解】∵三角形的内角和为180°∴180A B C ∠+∠+∠=︒∵::1:2:3A B C ∠∠∠= ∴1180306A =︒⨯=︒∠ 故答案为:A .【题目点拨】本题考查了三角形内角的度数问题,掌握三角形的内角之和为180°是解题的关键.二、填空题(每小题3分,共24分)11、3x+5≤1【分析】直接利用x 的3倍,即3x ,与5的和,则3x+5,进而小于等于1得出答案.【题目详解】解:由题意可得:3x+5≤1.故答案为:3x+5≤1.【题目点拨】此题主要考查了由实际问题抽象出一元一次不等式,正确理解题意是解题关键.12、1.【分析】根据等腰三角形的性质分腰长为2和腰长为5两种情况讨论,选择能构成三角形的求值即可.【题目详解】解:①腰长为2,底边长为5,2+2=4<5,不能构成三角形,故舍去;②腰长为5,底边长为2,则周长=5+5+2=1.故其周长为1.故答案为:1.【题目点拨】本题考查了等腰三角形,已知两边长求周长,结合等腰三角形的性质,灵活的进行分类讨论是解题的关键. 13、2372x x ++【分析】根据多项式乘以多项式的法则计算即可【题目详解】解:22(31)(2)3+6++2=3+7+2++=x x x x x x x故答案为:2372x x ++【题目点拨】本题考查了多项式乘以多项式,熟练掌握法则是解题的关键14、2651m m -+【分析】根据多项式乘多项式的法则计算即可.【题目详解】解:(3m-1)(2m-1)=62m -2m-3m+1=2651m m -+.故答案为:2651m m -+.【题目点拨】本题考查多项式乘多项式,掌握运算法则是解题的关键.15、1【分析】根据勾股定理分别求出AD 2、DE 2、AE 2,根据勾股定理的逆定理得到△ADE 为等腰直角三角形,得到∠DAE =1°,结合图形计算,得到答案.【题目详解】解:如图,AD 与AB 关于AG 对称,AE 与AC 关于AF 对称,连接DE ,由勾股定理得,AD 2=22+12=5,DE 2=22+12=5,AE 2=32+12=10,则AD 2+DE 2=AE 2,∴△ADE 为等腰直角三角形,∴∠DAE =1°,∴∠GAD +∠EAF =90°﹣1°=1°,∴∠1+∠2=1°;故答案为:1.【题目点拨】本题考查的是勾股定理、勾股定理的逆定理,如果三角形的三边长a ,b ,c 满足a 2+b 2=c 2,那么这个三角形就是直角三角形.16、(3,8)- (3,4)【分析】由AB ∥y 轴可得点B 的横坐标与点A 的横坐标相同,根据AB 的距离可得点B 的横坐标可能的情况.【题目详解】解:∵(3,2)A -,AB ∥y 轴,∴点B 的横坐标为3,∵AB=6,∴点B 的纵坐标为-2-6=-8或-2+6=4,∴B 点的坐标为(3,-8)或(3,4).故答案为:(3,-8)或(3,4).【题目点拨】本题主要考查了坐标与图形的性质.理解①平行于y 轴的直线上的点的横坐标相等;②一条直线上到一个定点为定长的点有2个是解决此题的关键.17、135【解题分析】设边数为x,根据多边形的内角和公式即可求解.【题目详解】设边数为x,依题意可得(x-2)×180°-360°=720°,解得x=8∴这个多边形的每个内角的度数是1080°÷8=135°,故填135°.【题目点拨】此题主要考查多边形的内角度数,解题的关键是熟知多边形的内角和公式.18、4n m【分析】先按积的乘方,再按同底数幂的乘法分别运算好,根据负整数指数幂的意义得出结果. 【题目详解】解:2221344331(2)()444.n m n m n m n m n n m m ------=•==⋅ 故答案为:4n m. 【题目点拨】本题考查的是整数指数幂的运算,掌握整数指数幂的运算法则是解题关键.三、解答题(共66分)19、 (1)80 人;(2)11.5 元; (3)10 元.【解题分析】试题分析:(1)参加这次夏令营活动的初中生所占比例是:1﹣10%﹣20%﹣30%=40%,就可以求出人数.(2)小学生、高中生和大学生的人数为200×20%=40,200×30%=60,200×10%=20,根据平均数公式就可以求出平均数.(3)因为初中生最多,所以众数为初中生捐款数.试题解析:解:(1)参加这次夏令营活动的初中生共有200×(1-10%-20%-30%)=80人; (2)小学生、高中生和大学生的人数为200×20%=40,200×30%=60,200×10%=20,所以平均每人捐款=405801060152020200⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯=11.5(元);(3)因为初中生最多,所以众数为10(元).20、(1)见解析;(2)111(1,1),(4,2),(3,4)A B C ---;(3)52【分析】(1)分别作出A ,B ,C 的对应点A 1,B 1,C 1,依次连接即可.(2)根据点的位置写出坐标即可.(3)利用分割法求三角形的面积即可.【题目详解】(1)如图,111A B C ∆即为所求;(2)111(1,1),(4,2),(3,4)A B C ---;(3)111A B C ∆的面积为11133213231222⨯-⨯⨯-⨯⨯-⨯⨯=3591322---=. 【题目点拨】本题考查作图-对称变换,三角形的面积等知识,根据对称变换得出对应点位置是解题关键.21、详见解析【分析】先根据勾股定理求出AE 和BE ,求出AB ,根据勾股逆定理的逆定理可证△ABC 是直角三角形.【题目详解】证明:DE 是AB 边上的高,∴∠AED =∠BED =90°,在Rt △ADE 中,()2222254AE AD DE =-=- 在Rt △BDE 中,()2222=4548BE BD DE =--=∴AB =2+8=1.在△ABC 中,由AB =1,AC =6,BC =8,∵2221068=+∴222AB AC BC =+∴△ABC 是直角三角形.【题目点拨】本题考查了勾股定理和勾股定理的逆定理,正确理解定理的内容是关键.22、(1)84,104;(2)乙;40%,80%;(3)我认为选乙参加比较合适.【解题分析】(1)根据乙五次成绩,先求平均数,再求方差即可,(2)方差小代表成绩稳定;优秀率表示超过80分次数的多少,次数越多越优秀,(3)选择成绩高且稳定的人去参加即可.【题目详解】(1)x 乙= =84,S2 乙= [(70-84)2+(90-84)2+(100-84)2+(80-84)2+(80-84)2]=104(2)∵甲的方差>乙的方差 ∴成绩比较稳定的同学是乙,甲的优秀率= ×100%=40% 乙的优秀率= ×100%=80% (3)我认为选乙参加比较合适,因为乙的成绩平均分和优秀率都比甲高,且比甲稳定,因此选乙参加比赛比较合适.【题目点拨】本题考查了简单的数据分析,包括求平均数,方差,优秀率,属于简单题,熟悉计算方法和理解现实含义是解题关键.23、(1)212;(2)证明见解析;(3)32【分析】(1)根据直角三角形的面积计算公式直接计算可得;(2)如图所示作出辅助线,证明△AEM ≌△DEN (AAS ),得到ME=NE ,即可利用角平分线的判定证明;(3)由(2)可知点E 在∠ACB 的平分线上,当点D 向点B 运动时,点E 的路径为一条直线,再根据全等三角形的性质得出CN=1()2AC CD +,根据CD 的长度计算出CE 的长度即可. 【题目详解】解:(1)903, 7C AC BC ∠=︒==,∴112137222ABC S AC BC =⨯=⨯⨯=, 故答案为:212 (2)连接CE ,过点E 作EM ⊥AC 于点M ,作EN ⊥BC 于点N ,∴∠EMA=∠END=90°,又∵∠ACB=90°,∴∠MEN=90°,∴∠MED+∠DEN=90°,∵△ADE是等腰直角三角形∴∠AED=90°,AE=DE∴∠AEM+∠MED=90°,∴∠AEM=∠DEN∴在△AEM与△DEN中,∠EMA=∠END=90°,∠AEM=∠DEN,AE=DE ∴△AEM≌△DEN(AAS)∴ME=NE∴点E在∠ACB的平分线上,即CE是ACB∠的平分线(3)由(2)可知,点E在∠ACB的平分线上,∴当点D向点B运动时,点E的路径为一条直线,∵△AEM≌△DEN∴AM=DN,即AC-CM=CN-CD在Rt△CME与Rt△CNE中,CE=CE,ME=NE,∴Rt△CME≌Rt△CNE(HL)∴CM=CN∴CN=1()2AC CD+,又∵∠MCE=∠NCE=45°,∠CME=90°,∴CE=22()2CN AC CD=+,当AC=3,CD=CO=1时,CE=2(31)22 2+=当AC=3,CD=CB=7时,CE=2(37)52 2+=∴点E的运动路程为:522232-=,【题目点拨】本题考查了全等三角形的综合证明题,涉及角平分线的判定,几何中动点问题,全等三角形的性质与判定,解题的关键是综合运用上述知识点.24、甲广告公司每天能制作1个宣传栏,乙广告公司每天能制作2个宣传栏.【解题分析】设甲广告公司每天能制作x个宣传栏,则乙广告公司每天能制作1.2x个宣传栏,然后根据“甲公司单独制作完成这批宣传栏比乙公司单独制作完成这批宣传栏多用10天”列出方程求解即可.【题目详解】解:设甲广告公司每天能制作x个宣传栏,则乙广告公司每天能制作1.2x个宣传栏.根据题意得:解得:x=1.经检验:x=1是原方程的解且符合实际问题的意义.∴1.2x=1.2×1=2.答:甲广告公司每天能制作1个宣传栏,乙广告公司每天能制作2个宣传栏.【题目点拨】此题考查了分式方程的应用,找出等量关系为两广告公司的工作时间的差为10天是解题的关键.25、(1)答案见解析;(2)8【解题分析】(1)由题意根据全等三角形的判定定理运用ASA,即可证得BDE CDF∆≅∆;(2)根据题意利用全等三角形的性质结合三角形等底等高面积相等,进行分析即可求解.【题目详解】解:(1)∵AD 是BC 边上的中线,∴BD DC =,∵//CF AB ,∴EBD FCD (内错角), ∵EBD FCD ,BD DC =,EDB FDC ∠=∠(对顶角), ∴BDE CDF ∆≅∆(ASA ).(2)∵AD BC ⊥,AD=AD ,AD 是BC 边上的中线,∴()ABD ACD SAS ∆≅∆,∵E 是AB 边上的中点,∴BDE ADE S S =(等底等高),∵2ADE S ∆=,∴2248ABC ADE BDE ADC S S S S =++=++=.∴ABC ∆的面积为:8.【题目点拨】本题考查全等三角形的判定,熟练掌握全等三角形的判定定理是解题的关键.26、(1)60°;(2)EF=AF+FC ,证明见解析;(3)AF=EF+2DF ,证明见解析.【分析】(1)可设∠BAD =∠CAD =α,∠AEC =∠ACE =β,在△ACE 中,根据三角形内角和可得2α+60+2β=180°,从而有α+β=60°,即可得出∠DFC 的度数;(2)在EC 上截取EG =CF ,连接AG ,证明△AEG ≌△ACF ,然后再证明△AFG 为等边三角形,从而可得出EF =EG +GF =AF +FC ;(3)在AF 上截取AG =EF ,连接BG ,BF ,证明方法类似(2),先证明△ABG ≌△EBF ,再证明△BFG 为等边三角形,最后可得出结论.【题目详解】解:(1)∵AB=AC ,AD 为BC 边上的中线,∴可设∠BAD =∠CAD =α,又△ABE 为等边三角形,∴AE=AB=AC ,∠EAB=60°,∴可设∠AEC =∠ACE =β,在△ACE 中,2α+60°+2β=180°,∴α+β=60°,∴∠DFC=α+β=60°;(2)EF=AF+FC ,证明如下:∵AB=AC ,AD 为BC 边上的中线,∴AD ⊥BC ,∴∠FDC=90°,∵∠CFD=60°,则∠DCF=30°,∴CF=2DF,在EC上截取EG=CF,连接AG,又AE=AC,∴∠AEG=∠ACF,∴△AEG≌△ACF(SAS),∴∠EAG=∠CAF,AG=AF,又∠CAF=∠BAD,∴∠EAG=∠BAD,∴∠GAF=∠BAD+∠BAG=∠EAG+∠BAG=∠60°,∴△AFG为等边三角形,∴EF=EG+GF=AF+FC,即EF=AF+FC;(3)补全图形如图所示,结论:AF=EF+2DF.证明如下:同(1)可设∠BAD=∠CAD=α,∠ACE=∠AEC=β,∴∠CAE=180°-2β,∴∠BAE=2α+180°-2β=60°,∴β-α=60°,∴∠AFC=β-α=60°,又△ABE为等边三角形,∴∠ABE=∠AFC=60°,∴由8字图可得:∠BAD=∠BEF,在AF上截取AG=EF,连接BG,BF,又AB=BE,∴△ABG≌△EBF(SAS),∴BG=BF,又AF垂直平分BC,∴BF=CF,∴∠BFA=∠AFC=60°,∴△BFG为等边三角形,∴BG=BF,又BC⊥FG,∴FG=BF=2DF,∴AF=AG+GF=BF+EF=2DF+EF.【题目点拨】本题考查了全等三角形的判定和性质、等边三角形的性质、等腰三角形的性质等知识,解决问题的关键是常用辅助线构造全等三角形,属于中考常考题型.。



广大附中学校2016学年上学期期中检测八年级数学问卷本试卷共5页,25小题,满分150分.考试时间120分钟.可以使用计算器,用2B铅笔画图,所有答案都要写在答卷上,答在问卷上的答案无效.一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.)1.如图,过△ABC的顶点A,作BC边上的高,以下作法正确的是()A.B.C.D.2. 下列判断正确的是()A. 点(3-,4)与点(3,4)关于x轴对称B. 点(3,4-)与点(3-,4)关于y轴对称C. 点(4,3-)与点(4,3)关于y轴对称D. 点(3,4)与点(3,4-)关于x轴对称3.如图,直线11//12,∠1=50º,∠3=24º,则∠2的度数为()A. 66ºB. 25ºC. 26ºD. 36º第3题第4题4. 如图,有一个简易平分角的仪器(四边形ABCD),其中AB=AD,BC=DC,将点A 放在角的顶点处,AB和AD沿着角的两边张开,沿对角线AC画射线AE,AE就是∠PAQ 的平分线,这个平分角的仪器的制作原理是()A. 角平分线性质B. AASC. SSSD. SAS5. 如图所示,已知AC平分∠PAQ,点B、B’分别在边AP、AQ上,如果添加一个条件,即可推出AB=AB’,那么该条件不可以是()A. BB’⊥ACB. BC=B’CC. ∠ACB=∠ACB’D. ∠ABC=∠AB’C6. 如图,在△ABC和△CDE中,若∠ACBA=∠CDE=90º,AB=CD,BC=DE,则下列结论中不正确的是()A. △ABC≌△CDEB. CD=ACC. AB⊥CDD. E为BC中点7. 如图,∠ABC=50º,AD垂直平分线段BC于点D,∠ABC的平分线BE交AD于点E,连续EC,则∠AEC的度数是()A. 115ºB. 75ºC. 105ºD. 50º第6题第7题第8题8. 如图,在△ABC中,∠BCA=90º,AB=3,AC=4,BC=5,EF垂直平分BC,点P为直线EF上的任一点,则AP+BP的最小值是()A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 69. 如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,且D为BC上一点,CD=AD,AB=BD,则∠B的度数为()A. 30ºB. 36ºC. 40ºD. 45º10.如图,点A、C、B在同一直线上,△DAC和△EBC均是等边三角形,AE与BD交于点O,AE、BD分别与CD、CE交于点M、N,有如下结论:①AE=BD;②△ACM≌△DCN;③EM=BN;④MN//BC⑤∠DOA=60º,其中,正确的结论个数是()A. 5个B. 4个C. 3个D. 2个第9题第10题二.填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题3分,满分18分.)11. 已知△ABC中,∠A:∠B:∠C=1:3:5,则△ABC是三角形。



广大附中八年级期中考试卷一.单项选择16. I got many presents in my birthday.The presents ______ some chocolate and beautiful flowers.A include B. includes C. include D. is including17.The airport of this poor city is _______ small _______ a school’s playground.A. as;asB.so; asC.as;toD.so;to18.Dinosaurs _______ many years ago and we can’t see them any longer.A. died onB. died outC. died ofD. died from19. The king had lots of slaves and he often ordered them ______ everything for him.A. doB.to doC. doingD.to doing20. My brother often challenges me _____ many difficult problems of myself.A. solvedB. to solvingC. solvingD.to solve21. ----Would you like ______ coffee?----No, thanks .I don’t want _______.A. Some;someB. some;anyC. any;anyD. any;some22.Tommy can run at a much ______ speed than many other students.A. fastB. fasterC. fastestD. the fastest23. Now, everybody , please turn to Page_______ and look at the ______ picture.A. fifth ; five B .five; fifth C. fifth; fifth D. five;five24. Mr. Green becomes _____ instead of getting better.A. more badB. a little worseC. much badlyD. a lot of worse25. When I was in Italy,they taught me how ______ ice cream.A. to makeB.makingC. makeD.to making二.语法选择A bus explosion(爆炸) took place in Guangzhou on July 15th .Two people died and 32 people with serious injuries(损伤)were sent to __26____ hospital.Among the 32 people ,four of them were in great danger ___27___ than 80 percent of their bodies were burn.It might take two to four weeks for them ___28___ out of danger. Two people died on the bus because they fell asleep and were unaware __29____ the fire.The fire department received reports of the explosion at7:46 p.m. and they put out the flames(火焰) at 8:03p.m.The cause of the accident was unknown at first but the police have ___30___ it out .Guangzhou major Chen Jianhua visited the injured passengers in hospital____31____.A woman with arm injury said she was waiting at the bus stop__32____ she heard a bang and saw flames coming out of the bus.”I tried to run away,but the flames spread ____33___fast that I couldn’t get away in time.Another man said ,”I had been on the bus for a while before the explosion .It was___34____ crowded as usual,with more than 40people .But I did see or smell _35_______ wrong beforehand, At the hospital ,most of patients were too weak to talk.26. A. a B.an C. the D./27. A. many B. much C. more D. most28. A.get B. getting C. to get D. to getting29. A. of B. with C. on D. in30. A. find B. found C.to find D. finding31. A. lately B. latest C. later D. late32. A. because B. when C. that D. if33. A. so B.as C. more D. too34. A. too B.so C.as D. more35. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything三.完形填空In China, very few children make pocket money, ___36___ , in western countries, most kids make pocket money by themselves. They make money in many different ___37____ . When kids are very young, their parents help them sell the fruits of their own trees to neighbours. Kids may also help ___38____ do housework to make money at home. When they ____39_____sixteen, they can make money by sending newspapers or by working in fast food restaurants, ____40____ during the summer holidays.There are many ___41___ of making pocket money by kids themselves. First of all, they learn the ____42____ of money by working hard so that they will not waste any. Secondly, they learn to ____43___ money to buy things they need or want, such as books, pencils, movies and even clothes they like. Thirdly, they learn to ____44____ the daily life problems by helping their parents or others. Making pocket money is___45____ for children when they grow up. That is why parents encourage their kids to make pocket money.36. A. also B. anyway C. however D. besides37. A. ways B. levels C. homes D. countries38. A. teachers B. friends C. parents D. neighbours39. A. get B. have C. catch D. reach40. A. really B. hardly C. properly D. especially41. A. choices B. advantages C. problems D. lessons42. A. fun B. value C. message D. purpose43. A. count B. waste C. manage D. change44. A. give up B. look up C. deal with D. meet with45. A. helpful B. careful C. beautiful D. successful四.阅读理解A46.The material above has something to do with ____.A. phone booksB. a websiteC. Oxford UniversityD. newspapers47.How many requirements (条件) are needed for getting the job?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 548.This advertisement is probably given by ____.A. a bicycle companyB. newspaper ownersC. Oxford DistributionD. the local government49.If we do the job, ____.A. we can win free bicyclesB. we can design paper roundsC. we will pay extra moneyD. we will wear free uniforms50.How can we get more information?A. By sending an email.B. By going around all areas.C. By calling 01852 476666.D. By asking a 13-year-old child.BIt was another day to jump rope in gym class.Lynne and Mike turned the long rope in big ,slow circles.The whole class hurried to get in line to wait for their turn to jump.Mike stood at the back of the line and frowned.Nick went first .He watched the rope and ran in at just the right time.Everyone counted.He made it all the way to 30 jumps .One after another,the kids watched the rope ,ran in ,and jumped .Then it was Millie’s turn .She watched the rope go around and around,but she didn’t move.She felt like everyone was looking at her.Millie’s face turned red.At last ,she gave it a try ,but she failed.The truth was that Millie had been jumping rope at home every day.With a short rope ,she could jump 100 times without missing.She just know how to run in and start jumping with a long rope.Since she was the only kid on her street ,there was no one to help turn the long rope.Just then, Ms Miles, the gym teacher ,brought out a bunch of short jump ropes.“Let’s see how long each one of you can jump without missing.”She said as she give each student a short rope.”Ready ,set.Go”.Millie smiled for the first time ever in gym class.As she jumped,she sang rhymes quietly to herself.She was the only one still jumping rope!The surprise almost made her miss a step,but she kept going.When at last she was too tired to go on.She stopped .The whole class cheered! Everyone was looking at her and lie smiled back!51. Which word is the opposite of the underlined word “frowned?”A. SatB. HidC. SmileD. Cried52. What problem did Millie have at the beginning of the story?A. She didn’t have any friends in her class.B. She felt sad because Nick made fun of her.C. She didn’t know the cheers that the other ids knew.D. She didn’t know how to start jumping with a long rope.53. Why did Millie smile for the first time in gym class?A. She did something well as at lastB. She knew the class would cheer for her.C. She thought that she was going to make a friend.D. She believed that she would be the winner of the contest.54.Which sentence can be put in the empty box?A. he class decided to play baseball.B. Millie was the last one still jumping rope.C. Nick won the rope –jumping contest.D. Millie tried to hide in the back of the line.55. How might Millie feel when she stopped jumping at last?A. ProudB. BoredC. MadD. SillyCA plant is a living thing. It uses its many parts to grow from a small seed to a large plant. Each part helps the plant stay healthy. Plants also need sunlight to grow. They get light from the sun and minerals from the soil. These things help the plant stay alive and grow.56. Which word can be filled in the empty box?A. Leaves.B. Sticks.C. BushesD. Grasses57. Which part might grow around the seeds?A. The stem.B. The flower.C. The root.D. The fruit.58.Which sentence is TRUE according to the passage?A. A plant grows flowers under the ground.B. Flowers can grow into new plants.C. Not all plants have fruit.D. The stem helps hold the roots up.59.What's the passage mainly about?A. Plant parts.B. Plant seeds.C. Plant leaves.D. Plant roots.60.In what subject might you learn this passage?A .Geography. B. Biology. C. Physics. D. Chemistry.DTwinkle, Twinkle Little Star is a lovely song for children ,but it was two misunderstandings. First ,stars aren’t little. Some may be Earth-sized ,but most are bigger than Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. Second ,they don’t twinkle; they shine. And the brightness and color of the light from each star provide information about its temperature, size and even its age.Viewing the stars from Earth is a bit like looking at them through a water filter because the air is thick compared to the emptiness of space. What is more ,air is always moving, so starlight appears to be moving ,too. The air also make s stars appear dimmer than they would be if we could see them from space.If you stop and examine the sky on a dark and moonless might, it’s easy to find color differences among stars. The color of a star is a signal of its surface temperature. The hottest stars are blue, and the next hottest are white. Yellow stars like the sun are next, while red stars are the coolest of the visible stars. Many red stars are so dim that people can’t see them at all , and some stars hardly send out any light at all. One reason that stars differ in brightness is that hotter stars produce more energy than cooler ones, but another important reason is that some are much bigger that others.Some stars appear brighter to human beings simply because they’re closer .Astronomers rank the brightness of stars which are seen from Earth by giving them a name known as magnitude-the smaller the magnitude, the brighter the object .They have also designed a number that ranks according to how bright they are when compared to each other. With a magnitude of minus 267 , the sun is the brightest object in the sky.61. From the song quiet familiar to children , the writer wants to prove that_____A. Most stars are smaller than JupiterB. Jupiter is bigger and brighter than EarthC. stars are very large and always shine brightlyD. starlight’s brightness and color are the signs of its temperature62. The underlined phrase ‘a water filter in paragraph 2 refers to______A .the Earth B. stars C. the rain D. the air63. From paragraph 3, we can know that______.A. A red star often sends out much brighter light.B. A blue or white star is hotter than a red or yellow starC. A yellow star like the sun is the hottest in spaceD. A blue star is much bigger than star s in other colors64. Magnitude is designed to see_____A. How far a star is from EarthB. How bright a star is compared to other starsC. How far a star is from other starsD. How bright a star is seen from Earth65. Which is the best title of the passage?A. What do stars look like?B. Which song do children like best?C. How to view the stars from Earth?D. Why are many stars so dim at night?五.单词拼写66. Jacob has a great a______ in making model planes. His model planes are very beautiful.67. His parents were badly hurt in this terrible traffic a______.68. My father p______ me to celebrate my birthday with us , but he failed because of his busy work.69. I didn’t r______ how friendly he was to me until she left.70. Western food is very p____ in many Chinese cities now. You can find it easily.71. Please help me .I can’t c_______ the mad horse.72. Nothing is more e______ than time because we can’t buy time with money .73. A bike has two w_____ and a car has four.74. This bed is very c______ .If you buy it , you will have a good sleep every night.75. Is there anything s_____ about this kind of computer? Why is it so dear?\六.完成句子76.边做作业边上网聊天不是一个好习惯。



) . B.4a2+4a+1=(2a+1)2 D.x2-y2=(x+y)2-2xy ) . C.六边形 D.七边形 1 a8b8
8.如图,已知∠ABD=∠BAC,添加下列条件还不能判定△ABC≌△BAD 的是( ) . A.AC=BD B.∠DAB=∠CBA C.∠C=∠D D.BC=AD
)பைடு நூலகம். D.6 D.x 1=-x

1 a+1
5.下列从左到右的运算属于因式分解的是( A.2x2-2x-1=2x(x-1)-1 C. (a-b) (a+b)=a2-b2 x+2 6.若分式 2 有意义,则 x 的取值范围是( x -4 A.x≠±2 B.五边形 -2 2 -2 -3 2 7.计算 a b · (a b ) 的结果是( A. 8 b a8 B. 8 a b8 ) .
第 15 题
2 1 12.方程 = 的解是 x= x-3 x

13.如图,在△ABC 中,AB=AC,AD 是 BC 边上的高,BD=4cm,则 BC= cm. 2 14.运用完全平方公式计算: (-3x+2) = . 15.如图,在△ABC 中,BD⊥AD,∠A=15°,AC=BC=6,则 BD 的长是 cm. 16.如图,在△ABC 中,∠BAC=60°,∠BAC 的平分线 AD 与边 BC 的垂直平分线 MD 相 交于点 D,DE⊥AB 交 AB 的延长线于点 E,DF⊥AC 于点 F,在下列结论中: ①DE=DF;②DE+DF=AD;③DM 平分∠EDF;④AB+AC=2AE.其中正确的结论 是 (填写序号) .
越秀区 2016 学年第一学期学业水平调研测试 八年级数学试卷
一、选择题(共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1.下列微信按钮图标中,是轴对称图形的是( ) .
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7A.How fine a B.What a fine C.How fine D.What fineA.notB.didn'tC.don'tD.will—Why have a rest?—Sounds great!8 A.lending B.to borrow C.to lend D.to return—I am sorry I forget the money.—It doesn't matter. You may give it back to me tomorrow .9 A.makes of B.makes from C.is made of D.is made from—Do you know the wine grapes?—I have no idea.10 A.joinB.join inC.take partD.take part to—We held the sports meeting last Saturday.—Did you the game?11 A.to cry, to buy B.cry, buy C.crying, bought D.to cry, buyingThe little boy didn't stop until Mother him some sweets.12 A.to give up to smokeB.to give up smokingC.giving up smokingD.giving up to smokeI have already decided .13 A.interested;interestingB.interest;interestingC.interesting;interestedD.interested; interestLinda was in many models in the World Park.14 A.costs B.takes C.spends D.paysThe trip from Tianjin to Beijing about two hours by coach.15A.a; aB.an; theC.the; theD.the; aWhat honest boy! And he is best student of all.16 A.Takes; No, I don't B.Take; No, I won't C.Bring; No, I don't D.Bring; No, I won't— your geography book here tomorrow . Don't leave it at home again.—17 A.so B.or C.and D.butYou may watch TV this evening, you must finish your homework first.18 A.on, nice B.in, lovely C.on, lovely D.in, beautifulYou look nice this fur coat, but I don't think it looks on me.19 A.much too B.too much C.many too D.too manyHis son has poor eyesight because he plays computer games.20 A.feels cheer B.to feel cheer C.feeling cheerful D.feel cheerfulVisiting Nanjing makes him .21 A.take care of B.make fun of C.be strict about D.tell jokes toWe all know that it's not polite to others.22 A.himself, him B.he, himself C.his, himself D.him, himselfNo one taught French. He learned it all by .23 A.through B.across C.on D.of—In summer, it is very cool to go the forest.—That is right. I like to stay in it in the afternoon.24 ed, to surf ed, surfing ed to, to surf ed to, surfingTom go sailing because it was very exciting. But now he enjoys the Internetevery day.25A./, an, theB.the, a, theC./,a,/D.the, an, a—What do you usually do after school?—We usually play soccer for half hour on playground.26 A.Both, and B.Neither, nor C.Either, or D.Not only, but alsoWe just need one of you for the game. you your brother can join us.27 A.mustn't, are allowed B.don't have to, are supposed C.needn't, aren't supposedD.can't, aren't supposed—May we leave the classroom now?—No, you . You to leave until the bell rings.28 A.hadB.will haveC.are havingD.were havingToday's young people can't live without smart phones. They keep their hands on the phoneswherever they go, even while they meals.29 A.After all B.Above all C.As a result D.First of allYou should praise your son. , he works harder than before.30There are many kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. But different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This is 1 everyone has his own interest.Do you know? I have been dreaming of 2 a guide for a long time. First, my major 3 the manager of tourism, so I want to get a job 4 tourism. Secondly. good guides have 5 knowledge that they can teach travelers a lot, meanwhile, they are amiable (亲切的)and have 6 vision. Finally, guides can constantly expand their knowledge and 7 customs about different cultures and countries.To achieve my dream of being a good guide. I have to make enough preparations. For one thing, I must learn my English well and travel 8 I am free, just as the saying goes:"Seeing is believing. " For another, I should 9 more books so that I can tell the stories or31二、语法选择1. A.why B./ C.what D.because2. A.to be B.be C.been D.being3. A.is B.was C.are D.be4. A.as B.about C.for D.of5. A.such much B.so much C.such many D.so many6. A.wild B.wildly rge D.big7. A.lot of B.a lot C.a lot of D.little8. A.before B.until C.when D.little9. A.watch B.look C.to read D.read 10. A.clearlyB.clearC.cleanD.cleanlythe history about the view's 10 What's more important, I should control my mood freely and treat every traveler kindly.1. A.mother B.father C.teacher D.grandfather2. A.love B.hate C.know D.enjoy3. A.Make B.Help C.Let D.Ask4. A.saw B.felt C.talked D.listened5. A.good B.bad zy D.quiet6. A.at B.on C.with D.about7. A.other B.others C.another D.the other8. A.because B.though C.before D.but9. A.eyesB.earsC.noseD.mouthOne day, a boy had a fight with one of his classmates. Then he went to his 1 and told him his story angrily. He is really bad," the boy said," and I 2 him." The grandfather said, " 3 me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I too, sometimes hated others for what they did..." As the boy 4 carefully, the grandfather went on," There are always two tigers inside my heart. One is 5 and kind. He gets on well 6 everything around him.But 7 is bad and unfriendly. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the time, and for no reason. He can't think carefully 8 he always hates others. It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to control me."The boy looked into his grandfather's 9 and asked, " 10 tiger always controls you, Grandfather?" The old man said slowly and seriously, "The one that I feed. I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom get angry now ."32三、完形填空10. A.Who B.Which C.Where D.WhenThere once was a blind man. He decided to visit Texas. When he got on the plane, he felt the seats and said, "Wow these seats are big! "the person next to him answered, "Everything is big in Texas."When he arrived in Texas, he decided to visit a bar first. In the bar, he ordered a glass of beer. "Wow the glass in big." he said. "Everything is big in Texas, " the waiter replied.After two glasses of beer, the blind man asked the waiter where the bathroom was. the waiter answered, "Second door to the right." The blind man headed for the bathroom, but accidentally tripped over and skipped the second door. Instead, he entered the third door which led to a swimming pool. The blind man fell into the pool by accident.Scared to death, the blind man started shouting, "Don't flush! Don't flush!"33A.B.C.D.The blind man decided to .visit his friend in Texas drink beer in Texas pay a visit to Texasfind out the biggest thing in Texas (1)A.B.C.D.How did the blind man go to Texas?By plane By bus By taxi By train(2)A.B.C.D.Where did the blind man go first when he arrived in Texas?A library A barA swimming pool A bathroom(3)A.B.C.D.The underlined word "bathroom" means " " in Chinese.吸烟室厕所厨房浴室(4)A.When the man fell into the swimming pool, he thought he fell into the .pool(5)四、阅读理解B.C.D.river sea toiletBWhen we think of Hollywood, we think of films and famous film stars. Today people make films in other places too. Not all famous film stars live in Hollywood. But Hollywood is still a very special city in Los Angeles, California.You can easily see where Hollywood is in Los Angeles. There is a big sign on the hills. It says "Angeles". The white letters are fifty feet tall. You can see the sign from far away. The Hollywood sign is a famous landmark in Los Angeles. Many postcards show this famous Hollywood landmark.On the hills of Hollywood, there is also an open-air theatre called the Hollywood Bowl. It has seventeen thousand seats and a very wonderful stage. You can listen to all kinds of music at the Hollywood Bowl.34 A.B.C.D.The best for the passage should be .HollywoodFamous films and Famous film stars.The History of Hollywood Hollywood Bowl(1)A.B.C.D.We can learn from the passage that .Hollywood is famous for musicNo other place except Hollywood makes films today Hollywood Bowl is at the bottom of the hills of Hollywood Hollywood is one part of Los Angeles(2)A.B.C.D.The word "landmark" in the second paragraph means " " in Chinese.建筑物宣传单纪念品地面标志物(3)A.B.C.D.At the Hollywood Bowl .people get Hollywood postcards.only 7,000 can get together people can enjoy music people can enjoy movies (4)Which of the following is true?(5)A.B.C.D.All the famous film stars live in HollywoodWe can see the Hollywood landmark in many postcards.The Hollywood Bowl is famous for films.The Hollywood Bowl is a hill in HollywoodCWhen we think of paper, we think newspapers, books, letters and writing paper. But there are many other uses. Paper is very good for keeping you warm. You may have seen some homeless men sleep on a large number of newspapers on the street. They are keeping themselves from the cold. The winter in Finland is very cold. The farmers there wear paper boots in the snow . Nothing could be warmer.Each year, more and more things are made of paper. We have had paper cups and dishes for a long time. But now we hear that chairs, tables and even beds can be made of paper. With paper boots and shoes, you can wear paper hats and dresses. When you have used them once, you throw them away and buy new ones.The last use of paper made out of paper are paper houses. These are not small houses for children to play in, but real, big houses for people to live in. You can buy a house with three bedrooms for about $500 .You can put it up by yourself , and you can use it for about five years.People have made paper boats, but they have not made paper planes or cars. Just wait -they will.35 A.B.C.D.The passage tells us that we can use paper to make .boot, planes and hats dishes, beds and chairs houses, dresses and cars houses, dresses and planes(1)A.B.C.D.The farmers wear paper boats in Finland because .paper boots are the warmest paper boots are cheaper they are poor they easy to make(2)A.B.C.D.The "homeless men" are people who .collect newspaper on the street sleep at home have on home make newspaper(3)A.B.C.D.Which is right about the paper houses?They are just small houses for children to play in.They are cheapThey are not been made.They can not last long(4)A.B.C.D.Which of the following thing is not mentioned?Newspaper Paper dresses Paper planes Paper computers(5) DThe Cheap House, 567 East 62nd Street, New York, NY1003625/2/2016 8:17 p.m.Quantity (数量)Item (货物名称)Product (产品号码)Price (价格)1 a pair of jeans 3597981144$280.003pairs of socks 8294653379$40.00/each 1sweater3607889911$320.00Subtotal (小计)$720.00Tax (税)(10%)$72.00Cashier: 792 dollars, please.Eddy: What? That's impossible. Show me the receipt (单据).Cashier: Here it is.Eddy: Look. The price on the jeans says $230, but your receipt says it's $280.Cashier: You are right. The receipt is wrong.Eddy: And what's the $72 for?Cashier: It's for tax (税).36 A.B.C.D.When did Eddy go shopping?In the morning In the afternoon In the evening We don't know(1)A.B.C.How many kinds of things did Eddy buy?Two Three Four(2)D.FiveA.B.C.D.What's the problem?Eddy is wrong.The total is wrong.Eddy doesn't have enough money.The jeans are too small.(3)A.B.C.D.The Cashier may .tell Eddy to pay more money.give Eddy the jeans make the total less.give Eddy $72.00(4)A.B.C.D.How much should the total be?$ 720.00$ 670.00$742.00$737.00(5)The resources on the earth today are far from enough. However, in the 9 century, it was common to hear people in Europe and America said that the resources of the sea would not be used up. For example, a famous scientist said in the mid 1800s that resources of the sea were much more than what we could image. But today, it has been proved that the resources of the sea are as seriously in danger as those of the land and the air. What's more, the danger to fish is greater than the danger to birds and the land animals such as bears and monkeys. This is because fish are such a needed food resource. Many people all over the world consider fish as an important part of their food and the smaller supply of fish could lead to a hunger population. Fishermen in the Atlantic get about 20,000 thousand pounds of fish to meet people's needs every year. But it is important to realize that these practices cannot continue when the fish resources are used up. The death of fish could mean the end of humans. It's only with care and planning food supplies of the sea can continue.Today leaders all over the world meet every year to share their experience and to work out way to protect the fish resources. Actions have been taken to a better world for the fishes on the Earth.37th A.B.C.When might people start to realize the resource problem?In the 19th century In the mid 1800s Hundreds of years ago.(1)D.In the early 21st centuryA.B.C.D.Why is the danger to fish greater than that to the land animals?Because fish need a lot of foodBecause there are more birds and land animals than fishBecause many people around the world live on fishBecause people are too hunger to eat fish(2)A.B.C.D.To meet people's needs, how many fish do Americans get every year?Over 20,000,000 thousand pounds.Less than 20,000,000 thousand pounds.20,000,000 thousand pounds.We don't know(3)A.B.C.D.What can we learn from the passage?Resources on the Earth are enoughEurope and America have more resources than other places.We don't have enough natural resources.Now people don't like eating fish.(4)A.B.C.D.According to the writer, what shouldn't people do?Continue the practices until the fish resources are used up.Take care of the resources.Realize the danger to fish resources.Make plans to uses resources reasonably.(5)单词拼写38He a his success because he was a hard worker.(1)The Moon is a natural s to the Earth.(2)Scientists find out that certain disease is c to the cigarettes.(3)You look f in this dress. The red one will make you smart.(4)Lots of the machines need e to work.(5)The beautiful sunshine makes us c .(6)She could hardly remember the dreams when she w up.(7)There is a saying like this: k is the power.(8)If you are honest and friendly to the others, a can be your friend.(9)五、单词拼写The medicine went into my body t some small pipes.(10)词形转换39Here are some (people). Have a try.(1)Thousands of (visit) come to Guangzhou every year.(2)Little Dora is (interest) in music. She likes the piano best.(3)The milk will go bad (easy) in these hot days.(4)The speech from Nick Vujicic is one of (value) lessons in my life.(5)句型转换40Helen used to swim in the swimming pool.(改为一般疑问句)Helen swim in the swimming pool?(1)Jack could speak 3 languages at the age of 6.(同义句转换)Jack speak 3 languages at the age of 6.(2)It's a sunny day today.(改为感叹句)it is!(3)Lucy usually lies on the beach, eats ice-cream and enjoys the sunshine.(改为现在进行时)Now , Lucy on the beach, ice-cream and the sunshine.(4)完成句子。
