Chapter 2 Offer and ACCEPTANCE(邀约与承诺)
新加坡合同法(The Law of Contract)--最新中英文版(ACCA考生整理)
The Law of Contract(新加坡合同法)SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 导论8。
1.1 Contract law in Singapore is largely based on the common law of contract in England. Unlike its neighbours Malaysia and Brunei, following Independence in 1965,Singapore´s Parliament made no attempt to codify Singapore´s law of contract。
Accordingly, much of the law of contract in Singapore remains in the form of judge-made rules. In some circumstances, these judge-made rules have been modified by specific statutes.新加坡的合同法基本上是以英国关于合同的普通法为范式而构建的.与它的邻居马来西亚和文莱不同的是,新加坡在1965年独立之后并没有试图编纂新加坡的合同法,因此新加坡的合同法仍保持判例法规则的模式.在某些情况下,判例法的规则已经被特定的成文法所修改。
2 Many of these statutes are English in origin. To begin with, 13 English commercial statutes have been incorporated as part of the Statutes of the Republic of Singapore by virtue of s 4 of the Application of English Law Act (Cap 7A, 1993 Rev Ed)。
国际贸易实务Chapter 5 (2)Offer and Acceptance
4 Counter-offer
A counter-offer means either the offeree proposes a new set of terms for the transaction or he makes a conditional acceptance by making actual, material changes in the offer
5. Acceptance
An acceptance is a statement made by the offeree, indicating assent to an offer.
Constituents of a definite offer
all the necessary items for a transaction It specifies the time by which the offer is valid It uses the phrase “offer firm” It must be made to a specific person.
2. Definite offer: 实盘
A definite offer is one that clearly expresses the offerer’s willingness in concluding a contract. Such an offer will be binding on the offerer if the offer is accepted by the offeree.
Chapter 5 (2)
Offer and Acceptance
Inquiry-offer-counteroffer-acceptance 询盘—报盘—还盘—接受
确认合同的五个步骤英文回答:Five Steps to Confirming a Contract:1. Offer and Acceptance: An offer is a proposal to enter into a contract, while acceptance is the agreement to the terms of the offer. Both the offer and acceptance must be clear and unconditional.2. Consideration: Consideration is the exchange of value between the parties to the contract. It can be anything of value, such as goods, services, or money.3. Capacity: To enter into a valid contract, theparties must have the legal capacity to do so. This means they must be of legal age, of sound mind, and not under any legal disabilities.4. Legality: The purpose of the contract must be legal.Contracts that violate the law or are against public policy are unenforceable.5. Mutual Assent: Both parties must have the same understanding of the terms of the contract. If there is any ambiguity or misunderstanding, the contract may be void.中文回答:确认合同的五个步骤:1. 要约和承诺: 要约是对订立合同的提议,而承诺是对要约条款的同意。
Business Negotiation
Business Negotiation is the dealings between the importer and exporter in order to reach an agreement on quality, quantity, price, payment and other terms and conditions of a contract. 2.形式 Forms of International Business Negotiation ① 口头磋商(Verbal Negotiation) ② 书面磋商( Written Negotiation )
1.询盘 Enquiry
商品,向对方询问有关交易条件,表示交 易愿望的一种行为。
9月8日来电:拟订购美加净牙膏大号1000罗请电 告最低价格最快交货期。
以下是一些与合同相关的英语法律知识点:1. Offer and acceptance (要约和承诺)在合同形成过程中,一方向另一方发出的写实或口头的要约称为offer,另一方对此作出同意称为acceptance。
2. Consideration(对价)合同的有效性通常要求有一定的对价存在。
3. Breach of contract(违约)当一方未能履行合同中规定的义务时,就构成了合同违约。
以下是一些著作权法方面的英语法律知识点:1. Copyright(版权)著作权保护包括文学、艺术、音像、电脑软件等作品。
2. Fair use(合理使用)合理使用是指在符合某些限制条件下,非授权使用他人著作的权利,例如学术研究、评论和新闻报道等。
3. Infringement(侵权)未经版权拥有者的许可,擅自制作、复制、发行他人作品都属于侵权行为。
以下是一些与知识产权法相关的英语法律知识点:1. Trademark(商标)商标用于识别来源于特定企业的商品或服务,它可以是标志、名称、声音或颜色等。
2. Patent(专利)专利授予发明者对其发明的独特权利,确保其在一段时间内独占市场。
3. Industrial design(工业设计)工业设计保护产品的外观,使其不被未经许可的抄袭。
Requirements of an Offer ① Contractual intention. It is an invitation to treat, which is used to invite others to make offer and lack of the intention to create a binding obligation. Generally, display of goods for sale, an advertisement in a newspaper, posted quotation(寄送的报价单), price list, catalogue(商品目录), auction sales(拍 卖公告) and tenders(招标公告) are all an invitation to treat. ② Definiteness. ③ Communication of offer to of Offer: 要约 Offeror: 要约人 Offeree: 受要约人,承诺人 Acceptance: 接受,承诺 Counteroffer: 反要约 Invitation to treat/Invitation offer: 要约邀请 Withdrawal of offer: 要约的撤回 Revocation of offer: 要约的撤销
③ An acceptance must be made within the period of validity. ④ An acceptance should match the terms of the offer exactly and unequivocally. ⑤ Mostly, silence and inactivity cannot be construed/explained as acceptance.
英美合同法术语1. Acceptance(接受)这是英美合同法里超重要的一个术语呢。
2. Breach of contract(违约)哎呀,这个就有点糟糕啦。
就好比你答应给朋友辅导功课,结果到时候你却跑去玩游戏了,这在合同法里就是breach of contract。
3. Consideration(对价)这个术语有点抽象哦。
4. Damages(损害赔偿)当有breach of contract的时候,受损的一方就可以要求damages啦。
5. Duress(胁迫)这个就有点像有人拿着刀逼着你签合同那种情况。
6. Fraud(欺诈)这也是很不道德和不合法的情况啦。
7. Implied contract(默示合同)这个就比较神奇啦。
第二节 国际商事合同的订立
• (一)要约(发价;报盘;发盘) 1. 要约的含义与要件 (1)是关于订立合同的肯定建议 (2)是关于订立合同的明确建议
第二节 国际商事合同的订立
关于内容具体与否的判断标准 CISG:一个建议如果写明货物且明示或暗示规 定数量和价格或规定如何确定数量和价格, 即为十分确定。 美国统一商法典:只要当事人有订立合同的意 图,其要约具备货物的名称和数量,就可视 为一项有效要约,价格并非必不可少的条款。 (价格例外情形P40)
A公司向B公司发才出要约,要约中说:“供 应50台拖拉机,100匹马力,每台CIF香港3 500美元,订立合同后两个月装船,不可撤销 即期信用证付款,请电复。” B公司收到要 约后,立即电复说:“我接受你的要约,在 订立合同后立即装船。”但A公司未作任何答 复。 问:双方的合同是否成立? 为什么?
P42案例荷兰H公司诉英国E公司案 E是一家英国的航空公司,一 日为出售某台机器而向H空中服务公 司要约:售X机器一台,请汇5000 英镑。H立即回电:接受你方要约, 已汇5000英镑至你房银行账号,在 交货前该笔款项将由银行代为你方 保管,请立即交货。E却将X机器高 价售予第三人。H便诉至英国法院控 告E违约。
第二节 国际商事合同的订立
2.承诺的生效:承诺生效时合同成立。 投邮主义(英美法) 到达主义(大陆法、CISG、PICC、《合同法》)
3.承诺的撤回 承诺通知已经发出但尚未生效时,由被要约人 将撤回承诺的通知送达要约人,从而收回通知。
第二节 国际商事合同的订立
三、当事人具有订立国际商事合同的能力 • 1. 自然人订立合同的能力 • 正常的成年人具有订立合同的能力; • 未成年人、不正常成年人,法律赋予不同 的约束或保护。
名词解释1、 offer and acceptanceOffer and acceptance analysis is a traditional approach in contract law used to determine whether an agreement exists between two parties. An offer is an indication by one person to another of their willingness to contract on certain terms without further negotiations. A contract is then formed if there is express or implied agreement. A contract is said to come into existence when acceptance of an offer has been communicated to the offeror by the offeree.An offer is an expression of willingness to contract on certain terms, made with the intention that it shall become binding as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed, the "offeree".The "expression" referred to in the definition may take different forms, such as a letter, newspaper, fax, email and even conduct, as long as it communicates the basis on which the offeror is prepared to contract.The "intention" referred to in the definition is objectively judged by the courts.Acceptance is a final and unqualified expression of assent to the terms of an offer.Alternatively, an offer consisting of a promise to pay someone if the latter performs certain acts which the latter would not otherwise do (such as paint a house) may be accepted by the requested conduct instead of a promise to do the act. The performance of the requested act indicates objectively the party's assent to the terms of the offer.2、信用证3、特别提款权4、独占许可5、国际特许专营International FranchisingThe U.S. has experienced an explosion in business format franchising in the last two decades. the most efficient business model for distributing goods and services and the very advanced U.S. free market economy rewards efficiency above all..Essentially franchising is a very specific method or way of distributing goods and services.It has been around in one form or another since man first began to engage in commercial enterprise. It has evolved from a simple grant of a right or privilege in the middle ages to the sophisticated business format franchise concept of todayModern day franchising is primarily in the business format mode. This type franchising not only grants the right to use the name and sell the products or services of the franchiser but it also involves the transfer of the total way of doing business that has been developed by the franchiser6、市场经济国家Market Economy Nations7、仲裁ArbitrationThe essence of arbitration is that it is an agreement between two or more parties to try to resolve a dispute outside of the court system.The parties agree upon a third party as an arbitrator who will act as a judge and jury. After giving the parties the opportunity to present their side of the story and to present any relevant documents or other evidence, the arbitrator will act as King Solomon to decide who wins and who loses.Arbitration Award"binding" arbitration generally means that the winning party can take an arbitration award to a court of law and enforce it if the losing party does not comply with the terms of the decision. "Non-binding" arbitration refers to a situation where the parties agree to use arbitration as a forum to try to resolve their differences, but neither party is bound to comply with any decision by the arbitrator.简答1、 rules of acceptanceAcceptance is a final and unqualified expression of assent to the terms of an offer.Alternatively, an offer consisting of a promise to pay someone if the latter performs certain acts which the latter would not otherwise do (such as paint a house) may be accepted by the requested conduct instead of a promise to do the act. The performance of the requested act indicates objectively the party's assent to the terms of the offer.Communication of acceptance.There are several rules dealing with the communication of acceptance:The acceptance must be communicated:Depending on the construction of the contract, the acceptance may not have to come untilthe notification of the performance of the conditions in the offer. but nonetheless the acceptance must be communicated.Prior to acceptance, an offer may be withdrawn.An offer can only be accepted by the offeree, that is, the person to whom the offer is made.An offeree is not bound if another person accepts the offer on his behalf without his authorisation:It may be implied from the construction of the contract that the offeror has dispensed with the requirement of communication of acceptance. If the offer specifies a method of acceptance , you must accept it using a method that is no less effective than the method specified. Silence cannot be construed as acceptance:2、 cisg适用范围The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (the “CISG”) is one of the documents produced through the diplomatic efforts of the United Nations Commis sion on International Trade Law (“UNCITRAL”).The CISG attempts to bridge the gap between the different legal systems of the world, mainly between the civil law (French and German sub-traditions) and the common law (English and American sub-traditions), by creating a uniform law for the international sale of goods (preamble of the CISG). The CISG governs the formation of the contract of sale as well as the rights and obligations of the buyer and seller (including their remedies). It came into force on 1 January 1988 for those countries that were then parties to it.The Sphere of Application of CISG(1) This Convention applies to contracts of sale of goods between parties whose places of businessare in different States(a) when the States are Contracting States。
Invitation to Treat
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Ltd [1953] 1 QB 401 – Display of drugs – invitation to treat (Textbook,P58)
(4)It must be intended be bound (it is crucial to distinguish an offer from an invitation to treat) 要约必须具有受到约束的意图。要约不同于 一般的意见陈述,人们提出的一般性意见只是 表达了当事人的一种意向,当事人并不打算、 也不会受其约束。而要约则是一种许诺,一旦 对方当事人接受了这一许诺。要约人必须信守 许诺,履行相应的义务。
A higher bid will defeat the lower bid. Before the fall of hammer, the bidder may withdraw his bid and the auctioneer may withdraw his goods. After the fall of hammer, a contract comes into existence, and each party shall execute the contract. 拍卖以出价高者为准。在拍卖锤落下之前,竞 投人可以随时撤回出价。在拍卖锤落下之后,合 同成立,买卖双方应当履行合同。
e.g. A said to B “I will sell you my computer for ₤300.” B said to A “ I will pay you ₤300 for the computer.”
国际贸易实务第一章练习题一、回答下列问题1.Please tell us the contents to be studies in this course.( 4分)2.Please tell us the reasons for International Trade.(2分)3.Please tell us the Problems Concerning International Trade.(2分)4.Batteries called “white elephant” exported from China were very popular in Southeast Asia,butin United States no one was interested in the goods. Why?(2分)5.Please tell us the Forms of International Trade.(3分)6.Please tell us the Export Procedures under CIF on the side of Seller.(5分)7、交易磋商一般要经过哪些环节?哪些环节是必不可少的?(2分)8、一项有效的发盘必须具备哪些条件?(4分)9、什么叫发盘的有效期?如何规定发盘的有效期?(2分)10、发盘在哪些情况下失效?(3分)11、发盘发出后,如发生意外或发现内容有误,发盘人能否撤销或撤回?(3分)12、如何区分有效发盘和邀请发盘?(2分)13、一项有效接受必须具备哪些条件?(3分)14、逾期接受在哪些情况下仍然有效?(2分)15、接受的通知到达发盘人后,可否撤销?接受在什么情况下可以撤回?(2分)16、“国际贸易合同”通常有哪些名称?各有何特点?(3分)17、一份销售合同通常包括哪几个部分?各有些什么内容?(4分)18、国际贸易合同具备哪些必要条件,才是有效的、受法律保护的?(4分)19、签订国际贸易合同应注意哪些问题?(4分)二、Judge the following statement, mark True(T) or False (F).(每一小题1分)(1) According to the CISG, once the offerer stipulates the validity on the offer, the offerer can stillcancel the offer ( )(2) Offer and acceptance are two indispensable links for reaching an agreement and concluding acontract ( )(3) During the negotiation, the offer is made by seller and acceptance is made by buyer ( )(4) 在国际贸易中,一项合同有的效成立都必须经过询盘、发盘、还盘、接受和签约五个环节。
Invitation to treat: • statement inviting offers
2012 Thomson Legal & Regulatory Ltd. All Rights Reserved. PowerPoint slides to accompany Davenport & Parker Business and Law in Australia 2012
• An offer is a definite undertaking with an intention to be bound if it is accepted • An invitation to treat represents the negotiation stages before an offer is made • An invitation to treat generally invites others to make an offer unless clear intention to contrary can be shown, eg in an advertisement the words “raincheck” appear
An offer is an invitation to a person to enter a contract on certain specified terms and can be:
• to a single person, a group of people or to the world at large:
Object of lecture
Introduce you to the rules of offer and acceptance By the end of this lecture you will be able to: • identify when an offer has been made and be able to distinguish it from other proposals • explain the rules relating to offer • recognise those situations that would cause an offer to be revoked or lapse
2.4 Rules of Offer and Acceptance
Entores Ltd v Miles Far East Corporation Ltd (1955)
• Denning LJ, delivering the leading judgment. He said that the postal rule could not apply to instantaneous communications, such as telephone or telex:
Differences between an offer and an invitation to treat
• Case 1:
▫ Philp & Co v Knoblauch (1907) ▫ Page 123
• Case 2:
▫ Pharmaceutical society of Great Britain v Boot
• Certainty of the offer:
The offer must not be too vague; if the offeree accepts, each party should know what their rights and obligations are. Gunthing v Lynn 1831 The facts: the offeror offered to pay a further sum for a horse if it was ‘lucky’.
Entores Ltd v Miles Far East Corporation Ltd (1955)
• Entores was a London-based trading company that sent an offer by telex for the purchase of copper cathodes from a company based in Amsterdam. The Dutch company sent an acceptance by telex. The contract was not fulfilled and so Entores attempted to sue the owner of the Dutch company for damages. • The controlling company, Miles Far East Corp, was based in the US and under English law Entores could only bring the action in the US (serve notice of writ outside the jurisdiction) if it could prove that the contract was formed within the jurisdiction, i.e. in London rather than Amsterdam.
英国合同法全文中英对照Contract Law in the United Kingdom英国合同法Part I – Formation of a Contract第一部分——合同的成立1. Contract Formation1. 合同形成A contract is formed when there is an offer and acceptance, and consideration passes between the parties.当存在一个报价和接受,并且双方之间有对价流转时,一个合同就形成了。
2. Offer2. 报价An offer is a clear expression of intent by one party to be bound by certain terms.报价是一方明确表示意愿以某些条款约束的表达。
3. Acceptance3. 接受Acceptance is the unconditional agreement to the terms of an offer. 接受是无条件同意报价的条款。
4. Consideration4. 对价Consideration is the exchange of something of value between the parties.对价是双方之间交换有价值的东西。
Part II – Terms of a Contract第二部分——合同的条款5. Express Terms5. 明示条款Express terms are those specifically stated by the parties in their contract.明示条款是当事人在合同中明确声明的条款。
6. Implied Terms6. 默示条款Implied terms are those that are not specifically stated but are implied by law or custom.默示条款是指虽未明确声明但法律或习俗默示的条款。
合同法 offer and acceptanceppt课件
• You walk into a shop and see an item for £9.99 (this would be an ITT), you then take it to the counter and prepare to pay £9.99 (the offer). The important concept here is that an ITT is not binding, i.e. when you go to the counter and the clerk says "oh sorry this item is actually £29.99", you have no defense in demanding to be sold it for £9.99.
• 'Saturday 9 A.M. Sharp 3 Brand New Fur Coats Worth to $100.00
• First Come First Served $1 Each'
• Whether in any individual instance a newspaper advertisement is an offer rather than an invitation to treat depends on the legal intention of the parties and the surrounding circumstances.
• An invitation to treat is an intent indication showing the desire to receive offers from others. Mailed or delivered price catalogs, auction announcements, invitations for bid, capital-raising prospectus and commercial advertisements are such invitations for offer. A commercial advertisement shall, if its content conforms to the provisions regarding offers, be deemed an offer.
Chapter-2---Offer--and--ACCEPTANCE(邀约与承诺)讲课讲稿Chapter 2 Offer and ACCEPTANCE1 OfferOverviewAGREEMENT = OFFER + ACCEPTANCEOffer ITTDefinitionspecific terms.1.1 An expression of willingness to be bound on1.2 Must be c ertain.1.3 Only the person or a member of the class to whom the offer has been made can accept it.1.4 The offer must be open for acceptance at the time that acceptance is purported to occur. Invitations to treat1.5 Offers must be distinguished from invitations to treat.(a) This is inviting someone to make an offer or commence negotiations.(b) It cannot be accepted.(c) Examples of invitations to treat:.(i) items displayed on shelves: Pharmaceutical Society of G.B. v Boots Cash Chemists(ii) items in shop windows: Fisher v Bell.Partridge v Crittenden.(iii) usually adverts in newspapers:Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.Note however offers made to the whole world:(iv) auction notices.(v) prospectuses.(vi) mail order catalogues1.6 Also be careful with other expressions that fall short of being 'offers' eg(i) advertisers puff or boasts normally fall short of being promises or offers(ii) a response to a request for information is not normally an offer(iii) a declaration of intention to sell is not normally an offer.OverviewMETHODS OF TERMINATING AN OFFERRejection Counter Conditional Lapse of Revocation DeathOffer acceptance time1.7 Termination of an Offer(a) Rejection: of an offer or refusal to accept.(b) Counter-offer:Hyde v Wrench.A counter offer is simply a new offer.Stevenson v(c) Conditional acceptance:Neale v Merrett. Contrast requests for information :McLean.A conditional acceptance is an attempt to introduce new terms into the offer and as suchcannot be an acceptance.Ramsgate Hotel v(d) Lapse of time: (an express or implied period) will terminate an offer:Montefiore.(e) Revocation of an offer:(i) is effective any time before acceptance occurs Routledge v Grant;(ii) as long as it is actually communicated: Byrne v Van Tienhoven;(iii) can be communicated via a reliable third party: Dickinson v Dodds;(f) Death.2 AcceptanceOverviewACCEPTANCEDefinition RulesDefinition2.1 (a) An unconditional assent to all the terms of the offer: Neale v Merrett(b) It is important to identify a clear offer, and unconditional acceptance.Negotiations may constitute a series of counter offers, each party trying to impose theirstandard terms on the contract: "the battle of the forms." Hence if faced with this type ofquestion ensure that you identify what is happening at each stage of the negotiations until youhave a clear offer and acceptance.(c) Acceptance may only be made by authorised person: (compare revocation).(d) Must be made whilst the offer is still open ie:(i) before revocation(ii) before any time limit specified has expired(iii) before the offeree's deathRules of acceptance2.2 (a) It must be c ommunicated by positive words or deeds hence it cannot be imposed bysilence but may be inferred by conduct.(b) If method of communication is mandatory then no other method will be legally effective:Holwell Securities v Hughes.(c) If no mandatory method is specified it should still be made in the way specified by the offeror,but an equally speedy method may suffice:Yates v Pulleyn.Instantaneous methods of communication2.3 However, if modern instantaneous methods of communication are used e.g. telephone, faxes, email etc, communication must be received; Entores v Miles Far East Corporation.OverviewEXCEPTIONS TO THE COMMUNICATION RULENeed for Postalcommunication ruleis waivedExceptions to the communication rule2.4 (a) Where the n eed for communication is waived: Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.(Be careful this does not negate the need for acceptance itself.)(b) Where the p ostal rule applies acceptance will occur at the moment of posting:Adams v Lindsell, Household Fire Insurance v G rant.Conditions:(i) Letter must be properly addressed and stamped;(ii) put into the post in the normal way;must be in contemplation of both (iii) the postal rule will not have been excluded i.e. itparties that acceptance will take place by post.Effect:We may have a 'communication' of acceptance without receipt.。
合同法 offer and acceptance
• 'Saturday 9 A.M. Sharp 3 Brand New Fur Coats Worth to $100.00
• First Come First Served $1 Each'
• Whether in any individual instance a newspaper advertisement is an offer rather than an invitation to treat depends on the legal intention of the parties and the surrounding circumstances.
• You walk into a shop and see an item for £9.99 (this would be an ITT), you then take it to the counter and prepare to pay £9.99 (the offer). The important concept here is that an ITT is not binding, i.e. when you go to the counter and the clerk says "oh sorry this item is actually £29.99", you have no defense in demanding to be sold it for £9.99.
(一)、合同成立的概念 1、当事人订立合同采取要约、承诺方式; 2、合同的成立是指当事人经过要约和承诺过程,就合同内容 意思表示达成一致。承诺生效时合同成立(合同法第二十五 条) 3、合同成立的法律意义:合同成立是区分缔约过错责任与合 同责任的界限。当事人对合同不能成立负有过错的,对方当 事人以为合同成立而产生损失的,过错人应承担由此造成损 失的赔偿责任,这种责任是缔约过错责任;合同成立之后不 履行合同或者履行合同不符合合同约定的,承担的责任是合 同责任。 4、合同成立与合同生效的区别。合同成立了但是不一定生效, 成立的合同只有具备法律规定的条件才能生效。
合同法第三十一条“承诺对要约的内容作出非实质 性变更的,除要约人表示反对或者要约表明承诺不得对要 约的内容作出任何变更的以外,该承诺有效,合同的内容 以承诺的内容为准。”
(2)、承诺的生效 l生效的时间: 合同法第二十六条“承诺到达受要约人时生效。承 诺不需要通知的,根据交易习惯或者要约的要求作出承 诺的行为时生效。” 合同法第十六条“采用数据电文形式订立合同,收 件人指定特定系统接受数据电文的,该数据电文进入该 特定系统的时间,视为到达时间;未指定特定系统的, 该数据电文进入收件人的任何系统的首次时间,视为到 达时间。”(技术上如何满足法律关于本条的规定)
l要约的内容必须确定。A、应当载明货物的名称;B、应明 示或默示地规定货物的数量或规定如何确定数量的方法;C、 应明示或默示地规定货物的价格或规定如何确定价格的方法。 前者叫固定价或板价(Fixed Price),后者叫活价或开口 价(Open Price)。其他事项可以按照公约的规定进行补缺。 l要约必须表明要约人在其要约一旦得到承诺就将受其约束。
(4)承诺的撤回 是指在承诺到达要约人之前,承诺人将其收回。公约 第二十二条规定:承诺得予撤回,如果撤回通知于承诺原 应生效之前或同时送达要约人。承诺到达要约人后,合同 成立,因此对承诺不存在撤销的问题。
Lecture 4 Offer, Acceptance,Consideration andIntention-2
Lecture 4 Contract Formation: The Essential Elements of a Valid Contract
What is a contract?
A contract is an agreement between two or more people which is legally enforceable.
– The acceptance is complete when the offeror receives the communication. – E.g. Acceptance is complete once the email is received or once the fax is received
Essential elements of a contract
•An offer is a proposal made by one party to another to enter into a legally binding contract.
Offer (cont.)
• Offer may be ‘express’, using written or spoken words. • Offer may be ‘implied’ from the offeror’s conduct. • Can only be accepted after it has been communicated to the other party. • An offer must be communicated to the offered
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Chapter 2 Offer and ACCEPTANCE1 OfferOverviewAGREEMENT = OFFER + ACCEPTANCEOffer ITTDefinition1.1 An expression of willingness to be bound on specific terms.1.2 Must be certain.1.3 Only the person or a member of the class to whom the offer has been made can accept it.1.4 The offer must be open for acceptance at the time that acceptance is purported to occur. Invitations to treat1.5 Offers must be distinguished from invitations to treat.(a) This is inviting someone to make an offer or commence negotiations.(b) It cannot be accepted.(c) Examples of invitations to treat:(i) items displayed on shelves: Pharmaceutical Society of G.B. v Boots Cash Chemists.(ii) items in shop windows: Fisher v Bell.(iii) usually adverts in newspapers: Partridge v Crittenden.Note however offers made to the whole world: Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.(iv) auction notices.(v) prospectuses.(vi) mail order catalogues1.6 Also be careful with other expressions that fall short of being 'offers' eg(i) advertisers puff or boasts normally fall short of being promises or offers(ii) a response to a request for information is not normally an offer(iii) a declaration of intention to sell is not normally an offer.OverviewMETHODS OF TERMINATING AN OFFERRejection Counter Conditional Lapse of Revocation DeathOffer acceptance time1.7 Termination of an Offer(a) Rejection: of an offer or refusal to accept.(b) Counter-offer:Hyde v Wrench.A counter offer is simply a new offer.(c) Conditional acceptance:Neale v Merrett. Contrast requests for information : Stevenson vMcLean.A conditional acceptance is an attempt to introduce new terms into the offer and as suchcannot be an acceptance.(d) Lapse of time: (an express or implied period) will terminate an offer: Ramsgate Hotel vMontefiore.(e) Revocation of an offer:(i) is effective any time before acceptance occurs Routledge v Grant;(ii) as long as it is actually communicated: Byrne v Van Tienhoven;(iii) can be communicated via a reliable third party: Dickinson v Dodds;(f) Death.2 AcceptanceOverviewACCEPTANCEDefinition RulesDefinition2.1 (a) An unconditional assent to all the terms of the offer: Neale v Merrett(b) It is important to identify a clear offer, and unconditional acceptance.Negotiations may constitute a series of counter offers, each party trying to impose theirstandard terms on the contract: "the battle of the forms." Hence if faced with this type ofquestion ensure that you identify what is happening at each stage of the negotiations until youhave a clear offer and acceptance.(c) Acceptance may only be made by authorised person: (compare revocation).(d) Must be made whilst the offer is still open ie:(i) before revocation(ii) before any time limit specified has expired(iii) before the offeree's deathRules of acceptance2.2 (a) It must be communicated by positive words or deeds hence it cannot be imposed bysilence but may be inferred by conduct.(b) If method of communication is mandatory then no other method will be legally effective:Holwell Securities v Hughes.(c) If no mandatory method is specified it should still be made in the way specified by the offeror,but an equally speedy method may suffice: Yates v Pulleyn.Instantaneous methods of communication2.3 However, if modern instantaneous methods of communication are used e.g. telephone, faxes, emailetc, communication must be received; Entores v Miles Far East Corporation.OverviewEXCEPTIONS TO THE COMMUNICATION RULENeed for Postalcommunication ruleis waivedExceptions to the communication rule2.4 (a) Where the need for communication is waived: Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.(Be careful this does not negate the need for acceptance itself.)(b) Where the postal rule applies acceptance will occur at the moment of posting: Adams vLindsell, Household Fire Insurance v Grant.Conditions:(i) Letter must be properly addressed and stamped;(ii) put into the post in the normal way;(iii) the postal rule will not have been excluded i.e. it must be in contemplation of both parties that acceptance will take place by post.Effect:We may have a 'communication' of acceptance without receipt.。