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Lesson 2 Some Interpretation to Logistics
2. Many businesses that deal with supply of goods or services have their own logistics department. • 许多专注于供给货物或服务的商业组织都有自己的物流部 门。
• Creating location value. Goods of the same kind can be valued differently at different locations. The value added during the transfer process is the location value of logistics.
Chapter 1 Overview of logistics
• Lesson 1 The Definition of Logistics • Lesson 2 Some Interpretation to Logistics • Lesson 3 Competing through logistics
Lesson 2 Some Interpretation to Logistics
1. 6R philosophy of Logistics • Logistics is getting the right product or service; • to the right place; • at the right time; • in the right quantity; • and for the right price; • in order to make the right customer satisfied.
Lesson 1 The Definition of Logistics
3. In contrast, efficiency can be thought of as how well (or poorly) company resources are used to achieve what a company promises it can do. • 反之,效率则被认为是企业在实现他们曾经 承诺过能做的事情的过程中资源被利用的好 坏。
• warehousing
n. 仓储
Lesson 1 The Definition of Logistics
• According to the CLM, “Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverses flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements”
Lesson 1 The Definition of Logistics
• New words and terms
• Council of Logistics Management (CLM) n. 物流管理协会
• the point of origin
n. 起源地
• the point of consumption
Lesson 3 Competing through logistics
• Competitive advantage 1. The quality advantage 2. The time advantage
Lesson 3 Competing through logistics
New words and terms • advantage n. 优势, 有利条件, 利益 • obsolescence n. 荒废, 退化, 逐渐过时 • available adj. 可用到的, 可利用的, 有效的
Chapter 1 Overview of logistics
Learning Objectives • Understand the definition of logistics • Understand some interpretation of logistics • Understand why companies can get competitive advantages though logistics
Lesson 1 The Definition of Logistics
2. Broadly speaking, effectiveness can be thought of as “how well does a company do what they say they’re going to do?” • 广义的来说,效益能被认为是“企业做他们曾 经承诺过未来将要做的事情所取得的效果如 何。”
• 物流是供应链活动的一部分,是为了满足客户需 要而对商品、服务以及相关信息从产地到消费地的 高效、低成本流动和储存进行的规划、实施与控制 的过程。
• Overall, logistics involves order management, packaging, transportation, warehousing, materials handling,…
• Distribution processing value. Sometimes logistics creates distribution processing value, which changes the length, thickness and packages of the goods. Like popular saying in logistics, “cutting into smaller parts” is the most common form of distribution processing. Most distribution processing in logistics can create added value for goods.
Three major functions of logistics
• Creating time value. Goods of the same kind can be valued differently at different times. Goods often stop during the transfer process, which is professionally called the storage of logistics. It creates the time value for goods.
Lesson 1 The Definition of Logistics
1. Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverses flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements. • 物流是供应链运作过程中,以满足顾客需求为目的, 对货物、服务和相关信息在产出地和消费地之间实 现高效率、高效益的正向和反向流通及存储所进行 的计划、执行和控制的过程。
主编:孙军 林南南 制作:李美玲
• 物流的概念最早是在美国形成的,起源于20 世纪30年代,原意为“实物分配”或“货物 配送”。1963年被引入日本,日文意思是 “物的流通”。20世纪70年代后,日本的 “物流”一词逐渐取代了“物的流通”。
• 中国的“物流”一词是从日文资料引进来的 外来词,源于日文资料中对"Logistics"一词 的翻译“物流”。
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
Military logistics
• In military logistics, logistics officers manage how and when to move resources to the places the need. In military science, maintaining one’s supply lines while damaging the enemy’s is a crucial---someone would say the most crucial---element of military strategy, since an armed force without resources and transportation is defenseless.
Many companies prepared for November 11th
•天猫 花样翻新我静待大考
•京东 自建物流我不爆仓
•易迅当当1号店 我比你快
Present situation of logistics
2013年,社会物流总费用10.2万亿元,同比 增长9.3%,增幅较上年同期回落2.1个百分点。 2013年,社会物流总费用与GDP的比率为18.0%, 与上年基本持平。反映出中国经济社会运行的物 流成本仍然较高。
n. 消费地
• planning, implementing, controlling n. 计划、实施、控制
• forward logistics
n. 正向物流
• reverse logistics
n. 逆向物流
• storage
n. 储存
• inventory management
n. 库存管理
• evolution
n 演变
• assessment n 评估
• acquisition n. 获得物
Lesson 2 Some Interpretation to Logistics
1. As the evolution of logistics concepts and practice, the world's developed countries and regions demonstrated the Development of logistics customer service is the core concept of modern logistics. • 随着物流概念和实践的演变,世界上发达国家和地区表明:物流 客户服务的发展是现代物流的核心概念。
• 简单的说,就是供应链包含了物流。
• 供应链是通过对信息流,物流,资金流的控制, 从采购原材料开始,制成中间产品以及最终产品, 最后由销售网络把产品送到消费者手中的将供应商, 制造商,分销商,零售商,直到最终用户连成一个 整体的功能网链结构。它不仅是一条连接供应商到 用户的物流链、信息链、资金链,而且是一条增值 链。
Lesson 2 Some Interpretation to Logistics
2. The core concept of logistics 3. The importance of logistics
Lesson 2 Some Interpretation to Logistics
New words and terms