3.丙公司2022年和2022年年初对C设备投资均为__元,该项目2022年初完工投产;2022年至2022年各年末预期收益均为50 000元;银行存款复利利率为8%。
假设预期最低借款利率为8%,问此人是否能按其计划借到款项? 已知:(P/A,7%,10)=7.0236,(P/A,8%,10)=6.7101。
最新公司理财计算题公式总结及复习题答案第二章:财务比率的计算(一)反映偿债能力的指标1、资产负债率=资产总额负债总额×100% =所有者权益负债长期负债流动负债++×100%(资产=负债+所有者权益)2、流动比率=流动负债流动资产×100% 3、速动比率=流动负债速动资产×100% =流动负债待摊费用存货预付账款流动资产---×100% 4、现金比率=流动负债短期投资短期有价证券货币资金现金)()(+×100% (二) 反映资产周转情况的指标1、应收账款周转率=平均应收账款余额赊销收入净额=2--÷+期末应收账款)(期初应收账款销售退回、折让、折扣现销收入销售收入 2、存货周转率=平均存货销货成本=2÷+期末存货)(期初存货销货成本第三章:货币时间价值1、单利:终值F n = P ·(1+i ·n) 【公式中i 为利率,n 为计息期数】现值P = F n /(1+i ·n)2、复利:终值F n = P ·CF i,n = P ·(1+i)n 【公式中(1+i)n 称为复利终值系数,简写作CF i,n 】现值P = F n ·DF i,n = F n /(1+i)n 【公式中1/(1+i)n 称为复利现值系数,简写作DF i,n 】3、年金:终值F n = R ·ACF i,n 【公式中ACF i,n 是年金终值系数的简写,R 为年金,n 为年金个数】现值P = R ·ADF i,n 【公式中ADF i,n 是年金现值系数的简写】1、债券发行价格发行价格= 年利息×ADF i,n +面值×DF i,n =(面值×债券票面利率)×ADF i,n +面值×DF i,n【该公式为分期付息、到期一次还本的公式,公式中的i 为债券发行时的市场利率】2、融资租赁的租金(等额年金法)年租金(R )=设备价值(P )/ ADF i,n 【公式中的i 为出租费率,i=年利率+手续费率】(一)资本成本的计算1、单项资本成本(个别资本成本)的计算资本成本= 筹资净额资本占用费= 筹资费用筹资总额)或股利(利息--1T ?= 筹资费率)(筹资总额)或股利(利息-1-1??T 【该公式为资本成本的定义公式,可用于计算单项资本成本,公式中的T 为所得税税率。
可持续增长假设下列比率是固定的,可持续增长率是多少?总资产周转率=1.40利润率=7.6%权益乘数=1.50股利支付比率=25%永久生命保险公司正在向你推荐一项保险政策,该政策规定,公司将永久性地每年向你和你的后代支付15 000美元。
a、如果必要的投资收益率为8%时,你愿意以什么价格购买该保险?1. 187500美元2. 178500美元3. 158700美元4.185700美元b、假定该保险公司告诉你这项保险的价格为19 5000美元,请你计算利率为多少?1. 6.79%2. 7.96%3. 7.69%4. 9.76%南加利福尼亚出版公司正在决定是否修订其畅销的一本教材。
如果公司的必要报酬率为11%,试问该教材由于销售增加产生的现金流的现值为多少?公司是否应该修订该教材? 1. 49,398.78;不修订 2. 49,398.78;修订 3. 59,398.78;不修订4. 59,398.78;修订一当地财务公司对1年期贷款的利率报价为14%。
因此,如果你借入20 000美元,年利息将为2 800美元。
因为你在1年后必须支付22 800美元,财务公司要求你在以后的12个月每月支付1900美元(22 800/12)。
a.这笔贷款的利率是14%吗? 1.是 2.不是b. 计算这笔 贷款的月利率。
1. 2.076% 2. 1.076% 3. 3.076% 4. 4.076%c. 计算名义年利率(APR ).1. 24.91%2. 30.91%3. 34.91% 4. 8.91%d. 计算实际年利率(EAR )1. 7.96%2. 47.96%3. 27.96%4. 97.96%T 公司发行了一种债券,期限为14.5年,到期收益率为7.5%,当前价格为1,145美元,每半年支付1次利息。
一、单选1、企业的管理目标的最优表达是( C )A.利润最大化 B.每股利润最大化C.企业价值最大化 D.资本利润率最大化2、“6C”系统中的“信用品质”是指( D )A.不利经济环境对客户偿付能力的影响 B.客户偿付能力的高低C.客户的经济实力与财务状况 D.客户履约或赖账的可能性3、普通年金终值系数的倒数称为( B)A.复利终值系数 B.偿债基金系数 C.普通年金现值系数 D.投资回收系数4、能够直接取得所需的先进设备和技术,从而能尽快地形成企业的生产经营能力的筹资形式是( B )A.股票筹资 B.吸收直接投资 C.债券筹资 D.融资租赁5、下列项目中,属于非交易动机的有( D )A.支付工资 B.购买原材料C.偿付到期债务 D.伺机购买质高价廉的原材料6、下列( C )不属于固定资产投资决策要素。
A.可用资本的成本和规模B. 项目盈利性C. 决策者的主观意愿和能力D. 企业承担风险的意愿和能力7、确定一个投资方案可行的必要条件是( B )。
A.内含报酬率大于1 B.净现值大于0 C.现值指数大于0 D.净现值率大于18、现金性筹资风险是( C )A.整体风险 B.终极风险 C.个别风险 D.破产风险9、企业购买某项专利技术属于( C )A.无效投资 B.金融投资 C.实体投资 D.对外投资10、我国法律规定企业吸收无形资产(不包括土地使用权)投资一般不超过注册资本的20%,特殊情况经批准最高不得超过( B )A.25% B.30% C.40% D.50%11、存货ABC分类管理要求对C类存货实行( C )A.按品种重点管理 B.按类别一般控制 C.按总额灵活掌握 D.以上都可12、不管其他投资方案是否被采纳和实施,其收入和成本都不因此受到影响的投资是(A )A.独立投资 B.互斥投资 C.互补投资 D.互不相容投资二、多项选择1.财务管理目标一般具有如下特征( BCD )A.综合性B.相对稳定性C.多元性D.层次性E.复杂性2.下列各项中,属于长期借款合同例行性保护条款的有( BC)。
(22%-Rf )/1.8 = (20.44%-Rf )/1.6 稍加计算,我们就会发现无风险报酬必须是8%:
22%-Rf = (20.44%-Rf)×(1.8/1.6) 22%-20.44%×1.125 = Rf-Rf×1.125
Rf = 8% 13.4 由于市场的期望报酬率是16%,因而市场风险溢酬为:16%-8% = 8%(无风险报酬率是8%)。第一只股票的 贝塔系数是0.70,所以它的期望报酬率是:8% + 0.70×8% = 13.6%。 对于第二只股票而言,风险溢酬是:24%-8% = 16%,比市场风险溢酬大两倍,因此,贝塔系数必定正好等于2。我 们可以用CAPM来加以证实:
股票A 0.07 0.13
股票B 0.15 0.03
0.33 -0.06
a. 这3只股票所组成的等权投资组合的期望报酬率是多少? b. 一个在股票A和股票B上各投资20%、在股票C上投资60%的投资组合的方差是多少? 10. 报酬率和标准差 考虑下列信息:
极好 好 差 极差
Cooley公司 Moyer公司
1.8 1.6
22.00 20.44
如果无风险报酬率是7%,这些证券有没有被正确定价?如果它们被正确定价,无风险报酬率应该是多少? 13.4 CAPM 假设无风险报酬率是8%,市场的期望报酬率是16%。如果某一特定股票的贝塔系数是0.7,根据CAPM, 该股票的期望报酬率是多少?如果另一只股票的期望报酬率是24%,它的贝塔系数是多少?
0.15 0.45 0.35 0.05
0.30 0.12 0.01 -0.06
公司理财习题参考答案第三章 财务管理价值观念三、计算题3.甲银行可提供2年期定期存款服务,名义年利率为4%,该存款每季计息一次;乙银行同样可提供2年期定期存款服务,名义年利率为3.9%,该存款每月计息一次。
请问:(1)甲公司每期支付的租金为多少?(2)如果合同规定甲公司须于每年年初支付租金,那么甲公司每期支付的租金应为多少?3.解:甲银行的实际利率为:4)4%41()1(+=+甲i%06.4=甲i乙银行的实际利率为:12)12%9.31()1(+=+乙i%97.3= i甲银行的实际利率高,所以应该选择甲银行。
4.解:)16%8/()16%5/(10,,,,A F A P F =⨯ A ⋅=⨯324.301829.210(万元)39.1=A 6.解: (1))8%,6,/(500A P A ⨯=(万元)52.80=A (2)[]1)7%,6,/(500+⨯=A P A (万元)82.74=A第四章 有价证券估价三、计算题1.某债券面值为1000元,票面利率为12%,期限为5年,某公司对此债券进行投资,要求获得15%的报酬率,则该债券价格为多少时才能进行投资?2.有一面值为1000元的债券,票面利率为8%,每年支付一次利息,2000年5月1日发行,2005年4月30日到期。
现在是2003年4月1日,假设投资的必要报酬率为10%,问该债券的价值是多少?3.股票市场预期A 公司的股票股利将在未来三年内高速增长,增长率达15%,以后转为正常增长,增长率为10%,已知A 公司最近支付的股利为每股3元,投资者要求的最低报酬率为12%。
公司理财计算题第二章:财务比率的计算(一)反映偿债能力的指标1、资产负债率=资产总额负债总额×100% =所有者权益负债长期负债流动负债++×100%(资产=负债+所有者权益) 2、流动比率=流动负债流动资产×100% 3、速动比率=流动负债速动资产×100% =流动负债待摊费用存货预付账款流动资产---×100% 4、现金比率=流动负债短期投资短期有价证券货币资金现金)()(+×100% (二) 反映资产周转情况的指标1、应收账款周转率=平均应收账款余额赊销收入净额=2--÷+期末应收账款)(期初应收账款销售退回、折让、折扣现销收入销售收入 2、存货周转率=平均存货销货成本=2÷+期末存货)(期初存货销货成本 1、某公司20××年末有关财务资料如下:流动比率=200%、速动比率=100%、现金比率=50%、流动负债 = 1000万元,该公司流动资产只包括货币资金、短期投资、应收账款和存货四个项目(其 中短期投资是货币资金的4倍)。
流动资产=1000×200% = 2000(万元)速动资产=(流动资产-存货)=(2000-存货)=1000×100%=1000(万元) 存货=1000(万元) 货币资金+短期投资=货币资金×5=1000×50%=500(万元)货币资金=100(万元) 短期投资=400(万元) 应收账款=2000-1000-100-400=500(万元)2、某公司20××年末有关财务资料如下:流动比率=200%、速动比率=100%、现金比率=20%、资产负债率=50%、长期负债与所有者权益的比率为25%。
要求:根据上述资料填列下面的资产负计算过程:负债总额=流动负债+长期负债=100000×50%=50000(元)所有者权益=100000-50000=50000(元) 长期负债=50000×25%=12500(元)流动负债=50000-12500=37500(元) 或者流动负债=100000-12500-50000=37500(元)流动资产=货币资金+应收账款+存货=37500×200% = 75000(元)速动资产=(流动资产-存货)=(75000-存货)=37500×100%=37500(元) 存货=37500(元)货币资金=37500×20%=7500(元) 资产总计=负债及所有者权益总计=100000(元)固定资产=100000-7500-30000-37500=25000(元)或者=100000-75000=25000(元)3、某公司年初应收账款56万元、年末应收账款60万元,年初存货86 万元、年末存货90万元,本年度销售收入为680万元(其中现销收入480万元,没有销售退回、折让和折扣),销货成本为560万元。
CH5 11,13,18,19,2011.To find the PV of a lump sum, we use:PV = FV / (1 + r)tPV = $1,000,000 / (1.10)80 = $488.1913.To answer this question, we can use either the FV or the PV formula. Both will give the sameanswer since they are the inverse of each other. We will use the FV formula, that is:FV = PV(1 + r)tSolving for r, we get:r = (FV / PV)1 / t– 1r = ($1,260,000 / $150)1/112– 1 = .0840 or 8.40%To find the FV of the first prize, we use:FV = PV(1 + r)tFV = $1,260,000(1.0840)33 = $18,056,409.9418.To find the FV of a lump sum, we use:FV = PV(1 + r)tFV = $4,000(1.11)45 = $438,120.97FV = $4,000(1.11)35 = $154,299.40Better start early!19. We need to find the FV of a lump sum. However, the money will only be invested for six years,so the number of periods is six.FV = PV(1 + r)tFV = $20,000(1.084)6 = $32,449.3320.To answer this question, we can use either the FV or the PV formula. Both will give the sameanswer since they are the inverse of each other. We will use the FV formula, that is:FV = PV(1 + r)tSolving for t, we get:t = ln(FV / PV) / ln(1 + r)t = ln($75,000 / $10,000) / ln(1.11) = 19.31So, the money must be invested for 19.31 years. However, you will not receive the money for another two years. Fro m now, you’ll wait:2 years + 19.31 years = 21.31 yearsCH6 16,24,27,42,5816.For this problem, we simply need to find the FV of a lump sum using the equation:FV = PV(1 + r)tIt is important to note that compounding occurs semiannually. To account for this, we will divide the interest rate by two (the number of compounding periods in a year), and multiply the number of periods by two. Doing so, we get:FV = $2,100[1 + (.084/2)]34 = $8,505.9324.This problem requires us to find the FVA. The equation to find the FVA is:FVA = C{[(1 + r)t– 1] / r}FVA = $300[{[1 + (.10/12) ]360 – 1} / (.10/12)] = $678,146.3827.The cash flows are annual and the compounding period is quarterly, so we need to calculate theEAR to make the interest rate comparable with the timing of the cash flows. Using the equation for the EAR, we get:EAR = [1 + (APR / m)]m– 1EAR = [1 + (.11/4)]4– 1 = .1146 or 11.46%And now we use the EAR to find the PV of each cash flow as a lump sum and add them together: PV = $725 / 1.1146 + $980 / 1.11462 + $1,360 / 1.11464 = $2,320.3642.The amount of principal paid on the loan is the PV of the monthly payments you make. So, thepresent value of the $1,150 monthly payments is:PVA = $1,150[(1 – {1 / [1 + (.0635/12)]}360) / (.0635/12)] = $184,817.42The monthly payments of $1,150 will amount to a principal payment of $184,817.42. The amount of principal you will still owe is:$240,000 – 184,817.42 = $55,182.58This remaining principal amount will increase at the interest rate on the loan until the end of the loan period. So the balloon payment in 30 years, which is the FV of the remaining principal will be:Balloon payment = $55,182.58[1 + (.0635/12)]360 = $368,936.5458.To answer this question, we should find the PV of both options, and compare them. Since we arepurchasing the car, the lowest PV is the best option. The PV of the leasing is simply the PV of the lease payments, plus the $99. The interest rate we would use for the leasing option is thesame as the interest rate of the loan. The PV of leasing is:PV = $99 + $450{1 – [1 / (1 + .07/12)12(3)]} / (.07/12) = $14,672.91The PV of purchasing the car is the current price of the car minus the PV of the resale price. The PV of the resale price is:PV = $23,000 / [1 + (.07/12)]12(3) = $18,654.82The PV of the decision to purchase is:$32,000 – 18,654.82 = $13,345.18In this case, it is cheaper to buy the car than leasing it since the PV of the purchase cash flows is lower. To find the breakeven resale price, we need to find the resale price that makes the PV of the two options the same. In other words, the PV of the decision to buy should be:$32,000 – PV of resale price = $14,672.91PV of resale price = $17,327.09The resale price that would make the PV of the lease versus buy decision is the FV of this value, so:Breakeven resale price = $17,327.09[1 + (.07/12)]12(3) = $21,363.01CH7 3,18,21,22,313.The price of any bond is the PV of the interest payment, plus the PV of the par value. Notice thisproblem assumes an annual coupon. The price of the bond will be:P = $75({1 – [1/(1 + .0875)]10 } / .0875) + $1,000[1 / (1 + .0875)10] = $918.89We would like to introduce shorthand notation here. Rather than write (or type, as the case may be) the entire equation for the PV of a lump sum, or the PVA equation, it is common to abbreviate the equations as:PVIF R,t = 1 / (1 + r)twhich stands for Present Value Interest FactorPVIFA R,t= ({1 – [1/(1 + r)]t } / r )which stands for Present Value Interest Factor of an AnnuityThese abbreviations are short hand notation for the equations in which the interest rate and the number of periods are substituted into the equation and solved. We will use this shorthand notation in remainder of the solutions key.18.The bond price equation for this bond is:P0 = $1,068 = $46(PVIFA R%,18) + $1,000(PVIF R%,18)Using a spreadsheet, financial calculator, or trial and error we find:R = 4.06%This is the semiannual interest rate, so the YTM is:YTM = 2 4.06% = 8.12%The current yield is:Current yield = Annual coupon payment / Price = $92 / $1,068 = .0861 or 8.61%The effective annual yield is the same as the EAR, so using the EAR equation from the previous chapter:Effective annual yield = (1 + 0.0406)2– 1 = .0829 or 8.29%20. Accrued interest is the coupon payment for the period times the fraction of the period that haspassed since the last coupon payment. Since we have a semiannual coupon bond, the coupon payment per six months is one-half of the annual coupon payment. There are four months until the next coupon payment, so two months have passed since the last coupon payment. The accrued interest for the bond is:Accrued interest = $74/2 × 2/6 = $12.33And we calculate the clean price as:Clean price = Dirty price – Accrued interest = $968 – 12.33 = $955.6721. Accrued interest is the coupon payment for the period times the fraction of the period that haspassed since the last coupon payment. Since we have a semiannual coupon bond, the coupon payment per six months is one-half of the annual coupon payment. There are two months until the next coupon payment, so four months have passed since the last coupon payment. The accrued interest for the bond is:Accrued interest = $68/2 × 4/6 = $22.67And we calculate the dirty price as:Dirty price = Clean price + Accrued interest = $1,073 + 22.67 = $1,095.6722.To find the number of years to maturity for the bond, we need to find the price of the bond. Sincewe already have the coupon rate, we can use the bond price equation, and solve for the number of years to maturity. We are given the current yield of the bond, so we can calculate the price as: Current yield = .0755 = $80/P0P0 = $80/.0755 = $1,059.60Now that we have the price of the bond, the bond price equation is:P = $1,059.60 = $80[(1 – (1/1.072)t ) / .072 ] + $1,000/1.072tWe can solve this equation for t as follows:$1,059.60(1.072)t = $1,111.11(1.072)t– 1,111.11 + 1,000111.11 = 51.51(1.072)t2.1570 = 1.072tt = log 2.1570 / log 1.072 = 11.06 11 yearsThe bond has 11 years to maturity.31.The price of any bond (or financial instrument) is the PV of the future cash flows. Even thoughBond M makes different coupons payments, to find the price of the bond, we just find the PV of the cash flows. The PV of the cash flows for Bond M is:P M= $1,100(PVIFA3.5%,16)(PVIF3.5%,12) + $1,400(PVIFA3.5%,12)(PVIF3.5%,28) + $20,000(PVIF3.5%,40)P M= $19,018.78Notice that for the coupon payments of $1,400, we found the PVA for the coupon payments, and then discounted the lump sum back to today.Bond N is a zero coupon bond with a $20,000 par value, therefore, the price of the bond is the PV of the par, or:P N= $20,000(PVIF3.5%,40) = $5,051.45CH8 4,18,20,22,24ing the constant growth model, we find the price of the stock today is:P0 = D1 / (R– g) = $3.04 / (.11 – .038) = $42.2218.The price of a share of preferred stock is the dividend payment divided by the required return.We know the dividend payment in Year 20, so we can find the price of the stock in Year 19, one year before the first dividend payment. Doing so, we get:P19 = $20.00 / .064P19 = $312.50The price of the stock today is the PV of the stock price in the future, so the price today will be: P0 = $312.50 / (1.064)19P0 = $96.1520.We can use the two-stage dividend growth model for this problem, which is:P0 = [D0(1 + g1)/(R –g1)]{1 – [(1 + g1)/(1 + R)]T}+ [(1 + g1)/(1 + R)]T[D0(1 + g2)/(R –g2)]P0= [$1.25(1.28)/(.13 – .28)][1 – (1.28/1.13)8] + [(1.28)/(1.13)]8[$1.25(1.06)/(.13 – .06)]P0= $69.5522.We are asked to find the dividend yield and capital gains yield for each of the stocks. All of thestocks have a 15 percent required return, which is the sum of the dividend yield and the capital gains yield. To find the components of the total return, we need to find the stock price for each stock. Using this stock price and the dividend, we can calculate the dividend yield. The capital gains yield for the stock will be the total return (required return) minus the dividend yield.W: P0 = D0(1 + g) / (R–g) = $4.50(1.10)/(.19 – .10) = $55.00Dividend yield = D1/P0 = $4.50(1.10)/$55.00 = .09 or 9%Capital gains yield = .19 – .09 = .10 or 10%X: P0 = D0(1 + g) / (R–g) = $4.50/(.19 – 0) = $23.68Dividend yield = D1/P0 = $4.50/$23.68 = .19 or 19%Capital gains yield = .19 – .19 = 0%Y: P0 = D0(1 + g) / (R–g) = $4.50(1 – .05)/(.19 + .05) = $17.81Dividend yield = D1/P0 = $4.50(0.95)/$17.81 = .24 or 24%Capital gains yield = .19 – .24 = –.05 or –5%Z: P2 = D2(1 + g) / (R–g) = D0(1 + g1)2(1 + g2)/(R–g2) = $4.50(1.20)2(1.12)/(.19 – .12) = $103.68P0 = $4.50 (1.20) / (1.19) + $4.50 (1.20)2/ (1.19)2 + $103.68 / (1.19)2 = $82.33Dividend yield = D1/P0 = $4.50(1.20)/$82.33 = .066 or 6.6%Capital gains yield = .19 – .066 = .124 or 12.4%In all cases, the required return is 19%, but the return is distributed differently between current income and capital gains. High growth stocks have an appreciable capital gains component but a relatively small current income yield; conversely, mature, negative-growth stocks provide a high current income but also price depreciation over time.24.Here we have a stock with supernormal growth, but the dividend growth changes every year forthe first four years. We can find the price of the stock in Year 3 since the dividend growth rate is constant after the third dividend. The price of the stock in Year 3 will be the dividend in Year 4, divided by the required return minus the constant dividend growth rate. So, the price in Year 3 will be:P3 = $2.45(1.20)(1.15)(1.10)(1.05) / (.11 – .05) = $65.08The price of the stock today will be the PV of the first three dividends, plus the PV of the stock price in Year 3, so:P0 = $2.45(1.20)/(1.11) + $2.45(1.20)(1.15)/1.112 + $2.45(1.20)(1.15)(1.10)/1.113 + $65.08/1.113 P0 = $55.70CH9 3,4,6,9,153.Project A has cash flows of $19,000 in Year 1, so the cash flows are short by $21,000 ofrecapturing the initial investment, so the payback for Project A is:Payback = 1 + ($21,000 / $25,000) = 1.84 yearsProject B has cash flows of:Cash flows = $14,000 + 17,000 + 24,000 = $55,000during this first three years. The cash flows are still short by $5,000 of recapturing the initial investment, so the payback for Project B is:B: Payback = 3 + ($5,000 / $270,000) = 3.019 yearsUsing the payback criterion and a cutoff of 3 years, accept project A and reject project B.4.When we use discounted payback, we need to find the value of all cash flows today. The valuetoday of the project cash flows for the first four years is:Value today of Year 1 cash flow = $4,200/1.14 = $3,684.21Value today of Year 2 cash flow = $5,300/1.142 = $4,078.18Value today of Year 3 cash flow = $6,100/1.143 = $4,117.33Value today of Year 4 cash flow = $7,400/1.144 = $4,381.39To find the discounted payback, we use these values to find the payback period. The discounted first year cash flow is $3,684.21, so the discounted payback for a $7,000 initial cost is:Discounted payback = 1 + ($7,000 – 3,684.21)/$4,078.18 = 1.81 yearsFor an initial cost of $10,000, the discounted payback is:Discounted payback = 2 + ($10,000 – 3,684.21 – 4,078.18)/$4,117.33 = 2.54 yearsNotice the calculation of discounted payback. We know the payback period is between two and three years, so we subtract the discounted values of the Year 1 and Year 2 cash flows from the initial cost. This is the numerator, which is the discounted amount we still need to make to recover our initial investment. We divide this amount by the discounted amount we will earn in Year 3 to get the fractional portion of the discounted payback.If the initial cost is $13,000, the discounted payback is:Discounted payback = 3 + ($13,000 – 3,684.21 – 4,078.18 – 4,117.33) / $4,381.39 = 3.26 years6.Our definition of AAR is the average net income divided by the average book value. The averagenet income for this project is:Average net income = ($1,938,200 + 2,201,600 + 1,876,000 + 1,329,500) / 4 = $1,836,325And the average book value is:Average book value = ($15,000,000 + 0) / 2 = $7,500,000So, the AAR for this project is:AAR = Average net income / Average book value = $1,836,325 / $7,500,000 = .2448 or 24.48%9.The NPV of a project is the PV of the outflows minus the PV of the inflows. Since the cashinflows are an annuity, the equation for the NPV of this project at an 8 percent required return is: NPV = –$138,000 + $28,500(PVIFA8%, 9) = $40,036.31At an 8 percent required return, the NPV is positive, so we would accept the project.The equation for the NPV of the project at a 20 percent required return is:NPV = –$138,000 + $28,500(PVIFA20%, 9) = –$23,117.45At a 20 percent required return, the NPV is negative, so we would reject the project.We would be indifferent to the project if the required return was equal to the IRR of the project, since at that required return the NPV is zero. The IRR of the project is:0 = –$138,000 + $28,500(PVIFA IRR, 9)IRR = 14.59%15.The profitability index is defined as the PV of the cash inflows divided by the PV of the cashoutflows. The equation for the profitability index at a required return of 10 percent is:PI = [$7,300/1.1 + $6,900/1.12 + $5,700/1.13] / $14,000 = 1.187The equation for the profitability index at a required return of 15 percent is:PI = [$7,300/1.15 + $6,900/1.152 + $5,700/1.153] / $14,000 = 1.094The equation for the profitability index at a required return of 22 percent is:PI = [$7,300/1.22 + $6,900/1.222 + $5,700/1.223] / $14,000 = 0.983We would accept the project if the required return were 10 percent or 15 percent since the PI is greater than one. We would reject the project if the required return were 22 percent since the PI is less than one.CH10 9,13,14,17,18ing the tax shield approach to calculating OCF (Remember the approach is irrelevant; the finalanswer will be the same no matter which of the four methods you use.), we get:OCF = (Sales – Costs)(1 – t C) + t C DepreciationOCF = ($2,650,000 – 840,000)(1 – 0.35) + 0.35($3,900,000/3)OCF = $1,631,50013.First we will calculate the annual depreciation of the new equipment. It will be:Annual depreciation = $560,000/5Annual depreciation = $112,000Now, we calculate the aftertax salvage value. The aftertax salvage value is the market price minus (or plus) the taxes on the sale of the equipment, so:Aftertax salvage value = MV + (BV – MV)t cVery often the book value of the equipment is zero as it is in this case. If the book value is zero, the equation for the aftertax salvage value becomes:Aftertax salvage value = MV + (0 – MV)t cAftertax salvage value = MV(1 – t c)We will use this equation to find the aftertax salvage value since we know the book value is zero.So, the aftertax salvage value is:Aftertax salvage value = $85,000(1 – 0.34)Aftertax salvage value = $56,100Using the tax shield approach, we find the OCF for the project is:OCF = $165,000(1 – 0.34) + 0.34($112,000)OCF = $146,980Now we can find the project NPV. Notice we include the NWC in the initial cash outlay. The recovery of the NWC occurs in Year 5, along with the aftertax salvage value.NPV = –$560,000 – 29,000 + $146,980(PVIFA10%,5) + [($56,100 + 29,000) / 1.105]NPV = $21,010.2414.First we will calculate the annual depreciation of the new equipment. It will be:Annual depreciation charge = $720,000/5Annual depreciation charge = $144,000The aftertax salvage value of the equipment is:Aftertax salvage value = $75,000(1 – 0.35)Aftertax salvage value = $48,750Using the tax shield approach, the OCF is:OCF = $260,000(1 – 0.35) + 0.35($144,000)OCF = $219,400Now we can find the project IRR. There is an unusual feature that is a part of this project.Accepting this project means that we will reduce NWC. This reduction in NWC is a cash inflow at Year 0. This reduction in NWC implies that when the project ends, we will have to increase NWC. So, at the end of the project, we will have a cash outflow to restore the NWC to its level before the project. We also must include the aftertax salvage value at the end of the project. The IRR of the project is:NPV = 0 = –$720,000 + 110,000 + $219,400(PVIFA IRR%,5) + [($48,750 – 110,000) / (1+IRR)5]IRR = 21.65%17.We will need the aftertax salvage value of the equipment to compute the EAC. Even though theequipment for each product has a different initial cost, both have the same salvage value. The aftertax salvage value for both is:Both cases: aftertax salvage value = $40,000(1 – 0.35) = $26,000To calculate the EAC, we first need the OCF and NPV of each option. The OCF and NPV for Techron I is:OCF = –$67,000(1 – 0.35) + 0.35($290,000/3) = –9,716.67NPV = –$290,000 – $9,716.67(PVIFA10%,3) + ($26,000/1.103) = –$294,629.73EAC = –$294,629.73 / (PVIFA10%,3) = –$118,474.97And the OCF and NPV for Techron II is:OCF = –$35,000(1 – 0.35) + 0.35($510,000/5) = $12,950NPV = –$510,000 + $12,950(PVIFA10%,5) + ($26,000/1.105) = –$444,765.36EAC = –$444,765.36 / (PVIFA10%,5) = –$117,327.98The two milling machines have unequal lives, so they can only be compared by expressing both on an equivalent annual basis, which is what the EAC method does. Thus, you prefer the Techron II because it has the lower (less negative) annual cost.18.To find the bid price, we need to calculate all other cash flows for the project, and then solve forthe bid price. The aftertax salvage value of the equipment is:Aftertax salvage value = $70,000(1 – 0.35) = $45,500Now we can solve for the necessary OCF that will give the project a zero NPV. The equation for the NPV of the project is:NPV = 0 = –$940,000 – 75,000 + OCF(PVIFA12%,5) + [($75,000 + 45,500) / 1.125]Solving for the OCF, we find the OCF that makes the project NPV equal to zero is:OCF = $946,625.06 / PVIFA12%,5 = $262,603.01The easiest way to calculate the bid price is the tax shield approach, so:OCF = $262,603.01 = [(P – v)Q – FC ](1 – t c) + t c D$262,603.01 = [(P – $9.25)(185,000) – $305,000 ](1 – 0.35) + 0.35($940,000/5)P = $12.54CH14 6、9、20、23、246. The pretax cost of debt is the YTM of the company’s bonds, so:P0 = $1,070 = $35(PVIFA R%,30) + $1,000(PVIF R%,30)R = 3.137%YTM = 2 × 3.137% = 6.27%And the aftertax cost of debt is:R D = .0627(1 – .35) = .0408 or 4.08%9. ing the equation to calculate the WACC, we find:WACC = .60(.14) + .05(.06) + .35(.08)(1 – .35) = .1052 or 10.52%b.Since interest is tax deductible and dividends are not, we must look at the after-tax cost ofdebt, which is:.08(1 – .35) = .0520 or 5.20%Hence, on an after-tax basis, debt is cheaper than the preferred the debt-equity ratio to calculate the WACC, we find:WACC = (.90/1.90)(.048) + (1/1.90)(.13) = .0912 or 9.12%Since the project is riskier than the company, we need to adjust the project discount rate for the additional risk. Using the subjective risk factor given, we find:Project discount rate = 9.12% + 2.00% = 11.12%We would accept the project if the NPV is positive. The NPV is the PV of the cash outflows plus the PV of the cash inflows. Since we have the costs, we just need to find the PV of inflows. The cash inflows are a growing perpetuity. If you remember, the equation for the PV of a growing perpetuity is the same as the dividend growth equation, so:PV of future CF = $2,700,000/(.1112 – .04) = $37,943,787The project should only be undertaken if its cost is less than $37,943,787 since costs less than this amount will result in a positive NPV.23. ing the dividend discount model, the cost of equity is:R E = [(0.80)(1.05)/$61] + .05R E = .0638 or 6.38%ing the CAPM, the cost of equity is:R E = .055 + 1.50(.1200 – .0550)R E = .1525 or 15.25%c.When using the dividend growth model or the CAPM, you must remember that both areestimates for the cost of equity. Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, each methodof estimating the cost of equity depends upon different assumptions.Challenge24.We can use the debt-equity ratio to calculate the weights of equity and debt. The debt of thecompany has a weight for long-term debt and a weight for accounts payable. We can use the weight given for accounts payable to calculate the weight of accounts payable and the weight of long-term debt. The weight of each will be:Accounts payable weight = .20/1.20 = .17Long-term debt weight = 1/1.20 = .83Since the accounts payable has the same cost as the overall WACC, we can write the equation for the WACC as:WACC = (1/1.7)(.14) + (0.7/1.7)[(.20/1.2)WACC + (1/1.2)(.08)(1 – .35)]Solving for WACC, we find:WACC = .0824 + .4118[(.20/1.2)WACC + .0433]WACC = .0824 + (.0686)WACC + .0178(.9314)WACC = .1002WACC = .1076 or 10.76%We will use basically the same equation to calculate the weighted average flotation cost, except we will use the flotation cost for each form of financing. Doing so, we get:Flotation costs = (1/1.7)(.08) + (0.7/1.7)[(.20/1.2)(0) + (1/1.2)(.04)] = .0608 or 6.08%The total amount we need to raise to fund the new equipment will be:Amount raised cost = $45,000,000/(1 – .0608)Amount raised = $47,912,317Since the cash flows go to perpetuity, we can calculate the present value using the equation for the PV of a perpetuity. The NPV is:NPV = –$47,912,317 + ($6,200,000/.1076)NPV = $9,719,777CH16 1,4,12,14,171. a. A table outlining the income statement for the three possible states of the economy isshown below. The EPS is the net income divided by the 5,000 shares outstanding. The lastrow shows the percentage change in EPS the company will experience in a recession or anexpansion economy.Recession Normal ExpansionEBIT $14,000 $28,000 $36,400Interest 0 0 0NI $14,000 $28,000 $36,400EPS $ 2.80 $ 5.60 $ 7.28%∆EPS –50 –––+30b.If the company undergoes the proposed recapitalization, it will repurchase:Share price = Equity / Shares outstandingShare price = $250,000/5,000Share price = $50Shares repurchased = Debt issued / Share priceShares repurchased =$90,000/$50Shares repurchased = 1,800The interest payment each year under all three scenarios will be:Interest payment = $90,000(.07) = $6,300The last row shows the percentage change in EPS the company will experience in arecession or an expansion economy under the proposed recapitalization.Recession Normal ExpansionEBIT $14,000 $28,000 $36,400Interest 6,300 6,300 6,300NI $7,700 $21,700 $30,100EPS $2.41 $ 6.78 $9.41%∆EPS –64.52 –––+38.714. a.Under Plan I, the unlevered company, net income is the same as EBIT with no corporate tax.The EPS under this capitalization will be:EPS = $350,000/160,000 sharesEPS = $2.19Under Plan II, the levered company, EBIT will be reduced by the interest payment. The interest payment is the amount of debt times the interest rate, so:NI = $500,000 – .08($2,800,000)NI = $126,000And the EPS will be:EPS = $126,000/80,000 sharesEPS = $1.58Plan I has the higher EPS when EBIT is $350,000.b.Under Plan I, the net income is $500,000 and the EPS is:EPS = $500,000/160,000 sharesEPS = $3.13Under Plan II, the net income is:NI = $500,000 – .08($2,800,000)NI = $276,000And the EPS is:EPS = $276,000/80,000 sharesEPS = $3.45Plan II has the higher EPS when EBIT is $500,000.c.To find the breakeven EBIT for two different capital structures, we simply set the equationsfor EPS equal to each other and solve for EBIT. The breakeven EBIT is:EBIT/160,000 = [EBIT – .08($2,800,000)]/80,000EBIT = $448,00012. a.With the information provided, we can use the equation for calculating WACC to find thecost of equity. The equation for WACC is:WACC = (E/V)R E + (D/V)R D(1 – t C)The company has a debt-equity ratio of 1.5, which implies the weight of debt is 1.5/2.5, and the weight of equity is 1/2.5, soWACC = .10 = (1/2.5)R E + (1.5/2.5)(.07)(1 – .35)R E = .1818 or 18.18%b.To find the unlevered cost of equity we need to use M&M Proposition II with taxes, so:R E = R U + (R U– R D)(D/E)(1 – t C).1818 = R U + (R U– .07)(1.5)(1 – .35)R U = .1266 or 12.66%c.To find the cost of equity under different capital structures, we can again use M&MProposition II with taxes. With a debt-equity ratio of 2, the cost of equity is:R E = R U + (R U– R D)(D/E)(1 – t C)R E = .1266 + (.1266 – .07)(2)(1 – .35)R E = .2001 or 20.01%With a debt-equity ratio of 1.0, the cost of equity is:R E = .1266 + (.1266 – .07)(1)(1 – .35)R E = .1634 or 16.34%And with a debt-equity ratio of 0, the cost of equity is:R E = .1266 + (.1266 – .07)(0)(1 – .35)R E = R U = .1266 or 12.66%14. a.The value of the unlevered firm is:V U = EBIT(1 – t C)/R UV U = $92,000(1 – .35)/.15V U = $398,666.67b.The value of the levered firm is:V U = V U + t C DV U = $398,666.67 + .35($60,000)V U = $419,666.6717.With no debt, we are finding the value of an unlevered firm, so:V U = EBIT(1 – t C)/R UV U = $14,000(1 – .35)/.16V U = $56,875With debt, we simply need to use the equation for the value of a levered firm. With 50 percent debt, one-half of the firm value is debt, so the value of the levered firm is:V L = V U + t C(D/V)V UV L = $56,875 + .35(.50)($56,875)V L = $66,828.13And with 100 percent debt, the value of the firm is:V L = V U + t C(D/V)V UV L = $56,875 + .35(1.0)($56,875)V L = $76,781.25c.The net cash flows is the present value of the average daily collections times the daily interest rate, minus the transaction cost per day, so:Net cash flow per day = $1,276,275(.0002) – $0.50(385)Net cash flow per day = $62.76The net cash flow per check is the net cash flow per day divided by the number of checksreceived per day, or:Net cash flow per check = $62.76/385Net cash flow per check = $0.16Alternatively, we could find the net cash flow per check as the number of days the system reduces collection time times the average check amount times the daily interest rate, minusthe transaction cost per check. Doing so, we confirm our previous answer as:Net cash flow per check = 3($1,105)(.0002) – $0.50Net cash flow per check = $0.16 per checkThis makes the total costs:Total costs = $18,900,000 + 56,320,000 = $75,220,000The flotation costs as a percentage of the amount raised is the total cost divided by the amount raised, so:Flotation cost percentage = $75,220,000/$180,780,000 = .4161 or 41.61%8.The number of rights needed per new share is:Number of rights needed = 120,000 old shares/25,000 new shares = 4.8 rights per new share.Using P RO as the rights-on price, and P S as the subscription price, we can express the price per share of the stock ex-rights as:P X = [NP RO + P S]/(N + 1)a.P X = [4.8($94) + $94]/(4.80 + 1) = $94.00; No change.b. P X = [4.8($94) + $90]/(4.80 + 1) = $93.31; Price drops by $0.69 per share.。
1.A 公司股票的β系数为2.5,无风险利率为6%,市场上所有股票的平均收益率为10%。
(P/A ,16%,3)=2.2459; (P/F ,16%,3)=0.6407; 计算结果保留两位小数点。
已知:β=2.5,rm=6%,rf=10%(1)rs=rm+β(rm-rf )=6%+2.5(10%-6%)=16%(2)g=6%,P0= D1÷(rs-g )(2分)=1.5÷(16%-6%)=15元(1分)(3)P0=1.5×(P/A,16%,3)+%6%16%615.1-+⨯)(×(P/F,16%,3) =1.5×2.2459+15.9×0.6407=13.56(元)2.ABC 公司的有关资料见下表所示:ABC 公司资料表 单位:万元ABC 公司正在考虑将资本结构中的债务比率增加到60%(假设通过发行债券回购股票改变资本结构,资本总额保持不变)。
已知市场上该类型公司债券到期收益率为6%,该公司债券内在价值是多少?参考:A . 市场上同类型的公司债券的到期收益率为6%,即YTM = 6%,若该公司也以该投资收益率给投资者,那么该公司债券可以卖到的价格为:234551005%1005%1005%1005%1005%100P ⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯=+++++(1+6%)(1+6%)(1+6%)(1+6%)(1+6%)(1+6%)其中100*5%=5,是每年末需要支付给债权人的息票额,第5年末债券到期时,除了支付5元的息票额外,还需要支付给债权人本金100元。
查表计算:234551005%1005%1005%1005%1005%100P ⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯=+++++(1+6%)(1+6%)(1+6%)(1+6%)(1+6%)(1+6%)=5*(P/A,6%,5)+100*(P/F,6%,5)=5*4.2124 + 100 * 0.7473 = 95.792其中(P/A,6%,5)是折现率为6%,期限为5年的有限年金现值,可查第620页的“表A-2 年金现值系数表” r = 6%,T=5;其中(P/F,6%,5)是折现率为6%,5年末终值的折现值,可查第619页的“表A-1 复利现值系数表” r = 6%,T=5;延伸:要学会如何查表。
B.同期国债的平均收益率可以视为无风险收益f R公司股票的贝塔系数为1.25,即 1.25β= 企业所得税税率为25%,即c T =25%深圳综指在过去10年的平均收益率为10%可以视为是市场组合的期望收益M R 而F M R R =+市场风险溢价,所以可以估算得市场风险溢价=10%-4%=6%根据资本资产定价模型(CAPM )可知,单个证券的期望收益(即为权益资本成本,可参考上课PPT 材料的第48页): ()i F F F M R R R R R ββ=+=+-市场风险溢价= 4% +1.25*6% = 11.5%债务资本成本:同类型公司的到期收益率6%即可作为该公司的债务资本成本,因为这意味着公司通过发行债券的方式融资,其融资的成本等于债券的到期收益率。
公司税率为35%,请问公司因预期破产成本所产生的价值下滑是多少?答:根据有税的MM定理Ⅰ,杠杆公司的价值为:V=V+tB即V=14500000+0.35*5000000=16250000(美元)cLU L可以通过债务和权益的市场价值相加得到公司的市场价值。
运用于这个原理,公司的市V=B+S V=5000000+300000*35=15500000(美元)即场价值为:在不存在诸如破产成本等非市场化索赔的情况下,市场价值将等于按照MM定理计算的公司价值。
但由于存在破产成本,则两者之差即为破产成本,即:V=V+V 15500000=16250000-VV=750000美元所以N T M NN二.Lipman公司平均收账期为39天,其应收账款平均每天占用的数额为47500美元。
请问年度信用销售额有多少?应收账款的周转率是多少?365=365/39=9.3590(次)答:应收账款周转率= /平均收账期=9.3590×47500=444551.28(美元)平均每日应收账款=应收账款周转率* 年度信用销售额三.Levy公司以市场价值表示的资产负债表如下所示,其发行在外的股票为8000股。
单位市场资产负债表30000 380000 现金权益350000 固定资产380000380000合计合计公司已经宣告股利1.6美元/股。
====Word行业资料分享--可编辑版本--双击可删====附录B各章习题及部分习题答案APPENDIX B目录Contents第一部分公司理财概览第三部分未来现金流量估价第1章公司理财导论3 第5章估价导论:货币的时间价值39 概念复习和重要的思考题 4 本章复习与自测题40微型案例麦吉糕点公司 5 本章复习与自测题解答40第2章财务报表、税和现金流量6 概念复习和重要的思考题40 本章复习与自测题7 思考和练习题41本章复习与自测题解答7 第6章贴现现金流量估价43概念复习和重要的思考题8 本章复习与自测题44思考和练习题9 本章复习与自测题解答44微型案例Sunset Boards公司的现金流量和概念复习和重要的思考题46财务报表13 思考和练习题4652第二部分财务报表与长期财务计划微型案例读MBA的决策第7章利率和债券估价54第3章利用财务报表17 本章复习与自测题55本章复习与自测题18 本章复习与自测题解答55本章复习与自测题解答19 概念复习和重要的思考题55概念复习和重要的思考题20 思考和练习题56思考和练习题21 微型案例基于债券发行的S&S飞机公司的微型案例针对S&S飞机公司的财务比率扩张计划59分析24 第8章股票估价60第4章长期财务计划与增长27 本章复习与自测题61本章复习与自测题28 本章复习与自测题解答61本章复习与自测题解答28 概念复习和重要的思考题61概念复习和重要的思考题29 思考和练习题62思考和练习题30 微型案例Ragan公司的股票估价64微型案例S&S飞机公司的比率与财务计划35III第四部分资本预算第9章净现值与其他投资准绳69 第六部分资本成本与长期财务政策第14章资本成本111本章复习与自测题70 本章复习与自测题112本章复习与自测题解答概念复习和重要的思考题7071本章复习与自测题解答概念复习和重要的思考题112112思考和练习题73 思考和练习题113第10章资本性投资决策77 第15章筹集资本117 本章复习与自测题78 本章复习与自测题118本章复习与自测题解答概念复习和重要的思考题7880本章复习与自测题解答概念复习和重要的思考题118118思考和练习题80 思考和练习题120微型案例贝壳共和电子公司(一)85 微型案例S&S飞机公司的上市121 第11章项目分析与评估86 第16章财务杠杆和资本结构政策123 本章复习与自测题87 本章复习与自测题124本章复习与自测题解答概念复习和重要的思考题8787本章复习与自测题解答概念复习和重要的思考题124124思考和练习题88 思考和练习题125微型案例贝壳共和电子公司(二)第五部分风险与报酬第12章资本市场历史的一些启示95 91 微型案例斯蒂芬森房地产公司的资本重组127第17章股利和股利政策129概念复习和重要的思考题130本章复习与自测题96 思考和练习题130本章复习与自测题解答概念复习和重要的思考题思考和练习题97 9696微型案例电子计时公司133第七部分短期财务计划与管理微型案例S&S飞机公司的职位99 第18章短期财务与计划137第13章报酬、风险与证券市场线101 本章复习与自测题138 本章复习与自测题102 本章复习与自测题解答138本章复习与自测题解答概念复习和重要的思考题102103概念复习和重要的思考题139思考和练习题140思考和练习题104 微型案例Piepkorn制造公司的营运成本管微型案例高露洁棕榄公司的 值108 理145IV第19章现金和流动性管理147本章复习与自测题148本章复习与自测题解答148概念复习和重要的思考题148思考和练习题149微型案例Webb公司的现金管理150 第20章信用和存货管理151本章复习与自测题152本章复习与自测题解答152概念复习和重要的思考题152思考和练习题153微型案例豪利特实业公司的信用政策155第八部分公司理财专题第21章国际公司理财159本章复习与自测题160本章复习与自测题解答160概念复习和重要的思考题160思考和练习题161微型案例S&S飞机公司的国际化经营163 部分习题答案165PART 1第一部分公司理财概览====Word行业资料分享--可编辑版本--双击可删====第1章公司理财导论CHAPTER 14附录概念复习和重要的思考题1.财务管理决策过程财务管理决策有哪三种类型?就每一种类型,举出一个相关的企业交易实例。
公司理财精要版计算题(总14页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--可持续增长假设下列比率是固定的,可持续增长率是多少总资产周转率=利润率=%权益乘数=股利支付比率=25%20051231 资产 负债和所有者权益 流动资产 流动负债 现金 25000 应付账款 65000 应收账款 43000 应付票据 9000 存货 76000 合计 74000 合计 144000 长期债务 156000 固定资产所有者权益 厂房和设备净值 364000 普通股和股本溢价 21000留存收益 257000合计278000资产总计508000 负债和所有者权益总计 508000A. 如果该企业以完全产能运营且没有发行任何新的债务或权益,要支持20%销售收入增长率所需外部融资是多少B. 假设该企业2005年仅以80%产能在运营。
此时EFN 是多少C. 假设该企业希望它的负债-权益比率固定,此时的EFN 是多少永久生命保险公司正在向你推荐一项保险政策,该政策规定,公司将永久性地每年向你和你的后代支付15 000美元。
a 、如果必要的投资收益率为8%时,你愿意以什么价格购买该保险 1. 187500美元 2. 178500美元 3. 158700美元 美元b 、假定该保险公司告诉你这项保险的价格为19 5000美元,请你计算利率为多少 1. % 2. % 3. % 4. %南加利福尼亚出版公司正在决定是否修订其畅销的一本教材。
如果公司的必要报酬率为11%,试问该教材由于销售增加产生的现金流的现值为多少公司是否应该修订该教材 1. 49,;不修订2. 49,;修订3. 59,;不修订4. 59,;修订一当地财务公司对1年期贷款的利率报价为14%。
公司理财计算题第二章:财务比率的计算(一)反映偿债能力的指标流动负债?长期负债负债总额×100% =×100%(资产=负债1、资产负债率=+所有者权益)负债?所有者权益资产总额流动资产×100%、流动比率=2流动负债流动资产-预付账款-存货-待摊费用速动资产×100% =×100%3、速动比率=流动负债流动负债))?短期有价证券(短期投资现金(货币资金4×100%、现金比率=流动负债(二) 反映资产周转情况的指标赊销收入净额销售收入-现销收入-销售退回、折让、折扣== 1、应收账款周转率平均应收账款余额(期初应收账款?期末应收账款)?2销货成本销货成本= 2、存货周转率=(期初存货?期末存货)?2平均存货1、某公司20××年末有关财务资料如下:流动比率=200%、速动比率=100%、现金比率=50%、流动负债= 1000万元,该公司流动资产只包括货币资金、短期投资、应收账款和存货四个项目(其中短期投资是货币资金的4倍)。
流动资产=1000×200% = 2000(万元)速动资产=(流动资产-存货)=(2000-存货)=1000×100%=1000(万元) 存货=1000(万元)货币资金+短期投资=货币资金×5=1000×50%=500(万元)货币资金=100(万元) 短期投资=400(万元) 应收账款=2000-1000-100-400=500(万元)2、某公司20××年末有关财务资料如下:流动比率=200%、速动比率=100%、现金比率=20%、资产负债率=50%、长期负债与所有者权益的比率为25%。
资料.计算过程:负债总额=流动负债+长期负债=100000×50%=50000(元)所有者权益=100000-50000=50000(元) 长期负债=50000×25%=12500(元)流动负债=50000-12500=37500(元) 或者流动负债=100000-12500-50000=37500(元)流动资产=货币资金+应收账款+存货=37500×200% = 75000(元)速动资产=(流动资产-存货)=(75000-存货)=37500×100%=37500(元) 存货=37500(元)货币资金=37500×20%=7500(元) 资产总计=负债及所有者权益总计=100000(元)固定资产=100000-7500-30000-37500=25000(元)或者=100000-75000=25000(元)3、某公司年初应收账款56万元、年末应收账款60万元,年初存货86 万元、年末存货90万元,本年度销售收入为680万元(其中现销收入480万元,没有销售退回、折让和折扣),销货成本为560万元。
盈利能力分析,市价比率分析)P22—P282、流动性分析指标P303、财务弹性分析指标P304、货币时间价值的计算(复利现值、终值,四种年金的现值和终值)P375、债券价值评估的计算P476、两阶段模型股票价格的计算P557、个别资金成本的计算P105—P1108、综合资本成本的计算P1109、边际资本成本的计算P11110、投资项目资本成本的计算P11311、项目现金流量的简化计算(现金净流量=净利润+折旧) P12012、净现值、内部收益率、获利指数(现值指数)、投资回报率的评价方法P12313、经营杠杆、财务杠杆、总杠杆的确认P14914、股利支付政策的评价与选择(剩余股利政策的计算,各种股利政策对比)P19315、最佳现金持有量的确定P2281、某人以15000元购进华丰公司债券,两月后以16000元售出,购入和售出时分别另支付手续费60元和68元。
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可持续增长假设下列比率是固定的,可持续增长率是多少?总资产周转率=1.40利润率=7.6%权益乘数=1.50股利支付比率=25%永久生命保险公司正在向你推荐一项保险政策,该政策规定,公司将永久性地每年向你和你的后代支付15 000美元。
a、如果必要的投资收益率为8%时,你愿意以什么价格购买该保险?1. 187500美元2. 178500美元3. 158700美元4.185700美元b、假定该保险公司告诉你这项保险的价格为19 5000美元,请你计算利率为多少?1. 6.79%2. 7.96%3. 7.69%4. 9.76%南加利福尼亚出版公司正在决定是否修订其畅销的一本教材。
如果公司的必要报酬率为11%,试问该教材由于销售增加产生的现金流的现值为多少?公司是否应该修订该教材? 1. 49,398.78;不修订 2. 49,398.78;修订 3. 59,398.78;不修订 4. 59,398.78;修订一当地财务公司对1年期贷款的利率报价为14%。
因此,如果你借入20 000美元,年利息将为2 800美元。
因为你在1年后必须支付22 800美元,财务公司要求你在以后的12个月每月支付1900美元(22 800/12)。
a.这笔贷款的利率是14%吗? 1.是 2.不是b. 计算这笔 贷款的月利率。
1. 2.076% 2. 1.076% 3. 3.076% 4. 4.076%c. 计算名义年利率(APR ).1. 24.91%2. 30.91%3. 34.91% 4. 8.91%d. 计算实际年利率(EAR )1. 7.96%2. 47.96%3. 27.96%4. 97.96%T 公司发行了一种债券,期限为14.5年,到期收益率为7.5%,当前价格为1,145美元,每半年支付1次利息。
a 计算该债券的半年票面利息?1. 45.792. 54.793. 79.544. 97.54b 计算该债券的票面利率?1. 6.19%2. 1.69%3. 9.16%4.6.91%假定你拥有一种资产,该资产去年的报酬率为13.4%。
1. 8.52%2. 17.9%3. 8.9%4.9%G 公司债券的票面利率为11%,每年支付1次利息,到期收益率为8.5%,当期收益率为9.06%。
计算该债券还有多少年到期?1. 162. 153. 144. 13布伦南公司(2renn1n 3o.)刚刚支付了每股1.40美元的股利。
如果投资者对该公司股票的必要报酬率为12%,a.计算该公司股票的当前价格?1. 24.732. 29.463.年后该股票的价格?1. 24.732. 29.463.年后该股票的价格?1. 24.732. 29.463.沃伦公司(W1rren 3orpor1tion)将在下一年发放每股3.60美元的股利。
预计该股利每年的增长率为4.5%,如果必要的报酬率为13%,计算当前该股票的价格?1. 29.542. 25.943. 52.944.45.29SS公司计划在以后的4年中支付下列股利:8美元、6美元、3美元及2美元。
如果必要报酬率为13%,计算股票的当前价格?1. 26.252. 31.183.笔纸公司有2个互斥项目如下表所示(单位:美元):年份项目A 项目B0 -7500 -50001 4000 25002 3500 12003 1500 30001.假设笔纸公司的目标回收期是2年,则A项目的投资回收期是A.1B. 2C.3D.42、B项目的投资回收期是A.1.2B. 2C. 2.43D.33.假设笔纸公司用净现值法来比较这两个项目。
如果适用的贴现率为15%,那么A项目的净现值为A.50B. 400C. -50D.-3894、B项目的净现值是A. 53.82B.389C. -50D.-3875、公司应该选择哪个项目A.选A项目B.选B项目.请计算下表所示的项目的现金流的内部收益率。
现金流(美元)年份项目A0 -30001 10002 15003 2000A.12.35%B. 20.64%C.56.4%D.21.35%五.H集团是一个消费者电子设备集成商,正评价它在无线技术上的年度预算。
现金流(百万美元)年份 A B C0 -10 -20 -301 25 20 202 15 50 403 5 40 1001.计算A项目的获利指数。
A. 3.888B.2.34C.5.38D. 4.232.计算B项目的获利指数。
A.2.5B.3.24C. 5.36D.4.47773.计算C项目的获利指数。
A.4.98B. 4.212C. 0.32D. 1.3524.计算AB组合的获利指数A.2.35B. 4.281C. 7.89D. 6.545.计算A项目的净现值。
A. 69.554B.28.3C. 5.2D.985.37.计算C项目的净现值。
A. 96.368B. 65.5C.21.3D.542.38.计算AB组合的净现值。
A. 123.5B.107.6C. 98.434D.91.39.在考虑规模的情况下,公司应选择哪个或哪些项目?A.选择AB.选择AB组合C. 选择BD.选择BC组合四.F快餐店正在考虑以39万美元购买一台新的制作香肠的设备。
假定所得税税率为34%,贴现率为10%,计算项目的NPV?A.13.37B. 15.6C. 1.07D.2.19八.VI公司正在考虑购买一台新的设备以生产乳胶。
如果公司计划在设备报废时将对其进行更新,则:.计算A设备的NPV?. -1092.38 B. -1397.36 C. -250.82 D.-242.64.计算B设备的NPV?. -250.82 B.-242.64 C. -1092.38 D.-1397.36.计算A设备的EAC?. -1092.38 B. -242.64 C. -250.82 D.-1397.36.计算B设备的EAC?. -1397.36 B. -242.64 C.-250.82 D.-1092.38.公司应选择哪个设备?A. 选AB. 选BC. AB都选D.AB都不选十四.斯科特投资者公司正在考虑以50万美元购买一台计算机。
如果适用的贴现率为12%时,该设备的净现值是多少?A. -21.35B. -523.64C.52.24D.-58.219十七.随着休闲冲浪服装的日益盛行,两个刚毕业的MBA学生决定将“休闲冲浪”的概念扩展为“家庭冲浪生活方式”。
所得税税率为34%,必要报酬率为25%,计算该项目的NPV?A. 80287.204B. 52134.51C.-82140.35D.-5.234.64十九.金星公司正在考虑是否购买计算机。
公司需要10台SAL ,每台的成本为3750美元,且每年需要500美元的维护费,期末账面无残值。
另外,公司也可以购买7台DET ,每台的成本为5250美元,且每年需要700美元的维护费。
每台DET 可以使用6年,6年后每台的账面残值为600美元。
如果适当的贴现率为10%, 1.计算SAL5000设备的NPV ?A. -45063.22B.-40430.79C. -8446.87D.-9283.12 2.计算DEF1000设备的NPV ?A.-8446.87B. -40430.79C. -9283.12D.-45063.22 3.计算SAL5000设备的EAC ?A.-40430.79B. -9283.12C.-45063.22D.-8446.87 4.计算DEF1000设备的EAC ?A.-8446.87B.-40430.79C. -9283.12D. -45063.22 5.公司应选择哪种型号的计算机? A. SAL5000 B. DEF1000阿尔法公司与贝塔公司除了资本结构之外在其他各方面是完全相同的。
要求计算:(1)阿尔法公司的价值是多少美元?1.50002.50, 0003.75,0004.100,0005.125,000(2)贝塔公司的价值是多少美元?1.50002.50, 0003.75,0004.100,0005.125,000(3)贝塔公司权益的市场价值是多少?1.50002.50, 0003.75,0004.100,000 5125,000(4)向阿尔法公司购买20%的权益要花费多少?1.10002.10, 0003.15,0004.20,0005.25,000(5)向贝塔公司购买20%的权益要花费多少?1.10002.10, 0003.15,0004.20,0005.25,000(6)持有阿尔法公司20%股权的投资者下一年预期收益将是多少?1.69,4002.70,0003.347,0004.350,0005.留存收益率为未知,无法计算(7)持有贝塔公司20%股权的投资者下一年预期收益将是多少?1.69,4002.70,0003.347,0004.350,0005.留存收益率为未知,无法计算(8)构建一种投资策略组合,组合中的成本与收益与购买20%贝塔公司权益的成本与收益完全相同:假定投资者已购买20%的阿尔法公司权益,则投资者需借入利率12%的借款()。