国际商法课件( English )
国际商法 第二版 英文版 姜作利 课件

III Sources of international business law
C International model law
Definition: rules and norms worked out and passed by some international organizations for the free choice by nations. Examples: 1. Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (联合国国际贸易法委员会国际商事仲裁示 范法 UNCITRAL Model Law) 2. Principles of International Commercial Contract by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (国际统一私法协会国际商事合同通则, UNIDROIT PICC )
VI International Organizations
• A. Organization Affiliated with UN
• 4. ― World Bank‖ (two institutions) 世界银行 • The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴开发银行(世界银行) • (loans at market terms, not high-risk loans) • International Development Association 国际发展协会 • (loans to poor countries with average per capital GNP less than $ 410 on more favorable terms, but only to government) • International Finance Corporation 国际金融公司 • ( loans to private enterprises in developing countries)

经济法:国家在调整干预经济活动时的法律规范。如 反垄断法、反不正当竞争法、税法、预算法、审 计法、环境资源保护法、消费者利益保护法、交 通运输法等。
经济法产生和发展的过程是法律从个人权利本位到 社会权利本位的过程。
2、国际商法与国际法、国际私法、国际经济法的 区别
国际私法:“结婚的适用婚姻缔结地法”、“合同 的适用与合同有最密切关系的国家的法律”、 “继承的适用被继承人死亡地法,不动产的使用 不动产地法”、“侵权的适用侵权地法”
一、国际商法(international commercial law)的概念 即调整跨越一国国境的商事关系的法律规 范的总和 1、商法与民法、经济法的区别
物权:所有权;用益物权;担保物权 财产关系 债权:合同;侵权;不当得利等 民法 人身关系 人格权:生命;健康;姓名;肖像等
第二章 商事组织法
第一节 商事组织的法律形式
俄罗斯14岁(2002年前为16岁); 菲律宾男16岁,女14岁; 韩国法定结婚年龄:男18岁、女16岁以上。未满20岁者,要申请结 婚时必须有父母的同意。女子在婚姻六个月内不能申请再婚,但有医 生的妊娠诊断证明可作例外处理。 巴西16岁; 澳大利亚男21岁,女18岁; 英国16岁; 德国18岁; 法国男 18岁,女15岁; 希腊男14岁,女12岁; 美国统一结婚法规是18岁,但美国各洲不一,部分州规定男21岁,部 分州规定,如双方未满成年人年龄,须经父母同意方可结婚,有的州 规定男子不满18岁、女子不满16岁者,即使父母同意也不能结婚。 爱达荷、密西西比、新泽西和华盛顿等州则允许年满14岁的男孩、 年满12岁的女孩结婚。 二、最高结婚年龄除沙俄民法规定年满80岁以上不得结婚外,古今中 外未发现其他规定最高结婚年龄的国家或地区。
国际商法 全套课件(英文)607页PPT

• On the one hand, after the Second World War the rapid development of the world economy made the contact of each country more frequently. This made it necessary that a set of uniform international law regulating the relationship of international economy and trade should be made.
international commercial law, refers to the body of legal rules and norms that regulates international trade and international business organizations. • 2. The meaning of “International” • A commercial transaction is international if: • (1) the parties have their places of business in different States or Countries;
• 9.rule of law: 法治。
• 10. legal doctrines: 法律理论。
• 11.legal validity: 法律效力。
I. Definition of International Business Law

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4.1 产品责任法概论
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系列 3
国际商法 | International Business Law
•第4章 产品责任法
4.1 产品责任法概论
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资 金 是 运 动 的价值 ,资金 的价值 是随时 间变化 而变化 的,是 时间的 函数, 随时间 的推移 而增值 ,其增 值的这 部分资 金就是 原有资 金的时 间价值
1.国 际 条 约
◆ 关于知识产权的国际条约: 1883年《巴黎公约》 1891年《马德里协定》
(三)普通法系(Common Law System ) 也称作英美法系、判例法系
起源:中世纪英国的习惯法 2. 代表国家:英国、美国(P6) 3. 渊源:判例——先例约束力原则 4. 特点:英国——普通法和衡平法
•ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
资 金 是 运 动 的价值 ,资金 的价值 是随时 间变化 而变化 的,是 时间的 函数, 随时间 的推移 而增值 ,其增 值的这 部分资 金就是 原有资 金的时 间价值
中国贪官为何总逃往加拿大 新入伙人对入伙之前的债务是否负责?
中国:连带责任;英国:不负责任 中国外贸代理制、货代、船代 FOB CFR CIF
要约(发盘) 承诺(接受)
资 金 是 运 动 的价值 ,资金 的价值 是随时 间变化 而变化 的,是 时间的 函数, 随时间 的推移 而增值 ,其增 值的这 部分资 金就是 原有资 金的时 间价值
1.国 际 条 约
各国缔结的有关国际商业和贸易的国际条约或公约。 重要渊源
资 金 是 运 动 的价值 ,资金 的价值 是随时 间变化 而变化 的,是 时间的 函数, 随时间 的推移 而增值 ,其增 值的这 部分资 金就是 原有资 金的时 间价值
1.国 际 条 约
有关国际商法的国际公约: ◆ 调整国际货物买卖关系的条约: 1974年《国际货物买卖时效期限条约》 1980年《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》
第1章 国际商法概述 《国际商法》PPT课件

在现代大陆法系国家的商法中, 最具有代表性、影响力最大的是 法国和德国的商事法。1807年的 《法国商法典》和1900年的《德 国商法典》曾是许多大陆法系国 家仿效的对象,大陆法系亦是以 此为基础建立起来的。
• (1)法国商事法。 • (2)德国商事法。
1.3 西方两大商法体系
1.3.3 英美法系中的商法体系
1)英国商事法 英国是传统的判例法国家,没有像大陆法那种形式意义上的商法,但在英国存在实质上的商法。可以毫不夸张 地说,大陆法系现代商法中的各项基本制度在英国法中均有类同的法律概括,这不仅表现在有关公司法、票据 法、保险法、破产法等特别法中,而且表现在对商人资格、商业组织、商事合伙、商事代理等一系列的基本规 定和定义概括中。 英国的商人法像大陆法系一样,也起源于中世纪的商人习惯法。
1.2.1 国际条约
国际条约或公约是国际商法的最 主要渊源,是国际法主体之间以 国际法为准则,为确立其相互权 利、义务而缔结的书面协议。
1.2.3 国内商事法
国际商法的主体主要是各国的自然人和法 人,国家只有在特殊情况下才会成为国际 商法的主体,这个特点决定了各国的国内 商事法也是国际商事行为的法律依据。
1.3 西方两大商法体系
1.3.2 大陆法系中的商法体系
在对待商法的态度上,大陆法系 国家有两种做法:有些大陆法系 国家把民法和商法分别编成独立 的法典,即民法典和商法典。
• (1)民商合一。 • (2)民商分立。 • (3)民法与商法的适用原则。 • (4)我国民法与商法的关系。

一、名词解释 国际商法
二、简答题 (1)国际商法的渊源有哪些? (2)大陆法系与英美法系有哪些区别?
第二章 国际商事组织法
▲素质目标:对各种商事组织的设立及其管理具有一 定的实际操作能力。
▲能力目标:具有依法设立各种商事组织的能力;依 法管理合伙企业和公司的相关能力。
• 主要有两种具体表现形式,一种是实体法规 则的国际条约,这些公约能够有效消除各缔 约国在这些领域的法律冲突。另一种是冲突 法规则的国际公约,这些公约可以使各缔约 国在这些领域内的法律冲突规则得到统一, 为国际商事案例确定准据法。
• 实体法是指在国际条约和协定中直接规定 当事人的权利和义务关系,不需要借助其 他法律规定来确定当事人的权利和义务关 系。
▲知识目标:熟悉各种商事组织形式的概念及其特征。 了解各种商事组织投资者的权利和义务。 了解合伙企业的分类及相互间的区别。 掌握公司设立的相关规定和公司治理结构及其权利 和义务。
1、各种商事组织形式的概念及其特征。 2、各种商事组织投资者的权利和义务。 3、合伙企业的分类及相互间的区别。 4、公司设立的规定。
• 国际商会(the International Chamber of Commerce,ICC):《国际贸易术语解释通则》 《跟单信用证统一惯例》《华沙-牛津规则》《美 国对外贸易定义修正本》
• 3、各国国内法
尽管已有大量的国际商事公约或惯例,但由于传统 习惯与自身利益所在,各国仍在很多的商事领域中保 留独占的立法权。
民商合一:指民事和商事统一立法,将商事方面的内 容编入民法典中,或以单行法规的形式出现。(中国、 瑞士、荷兰、泰国、意大利、土耳其、东欧一些国家)

Consideration: 对价 Cause: 约因 Promissory estoppel: 许诺性禁反言理论 Misrepresentation: 误解 Pecuniary loss: 金钱损失 Duress: 胁迫 Remedy: 救济措施
I. Introduction
(2) Acceptance An acceptance is the offeree’s manifestation of intention to enter into a binding agreement on the terms stated in the offer. 1) Requirementder German law, an offer is binding on the offer so it is hardly to be revoked. Under China Contract Law, an offer may not be revoked, if (a) the offeror indicates a fixed time for acceptance or otherwise explicitly states that the offer is irrevocable; or (b) the offeree has reasons to rely on the offer as being irrevocable and has made preparation for performing the contract.
Requirements of an Offer ① Contractual intention. It is an invitation to treat, which is used to invite others to make offer and lack of the intention to create a binding obligation. Generally, display of goods for sale, an advertisement in a newspaper, posted quotation(寄送的报价单), price list, catalogue(商品目录), auction sales(拍 卖公告) and tenders(招标公告) are all an invitation to treat. ② Definiteness. ③ Communication of offer to offeree.

2. The rights of shareholders
2.2 right to information and inspection Right to information :The shareholder has the right to keep himself informed about the financial and operational conditions of the corporations. Right to inspection: The shareholder has a right to inspect corporate records and documents such as shareholder lists, minutes of meetings, financial statements, and even contracts. The inspection must occur at proper times and in the proper places and, most important, must be for proper purposes.
Case Tatko owns about 2% of the shares of Tatko Brothers Slate co. Pursuant to the shareholders’ agreement, if Tatko wishes to sell his shares he is obligated to offer them first to Tatko Brothers co. at “book value”(账面值). The book value is to be determined by resort to the annual balance sheet prepared by the corporation. When Tatko informed the corporation of his interest in selling his shares, he was furnished with the corporation’s latest financial report, which contained a balance sheet listing assets, liabilities and portions of the minutes from a 1973 shareholders’ mபைடு நூலகம்eting. The accountants warned that they had neither audited nor reviewed the financial statements and expressed no opinion on them. The corporation indicated to buy the shares for $ 35,789 and to provide additional records to petitioner, but
国际商法英文版 ppt课件

Case Study:
1. Commission of the European Communities v. Federal Republic of Germany 欧共体委员会诉联邦德国案
2. China’s refusal to accept the doctrine of restrictive sovereign immunity 中国拒绝接受国家主权有限豁免原则案
© 2009 Pearson Education Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall PP1T-课2 件
International Law
Historically, dealt with the rules and norms regulating the relationships between states (countries)
International Business Law Textbook
Ray August, Don Mayer, Michael Bixby. “International Business Law
——Text, Cases and Readings” 6th Edition Pearson
© 2009 Pearson Education Inc publishing as Prentice Hall PPT课件
7. L’Oreal v. eBay 欧莱雅诉eBay案 8. The Natural Gas Case天然气案 9. Great China Metal Industries Co. Ltd. V.
Malaysian International Shipping Corp. 中国金 属工业有限公司诉马来西亚国际航运公司案
2.2 International Business Law[共7页]
![2.2 International Business Law[共7页]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cc546ef5192e45361166f54e.png)
Nations and other international bodies. It is true that international courts and tribunals such as the International Court of Justice or dispute body of the WTO do issue judgments against nations. But it is based on the precondition that nations must agree to be a party to these cases, and enforcement mechanism like in the national law does not really exist. The enforcement mechanisms in international law may include diplomacy, the withholding of foreign aids or assistance, trade sanctions and retaliation, or war. In certain cases, where individuals are convicted of having committed international crimes, prison sentences and the death penalty will be used.international law and private international law.rules affecting the relationships between nations. It might cover the rules for resolving territorial disputes, for conducting diplomacy or war and for how human rights are protected and so on.corporations when they go beyond the border of one country. It might include the rules for enforcing the wills of deceased persons who have owned property in more than one country, for settling the disputes arising from international sales and so on.A. Defining International Business Lawthat regulates the cross-border transactions in goods and services between parties. Here “parties” include natural persons, legal persons, and international organizations. Under a few of circumstances, states may also be a party to international transactions in the capacity of commercial not sovereign entity. Besides, states also play a unique role in regulating and supervising the international business between private parties in its capacity of a sovereign.B. History of International Business Lawthe creation of merchants. In the twelfth century, medieval Europe experienced a renaissance包括国际条约法、国际海洋法、外层空间法、国际人权法、战争法和国际人道主义法、国际争端解决等内容。
国际商法课件( English )

3) On execution or otherwise by authority of law; 4) Sales of stocks, shares investment securities. Negotiable instruments(可流 通票据) or money; 5) Ships, vessels, hovercraft or aircraft, however it has not been interpreted to mean that it does not apply to such goods components; 6) Sale of electricity.
(3) Part III contains the substantive rules for the sales contract (obligations and rights of the parties); (4) Part IV contains the final clauses of the Convention concerning such matters as how and when it comes into force, the reservations and declarations that are permitted and the application of the Convention to international sales where both States concerned have the same or similar law on the subject.
3. Applicability(适用范围) of the CISG
(1) Direct application. Through Article 1(1) (a), the CISG applies when both parties to the contract of sale have their places of business in different states that are both contracting states.
国际商法第一章 ppt课件

Why Should You Study Law?
Case1:Microsoft Corporation, a fabulously successful company in many ways, paid little attention to the antitrust laws in its early years. Because of that, it suffered several adverse judgments and spent tens of millions of dollars defending lawsuits. Yet IBM earns $1.5 billion per year in licensing revenue from its patents, trade secrets, and other forms of intellectual property.
案例1:作为一家在很多方面都极为成功的公司,微软公司在其 早期对反垄断法不太关注,因而遭到了几次不利的法庭审判, 花去了上千万美元来应诉。而IBM公司每年通过发放专利、商业 秘密以及其他形式的知识财产许可赚取了15亿美元。

1941(1941年《美国对外贸易定义修正本》) • UCP600(2007年《跟单信用证统一惯例》)
• 3. National Business Laws
III. History of International Business Law
• 1. Ancient Roman Law stage(古罗马法阶段) • 2. Jus Mercatorum stage (商人习惯法阶段) • 3. Nationalized stage(商法本国化阶段)
• Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air(统一国际航空运输某些 规则的公约)
• United Nations Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods,1980(联合国国际货物多式联运
• Bern Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (关于保护文学艺术作品伯 尔尼公约)
• Universal Copyright Convention (世界版 权公约)
• Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights 与贸易有关的 知识产权协定

Coercion is a common problem in international commercial transactions
Coercion is a situation in which one party uses its superior position to force another party to act against its will
Regulation and Legislation
Enact laws and regulations that clearly define cost and provide for multiple penalties for those found in the city of it
Collaborative Efforts
Reduce cross border investment
Coercion may create an environment of uncertainty and security for cross border investment, leading to a decrease in foreign investment and capital flows
The existence of superior and inferior parties
The use of pressure or fear by the superior party against the inferior party
The inferior party's act or decision is taken under pressure
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Key Terms
Sole proprietorship: 个人独资企业 Partnership: 合伙企业 Limited partnership: 有限合伙 Limited liability partnership: 有限责任合伙 Incorporated company: 股份有限公司 No-liability company: 无限责任公司 Joint venture: 合资企业 Legal Person: 法人
(3) Professional Restrictions (4) Partner by Estoppel Two persons may not be partners, yet in the eyes of a third person they may appear to be partners. If the third person deals with one of the apparent partners, he may be harmed and seek to recover damages from both of the apparent partners.
Байду номын сангаас
I. Introduction
Business organization, also called business enterprise, refers to the economic organization that pursues management activities with its own name with certain scale. There are two kinds of meaning with international business organization: one is the organization pursuing international business activities; and the other is forms of international business organizations.
If people want to commence a business, there’re a number of factors have to be considered, including: 1) The purpose of the business. 2) Its duration. 3) The cost. 4) The taxation. 5) The setting –up procedure. 6) The type of assets required.
d. The debts after a new partner being admitted as the partner of the partnership, the new partner thus will be liable for it. But before the new partner is admitted as the partner, there are three kinds of conditions: the new partner will take joint liability with other partners, such as in France and in Japan; the new partner will not take any liability, such as in England;
3. Important preliminaries (1) Formalities/procedure 1) A partnership agreement lasting for more than one year must be evidenced in writing. 2) Limitations on a partnership. 3) Anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation apply to partnership.
Chapter Two Law of Business Organizations
I. Introduction II. Partnership Law III. Law of Corporations IV. Foreign Investment Enterprises in China
2) The nature of the partnership and operation scope of it. 3) The duration. 4) Method and number of capital contributing. 5) Profit distribution and loss taken. 6) Management. 7) Incoming, outgoing and dissolution. 8) Liability for breach of the contract. 9) Other content.
7) Who should be entitled to participate in income distributions. 8) Who should be entitled to participate in capital distributions. 9) Whether the members’ interest should be transferable. 10) The region of the business organization. 11) The function of the member of the business organization.
2. Advantages and Disadvantages of a Partnership The advantages of a partnership can be summarized as below: (1) Informality and inexpensiveness in setting up. (2) Flexibility. (3) Tax.
(2) Liabilities 1) Liabilities of partners in contract and to the Third Party a. The actions that each partner participating in the partnership affairs takes will bind the partnership and other partners. b. The right limit to certain partner cannot resist the third party. c. The tortuous act one partner performs when participating in the management, to which the liability will be undertaken by the partnership.
5. Duties and Liabilities of a Partner (1) Duties 1) Fiduciary duty. This kind of duty includes each partner’s following activities: a. Refraining from business in competition with the partnership, engaging in self-dealing, or usurping partnership opportunities unless copartners consent. b. Holding the duties of loyalty and care. c. Dealing with copartners in good faith. 2) Duty of partners to render information.
(2) Partnership Contract Partnership contract is an agreement between partners concerning to the firm business. The following contents are often included in a partnership contract: 1) The name of the partnership and partners, and the address of them.
For example, David thinks that Wilson, a wealthy person, is a partner of Porter, a poor person. David decides to do business with Porter. If Porter does not perform as agreed, and David can prove that Wilson misled him to believe that Wilson and Porter were partners, he may sue Wilson for damages suffered when Porter failed to perform as agreed.
Memorandum of association/articles of incorporation: 公司章程 By-laws: 附则,内部细则 Board of directors: 董事会 Board of shareholders: 股东会 Debt security: 债券 Force majeure: 不可抗力 Insolvent liquidation: 破产清算 Jurisdiction: 司法权,裁判权,管辖权