lecture_4 美国文学史课件
2. 19th_century American Literature 1) Romanticism; 2)Realism; 3)Naturalism 3. American Literature of the 20th century and the
present 1)modernism; 2)postmodernism
— John Updike: “Bitter Bamboo”
What is the implication of Updike’s comment ? Do you agderstanding about American literature and culture at present?
B) Simple, fresh, direct, plain, a touch of nobility
Periodization of American Literature Key Themes in American Literature
Periodization of American Literature
A General Introduction to American Literature
China, experts agree, is the nation of the future […] The commercial and intellectual success its emigrants have enjoyed in nations from Malaysia to the United States all augur (预示) impending global dominance. In literature, however, the Chinese mainland, as far as Western ears go, is pretty quiet. […] Bookstores, the Times reports, are bustling, but nearly half the purchases consist of textbooks and half the translations are of American books.
present 1)modernism; 2)postmodernism
— John Updike: “Bitter Bamboo”
What is the implication of Updike’s comment ? Do you agderstanding about American literature and culture at present?
B) Simple, fresh, direct, plain, a touch of nobility
Periodization of American Literature Key Themes in American Literature
Periodization of American Literature
A General Introduction to American Literature
China, experts agree, is the nation of the future […] The commercial and intellectual success its emigrants have enjoyed in nations from Malaysia to the United States all augur (预示) impending global dominance. In literature, however, the Chinese mainland, as far as Western ears go, is pretty quiet. […] Bookstores, the Times reports, are bustling, but nearly half the purchases consist of textbooks and half the translations are of American books.
外国文学史 美国文学课件
![外国文学史 美国文学课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5c403d6aba1aa8114431d9fe.png)
• 历史短暂,多民族混合成的移民国家 • 自由原则是最基本的美国原则,是美国传统的起源。自由原则
的代表是《独立宣言》,其执笔人杰弗逊(1743-1826)是美 国文化三大创建者之一
• 美国民族是一个重视行动,强调务实的民族,这种务实精神是 美国民族生存的法宝,并积淀成一种民族的品质。务实精神的 代表是富兰克林(1706-1790),美国文化三大创建者之一。
• 比彻·斯托夫人 (1811-1896) 《汤姆 叔叔的小屋》
• 现实主义奠基人 • 长篇小说《现代婚姻》 • 提倡“微笑的现实主
义”,实际创作中往 往表现为对美国现实 生活的粉饰和美化
⑴国际小说:美国人和欧洲人 因为文化背景的不同而产 生的冲突。
• 长篇:《红字》《七个尖 角顶的房子》《福谷传奇》 《玉石雕像》等
• 短篇小说集《古宅青苔》 《雪影》
• 霍桑小说表现了清教文学 的传统,“人皆有罪”, 悲观思想浓郁
• “心理罗曼史”,擅长人 物的心理刻画,被认为是 美国文学心理分析小说的
Nathaniel Hawthorne
&库柏(1789-1851)《皮袜子故事 集》(《最后一个莫希干人》)
• 19世纪30、40年代, 美国产生了超经验主义 思想运动,它是浪漫主 义的理论。
• 爱默生(1803-1883) 《论自然》,反对权威, 崇尚直觉,其核心是主 张人能超越感觉和理性 直接认识真理。
• 梭罗(1817-1862) 《瓦尔登湖》,自然、 人以及超验主义理想交 融汇合,浑然一体。
• 历史短暂,多民族混合成的移民国家 • 自由原则是最基本的美国原则,是美国传统的起源。自由原则
的代表是《独立宣言》,其执笔人杰弗逊(1743-1826)是美 国文化三大创建者之一
• 美国民族是一个重视行动,强调务实的民族,这种务实精神是 美国民族生存的法宝,并积淀成一种民族的品质。务实精神的 代表是富兰克林(1706-1790),美国文化三大创建者之一。
• 比彻·斯托夫人 (1811-1896) 《汤姆 叔叔的小屋》
• 现实主义奠基人 • 长篇小说《现代婚姻》 • 提倡“微笑的现实主
义”,实际创作中往 往表现为对美国现实 生活的粉饰和美化
⑴国际小说:美国人和欧洲人 因为文化背景的不同而产 生的冲突。
• 长篇:《红字》《七个尖 角顶的房子》《福谷传奇》 《玉石雕像》等
• 短篇小说集《古宅青苔》 《雪影》
• 霍桑小说表现了清教文学 的传统,“人皆有罪”, 悲观思想浓郁
• “心理罗曼史”,擅长人 物的心理刻画,被认为是 美国文学心理分析小说的
Nathaniel Hawthorne
&库柏(1789-1851)《皮袜子故事 集》(《最后一个莫希干人》)
• 19世纪30、40年代, 美国产生了超经验主义 思想运动,它是浪漫主 义的理论。
• 爱默生(1803-1883) 《论自然》,反对权威, 崇尚直觉,其核心是主 张人能超越感觉和理性 直接认识真理。
• 梭罗(1817-1862) 《瓦尔登湖》,自然、 人以及超验主义理想交 融汇合,浑然一体。
美国文学 ppt课件
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• Puritan opposition to pleasure and the arts sometimes has been exaggerated.
• Religious teaching tended to emphasize the image of a
wrathful GodOf Plymouth Plantation
Anne Bradstreet (安妮·布拉 德斯特里特) (1612-1672)
the first American woman poet
a Puritan poet, once called “Tenth Muse”
• The spiritual life in the colonies during that period was molded by the bourgeois Enlightenment.
2. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790):
• The Autobiography • Poor Richard’s Almanack
the first American writer
A Description of New England 《新英格兰叙事》 (1616)
General History of Virginia《弗吉尼亚通史》 (1642)
• Pocahontas
William Bradford (1590-1657)
• Politics dominated the revolutionary phase of American writing.
• The crisis in American life carried by the Revolution made artists self-conscious about American subjects.
Franklin’s literary works:
The Autobiography:(1771)
The earliest autobiography in American literature; 1771 , 65 years old; a record of a man who rose to wealth and fame from a state of poverty and obscurity into which he was born, and the faithful account of the colorful career of America ’s first selfmade man.
Franklin’s Position:
• Everything seems to meet in this one man, mind and will, talent and art, strength and ease, wit and grace, and he became almost everything: a printer, postmaster, almanac maker(历书编撰者), essayist, scientist, orator, statesman, philosopher, political economist, ambassador, parlor man. • He seemed to be born with King Midas' golden touch: in whatever field he happened to appear, he achieved a peerless degree of accomplishment.
It was all of them at once. It transcended every phase of life—though it is true, of course, that in this particular locality or at that particular time, in this individual or in that social atmosphere, it did take on this or that predominant emphasis or color. On this side of the Atlantic, for instance, it assumed at the outset a pre-eminently political character, and America, in her own Revolution and in the events which followed it, made an early and memorable contribution to that greater revolution of the human spirit. But America, save in the case here and there of an exceptional mind, remained largely unconscious, even as a matter of political theory, of the general significance for the world of what she had accomplished. Still less had she distilled from her democratic practice any fresh philosophy or faith. When, then, voices from abroad of those who were seeking a religion for the new order of things penetrated to a community which, religious to the core, had long been religiously starved, those voices were bound to be heard and answered. That is precisely what began happening near Boston shortly before the year 1830. The result was similar to what occurs, under like conditions, in the case of an individual.
Letter :
The themes in The Scarlet
(1) the juxtaposition between the puritan past and the present: nature seem to be a much higher moral force. (2) Doctrinarian morality is not the substance of Hawthorne’s moral vision. For his characters, the moral vision is acquired through an inner struggle or exploration which first places them in unfamiliar territories.
3. Hawthorne’s moral vision in short stories (1)―Young Goodman Brown‖ : A young man’s initiation to realize the all-prevailing power of sin among the puritan community and their attempt to hide the sin.
II. Key concept: Negative Capability: 1. the origin of the phrase: negative capability was first used by John Keats. In a letter written in December 1817, Keats defined it as the capability in good poets of including uncertainties and other negative emotions without stretching for reason and without losing reason.
人之福,也是众人之父“a common blessing and father to them all”
John Winthrop
John Winthrop:《新英格兰历史》“The History of New England”. 1630年登上“阿贝亚”(Arbella)to Massachusetts并开始写日记keep a journal
其还是美国第一位主要作家the first major writer非凡表达能力,简洁明了,有点幽默,还是一位讽 刺天才as an author he had power of expression, simplicity, a subtle humor. He was also sarcastic.
美国早期文学主要为the narratives and journals of these settlements采用in diaries and in journals(日记和日志),他们写关于the land with dense forests and deep-blue lakes and rich soil.
Edward Taylor
清教徒诗人中最杰出的一位the best of the Puritan poets 他的作品遵循了十七世纪中期一些杰出诗人风格和形式his work followed they
style and forms of the leading English poets of the mid-seventeenth century。 他大部分作品关于宗教的,大部分诗歌直接以赞美诗为基础进行创作的most of
John Winthrop
John Winthrop:《新英格兰历史》“The History of New England”. 1630年登上“阿贝亚”(Arbella)to Massachusetts并开始写日记keep a journal
其还是美国第一位主要作家the first major writer非凡表达能力,简洁明了,有点幽默,还是一位讽 刺天才as an author he had power of expression, simplicity, a subtle humor. He was also sarcastic.
美国早期文学主要为the narratives and journals of these settlements采用in diaries and in journals(日记和日志),他们写关于the land with dense forests and deep-blue lakes and rich soil.
Edward Taylor
清教徒诗人中最杰出的一位the best of the Puritan poets 他的作品遵循了十七世纪中期一些杰出诗人风格和形式his work followed they
style and forms of the leading English poets of the mid-seventeenth century。 他大部分作品关于宗教的,大部分诗歌直接以赞美诗为基础进行创作的most of
Poetic Principles
To Poe, poetic meaning is in the poem’s own poem’ composition and utterance, thus there is no utterance, exterior or transcendental truth in a poem. This emphasis on the poem’s own integrity poem’ and that a poem being absolutely independent allows people to associate Poe with the school of “art for art’s sake” and to regard him art’ sake” as a precursor to the school of New Criticism in the 20th century America.
► Quoth
the Raven, Nevermore
► Original
Burial Place of Edgar Allan Poe From October 9, 1849 Until November 17, 1875 ► Mrs. Marian Clemm, His Mother-In-Law Mother-InLies Upon His Right And Virginia Poe His Wife, Upon His Left. Under The Monument Erected To Him In This Cemetery
► Before
he became editor of Southern Literary Messenger in 1835, he had published a number of short stories, including “MS Found in a Bottle” Bottle”. In his new position as editor, Poe soon established himself as a leading critic in literature. literature. His editorship and the vitality of his critical articles and his literary creation brought him increasing fame in literary circles but never wealth; even when he was at the peak of his career, he was “as … as ever I was in my life.” life. in 1847 his wife died, and then two more years of loneliness, poverty, intoxication and illness killed Poe at the age of 40.
histories, travel accounts, diaries,
biographies, letters, autobiographies, sermons,
and poems.
Major writers:
Captain John Smith (约翰·史密斯)
? the first American
? The “newness” of Americans as a nation is in connection with American Romanticism.
? As a logical result of the foreign and native factors at work, American romanticism was both imitative and independent
Politics dominated the revolutionary phase of American writing.
The crisis in American life carried by the Revolution made
artists self-conscious about American subjects.
?“Poet of the American
?“Father of American
?“Pioneer of the New
?“A gifted and versatile lyric
? “The Rising Glory of America” (1772)
lecture_4 美国文学史课件
![lecture_4 美国文学史课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e5b58a0165ce050877321387.png)
3.Three stages of Imagist Movement
•1908—1909: began in London, Hulme founded a poet’s club, Hulme insisted that “ absolutely accurate presentation and no verbiage”.
All forces seemed to be pulling apart, no mythical center, God expelled from universe in spiritual waste land, life---meaningless, futile, homeless, estranged.
Fitzgerald: (1896----1940)
• Life: • Works: This Side of Paradise 1920 The Beautiful and Damned 1921 Flappers and Philosophers Tales of the Jazz Ape---- collection of stories
He was for the most part of life trying to offer Confucius philosophy to save the west.
He saw life was sordid and was personal crushing oppressio more ambitious and eternal.
❖ It is a rebellion against the traditional poetics that failed to reflect the new life of new country.
American Literature Lesson 4 2013 PPT
![American Literature Lesson 4 2013 PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d38af343c850ad02de804130.png)
The Opening Scenes
cabin was added. British company is routed/attacked by the Hurons before Hawkeye arrives.
The Characters
name is changed from Natty Bumpo to Nathaniel Poe. Heyward loves Cora, not Alice.
How are things changed
in the massacre scene?
waterfall scene is moved from near the beginning to after the massacre /attack.
How are things changed at the ending?
What did Romantic Era writers focus on. . . ?
Is this always true?
People are mostly good (or very bad). Is this always true? How would you explain: “Mob politics”? The Beginnings of Industrialization/ Income gap? Slavery?
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Some people say that Irving was writing a satire about European and American values. Ichabod = Europe (intellectual, superstitious, weak) Brom = America (tough, rowdy, funloving, imaginative)
《美国文学史及选读》(第三版)(第一册)教学课件Chapter 4 Benjamin Frankli
![《美国文学史及选读》(第三版)(第一册)教学课件Chapter 4 Benjamin Frankli](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0e740f54ce84b9d528ea81c758f5f61fb73628dd.png)
CChhapatpert3er 4 Benjamin Franklin
Brief Comment Successful in business, renowned in science, this most modern-spirited man
of early Americans also served his nation brilliantly.
born in Boston
went to Philadelphia as a young man and began his career as a printer
was the sole owner of a successful printing shop, and was the editor and publisher of The Pennsylvania Gazette (later The Saturday Evening Post) at twenty-four
CChhapatpert3er 4 Benjamin Franklin
my Father was impatient to have me bound8 to my Brother. I stood out some time, but at last was persuaded and signed the Indentures9, when I was yet but 12 Years old. I was to serve as an Apprentice till I was 21 Years of Age, only I was to be allow’d Journeyman’s Wages10 during the last Year. In a little time I made great Proficiency in the Business, and became a useful Hand to my Brother. I now had Access to better Books. An Acquaintance with the Apprentices of Booksellers enabled me sometimes to borrow a small one, which I was careful to return soon and clean. Often I sat up in my Room reading the greatest Part of the Night, when the Book was borrow’d in
2) Moby Dick
Moby Dick possesses various symbolic meanings for various individuals. 1) Symbol of nature for human beings, because it is mysterious, powerful, unknown. 2) Symbol of evil for the Captain Ahab. 3) Symbol of good and purity because of its whiteness.
American Literature
Lecture 4
• Enable the Ss to know the background, representative writers and their works of the Romantic period in American literary history; • Enable the Ss to appreciate Hawthorne’s style by a close reading of “The Minister’s Black Veil” • Enable the Ss to know how to appreciate poems by analyzing Edgar Allan Poe’s “Annabel Lee” from the perspective of form and theme etc.
Sources: ---German Idealism, ---German Transcendentalism ---American Puritanism.
Definition by Emerson
Lesson 4 Edgar Allen Poe 美国文学
![Lesson 4 Edgar Allen Poe 美国文学](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c3c46e1c866fb84ae45c8db8.png)
II. Life and Career
• Poe 生在一个演员家庭,当Poe很小的时候他的父母就过世 了,由弗吉尼亚的商人 John Allan 收养。Poe 17岁进入弗吉 尼亚大学学习。他在西点军校任职期间开始写诗歌,神话 ,做过杂志的编辑 如《南方文学信使》,《格雷厄姆杂志 》等。
• At 27 he married his 13-year-old cousin Virginia who died very young in 1847. Poe 27岁时和他13岁的表妹结婚,他的表妹 太太很年轻就离开了人世,1847.
• C. Purity: Poe is opposed to the heresy of the didactic and called for pure poetry. What he seems to be saying is that art lies not so much in what is being said as in the way it says it. • 纯正:Poe被认为是主流诗歌之外的一个异类,他认为艺 术并不在于它被说成该是艺术的样子。 • Besides, he stresses rhythm, defines true poetry as ―the rhythmical creation of beauty‖ and declares that ―music is the perfection of the soul, or ideas, of poetry.‖ Poe 强调诗歌的韵 律,他认为诗歌是音律创造的美,并称音乐使得灵魂,思 想,诗歌更完美。 • He cited his own poem ―The Raven‖ of 108 lines to show his aesthetics : a sense of melancholy over the death of a beloved beautiful young woman pervades the whole poem. • 他以自己的108行诗 《乌鸦》为例子,该诗歌整个气氛就 是哀伤– 作者喜欢的美丽姑娘死去,这一悲伤充满了整首 诗歌。
美国文学史及选读 ppt课件
![美国文学史及选读 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/31b8101e51e79b8969022650.png)
2. character of colonial literature a. content: religious, political b. form: diary, journal, letters, travel books,
sermons, history (personal literature) c. style: simple. direct, concise d. out of humble origins
With regard to technique one naturally thinks of the simplicity which characterizes the Puritan style of writing.
John Cotton and Roger Williams Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor 小虫小物尚扬声,难道吾便如哑子。
2. John Calvin a. predestination b. original sin and totated few
3. practical , optimistic, idealistic 4. a doctrinaire opportunist
The American Puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception was chiefly important in calling into being a literary symbolism which is distinctly American.
The Literature of Colonial America
Historical Introduction
1. colonial settlement(1607-1776) In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered
sermons, history (personal literature) c. style: simple. direct, concise d. out of humble origins
With regard to technique one naturally thinks of the simplicity which characterizes the Puritan style of writing.
John Cotton and Roger Williams Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor 小虫小物尚扬声,难道吾便如哑子。
2. John Calvin a. predestination b. original sin and totated few
3. practical , optimistic, idealistic 4. a doctrinaire opportunist
The American Puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception was chiefly important in calling into being a literary symbolism which is distinctly American.
The Literature of Colonial America
Historical Introduction
1. colonial settlement(1607-1776) In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered
The space between, is but an hour, The frail duration of a flower.
Notes for the 1st stanza: retreat: place of seclusion; secluded place untouch’d: untouched; honey’d: honeyed; greet: personification No roving foot shall crush thee here, / No busy hand provoke a tear: iteration; parallelism; personification; synecdoche; provoke: shall provoke, cause to shed;
PhilipБайду номын сангаасFreneau
1.Freneau’s position in American literature and his major poems: the most significant poet of the 18th century America; the “father of American poetry”;
the first important poet to turn his eyes to America; almost alone of his generation, he managed to evade the pervasive atmosphere of imitativeness, to see life around directly, and to appreciate the natural scenes on the New Continent and the native Indian civilization
Notes for the 1st stanza: retreat: place of seclusion; secluded place untouch’d: untouched; honey’d: honeyed; greet: personification No roving foot shall crush thee here, / No busy hand provoke a tear: iteration; parallelism; personification; synecdoche; provoke: shall provoke, cause to shed;
PhilipБайду номын сангаасFreneau
1.Freneau’s position in American literature and his major poems: the most significant poet of the 18th century America; the “father of American poetry”;
the first important poet to turn his eyes to America; almost alone of his generation, he managed to evade the pervasive atmosphere of imitativeness, to see life around directly, and to appreciate the natural scenes on the New Continent and the native Indian civilization
American Literature Lesson 4 PPT
![American Literature Lesson 4 PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/adfac6dd1711cc7930b71695.png)
Did you write about 1 page (A5)?
How is the film different from the original story?
Why do you think they made the changes?
Country names are nouns, not adjectives. Is your country’s named China or Chinese”?
Benjamin Franklin
What are the main points of
The Way to Wealth?
Work hard. Mind your own business. Live simply.
Benjamin Franklin
Did the people follow Father Abraham’s advice?
Are there any questions about last week’s quiz, before I collect them?
Quiz Time
Put everything away. No books or papers on the desktop.
Proverbs are wise sayings.
*an annual publication containing a calendar for the coming year, the times of such events and phenomena as anniversaries, sunrises and sunsets, phases of the moon, tides, etc., and other statistical information and related topics. (source: )
How is the film different from the original story?
Why do you think they made the changes?
Country names are nouns, not adjectives. Is your country’s named China or Chinese”?
Benjamin Franklin
What are the main points of
The Way to Wealth?
Work hard. Mind your own business. Live simply.
Benjamin Franklin
Did the people follow Father Abraham’s advice?
Are there any questions about last week’s quiz, before I collect them?
Quiz Time
Put everything away. No books or papers on the desktop.
Proverbs are wise sayings.
*an annual publication containing a calendar for the coming year, the times of such events and phenomena as anniversaries, sunrises and sunsets, phases of the moon, tides, etc., and other statistical information and related topics. (source: )
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The best poetic effect is visual and concert. Thus an imagist’s image represents a moment of revealed truth, truth revealed by a physical object and seen as such.
•1912---1914: Pound took over and championed the poetry.
• 1914---1917: Amy Lowell took over from Pound and pushed the movement in to the period of “Amygism” as Pound called it.
It offered a new way of writing which was valid not only for the Imagist poets but for modern poetry as a whole.
❖ The movement was a training school in whirned their first lessons in poetic art.
Lecture 4 Literature in 1920s 1920s American Literature
I. Background: 1. Economic Boom : “Dollar Decade” carefree prosperity pursuit of pleasure Social labor movement almost
precision new rhythms free choice of subject matter
2. Imagist theorist---English writer. T.E.Hulme
He suggests that modern art deals with expression and communication of momentary phrases in the poet’s mind. Poetic techniques should become subtle enough to record exactly the momentary impressions. The most effective means to express these momentary impressions is through the use of dominant image.
Pound defined an image as that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in a stage of time. Later he extended this definition as “a vortex or cluster of fused ideas” “endowed with energy”
Freud’s theory—film—sex Cultural Background: Shopenhaver “Will to live” Nietzsche: super man Freud’s: psychoanalysis
1. starting : France, England from drawing language of common speech with
something more ambitious and eternal.
❖ It is a rebellion against the traditional poetics that failed to reflect the new life of new country.
disappeared----Red Scare in 1919
2. Spiritual dislocation and fragmentation:
Young people join in the “war to end all wars”---not heroic, glorious redivision of power
6. Limitations and Importance: Limitations:
❖ a single image is incapable of sustaining a longer poetic effort. Thus no greater poetry came
❖ out of the movement. ❖ Its own aesthetics stunted its growth into
Three principles of imagism put forward by Pound: • Direct treatment of thing: • Economy of Expression: • Rhythm:
5. What is an “image” according to Pound:
3.Three stages of Imagist Movement
•1908—1909: began in London, Hulme founded a poet’s club, Hulme insisted that “ absolutely accurate presentation and no verbiage”.
All forces seemed to be pulling apart, no mythical center, God expelled from universe in spiritual waste land, life---meaningless, futile, homeless, estranged.
•1912---1914: Pound took over and championed the poetry.
• 1914---1917: Amy Lowell took over from Pound and pushed the movement in to the period of “Amygism” as Pound called it.
It offered a new way of writing which was valid not only for the Imagist poets but for modern poetry as a whole.
❖ The movement was a training school in whirned their first lessons in poetic art.
Lecture 4 Literature in 1920s 1920s American Literature
I. Background: 1. Economic Boom : “Dollar Decade” carefree prosperity pursuit of pleasure Social labor movement almost
precision new rhythms free choice of subject matter
2. Imagist theorist---English writer. T.E.Hulme
He suggests that modern art deals with expression and communication of momentary phrases in the poet’s mind. Poetic techniques should become subtle enough to record exactly the momentary impressions. The most effective means to express these momentary impressions is through the use of dominant image.
Pound defined an image as that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in a stage of time. Later he extended this definition as “a vortex or cluster of fused ideas” “endowed with energy”
Freud’s theory—film—sex Cultural Background: Shopenhaver “Will to live” Nietzsche: super man Freud’s: psychoanalysis
1. starting : France, England from drawing language of common speech with
something more ambitious and eternal.
❖ It is a rebellion against the traditional poetics that failed to reflect the new life of new country.
disappeared----Red Scare in 1919
2. Spiritual dislocation and fragmentation:
Young people join in the “war to end all wars”---not heroic, glorious redivision of power
6. Limitations and Importance: Limitations:
❖ a single image is incapable of sustaining a longer poetic effort. Thus no greater poetry came
❖ out of the movement. ❖ Its own aesthetics stunted its growth into
Three principles of imagism put forward by Pound: • Direct treatment of thing: • Economy of Expression: • Rhythm:
5. What is an “image” according to Pound:
3.Three stages of Imagist Movement
•1908—1909: began in London, Hulme founded a poet’s club, Hulme insisted that “ absolutely accurate presentation and no verbiage”.
All forces seemed to be pulling apart, no mythical center, God expelled from universe in spiritual waste land, life---meaningless, futile, homeless, estranged.