美英报刊阅读教程ppt课件目录CONTENCT •报刊阅读概述•美英报刊阅读技巧•美英报刊常见题材与写作风格•美英报刊词汇与语法特点•美英报刊文化背景知识•美英报刊阅读实践01报刊阅读概述报刊的重要性信息传递报刊是传递信息的重要途径,包括新闻、时事、社会动态等。
精读(Intensive Reading)仔细阅读文章重要部分,理解作者观点、论据和细节信息。
the U.Sw.aSnetnsaYtOe U to go abroad4
Sena8tereRceosgonluiztieosnth3e08importance of a study abroad experience to
future employment.
, passed on November 11, 2005, lists several
team. Of all my friends, only the ones who I know through Chinese classes went to China,
and the eight of us couldn’t even fill a dugout.
■ So why did they go? There are a number of reasons to study abroad. In fact, according to the American
Aside from a foreign cultural 12experience, students are able to re-examine the assumptions of their own lives and the assumptions of the societies they belong to. ■ So why Asia?
federal grossly institution predominance refreshing Senate steady unequaled Vietnam
严重地;令人不快地 令人欣喜的,使人耳目一新的 美国联邦政府的 社会机构 有规则的,平稳的 占优势,显著,支配地位 (正式)无与伦比的,无双的 参议院 越南
05 美英报刊中的广 告与文化
宣传社会公益事业或道德观念,提高 公众意识。
• 政治广告:宣传政治人物或政策主张,影响公众舆 论。
针对不同受众群体,制定相应的广告 策略。
传递大量信息,包括产品特点、品牌 形象等。
03 美英报刊中的新 闻报道
标题(Headline) 导语(Lead)
结尾 (Conclusi…
详细阐述新闻事件,包括时 间、地点、人物、事件等要 素
总结新闻事件,可能包含评 论或预测
时效性、真实性、客观性、 重要性、接近性、显著性、 趣味性等
04 美英报刊中的评 论与专栏
代表报刊立场,对重大事件或问题 进行深入分析。
由特定作家撰写,表达个人观点, 风格多样。
• 读者来信:反映公众意见,提供不同视角。
通过设置悬念,激发受众的好奇 心,引导他们关注广告内容。
强调产品或服务的独特之处和优 势,吸引受众眼球。
运用情感因素,触动受众的情感 共鸣点,增强广告的影响力。
美英报刊文章涉及各个领域,会使用相应 领域的专业术语。
新闻写作要求准确具体,避免模糊和歧义 的表达。
通过修辞手法和生动的描绘,使文章更具 吸引力和感染力。
为增强文章的可信度和权威性,常引用官 方、专家或权威机构的观点和数据。
最新美英报刊阅读lesson1精品 课件
• 课程介绍与背景 • 阅读技巧与策略 • 美英报刊文章特点 • 美英报刊选读 • 阅读理解与练习 • 课程总结与展望
提高学生阅读和理解美英报刊杂 志的能力 帮助学生了解国际时事和英美文 化 培养学生的批判性思维和独立思 考能力
剖析全球经济趋势,报道金融市场动 态及企业盈利情况。
以全球视角关注经济现象,提供深度 分析和评论。
分析国际贸易、投资等经济问题,探 讨各国经济发展战略。
探讨美国社会文化现象,包括艺 术、文学、电影等领域。
学习如何快速浏览和深入理解报 刊文章,包括标题、导语、正文
通过讨论和分析当前国际时事, 提高学生对国际政治、经济、文
五.考试说明“英美报刊选读”期末考试题型介绍1.报刊名称及常见报刊词汇英译汉:十小题,每题2分,共20分内容以辅导书的附录为主. 2.阅读理解:2篇文章,选自作业题,选择题或判断题,共40分。
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Page 1
Lesson 6
D.C. Influentials
By David T. Cook and Gail Russell Chaddock
Key to Questions
Photos & Diagrams
Additional Notes
Background Information
The lobbying exists in many countries, but the most developed is in America. Washington can be regarded as the street of lobby.
change their positions in this process.
Background Information
The existence of lobbying in America has the following four reasons.
练习题答案第一单元Passage 11.根据文章内容选出下列问题最恰当的答案。
(1)-B (2)-C (3)-C (4)-C (5)-D (6)-D (7)-A (8)-C2.请选择恰当的词或短语以正确的形式填入下文的空缺中(1)- contributes to(2) differences(3) taken out(4) filtering down(5) industrial renaissance(6) go through(7) initiatives(8) liftPassage 21.根据文章内容判断下列说法是否正确(1) F (2) F (3)-F (4)-T (5)-F (6)-F (7)-T (8)-F2.请选择恰当的词或短语以正确的形式填入下文的空缺中(1) pervasive(2) paralysis(3) stabilize(4) dispose of(5) intervention(6) put an end to(7) exist(8) eliminatePassage 31.根据文章内容简答下列问题(1) Forty years ago, Americans did not believe and even oppose to Democrats, butnow, they have high expectations for Democrats to help America get out of the current economic crisis.(2) No. Although Obama’s presidency will mean that there will be moregovernment intervention in the management of different aspects of American society, there will also be more liberalism on the basis of social stability ensured by the government.(3) Most Americans highly appreciated F.D.R style liberalism, for their bankdeposits was save, their wages was boosted, and their retire pension was ensured by the orderly society built by F.D.R. And they also felt free and secure.(1)It means to make or help the American economy to recover from recession. (5) The life on an economic knife-edge may refer to the life Americans onceexperienced in 1930s depression and the life they are experiencing in current economic crisis. Such life can be characterized by high unemployment rate, banking panics, stock market crashes, the bursting of other financial bubbles, currency crises, and sovereign defaults.(6) The conservative economic agenda just like the liberal cultural agenda of the1960s, it was less liberating than frightening, and was focused on cultural order instead of economic order.(7) Obama’s great challenge and great opportunity is whether he will establish anew liberal order with more control by his big government to free America from the current economic depression and to build up a good welfare system for Americans.(8) The focus of New Liberal Order to Americans now should shift from the culturalorder to economic order.2. 请选择恰当的词或短语以正确的形式填入下文的空缺中(1) opposing(2) ranging from(3) exist(4) guaranteeing(5) tyranny(6) high-water ranks(7) concept(8) self-reliance第二单元Passage 11.Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)(1) T (2) T (3) T (4) F (5) T (6) F (7) T (8) T (9) F (10) F2.请选择恰当的词或短语以正确的形式填入下文的空缺中。
英美报刊选读教学大纲课程英文名称: Journalistic Reading Course学分:2总学时:36授课对象:大学英语四级学生开课学期:2011年9月一.课程的性质、目的与任务本课程是大学英语选修课.在通识教育理念和以内容依托教学的指导下,把学生从枯燥乏味的以语言形式为主体的学习中解放了出来,实现了以语言形式为主体向以内容为主体教学的转化,把英语学习融入了现实的生活之中,实现了以教师为主体向以学生为主体的转化,使学生学有生活,学有内容,学有意义,学有兴趣,学有动力,学有所思,学有话说,学有深度,学有所获的教学效果。
“英美报刊选读课"目的和全球化人才培养目标(通识教育,内容依托,英语是工具,全球化第三阶段,国际化人才)for information;for enjoyment;for reading ability目的:获得多种多样、多方位多角度的信息;扩大知识面,了解文化,获得乐趣;培养学生用英语进行思维的能力;通过读报,让学生获得更多与人沟通的能力。
报刊语言中常出现长句和复合句,需 要掌握其句子结构和逻辑关系,以便 正确理解句意。
如比喻、拟人、排比等,用于增强语 言表达的生动性和形象性。
了解英美国家的文化背景和历史传统 ,有助于更好地理解报刊文章中的相 关内容和表达。
20Байду номын сангаас4/1/28
新闻报道强调信息的即时性, 要求快速、准确地传递最新发 生的事件或情况。
新闻报道力求客观公正地呈现 事实,避免主观色彩和偏见。
新闻报道要求信息准确无误, 包括时间、地点、人物等要素 。
新闻报道语言简练,重点突出 ,便于读者快速了解事件概况 。
对关键段落进行仔细阅读,深入理解作者观点和 文章内涵。
思考文章所表达的主题和意义,以及对自己的启 示和影响。
关注文章的用词、句式和修辞手法,分析作者的 写作风格和语言特点。
对重要内容进行笔记和总结,加深对文章的理解 和记忆。
在选定报刊杂志后,制定具体的阅读目标和计划。例如, 每周阅读一篇新闻报道、一篇评论文章和一篇特写等。
在实施阅读计划时,注意跟踪自己的阅读进度,并根据实 际情况进行调整。如果发现某些文章难度较大或兴趣不高 ,可以适当调整阅读内容或增加辅助材料。
思考经济新闻对个人和社会的影响,如何将这些信息 应用到实际生活和工作中。
包括社会习俗、生活方式、价 值观念、教育、艺术、科技等
揭示社会问题、矛盾、趋势, 展现不同社会群体的生活和思
思考“美国梦”在现 代社会的意义和价值 。
分析社交媒体在青少 年中的普及程度和使 用情况。
例子二:解析某篇报 道中关于“社交媒体 对青少年影响”的讨 论。
探讨社交媒体对青少年社交、心 理、行为等方面的影响。
思考如何引导青少年合理使用社 交媒体。
如何理解社会文化类文 章中的比喻、象征等修 辞手法?
从英美主流报刊如《纽约时报 》、《泰晤士报》等选择不同 领域的文章,确保内容真实、
明确每次阅读训练的目的,如 提高阅读速度、增加词汇量、 理解文章结构等。
在阅读过程中,记录生词、短 语、长难句等,以便后续复习 和分析。
对阅读过程中的问题进行反思 ,总结经验教训,调整阅读策
评论类文章阅读与分析,讨论评论文章的立场、 观点和论证方法。
综合类文章阅读与分析,讨论不同类型文章的阅 读策略和方法。
政治类文章通常涉及国家政治、国际关系、外交政 策等敏感话题。
三、语言特点分析1. 专业词汇丰富lesson9的文章涉及到环境科学领域的内容,因此在文章中会出现大量的专业词汇,如environmental protection(环境保护)、climate change(气候变化)、sustainable development(可持续发展)等。
2. 复杂句式较多在lesson9的文章中,作者往往会使用较为复杂的句式和结构,如定语从句、状语从句、倒装句等。
3. 逻辑推理严谨lesson9的文章通常会采用严谨的逻辑推理,通过提出问题、分析原因、阐述观点、给出建议等步骤,来为读者呈现一个完整的论证结构。
四、阅读技巧1. 查词典积累词汇在阅读lesson9的文章时,学习者需要经常使用词典来查询生词,通过积累专业词汇和短语,提高对文章的理解能力。
2. 分段阅读整理思路文章较长的lesson9的内容,阅读时需要采取分段阅读的方式,将每个段落的主要内容整理成思维导图或摘要,帮助加深对文章的理解和记忆。
3. 善用标注和注释在阅读lesson9的文章时,学习者可以通过标注和注释的方式,将不理解或者重要的内容加以标记,便于后续的复习和查漏补缺。
美英报刊阅读教程高级本精选版教学设计 (2)
教学参考以下文献和书籍建议作为本教材的参考资料:1.Tracy R. 沃克,《精通英语阅读与写作》;2.德莫塞,《英语的中国文化视角》;3.A. Ben Amos,《新闻与新闻工作》;4.R. Ts,《新闻写作基础》。
美英报刊阅读教程 (15)
Key Pictures Notes
Structure Analysis
Background Information
Gay Marriage in the US
In most of the United States, marriage between partners of the same sex is not legally recognized and the issue of homosexual marriage provokes controversy. Religious conservatives who believe that the Bible forbids same-sex relationships constitute the most outspoken opponents of gay marriage in the United States. These critics, who fear that the recognition of gay partnerships threatens the institution of marriage, have spearheaded legislative efforts to explicitly restrict the definition of marriage to heterosexual couples.
3. liberal activist (Line 1, Para. 4)
— A liberal activist is one who fights for liberal causes and speaks out or organizes to do so.
美英报刊阅读教程高级本精选版课后练习题含答案 (2)
精选练习题1.根据文章中的信息回答问题文章标题:Living with RobotsAccording to a new report, robots are going to have a big impact on our lives in the future. The report predicts that within the next 10 years, robots will be part of our everyday lives in avariety of ways.One area where robots are already being used is in the home.For example, there are already robots that can help with housework, like vacuuming and doing the dishes. There are also robots beingdeveloped that can help older people live independently for longer.Question: What is the report about?Answer: The report predicts that within the next 10 years, robots will be part of our everyday lives in a variety of ways.2.根据单词或短语填空文章标题:The Benefits of Learning a Second LanguageStudies have shown that learning a second language has many benefits for the brn. It can improve cognitive function and delay the onset of Alzheimer’s di sease.Fill in the gaps with the correct words or phrases:–Learning a second language can improve _______ function and _______ the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.Answer: cognitive, delay3.根据上下文填空文章标题:The Future of Space TravelThere have been many exciting developments in space travel in recent years. However, some experts are concerned about the risks involved in sending astronauts on long missions to other planets.Fill in the gaps with the correct words:–There have been many exciting developments in _______ travel in recent years.–Some experts are concerned about the risks involved in sending astronauts on _______ missions to other planets.Answer: space, long4.根据性质分类文章标题:The Science of DreamsDreams are a natural part of the sleep cycle. They are produced by the brn during REM sleep, which occurs several timesduring the night. Dreams can be vivid and complex, and are ofteninfluenced by our thoughts and experiences during the day.Classify the following into natural or influenced by thoughts and experiences:–Vivid and complex dreams–Dreams produced during REM sleepAnswer: Vivid and complex dreams are influenced by thoughts and experiences. Dreams produced during REM sleep are natural.5.根据情境回答问题文章标题:The Importance of ReadingReading is an important skill that can help you in many areas of your life. It can improve your vocabulary andcomprehension skills, and can also help you to relax and reducestress.Question: How can reading help you in your life?Answer: Reading can improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills, and can also help you to relax and reduce stress.结语本文提供了几道精选练习题,旨在帮助读者更好地巩固所学知识,提高阅读能力。
Lesson one Home at last1. Not only had China changed dramatically since most of them had left but also the nation could offer more personal freedoms and economic opportunities than ever before.2. Most of them like to go in for ecommerce.3. Because IT is the leading industry now.4. They want to gain experience in the States before they come back.5. It is the complicated relationship and the uncertainty of our human resource management system.6. It means some of the HBS elite have made their final decision to return to China to serve their country.Lesson two1.Osaka: nearly complet exclusion of non-JP companies from the project , built at the zenith of JP’seconomic powerGuangzhou: nearly completely designed and engineered by foreign companies, developing country with low-wage work force.2.Openness combined with China’s vast population of 1.3 billion. Potential size of its market.3.Its immense and low-paid work force.4.第一小问:Not necessary.第二:Yes, it is especially susceptible to economic booms and busts. At the same time, China’s one-party system may struggle to adapt to the social tensions brought to the surface by rapid economicdevelopment.第三:No, China’s strengths and using the experience of JP for reference.5.Fast development +vast population of 1.3 billion+ military muscle +increasing trade surplus.第二问:Trade with China. Cheaper labor=Cheaper products=preference of made-in-China=fewer sale of made-in US=fewer products of US factories=fewer job forUS.第三问;No, China’s strengths,especially the cheap labor advantage are partially the reason of theunemployment in US. The fast development cannot being undertaking without drawing any attention or attack.6.Susceptible to economic booms and bustsEconomic bubbleUnemployed adultsAcute setbacksLesson Three China finds western ways bring news woes1. The writer thinks that the best way to appreciate how much changed in China has is to examine the people themselves: what they eat and drink now and how dangerously overweight more than one-fifth of adults are.2. Traditional Chinese lifestyle emphasizes restraint while the Western lifestyle emphasizes indulgence. The change from Traditional lifestyle to Western indulgence will affect public health strongly: deaths fromdiet-related illnesses are expected to increase 10 times faster than population growth. And the increase in health care costs could slow down the economic development.3. Less exercise and more fat in the diet. Because people have more money than before.4. YES. He believes that increased supplies of alcohol, together with the rising disposable income, have stimulated drinking.5. YES. Unhealthy eating and drinking may cause diseases like heart attack, stroke and adult-onset diabetes, and the government will have to spend more money to treat these diseases.Lesson four 保护名胜古迹刻不容缓1.What activities are harming ancient Buddhist grottoes?Too many tourists and their breathing are harming them.2.Who turned the caves into the painted shrines?It was the travelers along the old silk road.3.Are murals in good shape.No, they are not in good shape. Many of them are already sagging or peeling from walls, and their delicate beauty is fading away. Others have deteriorated beyond repair efforts.4.Why is it difficult for the authorities to prevent them from being destroyed?Money is at the root of the problem. China is a poor nation. Local governments have little money left over for cultural conservation.5.Does the Chinese government value the preservation of those historical and cultural sites?Yes, it does. For instance, it has given award to the Getty Conservation Institute for its contributions to the preservation of them at Dunhuang.6.Why did Mr. Neville Agn ew say “ tourism and conservation are good partners”?If you can make a good connection, they are. In other words, if you can allocate part of the money earned from tourism to conservation, and don’t turn to tourism as a cash cow, they will be good partners.Lesson five The evolution wars1. in the late fall. This is a challenge to Darwin’s theory which is widely regarded as one of the best-supported ideas in science since it comes from decades of study and objective evidence. Till now Darwin’s theory is the only explanation for the rich variety of life forms on Earth, so scientists fell horrible.2. Bush supports the idea of introducing both evolutionism and intelligent design in biology class. His attitude will further provoke battles on the topic and even bring more political and competitive pressure on science.3. NO. Because Darwin’s theory has conflicted with people’s religious convictions. The “monkey trial” was a famous case, in which Tennessee school teacher was convicted of violating the ban of teaching evolution in 1925. That was a big war between creationism and evolutionism.4. Living things are too exquisitely complex to have evolved by a combination of chance mutations and natural selection. Some pieces in the fossil record that may prove the evolution process are missing.5. NO. The earlier anti-Darwinists, mostly creationists, regarded evolution as a heresy and they openly claimed the role of God. But the proponents of intelligent design accept some role of evolution and they avoid bringing God into the discussion.6. They think the intelligent design is faith-based, so the debate about evolution is not a real scientific argument.7. Because it is difficult for people to argue over such benign and earnest language. This can even make people feel the theory a scientific one and avoid violation against the Constitution.8. 开放性问题。
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Lesson 4VI.1. They found those Korean-Americans isolated and helpless, and recognized the attacks as a threat to Asians as a whole. For many Asian-Americans, the riots represented as an assault on their faith in America.2. The total population of Asian-Americans is about 7.3 million. Nearly 2.5 million arrived during the 1980s. The fastest increasing groups are Koreans and Vietnamese. About half of Asian immigrants settle on the Pacific coast while hundreds of thousands move on to New York and dozens of cities in between.3. They were brought to the United States in the 1860s to work on continental railroads as coolies. They were ill-treated and vilified as a “population befouled with all the social vices”. In 1887, there occurred the Snake River Massacre in Oregon, in which 31 Chinese were robbed and murdered.4. Asian families earn an average of $35,900 per year, more than the average for white families. However, as the Asian family is larger, their per capita income is actually less than that of white people.5. They are called the “model minority” because of their superiority to other races in habits of study and work. They are said to embody the American Dream of hard work, thrift and success. Asians, however, rebel against the model-minority label as another insidious stereotype. They think that it is a subtly racist excuse not to help underprivileged Asians and to hold back even average Asians on the ground that they already have “natural” advantages.6. Because they believe that Asian-Americans have accepted the white mainstream culture and white people love them for everything the blacks are not.7. They are making great efforts to preserve and acquire the Asian culture by improving their original language proficiency, attacking the model minority image and Asians who forget their original culture.8. The main obstacles are skin color and lack of English proficiency.9. The Indo-Chinese group is most noted for street gang activities. The main cause is unemployment.10. The ties within each small Asian group are close and family connections are strong. A key link in the system is rotating credit association. However, many Asians lack a larger sense of unity and bring ancient rivalries from native countries. Most Asian support groups are based on nationality or even smaller units.OutlineI. Impact of the Los Angeles riots(1—2)1. Korean sufferings and helpless state2. Assault on Asian-Americans’ faith in AmericaII. Racial bias against Asian-Americans(3—7)1. Asian immigrants’ uglified image in the past2. Present model-minority label and its harmful effects3. Resentment against Asians for their success and behavior4. Asians’ isolation from the rest of the society5. Boycotts and assaults on Asian businessesIII. American culture’s influence(8—12)1. Fast increase of Asian immigrants wishing to realize the American Dream2. Second generation’s tendency to abandon Asian values3. Identity crisis resulting from two cultures’ pull4. Young people’s efforts to preserve the original culture5. The least assimilated group: Chinatown residentsIV. Discrimination against Asians(13—17)1. Hurdles for assimilation2. Glass ceiling3. UnemploymentV. Similarities and differences between Asians and Blacks(18—21)1. Similar sufferings2. Similar spiritualities3. Asian-Americans’ less difficulty in shrugging off the legacy of discrimination4. First-generation Asian immigrants’ incredibly hardworking and thrifty characterVI. Asians’ ties and political status(22—24)1. Close community ties2. Lack of a larger sense of unity3. Underrepresentation at all government levelsVII. Author’s view concerning the development of Asians’ sentiment(25) Unlikely to become a wider political movementLesson 6Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. DVI.1. Because they regard First Amendment freedom as essential American rights and will not allow any restriction on it.2. Because it holds the view that the reform will place restriction on individual rights and therefore should be fiercely resisted.3. Because the situation is not the same as before. In the 1950s, McCarthy and his inquisitors trampled the free expression of left-wing view; and so for the next two decades or so it was essential to defend the principle of free speech at every opportunity. Now the free speech is not in jeopardy, it should not be rigidly defended.4. Mr. Neuborne holds that in modern political campaign rich candidates flood voters with commercials and propaganda of every kind, so that others have no chance of attracting attention. Poor candidates may enjoy the right to speak, but not the hope that everyone will hear what theyhave to say. To give them a hearing, he suggests that the speech of rich candidates be limited.5. The authors mean that the situation now is different from that of the 1960s. Americans should not abide by the same principle in spite of the change of time. In the 1960s heyday, the ACLU was absolutely correct in upholding citizens’ rights against the police and other authorities. This was because they did not reflect the inte rests of America’s black minority. However, all that has now changed: many policemen, and police chiefs, are black, as are many mayors. If these leaders, reflecting the wishes of their constituencies, choose to adopt tough measures to fight crime, the ACLU should not presume to second-guess them. It’s time to adopt a different attitude.6. The ACLU’s rigid defence of rights ends up favoring the strong more than the weak.7. He thinks that America’s free speech has a price. Though America has been one of the freest countries in the world, it is one of those in which the gap between the rich and poor is the starkest.OutlineI. The burial of the campaign finance reform and its implications(1)II. Two sides’ views on the reform(2)1. Opponents’ view2. Majority’s viewIII. American public’s qualified support for free speech(3—5)1. Firm belief in the first amendment2. Strong support for the campaign finance reform3. Deep split within the ACLU over the campaign financeIV. Criticism of the ACLU’s rigid defence of rights(6—11)1. Burt Neuborne’s view on the ACLU’s line on campaign spending2. Tracey Meares and Dan Kahan’s criticism of the ACLU’s other issuesV. Author’s comment(12) Liberty has a price.Lesson 7Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. BVI.1. It indicates that Microsoft corp. has tight control over the software business.2. The present honeymoon will not last long. The industry does not speak with one voice. At the same time, their success has greatly damaged the interests of other industries. So there will be troubles ahead. Besides this, there’s also potential for a huge culture clash. A lot of Silicon Valley types don’t realize the importance of politics and have disdain for government.3. President Clinton promised to keep the Internet tax-free for now and Hewlett Packard Co. won approval to export sophisticated cryptography chips. The 1986 semiconductor trade agreement was signed to stop the dumping of Japanese chips in the US and set market-share goals for US chips in Japan.4. The industry believes that government should do what it needs to do but leave them alone. The software tycoons have little patience for bureaucratic oversight and tend to be uncompromising. The hardware tycoons are willing to look for compromise.5. They are: easing immigration restriction; securities-litigation reform and ending export limit of encryption technology.6. The Internet and electronic commerce have been rearranging the business landscape—changing how Americans buy everything. They are spreading into all sorts of digital services, from entertainment to online banking to telephony.7. Because high-tech leaders have realized that the industry’s future is less about technology and more about policy.OutlineI. Close contact between high tech industry and Washington politicians(1—2)1. Specific example: Bill Gates and Scott G. McNealy’s attendance at the March 3 hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee2. Increasing contact between high tech industry and Washington policy makersII. Reasons for the close relationship(3—6)1. High tech industry’s fast expansion and the appearance of more issues2. Politicians’ strong interest in the job growth industry3. Increasing conflicts between high tech industry and other industries4. High tech industry’s urgent need for solution to many problemsIII. Relationship between high tech industry and government(7—11)1. Good relationship at present2. Difficulties in maintaining the honeymoon3. Need for high tech new executives to learn lobbyingIV. Efforts made by high tech companies at lobbying(12—14)1. Computer companies’ fight for a high-definition TV format2. The establishment of Washington offices3. Crusade to fight alleged Japanese dumping of computer chipsV. Problems with the high tech industry(15—16)1. Lack of unity2. Little patience for bureaucratic oversightVI. Objectives of the high tech executives(17—18)1. Easing immigration restriction and securities litigation reform2. Ending limit on the export encryption technologyVII. Prospects(19) High tech executives will quickly learn how to play the Washington political gameLesson 12Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. BVI.1. The market situation of the sales in the United States is much better than ever before. Many bookstores report increases of over 30%.2. America’s bookstores offer a rich diversity of Bibles to suit people’s different needs and comprehension levels. The 270 stores in the Family Christian Stores chain might carry 200 different titles. Customers now have more choices in format, bindings, boxing and pricing. All new Bibles claim improved scholarship, better readability and more relevance.3. The advance of technology has made it possible to publish more quickly and less expensively. Therefore, it has helped to speeden new Bible production and shorten the shelf life of Bibles.4. In order to meet readers’ different needs, publishers produce specialty Bibles and Bibles with notes and comments.5. The initialism NIV stands for the New International Version.6. The notes and comments in the new Bible would produce the adverse effects of leading the reader off the right page theologically and remaking God in the writer’s own image.OutlineI. Fast increase of Bible sales(1—5)II. Rich diversity of Bible versions and variations(6—17)1. More choices in bindings, boxings and pricing2. Different kinds of Bibles serving different purposes3. Different Bibles claiming improved scholarship and readability4. An explosion of format choicesIII. Reasons for the rich diversity(18—25)1. Advance of technology2. Bible companies’ desire for their market shares3. Customers’ wish for specialty versions suiting their specific needsIV. Possible adverse effects of the notes and comments(26—35)1. Leading the reader off the right page theologically2. Remarking God in one’s own imageLesson 15Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. AVI.1. Americans transfer less money among themselves for such things as social security and welfare.2. It is the measure of “fiscal drag”—the burden taxes place upon an economy.3. It refers to funds that go from one citizen’s pocket to another’s with the government as intermediary.4. High-tax, high-transfer countries tend to be culturally cohesive. America is a melting pot. It is a more diverse society. People are reluctant to contribute to the public spending.5. Lower taxes. More services and more spending.6. They would shoulder higher taxes if they could be sure that doing so would make life better for themselves, their children and their children’s children. A great ma jority would pay more if they could be guaranteed the money would go to education or health insurance or even housing for the homeless. They are willing to pay for the direct and visible services.OutlineI. American’s tax load compared with people of other countries(1—3)1. Lighter load according to OECD’s finding2. More complaints about taxes according to opinion polls3. Author’s view on OECD’s findingII. Similarities and differences between America and other countries in taxes(4—9)1. Similaritya. Allocation of similar proportion of GDP to governmentb. Effect of the allocation on economy: fiscal dragc. US tax payers’ strong sense of fiscal drag2. Difference: US less transfer paymentsa. America’s capability to increase transfer paymentsb. Reasons for US less transfer paymentsUS less cultural cohesion caused by the society’s diversity;Government’s less spending for infrastructureIII. Public’s sentiment over taxes(10—12)1. Willingness to pay more for worthwhile causes such as education and pollution control2. Hatred for bureaucrats’ waste of taxpayers’ money3. Tendency to want it both ways: lower taxes, but more servicesResult: huge federal deficitLesson 17Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. DVI.1. Alcohol poisoning caused Wynne’s death. The autopsy of Wynne found that he had a blood alcohol level six times the amount at which the state considers a person intoxicated.2. Excessive drinking among college students has been blamed for at least six deaths in the year before the writing of the article. It affects not only the bingers but also fellow students, who are more likely to report lost sleep, interrupted studies and sexual assaults on campuses with high binge-drinking rates. Sometimes it may cause riots.3. The most important factor is the campus culture encouraging students to drink, and drink heavily. At many colleges, school life is still synonymous with alcohol-lubricated gatherings. College newspapers are filled with alcohol-related ads. On many campuses, bars send shuttle buses to round up students.4. The act of raising the legal drinking age from 18 to 21 can not solve the problem. Many drink at private parties off campus, with an older student buying the alcohol. Bars’enforcement of the drinking age is often lax, false IDs are common, and legal-age friends are often willing to buy the drinks and bring them back to the table. Instead of drinking in well-monitored settings, the young often experiment in private homes and bars, where there are few checks in place to deter dangerous practices. Research suggests that making alcohol illegal may give it an illicit thrill for younger drinkers. So raising the age may have made the binge problem even worse.5. To solve the binge problem, many colleges hand out literature and hold workshops to educate students about responsible drinking. In addition, they penalize campus groups that sponsor reckless parties.6. No, it’s far from enough just to ban alcohol on campus, for it does nothing about the excessive drinking off-campus. So, colleges should work with the larger community to ensure that students cannot abuse alcohol at private homes and bars.OutlineI. Specific example: Wynne’s death of alcohol poisoning(1)II. General situation: Pervasive binge drinking on campuses(2—3)1. A common problem with most schools2. Huge yearly consumption of alcohol3. Harmful effects on the bingers and fellow studentsIII. Causes for the campus binge problem(4—5)1. Binge-encouraging culture: alcohol-lubricated gatherings; college newspapers’advertising; bars’ shuttle-bus service2. Off-campus wide-availability and high promotion of alcoholIV. Measures taken by many colleges to solve the binge problem(6—7)1. Education through literature and workshops2. Punishment for campus groups for sponsoring reckless parties3. Ban on alcohol consumption on campusesV. Author’s recommended measures(8—9)1. Working with the larger community to stop off-campus alcohol abuse2. Encouraging on-campus responsible drinking for those of legal drinking ageLesson21Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. BVI.1. He took two of his father’s guns from an unlocked cabinet and a third from a family car. He had learnt to fire weapons from his father.2. He means that Barry Loukaitis’ shooting in many respects showed the way in which America’s school yard killings would occur. More recent school killings followed the pattern of Barry Loukaitis’ shooting.3. The violent pop culture predisposed kids to violent behavior. It produced a profound cultural influence pulling kids into a world where violence is a perfectly normal way to handle emotions.4. It shows a very serious problem: American juveniles are becoming violent, callous andremorseless. More kids have mental disorders and their mental problems occur earlier.5. Most earlier killings were gang-related, or they were stabbings involving money or a girl friend. However, most recent killings were shootings done by kids with mental troubles. The victims were chosen at random.6. Yes, they gave ample warning signs, often in detailed writings at school, of dramatic violent outbursts to come. However, adults never took the threats and warning signs seriously. They simply overlooked them.7. Juvenile suicide rates have increased over the last four decades and have leveled off near their all-time highs. More than 1.5 million Americans under age 15 are seriously depressed.8. Because they were strapped for mental health counselors.9. Their parents or grandparents did not lock guns out of kids’ reach. Some of them even bought them guns and taught them how to use the guns.OutlineI. Specific example: Barry Loukaitis’ shooting on Feb. 2, 1996(1—4)II. Common traits of school yard killings after Barry’s shooting(5—14)1. Mental state: displaying problems2. Instruments for killing: easy access to guns3. Culture’s influence: immersion in gun culture and obsession with violent pop culture4. Signs of violence: showing ample signs, which, however, are overlookedIII. Striking changes of school yard killings in type over the last six years(15—27)1. Most earlier killings: gang-related stabbings; fights over money or a girl friend2. Most killings after Barry’s shooting: use of guns; random choices of victims; mental troubles3. Examples: Barry Loukaitis; an Alaskan boy; Luke Woodham in Mississippi; Michael Carneal in Kentucky; a 13-year-old boy in ArkansasIV. Analysis of the Causes(28—41)1. Mood disorders happening earlier & shortage of mental health counselors2. Easy access to guns: unlocked; parents’ teaching; holiday gifts; taking courses3. Pop culture’s influence: violent video shows and video games; gangster rap。