毕业设计外文文献地源热泵和空气 - 水热泵

devices that draw heat from the ground (with horizontal ground heat exchangers) and heat the building are called ground source heat pumps GSHP, Figure 1; devices that draw heat from the external air and heat the building using a water heating system are called air-to-water heat pumps A&WHP, Figure 2. Comparing the efficiency of GSHP and A&WHP in cold climate areas it is necessary to pay attention to the following aspects: A&WHP should be operated at temperatures of ambient air below −20˚C or even down to −30˚C and using additional heat sources (electrical heaters) might be necessary [1]; soil temperatures in the depth of the horizontal ground heat collector decrease to the freezing point (0˚C) in winter and the soil around the collector pipes might be frozen [2]; a rather low floor heating water temperature regime (35/30˚C) should be used in order to achieve the best possible COP value of heat pumps [2].


在实际情况中,源热泵系统由于没有设备暴露在外部的环境中,花在维修方面的费用是比较低的(Cane, et al. 1998).虽然已经有一些地源热泵系统技术在斯堪的那维亚半岛得到发展,但是其商业上的开发利用却是在美国做得最好。

浅析地暖供热系统设计中英文对照Analysis of floor heating system design in Chinese and English.能源问题和环境问题是我国建设和谐社会的必须要面对的两大难题。
一、地暖的特点The problem of energy and environment are two major problems in China's construction of a harmonious society must face. We therefore on building energy conservation technology research, not only can promote energy conservation and reasonable utilization of resources, ease the contradiction between energy supply and the development of economic society in China, but also for accelerating the development of recycling economy, achieve sustainable economic and social development, play a decisive role. Therefore, floor heating system and comfortable, energy-saving and low operation cost by us more and more, such as the energy to overcome the large, poor comfort, difficult to calculate household, occupation of the using area of the room etc.. One, warm (1)舒适度高、卫生保健。

Refrigeration System Performance using Liquid-Suction Heat ExchangersS. A. Klein, D. T. Reindl, and K. BroWnellCollege of EngineeringUniversity of Wisconsin - MadisonAbstractHeat transfer devices are provided in many refrigeration systems to exchange energy betWeen the cool gaseous refrigerant leaving the evaporator and Warm liquid refrigerant exiting the condenser. These liquid-suction or suction-line heat exchangers can, in some cases, yield improved system performance While in other cases they degrade system performance. Although previous researchers have investigated performance of liquid-suction heat exchangers, this study can be distinguished from the previous studies in three Ways. First, this paper identifies a neW dimensionless group to correlate performance impacts attributable to liquid-suction heat exchangers. Second, the paper extends previous analyses to include neW refrigerants. Third, the analysis includes the impact of pressure drops through the liquid-suction heat exchanger on system performance. It is shoWn that reliance on simplified analysis techniques can lead to inaccurate conclusions regarding the impact of liquid-suction heat exchangers on refrigeration system performance. From detailed analyses, it can be concluded that liquid-suction heat exchangers that have a minimal pressure loss on the loW pressure side are useful for systems using R507A, R134a, R12, R404A, R290, R407C, R600, and R410A. The liquid-suction heat exchanger is detrimental to system performance in systems using R22, R32, and R717.IntroductionLiquid-suction heat exchangers are commonly installed in refrigeration systems With the intent of ensuring proper system operation and increasing system performance.Specifically, ASHRAE(1998) states that liquid-suction heat exchangers are effective in:1) increasing the system performance2) subcooling liquid refrigerant to prevent flash gas formation at inlets to expansion devices3) fully evaporating any residual liquid that may remain in the liquid-suction prior to reaching the compressor(s)Figure 1 illustrates a simple direct-expansion vapor compression refrigeration system utilizing a liquid-suction heat exchanger. In this configuration, high temperature liquid leaving the heat rejection device (an evaporative condenser in this case) is subcooled prior to being throttled to the evaporator pressure by an expansion device such as a thermostatic expansion valve. The sink for subcoolingthe liquid is loW temperature refrigerant vapor leaving the evaporator. Thus, the liquid-suction heat exchanger is an indirect liquid-to-vapor heat transfer device. The vapor-side of the heat exchanger (betWeen the evaporator outlet and the compressor suction) is often configured to serve as an accumulator thereby further minimizing the risk of liquid refrigerant carrying-over to the compressor suction. In cases Where the evaporator alloWs liquid carry-over, the accumulator portion of the heat exchanger Will trap and, over time, vaporize the liquid carryover by absorbing heat during the process of subcooling high-side liquid.BackgroundStoecker and Walukas (1981) focused on the influence of liquid-suction heat exchangers in both single temperature evaporator and dual temperature evaporator systems utilizing refrigerant mixtures. Their analysis indicated that liquid-suction heat exchangers yielded greater performance improvements When nonazeotropic mixtures Were used compared With systems utilizing single component refrigerants or azeoptropic mixtures. McLinden (1990) used the principle of corresponding states to evaluate the anticipated effects of neW refrigerants. He shoWed that the performance of a system using a liquid-suction heat exchanger increases as the ideal gas specific heat (related to the molecular complexity of the refrigerant) increases. Domanski and Didion (1993) evaluated the performance of nine alternatives to R22 including the impact of liquid-suction heat exchangers. Domanski et al. (1994) later extended the analysis by evaluating the influence of liquid-suction heat exchangers installed in vapor compression refrigeration systems considering 29 different refrigerants in a theoretical analysis. Bivens et al. (1994) evaluated a proposed mixture to substitute for R22 in air conditioners and heat pumps. Their analysis indicated a 6-7% improvement for the alternative refrigerant system When system modifications included a liquid-suction heat exchanger and counterfloW system heat exchangers (evaporator and condenser). Bittle et al. (1995a) conducted an experimental evaluation of a liquid-suction heat exchanger applied in a domestic refrigerator using R152a. The authors compared the system performance With that of a traditional R12-based system. Bittle et al. (1995b) also compared the ASHRAE method for predicting capillary tube performance (including the effects of liquid-suction heat exchangers) With experimental data. Predicted capillary tube mass floW rates Were Within 10% of predicted values and subcooling levels Were Within 1.7 C (3F) of actual measurements.This paper analyzes the liquid-suction heat exchanger to quantify its impact on system capacity and performance (expressed in terms of a system coefficient of performance, COP). The influence of liquid-suction heat exchanger size over a range of operating conditions (evaporating and condensing) is illustrated and quantified using a number of alternative refrigerants. Refrigerants included in the present analysis are R507A, R404A, R600, R290,R134a, R407C, R410A, R12, R22, R32, and R717. This paper extends the results presented in previous studies in that it considers neW refrigerants, it specifically considers the effects of the pressure drops,and it presents general relations for estimating the effect of liquid-suction heat exchangers for any refrigerant.Heat Exchanger EffectivenessThe ability of a liquid-suction heat exchanger to transfer energy from the Warm liquid to the cool vapor at steady-state conditions is dependent on the size and configuration of the heat transfer device. The liquid-suction heat exchanger performance, expressed in terms of an effectiveness, is a parameter in the analysis. The effectiveness of the liquid-suction heat exchanger is defined in equation (1):Where the numeric subscripted temperature (T) values correspond to locations depicted in Figure 1. The effectiveness is the ratio of the actual to maximum possible heat transfer rates. It is related to the surface area of the heat exchanger. A zero surface area represents a system Without a liquid-suction heat exchanger Whereas a system having an infinite heat exchanger area corresponds to an effectiveness of unity.The liquid-suction heat exchanger effects the performance of a refrigeration system by in fluencing both the high and loW pressure sides of a system. Figure 2 shoWs the key state points for a vapor compression cycle utilizing an idealized liquid-suction heat exchanger on a pressure-enthalpy diagram. The enthalpy of the refrigerant leaving the condenser (state 3) is decreased prior to entering the expansion device (state 4) by rejecting energy to the vapor refrigerant leaving the evaporator (state 1) prior to entering the compressor (state 2). Pressure losses are not shoWn. The cooling of the condensate that occurs on the high pressure side serves to increase the refrigeration capacity and reduce the likelihood of liquid refrigerant flashing prior to reaching the expansion device. On the loW pressure side, the liquid-suction heat exchanger increases the temperature of the vapor entering the compressor and reduces the refrigerant pressure, both of Which increase the specific volume of the refr igerant and thereby decrease the mass floW rate and capacity. A major benefit of the liquid-suction heat exchanger is that it reduces the possibility of liquid carry-over from the evaporator Which could harm the compressor. Liquid carryover can be readily caused by a number of factors that may include Wide fluctuations in evaporator load and poorly maintained expansiondevices (especially problematic for thermostatic expansion valves used in ammonia service).(翻译)冷却系统利用流体吸热交换器克来因教授,布兰顿教授, , 布朗教授威斯康辛州的大学–麦迪逊摘录加热装置在许多冷却系统中被用到,用以制冷时遗留在蒸发器中的冷却气体和离开冷凝器发热流体之间的能量的热交换.这些流体吸收或吸收热交换器,在一些情形中,他们降低了系统性能, 然而系统的某些地方却得到了改善. 虽然以前研究员已经调查了流体吸热交换器的性能, 但是这项研究可能从早先研究的三种方式被加以区别. 首先,这份研究开辟了一个无限的崭新的与流体吸热交换器有关联的群体.其次,这份研究拓宽了早先的分析包括新型制冷剂。

Thermal comfort in the future - Excellence and expectationP. Ole Fanger and Jørn ToftumInternational Centre for Indoor Environment and EnergyTechnical University of DenmarkAbstractThis paper predicts some trends foreseen in the new century as regards the indoor environment and thermal comfort. One trend discussed is the search for excellence, upgrading present standards that aim merely at an “acceptable” condition with a substantial number of dissatisfied. An important element in this connection is individual thermal control. A second trend is to acknowledge that elevated air temperature and humidity have a strong negative impact on perceived air quality and ventilation requirements. Future thermal comfort and IAQ standards should include these relationships as a basis for design. The PMV model has been validated in the field in buildings with HVAC systems that were situated in cold, temperate and warm climates and were studied during both summer and winter. In non-air-conditioned buildings in warm climates occupants may sense the warmth as being less severe than the PMV predicts, due to low expectations. An extension of the PMV model that includes an expectancy factor is proposed for use in non-air-conditioned buildings in warm climates. The extended PMV model agrees well with field studies inon-air-conditioned buildings of three continents.Keywords: PMV, Thermal sensation, Individual control, Air quality, AdaptationA Search for ExcellencePresent thermal comfort standards (CEN ISO 7730, ASHRAE 55) acknowledge that there are considerable individual differences between people’s thermal sensation and their discomfort caused by local effects, i.e. by air movement. In a collective indoor climate, the standards prescribe a compromise that allows for a significant number of people feeling too warm or too cool. They also allow for air velocities that will be felt as a draught by a substantial percentage of the occupants.In the future this will in many cases be considered as insufficient. There will be a demand for systems that allow all persons in a space to feel comfortable. The obvious wayto achieve this is to move from the collective climate to the individually controlled local climate. In offices, individual thermal control of each workplace will be common. The system should allow for individual control of the general thermal sensation without causing any draught or other local discomfort. We know the range of operative temperatures required in a workplace to satisfy nearly everybody (Wyon 1996; Fanger 1970) and we know the sensitivity to draught from a wide range of studies. A search for excellence involves providing all persons in a space with the means to feel thermally comfortable without compromise.Thermal Comfort and IAQPresent standards treat thermal comfort and indoor air quality separately, indicating that they are independent of each other. Recent research documents that this is not true (Fang et al. 1999; Toftum et al. 1998). The air temperature and humidity combined in the enthalpy have a strong impact on perceived air quality, and perceived air quality determines the required ventilation in ventilation standards. Research has shown that dry and cool air is perceived as being fresh and pleasant while the same composition of air at an elevated temperature and humidity is perceived as stale and stuffy. During inhalation it is the convective and evaporative cooling of the mucous membrane in the nose that is essential for the fresh and pleasant sensation. Warm and humid air is perceived as being stale and stuffy due to the lack of nasal cooling. This may be interpreted as a local warm discomfort in the nasal cavity. The PMV model is the basis for existing thermal comfort standards. It is quite flexible and allows for the determination of a wide range of air temperatures and humidities that result in thermal neutrality for the body as a whole. But the inhaled air would be perceived as being very different within this wide range of air temperatures and humidities. An example: light clothing and an elevated air velocity or cooled ceiling, an air temperature of 28ºC and a relative humidity of 60% may givePMV=0, but the air quality would be perceived as stale and stuffy. A simultaneous request for high perceived air quality would require an air temperature of 20-22oC and a modest air humidity. Moderate air temperature and humidity decrease also SBS symptoms (Krogstad et al. 1991, Andersson et al. 1975) and the ventilation requirement, thus saving energy during the heating season. And even with air-conditioning it may be beneficial and save energy during the cooling season.PMV model and the adaptive modelThe PMV model is based on extensive American and European experiments involving over a thousand subjects exposed to well-controlled environments (Fanger 1970). The studies showed that the thermal sensation is closely related to the thermal load on the effector mechanisms of the human thermoregulatory system. The PMV model predicts the thermal sensation as a function of activity, clothing and the four classical thermal environmental parameters. The advantage of this is that it is a flexible tool that includes all the major variables influencing thermal sensation. It quantifies the absolute and relative impact of these six factors and can therefore be used in indoor environments with widely differing HVAC systems as well as for different activities and different clothing habits. The PMV model has been validated in climate chamber studies in Asia (de Dear et al. 1991; Tanabe et al. 1987) as well as in the field, most recently in ASHRAE’s worldwide research in buildings with HVAC systems that were situated in cold, temperate and warm climates and were studied during both summer and winter (Cena et al. 1998; Donini et al. 1996; de Dear et al. 1993a; Schiller et al. 1988). The PMV is developed for steady-state conditions but it has been shown to apply with good approximation at the relatively slow fluctuations of the environmental parameters typically occurring indoors. Immediately after an upward step-wise change of temperature, the PMV model predicts well the thermal sensation, while it takes around 20 min at temperature down-steps (de Dear et al. 1993b).Field studies in warm climates in buildings without air-conditioning have shown, however, that the PMV model predicts a warmer thermal sensation than the occupants actually feel (Brager and de Dear 1998). For such non-air-conditioned buildings an adaptive model has been proposed (de Dear and Brager 1998). This model is a regression equation that relates the neutral temperature indoors to the monthly average temperature outdoors. The only variable is thus the average outdoor temperature, which at its highest may have an indirect impact on the human heat balance. An obvious weakness of the adaptive model is that it does not include human clothing or activity or the four classical thermal parameters that have a well-known impact on the human heat balance and therefore on the thermal sensation. Although the adaptive model predicts the thermal sensation quite well for non-air-conditioned buildings of the 1900’s located in warm parts of the world, the question remains as to how well it would suit buildings of new types in the future where the occupants have a different clothing behaviour and a different activity pattern.Why then does the PMV model seem to overestimate the sensation of warmth in nonair-conditioned buildings in warm climates? There is general agreement thatphysiological acclimatization does not play a role. One suggested explanation is that openable windows in naturally ventilated buildings should provide a higher level of personal control than in air-conditioned buildings. We do not believe that this is true in warm climates. Although an openable window sometimes may provide some control of air temperature and air movement, this applies only to the persons who work close to a window. What happens to persons in the office who work far away from the window? And in warm climates, the normal strategy in naturally ventilated buildings is to cool the building during the night and then close the windows some time during the morning when the outdoor temperature exceeds the indoor temperature. Another obstacle is of course traffic noise, which makes open windows in many areas impossible. We believe that in warm climates air-conditioning with proper thermostatic control in each space provides a better perceived control than openable windows.Another factor suggested as an explanation to the difference is the expectations of the occupants. We think this is the right factor to explain why the PMV overestimates the thermal sensation of occupants in non-air-conditioned buildings in warm climates. These occupants are typically people who have been living in warm environments indoors and outdoors, maybe even through generations. They may believe that it is their “destiny” to live in environments where they feel warmer than neutral. If given a chance they may not on average prefer an environment that is different from that chosen by people who are used to air-conditioned buildings. But it is likely that they would judge a given warm environment as less severe and less unacceptable than would people who are used toair-conditioning. This may be expressed by an expectancy factor, e, to be multiplied with PMV to reach the mean thermal sensation vote of the occupants of the actualnon-air-conditioned building in a warm climate. The factor e may vary between 1 and 0.5. It is 1 for air-conditioned buildings. For non-air-conditioned buildings, the expectancy factor is assumed to depend on the duration of the warm weather over the year and whether such buildings can be compared with many others in the region that are air-conditioned. If the weather is warm all year or most of the year and there are no or few otherair-conditioned buildings, e may be 0.5, while it may be 0.7 if there are many other buildings with air-conditioning. For non-air-conditioned buildings in regions where the weather is warm only during the summer and no or few buildings have air-conditioning, the expectancy factor may be 0.7 to 0.8, while it may be 0.8 to 0.9 where there are many air-conditioned buildings. In regions with only brief periods of warm weather during the summer, the expectancy factor may be 0.9 to 1. Table 1 proposes a first rough estimationof ranges for the expectancy factor corresponding to high, moderate and low degrees of expectation.A second factor that contributes erroneously to the difference between the PMV and actual thermal sensation votes in non-air-conditioned buildings is the estimated activity. In many field studies in offices, the metabolic rate is estimated on the basis of a questionnaire identifying the percentage of time the person was sedentary, standing, or walking. This mechanistic approach does not acknowledge the fact that people, when feeling warm, unconsciously tend to slow down their activity. They adapt to the warm environment by decreasing their metabolic rate. The lower pace in warm environments should be acknowledged by inserting a reduced metabolic rate when calculating the PMV.To examine these hypotheses further, data were downloaded from the database of thermal comfort field experiments (de Dear 1998). Only quality class II data obtained in non-air-conditioned buildings during the summer period in warm climates were used in the analysis. Data from four cities (Bangkok, Brisbane, Athens, and Singapore) were included, representing a total of more than 3200 sets of observations (Busch 1992, de Dear 1985, Baker 1995, de Dear et al. 1991). The data from these four cities with warm climates were also used for the development of the adaptive model (de Dear and Brager 1998).For each set of observations, recorded metabolic rates were reduced by 6.7% for every scale unit of PMV above neutral, i.e. a PMV of 1.5 corresponded to a reduction in the metabolic rate of 10%. Next, the PMV was recalculated with reduced metabolic rates using ASHRAE’s thermal comfort tool (Fountain and Huizenga 1997). The resulting PMV values were then adjusted for expectation by multiplication with expectancy factors estimated to be 0.9 for Brisbane, 0.7 for Athens and Singapore and 0.6 for Bangkok. As an average for each building included in the field studies, Figure 1 and Table 2 compare the observed thermal sensation with predictions using the new extended PMV model for warm climates.Figure 1. Thermal sensation in non-air-conditioned buildings in warm climates.Comparison of observed mean thermal sensation with predictions made using the new extension of the PMV model for non-air-conditioned buildings in warm climates. The linesare based on linear regression analysis weighted according to the number of responsesTable 2. Non-air-conditioned buildings in warm climates.Comparison of observed thermal sensation votes and predictions made using the newextension of the PMV model.The new extension of the PMV model for non-air-conditioned buildings in warmclimates predicts the actual votes well. The extension combines the best of the PMV andthe adaptive model. It acknowledges the importance of expectations already accounted forby the adaptive model, while maintaining the PMV model’s classical thermal parametersthat have direct impact on the human heat balance. It should also be noted that the newPMV extension predicts a higher upper temperature limit when the expectancy factor islow. People with low expectations are ready to accept a warmer indoor environment. Thisagrees well with the observations behind the adaptive model.Further analysis would be useful to refine the extension of the PMV model, and additional studies in non-air-conditioned buildings in warm climates in different parts of the world would be useful to further clarify expectation and acceptability among occupants. It would also be useful to study the impact of warm office environments on work pace and metabolic rate.ConclusionsThe PMV model has been validated in the field in buildings with HVAC systems, situated in cold, temperate and warm climates and studied during both summer and winter. In non-air-conditioned buildings in warm climates, occupants may perceive the warmth as being less severe than the PMV predicts, due to low expectations.An extension of the PMV model that includes an expectancy factor is proposed for use in non-air-conditioned buildings in warm climates.The extended PMV model agrees well with field studies in non-air-conditioned buildings in warm climates of three continents.A future search for excellence will demand that all persons in a space be thermally comfortable. This requires individual thermal control.Thermal comfort and air quality in a building should be considered simultaneously. A high perceived air quality requires moderate air temperature and humidity. AcknowledgementFinancial support for this study from the Danish Technical research Council is gratefully acknowledged.ReferencesAndersson, L.O., Frisk, P., Löfstedt, B., Wyon, D.P., (1975), Human responses to dry, humidified and intermittently humidified air in large office buildings. Swedish Building Research Document Series, D11/75.ASHRAE 55-1992: Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers, Inc.Baker, N. and Standeven, M. (1995), A Behavioural Approach to Thermal Comfort Assessment in Naturally Ventilated Buildings. Proceedings from CIBSE National Conference, pp 76-84.Brager G.S., de Dear R.J. (1998), Thermal adaptation in the built environment: a literature review. Energy and Buildings, 27, pp 83-96.Busch J.F. (1992), A tale of two populations: thermal comfort in air-conditioned and naturally ventilated offices in Thailand. Energy and Buildings, vol. 18, pp 235-249.CEN ISO 7730-1994: Moderate thermal environments - Determination of the PMV and PPD indices and specification of the conditions for thermal comfort. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva.Cena, K.M. (1998), Field study of occupant comfort and office thermal environments in a hot-arid climate. (Eds. Cena, K. and de Dear, R.). Final report, ASHRAE 921-RP, ASHRAE Inc., Atlanta.de Dear, R., Fountain, M., Popovic, S., Watkins, S., Brager, G., Arens, E., Benton, C., (1993a), A field study of occupant comfort and office thermal environments in a hot humid climate. Final report, ASHRAE 702 RP, ASHRAE Inc., Atlanta.de Dear, R., Ring, J.W., Fanger, P.O. (1993b), Thermal sensations resulting from sudden ambient temperature changes. Indoor Air, 3, pp 181-192.de Dear, R. J., Leow, K. G. and Foo, S.C. (1991), Thermal comfort in the humid tropics: Field experiments in air-conditioned and naturally ventilated buildings in Singapore. International Journal of Biometeorology, vol. 34, pp 259-265.de Dear, R.J. (1998), A global database of thermal comfort field experiments. ASHRAE Transactions, 104(1b), pp 1141-1152.de Dear, R.J. and Auliciems, A. (1985), Validation of the Predicted Mean Vote model of thermal comfort in six Australian field studies. ASHRAE Transactions, 91(2), pp 452- 468. de Dear, R.J., Brager G.S. (1998), Developing an adaptive model of thermal comfort and preference. ASHRAE Transactions, 104(1a), pp 145-167.de Dear, R.J., Leow, K.G., and Ameen, A. (1991), Thermal comfort in the humid tropics - Part I: Climate chamber experiments on temperature preferences in Singapore. ASHRAE Transactions 97(1), pp 874-879.Donini, G., Molina, J., Martello, C., Ho Ching Lai, D., Ho Lai, K., Yu Chang, C., La Flamme, M., Nguyen, V.H., Haghihat, F. (1996), Field study of occupant comfort and office thermal environments in a cold climate. Final report, ASHRAE 821 RP, ASHRAE Inc., Atlanta.Fang, L., Clausen, G., Fanger, P.O. (1999), Impact of temperature and humidity on chemical and sensory emissions from building materials. Indoor Air, 9, pp 193-201. Fanger, P.O. (1970), Thermal comfort. Danish Technical Press, Copenhagen, Denmark. Fouintain, M.E. and Huizenga, C. (1997), A thermal sensation prediction tool for use by the profession. ASHRAE Transactions, 103(2), pp 130-136.Humphreys, M.A. (1978), Outdoor temperatures and comfort indoors. Building Research and Practice, 6(2), pp 92-105.Krogstad, A.L., Swanbeck, G., Barregård, L., et al. (1991), Besvär vid kontorsarbete med olika temperaturer i arbetslokalen - en prospektiv undersökning (A prospective study of indoor climate problems at different temperatures in offices), Volvo Truck Corp., Göteborg, Sweden.Schiller, G.E., Arens, E., Bauman, F., Benton, C., Fountain, M., Doherty, T. (1988) A field study of thermal environments and comfort in office buildings. Final report, ASHRAE 462 RP, ASHRAE Inc., Atlanta.Tanabe, S., Kimura, K., Hara, T. (1987), Thermal comfort requirements during the summer season in Japan. ASHRAE Transactions, 93(1), pp 564-577.Toftum, J., Jørgensen, A.S., Fanger, P.O. (1998), Upper limits for air humidity for preventing warm respiratory discomfort. Energy and Buildings, 28(3), pp 15-23.Wyon, D.P. (1996) Individual microclimate control: required range, probable benefits and current feasibility. Proceedings of Indoor Air ’96, vol. 1, pp 1067-1072未来的热舒适性——优越性和期望值P. Ole Fanger 和Jørn Toftum国际中心室内环境与能源丹麦科技大学摘要本文预期一些可在新世纪所预见的关于热舒适的室内环境的趋势。

地源热泵设计1. 引言地源热泵(Ground Source Heat Pump,GSHP)是一种利用地热能源的环保供热、供冷系统。
2. 设计原理地源热泵系统利用地下的恒定温度来实现供热和供冷。
2.1 地源换热器地源换热器是地源热泵系统的关键组成部分之一。
2.2 热泵机组热泵机组是地源热泵系统的核心部分。
2.3 室内盘管室内盘管是地源热泵系统的末端设备。
3. 设计参数设计地源热泵系统时,需要考虑一系列的参数,以确保系统的正常运行和高效能输出。
3.1 地源温度地源温度是地源热泵系统设计的首要参数。
3.2 热泵机组容量热泵机组的容量需要根据室内需求进行合理计算。
3.3 地源换热器的长度和管径地源换热器的长度和管径直接影响系统的换热效果。

英文文献Air Conditioning SystemsAir conditioning has rapidly grown over the past 50 years, from a luxury to a standard system included in most residential and commercial buildings。
In 1970, 36%of residences in the U。
were either fully air conditioned or utilized a room air conditioner for cooling (Blue, et al。
, 1979)。
By 1997, this number had more than doubled to 77%, and that year also marked the first time that over half (50.9%) of residences in the U。
had central air conditioners (Census Bureau, 1999)。
An estimated 83% of all newhomes constructed in 1998 had central air conditioners (Census Bureau, 1999)。
Air conditioning has also grown rapidly in commercial buildings。
From 1970 to 1995, the percentage of commercial buildings with air conditioning increased from 54 to 73% (Jackson and Johnson, 1978, and DOE, 1998).Air conditioning in buildings is usually accomplished with the use of mechanical or heat-activated equipment. In most applications, the air conditioner must provide both cooling and dehumidification to maintain comfort in the building。

地源热泵系统模型与仿真地源热泵系统模型与仿真地源热泵(Ground Source Heat Pump,GSHP)是一种高效而环保的供热和供冷系统。

一、选题的依据及意义:1 •依据:进入90年代后,我国的居住环境和工业生产环境都已广泛地应用热水供应装置,热水供应装置已成为现代学校居住必备。
2. 意义:地源热泵技术,是利用地下的土壤、地表水、地下水温相对稳定的特性,,通过消耗电能,在冬天把低位热源中的热量转移到需要供热或加温的地方,在夏天还可以将室内的余热转移到低位热源中,达到降温或制冷的目的。
通常根据热泵的热源(heat source)和热汇(heat sink)(冷源)的不同,主要分成三类:空气源热泵系统(air-source heat pump) ashp水源热泵系统(water- source heat pump) wshp地源热泵系统(gro und- source heat pump)gshp平时还有人把热泵系统按照一次和二次介质的不同,分别叫做:空气---水热泵系统水---空气热泵系统水---水热泵系统空气---空气热泵系统这些都是把热源、热汇以及空调系统的传递介质也包括进来分类形成的。
在1997年由美国的ashrae (美国采暖、制冷与空调工程师学会)统一了标准术语,无论是wshp、gshp都叫做gshp--地源热泵系统。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:太阳能-地源热泵的热源性能文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14外文文献翻译(译成中文1000字左右):【主要阅读文献不少于5篇,译文后附注文献信息,包括:作者、书名(或论文题目)、出版社(或刊物名称)、出版时间(或刊号)、页码。
提供所译外文资料附件(印刷类含封面、封底、目录、翻译部分的复印件等,网站类的请附网址及原文】太阳能-地源热泵的热源性能Y. Bi1,2, L. Chen1* and C. Wu3本论文研究了中国天津冬季里的太阳能-地源热泵的太阳能与地源性能。
GSHP 系统寻求利用常规空气-空气热泵系统的两方面可用的功能。

中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Source heat pump system simulation and design abstract Summarized the recent years source heat pump system simulation and the design aspect research and the progress.First has given the source heat pump system various parts modelling aspect progress, including the vertical pipe installation geothermy heat interchanger, the single well circulatory system as well as several kind of assistance heat dissipating arrangement which uses in the place source heat pump mix system.Next, discusses the scene determination in-depth ground hot natural technology.Third, introduction vertical pipe installation geothermy heat interchanger design method.Finally, gives in the design source heat pump system uses the system simulation several application example. Key word:Heat pump; Geothermy heat interchanger; Hot nature; Mix system; Model; Design; Simulation1.synopses looked from thermodynamics viewpoint that, uses the source hotwork in the air-conditioning system for the heat source or the heat sink is appealing.This is because, looked from the whole year, its temperature ratio environment dry bulb or the wet-bulb temperature approach (needs) in the room the temperature.Based on this reason, the source heat pump system has the potential compared with the air source heat pump system in the high efficiency.In actual situation, source heat pump system because does not have the equipment to expose in exterior environment, the flower in the service aspect expense is quite low (Cane, et al. 19982.Although already had some source heat pump system technology to obtain thedevelopment in the Scandinavian peninsula, but in its commercial development use was actually does well in US.This is mainly is because already has a very big housing air-conditioning system market in US.Because its system has the low energy consumption and the low operating cost already proved has attracted very many es electricity the peak value in American very many areas to be decided by the air conditioning electricity consumption. Enables some power equipment company regarding this reason to be interested very much to this system, they hoped through uses such system to reduce for the electric power demand.Some small business organization and the public department's already studied this kind of technology the application.The source heat pump system attracts some school manager as a result of it low operating cost, and has the more and more many school use.Already gave GHPC in US about the place source heat pump technology practical application some example research detail.3.Meets down in the paper in the part we first can give the source heat pumpsystem various parts modelling aspect progress, including the vertical pipe installation geothermy heat interchanger, the water source heat pump, the single well circulatory system as well as several kind of assistance heat dissipating arrangement which uses in the place source heat pump mix system.Because must design the underground heat interchanger first to have to understand the geothermy the attribute, this paper second part introducedbriefly the determination in-depth ground hot natural model, this method is by to measured the test hole temperature responded the scene test method expands comes.In the paper third part, will be able to introduce will design the vertical pipe installation geothermy heat interchanger with the software the method.Finally, gives in the design source heat pump system uses the system simulation several application example, including mixes the GSHP system and the frostproof GSHP system design.4.The 2.GSHP system model constitutes the GSHP system generally iscomposed by the water source heat pump and the underground heat interchanger, regarding mixes the GSHP system, but also includes several kind of assistance heat dissipating arrangement.These simulation equipment is covered in undeshuts the circulation underground heat interchanger to shut the circulation double barrel systems to be possible to use the horizontal pipe installation or the vertical pipe installation.Vertical pipe installation system as a result of it high heat transfer efficiency by people many uses.This kind of type closed cycle heat interchanger sets at into the diameter by a root is 75mm~150mm the drill hole U tube is composed.These drill holes after set at into the U tube with the earth backfill which drills or, more universal, the entire kondow pads with the thin mud.Is in the milk usually is avoids the ground water the pollution moreover causing the heat transfer pipeline with to contact completely reaches the greatly good heat transfer effect.Is commonly used the diameter is the 22mm~33mmhigh density polyethylene manages (HDPE) in the system pipe installation.Punch depth generally between 30m~120m.Two kind of simulation complexity are very interesting.First, the survey underground heat interchanger user's smallest input design method is may take in the unit time.Next, its can forecast in for several hours (or short time curve) because the building load continuously change has what influence to the underground heat interchanger the simulation pattern also is also is may take.This theory permission and uses electricity the demand forecast to the system energy consumption.Because both method take has been presented by Eskilson(1987)development model as the foundation in this paper, the Eskison method could first discuss, then will be to by Yavuzturk and the Spitler development simulation pattern description. (1999)2.1.1 Eskison research techniquesEskison (1987) aims at the pair hole the ambient temperature distribution definite question solution uses the means which the logic analysis and the mathematical analysis unify.Regarding the initial condition and in the boundary condition constant even soil the pair hole related value establishment radial direction - axial coordinates, the use transient state finite difference equation carries on the two-dimensional value computation individually.The pipe wall and the mud and so on the individual drill hole essential factor calorific capacity is likely is neglected.The single drill hole temperature field through overlaps obtains the entire drill hole scope.The entire drill hole scope temperature response is transformed to a group of non-linear temperature feedback factor, was called makes the G- function.This G- function possibly causes the place pair opening wall temperature change situation computation which the specific heat input causes correspondingly with some time in into.As soon as passes through the drill hole scope the feedback to indicate to the steps and ladders quantity of heat feedback with the G- function that, any random temperature feedback function can because of let above a series of step function the temperature feedback/output decision, moreover superimposes to each gradient function feedback.This process expressed regarding four month-long temperature feedbacks by the graphical representation method in Figure simulation model here said the simulation model majority of details already introduced by Yavuzturk and Spitler.In this paper will be able to give its brief description.This model essential target is the application in the construction energy analysis, this model can forecast the system energy consumption take each hour as the unit.This model nationality will consummate by the Eskilson theory develops is discussed in here.The Master G- function increased the forecast frequency to an hour several times.Eskilson uses for to determine the G- function the data model not to besuitable for the short time curve survey, uses another kind of data model to survey a place pair hole short time internal heat feedback/output pulse the temperature response.Regarding the short time in hot pulse, inside and outside the radial direction position pair hole hot shift affects the axial position hot shift is much bigger than.From this, has produced one kind of two-dimensional radial direction constant volume model.The details see also Yavuzturk, et al. (1999).2.2 vertical circular hole well vertical circular hole well uses in directly carrying on the heat change with the ground.One kind used for to study the vertical circular hole well performance the data model already to research and develop, it was composed by two parts: Pair hole constitution node model, in nearby ground water flowing and ground heat transfer constant volume model.This kind of model utilization including the heat transfer which causes to the ground water flowing is clear about processing (Rees, et al.2003).This kind of model may inspect vertical circular Kong Jing the performance in the use influence and the vital significance.Its performance is most has in following several parameters sensitively: Current capacity, pair hole length, ground heat conductivity and hydraulic pressure conductivity.2.3 water source heat pump Jin and Spitler(2002a) has invented one kind of parameter estimate water source heat pump model.This kind of model carries on the thermodynamic analysis to the freezing circulation, the specific heat exchange model is simpler, simultaneously is more precise than the freezing circulation compressor model.In the second paper (Jin, et al.2002b), carries on the expansion to this model, including maneuver type air compressor sub-model and use antifreeze step.In the manufacture manufacturer table of contents data narrated in model each kind of parameter which the multivariable optimization algorithm estimates.Jin(2002) in detail narrated the parameter which the multivariable optimization algorithm and pares the equation - being suitable type model which before then produces, the water source heat pump model is more precise.Jin(2002) also introduced one kind of similar water source heat pump model.In 2.4 mixed style GSHP system thermal compensation source heat pump system the pair hole cost is the system cost important part, but it mainly is decided by thelocal geology condition.This kind of equipment mainly uses in refrigerating in the building.Is bad in this kind of ground thermal conductivity, drill hole condition crude place, water source heat pump system cost quite expensive.For all this, we may adopt the primary cost with to be able the effect compromise means, reduces the pair hole scope, installs the assistance heat dissipating arrangement in the heat pump water pipe.Such system is called the mixed source heat pump system.In the mix system water pipe has each kind of different type heat dissipating arrangement, for instance the cooling tower, brings the heat interchanger shallow pool, the hydraulic pressure heating surface or is called the bridge level.Chiasson(2002a) has invented the shallow pool model, its principle is: Because shuts the circulation heat interchanger, needs to install the counter-flow heat transfer installment in the water level surface mounting natural heat transfer installment foundation.Chiasson(2000b) simultaneously also invented one kind to be suitable in the hydraulic pressure heating surface or is called the bridge level the finite difference model.This kind of model even can imitate the snow melting process.The above these model use experimental assistance heat dissipating arrangement, obtains the approval in Oklahoma State University.1.soil quantity of heat characteristic scene determination survey in-depthground heat conductivity regarding the place source heat pump system very important.The pair hole width length mainly is decided by in-depth ground hot nature.The determination in-depth ground heat conductivity traditional method is first definite around the pair hole the ground type.After the determination, may determine its heat conductivity through "Double barrel Heat pump System design Handbook" about the ground type material (EPRI1989).According to the report, in the ground information heat conductivity has a more widespread value, therefore could find one kind of more precise surveying to decide the ground heat conductivity method to be better. The in-depth ground heat conductivity cannot the immediate determinant, only be able to infer through the tepid transformation measuring method, but also must use some geothermy transmission pattern, for instance linear water source law (Ingersoll and Plass1948; Mogensen1983) orcylindrical water source law (Carslaw and Jaeger1947).Interesting is they alsohas the opposite use - - to determine its hot nature by the ground performance,but is not determines its performance by the ground hot nature.Although thelinear water source law and the cylindrical water source law may in turnutilize in the reckoning ground heat conductivity, but still needed to makesome simple hypotheses, because its influence result was not easy toes the pair hole particular data model, to place pair holegeometry and thermal fluid, pipeline.The mud as well as the ground hotnature carries on the detailed description, may reduce the element of certaintywhich the simple hypothesis creates.Thus, can have a more precise estimate tothe geothermy conductivityThe ground temperature responded the analysis step has two basic types: Analytic method (Witte, et al.2002) and parameter estimate law (Austin1998; Austin et al.2000; Shonder and Beck1999).Witte et al(2002) uses the linear water source law and the indefinite analytic method carries on the scene test to the ground heat conductivity.The Austinet al(2000) parameter estimate law is surveys one with the vertical drill hole transient state two-dimensional data constant volume pattern known to change the time the heat flux input ground temperature response.The Nelder Mead simplex operation principle is used for to excavate the ground and the mud heat conductivity most valueable use, that is the temperature which surveys the experiment responded and the estimate temperature between responded the interpolation reduces the threshold. The survey ground heat conductivity test installation is by Eklof, Gehlin(1996) and Austin(1998) invents independently.Figure 5 is Austin et the al. (2000) invention test system schematic drawing.The test installation places in the trailer which may drive.The pair hole installment 50 hour experimental proofs by one is satisfied.Short experimental time suits the human regard extremely, moreover is possibly the subject which the future will study.译文:地源热泵系统的模拟与设计摘要:总结了近年来地源热泵系统的模拟和设计方面的研究和进展。

毕业设计(论文)译文题目名称:闭环地源热泵系统学院名称:班级:学号:学生姓名:指导教师:2014年03 月闭环地源热泵系统闭环地源热泵系统相对于常规暖通空调系统有更多地有点。

地源热泵系统设计与应用实例地源热泵(Ground Source Heat Pump,简称GSHP)是一种利用地下土壤或地下水体的地热资源进行热能交换的热泵系统。
以下是地源热泵系统设计的一般流程:1. 地热资源评估在选择地源热泵系统时,需要先评估地下土壤或地下水体的温度、含水量等参数,以确定热源的可利用性。
2. 热泵机组选型根据建筑的供暖、制冷和热水需求,选择合适的热泵机组。
3. 热源井设计热源井是地源热泵系统的核心组成部分,它通过垂直或水平的方式与地下热源进行热交换。
4. 热交换器布置根据建筑的供热或供冷需求,将热泵机组与热源井之间的热交换器布置在合适的位置,以确保热量的高效传递和利用。
5. 管路设计地源热泵系统中的管路设计也需要充分考虑,包括管径、管材、管道布局等因素。
二、地源热泵系统应用实例以下是一个典型的地源热泵系统应用实例,以某高层办公楼为例:1. 项目背景该办公楼位于城市中心,是一座多层高层建筑。
2. 地热资源评估通过勘测和分析,确定地下水体的平均温度为15℃,且含水量丰富,具备较好的地热资源。
3. 热泵机组选型根据建筑的需求和设计条件,选择了一台功率为100KW的地源热泵机组,具备供暖和制冷双重功能。
4. 热源井设计根据地下水体的水位和季节变化情况,设计了一口深度为60米的垂直热源井,井径为0.5米。
暖通空调专业 毕业设计外文翻译3

外文翻译(1)Refrigeration System Performance using Liquid-Suction Heat ExchangersS. A. Klein, D. T. Reindl, and K. BroWnellCollege of EngineeringUniversity of Wisconsin - MadisonAbstractHeat transfer devices are provided in many refrigeration systems to e xchange energy betWeen the cool gaseous refrigerant leaving the evaporator and Warm liquid refrigerant exiting the condenser. These liquid-suction or suction-line heat exchangers can, in some cases, yield improved system performance While in other cases they degrade system performance. Although previous researchers have investigated performance of liquid-suction heat exchangers, this study can be distinguished from the previous studies in three Ways. First, this paper identifies a neW dimensionless group to correlate performance impacts attributable to liquid-suction heat exchangers. Second, the paper extends previous analyses to include neW refrigerants. Third, the analysis includes the impact of pressure drops through the liquid-suction heat exchanger on system performance. It is shoWn that reliance on simplified analysis techniques can lead to inaccurate conclusions regarding the impact of liquid-suction heat exchangers on refrigeration system performance. From detailed analyses, it can be concluded that liquid-suction heat exchangers that have a minimal pressure loss on the loW pressure side are useful for systems using R507A, R134a, R12, R404A, R290, R407C, R600, and R410A. The liquid-suction heat exchanger is detrimental to system performance in systems using R22, R32, and R717.IntroductionLiquid-suction heat exchangers are commonly installed in refrigeration systems With the intent of ensuring proper system operation and increasing system performance.Specifically, ASHRAE(1998) states that liquid-suction heat exchangers are effective in:1) increasing the system performance2) subcooling liquid refrigerant to prevent flash gas formation at inlets to expansion devices3) fully evaporating any residual liquid that may remain in the liquid-suction prior to reaching the compressor(s)Figure 1 illustrates a simple direct-expansion vapor compression refrigeration system utilizing a liquid-suction heat exchanger. In this configuration, high temperature liquid leaving the heat rejection device (an evaporative con denser in this case) is subcooled prior to being throttled to the evaporator pressure by an expansion device such as a thermostatic expansion valve. The sink for subcoolingthe liquid is loW temperature refrigerant vapor leaving the evaporator. Thus, the liquid-suction heat exchanger is an indirect liquid-to-vapor heat transfer device. The vapor-side of the heat exchanger (betWeen the evaporator outlet and the compressor suction) is often configured to serve as an accumulator thereby further minimizing the risk of liquid refrigerant carrying-over to the compressor suction. In cases Where the evaporator alloWs liquid carry-over, the accumulator portion of the heat exchanger Will trap and, over time, vaporize the liquid carryover by absorbing heat during the process of subcooling high-side liquid.BackgroundStoecker and Walukas (1981) focused on the influence of liquid-suction heat exchangers in both single temperature evaporator and dual temperature evaporator systems utilizing refrigerant mixtures. Their analysis indicated that liquid-suction heat exchangers yielded greater performance improvements When nonazeotropic mixtures Were used compared With systems utilizing single component refrigerants or azeoptropic mixtures. McLinden (1990) used the principle of corresponding states to evaluate the anticipated effects of neW refrigerants. He shoWed that the performance of a system using a liquid-suction heat exchanger increases as the ideal gas specific heat (related to the molecular complexity of the refrigerant) increases. Domanski and Didion (1993) evaluated the performance of nine alternatives to R22 including the impact of liquid-suction heat exchangers. Domanski et al. (1994) later extended the analysis by evaluating the influence of liquid-suction heat exchangers installed in vapor compression refrigeration systems considering 29 different refrigerants in a theoretical analysis. Bivens et al. (1994) evaluated a proposed mixture to substitute for R22 in air conditioners and heat pumps. Their analysis indicated a 6-7% improvement for the alternative refrigerant system When system modifications included a liquid-suction heat exchanger and counterfloW system heat exchangers (evaporator and condenser). Bittle et al. (1995a) conducted an experimental evaluation of a liquid-suction heat exchanger applied in a domestic refrigerator using R152a. The authors compared the system performance With that of a traditional R12-based system. Bittle et al. (1995b) also compared the ASHRAE method for predicting capillary tube performance (including the effects of liquid-suction heat exchangers) With experimental data. Predicted capillary tube mass floW rates Were Within 10% of predicted values and subcooling levels Were Within 1.7 C (3F) of actual measurements.This paper analyzes the liquid-suction heat exchanger to quantify its impact on system capacity and performance (expressed in terms of a system coefficient of performance, COP). The influence of liquid-suction heat exchanger size over a range of operating conditions (evaporating and condensing) is illustrated and quantified using a number of alternative refrigerants. Refrigerants included in the present analysis are R507A, R404A, R600, R290,R134a, R407C, R410A, R12, R22, R32, and R717. This paper extends the results presented in previous studies in that it considers neW refrigerants, it specifically considers the effects of the pressure drops,and it presents general relations for estimating the effect of liquid-suction heat exchangers for any refrigerant.Heat Exchanger EffectivenessThe ability of a liquid-suction heat exchanger to transfer energy from the Warm liquid to the cool vapor at steady-state conditions is dependent on the size and configuration of the heat transfer device. The liquid-suction heat exchanger performance, expressed in terms of an effectiveness, is a parameter in the analysis. The effectiveness of the liquid-suction heat exchanger is defined in equation (1):Where the numeric subscripted temperature (T) values correspond to locations depicted in Figure 1. The effectiveness is the ratio of the actual to maximum possible heat transfer rates. It is related to the surface area of the heat exchanger. A zero surface area represents a system Without a liquid-suction heat exchanger Whereas a system having an infinite heat exchanger area corresponds to an effectiveness of unity.The liquid-suction heat exchanger effects the performance of a refrigeration system by in fluencing both the high and loW pressure sides of a system. Figure 2 shoWs the key state points for a vapor compression cycle utilizing an idealized liquid-suction heat exchanger on a pressure-enthalpy diagram. The enthalpy of the refrigerant leaving the condenser (state 3) is decreased prior to entering the expansion device (state 4) by rejecting energy to the vapor refrigerant leaving the evaporator (state 1) prior to entering the compressor (state 2). Pressure losses are not shoWn. The cooling of the condensate that occurs on the high pressure side serves to increase the refrigeration capacity and reduce the likelihood of liquid refrigerant flashing prior to reaching the expansion device. On the loW pressure side, the liquid-suction heat exchanger increases the temperature of the vapor entering the compressor and reduces the refrigerant pressure, both of Which increase the specific volume of the refr igerant and thereby decrease the mass floW rate and capacity. A major benefit of the liquid-suction heat exchanger is that it reduces the possibility of liquid carry-over from the evaporator Which could harm the compressor. Liquid carryover can be readily caused by a number of factors that may include Wide fluctuations in evaporator load and poorly maintained expansiondevices (especially problematic for thermostatic expansion valves used in ammonia service).(翻译)冷却系统利用流体吸热交换器克来因教授,布兰顿教授, , 布朗教授威斯康辛州的大学–麦迪逊摘录加热装置在许多冷却系统中被用到,用以制冷时遗留在蒸发器中的冷却气体和离开冷凝器发热流体之间的能量的热交换.这些流体吸收或吸收热交换器,在一些情形中,他们降低了系统性能, 然而系统的某些地方却得到了改善. 虽然以前研究员已经调查了流体吸热交换器的性能, 但是这项研究可能从早先研究的三种方式被加以区别. 首先,这份研究开辟了一个无限的崭新的与流体吸热交换器有关联的群体.其次,这份研究拓宽了早先的分析包括新型制冷剂。
暖通空调 地源热泵中英文论文

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在实际情况中,源热泵系统由于没有设备暴露在外部的环境中,花在维修方面的费用是比较低的(Cane, et al. 1998).虽然已经有一些地源热泵系统技术在斯堪的那维亚半岛得到发展,但是其商业上的开发利用却是在美国做得最好。
最后,给出在设计地源热泵系统中采用系统模拟的几个应用实例,其中包括混合 GSHP 系统和防冻GSHP系统的设计。
2.GSHP系统模型构成GSHP 系统一般由水源热泵和地下换热器组成,对于混合GSHP 系统,还包括几种辅助散热装置。
这种类型的闭式循环换热器由一根根置入直径为75MM~150MM 钻孔的U 型管组成。
这些钻孔在置入U 型管后用钻出来的土回填或者,更普遍,整个孔都用薄泥浆填塞。
常用于系统埋管的是直径为22MM~33MM 的高密度聚乙烯管 (HDPE)。
打孔深度一般在30M~120M 之间。
因为两者的方法以被 Eskilson(1987) 发展的模型为基础在这论文中呈现了, Eskison 的方法将会首先被讨论,接着是对被 Yavuzturk 和 Spitler 发展的模拟模式的描述.(1999)2.1.1 Eskison 的研究方法Eskison (1987)针对地耦孔周围温度分布的确定问题的解决办法是采用逻辑分析和数学解析相结合的办法。
一经钻孔范围的反馈对阶梯热量的反馈用G-函数来表示, 任何的任意热反馈函数能被藉由在一系列的阶梯函数之上让热反馈/输出决定, 而且叠加对每个梯度函数的反馈。
这一过程对于四个月的热反馈以图示的方法在图 1中表示。
基本的热脉冲(从零到1Q )是指历经整个过程4个月后的热量峰值,其值'1Q=1Q 。
次级脉冲'2Q =2Q -1Q ,为3个月期间后的峰值。
同理,'3Q =3Q -2Q 为两个月期末峰值,最后,'4Q =4Q -3Q 指一个月后的热量峰值。
从数学角度来看,在第n th 时期的末期,受位置因素影响的地耦孔壁的温度如下:∑=----+=n i b s i n i i ground borehole Hr t t t g k Q Q T T 111),(2)(π 其中:t =时间(s))9/(2a H t s ==时间范围H =孔井深度(m)k =岩土导热系数(W/(m.k))borehole T =孔井平均温度(℃)ground T =岩土稳态温度(℃)Q=阶梯热反馈脉冲(W/m)b r = 孔径(m)i =时间梯度结束指数2.1.2仿真模型这里所说的仿真模型的大部分细节已经由Yavuzturk 和 Spitler 所介绍。
此模型籍由Eskilson 理论完善而发展将在这里被讨论。
Master 的G-函数把预测频率增加至一小时数次。
Eskilson 用来测定G-函数的数据模型不适用于短时距测量,采用另一种数据模型来测算一个地耦孔短时间内热反馈/输出脉冲的温度反应。
详情参见Yavuzturk,et al.(1999).2.2垂直圆形孔井垂直圆形孔井用于直接与岩土进行热交换。
这种模型的运用包括对地下水流动导致的热传递的明确处理(Rees,et al.2003) 。
在第二篇论文(Jin,et al.2002b)中,对这一模型进行扩展,包括回旋式空气压缩机的子模型和使用防冻剂的步骤。
深层岩土的热传导性不能直接测定,只能通过温热变换测定法来推断,还需利用一些地热传递模式,比如线形水源法(Ingersoll and Plass1948;Mogensen1983)或者柱形水源法(Carslaw and Jaeger1947)。
岩土温度反应的分析步骤有两中基本类型:分析法(Witte,et al.2002)和参量估算法(Austin1998;Austin et al.2000;Shonder and Beck1999)。
Witte et al(2002)用线形水源法和不确定分析法对岩土热传导性进行现场测试。
Austinet al(2000)的参量估算法是用垂直钻孔的瞬态二维数据定容模式来测算一个已知的变时间的热流量输入的岩土温度反应。
Nelder Mead 的单工运算法则被用来发掘岩土和泥浆热传导性的最有价值的用途,那就是把实验测量的温度反应和估算的温度反应之间的差值减小到最低限度。
图5是Austin et al.(2000)发明的测试系统的示意图。
地耦孔安装被一个长达50 小时的试验证明是满意的。
一个较短的试验时间是非常合人心意的, 而且可能是将来研究的主题。
外文翻译:<<Source heat pump system simulation and design abstract>> Summarized the recent years source heat pump system simulation and the design aspect research and the progress.First has given the source heat pump system various parts modelling aspect progress, including the vertical pipe installation geothermy heat interchanger, the single well circulatory system as well as several kind of assistance heat dissipating arrangement which uses in the place source heat pump mix system.Next, discusses the scene determination in-depth ground hot natural technology.Third, introduction vertical pipe installation geothermy heat interchanger design method.Finally, gives in the design source heat pump system uses the system simulation several application example. Key word:Heat pump; Geothermy heat interchanger; Hot nature; Mix system; Model; Design; Simulation1.synopses looked from thermodynamics viewpoint that, uses the source hotwork in the air-conditioning system for the heat source or the heat sink is appealing.This is because, looked from the whole year, its temperature ratio environment dry bulb or the wet-bulb temperature approach (needs) in the room the temperature.Based on this reason, the source heat pump system has the potential compared with the air source heat pump system in the high efficiency.In actual situation, source heat pump system because does not have the equipment to expose in exterior environment, the flower in the service aspect expense is quite low (Cane, et al. 19982.Although already had some source heat pump system technology to obtain thedevelopment in the Scandinavian peninsula, but in its commercial development use was actually does well in US.This is mainly is because already has a very big housing air-conditioning system market in US.Because its system has the low energy consumption and the low operating cost already proved has attracted very many es electricity the peak value in American very many areas to be decided by the air conditioning electricity consumption. Enables some power equipment company regarding this reason to be interested very much to this system, they hoped through uses suchsystem to reduce for the electric power demand.Some small business organization and the public department's already studied this kind of technology the application.The source heat pump system attracts some school manager as a result of it low operating cost, and has the more and more many school use.Already gave GHPC in US about the place source heat pump technology practical application some example research detail.3.Meets down in the paper in the part we first can give the source heat pumpsystem various parts modelling aspect progress, including the vertical pipe installation geothermy heat interchanger, the water source heat pump, the single well circulatory system as well as several kind of assistance heat dissipating arrangement which uses in the place source heat pump mix system.Because must design the underground heat interchanger first to have to understand the geothermy the attribute, this paper second part introduced briefly the determination in-depth ground hot natural model, this method is by to measured the test hole temperature responded the scene test method expands comes.In the paper third part, will be able to introduce will design the vertical pipe installation geothermy heat interchanger with the software the method.Finally, gives in the design source heat pump system uses the system simulation several application example, including mixes the GSHP system and the frostproof GSHP system design.4.The 2.GSHP system model constitutes the GSHP system generally iscomposed by the water source heat pump and the underground heat interchanger, regarding mixes the GSHP system, but also includes several kind of assistance heat dissipating arrangement.These simulation equipment is covered in undeshuts the circulation underground heat interchanger to shut the circulation double barrel systems to be possible to use the horizontal pipe installation or the vertical pipe installation.Vertical pipe installation system as a result of it high heat transfer efficiency by people many uses.This kind of type closed cycle heat interchanger sets at into the diameter by a root is 75mm~150mm the drill hole Utube is composed.These drill holes after set at into the U tube with the earth backfill which drills or, more universal, the entire kondow pads with the thin mud.Is in the milk usually is avoids the ground water the pollution moreover causing the heat transfer pipeline with to contact completely reaches the greatly good heat transfer effect.Is commonly used the diameter is the 22mm~33mmhigh density polyethylene manages (HDPE) in the system pipe installation.Punch depth generally between 30m~120m.Two kind of simulation complexity are very interesting.First, the survey underground heat interchanger user's smallest input design method is may take in the unit time.Next, its can forecast in for several hours (or short time curve) because the building load continuously change has what influence to the underground heat interchanger the simulation pattern also is also is may take.This theory permission and uses electricity the demand forecast to the system energy consumption.Because both method take has been presented by Eskilson(1987) development model as the foundation in this paper, the Eskison method could first discuss, then will be to by Yavuzturk and the Spitler development simulation pattern description. (1999)2.1.1 Eskison research techniquesEskison (1987) aims at the pair hole the ambient temperature distribution definite question solution uses the means which the logic analysis and the mathematical analysis unify.Regarding the initial condition and in the boundary condition constant even soil the pair hole related value establishment radial direction - axial coordinates, the use transient state finite difference equation carries on the two-dimensional value computation individually.The pipe wall and the mud and so on the individual drill hole essential factor calorific capacity is likely is neglected.The single drill hole temperature field through overlaps obtains the entire drill hole scope.The entire drill hole scope temperature response is transformed to a group of non-linear temperature feedback factor, was called makes the G- function.This G- function possibly causes the place pair opening wall temperature change situation computation which the specific heat input causes correspondingly with some timein into.As soon as passes through the drill hole scope the feedback to indicate to the steps and ladders quantity of heat feedback with the G- function that, any random temperature feedback function can because of let above a series of step function the temperature feedback/output decision, moreover superimposes to each gradient function feedback.This process expressed regarding four month-long temperature feedbacks by the graphical representation method in Figure simulation model here said the simulation model majority of details already introduced by Yavuzturk and Spitler.In this paper will be able to give its brief description.This model essential target is the application in the construction energy analysis, this model can forecast the system energy consumption take each hour as the unit.This model nationality will consummate by the Eskilson theory develops is discussed in here.The Master G- function increased the forecast frequency to an hour several times.Eskilson uses for to determine the G- function the data model not to be suitable for the short time curve survey, uses another kind of data model to survey a place pair hole short time internal heat feedback/output pulse the temperature response.Regarding the short time in hot pulse, inside and outside the radial direction position pair hole hot shift affects the axial position hot shift is much bigger than.From this, has produced one kind of two-dimensional radial direction constant volume model.The details see also Yavuzturk, et al. (1999).2.2 vertical circular hole well vertical circular hole well uses in directly carrying on the heat change with the ground.One kind used for to study the vertical circular hole well performance the data model already to research and develop, it was composed by two parts: Pair hole constitution node model, in nearby ground water flowing and ground heat transfer constant volume model.This kind of model utilization including the heat transfer which causes to the ground water flowing is clear about processing (Rees, et al.2003).This kind of model may inspect vertical circular Kong Jing the performance in the use influence and the vital significance.Its performance is most has in following several parameters sensitively: Current capacity, pair hole length, ground heat conductivity and hydraulic pressure conductivity.2.3 water source heat pump Jin and Spitler(2002a) has invented one kind of parameter estimate water source heat pump model.This kind of model carries on the thermodynamic analysis to the freezing circulation, the specific heat exchange model is simpler, simultaneously is more precise than the freezing circulation compressor model.In the second paper (Jin, et al.2002b), carries on the expansion to this model, including maneuver type air compressor sub-model and use antifreeze step.In the manufacture manufacturer table of contents data narrated in model each kind of parameter which the multivariable optimization algorithm estimates.Jin(2002) in detail narrated the parameter which the multivariable optimization algorithm and pares the equation - being suitable type model which before then produces, the water source heat pump model is more precise.Jin(2002) also introduced one kind of similar water source heat pump model.In 2.4 mixed style GSHP system thermal compensation source heat pump system the pair hole cost is the system cost important part, but it mainly is decided by the local geology condition.This kind of equipment mainly uses in refrigerating in the building.Is bad in this kind of ground thermal conductivity, drill hole condition crude place, water source heat pump system cost quite expensive.For all this, we may adopt the primary cost with to be able the effect compromise means, reduces the pair hole scope, installs the assistance heat dissipating arrangement in the heat pump water pipe.Such system is called the mixed source heat pump system.In the mix system water pipe has each kind of different type heat dissipating arrangement, for instance the cooling tower, brings the heat interchanger shallow pool, the hydraulic pressure heating surface or is called the bridge level.Chiasson(2002a) has invented the shallow pool model, its principle is: Because shuts the circulation heat interchanger, needs to install the counter-flow heat transfer installment in the water level surface mounting natural heat transfer installment foundation.Chiasson(2000b) simultaneously also invented one kind to be suitable in the hydraulic pressure heating surface or is called the bridge level the finite difference model.This kind of model even can imitate the snow melting process.The above these model use experimental assistance heat dissipating arrangement, obtains the approval in Oklahoma State University.1.soil quantity of heat characteristic scene determination survey in-depthground heat conductivity regarding the place source heat pump system veryimportant.The pair hole width length mainly is decided by in-depth ground hot nature.The determination in-depth ground heat conductivity traditionalmethod is first definite around the pair hole the ground type.After thedetermination, may determine its heat conductivity through "Double barrelHeat pump System design Handbook" about the ground type material(EPRI1989).According to the report, in the ground information heatconductivity has a more widespread value, therefore could find one kind ofmore precise surveying to decide the ground heat conductivity method to bebetter. The in-depth ground heat conductivity cannot the immediatedeterminant, only be able to infer through the tepid transformation measuringmethod, but also must use some geothermy transmission pattern, for instancelinear water source law (Ingersoll and Plass1948; Mogensen1983) orcylindrical water source law (Carslaw and Jaeger1947).Interesting is they alsohas the opposite use - - to determine its hot nature by the ground performance,but is not determines its performance by the ground hot nature.Although the linear water source law and the cylindrical water source law may in turnutilize in the reckoning ground heat conductivity, but still needed to makesome simple hypotheses, because its influence result was not easy toes the pair hole particular data model, to place pair holegeometry and thermal fluid, pipeline.The mud as well as the ground hotnature carries on the detailed description, may reduce the element of certaintywhich the simple hypothesis creates.Thus, can have a more precise estimate to the geothermy conductivityThe ground temperature responded the analysis step has two basic types: Analytic method (Witte, et al.2002) and parameter estimate law (Austin1998; Austin et al.2000; Shonder and Beck1999).Witte et al(2002) uses the linear water source law and the indefinite analytic method carries on the scene test to the ground heat conductivity.The Austinet al(2000) parameter estimate law is surveys one with the vertical drill hole transient state two-dimensional data constant volume pattern knownto change the time the heat flux input ground temperature response.The Nelder Mead simplex operation principle is used for to excavate the ground and the mud heat conductivity most valueable use, that is the temperature which surveys the experiment responded and the estimate temperature between responded the interpolation reduces the threshold. The survey ground heat conductivity test installation is by Eklof, Gehlin(1996) and Austin(1998) invents independently.Figure 5 is Austin et the al. (2000) invention test system schematic drawing.The test installation places in the trailer which may drive.The pair hole installment 50 hour experimental proofs by one is satisfied.Short experimental time suits the human regard extremely, moreover is possibly the subject which the future will study.。