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Table 4 Main Types of Wireless Attacks at the Transport Layer
The application layer supports HTTP [62] for web services, FTP [83] for file transfer and SMTP [84] for e-mail transmission. Each of these protocols is prone to security attacks. Logically, the application-layer attacks may hence be classified as HTTP attacks, FTP attacks, and SMTP attacks. The main HTTP attacks include the malware attack (e.g., Trojan horse, viruses, worms, backdoors, keyloggers, etc.), structured query language (SQL) injection attack, and cross-site scripting attack, as summarized in Table 5.
Bluetooth Bluetooth is a short-range and low-power wireless networking standard, which has been widely implemented in computing and communications devices as well as in peripherals, such as cell phones, keyboards, audio headsets, etc. However, Bluetooth devices are subject to a large number of wireless security threats and may easily become compromised. Bluetooth authentication process as shown in Fig.2.
Fig.1. Family of wireless networks consisting of WPAN, WLAN, and WMAN.
Long-Term Evolution
Fig.2. Bluetooth authentication process.
Wi-Fi The family of Wi-Fi networks mainly based on the IEEE 802.11 b/g standards has been explosively expanding. The most common security protocols in Wi-Fi are referred to as WEP and WPA . WEP was proposed in 1999 as a security measure for Wi-Fi networks to make wireless data transmissions as secure as in traditional wired networks. However, WEP has been shown to be a relatively weak security protocol, having numerous flaws. As an alternative, WPA was put forward in 2003 for replacing WEP, while the improved WPA2 constitutes an upgraded version of the WPA standard. WEP authentication process as shown in Fig.3.
are using wireless networks, owing to the widespread use of smartphones.
People use wireless
networks to
People use wireless
networks to transmit
personal data
Table 1 Main Types of Wireless Attacks at the PHY Layer
MAC layer is the lower layer of the data link layer in the OSI model, which is used for defines how data frames are transmitted over the medium. The MAC layer enables multiple network nodes to access a shared medium with the aid of intelligent channel access control mechanisms such as CSMA/CA, CDMA, OFDMA, and so on. Typically, each network node is equipped with a NIC and has a unique MAC address, which is used for user authentication. The main types of wireless MAC attacks are summarized in Table 2.
Transport-Layer Attacks
Application-Layer Attacks
The physical layer is the lowest layer in the OSI protocol architecture, which is used for specifying the physical characteristics of signal transmission. Again, the broadcast nature of wireless communications makes its physical layer extremely vulnerable to eavesdropping and jamming attacks, which are two main types of wireless physical-layer attacks, as depicted in Table 1.
And the fourth part discusses the future development trend。
Physical-Layer Attacks
MAC-Layer Attacks
Network-Layer Attacks
Hence, it is of paramount importance to
improve wireless communications security
to fight against cybercriminal activities,
especially because more and more people
2 Data forging
3 Financial
It is reported that an increasing number of wireless devices are abused for illicit cybercriminal activities, which affect an estimated 556 million users worldwide every year。
Encrypti on
The third part mainly analyzes the recent progress of wireless network.
The second part analyzes some of the technical challenges in wireless networks
Table 5 Main Types of Wireless Attacks at the Application Layer
The stylized illustration of operational wireless networks is shown in Fig.1, where the family of WPANs, WLANs, and WMANs are illustrated, which complement each other with the goal of providing users with ubiquitous broadband wireless services. Bluetooth is a common WPAN standard, WIFI is a WLAN standard and two types of industrial standards for WMAN, namely WiMAX and LTE.
Table 3 Main Types of Wireless Attacks at the Network Layer
This section briefly summarizes the malicious activities in the transport layer, with an emphasis on the TCP and UDP attacks. Both TCP and UDP suffer from security vulnerabilities including the TCP and UDP flooding as well as the TCP sequence number prediction attacks, as summarized in Table 4.
Online Banking Service
Online shopping
Wireless security design
Are there any safety measures?
Authenti cation
Authoriz ation
Table 2 Main Types of Wireless Attacks at the MAC Layer
In the network layer, IP was designed as the principal protocol for delivering packets from an SN to a DN through intermediate routers based on their IP addresses. The network-layer attacks mainly aim for exploiting IP weaknesses, which include the IP spoofing and hijacking as well as the so-called Smurf attack, as illustrated in Table 3.
Wireless network security and privacy
Network Security and Information Work
Internet users are soaring!
1 Computer hacking