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4、启用粘、筛键:连按 5 次,即“粘贴键〞的快捷方式;
2.2 关闭“我的电脑〞连续窗口当“我的电脑〞进行多窗 U 扫瞄时要
5、筛选键:按右 shift 键 8 秒以上为“ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้选键〞的快捷方式。
ashiftin voter opinion. 投票人意见出现了转变。 二、键盘转换键 shift,键盘意思上档转换键,电脑键盘上的键,左右两个 ,常用于 中英文转换。它作为帮助操纵键,一般在一些应用程序上面 shift 键是和 其他的按键组合一起使用。 Shift 的基本用处: 1、切换中文和英文:在输入法上直接按 shift 键即可切换 2、快速删除文件:shift+Delete 3、更改打开方式:按住 shift 键,然后在点击选择文件夹,即可新
4、 在拖拽一个文件时按住 Ctrl+Shift 键,就可以创建快捷键。
2.4 跳过“启动〞文件启动 Windows 系统时,在出现 Windows 的启动
5、 放光碟时,连按数下 shift 键,可以跳过自动播放。
画面时即按住 Shift 键直到系统开机过程结束,则“启动〞组中的程序将
6、shift 键+F10:代替鼠标右键。
shifc 键的同时用鼠标单击“是〞按钮,即可快速重新启动 Win9X 系统, “全部保存〞可对全部打开的文档作一次保存操作。在 Excel 软件环境下
因为此时 Win9X 只是重新启动 GuI 界面,而不再重新从 BIOS 启动,从而 也有类似的功能。
可以节约不少时间。此法只适用于’Win9X 系统,而且对当前状态为安全



1.“开”英文怎么写开:on、open、start关:off、close、shut、stop不同的情况,分别用不同的词“开”双语例句:1. 这扇窗户是向西开的。

The window opens to the west.2. 他为小学生开公共汽车。

He drives the bus for the pupils.3. 我的猫咪一闻到小狗身上的气味便马上跳开跑掉了。

My cat started off as soon as he smelt the little dog.4. 别开得那么快!你必须把速度限制在规定的范围内。

Don't drive so fast! You must keep within the speed limit.5. 他请一位有经验的司机为他试开那辆捷达车。

He asked an experienced driver to test-drive that Jetta for him.“关”双语例句:1. 昨天又有两家店铺关了。

Two more shops closed down yesterday.2. 我就迟到了五分钟,便被关在了门外。

I was shut out for being five minutes late.3. 他们把记者关在法庭门外。

They barred the reporters out of the courtroom.4. 这窗子关不上。

The window won't shut.5. 这些牛在火中被烧死了,因为它们当时被关在(牛栅)里面。

The cows died in the fire because they were barred in (the hut).2.开和关的英文开:open 音标: /ˈoʊpən/ /ˈəʊp(ə)n/ 关:close 音标:/kloʊs/ /kləʊs/ 双语例句: open: 1、it was a warm evening and the window was open 那是个暖夜,窗是开着的 2、the door was wide open 门开得很大 3、the cupboard's been ripped open. 碗橱已经猛地被打开了。



车子的一些英语口语对话(一篇)车子的一些英语口语对话 11.Can you pop the trunk?你能不能打开行李箱.就是这么简单的一句英文让小笨霖出了名. 因为一般打开行李箱都是说open the trunk 但是老美也喜欢说成pop the trunk. Pop 是指某样东西突然跳起来的动作, 因为开行李箱时行李箱通常都是“碰" 一下跳起来, 所以打开行李箱才会说成pop the trunk.2. Do you need a ride? We can car pool.你需不需要我载你啊? 我们可以共乘一辆车啊.你要开车去载某人, 就是give someone a ride. 这是很常用的说法. 另外关于car pool, 指的就是二人以上共乘一辆车. 由于美国的交通阻塞问题也是十分严重, 所以有很多鼓励共乘的措施. 所以Highway 上有所谓的car pool lane, 就是共乘车辆才可以走的专用道, 而我们学校共乘车辆的停车费也可以减免.注意一下car pool 在这里可以当成动词或是名词, 如你说We can car pool, 这是动词的'用法, 或是你也可以说I am in car pool with someone, 这是名词的用法. 二者都很常见.3. I'll pick you up tomorrow.我明天会去接你.Pick up 这个字实在是很好用. 从以前介绍过的, 去拿作业叫pick up the homework, 去摘水果也叫pick up the fruit. 开车去接某人, 也叫pick up.接人叫pick up, 那放某人放下来要怎么说呢? 就是drop someone off. 例如你可以跟被你载的人说, Where do you like me to drop you off. 或是光说drop 也成, 例如, You can drop me around the corner.4. Come on, jump in. (hop in)快点上车.一般我们认为上车叫get on, 但是其实get on 只用在大的巴士, 例如坐公车是get on the bus 或是骑马你可以说get on the horse. 但一般小汽车是不能用get on the car. 只有在有往上爬的动作时才能用get on. 那要用什么才对呢? jump in 就是一个不错的字眼. 或是hop in 也很常用. 有一次我同学开车来接我, 他就是说, Come on, jump in the car.同样的, 下车也分二种, 如果是从大车上下来, 如巴士, 就像我们以前所学的用get off. 但是从小轿车中出来就不叫get off, 要讲get out. 例如, Everybody gets out. 就是大家都下车吧.5. There's something wrong with my car, I think we have a flat tire here.我的车是怎么呢? 我想我的车爆胎了.出了什么状况, 在口语中最常讲的就是, What's wrong? 或是What's going on? 我在美国就有一次爆胎的经验, 害我这个新任的__同学会会长蹲在马路旁边换轮胎搞得满身大汗还被学弟看到, 实在是丢脸啊. 爆胎就叫flat tire, 算是固定用法.6. Can we take it to the workshop and ask them to fix it?我们能不能拿去汽车保养场叫他把它补一补?那次轮胎破了怀著惶恐的心情去汽车保养场补胎. 我真的是非常惶恐因为我不知道"补胎" 这个英文要怎么说. 结果我当然就把它说成了I have a hole on my tire, can you patch it? 嘿. 没想到那个老黑居然还听得懂. 不过后来我才知道原来补胎就是fix the tire 就好了.经验之谈, 十个人去补胎其中大概会有八个人他会告诉你这个胎不能补. 试想, 补一个胎$8 换一个新的$120, 我实在不相信这么小小的一个小洞会花去我$120, 所以我还是坚持要补. 结果呢? 这个轮胎不是又跑了5000 mi 了? 所以不要当冤大头啊! 当然啦~ 真的要换时还是得换的.7. We have a dead battery now. I'd better put this car in service.电池也没电了, 我想我该把我的车拿去保养了.通常车子会发不动都是由于电池的关系. 而电池没电就叫Dead battery. 通常遇到这种情况就只能推车或是从别台车接电过来. 只要车子能发动, 车子的发电机会自行把电池充电, 所以就没问题了.Put something in service 也是个不错的用法, 指的是把某样东西送去保养或是修理. 像是有一次我坐一个同学的车, 他的车是十几年的老爷车, 但是冷气还很好. 我说, Why is it still working so well?他就说I put it in service.8. I have a dead battery, can you jump my car?我的车子电池没电了, 能不能接电给我?Jump my car 跟jump in the car 是完全不同的意思. 所谓Jump my car 就是指你车子的电池没电了, 你可以拿一条接电线(jumper) 从别人的车子接电过来. 相信会开车的人或多或少都有这种jump my car 的经验吧! 尤其在军中, 能够自己发动的车子实在是没几台, 所以jumper 就成了每台车必备的工具了.9. My car won't start, I don't know why, it just won't crank up.我的车就是发不动, 我不知道为什么, 它就是发不起来.发动车子一般用start 这个字眼, 但是有一个口语的讲法值得一学就是crank up. 也是发动车子的意思. 为什么叫crank up 呢? 因为很早以前的车子或飞机它们的引擎是没有起动装置的, 所以要发动引擎都要先用一个马达连接一个曲柄(crank) 去发动引擎, 所以久而久之, 发动车子就变成了crank up.10. You can back your car now, my side is clear.你现在可以倒车了, 我这边己净空了.别人在倒车时, 我都习惯帮别人看看后面有没有车子. 以前我都会说, There is no car now. 听来是不是不太顺. 后来有一次听老美在指挥, 我才知到原来他们说成, My side is clear. 或是you are safe now. 或是all clear 都可以11. There is one auto part store around the spaghetti junction.我知道在交流道那里有一家汽车修理店.来美国自己开车才知道, 原来汽车修理店还分很多种. 卖汽车零件兼修理的叫auto part store, 作钣金的叫body shop. 还有专门换轮胎和换机油的店. 有时我就自己把它们总称workshop.另外Spaghetti junction 也是个很有意思的字. Spaghetti 的原意是意大利面, 而spaghetti junction 则是指二条高速公路交会的地方那些错综复杂的立体交流道. 我想是那些交流道看起来就像是面条一样看起来乱乱的, 故因而得名吧.。




一起来看看店铺为大家整理收集了单词open实际的汉语意思吧,欢迎大家阅读!open的汉语意思英 [ˈəʊpən] 美 [ˈoʊpən]第三人称单数:opens现在分词:opening过去分词:opened 过去式:opened形容词敞开的,开着的; 公开的,公共的; 坦率的; 有议论余地的及物/不及物动词 (打)开; 开始; 睁开; 启动名词公开; 户外,野外; 空旷不及物动词使打开; 展示,显现及物动词开放; 张开; 开张营业; 为(建筑物)揭幕相关例句形容词1. She kept her bank account open.她的银行帐户随时可以使用。

2. The position is still open.那个职位仍空缺着。

3. The job is still open.这工作仍无人做。

open的词典解释1. 打开(门、窗、盖等)If you open something such as a door, window, or lid, or if it opens, its position is changed so that it no longer covers a hole or gap.e.g. He opened the window and looked out...他打开窗户往外看。

e.g. The church doors would open and the crowd would surge out.教堂的门会打开,人群会蜂拥而出。

2. 将(瓶、盒等)开封;拆开(包裹、信封等)If you open something such as a bottle, box, parcel, or envelope, you move, remove, or cut part of it so you can take out what is inside.e.g. The Inspector opened the packet of cigarettes...检查员撕开了那包香烟。

人教版 小学英语 小升初复习 重点句子 汉译英练习(三年级起点)

人教版 小学英语 小升初复习 重点句子 汉译英练习(三年级起点)
我在电视上看了一些儿童节目。 你还做别的事了吗?是的,我打扫房间,洗衣服了。
你是个好孩子。 我们去书店吧。我想买本新的电影杂志。
我上周读过它了。 它有趣吗?是的,它介绍了很多新电影。
我很高兴你现在好多了。 我们坐公交车去吧,比走路要快。
你现在好了吗?已经好了。 过来看看我的照片。 你去哪了?我去骑马了。
过来看看迈克的老照片。 我们现在都不一样了。 以前我很安静,现在我在课程上很活跃。
今天为什么你来购物? 我妈妈昨天晚上工作到很晚。
UNIT 4 四月份有很多特别的节日。
你周末通常做什么?/我经常看电视,和我父亲打乒乓球。 愚人节是什么时候?/四月一号
UNIT 6 你能看到多少个风筝?/12 个。 你有几个蜡笔?/7 个
UNIT 1 我们有个新教室。
教室里有什么?/ 我们去看看吧,一个黑板,很多桌子 和椅子。
他又高又壮。 他是谁?/ 他是张鹏。 他戴着眼镜,他的鞋是蓝色的。
它在哪? / 它在窗户旁边。
我们去打扫教室吧。 让我来擦讲桌。/ 让我擦窗户。/ 让我擦黑板。



三上Unit 1 Hello1.Hello; I’m Wu Yifan. 你好;我是吴一凡..2.Hi; I ’m Sarah. 你好;我是萨拉3.I have a ruler / an eraser. 我有一把尺子 /一块橡皮..4.What’s your name 你叫什么名字My name’s John. 我叫约翰..5.Goodbye 再见Bye; Miss White. 再见;怀特小姐..Unit 2 Colors1.Mr Jones; this is Miss Green. 琼斯先生;这是格林小姐.. -Good morning; Miss Green.早上好;格林小姐..2.I see red.我看见红色..3.Good afternoon; Wu Yifan.下午好;吴一凡..4.-Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴..-Nice to meet you; too.见到你也很高兴..5.Colour it brown把它涂成棕色吧Unit 3 Look at me1.How are you 你好吗I’m fine; thank you.我很好;谢谢你..Let’s go to school我们一起上学吧2.Look at me 看我3.Very well; thanks.很好;谢谢..4.Let’s make a puppet 让我们一起做个木偶吧Great 太棒了Unit 4 We love animals1.What’s this 这是什么It’s a duck.它是只鸭子..2.What’s that 那是什么3.Cool I like it. 酷我喜欢它..Unit 5 Let’s eat1. I’d like some juice; please. 请给我些果汁.. Here you are.给你..2.Have some bread. 吃点面包吧3.I’m hungry我饿了4.Can I have some water; please 请给我些水好吗5.You’re welcome.不用谢..Unit 6 Happy birthday1.This one; please. 请给我这个..Sure.好的2.How many plates 你要几个盘子3.Happy birthday生日快乐4.How old are you 你几岁了I’m six years old.我六岁了 ..三下Unit1 Welcome back to school1.Welcome欢迎2.Where are you from你是哪里人I’m from the UK.我是英国人..Unit2 My family1.Who’s that man 那位男士是谁He’s my father.他是我爸爸..2.Who’s that woman 那位女士是谁She’s my mother.她是我妈妈..3.Is she your mother 她是你的妈妈吗Yes; she is.是的;她是..4.Is he your father 他是你的爸爸吗No; he isn’t. 不;他不是..Unit 3 At the zoo1.It’s so tall 它好高啊2.2e here;children 到这里来 ;孩子们3.3.It has a long nose. 它有长鼻子..4.4.It has small eyes and big ears. 它有小眼睛和大耳朵..5.Unit4 Where is my car1.Let’s go home我们回家吧2.Where is my pencil box 我的铅笔盒在哪里It’s in your desk.在你桌子里..Silly me 我真傻3.Is it in your bag 在你的包里吗No; it isn’t. / Yes; it is. 不;不在.. /是的;在..4.Have a good time玩开心点儿Unit5 Do you like pears1.Honey; Let’s buy some fruit.宝贝儿;我们买点水果吧..2.Do you like oranges 你喜欢橙子吗No; I don’t. /Yes; I do. 不;我不喜欢.. /是的;我喜欢..3.Sorry ; I don’t like grapes.抱歉;我不喜欢葡萄..4.Me; neither.我也不喜欢..6.Unit 6 How many1.How many kites do you see你看见了多少个风筝呀I see 12 我看见了 12 个..2.The black one is a bird黑色的那个是只鸟3.How many crayons do you have你有多少支蜡笔I have 16. 我有 16 支..4.Open it and see 打开看看四上Unit1 My classroom1.We have a new classroom.我们有一间新教室..2.Let’s go and see 让我们一起去看看..3. Where is it 它在哪里It’s near the window.就在窗户旁边..4.Let’s clean the classroom 让我们一起打扫教室吧5.Let me clean the window.. 让我擦窗户吧..Unit2 My schoolbag1.What’s in your bag 你书包里有什么An English book; a maths book; three storybooks and ….一本英语书;一半数学书;三本故事书等等..2.What colour is it 它是什么颜色的It ’s blue and white.它是蓝白色的..Unit3 My friends1.What’s his name 他的名字是什么His name is Zhang Peng.他的名字是张鹏..He is tall and strong.他又高又壮..2.Who’s he 他是谁3.He has glasses and his shoes are blue. 他戴眼镜和他穿蓝鞋子..Unit4 My home1.Is she in the living room 她在客厅里吗No; she isn’t. 不;她不在..2.Where are the keys 钥匙在哪儿Are they on the table 它们在桌子上吗No; they aren’t. They’re in the door.不; 不在.. 它们在门上..Unit5 Dinner’s ready1.What’s for dinner 晚餐吃什么2.What would you like 你想吃什么I’d like some soup and bread; please. I ’d like = I would like 我想要汤和面包..3.Help yourself.. 随便吃吧..4.Would you like a knife and fork 你想要刀叉吗No; thanks.不了;谢谢..I can use the chopsticks .. 我会用筷子..Unit6 Meet my family1.How many people are there in your family; Chan Jie你家有几口人;陈杰Three. 三个人..2.My family has six people.. 我家有六口人..3.Is this your uncle 这是你叔叔吗Yes; it is. He’s a football player.是的;他是位足球运动员7.What’s your aunt’s job 你婶婶做什么工作She’s a nurse .. 她是名护士..四下Unit1 My school1.Where’s the teachers ’ office 教师办公室在哪里It ’s on the second floor.它在二楼..2.Is this the teachers ’ office 这是教师办公室吗No; it isn’t. The teachers ’ office is next to the library.不;不是..教师办公室挨着图书馆..3.Is that the computer room 那是计算机房吗4.Do you have a library 你们学校有图书馆吗Yes; we do. 是的;有..Unit2 What time is it1.What time is it 几点了It’s 6 o’clock. It’s time for dinner. 六点了.. 该吃晚饭了.. Time to go home; kids. 该回家了;孩子们..2.It’s time to get up. 该起床了..Unit3 Weather1. Can I go outside now 现在我能出去吗It’s cold outside. 外面冷..Yes; you can. / No; you can ’t 可以.. / 不行..2.What’s the weather like in New York 纽约天气怎么样It ’s rainy. 是下雨天..Is it cold 天冷吗No; it isn’t 不;不冷It ’s 26 degrees. 是 26 度..Unit4 At the farm1.Are these carrots 这些是胡萝卜吗Yes; they are. 是的..2. What are these 这些是什么They’re tomatoes. 他们是西红柿..3. What are those 那些是什么They’re horses. 他们是马..4. Are they hens 它们是母鸡吗No; they aren’t. 不;不是..They’re ducks. 不;不是..它们是鸭子..Unit5 My clothes1. Are these yours 这双鞋是你的吗No; they aren’t 不;不是..They’re Chen Jie’s. 它们是陈杰的..2.Is this John’s 这是约翰的吗No; it isn’t. It’s Mike’s 不是..它是迈克的3.Whose coat is this 这是谁的外套It ’s mine.它是我的..4. Whose pants are those 那条裤子是谁的They are your father’s 它们是你爸爸的..Unit 6 Shopping1. Can I help you 我能为您做点什么Yes. These shoes are nice.是的;这双鞋不错..2.Can I try them on Size 6; please.我能试试吗请给我拿6 号的..They’re too small 它们太小了..3.How do you like this skirt 这条短裙你觉得怎么样It ’s very pretty. 它很漂亮4.How much is this skirt 这条短裙多少钱It’s$89. 它是 89 美元..五上Unit 1 what’s he like1.Is he young 他年轻吗No; he isn’t. 不;他不年轻..2.What ’s she like 她什么样She’s kind. 她很和蔼..Unit2 My week1.What do you have on Thursday 星期四你有什么课I have maths; English and music. 我有数学、英语和音乐课..2.Do you often read books in this park 你经常在这个公园里看书吗No; I don’t. 不;我不经常在这里看书..Unit3 What would you like1.what would you like to eat 你想吃什么A sandwich; please. 请给我一个三明治..2.What would you like to drink 你想喝什么I ’d like some water. 我想喝点水..3.what’s your favourite food 你最喜欢吃什么食物Noodles. They’re delicious. 面条..面条很好吃..Unit 4 What can you do1.What can you do for the party ; children孩子们;你们能为联欢会做什么I can sing English songs ..我会唱英文歌..2.Can you do any kung fu; John约翰;你会武术吗Yes; I can. 是的;我会武术..Unit 5 There is a big bed1.There is a big bed.这里有张大床..2.There are so many pictures here. 这里有这么多幅画..Unit 6 In a nature park1.Is there a river in the forest;Miss White 怀特小姐;森林里有河吗No; there isn’t. 不;森林里没有河..2.Are there any tall buildings in the nature park 自然公园里有高楼吗No; there aren’t. 不;自然公园里没有高楼..谚语1.you can’t judge a book by its cover.不能以貌取人2.For the hard-working;a week has seven days;for the lazy; seven tomorrows.勤奋的人;一个星期有七天..懒惰的人;一个星期有7个明天..3.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一苹果;疾病远离我4.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧5.East or west;home is best.东好西好;不如家好..6.Seeing is believing. 眼见为实..五下Unit 1 My day1、When do you finish class in the morning 你们上午的课到几点结束We finish class at 1 o’clock. 我们一点钟结束上午的课..2.What do you do on the weekend 你周末做什么I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.我经常看电视;也常常和我爸爸一起打乒乓球..Unit 2 My favourite seasonWhich season do you like best; Mike 迈克;你最喜欢哪个季节Winter. 冬天..Why 为什么Because I like summer vacation 因为我喜欢暑假Unit 3 My school calendar1.When is the party 聚会什么时候举行It ’s in April. 在四月..7.When is the trip this year 今年的秋游在什么时候It ’s in October. We’ll go to the Great Wall.在 10 月;我们将去长城..Unit 4 When is Easter1.When is April Fool ’s Day 愚人节是哪天It ’s on April 1st. 它在 4 月 1 日..2.When is your birthday 你的生日是哪天My birthday is on April 4th. 我的生日是 4 月 4 日..Unit 5 Whose dog is it1.The yellow picture is mine . 那幅黄颜色的画是我的..2.Are these all ours 这些都是我们的画吗3.Whose is it 这是谁的It ’s Zhang Peng’s. 是张鹏的..4.Is he drinking water 它在喝水吗No; he isn’t. He’s eating. 不是..它在吃东西..Unit 6 Work quietly1.What are they doing 它们在干什么They’re eating lunch 它们在吃午饭2.What ’s the little monkey doing 那只小猴子在干什么It ’s playing with its mother 它在和妈妈玩耍3.Shh. Talk quietly. 嘘;小声讲话..4.Keep your desk clean . 保持桌面整洁..谚语1.The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃..2.Every season brings its joy.春有百花秋有月;夏有凉风冬有雪..3.Life has seasons.人生有四季..4.Yesterday;today;tomorrow——these are three days of man.人生有三天:昨天、今天、明天..5.Let sleeping dogs lie.别惹是生非..6.It’s the empty can that makes the most noise.半瓶水响叮当..六上Unit 1 How can I get there1.Where is the museum shop 博物馆商店在哪里It ’s near the door. 在大门附近..2.How can we get there 我们怎么到哪儿Turn left at the bookstore. 到书店左转..Unit 2 Ways to go to school1.How do you come to school 你怎么来学校的Usually; I come on foot. 通常我走路来..2.In the USA people on bikes must wear one.在美国;骑自行车的人必须带头盔..3.Don’t go at the red light 别闯红灯4.I must pay attention to the traffic lights. 我必须注意交通信号灯Unit 3 My weekend plan1.What are you going to do tomorrow 你明天打算做什么I ’m going to have an art lesson. 我要上美术课..We are going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.我要到人民公园去画画..2.Where are you going 你们打算去哪儿We are going to the cinema. 我们打算去电影院..3.When are you going 你们什么时候去Unit 4 I have a pen pal1.What are Peter ’s hobbies 彼得有什么爱好He likes reading stories. 他喜欢读故事..2.Does he live in Sydney 他住在悉尼吗No; he doesn’t; 不;他没有..3.Does he like doing word puzzle and going hiking 他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗 Yes; he does. 是的;他喜欢..Unit 5 What does he do1.What does he do 他是做什么的He’s a businessman. 他是商人..2.Where does he work 他在哪儿工作He works at sea. 他在海上工作..3.How does he go to work 他怎么上班He goes to work by bike. 他骑自行车上班..Unit 6 How do you feel1.They are afraid of him. 他们害怕他..2.The cat is angry with them. 这只猫很生他们的气..3.What ’s wrong 怎么了Your father is ill. 你爸爸病了..He should see a doctor this morning. 他今天早上应该去看病..4.Don’t be sad. 别伤心..谚语1.Better to ask the way than go astray.问路总比迷路好2.Horses for courses.萝卜白菜各有所爱3.Think today and speak tomorrow.三思而后言4.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情5.Like father;like son.虎父无犬子6.no pleasure without pain.没有苦就没有乐六下Unit 1 How tall are you1.That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall .那是这个厅里最高的恐龙..2.It’s taller than both of us together .它比我们俩加起来还高..3.How tall are you 你有多高I’m 1.65 meters. 我身高 1.65 米..4.What size are your shoes ; Mike 迈克;你穿多大号的鞋Your feet are bigger than mine. My shoes are size 37.你的脚比我的大..我穿 37 号的鞋..Unit 2 Last weekend1.How was your weekend 你周末过得怎么样It was good; thank you. 很好;谢谢..2.What did you do 你周末干什么了I stayed at home with your grandma. We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV .我和你奶奶待在家里..我们喝了下午茶;还看了电视..3.Did you do anything else 你还做了其他什么事吗Yes; I cleaned my room and washed my clothes.是的;我打扫了房间;还洗了衣服..4.I want to buy the new film magazine. 我想买期新的电影杂志..8.What did you do last weekend Did you see a film你上周末干什么了你看电影了吗No; I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept.没有; 我感冒了..整个周末都待在家里睡觉..Unit 3 Where did you go1.What happened 怎么了2.Are you all right 你还好吧I’m OK now. 我现在没事了..3.Where did you go 你去哪儿了4.It looks like a mule 它看起来像头骡子5.Did you go to Turpan 你们去吐鲁番了吗Yes; we did. 是的;去了..9.How did you go there 你们怎么去的We went there by plane. 我们坐飞机去的..Sounds great 听上去不错Unit 4 Then and now1.There was no library in my old school.我以前的学校里没有图书馆..2.Tell us about your school ; please. 请给我们讲讲您的学校吧..3.How do you know that 你怎么知道的4.There were no computers or Internet in my time.我那时候没有电脑也没有网络..5.Before; I was quiet . Now I’m very active in class.以前我很安静;现在我在课上很活跃..7.I was short;so I couldn’t ride my bike well.Now I go cycling every day. 我以前个子小;自行车骑得不好;现在我天天骑自行车..8.谚语1.Less is more.少即是多..2.All work no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作不玩耍;聪明杰克也变傻..3.All’s well that ends well.结果好;一切都好..4.Life is what you make it.生活是自己创造出来的..。





silk的汉语意思英 [sɪlk] 美 [sɪlk]第三人称复数:silkssilk 基本解释名词丝,蚕丝; 丝绸,丝织物; (用于缝纫的)丝线; 王室法律顾问不及物动词 (玉米)处于长须的阶段中形容词丝绸的`; 丝的; 丝制的例句1. She was dressed in silks.她穿著绸衣。

2. The silk opened.降落伞打开了。

3. The princess is wearing a dress of the finest silk.公主身穿最高级的丝绸衣服。

silk的单语例句1. Some hats had wide ribbons tied into big butterfly knots, while others sported giant silk flowers.2. The hada is a white silk scarf regarded as a symbol of respect and a blessing by Tibetans.3. Hu will hand Bush a silk edition of the book produced by the State Council Information Office's foreign language press in Beijing.4. He visited northwest China by train to explore places of interests and Chinese delicacies on the ancient Silk Road.5. It is in the shape of the English letter " T ", so people also call it " T " silk painting.6. The camel riding is another interesting entertainment to have a feel of the experience on the Silk Road.7. Consider the case of a textiles manufacturing center in Jiangsu province, dubbed the " silk capital " of China.8. Gan carefully unfolds a little black dress made of silk and decorated with shiny sequins - a type typically seen in most fashion clothes shops.silk的词典解释1. 蚕丝;丝绸;丝线Silk is a substance which is made into smooth fine cloth and sewing thread. You can also refer to this cloth or thread as silk .e.g. They continued to get their silks from China...他们继续从中国购买丝绸。



B. you; you
C. Your; you
( ) 6. Robbie Roy is _____ the farm. And Nick is _____ the museum.
A. in; on
B. to; for
C. on; in
( ) 7. This is a _____. I want to sleep _ ____.
A. CD; here
B. bed; here
C. bed; there
( ) 8.— _____ are Yang Ling and Helen? — _____ are in class.
A. Who; They
B. Where; They
C. What; They’re
( ) 9. — ______________ — They’re chickens.
13. Stand on my desk and be my friend. _________________________________
九、在 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可填入空白处的正确选项,将其序号填入题前括号内。(16 分)
( ) 1. The _____ is in the tree.
( )1. 杨琳有两本书。
A. Yang Ling has two books. B. Yang Ling has two doors.
( )2. 这是什么?
A. What’s this? B. This is a parrot. ( )3. 你的伙伴在教室里乱跑,你对他说:
A. Don’t walk. B. Don’t run.
A. Come in,Yang Ling. B. I’m sorry, Mr. Green. ( )7. 你想知道这是什么,你会问:



门的英文是什么你知道门的英文是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!门的英文表达1:door门的英文表达2:gate同义词辨析:gate, door这两个名词都有"门"的意思。

gate :指校园、公园、工厂、城市或庭院等的大门,通常有墙无顶。

door :指建筑物的大门或房间的门,一般有墙有顶,也指车辆等的门。

词组习语:as one door closes, another opens1. (谚)一扇门关闭的同时,另一扇门又打开了;不应该为失败所挫,因为还会有别的机会出现at the door1. 当事情临近(而非提前)到要走时还可以买得到票。

tickets will be available at the door.close (或 shut) the door on (或 to)1. 拒之门外;排除…的机会她不愿了解他的感受。

she had closed the door on ever finding out what he was feeling.(from) door to door1. 旅行从开始到结束全部旅程要四个多小时。

the trip from door to door could take more than four hours.2. 挨家挨户推销(或宣传)他挨家挨户地推销保单。

he went from door to door selling insurance policies.一位逐门逐户推销的推销员。

[as modifier]a door-to-door salesman.lay something at someone's door1. 将…归责于失败归咎于政府。

the failure is laid at the door of the government.on the door1. 看门穿制服的门卫在看门。

the uniformed commissionaires on the door.open the door to1. 为…打开大门;为…创造机会她的研究为更深入了解这个问题创造了机会。





英文单词fly是什么汉语意思1fly的汉语意思英 [fla];美 [flai]第三人称单数:flies第三人称复数:flies现在分词:flying过去分词:flown过去式:flew不及物动词飞; 飞行; (旗)飘荡; 过得快及物/不及物动词乘(…的)飞机; 驾驶(飞机等)及物动词驾驶; 空运; 使飞翔; 操作名词苍蝇; (作钓饵的)苍蝇; (裤子的)前裆开口; 门帘相关例句及物动词1. The bird has flown.要抓的人已逃走。

2. The plane flew from Paris to Rome.这架飞机从巴黎飞往罗马。

3. The window flew open.窗突然打开。

不及物动词1. The criminal is flying from justice.该罪犯尚在逃。

fly的词典解释1. 苍蝇A fly is a small insect with two wings. There are many kinds of flies, and the most common are black in colour.2. 飞;飞行;飞翔When something such as a bird, insect, or aircraft flies, it moves through the air.e.g. The planes flew through the clouds...飞机穿越云层。

e.g. The bird flew away.鸟儿飞走了。

3. (乘飞机)飞行,航行If you fly somewhere, you travel there in an aircraft.e.g. He flew to Los Angeles...他飞往洛杉矶。




以下是店铺为大家整理了英语单词full详细的几种汉语意思,一起来看看吧!full的汉语意思英 [fl] 美 [fl]比较级:fuller最高级:fullest形容词满的,装满的; 完全的,完整的; 丰富的; 详尽的副词极其,十分; 充分地,完全地; 整整; 直接地名词全部; 完整; 充分,完全; 极盛时动词把衣服缝得宽大; 把裙子缝出皱褶; [印]蒸洗,漂洗相关例句形容词1. He died full of years and honors.他享尽了天年和荣耀后死去。

2. Only full members are allowed to vote.只有正式会员可以投票。

3. He is a full member of the committee.他是委员会的正式成员。

full的词典解释1. 满的;装满的If something is full, it contains as much of a substance or as many objects as it can.e.g. Once the container is full, it stays shut until you turn it clockwise.容器一旦装满它会保持关闭,想要打开须按顺时针方向转动。

e.g. ...a full tank of petrol.一满箱汽油2. 有大量…的;满是…的If a place or thing is full of things or people, it contains a large number of them.e.g. The case was full of clothes...箱子里塞满了衣服。

e.g. The streets are still full of debris from two nights of rioting.街道上仍到处可见连续两晚的骚乱留下的残迹。



关于打开书的英语作文英文回答:Opening a book is an invitation to embark on a journey of the mind and imagination. It is to peek into a world untold, where stories come alive and characters dance upon the pages. It is to witness the unfolding of events and feel the weight of emotions as if they were our own.Like a portal, a book transports us to realms beyond our immediate reach. It grants us access to the thoughts and experiences of others, enriching our perspectives and broadening our horizons. Through the written word, we travel through time and space, encountering civilizations past and present, understanding different cultures and human conditions.The act of opening a book is a ritual that sets the stage for a profound experience. It is a moment of anticipation, where the unknown awaits us. As we turn thepages, we are embarking on an adventure that can shape our thoughts and emotions, leaving an indelible mark on our souls.Moreover, reading is an active and engaging pursuitthat demands our participation. It requires us to decipher the symbols on the page, interpret the words, and weave them together to create a meaningful narrative. This cognitive exercise sharpens our minds and enhances our critical thinking abilities.In today's fast-paced world, where distractions abound, taking the time to open a book is an act of self-care and mental well-being. It provides a much-needed respite from the noise and chaos, allowing us to relax and immerse ourselves in a world of our choosing.Whether it is a classic novel, a captivating memoir, or an intriguing work of non-fiction, every book has the potential to ignite our imaginations and inspire our thoughts. As we delve deeper into its pages, we may find solace, gain knowledge, or simply lose ourselves in therealm of human experience.Ultimately, opening a book is an invitation to unlock the vast reservoir of human knowledge and wisdom. It is a journey of discovery that has the power to transform both our minds and our hearts.中文回答:打开一本书,是对心灵和想象力的旅程的邀请。

英语口语速递:打开车窗英语怎么说?千万别直译成open the window

英语口语速递:打开车窗英语怎么说?千万别直译成open the window

英语口语速递:打开车窗英语怎么说?千万别直译成open the window窗户的英文是window,叫司机打开车窗吹吹风不要说open the window,今天教给同学们一个更地道的表达。

1、“打开车窗”英语怎么说?roll down the window =摇下车窗如果是打开家里的窗户,open the window这个说法绝对没问题,但打开车窗不能这么翻译。



roll sth up(转动把手)关闭roll up the window 摇上车窗;关上车窗roll sth down摇开;旋开roll down the window (转动把手)摇下车窗;打开车窗例句Could you roll down the window?I feel a little dizzy.你能开下车窗吗?我现在有点头晕。

2、“透透气”用英语怎么说?开窗是为了透气,促进空气流通,我想出去透气是I want to breathe fresh air吗?这样翻译就太啰嗦了。


想去透气直接用need some air和get some air就可以了,这也是最常见的表达。

breathable [ˈbriːðəbl] 透气的,多形容可以透气的衣服布料。

ventilate[ˈventɪleɪt] 通风;通气,表示让房间等建筑物通风,well-ventilated room 就是通风良好的房间。

let in是允许进入的意思,let in some air就是让空气进来,也是透气的意思。




打开他人的心英语作文英文回答:Unveiling the Human Psyche: A Journey of Empathy and Understanding。

Unlocking the intricate depths of another person's heart is a formidable yet rewarding endeavor that transcends linguistic barriers and cultural boundaries. By employing a holistic approach that encompasses empathy, active listening, and non-verbal cues, one can embark on a journey to comprehend the emotional landscape of another individual.Empathy, the ability to step into another's shoes and experience their emotions as one's own, serves as the cornerstone of this journey. It allows us to move beyond superficial interactions and delve into the hidden thoughts and feelings that shape another person's perspective. By actively listening to their words, observing their bodylanguage, and attuning ourselves to the subtleties of their tone, we can foster a deep connection that transcends language.Non-verbal cues, often overlooked in our communication, provide a wealth of information about a person's inner state. The way someone stands, the expression in their eyes, and the gestures they make can reveal unspoken emotions and intentions. By paying attention to these subtle cues, wecan gain insights into their beliefs, insecurities, and aspirations, enabling us to tailor our responses accordingly.In addition to linguistic and non-verbal cues, it is equally important to consider the cultural context in which the conversation takes place. Cultural norms and expectations can influence how emotions are expressed and interpreted. By being aware of these cultural nuances, we can avoid misinterpretations and build bridges of understanding that transcend linguistic boundaries.Unveiling the human psyche is not without itschallenges. People often guard their emotions for various reasons, making it difficult to penetrate their inner sanctum. Patience and perseverance are essential virtues in this endeavor. By approaching conversations with a genuine desire to understand, without judgment or preconceptions, we can gradually earn trust and create a safe space for open dialogue.The rewards of unlocking another person's heart are profound. It fosters deeper connections, enriches our own experiences, and broadens our perspectives on the human condition. By embracing empathy, active listening, and cultural sensitivity, we can embark on a transformative journey that unveils the hidden depths of another person's soul, bridging linguistic and cultural divides and illuminating the shared humanity that binds us all.中文回答:开启他人心扉,同理心与理解之旅。





bright的汉语意思英 [brat] 美 [brat]形容词明亮的,鲜亮的; 聪明的; 辉煌的; 活泼的,机灵的.,乖巧的副词明亮地,光明地,光亮地; 欢快地,愉快地名词车头灯; <古>光辉,辉煌例句1. You young kids have a bright future ahead of you!你们年青人的前途光辉灿烂!2. If you work hard, you will have a bright future.如果努力工作,你将会有一个美好的前程。

3. The garden is bright with flowers.鲜花满园。

bright的单语例句1. Ping An said its core business would keep prospering in the near future and will benefit from the bright outlook of the industry.2. This spacious, bustling mall houses 80 stores stacked with inexpensive gowns that sparkle under the bright lights.3. Another bright spot for Chelsea was the return to league action for Joe Cole.4. The fourth month of the lunar calendar is traditionally known as a " bright and warm " month.5. The RLX active line was an explosion of color, with aninfusion of bright oranges and lime greens.6. Whether you walk through the bright pavilions or look out at the Shanghai skyline, you cannot help but realize that we have finally made it to tomorrow.7. One bright spot was Canon Inc, which gained despite a fall in the overall market after hiking its dividend outlook.8. But the work was typical of Van Gogh's at that time in other ways, with its bright colors lathered roughly on the canvas.9. Net profit is expected to climb this year amid a rebound in China's capital markets, one of the few bright spots globally.bright的词典解释1. (主意)聪明的,巧妙的A bright idea is clever and original.e.g. There are lots of books crammed with bright ideas...许多书里都有很多绝妙的想法。




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!The Lantern of Composition。

I remember the first time I held a pen in my hand. It was like grasping a magic wand, ready to create a world of my own. Words flowed from my mind to paper, forming sentences that danced across the page. It was exhilarating, liberating even, to express my thoughts and emotions through the power of words.Writing became my lantern, guiding me through the darkest of times. When I felt lost or confused, I would pick up my pen and let the ink flow. The act of putting my thoughts into words helped me make sense of the chaos around me. It was as if the words themselves had the power to illuminate the path ahead.But writing wasn't always easy. There were moments when the words refused to come, when my mind felt empty and devoid of inspiration. It was during these times that Irealized the true value of perseverance. I would sit at my desk, staring at the blank page, determined to find the spark that would ignite my creativity. And slowly, but surely, the words would start to flow again, like a flickering flame that grows into a roaring fire.Writing is not just about the final product, but also the process itself. It's about the joy of discovery, of stumbling upon unexpected ideas and connections. It's about taking risks and pushing boundaries, daring to explore new territories. It's about embracing imperfection and finding beauty in the rawness of our thoughts and emotions.The lantern of composition has taught me the power of vulnerability. Through writing, I have learned to be honest with myself and with others. I have learned to embrace my flaws and celebrate my strengths. And in doing so, I have discovered a sense of authenticity that is both empowering and liberating.Writing is not just a solitary act, but a way to connect with others. It is a bridge that spans acrosscultures and languages, allowing us to share our stories and experiences. It is a tool for empathy, for understanding and for building bridges between people who may seem worlds apart.In the end, the lantern of composition is not just a tool, but a companion. It is a source of light and inspiration that accompanies me on my journey of self-discovery. It is a reminder that words have the power to change lives, to heal wounds, and to ignite the flames of passion and creativity.So, I will continue to write, to let my words soar and dance across the page. I will continue to embrace the power of vulnerability and to use the lantern of composition to navigate the twists and turns of life. And I invite you to join me on this journey, to pick up your own pen and let your words shine brightly in the world.。




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!I love my home. It's a cozy place where I feel safe and comfortable. There are many things that make my home special.Firstly, the living room is the heart of my home. It's where my family and I spend most of our time together. We have a big, comfortable couch where we can all sit and watch movies or play games. The walls are painted a warm, inviting color, and there are pictures of our family and friends hanging on them. It's a place filled with laughter and love.Next, my bedroom is my sanctuary. It's a small space that I can call my own. I have a comfortable bed with lots of fluffy pillows and a soft blanket. My walls are covered in posters of my favorite bands and artists. I also have a desk where I can do my homework and a bookshelf filled with all my favorite books. It's a place where I can relax and be myself.In the kitchen, my mom creates delicious meals for our family. The smell of freshly baked cookies fills the air, and there's always a pot of soup simmering on the stove. We gather around the dining table and share stories about our day while enjoying the tasty food. It's a place where we bond as a family over good food and good company.Outside, we have a beautiful garden. My dad loves to spend time there, tending to the plants and flowers.There's a swing set where my siblings and I play, and a small pond with colorful fish swimming around. It's a peaceful oasis where we can enjoy nature and soak up the sunshine.In conclusion, my home is a special place filled with love, laughter, and warmth. It's where I feel most like myself and where I can always find comfort. Whether it's spending time in the living room with my family, relaxing in my bedroom, enjoying delicious meals in the kitchen, or exploring the beauty of our garden, every part of my home holds a special place in my heart.。




那么你知道打开的英文是什么吗?下面是店铺为你整理的打开的英文,希望大家喜欢!打开的英文open;unfold;turn on;switch on open upopen常见用法用作形容词用作定语~+ n.The open wound soon became infected.敞露的伤口很快受到了感染。

They decided to declare Paris an open city.他们决定宣布巴黎为不设防城市。

The radio station had an open line on which listeners could call up to discuss various issues.这家电台开放线路,听众可打电话参加各种问题的讨论。

The house should fetch 40,000 pounds on the open market.这栋房子在公开市场上会卖到4万英镑的价钱。

She is a very friendly, open person.她是个非常友好坦率的人。

He has an open face.他有一张直率的脸。

The car gathered speed on the open road.汽车在大路上加速前进。

They are going to build offices in the open space next to ourfactory.他们要在我们工厂旁边的空地上盖办公楼。

The soldiers in the open field were exposed to the enemy's gun-fire.旷野中的士兵遭到敌人炮火的攻击。

The cattle owners let their animals wander across open country, but the farmers railed in their cattle and their land, and this is what caused many bitter fights in the old west.放牧者在广阔的乡村放牧,但是农场主却把牲口和土地圈起来,这就是西部地区引起许多激烈争斗的原因。



打开的英文怎么读你知道打开的英文怎么读吗?一起来学习一下吧!打开的英文读法1:open英 [ˈəʊpən]美 [ˈoʊpən]打开的英文读法2: unfold英 [ʌnˈfəʊld]美 [ʌnˈfoʊld]打开的英文例句:1. The outcome depends on conditions as well as how events unfold.结果取决于条件,还取决于事件的进展。

2. to unfold a map展开地图3. Buds unfold in the sunshine.花蕾在阳光下开放.4. When the bird lifts off into flight, its wings unfold to an impressive six-foot span.这种鸟起飞时,翼展可达6英尺,很惊人。

5. The facts started to unfold before them.真相开始在他们面前显露出来。

6. Seeing him I felt the fear balled coldly within me unfold.看到他这副神情,梗在心窝的一团冰冷的恐惧,一下子在我身上弥漫开来.7. I am not a mystery to those to whom I unfold myself.我对有些人是畅所欲言的. 对他们来说,我是一个谜.8. Even to unfold Mrs. Haffen's dirty newspaper would have seemed degrading.甚至打开哈芬太太那肮脏的报纸包也似乎会降低身份.9. As the process continues, phenotypic traits unfold.随着这一过程的持续进行, 个体的表现特征才会出现.10. Our plan could then unfold.到时候我们的方案就可以实现了.11. It's quite another matter to see it unfold in front of you in living color.到你实际上见到它,当这种事情真真切切地出现在你面前,你的体会又是另一回事.12. Lodged in the heart of this moment is the question of power which time will unfold.此刻秘而不发的问题是权力,这一问题将由时间揭晓!13. While attending to the central task, we should unfold the work in other fields.我们在从事中心工作的同时, 还要开展其它方面的工作.14. The hows and whys of this growing economic interdependence will unfold in the remaining chapters.经济上日益增长的这种相互依赖的方式及原因,将在其余各章中展开论述.15. How could such a nightmare unfold before my eyes without knowing it?这么丑恶的事怎可发生而我一点也不察觉?1. The action is an open violation of the Vienna Convention.该行为公然违背了《维也纳公约》。

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to break open

I can&#39;t open the door with hardness of stone.

It is like an oven in here; please open the window.

He opened the window to let out the foul air.
Who opened the stable door?

Open the window and let in some fresh air.

An already opened connection cannot be opened again.

When you open a view or query some or all of the panes open with it.

Afriend opens the door wish to open.

Open windows are closed and a new window opens.

She blinked when I opened the curtains.

You should connect the hose to the tap and then turn on the water.

Disconnect the power source from the computer before opening the back.

He unbolts the school gate every morning.

Open up to others.
It opens so quickly though!

In this dialog, you can only open an artifact in the editor.

You can turn on and off access to any of these groups.

View these files in the source editor by opening them from the modules view.
Thank you, shall I open it now?
And it is not for me to set myself up as the one person able to answer it. And so Ileave it with all of you: Which came out of the open door &ndash; the lady, or the tiger?

Every Monday morning he/she gets to open one of the gifts.
Can you open it?

Note that if any files are open in the client, these commands have no effect.

It lets us set an angle to all our open windows so we can always have the desktopin view.

From this view, she can select one of the logs to open.

If your links open in a new window you make the decision which is not yourdecision to make.
Would you open this one, please?

She opens up.

Open your heart to others; give of yourself each day.。
