科技英语3 否定、被动语态、比较等级

§3. 2 被动语态
The air throughout the room becomes heated by convection currents(对流的气
The gate(门电路)will remain closed by the low input until the clock pulse arrives. This system can come equipped with a radio frequency wireless keyboard and mouse (optional). [备有]
§3. 2 被动语态
注意:这里并不是“be made of [由…… 制成]”这一词组的含义。而是“make full use of ”的被动形式。
§3. 2 被动语态 The computers available must be made full use of.
Use is made of this characteristic(特 性)in feedback(反馈)amplifier design. The protective(保护的)resistance should be made use of in the usual way.
§3. 2 被动语态 We are told by Ohm’s law that the current in a circuit is proportional to the applied voltage . If the reader is not convinced that P is a maximum when R = r, he should verify it by the used (惯常的)calculus (微积分)method .

英语作文模板科技万能句型Technology Universal Sentence Patterns。
With the rapid development of technology, it has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. In this article, we will explore the various sentence patterns that can be used to discuss technology in a comprehensive and effective manner.First and foremost, technology has revolutionized the way we communicate. With the advent of social media platforms and messaging apps, people can now connect with each other instantly, regardless of their geographical location. This has led to a significant increase in the speed and efficiency of communication, making it easier for individuals to stay in touch with friends, family, and colleagues.In addition, technology has greatly impacted the way we access information. The internet has become a vast repository of knowledge, allowing people to easily search for and retrieve information on any topic of interest. This has democratized access to information, making it available to a wider audience and empowering individuals to educate themselves on a variety of subjects.Furthermore, technology has transformed the way we work and do business. The rise of digital tools and platforms has enabled remote work, making it possible for individuals to collaborate and conduct business from anywhere in the world. This has increased flexibility and productivity in the workplace, and has also opened up new opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation.Moreover, technology has revolutionized the way we entertain ourselves. From streaming services to virtual reality experiences, there are now countless ways to consume entertainment content. This has led to a shift in the way we experience and interact with media, as well as a proliferation of new forms of entertainment.Additionally, technology has had a profound impact on healthcare. From telemedicine to wearable health monitoring devices, there are now numerous ways in which technology is being used to improve healthcare outcomes. This has led to greateraccessibility and efficiency in healthcare delivery, as well as new opportunities for personalized medicine.Furthermore, technology has transformed the way we travel and explore the world. From online booking platforms to navigation apps, technology has made it easier for people to plan and navigate their travels. This has led to an increase in the convenience and accessibility of travel, as well as new opportunities for cultural exchange and understanding.In conclusion, technology has become an integral part of our lives, impacting the way we communicate, access information, work, entertain ourselves, and even take care of our health. By utilizing the various sentence patterns discussed in this article, we can effectively discuss and analyze the multifaceted impact of technology on our lives. As technology continues to evolve, it is important to remain cognizant of its implications and to adapt our communication accordingly.。

科技英语写作句型科技英语写作句型科技类英语作文一般针对他的现状和未来影响描写,下面是店铺分享的科技英语写作句型,希望能帮到大家!句型1)对……产生很大影响: have a great effect on(2)起很大作用:make a great difference(3)改变人们的生活:change one’s life(4)得益于、从……获益benefit from(5)与……有关联:relate to/ be linked to(6)能使用:have access to/ be accessible to(7)代替:take the place of(8)致力于:devote oneself to(9)实现:come true(10)赶上:keep/catch up with(11)与……不同:be different from/differ from(12)使某人能做:enable sb to do sth(13)把……考虑进去:take something into consideration(14)引起某人的注意:catch/attract the attention of sb(15)导致:lead to/contribute to/result in/ bring about(16)在某方面起重要的作用:play an important role in(17)提高人类的生活质量:improve the quality of life for humans(18)为治疗疾病而进行一项研究:carry out a research in the hope of curing the illnesses(19)科学技术是第一生产力。
Science and technology are a primary productive force.(20)随着互联网、个人电脑、3G手机的日益普及,我们的生活发生了巨大的变化或我们的生活精彩无限。

1 “对m与n进行了比较表明……”● A comparison of M and N● A comparison of M with N shows that ...• A comparison between M and N2. “因此, ….”•Thus, ...•Hence , ...•Therefore , ...•Consequently , ...•As a result , ...•It follows that , ...•~so that ...•~such that ...3. “现有的……”•…available•… we have [process]•the existing…•the current…4. 所产生的电流……•The resultant current…•The resulting current…•The current which results...5. 有证据表明……•There is evident that … (常用)•There is evidence to show [indicate, suggest] that6. 该理论认为……• The theory holds [maintains, claims, implies] that7. 有……•There is [are]…•… is [are] available•We have [possess, are in possession of] …..•There is (are) available... 8. 在下面,……• In what follows, … • In what is to follow,… • In the following, ….9. A 随B 的变化曲线图• the graph [plot] of A as a function of B • the graph [plot] of A versus [against] B • the graph [plot] of the dependence of A on [upon] B• the graph [plot] of the variation of A with B 10. 这理论来源于……• The theory comes [stems,emerges, originates] from…•The theory is obtained [provided, furnished] from11. 文章论述…deals with treatscoversThe chapter describes …discusses involves bears on confined toThis chapter is devoted to…concerned with12. 这些数据使我们得出结论……• These data lead us to conclude that …•These data enable us to conclude that …•On the basis of these data •From these data•one [we] canconclude that … •it can be concluded that .... 13. ……保持不变•remain•stayconstant•keptunchangedfixed •heldthe same•be unaltered•maintained•left14. 与……成反比be inversely proportional tovary inversely withdepend inversely as15. 获得的结果与计算机模拟相一致•agrees with•is in agreement with • The result obtainedis in line withsimulationis consistent with•fits into16. 输入可用r(t)=sin(t)表示• The input can be represented [expressed, given, denoted] by r(t)=sin(t)17. 毫无疑问……•There is no doubt that…•There is no question that…•Beyond doubt [question], ….•Without doubt [question], …•No [Out of] doubt, …18. 这方法的突出优点之一在于它很简单•One of the greatest advantages of thismethod is its great simplicity[或:…is that itis very simple].. •Among the greatest advantage of thismethod is its great simplicity.19. 这一方面与现有的方法相比有很多优点•This method has many advantages over thoseavailable [或over the existing ones.]•This method is advantageous in many respects(as) compared with available [或with theexisting ones.]20. …..得到广泛应用is [are] widely usedis [are] in wide useis [are] widely in usefind(s) wide application [use]21. ß表示了……•ß is an indication of …•ß gives an indication of …•ß indicates…•ß is indicative of ...22. 把M代入N(我们)得到……inobtainSubstituting M N, we haveintogetgivesSubstituting Myieldsin[into] N producesSubstitution of Mresults inleads to23. 该实验未能说明……•This experiment failed to show [demonstrate]…•This experiment has not shown[demonstrated] …24. 我们做了许多实验来检验这一理论p erformedtestdoneverifyWe have a number of experimentsmade provec onductedcheckthe theory.25. 该式适用于……(或:对…..是成立的)holds forholds true forThis equation is true foris valid forapplied to26. 我们成功地完成了……succeeded in doingWe have been successful in doingsuccessfully done…27. 这与……没有(几乎没有,有一点,有很多)共同之处This has nothing [little, something, much] in common with …28. 最好是……to (do)It is (most) desirablet hat …It would be best if ...29.前面的例子表明……previousThe proceeding example showsforgoing30.(本文)对……进行了研究(分析)A study (An analysis) has been made of ...31. 这引起了gives rise to• This leads toresults inbrings about.. 32. 这是由……引起的is due tois caused by• This results fromis the results ofarises from33. 典型值为0.3~0.9• Typical values range [vary] from 0.3 to 0.9 34. 这一点应受到[引起]我们的重视[关注]arouseattract• This should gain our attentionhavereceive35. 问题的关键是……The key to the problem is …The cruxThe heartof the problem is...The main aspectThe essence36. 这需要近一步的研究bears researchdeserveseffort. Thisdemandsfurtherstudy.Requireswork.calls forinvestigation37. ……分成两大类fall intomajorare divided intogeneralgroups … are classified into twobroadclasses are ofmaincategoriesmajorgeneralgroups.There are twoclasses of...b roadcategories main38. 该项研究的主要目的在于……chiefaimmainpurposeThe primaryobject of the study ism ajorobjective principalgoalof…in the hope that... withthe view to (do)The study has been started in order to (do)to the end that... so that...intendedThe study is to (do)designedhope that...Performing the study weintend to (do)expect to (do)39. ……在……范围之内(外)is lies…goeswithin (beyond)comes falls40. 这是与……有关的问题concerned withconcerningThis is a problemrelatedrelating tobearing ondealing with41. 下一节中……followingIn the next section…subsequentIn the section which follows…to follow…42.……(曾)提出了这个问题put forwardraisedadvanced this problem.brought upformulated43.他们根据……而提出了这一理论put forwardadvanced•developed•proposedis based onThey suggested this theory, whichrests onc reatedproceeds from•constructed•formulated44. 方程表明……•indicates.•implies•shows•suggests•demonstratesThis equationreveals ...•establishes•bears out•confirms•supports•favors•provides 45. ……的体积各不相同•are different in size.••are of different sizes.• ... vary•in size•differ•come in different [various] size.。

科技英语例句1. 在智能手机上使用语音识别功能:•I use voice recognition on my smartphone to dictate text messages and emails.2. 超高清电视的分辨率:•The resolution of the Ultra HD television is four times higher than that of a regular HD TV.3. 无人驾驶汽车的激光雷达技术:•The autonomous vehicle uses lidar technology to detect objects and navigate the road.4. 人工智能助手的实用性:•The practicality of artificial intelligence assistants is evident in their ability to schedule appointments and answer questions.5. 虚拟现实游戏的沉浸式体验:•Virtual reality games provide an immersive experience where players feel like they are inside the game world.6. 云计算技术的数据存储优势:•Cloud computing technology offers the advantage of storing large amounts of data without the need for physical storage devices.7. 数字支付平台的便利性:•The convenience of digital payment platforms allows users to make transactions quickly and securely.8. 智能家居的自动化控制系统:•The automated control system in smart homes allows users to remotely manage lighting, temperature, and security.9. 机器学习算法的预测能力:•Machine learning algorithms have the ability to make predictions based on patterns and historical data.10. 3D打印技术的制造灵活性:•3D printing technology offers the flexibility to create complex shapes and prototypes with ease.11. 虚拟助手的语音识别技术:•Virtual assistants use speech recognition technology to understand and respond to voice commands.12. 网络安全技术的防御能力:•The defensive capabilities of cybersecurity technologies protect against unauthorized access and online threats.13. 区块链技术的去中心化特点:•The decentralized nature of blockchain technology ensures transparency and security in digital transactions.14. 物联网设备的互联互通:•Internet of Things devices communicate with each other to collect and exchange data for a connected experience.15. 人脸识别技术的生物特征识别:•Facial recognition technology uses biometric features to identify individuals for security and authentication purposes.16. 无线充电技术的方便性:•The convenience of wireless charging technology eliminates the need for traditional charging cables.17. 虚拟现实眼镜的沉浸式视觉效果:•Virtual reality goggles provide an immersive visual experience that simulates real-world environments.18. 人机交互技术的自然交流方式:•Human-computer interaction technologies enable natural modes of communication, such as voice and gesture recognition.19. 自动翻译软件的语言转换功能:•Automatic translation software offers language conversion capabilities for seamless communication across different languages.20. 智能音箱的语音控制功能:•Smart speakers feature voice control capabilities that allow users to play music, set timers, and control smart home devices.结论科技在不断进步和创新,为我们的生活带来了许多便利和改变。

2. “完成”、“达到”、“实现”等的表示法常用的动词有:accomplish 完成achieve 完成;达到finish 结束, 完成attain 达到;完成fulfil(l) 履行;执行;完成carry out 执行;进行;实现perform 执行, 完成complete 完成;结束reach 达到do 实行;完成realize 实现effect 实现;达到proceed 进行常用名词有:accomplishment 完成achievement 完成, 达到fulfil(1)ment 实现, 完成;达到attainment 达到, 完成performance 执行, 完成completion 完成, 结束realization 实现4. “优点”、“好处”、“益处”等的表示法常用词语有:advantage 优点, 好处benefit 好处;利益excellent/good/outstandingmerit 优点;长处features 优点;优异的特点profit 益处;得益virtue 优点, 长处goodness 优良, 优势good qualities 优点superiority 优越性strong points 优点5. “一致”、“符合”的表示法accord 符合, 一致be in agreement with …agree 符合, 一致be in accord with …coincide 一致, 相符be in conformity with …conform (使)一致, (使)符合be consistent with …correspond to …符合于…bring … into correspondence with …使…与…一致起来- 3 -常用的名词有: 常用的形容词有:accord 一致, 符合consistent 一致的, 符合的agreement 符合, 一致accordant 一致的coincidence 符合, 一致conformable 一致的, 符合的correspondence 符合, 一致corresponding 一致的, 符合的6. “让步”的表示法常用词语有:although/whereas/while/whilst 虽然in spite of/despite尽管, 虽然in spite of the fact that …虽然irrespective of/regardless of …不论, 不管no matter+疑问词(how, what, when, where等)无论…whatever 无论什么, 不论什么whichever 无论哪个whenever 无论何时wherever 无论在哪里whether … or …不管…还是…even if/even though 即使however + adj./ adv. 无论怎样adj./ adv.+ as 尽管,虽然in any case 无论如何常用词语结构有:appear / seem + to V 看来, 似乎appear / look / seem + like + NP 看来像…, 看来是…的样子look + as if / though …看来好像…It appears / looks/seems + as if/though. . . 看来好像(仿佛)…It appears / seems + that …看来…10. “大约”、“近似”的表示法常用副词或词组有:about 近于, 大约around 大约approximately 大约, 近似near 差不多, 几乎nearly 差不多, 几乎or so …左右, 大约in/of the order of …约为, 大约常用动词有:approximate 接近approach 接近, 靠近come near 接近, 将近range from ...to... 从…到…左右, 在…范围内不等vary from ...to... 在…范围内变化12. “平衡”、“抵消”、“补偿”等的表示方法常用的动词及词组有:balance 平compensate for 补偿counterbalance (使)平衡, 抵equalize 使均衡(均等), (使)平衡, 补偿make up for 弥补;补偿常用名词有:balance 平衡13. “建造”、“制造”等的表示法常用动词有: 常用名词有:build 建造;建筑building 建造, 建筑construct 建造;建筑construction 建造;构筑fabricate 制造;装配fabrication 制作;装配generate 产生;发生;发(电)generation 产生;发生;发(电)manufacture (大量)制造, 加工manufacture (大量)制造, 加工prepare 制备, 配制, 调制preparation 制备, 配制, 调制produce 制造, 生产production 制造, 生产14. “能力”的表示法常用词语有:be able / unable to + V 能(够)/不能be capable / incapable of + -ing 能够/不能be in a position + to V 能够can / cannot +V 能/不能will / will be + V 能/不能enable … + to V 使…能…have the ability / capability / capacity / power + to V 用…的能力, 能够…15. “引起”、“导致”、“产生”等的表示法常用词语有:be due to …是由……所引起的, 是由于……bring about / on …引起lead to …导致…produce 产生, 引起cause 引起, 产生;发展provoke 激起, 引用, 诱发develop 引起;激起raise 引起, 唤起generate 产生;引起result in …导致;产生give rise to …引起set off/up …引起,16. “肯定”、“一定”、“相信”等的表示法常用词语结构有:be certain / sure / confident of + NP 确信, 深信be certain / sure / confident + that …确信, 深信……be certain / sure / + to V 一定(必会)会……be convinced of + NP / that …相信……believe + that …相信, 认为……have / there is no doubt + that …毫无疑问……know for a certainty + that …确实知道……it can be said with certainty + that 可以断言……it is clear / certain + that …显然……/可以肯定……it is sb.’s belief / opinion + that …某人认为/某人的看法是……。
1-3 科技英语的特点讲解

It is + 形容词+不定式
It is +
useful useless
+ to do sth.
It is +
usual unusual
+ to do sth.
It is + common + to do sth.
easy, possible / impossible, useful / useless , necessary / unnecessary , usual / unusual
It should be noted
that ……
It can be shown
that ……
五、句末 + ing 子句
连接两个陈述句的一种方法 ① 同 and 的意思一样; ② 相当于 since 的意思,进一步解释; ③ 说明第一句话的后果或时间的接续。
1.3 科技英语中 的一些常用句型
一、make +名词+形容词
这样会使问题变得容易些. • This makes the problem easy/easier. 这样能使金属更硬些. • This makes the metal harder/hard.hardens 这样能使金属变长。 • This makes the metal longer.
enable, allow, make…+ 不定式
热使金属熔化。 The heat caused the metal to melt.

科技进校园英语作文常用句型1. The integration of technology into campus life has become increasingly pervasive.2. Educational institutions are embracing technological advancements to enhance learning experiences.3. The presence of digital tools in classrooms has revolutionized teaching methods.4. Students now have access to a wealth of information through online resources.5. E-learning platforms offer flexibility and convenience for both students and educators.6. Technology facilitates collaborative learning among students from different backgrounds.7. Virtual reality simulations provide immersive educational experiences.8. Mobile apps cater to personalized learning needs of individual students.9. Digital textbooks are replacing traditional printed materials in many classrooms.10. Online assessments offer immediate feedback to students and teachers alike.11. Smart classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and multimedia capabilities.12. Distance learning programs allow students to study remotely from anywhere in the world.13. Internet connectivity has become essential for accessing educational resources.14. Coding workshops introduce students to essential programming skills.15. Educational robots are used to teach programming and problem-solving skills.16. Augmented reality apps bring educational content to life in real-time.17. Cloud computing enables seamless access to data and collaboration on projects.18. Online forums and discussion boards facilitate peer-to-peer learning.19. Digital portfolios showcase students' academic achievements and creative works.20. Gamification of learning activities makes education more engaging and interactive.21. Cybersecurity measures ensure the safety and privacy of student data online.22. Technology literacy has become a fundamental skill for the 21st-century learner.23. Online tutorials and video lectures supplement traditional classroom instruction.24. Webinars and virtual conferences connect students with experts worldwide.25. Remote access to scientific equipment enables hands-on learning opportunities.26. Digital citizenship programs educate students about responsible online behavior.27. Social media platforms are used for educational purposes, such as networking and sharing resources.28. 3D printing technology allows students to create prototypes and models for their projects.29. Artificial intelligence enhances personalized learning experiences through adaptive algorithms.30. Online simulations replicate real-world scenarios for practical learning.31. EdTech startups innovate with new tools and platforms to address educational challenges.32. Virtual field trips provide students with immersive cultural and historical experiences.33. Digital storytelling platforms encourage creativity and expression among students.34. Online language learning apps facilitate the acquisition of foreign languages.35. Robotics competitions foster teamwork and problem-solving skills among students.36. Digital citizenship education promotes ethical use of technology among students.37. Educational podcasts offer an alternative medium for learning and knowledge-sharing.38. Online research databases provide access to scholarly articles and studies.39. Mobile learning apps offer on-the-go access to educational content.40. Big data analytics help educators personalize learning paths for students.41. Online exams and quizzes streamline assessment processes and reduce paperwork.42. Virtual reality tours of campuses attract prospective students from around the globe.43. Technology-enabled classrooms accommodate diverse learning styles and preferences.44. Online mentoring programs connect students with mentors in their field of interest.45. Digital note-taking apps organize and synchronize study materials across devices.46. Cloud-based storage solutions ensure secure and accessible data management.47. Online academic journals facilitate scholarly research and publication.48. Remote collaboration tools enable group projects among geographically dispersed students.49. Online coding competitions challenge students to hone their programming skills.50. Digital badges and certifications validate students' achievements in specific skills.51. Online workshops and webinars offer continuous professional development for educators.。

This force is negligibly small and can be neglected. and表示结果“所以、从而”。
We can go one step further and take into account the
This variable should be compared with the ideal, or desired value.
or在此意为“即,也就是”。在大多数情况下,如 果连接两个词的or之间有逗号的话,就为“即” 的意思。
A body must be made to move, or no work will be done.(要不然,否则)
requirement, language等词的后面): The necessary condition for this inequality is x ≦1.
on/upon的常见用法 on/upon后跟动名词或表示动作含义的名词
On rearranging the above equations, we obtain the following set of equations.
A few/several tenths of a gram. The voltage across this resistor is a few/several
hundredths of a volt.
➢ 表示较小分数值的公式:
分子[基数词+part(s)] / 分母( in a +基数词,或 in+阿拉伯数字;或per+基数词)

《专业英语(制药工程)》【科技英语的常用句型和翻译技巧】一、概述1. 翻译的要求The Criteria of Translation:信、雅、达2. 科技英语词汇(上节课已经介绍)3. 科技英语句子的特点二、科技英语常用句型及翻译1. 被动语态1)被动语态的常用原因常用被动语态主要见于以下几个方面:①不必或无法说出主动者For a long time aluminum has been thought as an effective material for preventing metal corrosion.长期以来,铝被当作一种有效的防止金属腐蚀的材料。
►The book has already been translated into many languages.②强调行为对象,而非行为者,将行为对象作为句子的主语Three machines can be controlled by a single operation.三台机器能由一个操作者操纵。
►The work must be finished at once.③为了更好的联系上下文►They are going to build a library here next year. It is going to be build beside the classroom building.2)被动语句的翻译方法(1)仍译为被动句最常见的是在谓语前加上助词“被”,也可使用“受到,遭到,得到,叫,称,让,给,加以,为……所”等句式。
We remember how air can be made into a liquid. If the liquid is warmed again, it “boiled”and turns back into a gas.我们记得是如何把空气制成液体的。

关于科技的英语口语话题好的,以下是关于科技的英语口语话题:Topic: The Impact of Technology on Our Daily Lives1. Do you think technology has made our lives easier or harder?2. What are some of the benefits of technology that you enjoy in your daily life?3. Do you use technology to stay connected with friends and family? If so, how?4. How has technology changed the way we work or study?5. Do you think technology has made us more or less social?6. What are some of the downsides of technology that you have noticed in your daily life?7. How do you feel about the amount of time you spend on technology each day?8. Do you think technology has made us more or less dependent on it?9. How has technology changed the way we communicate?10. Do you think technology has made the world a better or worse place to live in?希望这个话题能够帮助您提高英语口语能力。

实验导致的结论 The experiments reported here demonstrate a variety of changes
in (a correlation between, a much resistance to)… Our experiments with… furnish some new information (further
结果的意义 The results presented in this paper are (seem)… The findings reported here is (quite) striking (remarkable,
fascinating). These preliminary findings are very reliable (encouraging,
导致结论 The findings suggest that… These findings lead the author to conclusion that… Our data leave open the question of whether… In the future, we will extend the present studies to… Our work has contributed to the understanding of… The research work has brought about a discovery of… Further progress can be provided by this experiment.
科技英语的翻译——13 句子成分的强调、倒装、分隔和省略

(1)添加强调词[例句] Beta is approximately constant for an individual transistor, although it does vary with temperature and slightly with the collector current.(强调动词do)[译文] 对某个晶体管而言, 近似为常数,尽管它确实会随温度及集电极电流的变化而变化。
(2)采用强调句型It is (was) + 被强调的成分+ that (which, who, whom),可强调主语,宾语和状语,不能强调定语和谓语。
[例句] We conclude that it is the ratio of the average signal power to the average noise power that is important, and not the magnitudes of S and N themselves.[译文] 我们得到结论,平均信号功率与平均噪声功率之比是重要的,而信号与噪声本身幅度的大小并不重要。
(强调主语)[例句] Ironically, it was Bell himself who invented one of the earliest light-wave communications devices in 1880.[译文] 讽刺地是,正是比尔本人于1880年发明了最早的光波通信设备之一。
(3)改变句子成分的结构位置[例句] Very obvious is the ever-growing influence on mankind by the adoption of radio- broadcasting both sound and television.(倒装强调)[译文] 非常显著的是,无线电及电视广播的应用,对人类产生的日益增长的影响。
第六章 科技英语中常用修辞学

Scientific English
(6) 隐含分类:在上述五种分类中,我们可以直接使用分类 词,如divide, classify等。但有时文章中不出现这种直接提供分 类信息的短语,这种情况我们称之为隐含分类。如: Scientific English In chemistry we are interested in the properties of substances, which may be either physical properties or chemical properties. Physical properties of a substance are those which can be observed or measured without changing it into another substance; for example, its color, form, odour, hardness and its melting and boiling points. Chemical properties of a substance are those which describe its be-haviour when it changes into other substances, e.g. when it burns or is destroyed by acids.
对事物进行分类,需要三个方面的信息:a. 被分类的一组事 物; b. 被分成的不同类型;c. 分类的标准或依据。 Scientific English 英语科技文中常见的分类叙述有以下几种: (1) 完整的分类叙述:有关文字叙述直接提供上述三方面的信 息。如: Computers are generally divided into three categories on the basis of their power: mainframe, minicomputer, and microcomputer. 本句告诉读者:a. 被分类的事物为 computers; b. 被分成的类 型为三种, 即 mainframe, minicomputer, and microcomputer; c. 分类依据为 their power.

(8)根据这些数据我们可以得出结论 )根据这些数据我们可以得出结论… These data lead us to a conclusion that… to conclude that… These data enable us to conclude that… On the basis of these data (From these data) one can conclude that… it can be concluded that … (9)…保持不变 ) 保持不变 remain constant stay unchanged be kept fixed be held the same be maintained unaltered be left
(13)…得到了广泛的应用 ) 得到了广泛的应用 be widely used be in wide use be widely in use find wide application(use) (14)A 表示了 ) 表示了… A is an indication of… A gives an indication of … A indicates… A is indicative of … 代入N(我们)得到… (15)把M代入 (我们)得到 ) 代入 Substituting M in (into) N, we obtain (have or get) … Substituting M into (in) N gives(yields, produces) … results in … leads to …
(25)方程表明 )方程表明… indicates implies shows suggests This equation demonstrates … reveals established bears out confirms supports favors provides

11科技英语英文摘要典型语句-1第十一课科技英语英文摘要典型语句-1Model Sentence in Abstract of English for Science and Technology典型语句是指撰写摘要时经常用的语句。
归纳如下:作者观点和文章内容的常用语句常用词:–deal with 论及,涉及–describe 阐述–explain 解释–illustrate 说明–introduce 引入,介绍–present 给出–report 给出ExampleThe physical and chemical properties of the crystal are dealt with.论及了此晶体的物理化学性质。
Performance goals and measuring methods are briefly described.简述了性能目标与测量方法。
ExampleThe chain reaction of uranium nuclei causedby neutrons is explained by the critical experiment.临界实验解释了由中子引起铀核的链式反应。
The applications of this technique to inner metal detection are illustrated.说明了这种技术对金属内部探测的应用。
Example•Research and development tools are introduced immediately.引入了研究和开发的工具•The basic concepts and data collected are presented.给出了基本概念和收集的数据。
文章研究课题的常用语句•常用词:–analyse , 分析–consider, 认为, 考虑–develop, 导出(导出公式, 开发产品, 社会发展)–discuss, 讨论–investigate, 研究–state, 叙述, 阐述–study. 研究, 学习Example•The main experimental problems are also analyzed with such ultra-low-frequency measurements.用这种超低频测量也分析了主要的实验问题。
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1 “对m与n进行了比较表明……”● A comparison of M and N● A comparison of M with N shows that ...•A comparison between M and N2. “因此, ….”•Thus, ...•Hence , ...•Therefore , ...•Consequently , ...•As a result , ...•It follows that , ...•~so that ...•~such that ...3. “现有的……”•…available•… we have [process]•the existing…•the current…4. 所产生的电流……•The resultant current…•The resulting current…•The current which results...5. 有证据表明……•There is evident that … (常用)•There is evidence to show [indicate, suggest] that6. 该理论认为……• The theory holds [maintains, claims, implies] that7. 有……•There is [are]…•… is [are] available•We have [possess, are in possession of] …•There is (are) available...8. 在下面,……•I n what follows, …•I n what is to follow,…•I n the following, ….9. A 随B的变化曲线图•t he graph [plot] of A as a function of B•t he graph [plot] of A versus [against] B •t he graph [plot] of the dependence of A on[upon] B•t he graph [plot] of the variation of A with B10. 这理论来源于……•T he theory comes [stems,emerges, originates]from…•T he theory is obtained [provided, furnished] from11. 文章论述…deals withtreatscoversThe chapter describes …discussesinvolvesbears onconfined toThis chapter is devoted to …concerned with12. 这些数据使我们得出结论……•These data lead usto conclude that …•These data enable us to conclude that …•On the basis of these data•From these data•one [we] can conclude that …•it can be concluded that ...13. …… 保持不变•remain•stay constant •kept unchangedfixed •held the same•be unaltered•maintained•left14. 与……成反比be inversely proportional tovary inversely withdepend inversely as15. 获得的结果与计算机模拟相一致•agrees with•is in agreement with• The result obtained is in line with simulationis consistent with•fits into16. 输入可用r(t)=sin(t)表示• The input can be represented [expressed, given, denoted] by r(t)=sin(t)17. 毫无疑问……•T here is no doubt that…•T here is no question that…•B eyond doubt [question], ….•W ithout doubt [question], …•N o [Out of] doubt, …18. 这方法的突出优点之一在于它很简单•One of the greatest advantages of this method isits great simplicity[或:…is that it is verysimple].•Among the greatest advantage of this method isits great simplicity.19. 这一方面与现有的方法相比有很多优点•This method has many advantages over thoseavailable [或over the existing ones.]•This method is advantageous in many respects (as)compared with available [或with the existingones.]20. …..得到广泛应用is [are] widely usedis [are] in wide useis [are] widely in usefind(s) wide application [use]21. ß表示了……•ß is an indication of …•ß gives an indication of …•ß indicates…•ß is indicative of ...22. 把M代入N(我们)得到……in obtain Substituting M N, we haveinto getgives Substituting M yieldsin[into] N produces Substitution of M results inleads to23. 该实验未能说明……•This experiment failed to show [demonstrate]…•This experiment has not shown[demonstrated] …24. 我们做了许多实验来检验这一理论p erformed testdone verifyWe have a number of experimentsmade provec onducted check the theory.25. 该式适用于……(或:对…..是成立的)holds forholds true forThis equation is true foris valid forapplied to26. 我们成功地完成了……succeeded in doingWe have been successful in doingsuccessfully done…27. 这与……没有(几乎没有,有一点,有很多)共同之处This has nothing [little, something, much] in common with …28. 最好是……to (do)It is (most) desirablet hat …It would be best if ...29.前面的例子表明……previousThe proceeding example showsforgoing30.(本文)对……进行了研究(分析)A study (An analysis) has been made of ... 31. 这引起了gives rise to• This leads toresults inbrings about32. 这是由……引起的is due tois caused by• This results fromis the results ofarises from33. 典型值为0.3~0.9• Typical values range [vary] from 0.3 to 0.9 34. 这一点应受到[引起]我们的重视[关注]arouseattract• This should gain our attentionhavereceive35. 问题的关键是……The key to the problem is …The cruxThe heart of the problem is...The main aspectThe essence36. 这需要近一步的研究bears researchdeserves effort.This demands further study.Requires work.calls for investigation 37. ……分成两大类fall into majorare divided into general groups … are classified into two broad classesare of main categoriesmajorgeneral groups There are two classes of...b road categoriesmain38. 该项研究的主要目的在于……chief aimmain purposeThe primary object of the study ism ajor objectiveprincipal goal of…in the hope that...with the view to (do) The study has been started in order to (do)to the end that...so that...intendedThe study is to (do)designedhope that... Performing the study we intend to (do)expect to (do)39. ……在……范围之内(外)islies…goes within (beyond)comesfalls40. 这是与……有关的问题concerned withconcerningThis is a problem relatedrelating tobearing ondealing with41. 下一节中……followingIn the next section…subsequentIn the section which follows…to follow…42.……(曾)提出了这个问题put forwardraisedadvanced this problem.brought upformulated43.他们根据……而提出了这一理论put forwardadvanced•developed•proposed is based on They suggested this theory, which rests onc reated proceeds from •constructed•formulated44. 方程表明……•indicates•implies•shows•suggests•demonstratesThis equation reveals ...•establishes•bears out•confirms•supports•favors•provides45. ……的体积各不相同•are different in size.••are of different sizes.• ... vary•in size•differ•come in different [various] size。