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5、首先,我认为一个人在国外多交朋友非常重要。 To begin with, I hold the view that it is of much importance to make friends in another country. 6、为了学好英语,我们应该尽可能多地找听英 语的机会。 To learn English well, we should make every effort to listen to English. 7、李华多么后悔浪费在电脑游戏上的宝贵时间啊! How Li Hua regretted the valuable time he wasted playing computer games!
• 11、美丽的月亮挂在天空,我们坐在一起吃着月 饼、水果,一起分享着动人的故事。 • With the beautiful moon up in the sky, we sat together and ate the delicious mooncakes and fruits, sharing the moving stories. • 12、我们将尽力使我们的国家更加强大。 • We will try our best to make our motherland stronger. • 13、所以,不要让你们的孩子在温室长大。 • Therefore, don’t leave your children grow in a greenhouse. • 14、我个人认为,好书对学生非常有价值。 • Personally speaking, good books are of great value to students.
• 15、我们的目标是帮他们摆脱贫穷。 • Our aim is to help them get rid of poverty. • 16、我认为,我们应该帮助他们克服目前的 困难。 • In my view, we should help them overcome the present difficulties. • 17、最近、违反交通规则已是司空见惯,给 人们的生活和公共安全带来很大的危害。 • Recently, breaking traffic rules isn’t uncommon, which causing great harm to people’s life and public security.
1、掌握一门外语对我们的生活非常有帮助。 Grasping a foreign language is of great help to our life. 2、使我印象最深的是他们都经过了专业训练。 What impressed me was that they had had (experienced) professional training. 3、他早晨七点起床时,脑子里突然有个大计划。 When he got up at 7 am, a big plan occurred to him. 4、他们会沉迷于电脑游戏,这会对他们的学习产 生不良影响。 They will get addicted to computer games, which is to do harm to their study.

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事实上,不同的学生有不同的学习习惯,这会 及大地影响他们的学习效率。 In reality, different students have different learning habits, which I think will influence their learning efficiency greatly. 旅行了一周以后,他回到家,感到累但很高兴。 After a week’s trip, he returned home, tried but happy. 遇到困难时,他看上去不够坚强,有点不敢接 受挑战。 Facing difficulty, he appears weak and a little afraid to meet the challenges.