

电应普超声波传感器 规格书

电应普超声波传感器 规格书



二、技术参数1. 工作频率:40kHz2. 测量范围:0.2m-5m3. 分辨率:1mm4. 工作温度:-20℃~70℃5. 输出方式:模拟电压信号/数字信号6. 工作电压:5V7. 防护等级:IP678. 重复性误差:±1mm9. 防干扰能力:工业级10. 尺寸:Φ16mm*75mm三、产品特点1. 高精度:采用先进的超声波技术,测量精度高达1mm,满足各种精密测量需求。

2. 高稳定性:具有优异的稳定性,工作过程中不受外界干扰影响,保证测量结果准确可靠。

3. 高可靠性:采用优质材料和先进工艺制造,具有长期稳定的性能和使用寿命。

4. 多种输出方式:可选模拟电压信号输出或数字信号输出,适用于不同的应用场景。

5. 强大的防干扰能力:具有工业级防干扰能力,可在复杂的电磁环境下稳定工作。

6. 小巧的尺寸:体积小巧,安装方便,适用于各种空间有限的场合。

四、应用领域电应普超声波传感器广泛应用于以下领域:1. 工业自动化:用于机器人、流水线等设备的距离测量和障碍检测。

2. 智能家居:用于智能门锁、智能照明等设备的距离控制和智能化操作。

3. 智能车载:用于车载倒车雷达、车位检测等系统的距离测量和安全预警。

4. 仓储物流:用于货架高度检测、自动导航车的导航等应用。



二、产品特点1. 采用电应普最新一代超声波传感技术,性能稳定可靠。





1. 高精度测量:采用先进的超声波发射和接收技术,能够实现高精度的距离测量,误差率小于1%。

2. 快速反应:产品具有快速的信号处理速度和反应时间,能够在短时间内获取准确的测量结果。

3. 抗干扰能力强:采用特殊的信号处理技术,能够有效地减少电磁干扰、环境噪声等因素对测量结果的影响。

4. 易于安装:产品体积小,重量轻,易于安装和调试。

1. 安装传感器:将超声波传感器固定在需要测量的位置,确保传感器前方无遮挡物,并且传感器能够正常发射和接收超声波。

2. 连接电源:将超声波传感器的电源线连接到控制器或电源适配器上,确保电源稳定可靠。

3. 调试传感器:通过控制器或软件对超声波传感器进行参数设置和

4. 读取数据:通过控制器或软件读取超声波传感器的测量数据,根据需要进行数据处理和分析。

1. 避免在高温、高湿度、高粉尘等恶劣环境下使用传感器。

2. 在安装传感器时,应避免在传感器前方放置金属等反射物,以免影响测量结果。

3. 在调试传感器时,应按照说明书上的参数进行设置,不要随意更改参数。

4. 在读取数据时,应确保连接可靠,不要随意断开连接。

DS-808HDR 存在式超声波感应器说明书

DS-808HDR 存在式超声波感应器说明书

3.探测器光学视区示意图如下: Side view
TOP-VIEW 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 (m)
5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
4.超声灵敏度调节: 可调电阻设置为最大时,超声探测器距离为 4 米, 如果减少超声探测距离, 通过调节超声可调电阻 至适当位置并测试。
5.红外灵敏度调节 可调电阻设置为最大时,红外探测器距离为 4 米, 如果减少红外探测距离, 可调节红外可调电阻 至适当位置并测试。
6.探测器延时调节: 每当检测到移动时,在预设时间内保持激活状态, 通过调节延迟关闭时间设置预设时间;逆时针旋 能 转到最小值为 5 秒,顺时针旋转到最大值为 10 分 钟;如果在打开期间检测到移动,从最近检测到 移动之后保持激活状态,直到延迟关闭时间结束。
7.光感功能调节: 当 B1 设置为 OFF,启动光敏功能,根据环境设定需要调节 旋钮更改设置值;当 B1 设置为 ON,在测试模式下,该功
失效;可调电阻设置为最大时,在环境光较亮测试时, 探测器探测后输出并打开照明设备;如需将探测器设置 在较暗的环境时,可调节光感值到适当的位置并测试。
8.功能设置表格如下 :
启状态;当两种技术均未检测到移动,则在延迟关闭时间结束后关闭照明设备。 双鉴模式 2: 开关 A1(OFF),A2(OFF):在该模式下, 当 HDIR™红外检测到移动时打开照明设备。然后任何一种技
术检测到移动时将使照明设备保持开启状态;当两种技术均未检测到移动时,则在延迟关闭时间结束 后关闭照明设备。 单红外模式: 开关 A1(ON),A2(OFF): 在该模式下, HDIR™红外检测到移动时,则打开照明设备并保持开启状态; 当该技术未检测到移动时,则在延迟关闭时间结束后关闭照明设备。 单超声模式:开关 A1(ON),A2(ON): 在该模式下,超声检测到移动时,则打开照明设备并保持开启状态。当该技术 未检测到移动时,则在延迟关闭时间结束后关闭照明设备。 测试模式: 产品通过拨码开关 B3 设置 OFF ON 0FF 进去测试模式,该模式下输出延迟关闭时间为 5 秒,且 每隔 3 秒闪烁 1 次。进入该模式 15 分钟后产品退出测试模式回到正常延迟关闭设定时间。 LED 功能: 感应器内部设有两个 LED 指示灯, 当检测到移动时,它们将闪烁;拨码开关 B2 可设置 LED 灯亮/ 灭,红色 LED 闪烁表示红外技术检测到移动,绿色 LED 闪烁表示超声技术检测到移动。

技术资料:Turbimax CUS71D 超声波污泥界面传感器说明书

技术资料:Turbimax CUS71D 超声波污泥界面传感器说明书

Products Solutions Services TI00490C/28/ZH/04.15技术资料Turbimax CUS71D超声波污泥界面传感器浸入式传感器,用于污泥界面测量应用在许多工艺过程中,沉淀后的悬浮液将分离成固液两相。

为了确保过程的经济性和高效性, 必须连续监测沉降和沉淀过程中出现的分离层和过渡层的分层界面。

Turbimax CUS71D传感器广泛应用于污泥界面测量:•污水处理:初沉池、污泥浓缩池、二沉池•水净化:添加絮凝剂后的沉淀池、监测过滤介质膨胀,优化反冲洗操作、污泥接触处理过程中污泥泥位•行业:静态分离过程优势•提供两种不同类型的传感器,择优选择,满足测量任务的要求•带预定义计算单元,调试简单•智能传感器:传感器内储存了所有特征参数值和标定参数值Turbimax CUS71D2Endress+Hauser功能与系统设计测量原理压电晶体安装在平头柱体塑料外壳内。


超声波信号以657 kHz 频率、6°发射角扫描分离层。






CM44x 具有下列信号评估功能:•屏蔽非期望的分离层•评估不同的回波信号强度•选择评估中的主、从信号边缘•以不同倍数放大传感器信号,例如:悬浮污泥测量•确定分离层的上、下高度区间值,仅在指定高度偏差范围内进行信号评估。




Liquiline CM44x 变送器的传感器检测系统可以检测下列故障:•出现不合理的高或低测量值•错误测量值导致的控制紊乱传感器连接•Liquiline CM442变送器:仅允许连接一个超声波污泥界面传感器。

超声波脉冲测距传感器 - 2600-2630 中文手册说明书

超声波脉冲测距传感器 - 2600-2630 中文手册说明书

0 bis 30 mm 0 bis 65 mm siehe unter Erfassungsbereich siehe unter Erfassungsbereich 0 bis 200 mm 1.300 mm 0 bis 350 mm 3.400 mm 2.000 mmsiehe unter Erfassungsbereich 5.000 mmsiehe unter Erfassungsbereich 0 bis 600 mm 6.000 mm 8.000 mmsiehe unter Erfassungsbereich ca. 320 kHz0,025 mm bis 0,10 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten ca. 400 kHz0,025 mm bis 0,17 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten AnalogfensterAnalogfenster% (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert, % (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert, abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest ca. 200 kHz0,18 mm bis 0,57 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten ca. 120 kHz0,18 mm bis 1,5 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten AnalogfensterAnalogfensterca. 80 kHz0,18 mm bis 2,4 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten Analogfenster% (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert,± 0,15 %% (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert, abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation))9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest ± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert,iert, abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest Messingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Messingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT ±10 % 80 mAMessingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Messingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,±10 %≤ 80 mAMessingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen IP 67EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen IP 67EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C -40°C bis +85°C -40°C bis +85°C 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C -40°C bis +85°C -40°C bis +85°C 210 g 172 ms < 300 ms-40°C bis +85°C 270 g 240 ms < 300 msBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92K Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;Ω bei U ≥ 20 VΩ bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;Ω bei U ≥ 20 VSteigende/fallende CharakteristikΩ bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest Steigende/fallende CharakteristikΩ bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest BUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92K BUS003TBUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92K BUS0041Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;Ω bei U ≥ 20 V100 Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V; 500 Ω bei U ≥ 20 VSteigende/fallende Charakteristik100 k Ω bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest Steigende/fallende Charakteristik100 k Ω bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest R ≤ 100 Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;R ≤ 500 Ω bei U ≥ 20 VSteigende/fallende CharakteristikR ≥ 100 k Ω bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest Steigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende Charakteristikausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 10 mm5 c m0 c m5 c m10 c mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm10 c m0 c m10 c m20 c mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm0,4 m0 m0,4 m0,8 m0 m0,8 m1,6 m2,4 m 3,2 m 4 m 4,8 m 5,6 m 3,4 mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm1,6 m0,8 m0 m0,8 m1,6 m0 m 1,2 m2,4 m3,6 m4,8 m6 m7,2 m8,4 mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm2,4 m1,2 m0 m1,2 m2,4 mSensor wahlweise über LED-Anzeige nummerisch parametrisieren...BedienungsanleitungBUS M30 Ultraschall-Sensor mit einem AnalogausgangBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92KUltraschall SensorenSet sensor parameters alternatively numerically using LED-display...Instruction manualBUS M30 Ultrasonic Sensor with one analogue outputBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92K0 to 30 mm 0 to 65 mm Please see detection zone Please see detection zone 0 to 200 mm 1.300 mm 0 to 350 mm 3.400 mm 2.000 mmPlease see detection zone 5.000 mmPlease see detection zone 0 to 600 mm 6.000 mm 8.000 mmPlease see detection zone 0,025 mm to 0,10 mm, depending on the 0,025 mm to 0,17 mm, depending on the analogue windowanalogue window± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof 0,18 mm to 0,57 mm, depending on the 120 kHz0,18 mm to 1,5 mm, depending on the analogue windowanalogue window80 kHz0,18 mm to 2,4 mm, depending on the analogue window± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof ± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof 80 mA80 mABrass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,Brass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,epoxy resin with glass content epoxy resin with glass content EN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBTEN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBT±10 % 80 mABrass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,Brass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,±10 %≤ 80 mABrass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,epoxy resin with glass content epoxy resin with glass content IP 67EN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBTEN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBTepoxy resin with glass content IP 67EN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBT2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs 2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C < 300 ms< 300 ms2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs 2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C 2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C 210 g < 300 ms172 ms < 300 ms-40°C to +85°C 270 g 240 ms < 300 msBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92K BUS002N100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;BUS005K100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V; 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristic500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristic100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristic100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristicBUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92K BUS003F100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;BUS003T≤ 100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;BUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92K BUS0041R ≤ 100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V; 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristic≤ 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristic100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristic≥ 100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristicR ≤ 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristicR ≥ 100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristicausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 10 mm 5 c m0 c m5 c m10 c mPlateRound barausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm10 c m0 c m10 c m20 c mPlateRound bar ausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm 0,4 m0 m0,4 m0,8 mPlateRound bar0 m0,8 m1,6 m2,4 m3,2 m 4 m4,8 m5,6 m3,4 mausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm 1,6 m0,8 m0 m0,8 m1,6 mPlateRound bar0 m 1,2 m 2,4 m 3,6 m 4,8 m 6 m 7,2 m 8,4 mausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm2,4 m1,2 m0 m1,2 m2,4 mPlateRound bar Ultrasonic SensorsUltraschall SensorenBedienungsanleitungBUS M30 Ultraschall-Sensormit einem AnalogausgangBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92KSensor wahlweise über LED-Anzeige nummerisch parametrisieren...0 bis 30 mm 0 bis 65 mm siehe unter Erfassungsbereich siehe unter Erfassungsbereich 0 bis 200 mm 1.300 mm 0 bis 350 mm 3.400 mm 2.000 mmsiehe unter Erfassungsbereich 5.000 mmsiehe unter Erfassungsbereich 0 bis 600 mm 6.000 mm 8.000 mmsiehe unter Erfassungsbereich ca. 320 kHz0,025 mm bis 0,10 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten ca. 400 kHz0,025 mm bis 0,17 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten AnalogfensterAnalogfenster% (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert, % (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert, abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest ca. 200 kHz0,18 mm bis 0,57 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten ca. 120 kHz0,18 mm bis 1,5 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten AnalogfensterAnalogfensterca. 80 kHz0,18 mm bis 2,4 mm, abhängig vom eingestellten Analogfenster% (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert,± 0,15 %% (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert, abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation))9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest ± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperaturdrift intern kompensiert,iert, abschaltbar , 0,17 %/K ohne Kompensation)9 V bis 30 V DC, verpolfest Messingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Messingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT ±10 % 80 mAMessingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Messingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,±10 %≤ 80 mAMessingrohr, vernickelt; Kunststoffteile: PBT, TPU;Ultraschallwandler: Polyurethanschaum,Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen IP 67EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT Epoxidharz mit Glasanteilen IP 67EN 60947-5-25-poliger M12-Steckverbinder, PBT 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C -40°C bis +85°C -40°C bis +85°C 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C 2 Taster (TouchControl)3-stellige LED-Anzeige, 2 Dreifarben-LEDs Ja, mit TouchControl -25°C bis +70°C -40°C bis +85°C -40°C bis +85°C 210 g 172 ms < 300 ms-40°C bis +85°C 270 g 240 ms < 300 msBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92K Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;Ω bei U ≥ 20 VΩ bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;Ω bei U ≥ 20 VSteigende/fallende CharakteristikΩ bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest Steigende/fallende CharakteristikΩ bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest BUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92K BUS003TBUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92K BUS0041Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;Ω bei U ≥ 20 V100 Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V; 500 Ω bei U ≥ 20 VSteigende/fallende Charakteristik100 k Ω bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest Steigende/fallende Charakteristik100 k Ω bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest R ≤ 100 Ω bei 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;R ≤ 500 Ω bei U ≥ 20 VSteigende/fallende CharakteristikR ≥ 100 k Ω bei U ≥ 15 V, kurzschlussfest Steigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende CharakteristikSteigende/fallende Charakteristikausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 10 mm5 c m0 c m5 c m10 c mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm10 c m0 c m10 c m20 c mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm0,4 m0 m0,4 m0,8 m0 m0,8 m1,6 m2,4 m 3,2 m 4 m 4,8 m 5,6 m 3,4 mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm1,6 m0,8 m0 m0,8 m1,6 m0 m 1,2 m2,4 m3,6 m4,8 m6 m7,2 m8,4 mausgerichtete PlatteRohr ø 27 mm2,4 m1,2 m0 m1,2 m2,4 m*103668*MV-DO-120658-356107Nr./No. 888 429 D/E, Ausgabe/Edition 1208; Änderungen vorbehalten/Subject to modification BalluffGmbH,Schurwaldstrasse9,73765Neuhausena.d.F.,Phone+497158173-0,Fax+4971585010,******************,Ultrasonic SensorsInstruction manualBUS M30 Ultrasonic Sensorwith one analogue outputBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92KBUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92KSet sensor parameters alternatively numerically using LED-display...*103668*0 to 30 mm 0 to 65 mm Please see detection zone Please see detection zone 0 to 200 mm 1.300 mm 0 to 350 mm 3.400 mm 2.000 mmPlease see detection zone 5.000 mmPlease see detection zone 0 to 600 mm 6.000 mm 8.000 mmPlease see detection zone 0,025 mm to 0,10 mm, depending on the 0,025 mm to 0,17 mm, depending on the analogue windowanalogue window± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof 0,18 mm to 0,57 mm, depending on the 120 kHz0,18 mm to 1,5 mm, depending on the analogue windowanalogue window80 kHz0,18 mm to 2,4 mm, depending on the analogue window± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof ± 0,15 %± 1 % (Temperature drift internal compensated,may be deactivated , 0,17%/K without compensation)9 V to 30 V DC, short-circuit-proof 80 mABrass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,Brass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,epoxy resin with glass content epoxy resin with glass content EN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBTEN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBT80 mA±10 % 80 mABrass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,Brass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,±10 %≤ 80 mABrass sleeve, nickel-plated, plastic parts: PBT, TPU;Ultrasonic transducer: polyurethane foam,epoxy resin with glass content epoxy resin with glass content IP 67EN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBTEN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBTepoxy resin with glass content IP 67EN 60947-5-25-pin plug, PBT2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs 2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C < 300 ms< 300 ms2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs 2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C 2 push-buttons (TouchControl)3-digit LED-display, 2 three-colour LEDs Yes, with TouchControl -25°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C 210 g < 300 ms172 ms < 300 ms-40°C to +85°C 270 g 240 ms < 300 msBUS M30M1-XC-03/025-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-07/035-S92K BUS002N100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;BUS005KΩ at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V; 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristicΩ at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristic100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristic100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristicBUS M30M1-XC-20/130-S92K BUS M30M1-XC-35/340-S92K BUS003F100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;BUS003T≤ 100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V;BUS M30M1-XC-60/600-S92K BUS0041R ≤ 100 Ω at 9 V ≤ U ≤ 20 V; 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristic≤ 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristic100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristic≥ 100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristicR ≤ 500 Ω at U ≥ 20 VRising/falling output characteristicR ≥ 100 k Ω at U ≥ 15 V, short-circuit-proof Rising/falling output characteristicausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 10 mm 5 c m0 c m5 c m10 c mPlateRound barausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm10 c m0 c m10 c m20 c mPlateRound bar ausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm 0,4 m0 m0,4 m0,8 mPlateRound bar0 m0,8 m1,6 m2,4 m3,2 m 4 m4,8 m5,6 m3,4 mausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm 1,6 m0,8 m0 m0,8 m1,6 mPlateRound bar0 m 1,2 m 2,4 m 3,6 m 4,8 m 6 m 7,2 m 8,4 mausgerichtete Platte Rohr ø 27 mm2,4 m1,2 m0 m1,2 m2,4 mPlateRound bar Nr./No. 888 429 D/E, Ausgabe/Edition 1208; Änderungen vorbehalten/Subject to modification BalluffGmbH,Schurwaldstrasse9,73765Neuhausena.d.F.,Phone+497158173-0,Fax+4971585010,******************,MV-DO-120658-356107。

Turbimax CUS71D 超声波接口传感器说明书

Turbimax CUS71D 超声波接口传感器说明书

TI00490C/07/EN/03.1271202237Technical InformationTurbimax CUS71DUltrasonic interface sensorImmersion sensor for interface measurementApplicationIn many instances in process engineering, suspensions are separated into their solid and liquid components bysedimentation. To operate this process economically and efficiently in practice, it is indispensable to monitor theseparation and transition zones of the clarification and settling phases continously.Turbimax CUS71D is a sensor for many applications of the interface measurement•Wastewater treatment: primary clarifier, sludge thickener, secondary clarifier•Water purification: settling basin after flocculant dosage, filter media expansion monitoring to optimize backwash operations, sludge height in contact sludge process •Chemical industry: static separation process Your benefits•Two different sensor models allow optimal adaption to the measurement task.•Simple commissioning thanks to predefined calculation models.•Intelligent sensor - all characteristics and calibration values are stored in the sensor.Turbimax CUS71DFunction and system designMeasuring principle A piezoelectric crystal is integrated in a flat cylindrical plastic housing. When the crystal is excited by anelectrical voltage, it generates a sonar signal. The ultrasonic waves are transmitted at a frequency of 657 kHzat an angle of 6° to scan the separation zones.The parameter measured is the time it takes for the transmitted ultrasonic signal to reach the solid particles inthe separation zone and return to the receiver.A sensor version with wiper avoids film formation at the sensor membrane.Function The speed of the sound varies according to the physical properties of the measuring medium and is affected bytemperature and air pressure. The liquid zones and solids content of the medium also vary.To obtain precise measurement results, it is therefore vital to adapt system variables to the process, e. g.pulselength and the speed of the sound.The CM44x offers the following possibilities for signal evaluation:•Mask out regions where the separation zone is not expected.•Evaluate received signal strengths differently.•Select leading or trailing signal edges in the evaluation.•Amplify sensor signals at different rates, e. g. for floating sludge.•Define a region (gate) above and below the separation zone. Signal evaluation only takes place in the definedregion. The gate wanders with the separation zone. This makes smoothing algorithms unnecessary. Sensor monitoring The optical signals are continuously monitored und checked for plausibility.Discrepancies are reported via error messages by the transmitter.The sensor check system of the Liquiline CM44x reports the following failure conditions:•Implausible high or low measuring values•Disturbed controlling due to erroneous measuring valuesSensor connection•Liquiline CM442 transmitter:You can connect only one ultrasonic interface sensor. In this case, the 2nd channel cannot be used toconnect any other sensor.•Liquiline CM444 and CM448 transmitters:If you connect one or more ultrasonic interface sensors, you can connect a maximum of four sensors (nomatter which type of sensor, ultrasonic or others).Transmitter Sensor CUS71D Other sensorsCM442 (max. 2 channels)10CM444 (max. 4 channels)any combination (max. 4 sensors)CM448 (max. 8 channels)any combination (max. 4 sensors)2Endress+HauserTurbimax CUS71DMeasuring system A complete measuring system comprises:•Ultrasonic sensor Turbimax CUS71D•Multi-channel transmitter Liquiline CM44xand optional:•Weather protection roof CYY101•Holder system Flexdip CYH112•Fixed or rotatable immersion pipe Flexdip CYA112Ultrasonic sensor with holder system and multi-channel transmitter1Holder system Flexdip CYH1124Assembly Flexdip CYA1122Multi-channel transmitter Liquiline CM44x5Ultrasonic sensor Turbimax CUS71D3Weather protection roofEndress+Hauser3Turbimax CUS71D4Endress+HauserMeasuring system with pendulum adapterMeasuring system with pendulum adapterThe PVC sensor protector protects the ultrasonic sensor from getting damaged by the surface skimmer.1Cross clamp of holder system Flexdip CYH112 3Assembly Flexdip CYA112 with CUS71D 2Pendulum adapter of holder system Flexdip CYH1124PVC sensor protectorTurbimax CUS71DEndress+Hauser 5InputMeasuring variablesMeasuring rangePower supplyThe sensor is connected to the transmitter as follows:Sensor connectionThe maximum cable length is 100 m (328 ft).To extend the sensor cable, the following accessories are recommended:•Measuring cable CYK11 with ferrules and •Junction box "cable / cable"You can connect only 1 sensor to the transmitter Liquiline CM442.You can connect up to 4 sensors to the transmitters Liquiline CM444 and CM448.Standard sensor Interface Sensor with wiperInterfaceStandard sensor 0.3 to 10.0 m (1.0 to 32 ft)Sensor with wiper0.3 to 10.0 m (1.0 to 32 ft)Turbimax CUS71DPerformance characteristicsMaximum measured error 35 mm at 3.0 mMeasured value resolution 3 mm at 3.0 mMeasurement interval AdjustableCalibration The sensor is factory calibrated delivered.The "speed of sound" is adjustable and preprogrammed for the application "water".6Endress+HauserTurbimax CUS71DInstallation conditionsInstallation instructions Basin configurationBasin configurationA SensorB Minimum distance of sensor to basin wall = 45 cm (1.48 ft.)C Reference point e.g. water surfaceD Zero pointE Basin depthF Opening angle of ultrasonic cone, 6°Installation instructionsLook at the construction drawing of the basin for a suitable position for the sensor. In doing so, you must takethe following factors into account:•The minimum distance between the basin wall and the sensor is 45 cm (1.48 ft.) (sensor emits ultrasoundin conical form).•There should not be any basin wall protrusions or piping in the measuring range below the sensor. Scrapersthat are only temporarily in this area are permitted.•Do not install the sensor in zones in which air bubbles, turbulence, high levels of turbid material orsuspended matter or foam formation occur (e.g. inlet).•Using an immersion tube, install the sensor 20 cm ( 0.66 ft.) beneath the surface of the water.•The transmitter may not be installed in a second enclosure (heat accumulation).•If possible, do not install the transmitter near high voltage sources. In addition, also avoid sources of magneticfields, e.g. large transformers or frequency converters.•The system can only detect a separation zone if there is a clear transition between the zones. Uncleartransition from the liquid to the solid phase cannot be detected.Endress+Hauser7Turbimax CUS71DCircular ClarifierBasin configuration in circular clarifierA View from topB Cross section1Surface skimmer11Sensor2Walk way12Hand rail3Sensor mounting13Surface skimmer4Bottom rake14Bottom rake5Rake directionEnvironmentStorage temperature-20 to 50 °C (-4 to 122 °F)Ingress protection IP 68 (test conditions: 1 m (3.3 ft) water column during 60 days, 1 mol/l KCl)ProcessProcess temperature 1 to 50 °C (34 to 122 °F)Process pressure0.0 to 6 bar (0 to 87 psi) absolute8Endress+HauserTurbimax CUS71DEndress+Hauser 9Mechanical constructionDimensionsWeightMaterialsProcess connections G1 and NPT ¾''Dimensions of standard sensorDimensions of sensor with wiperStandard sensor 1.02 kg (2.25 lb)Sensor with wiper1.25 kg (2.75 lb)Sensor ABS and epoxy plastic WiperRubberTurbimax CUS71D10Endress+HauserCertificates and approvalsEMC compatabilityInterference emission and interference immunity complies with EN 61326: 2005, Namur NE 21:2007Ordering informationSelectionOrder codeTo get to the product page enter the following address into your browser:/cus71d 1.2.Click "Configure this product".3.The configurator opens in a separate window. You can now configure your device and receive the complete order code that applies for the device.4.Afterwards, export the order code as a PDF or Excel file. To do so, click the appropriate button at the top of the page.Product structureThe following product structure is effective on the date of print only. You can create an up-to-date and complete order code with the help of the configurator on the internet product page.Scope of deliveryThe scope of delivery comprises:•1 sensor Turbimax CUS71D in the ordered version •1 Operating Instructions BA00490C/07/ENStandard sensorSensor with wiper Clear water sedimentation tanks,secondary clarifier with surface skimmer,Primary clarifier with surface skimmer,secondary clarifier with less floating sludgePrimary clarifier,secondary clarifier,sludge tanks,flotation tanksApprovalAANon-harzadous areaVersion1Standard sensor 2Sensor with wiperCable lengthA15 m (49.2 ft), wire terminals CUS71D-Order codeTurbimax CUS71DAccessoriesAssemblies Wastewater assembly Flexdip CYA112•Modular assembly system for sensors in open basins, channels and tanks•Versions in stainless steel or PVC•Ordering per product structure (--> Online configurator: /cya112)•Technical Information TI00432C/07/ENPVC protector for flexible mounting of CUS71D•The PVC protector protects the ultrasonic sensor from getting damaged by the surface skimmer.•Order number: 71178584PVC protector for CUS71D1Assembly CYA1122PVC-protector3Ultrasonic sensor CUS71DHolder system Holder system Flexdip CYH112 for water•Modular holder system for sensors and assemblies in open basins, channels and tanks•The holder system CYH112 works for nearly any type of fixing - fixing on the floor, wall or directly on a rail.•Material: stainless steel•Ordering acc. to product structure (--> Online configurator: /cyh112)•Technical Information TI00430C/07/ENTransmitter Liquiline CM44x•Multiple-channel transmitter for the connection of digital sensors with Memosens technology•Power supply: 85 to 265 V AC, 18 to 36 V DC or 20 to 28 V AC (not CM448)•Universally upgradeable•SD card slot•Alarm relay•IP 66•Ordering acc. to product structure (Technical Information TI444C/07/en)Cable extension CYK11 Memosens data cable•Extension cable for digital sensors with Memosens protocol•Ordering as per product structure (--> Online configurator, /cyk11)Junction box cable/cable•Material: aluminum, painted•Cable extension: Memosens sensors, Liquiline•Order no. 71145499Endress+Hauser11TI00490C/07/EN/03.12 71202237FM+SGML 6.0 / DT。

倍加福 超声波传感器 UC2000-30GM-E6R2-V15 手册

倍加福 超声波传感器 UC2000-30GM-E6R2-V15 手册

Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
LED 显示 运行状态
开关点 A1 设置 检测到目标 未检测到目标 开关点 A2 设置 检测到目标 未检测到目标 输出模式设置 (E2/E3) 开关点模式 窗口模式 迟滞模式 正常工作模式 温度补偿 设定插头拔出或短接 干扰 (如:压缩空气) 待机模式 LED 灯亮指示开关输出闭合
双 LED 红 色 黄色 LED A1
黄色 LED A2

开关状态 A1
开关状态 A2

开关状态 A1
开关状态 A2

上次或规定状态 上次或规定状态

LED !!!!ࣜ෥
A 1 (N.O.) ਸ࠲๼‫ ؜‬1
A 2 (N.O.) ਸ࠲๼‫ ؜‬2
ਸ࠲‫ ۅ‬1
‫ ړ‬A1 > A2 ้Lj๼‫؜‬घऄྺ‫׉‬Կ
ਸ࠲‫ ۅ‬2
A 1 (N.C.) ਸ࠲๼‫ ؜‬1
A2 (N.C.) ਸ࠲๼‫ ؜‬2 2. ‫ش‬੨ఇ๕ A1,A2੗ᅜࢻ࣑
A 1 (N.O.) ਸ࠲๼‫ ؜‬1
如果在同步输入端加上大于 1 s 的高电平,传感器进入待机模式(绿色指示灯)。输 出停止在最后的状态。



DatasheetUltrasonic Sensors with TEACH-Mode Programming•Fast, easy-to-use TEACH-Mode programming; no potentiometer adjustments•Program both outputs together or independently, with either an upward or a downward analogoutput slope•Remote TEACH for security and convenience•Choose models with 150 mm to 1 m range (5.9 in to 39.4 in) or 300 mm to 2 m range (11.8 in to78.7 in)•Wide operating range of –20 °C to +70 °C (–4 °F to +158 °F)•Choose models with NPN or PNP discrete output, plus 0 to 10V dc or 4 to 20 mA sourcing analogoutput•LED indicators for Power ON/OFF; Signal Strength; and Analog/Discrete Outputs Conducting•Choose models with integral unterminated 2 m (6.5 ft) or 9 m (30 ft) cable, or with M12/Euro-stylequick-disconnect connection•Compact, self-contained sensor package•Rugged design for use in demanding sensing environments; rated IEC IP67, NEMA 6PWARNING:•Do not use this device for personnel protection•Using this device for personnel protection could result in serious injury or death.•This device does not include the self-checking redundant circuitry necessary to allow its use in personnel safety applications. A device failure or malfunction can cause either an energized (on) or de-energized (off) output condition.Models—Proximity ModeOverviewThe U-GAGE is an easy-to-use ultrasonic sensor, ideal for demanding environments. Simple push-button programming provides flexibility for a variety of applications. Excellent for measurement applications such as sensing of liquid levels in a tank or, for example, determining box heights for sorting purposes.Each sensor includes both an analog and a discrete output, which may be programmed independently with different window limits or together with identical limits. Each output has the option of being set with a sensing distance set point centered within a 10-mm window.U-GAGE® T30 Series with Analog and DiscreteOutputsFeatures and IndicatorsU-GAGE Figure 1. U-GAGE T30 Series sensor programming push buttons and indicatorsNote: All LED indicators momentarily turn off when the sensor changes state between Program and Run modes.The U-GAGE sensor has four LED indicators. The red Signal LED indicates the strength and condition of the sensor's incoming signal. Each amberOutput LED, whether analog or discrete, turns on when a target is sensed within the programmed window limits. The green Power ON/OFF LED indicates the operating status of the sensor. There are two modes of indication for the LED indicators: Run Mode and Program Mode.In Run mode:In Program mode:WiringNPN*It is recommended that the shield wire be connected to either earth ground or DC common.–+ PNP*It is recommended that the shield wire be connected to either earth ground or DC common.–+Cabled wiring diagrams are shown. Quick disconnect wiring diagrams are functionally identical.Configuring a Sensor Window LimitsWindow limits can be taught to the sensor in several ways, using either the push buttons on the back of the sensor or remote input.Note: When the sensor changes state between PROGRAM and RUN modes, all of the LED indicators turn OFF momentarily,before the appropriate LEDs come ON as described below. The sensing window limits expand temporarily to full scale (max range) during PROGRAM mode.Remote InputTo program the sensor remotely or to disable the keypad, use the Remote Programming function. In addition to programming the sensor, use the remote input to disable the buttons for security, preventing unauthorized or accidental programming changes. Connect the gray wire of the sensor to +12 V dc to 24 V dc, with a remote programming switch connected between them.Note: The impedance of the remote teach input is 55 kΩ.Programming is accomplished by following the sequence of input pulses. The duration of each pulse (corresponding to a push button “click”), and the period between multiple pulses, are defined as: 0.04 seconds < T < 0.8 seconds.Note: To exit PROGRAM mode without saving any changes, hold the Remote line high > 2 seconds (before teaching the second limit). The sensor reverts to the last saved program.LimitOutput 2 Limits OnlyLimitLimitPush Button Locked out(or Enabled)Output 1Limits OnlyLimit Both OutputsTogetherPush ButtonLockout (or Enable)0.04 sec < T < 0.8 secFigure 2. Timing programs for remote TEACH programmingGeneral Notes on Configuration•The sensor returns to Run mode if the first TEACH condition is not registered within 120 seconds.•After the first limit is taught, the sensor remains in Program mode until the TEACH sequence is finished.•To exit PROGRAM mode without saving any changes, press and hold the programming push button > 2 seconds or hold the Remote line high > 2 seconds (before teaching the second limit). The sensor reverts to the last saved program.Configuring Limits for Either Analog or Discrete OutputNote: To exit PROGRAM mode without saving any changes, press and hold the programming push button > 2 seconds or hold the Remote line high > 2 seconds (before teaching the second limit). The sensor reverts to the last saved program.1.Choose the output for the first set of window limits (analog or discrete).2.Configure the first limit.3.Teach the second limit.4.Repeat for the other output (analog or discrete) if a second output is desired.Configure Analog or Discrete Limits Using the Auto-Zero FeatureFor some applications, a sensing distance set point centered within a minimum sensing window may be required. The TEACH procedure for this application is simple: configuring the same limit twice causes the sensor to program a 10-mm window centered on the position taught (position ±5mm).Note: The sensor allows for some forgiveness in this procedure. If the two limits are not exactly the same (but closer than the minimum 10-mm window required), the sensor places the set point at the average of the two limits.Configuring Identical Limits for Both Analog and Discrete Outputs SimultaneouslyTo set both the analog and the discrete outputs at exactly the same limits, both may be set simultaneously.1.Enter PROGRAM mode.2.Configure the first limit.3.Teach the second limit.Push Button LockoutAnalog OutputThe U-GAGE T30 Series series sensor may be configured for either a positive or a negative output slope, based on which condition is taught first (see Figure 3 on page 6). If the near limit is taught first, the slope is positive; if the far limit is taught first, the slope is negative. Banner’s scalable analog output automatically distributes the output signal over the width of the programmed sensing window.The U-GAGE T30 Series also features a 2-second hold upon loss of the received analog signal, which is useful for harsh and unstable applications.In the event of analog signal loss for longer than 2 seconds, the analog output goes to 3.6 mA or 0 V dc, which may be used to trigger an alarm.Current-Sourcing Models Target Position Positive SlopeNear WindowFar WindowA n a l o g O u t p u t (m A )204Negative SlopeVoltage-Sourcing ModelsTarget PositionPositive SlopeNearWindowFar WindowV o l t a g e O u t p u t (V d c )100Negative SlopeFigure 3. Positive and Negative Output SlopesNote: The analog current output tracks slightly past each window limit (from 3.8 to 20.5 mA).Self-Diagnostic Error ModeIn the unlikely event of a microprocessor memory error, all of the LEDs will flash in sequence. If this occurs, the setup parameters have been lost and the sensor may be corrupt. Contact Banner Engineering for further information.SpecificationsProximity Mode RangeA suffix models: 150 mm (5.9 in) minimum near limit; 1 m (39 in) maximum far limitB suffix models: 300 mm (11.8 in) minimum near limit; 2 m (79 in) maximum far limit Supply VoltageCurrent-sourcing analog output models: 12 V dc to 24 V dc (10% maximum ripple) at 90 mA, exclusive of loadVoltage-sourcing analog output models: 15 V dc to 24V dc (10% maximum ripple) at 90 mA, exclusive of load Supply Protection CircuitryProtected against reverse polarity and transient voltages Output ConfigurationsDiscrete (switched) output: SPST solid-state switch conducts when target is sensed within sensing window; choose NPN or PNP modelsAnalog output: Choose 0 V dc to 10 V dc sourcing or 4 mA to 20 mA sourcing output models; output slope may be selected via TEACH sequence (see Window Limits on page 3)Output RatingsDiscrete (switched) output: 100 mA maximumOff-state leakage current: less than 5 microampsOn-state saturation voltage: less than 1 V at 10 mA and less than 1.5 V at 100 mA Analog output:Voltage sourcing: 0 V dc to 10 V dc (at 1K Ω minimum resistance)Current sourcing: 4 to 20 mA, 1 Ω to Rmax Rmax = V supply - 7V / 20 mA Output Protection CircuitryProtected against output short-circuit, continuous overload, transient overvoltages,and false pulse on power-up Output Response Time Discrete output:“A” suffix models: 48 milliseconds “B” suffix models: 96 milliseconds Analog output:“A” suffix models: 48 milliseconds average, 16-millisecond update “B”suffix models: 96 milliseconds average, 32-millisecond update ConstructionMolded reinforced thermoplastic polyester housingSensing PerformanceNote: Specified using a 10 cm × 10 cm aluminum target at 25 ºC under fixed sensing conditions.Analog sensing resolution: ±0.25% of measured distance Analog linearity: ±0.5% of full-scale sensing range Sensing repeatability: ±0.25% of distance Minimum window size: 10 mm (0.4 in)Hysteresis of discrete output: 2.5 mm (0.10 in)AdjustmentsSensing window limits (analog or discrete): TEACH-mode programming of near and far window limits may be set using the push buttons on the sensor or remotely via TEACH input (see Configuring a Sensor on page 3). Discrete and analog window limits may be programmed separately, or together.Analog output slope: the first limit taught is assigned to the minimum output value (4mA or 0V)Environmental RatingLeakproof design is rated IEC IP67; NEMA 6P Connections2 m (6.5 ft) or 9 m (30 ft) 5-conductor PVC-covered attached cable, or 5-pin Euro-style quick-disconnect fitting Operating ConditionsTemperature: –20 °C to +70 °C (–4 °F to +158 °F)100% maximum relative humidity Application NotesObjects passing inside the specified near limit will produce a false response.Note: For more information about out-of-range and signal loss response of the analog output, see Analog Output on page 5.Vibration and Mechanical ShockAll models meet MIL-STD-202F, Method 201A (Vibration: 10 Hz to 60 Hz maximum,0.06 inch (1.52 mm) double amplitude, 10G maximum acceleration) requirements. Also meets IEC 60947-5-2 (Shock: 30G 11 ms duration, half sine wave) requirements.CertificationsDimensionsM30 x 1.5ThreadQuick-Disconnect ModelsPerformance Curves00200 mm (8.0 in)400 mm (16.0 in)600 mm (24.0 in)800 mm (32.0 in)1000 mm (40.0 in)50501001001501502002002.0 in 2.0 in 4.0 in4.0 in 6.0 in 6.0 in8.0 in 8.0 in DISTANCEW I D T H (m m )Figure 4. A Models 00400 mm (16.0 in)800 mm (32.0 in)1200 mm (48.0 in)1600 mm (64.0 in)2000 mm (80.0 in)10010020020030030040040004.0 in 4.0 in 8.0 in 8.0 in 12.0 in 12.0 in16.0 in 16.0 inDISTANCEWI D T H (m m )Figure 5. B Models05050100100150150200200(8.0 in)(16.0 in)(24.0 in)(32.0 in)(40.0 in)2.0 in 2.0 in 4.0 in4.0 in 6.0 in 6.0 in8.0 in 8.0 in DISTANCE W I D T H (m m )Figure 6. A Models 010*******200300300400400DISTANCE400 mm (16.0 in)800 mm (32.0 in)1200 mm (48.0 in)1600 mm (64.0 in)2000 mm (80.0 in)04.0 in 4.0 in 8.0 in 8.0 in 12.0 in12.0 in16.0 in 16.0 inW I D T H (m m )Figure 7. B ModelsAccessories CordsetsBracketsAll measurements are in mm.Banner Engineering Corp. Limited WarrantyBanner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year following the date of shipment. Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture which, at the time it is returned to the factory, is found to have been defective during the warranty period. This warranty does not cover damage or liability for misuse, abuse, or the improper application or installation of the Banner product.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE), AND WHETHER ARISING UNDER COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING OR TRADE USAGE.This Warranty is exclusive and limited to repair or, at the discretion of Banner Engineering Corp., replacement. IN NO EVENT SHALL BANNER ENGINEERING CORP. BE LIABLE TO BUYER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY EXTRA COSTS, EXPENSES, LOSSES, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY PRODUCT DEFECT OR FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT OR WARRANTY, STATUTE, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE.Banner Engineering Corp. reserves the right to change, modify or improve the design of the product without assuming any obligations or liabilities relating to any product previously manufactured by Banner Engineering Corp. Any misuse, abuse, or improper application or installation of this product or use of the product for personal protection applications when the product is identified as not intended for such purposes will void the product warranty. Any modifications to this product without prior express approval by Banner Engineering Corp will void the product warranties. All specifications published in this document are subject to change; Banner reserves the right to modify product specifications or update documentation at any time. Specifications and product information in English supersede that which is provided in any other language. For the most recent version of any documentation, refer to: .For patent information, see /patents.。



ApplicationThe sensor measures the spectral absorption of process liquids in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum.•Measurement of protein concentrations •Chromatography monitoring •Filtration monitoring •Concentration measurement of organic compounds •Detection of aromatesYour benefits•Improved process control and easier quality control thanks to quick and reliable monitoring of product concentration –Measuring range up to 2.5 AU or 50 OD (depending on optical path length)–Measurement of UV absorption at discrete wavelengths between 254 nm and 313 nm –Outstanding filter properties for highest linearity –Direct concurrence with laboratory values –Integrated reference detector for lamp compensation –Gas discharge lamp for long service life and stable measured values •FM- and ATEX-approved lamps for applications in the hazardous area •Compliance with life sciences sector thanks to hygienic design and FDA- and USP-compliant sealing materials •High degree of product safety as SIP/CIP-resistant •High product yield thanks to low volume requirements •Maximum durability in all applications owing to wide range of materials and process connections •Can be adapted to process requirements:Optional air purge ports to prevent the formation of condensate on the optical windowsProducts Solutions ServicesTechnical Information OUSAF46Optical sensor with the OUA260 flow assembly for the measurement of UV absorptionTI01190C/07/EN/02.1771388454OUSAF462Endress+HauserFunction and system designMeasuring principle Light absorption The measuring principle is based on the Lambert-Beer law.There is a linear dependency between the absorption of light and the concentration of the absorbing substance:A = -log(T) = ε . c . OPL T = I/I 0T ... Transmission I ... Intensity of received light at detector I 0 ... Intensity of transmitted light of light source A ... Absorption ε ... Extinction coefficient c ... Concentration OPL ... Optical path lengthA light source emits radiation through the medium and the incident radiation is measured on the detector side.The subsequent conversion to absorbance units (AU, OD) is performed in the associated transmitter.1Absorption measurement with reference 1Light source 2Optical windows 3Measurement filter 4Measuring detector 5Lens 6Medium flow 7Reference filter 8Reference detectorOUSAF46 has 2 pairs of reference and measuring detectors (= 2 channels). Only one channel is shown for the sake of simplicity.Measuring system An optical measuring system comprises:•Sensor (photometer) OUSAF46•Transmitter, for example Liquiline CM44P •Cable set, for example CUK80•Assembly OUA260OUSAF46Endress+Hauser 32Example of a measuring system with a photometer sensor 1pipe 5Flow assembly OUA2602Transmitter CM44P 6Sensor: light source (lamp)3CUK80 cable set 7CUK80 cable set 4Sensor: detector InputMeasured variableUV-absorption Measuring range •0 to 2.5 AU •Max. 50 OD (depending on the optical path length)WavelengthDiscrete wavelength at 254, 280, 295 or 313 nm Power supplyElectrical connection The sensor is connected to the transmitter using the pre-terminated or labeled cable set CUK80 (for connection to CM44P) or OUK (for connection to CVM40) . The terminals and labeling may vary depending on the transmitter in use. The cable set must be ordered separately.OUSAF464Endress+Hauser3OUSAF46 connecting cable ALight source (lamp) power supply B Signals of measurement and reference detectorCable lengthMaximum 100 m (330 ft)Lamp voltage Versions for use inhazardous areas 1)Safety instructions for electrical apparatus in explosion-hazardous areas, XA01403CConnecting the detector using a safety barrierThe photometer sensors use silicon photovoltaic cells as detectors which are operated in the current mode. The detectors are intrinsically safe and can be deployed in Zone 1 and Class I, Division 1environments.1)Applies only to measuring points consisting of a photometer, CUK80 cable set and Liquiline CM44P transmitter.OUSAF46Endress+Hauser 5The safe area is separated from the hazardous area by safety barrier MTL7760AC.4Safety barrier, dimensions in mm (inch)The safety barrier may only have a very low leak current since the optical signals from the sensor can be in the nanoampere range. Therefore, the sensor cable shield is connected to the ground terminal of the barrier.On delivery, the CUK80 detector cable is permanently wired to the . All you have to do is simply connect the individual cable ends to the detector and transmitter.Connecting the hazardous area lamp using a junction boxThe hazardous area lamp (EXP-1) must be connected to the transmitter using a certified junction box.For versions with FM approval, the junction box is included in the delivery and already pre-terminated on the lamp side. You simply have to connect the cable of the transmitter (CUK80)to the terminals of the junction box.For versions with ATEX approval, the junction box is not included in the delivery and it and the cable glands required must be provided by the customer at the place of installation. You must connect the cables entirely on your own (CUK80 of transmitter and lamp cable of photometer sensor).OUSAF466Endress+HauserInstallation5Mounting angles. The arrows indicate the direction of medium flow in the pipe.ASuitable mounting angle, better than C BOptimum mounting angle, best installation position CAcceptable mounting angle DMounting angle to be avoided E Forbidden mounting angleEnvironmentAmbient temperature0 to 55 °C (32 to 130 °F)Storage temperature-10 to +70 °C (+10 to +160 °F)Humidity5 to 95 %Degree of protection IP 65 (NEMA 4) for all optical partsProcessProcess temperature 0 to 90 °C (32 to 194 °F) continuousMax. 130 °C (266 °F) for 2 hoursProcess pressure Max. 100 bar (1450 psi) absolute, depending on the material, pipe size and process connection of the flow assemblyOUSAF46Endress+Hauser 7Mechanical construction6Sensor module ADimension of lamp → Table BDimension of detector → Table C Assembly, see Technical Information for assembly The total length of the sensor module is derived from the lengths of the lamp, the detector and the assembly.The dimensions of the OUA260 assembly are provided in Technical Information, TI00418C.‣Allow an additional gap of 5 cm (2") on both the lamp side and detector side of the sensor to connect the sensor cable.Weight SensorUV lamp0.58 kg (1.28 lbs)UV lamp with wire-braided cable (1.2 m (4 ft)) and junction box (sensor for hazardous area)3.2 kg (6.66 lbs)Easycal detector0.53 kg (1.17 lbs)Standard detector0.78 kg (1.71 lbs)Materials Sensor housingStainless steel 316Assembly OUA260Stainless steel 316, 316L or Kynar Cable connector endsNickel-plated brass Light sourceLow-pressure mercury lampLamp operating life: typically 3000 hDetectorUV silicon detector, hermetically sealed Filter Multilayer interference filter, designed for extreme UV conditionsOUSAF468Endress+HauserCertificates and approvalsmark Declaration of ConformityThe product meets the requirements of the harmonized European standards. As such, it complies with the legal specifications of the EU directives. The manufacturer confirms successful testing of the product by affixing to it the mark.Ex approvals •ATEX II 2G Ex db IIC T5 Gb •FM Cl.1, Div. 1, Groups B, C, DFDA conformityAll non-metal parts in contact with medium, such as rubber and plastic parts, meet the requirements of FDA 21 CFR 177.2600. The plastic and elastomer parts of the sensor in contact with medium have passed the biological reactivity tests according to USP <87> and <88> Class VI.Ordering informationProduct page /ousaf46Product Configurator On the product page there is a "Configure" button to the right of the product image Configure .1.Click this button. The Configurator opens in a separate window.2.Select all the options to configure the device in line with your requirements. In this way, you receive a valid and complete order code for the device.3.Export the order code as a PDF or Excel file. To do so, click the appropriate button on the rightabove the selection window.For many products you also have the option of downloading CAD or 2D drawings of the selected product version. Click the tab for this CAD and select the desired file type using picklists.Scope of delivery The scope of delivery consists of the following :•Detector and lamp module without flow assembly or •Detector and lamp module mounted on flow assembly •Operating InstructionsOrdering the sensor together with a transmitter:If you select the calibration option in the Product Configurator for the transmitter , the complete measuring system (transmitter, sensor, cable) is factory-calibrated and shipped as one package.‣If you have any queries:Please contact your supplier or local sales center.AccessoriesThe following are the most important accessories available at the time this documentation was issued.‣For accessories not listed here, please contact your Service or Sales Center.OUSAF46Endress+Hauser 9Flow assembly OUA260•Flow assembly for hygienic sensors •For sensor installation in pipes •Materials: stainless steel 316, 316L or Kynar (other materials available on request)•Wide variety of process connections and path lengths available •Product Configurator on the product page:/oua260Technical Information TI00418CCable CUK80 cable set •Pre-terminated and labeled cables for connecting analog photometer sensors •Product Configurator on the product page: /cuk80CalibrationKit OUSAF46 EasyCal retrofit kit •Patented system traceable to NIST for the calibration of UV absorption sensors •Order numbers:–254 nm: 71210149–280 nm: 71210150–295 nm: 71210156–313 nm: 71210151Reference rod Order number: 71108543。







Omega LVCN1700系列超声波水位传感器说明书

Omega LVCN1700系列超声波水位传感器说明书

KK-1ULTRASONIC LEVEL SWITCHLVCN1700 SeriesU O ffered in 3 Ranges From 3 to 8 m (9.8 to 26.2')U C onfiguration is Simple Via Integral Pushbutton Display ModuleU T hree ProgrammableRelays for Switch, Pump Control and Fail-Safety U L CD Display IndicatesLevel Height andRelay Status U N arrow 5 or 7.6 cm (2 or 3") Beam Width and Short4" or 8" Dead BandU P VDF Transducer and NEMA 4X (IP65) Polycarbonate Enclosure U A utomatic Temperature Compensation for Accurate MeasurementFor units with G threads add “-G” to model number, for addtional cost.Ordering Example: LVCN1710, Ultrasonic level controller with 3 SPDT relays and 3 m (9.8') range.SPECIFICATIONS Range: LVC 1710: 10 cm to 3 m (4" to 9.8')LVC 1718: 20 cm to 5.5 m (8" to 18') LVC 1726: 20 cm to 8 m (8" to 26.2')Repeatability: 6.35 mm (0.25")Dead Band:LVC 1710: 10 cm (4")LVC 1718/26: 20 cm (8")Beam Width: LVC 1710: 5 cm (2")LVC 1718/26: 7.6 cm (3")Configuration: Pushbutton Memory: Non-volatileDisplay Type: LCD, 6-digit Display Units: Inch, cm, percent, feetor meter LCD Indication: Level and relay statusSupply Voltage: 95 to 250 VacPower: 20 W @ 120 VacContact Type: (3) SPDT relays Contact Rating: 60 VA, 1A maximum Contact Fail-Safe: Open, close or hold last Process Temp: -20 to 60°C (-7 to 140°F)Temp Comp: AutomaticLVCN1710.Ambient Temp: -40 to 71°C (-40 to 160°F)Pressure: Maximum Working Pressure = 30 psi (2 bar)Enclosure Rating: NEMA 4X (IP65) Material: Polycarbonate Hardware: Brass and stainless Vent: Water tight membrane Trans Material: PVDFConduit Entrance: Dual, 1⁄2 NPT Process Mount: LVC 1710: 1 NPT (1" G optional) LVC 1718/26: 2 NPT (2" G optional)Mount Gasket: FKMClassification: General purpose Compliance: RoHSOMEGA’s LVCN1700 ultrasonic level sensor provides level detection up to 8 m (26.2') with 3 programmable relays for level switch or level control functions, and is configured via the integral pushbutton display module. Each relay can be configured on a single set-point (high level alarm or low level alarm) or latched on two set points for automatic fill or empty in simplex (one pump or valve), duplex (two pumps) or triplex (three pumps) level control modes with selectable time delay and fail-safe logic. The embedded level controller can lower cost by replacing external control hardware. This non-contact liquid level sensor is ideally suited forcorrosive, sticky or dirtyliquids, and is broadly selected for pump lift station, sump and day tanklevel applications.LVCN1710, inside view.。



超声波传感器使用说明书浙江亚龙教育装备股份有限公司全国机电一体化产品的装配与调试竞赛指定产品目录一、超声波传感器介绍: (3)(一)、超声波传感器参数表 (3)(二)、外观介绍 (3)(三)、工作原理 (4)(四)、参数设置 (4)(五)、超声波传感器接线说明 (5)二、西门子S7-224XP与超声波传感器使用说明 (6)(一)、接线原理图 (6)(二)、编程思路 (6)三、三菱FX0N-3A模拟量模块与超声波传感器的使用说明 (8)(一)、接线原理图 (8)(二)、编程思路 (9)四、汇川H2U-6A扩展卡与超声波传感器的使用说明 .............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

(一)、接线原理图 .................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

(二)、编程思路 ...................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

一、超声波传感器介绍:(一)、超声波传感器参数表(二)、外观介绍图1-1如1-1图所示:左边绿色指示灯为电源和信号强度指示灯,右边黄色指示灯为信号输出指示灯,TEACH为调节按钮(三)、工作原理图1-2 工作原理图如图1-2所示:可分为四个区域,最小和最大工作范围,近限和远限设定点。













KOBOLD EchoKing NEO-5003系列超声波水位传感器用户手册说明书

KOBOLD EchoKing NEO-5003系列超声波水位传感器用户手册说明书

KOBOLD Instruments Inc. 1801 Parkway View Drive Pittsburgh PA 15205Phone (412) 788-2830 • Fax (412)-788-4890KOBOLD EchoKing NEO-5003 SeriesUltrasonic Level TransmitterUser InstructionsKOBManual-NEO _5003-4_9-97Table Of Contents1.0General (1)2.0Specifications (1)3.0Installation (3)3.1Mechanical Installation (3)3.2Special Instructions for Mounting Near Tank Sidewall, Obstructions,and Turbulent Tanks (5)4.0Electrical Connections (6)4.14-20 mA Transmitter Wiring (6)5.0Programming/Calibration (8)6.0Troubleshooting (10)6.1Maximum Application Range for the NEO Level Transmitter (10)6.2Loss of Acoustic Return Signal (11)6.3Factory Settings (12)6.4Changing the Display Units (12)6.5If the Transmitter Output Current is Always 4 mA or 20 mA (12)7.0Maintenance (12)8.0Arrival of Damaged Equipment (12)List of DiagramsDiagram 2.1Dimensions (2)Diagram 3.1Recess installation (3)Diagram 3.2Installation Precautions (4)Diagram 3.3Special NEO EchoKing Installation (5)Diagram 4.1NEO-5000 Wiring (6)Diagram 4.2Wiring the NEO to a 4-20 mA Control Loop (7)Diagram 4.3Wiring the NEO to a PLC (7)Diagram 6.1Echo Attenuation Graph (10)Diagram 6.2 NEO Beam Cone Data (11)FM Rev. 9/30/97FM Rev. 9/30/97CAUTION:For safety reasons, please read the precautionary information Located at the end of this manual, before attempting installation1.0GeneralThe KOBOLD EchoKing ™ level transmitter operates on the ultrasonic principle. An ultrasonic sound wave is pulsed eight times per second from the base of the transducer. The sound wave reflects against the process medium below and returns to thetransducer. The microprocessor based electronics measure the time of flight between the sound generation and receipt, and translates this figure into the distance between the transmitter and process medium below. This design results in a high degree of accuracy with no requirement for contact with the fluid.2.0SpecificationsRange: 0.5 to 24.5 feetAccuracy: ± 0.25% of span (air)Resolution:0.125" (3 mm)Pulse Frequency:50 kHzPulse Rate: 8 pulses per secondDead Band: 6" from transducer face minimum Display Type: 4 segment LEDDisplay Units:Selectable Inch or cm Calibration/programming:Push buttonFail-safe diagnostics: Relay reverts to safe position Temperature rating: -4° to 140° F; (-20° to 60° C)Temp. compensation:Automatic over entire rangePressure rating:30psi@25°C.,*****************per °C above 25°C.Fitting Size:2” NPTTransducer material:Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF)NEO2Electrical Ratings:Enclosure rating:NEMA 4X / IP65Enclosure material: PolypropyleneSupply voltage: 14-36 VDCCurrent Consumption:200 mASignal output: Sourcing or sinking 4-20 mAOutput relay:Programmable for level alarm, pump-up/pump-down or loss of signal alarm Output relay ratings:250 VAC, 10 amp, 1/2 hp, SPDTDiagram 2.1DimensionsKOBFM Rev. 9/30/973NEOFM Rev. 9/30/973.0Installation3.1Mechanical InstallationMounting the NEO properly is critical to operation. To install the NEO ultrasonic level transmitter in a system proceed as follows:3.1.1If the NEO is installed such that the transducer face is recessed in a fit-ting or flange rather than flush with the tank lid, follow the criteria listed in Diagram 3.1 below. For a recess I.D. less than 3", do not recess the NEO more than 1” for best results.Diagram 3.1Recess installationRecess I.D.(inches)Max. Depth (inches)3347511615719826NEO 4FM Rev. 9/30/973.1.2The NEO level transmitter must be installed to avoid interference of the ultrasonic beam cone from the tank side wall. It must be installed such that the beam cone is not interfered by obstructions in the tank such as pipes, nozzles, ladders etc. The transmitter cannot be mounted at an angle (i.e. must be mounted perpendicular to the fluid surface). The NEO will not function in a vacuum.Diagram 3.2 illustrates these mounting precautions. Diagram 6.2 on page 11 gives the beam cone radius for various distances from the transducer face.Diagram 3.2Installation PrecautionsAvoid Interfer-ence from tank side-wallDo not install at an angleAvoid interfer-ence from obstructionsNEO will not operate in a vacuum5NEOFM Rev. 9/30/973.2Special Instructions for Mounting near Tank Sidewall, Obstructions, and Turbulent TanksWhen installing the NEO EchoKing level transmitter, every effort should be made to install the unit adhering to the precautions detailed in section 3.1.2, on page 4. In some installations where it is impossible to install away from the tank sidewall, away fromobstructions or where the tank has a turbulent fluid surface it still may be possible to use the NEO level transmitter by attaching a two inch nominal I.D. pipe to the NEOtransducer. The ultrasonic beam is then directed down the length of the pipe to the fluid surface and back to the transducer face.For this type of installation to work successfully, the following specific installation requirements must be met:•The fluid cannot be a coating type media which will coat the inside of the pipe. If this occurs, the ultrasonic signal will be dispersed and the signal reflected off the fluid surface will not be strong enough to be detected by the NEO.•The pipe used must be a single, continuous, straight length with no fittings, couplings or discontinuities except for the fitting which attaches the pipe to the 2 inch NPT fitting on the NEO transducer face.•The pipe must extend into the tank the entire desired measuring length.•A vent hole must be placed in the pipe. Both the vent hole and the two inch NPT fitting which attaches the pipe to the NEO must be placed within the six inch deadband which extends from the transducer face. If they extend beyond this deadband, they will interfere with the transmitted signal.Diagram 3.3 Illustrates this special installation.Diagram 3.3.Special NEO EchoKing Installation6” Xducer deadbandPipe fitting and vent hole must be placed within 6” from the trans-ducer faceThe pipe must becontinuous and extend the entire tank measuring lengthNEO 6FM Rev. 9/30/974.0Electrical ConnectionsThe NEO-5000 series level transmitter has both a 4-20 mA continuous level transmitter and SPDT relay. The SPDT relay can be programmed as a level alarm, as a pump-up/pump-down control, to alarm when the transmitted ultrasonic signal return is lost, or to alarm when the 4-20 mA signal is lost. Diagram 4.1 shows the wiring color coding for the NEO. The NEO requires a 14-36 VDC power with at least a 200 mA supply.Diagram 4.1NEO-5000 Wiring4.14-20 mA Transmitter WiringThe NEO-5000 Series level transmitter has two different types of 4-20 mA transmitters. The Model NEO-5003 is a current sourcing 4-20 mA transmitter. This means that it has an internal power source for the 4-20 mA loop and requires no external D.C. power for the 4-20 mA current loop. It is for use with un-powered 4-20 mA loops and with PLCs which have no power source at their current inputs (current sinking inputs). The Model NEO-5004 is a current sinking 4-20 mA transmitter which requires an external power source in its 4-20 mA loop. It is for use with 4-20 mA loops in which has a power source in the loop and with PLCs which have a power source at their current inputs (current sourcing inputs). Diagram 4.2 shows wiring to a 4-20 mA loop. Diagram 4.3 showswiring to PLCs.7NEO Diagram 4.2Wiring the NEO to a 4-20 mA Control LoopWiring to a Loop Indicator NEO-5004Wiring to a Loop Indicator NEO-5003Diagram 4.3Wiring the NEO to a PLCWiring to a PLC NEO-5003Wiring to a PLC NEO-5004FM Rev. 9/30/97NEO 8FM Rev. 9/30/975.0Programming/CalibrationHolding down the “MENU” key will scroll the display through itsprogramming sequence. The display is lit only during the programming mode. It will automatically extinguish when programming is completed and the push-buttons are idle for 30 seconds.The following is a description of each item in the programming sequence:Program current settings: First determine the 4mA and 20 mA distances for the NEO. The 4mA setting is labeled EC4 and the 20 mA setting is labeled EC20. These settings represent the distance from the 4mA and 20 mA level to the bottom of the sensor. The EC4 value will be larger than the EC20 value.EC4: Hold the [MENU] key until EC4 appears in the display. Release the key and wait until a value appears. This value is the level that the NEO currently senses. If this is an acceptable 4 mA tank level, press [SET] to lock the value as the new EC4. If not, press either the [▲] or [▼] keys and the old setting for the EC4 will appear. From here, use the [▲] or [▼] keys to raise or lower the value to the correct measurement. Press the [SET] key to lock this value as the new EC4 value.EC20: Hold the [MENU] key until EC20 appears in the display. Release the key and wait until a value appears. This value is the level that the NEO currently senses. If this is an acceptable 20 mA tank level, press [SET] to lock the value as the new EC20. If not, press either the [▲] or [▼] keys and the old setting for the EC20 will appear. From here, use the [▲] or [of] keys to raise or lower the value to the correct measurement. Press the [SET] key to lock this value as the new EC20 value.RLAY: Only an indicator for the next two modes. The 10 amp relay is latched between the HSET and LSET points (for pump-up/pump-down as an example). To simplyenergize or de-energize the relay at a single level (as for a level alarm), HSET and LSET should be set to the same value.HSET & LSET: Sets the high point and low point for relay activation. Press [MENU] key until either HSET or LSET appears. Wait for the display to change to the current value and press either [▲] or [▼] to change the numeric value. The [SET] key does not need to be pressed to lock in the value. Repeat process for the other setting.EchoKing9NEO SAF1/SAF2: The 10 amp relay inside the NEO can be used in a fail-safe design for your system. When [SAF1] is set, the relay will de-energize when the acoustic return signal is LOST. When [SAF2] is set, the relay will energize when the 4-20 mA signal is LOST. Response times will vary according to the setting of the NEO ([FAST] or [SLOW] modes). FAST/SLOW: [FAST] is the standard in which the NEO operates. [SLOW] is designed to dampen out turbulence in tanks. In the [FAST] mode, the NEO will average 8 responses per second and update every second. In the [SLOW] mode, the NEO will average over the preceding 10 seconds. When used with [SAFI] or [SAF2], the time for the relay to switch over is 30 seconds for the [FAST] mode, and 2.5 minutes for the [SLOW] mode. ALIN: Indicates that the unit is in the Alignment Mode. Display will show the return signal strength in dB's. Used as an indicator for mechanical alignment of the NEO and/or to indicate signal attenuation. Typical readings range between 0 and 50 dB's. For optimum alignment, first energize the unit and receive a valid return signal. Then select the ALIN mode and adjust the NEO until the display is maximized.ON/OFF: Used to toggle alignment [ON] or [OFF] with the [Set] key. The ALIN mode must be turned [OFF] when alignment is completed. This mode will not automatically default back to [LEVL].TANK: Used as an indication for [TANK]. TANK sets the maximum tank depth that the NEO will recognize. It will filter out any returns greater than the tank value. This feature is useful for eliminating false readings in tanks which have irregular shaped bottoms or obstructions near the bottom of the tank. When the signal does exceed the tank value, the tank value will be displayed and transmitted. Use the next setting to change the TANK value.(value): Use the [▲] and [▼] buttons to change the current TANK value and press [SET] to enter the value. The NEO will limit the displayed and transmitted level to this distance. The maximum distance is 300 inches.FM Rev. 9/30/97NEO 10FM Rev. 9/30/976.0Troubleshooting6.1Maximum Application Range for the NEO Level TransmitterThe maximum range of the NEO is 24.5 feet at 110 dB. Yet a number of factors can reduce the overall quality of signal return and shorten the accurate range of the transmitter. To determine the maximum application range of the product, follow the example signal return formula against the echo attenuation graph below.Diagram 6.1Echo Attenuation Graph11NEOFM Rev. 9/30/976.2Loss of Acoustic Return SignalA reading of LOST in the display of the NEO indicates the NEO is not receiving a valid return signal. In addition to a LOST appearing on the NEO display, the transmitter output will freeze at the last value where a valid acoustic return was received regardless of changes in tank level. If LOST appears, please check for:•Interference such as the side wall, ladders, seams, rungs or pipes within the NEO's beam cone. The beam cone data is listed in Diagram 6.2 below.•Proper installation such that the NEO is installed level and free from interference from the installation fitting.•Sufficient power being supplied to the NEO. The NEO requires 14 to 36 VDC power with a minimum supply of 200 mA.•Proper programming of the TANK function. For best results, set the TANK function as the distance from the bottom of the tank to the transmitter.When the acoustic return is again recognized by the NEO. The LOST display will clear and the transmitter will resume normal function.Diagram 6.2NEO Beam Cone DataRange (feet)Radius(inches)Range (feet)Radius (inches)1 2.61321.52 4.21423.13 5.71524.747.31626.358.91727.8610.51829.4712.11931.0813.62032.6915.22134.21016.82235.71118.42337.31220.02438.82540.5NEO126.3Factory SettingsThe NEO sensor is preset at the factory. When powering up the sensor the first time, the factory settings will be active. If at any time in you need to return to these settings, remove power from the sensor and wait 10 seconds. Press the [Set] and [Menu] buttons simultaneously while powering up the sensor.Table 6.1 Factory Calibration Default ValuesLEVL Inches SAF1/2SAF1EC 48”F/S FASTEC 20288”ALIN N/ARLAY N/A OFF OFFHSET5”TANK N/ALSET288”value288”6.4Changing the Display UnitsThe NEO comes preset to measure in inches. To change the unit to display centimeters, remove power to the unit and wait 10 seconds. Press [▲] and [Set] simultaneously while powering up the sensor. The NEO will now read in centimeters. To return to inches, remove power and wait 10 seconds. Press [▼] and [Set] simultaneously while powering up the sensor.6.5If the Transmitter Output Current is Always 4 mA or 20 mAIf the output of the NEO is always reading 4mA or 20 mA, check the EC 4 and EC 20 input values for the NEO. The display of the NEO reads to the 1/10 of an inch or cm. A display of 1234 is “123.4" and not “1234".7.0MaintenanceThe Series NEO level transmitter is an electronic device with no moving parts. It has a totally digital electronic design which means that there is minimal calibration drift. These features make the NEO virtually maintenance free. If a coating of process media should form on the sensor face the unit should be removed from the system and the sensor face cleaned.8.0Arrival of Damaged EquipmentYour instrument was inspected prior to shipment and found to be defect-free. If damage is visible on the unit, we advise that you carefully inspect the packing in which it was delivered. If damage is visible, notify your local carrier at once. The carrier is liable for a replacement under these circumstances. If your claim is refused, please contact KOBOLD Instruments.FM Rev. 9/30/9713NEOCAUTIONPLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING WARNINGS BEFORE ATTEMPTING INSTALLATION OF YOUR NEW DEVICE. FAILURE TO HEED THE INFORMATION HEREIN MAY RESULT IN EQUIPMENT FAILURE AND POSSIBLE SUBSEQUENT PERSONAL INJURY.FM Rev. 9/30/97NEO14•User's Responsibility for Safety: KOBOLD manufactures a wide range of process sensors and technologies. While each of these technologies aredesigned to operate in a wide variety of applications, it is the user'sresponsibility to select a technology that is appropriate for the application,to install it properly, to perform tests of the installed system, and to maintainall components. The failure to do so could result in property damage orserious injury.•Proper Installation and Handling: Use a proper sealant with allinstallations. Never overtighten the transmitter within the fitting. Alwayscheck for leaks prior to system start-up.•Wiring and Electrical: A supply voltage of 14-36 VDC is used to power the NEO transmitter. The sensor systems should never exceed a maximumof 36 VDC. Electrical wiring of the sensor should be performed inaccordance with all applicable national, state, and local codes.•Temperature and Pressure: The NEO is designed for use in application temperatures from -20 °C (-4 °F) to 60 °C (140 °F), and for use atpressuresupto30psi@25°C,********************°Cabove25°C.Operation outside these limitations will cause damage to the unit.•Material Compatibility: The NEO is made of two materials. The enclosure is of Polypropylene (PP) and the transducer is made of PolyvinylideneFluoride (PVDF). Make sure that the model which you have selected ischemically compatible with the application liquids. While the transmitterhousing is liquid resistant when installed properly, it is not designed to beimmersed. It should be mounted in such a way that it does not normallycome into contact with fluid.•Flammable, Explosive and Hazardous Applications: The NEO level transmitter system is not an explosion-proof design. It should not be usedin applications where an explosion-proof design is required.•Make a Fail-Safe System: Design a fail-safe system that accommodates the possibility of transmitter or power failure. In critical applications,KOBOLD recommends the use of redundant backup systems and alarmsin addition to the primary system.FM Rev. 9/30/97WARRANTY, SERVICE & REPAIR7/98NATYRWARSAFETY PRECAUTIONSDEFINITIONPROGRAMMING WIRINGWIRING II INSTALLATIONINSTALLATION II TROUBLESHOOTINGSPECIFICATIONS。



超声波传感器使用说明书浙江亚龙教育装备股份有限公司一、超声波传感器介绍:(一)、超声波传感器参数表(二)、外观介绍图1-1如1-1图所示:左边绿色指示灯为电源和信号强度指示灯,右边黄色指示灯为信号输出指示灯,TEACH为调节按钮(三)、工作原理图1-2 工作原理图如图1-2所示:可分为四个区域,最小和最大工作范围,近限和远限设定点。


(四)、参数设置1、近限和远限手动设置(1)进入编程模式:长按TEACH Push Button 直到OUT灯变红;(2)设置低限:短按TEACH Push Button,设置完成OUT灯闪烁;(3)设置高限:短按TEACH Push Button,设置完成退出编程模式,进入RUN 模式OUT灯变回初始状态;(4)低限或高限没有设置完成前,长按TEACH Push Button,退出编程模式;(5)在编程模式下,低限设置前,如果时间超过120秒,退出编程模式(五)、超声波传感器接线说明图1-3棕色(bn):+24v蓝色(bu):0V(模拟量输出公共端)白色(wh):模拟量输出端黑色(bk):开关量信号端灰色(gy):远程终端屏蔽线(shiled):接地端mm 数字量68mm28mm6000320000二、西门子S7-224XP 与超声波传感器使用说明(一)接线原理图图1-4(二)编程思路S18UIA 传感器输出为4~20ma 的电流,西门子224XP 系列PLC 模拟量输入为0~10v 满量程为0~32000;所以在模拟量输出端外加500欧姆的电阻转化为2~10v 的电压。

此处实例:下限高度为28mm 上限高度为68mm由公式y=kx+b 可以计算出 K=650;b=-12200图1-5首先把模拟量转化成数字量的值读出来,放到累加寄存器AC0内,然后把AC0内的值转化成实数,进行实数运算,按照公式和图1-5所示,要得到X的值,首先把b的值进行补偿计算,然后再除以斜率K的值,得到高度值存放在VD1051中。

Minotaur MSR132E ED监测安全超声波传感器说明书

Minotaur MSR132E ED监测安全超声波传感器说明书

Installation InstructionsOriginal InstructionsMinotaur MSR132E/ED Monitoring Safety RelayCatalog Number 440R-E23159, 440R-E23160, 440R-E23161, 440R-E23162, 440R-E23191, 440R-E23192, 440R-E23193, 440R-E23194, 440R-E23195, 440R-E23097, 440R-E23098Summary of ChangesThis publication contains the following new or updated information. This listincludes substantive updates only and is not intended to reflect all changes.IntroductionThis device is intended to be part of the safety-related control system of amachine.Rockwell Automation does not accept responsibility for the failure of this device ifyou do not implement the procedures that are given in this publication, or if youuse the unit outside the recommended specifications that are listed in thispublication.DescriptionIf both internal relays activate, the safety output contacts close. The two statusindicators in the front indicate the status of the relays. The N.C. contact X1-X2must connect to the feedback loop of the control unit to monitor the safe functionor the MSR132E/ED. The off-delay versions of MSR132ED are active until the fixeddelay time runs down. All MSR series safety relays can connect to the contactmodule MSR132E/ED. The use of single or dual-channel activation depends on thelevel of safety that is required for the control unit. The off-delay versions are onlyavailable for DC supply and are limited to Cat 3 applications. Available time ranges0.5 s/1 s/2 s/3 s. Versions with removable terminals end with P.Pay attention to Wiring Examples on page3.Topic PageUpdated Declaration of Conformity4IMPORTANT Before installation, perform a risk assessment to determinewhether the specifications of this device are suitable for allforeseeable operational and environmental characteristicsof the machine to which it is to be fitted. At regularintervals during the life of the machine, check whether thecharacteristics foreseen remain valid.WARNING: Danger of serious injuries. Misuse can result inmalfunction.•Only authorized and trained personnel can start up, assemble,or retrofit the device.•Installation must be in accordance with the following steps.WARNING: Danger of serious injuries.Incorrect installation or manipulation can result in seriousinjuries. Do not defeat, tamper, remove, or bypass this unit.ATTENTION: If any malfunction or damage is present, do notattempt to repair. Replace the unit before machine operationis allowed. Do not dismantle the unit.IMPORTANT The safety inputs of these products are described asnormally closed (N.C.), that is, with the guard closed, theactuator in place (where relevant), and the machine able tostart. You must prevent exposure to shock and/or vibrationin excess of those specifications in IEC 60068 part: 2-6/7.Adherence to the recommended inspection andmaintenance instructions forms part of the warranty.IMPORTANT All information complies with the state of this publicationand is subject to change without notice.2Rockwell Automation Publication 440R-IN090A-EN-P - November 2022Minotaur MSR132E/ED Monitoring Safety Relay Installation InstructionsSpecificationsInstallationDo not install this product until the installer obtains a copy of the instructions of the manufacturer, in a language that they can understand. This instruction publication is available in multiple languages at rok.auto/literature .Figure 1 - MountingMount the enclosure to a minimum of IP54.Figure 2 - Removable Terminals (P versions only)To remove the terminals, insert a screwdriver and slowly move as shown in Figure 2.AttributeMSR132EMSR132EDFunctional safety dataAccording to ISO 13849-1:•PLe, Cat. 4•MTTF d [a]: 452•DC average: 99%According to ISO 13849-1:•PLd, Cat. 3•MTTF d [a]: 452•DC average: 99%According to IEC 62061 and IEC 61508:•SIL 3 •PFH [1/h]: 234E-10•HFT: 1•DC: 99%According to IEC 62061 and IEC 61508:•SIL 2•PFH [1/h]: 234E-10•HFT: 1•DC: 99%•TM (PTI) [a]: 20•dop [d]/hop [h] (1): 365/24•tcycle [h]/[s] (2): 8/28,800(1)Operation time (day, hour)(2)Cycle time (hour, sec)Power supply 24V AC/DC (delay types only DC)0.85...1.1 x rated voltage 50/60 Hz Power consumption 3 W Input simultaneity InfiniteAllowable input resistance, max 160 ΩOutputs 4 N.O. safety, 2 N.C. auxiliary, 1 N.C. monitoring Output rating •UL: B300, R3006 A/250V AC, 3 A/24V DC •AC-15: 6 A/250V AC •DC-13: 3 A/24V DC Fuses output (external) 6 A slow blow or 10 A quick blow Switched current/voltage, min 10 mA/10V Contact material AgSnO 2 + 0.5µAu AgSnO 2 + 0.5µAuElectrical life (operations)•100,000 (220V AC/4 A/880VA cos φ = 0.35)•500,000 (220V AC/1.7 A/375VA cos φ = 0.6)•1,000,000 (30V DC/2 A/60 W)•2,000,000 (10V DC/0.01 A/0.1 W)Mechanical life 10,000,000 cycles Power on delay < 50 msResponse time < 100 ms (or 0.5 s, 1 s, 2 s, 3 s)Impulse withstand voltage 2500V Pollution degree 2Installation group Overvoltage category III, VDE 0110-1Operating temperature -5…+55 °C (23…131 °F)Relative Humidity 90% Enclosure protection IP40 (NEMA 1)Terminal protection IP20Wiring Use copper that withstands 60/75 °C (140/167 °F)Conductor size 0.2...2.5 mm 2 (24…12 AWG)Torque settings Terminal screws: 0.6…0.8 N•m (5…7 lb•in)Case material Polyamide PA 6.6Mounting 35 mm (1.38 in.) DIN rail in enclosure to a minimum of IP54Weight 215 g (0.47 lb)Vibration 10…55 Hz, 0.35 mm (0.01 in.)Rockwell Automation Publication 440R-IN090A-EN-P - November 20223Minotaur MSR132E/ED Monitoring Safety Relay Installation InstructionsWiring ExamplesFigure 3 - 24V DC Host (MSR131) with Dual-channel Safety Light Curtain Input and Single-channel Delayed Expansion (MSR132ED) with MonitoringFigure 4 - 24V DC Host (MSR138) with Dual-channel Safety Light Curtain Input and Dual-channel Expansion (MSR132E) Delayed with Adjustable Timed MSR138 OutputsCircuit DiagramFigure 5 - DiagramApproximate DimensionsFigure 6 - Dimensions [mm (in.)]ActiveClosedTable 1 - Circuit Diagram ExplanationAbbreviation Description MSR132E/MSR132 EP MSR132ED/MSR132 EDP A1, A2-PowerX1, X2-Monitoring loop feedback 13, 14, 23, 24, 33, 34, 43, 4417, 18, 27, 28, 37, 38, 47, 48Safety output (N.O.)51, 52, 61, 6255, 56, 65, 66Auxiliary output (N.C.)Table 2 - Status IndicatorsIndicator Description PWR Status indicator illuminates green when the unit is powered, flashing green ifcross-loop faults occurCH1Status indicator illuminates green when the safety output channel 1 activates CH2Status indicator illuminates green when the safety output channel 2 activatesPublication 440R-IN090A-EN-P - November 2022 | Supersedes Publication 440R-IN062A-MU-P - April 2011Copyright © 2022 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Allen-Bradley, expanding human possibility, Guardmaster, Minotaur, and Rockwell Automation are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.10000176980 Ver 01Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş. Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752, İçerenköy, İstanbul, Tel: +90 (216) 5698400 EEE Yönetmeliğine UygundurYour comments help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve our content, complete the form at rok.auto/docfeedback .For technical support, visit rok.auto/support .Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental compliance information on its website at rok.auto/pec .At the end of life, this equipment should be collected separately from any unsorted municipal waste.Safety SpecificationsYou can use the MSR132E/ED safety relay in safety circuits according to DIN EN 60204-1/VDE 0113 part 1. Safety requirements that are specified inSpecifications on page 2 are maximum, based on the operation mode and wiring.Specifications are applicable only if the safety function is demanded at least once within 6 months. All diagnostic tests are conducted at least before next demand. The mission time (TM) for the proof test interval (PTI) is adopted. Components failure rates according to SN29500.Figure 7 - Example Safety CircuitsDeclaration of ConformityCE ConformityRockwell Automation declares that the products that are shown in this document conform with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements (EHSRs) of the European Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC) and EMC Directive (2014/30/EU).For a comprehensive CE certificate visit: rok.auto/certifications .UKCA ConformityRockwell Automation declares that the products that are shown in this document are in compliance with the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations (2008 No. 1597) and Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations (2016 No. 1091).For a comprehensive UKCA certificate visit: rok.auto/certifications.。










TURCK 可靠的超声波传感器系列说明书

TURCK 可靠的超声波传感器系列说明书

for Long-RangeSensing of Difficult TargetsR e l i a b l e U l t r a s o n i c S e n s o r sTURCK Ultrasonics beat photoelectrics inA versatile solutionTough sensing applications are nomatch for TURCK’s ultrasonic sensors.Our versatile line of sensors includes30mm threaded metal barrels and plastichousings in two rectangular housing styles.Narrow or wide sensing angles, analog ordiscrete outputs, multiple sensor headpositioning and enhanced sensing featurescombine to make TURCK’s line of ultrasonicsensors the solution to your tough sensingapplications.T ransparent T argetsUltrasonic sensors are your best choice for transparent targets.They can detect a sheet of transparent plastic film as easily as awooden pallet.DustyenvironmentsTURCK’s M- and Q-styleultrasonic sensors don’t need the cleanenvironment needed by photoelectric sensors. Thesealed epoxy resin piezoelectric transducer operates wellin many dusty applications.1difficult sensing applic ations.Sense sloped or uneven targetsMany applications, such as dry level detection,involve sloped or uneven materials. This is noproblem for TURCK’s CP40-style ultrasonicsensor. This sensor features a 60° sonic coneangle. The wide cone angle allows for a targetinclination of up to 15°.Control drive speed withanalog outputTURCK’s M18, Q30 and CP40 stylesfeature analog current or voltageoutputs directly proportional to thetarget distance. Use the analogoutput for web processingapplications such as loop tensionand roll diameter of carpet, paper,textile or plastic.Mount in difficult sensingenvironmentsThe TURCK M-style sensors have sealed, PBT-enclosed transducers that are rated IEC IP 65.Combine this with the wide -25° to 70°C (-13°to 158°F) temperature range, and you have arugged sensor ready for your next demandingapplication.2Ultrasonics by TURCK have enhanced sensing features.Patented noise suppression circuitryTURCK’s ultrasonic sensors are notinfluenced by glass or metal “clinks” or thehiss of pressurized air due to their patentednoise suppression circuitry.Background and foregroundsuppressionAll TURCK ultrasonic sensors are equippedwith a potentiometer for adjusting the farlimit of the sensing window; most versionsalso feature a second potentiometer toadjust the near limit. Thisallows suppression of targetsin the background andforeground.LED IndicationsAll TURCK ultrasonic sensors have LEDs that indicate outputstatus. CP40 styles also have an LED that indicates targetpresence in sonic cone.SynchronizationThe RUC...M30 and RU...Q30 style sensors have a synchronization feature thatallows them to emit sonic pulses simultaneously when the synchronization linesare connected. In most cases this will prevent mutual interference caused bymultiple sensors in an application.When controlled by a PLC, thisfeature also allows multiplesensors to betriggered sequentially.3Selection GuideBarrel Style3-Wire PNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94-Wire PNP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Dual-Output PNP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134-Wire Linear Analog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Rectangular Style4-Wire PNP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-Wire Linear Analog (voltage) . . . . . . . . . . 19Limit Switch Style3-Wire PNP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174-Wire Linear Analog (current & voltage). . . . . . 21AppendixBrackets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264TURCK Inc. 3000 Campus Drive Minneapolis, MN 55441 Phone: (612) 553-7300 Fax: (612) 553-0708 Application Assistance: 1-800-544-PROX4MediumTURCK ultrasonic transducers are calibrated for use in air. The sensors can also be used in other gaseous media with a corresponding change in sensing range.TargetsSolid, fluid, granular and powdery targets can be detected by TURCK ultrasonic sensors.The variations of an “ideal” target should notexceed 0.15 mm (.006 in). Larger surface variations allow for larger alignment variations but may reduce sensing range.Target temperature affects the sensing range in that hot surfaces reflect sonic waves less than cold ones.The ultrasonic reflectivity of liquid surfaces is the same as that of solid, flat objects. Correct alignment should be observed.Textiles, foams, wool, etc. absorb sonic waves,thereby reducing the sensing range.Principle of OperationThe sensor emits an ultrasonic pulse that reflects back from any object entering the sonic cone.Because sound has a constant velocity at a given temperature and humidity, the time taken for this echo to return to the sensor is directly proportional to the distance of the object. The sensor’s output status is dependent on the comparison of this time with the setting of the detection zone.Air temperature and humidityBoth air temperature and humidity influence the sonic pulse duration. An air temperature increase of 20°C (68°F) results in a +3.5% change insensing distance for M18, M30 or Q30 styles and +8% for CP40s.An increase in humidity results in an increased sound speed (max. 2%) compared with dry air.Air pressureNormal atmospheric pressure changes of ±5% (at a fixed reference point) can cause a ±6% deviation in sensing range.Air streamsAir streams affect the echo propagation time, but the effects of air flow speeds of up to 10 m/s are negligible. The use of ultrasonic sensors is not recommended in turbulent areas such as above glowing metal because the sonic waves become distorted, making the echos difficult to evaluate.DewingNormal concentrations of rain or snow falling in front of the sensor do not affect sensor operation.CP40 transducers are not protected against wetting. All other ultrasonic sensors are notdamaged by water, but correct functionality may be impaired when wet. Therefore, the transducers should not be subjected to direct wetting during use.blue is nondetection zonered is adjustable detection zonegray is blind zone5TURCK Inc. 3000 Campus Drive Minneapolis, MN 55441 Phone: (612) 553-7300 Fax: (612) 553-0708 Application Assistance: 1-800-544-PROXSensor stylesM18, M30 & Q30: these sensor styles have one transducer that functions both as emitter andreceiver, which results in a larger blind zone. They have a narrow sonic cone (6°) and are especially suited for detection of small objects in a small area at a long distance.CP40- these sensor styles have two transducers -one emitter and one receiver, which results in a smaller blind zone. They have a wide sonic cone (60°). The wide cone angle allows for a greater angle of inclination for the target. CP40 stylesensors are especially suited for detecting objects in a large area.Simultaneous operation of several sensorsWhen several ultrasonic sensors are used, mutual interference of the sonic cones may arise. To eliminate this problem, some of the sensors have synchronization and multiplexing features. For those sensors without these features, maintaining a minimum distance between sensors will also solve this problem.SynchronizationSynchronization of ultrasonic sensors causes the sensors to emit their sonic pulses ing RUC...M30, RU..-Q30 or RU..-M18 sensors,up to six sensors may be synchronized by tying their X1 lines.MultiplexingMultiplexing the sensors causes them to emit their pulses at pre-defined intervals, independent of one another. This eliminates the possibility of mutual interference and of sensors seeing targets that are actually in front of other sensors. The more sensors that are operated alternately, the lower the switching frequency.The X1 line of sensors RUC..-M30, RU..-Q30 and RU..-M18 can be used as an enable input for multiplexing purposes. An X1 input of +24 V enables the sensor while an X1 input of 0 Vdisables it. Multiplexing via the X1 line instead of by powering down the sensors has the advantage that only the response time has to be considered and not the time delay before availability.ESD protectionIn high-static applications such as web processing,electrostatic discharge (ESD) can cause sensors to malfunction. The CP40 style sensors have recently been redesigned to withstand up to 8000 volts air discharge without the use of an external groundingscreen.M30Q30CP40M186TURCK Inc. 3000 Campus Drive Minneapolis, MN 55441 Phone: (612) 553-7300 Fax: (612) 553-0708 Application Assistance: 1-800-544-PROXSensors with two switch pointsRUC...2AP8X - the potentiometers on these sensors set the far limits of each detection zone.Potentiometer S1 sets the far limit of Zone 1,which begins at the end of the blind zone.Potentiometer S2 sets the far limit of Zone 2,which begins at the far limit of Zone 1 (Figure 1).Sensors with one switch pointCP40- potentiometer S1 sets the near limit while potentiometer S2 sets the depth of the detection zone. This allows both foreground and background suppression. Changes to S1 will cause the far limitto follow (Figure 2).Figure 2Figure 3Figure 4Range adjustmentsM30 and CP40 style sensors have twopotentiometers to enable both foreground and background suppression. Q30 and discrete M18style sensors have one potentiometer to enable background suppression only.Analog M18 sensors have a fixed range.Sensing ranges given are at nominal conditions,i.e. Tu = +20°C (68°F) using a standard target,vertically aligned, with reflective surface (metal, 1 mm thick).Q30 and discrete M18- one potentiometer sets the far limit of the detection zone. The near limit is not adjustable, and is determined by the blind zone. This allows for background suppression only (Figure 3).M30- potentiometers S1 and S2 set the near and far limits of the detection zone. This allows for foreground and background suppression. The pots are independent of each other (Figure 4).TURCK Inc. 3000 Campus Drive Minneapolis, MN 55441 Phone: (612) 553-7300 Fax: (612) 553-0708 Application Assistance: 1-800-544-PROX7Mounting Considerations1)The greater the angle α, the larger the distance f. The minimum f values in the table refer to α= 0°.9TURCK Inc. 3000 Campus Drive Minneapolis, MN 55441 Phone: (612) 553-7300 Fax: (612) 553-0708 Application Assistance: 1-800-544-PROXTURCKUltrasonic SensorsM BarrelSensor SelectionConnector:PBT Plastic Sensing Face:PBT PlasticBarrel:Anodized AluminumMaterialSpecificationsDimensions21Wiring DiagramTURCKUltrasonic SensorsConnector:PBT Plastic Sensing Face:PBT PlasticBarrel:M18: Nickel Plated Brass M30(..): Anodized AluminumMaterialM BarrelSensor SelectionDimensionsSpecificationsWiring Diagram213TURCKUltrasonic SensorsM BarrelConnector:PBT Plastic Sensing Face:PBT PlasticBarrel:Anodized AluminumMaterialSensor SelectionDimensionsSpecificationsWiring Diagram21TURCKUltrasonic SensorsQ30Connector:PBT Plastic Sensing Face:PBT PlasticBarrel:Crastin, SK 645FRMaterialSensor SelectionSonic Cone Angle. . . . . . . . . . . .6°Standard Target. . . . . . . . . . . . .RU 30: 1 x 1 cm2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RU100: 2 x 2 cm2Allowable Angle of Target Inclination. . . .≤3°Max. Overtravel Speed. . . . . . . . .RU 30: 0.5 - 1.5 m/s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RU100: 0.6 - 1.5 m/sRipple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .≤10%No-Load Current. . . . . . . . . . . .≤35 mAContinuous Load Current. . . . . . . . .≤100 mAVoltage Drop. . . . . . . . . . . . .≤2.0 V at 100 mAReverse Polarity Protection. . . . . . . .IncorporatedWire-Break Protection. . . . . . . . . .IncorporatedPower-on False Pulse Suppression. . . . . .IncorporatedTime Delay Before Availability *. . . . . .RU 30: 77 ms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RU100: 97 msResponse Time. . . . . . . . . . . . .RU 30: 70 ms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RU100: 90 msTrigger Current for Overload Protection. . .≥300 mAOperating Temperature. . . . . . . . .0°C to +55°C (32°F to +131°F) Temperature Drift. . . . . . . . . . . .0.17%/K (air effect) Enclosure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IP 65Vibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 - 55 Hz, 1 mm deflection LED Function. . . . . . . . . . . . .Yellow: Output Energized; object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .detected within sensing window * Affected by target distance and potentiometer setting SpecificationsDimensions WiringDiagram1TURCKUltrasonic SensorsCP40Housing:PBT-GF30-VOMaterialSensor SelectionWiring DiagramSonic Cone Angle . . . . . . . . . . . .60°Adjustable Near Limit . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 100 cm Adjustable Depth of Sensing Window . . . .10 - 100 cmStandard Target. . . . . . . . . . . . .Distance ≤100 cm: 2 x 2 cm 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Distance ≤180 cm: 20 x 20 cm 2Allowable Angle of Target Inclination . . . .≤15°Max. Overtravel Speed . . . . . . . . .Distance ≤100 cm: 1 m/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Distance ≤180 cm: 2 m/s Ripple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .≤10%No-Load Current . . . . . . . . . . . .≤20 mA Continuous Load Current . . . . . . . . .≤200 mAVoltage Drop . . . . . . . . . . . . .≤2.5 V at 200 mA Reverse Polarity Protection . . . . . . . .Incorporated Wire-Break Protection . . . . . . . . . .Incorporated Power-on False Pulse Suppression. . . . . .IncorporatedESD Protection per CE . . . . . . . . . . 4 kV (8 kV) contact (air) discharge Time Delay Before Availability *. . . . . .≤430 ms Response Time . . . . . . . . . . . . .≤150 ms Trigger Current for Overload Protection . . .≥220 mAOperating Temperature . . . . . . . . .0°C to +70°C (32°F to +158°F)Temperature Drift. . . . . . . . . . . .0.4%/K (air effect)Enclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IP 40LED Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . .Red: Output energized. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Green: Object within sonic cone* Affected by target distance and potentiometer settingsSpecifications1DimensionsTURCKUltrasonic SensorsQ30Connector:PBT Plastic Sensing Face:PBT PlasticBarrel:Crastin, SK 645FRMaterialSensor SelectionTURCK Inc. 3000 Campus Drive Minneapolis, MN 55441 Phone: (612) 553-7300 Fax: (612) 553-0708 Application Assistance: 1-800-544-PROX20Wiring DiagramSonic Cone Angle . . . . . . . . . . . .6°Standard Target. . . . . . . . . . . . .RU 30: 1 x 1 cm 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RU100: 2 x 2 cm 2Allowable Angle of Target Inclination . . . .≤3°Max. Overtravel Speed . . . . . . . . .RU 30: 0.5 - 1.5 m/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RU100: 0.6 - 1.5 m/s Ripple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .≤10%No-Load Current . . . . . . . . . . . .≤35 mA Current Output. . . . . . . . . . . . .0 - 10 V Load Impedance . . . . . . . . . . . .>1 k ΩPower-on False Pulse Suppression. . . . . .Incorporated Time Delay Before Availability *. . . . . .87 msOperating Temperature . . . . . . . . .0°C to +55°C (32°F to +131°F)Temperature Drift. . . . . . . . . . . .0.17%/KLinearity Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . .±2% of full scale Enclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IP 65Vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 - 55 Hz, 1 mm deflection LED Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . .Yellow: Output energized; object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .within detection zone* Affected by target distance and potentiometer settingSpecifications1DimensionsResponse Curve21TURCK Inc. 3000 Campus Drive Minneapolis, MN 55441 Phone: (612) 553-7300 Fax: (612) 553-0708 Application Assistance: 1-800-544-PROXTURCKUltrasonic SensorsCP40Housing:PBT-GF30-VOMaterialSensor SelectionTURCK Inc. 3000 Campus Drive Minneapolis, MN 55441 Phone: (612) 553-7300 Fax: (612) 553-0708 Application Assistance: 1-800-544-PROX22Wiring DiagramSonic Cone Angle . . . . . . . . . . . .60°Standard Target. . . . . . . . . . . . .Distance ≤100 cm: 2 x 2 cm 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Distance ≤180 cm: 20 x 20 cm 2Allowable Angle of Target Inclination . . . .≤15°Max. Overtravel Speed . . . . . . . . .Distance ≤100 cm: 1 m/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Distance ≤180 cm: 2 m/s Ripple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .≤10%No-Load Current . . . . . . . . . . . .≤20 mA Current Output. . . . . . . . . . . . .0 - 20 mA - Load Impedance. . . . . . . . . . . .≤500ΩVoltage Output. . . . . . . . . . . . .0 - 10 V - Load Impedance. . . . . . . . . . . .≥4.7 k ΩPower-on False Pulse Suppression. . . . . .Incorporated Time Delay Before Availability *. . . . . .≤430 msESD Protection per CE . . . . . . . . . . 4 kV (8 kV) contact (air) discharge Operating Temperature . . . . . . . . .0°C to +70°C (32°F to +158°F)Temperature Drift. . . . . . . . . . . .0.4%/KLinearity Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . .±3% of full scale Enclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IP 40LED Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . .Red: Power ON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Flashing: Object in detection zone* Affected by target distance and potentiometer settingsSpecifications1DimensionsResponse Curve23TURCK Inc. 3000 Campus Drive Minneapolis, MN 55441 Phone: (612) 553-7300 Fax: (612) 553-0708 Application Assistance: 1-800-544-PROXTURCKUltrasonic SensorsM18 BarrelSensor SelectionConnector:PBT Plastic Sensing Face:PBT PlasticBarrel:Nickel Plated BrassMaterialTURCK Inc. 3000 Campus Drive Minneapolis, MN 55441 Phone: (612) 553-7300 Fax: (612) 553-0708 Application Assistance: 1-800-544-PROX24DimensionsSonic Cone Angle . . . . . . . . . . . .6°Standard Target. . . . . . . . . . . . .RU30: 1 x 1 cm 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RU100: 2 x 2 cm 2Allowable Angle of Target Inclination . . . .≤3°Max. Overtravel Speed . . . . . . . . .RU30: 0.5 - 1.5 m/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RU100: 0.8 - 2.0 m/s Ripple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .≤10%Current Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 20 mA into <500ΩNo-Load Current . . . . . . . . . . . .≤50 mAPower-on Effect Suppression. . . . . . . .per IEC 947-5-2Time Delay Before Availability *. . . . . .RU 30:≤144 ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RU100:≤184 ms Response Time . . . . . . . . . . . . .RU 30:≤75 ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RU100:≤105 msOperating Temperature . . . . . . . . .-25°C to +70°C (-13°F to +158°F)Temperature Drift. . . . . . . . . . . .±2.5% of full scale Linearity Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . .±2% of full scale Enclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IP 67LED Function . . . . . . . . . . . . .Yellow: Output Energized; object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .detected within sensing window* Affected by target distanceSpecificationsWiringDiagram1Response Curve25TURCK Inc. 3000 Campus Drive Minneapolis, MN 55441 Phone: (612) 553-7300 Fax: (612) 553-0708 Application Assistance: 1-800-544-PROXTURCKUltrasonic SensorsMounting BracketsTURCK Inc. 3000 Campus Drive Minneapolis, MN 55441 Phone: (612) 553-7300 Fax: (612) 553-0708 Application Assistance: 1-800-544-PROX26TURCK Inc.sells its products through Authorized Distributors.These distributors provide ourcustomers with technical support,service and local stock.TURCK distributors are located nationwide - including all major metropolitan marketing areas.For Application Assistance or for the location of your nearest TURCK distributor, call:1-800-544-PROX (1-800-544-7769)Specifications in this manual are subject to change without notice.TURCK also reserves the right to make modifications and makes no guarantee of the accuracy of the information contained herein.Literature and Media questions or concerns?Contact *****************LSAP-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25MB-18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25MB-30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25RU 30-M18-AP8X-H1141 . . . . . . . . 11RU 30-M18-LIX-H1141 . . . . . . . . . 23RU 30-M30-AP8X-H1141 . . . . . . . . . 9RU 30-Q30-AP8X-H1141 . . . . . . . . 15RU 30-Q30-LUX-H1141 . . . . . . . . . 19RU100-CP40-AP6X2 . . . . . . . . . . 17RU100-CP40-LIUX . . . . . . . . . . . 21RU100-M18-AP8X-H1141 . . . . . . . . 11RU100-M18-LIX-H1141 . . . . . . . . . 23RU100-M30-AP8X-H1141 . . . . . . . . . 9RU100-Q30-AP8X-H1141 . . . . . . . . 15RU100-Q30-LUX-H1141 . . . . . . . . . 19RU600-M3065-AP8X-H1141 . . . . . . . . 9RUC 30-M30-2AP8X-H1151 . . . . . . . 13RUC 30-M30-AP8X-H1141 . . . . . . . . 11RUC130-M30-2AP8X-H1151 . . . . . . . 13RUC130-M30-AP8X-H1141 . . . . . . . . 11RUC300-M3047-2AP8X-H1151 . . . . . . 13RUC300-M3047-AP8X-H1141 . . . . . . . 11RUC600-M3065-2AP8X-H1151 . . . . . . 13RUC600-M3065-AP8X-H1141 . . . . . . . 11Part Number IndexThe Industry Leader in Proximity Sensing,Cordsets and Interface TechnologyProximitySensorsIndustry’s broadest line ofinductive and capacitiveproximity sensors.FlowMonitorsMonitors for sensing theflow of liquids and gasesduring industrialprocesses.InterlinkBTDevice-levelinterconnect and busproducts for sensors andactuators.Cordsetsand JunctionsIndustry standard cordsetsand junction boxesconnect the most popularswitch and sensor styles.InterfaceDevicesInterface and logicproducts for automationand intrinsically safeenvironments.Sensors DivisionSensors Catalog - B0090email: *****************Special Products DivisionCordsets Catalog - B0410Releco Relay Catalog - B0234email: *****************Intrinsic Safety Products DivisionAutomation Controls Catalog - B0154multimodul Catalog - B0144email:******************Interlink BTInterlinkBT Catalog - B9000Beckhoff Bus Terminal Catalog - B9005email:**********************1-888-546-5880Printed in USAB0146 4/99 REV A TURCK USA TURCK Canada TURCK Mexico InterlinkBTTURCK Inc.3000 Campus DriveMinneapolis, MN 55441Phone:(763) 553-7300FAX:(763) 553-0708Application Support:1-800-544-PROX (7769)CHARTWELLELECTRONICS, INC.140Duffield DriveMarkham, OntarioCanada, L6G 1B5Phone:(905) 513-7100FAX:(905) 513-7101ICESA-MODICONAnt. Camino a Sta. Monica No. 7San Lucas Tepetlacalco54050TlalnepantlaEdo. de MexicoPhone:(52) 5-397-8644FAX:(52) 5-398-9888InterlinkBT3000 Campus DriveMinneapolis, MN 55441Phone:(763) 694-2300FAX:(763) 694-2399Application Support:1-888-546-5880。

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