
学位证书英语试题及答案一、词汇与语法(共20分)1. The company has decided to ________ the new policy to all employees.A. implementB. implyC. multiplyD. qualify答案:A2. Despite the heavy rain, they managed to ________ the mountain.A. climbB. slipC. gripD. slide答案:A3. The teacher asked the students to ________ their essays before submitting them.A. reviseB. revisesC. revisingD. to revise答案:A4. The ________ of the meeting has been changed to next Monday.A. scheduleB. schedule'sC. schedulesD. scheduling答案:A5. The book was so interesting that he read it in ________.A. one dayB. one day's timeC. a dayD. a day's time答案:D二、阅读理解(共30分)阅读下面的短文,然后回答6-10题。
In recent years, the use of renewable energy sources has become increasingly popular. Governments around the world are encouraging the use of solar and wind power to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. This shift is not only beneficial for the environment but also creates new job opportunities in the renewable energy sector.6. What is the main reason for the growing popularity of renewable energy?A. It is cheaper than fossil fuels.B. It helps reduce environmental pollution.C. It creates new jobs.D. It is encouraged by governments.答案:B7. What are two examples of renewable energy sourcesmentioned in the passage?A. Solar and wind powerB. Solar and nuclear powerC. Wind and nuclear powerD. Solar and hydro power答案:A8. What is the purpose of encouraging renewable energy use?A. To increase energy costs.B. To reduce dependence on fossil fuels.C. To decrease job opportunities.D. To slow down economic growth.答案:B9. According to the passage, which of the following is a benefit of using renewable energy?A. It reduces air pollution.B. It increases the use of fossil fuels.C. It leads to job losses.D. It raises energy prices.答案:A10. What can be inferred from the passage about the renewable energy sector?A. It is declining.B. It is stable.C. It is growing.D. It is unknown.答案:C三、完形填空(共20分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的选项中选择一个最佳答案填空。

学位证的英语试题及答案1. What is the term used to describe a document thatcertifies the completion of a course of study?A. DiplomaB. TranscriptC. CertificateD. CredentialAnswer: A2. Which of the following is not a requirement for obtaininga bachelor's degree?A. Completion of a specified number of creditsB. Passing a comprehensive examinationC. Maintaining a certain GPA throughout the programD. Participation in a sports teamAnswer: D3. In the United States, what is the term for a postgraduate degree that is higher than a master's degree?A. DoctorateB. AssociateC. BachelorD. MasterAnswer: A4. What does the abbreviation "Ph.D." stand for in academic circles?A. Professional DoctorateB. Postgraduate Honorary DegreeC. Philosopher DoctorD. Doctor of PhilosophyAnswer: D5. Which of the following is not a type of degree awarded by universities?A. AssociateB. BachelorC. MasterD. DiplomaAnswer: D6. What is the term for a degree that is awarded to someone who has completed a program of study at a university or college?A. CertificateB. DiplomaC. CredentialD. TranscriptAnswer: B7. What is the term used to describe a document that provides evidence of the courses a student has taken and the grades they have received?A. DiplomaB. TranscriptC. CertificateD. CredentialAnswer: B8. Which of the following is a requirement for obtaining a master's degree?A. Holding a bachelor's degreeB. Completing a certain number of creditsC. Passing a comprehensive examinationD. All of the aboveAnswer: D9. What is the term for a degree that is awarded to someone who has completed a program of study at a community college or technical school?A. AssociateB. BachelorC. MasterD. DoctorateAnswer: A10. What is the term for a degree that is awarded to someone who has completed a program of study at the highest level of university education?A. DoctorateB. MasterC. BachelorD. AssociateAnswer: A。

北京地区2023年11月学士学位英语试题及答案PartⅠReading Comprehension (30%)Directions.Ther.ar.thre.passage.i.thi.part.Eac.passag.i.followe.b.som.question.o.unfinishe.statemen ts.Fo.eac.o.the.ther.ar.fou.choice.marke.A.B..an.D.Yo.shoul.decid.o.th.bes.choic.an.blacke.th.corre spondin.lette.o.th.Answe.Sheet.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:.. Th.reflectiv.tower.o.Ne.Yor.City.whic.i.o.th.Atlanti.migrating(迁徙的)rout..ca.b.deadl.fo.birds.“W.liv.i.a.ag.o.glass,urel.a.architect.(76)“rge.th.glass.th.mor.dangerou.i.is..Abou.90,00.bird.ar.kille.b.flyin.int.buildin.i.th.cit.eac.year.Often.the.strik.th.lowe.level.o.glas.tower.afte.search in.fo.foo.i.nearb.parks.Suc.crashe.ar.th.second-leadin.caus.o.deat.fo.migratin.birds.afte.habita t(栖息地)loss.wit.a.estimate.numbe.o.deat.rangin.u.t..billio..year.(77)s.decade.so.too.hav.call.t.mak.the.les.deadl.t.birds.Sa.Francisc.adopte.bird-safet.standar.fo.ne.buildin.i.July.Th.Unite.State.Gree.Buildin.Council..nonprofi.industr.grou.tha.encourage.th.creatio.o.environmentall.consciou.buildings.wil.introduc..bird-safet.credi.thi.a.par.o.it.environmenta.certificatio.process..ultraviolet(紫外线的)signals.bu.the.ar.stil.i.thei.infancy.Covers.do.patterns.shade.an.ne.ar.th.mai.option.available.Often.onl.on.sectio.o..buildin.need.t.b.changed.“Yo.don'.necessaril.hav.t.trea.ever.window,ure.said.“I.woul.b.to.expensiv.t.d.th.whol.building..Th.Jaco.Conventio.Center.whic.ha.bee.undergoin.alter e.les.reflectiv .glas.an.do.patterns.1.Wha.i.th.mai.ide.o.th.passage?A.Ne.Yor.i..cit.o.glas.towers.B.Glas.towe.ar.dangerou.fo.migratin.birds.C.Ne.Yor.adopte.ne.safet.standard.fo.buildings.D.Glas.tower.ar..ne.tren.i.th.Unite.States.2.Wha.i.th.numbe.on.caus.o.deat.fo.migratin.birds?A.Climat.chang.......B.Habita.lossc.o.foo........D.Crashin.int.buildings.3.Wha.doe.th.wor.“fixes.i.th.thir.paragrap.probabl.mean?A.Choice..........B.ExplanationsC.Solution..........D.Developments4._____e.i.th.alteratio.o.th.Jaco.K.Javit.Conventio.Center.A.Do.pattern.........B.Shades............D.Covers5.Whic.o.th.fowlin.statement.i.TRU.accordin.t.th.passage?A.I.man.cases.th.whol.buildin.need.t.b.altere.t.preven.bir.crashes.B.Th.Jaco.K.Javit.Conventio.Cente.i.th.firs.buildin.t.dea.wit.th.proble.o.bir.crashes.C.Abou.90,00.bird.ar.kille.du.t.habita.los.i.Ne.Yor.Cit.eac.year..ultraviole.signal.ar.stil.i.thei.earl.stages.Passage 2Question 6 to 10 are based on the fowling passage:.. Today'.student.hav.grow.u.hearin.mor.abou.Bil.Gate.tha.F.D.R..an.the.liv.i..worl.wher.amazin. innovations(革新)mon.Th.curren.18-year-olds.afte.all.wer..whe.Googl.wa.founde.b.tw.student.a.Stanford .Mar.Zuckerber.founde.Faceboo.i.202.whil.h.wa.Harvar.an.the.wer.enterin.hig.school.Havin.g row.u.digital(数字的), the.ar.impatien.t.ge.o.wit.life.The easiest way to find kids like these is to check in on entrepreneurship(公司家才干)education, in which colleges and universities try to prepare their students to recognize opportunities and seize them... s.yea.b.th.Kauffma.Foundation.whic.finance.program.t.promot.innovatio.o.c ampuses.note.tha.mor.tha.50,00.entrepreneurshi.program.ar.offere.o.two-an.four-yea.campuse s—u.fro.jus.25.course.i.1985.Les.Mitchel...Kauffma.vic.president.say.tha.th.foundatio.i.extendin. e.t.b.foun.onl.i.busines.schools.Now.th.concep.o.entrep reneurshi.i.bloomin.i.engineerin.program.an.medica.school.an.eve.i.th.libera.arts.“Ou.interes.i.th.programs,.sh.says.“W.nee.t.sprea.ou.fro.th.busines.school.”.. in.u.wit.ideas.writin.busines.p lan.an.seein.the.throug.t.prototyp.and.often.market.I.thei.spar.time.student.i.agricultura.econo boratory.creat.w earabl.technologies... (78)Th.entrepreneurshi.movemen.ha.it.critics.especiall.amon.thos.wh.se.colleg.a..tim.fo.extensiv. academi.exploration.“.jus.don'.thin.tha.entrepreneurshi. rank.s.hig.i.term.o.nationa.need,.say.Danie.S.Greenberg.autho.o.Scienc.fo.sale.Th.perils.Rew ard.an.Delusion.o.Campu.Capitalism.Leonard A.Schlesinger, Babson College's president, says that the question of whether innovation can really be taught is “an age-old argument”.6.Whe.Googl.an.Faceboo.wer.established.th.founder.wer.still_____.A.i.hig.schoo..........B.i.th.armyC.i.primar.schoo.........D.a.collegecation?A.T.prepar.student.fo.futur.academi.lifeB.T.prepar.student.t.fin.opportunitie.an.seiz.them.C.T.prepar.student.fo.oversea.career.D.T.prepar.studen.t.develo.interpersona.skills.8.Th.wor.“prototype.i.th.fourt.paragrap.i.mos.likel.t.mean_____.A.mode..............B.strategyC.metho.............D.stagecation?A.Entrepreneurship.o.a.leas.certai.element.o.it.ca.b.taught..B.A.entrepreneurshi.progra.ca.hel.student.fin.wha.the.reall.lik.an.entrepreneurshi.isn'.al.abou.busi ness.C.Entrepreneurshi.shoul.b.sprea.acros.differen.fields.D.College.shouldn'.pu.to.muc.emphasi.o.entrepreneurshi.programs.10.Wha.i.th.mai.ide.o.th.passage?A.Entrepreneurshi.course.i.busines.schools.B.Qualitie.o.a.entrepreneur.catio.i.colleges.rmatio.age.Passage 3Question 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:..mo.a.emotio.a.lov.o.fear.an.i.ca.b.nearl.a.powerful.So.i..ne.paper.tw.researcher.se.abou.tryin.t.fin.ou.wha.th.typica.America.regret.most.I.telephon.surveys.Nea.Rose..psychologis.an.professo.o.marketin.a.th.Schoo.o.Managemen.a.Northwester.University.an.Mik.Morri son..doctora.candidat.i.psycholog.a.Universit.o.Illinois.aske.37.Americans.age.1.t.103,t.tal.abou.thei.mos.notabl.regre..Participant.wer.aske.wha.th.regre.was.whe.i.happened.whethe.i.wa..resul.o.somethin.the.di.o.didn'.do.an.whethe.i.wa.somethin.tha.coul.stil.b.fixed... monl.mentione.regre.involve.romanc.(浪漫的事)(18%)——los.love.o.unfulfille.relationships.Famil.regret.cam.i.secon.(16%), whi.peopl.stil.feelin.badl.abou.bein.unkin.t.thei.brother.o.sister.i.childhood.Othe.frequentl.rep orte.regret.involve.caree.(13%),educatio.(12%), money(10%)an.parenting(9^%)...Ros.an.Morrison'.study.whic.i.t.b.publishe.i.Socia.Psychologica.an.Personalit.Science.i.signif ican.i.tha.i.surveye..wid.rang.o.th.America.public.includin.peopl.o.al.age.an.socio-economi.a rgel.o.colleg.students.wh.predi cation-focuse.regrets.lik.wishin.the.ha.studie.harde.o..differen.major.Th.ne.rge.population..person'.“lif.circumstances—accomplishments.shortcomings.situatio.i.life—injec.considerabl.fue.int.th.fire.o.regret,.th.author.write.(79)catio.regret.Peopl.wit.highe.level.o .educatio.ha.th.mos.caree.regrets.An.thos.wit.n.romanti.partne.tende.t.hol.regret.regardin.love .Broke.down(分解、细分)b.sex.mor.women(44%.tha.me.(19%.ha.regret.abou.lov.an.family —no.surprising.sinc.wome.“valu.socia.relationship.mor.tha.men,.th.author.write.I.contras.,me.(34%.wer.mor.likel.tha.wome.(27%.t.mentio.work-relate.regrets.wishin.they'.chose..differen.caree.path.fo.instanc.,o.follo we.thei.passion.(80)Man.participant.als.reporte.wishin.the.ha.worke.les.t.spen.mor.tim.wit.thei.children...Ther.wa.a.eve.spli.betwee.regret.abou.inactio.(no.doin.something.an.actio.(d.somethin.yo.wis.yo.didn't).But.lik.previou.studies.th.curren.researc.foun.tha.som.regret.ar.m or.likel.tha.other.t.persis.ove.time.peopl.ten.t.han.o.longe.t.th.regre.o.inaction.meanwhile.regret.o.a ctio.ten.t.b.mor.recent.11.I.th.secon.paragraph.th.autho.show.______.A.th.researchers.finding...B.th.importanc.o.familyC.th.importanc.o.mone...D.th.importanc.o.career12.Accordin.t.th.passage.colleg.studen.participant.mainl.ha.regret.abou.thei.______.A.famil.an.childhoo...B.stud.an.majorC.caree.an.jo......D.romanc.an.fear13.The word “notable”in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.mo........B.capabl...C.wonderfu........D.remarkable14.Whic.o.th.followin.statement.i.TRUE?catio.h.o.sh.has.th.mor.regret.sh.o.h.woul.have.catio.h.o.sh.has.th.les.regret.sh.o.h.woul.have.C.Mor.wome.tha.me.ha.regret.abou.lov.an.family.s.longe.tha.tha.o.inaction.15.Wha.i.th.mai.ide.o.thi.passage?A.Ho.regre.i.understoo.b..typica.American.B .Common regrets is more important than love and hate.C.Wh.regre.i.mor.importan.tha.lov.an.hate.D.Ho.regre.ha.shape.Americans.PartⅡVocabulary and Structure (30%)Directions.I.thi.par.ther.ar.3.incomplet.sentences.Fo.eac.sentenc.ther.ar.fou.choice.marke.A.B..an.plete.th.sentences.The.blacke.th.correspondin.lette.o.th.Answe. Sheet.in.t.visi.u.soon.We'.bette.ge.everythin.read.befor.h._______.A.arrive.......B.arriv.....C.wil.arriv.....D.arrived17._______yesterday.yo.woul.hav.me.Professo.Jones.Bu.no.h.ha.lef.fo.London..........e........e18.Th.ma.denied____.int.th.neighbor'.garde.an.______hi.cow.A.going……stealin......B.going…stoleC.went…stealin........D.went…stole19.Te.worke.lik..hors.i.hi.youth.______te.a..businessman.A.tha...B.wh...C.wha...D.which20..fe.hour.ago..smal.suitcas.wit.som.importan.paper.______.stole.fro.th.genera.manager'.office.A.i........B.ar........C.wer........D.was21.______ on the New World, he felt like crying.nde.......n.........nded22.Visi.ou.store.Nowher.els._____.suc.goo.bargains.A.yo.fin......B.fin.yo......C.d.yo.fin.....D.yo.d.find23.After_____.seeme.a.endles.wait.i.wa.hi.tur.t.g.int.th.doctor'.office.A.thi........B.tha........C.whic........D.whatk.are..yea.ago.the._____.bette.health.A.coul.hav.enjoye.......B.ha.enjoye.....C.hav.bee.enjoyin.......D.ar.enjoying25.Th.bos.doesn'.wan.t.tal.abou.th.accident.no.h.i.i.n._____.t.d.so.A.feelin.......B.attitud.....C.emotio...D.Mood26..can'.understan.wh.yo.regar.i.a.music.I._____.m.mad!.A.put....B.set... C.driver... D.changes27.Yesterda.M.Blak.wa.caugh.i.th.rai.an.go.we.through._____.h.caugh..ba.cold.A.Consequentl...B.Finall...tel...D.Strangely28.Willia.like.t.ea.out.bu.h.i.no._____.abou.wha.h.eats.A.peculia...B.unusua...C.particula...D.special29.Thei.hous.stand.a..hilltop.____.th.Hudso.Rive.dow.below.A.seein.....B.viewin...C.lookin.a..D.overlooking30..can'.understan.wh.m.bos.i.alway._____faul.wit.m.work.A.findin...B.seekin..C.lookin..D.making31.Thi.i.th.sam.knif.____..los.yesterday.A.whic....B.wha....C.lik......D.as32.—.Whe.wil.yo.b.back?——I'll be back _____a couple of days.A.afte.....B.fo......C.abou....D.in33.W.hea.tha.the.wil.____..ne.schoo.here.A.se.dow..B.se.u...C.se.of...D.se.out34.H.wil.neve.forge.th.day.____.h.spen.i.Japan.A.whe...B.afte....C.tha....D.how35.Interestingl.enough.th.tw.brother.hav.notin.in_______.A.ordinar..mo..C.genera....particular36.Th.scientist.ar.tryin.t.fin.ou.th.fact.t.______.thei.theory.A.suppor..B.carr..C.desig..D.raise37.Th.performanc.o.th.Englis.tea.wa.________.The.playe.muc.wors.tha.expected.A.disappoin...B.disappointin...C.disappointe...D.t.disappoint38.Yo.ar.welcom.t.orde.th.good.now.Bu.paymen.shoul.b.made________.A.fo.advanc..B.fro.advanc...C.i.advanc...D.t.advance39.Spea.loude.s.tha.yo.ca.mak.yoursel._______.A.hear..........B.t.hea..C.hearin..........D.hav.bee.heard40.No.i.won'.b.lon.befor.w.mee.again.________?A.wil.i....B.d.w..C.won'.w..D.doe.it41.American.eat_____.vegetable.pe.perso.toda.a.the.di.i.th.1960s.A.mor.tha.twic........B.a.twic.manyC.twic.a.man.........D.mor.tha.twic.a.many42..wa.s.familia.wit.he.tha..recognize.he.voic._____..picke.u.th.phone.A.th.momen...B.sinc...C.befor....D.whilecatio.o._______.youn.i.alway._____.ho.an.seriou.topic.A./....B.the.....C./.th....D.the.the44.Da.wondere.wher.I'.been.an.._______..stor.abou.bein.a.Grandma'sA.mad.ou....B.mad.u......C.looke.ou......D.looke.up45.You.siste.doesn'.stud.a.______.a.yo.do.A.har...B.hardl...C.harde..D.hardestPartⅢIdentification (10%)Directions.Eac.o.th.followin.sentence.ha.fou.underline.part.marke.A.B..an.D.Identif.th.on.tha.i.no. correct.The.blacke.th.correspondin.lette.o.th.Answe.Sheet.46.N.soone.ha.the.entere.th.roo.whe.th.telephon.rang.A B C D47.A..graduat.fro.hig.school.To.i.face.wit.thre.choices.attendin.college.A B Cfinding a job or the army.D48.Thos.freshme.hop.t.offe.som.part-tim.job.t.suppor.themselve.financially.A B C D49.I.wa.hi.nervousnes.i.th.intervie.wha.probabl.cause.hi.t.los.th.job.A B C D50.Lucy'.parent.giv.he.everythin.sh.asks.wha.els.doe.sh.need?A B C D51..mus.wor.hard.howeve.I'l.fai.i.th.exam.A B C De.t.rea.th.pape.afte.lunch.That'.on.o.th.thing..reall.enjoy.A B C Din.t.th.party.A B C D54.Te.ha.sa.a.th.tabl.an.dran.mor.bee.tha.i.goo.fo.hi.health.A B C D55.Wit.n.on.t.tur.ove.fo.hel.i.suc..frightenin.situation.sh.wa.i.despair.A B C DPart IV Cloze (10%)Directions.Ther.ar.2.blank.i.th.followin.passage.an.fo.eac.blan.ther.ar..choice.marke.......an..a.th.en. o.th.passage.Yo.shoul.choos.ON.answe.tha.bes.fit.int.th.passage.The.blacke.th.correspondin.lette.o .th.Answe.Sheet...in..differen.passwor.fo.ever.websit.yo.visit.an.changin.th.passwor.ever.fe.mo nths.I.take.troubl.t.kee.the.i.mind.bu.it'.wel.wort.th..5. .B..5. .wit.you.password.an.mak.i.diffi cul.i.i.fo.someon.t.ente.you. 5..Th.mor.5.yo.mak.you.password.th.mor.difficul.i.i.fo.someon.els.t.figur.i.6...privac.settings(设立)o.socia.website.t. 6. rmatio.an.limi.th. 6.rmatio.yo.expos.abou.yoursel.coul.b.u se.6..you..onc.rea.abou..burglary(入室盗窃).I.6. tha.th.thieve.selecte.tha.particula.hom. 6.the.discovere.th.owne.wa.ou.o.tow.b. 6...Faceboo.message... Accordin.t.persona.safet.experts.i.isn'.a(n.6.rmatio.yo.pos.o.website.ca.6.crimina.activity.Yo.ma.no.thin.6.abou.postin.th.concer.yo.ar.goin.t.o.you.weeken.away.bu.coul.b.a(n.7. fo.trouble... rmatio.abou.you.Neve.7.you.ful.birt.d rmatio.t.any on.7.yo.ar.certai.wh.yo.ar.dealin.with.7. th.necessar.precautions(防止措施)i.th.bes.wa.t.7. rmatio.sta.protected.bo...... D.matter57.A.prou......B.tru...... C.hones......D.creative58.A.account.....B.record.....C.direction.....D.collectionsple.....B.carefu..... C.diligen..... D.elastic60.A.awa...... B.o.......C.ou....... D.in61.A.respon..... B.resig..... C.restric......D.resemble62.A.numbe..... B.amoun.....C.pil....... D.piece63.A.wit...... B.fo.......C.abou...... D.against6.A.turne.ou.... B.turne.i.... C.picke.ou.... D.picke.up65.A.whic......B.whil......C.becaus..... D.although66.A.knowin.....B.readin.....C.inspectin.....D.realizing67.A.impacte.....B.collecte.... C.repaire..... D.isolated68.A.lea.t......B.resul.fro....C.se.of......D.mak.up69.A.ou....... B.alou......C.onc...... D.twice70.A.resistanc.....B.statemen.... C.invitatio.....D.struggle71.A.revea...... B.revis......C.resembl.....D.require72.A.threatenin.... B.requestin....C.worshippin... D.delivering73.A.sinc.......B.a....... ..whe......D.until74.A.Replacin.....B.Liberatin....C.Takin........Depending75.A.ensur...... B.separat.....C.sprea......D.switchPart ⅤTranslation(20%)Section ADirections.I.thi.par.ther.ar.fiv.sentence.whic.yo.shoul.translat.int.Chinese.Thes.sentence.ar.al.take.f prehension.Yo.ca.refe.bac.t.th.passage.t.identif.thei.mea ning.i.th.context.rge.th.glass.th.mor.dangerou.i.is.s.decade.so.too.hav.call.t.mak.the.les.deadl.t. birds.78.Th.entrepreneurshi.movemen.ha.it.critics.especiall.amon.thos.wh.se.colleg.a..tim.fo.extensiv.ac ademi.exploration.catio.regrets.80.Man.participant.als.reporte.wishin.the.ha.worke.les.t.spen.mor.tim.wit.thei.children.Section BDirections.I.thi.par.ther.ar.fiv.sentence.i.Chinese.Yo.shoul.translat.the.int.English.B.sur.t.writ.clearl y.81.他站在窗户旁边, 思考着自己的学习计划。

”答案2:This child is very intelligent and quickly learned howto use the computer.三、翻译问题1:请将以下句子翻译成英语:“这个城市有很多历史遗迹,其中包括古老的寺庙和城堡。
”答案1:There are many historical relics in this city, including ancient temples and castles.问题2:请将以下句子翻译成汉语:“The company is looking for someone with extensive experience in the field to lead their research team.”答案2:该公司正在寻找具有丰富经验的人来领导他们的研究团队。

学位英语试题及答案解析一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。
A. 会议将在下午举行。
B. 会议将在上午举行。
C. 会议已被取消。
D. 会议时间未定。
[答案] B2. 根据所听短文,回答以下问题:Q: 短文中提到了哪些人?A. 教授和学生B. 老师和家长C. 医生和病人D. 经理和员工[答案] A二、阅读理解(共30分)阅读下列短文,然后回答问题。
短文一:The Importance of Learning EnglishEnglish is widely used in the world today. It is not only the language of business and politics but also the language of science and technology. Learning English can open up many opportunities for personal and professional development.1. 根据短文,为什么学习英语很重要?A. 英语是商业和政治的语言。
B. 英语是科学和技术的语言。
C. 学习英语可以为个人和专业发展提供机会。
D. 所有上述选项。
[答案] D短文二:A Journey to the PastLast summer, I visited the ancient city of Rome. The city is full of historical landmarks, such as the Colosseum and the Roman Forum. It was an unforgettable experience.2. 作者去年夏天去了哪里?A. ParisB. LondonC. RomeD. Athens[答案] C三、词汇与语法(共20分)根据句子的语境,选择最合适的选项填空。

A.In recent years, the rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in the way people work and live. The rise of remote work has allowed employees to work from anywhere, provided they have a stable internet connection. This has led to a shift in the traditional office environment, with many companies adopting flexible working arrangements.问题:1. What is the main idea of the passage? (5分)2. What benefits does remote work offer to employees? (5分)B.The concept of sustainable development has gained global attention. It emphasizes the need for economic growth that is environmentally friendly and socially inclusive. Governments and businesses are encouraged to adopt practices that reduce their environmental footprint while ensuring the well-being of communities.问题:1. What does sustainable development focus on? (5分)2. Who are the main actors in promoting sustainable development? (5分)二、完形填空(共20分)The world is facing a serious water shortage. It is estimated that by 2025, two-thirds of the world's population will be living in water-stressed conditions. This situation is particularly critical in regions where water resources are already scarce.[选择适当的单词或短语填入空白处]1. The situation is becoming more and more _______.(serious/critical)2. Scientists are _______ ways to improve water usage efficiency. (exploring/finding)3. Governments need to _______ the importance of water conservation. (emphasize/stress)三、翻译(共20分)将下列句子从中文翻译成英文。

学位英语试题及答案大全一、听力理解1. 短对话理解(1)What is the man going to do?A. Buy a new car.B. Sell his old car.C. Go to the garage.D. Visit the car dealer.答案:B(2)What does the woman mean?A. She has finished her homework.B. She needs more time to do her homework.C. She is going to do her homework now.D. She has not done her homework yet.答案:B2. 长对话理解(3)Why is the man unhappy with the restaurant?A. The food is too expensive.B. The service is poor.C. The restaurant is too noisy.D. The menu is limited.答案:B(4)What is the woman's suggestion?A. To try another restaurant.B. To complain to the manager.C. To wait for a while longer.D. To order something else.答案:A二、阅读理解3. 根据文章内容,以下哪个选项是正确的?A. The author enjoys traveling alone.B. The author prefers to travel with a group.C. The author thinks group travel is more expensive.D. The author believes solo travel is more flexible.答案:D4. 根据文章,以下哪个选项是错误的?A. Group travel can be more structured.B. Solo travel allows for more spontaneity.C. Group travel is always cheaper than solo travel.D. The author suggests considering personal preferences. 答案:C三、词汇与语法5. The word "elaborate" in the sentence means:A. To make something more complicated.B. To make something more detailed.C. To make something simpler.D. To make something less important.答案:B6. What is the correct form of the verb in the sentence "She has _______ the project for two weeks"?A. startedB. begunC. been working onD. worked答案:C四、完型填空7. The best title for the passage could be "The Benefits of________".A. ReadingB. TravelingC. VolunteeringD. Exercising答案:C8. The author suggests that volunteering can lead to ________.A. Better job opportunities.B. Increased social skills.C. Improved physical health.D. All of the above.答案:D五、翻译9. 将以下句子翻译成英文:他不仅是一位杰出的科学家,而且是一位伟大的教育家。

学位英语试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)Section A(共10分)1. 听下面对话,选择正确答案。
- 对话一:[录音内容]A. 他要去图书馆。
B. 他要去超市。
C. 他要去电影院。
- 对话二:[录音内容]A. 她生病了。
B. 她要参加一个会议。
C. 她要回家。
Section B(共10分)2. 听下面短文,回答问题。
- 短文一:[录音内容]问题1:What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of education.B. The benefits of exercise.C. The impact of technology.二、阅读理解(共30分)Passage 1(共10分)阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。
[短文内容]34. What does the author mainly discuss in the passage?A. The history of the internet.B. The influence of social media.C. The future of technology.35. What is the author's opinion about the topic?A. It is positive.B. It is negative.C. It is mixed.Passage 2(共10分)阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。
[短文内容]36. What is the purpose of the article?A. To inform about a new scientific discovery.B. To persuade readers to adopt a certain lifestyle.C. To describe a historical event.37. What is the main argument of the author?A. A new scientific discovery is significant.B. A certain lifestyle is beneficial.C. A historical event is important.Passage 3(共10分)阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。

Passage 1In the past, many people believed that intelligence was something we were born with and could not change. However, recent research has shown that intelligence can be developed. This new understanding has led to a change in the way we think about learning.1. What did people used to think about intelligence?A. It can be developed.B. It is something we are born with.C. It can be measured accurately.D. It is related to our environment.2. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Intelligence is a fixed trait.B. Intelligence can be developed.C. Learning is a lifelong process.D. Environment affects intelligence.Passage 1 答案:1. B. It is something we are born with.2. B. Intelligence can be developed.二、词汇与语法(共20分)从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2024年学位英语考试真题及答案The primary function of an adjective in a sentence is to:A. describe a verbB. modify a noun or pronounC. express a commandD. indicate time答案: BWhich of the following is an example of a compound sentence?A. She laughed and danced.B. She laughed because she was happy.C. She laughed, but he cried.D. She laughed; he cried.答案: BThe word "ubiquitous" is closest in meaning to:A. rareB. commonC. ancientD. modern答案: BIn grammar, a phrase is a group of words that:A. forms a complete sentenceB. lacks a subject or verbC. always begins with a prepositionD. never contains a conjunction答案: BThe past participle of the verb "to eat" is:A. eatB. eatenC. ateD. eating答案: BWhich of the following is an example of an adverbial phrase?A. a beautiful flowerB. very beautifulC. in the gardenD. the beautiful girl答案: CThe main purpose of a conclusion in an essay is to:A. introduce the topicB. provide background informationC. summarize the main pointsD. present new ideas答案: CThe word "antonym" refers to a word that:A. has the same meaning as another wordB. has a similar sound to another wordC. has an opposite meaning to another wordD. has no relation to any other word答案: C。

1.Which of the following is NOT a part of speech in English?A.NounB.VerbC.AdjectiveD.Prepositionless2.What tense is used in the sentence "She has already finished her homework."?A.Simple presentB.Present perfectC.Past simpleD.Future perfect3.The book that I bought yesterday is very _______.A.interestingB.interestedC.interestD.interests4."She insisted that he _____ the truth." What form of the verb should fill in the blank?A.tellB.tellsC.toldD.would tell5."The cat is _______ under the table." Which preposition is most suitable?A.onB.inC.underD.above6."By the time he arrived, the train _____."A.has leftB.leftC.had leftD.will have left7."I would rather you _____ me the truth." What is the correct form of the verb?A.tellB.toldC.have toldD.are telling8.Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?A.He is the man who I saw yesterday.B.He is the man whom I saw yesterday.C.He is the man I saw yesterday.D.He is the man I was seeing yesterday.9."The doctor advised him to _____ smoking immediately."A.stopB.stoppedC.stoppingD.be stopping10.What is the main purpose of a thesis statement in an essay?A.To provide background informationB.To entertain the readerC.To clearly state the main idea and argument of the essayD.To list the supporting evidence。

自考学位英语试题及答案一、词汇与语法(共20分,每题1分)1. The company is now focusing on its core _______.A) productsB) goodsC) articlesD) items答案:A2. Despite the heavy rain, the match will go on as _______.A) planB) scheduledC) arrangedD) programmed答案:B3. The new law will _______ the rights of workers.A) ensureB) assureC) guaranteeD) secure答案:C4. She _______ her success to hard work and determination.A) owesB) creditsC) attributesD) assigns5. The teacher asked the students to _______ their books.A) closeB) shutC) shut downD) close down答案:A二、阅读理解(共30分,每篇5分)阅读下列短文,然后回答后面的问题。
Passage 1In recent years, the number of people who prefer to work from home has increased significantly. This trend has been driven by advancements in technology and the desire for a better work-life balance. However, working from home also presents its own set of challenges.5. What is the main reason for the increase in remote work?A) Technological advancementsB) Desire for a better work-life balanceC) Both A and BD) Neither A nor B答案:C6. What does the passage imply about working from home?A) It is easy.B) It is popular.C) It has challenges.D) It is a new concept.Passage 2The concept of a "smart city" involves using technology to improve the quality of life for its residents. This includes efficient use of resources, better infrastructure, and improved services. Many cities around the world are adopting this approach to become more sustainable and livable.7. What is the main goal of a smart city?A) To use technologyB) To improve quality of lifeC) To save resourcesD) To build infrastructure答案:B8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a smart city?A) Efficient use of resourcesB) Better infrastructureC) Improved servicesD) Increased pollution答案:D三、完形填空(共20分,每题1分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的选项中选出一个最佳答案。

学位英语英语试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The book you gave me is one of _______ I have ever read.A. the most interesting booksB. thatC. thoseD. the most interesting books答案:A2. _______ is known to us all is that the 2022 FIFA World Cup will be held in Qatar.A. ItB. WhatC. AsD. Which答案:B3. I don't think it advisable that Tom _______ to the job since he has no experience.A. is assignedB. will be assignedC. assignsD. assigned答案:A4. _______ the problem, the committee held a series of meetings.A. To solveB. SolvingC. SolvedD. To have solved答案:A5. _______ from the moon, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a blue planet.A. SeenB. SeeingC. To seeD. Having been seen答案:A6. The reason _______ he was late was _______ his alarm clock did not go off.A. why; thatB. for which; thatC. why; becauseD. for which; because答案:A7. _______ energy under the conditions on earth, it would probably behave like a gas.A. If gold wasB. Should gold beC. Were gold to beD. Was gold答案:C8. _______ the truth, I don't think it makes any difference to us.A. To tellB. TellingC. ToldD. Having told答案:A9. _______ to sunlight for too much time, the skin can get hurt.A. ExposedB. Having exposedC. Being exposedD. After being exposed答案:C10. _______ the problem of pollution, a great deal of efforts have been made by the local government.A. To solveB. SolvingC. SolvedD. Having solved答案:A二、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)Passage 1In recent years, the use of drones has become increasingly popular for a variety of applications. Drones are being used for aerial photography, surveillance, and even for delivering packages. However, there are concerns about privacy and safety as the number of drones in the sky continues to grow.Questions:11. What is the main concern about the increasing use of drones?A. CostB. Privacy and safetyC. EfficiencyD. Environmental impact答案:B12. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a use for drones in the passage?A. Aerial photographyB. SurveillanceC. Package deliveryD. Weather forecasting答案:DPassage 2The concept of a "smart city" is gaining traction around the world. A smart city uses digital technology to improve thequality and performance of urban services, to reduce costsand resource consumption, and to engage more effectively and actively with its citizens. This includes the use ofintelligent transport systems, digital infrastructure, anddata analytics to address a range of urban challenges.Questions:13. What is the primary goal of a smart city?A. To increase population densityB. To improve urban services and reduce costsC. To promote tourismD. To encourage rural development答案:B14. Which of the following is NOT a component of a smart city?A. Intelligent transport systemsB. Digital infrastructureC. Data analyticsD. Traditional energy sources答案:D三、完形填空(每题1.5分,共15分)In today's fast-paced world, it's more important than ever to stay organized. One of the best ways to do this is by using a planner. A planner can help you keep track of your appointments, tasks, and goals. It can also help you manage your time more effectively.15. The purpose of using a planner is to _______.A. save moneyB. stay organizedC. increase efficiencyD. reduce stress答案:B16. A planner can help you _______.A. remember birthdaysB. track your progressC. both A and BD. neither A nor B答案:C17. By using a planner, you can _______.A. improve your memoryB. manage your timeC. both A and BD. neither A nor B答案:C18. The passage suggests that a planner is _______.A. a tool for organizationB. a time-wasting activityC. an unnecessary expenseD. a source of stress答案:A19. The。

学位英语考试和答案一、单选题(每题1分,共20分)1. The reason why he didn't come to the party last night was________ he had to work overtime.A. thatB. becauseC. sinceD. as答案:A2. She ________ to the concert last night, but she was too tired to go.A. would have liked to goB. would like to goC. liked to goD. likes to go答案:A3. The teacher asked the students to ________ the book and read the first chapter.A. openB. closeC. shutD. turn答案:A4. He ________ his car and drove to the supermarket.A. got onB. got inC. got offD. got out答案:B5. The weather forecast says it will be ________ tomorrow.A. cloudyB. sunnyC. rainyD. snowy答案:B6. She is ________ her sister in height.A. as tall asB. taller thanC. shorter thanD. not as tall as答案:A7. The meeting will be held ________ next week.A. sometimesB. some timeC. some timesD. sometime答案:D8. I ________ you not to make any noise while I am on the phone.A. askB. wantC. tellD. request答案:D9. The book is ________ interesting to read.A. veryB. tooC. soD. quite答案:A10. He ________ his hometown for ten years.A. leftB. has leftC. was away fromD. has been away from答案:D11. The children ________ their homework when their mother came back home.A. didB. were doingC. had doneD. would do答案:B12. She ________ the book for two weeks.A. has borrowedB. has keptC. has hadD. has lent答案:C13. The teacher told us that the earth ________ around the sun.A. movesB. movedC. is movingD. moves答案:D14. He ________ the letter as soon as he received it.A. openedB. has openedC. was openingD. had opened答案:A15. She ________ her keys in the office, so she had to wait until her husband came home.A. leftB. has leftC. had leftD. leaves答案:C16. The movie was so interesting that we ________ until 12 o'clock at night.A. didn't leaveB. hadn't leftC. wouldn't leaveD. wouldn't have left答案:A17. He ________ his car and drove to the supermarket.A. got onB. got inC. got offD. got out答案:B18. ________ is the population of the city?A. How manyB. How muchC. WhatD. Which答案:C19. She ________ her sister in height.A. as tall asB. taller thanC. shorter thanD. not as tall as答案:A20. The weather forecast says it will be ________ tomorrow.A. cloudyB. sunnyC. rainyD. snowy答案:B二、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)Passage 1In the United States, Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. It is a time for families and friends to gather together and express gratitude for the blessings in their lives. The holiday has its roots in the early days of American history, when the Pilgrims celebrated their first successful harvest with a feast shared with the Native Americans who had helped them.21. When is Thanksgiving celebrated in the United States?A. The fourth Thursday of NovemberB. The last Thursday of NovemberC. The first Thursday of DecemberD. The second Thursday of November答案:A22. What is the purpose of Thanksgiving?A. To celebrate the first successful harvestB. To express gratitude for blessingsC. To gather with family and friendsD. Both B and C答案:D23. Who helped the Pilgrims with their first harvest?A. The Native AmericansB. The BritishC. The FrenchD. The Dutch答案:APassage 2The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and learn. It has made information more accessible and has connected people across the globe. However, it also poses challenges such as privacy concerns and the spread of misinformation. As technology continues to advance, it is crucial to find a balance between enjoying the benefits of the internet and addressing its potential drawbacks.24. What has the internet made more accessible?A. InformationB. EntertainmentC. EducationD. All of the above答案:A25. What are some challenges posed by the internet?A. Privacy concernsB. The spread of misinformationC. Both A and BD. None of the above答案:C26. What is crucial in the context of the internet?A. Finding a balanceB. Advancing technologyC. Ignoring the drawbacksD. Focusing only on the benefits答案:A三、完形填空(每题1分,共20分)The world is full of wonders, and one of the most fascinating is the 27 (amazing) natural phenomenon known as bioluminescence. This is the ability of 28 (some) living organisms to produce and emit light. Bioluminescence is 29 (common) seen in deep-sea creatures, where sunlight cannot reach. The 30 (reason) for this light production is still not fully understood, but it is believed to serve various purposes, such as 31 (attract) prey or communicating with other members of the same species.32 (Scientists) have been studying bioluminescence for many years, hoping to 33 (discover) more about this mysterious process. They have found that certain chemicals, 34 (like) luciferin, are involved in the light emission. These chemicals react with oxygen to produce a 35 (glow) that can be seen in the dark.Bioluminescence is not 36 (limit) to the deep sea. It can also be found in some insects, such as fireflies, and even in some plants. The 37 (variety) of organisms that exhibit bioluminescence is truly 38 (astonish), and it continues to 39 (fascinate) scientists and nature lovers alike.As our understanding of bioluminescence grows, we may 40 (able) to harness this natural phenomenon for various applications, such as in medicine or environmental monitoring.答案:27. amazing28. some29. commonly30. reason31. attracting32. Scientists33. discover34. like35. glow36. limited37. variety38. astonishing39. fascinate40. be able四、翻译(英译汉,每题5分,共10分)41. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.答案:成功不是幸福的关键。

学位英语试题及解析答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. A) What is the man going to do this evening?B) What does the woman suggest the man do?C) Why does the man refuse the woman's suggestion?D) What is the relationship between the two speakers?[解析] 根据对话内容,男人晚上要去图书馆学习,女人建议他去看电影,但男人拒绝了。
[答案] C2. A) When is the woman's appointment?B) What is the man's suggestion for the woman?C) What is the weather like today?D) What will the woman probably do?[解析] 对话中提到女人有一个预约,男人建议她打车去,因为外面下着雨。
[答案] B二、阅读理解(共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Passage 1In recent years, the number of tourists visiting historical sites has been increasing. However, some tourists have showna lack of respect for these places.36. What is the main idea of the passage?A) The number of tourists is increasing.B) Tourists are showing a lack of respect for historical sites.C) Historical sites need better protection.D) The government should take action to educate tourists.[解析] 短文主要讨论了游客数量的增加以及他们对历史遗址缺乏尊重的问题。

学位英语试题及答案解析一、听力部分(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。
A. 他同意了会议的时间。
B. 他建议推迟会议。
C. 他取消了会议。
D. 他询问了会议的地点。
答案:B2. 根据所听短文,回答问题。
Q: 为什么作者决定学习英语?A. 为了提高职业技能。
B. 为了旅行方便。
C. 为了与外国朋友交流。
D. 为了通过学位英语考试。
答案:C二、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读以下短文,选择最佳答案。
[短文内容略]A. 作者对当前教育体系的批评。
B. 作者对教育改革的支持。
C. 作者对教育公平的呼吁。
D. 作者对教育政策的不满。
答案:B2. 根据短文内容,回答以下问题。
Q1: 作者认为教育改革的首要任务是什么?A. 提高教师待遇。
B. 增加教育投入。
C. 改革课程设置。
D. 促进教育公平。
答案:DQ2: 作者提到了哪些教育改革的具体措施?A. 减少考试次数。
B. 增加体育活动。
C. 引入国际课程。
D. 强化职业教育。
答案:A三、完形填空(共20分)[完形填空文章及选项略]1. 答案:A2. 答案:D3. 答案:C4. 答案:B5. 答案:E四、翻译(共15分)1. 将下列句子从英语翻译成中文。
- English: The novel is an exploration of human nature. - Chinese: 这部小说是对人性的探索。
2. 将下列句子从中文翻译成英语。
- Chinese: 教育是社会发展的基石。
- English: Education is the cornerstone of social development.五、写作(共15分)根据以下提示写一篇不少于120词的短文。

学位英文考试题目及答案一、选择题1. Which of the following is NOT a fruit?A. AppleB. CarrotC. TomatoD. BananaAnswer: B. Carrot2. The word "alumni" is the plural form of:A. AlbumB. AlumnaC. AlumnusD. AlchemyAnswer: C. Alumnus3. The phrase "break the ice" means:A. To start a fireB. To melt the iceC. To make someone feel more comfortable in a social situationD. To stop a conversation abruptlyAnswer: C. To make someone feel more comfortable in a social situation二、填空题4. The chemical formula for water is _______.Answer: H2O5. The capital of the United States is _______.Answer: Washington, D.C.6. The phrase "a piece of cake" is used to describe something that is _______.Answer: easy三、阅读理解Read the following passage and answer the questions.Passage:Tom is a student at the University of Cambridge. He isstudying English literature and enjoys reading classic novels. In his free time, he likes to play football with his friends. Tom is also a member of the university's debate club, wherehe practices public speaking and argumentation skills.7. What is Tom studying at the University of Cambridge?Answer: English literature8. What does Tom enjoy doing in his free time?Answer: Playing football with his friends9. Which club is Tom a member of, and what does he do there?Answer: Debate club, practicing public speaking and argumentation skills四、写作题10. Write a short essay (100-150 words) about the importance of learning a second language.Answer:Learning a second language is of paramount importance in today's globalized world. It not only broadens one's horizons but also enhances cognitive abilities. Being bilingual or multilingual allows for better job opportunities and the ability to communicate with a diverse range of people. Moreover, it fosters cultural understanding and appreciation, which is crucial for building bridges between different societies. In essence, mastering a second language is a key to personal growth and global citizenship.五、翻译题11. Translate the following sentence from English to Chinese: "Knowledge is power."Answer:知识就是力量。

1、Which of the following is NOT a type of conditional sentence in English?A. Zero conditionalB. First conditionalC. Second conditionalD. Absolute conditional (答案:D)2、Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: "I _______ my keys everywhere, but I can't find them."A. looked forB. have been looking forC. am looking forD. had looked for (答案:B)3、What is the past perfect tense of the verb "to arrive"?A. arrivedB. will arriveC. had arrivedD. is arriving (答案:C)4、Which phrase is used to express a high degree of certainty?A. I might goB. I could goC. I should goD. I must go (答案:D)5、Select the correct modal verb to complete the sentence: "You _______ finish your homework before you can watch TV."A. mayB. mustC. canD. should (答案:B)6、Which of the following is an example of a compound sentence?A. She sings beautifully.B. Although it was raining, we went out for a walk.C. She sings and dances.D. She not only sings but also dances. (答案:D)7、Choose the correct form of the verb "to be" to complete the sentence: "If I _______ you, I wouldn't stay up late."A. amB. wasC. wereD. be (答案:C)8、Which word best completes the sentence: "He _______ English for five years before he moved to France."A. studiedB. had studiedC. has studiedD. was studying (答案:B)。

学位英语试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The meeting will be held ________.A. on the 10th of MayB. in the 10th of MayC. at the 10th of MayD. at May 10th答案:A2. The teacher asked the students ________.A. to stop talkingB. stop talkingC. to stop to talkD. stop to talk答案:A3. ________ the morning of May 5th, we had a sports meeting.A. InB. AtC. OnD. For答案:C4. ________ the help of the teacher, I passed the exam.A. WithB. UnderC. InD. By答案:A5. ________ the population of the city is about 5 million.A. It is said thatB. That is saidC. It is saidD. That said答案:A6. ________ the window, please.A. CloseB. ClosingC. To closeD. Closed答案:A7. ________ the question, he asked his teacher.A. To solveB. SolvingC. SolvedD. Solves答案:A8. ________ the news, he felt very excited.A. HearingB. Having heardC. To hearD. Heard答案:B9. ________ the book, he was late for the movie.A. Because readingB. Because of readingC. Because he readD. Because he was reading答案:D10. ________ the story, he was very interested in it.A. Having readB. ReadC. ReadingD. To read答案:C二、完形填空(每题1分,共10分)In the past, people used to think that the earth was flat. However, now we know that it is a sphere. This is because of the 11. ________ of science.11. A. developmentB. progressC. growthD. evolution答案:B12. Scientists have made many discoveries that have changed our understanding of the world. For example, they have found that the 12. ________ of the earth is not constant.12. A. sizeB. shapeC. weightD. mass答案:B13. The earth is not a perfect sphere; it is slightly 13. ________ at the poles.13. A. flatB. roundC. ovalD. square答案:A14. This is because the earth is spinning, and the centrifugal force causes the poles to be 14. ________.14. A. shorterB. longerC. widerD. narrower答案:A15. The earth's shape is also affected by its 15. ________.15. A. gravityB. atmosphereC. rotationD. temperature答案:A16. The study of the earth's shape is important for many reasons, including 16. ________.16. A. navigationB. communicationC. agricultureD. all of the above答案:D17. Satellites can be used to measure the earth's shape more 17. ________.17. A. accuratelyB. preciselyC. exactlyD. correctly答案:A18. The data collected from satellites helps scientists to 18. ________ the earth's shape.18. A. understandB. comprehendC. graspD. realize答案:A19. The earth's shape can also affect the 19. ________ of the oceans.19. A. levelB. depthC. flowD. temperature答案:A20. Understanding the earth's shape is crucial for 20.________.20. A. climate studiesB. weather forecastingC. environmental protectionD. all of the above答案:D三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)Passage 1The internet has changed the way we live. It has made communication faster and more convenient. People can now send emails, make video calls, and share information instantly. This has made the world feel smaller and more connected.21. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. The history of the internet.B. The impact of the internet on communication.C. The disadvantages of the internet.D. The future of the internet.答案:B22. According to。
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学位英语考试练习题1. She went on reading _____ it was midnight.A. asB. forC. untilD. lest2. He was old _____ quite strong.A. andB. orC. butD. if3. Take his advice _____ you will fail.A. norB. orC. forD. so4. He was writing _____ the glass suddenly fell on the floor.A. whileB. asC. soD. when5. _____ you say, he won’t listen to you.A. No matter whereB. No matter whatC. HoweverD. Whichever6. The car was going too fast on a wet road, _____ it crashed and the driver was in hospital.A. butB. moreoverC. furthermoreD. so7. He said he would stay for another two days _____ it rained.A. orB. norC. whetherD. if8. Hardly _____ I got home when it began to rain.A. hadB. amC. didD. that9. _____ ,none of us wanted to take a rest.A. Tired although we wereB. Tired as we wereC. As we were tiredD. We as were tired10. She opened the door quietly _____ wake up her sleeping baby.A. in order thatB. so thatC. in order toD. so as not to11. It was my grandfather _____ helped mike mend his bike this morning.A. thatB. whomC. whichD. what12. It was this morning _____ my grand father helped mike mend his bike this morning.C. whenD. which13. It was because it rained heavily last night _____ he didn’t come to the evening school.A. thatB. so thatC. soD. when14. Air, or _____ is called atmosphere, surrounds the whole earth.A. itB. thatC. whichD. what15. In short, _____ he lives, a man belongs to some society.A. whateverB. wheneverC. whereverD. whichever16. Nowhere else in the world _____ more attractive scenery than in Switzerland.A. you can findB. is foundC. can you findD. has been found17. I couldn’t find peter, _____ did I know where he had gone.A. neverB. eitherC. norD. as18. Not until I reminded him for the third time _____ working and looked up.A. that he stoppedB. does he stoppedC. did he stopD. that he stopped19. Not until most of the people had left the airport _____ his sister was there.A. that he sawB. had he seenC. did he seeD. that he had seen20. _____ the importance of wearing seat belts while driving.A. Little they realizeB. They little do realizeC. Little realize do theyD. Little do they realize21. Our society has changed and _____ in it.A. so the people haveB. the people have soC. so have the peopleD. have the people so22. Parking is a big problem, _____ .A. the traffic is soB. is so the trafficC. so the traffic isD. so is the traffic23. You never told me you have seen the film, _____ .A. had youB. didn’t youC. did youD. weren’t you24. Don’t forget to post the letter for me, _____ ?A. do youB. will you25. Not until I came to China ______ what kind of a country she is.A. I knewB. I didn’t knowC. I did knowD. did I know26. I don’t believe you are a student now, ____ you?A. didB. areC. willD. don’t27. Do what you think is right, _____ they say.A. howeverB. whateverC. whicheverD. if only28. _____ is well known, light, like heat, is a form of energy.A. ItB. whatC. Just asD. As29. We can hardly avoid making any mistakes in our work _____ hard we try.A. whateverB. howC. no matterD. however30. They are _____ students that they all performed well in the nationwide examinations.A. so diligentB. such diligentC. so much diligentD. such very diligent31. Young _____ he is, he knows what is the right thing to do.A. thatB. asC. althoughD. however32. Someone borrowed my umbrella, _____ ?A. didn’t heB. didn’t theyC. did heD. did they33. Nothing dangerous ever happened, _____ ?A. did itB. didn’t itC. do itD. does it34. _____ he objected to your impolite behavior is quite understandable.A. ThatB. whatC. WhichD. Whether35. _____ he often forgot their wedding anniversary greatly annoyed his wife.A. AllB. WhatC. WhichD. That36. I don’t care _____ or not she will apologize to me.A. ifB. whetherC. whatD. which37. Seldom _____ any mistakes during my past five years of service here.A. made IB. did I makeC. should I makeD. would I make38. Not until the year of 1945 _____ made the capital of this province.A. the city wasB. was the cityC. when the city wasD. was when the city39. There used to be some green at this spot, _____ ?A. didn’t thereB. used thereC. wasn’t ther eD. did there40. _____ is announced in the papers, a nation-wide sport-meeting will be held in the city next month.A. BecauseB. forC. AsD. So答案及分析1. C 她一直读书到半夜. until 至到......为止.2. C 他虽然年纪大了,但还很强壮.句子中转折词用的是but,故不能再用though,成对的连词在英语句子中只能出现一个,但翻译出来时都要翻译.比如,因为...所以...,虽然...但是...等等.这些成对出现的,翻译成英语时只出现一个连词就行了.这道题在讲义中为:Though he is very old, yet he is quite strong. 这时用yet可以,但是不能用but,要用but必须去掉though.3. B 听取他的建议,否则你会失败的.or是一个选择连词.4. D 当那个玻璃杯突然掉到地上时,他正在写作. Fall on 跌落到...上.5. B 不管你说什么,他都不会听的.在句子中充当宾语,所以疑问词要用what.6. D 在一段儿湿路上车开得太快了,导致车被撞坏,司机也送医院了.so 在这里引导结果状语.7. D 他说他将会再待两天如果天下雨的话.If引导条件状语从句.8. A 我刚到家,天就下雨了。