


探 究
2 10 ) 18 0
标 的师 生 互 动 创 造 活 动 。 教 学 实践 中 , 师 根据 学 生 具 体 情 在 教 况 和文 本 结 构 . 计 实 际 有用 的导 学案 , 括 设 定 分 解 的教 学 设 包 目标 、 与 学 的方 法 策 略 、 用 的教 学 模 式 等 , 化课 堂设 计 , 教 选 优 并 应 用 到 实 际 阅读 教 学 中 , 到 先 学 后 教 , 做 以学 定 教 , 以案 导 学 , 到 培 养 学 生 阅读 能 力 的 目的 。 达 二 、 学 案 在英 语 阅读 课 教 学 中的 应 用 导
基 础 教 育 阶 段 英 语 课 程 的 任 务 是 激 发 和 培 养 学 生 学 习 英 语 的兴 趣 , 学 生 树 立 自信 心 , 成 良好 的 学 习 习惯 和 形 使 养 成 有 效 的 学 习策 略 , 展 自主 学 习 的 能 力 和 合 作 精 神 , 学 发 使 生 掌 握 一 定 的英 语 基 础 知 识 和 听 、 、 、 技 能 , 成 一 定 说 读 写 形 的 综 合 语 言 运 用 能 力 ; 养 学 生 观 察 、 忆 、 维 、 象 能 力 培 记 思 想 和 创 新 精 神 ; 助 学 生 了 解 世 界 和 中西 方 文 化 的 差 异 , 宽 帮 拓 视 野 . 养 爱 国 主义 精 神 , 成 健 康 的人 生 观 , 培 形 为他 们 的 终 身 学 习 和 发 展 打 下 良好 的基 础 。 导 学 案 的设 计 和应 用 被 提 出 ,它 的科 学 实 用性 已 经 引领 追 求 高 效 和 快 速 的新 型 教 学 模 式 。 践 证 明 , 学 案 在 高 中英 实 导 语 课 堂 的 实 施 具 有 极 强 的 必 要 性 :学 习 一 门 外 语 并 不 像 想 象 中那 么 容 易 , 多 学 生 没 有 机 会 亲 身 体 验 英 语 的魅 力 , 是 被 很 只 动 地 接 受 教 师 讲 解 的 语 法 知 识 和 单 词 记 忆 ,这 样 的 教 育 能 满 足 的只 是 做 题 的 要 求 , 谈 不 上 对 英语 的学 习 。 学 案 就 是 充 而 导 分 发 挥 课 堂 上 教 师 的 主 导 性 和 学 生 的主 体 性 ,培 养 学 生 对 英 语 学 习 的 兴 趣 , 导 学 生 独 立 自主 学 习 、 行 合 作 探 究 , 效 引 进 有 提 高 学 生 在 各 个 方 面 的 综合 能力 而 设 计 的 一 种 学 习方 法 。

























以学生 为本 的理念具 体化 、 可操作 性强 。 在此 , 笔者决定 以人教版必修五第 四单元 R e a d i n g : My F I R S T
WO R K A S S I G N ME N T“ U n f o r g e t t a b l e ” , s a y s n e w j o u r n a l i s t 为例进行 尝 试 。教 学 步 骤 设计 如下 : 1 . 学案导学。 授课前将学案发给学生 , 学生进行预先学 习, 尝 试解决学案上设计的导学题 , 获得对教学 内容的初步了解 。 2 . 课堂探究 。 把全班学生分成 9个 6人小组 。 上课 时, 每组学 生 围绕导学题 , 各抒 己见 , 展开充分 的讨论。 最后 由各组推荐代表 作 总结发言 , 其他 同学做补充或质 疑 , 教师及时点评 。 3 . 教师导学。 一些抽象难懂的知识 , 教师还应启发点拨 , 使学 生 获得 清晰 的认识 。 如本 阅读课 新闻业 中专业术语 的表 达 , 笔者

进 行 了教 学反 思 。
学案是学生 自主学习的重要方式 , 但 自主不等 于放 任 自流 。
课堂气氛的活跃要有度 , 既要学生“ 动” , 又不能让学生“ 乱” 。 首先 教师要对学生进行 自主学习的 目标控制 , 引导学生始终围绕教学
关键词 : 高中英语 ; 阅读课 ; “ 学案导学” 教学 ; 思考
通 过 近 义 词 和 创 设 相关 情 境 帮 助 学 生 理 解 掌握 。
要做好记号 , 提前为高效课堂做好铺垫 。 自学指导要层次分明 , 让
学生看 了之后 , 做到三个 明确 : 1 . 明确 自学 内容 。 即让学生知道学
什么 , 每 次 自学前都 必须写 清楚 自学 的内容或 范 围 ; 2 . 明确 自 学 的方 法 。 看书、 边看 书边操 作 、 还是 边看 书边讨论 ; 3 . 明确 自 学后 的要求。 即用多长时间 , 课堂中如何呈现 , 如何检测评价等 。 教

北师大版高中英语Unit 13 Lesson 1 阅读导学案与课件

北师大版高中英语Unit 13 Lesson 1 阅读导学案与课件

It is commonly considered that people with high IQs have high EQs too. Two experts tell us the relation between IQ and EQ is not so simple and EQ may matter more if people want to achieve success.
Tips of the argumentation
1. Subject (论题)
• Success comes with a high EQ.
2. Argument sentences (论点)
• • • • • • • EQ is more important than IQ EQ could be improved. IQ gets you hired; EQ gets you promoted. Best and quick-witted Ss may fail. Low EQ people find it harder to survive. Normal Ss become willing to…and better understanding… Disabled Ss become more positive… and more eager…
Assessment evaluation measurement 1. gain vt. 获得,增加;赢得,赚得; 2. associate vt. 联想,联系…with… [拓展]:名词 association 联想,关系;协会 in association with 与……合作 形容词 associated 有关联的,相关的 3. concentrate v 集中(思想,注意力等)on 4. deserve vt. 应得,值得,应受 5. accuse vt. 指控;谴责 6. talk sb into doing



2019-2020学年高中英语人教版必修三Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars课文阅读导学案编写人:审核人:审批人:使用时间:_________2 .Task II采用扫描式阅读(Scanning),培养获取整体信息概的能力。

3. Task III:仔细阅读(Careful Reading),训练细节阅读能力。

4 .Task IV整体回忆文章,迅速得出答案。

【分层目标】C层完成Task I,Task III。

B层完成Task I,Task II,Task III A层完成Task I,Task II,Task IIITask1. Skim the text on Page 25-26 for the first time and then match the main idea with each paragraph.Para.1a.The formation(形成) of the earth.Para.2 b.The importance of water for life.Para.3 c.A widely accepted theory about the formation of the universe.Para.4 d.The arrival of humans and their impact on the earth.Para.5 e.The development of plants and animals on the earth.Task II. Scan the text on Page 25-26 and judge the statements True (T) or False (F).1. Human beings have known the origin of the earth clearly so far. ( ) 2.The appearance of water made it possible for plants and animals to live on the earth. () 3.Plants first appeared on land and then in the water. ()4.Dinosaurs existed on the earth for over 140 thousand years. ()5.It is human beings that are not looking after the earth very well and have caused global warming. ()Task III: Read the text on Page 25-26 carefully and choose the best answer1.Why was the earth different from other planets?A.Because it produced a lot of heat. B.Because the water remained.C.Because the water disappeared. D.Because it was the oldest planet.2.Why was life able to develop on the earth but not on other planets?A.Because the earth had a solid shape.B.Because the earth did not have harmful gases in its atmosphere.C.Because the water stayed on the earth but not on other planets.D.Because the earth was neither too hot nor too cold.3.Why was it necessary for plants to grow before animals?A.Because animals needed plants to protect them from the sun.B.Because plants provided oxygen for animals to breathe.C.Because animals could hide from hunters in the forest.D.Because it was easier for plants to grow.4.What problem is caused by human beings?A They exist everywhere on the earth.B They cause global warming.C They find new methods of growing crops.D They enjoy hunting and fishing.5.Why did the plants grow before animals came?A Animals needed plants to protect them from the sun.B Plants provided oxygen for animals to breathe.C Animals could hide from hunters in forest.D It was easier for plants to grow.6.It can be inferred from the text that .A.after a “Big Bang”,what the dust was to become remained a mysteryB.plants appeared before the animals C.plants multiplied and filled the oceans with oxygenD.plants played an important part in the appearance of the animals7.What is the main idea of the text?A.The formation of the earth. B.The arrival of humans and their impact on the earth. C.The development of plants and animals on the earth.D.The origin of life on the earth.TaskⅣ. Summary :Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.The earth was just a cloud of energetic dust after the “Big Bang”.Then the dust 1. into a solid globe moving around the sun. The earth 2. loudly with fire and rock,to be 3. to produce many things,which made the earth’s atmosphere. Water stayed on the earth and people think it is important for the beginning of life. It allowed the earth to dissolve 4. gases. Then life began to develop. Plants were the start of changes. They 5. and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen. This encouraged the 6. of early shellfish and fish. Land animals such as insects,reptiles and dinosaurs and so on appeared after the first green plants appeared. Small clever animals 7. all over the earth. But they are not 8. the earth very well. Too much carbon dioxide is put into the atmosphere,which 9. heat from escaping from the earth into space. Whether life will continue 10. whether this problem can be solved.Task Ⅴ: Find out these useful phrases from Warming up, Pre-reading and Reading and translate them into English. (从中找出下列的重点词组,并且翻译成英语).1.______________及时;终于2.______________ 下蛋3.______________ 产生;分娩4.______________ 轮到某人;接着5.______________ 阻止;制止6.______________ 挡住(光线);使不回忆7.____________ 太阳系八大行星8.____________ 四面八方9.____________. 冷却10.____________ 充满着…..11.____________ 也;还有……12.____________ 与…….不同Task4 Task VI.Reread the test, complete and analyze find the following sentences (在文中找出重点句子,完成句子并分析)1. _______________________was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8billion years ago when the dust ___________ a solid globe. 随后它会变成什么样没人知道,直到38-45亿年前,这团尘埃才慢慢地形成一个固定的球状物____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. The earth became so violent that ____________________the shape would last or not地球变得激烈动荡,不知道这个固体形状是否会继续下去_____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________3. _______________________ is that as the earth cooled down,, water began to appear on its surface.更重要的是地球冷却了下来,地球的表面就开始出现了水_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas. This produced a chain reaction, ______________________________.很多科学家相信,由于地球上长期有水存在,使地球得以把有害气体和酸性物质溶解在海洋里。







具体步骤如下:1. 通过展示一张有关阅读的图片或者播放与阅读相关的视频来调动学生的积极性和好奇心。

2. 呈现一些形象鲜明的标题,引发学生的思考和猜测。

3. 开展一些小组讨论或者师生互动的活动,让学生在分享和交流中培养阅读意识。


具体步骤如下:1. 教师先让学生浏览整篇文章,帮助学生获取主题和大意。

2. 分配任务,让学生进行细读和标记,寻找关键信息和生词。

3. 设计一些问题,引导学生深入思考和理解文章。

4. 帮助学生掌握阅读策略,如扫读、略读和精读。

5. 引导学生进行词汇和语法的分析,培养学生的语言运用能力。


具体步骤如下:1. 布置一些与文章内容相关的作业,如写一篇小短文、设计一个续写、形成自己的问题等,以检验学生对文章的理解和运用能力。

2. 推荐一些相关的阅读材料,鼓励学生拓宽阅读视野。

3. 鼓励学生与同学分享自己的阅读心得和体会,培养合作学习的氛围。



高中英语 Period 2 Reading导学案 新人教版必修5

高中英语 Period 2 Reading导学案 新人教版必修5

Period 2 Reading【大成目标】(目标解读及课堂组织2分钟)1.了解文学和电影中的奇遇;2.通过本模块的学习,学会欣赏名家名作,培养良好的阅读习惯,增强人文素养;(难点)3.熟记该学案所列的一些重要词汇、短语及句型;4.能很好地理解本文。


Step1. Find words in the passage which mean.1.to rain heavily pour down2. something which prote cts you from bad weather a s helter3. a sort of flat boat usually made from tree trunks a raft4. to lose control because you are frightened panic5. the feeling of being interested in something and wanting to know more curious6. to tell someone you a re going to cause them harm threatenStep II.从文中找出和所给汉语相对应的句子1 .突然间,借助闪电的光亮我们看见河中间有东西。

________________________________________________________________________2 .它触礁了,一半沉在水里,一半露在水面上。

________________________________________________________________________3 .几分钟后,吉姆说:“看起来它似乎马上要下沉了。




本节课的教学目标包括:1) 提高学生的快速阅读和精读技巧;2) 培养学生捕捉文章主旨大意的能力;3) 引导学生学会利用上下文线索理解生词的意义;4) 增强学生对文章结构和逻辑关系的理解。



















⼈教版⾼中英语必修五第四单元阅读⼆导学案附答案编号:WHGZYYBX5-U4-003⾼中⾼⼆英语必修5Unit 4 Making the news (STUDENTS)Period 3 Reading 2 & language points编制⼈:-------- 审核⼈:⾼⼆英语组编制时间:2015年9⽉9⽇CLASS _________ GROUP ________ NAME _________【LEARNING ARIMS 学习⽬标】1. Knowledge aim: To learn some new words and expressions in reading2.2.Ability aim:Through listening and skimming, scanning and dictation to masterthe usages of new words and expressions and sentence structures.3.Emotion aim: Scoop is the big news in our daily life and try to understand theimportance of the scoop and how to judge it by yourself.【IMPORTANT & DIFFICULT POINTS 重点难点】.IMPORTANT POINT:How to remember the important words and structures easily. DIFFICULT POINT:Master the daily usages of new words and expressions and through the guiding paper to consolidate the knowledge for oneself.【LEARNING WAYS 学习⽅法】Skimming , scanning, reciting and dictation. 【LEARNING PROCEDURES 学习过程】【KNOWLEDGE LINKS 知识链接】Websites⽹址/doc/1ef074f9bd64783e08122b27.html /美国⾃然杂志官⽅主页/doc/1ef074f9bd64783e08122b27.html /美国探索发现频道官⽅主页/doc/1ef074f9bd64783e08122b27.html /英国侦探杂志官⽅主页/doc/1ef074f9bd64783e08122b27.html /london英国休闲杂志官⽅主页Step 1【Pre-reading课前预习】Task 1. Translate the followings into English or Chinese.翻译1. 主编_______________________2. 独家新闻____________________3. 新闻⽂字编辑_______________4. 国际新闻编辑部_______________5. front page article______________6. main heading _________________7. film negatives ________________ 8. copy-editor ___________________Task 2: Blank filling 倒装句式填空1. Only then _______________ the importance of English. (我意识到)2. So seriously______________ that he was sent to hospital at once. (受伤)3. Seldom _________________ to the cinema recently. (我去)4. Not only________________ good at languages, but also at history. (她)5. In front of the house_______ a small boy and his father. (be)6. Here ___________________ the bus. Let’s hurry. (come)Step 2【Self-study ⾃主学习】Task 3: Skimming & Scanning略读寻读找答案1. Read the text quickly and tick out the main idea of the text.()A . It introduces how to get a scoop.B. It introduces the process of writing and printing for a newspaper article.C. It introduces a scoop about a famous film star.2. What was Zhou Yang asked to do as soon as he came back into the office after an interview with a famous film star. ( )A. He was asked to go to another interview.B. He was asked to write the story as soon as possible.C. He was asked to attend an important meeting.D. He was asked to have dinner with the chief editor.3. Why did Zhou Yang have to be accurate while writing the story? ( )A. He was afraid of being accused.B. he wanted to write a more exciting story.C. He formed a habit of being careful.D. He wanted to write a true story.4. How many types of job are there when making a newspaper except the native speaker? ( )A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 75. What’s the main id ea of this passage? ( )A. How to do a good interview.B. How a newspaper is made.C. How to write an interesting story for a newspaper.D. Making a newspaper is difficult.Step 3【Co-operation study 合作探究】Task 4.Understanding for language points根据课⽂内容合作讨论并完成下列语⾔点的理解和练习。



1. 教学目标
- 增强学生的英语词汇量和语法知识。

- 提升学生的快速阅读与精读技巧。

- 培养学生的批判性思维和分析能力。

- 引导学生学会总结和归纳文章主旨。

2. 教学内容
- 精选适合高中生阅读水平的英文文章,涵盖不同体裁和主题。

- 设计针对性的阅读问题,考察细节理解、推理判断及词义猜测等技能。

- 提供词汇和短语学习,帮助学生扩充语言资源。

3. 教学方法
- 采用任务驱动式教学法,通过具体任务激发学生学习兴趣。

- 实施分层教学,根据学生实际水平提供个性化指导。

- 结合多媒体工具,如视频、音频材料,增加课堂互动性。

4. 教学过程
- 导入:通过提问或讨论引出话题,激发学生兴趣。

- 新课呈现:教师引导学生阅读新材料,共同探讨文章结构和内容。

- 练习:学生独立或小组合作完成练习题,教师巡回指导。

- 总结:回顾本节课学到的知识点,强化记忆。

- 作业布置:根据课堂表现,分配适量的阅读和习题作业。

5. 评价方式
- 进行定期的阅读测试,检验学生的理解和分析能力。

- 通过课堂表现和作业完成情况,评估学生的学习进度。

- 鼓励学生自我评价,反思学习方法和效果。

6. 教学反思
- 教师需不断更新教学材料,确保内容的时效性和相关性。

- 关注学生的个体差异,调整教学策略以满足不同需求。

- 定期收集学生反馈,优化教学方法和过程。

7. 结语。



XB1U3 Extended reading 导学案Learning objectivesBy the end of this lesson, you can:1.locate and describe some specific information related to the Qingming Scroll;2.introduce the Qingming Scroll in your own words;3.strengthen your cultural confidence and take responsibility to preserve and promote traditional Chinese culture.MAIN TASK: The Palace Museum is looking for some guides to make an introduction to the Qingming Scroll.I Fast readingSkim the passage, underline the topic sentence of each paragraph and figure out its structure.Para. 1: (Line___ )__________________________________________________________________________ Para. 2: (Line___ )__________________________________________________________________________ Para. 3: (Line___ )__________________________________________________________________________ Para. 4: (Line___ )__________________________________________________________________________ Para. 5: (Line___ )__________________________________________________________________________ Para. 6: (Line___ )__________________________________________________________________________ II Careful reading1.Read Para. 1 and fill in the blanks below.2.Watch a video of Para. 2 and figure out the three sections of the Qingming Scroll.Section 1: It presents a ___________scene of ________ life near Bianjing.Section 2: It shows the ___________and __________ alive with activity.Section 3: It pictures the life _________________ .3.Read Para. 3 and think about the following questions.(1)Qingming Scroll mainly describes the life of Bianjing. From the Qingming Scroll, we can see the daily life there is ___________. (adjective)(2)Zhang Zeduan has a remarkable mastery of ____________.(3)What enables Zhang to show an enormous amount of detail?________________________________________________________________________________________.4.Listen to tape of Para. 4 and think about the following questions.(1)What details does the painting reveal?Daily life:_______________________________________________________________________________ Buildings:_______________________________________________________________________________ (2)What political and social problems does it expose?The government has lost control of___________________________________________________________ Soldiers_________________________________________________________________________________A boat__________________________________________________________________________________5.Read the last two paragraphs and choose the right answers.(1)What do people think of the copies of the scroll?elessB. preciousC. valuelessD. meaningless(2)Why is the original scroll not often displayed to the public?A.It is lost.B. It is not in one piece.C.It is delicate.D.It is bannedIII Post reading1.SummaryZhang Zeduan’s Qingming Scroll is a representative work of realism in Chinese art. 1._________(paint) on a five-metre-long silk scroll, the painting provides an important insight into life in China in the 12th century. The ancient scroll, 2._______ is currently kept in the Palace Museum in Beijing, gives the viewer an idea of what life was like for the people of Bianjing.It is possible that the most 3.___________(impress) aspect of the painting is Zhang’s precise brushwork. The painting reveals a great deal about the 12th-century Chinese customs, clothing, transportation 4.________(method), business practices and various buildings. At first sight, the overall scene of life in the capital city seems peaceful and cheerful. 5.________, some critics suggest that on closer inspection, the painting actually exposes serious political and social problems. Some boats 6._________(carry) food do not seem to belong to the government, which 7._______(suggest) that the government has lost control of food supplies and transportation. The details show that a crisis is developing in the city.As a matter of fact, the Northern Song Dynasty was 8.____ decline by this stage. About twenty years after the painting was completed, it 9.___________(overthrow).With the Qingming Scroll, Zhang made 10._____ outstanding contribution to Chinese art and greatly influenced generations of future artists.2.Show timeIf you were a guide of the Palace Museum, how would you introduce the Qingming Scroll to the visitors?3.Critical thinkingHow can the younger generation play a role in preserving and promoting traditional culture?。

人教版高中英语必修第一册Welcome unit Reading写作与阅读导学案

人教版高中英语必修第一册Welcome unit Reading写作与阅读导学案

M1 Welcome UnitReading: First ImpressionsMotto: Well begun is half done . 好的开端是成功的一半。

I. Learning aimsMaster the reading skills and the main idea of the passage.II. Learning guidance and testsLearning guidance Tests1.Lead-in 1.What do you think of your first day in senior high school?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.Skimming Finish the blanks .7:00 a.m She felt a little _____________________.12:30 p.m She found most of her classmates and teachers ________________________.5:32 p.m She wanted to let the guy be_______________ ________________________.10:29 p.m She felt much more___________________.3.Scanning Task 1 . Multiple choice .1. How does Han Jing feel when she first enters the senior high school?()A. Excited.B. Disappointed.C. Worried.D. Surprised.2. What does Han Jing worry about on the first school day? ()A. Losing her way to school.B. No one will talk to her.C. How to make a good impression.D. How to make friends.3. What does Han Jing think of her maths teacher? ()A. Cold and strict.B. Kind and friendly.C. Funny and naughty.D. Helpful and lovely.4. What happened to her at chemistry class? ()A. She broke the glass.B. The teacher was so serious.C. The lab is too old.D. The guy next to her kept talking.5. What does Han Jing feel after a day? ()A. She is much more frightened.B. She is afraid to go to school.C. She is much more confident.D. She decides to make friends.4.Discussion Question1.What do you think of Han Jing’s first senior high school day?________________________________________________________________________Question2. Who or what impresses you most on your first day at senior high school?________________________________________________________________________III ConsolidationLevel A: 课文语法填空This morning, I was a little anxious (1)____ no one would talk to me on the first school day and how I could make a good first (2)__________ (impress). However, in my first maths class, I found my teachers and most of classmates (3)_______ (friend) and helpful. This afternoon, I had our chemistry class in the science lab. Though it is new and the lesson (4)______ (be) great, the guy next to me kept on (5) _______ (talk) to me, so I couldn’t concentrate (6) _____ the experiment. I wanted to stop him and let (7) _____ (I) alone. At night, I realized how wrong I was when I thought that no one would talk tome. What happened on the first school day (8) _____ (make) a deep impression on me, so I feel (9)_____ (much) confident and think tomorrow will be (10) _____ great day.Level B: Reading comprehension .My First Day at Senior High SchoolMy name is Li Kang. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing. It is the capital city of Hebei Province. Today is my first day at Senior High school and I’m writing down my thoughts about it.My new school is very good and I can see why. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. Every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen. The teachers write on the computer, and their words appear on the screen behind them. The screens also show photographs, text and information from websites. They’re brilliant!The English class is really interesting. The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen. We’re using a new textbook and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school. She think s that read ing comprehension is important, but we speak a lot in class, too. And we have fun. I don’t thin k I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class!Today we introduced ourselves to each other. We did this in groups. Some students were embarrassed at first but everyone was very friendly and it was really nice. Ms Shen gave us instructions and then we worked by ourselves.Ms Shen wants to help us improve our spelling and handwriting. We do this in a fun way, with spelling games and other activities. I like her attitude very much , and the behaviour of the other student shows that they like her, too.There are sixty-five students in my class—more than my previous class in Junior High School. Forty-nine of them are girls. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys, They say that girls are usually more hard-working than boys. But in this class, everyone is hard-working. For our home-work tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live. I’m looking forward to doing it!1.All of the following are reasons why we like Ms .Shen except that________.A. She is a very enthusiastic woman with a new teaching method.B. We speak a lot and have fun in her English class .C. She helps us improve our spelling and handwriting in a fun way.D. She is beautiful and often plays games with us.2. Which of the following statements about the class is not true? _________.A. There are more girls than boys in the class.B. There is a computer with a special screen in the classroom.C. We can watch TV in the classroom.D.All the students are hard-working.。









1. 引言1.1 研究背景随着高中英语教学改革的不断深化,阅读能力作为英语学习的重要组成部分受到了更多的重视。





1.2 研究意义导学案的运用有助于激发学生的学习兴趣和主动性,通过设计合理的导学案,可以引导学生对文本进行深度思考和理解,提升他们的英语阅读能力和语言表达能力。







导学案高中快速阅读——说明文答题步骤和答题方法1 Guiding principle: grasp information, detail, logic2 Order: questions and options first, then the article3 The features of exposition:1)Explain specific object/action2)In clear logical orderIntroduce the objection—explain the objection—conclusion 4 setting questions1)Details2)Order3)T/FErrors and reflection :The World's Largest InsectThis giant insect can be used as a toy.A child ties one end of a string(绳)to a stick(木棍)and the other end around the "neck" of an insect. Holding the stick, the child lets the insect go. With a loud whirring sound(嗡嗡声), the insect takes off, pulling the string in a large curve over the child's head. The child laughs as the stick jumps around. The child is African, and the toy is the African Goliath beetle(巨型甲虫), the largest insect in the world.The Goliath is a true insect because it has six legs and a body that is divided into three parts. Like all beetles, it has two pairs of wings. The front pair are thick and stiff (硬的)and protect the back pair, which are soft. It is these soft back wings that make the beetle fly forward. They also cause the loud whirring sound the beetle makes when it flies. To steer (=control), the beetle twists and turns its legs the same way you steer a bike by turning its front wheel.African children often use the Goliath beetle as a toy. Although it is over 15 centimeters long, it is quite harmless.64. The African Goliath beetle is _______.A. the world's largest insectB. a toy used in many parts of the worldC. the only insect found in AfricaD. the world's smallest insect65. What made the whirring sound that the child heard?A. The curved string.B. The beetle's soft wings.C. The beetle's six legs.D. The beetle's body.66. We know the Goliath beetle is a true insect because it _______.A. makes a whirring sound when it fliesB. has both soft and hard wingsC. has six legs and a body with three partsD. can fly67. When flying, the Goliath steers by_______.A. turning its soft back wingsB. twisting and turning its hard front wingsC. twisting and turning its legsD. twisting and turning its whole bodyABCC。



高中英语阅读新概念教案1. 教案目标本教案旨在通过精选的阅读材料,使学生掌握并运用多种阅读策略,如预测、归纳、推理、总结等,同时培养学生对文章结构的敏感性,以及快速获取信息的能力。


2. 教学内容本节课选取了一篇具有丰富文化背景和深刻主题的英文文章,文章长度适中,难度符合高中学生的阅读水平。


3. 教学方法- 导入阶段:通过提问和讨论的方式,激活学生的背景知识,为阅读活动做铺垫。

- 阅读阶段:分层次进行,首先是快速阅读以把握大意,然后是细读以理解细节,最后是深度阅读以分析作者观点和写作手法。

- 互动阶段:学生分组讨论文章的主题和结构,分享各自的理解和感悟。

- 总结阶段:教师引导学生总结文章的主要内容和语言特点,巩固词汇和语法知识点。

4. 教学步骤1. 导入话题,激发兴趣。

2. 快速阅读,捕捉主旨。

3. 详细解读,分析段落。

4. 小组讨论,深化理解。

5. 全班分享,扩展视野。

6. 教师点评,提升认知。

7. 布置作业,巩固成果。

5. 教学评价通过课堂表现、小组讨论和个人作业来综合评价学生的学习效果。


6. 教学反思课后,教师需根据学生的反馈和学习成果,对教案进行调整和优化。


高中英语 Period 4 Reading导学案 新人教版必修5

高中英语 Period 4 Reading导学案 新人教版必修5

Period 4 Reading【大成目标】1. Surf the internet and find information about Chinese and western festivals;2. Read the text and learn about the history of Carnival;(重点)3. Develop reading ability by fast reading.(难点)【使用说明】1. 查阅中、西方传统节日,组内介绍,并推出一位同学全班展示。

2. 课时建议:一课时Step 1. 组内交流节日信息,全班展示点评。

(5分钟)Step 2. 辨析词汇,完成句子(5分钟)1.prepare/prepare for1)The teachers are ________ the exam.2)The students are________ the exam.2.wear/put on/dress/have...on1)________ more clothes.It's cold outside.2)He often ________a blue jacket.3)Wake up the children and ________ them.4)He ______ a new coat ______ today.3.walk/wander1)The dogs have greater freedom ,for they are allowed to ______ outside their enclosure.2)We ______ in the park every morning.4.celebrate/congratul ate1)I______ myself on my narrow escape.2)We ______ our 25th wedding anniversary yesterday.5.come to an end/by the end of/in the end/at the end of/end up with/end up in1)His several attempts ____________failure.2)____________the street ,you'll see a Chinese restaurant.3)How many English words had you learnt ____________last term? 4)He tried all kind s of jobs and____________ he became a teacher.5)When the war ____________,all the people celebrated the freedom.6)The party ____________ the singing of The Same Song.1.1)preparing 2)preparing for2.1)Put on 2)wears 3)dress 4)has ;on 3.1)wander 2)walk 辨析点拨: Wear+衣物,穿着…(强调状态) have +衣物+ on ,穿着… put on+衣物,穿上…(强调动作) dress+人,给某人穿… 基础案(10 分钟)课前独立完成基础案,课内展示、点评。



意, 明确文章的主题思想, 旨在培养学生的快速阅读技巧。
此项学案主要包含以下几种形式 : () 1利用三选一或四选一试题训练学生对全文主旨或 段意进行概括的能力 ; () 2 给出各段段意, 打乱顺序 , 让学生根据首尾句快速 搜索正确 的顺序 ; () 3 设计 4 6 个的有关主要内容的问题 , 也可以设计
通过近一年 的教学实践 ,我们对学生再次做 了访谈。
学生们普遍认为 , 借助学案的引导, 对课文及课堂的关注 度大大提升 , 对于问题的思考更积极 , 更有效地掌握了阅
读技巧。在学案的设计形式中, 学生很喜欢“ 背景介绍” 和 “ 思维导图” 环节 , 认为“ 背景知识” 拉近了与英语的距离 , 了解 了很多不太熟悉的领域。 使用和制作“ 思维导图” 能很 容易地梳理文章脉络, 加深对课文的记忆。 同时, 学生课堂 参与的积极性得到很大的提高 , 课堂活动不再是 了无生 气的敷衍应付和简单的模仿, 而是认真地思考问题 , 到完 成“ 思维导图” 的时候 , 合作小组 的成 员们各抒 己见 , 学习
语辅导报 , 就可 以发现一些可用 的材料。 学案 中的“ 习” 预 能够充分引导学生“ 先学 ”正如孔子 。
在《 庸》 中 中提到“ 凡事预则立, 不预则废” 。学生在读前预 习学案的引领下 , 尝试用 自己已有的知识去 “ 同化” 教材知
识, 发现问题, 从而激发学生在课堂上去探讨问题的兴趣。
3 . 铺垫阅读。当课文的内容较长பைடு நூலகம் 句法结构较难时 , 学
生往往会有一种“ 不敢读、 不想读” 的逃避心理。此时需要
式。学生在找到文章与答案有关的范围之后, 教饰要指导 学生在此范围中逐句阅读 , 对关键词、 句要仔细琢磨 , 不仅























A+Musical+Genius阅读课导学案 高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第三册+

 A+Musical+Genius阅读课导学案 高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第三册+

Unit 7 Art Lesson3 A MUSICAL GENIUS姓名:_________ 日期:第1课时阅读课【知识巩固】一、单词拼写1. 回应______________2.hesitate_______________3. 奋斗_______________4. charge______________二、词组拼写1. 为……而斗争_________________2. 对……做出反应_________________3. 毫不犹豫地_________________4. 掌握;负责_________________5. 对……做出回答/回应_________________6. 不愿意做某事_________________【学习目标】(重点)1.识记“音乐天才”的相关短语和句型。



【自学检测1】一、重点短语翻译被认为是;被当是______________________in one’s twenties______________________终于,最后______________________proceed with______________________(被)加入;增加______________________at the bottom of______________________首次;第一次______________________二、完成句子1.那个小男孩坐在树下,读一本故事书。

(分词)The little boy sat under the tree, _____________________________.2.听到这个坏消息,她突然大哭起来。

(时间状语)______________________________, she burst into tears.【自学指导2】快速阅读教材(P15)课文,标注下列短语,并大声读背记忆。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

高中英语阅读课导学案预习案:1. Choose the topics mentioned in the passage.2. Preview the text and answer the following questions.3. Consult the dictionary or the Internet and try to find out somerelevant information.…探究案:I. Presentation1. Picture presentation and a free talk2. A brief introduction to the topic…II. Fast reading1.Main idea focusing2.Strategy directing…III. Detailed readingTask1: ( outline )1. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.2. Discuss in groups of four and then give a brief analysis ofthe structure or the general idea of each paragraph.Task2: ( vocabulary foucs )1. Match the words or phrases with the correct definition.2. Fill in the blanks according to the reading article.Task3: ( detailed comprehension )1.Correct the following statements.2.Circle which ones is true or false3.Discuss in pairs and then fill in the table.plete the passage by filling in the blanksTask4: ( consolidation )1.Talk by role-playing2.Retell the passage according to these key words?…IV. Further thinking1. Creative discussion2. Morality education…训练案 1. Fill in the blanks according to the passage.2. Multiple choice for reading comprehension(Strategy directing).…附案例:M6U3 Reading (1) Cultural differences Learning aims:1.To understand the passage thoroughly and improve reading ability.2.To learn how to talk about cultural differences and customs.3.To master some vocabulary.I. Choose the topics mentioned in the passage.1.colour of clothing2.weddings3.shoes4.table manners5.Thanksgiving6.pointing(gestures)7.hair styles 8.presents 9.greetings_____________________________II. Preview the text and answer the following questions.1.What does Thanksgiving celebrate?2. What is eaten at Thanksgiving?3. In the West, when is the polite time to open a present? Why?4. What can you not drink at a wedding in Brunei?5. What should you do instead of pointing with your first finger inBrunei?6. What customs do Chinese cities and Brunei have in common?III. Surf the Internet and try to find out some customs that are different in different parts of the world.______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________探 究 案I. BrainstormingWhat aspects do culturaldifferences cover?II. Fast reading(Strategy directing)NameNationalityMa LiPeterWaledIII.Detailed readingRead the passage carefully and answer the following questions.Task 1butTask 2Correct the following statements.1.The American teacher is always talking aboutChristmas and the huge turkey they eat.2.The British teachers knew a lot aboutthe topic.the USA the UK the same language unbelievable differences in___________ cultural differencesTask 3When do the British open a present when receiving it?What about the American?Task 4 About the wedding (Role-playing)Would you please say something about it according to these key words?Task 5point with their ________ while others with their first ________ .In the UK In Italy The guests The newly-wedsThe guests The newly-weds give presents In China A huge banquet … In Brunei 1. sit in different areas 2. no alcohol 3. play the drums 1.Pointing to others People in BruneiIf you go to Brunei or a Chinese city, you need to rememberto _________ your shoes before entering one’s house.A. takeB. take offC. throw awayD. wearIV. Further thinkingCould you talk about some cultural differences and custom s?What are the benefits of learning different cultures?—to experience different cultures;—to get a better understanding …;—to help strengthen relations with …;—to avoid unnecessary mistakes and embarrassment;—to communicate freely and effectively;—to be a polite personV. Morality educationThe right attitudes towards cultural differences训 练 案I. Fill in the blanks according to the passage.Ma Li has to do her homework on cultural 1) ___________. So she goes online to chat with others and find some information she needs.She gets to know English and American people have 2) ___________ differences in culture even though they both speak English. For example, The British may be puzzled when Americans talk about Thanksgiving, the huge turkey they eat, and what Thanksgiving was held in 3) ____________ of.There are different reactions in the West and in the East when they get presents. 2.Color of clothing 3.Shoes Yellow shouldn ’t wearWesterners like to open them as soon as they get them. Though there are 4) ___________ between wedding traditions in the West, there are also differences between different Western countries. Getting things wrong can be quite 5) ______________ .In Italy, guests expect to get presents from the newly-weds while the guests are expected to give presents to them in the UK.In Brunei, if a male guest 6) ____________ in a wedding reception, he has to sit with the bridegroom and the other men, and a female guest has to be with the 7) ___________ and the other women in a different area. What’s more, if you go to Brunei, you should point with your thumb instead of your first finger . You shouldn’t wear yellow either.Appropriate 8) ___________ is always welcome. So remember when in Rome, do as the Romans do.II. Multiple choice for reading comprehension(Strategy directing).1. What is the main topic in this text?(主旨大意题)A. How to learn cultureB. How to chat onlineC. Cultural differencesD. Differences in different countries2. Why are the newly-weds expected to give their guests presents as a souvenir ?(细节理解题)A. To remember the big day.B. To make them happy.C. To get on well with them.D. To celebrate their marriage.3. From the text we can learn that there are different ideas about good manners. We should always _______ wherever we go. (推理判断题)A. do as we like.B. do as the local people do.C. do as we are told to.D. do as we used to do.4. The author writes this text to ________ .(作者意图题)A. show people how to learn foreign languages.B. want people to learn cultures instead of languages.C. make people aware of cultural differences and able to communicate effectively.D. tell people culture is important in the West.III. Homework1.Write a short passage about cultural differences between the West and China.2.Preview some important language points and underline the important phrases andsentences in the text.。
