北京海天佳和通信技术 HT96 会议电话分机 说明书

HT96 会议电话分机用户手册北京海天佳和通信技术有限公司目录目录 (1)1.概述 (2)1.1 应用范围 (2)1.2 技术特点 (2)2.主要技术指标 (2)3.使用说明 (4)3.1 设备俯视图 (4)3.2 设备后视图 (5)3.3 设备底视图 (6)4.安装开通 (9)4.1 接通电源 (9)4.2 二线开通 (9)4.3 四线开通 (10)1.概述1.1 应用范围HT96 会议电话分机是与会议电话总机配套使用的会议终端设备,可供铁路有关部门、工矿企业召开电话会议使用。
1.2 技术特点可靠性高:设备采用高性能单片机和大规模集成电路技术,集成度高,可靠性好。
soundstation2 电话会议使用说明

背景灯.................................................................................................. 12
语言 ..................................................................................................... 13
结束呼叫................................................................................................. 9
Байду номын сангаас
呼叫保持............................................................................................... 10
管理设置 — 概述 ........................................ 24
密码 ..................................................................................................... 25 地点信息............................................................................................... 26 电话系统............................................................................................... 28

* 您不能在电脑上同时连接多个传声扬声器设备包括本机 * 请将本机直接连接至电脑。通过 USB 集线器连接可能会引起操
1、本设备位于墙壁较近,使本设备远离墙壁。 2、有一个物体放置在本设备较近,避免在本设备的麦克风前面放置物
体。 3、应用本设备的房间混响现象严重。解决办法将具有高吸音性能的物体
放置在房间里,但不要放在本设备麦克风前面。 4、将本设备扬声器音量调低,以减轻混响。
设备产生回声(在另一方自己听到自己说话的声音)。 另外电脑多连接了一个开启的麦克风。需在电脑系统和网络电话软件的 音频设置中,选择本设备的麦克风和喇叭。 另一个设备的设备配置出现问题。Leabharlann , ,, ,4
, ,
电 脑U S B接 口 供 电 U S B数 据 线
可以按照移动电话的操作方法按挂机键,就可以结束无线移动电话会议 的通话。
本机可以做为电脑或移动电话的一种外接便携式麦克风和扬声器设备, 按上述的连接方法,可以通过电脑或移动电话的音乐播放器和录音应用 程序,进行电脑的音乐播放和录音。
9 —U S B 接口 : 用于 连 接随 附 的U S B数据 线 。
1 —扬声器静音指示灯:
本机作为电脑的一种外置麦克风和扬声器设备,可以进行电脑网络电话 会议。
本机适合于Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows7 and Mac OS X操作系统的电脑,要求USB 接口为USB1.1 或更高(建议 USB2.0),并且连接互联网的电脑,已安装有网络电话功能的即时通讯 或VoIP软件包(如:QQVoice、skype、MSN、uucall等)。 本设备的USB数据线为随插即用,无须额外安装驱动程序。

电话会议使用手册 263下载及账号管理入口登录顺丰ECP系统点击电话网络会议选择263会议进入账号管理页面/sfLogin电话会议——主持人操作细则1.登陆会议平台点击桌面PC客户端或登陆,输入用户名密码,点击立即登陆。
温馨提示:手动添加主持人/参会人时,号码书写格式参照“立即开会”4.会中控制A-角色:对勾选中的人员,赋予“主持人”或“参会人”身份;B-呼叫:对勾选中的待入会人员,再次呼叫;C-添加:临时添加通讯录外部人员入会(添加通讯录内部人员入会,请点右下角的“通讯录”) D-静音/发言/挂断:对勾选中的已入会人员,进行静音/发言/挂断等管控;E-开始暖场:会议尚未开始前,点此播放暖场音乐,再次点击即关闭音乐;F-全部静音:点击“全体静音”后,参会人可按*6自我解除静音,进行发言;G-超级静音:点击“超级静音”后,参会人可按*6也无法自我解除静音;H-会议问答:点击“会议问答”后,进入全体静音状态,主持人可点名某参会人发言;I-通讯录:临时添加通讯录内部人员入会5.电话号码按键,变身会议控制快捷键:(温馨提示:主持人需先外呼自己手机号进行电话入会才可使用)*0:寻求会议助理人工服务*1:收听操作功能使用提示*2:会场播放语音报名(仅主持人可用):收听在大厅报名的参会人*3:单独收听语音报名*4:会场全体静音状态切换(仅主持人可用):全部禁言戒全部解除禁言*5:主持人退出会议控制模式切换(仅主持人可用)*6:自我静音状态切换(即切换使用者本人的静音状态)*7:会议加锁状态切换(仅主持人可用)*8:主持人外呼不会者(仅主持人可用)*9:录音(仅主持人可用)6.海外接入号码可通过以下链接查询:/263/download/access2.html7.会后服务会议结束后点击“会后服务”按钮,可查看会议记录报告及使用情况记录。

按键说明 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
保留键 Hold
转接键 Transfer
会议键 Conference
功能按键/对应屏幕上不同的操作 液晶显示屏 留言灯*
功能按键/对应屏幕上不同的操作 功能菜单
左右翻页键/用于查询呼叫记录,速拨号码时的左右翻页 通话保持按键/将当前呼叫置于呼叫保留状态 电话转接按键/用于转接电话 会议按键/用于发起会议呼叫 挂断按键/将当前呼叫挂断 重拨按键/重拨最后一个外拨的号码 拨号盘 音量控制按键/用于证件或减小音量 静音按键/将话机麦克风或话筒置于静音状态 耳机按键/启用外接耳机 免提按键/用于免提通话 耳机接口/用于连接耳机或耳机适配器 退出键/液晶屏返回初始状态
设置速拨键 也可将“未接/拨入/拨出”选项内号码设置成速拨号:按照详细显示“未接/拨入/拨出”方法,进入到一个号码显
示 屏,按“AddToSD”对应功能键
转接电话 当接通一方通话后,拨
指定代接 摘机,拨*59,拨响铃分机号码,通话。此功能适用于系统内所有分机。
群组代接 摘机,拨 *14 。就可接起“代接组”内任意一部响铃分机。此功能只适用于代接组内的分机(需要预先设置)
摘机,拨 *62,拨分机 号码,即实 现强插功 能.
1.9 GHz数字无线微电话系统操作支持软件(会议模式)用户手册说明书

Operating Instructions1.9 GHz Digital Wireless Microphone System Operations Support Software (Conference mode)IntroductionAbout this manualOperations Support Software (hereinafter referred to as “this software”) is software for configuring various settings and acquiring statuses of the following devices from a PC via a network connection.Wireless receiver: WX-SR202P, WX-SR204P, WX-SR202DNP, WX-SR204DNP (hereinafter referred to as “receiver”) Extension Receiver: WX-SE200P, WX-SE200DNPWireless antenna: WX-SA250PWireless microphone: WX-ST200P, WX-ST400P, WX-ST700PWireless Transmitter: WX-ST600P●This manual describes how to operate Operations Support Software for use of Conference mode in 1.9 GHz digital wireless systems. For information other than Conference mode, such as installation and initial setup of Operations Support Software, refer to the operating instructions of Operations Support Software. For information on the functions of the related equipment, refer to the operating instructions supplied with the products.●The instructions in this manual are explained with the example of using Microsoft Windows 10 Pro. Screen display may differ when using another operating system or depending on the settings of the operating system. When using another operating system, refer to the instruction manual for the corresponding operating system.●The software version information and other screen images shown in this manual are display examples and may differ from the actual screens.AbbreviationsThis manual uses the following abbreviations.●“Microsoft Windows” is referred to as “Windows”.●“Wireless Receiver (WX-SR202P/WX-SR204P/WX-SR202DNP/WX-SR204DNP)” is referred to as “receiver”.●“Extension Receiver (WX-SE200P/WX-SE200DNP)” is referred to as “extension receiver”.●“Wireless Antenna (WX-SA250P)” is referred to as “antenna”.●“Gooseneck Microphone (WM-KG645)” that is connected to “Wireless Transmitter (WX-ST600P)” are referred to as “gooseneck microphone”.●“Wireless Microphone (WX-ST200P/WX-ST400P/WX-ST700P)” is referred to as “microphone”.●“Personal computer” is referred to as “PC”.All information on separately-sold products contained in this manual is up-to-date as of Oct. 2022. Contact a retailer for the latest information.System overviewThe 1.9 GHz digital wireless microphone system series WX-SR200P conforms to the DECT standard*. The WX-SR200P series is comprised of the devices described on page 4, and can receive audio from up to 8 wireless microphones per system.* DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) is a digital cordless communication standard.Charger (WX-SZ200P)2 microphones per chargerUp to 8 wireless antenna (WX-SA250P)Up to 8 audio output channelsUp to 8 wireless microphonesWX-ST200P , WX-ST400P , WX-ST700P gooseneck microphones (WX-ST600P+WM-KG645)Charger (WX-SZ600P)4 microphones per charger *Up to 2 WX-ST600P/700P when placed horizontallyRelated devicesThe related products of the1.9 GHz digital wireless microphone system series are as follows:✹ W ireless receiverWX-SR202P✹ W ireless receiverWX-SR204P✹ E xtension ReceiverWX-SE200P✹ W ireless microphone (handheld)WX-ST200P ✹ W ireless microphone (tie pin type)WX-ST400P✹ W ireless antennaWX-SA250P✹ W ireless microphone WX-ST700P ✹W ireless Transmitter WX-ST600P ✹C hargerWX-SZ200P✹C harger WX-SZ600P ✹ G ooseneck microphoneWM-KG645What is Conference mode?This function enables flexible wireless microphone operation by assigning wireless microphones to multiple channels on wireless receivers and extension wireless receivers.Features of Conference mode●By turning on Conference mode, you can share 2 channels on a receiver with 8 microphones, for example (which channel a microphone uses depends on the availability of the channel at that time).●Association of shared channels and microphones can be freely set in the matrix using the Operations Support Software. This allows for flexible microphone operation in various situations, such as setting microphones dedicated to one channel or grouping microphones for each channel.●Associations can be switched all at once based on the use case because association between shared channels and microphones can be saved and loaded as a settings file with the Operations Support Software.●You can turn communication on and off remotely by using the Wireless Transmitter (WX-ST600P) and Wireless Microphone (WX-ST700P). Also, if the microphones registered in the same channel consist only of Wireless Transmitters (WX-ST600P) and Wireless Microphones (WX-ST700P), you can set the operation priority setting to interruptible to interrupt a channel that is already in use with another microphone.Software.●To use Conference mode with wireless receivers, extension wireless receivers, and wireless antennas earlierthan V6.00, update all the firmware to V6.00 or later. To update, please refer to the manual of the OperationsSupport Software.●Do not downgrade a V6.00 device to a version earlier than V6.00. Operation is not guaranteed.Maximum number of registered microphonesWhen Conference mode is on, 7 or more wireless microphones can be paired with each channel of a receiver or extension receiver. The maximum number of registrations is as follows.* W X-SR202P does not support Conference mode, so you cannot turn on Conference mode from the Operations Support Software.Number of microphones that can be used simultaneouslyRegardless of whether Conference mode is on or off, the number of microphones that can be used simultaneously is as follows.* W X-SR202P does not support Conference mode, so you cannot turn on Conference mode from the Operations Support Software.Example of using Conference mode (when participant microphones arenot grouped)6 microphones cancommunicate on any channel from 5 to 8 (up to 4 lines)You can use as a dedicated microphone by registering only one microphone in onechannel.Example of using Conference mode (when participant microphones aregrouped)5 microphones cancommunicate on any channel from 6 to 8 (up to 3 lines in Group B)4 microphones cancommunicate on any channel from 3 to 5 (up to 3 lines in Group A)You can use as a dedicated microphone by registering only one microphone in one channel.Capabilities when Conference mode is onThis section describes the list of functions that can be used with Conference mode. Functions that are only available from this software are indicated by a black circle.ConnectionsThis software can be connected with a receiver.TermsMicrophone sensitivityOutput sound sensitivity for sound captured by a microphone.The microphone sensitivity can be set with the tie-pin type Wireless Microphone (WX-ST400P) and boundary type Wireless Microphone (WX-ST700P).Low cut settingSetting to reduce low-frequency noise during microphone use.The low-cut filter setting can be set on a handheld wireless microphone (WX-ST200P).Push-to-talk (PTT) settingSetting to switch between communication start/end modes.This can be set on a Wireless Transmitter (WX-ST600P) and Wireless Microphone (WX-ST700P).Communication standbyRefers to the state in which a Wireless Transmitter (WX-ST600P) and Wireless Microphone (WX-ST700P) are turned on and not communicating.Registered channelRefers to a channel for which a microphone is paired (wireless or wired) to a receiver or extension receiver in Conference mode.Extended channelRefers to a channel that allows microphone communication other than registered channels in Conference mode. It can be edited only from Operations Support Software.Extended channel registration tableA table that indicates registered channels with ● and extended channels with ○, and sets extended channels for each microphone.This manual uses the following symbols in explanations.Table of contentsIntroduction (2)About this manual (2)Abbreviations (2)System overview (3)Related devices (4)What is Conference mode? (5)Capabilities when Conference mode is on (9)Connections (9)Terms (10)Symbols (10)Flow for setting Conference mode (12)STEP 1: Turn on Conference mode (13)STEP 2: Pair (14)STEP 3: Edit the extended channel registration table (17)STEP 4: Communicate (18)Confirming the operation status (19)Confirming the operation status from a microphone (19)Confirming the operation status from a receiver (20)Confirming the operation status from the Operations Support Software (21)Operation priority setting (22)Setting the operation priority (22)Communication on/off control (23)Communication on/off control (23)Saving the Conference mode settings data (24)Exporting the settings data (24)Importing the settings data (25)Screen explanation (26)Troubleshooting (29)Flow for setting Conference modeSTEP 1: Turn on Conference mode (page 13)Configure settings to use Conference mode.STEP 2: Pair (page 14)Pair the microphone to be used in Conference mode.STEP 3: Edit the extended channel registration table (page 17)Set the extended channel settings for the microphone used in Conference mode.STEP 4: Communicate (page 18)Start communication.STEP 1: Turn on Conference modeTo use Conference mode, first turn it on.To switch Conference mode on/off, this software and the receiver must be connected to a network.1 Log in to this software.2 The [List] screen appears. Click the [Set] button of the receiver for which you wish toturn on Conference mode.[Settings] button3 Change Conference mode to [ON] in the mic settings on the [Settings] screen.[Update] buttonTurn Conference mode on/off4 Click the [Update] button.A restart confirmation message will be displayed when switching. Click [Yes] to restart the receiver.When Conference mode is on, the [Microphone] tab on the setting screen switches to the screen for Conference mode.Also, “Conference” is displayed for the target receiver on the status details display screen.STEP 2: PairA microphone and receiver must be paired with each other in order to establish a connection.The receiver uses different microphone pairing information when Conference mode is on and off. Therefore, to use Conference mode, you must pair separately for Conference mode.Pairing can be performed from the receiver or the Conference mode setting screen of the Operations Support Software.This manual describes the procedure using the Operations Support Software and wireless microphone (WX-ST700P) as an example.Pairing1 In the mic settings on the [Settings] screen, click the channel number button youwish to register from the [Channel number] buttons.Channel number buttons2 The registration indicator for the corresponding channel on the receiver blinksorange. The pairing mode lasts for 30 seconds.3 When the power switch of the microphone to be paired is [ON] and the [Register]button on the microphone is pressed for at least 2 seconds, the status indicator of the microphone blinks orange and pairing starts.If pairing completes successfully, the status indicator on the microphone lights green, and the [Register] indicator for the paired channel on the receiver lights green for 1 second and then turns off.Microphone (WX-ST200P)Microphone (WX-ST400P)Wireless transmitter (WX-ST600P)Wireless microphone 45 Pairing is now complete.●If you pair a paired microphone to another channel, the pairing information of the original channel will be deleted.●After pairing is complete, “Mic*” (where * is a number) is set automatically for the name. Change the name ifnecessary and click the [Update] button.STEP 3: Edit the extended channel registration table With Conference mode, you can set extended channels that allow communication on channels other than paired channels.Extended channel registration table1 Click the intersection of the paired microphone and the channel you wish to allowcommunication with that microphone.2 “○”indicatingtheextendedchannelisdisplayed.To cancel the extended channel, click “○” again.3 Click the [Update] button.In the extended channel registration table, you can select extended channels at once by dragging the table while clicking.STEP 4: CommunicateStart communication by turning on the microphone (WX-ST200P/400P) or pressing the talk button (WX-ST600P/700P). When the power is [On], the audio collected by the microphone will be amplified.Squares on the extended channel registration table are displayed in green for channels being used.Confirming the operation status The current status of each device can be confirmed from the microphones, receivers, and Operations Support Software.Confirming the operation status from a microphone You can confirm the paired channel by pressing the microphone registration button.1 With the receiver and microphone paired, put the microphone into pairing confirmation mode.With the microphone [On], press the registration button once briefly to go into pairing confirmation mode. The power indicator turns orange and green alternately for 5 seconds.Microphone (WX-ST200P)Microphone (WX-ST400P)Wireless transmitter (WX-ST600P)Wireless microphone 2Confirming the operation statusConfirming the operation status from a receiverYou can confirm the communicating microphone by pressing the registration button for each channel of the receiver. The following are differences between Conference mode off/on.Conference mode off: Y ou can confirm the microphones paired on the channel by pressing the registration button on the receiver.Conference mode on: Y ou can confirm the microphones that are actually communicating from the channels set in the extended channel registration table by pressing the registration button on the receiver.1 With the receiver and microphone paired, put the receiver into pairing confirmationmode.Of the channels during microphone communication, press the registration button of the channel you wish to confirm once briefly to go into pairing confirmation mode. The [Register] indicator turns orange and green alternately for 5 seconds.2 Check the [Power] indicator of the microphone.While the receiver is in pairing confirmation mode, the target channel of the receiver and the power indicator of the communicating microphone light up alternately (orange/green) for confirmation of registration.The pairing confirmation mode lasts for 5 seconds and then returns to the normal state.Confirming the operation statusConfirming the operation status from the Operations Support SoftwareYou can confirm the communicating microphone by pressing the [Confirm] button for each channel from the Operations Support Software. The following are differences between Conference mode off/on.Conference mode off: Y ou can confirm the microphones paired on the channel by pressing the [Confirm] button.Conference mode on: Y ou can confirm the microphones that are actually communicating from the channels set in theextended channel registration table by pressing the [Confirm] button.This section describes how to confirm with Conference mode on.1 With the receiver and microphone paired, put the receiver into pairing confirmationmode.Click the [Confirm] button of the channel for which you wish to confirm the registration information in the mic settings of the [Settings] screen to go into pairing confirmation mode. The [Register] indicator of the corresponding channel of the receiver turns orange and green alternately for 5 seconds.[Confirm] button2 Check the [Power] indicator of the microphone.While the receiver is in pairing confirmation mode, the target channel of the receiver and the power indicator of thecommunicating microphone light up alternately (orange/green) for confirmation of registration.The pairing confirmation mode lasts for 5 seconds and then returns to the normal state.Operation priority settingSetting the operation priorityThe operation priority setting is a function that allows you to set the operation priority when the microphones registered on the same channel consist only of Wireless Transmitters (WX-ST600P) and Wireless Microphones (WX-ST700P). Uninterruptible: I f a microphone is already communicating on a channel, you cannot start communicating on that channel with another microphone.Interruptible: I f a microphone is already communicating on a channel, you can end communication on that microphone and start communicating with another microphone.Operation priority selection1 Turn on Conference mode with the same procedure as “Flow for setting Conferencemode”.2 Switch the operation priority setting.Communication on/off controlCommunication on/off controlCommunication on/off control is a function that allows you to control communication on/off for paired microphones from the Operations Support Software.Communication on/off control is a function enabled only for WX-ST600P/700P. It is disabled for WX-ST200P/400P.Communication switch1 Turn on Conference mode with the same procedure as “Flow for setting Conferencemode”.2 In the mic settings on the [Settings] screen, if the microphone of the communicationchannel is WX-ST600P/700P, communication on/off switches each time you click the Communication switch.3 If a microphone is communicating, the [Switch OFF all] button is enabled, andclicking it forcibly ends the communicating microphone of the channel.Saving the Conference mode settings dataThe Conference mode settings data can be saved and then be imported when this software is used on another computer.This section describes the procedure.Exporting the settings dataTo export settings data, perform the following procedure.Settings file [Save]/[Open] button1 Turn on Conference mode with the same procedure as “Flow for setting Conference mode”.2Click the settings file [Save] button in the mic settings on the [Settings] screen. The folder selection dialog box appears. Select the location to export the Conference mode settings data.3A file with the name ***.msf is created in the location specified in step 2 and the Conference mode settings data is exported into that file. The following settings aresaved in the settings data.Saving the Conference mode settings dataImporting the settings dataTo import settings data, perform the following procedure.1 Turn on Conference mode with the same procedure as “Flow for setting Conferencemode”.2 Click the settings file [Open] button in the mic settings on the [Settings] screen. Thefolder selection dialog box appears. Select the location to import the Conference mode settings data.3 You can confirm the data in advance by selecting a file to import and clicking[Confirm].Select the file to import and then click [Set] to overwrite all of the current Conference mode settings data.4 Click the [Update] button. Wait for the receiver to restart (takes about 1 minute for thereceiver to restart).●Setting data is not loaded for microphones that are not paired with the receiver.Screen explanationRegistered device list display<Receiver display>Information displayed for each receiver or charger in the registered device list display.The background of the selected receiver is displayed in red.This section describes the Conference mode settings screen.TroubleshootingRefer to this table for issues before requesting repair.If the issue is not resolved even after taking these actions, or if an issue other than shown in this table occurs, please contact the dealer where you purchased the product.Panasonic Corporation of North AmericaTwo Riverfront Plaza, Newark, NJ 07102-5490https:///us/Panasonic Canada Inc.5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 2T3 Canada1-877-495-0580https:///ca/C0722-0 PUQP1016ZA© Panasonic Connect Co., Ltd. 2022。

Umeeting电话会议WEB 客户端使用说明书Umeeting运营中心2011年[1.0第一版]目录第一部分 UMeeting华通电话会议简介 (3)一、业务介绍 (3)二、使用环境 (3)三、会议资费 (3)第二部分 UMeeting华通电话会议使用说明 (4)一、打开官网 (4)二、帐号注册 (4)三、帐号登录 (5)四、召开会议-即时会议 (6)五、召开会议-预约会议 (7)六、召开会议-历史会议 (8)七、短信发送 (8)八、通讯录 (9)九、账号管理 (11)十、详单查询 (12)十一、录音试听 (13)十二、软件下载 (13)十三、充值转账 (14)十四、帮助中心 (15)第一部分 UMeeting华通电话会议简介一、业务介绍UMeeting华通电话会议是华科数通(北京)科技有限公司经国家授权许可经营的电信增值服务。
UMeeting官方网站:UMeeting PC客户端下载地址:/soft/umeetingPCInstall.exeUMeeting JAVA通用版手机客户端下载地址:/soft/umeeting.jarUMeeting 安卓系统手机客户端下载地址:/soft/umeeting.apkUMeeting 塞班系统手机客哀端下载地址:/soft/umeeting.sisxUMeeting 苹果系统手机客户羰下载地址:苹果手机用户在itunes搜索“会议宝”即可直接下载。


IP话机转接:专用话机按TRANSFER——再按分机号码——挂机注:IP话机具体使用功能详见“Awaya 1608 中文使用说明书”
(1)I P话机呼出式会议电话:在通话过程中按(TRANSFER)键,再拨分机号码或按9+外线号码,拨通后按*47键即可进入多方通话。

通话录音有线扩展麦克风亿联五边形虚拟会议室可外接音箱设备USB 连接重点特征全新的外观设计新款CP960拥有独特的Y 型外观,象征亿联(Yealink )的英文首字母Y ,同时配有5英寸的触摸屏,您只要轻轻动动手指,即可自由灵活地操作话机。
此外,您还可以将CP960与CP 有线扩展麦克风CPE90相连接,拾音距离可达20米,且可为您免去接线的烦恼,会议桌面更加简洁干净,为您树立优质的企业形象。
作为新一代高清IP 会议电话,CP960支持多种模式UC 混合会议,您可以通过蓝牙将CP960与您的智能手机连接通话,或通过USB 将CP960与您的PC 设备连接通话,并可将蓝牙通话,PC 通话及SIP 通话三种模式合并成会议电话。
同时,CP960可通过3.5mm 音频输出口与外置音箱设备连接,满足较大培训室的需求;且CP960支持本地和USB 录音功能,本地录音时长可达100小时。
CP960高清音质安卓触控会议电话亿联新一代旗舰级高清IP 会议电话CP960,基于安卓5.1操作系统,充满科技感的全新Y 型设计以及金属银外观效果,为您带来耳目一新的时尚外观视觉体验。
此外,您还可通过蓝牙或USB 将CP960与您的移动设备(例如:智能手机,PC 设备等)相连,实现多种模式UC 混合会议。

好会通Meeteasy 系列会议电话产品说明书深圳市好会通科技有限公司 ®Mini 2Mini Mid Ex Mid 2Mid 2ExMidMid HC Mid 2HC®说明书目录一、产品简介 (2)二、好会通Meeteasy系列会议电话及配件 (3)三、好会通Meeteasy系列会议电话接线及接口示意图 (3)四、好会通Meeteasy会议电话功能键说明 (6)五、好会通Meeteasy会议电话的应用示意图 (7)六、好会通Meeteasy会议电话与好会通多方电话会议系统组网应用 (7)七、好会通Meeteasy会议电话详细介绍 (8)7.1.好会通Meeteasy Mini会议电话 (8)7.2.好会通Meeteasy Mini2会议电话 (9)7.3.好会通Meeteasy Mid会议电话 (10)7.4.好会通Meeteasy Mid2会议电话 (11)7.5.好会通Meeteasy Mid EX会议电话 (12)7.6.好会通Meeteasy Mid2EX会议电话 (13)7.7.好会通Meeteasy Mid HC会场终端 (14)7.8.好会通Meeteasy Mid2HC会场终 (15)八、好会通Meeteasy会议电话型号参数比较表 (16)九、型号及配件表 (16)一、产品简介:好会通®/Meeteasy®系列会议电话关注客户需求,贯彻以人为本的设计理念,采用先进的数字信号语音处理(DSP)技术和创新的模块化设计方案,具有卓越的会议电话通话效果和强大的扩展功能,可支持电脑网络通话和3方通话,兼具会议电话和个人电话的功能。
Cisco Unified SIP Phone 3905 快速入门指南说明书

美国总部Cisco Systems, Inc.170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706美国 电话:+1 408 526-4000800 553-NETS (6387)传真:+1 408 527-0883Cisco 和 Cisco 徽标是 Cisco Systems, Inc. 和/或其附属公司在美国及其他国家/地区的商标。
请访问 /go/trademarks 查看 Cisco 的商标列表。
使用“合作伙伴”一词并不暗示 Cisco 和任何其他公司具有合作关系。
(1005R)© 2011 年 Cisco Systems, Inc. 保留所有权利。
OL-24630-01快速入门指南Cisco Unified SIP Phone 39051拨号2应答3静音4语音邮件5前转所有呼叫6保留7会议8转接9音量设置10提示注意为获得最佳效果,请在 8.5 x 14”(Legal 尺寸)的纸张上打印。
1 拨号要发出呼叫,请提起听筒或按免持话筒按键然后拨号。
2 应答当收到新呼叫时,电话灯条会闪烁红色。
要应答呼叫,请执行下列操作之一: • 提起听筒。
• 按免持话筒按键3 静音4 语音邮件当收到新邮件时,电话上将发出以下指示: • 电话灯条上亮起稳定的红灯。
• 音频留言等待指示(如可用)。
收听留言第 1 步在导航栏中心,按功能按键。
第 2 步选择语音邮件(使用导航板滚动)。
第 3 步按功能按键,并按照语音提示进行操作。
5 前转所有呼叫第 1 步在导航栏中心,按功能按键。
第 2 步选择前转所有呼叫(使用导航板滚动),并按功能按键。
第 3 步将会听到确认音,然后输入要前转呼叫的电话号码。
第 4 步要取消呼叫前转,请重复步骤 1-2。
6 保留第 1 步按保留/恢复按键。
Polycom VoiceStation 300 小型会议电话说明书

DATA SHEETPolycom® VoiceStation® 300C rystal-clear conferencing for smaller rooms and desktopsThe Polycom® VoiceStation® 300 is a small conference phone ideally suitedfor desktops, offices, and other small rooms. With a microphone range of up to seven feet, the VoiceStation 300 is ideal for small conferences with three to four participants. Plus its compact industrial design fits well on a desk or small table, making it a great solution for offices. The VoiceStation 300 provides Polycom’s legendary voice quality at an affordable price.Featuring the award winning Polycom® Acoustic Clarity™ technology, the VoiceStation 300 delivers exceptional voice quality with three sensitive microphones that offer 360-degree room coverage. Smart technology, such as Dynamic Noise Reduction (DNR), provides maximum microphone sensitivity, while reducing distracting room and background noise. It also features technology that resists interference from mobile phones and other wireless devices, delivering clear communications withno distractions.Convenient controls for volume, mute, redial, flash and hold are located on an intuitive, easy-to-use keypad. A handset phone can be plugged in for private calls, or simply switch back to the VoiceStation 300 for hands-free conversations.Benefits• More productive calls— Polycom’s patented Acoustic Clarity Technology allows simultaneous, natural, free- flowing conversation• 360-degree room coverage—A powerful, digitally-tuned custom speaker and three sensitive microphones provide uniform coverage from up to 7 feet away • Hands-free calls—A great hands-free conferencing solution for home offices and small businesses • Resists interference from mobile phones—Clearer calls with no distracting noise from wireless devices• E asy to use and install— Connects into any analog phone jack• S econdary phone options— Plug in a fax machine or ahandset for private callsDATA SHEET Polycom VoiceStation 300 Specifications16039-1214© 2014 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. All Polycom® names and marks associated with Polycom products are trademarks or service marks of Polycom, Inc. and are registered or common law marks in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. No portion hereof may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, for any purpose other than the recipient’s personal use, without the express written permission of Polycom.Polycom, Inc.1.800.POLYCOM Polycom Asia Pacific Pte Ltd +65 6389 Polycom EMEA +44 (0)1753 About PolycomPolycom helps organizations unleash the power of human collaboration. More than 400,000 companies and institutionsworldwide defy distance with video, voice and content solutions from Polycom. Polycom and its global partner ecosystem provide flexible collaboration solutions for any environment that deliver the best user experience and unmatched investment protection.Product specificationsConference areasPolycom ® VoiceStation ® 300 is ideal for basic conferencing in offices and small conference rooms, accommodating 4 or fewer meeting participantsFeatures and functionsVoiceStation 300 is easy-to-use, with its universal keypad and intuitive functionsConsole size (L x W x H)9.5 x 9.25 x 3.0 in (24.2 x 23.5 x 7.6 cm)Weight1.25 lbs (0.57 kg)Power110V 60Hz AC/220V 50Hz AC (depending on country)Network interfaceAnalogue PBX or public switched telephoneKeypad• 12-key telephone keypad including: -On-hook/off-hook-Flash, redial, mute, hold -Volume up, volume down • LEDs• Off-hook, active call, hold, muteConsole loudspeaker• Frequency response—300 to 3300 Hz • Volume—adjustable to 86 dBA SPL (peak) volume at 0.5 mConsole microphone3 x cardioid microphones 300–3500 HzAudio• Polycom Acoustic Clarity full duplex (IEEE 1329 Type 1)• Up to 7 ft. microphone pickup range • G ated microphones with intelligent microphone mixing• Dynamic Noise ReductionRegulatory compliance• NA UL/C-UL• FCC part 68• FCC part 15 class B • Canadian ICES-003• CE mark (R and TTE directive)• VCCI class B (Japan)Environmental requirements• O perating temperature: 40–104ºF (5–40ºC) operating• Relative humidity: 20–85% (non-condensing)• S torage Temperature: -22–131ºF (-30–55ºC)Recommended room conditions• Room Size: less than 225 sq ft or 15 x 15 ft (less than 25 sq m or 5 x 5 m)• Reverberation time: <0.4 seconds • N oise level: <48 dBAVoiceStation 300 ships with• Telephone console unit • Power module• 21 ft (6.4 m) cord to console • 7 ft (2.1 m) telco cable to RJ-11 telephone jack • User GuideWarranty12 months。
亿联SIP-T21(P) E2 IP电话说明书

> 高保真音质: HD 编码,HD 手柄,HD 免提> 带背光132x64分辨率图形液晶屏> 支持中文显示> 2个SIP 账号,支持3方语音电话会议> 双网口> 集成PoE (T21P E2)> 支持Opus 声音编码格式> 支持耳麦> IPv6, BLF/BLA, XML/LDAP 通讯录重点特征高清音质高清、完美音质让沟通变得更加轻松。
丰富的话机功能亿联SIP-T21(P) E2 IP 话机具备丰富的话机功能,例如XML 浏览器,呼叫停泊,呼叫转移,呼叫转接,三方会议等,简单易用,有助于提高您的工作效率,并为您提供一流的个人通信体验。
易部署 易管理您可以使用Yealink RPS (Redirection and Provisioning Service)和Boot 机制实现快速高效地部署。
用户无需手动配置和升级话机,只需上电联网,话机即可完成自动部署,节省了大量时间成本,实现真正意义上的“零接触预配置(Zero Touch Provisioning)”。
高安全性和兼容性支持SRTP 和TLS 通话加密,802.1x 媒体访问控制,MD5鉴权,AES 安全配置文件等完善的安全保护机制避免被黑客攻击。
广泛兼容第三方SIP 设备和领先的SIP 平台。
两线企业级高清语音IP 电话亿联SIP-T21(P) E2采用带背光图形液晶屏,达到132x64分辨率,支持中文显示;提供2个SIP 账号;提供隐私安全保护;话机自带3方语音电话会议,具备丰富的功能;支持耳麦接口,PoE 供电 (T21P E2);支持PnP 自动部署;兼容主流的IP-PBX ;易于安装和使用,管理方便,提高办公效率;充分满足中小企业、呼叫中心、政府及行业用户的需求。
Yealink CP965 触摸敏感 HD IP会议电话说明书

CP965 T ouch-Sensitive HD IP Conference PhoneY ealink CP965 is designed for medium and large-sized conference rooms. Based on Android 9.0 system, it is a flagship HD conference phone with powerful voice conferencing features and easy control operation. CP965 adopts a business and introverted design that per-fectly matches the calm style of the conference room, but also a acoustic fabric, which is impervious to any accidental liquid spills. Its fingerprint-proof LCD screen with a clear UI interaction page makes it easy for everyone to control the meeting. CP965 has 13 built-in microphones, providing you with a clear and natural conference call experience. In addition, you can also connect CP965 to your mobile device (such as PC device, smart phone, etc.) via Bluetooth or USB to achieve a variety of UC hybrid meeting modes. CP965 can be connected with 3 CPs in star shape to realize synchronous sound pickup and playback, providing users with an optimum audio expe-rience. CP965 provides you with a new intelligent voice conferencing solution, which is the ideal office assistant for your conference room.Key Features and BenefitsModest Design, Easy-to-Use User InterfaceY ealink CP965 is a hermit in the conference room. Its black acoustics fabric can realize crys-tal-clear audio and is resistant to water, oil, and stain. Its ultra-thin body, appropriate desktopfit, and ingenious hidden wiring slot, perfectly fit for the simple business style in the conferencerooms. Additionally, its built-in Android 9.0 system and easy-to-use UI interface, allow users tolaunch a meeting with one button and increase user adoptionHD Audio, Smooth CommunicationCP965 adopts Y-shaped design and has 12 built-in microphones for sound picking and 1 micro-phone for noise cancellation. Its 20-foot and 360° omni-direction voice pickup provides userswith clear and natural voice conference experience.Rich Features and High ExpandabilityCP965 supports 10-way conference call, enabling participants from different locations to com-municate smoothly, reducing costs for your company. Y ou can also connect CP965 to yourmobile devices (such as computer, smart phone, PSTN device CPN10, etc.) through Bluetoothor T ype C or USB 2.0 port to realize Hybrid UC meeting (including PSTN, SIP, mobile phone).Moreover, when working with the DECT wireless expansion microphone CPW65, a up to30-meter connection distance with CP965 can be achieved while still keeping the conferenceroom table clean.• Red Dot[2021]• Android 9.0• 5-inch multi-touch screen with 720x1280 resolution• Optimal HD audio, full duplex technology• Y ealink Noise Proof Technology• 20-foot (6-meter) and 360-degree voice pickup• Built-in 12-microphone array for voice pickup• Built-in 1-microphone array for noise cancellation• Power over Ethernet• 10-way conference call• Hybrid UC meeting• Built-in Wi-Fi (2.4GHz/5GHz, 802.11a/b/g/n) Android 9Pairing via BluetoothY ealink DecagonMeeting RoomHybrid UCMeetingSpecificationsYEALINK NETWORK TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.Email:********************:Email:********************:About YealinkY ealink (Stock Code: 300628) is a global-leading provider of Unified Communication & Collaboration Solutions specialized in video conferencing, voice communications, and collaboration, dedicated to helping every person and organization embrace the power of "Easy Collaboration, High Productivity".With best-in-class quality, innovative technology, and user-friendly experiences, Y ealink is one of the best providers in more than 140 countries and regions, ranks No.1 in the global market share of IP Phone, and is the T op 5 leader in the video conferencing market (Frost & Sullivan, 2021).For more information about Y ealink, click here .CopyrightCopyright © 2022 YEALINK(XIAMEN) NETWORK TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Y ealink(Xiamen) Network T echnology CO., LTD.Technical SupportVisit Y ealink WIKI (/) for firmware downloads, product documents, FAQ, and more. For better service, we sincerely recommend you to use Y ealink Ticketing system (https://) to submit all your technical issues.YEALINK(XIAMEN) NETWORK TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.Web: Addr: No.1 Ling-Xia North Road, High Tech Park,Huli District, Xiamen, Fujian, P .R.CCopyright©2022 Y ealink Inc. All rights reserved.。

Poly Trio 8300智能会议电话说明书

SMART CONFERENCE PHONE FOR SMALL MEETING ROOMS.BENEFITS• Make every meeting productivewith Poly’s legendary voice quality and up to 3.7 m/12 ft range• Start a meeting in seconds withone-touch-join• Maximize your investment with connectivity to on-premises and cloud platforms at once—ideal for hybrid environments• Reduces time, money and IT resources with robust management and deployment options POLY TRIO 8300Smart conference phone for small meeting roomsThink your small meeting room has limited possibilities? Think again. Poly Trio 8300 transforms any small conference hub into a smart collaboration space with the touch of a button. Launch conference calls in seconds. Fill the room with rich audio. Tune out distractions and keep everyone engaged with Poly NoiseBlock technology. Optimal coverage ensures every voice is heard. One device provides Wi-Fi2, USB, Bluetooth® and IP connectivity, and a simple interface launches meetings in seconds. Plus, you get future-proof flexibility with the option to easily add video conferencing and content sharing accessories. With all these options in one smart device, you can help your teams get more done in less space. And make meetings more engaging for everyone.• Audio connectivity for mobile devices• Wi-Fi audio calling (2.4-5 GHz)2• Poly NoiseBlock eliminates background noise• Future-proof flexible modular architectureDATA SHEETSPECIFICATIONSAUDIO• Three cardioid microphones• Loudspeaker frequency: 220-14,000 Hz • Volume: 90 dB at 0.5-m peak volume • 3.7 m/12 ft microphone pickup range AUDIO FEATURES • Audio Codecs-G.711 (A-law and μ-law) -G.722-G.722.1, G.722.1C -G.729AB -G.719 -SILK-Polycom® Siren™ 7, Siren™ 14 -iLBC (3.33Kbps and 15.2Kbps) -Opus (8Kbps-24Kbps)• Poly NoiseBlock • Voice activity detection• Polycom ® Acoustic Clarity™ technology provides full-duplex conversations, acoustic echo cancellation andbackground noise suppression–Type 1 compliant (IEEE 1329 full duplex)• Bluetooth device pairing for wideband speech and multimedia streaming (HFP/AD2P)2• DTMF tone generation (RFC 2833 and in-band) • Comfort noise generation• Low-delay audio packet transmission • Adaptive jitter buffers • Packet loss concealmentCALL HANDLING FEATURES 1• Up to three lines (registrations)• Shared call/bridged line appearance (for single line registration use only)• Distinctive incoming call treatment/call waiting • Call timer and call waiting• Call transfer, hold, divert (forward), pickup • Called, calling, connected-party information • Local five-way audio conferencing • One-touch speed dial and meeting join • Do-not-disturb function• Local configurable digit map/dial plan • Corporate directory access using LDAP • Visual conference management NETWORK AND PROVISIONING • IETF SIP (RFC 3261 and companion RFCs)• SDP• Single-port gigabit Ethernet10/100/1000Base-TX across LAN • Wi-Fi network connectivity 2- 2.4–2.4835 GHz (802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n HT20) - 5.15–5.825 GHz (802.11a)• Manual or dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) network setup • Time and date synchronization using SNTP • FTP/TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS server-based central provisioning • RealPresence Resource Manager (v 10.7 or above) based provisioning • Provisioning and call server redundancy support• Polycom Zero Touch Provisioning • PDMS-E, PDMS-SP • QoS Support• IEEE 802.1p/Q tagging (VLAN), layer 3 TOS, and DSCP • VLAN-CDP, DHCP VLAN discovery • LLDP-MED for VLAN discovery SECURITY• FIPS 140-2 compliant cryptographic module • 802.1X authentication and EAPOL • Media encryption via SRTP • Transport layer security (TLS) v1.2 • Encrypted configuration files • Digest authentication • Password login• Support for URL syntax with password for boot server address • HTTPS secure provisioning• Support for signed software executables • Wi-Fi encryption: WEP, WPA-Personal, WPA2-Personal, WPA2-Enterprise with 802.1X (EAP-TLS, PEAP-MSCHAPv2)2POWER• LAN IN: Built-in auto-sensing IEEE 802.3af. PoE Device (Class 0)• Optional power kit includes extended single-port gigabit midspan, 802.3af Type 2 compliant, local power cord and network cable • ENERGY STAR® ratedPOLY TRIO 8300APPROVALS• FCC Part 15 (CFR 47) Class B • ICES-003 Class B• EN55032 Class B• CISPR22 Class B• EN55024• EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3• NZ Telepermit• Australia RCM• ROHS Compliant• So. Africa ICASA• Saudi Arabia CITC• Singapore IMDA• UAE TRA• Japan MIC/VCCI• Australia/NZ RCM• Brazil ANATEL• So. Korea KC• Argentina CNC• Malaysia SIRIM• Taiwan NCC/BSMI• Israel MOCRADIO2US• FCC Part 15C• FCC Part 15ECANADA• RSS 247 Issue 1EEA• ETSI EN 300 328 V1.9.1• ETSI EN 301 489-3• ETSI EN 301489-1• ETSI EN 301489-17 AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND • AS/NZS 4268CANADA• RSS 247 Issue 1• EEA• ETSI EN 300 328 V1.9.1 • ETSI EN 301 489-3 AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND• AS/NZS 4268SAFETY• UL 60950-1 and UL 62368-1• CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-07• CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1-14• CE Mark• EN 60950-1 & EN 62368-1• IEC 60950-1 & IEC 62368-1• AS/NZS 60950.1• AS/NZS 62368.1ENVIRONMENTAL• Operating temperature: 0 to 40 °C(+32 to 104 °F)• Relative humidity: 5% to 95%(non-condensing)• Storage temperature: -20 to +70 °C(-4 to +160 °F)POLY TRIO 8300 SHIPS WITH• Phone console: 2200-66840-xxx• 7.6 m/25 ft network cable CAT 5e• Setup sheetOPTIONAL ACCESSORIES(SOLD SEPARATELY)• Expansion microphones (pair): 2200-65790-001• Power kit (for non-PoE installation):2200-66840-xxx• USB 2.0 cable Micro-B/male to TypeA/male for using Trio 8300 as USBspeakerphone for VoIP calls viacomputer based applications: 2200-49307-002• Trio 8300 collaboration kit forvideoconferencing (Includes: Trio 8300,Visual+ EagleEye Mini camera: 7200-83330-025WARRANTY• One yearPRODUCT MODEL NAME• Poly Trio 8300DIMENSIONS (L X W X H)• Phone: 33.9 x 29.4 x 6 cm(13.3 x 11.5 x 2.4 in)• Unit weight: 735 g (1.62 lbs)• Box dimensions: (L x W x H): 40 x 36 x 8.5cm (15.7 x 14.1 x 3.5 in)• Box weight: approx. 1.76 Kg (2.2 lbs)1 Most software-enabled features andcapabilities must be supported by the server.Please contact your IP PBX/Softswitch vendoror service provider for a list of supportedfeatures.2Not available with Poly Trio 8300 NR(No Radio) version.LEARN MOREFor more information on Poly Trio 8300 visit /trio8300©2021 Plantronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Poly and the propeller design are trademarks of Plantronics, Inc. The Bluetooth trademark is owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of the mark by Plantronics, Inc. is under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 06.21 1232387。
GXP1450 IP 电话 用户手册说明书

下载用户手册或了解关于GXP1450的更多信息,请访问潮流网络技术有限公司网站目录欢迎使用 (1)了解GXP1450GXP1450 (1)1话机特点.............................................................................................................1话机结构. (2)外观............................................................................................................2接口 (4)LCD 图标...................................................................................................5话机安装. (6)熟悉GXP1450GXP1450 (7)7首次上电 (7)待机屏幕 (7)使用GXP1450GXP1450 (8)8手柄、耳机和免提模式......................................................................................8多账号多线路.....................................................................................................9拨打电话.. (10)直接拨号..................................................................................................10重拨..........................................................................................................10使用呼叫记录 (10)使用电话簿 (11)直接IP 呼叫.............................................................................................11快速IP 呼叫.............................................................................................12接听电话.. (12)单一来电..................................................................................................12多个来电..................................................................................................13免打扰......................................................................................................13静音. (13)呼叫保持与恢复................................................................................................13呼叫转移.. (14)呼叫前转移..............................................................................................14呼叫后转移..............................................................................................14结束通话...........................................................................................................14三方会议.. (15)开始会议..................................................................................................15取消会议..................................................................................................15结束会议..................................................................................................15高级应用.. (15)语音邮箱..................................................................................................15共享呼叫线路(SCA )...........................................................................16呼叫特性.. (16)设置GXP1450GXP1450 (18)18通过话机界面设置 (18)管理电话簿..............................................................................................19设置显示语言..........................................................................................19设置个性化铃声......................................................................................20重启..........................................................................................................20通过WEB 页面设置.. (20)访问WEB 页面 (20)WEB 页面说明 (21)常见问题解答 (27)附录 (28)了解GXP1450GXP1450是一款功能丰富的双线普及商务IP电话,它具有高清晰的语音质量和丰富先进的电话功能,支持个性化的信息服务和可定制的应用程序服务。

DS-65VA300W说明书产品概述:本设备是一款基于互联网通信的 2.4G 无线全向麦会议电话,配合软件视频会议系统、大屏一体机视频系统、Skype、腾的讯等视频或语音通讯系统的使用,会议具备更高品质的音频体验,使会议语音清晰自然更高效。
DS-65VA300W 海康威视视频会议用2.4G USB无线麦克风功能特性:无线数字音频技术,支持多频点智能跳频,抗环境电磁干扰能力强数字麦克风拾音,喇叭输出音域宽广,语音交流清晰USB 无线适配器无需驱动程序,即插即用内置锂电池供电,支持 USB 有线充电,方便移动使用支持音频输出,可以连接耳机或有源音响内置智能回音消除,噪音消除,自动增益控制等优化算法DS-65VA300W 海康威视视频会议用2.4G USB无线麦克风产品技术参数:型号 DS-65VA300W主机尺寸 155x148x38 (mm)主机重量 340 g主机接口 2.4G 无线数据传输,3.5mm 音频输出接口 1 个,USB 充电接口 1 个,内置锂电池 1800mAh 电池容量,连续使用时间 8 小时左右(视工作环境条件会有变化)USB 无线适配器 2.4G 无线数据传输,USB 2.0 接口(电脑端)USB 充电器输入:100V-240V~, 50Hz/60Hz;输出:DC 5V, 1A颜色商务黑色扬声器 3 英寸内磁喇叭,规格: 4 欧姆/5W麦克风全向数字麦克风,拾音频响 100-8000Hz主机按键扬声静音、麦克风静音、开关机、音量增加、音量减小共 5 个按键主机指示灯 3 个使用状态灯、1 个扬声静音灯、1 个麦克风静音灯回声抵消能力 256ms拾音距离大于 1.5 米无线传输距离大于 10 米环境要求温度:5℃~44℃湿度:20~85%(无冷凝)环境噪声:<48dB存储温度:-10℃~55℃混响时间: < 0.5 秒电脑操作系统微软 Windows 等操作系统通话应用软件支持电脑即时通信 Skype, , 腾的讯及网络会议通话应用软件等主机附件 USB 无线适配器(附天线)1 套、USB 充电连接线 1 套、5V/1A USB 适配器 1 个、使用说明书 1 本执行标准 YD/T 993-1998、GB/T 9254-2008、GB 4943.1-2011保修周期 1 年DS-65VA300W 海康威视视频会议用2.4G USB无线麦克风外形尺寸:主机 zui 大直径 155mm,高度 38mm。
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电话会议操作说明书一.打开会议操作界面 (2)二、获取帐户 (2)三、召集会议 (3)(一)、召开一个会议 (3)(二)、同时召开多个会议 (7)(三)、主叫型会议 ......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
四、预约会议 (8)(一)、预约未来会议 (8)(二)同时召开多个会议 (9)(三)有效余额 (10)五、充值 ................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
六、电话簿 (10)七、历史会议 (102)八、控制面板 (11)九、登出 (12)一.打开会议操作界面1.打开17IP商务娱乐网首页,点击”电话会议系统”或者在地址栏输入“/conference.html”,进入电话会议管理界面图1-1二、获取帐户1.如果没有帐户,如图1-1,点击“获取帐户”,进入注册界面,正确填写”用户帐号”、”密码”和”用户Email”,点击“注册”按键提交注册信息,如图2-1。
会弹出以下界面有效余额:在邀请会议或者邀请成员进入会议,以及成员通过接入号加入时,都会判断有效余额是否足够:有效余额= 用户余额—所有进行中以及未进行会议的大约花费总额。
有效余额是指在邀请会议或者邀请成员进入会议,以及成员通过接入号加入时,都会判断有效余额是否足够:有效余额= 用户余额—所有进行中以及未进行会议的大约花费总额。
(三)有效余额在预约会议时要注意有效余额的判断,有效余额是指在邀请会议或者邀请成员进入会议,以及成员通过接入号加入时,都会判断有效余额是否足够:有效余额= 用户余额—所有进行中以及未进行会议的大约花费总额。