以马可波罗的旅游写一篇英语作文Marco Polo was a Venetian merchant traveler who lived in the 13th century. He is famous for his travels to the East, particularly to China, where he spent 17 years in the court of Kublai Khan. His travels were documented in a book called "The Travels of Marco Polo," which became one of the most famous travelogues in history.During his travels, Marco Polo visited many countries and cities, including Persia, India, and China. He was one of the first Europeans to visit and document the culture and customs of the Far East. His descriptions of the wealth and grandeur of the Chinese court, as well as the advanced technologies and inventions he encountered, were eye-opening for the people of Europe at the time.One of the most famous aspects of Marco Polo's travels was his description of the Silk Road, the ancient trade route that connected the East and West. He wrote about the exotic goods and commodities that were traded along the route, as well as the different cultures and peoples he encountered. His writings were instrumental in introducingthe Silk Road to the Western world and sparking interest in trade with the East.In addition to his observations of the culture and trade in the East, Marco Polo also documented the natural landscapes and resources of the regions he visited. His descriptions of the flora and fauna, as well as the geography and topography of the lands, were invaluable to the European understanding of the East.Marco Polo's travels had a significant impact on the Western world. His writings inspired other explorers and adventurers to seek out new lands and trade routes, and his descriptions of the wealth and prosperity of the East fueled European desires to establish trade with China and other Eastern countries. His book, "The Travels of Marco Polo," became a bestseller and influenced the European understanding of the world beyond their borders.马可波罗是一位生活在13世纪的威尼斯商人旅行家。
深圳牛津版九年级(下) 课文 (带翻译)
初三(下)课文(翻译)1—3Unit 1 课文(翻译)Great explorations[eksplə'reɪʃ(ə)n]探索郑和下西洋The voyages ['vɒɪɪdʒ] 航行of Zheng He郑和是中国著名的探险家。
Zheng He was a famous Chinese explorer. In 1404, he set off出发from China on the first of seven great voyages ['vɒɪɪdʒ] 航行. This was nearly['nɪəlɪ]差不多a century ['sentʃʊrɪ]世纪before Christopher['krɪstəfə(r)] Columbus[kə'lʌmbəs] first set sail启航on his journey['dʒɜːnɪ]旅途 of discovery[dɪ'skʌv(ə)rɪ]发现 to America. His travels were so important that they are still studied today.郑和 1371 出生于云南,后来成为明朝永乐皇帝可信任的官员。
Zheng He was born in Yunnan in 1371. He rose to 升迁;上升到become a trusted受信任的official [ə'fɪʃ(ə)l]官员of the Yongle Emperor['emp(ə)rə]皇帝of the Ming Dynasty['daɪnəsti]朝代. The emperor ordered Zheng He to visit and explore[ɪk'splɔː; ek-]探索the lands outside China. His task[tɑːsk]任务was to develop relations[dɪ'veləp]发展关系 and set up建立trade[treɪd]贸易 routes[ruːt]路线;航线with foreign countries.在短短几年内,他建造船舶组成了一支庞大的舰队,是当时世界上最大的。
初三(下)课文(翻译)1—3Unit 1 课文(翻译)Great explorations[eksplə'reɪʃ(ə)n]探索郑和下西洋The voyages ['vɒɪɪdʒ] 航行of Zheng He郑和是中国著名的探险家。
Zheng He was a famous Chinese explorer. In 1404, he set off 出发from China on the first of seven great voyages ['vɒɪɪdʒ] 航行. This was nearly['nɪəlɪ]差不多 a century ['sentʃʊrɪ] 世纪before Christopher['krɪstəfə(r)] Columbus[kə'lʌmbəs] first set sail启航 on his journey['dʒɜːnɪ]旅途 of discovery[dɪ'skʌv(ə)rɪ]发现to America. His travels were so important that they are still studied today.郑和 1371 出生于云南,后来成为明朝永乐皇帝可信任的官员。
Zheng He was born in Yunnan in 1371. He rose to 升迁;上升到become a trusted受信任的official [ə'fɪʃ(ə)l]官员of the Yongle Emperor['emp(ə)rə]皇帝of the Ming Dynasty['daɪnəsti]朝代. The emperor ordered Zheng He to visit and explore[ɪk'splɔː; ek-]探索the lands outside China. His task[tɑːsk]任务was to develop relations[dɪ'veləp]发展关系and set up建立trade[treɪd]贸易routes[ruːt]路线;航线 with foreign countries.在短短几年内,他建造船舶组成了一支庞大的舰队,是当时世界上最大的。
跨文化视域下的旅游景点英语翻译探析【摘要】Traveling to different cultures can be a rewarding experience, but it also comes with challenges, especially when it comes to understanding and interpreting the English translations of tourist attractions. This article explores the cultural differences in translating tourism sites into English, the impact of English translations on the tourist experience, as well as the challenges and problems in cross-cultural communication. Suggestions for improving English translations of tourist attractions are discussed, along with a case analysis to illustrate these issues. The importance of cross-cultural perspectives on tourism site translations is emphasized in the conclusion, along with future research directions and a summary of the key points discussed in the article. Overall, understanding the complexities ofcross-cultural communication in tourism translation is crucial for enhancing the overall travel experience and promoting cultural understanding.【关键词】关键词:跨文化视域、旅游景点、英语翻译、文化差异、旅游体验、跨文化沟通、问题与挑战、建议、案例分析、重要性、未来研究、总结。
高中英语选修四马可波罗翻译马可波罗:Marco Polo。
课文以及翻译如下:REACHING OUT ACROSS THE SEA跨海越洋Trade and curiosity have often formed the foundation of mankinds greatest achievements. To complete the great map of the world was a strong passion for the people of early civilisations. Marco Polo's tales inspired European explorers to search for sea routes from west to east. However. merchants search for sea routes from west to east. However, merchants and explorers from the East set sail from east to west many years before Columbus first did.贸易和好奇心通常构成人类最伟大成就的基础。
In ancient times, silk from China found its way overland to India, the Middle East, and Rome, along what became known as the Silk Road. A trading route across the sea was also extended along the coasts of the Indian Ocean, centred around Ceylon(now Sri Lanka). Here, merchants from China and many other places met to negotiate trade deals, which also led to more awareness of each other's cultures. Over the centuries, further trading allowed more exploration of the regions to the west China, as recorded in Du Huan's Record of My Travels in the eighth century.在古代,来自中国的丝绸沿陆路运至印度、中东和罗马,这条路后来就是闻名退迩的“丝绸之路”。
最新 跨文化背景下旅游景点英语翻译问题与策略-精品
跨文化背景下旅游景点英语翻译问题与策略摘要:受中西方差异影响, 使得在旅游景点翻译中, 翻译人员具备跨文化意识至关重要。
唯有如此, 翻译人员方可基于外国游客需求导向, 科学合理运用翻译技巧策略, 以实现对各式各样文化信息的准确传达阐释。
文章通过阐述不同文化对旅游景点翻译的影响, 分析跨文化背景下旅游景点英语翻译中存在的主要问题, 对基于跨文化意识的旅游景点英语翻译策略展开探讨, 旨在为如何促进跨文化背景下旅游景点英语翻译的有序开展研究适用提供一些思路。
关键词:旅游景点; 英语翻译; 跨文化意识;跨文化, 指的是对于与自身民族文化存在差异或者冲突的文化现象、风俗等具备有效正确的认识, 并基于此以包容的原则进行接收、适应。
在全体一体化发展不断深入背景下, 国家与国家相互间交流活动变得越来越频发, 社会进步、科技发展推动了跨文化交流的飞速发展。
与此同时, 跨文化的交际旅游英语, 也实现了长足发展。
旅游英语不单单对不同语言工具予以转化, 同时还是各国文化交流的重要方式。
依托准确的旅游景点英语翻译, 可使中国文化走向全世界, 提高中国在国际社会上的影响力。
由此可见, 对旅游景点英语翻译中的跨文化意识开展研究, 有着十分重要的现实意义。
1. 不同文化对旅游景点英语翻译的影响在旅游景点英语翻译中, 不同文化对旅游景点英语翻译有着不尽相同的影响。
究其原因主要是, 不同国家、民族相互间有着各不相同的文化, 进而使得他们对事物的理解存在或多或少的差异。
各个国家、民族在长期发展进程中, 均会形成特有的历史背景、文化背景。
就好比, 我国历史文化源远流长, 不仅有着浓厚的地域文化及民俗风情, 各个民族在不同历史文化熏陶下, 还衍生出了独特的民族特色。
所以, 不同国家、地区的在不同历史文化、人文风情等差异的影响下, 会很大程度上对旅游景点英语翻译带来影响, 要求翻译人员在翻译原语特色文化过程中, 要确保翻译后的词语, 依旧具备原语的文化特征[1]。
1. 马可·波罗(Marco Polo)是一位具有重要历史地位的意大利探险家和商人,他被公认为是西方人最早到达我国并描述我国的人之一。
2. 马可·波罗的世界闻名的游记《马可·波罗游记》(The Travels of Marco Polo)讲述了他在13世纪游历亚洲的经历。
3. 在这本书中,马可·波罗详细描述了他在我国的所见所闻,包括我国的政治制度、经济状况、文化风俗等。
4. 马可·波罗的游记成为了西方人对于东方的重要资料之一,也为欧洲人对亚洲的认知提供了极大的帮助。
5. 马可·波罗对我国的描述以及对我国的评价在当时引起了巨大的反响,不仅对西方的人文、宗教、政治产生了深远的影响,也对促进了中西方的文化交流。
6. 在他的游记中,马可·波罗对我国的繁荣以及我国皇帝的威严给予了高度的评价,也对我国的丝绸、瓷器等产品表示了赞赏。
7. 除了对我国的描述之外,马可·波罗在他的游记中还描述了其他亚洲国家的情况,如波斯、阿拉伯等地。
8. 马可·波罗游历的过程中,他也记录了一些东方国家的自然风光、动植物以及当地人的生活习惯等。
9. 马可·波罗的游记历经多人传抄和译注,成为了西方学者研究东方文化、地理和历史的重要资料。
10. 马可·波罗的游记对当时欧洲人开拓视野,促进中西方文化交流,推动世界地理的了解等方面都产生了深远的影响。
11. 马可·波罗被誉为是世界地理大发现时代最重要的见证者之一,他的游记对西方人的对东方的认识产生了重大的影响。
12. 马可·波罗游记对于我国的描述在当时引起了极大的轰动和好奇。
A、华丽精巧、细腻柔媚B、纤弱温柔、纷繁琐细C、奢华大气、庄严宏大D、独具匠心、回归自然2.表示“强壮”意思的英文表达是asstrongasa 。
(A)A、horseB、lionC、cowD、tiger3.除非太阳从西边出来的对应英文翻译是Unlesspigscan 。
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 文化差异与跨文化交际智慧树答案100分1【判断题】(10分)思维方式、审美趣味、道德情操、宗教信仰同属于精神文化的范畴。
有关maco polo的英语作文
有关maco polo的英语作文(中英文实用版)Marco Polo, an Italian merchant, explorer, and writer, is renowned for his extensive travels throughout Asia.His journeys, documented in the book "The Travels of Marco Polo," provided Europeans with valuable insights into the cultures, economies, and societies of the Eastern world.马可波罗,一位意大利商人、探险家及作家,以其在亚洲的广泛旅行而闻名。
Born in Venice in 1254, Polo embarked on his famous journey at the age of 17, accompanying his father and uncle on a trip to China.Their travels took them through regions that are now part of Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and China, lasting a remarkable 24 years.1254年出生于威尼斯的马可波罗,在17岁时开始了他的著名旅程,陪伴他的父亲和叔叔前往中国。
Upon returning to Venice, Polo"s accounts of his travels excited the European imagination, sparking interest in the mysteries of the East.His descriptions of the Far East"s wealth and splendor were particularly influential, introducing Europeans to new concepts of luxury and trade.回到威尼斯后,波罗对旅行的描述激起了欧洲人的想象力,唤起了对东方神秘的好奇。
《文化差异与跨文化交际》试题集一、单选题1.巴洛克式建筑风格的特征是(B )。
A、华丽精巧、细腻柔媚B、纤弱温柔、纷繁琐细C、奢华大气、庄严宏大D、独具匠心、回归自然2.表示“强壮”意思的英文表达是as strong as a 。
(A )A、horseB、lionC、cowD、tiger3.除非太阳从西边出来的对应英文翻译是Unless pigs can 。
(D )A、runB、walkC、talkD、fly4.对于长期旅居国外的人在回到中国的时候也会遇到文化冲突,其外在表现不包括(D )。
( A )A、固原须弥山石窟B、天水麦积山石窟C、洛阳龙门石窟D、大同云冈石窟6.韩国的公务聚会中应该首先给敬酒。
(B )A、最年长者B、职务最高者C、最受尊重者D、贡献最大者7.交际策略是交际者为了保证交际能够顺利进行,达到某种交际目的而采取的一种有意识、有计划的措施或技巧。
( A )A、入乡随俗B、礼貌友好C、自尊自重D、机智幽默8.克服文化冲突的做法不包括(B )。
A、提高交际能力B、加强自我保护C、提高外语水平D、融入当地文化9.美国的传统婚俗中新娘要穿戴的四件物品中哪一个是错误的?(C )A、一件旧物B、一件新物C、一件绿色物品D、一件旧的物品10.请选择美国人的合适的社交距离。
(C )A、0~1.5英尺B、1.5~4英尺C、4~12英尺D、12英尺及以上11.请选择属于印度的代表性动物符号。
(B )A、大熊猫B、蓝孔雀C、喜鹊D、麋鹿12.请选择下列哪个国家与民族服饰的搭配是错误的?(B )A、苏格兰格子裙B、韩国汉服C、日本和服D、印度莎莉13.“请直接提出您的意见。
《文化差异与跨文化交际》试题集一、单选题1.巴洛克式建筑风格的特征是( B )。
A、华丽精巧、细腻柔媚B、纤弱温柔、纷繁琐细C、奢华大气、庄严宏大D、独具匠心、回归自然2.表示“强壮”意思的英文表达是as strong as a 。
( A )A、horseB、lionC、cowD、tiger3.除非太阳从西边出来的对应英文翻译是Unless pigs can 。
( D )A、runB、walkC、talkD、fly4.对于长期旅居国外的人在回到中国的时候也会遇到文化冲突,其外在表现不包括( D )。
( A )A、固原须弥山石窟B、天水麦积山石窟C、洛阳龙门石窟D、大同云冈石窟6.韩国的公务聚会中应该首先给敬酒。
( B )A、最年长者B、职务最高者C、最受尊重者D、贡献最大者7.交际策略是交际者为了保证交际能够顺利进行,达到某种交际目的而采取的一种有意识、有计划的措施或技巧。
( A )A、入乡随俗B、礼貌友好C、自尊自重D、机智幽默8.克服文化冲突的做法不包括( B )。
A、提高交际能力B、加强自我保护C、提高外语水平D、融入当地文化9.美国的传统婚俗中新娘要穿戴的四件物品中哪一个是错误的?( C )A、一件旧物B、一件新物C、一件绿色物品D、一件旧的物品10.请选择美国人的合适的社交距离。
( C )A、0~英尺B、~4英尺C、4~12英尺D、12英尺及以上11.请选择属于印度的代表性动物符号。
( B )A、大熊猫B、蓝孔雀C、喜鹊D、麋鹿12.请选择下列哪个国家与民族服饰的搭配是错误的?( B )A、苏格兰格子裙B、韩国汉服C、日本和服D、印度莎莉13.“请直接提出您的意见。
跨文化视域下的旅游景点英语翻译探析【摘要】This article explores the translation of tourist attractions in English from a cross-cultural perspective. The introduction provides background information and discusses the significance of the research. The body of the article defines cross-cultural tourism translation, examines the role of cross-cultural communication in translating tourist attractions, reviews factors influencing translation practices, presents practical case studies, and evaluates the impact of cultural differences on translation. The conclusion summarizes key findings and suggests future research directions. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of how cross-cultural considerations shape the translation of tourist attractions in English, highlighting the importance of cultural sensitivity and communication in this process.【关键词】跨文化视域、旅游景点、英语翻译、跨文化沟通、文化差异、实践案例、影响因素、总结、未来研究方向。
以马可波罗的旅游写一篇英语作文English: Marco Polo, a renowned explorer from Venice, embarked on his epic journey to the East in the 13th century. He spent over 20 years traveling through various regions including Persia, China, and India, documenting his experiences in his famous book "The Travelsof Marco Polo". Polo's detailed accounts of the exotic lands he visited, the customs of the people he encountered, and the riches of the East captured the imagination of Europe and inspired future generations of explorers. His descriptions of the Great Khan's court, the Silk Road, and the wonders of the Chinese civilization helped to open up the East to the Western world and broaden the horizons of Europeans during the Middle Ages. Marco Polo's travels not only showcased the possibilities of long-distance trade and cultural exchange, but also fostered a greater understanding of diverse cultures and civilizations.Translated content: 马可波罗,一位来自威尼斯的著名探险家,在13世纪踏上了他的史诗般的东方之旅。
以马可波罗的旅游写一篇英语作文The Incredible Adventures of Marco PoloMy name is Marco Polo, and I was a famous explorer from Venice, Italy who went on some amazing adventures a long, long time ago. My travels took me all the way across Asia to places that no European had ever been before! Let me tell you all about my incredible journey.It all started when I was just a teenager. My father Niccolò and my uncle Maffeo were successful merchant traders who had traveled to the East before. In 1271, they invited me to join them on another voyage to Asia. I was only 17 years old, but I was so excited to see what lay beyond the borders of Europe.We began our trek over land, traveling through the Byzantine Empire, Armenia, Persia, and Afghanistan. This part of the journey took three and a half years! We crossed scorching hot deserts, survived sandstorms, and had to watch out for bandits trying to steal our goods. It was a difficult journey, but I was in awe of all the new sights, sounds, and cultures I experienced.Finally, after years of travel, we made it to the realm of the mighty Kublai Khan in modern-day Beijing, China. Kublai Khanwas the grandson of Genghis Khan and the ruler of the huge Mongol Empire which stretched from the Sea of Japan almost all the way to Europe. When we arrived, Kublai Khan welcomed us warmly and we stayed at his summer palace.At first, I just helped my father and uncle with their merchant business, trading treasures from the West for silk, spices, and other goods from the East. But Kublai Khan was fascinated by my stories of Italy and Europe. He saw that I was intelligent and skilled at learning languages. Soon he asked me to become an ambassador and travel all over his empire on diplomatic missions for him.And that's just what I did! Over the next 17 years, I journeyed to every corner of Kublai Khan's lands. I visited lands that no European had ever set foot in before. I traveled along the Silk Road trading routes through modern-day China, Mongolia, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and even parts of Africa. Everywhere I went, I experienced new cultures, languages, foods, religions, and ways of living. It was all so exciting!In China, I marveled at the grand palaces, beautiful gardens, and porcelain treasures. I feasted on noodles, dumplings, and fried rice dishes I had never tasted before. In the provinces, I saw the construction of major roads, canals, and even enormoussea-voyaging ships called "junks." In Mongolia, I attended a traditional festival and watched wrestlers, archers, and horse riders compete. I was invited into a ger (a portable tent home) and tried foods like hotpot, mutton, and fermented mare's milk. Yum! Well...maybe not the mare's milk.In India, I visited towns with giant stone temples covered in elaborate carvings of gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures. At night, it seemed like the whole sky was filled with sparkling stars and planets. Along the tropical islands of the Indian Ocean, I saw bizarre animals like the pangolin and the hornbill bird. I tried bizarre new fruits like the jackfruit, rambutan, and celebrated the Hindu festival of Holi where people threw vibrantly colored powder everywhere!Some parts of my travels were pretty terrifying though. While sailing across the Indian Ocean towards Africa, our ships got caught in a monsoon storm with crashing waves taller than buildings! Another time in northern China, I saw the battle remains of one of the Mongol invasions - it was horrifying with scattered bones and skeletons everywhere. Then in the middle of the scorching hot Arabian Desert, our caravan ran out of food and water, and I was sure I would die of thirst and hunger. Butmy guards were able to find us a hidden oasis, and we were saved.After 24 years traveling all across Asia, it was finally time for me to return home to Italy. Kublai Khan didn't want me to leave, but he honored my request. He loaded me down with hundreds of precious gems, gold, silver, and other treasures as parting gifts.I had to carry them all on my back!The journey home by sea was much faster than the decades I spent walking across the continents, but it was still over a year before I arrived back in Venice in 1295. When I returned, I was 41 years old, but the little boy from Venice had grown into a worldly man. My tales of the East were so extraordinary that people accused me of being an outrageous liar! It was hard to believe the wonders I described - like coal that could be burned for heat, thick brick houses, paper currency, and using black stones to write. But everything was true.I spent my later years in Venice, enjoying my riches and dictating stories of my travels to a writer named Rustichello. Our book was published around 1300 as "Il Milione" or "The Million" because it described all of the millions of incredible people, places, and things I had seen. My adventures showed Europeans that there were highly advanced societies outside of our own,and it inspired generations of explorers, merchants, and traders to travel farther than ever before.So that's the tale of my travels across Asia as Marco Polo. I was just an ordinary kid from Italy, but I became an explorer who opened the eyes of Europe to the wider world beyond our borders. My journey was filled with unbelievable wonders, strange new lands, hair-raising dangers, and experiences that no one from my homeland could have ever imagined. If a regular kid like me could have such grand adventures hundreds of years ago, just imagine what you could discover if you follow your dreams of exploration too! The world is full of incredible surprises waiting to be uncovered.。
马可波罗游记对世界的影响英文作文Title: The Impact of The Travels of Marco Polo on the WorldThe Travels of Marco Polo, written by the Italian merchant and explorer Marco Polo in the 13th century, has had a profound and enduring influence on the world. This groundbreaking work not only introduced Europeans to the wonders of the Far East but also sparked a new era of exploration, cultural exchange, and global understanding.Introduction to Marco Polo and His JourneyMarco Polo (1254-1324) was a Venetian merchant who embarked on an extraordinary journey to Asia in 1271, accompanied by his father and uncle. Their route took them across the Mediterranean, through the Middle East, and eventually to China, where they spent the next 17 years. Upon their return to Venice in 1295, Marco dictated his travel experiences to a fellow prisoner, Rustichello da Pisa, who then compiled them into the famous book, The Travels of Marco Polo.Cultural and Intellectual ImpactExpanding European HorizonsThe Travels of Marco Polo provided Europeans with their first detailed account of China and other Asian countries. It described the grandeur of the Mongol Empire, thebustling cities, the advanced technologies, and the luxurious lifestyles of the East. This exposure shattered many of the misconceptions and stereotypes held by Europeans about the Far East, opening their minds to new possibilities and stimulating their curiosity about the world beyond their borders.Promoting Cultural ExchangeThe book played a crucial role in fostering cultural exchange between East and West. It introduced European readers to new ideas, customs, and technologies from Asia, such as the use of paper money, the sophistication of Chinese silk, and the existence of a vast trade network stretching from China to Europe. Similarly, it alsoinspired Asians to learn more about European culture and society.Igniting the ImaginationThe vivid descriptions and fantastical tales in The Travels of Marco Polo captured the imagination of readers across Europe. It painted the East as a land of untold riches and wonders, sparking a wave of exploration and adventure that lasted for centuries. Many European explorers, including Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama, were directly inspired by Marco Polo's accounts, embarking on their own journeys in search of the fabled lands of the East.Economic and Geopolitical ImpactStimulating Trade and CommerceThe book's descriptions of the wealth and prosperity of China and other Asian nations sparked a renewed interest in international trade among European merchants. This led to the establishment of new trade routes and the growth of maritime commerce, which in turn fueled economic growth and prosperity in many European cities.Shaping Geopolitical DynamicsThe Travels of Marco Polo also had significant geopolitical implications. It highlighted the importance ofsea routes and naval power in the global balance of power, leading to the rise of naval empires like Portugal, Spain, and the Netherlands. Furthermore, the book's influence extended to the colonization of the Americas, as European explorers sought to find new sources of wealth and resources inspired by Marco Polo's tales of the East.ConclusionIn conclusion, The Travels of Marco Polo has had a transformative impact on the world. It expanded European horizons, promoted cultural exchange, ignited the imagination of explorers, and shaped economic and geopolitical dynamics for centuries to come. As a testament to Marco Polo's remarkable journey and his enduring legacy, the book continues to fascinate readers and inspire new generations of adventurers and scholars.。
写一篇马可波罗和他的旅行的英语作文Marco Polo and His TravelsMarco Polo, a Venetian explorer, is one of the most famous travelers in history. His journey to China and the court of Kublai Khan in the 13th century has left a lasting impact on the world.In 1271, Marco Polo set out on a journey with his father and uncle from Venice to China. They traveled along the Silk Road, a network of trade routes that connected East and West. The journey was long and arduous, taking them through deserts, mountains, and across rivers. Along the way, they encountered different cultures, languages, and customs.After three years of travel, Marco Polo and his companions finally arrived at the court of Kublai Khan in 1275. Kublai Khan was the emperor of the Mongol Empire and was impressed by Marco Polo's stories of his travels. He appointed Marco Polo as his special envoy and sent him on various missions throughout China.During his time in China, Marco Polo learned about the culture, customs, and technology of the Chinese people. He also traveled to places like India, Persia, and Southeast Asia,documenting his experiences and observations in his book, "The Travels of Marco Polo."When Marco Polo returned to Venice in 1295, he brought back stories of his adventures in the East. His book became widely popular and inspired other explorers, such as Christopher Columbus, to embark on their own journeys of discovery.Marco Polo's travels not only opened up new trade routes and cultural exchanges between East and West but also helped to increase knowledge and understanding of the world. He will always be remembered as one of history's greatest explorers, whose courage and curiosity led him to the far reaches of the known world.。
介绍马克波罗的旅行英语80字作文English: Marco Polo was an Italian merchant, explorer, and writer who traveled through Asia along the Silk Road. He began his journey in 1271 with his father and uncle, and they spent almost 24 years traveling through Persia, China, and other parts of Asia. During his travels, he became friends with Kublai Khan, the Mongol ruler of China, and served as an official in his court for 17 years. Polo's detailed accounts of his travels, known as "The Travels of Marco Polo," introduced many Europeans to the wonders of the East and inspired future explorers, such as Christopher Columbus.中文翻译: 马可·波罗是一位意大利商人、探险家和作家,他沿着丝绸之路穿越亚洲。
介绍马克波罗的旅行英语80字作文English: Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant traveler, embarked on a journey to Asia with his father and uncle in 1271. They traveled through the Silk Road, reaching the Mongol Empire where they were welcomed by Kublai Khan. Marco Polo stayed in the Mongol court for 17 years, exploring territories from Persia to China. He documented his travels in the famous book "The Travels of Marco Polo", introducing Europeans to the wonders of the East such as paper money, coal, and pasta. His accounts were met with skepticism but later proved to be accurate, making him one of the most famous explorers in history.Translated content: 马可·波罗,一位威尼斯商人和旅行家,于1271年与父亲和叔叔一起启程前往亚洲。
An incredible journey难以置信的旅程
An incredible journey难以置信的旅程作者:孟永兵来源:《疯狂英语·新读写》2022年第06期《马可·波罗游记》一书根据马可·波罗亲身经历撰写,它重点记述了马可·波罗在中国的所见所闻,激起了欧洲人对东方的热烈向往,也为他们打开了一扇了解中国的窗户。
题材:探险体裁:记叙文文章词数:369 建议用时:7分钟The Polos—Marco, his father, Niccolò, and his uncle, Maffeo, had been traveling for three and a half years when they finally achieved their objective—a long⁃awaited meeting with the powerful Mongol leader Kublai Khan. The historic event took place in 1275 at Kublai Khan's luxurious summer capital in Shangdu. Kublai Khan was surprisi-ngly informal as he greeted his tired guests:“Welcome, gentlemen! Please stand up. How was the trip?”Marco Polo's trip had, in fact, started more than 9,000 kilometers away in Venice when he was just a teenager. On this second trip, the Polos stayed for 17 years before they returned home. It is likely that Kublai Khan considered it an honor that these Europeans had made this extremely difficult journey, and he took the opportunity to make good use of their skills and knowledge.Marco Polo was able to learn and experience many things that were new to Europeans. In his travel journal, he wrote that Kublai Khan's palace was the greatest one he had ever seen. He admired Kublai Khan's newly?completed capital whose streets were so straight and so broad.We learn from Marco Polo that Kublai Khan made use of a fast and simple message system. Horse riders spaced every 40 kilometers allowed messages to cover 500 kilometers a day. As soon as one horse had run 40 ki-lometers, the next horse would run the next 40 kilometers, and so on. Marco also learned the secret of asbestos (石棉) cloth, which doesn't catch fire. Paper money also took him by surprise, since it was not yet used in the West then. Homes were heated with black stones which burned like logs. Those stones were coal—unknown in most of Europe—and were so plentiful that many people had a hot bath three times a week.Although Kublai Khan did not want his visitors to leave, the Polos finally received per-mission to return home in 1292. Marco continued his observations while on the ocean voy-age by way of Sumatra (苏门答腊岛) and India. After he returned home, Marco completed a book about his trip, full of details about his amazing cultural experiences. It was probably the single greatest contribution to geographical knowledge ever made to the West about the East.ReadingCheckⅠ. Choose the best answer for each question.1. What was surprising about the Polos' meeting with Kublai Khan?A. Kublai Khan lived in a luxurious palace.B. Kublai Khan spoke to them in a casual way.C. Kublai Khan didn't welcome the Polos.D. The Polos were looked upon as Kublai Khan's close friends.2. What did Kublai Khan use to deliver messages to his people?A. Runners.B. The Polos.C. Horse riders.D. Pigeons.3. What can be inferred from paragraph 4?A. The West had more inventions than the East.B. The West had forgotten the technologies used in the East.C. The East was ahead of the West in some areas of technology.D. The East had much richer natural resources than the West.4. What is the text mainly about?A. Why Marco Polo's travels are important.B. Marco Polo's relationship with his father.C. How Marco Polo was able to reach China.D. Comparisons between the East and the West.Ⅱ. Sort the following events in time order according to the text.A. Marco Polo wrote a book.B. Niccolò, Maffeo, and Marco Polo got the permission to return home.C. Niccolò, Maffeo, and Marco Polo visited India and Sumatra.D. Niccolò, Maffeo, and Marco Polo met Kublai Khan.E. Niccolò, Maffeo, and Marco Polo started their journey and left Venice.LanguageStudyComplete the following blanks by using the correct words in the brackets.After surviving the dangers of the ocean 1.___________(voyage/masterpiece), Marco Polo reached his home city of Venice. But more troubles awaited him there. At that time, cities in Italy were often at war with each other. During the fighting between Venice and a neigh-boring city,Marco Polo was put in prison. There, he met Rustichello, a writer of fairy tales. Polo wanted to create a(n) 2.______________ (journal/objective) of his travels, and he asked the writer for help. Rustichello agreed to 3.____________(undertake/observe) the task. Because of this book,many people began to 3._____________(take/admire) Polo's deeds. Today, Marco Polo is5._________(blamed/considered) by many to be one of the greatest explorers that ever lived.。
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y ūw én ji àn sh è
而且《马可·波罗游记》中还涉及很多历史知识和古文理解等方面的内容,必须对这些知识充分理解才能够翻译出更好的Bridge ”,如果翻译成“Lugou Bridge ”国外游客就不知道怎么理
例如《马可·波罗游记》中“苏杭”这个词就有很多人翻译成“Kinsai ”和“Suju ”,如果直接翻译成“suhang ”,外国人恐怕不能理解这个“上有天堂,下有苏杭”的历史名城。
同时我们还可以使用补充翻译法,这种方法非常适用于翻译历史人物,例如《马可·波罗游记》有几处提到的忽必烈就可以翻译成“Kublai Khan the founder of the Mongol dynasty ”,“Khan ”是可汗的意思,也就是说忽必烈是蒙古王朝的创建者。