story telling专八听力原文

story telling专八听力原文Once upon a time, in the ancient world, there was a mysterious tale whispered in the ears of the wise and the curious. It was a story of a grand city, lost to the depths of time and the rolling waves of the ocean. This city was known as Atlantis.Legend had it that Atlantis was the jewel of the ancient world, a civilization so advanced that it rivaled even the gods. Its people were said to possess incredible knowledge, from the secrets of the universe to the mysteries of the human heart. Their architecture was grand and their technology, unparalleled.But Atlantis was not just a city of wonders. It was also a city of vice, where the lust for power and wealth corrupted even the noblest of hearts. The people of Atlantis grew arrogant, believing themselves to be superior to all others. They forgot the old ways, turned their backs on the gods, and worshipped only themselves and their own creations.The gods, seeing the decadence of Atlantis, decided to teach the city a lesson. They sent a great deluge, a catastrophe that would wash away the sins of the city and cleanse the world of its wickedness. The people of Atlantis tried to flee, but it was too late. The waters came, and with them, the end of an era.Atlantis sank into the ocean, never to be seen again. Its people, its knowledge, its grandeur, all gone in an instant. Only the legend remained, passed down through the generations, a cautionary tale of the dangers of hubris and the folly of forgetting one's roots.Centuries passed, and the legend of Atlantis faded into the mists of time.But some still believed, and they searched for clues that might lead them to the lost city. Many claimed to have found it, but none could prove their claims. Atlantis remained a mystery, a ghost story told to frighten children and intrigue adults.Until one day, a young adventurer named James stumbled upon an ancient scroll while exploring the ruins of an ancient library. The scroll, yellowed with age, contained a map and a set of cryptic instructions that seemed to lead to the lost city of Atlantis. James's heart raced as he realized the implications of his discovery. Could it be true? Had he finally found the key to unlocking the secrets of Atlantis?James gathered a team of experts and set out on a treacherous journey to find the lost city. They faced storms, shipwrecks, and even mutiny within their own ranks. But James never gave up. He was determined to uncover the truth behind the legend of Atlantis.After months of hardship and adventure, James and his team finally arrived at the coordinates marked on the ancient map. There, beneath the waves, they found a vast city, its ruins still grand and imposing even after all those centuries. It was Atlantis, risen from the depths of the sea to greet a new era of explorers.James and his team explored the ruins, uncovering incredible treasures and ancient knowledge long forgotten by the world. They learned the secrets of Atlantis, its rise to greatness, and its tragic fall. They also discovered that the legend of Atlantis was not just a cautionary tale, but a warning of what could happen when humanity loses sight of its values and forgets its connection to the natural world.As James and his team returned to the surface, they vowed to share theirdiscoveries with the world. They hoped that by revealing the secrets of Atlantis, they could inspire a new generation to cherish the knowledge of the past and build a better future for all. And so, the legend of Atlantis lived on, not just as a mystery or a ghost story, but as a beacon of hope and inspiration for generations to come.。
how to do well in a job interview 专八听力原文

how to do well in a job interview 专八听力原文以下是一篇专八听力原文,详细解答了如何做好一份工作面试:How to do well in a Job InterviewJob interviews are a crucial part of finding a new job. You need to present yourself effectively to show the employer that you are the best candidate for the job. Here are some tips to help you do well in a job interview.1. Prepare yourself thoroughlyThe first step to doing well in a job interview is to be well-prepared. Know about the company, the job description and the industry. Research about the company's culture, values and work environment. This will help you understand what type of person they are looking for and how you can fit in.2. Dress appropriatelyDressing appropriately is essential for a job interview. Choose a professional outfit that fits your style and reflects yourpersonality, but also matches the company's culture and image. Avoid wearing too much jewelry or make-up, as it may distract from your main focus - the interview.3. Communicate effectivelyCommunication is key in a job interview. Be clear, confident and articulate when answering questions. Use appropriate language and avoid jargon if you don't understand it. Listen carefully to the questions and show that you understand them before answering. If you don't know the answer to a question, don't be afraid to say so. Show that you are honest and can learn new skills.4. Showcase your skills and experienceDuring the interview, highlight your skills and experience that match the job requirements. Talk about specific examples of how you have used these skills in previous jobs or projects. Also, show that you are passionate about the job and the company, as this will make you more attractive to the employer.5. Ask questionsFinally, don't forget to ask questions about the job, the company and the team. This shows that you are interested in the position and are thinking about more than just yourself. Choose relevant and thoughtful questions that show that you have done your research and are interested in the job.。

英语专八听力原文及答案The popularity of EnglishGood morning, everyone. T oday's lecture is about the popularity of English.As we all know, English is widely used in the world. Althpugh English is not the language with the largest number of native or first language speakers, it has really become a lingua franca. Then what is a lingua franca The term refers to a language which is widely adopted for communication between two speakers whose native languages are different from each others and where one or both speakers are using it as a second language ( Q1). For example, when an Indian talks to a Singaporean using English, then English is the lingua franca.Then actually how many people speak English as either a first or a second language Some researches suggested that a few years ago that between 320 , 000 , 000 to 380 , 000 , 000 people spoke English as a first language. And anyway between 250 , 000 , 000 to 350 , 000 , 000 as a second language ( Q2 ) . And of course , if we include people who are learning English as a foreign language all over the world, that number may increase dramatically. Then we may ask a question, how did English get there That is how did English gain the present status of popularity There are in fact a number of interlocking reasons for the popularity of English as a lingua franca. Many of the reasons are historical , but they also include economic and cultural factors that influenced and sustained this spread of the language. Let's go through the reasons one by one. First, it's the historical reason ( Q3) . This is related to the colonial history. As we know, when' the Pilgrim Fathers landed on the Massachusetts coast in 1620after their journey from England, they brought with them not just a set of religious beliefs, a pioneering spirit or a desire for colonization, but also their language. Although many years later, the Americans broke away from their colonial master, the language of English remained and still does. It was the same in Australia too. When Commander Philippe planted the British flag in Sydney curve on the 26th of January 1788 , it was not just a bunch of British convicts and their guardians but also a language. In other parts of the former British Empire, English rapidly became a unifying or dominating means of control. For example, it became a lingua franca in India where a variety of indigenous languages made the use of any one of them as a whole country system problematic ( Q4). So the imposition of English as the one language of a ministration helps maintain the colonizers' control and power. Thus English traveled around many parts of the world in those days and long after that colonial empire has faded away. It is too widely used as a main or at least an institutional language in countries as far apart as Jamaica and Pakistan, \ Uganda and New Zealand. That is the first factor. Now the second major factor. in the spread of English has been the spread of commerce throughout the world. The spread of international commerce has taken English along with it ( Q5 ) . This is the 20111 century phenomenon of globalization. Therefore, one of the first sights many travelers see when arriving in countries as diverse as Brazil, China for example, it's the yellow, twin art sign of a Macdonald's fast food restaurant or some other famous brand's outlets. And without doubt, English is used as the language of communication in the international business community.And the third factor related to the popular use of English is the boom in international travel ( Q6). And you will find thatmuch travel and tourism is carried on around the world in English. Of course this is not always the case. As the multi-lingualism of many tourism workers in different countries demonstrate. But a visit to most airports on the globe will show signs not only in the language of that country but also in English. Just as many airline announcements are broadcast in English too. Whatever the language of the country the airport is situated in. So far, English is also the preferred language of air-traffic control in many countries and it is used widely in sea travel communication ( Q7 ).Another factor has something to do with the information exchange around the world. As we all know, a great deal of academic discourse around the world takes place in English. It is often a lingua franca of conferences, for example. And many journal articles in fields as diverse as astronomy, trial psychology and zoology have English as a kind of default language ( Q8).The last factor I cite here concerns popular culture. In the western world at least, English is a dominating language in popular culture. Pop music in English can be heard on many radios ( Q9). Thus many people who are not English speakers can sing words from their favorite English medium songs. And many people who are regular cinema-goers or TV viewers can frequently hear English in sub-titled films coming out of the USA.\Now, to sum up, in today's lecture, we have reviewed some of the reasons or factors that lie behind the popular use of English as the NO. 1 world language. Before we finish, I would like to leave a few questions for you to think about. Is the status of English as the NO. 1 world language assured in the future Will it split into varieties that become less mutually intelligible Or some other language or languages take the place of English asthe world language in future ( Q1 ). These questions are not easy to answer, I know, but they are definitely worth pondering over after the lecture. OK, let's bring us to the end of today's lecture. Thank you for your attention. SECTION B CONVERSATION W Hello! Freddy.NI: Hello! Marry. How nice to see you again! How is everything goingW Fine. Busy these daysM : Yeah. With lots of things to do. Would you like to join me for a drinkW: Ok! Thanks!M: Any news recentlyW Oh! Well , I read in the local paper the other day that the government is planning to build an airport here. You knew that M Afraid not.】My real objection to this idea of a new airport is... is that the whole thing is so wasteful. I mean, we know we are currently in a fuel crisis. We know that we've got to conserve oil and fuel and allthe rest of it and yet here the government seems quite deliberately to be encouraging people to travel, to use. And these jets use a heck of a lot of oil. I mean it takes a ton of oil, a ton of petrol before one of this big jets even takes off (Q1).M: Hmmm.W: It seems so completely short-sighted to me, quite apart from all the waste of land and so on. I can't see, I can't see the rational behind really wanting an... an airport at all.M: Well, surely you must admit the existing airport nearby are becoming swarmed. I mean, why should people...NV: Well, they are being swarmed.111: be treated like cattle when there's a chance of a new airport here.W: But, but really, people shouldn't be traveling as much. That's, that's why most of the journeys, I mean, they are swarmed, because there is far too much unnecessary tourism and so on. It isn't necessary for people to travel so fast, or still, even so often ( Q2).M: Well. You take the climate here in this country. Now, just before Christmas, there 'was this dreadful cold spell and there was a tremendous increase in the number of people who wanted to leave and spend Christmas and the New Year in a reasonable climate of sun and a certain mild climate. And in summer, the same situation occurs. It is unbearably hot here and people want go somewhere cool.W: Yes, I can sympathize with that. But it is still not really necessary to do or as it is necessary to conserve fuel and it is necessary to ... well not to waste land, I mean, land for new airport could be used for far more important things which would benefit the people here far more ( Q2). I mean, it could be used for farming, for instance.M: True./W: It could also be used for housing, or it could be used for parks, you know. People then, could come and enjoy themselves without having to travel far.Mi But, airports do bring some local advantages. They bring roads, there's obviously extra employment, for instance, new hotels, shops, restaurants will have to be built, this means, more jobs for the locals and it is good for local economy ( Q3).W: But, you ask the people, you ask those who are now living near the airports, for instance, whether they reckon that airports are bringing them advantages or the airport is bringing noise and vast motorways and the whole area is desolated, isn't it ( Q2) M: But, the airport infrastructure relies on housing and other facilities for the great number of people who would be employed in the airport, the pilot even, the stewardnesses. They have to live somewhere near the airport, rightW: Yeah, but it's, it's just so damaging to the whole area. I think, airports, from my point of view, the whole concept is outdated really. With modern technology, we're going to make a lot of travel unnecessary, really (Q4). For example, it won't be necessary for businessman to fly out toa foreign country to talk to somebody. They can just lift up telephone in the office, press the button and see the person they want to do business with. You see, business deals can be made without having to travel back and forth, rightM: Yes, you're right. But, for a lot of people, 'personal contact is important. And this means travel, and means quick travel, air 'travel and we just need a new airport (Q5).SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTNews Item 1 (for question 6)The New Moderates Party began forming the new Swedish government on Monday. In Sunday's Elections , the New Moderates Party defeated the Social Democrats. The Social Democratic Party has controlled Sweden for all but nine years since 1932 , building up the country's generous welfare state. But the New Moderates wants to change it. ( Q6 ) Sweden's welfare system is famed around the world, but the system encourages people to be lazy and unemployment is also high in Sweden. Onereason is the high tax on companies which makes it difficult to employ new people.News Item 2 (for questions 7 and 8)!Much of the world was watching on television when the command of the Apollo-11 mission Neal Armstrong took the first steps on the moon in July 1969. The pictures of that historic footstep and everything else about that and subsequent of Apollo moon landings were recorded on magnetic tape at three NASA ground tracking stations around the world. The tapes were then shipped to a NASA operation centre near Washington—the Goddard Space Flight Centre. ( Q7 ) In late 1969 , the space agency began transferring them and tens of thousands of tapes from other space missions to a nearby U. S. government archives warehouse: NASA says it asked for them back in the 1970s, but now does not know where they are. "I probably am overly sensitive to the word `lost' . I did not feel they are lost. " said Richard Nafzger, a Goddard Space Flight Centre engineer who was in charge of television processing from all of NASA's ground receiving sites. The Space Agency has authorized him to set aside his other duties for the foreseeable future and devote his time to the hunt for the tapes. Nafzger says- they are stored somewhere. ( Q8 )News Item 3 (for questions 9 and 10)More than 22 million people who live in the Unite State don't speak or understand English very well and that can be deadly. In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, Doctor Glan Flores highlights some cases where language barriers prevented patients from communicating with health-care providers with serious consequences. ( Q9 ) Doctor Floresrecords one incident in which English-speaking doctors `thought a Spanish-speaking man was suffering from a drug over-doze. "He was in the hospital basically for two days being worked up for drug abuse " , Flores says. " They finally did a head CT scan and realized he had had a major bleed into his brain. He ended up being paralyzed and he got a 71 million dollars settlement award from the hospital. " Doctor Flores , a professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin, saysthat despite examples like that, the majority of US health-care facilities still do not have trained interpreters on sight, but he acknowledges that increasing numbers of health care workers are bilingual and that more clinics and hospitals do make sure their staff and patients understand each other. ( Q10) 参考答案SECTION A MINI-LECTURE(1)native languages (2).350 (3).Historical (4).India (5)merce (6).Boom (7).sea travel communication (8).conferences (9).many radios (10).split…SECTION B&C。
外研版英语八年级 (上) Module 10听力试题原文及答案

外研版英语八年级(上) Module 10听力试题原文及答案听力部分(20分)I.听句子,根据所听内容选择相应的图片。
(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 1. A. B. C.( ) 2. A. B. C.( ) 3. A. B. C.( ) 4. A. B. C.( ) 5. A. B. C.II. 听对话,根据所听内容选择正确答案。
(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 6. What can you do in London now?A. To go swimming in the lake.B. To take a photo of snow weather.C. To fly a kite in the park.( ) 7. How is the weather in their town now?A. It’s raining now.B. It’s snowing now.C. It’s sunny now. ( ) 8. When is the best time to visit Hainan Island?A. December.B. September.C. November. ( ) 9. Does the boy like rainy days?A. Yes. He does.B. No, he doesn’t.C. He doesn’t mind. ( ) 10. What’s the weather like in their hometown today?A. sunny.B. Cloudy.C. rainy.III. 听对话,根据所听内容选择正确答案。
( ) 11. What’s the weather like tomorrow?A. cloudy.B. rainy.C. windy.( ) 12. What will they do tomorrow?A. Go hiking.B. Watching TV.C. Play chess.听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。

2021年英语专八听力真题和原文答案PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN]2021英语专八真题音频.mp3SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section, you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, please complete the gap-fulling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammaticallyand semanticallyacceptable.You may use the blank sheet for note taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. Now listen to the mini-lecture. When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes to check your work.Current Challenges Confronting U.S. Higher EducationSection B InterviewThis is the end of Part Two of the interview. Questions 6 to 10 are based on what you have just heard. Question 6, what did Maureen think about socializing with writers?Question 7, what was Maureen's view about a community for poets?Question 8, why did her sections have concluding stanzas?Question 9, what did Maureen think about her way of poetry reading?Question 10, what is the interview mainly about?This is the end of Part One of the interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on what you have just heard. Question 1, what is Maureen McLean, according to the interviewer?Question 2, when did Maureen first begin to read poetry?Question 3, who were the most important teachers to Maureen?Question 4, which of the following did Maureen feel more strongly about when she returned to teach at Harvard?Question 5, why did Maureen bring recordings to class?答案解析和原文1、MINI-LECTURE 录音原文Current Challenges Confronting U.S. Higher EducationGood morning, everyone. In our last lecture, we discussed challenges that face universities and colleges worldwide. Today, we'll take a special look at U.S. higher education and see what challenges U.S. higher education is facing. OK, let's get started.The first challenge we are examining in today's lecture is the force of the marketplace on higher education. Many people believe that the marketplace has overtaken state government as the dominant external force, shaping and reshaping American higher education, even for public colleges and universities. You may ask, why is it so? Well, as is always the case, government support is not keeping pace with educational expenditures. So, in many ways the market is having more bearing on higher education than government. In order to create more flexibility, many public colleges and universities are now asking for less government regulation and supervision. In some instances, they are even asking for less state money in return for more autonomy. And, their argument is that the current structures and accountability requirements have hindered their capacity to be effective and efficient. The ability to set their own tuition fees and secure freedom from state policies and regulations in areas, such as purchasing and building, represent just some of the additional autonomy that public institutions are seeking. And many are pressing for new legislation to provide this freedom through a range of innovations, including public corporations, charter colleges, state enterprise status and performance contracts.So, what is the result of these efforts? Well, the result is that activities and research in certain fields and disciplines, for example, engineering, applied natural science and agricultural science become higher institutional priorities because they have stronger market value than other programs such as humanities do. So, what has happened is that institutions create new programs, alter academic calendars and pursue differentfinancial aid policies to capture more and better students, in particular those who can afford to pay high tuition. For instance, executive MBA programs are increasingly popular. Also, institutions seek contracts and partnership agreements and enhance research programs with practical applications that have large financial payouts. In order to do so, they are changing their institutional structures. And how do they do it? Let me tell you, institutions would add new units that focus on generating external grants and bringing new technology to market. They would build conference centers and create for profit subsidiaries. All of these are done to generate more revenue for institutions. What are the implications of this? Well, the implications are that academic research is increasingly focused on marketable knowledge. Entrepreneurial priorities are taking precedence, services are being outsourced, and students are carrying an increasing burden to pay higher tuition fees for their education.Then how do university administrators view this trend? That is, the marketplace is showing stronger impact on how institutions are run. In fact, university administrators see little option except to respond to the marketplace. The reason is if their institution does not react effectively, it will not have the necessary resources to offer high quality and diverse academic programs. Institutions unable to compete may face hard circumstances because government support continues to fall, students become better informed consumers and advances in technology also widen the number and reach of competitors. In turn, the ability to compete for students, resources, faculty and prestige becomes a driving strategic force. At its extreme, competition can overtake more traditional academic values. However, the downside of pursuing market goals without appropriately balancing them against the public good is, is that institutions will no longer be able to fulfill their social responsibility to produce well-educated citizens and face the threat of losing their privileged place in society as they resemble more closely other market driven organizations.Now, let's move on to the second challenge facing U.S. higher education, that is the tension between competition and equality in admissions decisions. Since World War Two, U.S. higher education has been engaged in a process of massification, that is expanding to serve students from all walks of life. Motivating this effort is a widespread belief in the power of education to create social and economic mobility, and a belief in the morality and social value of making higher education accessible to everyone. Research data bear out public perceptions. When young people from low-income backgrounds complete a bachelor's degree. Their income and employment characteristics after graduation are equivalent to their peers from more affluent backgrounds. So, education can truly be the great equalizer.Although there is widespread public faith in the value of higher education, the progress of massification has been slow and uneven. And why is it slow and uneven? Well, one, higher education did not admit significant numbers of racial and ethnic minorities until after the civil rights of the 1960s forced change. Second, despite significant expenditures on financial aid, minority and low-income individuals are still less likely to attend college than whites or students from middleand upper-income families. Although access gaps have nowadays narrowed somewhat, large gaps remain between completion rates. Low-income students come to college less prepared and must balance academic demands with work and family responsibilities.Finding ways to increase the enrollment rates of low-income students and encourage their success once enrolled are two of the most important problems facing American higher education. One of the challenges to meet these goals is that they can conflict with the other central tenets of American higher education, that is, market competition and resistance to government control. As I said before, for example, institutional competition for the most academically talented students is likely to encourage increased use of tuition discounting for students who have no financial need. And this could divert resources away from low-income students who need financial aid. Similarly, institutions may seek to distinguish themselves in the academic marketplace by becoming more selective in admissions decisions, thus reducing the number of low-income students admitted. However, a primary role of government is to mediate the potentially negative effects of competition by insisting that institutions adhere to their missions, and that institutions provide need-based financial assistance to students. So, a constant preoccupation of American higher education is this tension between the competitive, ambitious natureof institutions and the interests of government in promoting important public goals, primary among them, broad access and widespread success for all students.OK, for today's lecture, we have briefly discussed some of the major challenges facing U.S. higher education, such as the impact of the marketplace on institutions and the tension between competition and promoting public goals.2、MINI-LECTURE 答案解析1. dominant / prevailing / governing 等解析:美国高等教育所面临的两大挑战之一便是市场的力量。

The popularity of EnglishGoo.morning.everyone.Today'.lectur.i.abou.th.popularit.o.English.rges.numbe.o.nat ng municatio.be?nguage.ar.differen.fro.e nguag..Q1).in.English.the.Englis.i.th.lingu.franca.nguage.Som.re?searche.suggeste.tha.. nguage.An.anywa.betwee.2 nguag..Q...An.o.cours..i.w.includ.peopl.wh.ar.learnin.Englis.a..fore nguag.al.ove.th.world.tha.numbe.ma.increas.dramatically.The.w.ma.as..question.ho.di.Englis. ge.there.Tha.i.ho.di.Englis.gai.th.presen.statu.o.popularity?Ther.ar.i.fac..numbe.o.interlockin.reason.fo.th.popularit.o.Englis.a..lingu.franca.Man.o.th.reason.ar ngu age.Let'.g.throug.th.reason.on.b.one.First.it'nd e.o.th.Massachusett.coas.i.162.afte.thei.journe.fro.England.the.brough.wit.the.no.jus..se.o.religiou. ter.th.Amer nguag.o.Englis.remaine.an.stil.does.I.wa.th.sam.i.Austra mande.Philipp.plante.th.Britis.fla.i.Sydne.curv.o.th.26t.o.Januar.178..i.wa.no.jus..b nguage.I.othe.part.o.th.forme.Britis.Empire.Englis.ra pidl.becam..unifyin.o.dominatin.mean.o.control.Fo.example.i.becam..lingu.franc.i.Indi.wher..varie .o.an.on.o.the.a..whol.countr.syste.problemati..Q4).S.th.impositio nguag.o..ministratio.help.maintai.th.colonizers.contro.an.power.Thu.Englis.trav e.a nguag.i.countrie.a.fa.apar.a.Jamaic.an.Pakistan..Ugand.an.Ne.Zealand.Tha.i.th.firs.factor.merc.through?ou.th.world.Th.spr merc.ha.take.Englis.alon.wit.i..Q...Thi.i.th.2023.centur.phenomeno.o.globali zation.Therefore.on.o.th.firs.sight.man.traveler.se.whe.arrivin.i.countrie.a.divers.a.Brazil.Chin.fo.e xample.it'.th.yellow.twi.ar.sig.o..Macdonald'.fas.foo.restauran.o.som.othe.famou.brand'.outlets.An. munity. .o.Englis.i.th.boo.i.internationa.trave..Q6).An.yo.wil.fin.tha.mu c.trave.an.touris.i.carrie.o.aroun.th.worl.i.English.O.cours.thi.i.no.alway.th.case.A.th.multi-linguali s.o.man.touris.worker.i.differen.countrie.demonstrate.Bu..visi.t.mos.airport.o.th.glob.wil.sho.sign. nguag.o.tha.countr.bu.als.i.English.Jus.a.man.airlin.announcement.ar.broadcas.i.Engli nguag.o.air municatio..Q.).rmatio.exchang.aroun.th.world.A.w.al.know..grea.dea.o.ac ademi.discours.aroun.th.worl.take.plac.i.English.I.i.ofte..lingu.franc.o.conferences.fo.example.An. man.journa.article.i.field.a.divers.a.astronomy.tria.psycholog.an.zoolog.hav.Englis.a..kin.o.defaul.l anguag..Q8).nguag.i.po pula.culture.Po.musi.i.Englis.ca.b.hear.o.man.radio..Q9).Thu.man.peopl.wh.ar.no.Englis.speaker.ca.sin.word.fro.thei.favorit.Englis.mediu.songs.An.man.pe A.Now.t.su.up.i.today'.lecture.w.hav.reviewe.som.o.th.reason.o.factor.tha.li.be?.o.En nguage.Befor.w.finish..woul.lik.t.leav..fe.question.fo.yo.t.thin.about.I.th.statu. nguag.assure.i.th.future.Wil.i.spli.int.varietie.tha.becom.les.mutuall.intelli nguag.i.futur..Q.).Thes.question.ar.no.eas.t.answer..know.bu.the.ar.definitel.wort.ponderin.ove.afte.th.lecture.OK.let'.brin.u.t.th.en.o.today'.lecture.Than.yo.fo.you.attention.SECTION B CONVERSATIONW Hello! Freddy.NI.Hello.Marry.Ho.nic.t.se.yo.again.Ho.i.everythin.going?.. Fine.Bus.thes.days?..Yeah.Wit.lot.o.thing.t.do.Woul.yo.lik.t.joi.m.fo..drink?W: Ok! Thanks!M: Any news recently?ernmen.i.plannin.t.buil.a.air?por.here.Yo.kne.that? M Afraid not.M.rea.objectio.t.thi.ide.o..ne.airpor.is...i.tha.th.whol.thin.i.s.wasteful..mean.w.kno.w.ar.currentl.i..f ue.crisis.W.kno.tha.we'ernmen.seem.quit.de ..hec.o..lo.o.oil..mea.i.take..to.o.oil..to.o.p et?ro.befor.on.o.thi.bi.jet.eve.take.of.(Q1).M: Hmmm.n.an.s.on..can'.see..can'.se.th.rati ona.behin.reall.wantin.an...a.airpor.a.all.M.Well.surel.yo.mus.admi.th.existin.airpor.nearb.ar.becomin.swarmed..mean.wh.shoul.people... NV: Well, they are being swarmed.111: be treated like cattle when there's a chance of a new airport here.W.But.bu.really.peopl.shouldn'.b.travelin.a.much.That's.that'.wh.mos.o.th.journeys..mean.the.ar.sw armed.becaus.ther.i.fa.to.muc.unnecessar.touris.an.s.on.I.isn'.necessar.fo.peopl.t.trave.s.fast.o.still. eve.s.ofte..Q2).M.Well.Yo.tak.th.climat.her.i.thi.country.Now.jus.befor.Christmas.ther.'wa.thi.dreadfu.col.spel.an.t her.wa..tremendou.increas.i.th.numbe.o.peopl.wh.wante.t.leav.an.spen.Christma.an.th.Ne.Yea.i..re .climate.An.i.summer.th.sam.situatio.occurs.I.i.unbearabl.ho.her.an.peopl.wan.g.somewher.cool.W.Yes..ca.sympathiz.wit.that.Bu.i.i.stil.no.reall.necessar.t.d.o.a.i.i.necessar.t.conserv.fue.an.i.i.nece e.fo.fa.mor.importan.thing.whic.woul.be nefi.th.peopl.her.fa.mor..Q2). e.fo.farming.fo.instance.M: True..an.enjo.themsel ve.withou.havin.t.trave.far.M.But.airport.d.brin.som.loca.advantages.The.brin.roads.there'.obviousl.extr.employment.fo.insta nce.ne.hotels.shops.restaurant.wil.hav.t.b.built.thi.means.mor.job.fo.th.local.an.i.i.goo.fo.loca.econ om..Q3).W: But, you ask the people, you ask those who are now living near the airports, for instance, whether they reckon that airports are bringing them advantages or the airport is bringing noise and vast motorways and the whole area is desolated, isn't it? ( Q2)M.But.th.airpor.infrastructur.relie.o.housin.an.othe.facilitie.fo.th.grea.numbe.o.peopl.wh.woul.b.e mploye.i.th.airport.th.pilo.even.th.stewardnesses.The.hav.t.liv.somewher.nea.th.airport.right?W.Yeah.bu.it's.it'.jus.s.damagin.t.th.whol.area..think.airports.fro.m.poin.o.view.th.whol.concep.i.outdate.really.Wit.moder.technology.we'r.goin.t.mak..lo.o.trave.unnecessary.reall. (Q4).Fo.example.i.won'.b.necessar.fo.businessma.t.fl.ou.t..foreig.countr.t.tal.t.somebody.The.ca.jus.lif.u. telephon.i.th.office.pres.th.but?to.an.se.th.perso.the.wan.t.d.busines.with.Yo.see.busines.deal.ca.b. mad.with?ou.havin.t.trave.bac.an.forth.right?M.Yes.you'r.right.But.fo..lo.o.people.'persona.contac.i.important.An.thi.mean.travel.an.mean.quic.travel.ai.'trave.an.w.jus.nee..ne.airpor.(Q5).SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTNews Item 1 (for question 6)ernmen.o.Monday.I.Sunday'.Election..th.Ne.Moderate.Part.defeate.th.Socia.Democrats.Th.Socia.Democrati.Part.ha.controlle.Swede.fo.al.bu.nin. year.sinc.193..buildin.u.th.country'.generou.welfar.state.Bu.th.Ne.Moderate.want.t.chang.it..Q..Sweden'.welfar.syste.i.fame.aroun.th.world.bu.th.syste.enco panie.whic.make.i.difficul.t.emplo.ne.people.News Item 2 (for questions 7 and 8)Much of the world was watching on television when the command of the Apollo-11 mission Neal Armstron.too.th.firs.step.o.th.moo.i.Jul.1969.Th.picture.o.tha.histori.footste.an.?nding.wer.recorde.o.magneti.tap.a.thre.NAS.gr oun.trackin.station.aroun.th.world.Th.tape.wer.the.shippe.t..NAS.operatio.centr.nea.Washington—t.196..th.spac.agenc.bega.transferrin.the.an.ten.o.thousand.o.ta ernmen.archive.warehouse.NAS.say.i.aske.fo.the.bac.i.th. 1970s.bu.no.doe.no.kno.wher.the.are.".probabl.a.overl.sensitiv.t.th.wor.`lost...di.no.fee.the.ar.lost..s ai.Richar.Nafzger..Goddar.Spac.Fligh.Centr.enginee.wh.wa.i.charg.o.televisio.processin.fro.al.o.N ASA'.groun.receivin.sites.Th.Spac.Agenc.ha.authorize.hi.t.se.a?sid.hi.othe.dutie.fo.th.foreseeabl.f utur.an.devot.hi.tim.t.th.hun.fo.th.tapes.Nafzge.says.the.ar.store.somewhere..Q.)News Item 3 (for questions 9 and 10)lio.peopl.wh.liv.i.th.Unit.Stat.don'.spea.o.understan.Englis.ver.wel.an.tha.ca.b.deadly ngu municatin.wit.health-car.provider.wit.seriou.consequences..Q.. Docto.Flore.record.on.inciden.i.whic.English-speakin.doctor.`though..Spanish-speakin.ma.wa.suff erin.fro..dru.over-doze."H.wa.i.th.hospita.basicall.fo.tw.day.bein.worke.u.fo.dru.abus...Flore.says.. The.finall.di..hea.C.sca.an.realize.h.ha.ha..majo.blee.int.hi.brain.H.ende.u.bein.paralyze.an.h.go..7. millio.dollar.settlemen.awar.fro.th.hospital..Docto.Flore...professo.a.th.Medica.Colleg.o.Wisconsin .say.tha.despit.example.lik.that.th.majorit.o.U.health-car.facilitie.stil.d.no.hav.traine.interpreter.o.si ght.bu.h.acknowledge.tha.increasin.number.o.healt.car.worker.ar.bilingua.an.tha.mor.clinic.an.hosp ital.d.mak.sur.thei.staf.an.patient.understan.eac.other..Q10)参考答案SECTION A MINI-LECTURE(1)native languages (2).350 (3).Historical (4).India (5).commerce (6).Boom (7).sea travel communication (8).conferences (9).many radios (10).splitSECTION B&C1.C2.A3.D4.B5.D6.B7.C8.A9.D 10.D。

英语专业8级考试满分听力答(5-13)英语专业8级考试满分听力答案(Unit 5-13)Test FiveSection One Mini-lecture(1) heroic deeds (2) clay tablets (3) hero (4 ) music (5) rhythm and rhyme (6) Greek tragedies (7) fixed forms (8) imagination (9) scene (10)vary/differ Section Two Interview1.C2. D3.B4. B5.BSection Three News Broadcast6.D7. B8.D9.B 10. CTest SixSection One Mini-lecture(1) written information (2) writing techniques (3) different reading tasks (4 ) exact understanding (5) general understanding (6) independent (7) decoding (8) refining (9) main idea (10) key wordsSection Two Interview1.A2. A3.D 4 C. 5. BSection Three News Broadcast6. B8.D9.C 10. BTest SevenSection One Mini-lecture(1) lexical items (2) Anglo-Saxon (3) small (4 ) loan words (5) before (6) Latin (7) French (8) Greek (9) direct adoption (10) technicalSection Two Interview1.C2. A3.C4. B5.ASection Three News Broadcast6. B7. C8.A 9 .C 10. ATest EightSection One Mini-lecture(1)variations (2)negotiate (3)underlying (4 ) retrieval (5) recognize/distinguish (6) efficacy (7) attitude (8) Anthropological (9) range (10) processed Section Two Interview1.B2. C3.D4. B5.CSection Three News Broadcast6.C8.A9.A 10. DTest NineSection One Mini-lecture(1) Gold Rush (2) Laundry (3)fishermen (4 ) 1860s (5) first transcontinental railroad (6) descendants (7) strong (8) responsibility (9) education (10) acceptance/recognition Section Two Interview1.C2. A3.B4. D5.CSection Three News Broadcast6.C7. A8.C9.C 10. BTest TenSection One Mini-lecture(1) French (2) the Renaissance (3) borrowed (4 ) American(5)origins(6) the same thing (7) abstraction (8) relationships (9) formality (10) clear and accurateSection Two Interview1. B2. A3.C4.DSection Three News Broadcast6. B7. A8. D9. C 10. CTest ElevenSection One Mini-lecture(1) sound (2) imitation (3) secondary (4 ) heavy fall (5) Semantic (6) metaphor(7) substitution (8) steps/procedures (9) distinguish (10) meaningSection Two Interview1.B2. D3. B4. C5.ASection Three News Broadcast6.A7.D8.A9. B 10.CTest TwelveSection One Mini-lecture(1) Extended (2) advance/promote (3) less (4 ) working outside (5) Equality (6) parents (7) responsible (8) the same person (9) emotional support(10) potentialSection Two Interview2. B3. A4. D5.ASection Three News Broadcast6. B7. C8.C9. B 10. ATest ThirhteenSection One Mini-lecture(1) speculations (2) statistics (3) up-to-date/new (4) make reading entertaining/funny/interesting (5) too limited/too narrow/too insufficient (6) easy to approach/ easy to understand(7) readers/everybody (8) factual evidence (9) representative (10) accurate Section Two Interview1.C 2A . 3. B 4.A 5.DSection Three News Broadcast6. C7. A8.A9. A 10. C。

全国商务英语专业八级考试样题听力录音文字稿Section AAIG DealCHARLES HODSON, CNN Anchor: Well, meanwhile big news is expected from the world‟s largest insurer on Monday, AIG is expected to reveal a huge quarterly loss and a new twist on its federal bailout. Well, to tell us more let us go to Kaushal Patel at CNN center. So, AIG back with the begging bowl, Kaushal.KAUSHAL PA TEL, CNN Anchor: That‟s right Charles, if a new bailout is announced today, it would be AIG‟s fourth since September. Reports say that the US government will increase its stake in the insurer and take more control over its operations, that‟s exactly what the government just did with cash-strapped Citigroup.AIG is burning through the hundred and fifty two billion dollars already received from the government. That bailout deal stipulated AIG must sell off much of its assets, now because of the economic climate it hasn‟t been able to do that. That‟s why the government has twice revamped the bailout am ount and conditions.Reports say AIG will today post a sixty billion dollar fourth quarter loss, that could mean its restructuring plans will take place not in the boardroom but in bankruptcy court and we‟ll see how US markets react to that later today.Now it looks like it could be a case from bad to worse for Wall Street, futures are pointing towards a lower open. The DOW Jones and S&P 500 have been hovering at their lowest level since 1997, they‟re now both roughly half the value they were when they peaked in October of 2007.As well as whatever AIG may announce, investors have plenty more to digest this week. New data today is expected to show a further drop in personal incomes and an increase in personal spending. And pending home sales for January are due Tuesday, they are expected to have fallen after rising the previous month.And all important factory orders are due on Thursday, a fall is expected there, we‟ll also get a taste of how the shopping sector is doing with a string of earnings reports f rom America‟s top retailers and finally employment data due out Friday is expected to show about 615, 000 jobs were cut in February.And Charles, back to AIG just for a second, just to give you an idea of how much value it‟s lost. Just a yearago it was selling, the stock was selling for 49 dollars and 50 cents, on Friday it closed at 42 cents, very troubling.HODSON: Indeed, I‟ll make that off by more than 99%. Kaushal Patel, Thank you very much indeed, for joining us live there from CNN Center.Section BInterviewer If you‟re planning to invest in the US manufacturing sector, one company that should attract your attention is Charters, the Chicago-based engineering company, which has consistentlyoutperformed its rivals over the last decade or so. And we‟re joined in the studio this morningby Scott Duran, Charters‟ CEO. Good morning, Mr. Duran.Scott Duran Good morning.Interviewer Mr. Duran, engineering companies don‟t often make the headlines in the financial press, but your company has received some pretty flattering reports recently. To what would you say itowes its success?Scott Duran We‟ve always encouraged excellence–both human and corporate. We don‟t believe in standing still–in our business, there‟s absolutely no room for complacency. So we‟reconstantly looking at ways in which we can improve. Is our organization running as smoothlyas it should? Could we do more to improve the dialogue we have with our customers? Couldwe improve services? Those are the kind of questions we have to answer if we want to keepmoving forward.Interviewer So how do you see Charters developing in the future?Scott Duran Well, we have three main targets. One is to develop long-standing relationships with our customers. We have to really get to know our custom ers, otherwise we can‟t develop productsfor them. We don‟t want to have people come to us with problems: we want to anticipate theirproblems and show that we‟re already thinking about improvements well ahead of time.That‟s why we‟re striving to build lo ng-term relationships with customers and why weinvolve them in our R&D. It‟s one way to differentiate ourselves in the market.Another target is to manage production costs. Some of our plant is getting old and becomingless efficient. We know that we‟re gonna have to close some factories in about ten years‟ time.But it‟s important to show consideration for the staff. We don‟t want to wait till it‟s time toclose the plant and then say to the workers: …Well, sorry, but you have to leave now‟. So wehave t o plan ahead. We‟re already starting to think about how we can help these workerswhen their jobs finish. Some people are nearing retirement age, so they can take earlyretirement. But the younger workers will have to leave or move elsewhere. If we plan it so wemove or retire a few people each year, it won‟t be as hard as moving 500 people at once.The third target is to become more multinational. Currently, only 40 per cent of our sales gooutside the US. But there are huge new markets out there. Look at India. Look at China.There are potentially six hundred million people in China alone who could be using ourproducts in ten years‟ time–if we play our cards right.Interviewer What is your strategy for moving into these new markets?Scott Duran Our strategy is to build plants in India and China. We already have six joint ventures with local partners and we plan to start more. In each case, we‟re building at the partner‟s site. Wedon‟t send young managers out to run these plants. We send older people, and that‟s becauseseniority is respected in Asia. Many of the people who go there haven‟t worked outside theUS before. They see this as a major challenge–something to achieve before they retire. Theygive it their best shot because it‟s probably the most exciting thing they‟ve ever done in theirlives.Interviewer Y ou obviously place a lot of emphasis on long-term planning. Whether it‟s closing plants or finding new opportunities in developing markets, you‟re looking much further ahead thanmost CEOs. Why is that, do you think?Scott Duran Well, I think too many CEOs and senior managers are driven by the bonus system. It encourages short-term goals and short-term thinking. My personal goal is not whether I canearn so much this year or next year. It‟s whether I can achieve the best possible performanceand the best possible future for my company.Section C1. DialogueI: So, how have new technologies changed the way we worked, then?S: Well, this very much depends on the professional category. The survey shows that over 80 per cent of higher professional and senior managers use the Internet and e-mail at work. However, most lower-skilled employees, while they often have PCs at home, are not using information technologies in the workplace.Um…only 29 per cent of administrative staff use the Internet and e-mail in their jobs, along with 14 to 15 per cent of skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled manual staff.I: But I thought there was more demand now for workers with IT skills.S: Er, well, what we are seeing, in fact, is job enlargement rather than new jobs being created. People are required to take on additional skills and roles that in the past would have been done by other members of staff. Everyone is in fact sharing out middle-management roles, and so fewer of them are needed now. So, while higher professional jobs have risen by 3 per cent to 37 per cent in the last ten years, the middle-ranking jobs have been squeezed out. The findings could be seen as lending support to the notion of the “hour-cla ss” economy, a trend first spotted in the US. It suggests there will be large numbers of highly skilled and unskilled workers and very few people in the middle-ranking occupation. Y ou know that also, the total number of manual workers has not changed in the last ten years–it still remains at 40 per cent of total employees. In fact, in terms of employment growth, it is the traditional and low-paid occupations–sales assistants, call-center operators, security guards, care workers and generally service-sector jobs–that are growing. Y ou know, the fastest-growing occupation in the UK is hairdressing–up by over 300 per cent from ten years ago.I: What are the possible consequences of this divide?S: Well, it is going to be very difficult to bridge that gap, with fewer opportunities for career progression and social mobility. Employees with fewer skills have less bargaining power, and I would say that there is clearly a need for employment protection measures–such as minimum wage legislation, as we have witnessed in the directives and regulations in the European Union.Questions 16 to 20 are based on the dialogue you have just heard.16. What is the percentage of administrative staff using the Internet and e-mail in their jobs?17. Who has been squeezed out in the “hour-class” economy?18. What kind of jobs is in great demand now?19. Which occupation has the fastest growth in the UK?20. Who will be in a disadvantageous position in the job market?2. PassageSo in my career this was very important to me. I always wanted to work on things that really matter. I started thinking I would never ever work in a company, probably wrote it, told lots of people all those embarrassing things you do when you younger and you are sure and then you get older and next generation, last generation transition and you realize you never really knew then and you probably don‟t know now. But for me I was sure I never wanted to work in a company because I wanted to make a difference and I wanted to make some else‟s life better if I was going to go to work all day and so I started my career working on leprosy in India. And for the world bank and there is nothing like working on something like that to really make you think about what you are doing with your time, the fortune of you birth and what you have to give back, and then later on I worked at the US treasury department during the Clinton years, during the Asian financial crisis and while it wasn‟t the financial crisis of today that is hitting us it was one that was hitting a lot of people and impoverishing 100‟s of millions of people in some of the poorest countries of the world. So it felt very mission based and then I completely surprised myself by when I was leaving the government. So if you are in the government and you are political appointee in the United States, they elect a new president, so they elect George Bush. Y ou know, George W., and then they kick you out and you have to find a new job and I found myself really drawn to technology because when you were sitting at the treasury looking at what was happening in the economy, and I was there from 1996 to 2000. So you can, beginning of 2001, so you can see what an amazing time that was, this was when technology really took off on a consumer side and on the internet side and it just seemed like the companies working out here were making a huge difference even though they weren‟t non-profit. So I decided I was wrong and I would come work in these, you know I would try to get a job in technology. And I went to Google, and my reason for going to Google, Google was a tiny little company about 250 or so people, people I had worked with told me I was crazy because this was after the bubble burst. Y ou are going to a web based ad supported technology company, are you insane? is over. This is for those of you who even remember that, this is not a good idea. But Google had a really compelling mission and a really compelling vision of achieving that mission and the mission was to take the world‟s information and make it universally useful and accessible. To take information that only the elite would have access to, and make it accessible and interestingly enough there‟s probably no better example of this than this lecture in this class because this is an audience of the elite, these are Stanford students and the neighboring community and this apparently, these broadcasts, probably not mine but certainly Steve Ballmers,there are about 5 million people that download these things, so this is information that me, myself and other guest speakers are giving that would only have been available to elite, that is now available widely and that was very much the mission of Google. And why I think it is important is to note that it scales, no matter what Google was trying to do, it was about making information accessible and so that‟s the kind of thing that motivates people to go above and beyond that makes Larry, Sergey and Eric and all the people around them great leaders, and does it because th at vision is compelling and you don‟t feel like it‟s a vision you can finish a first day, I mean, no one‟s ever going to organize the entire world‟s information. So it‟s a vision that scales and that‟s so important to leadership and then I left and went to Facebook. And I went to Facebook for a very specific reason and once again it is very mission based. Facebook is trying to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected and what does that mean. Mark Zukerberg, our founder, who I think was one of the guests in this lecture a couple of years ago has a very compelling vision of what needs to change in the world, and what was changing, and his vision is that we used to think that you know we shared, we got information on the web that was very anonymous. Y ou interact with most websites in a very anonymous way and so sure the web made a lot of information available but the information you care most about is actually about you and your friends. It‟s what you are doing, your life and the web at the time, he founded Facebook, wasn‟t sharing that information, and that‟s the vision and the mission. And the vision of how to get there is really, really important, and so for both of these companies, they had visions that scaled, and those visio ns are usually stated in mission statements, they can be or they cannot be. But it doesn‟t only have to be technology companies, or certainly not only companies I have worked with. Apple, it is a technology company, but the vision Apple had that Steve Jobs had so many years ago, before many of you were way too young to remember was taking computing and taking it from something that was accessed by business and used by businesses and making it personal and that seems completely obvious now because you all ha ve personal computers and it doesn‟t even occur to you that you wouldn‟t, but at the time that was not obvious. It was not obvious that computing power would be something individuals had. Or think about Starbucks, I have just joined the board so it‟s somet hing I am familiar with. Starbucks had a pretty compelling mission early on, which was basically, and they would never say it this way but got a lot of the coffee that the United States drank at the time was really bad and there wasn‟t really this third pl ace. And so Howard Schultz came in and bought this tiny 5 little stores that was Starbucks and had a really, really compelling vision about something like coffee but he was going to make it better and he was going to create community along with it, he was going to take, you know, inspire and nurture the human spirit, one person, one cup and oneneighborhood at a time.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.21. Why did the speaker decide to work at the World Bank?22. What field interested the speaker a lot after leaving the treasury department?23. Why was working at Google not a good idea at that time?24. What was the speaker‟s mission when she went to Facebook?25. What do we know about the speaker?。

听力原文Part 1, Listening ComprehensionSection A, Mini-LectureI think as seniors, you are often required by your instructors to do some library research on this topic or that. And, in the end, you have to write a research paper, right? Then what is writing a research paper like? How are we going to write one? What are the steps in producing a research paper and what are the points we need to take care of? In today’s lecture, I’ll try to answer these questions.First of all, what is writing a research paper like? We may start by comparing it to an ordinary essay, a form of writing you are very familiar with. Writing a research paper is much like writing an essay. Both kinds of writing involve many of the same basic steps. That is, choosing a topic, asking questions to define and develop the topic, identifying the audience, getting raw material to work with, outlining the paper, writing it, and, finally, revising it. These are the steps shared between research paper writing and essay writing.Is there any difference, you may ask. Yes. What makes a research paper different is that much of your raw material comes not from your own head, but from printed sources: mainly books and periodicals in the library. Collecting raw material, that is reading books and taking notes, is very much like the process of brainstorming at the prewriting stage of an ordinary essay.Generally speaking, there are two basic types of research papers, and a paper may belong to either type. It may be a survey of facts and opinions available on a given topic or an analytical argument that uses those facts and opinions to prove a point. Your instructor may tell you which kind of paper you are expected to write. If not, you yourself should eventually choose between surveying and arguing. You will then have a definite way of managing your sources.Now, let’s take a look at how you are going to write a survey-type research paper or an argumentative research paper. In a survey-type research paper, you gather facts and a variety of opinions on a given topic. You make little attempt to interpret or evaluate what your sources say or to prove a particular point. Instead, through quotation, summary, and paraphrase, you try to provide a representative sampling of facts and opinions to give an objective report on your topic. You explain the pros and cons of various attitudes or opinions, but you don’t side definitely with any one of them.While in an argumentative research paper, you do considerably more. You do not simply quote, paraphrase, and summarize as you do in a survey-type paper. You interpret, question, compare, and judge the statements you cite. You explain why one opinion is sound and another is not; why one fact is relevant and another is not; why one writer is correct and another is mistaken. Wha t’s more, your purpose may vary with your topic. You may try to explain a situation to recommend a course of action, to reveal the solution to a problem, or to present and defend a particular interpretation of a historical event or a work of art. But whether the topic is space travel or trends in contemporary American literature, an argumentative research paper deals actively – I say it again,actively – with the statements it cites. It makes these statements work together in an argument that you create, that is, to an argument leading to a conclusion of your own.In the next part of the lecture, I’d like to talk about one of the basic steps in writing I mentioned earlier in the lecture. That is how to choose a topic. Choosing a topic for a research paper is in some ways like choosing a topic for an ordinary essay, but there are some differences. As you think about your topic, ask yourself these questions:Question number one: Do you really want to know more about this topic? This is the initial question you have to ask yourself, because research on any subject will keep you busy for weeks. You certainly do not wish to waste your time on something you have little interest in. You do it well only if you expect to learn something interesting or important in the process.Question number tw Are you likely to find many sources of information on this topic? You cannot write a research paper without consulting a variety of sources. If only one source or none at all is readily available, you should rethink your topic or choose another.Question number three: Can you cut the topic down to a manageable size? Be reasonable and realistic about what you can do in a short period, say, two to four weeks. If your topic is ―The American Revolution‖, you’ll scarcely have time to make a list of books on your subject, let alone read and analyze them. So try to find something specific, such as ―The Role of Thomas Jefferson in the American Revolution‖ or ―The Franco-American Alliance‖Question number four: What questions can you ask about the topic itself? Questions help you get the topic down to a manageable size, discover its possibilities, and find the goal of your research, that is, the specific problem you want to investigate. Suppose you want to write about the issue of financing a college education – A topic not only current, but also directly linked to the lives of most college students and their families. You could ask at least two or three pointed questions: How much does educational opportunity depend on financial status? Is financial aid going to the students who need it most? How much should universities and colleges charge their students? You can ask yourself these questions or more as you start work on the research paper.Okay. To sum up, in today’s lecture, we’ve looked at some of the issues in research paper writing, like the basic steps, types of research paper, and how to choose a topic. In our next lecture, we’ll concentrate on how to identify the audience, how to work out an outline, and how to edit the draft.Section B, InterviewM: Today, we’ve Professor McKay on our morning talk show. Good morning, Professor McKay.W: Good morning.M: I’ve heard that you and your team have just completed a report on old age. W: That’s right.M: Could you tell me what your report is about?W: Well, the report basically looks into the various beliefs that people hold about old age and tries to verify them.M: And what do you think your report can achieve?W: We hope that it will somehow help people to change their feelings about old age. The problem is that far too many of us believe that most old people are poor, lonely, and unhappy. As a result, we tend to find old people, as a group, unattractive. And this is very dangerous for our society.M: But surely we cannot escape the fact that many old people are lonely and many are sick.W: No, we can’t. But we must also remember that the proportion of such people is no greater among the 60-70 age group than among the 50-60 age group. M: In other words, there is no more mental illness, for example, among the 60s-70s than among the 50s-60s.W: Right! And why should there be? Why should we expect people to suddenly change when they reach their 60th or 60th birthday any more than they did when they reached their 21st?M: But one would expect there to be more physical illness among old people, surely.W: Why should one expect this? After all, those people who reach the age of 65 or 70 are the strong among us. The weak die mainly in childhood, then in their 40s and 50s. Furthermore, by the time people reach 60 or 65, they have learnedhow to look after themselves. They keep warm, sleep regular hours, and eat sensibly. Of course, some old people do suffer from physical illnesses, but these do not suddenly develop on their 65th birthday. People who are healthy in middle age tend to be healthy in old age, just as one would expect.M: Do you find that young people these days are not as concerned about their parents as their parents were about theirs?W: We have found nothing that suggests that family feeling is either dying or dead. There do not appear to be large numbers of young people who are trying, for example, to have their dear old mother locked up in a mental hospital. M: Don’t many more parents live apart from their married children then used to be the case?W: True, but this is because many more young families can afford to own their own homes these days than ever before. In other words, parents and their married children usually live in separate households because they prefer it that way, not because the children refuse to have mum and dad living with them. M: Is this a good thing, do you think?W: I think that it’s an excellent arrangement. We all like to keep part of our lives private, even from those we love dearly. I certainly don’t think that it’s a sign of the increased loneliness of old age.M: Are people’s mental abilities affected by old age?W: Certain changes do take place as we grow older, but this happens throughout life. These changes are very gradual and happen at different times with different people, but, in general, if you know a person well in his middle age and have seen how he deals with events and problems, you will easily recognize him in old age.M: So that someone who enjoys new experiences, travel, education, and so on in his middle years will usually continue to do so into old age?W: Exactly. We have carried out some very interesting experiments in which a group of people aged 60-70 and a group aged 30-40 had to learn the same things. The first thing we discovered was that the young group tends to be quicker at learning than the old group. However, although the old group took longer to learn, eventually, they performed as well as the young group. And when we tested the two groups several weeks later, there was again no difference between the two groups.M: That’s very interesting indeed. What else did your experiments show?W: Well, one group of old people agreed to attend evening classes for a year to study English and mathematics. In fact, most of this group became so interested in their studies that they continued them for another year. Anyway, we discovered that they did best in the English classes and that most of them steadily improved their ability to communicate in both the written and the spoken language.M: What about the group who studied mathematics?W: Well, that’s a different story. There seems to be no doubt that people find maths more difficult as they grow older. Though, why this is so, I cannot say. M: Perhaps pocket calculators will solve this problem.W: I think you’re right. In fact, I’m sure that you are.M: Okay. Time for a commercial. Stay tuned; we’ll be right back.Section C: News ItemsQuestion 6M: Scientists in Brazil claim they’ve come up with a new way of treating burns. That is, with frog skin. Researchers say it is cheap and effective. The frog skin has components that diminish the growth of bacteria, making the wound heal faster and reducing the amount of time that patient has to stay in hospital. Researchers said the method had already been successfully used in some hospitals in Brazil.Question 7W: Once a source of high-pitched business activity, Japan’s karaoke industry has slowed down. Japanese have less to sing about amid sustained economic problems. Karaoke firms are now striving to develop new ideas to attractcost-conscious karaoke singers. These include a new, high-tech machine that allows people to sing like famous singers and theme rooms on some of the Asian cartoon figures targeted at younger crowds. The new karaoke machine is being developed by a professor from the US Massachusetts Institute of Technology.The machine uses a technology called C-Sound that automatically adjusts the speed and tone of any song being played to match the tempo and key the singer is using. The tempo can be adjusted manually on conventional karaoke machines, but the new product is the first machine to do it automatically. Question 8M: The China Internet Network Information Center said this week that the nation’s online community is expanding at a rap id pace, with 8.9 million users added in the first half of the year, from January to June. China’s Internet population hit 68 million by the end of June, the world’s second-largest figure after the United States. The figure was 10 million at the end of 2000 and 1.5 million in 1997. ―Cyberspace is a force to be reckoned with in China,‖ said Chen Hua Lin, a senior Internet analyst at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Netizens between the ages of 18 and 30 are the driving force. They spend 13 hours every week surfing the Internet, on average. Their major purpose is obtaining information or having fun. At the same time, only 0.2 percent listed online shopping, e-business, and online learning as their main activity. As the number of China’s Internet users grows, s o does the junk mail. 8.3 e-mails out of 16 TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2005) -GRADE EIGHT-PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after themini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.Writing a Research PaperI. Research Papers and Ordinary EssayA. Similarity in (1) __________:e.g. —choosing a topic—asking questions—identifying the audienceB. Difference mainly in terms of (2) ___________1. research papers: printed sources2. ordinary essay: ideas in one's (3) ___________II. Types and Characteristics of Research PapersA. Number of basic types: twoB. Characteristics:1. survey-type paper:—to gather (4) ___________—to quote—to (5) _____________The writer should be (6) ___________.2. argumentative (research) paper:a. The writer should do more, e.g.—to interpret—to question, etc.b. (7) _________varies with the topic, e.g.—to recommend an action, etc.III. How to Choose a Topic for a Research PaperIn choosing a topic, it is important to (8) __________.Question No. 1: your familiarity with the topicQuestion No. 2: Availability of relevant information on the chosen topic Question No. 3: Narrowing the topic down to (9) _________Question No. 4: Asking questions about (10) ___________The questions help us to work out way into the topic and discover its possibilities.SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.1. What is the purpose of Professor McKay's report?A. To look into the mental health of old people.B. To explain why people have negative views on old age.C. To help correct some false beliefs about old age.D. To identify the various problems of old age2. Which of the following is NOT Professor McKay's view?A. People change in old age a lot more than at the age of 21.B. There are as many sick people in old age as in middle age.C. We should not expect more physical illness among old people.D. We should not expect to find old people unattractive as a group.3. According to Professor McKay's report,A. family love is gradually disappearing.B. it is hard to comment on family feeling.C. more children are indifferent to their parents.D. family love remains as strong as ever.4. Professor McKay is ________ towards the tendency of more parents living apart from their children.A. negativeB. positiveC. ambiguousD. neutral5. The only popular belief that Professor McKay is unable to provide evidence against isA. old-age sickness.B. loose family ties.C. poor mental abilities.D. difficulities in maths.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.6. Scientists in Brazil have used frog skin toA. eliminate bacteria.B. treat burns.C. Speed up recovery.D. reduce treatment cost.Question 7 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.7. What is NOT a feature of the new karaoke machine?A. It is featured by high technology.B. It allows you to imitate famous singers.C. It can automatically alter the tempo and tone of a song.D. It can be placed in specially designed theme rooms.Question 8 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.8. China's Internet users had reached _________ by the end of June.A. 68 millionB. 8.9 millionC. 10 millionD. 1.5 millionQuestion 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.9. According to the WTO, Chinese exports rose _________ last year.A. 21%B. 10%C. 22%D. 4.7310. According to the news, which trading nation in the top 10 has reported a 5 per cent fall in exports?A. The UK.B. The US.C. Japan.D. Germany.PART II READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)TEXT AI remember meeting him one evening with his pushcart. I had managed to sell all my papers and was coming home in the snow. It was that strange hour in downtown New York when the workers were pouring homeward in the twilight.I marched among thousands of tired men and women whom the factory whistleshad unyoked. They flowed in rivers through the clothing factory districts, then down along the avenues to the East Side.I met my father near Cooper Union. I recognized him, a hunched, frozen figure in an old overcoat standing by a banana cart. He looked so lonely, the tears came to my eyes. Then he saw me, and his face lit with his sad, beautiful smile -Charlie Chaplin's smile."Arch, it's Mikey," he said. "So you have sold your papers! Come and eat a banana."He offered me one. I refused it. I felt it crucial that my father sell his bananas, not give them away. He thought I was shy, and coaxed and joked with me, and made me eat the banana. It smelled of wet straw and snow."You haven't sold many bananas today, pop," I said anxiously.He shrugged his shoulders."What can I do? No one seems to want them."It was true. The work crowds pushed home morosely over the pavements. The rusty sky darkened over New York building, the tall street lamps were lit, innumerable trucks, street cars and elevated trains clattered by. Nobody and nothing in the great city stopped for my father's bananas."I ought to yell," said my father dolefully. "I ought to make a big noise like other peddlers, but it makes my throat sore. Anyway, I'm ashamed of yelling, it makes me feel like a fool. "I had eaten one of his bananas. My sick conscience told me that I ought to pay for it somehow. I must remain here and help my father."I'll yell for you, pop," I volunteered."Arch, no," he said, "go home; you have worked enough today. Just tell mommaI'll be late."But I yelled and yelled. My father, standing by, spoke occasional words of praise, and said I was a wonderful yeller. Nobody else paid attention. The workers drifted past us wearily, endlessly; a defeated army wrapped in dreams of home. Elevated trains crashed; the Cooper Union clock burned above us; the sky grew black, the wind poured, the slush burned through our shoes. There were thousands of strange, silent figures pouring over the sidewalks in snow. None of them stopped to buy bananas. I yelled and yelled, nobody listened.My father tried to stop me at last. "Nu," he said smiling to console me, "that was wonderful yelling. Mikey. But it's plain we are unlucky today! Let's go home."I was frantic, and almost in tears. I insisted on keeping up my desperate yells. But at last my father persuaded me to leave with him.11. "unyoked" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning toA. sent outB. releasedC. dispatchedD. removed12. Which of the following in the first paragraph does NOT indicated crowds of people?A.Thousands ofB. FlowedC. PouringD. Unyoked13. Which of the following is intended to be a pair of contrast in the passage?A. Huge crowds and lonely individuals.B. Weather conditions and street lamps.C. Clattering trains and peddlers' yells.D. Moving crowds and street traffic.14. Which of the following words is NOT suitable to describe the character of the son?A. CompassionateB. ResponsibleC. ShyD. Determined15. What is the theme of the story?A. The misery of the factory workers.B. How to survive in a harsh environment.C. Generation gap between the father and the son.D. Love between the father and the son.16. What is the author's attitude towards the father and the son?A. IndifferentB. SympatheticC. AppreciativeD. Difficult to tellTEXT BWhen former President Ronald Reagan fell and broke his hip two weeks ago, he joined a group of more than 350,000 elderly Americans who fracture their hips each year. At 89 and suffering from advanced Alzheimer's disease, Reagan is in one of the highest-risk groups for this type of accident. The incidence of hip fractures not only increases after age 50 but doubles every five to six years as the risk of falling increases. Slipping and tumbling are not the only causes of hip fractures; weakened bones sometimes break spontaneously. But falling is the major cause, representing 90% of all hip fractures. These... ...17. The following are all specific measures to guard against injuries with the EXCEPTION ofA. removal of throw rugs.B. easy access to devicesC. installation of grab barsD. re-arrangement of furniture18. In which paragraph does the author state his purpose of writing?A. The third paragraphB. The first paragraphC. The last paragraphD. The last but one paragraph19. The main purpose of the passage is toA. offer advice on how to prevent hip fracturesB. emphasize the importance of health precautionsC. discuss the seriousness of hip fractures.D. identify the causes of hip fractures.TEXT C提示:原文同2003年专八英译汉翻译试题相同In his classic novel, "The Pioneers", James Fenimore Cooper has his hero, a land developer, take his cousin on a tour of the city he is building. He describes the broad streets, rows of houses, a teeming metropolis. But his cousin looks around bewildered. All she sees is a forest. "Where are the beauties and improvements which you were to show me?" she asks. He's astonished she can't see them. "Where! Everywhere," he replies. For though they are not yet built on earth, he has built them in his mind, and they as concrete to him as if they were already constructed and finished.Cooper was illustrating a distinctly American trait, future-mindedness: the ability to see the present from the vantage point of the future; the freedom to feel unencumbered by the past and more emotionally attached to things to come. As Albert Einstein once said, "Life for the American is always becoming, never being."... ...20. The third paragraph examines America's future-mindedness from the_________ perspective.A. futureB. realisticC. historicalD. present21. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT brought about by future-mindedness?A. Economic stagnationB. Environmental destructionC. High divorce ratesD. Neglect of history22. The word "pooh-pooh" in the sixth paragraph meansA. appreciateB. praiseC. shunD. ridicule23. According to the passage, people at present can forecast ________ of a new round of future-mindedness.A. the natureB. the locationC. the varietyD. the features24. The author predicts in the last paragraph that the study offuture-mindedness will focus onA. how it comes into beingB. how it functionsC. what it brings aboutD. what it is related to.TEXT D25. The phrase "men's sureness of their sex role" in the first paragraph suggests that theyA. are confident in their ability to charm women.B. take the initiative in courtship.C. have a clear idea of what is considered "manly".D. tend to be more immoral than women are.26. The third paragraph does NOT claim that menA. prevent women from taking up certain professions.B. secretly admire women's intellect and resolution.C. doubt whether women really mean to succeed in business.D. forbid women to join certain clubs and societies.27. The third paragraphA. generally agrees with the first paragraphB. has no connection with the first paragraphC. repeats the argument of the second paragraphD. contradicts the last paragraph28. At the end of the last paragraph the author uses humorous exaggeration in order toA. show that men are stronger than womenB. carry further the ideas of the earliest paragraphsC. support the first sentence of the same paragraphD. disown the ideas he is expressing29. The usual idea of the cave man in the last paragraphA. is based on the study of archaeologyB. illustrates how people expect men to behaveC. is dismissed by the author as an irrelevant jokeD. proves that the man, not woman, should be the wooer30. The opening quotation from Margaret Mead sums up a relationship between man and woman which the authorA. approves ofB. argues is naturalC. completely rejectsD. expects to go on changingPART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN)31. ______ is the capital city of Canada.A. VancouverB. OttawaC. MontrealD. York32. U.S. presidents normally serves a (an) _________term.A. two-yearB. four-yearC. six-yearD. eight-year33. Which of the following cities is NOT located in the Northeast, U.S.?A. Huston.B. Boston.C. Baltimore.D. Philadelphia.34. ________ is the state church in England.A. The Roman Catholic Church.B. The Baptist ChurchC. The Protestant ChurchD. The Church of England注:The Church of England is the officially established Christian church in England and acts as the mother and senior branch of the worldwide Anglican Communion as well as a founding member of the Porvoo Communion.35. The novel Emma is written byA. Mary Shelley.B. Charlotte Brontë.C. Elizabeth C. Gaskell.D. Jane Austen.36. Which of following is NOT a romantic poet?A. William Wordsworth.B. George Elliot.C. George G. Byron.D. Percy B. Shelley.37. William Sidney Porter, known as O. Henry, is most famous forA. his poems.B. his plays.C. his short stories.D. his novels注:O. Henry was the pen name of William Sydney Porter (September 11, 1862 - June 5, 1910), He was famous for his short stories and a master of the surprise ending, O. Henry is remembered best for such enduring favorites as "The Gift of the Magi" and "The Ransom of Red Chief." The combination of humor and sentiment found in his stories is the basis of their universal appeal.38. Syntax is the study ofA. language functions.B. sentence structures.C. textual organization.D. word formation.注:Definition of Syntax:。

1. 学术演讲:原文:The speaker discusses the development of modern science and how it has changed our lives. He mentionsdifferent areas of scientific research and technological advancements that have had significant impacts on society. He highlights the importance of interdisciplinary collaborationin solving complex problems and encourages young scientiststo pursue their passion for discovery.答案解析:这篇学术演讲讨论的是现代科学的发展以及它对我们生活的影响。
2. 新闻报道:原文:The news report covers the recent increase in carbon emissions and its impact on global climate change. It discusses the various sources of carbon emissions, includingindustrial activities, transportation, and deforestation. The report also mentions the efforts being made by governments and organizations to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable practices.答案解析:这则新闻报道涵盖了最近碳排放量的增加以及它对全球气候变化的影响。

2018年英语专业八级真题听力Mini-lecture原文(1)Language and Humanity语言和人类Good morning, everyone.大家早上好。
In today's lecture, we're going to discuss the relationship between language and humanity. As we all know, language is very powerful.在今天的课上,我们将讨论语言和人类之间的关系。
It allows you to put a thought from your mind directly in someone else's mind.它可以让你把你的想法直接放在别人的大脑里。
Languages are like genes talking, getting things they want.语言就像会说话的基因,得到他们想要的东西。
And you just imagine the sense of wonder in a baby when it first discovers that, merely by uttering a sound, it can get objects to move across a room as if by magic, and maybe even into its mouth.你可以想象,当一个婴儿第一次发现,仅仅通过发出一个声音,它就能让物体像中了魔法一样在房间里移动,甚至可能进入它的嘴里。
Now we need to explain how and why this remarkable trait, you know, human's ability to do things with language, has evolved, and why did this trait evolve only in our species?现在我们需要解释这个显著的特征,也就是人类用语言做事的能力,是如何进化的,为什么进化,为什么这个特征只在我们人类身上进化?In order to get an answer to the question, we have to go to tool use in the chimpanzees.为了得到这个问题的答案,我们必须研究黑猩猩的工具使用。

TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2010)-GRADE EIGHT-TIME LIMIT: 195 MIN PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN)SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.Paralinguistic Features of LanguageIn face to face communication speakers often alter their tones of voices or change their physi cal posture in order to convey messages. These means are called paralinguistic features of language, which fall into two categories.First category: vocal paralinguistic features(1)_____: to express attitude or intention examples (1)_______1. whi spering: need for secrecy2. breathiness: deep emotion3. (2)_______: unimportance (2)_______4. nasality: anxiety5. extra lip-rounding: greater intimacySecond category: physi cal paralinguistic featuresA. facial expressions(3)____________ (3)_______— smiling: signal of pleasure or welcome less common expressions— eyebrow raising: surprise or interest— lip biting: (4)_________________ (4)_______ B. gestureGestures are related to culture.British culture— shrugging shoulders: (5)_______ (5)_______ — scratching head: puzzlement other cultures— placing hand upon heart: (6)_______ (6)_______ — pointing at nose: secretC. proximity, posture and echoing1. proximity: physical distance between speakers— closeness: intimacy or threat—(7)_______: formality or absence of interest (7)_______ Proximity is person-, culture- and (8)_______ -specific. (8)_______2. posture— hunched shoulders or a hanging head: to indicate (9)_______ (9)_______ — direct level eye contact: to express an open or challenging attitude3. echoing— definition: imitation of similar posture—(1)_______: aid in communication (10)_______ SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview.1. According to Dr. Johnson, diversity means _______.A. merging of different cultural identitiesB. more emphasis on homogeneityC. embracing of more ethni c differencesD. acceptance of more branches of Christianity2. According to the interview, which of the following statements is CORRECT?A. Some places are more diverse than others.B. Towns are less diverse than large cities.C. Diversity can be seen everywhere.D. America is a truly diverse country.3. According to Dr. Johnson, which place will witness a radi cal change in its racial makeup by 2025?A. Maine.B. Selinsgrove.C. Philadelphia.D. California.4. During the interview Dr. Johnson indicates that _______.A. greater racial diversity exists among younger populationsB. both older and younger populations are racially diverseC. age diversity could lead to pension problemsD. older populations are more racially diverse5. According to the interview, religious diversity _______.A. was most evident between 1990 and 2000B. exists among Muslim immigrantsC. is restricted to certain places in the USD. is spreading to more parts of the countrySECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your coloured answer sheet.Questions 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.6. What is the main idea of the news item?A. Sony developed a computer chip for cell phones.B. Japan will market its wallet phone abroad.C. The wallet phone is one of the wireless innovations.D. Reader devices are available at stores and stations.Questions 7 and 8 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.7. Which of the following is mentioned as the government's measure to control inflation?A. Foreign investment.B. Donor support.C. Price control.D. Bank prediction.8. According to Kingdom Bank, what is the current inflation rate in Zimbabwe?A. 20 million percent.B. 2.2 million percent.C. 11.2 million percent.D. Over 11.2 million percent.Question 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.9. Which of the following is CORRECT?A. A big fire erupted on the Nile River.B. Helicopters were used to evacuate people.C. Five people were taken to hospital for burns.D. A big fire took place on two floors.10. The likely cause of the big fire is _______ .A. electrical short-circuitB. lack of fire-safety measuresC. terrorismD. not knownPART II READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of 20 multiple-choice questions.Read the passages and then mark your answers on your coloured answer sheet.TEXT AWe had been wanting to expand our children's horizons by taking them to a place that was unlike anything we'd been exposed to during our travels in Europe and the United States. In thinking about what was possible from Geneva, where we are based, we decided on a trip to Istanbul, a two-hour plane ride from Zurich.Among the great cities of the world, Kolkata (formerly spelt as Calcutta), the capital of India's West Bengal, and the home of nearly 15 million people, is often mentioned as the only one that still has a large fleet of hand-pulled rickshaws.Rickshaws are not there to haul around tourists. It's the people in the lanes who most regularly use rickshaws — not the poor but people who are just a notch above the poor. They are people who tend to travel short di stances, through lanes that are sometimes inaccessible to even the most daring taxi driver. An older woman with marketing to do, for instance, can arrive in a rickshaw, have the ri ckshaw puller wait until she comes back from various stalls to load her purchases, and then be taken home. People in the lanes use rickshaws as a 24-hour ambulance service. Proprietors of cafes or corner stores send ri ckshaws to collect their supplies. The rickshaw pullers told me their steadiest customers are school children. Middle-class families contract with a puller to take a child to school and pick him up; the puller essentially becomes a family retainer.From June to September Kolkata can get torrential rains. During my stay it once rained for about 48 hours. Entire neighborhoods couldn't be reached by motorized vehi cles, and the newspapers showed pictures of ri ckshaws being pulled through water that was up to the pullers' waists. When it's raining, the normal customer base for rickshaw pullers expands greatly, as does the price of a journey. A writer in Kolkata told me, "When it rains, even the governor takes rickshaws."While I was in Kolkata, a magazine called India Today published its annual ranking of Indian states, according to such measurements as prosperity and infrastructure. Among India's 20 largest states, Bihar finished dead last, as it has for four of the past five years. Bihar, a few hundred miles north of Kolkata, is where the vast majority of rickshaw pullers come from. Once in Kolkata, they sleep on the street or in their rickshaws or in a dera — a combination of garage and repair shop and dormitory managed by someone called a sardar. For sleeping privileges in a dera, pullers pay 100 rupees (about $2.50) a month, which sounds like a pretty good deal until you've visited a dera. They gross between 100 and 150 rupees a day, out of which they have to pay 20 rupees for the use of the ri ckshaw and an occasional 75 or more for a payoff if a policeman stops them for, say, crossing a street where rickshaws are prohibited. A 2003 study found that rickshaw pullers are near the bottom of Kolkata occupations in income, doing better than only the beggars. For someone without land or education, that still beats trying to make a living in Bihar.There are people in Kolkata, particularly educated and politically aware people, who will not ride in a rickshaw, because they are offended by the idea of being pulled by another human being or because they consider it not the sort of thing people of their station do or because they regard the hand-pulled ri ckshaw as a relic of colonialism. Ironically, some of those people are not enthusiastic about banning rickshaws. The editor of the editorial pages of Kolkata's Telegraph —Rudrangshu Mukherjee, a former academi c who still writes history books — told me, for instance, that he sees humanitarian considerations as coming down on the side of keeping hand-pulled rickshaws on the road. "I refuse to be carried by another human being myself," he said, "but I question whether we have the right to take away their livelihood." Rickshaw supporters point out that when it comes to demeaning occupations, ri ckshaw pullers are hardly unique in Kolkata.When I asked one rickshaw puller if he thought the government's plan to rid the city of ri ckshaws was based on a genuineinterest in his welfare, he smiled, with a qui ck shake of his head — a gesture I interpreted to mean, "If you are so na?ve as to ask such a question, I will answer it, but it is not worth wasting words on." Some rickshaw pullers I met were resigned to the imminent end of their livelihood and pinned their hopes on being offered something in its place. As migrant workers, they don't have the political clout enjoyed by, say, Kolkata's sidewalk hawkers, who, after supposedly being scaled back at the beginning of the modernization drive, still clog the sidewalks, selling absolutely everything —or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything but umbrellas. "The government was the government of the poor people," one sardar told me. "Now they shake hands with the capitalists and try to get rid of poor people."But others in Kolkata believe that ri ckshaws will simply be confined more strictly to certain neighborhoods, out of the view of World Bank traffic consultants and California investment delegations —or that they will be allowed to die out naturally as they're supplanted by more modern conveyances. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, after all, is not the first high West Bengal offici al to say that rickshaws would be off the streets of Kolkata in a matter of months. Similar statements have been made as far back as 1976. The ban decreed by Bhattacharjee has been delayed by a court case and by a widely held belief that some retraining or social security settlement ought to be offered to rickshaw drivers. It may also have been delayed by a quiet reluctance to give up something that has been part of the fabric of the city for more than a century. Kolkata, a resident told me, "has difficulty letting go." One day a city official handed me a report from the municipal government laying out options for how rickshaw pullers might be rehabilitated."Which option has been chosen?" I asked, noting that the report was dated almost exactly a year before my visit."That hasn't been decided," he said."When will it be decided?""That hasn't been decided," he said.11. According to the passage, ri ckshaws are used in Kolkata mainly for the following purposes EXCEPT _______.A. taking foreign tourists around the city.B. providing transport to school children.C. carrying store supplies and purchases.D. carrying people over short di stances.12. Which of the following statements best describes the ri ckshaw pullers from Bihar?A. They come from a relatively poor area.B. They are provided with decent accommodation.C. Their living standards are very low in Kolkata.D. They are often caught by policemen in the streets.13. That "For someone without land or education, that still beats trying to make a living in Bihar" (4th paragraph) means that even so, _______.A. the poor prefer to work and live in Bihar.B. the poor from Bihar fare better than back home.C. the poor never try to make a living in Bihar.D. the poor never seem to resent their life in Kolkata.14. We can infer from the passage that some educated and politically aware people _______.A. hold mixed feelings towards rickshaws.B. strongly support the ban on rickshaws.C. call for humanitarian actions for rickshaw pullers.D. keep quiet on the i ssue of banning rickshaws.15. Which of the following statements conveys the author's sense of humour?A. "...— not the poor but people who are just a notch above the poor." (2nd paragraph)B. "..., whic h sounds like a pretty good deal until you’ve visited a dera." (4th paragraph)C. Kolkata, a resident told me, "has diffi culty letting go." (7th paragraph)D. "...or, as I found during the 48 hours of rain, absolutely everything but umbrellas." (6th paragraph)16. The dialogue between the author and the city official at the end of the passage seems to suggest _______.A. the uncertainty of the court's decision.B. the inefficiency of the municipal government.C. the difficulty of finding a good solution.D. the slowness in processing options.TEXT BDepending on whom you believe, the average Ameri can will, over a lifetime, wait in lines for two years (says National Public Radio) or five years (according to some customer-loyalty experts).The crucial word is average, as wealthy Americans routinely avoid lines altogether. Once the most democratic of instituti ons, lines are rapidly becoming the exclusive province of suckers (people who still believe in and practice waiting in lines). Poor suckers, mostly.Airports resemble France before the Revolution: first-class passengers enjoy "élite" security lines and priority boarding, and disembark before the unwashed in coach, held at bay by a flight attendant, are allowed to foul the Jet-way.At amusement parks, too, you can now buy your way out of line. This summer I haplessly watched kids use a $52 Gold Flash Pass to jump the lines at Six Flags New England, and similar systems are in use in most major American theme parks, from Universal Orlando to Walt Disney World, where the haves get to watch the have-mores breeze past on their way to their seats.Flash Pass teaches children a valuable lesson in real-world economics: that the rich are more important than you, especially when it comes to waiting. An NBA player once said to me, with a bemused chuckle of disbelief, that when playing in Canada —get this — "We have to wait in the same customs line as everybody else."Almost every line can be breached for a pri ce. In several U.S. cities thi s summer, early arrivers among the early adopters waiting to buy iPhones offered to sell their spots in the lines. On Craigslist, prospective iPhone purchasers offered to pay "waiters" or "placeholders" to wait in line for them outside Apple stores.Inevitably, some semi-populist politicians have seen the value of sort-of waiting in lines with the ordinary people. This summer Philadelphia mayor John Street waited outside an AT&T store from 3:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. before a stand-in from hi s offi ce literally stood in for the mayor while he conducted offi cial business. And billionaire New York mayor Michael Bloomberg often waits for the subway with his fellow citizens, though he's first driven by motorcade past the stop nearest his house to astation 22 blocks away, where the wait, or at least the ride, is shorter.As early as elementary school, we're told that jumping the line is an unethi cal act, which is why so many U.S. lawmakers have framed the immigration debate as a kind of fundamental sin of the school lunch line. Alabama Senator Richard Shelby, to cite just one legislator, said amnesty would allow illegal immigrants "to cut in line ahead of millions of people."Nothing annoys a national lawmaker more than a person who will not wait in line, unless that line is in front of an elevator at the U.S. Capitol, where Senators and Representatives use private elevators, lest they have to queue with their constituents.But compromising the integrity of the line is not just antidemocratic, it's out-of-date. There was something about the orderly boarding of Noah's Ark, two by two, that seemed to restore not just civilization but civility during the Great Flood.How civil was your last flight? Southwest Airlines has first-come, first-served festival seating. But for $5 per flight, an unaffiliated company called will secure you a coveted "A" boarding pass when that airline opens for online check-in 24 hours before departure. Thus, the savvy traveler doesn't even wait in line when he or she is online.Some cultures are not renowned for lining up. Then again, some cultures are too adept at lining up: a citizen of the former Soviet Union would join a queue just so he could get to the head of that queue and see what everyone was queuing for.And then there is the U.S., where society seems to be cleaving into two groups: Very Important Persons, who don't wait, and Very Impatient Persons, who do — unhappily.For those of us in the latter group — consigned to coach, bereft of Flash Pass, too poor or proper to pay a placeholder — what do we do? We do what Vladimir and Estragon did in Waiting for Godot: "We wait. We are bored."17. What does the following sentence mean? "Once the most democratic of institutions, lines are rapidly becoming the exclusive province of suckers ... Poor suckers, mostly." (2nd paragraph)A. Lines are symbolic of America's democracy.B. Lines still give Americans equal opportunities.C. Lines are now for ordinary Americans only.D. Lines are for people with democratic spirit only.18. Which of the following is NOT cited as an example of breaching the line?A. Going through the customs at a Canadian airport.B. Using Gold Flash Passes in amusement parks.C. First-class passenger status at airports.D. Purchase of a place in a line from a placeholder.19. We can infer from the passage that politicians (including mayors and Congressmen) _______.A. prefer to stand in lines with ordinary people.B. advocate the value of waiting in lines.C. believe in and practice waiting in lines.D. exploit waiting in lines for their own good.20. What is the tone of the passage?A. Instructive.B. Humorous.C. Serious.D. Teasing.TEXT CA bus took him to the West End, where, among the crazy coloured fountains of illumination, shattering the blue dusk with green and crimson fire, he found the café of his choice, a tea-shop that had gone mad and turned Babylonian, a white palace with ten thousand lights. It towered above the older buildings like a citadel, which indeed it was, the outpost of a new age, perhaps a new civilization, perhaps a new barbarism; and behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel, just as behind the careless profusion of luxury were millions of pence, balanced to the last halfpenny. Somewhere in the background, hidden away, behind the ten thousand lights and acres of white napery and bewildering glittering rows of teapots, behind the thousand waitresses and cash-box girls and black-coated floor managers and temperamental long-haired violinists, behind the mounds of cauldrons of stewed steak, the vanloads of i ces, were a few men who went to work juggling with fractions of a farthing, who knew how many units of electri city it took to finish a steak-and-kidney pudding and how many minutes and seconds a waitress (five feet four in height and in average health) would need to carry a tray of given weight from the kitchen lift to the table in the far corner. In short, there was a warm, sensuous, vulgar life flowering in the upper storeys, and a cold science working in the basement. Such was the gigantic tea-shop into which Turgis marched, in search not of mere refreshment but of all the enchantment of unfamiliar luxury. Perhaps he knew in his heart that men have conquered half the known world, looted whole kingdoms, and never arrived in such luxury. The place was built for him.It was built for a great many other people too, and, as usual, they were all there. It steamed with humanity. The marble entrance hall, piled dizzily with bonbons and cakes, was as crowded and bustling as a railway station. The gloom and grime of the streets, the raw air, all November, were at once left behind, forgotten: the atmosphere inside was golden, tropical, belonging to some high mid-summer of confectionery. Disdaining the lifts, Turgis, once more excited by the sight, sound, and smell of it all, climbed the wide staircase until he reached his favourite floor, where an orchestra led by a young Jewish violinist with wandering lustrous eyes and a passion for tremolo effects, acted as a magnet to a thousand girls. The door was swung open for him by a page; there burst, like a sugary bomb, the clatter of cups, the shrill chatter of white-and-vermilion girls, and, cleaving the gol den, scented air, the sensuous clamour of the strings; and, as he stood hesitating a moment, half dazed, there came, bowing, a sleek grave man, older than he was and far more distinguished than he could ever hope to be, who murmured deferentially: "For one, sir? This way, please." Shyly, yet proudly, Turgis followed him.21. That "behind the thin marble front were concrete and steel" suggests that _______.A. modern realistic commercialism existed behind the luxurious appearance.B. there was a fundamental falseness in the style and the appeal of the café.C. the architect had made a sensible blend of old and new building materials.D. the cafe was based on physical foundations and real economic strength.22. The following words or phrases are somewhat critical of the tea-shop EXCEPT _______.A. "... turned Babylonian".B. "perhaps a new barbarism".C. "acres of white napery".D. "balanced to the last halfpenny".23. In its context the statement that "the place was built for him" means that the café was intended to _______.A. please simple people in a simple way.B. exploit gullible people like him.C. satisfy a demand that already existed.D. provide relaxation for tired young men.24. Which of the following statements about the second paragraph is NOT true?A. The café appealed to most senses simultaneously.B. The café was both full of people and full of warmth.C. The inside of the café was contrasted with the weather outside.D. It stressed the commercial determination of the café owners.25. The following are comparisons made by the author in the second paragraph EXCEPT that _______.A. the entrance hall is compared to a railway station.B. the orchestra is compared to a magnet.C. Turgis welcomed the lift like a conquering soldier.D. the interior of the café is compared to warm countries.26. The author's attitude to the café is _______.A. fundamentally critical.B. slightly admiring.C. quite undecided.D. completely neutral.TEXT DNow elsewhere in the world, Iceland may be spoken of, somewhat breathlessly, as Western Europe's last pristine wilderness. But the environmental awareness that is sweeping the world had bypassed the majority of Icelanders. Certainly they were connected to their land, the way one is complicatedly connected to, or encumbered by, family one can't do anything about. But the truth is, once you're off the beaten paths of the low-lying coastal areas where everyone lives, the roads are few, and they're all bad, so Iceland's natural wonders have been out of reach and unknown even to its own inhabitants. For them the land has al ways just been there, something that had to be dealt with and, if possible, exploited — the mind-set being one of land as commodity rather than land as, well, priceless art on the scale of the "Mona Lisa."When the opportunity arose in 2003 for the national power company to enter into a 40-year contract with the American aluminum company Alcoa to supply hydroelectric power for a new smelter (冶炼厂), those who had been dreaming of something like this for decades jumped at it and never looked back. Iceland may at the moment be one of the world's ri chest countries, with a 99 percent literacy rate and long life expectancy. But the project's advocates, some of them getting on in years, were more emotionally attuned to the country's century upon century of want, hardship, and colonial servitude to Denmark, which officially ended only in 1944 and whose psychological imprint remained relatively fresh. For the longest time, life here had meant little more than a hut, dark all winter, cold, no hope, children dying left and right, earthquakes, plagues, starvation, volcanoes erupting and destroying all vegetation and livestock, all spirit — a world revolving almost entirely around the welfare of one's sheep and, later, on how good the cod catch was. In the outlying regions, it still largely does.Ostensibly, the Alcoa project was intended to save one of these dying regions — the remote and sparsely populated east —where the way of life had steadily declined to a point of desperation and gloom. After fishing quotas were imposed in the early 1980s to protect fish stocks, many individual boat owners sold their allotments or gave them away, fishing rights ended up mostly in the hands of a few companies and small fishermen were virtually wiped out. Technological advances drained away even more jobs previously done by human hands, and the people were seeing everything they had worked for all their lives turn up worthless and their children move away. With the old way of life doomed, aluminum projects like this one had come to be percei ved, wisely or not, as a last chance. "Smelter or death."The contract with Alcoa would infuse the region with foreign capital, an estimated 400 jobs, and spin-off servi ce industri es. It also was a way for Iceland to develop expertise that potentially could be sold to the rest of the world; diversify an economy histori cally dependent on fish; and, in an appealing display of Icelandic can-do verve, perhaps even protect all of Iceland, once and for all, from the unpredictability of life itself."We have to live," Halldor Asgrimsson said. Halldor, a former prime minister and longtime member of parliament from the region, was a driving force behind the project. "We have a right to live."27. According to the passage, most Icelanders view land as something of _______.A. environmental value.B. commercial value.C. potential value for tourism.D. great value for livelihood.28. What is Iceland’s old-aged advocates' feeling towards the Alcoa project?A. Iceland is wealthy enough to reject the project.B. The project would lower life expectancy.C. The project would cause environmental problems.D. The project symbolizes an end to the colonial legacies.29. The disappearance of the old way of life was due to all the following EXCEPT _______.A. fewer fishing companies.B. fewer jobs available.C. migration of young people.D. imposition of fishing quotas.30. The 4th paragraph in the passage ________.A. sums up the main points of the passage.B. starts to discuss an entirely new point.C. elaborates on the last part of the 3rd paragraph.D. continues to depict the bleak economic situation.PART ⅢGENERAL KNOWLEDGE(10 MIN)There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answers to each question. Mark your answers on your colored answer sheet.31. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?A. The British constitution includes the Magna Carta of 1215.B. The British constitution includes Parliamentary acts.C. The British constitution includes deci sions made by courts of law.D. The British constitution includes one single written constitution.32. The first city ever founded in Canada is _______.。

为了帮助同学们更好的复习,以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的英语专八听力原文练习及答案,希望大家能有所收获!1. According to Dr. Adams, what should wehave as an attainable goal of language learning?A. Speaking as fluently as a nativespeaker.B. Gaining proficiency in a foreignlanguage.C. Learning a language well within amonth.D. Learning words without active use ofthem.2. Which of the following is Dr. Adams'suggestion to tap your learning potential?A. Following what a role model does.B.Learning new words in contexts.C. Knowing your own ways of learning.D.Reciting new vocabularies loudly.3. If you favor reading illustrated books tolearn a language, you are primarilyA. an auditory learner.B. avisual learner.C. a tactile learner.D. an unusual learner.4. When watching movies to learn English, youshould NOTA. turn on the captions for reference.B. watch in the most relaxed possible way.C. pause when encountering newexpressions.D. use an English-English dictionary.5. According to the interview, which of thefollowing helps tobetter understand different accents?A. Following classroom instructions.B.Watching plenty of movies online.C. Breaking down cultural barriers.D. Backpacking around the world.6.According to Magdalena Alvarez, at least survivors died hours after the accident.A. 19B. 26C. 6D. 1537. Whichof the following statements about the crash is TRUE?A. The number of casualties was 153 onWednesday.B. There accident killed 172 passengers onboard.C. The crash took place when the plane waslanding.D. The crash was caused probably by theengine fire.8.According to the news, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Humphrey Lyttelton is known to the radiolisteners as a weather broadcaster.B. Humphrey Lyttelton sought his fame as aguitar player and band leader in the 1940s.C. Humphrey Lyttelton produced his firstBritish jazz record which entered the top 20.D. Humphrey Lyttelton continued recordingand touting with his band until 1970s.9. Morethan two hundred years ago, the bagpipes were prohibited asA. noisy nuisances.B. arms involved in wars.C. anti-social pipes.D. national instruments.10.According m the news, UEFAA. could not agree with Sir Blatter, thepresident of FIFA.B. insisted on restricting the number offoreign players.C. attributed the success of English teamsto foreign players.D. proposed a limit of five foreign playersin each team.英语专八高分的听力技巧英语专业八级考试以其特定的考试人群,高级别的难度、有限的通过率和国内本科时代“终极”英文等级证书的名号而使其具备相当的稀缺性和辨识度。

英语专八听力真题及答案Part I Reading Comprehension (2x20 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage 1People and the sources of air pollution are found in the same places. This means that cities with large population have the biggest problem of dirty air. Air pollution is caused by many different things. A major source of air pollution is the gas fumes from cars. Statistics show that 93 percent of all auto trips are within cities. Another major source of dirty air is the burning of coal and oil for energy. This energy is needed to make electricity. Of course, much moreelectricity is used in the city than in the country.On the average, we throw away more trash and garbage than the year before. The burning of garbage contributes to air pollution. Many major industries are also responsible for the dirty air in the around cities. The fumes from iron, steel, chemical, and petroleum(石油) production add particles to the air.The effects of air pollution range from mild headaches to death. The levels of pollution found in heavy for traffic may cause headaches for loss of clear vision. Wherever coal and oil are used for fuel, fumes may kill trees and plants and cause metal to corrode. In some of the larger cities, these fumes endanger the live of human beings by contributing to lung diseases and causing early death.1. From the passage, we know that_____. [单选题] *A. air pollution is caused by electricityB. the cause of air pollution is not peopleC. air pollution is caused by many different sources(正确答案)D. headaches and death are not related to air pollution2. What is stated in the passage? [单选题] *A. How cars produce fumesB. Why so many people to live in citiesC. What the causes and effects of air pollution are(正确答案)D. How people in cities feel about polluted air3. Which of the following is NOT the cause of air pollution? [单选题] *A. Trucks.B. Headaches.(正确答案)C. Burning garbage.D. Burning coal and oil.4. What are the major sources of air pollution in cities? [单选题] *A. Trash and garbageB. Major industriesC. Cars and populationD. Cars fumes and the burning for energy(正确答案)5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? [单选题] *A. Heart diseases(正确答案)B. Lung diseasesC. Loss of clear sightD. Serious headachePassage 2Everyone has got two personalities---the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. You don’t show your secret personality when you are awake because you can control your behavior, but when you are asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, people frequently change their positions. The important position is the one that you go to sleep in.If you go to sleep on your back, you’re a very open person. You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas. You don’t like to displease people. So you never express your real feelings. You’re quite shy and you aren’t quite sure of yourself.If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person. You worry a lot and you’re always easily upset. You always stick to your own opinions or judgment, but you don’t raise your hope too much. You usually live for today not tomorrow. This means that you enjoy having a good time.If you sleep curled up, you are probably a verynervous person. You have a low opinion of yourself and so you’re often defensive. You’re shy and you don’t normally like meeting people. You prefer to on your own. You’re easily hurt.If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well---balanced personality. You know your strengths and weakness. You’re usually careful. You believe in yourself. You sometimes feel anxious, but you don’t often get sad. You always say what you think even if it annoys people.6. According to the writer, you naturally show your secret and real personality _______. [单选题] *A. in a normal nightB. when you are asleep(正确答案)C. when you are daydreamingD. when you refuse to show yourself7. What can be said about one’s personality according to the passage? [单选题] *A. Everyone has one personality.B. Everyone has two personalities.(正确答案)C. One’s personality is unchangeable.D. One’s personality is popular.8. What kind of personality do they have if they sleep on their stomach? [单选题] *A. They are open with others.B. They like new ideas earlier than others.C. They are secretive and easily upset.(正确答案)D. They live only for tomorrow.9. The writer tends to think highly of the people who sleep on their side because________ . [单选题] *A. they are strongerB. they are careful and confident(正确答案)C. they often like annoying peopleD. the always show sympathy for people10. What is the best title of the passage? [单选题] *A. Sleeping Position and Personality(正确答案)B. Feelings and PersonalityC. Types of PersonalitiesD. Types of Sleeping PositionsPassage 3Steve and Yaser first met in their chemistry class at an American university. Yaser was an international student from Jordon. He wanted to learn more about American culture. Yaser hoped that he and Steve wouldbecome good friends.At first, Steve seemed very friendly. He always greeted Yaser warmly before class. Sometimes he offered to study with Yaser. He even invited Yaser to eat lunch with him. But after the semester was over. Steve seemed more distant. The two former classmates didn’t see each other very much at school. One day Yaser was hurt by Steve’s change of attitude; he thought they were friends forever.Yaser is a little confused. He is an outsider to American culture. He doesn’t understand the way Americans view friendship. Americans use the word “friend” in a very general way. They may call both casual acquaintances (相识的人) and close companions (伴侣) “friends” . Americans have school friends, work friends, sports friends and neighborhood friends. These friendships are based on common interests. When the shared activity ends, the friendship may fade.In some cultures friendship means a strong life-long bond (关系) between two people. In these culturesfriendships develop slowly, since they are built to last. American society is one of rapid change. Studies show that one out of five American families moves frequently. American develop friendships quickly, and they may change just as quickly.People from the United States may at first seem friendly. American often chat easily with strangers. They may smile warmly and say, “Have a nice day” or “see you later” . Schoolmates may say, “let’s get together sometime” . But American friendliness is not always an offer of true friendship.11. Where did Steve and Yaser first meet? [单选题] *A. In their history classB. In their English classC. In their chemistry class(正确答案)D. In their Chinese class12. What is the style ofAmerican friendship? [单选题] *A. Americans value strong life-long friendships.B. American friendship is not a life-long one.(正确答案)C. Americans develop friendship slowly.D. Americans do not make friends with strange people.13. The word “fade” (Para. 3) probably means “_____”. [单选题] *A. disappear gradually(正确答案)B. increase sharplyC. become closeD. last forever14. In the eyes ofAmericans, Steve and Yaser are_____. [单选题] *A. neighborhood friendsB. classmates foreverC. sports friendsD. school friends(正确答案)15. “Let’s get together sometime” (Para. 5) is a way to_____. [单选题] *A. be just friendly(正确答案)B. learn from each otherC. care about each otherD. be unfriendlyPassage 4Newspapers, along with reporting the news, instruct, entertain, and give opinions. An important way for reading a large, big city newspaper is knowing how to take it apart. Can you find these separate sections: world news, national and local news, sports, business,entertainment, opinions, classified ads? Does your paper have other sections?News stories give facts, not the author’s opinions. Editorials do the opposite; you can expect an editorial to take sides. Some newspaper editorials have a by-line with the author’s name, but many newspapers have unsigned editorials. These reflect the opinions of the publisher or editor.You can be a better reader if you know what to expect in a newspaper. For example, you can expect headlines to omit unnecessary words. You can expect to find the most important facts in the lead paragraph (the first paragraph) of a news story. You can expect important news items to be on the front page. You can expect less important items to be on the inside pages.Most of all, the more you know about current news, the more you will understand what is in the newspaper; important stories are generally presented one day and followed up on following days. So, an important way for reading newspapers is reading one frequently.16. When reading a large newspaper, one should _____. [单选题] *A. read it from cover to coverB. do some paper cuttingC. find separate sections(正确答案)D. predict what is inside the newspaper17. Which of the following statements about news stories is TURE? [单选题] *A. News stories tell the facts without any comments.(正确答案)B. News stories contain both facts and opinions.C. News stories reflect the opinions of the publisher and editor.D. News stories express the writers’ opinions.18. If you expect the most important facts of a news story, you can go to _____. [单选题] *A. the first paragraph(正确答案)B. news items on each pageC. the author’s opinions on the front pagesD. the headlines on the inside pages19. The best way to read newspapers is to read _____. [单选题] *A. extensively and thoroughlyB. occasionally and carefullyC. frequently and with certain skills(正确答案)D. in details every day20. The main idea of this passage is _____. [单选题] *A. how to read newspapers(正确答案)B. how to read stories and editorialsC. how to find important news storiesD. how to find the author’s opinionsPart II Cloze (1x20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passages. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide in the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in the town, I wanted to have a rest before catching the rain. I ___21___ a newspaper and some chocolate and went ___22___ the station coffee shop. ___23___ was a cheap self-service place with long tables to sit at. I put my heavy bag ___24___ on the floor, put the newspaper and the chocolate on the table and then went to___25___ a cup of coffee.When I came back with the coffee, there was___26___ sitting in the next seat. It was a boy, with darkglasses and old clothes. He had started to ___27___ my chocolate!Naturally, I was rather uneasy (不爽) about him, but I didn’t want to have any ___28___. I just read the newspaper, ___29___ my coffee and took a ___30___ of chocolate. The boy looked at me in ___31___. Then he took a second piece of my chocolate. I could ___32___ believe it. Still I didn’t say ___33___ to him. When he took a third piece, I felt more angry than uneasy. I___34___, “Well, I shall have the last piece.” And I got it.The boy gave me a strange look, then ___35___ up. As he left, he shouted out, “There’s something ___36___ with that woman!” Everyone looked at me, ___37___ I didn’t want to quarrel ___38___ the boy, so I kept quiet.I did not realize that I had ___39___ a mistake until I finished my coffee and was ready to leave. My face turned red ___40___ I saw my unopened chocolate under the newspaper. The chocolate that I had been eating was the boy’s!21. A. stole B. bought C. sold D. wrote [单选题] * AB(正确答案)CD22. A. into B. near C. beside D. back [单选题] *A(正确答案)BCD23. A. It B. What C. Which D. Each [单选题] *A(正确答案)BCD24. A. below B. up C. down D. towards [单选题] * ABC(正确答案)D25. A. get B. reach C. do D. want [单选题] *BCD26. A. none B. anybody C. someone D. nobody [单选题] * ABC(正确答案)D27. A. cut B. wash C. help D. eat [单选题] *ABCD(正确答案)28. A. coffee B. trouble C. chocolate D. case [单选题] * AB(正确答案)CD29. A. entered B. tasted C. sole D. attracted [单选题] *ACD30. A. bit B. number C. few D. lots [单选题] *A(正确答案)BCD31. A. carelessness B. danger C. surprise D. happiness [单选题] * ABC(正确答案)D32. A. seldom B. hardly C. interestingly D. greatly [单选题] *AB(正确答案)CD33. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing [单选题] * A(正确答案)BD34. A. recalled B. thought C. learned D. knew [单选题] * AB(正确答案)CD35. A. stood B. took C. cried D. looked [单选题] *A(正确答案)BCD36. A. fine B. nice C. ok D. wrong [单选题] *ABCD(正确答案)37. A. and B. but C. so D. while [单选题] *AB(正确答案)C38. A. with B. in C. up D. on [单选题] *A(正确答案)BCD39. A. spelt B. corrected C. made D. expressed [单选题] *ABC(正确答案)D40. A. that B. when C. although D. if [单选题] *AB(正确答案)CDPart Ⅲ True or False (2x5 points)Directions: Read the following passage. There are 5 complete sentences in this part. For each sentence youshouldjudge whether it is true(A) orfalse (B),and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.The U.S. Travel Association confirmed in a survey what many frustrated fliers already know: The No. 1 airport headache is passengers who pull too many carry-on bags through security and onto flight.That number has skyrocketed in recent years---86 million more bags were carried on in the year than during the same period two years earlier, the Transportation Security Administration estimated.The reason for the carry-on jump is no mystery: All the major domestic airlines now charge to check (托运)even one bag, generally $25. To save money and time at the baggage claim, passengers carry as much as they can on board, with predictable consequences.At the security checkpoints, these millions of extra bags, many of them densely packed, means longer lines. Once pass security, the fun continues at boarding. On a typical flight, there is a fierce fight for scarce overhead bin space, extending the boarding process. Bags that arestuffed under seats make passengers even more uncomfortable.There has got to be a better way. In fact, there is. Here’s what a more sensible system would look like: No fee for the first piece of checked luggage. It would be better if airlines simply raised fares (机票) instead of fees. Limit the carry-on size and charge for large carry-ons. Use templates (标尺) at the security checkpointsto cut off the monster bags that now often escape airlines staffs’ notice until they’re right at the door of the plane. Tax the airlines’ income from fees the same way that fares are taxed. Currently, the fees are tax free, encouraging airlines to generate income through fees rather than fare increases.We’re sympathetic to the airline industry’s need to make money, but the baggage fees---previously intended to offset rising fuel costs---have become an interrupt that slows down the security check, offloads costs onto fliers and makes the boarding process even more unpleasant than it already is.41. The number of bags the air travelers carry on board frustrated them most. [单选题] A(正确答案)B42. The fee for the first piece of checked baggage is the main cause of increasing number of carry-on. [单选题]A(正确答案)B43. Passengers often feel relieved after passing security. [单选题]AB(正确答案)44. To tax luggage fees is to discourage airlines from profiting from fees. [单选题]A(正确答案)B45. The writer is sympathetic to the airline industry. [单选题]AB(正确答案)Part Ⅳ Translation (40 points)Directions: There are 5 sentences in this part. Each sentence isfollowed by some statements. For each of them there are three choices marked A, B, C and D.You should decide on the best choice and then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. (2x5 points)46. It is obvious that the development of science and technology is vital to the modernization of China . [单选题] *A. 显而易见,科学技术的发展对中国的现代化是至关重要的。

2001年英语专业八级考试听力MP3附听力原文Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (40 min)SECTION A TALK1. Changes in the size of the World Bank’ s operation s refer to ___.A. the expansion of its loan programmeB. the inclusion of its hard loansC. the inclusion of its soft loansD. the previous lending policies2. What actually made the Bank change its overall lending strategy?A. Reluctance of people in poor countries to have small families.B. Lack of basic health services and inequality in income distribution.C. The discovery that a low fertility rate would lead to economic development.D. Poor nutrition and low literacy in many poor countries of the world.3. The change in emphasis of the Bank’s lending policies meant that the Bank would ___.A. be more involved in big infrastructure projectsB. adopt similar investment strategies in poor and rich countriesC. embark upon a review of the investment in huge dams and steel millsD.invest in projects that would benefit the low-income sector of society4. Which of the following is NOT a criticism of the bank?A. Colossal travel expenses of its staff.B. Fixed annual loans to certain countries.C. Limited i mpact of the Bank’s projects.D. Role as a financial deal maker.5. Throughout the talk, the speaker is ___ while introducing the Wor ld Bank.A. biasedB. unfriendlyC. objectiveD. sensationalSECTION B CONVERSATION6. The man sounds surprised at the fact that ___.A. many Australians are taking time off to travelB. the woman worked for some time in New ZealandC. the woman raised enough money for travelD. Australians prefer to work in New Zealand7. We learn that the woman liked Singapore mainly because of its ___.A. cleannessB. multi-ethnicityC. modern characteristicsD. shopping opportunities8. From the conversation we can infer that Kaifeng and Yinchuan impressed the woman with their ___.A. respective locationsB. historic interestsC. ancient tombsD. Jewish descendants9. Which of the following words can best describe the woman’s feelings a bout Tibet?A. Amusement.B. Disbelief.C. Ecstasy.D. Delight10. According to the conversation, it was that made the woman ready to stop traveling.A. the unsettledness of travelB. the difficulties of trekkingC. the loneliness of travelD. the unfamiliar environmentSECTION C NEWS BROADCASTQuestions 11 and 12 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item , you will be given 30 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news.11. Mike Tyson was put in prison last August because he ___.A. violated the traffic lawB. illegally attacked a boxerC. attacked sb. after a traffic accidentD. failed to finish his contract12. The license granted to Tyson to fight will be terminated ___.A. by the end of the yearB. in over a yearC. in AugustD. in a few weeksQuestion 13 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you wil l be given 15 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.?13. The Russian documents are expected to draw great attention because ___.A. they cover the whole story of the former US presidentB. the assassin used to live in the former Soviet UnionC. they are the only official documents released about KennedyD. they solved the mystery surr ounding Kennedy’s assassinationQuestion 14 and 15 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you willbe given 30 seconds to answer the questions. New listen to the news.14. In the recent three months, Hong Ko ng’s unemployment rate has ___.A. increased slowlyB. decreased graduallyC. stayed steadyD. become unpredictable15. According to the news, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Business conditions have worsened in the past three months.B. The past three months have seen a declining trend in job offers.C. The rise of unemployment rate in some sectors equals the fall in others.D. The unemployment rate in all sectors of the economy remains unchanged.SECTION D NOTE-TAKING AND GAP-FILLING?The Press Conference?The press conference has certain advantages. The first advantage lies with the?(1)___ nature of the event itself; public officials are supposed to 1.___?submit to scrutiny by responding to various questions at a press conference.?Secondly, statements previously made at a press conference can be used as a?(2)___ in judging following statements or policies. Moreover, in case 2.___?of important events, press conferences are an effective way to break the news?to groups of reporters.?However, from the point of view of (3)___, the press conference 3.___?possesses some disadvantages, mainly in its(4)___ and news source. 4.___?The provider virtually determines the manner in which a press conference?proceeds. This, sometimes, puts news reporters at a(n)(5)___ , as can 5.___?be seen on live broadcasts of news conferences.?Factors in getting valuable information preparation: a need to keep up? to date on journalistic subject matter;?—(6)___ of the news source: 6.___?1 ) news source’ s (7)___ to7.___?provide information;?2)news-gathering methods.?Conditions under which news reporters cannot trust the information?provided by a news source?— not knowing the required information;?— knowing and willing to share the information, but without?(8)___ skills; 8.___?— knowing the information, but unwilling to share;?— willing to share, but unable to recall.?(9)___ of questions asked 9.___?Ways of improving the questions:?no words with double meanings;?no long questions;?— specific time, place, etc.;?— (10) questions; 10.___?—clear alternatives, or no alternatives in answers.听力原文SECTION A TALK?The World Bank is one of the major channels through which development aid is passed from industrial west to the poor and developing nations of the world. Its scale of operations is vast, which is why its lending program exceeds 7 billion a year, and its work force numbers about 4500. In the last decade important changes have taken place in the size of the bank’s operations and in the emphasis of its lending policies. What immediately strikes anyone looking at the lending figures ov er the last 10 years is the tremendous expansion in the bank’s loan program. This has increased from 1 billion to nearly 7 billion. The figure includes hard loans, which are made at the current rate of interest, and soft loans, which are allocated to poor countries at concessionary rates, and usually channel led through the bank’s affiliate—the International Development Association.? In deciding the emphasis of its lending policy, the bank has had to take into account the population explosion which is occuring in many poor countries of the world. It is a fact that the fertility rate of the poor countries is often very high. This is one of the main reasons for these countries remaining poor. Unfortunately, wide-ranging country section programs do not usually reduce this r ate because this was a strong and deeply rooted tradition among people in thesecountries to have big families. What the bank discovered was that there was a link between economic and social development on the one hand, and reduction of fertility rate on the other. Thus by improving basic health services, by introducing better nutrition, by increasing literacy, and by promoting more even income distribution in a poor country, a lower and more acceptable fertility rate will be achieved. This advanced thinking persuaded the bank to change its overall lending strategy, where previously it concentrated on the big infrastructure project s, such as dams, roads and bridges. It begun to switch to projects which directly improve the basic services of the country. There was a shift, if you like, from building dams to digging water holes to provide clear water.?A second reason for the change of approach was that the bank has learned a big lesson from projects financed in the 1960s. Many of its major capital investment had scarcely touched the lives of urban and rural poor, nor have they created much employment. The project did not have the trigger-down effect they have in industrialized countries. Instead the huge dams, steel-mills, and so on were left as monuments to themselves. This redirection of its lending has meant that the bank has tended to support labour intensive activities, rather than capita l intensive ones. Both rural and urban areas, there is a better chance in the first case, that its funds will benefit the bottom 40% of the country’s population. ?The bank is also looking for ways of stimulating the growth of the small businesses in many developing countries since this would create employment opportunities for people with lower incomes. Being such a big, obvious target, the bank has often come under fire. For example, its officials have been taken to task for u sing Concord supersonic aircraft so frequently, about 500 times in one year. Also, the large growth of the organization’s personnel has not pleased some critic s . A more substantial criticism has concerned the bank’s policy of setting annual target for lending to specified countries. This could lead to the deterioration in quality of loans, some say. One former bank official has said, rather than encourage growth for its own sake, the bank should begin to think of itself less as a foreign aid agency and more of a financial deal-maker, combining official wit h the private resources for specific purposes.?Finally, some people maintain that the impact of the projects funded by the bank has been modest. When one looks around the world at regions or countries that have successfully transformed to industrial status, it seems that one should be aware of over-estimating the bank’s impact. Take Hong Kong for example. Its changes have come about as a result of trade offensive. The purpose has been to flood western market with low price goods made by capitalist methods of production. The example seems to indicate that some regions c an prosper without the bank’s aid as well.??SECTION B CONVERSATIONW: Well, it seems quite common actually. A lot of people in Australia no w are travelling and taking time off. And when I was actually travelling, I met so many people doing the same thing.? M: Yeah, yeah, so where did you start off??W: Well, I went to New Zealand first. Eh, and got a job in a computer company as a secretary. And I worked there for 4 months.?M: Really? You can do that, can you? I mean it’s possible for anyone to get a j ob in New Zealand, without being a New Zealander??W: No, not everybody, only Australians and New Zealanders can exchange either. You know youcan work in either country.’?M: Right, yeah.?W: So that was easy. So I worked there for 4 months and raised enough money for the rest of travels really. So from there I went to Indonesia, and travelled around the different islands around Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, China , Nepal and India. ?M: What about Indonesia? What did you do? Did you fly mostly between the Islands??W: Eh, I did a bit of that, and boats, mainly local boats between the Islands.?M: What about Singapore? People said it’s very very modern. But because it is s o modern,it’s rather boring. Did you find that??W: Well, it’s difficult to say really. It has different attractions. You know t h e Chinese, Malay, and Hindu communities are there. Each has his own culture and custom, very different from the others. And it’s a great big shopping center an d I really enjoy it f rom that point of view. And it was very clean.?M: And after, you said you went what, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and then China? That’s a great country to travel in, isn’t it??W: Eh, it was. Yeah, it was fabulous. It really was. You have been there then??M: No, I haven’t. No, I mean it’s very big. What did you do??W: Yeah. Well, I had only one month to travel in China, and that was too short f or such a vast country as China. I felt I didn’t have enough time, so I sacrifced a lot of places and di d the main tourist throughout really. I went to Beijing, the capital, Kaifeng, Yinchuan, and Tibet.?M: Well, how exciting! You said after Beijing, you went to??W: That was Kaifeng in central China’s Henan province. It’s a charming city, and has got a l ot to look around, like temples and pagodas, very traditional.?M: Eh, eh.?W: What fascinated me when I was there was that some Jews went to live in Kaifeng many years ago. As early as 16th century, there were Jewish families there. They have their synagogue and five books of Masses. Even today several hundred descendants of the original Jews still live in Kaifeng.?M: Really, I’ve never heard of that. And where did you go after Kaifeng??W: I went to northwest to Yinchuan, the provincial city of Ningxia Hui autonomous region.M: Is this the place where there always is a shortage of water??W: No, no, on the contrary, it has got abundant supply of water, because it is n ear the Yellow River. In this sense, Yinchuan has a favorable geographical posit on in otherwise harsh surroundings.?M: What did you see there then??W: Ningxia was once the capital of Western Xia during the 11th century. So outside Yinchuan, you can still see the Western Xia mausoleum, where the Kings and t heir Kingdoms were buried. The tombs were scattered in a pretty big area at the foot of the Henan Mountain, and inside the city there are famous mosques in the architectural style of Middle East. It’s really a place worth visiting. You got to know something about Chinese Moslems.?M: And that sounds really interesting. Where did you travel after that??W: I was lucky enough to get into Tibet, and that was brilliant.?M: Yeah. What was the most interesting place you visited, do you think??W: Well, I think actually Tibet is the most fascinating and exciting. I’ve never been anywhere sodifferent. The people there are wonderful, the clothes .they w ear, the food they eat.?M: And you said you went to Nepal as well??W: Yeah, eh, that’s a sort of easier passion of Tibetans really and there are a lot ofTibetans---there as well as other tribes and Nepalese, so that was good because I went trekking in Nepal, you should do that.?M: How long did you trek for??W: Oh, I only did a short one, only for a week. I was lazy.?M: Was it very tiring??W: No, it wasn’t actually. I mean you just set your own pace, and don’t pace you rself too hard, that was a stupid thing to do. Eh, you don’t have to walk very far, so that was great.?M: So how did you feel after all this travelling? How did you feel to stop travelling? I mean you were on the move alone for months and months ,and suddenly you’re here ,and not traveling any more. How does it feel??W: I was ready to stop anyway. You get pretty sick, wearing the same clothes, and washing them in the different hotels. I never stay in the same place for longer than two days. And since I was ready to stop, I don’t think I could keep doing it. I mean I’ve met people who’ve been travelling for 2 or 3 years. I couldn' t do it.?M: Yeah, yeah. May be it’s something I should try after this.?W: I think you really should.?SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTNews Item 1(For Questions 11-12)Mike Tyson could sign a deal by Friday to face either Germany’s Axo Shos or Denmark’s Brian Nielsen here on August 21 in the heavy weight’s first fight since his release from jail. The former World Heavy Weight champion was released on Monday after 4 months behind bars for an assault in the wake of a traffic accident last August. His deal with Showtime makes an August come back likely. “August 21st is certainly a day we’re looking at,” Showtime board director, James Lock en s said , “Hopefully in the next few days we’ll have something concrete”. Nevada boxing officials revoked Tyson’s license for more than a year after he bit Evander Holyfield’s ear off in June 1997. But they plan no action on Tyson because the license they granted him to fight doesn’t expire until the end of the year. That came before the assault charge had been heard, and with the victim’s support.News Item 2(For Question 13)?The United States has begun to review Russians documents about the life and death of former president John F. Kennedy, and is expected to release them once the review is complete, the White House said on Monday. The documents which the Russians gave the United States on Sunday would be of particular interest because Kennedy’s assassin Lee Harvey Oswald lived in the former Soviet Union for several years before he returned to the United States, and was arrested for killing t he former president on November 22, 1963. Russian President Boris Yeltsin surprised US president Bill Clinton on Sunday when he turned over what was described a s the result ofexhaustive search of Russian government, military and private archives for papers about Kennedy and his assassination.??News Item 3(For Questions 14-15)?Hong Kong’s unemployment rate has remained stable at 6.3% in the past 3 months, as business conditions have improved in the last month Figures indicate that from March to May this year, the size of the labor force was provisionally at 3,469,000, while the number of the unemployed people stood at 216,000. The number of cases of insolvency 破产, sensational businesses and retrenchment, and numbers of workers affected these cases as recorded by the Labor Department have shown a declining trend in recent months. From March to May 1999, 78 such cases involving 3,882 workers were recorded as compared 93 cases affecting 5,220 workers for the 3 months from December 1998 to February 1999. Figures for the period from March to May 1999 when compared with those from February to April 1999 show an increase in the unemployment rate, mainly in renovation, maintenance, whole sale, and retail and transportSECTION D NOTE-TAKING AND GAP-FILLING?The Press Conference?Press conferences are an all too familiar phenomena around us. However, when people start thinking about its advantages, it sometimes seems difficult to think of any that press conference provides for the competent news reporter. Use of the press conference by public officials and private entrepreneurs help give rise to the phrase “pseudo-event”, and the event contrive d to create news cove rage, where none has considered wanted. ?However, having said that, one value of news conference by a public official is the symbolic nature of the event. And perhaps this is reasoned enough to continue the practice. At a press conference, a public official supposedly submits to examination by responding to unsolicited and perhaps hostile questions. A related advantage to the reporter is that press conference offers an opportunity to get the public official on the record, with regard to the government policies. Stat ements from the press conference can serve as criteria against subsequent statements and policies are measured. In that regard, press conference information may be used as reference point, more so than comments reported by single news medium. Also, when there is a single issue or topic to address, such as a new government program, an earthquake, or the nomination of a new government minister, the press conference offers benefits of efficiency in that officials can speak to a number of reporters at once on the issue of public concern and interest. The press conference may be at its best in this almost one-way format.?Now let’s move on to the disadvantages. And there are serious ones. Generally speaking, the press conference format, as it stands, makes it difficult for t he reporters to get worthwhile information. At press conference, particularly a large one, the well-prepared reporter may never get asked question and certainly is unlikely to have chance to ask follow-up questions. Another disadvantage in the press conference comes from the news source, that is, the news provider.The news source generally decides who asks the questions, determines the length of the answers, and can avoid any follow-up question and rephrase tough questions t o his or her liking, and setsthe time, place and duration of the interview. Press conferences televise live for the news audience, sometimes only highlights the disadvantages for the news reporters since there is little or no time to challenge, clarify or place context materials provided by the news source. Despite these disadvantages and others inherent how reporters get information, t he dews reporter can help assure the worthwhile information from a news source in share with the news audience. One way to reduce the likely heard of errors is to use multiple forms of interviewing by telephone, in person, and press conferences as well as multiple sources, common to the success of these approaches, how ever, are such interrelated ingredient as the preparation of the news reporter, the componentof the news source and nature of the questions asked.?Let’s look at the preparation first.The nature of much news coverage re quires news reporters to be well-read on contemporary events. Like other professionals and craftsmen, the reporter must keep up to date on journalistic subject matter, that is the human condition. Although the subject is broad, it offers the advantages that there is a little a reporter can read or witness. That will not help in covering the news at one time or another. Next, being prepared for an interview includes giving some thought to the competence of the news source. The relationships between news reporters and news sources would benefit the news audience more, if reporters would frequently ask themselves: What is this news resource competent to talk about? What can this person tell the news audience that few others can? Towards the caution regarding the issue of competence, first, the reporter should not take for granted that, because of position or experience, the news source should know, does know, and can provide information. Second, the competence of t he news source needs to be linked with the news-gathering-methods. Let’s just spend a few minutes on the fir st point. There are generally 4 conditions under which the reporter should not give prints to the news source information. One, the source may not know the information the reporter wants. Two, the source may have the information and want to share it, but may lack the verbal skills or concepts to do so. Three, the source may have the desired information but not to want to share it, or worse, may lie to avoid sharing information. Last, t he source may be willing to share this information but unable to recall it.?Now in addition to preparation of the reporter and competence of the news source, there is one more important ingredient in successful news coverage, that is ,the nature of questions asked. It is generally agreed that the nature of the question can shape the nature of the answer. General questions like “Are you for market economy” may lead to the respondent saying virtually anything, and s till being rather vague. On the other hand, a too narrow question may limit the respondent to one particular answer only. In order to gather information from news sources as accurately as possible, reporters can improve the question in the following 5 ways. Firstly, avoid words wit h double meanings. Secondly, avoid long questions. Thirdly, specify the time, pl ace and context you want the respondent to assume, and number 4, it is often helpful to ask questions in terms of the respondent’s own immediate and recent experience rather than in generalities. Finally, either make explicit all the alternative the respondent should have in mind when answering the question or make none of them explicit. Do not leave the news resource by suggesting a desired answer and not mentioning other alternatives.?OK, to sum up, today’s lecture has covered some of the advantages and disadvantages of the press conference, and three important factors and successful news coverage. In our next lecture, we will continue to discuss how to become a competent news reporter.?1-5 ACDDC 6-10 BDBCA 11-15 CABCCSection d note-taking and gad-filling1. symbolic2. Reference3. Reporters4. Format5. disadvantage6. component7. Competence8. V erbal9. nature10. asking。

Now go through TEXT G quickly to answer question 53.The Origins of LanguageApart from the rote miming of parrots and myna birds, no animal can speak a human-like language. Many animals make complex sounds, of course, among them dolphins and chimpanzees, but only in humans do these sound represent objects and events in an arbitrary yet symbolic way. Though the words vary from dialect to dialect, they have specific meanings in each case and are solely the inventions of the human mind.Since preserving the human voice was an innovation of modern times, the sounds voiced by our distant ancestors left no tangible trace. But by studying the size and shape of fossil hominid brains scientists can obtain a clue to the neural machinery that is necessary for the development and organization of language.The development of language was a slow and laborious process that seems to have begun with the forerunners of modern man, Homo erectus, some 1.5 million years ago. Studies of the cranial capacity of early man indicate that his brain possessed a left hemisphere (which in modern man is the seat of language) slight large than the right hemisphere. Homo erectus also had a well-developed frontal section of the brain, now known as Broca's Area, which coordinates the muscles of the mouth and throat that we use when we speak. Thus, early man was not hampered by a lack of speech apparatus; in fact, he possessed an anatomical structure capable of producing the entire spectrum of vocal effects available to us today. Whether or not he actually used it is unknown.In the total absence of any clue to the speech patterns of prehistoric man, scholars can offer only speculation about how language originated. Several theories have been in and out of vogue.The Bow-Wow Theory, as named and proposed by the German-born British philologist Friedrich Max Muller in 19th century, posits that language grew our of man's attempts to imitate natural sounds, as an infant calls a locomotive a choo-choo or a cow a moo. According to this suggestion, man's first utterances were onomatopoetic or echoic words that emulated the sounds of what was happening around him -- for example, thunder, bump, sneeze, splash, slosh, sizzle, moan, and mumble. The Pooh-pooh Theory holds that speech originated from the spontaneous exclamations and interjections of early humans: cries of fear, surprise, anger, pain, disgust, despair, and joy.The Yo-He-Ho theory suggests that language evolved form reflex utterances -- grunts, gasps, glottal contractions -- evoked by strenuous physical exertion, such as hacking up a carcass after a successful hunt or dragging a heavy log through underbrush.The Sing-Song Theory contends that human speech arose form primitive rhythmic chants associated with ritualistic dance. Standing alone, each of these theories has flaws, and even combined, their composite effect cannot account for the full complexity of human language. This is particularly true because language as we know it is more the product of the human mind than it is the product of the human vocal cords.At one time linguists believed that language originated merely to facilitate communication so that one individual could relate to another what the he or she should be doing next in the practical matters of daily life. Today, however, it is widely thought that language originated so that early man could think more effectively. For without the acquisition of words, and the structure of language to string them together in logical and meaningful order, there can be no such thing as complex human thought. This is evident in human language's most supreme attribute: its limitless creativity. Even today language grows at a rapid pace with the use of what words coined from technology or derivatives of old words attached to trends.Alone of all the creatures on earth, humans can say things that have never been said -- and still be understood. Animals can only repeat the same limited utterances over and over again, as their progenitors have done for millions of years. Man's accomplishment has bestowed on him the capacity to create something new ever time he speaks.TEXT HFirst read the questions.54. If you want to sell a used color TV, you can call ____.A. 62429991B. 1371801367C. 59766119D. 64748821正确答案是55. If you are proficient in Chinese water painting and need a part-time job, you can contact ____. **************************************************************************************正确答案是。

2009专业八级(TEM8)听力原文PART I: LISTENING COMPREHENSION—SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Good morning, everyone. Today we’ll discuss some preliminaries concerning how to write experimental reports.When you first signed up for a course in university, like a psychology course, chances are that you didn’t really expect what was coming in your study; particularly, the course emphasi s on methodology and statisti cs. For a few of you, this may have come as a pleasant surprise, provided that you have already known something about the course. For most, however, I dare say, it will undoubtedly have been a shock to the system. No doubt in other parts of your course study, you will read books and journals, examining, critically, models and theories, assumptions and hypotheses put forward by scholars and specialists. My task today is to help you understand some of the important features of experimental reports, because you will have to write up some kind of report of this nature if your course gives prominence to practical work, especially experimenting.Then what is an experimental report? All the report is, really, is the place in which you tell the story of your study, like what you did, why you did it, what you found out in the process and so on. In doing this, you’re more like an ancient storyteller, whose stories were structured in accordance with widely recognized and long established conventions than a modern novelist who is free to dictate form as well as content. Moreover, like the storyteller of old, although you will invariably be telling your story to someone who knows quite a bit about it already, you are expected to present it as if it had never been heard before. This means that you will need to spell out the details and assume little knowledge of the area on the part of your audience. Then, perhaps, you may ask, what is the nature of the conventions governing the report? A clue, I think, can be found in its basic structure. A highly structured and disciplined report is written in sections, and these sections, by and large, follow an established sequence. What this means is that, in the telling, your story is to be cut up into chunks. Different parts of the story are to appear in different places in the report. What you did and why you did it appear in the section called introduction. How you did it is in the method section. And what you found out is in the result section. And, finally, what you think it shows appears in the discussion part. As you can see, the report, therefore, is a formal document composed of a series of sections in which specific information is expected to appear. We will discuss the precise conventions governing each section as we go along.For example, what are the subsections in the method? But today, I will introduce to you certai n general rules straight away. The first of these concerns the person to whom you should address your report, whom I should call your reader. A very common mistake, especially early on, is to assume that your reader is the person who will be marking the report. In reality, however, the marker will be assessing your report on behalf of someone else: an idealized, hypothetical person who is intelligent but unknowledgeable about your study and the area in which it took place. Your marker will, therefore, be checking to see that you have written your report with this sort of reader in mind. So you need to make sure that you have, one, introduced the reader to the area relevant to your study; two, provided the reader with the background necessary to understand what you did and why you did it; three, spelt out and developed your arguments clearly; four, defined technical terms; and five, provided precise details of the ways in whi ch you went about collecting and analyzing the data that you obtained. In short, you should write for someone who knows little about your area of study, taking little for granted about your reader’s knowledge of your area of study. So when in doubt, spell it out. This is my advi ce to you.If you find this diffi cult to do, then a useful approach is to write the report as if it would be read by someone you know who i s intelligent but unknowledgeable about your subject. A friend of yours, say. Write it as if this person were going to have to read and understand it. Indeed, it i s a good idea, if you can, to get just such a person to read your report before handing it in. The demands and expectations placed upon you will of course, vary with your experience of report writing. Early on in your study, as an author of experimental reports, less will be expected of you than later. At this early stage, you will be expected mainly to show that you understand what you did in your report and its implications, together with evidence that you have, at least a basic grasp of the demands of the report’s f ormat. Later on, however, you will be expected to pay more attention to this research significance of what you did. The "why you did it" part will become more important because in being responsible for the choice of topic and design, you will be expected to be able to justify this choice. So you must be able to tell us why it is, that given the options available to you, you decided to conduct your particular study. You will need, therefore, to develop the habit of thinking about how the ideas that you’re en tertaining for your experiment or study will look in the report, paying particular attention to how they will fit into the part of introduction. Specific dangers that you must watch out for here are, first, a lack of adequate material to put in the section; and second, the undertaking of aproject that lacks any research justification, because it is based on assumptions that are contradi cted by existing findings in the area. Thinking clearly in advance will help you to avoid making these mistakes.OK. Today we’ve had a brief look at the format of an experimental report, what each section i s about and some of the basic issues like reader awareness, so on and so forth. Next time, we will discuss how to write up the introduction section.SECTION B INERVIEWInterviewer: Good morning, Mrs. Collins, welcome to our studio. As a distinguished member of Toastmasters International, could you tell us a bit about the background of theorganization?Mrs. Collins: I’m delighted to have that opportunity. Toastmasters is an international organization, designed to develop effective speaking and listening skills. It was founded in 1924 byRalph Smedley and it’s headquartered in California.I: What is the purpose of Toastmasters?M: Toastmasters has a two-fold purpose: the personal growth of the individual and the strong effective communication skills.I: Then, who is Toastmasters open to? And what kind of members do you have now?M: Well, many people think Toastmasters is open only to those individuals who wish to be professional speakers. That is definitely not true. Toastmasters is open to the public at large. Any individual who wishes to improve his public speaking is welcomed. And also, those who just want to increase their overall self-confidence are encouraged to attend.I: Another question is how can Toastmasters help you in job situations?M: By becoming involved in Toastmasters, you will learn different methods of communicating what you really want to say. And equally important, you will learn what your audience expects from you so you can deliver that message to them in a logical fashion. Some people are comfortable around friends, but when they appear before a group they don’t know, they get tense. Our organization helps our members to get calm and organize thoughts, and deliver them in an effective way.I: Is Toastmasters concerned with total communication, not just for speaking but for other communication skills?M: Most often, people are assumed that when you are listening, you are also paying attention. This is not always true. Many times people are waiting for their turn to speak and not really listening at all. Toastmasters can develop a person overall in terms of organizing their thoughts, getting input from others, and then receiving effective feedback.I: Then, how does Toastmasters train people?M: Toastmasters has an approach of learning by doing. The Toastmasters International Organization provides a menu we refer to as the basic menu, because it gives a guideline for the development of speeches. These speeches cater to different purposes, for example, one objective might be to develop vocal variety; another might be to organize your thoughts, or develop your use of humor in speeches.I: Can you also learn other skills, such as parliamentary procedures or being master of ceremonies? M:Yes, different assignments within Toastmasters involve not only in preparation of speeches and then presenting these before an audience, but also the opportunity of serving as toastmaster of the meeting. This assignment helps members practi ce being an MC for a meeting, that is a master of ceremonies. Other assignments include serving as an evaluator for another speaker or serving asa grammarian who will monitor use of filler words or phrases, such as and, er, or you know. Bothof these assignments will allow the members to increase or enhance their listening skills.I: I know that there is an 8-week program for young people and al so an 8-week speech craft course offered for adults. What do these involve?M: They are basically an introduction to Toastmasters in general, a sample providing the opportunity for an individual to determine whether or not they wish to get involved in Toastmasters by joining in a club.I: What can an individual gain from being in Toastmasters?M: I would say self-confidence and some tricks of the trade in the development of speeches. But that is only the beginning. As an individual continues to give speeches and then improve, he progresses from the point of being fearful to stand before a group of peers to the point where he can address any group of people with a degree of self-confidence. Leadership skills are also developed by learning to organize and conduct meetings.I: Ok, thank you very much, Mrs. Collins, for talking to us in the studio.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTst week, a United Nations report says humans are very likely the cause of most of temperature increases in the last 50 years. It says global warming is undeniable and the world can expect to feel the effects for centuries to come. The intergovernmental panel on climate change released the report in Pairs at a conference of climate experts. Representatives of more than 100 governments agreed on the findings. This is the most detailed scientific report to date on global warming and the influence of fossil fuel burning and other human activities. The scientists say there is greater than a 90% chance that greenhouse gases are the main cause of rising temperatures and sea levels. The report also links global warming to other changes including increased dryness in some areas and violent storm patterns. The UN panel released its last climate change report 6 years ago. The scientists say the new report i s based on studies done since then and stronger agreement on global warming. The new report makes no policy proposals but the aim is to press governments and industries to cut the release of carbon dioxide and other gases blamed for trapping heat.2. At least 80 people have died in a derailment of a luxury train in eastern India, whi ch some government officials say could have been caused by terrorist sabotage, and investigation has been ordered to identify the cause of the accident. There were nearly 600 passengers and staff on board the train. It was going from the eastern city Calcutta to New Delhi when it was wrecked late Monday night. The train derailed as it was crossing a bridge over the Dhavi River, near Raffee Gange Station in the eastern Bihar State. One of the coaches sank in the river, at least two others hang precariously from the bridge, and several others left the tracks. The accident occurred in a remote area with poor telecommunication links. Many vi ctims remained trapped in the wreckage through the night before they were rescued. A spokesman for Eastern Railway says rescue operations were slowed down by bad weather, but are now fully under way.3. One in ten young people claimed to have had no career advice during their education. "Around two thirds have not decided on a career by the time they leave school," says the Hugel Paul for Recruitment Consultancy, Harvey Nash. "Most rely on friends but many are turning to the Internet for advice instead; and career service needs to embrace this", say the experts. The knock-on effect of confusing and unhelpful career advice is that young people are not making the best use of their skills and the industry is losing out on the most talented candidates. Harvey Nash Chief, Albert El said, "without direction and advice, not only are young people missing out on the potential careeropportunities themselves, but businesses too could be missing out on the next generation of skills they need to compete".。

答案解析及听力原文:SECTION A MINI-LECTUREParalinguistic features of languagesGood morning, everyone. Today we'll continue our discussion on describing language. Last week we examined such features of language as grammar, vocabulary, the sounds of language, etc. In this lecture, we'll look at another important aspect of language. Perhaps some of you may wonder what is this important aspect of language. Let me tell you. It refers to features of communication that takes place without the use of grammar and vocabulary.They are called ‘paralinguistic features of language'. These features fall into two broad categories: those that involve voice and those that involve the body.Now, the first category, is what we call vocal paralinguistic features.Vocal features are actually tones of voice. While they are, perhaps, not central to meaning in communication in the same way as grammar or vocabulary, they may, nevertheless, convey attitude or intention in some way. Let me give you some examples. The first is whispering, which indicates the needs for secrecy. The second is breathiness. This is to show deep emotion. The third is huskiness, which is to show unimportants. The fourth is nasality. This is to indicate anxiety. The last is extra lip-rounding, which expresses greater intimacy, expecially with babies, for example. So we can see that there are a number of ways of altering our tone of voice. And when we do this consciously, we do it to create different effects in communication.Now, let's come to the second category, physical paralinguistic features, which involves the body. In addition to convey meanings with tone of voice, we can also express our intentions through the ways in which we use our bodies. You may ask: what are the ways, then? Let me sight some briefexamples. The expression on our face, the gestures we make and even proximity or way we sit, are some of the ways we send powerful messages. About how we feel, or what we mean. Let me explain some of these in more detail. First, facial expression. Facial expression is a powerful conveyer of meaning. We all know smiling is an almost universal signal of pleasure or welcome. But there are other facial expressions that may not be so common. For instance, raising eye-brows - suggest that you are surprised or interested in something. Other facial actions, such as biting your lip, which indicates that you are deep in thinking, or are uncertain about something; compressing the lips, which show that you are making decisions; and a visible clenching of the teeth, to show that you are angry, are all powerful conveyers of meaning, too. The second in this category is gesture. You see, we use gesture to indicate a wide range of meanings. Though I have to emphasize that the actual gestures we use may be specific to particular cultures. That is to say different cultures have their own favorite gestures in conveying meaning. Here, a few examples may show you how powerful gestures can be. In British English behavior, shrugging shoulders may indicate an attitude of ‘I don't care', or ‘I don't know'. Crossing your arms may indicate relaxation. But it can also powerfully show you are bored. Waving can mean welcome and farewell. While scratching your head may indicate that you are at a loss. In other cultures, placing your hand upon your heart is to indicate that you are telling the truth. Pointing your finger at your nose means it's a secret. That's why we say that gestures are culture bound. The third is proximity, posture and echoing.Proximity refers to the physical distance between speakers. This can indicate a number of things and can also be used to consciously send messages about intent.Closeness, for example, indicates intimacy or threat to many speakers. But distance may show formality, or lack of interest. Once again, I'd like to say, proximity is also both a matter of personal style, and is often culture bound. So, what may seem normal to a speaker from one culture may appear unnecessarily close or distant to a speaker from another. And standing close to someone may be quite appropriatein some situations such as an informal party, but completely out of place in other situations, such as a meeting with a superior. Next, posture. Posture means the way in which someone holds his or her body, especially the back, shoulders and head, when standing, walking or sitting. A few examples. Hunched shoulders and a hanging head give a powerful indication of whether the person is happy or not. A lowered head when speaking to a superior, with or without eye contact can convey the appropriate relationship in some cultures. On the other hand, direct level eye contact, changes the nature of interaction, and can been seen as either open or challenging. Last, echoing. Now, what is echoing? Let me start with an example. Some of you may have noticed this phenomenon in your experience. When two people are keen to agree each other, they would likely, though unconsciously adopt the same posture, as if an imitation of each other. They sit or stand in the same manor. When used in this way, echoing appears to complement the verbal communication. Of course, when such imitation is carried out consciously, it often indicates that someone is marking at another speaker.Ok, in today's lecture,we looked at some paralinguistic features, such as tone of voice, gesture and posture. These features, together with linguistic features of language, like grammar, or vocabulary, are all part of the way we communicate with each other in face to face encounters. In our next lecture, we'll watch some video material, and see how people actually use paralinguistic means in communication to express their intention or desire or mood.整理一下,整篇文章的要点非常清晰:I. Vocal Paralinguistic Features1. whispering- the needs for secrecy2. breathiness- deep emotion3. huskiness- unimportants4. nasality- anxiety5. extra lip-rounding- greater intimacyII. physical paralinguistic features1. facial expression- powerful conveyer of meaning.--e.g.1 smiling: pleasure or welcome--e.g.2 raising eye-brows: surprised or interested in something--e.g.3 biting your lip:deep in thinking/ uncertain about something--e.g.4 compressing the lips: making decisions--e.g.5 clenching of the teeth: angry2. gesture- culture bound--e.g.1 shrugging shoulders: 'I don't care', or 'I don't know'--e.g.2 crossing your arms: relaxation/ bored--e.g.3 waving: welcome and farewell--e.g.4 scratching your head: at a loss--e.g.5 placing your hand upon your heart: telling the truth--e.g.6 pointing your finger at your nose: it's a secret3. proximity, posture and echoing1). proximity: personal style & culture bound--e.g.1 closeness: intimacy, threat--e.g.2 distance: fomality, lack of interest2). posture: the way in which someone holds his or her body--e.g.1 Hunched shoulders and a hanging head: happy or not--e.g.2 A lowered head, eye contact: the appropriate relationship--e.g.3 direct level eye contact: open or challenging3). echoing: to complement the verbal communication运用各种自己熟悉的笔记符号,将上述列表中的内容快速记下来,只可以更少,不能更多。

TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2006)2006年专业八级听力真题及答案PARTI LISTENING COMPREHESIONSection A Mini-lecture听力原文Part 1, Listening ComprehensionSECTION A MINI-LECTUREGood morning! In today's lecture we shall discuss what meaning is in literary, works. When we read novels, poems, etc. , we invariably ask ourselves a question—that is, what does the writer mean here? In other words, we are interested in finding out the meaning. But meaning is a difficult issue in literature. How do we know what a work of literature is supposed to mean or what its real meaning is? I'd like to discuss three ways to explain what meaning is.No. 1, meaning is what is intended by the author. ( Q1)No. 2, meaning is created by and contained in the text itself.And No. 3 , meaning is created by the reader.Now, let's take a look at the first approach—that is, meaning is what is intended by the author. Does a work of literature mean what the author intended to mean? And if so, how can we tell? If all the evidence we have is the text itself and nothing else, we can only guess what ideas the author had according to our understanding of literature and world. In order to have a better idea of what one par¬ticular author means in one of his works; I suggest that you do the following:First, go to the library and read other works by the same author. ( Q2)Second get to know something about what sort of meanings seem to be common in literary works in that particular tradition and .at that time. In other words, we need to find out what the literary trends were in those days. ( Q3)And last, get to know what were the cultural values and symbols of the time. I guess you can understand the author's meaning much more clearly after you do the related background research.Now, let's move on to the second approach to meaning—that is, meaning is created by and con¬tained in the text itself. Does the meaning exist in the text? Some scholars argue that the formal prop¬erties of the text like grammar, diction, uses of image and so on and so forth, contain and produce the meaning, ( Q4) so that any educated or competent reader will inevitably come to more or less the same interpretation as any other. As. far as I am concerned, the meaning is not only to be found in the literary traditions and grammatical conventions of meaning but also in the cultural codes which have been handed down fromgeneration to generation. ( Q5) So when we and other readers, inclu¬ding the author as well, are said to come up with similar interpretations. That kind of agreement could be created by common traditions and conventions of usage, practice and interpretation. In other words, we have some kind of shared bases for the same interpretation, but that does not mean that readers agree on the meaning all the time. In different time periods, with different cultural perspec¬tives, including class, belief and world view, readers, I mean competent readers, can arrive at dif¬ferent interpretations of tdxts: ( Q6) So meaning in the text is determined by how readers see it. It is not contained in the text in a fixed way.Now, the third approach to meaning—that is, meaning is created by the reader. ( Q7) Does the meaning then exist in the reader's response? In a sense, this is inescapable. Meaning exists only in so far as it means to someone , and literary works are written in order to evoke sets of responses in the reader. This leads us to consider three essential issues.The first is—meaning is social—( Q8) that is, language and conventions work only a shared meaning and our way of viewing the world can exist only a shared or sharable. Similarly, when we read a text, we are participating in social or cultural meaning, so a response to a piece of literary work is not merely an individual thing but is part of culture and history. Second, meaning is contextual. If you change the context, you often change the meaning. And last, meaning requires reader competency. ( Q9) Texts constructed as literature have their own ways of expressions or sometimes we say styles. And the more we know of them, the more we can understand the text. Consequently, there is in regard to the question of meaning; the matter of reader competency as it is called the experience and knowledge of comprehending literary texts. Your professors might insist that you practice and improve competency in reading and they might also insist that you interpret meaning in the context of the whole work. But you may have to learn other compe¬tencies too. For instance, inreading Mulk Raj Anand's The Untouchables' you might have to learn what the social structure of India was like at that time, what traditions of writing were in practice in India in the early 1930s, what political, cultural and personal influences Mulk Raj Anand cameun¬der when constructing the imaginative world of the short novel. ( Q10) Ok , you may see that this i¬dea that meaning requires competency in reading in fact brings us back to the historically situated un¬derstandings of an author and his works as we mentioned earlier in this lecture, to different conven¬tions and ways of reading and writing and to the point that meaning requires a negotiation between cultural meanings across time, culture, class, etc. As readers, you have in fact acquired a good deal of competency already but you should acquire more. The essential point of this lecture is that mean¬ing in literature is a phenomenon that is not easily located, that meaning is historical, social and de¬rived from the traditions of reading and thinking and understanding of the world that you are educated about. Thank you for your attention参考答案:Section A Mini-lecture1.the author2.other works3.literary trends4.grammar,diction or uses of image5.cultural codes6.cultural7.the reader8.social9.reader competency10. social sructure,traditions of writing or political cultural influences,etc.Section B Interview1-5 CDDDASection C News Broadcast6-10 DCBCA。
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Test 1听力原文SECTION A MINI-LECTUREHow Practice Can Damage Your EnglishGood morning, everyone. Today, I am going to talk about the negative role of practice in English learning.If you ask “How can I learn to speak English better?”, many people will tell you “Practice, practice, practice”. “Speak and write in English whenever you can”—they will say. All English classes are full of activities which involve speaking and writing which are supposed to help you with your English.We agree that practice can be very useful. It’s even necessary to learn English well. So what’s the problem? The problem is that for many learners, “speaking” or “writing” means “making a lot of mistakes”. Some people make a mistake in every sentence! If you don’t make many mistakes, then you can speak or write in English and it can only help. [1]But if you make many mistakes, then every time you write or speak, you reinforce your mistakes. As you write or speak, you repeat your mistakes constantly and your incorrect habits become stronger.Imagine this situation: You are writing an e-mail message in English. Your English is not perfect and you want to write the message quickly. You write incorrectly: “I want speak English.” When you write a sentence, you also read it. So the incorrect sentence goes into your head. The next time you write a message, you will be more likely to write “I want finish” or “I want be happy”. Why? Because “I want speak English” is fresh in your head—you’ve just used it! And when you write “I want do something” the second time, you’ve got a “bad habit”, or a reinforced mistake.Now do you see our point? You write—you make mistakes—those mistakes become your habit, they become your way of writing in English. [2]So, the more you write, the worse your English becomes. We have said that you need practice to learn English. We have also said that when you practice, you reinforce your mistakes.Michal suggests a simple solution to this paradox: Never make mistakes! According to what he says, it is close to the truth that you have never written an incorrect English sentence. You knew many grammatical structures and you used only those that you knew. Your sentences were similar to sentences which you knew to be correct. You followed good examples, so all your sentences were good. In the beginning, you could write only very simple sentences, but all the simple sentences were correct. [3]Then as you advanced, you added more and more complicated structures, and again all your sentences were correct. Because of this approach, you were never reinforcing bad habits. You never had any bad habits! From the beginning, you copied only correct sentences. With every sentence that you wrote, you reinforced your good habits.[4]On the other side, if you make many mistakes, speaking and writing is not the way to eliminate them! On the contrary, it reinforces them, as we have shown earlier.You have to realize that speaking does not improve your grammar or your vocabulary. It’s really very simple. Can you learn a new word from yourself? If you don’t know how to say “Good bye” in English, can you invent it by yourself? No, you can’t. You can only learn it by reading or listening to English. So what you should do if you can’t help but make mistakes in your Englishsentences? If you make mistakes, that means you don’t know how to say things in English. You need to learn how to say them. You won’t learn that by speaking or writing. [5]You must read and listen to correct English sentences. You can speak and write later—when you can already build correct English sentences and want to improve your fluency. Perhaps you can benefit from corrections if you get a few corrections per week. But when there are many mistakes, you become unable to concentrate on them. If a teacher returns your composition with 20 corrected mistakes, how many of these corrections can you keep in your mind? Besides, your teacher is not always there. What if you’re writing an e-mail message on your own or talking to someone else? Other people usually ignore your mistakes, and even your teacher does not point out all of them.[6]The conclusion would be that fighting your mistakes is not easy, so it’s better to avoid making mistakes altogether.First, try to be more careful by using the rules of error-free speaking. If you still make a lot of mistakes, or if you find that the rules are killing your motivation, you probably shouldn’t open your mouth just now. Instead, try to get more input by reading and listening in English. True, but believe us—you can learn English with almost no mistakes. How? [7]You can fill your brain with correct sentences and imitate them. You can simply follow good examples.Moreover, sometimes you can say or write something which you think is wrong. You can do it if you want to learn how to say something in English. [8]For example, if you are talking to a native speaker, you can do this: First, say “I’m not sure how to say this in English, but...” and then say your sentence which is probably wrong. And the other person can tell you how to say it in English correctly. From that you learn the correct way to say the sentence.[9]Notice that this technique is only safe if you know that you are saying something which may be wrong, or you are sure that the other person will correct you if you make a mistake. And [10]you use it only occasionally.In summary, it should be noted that practice can also serve as a negative factor in English learning. Hope all of you can find the solution to it from today’s lecture.SECTION B INTERVIEWM: It’s been nearly many years since Madonna first made headlines for trying to adopt a small child from the African nation of Malawi. And she’s since become a voice for the more than 1 million children or orphans in that country and now she’s behind the film on that subject. And tonight, we have Madonna here on our show. Welcome, Madonna.W: Thanks.M: Well... We watched your film I Am Because We Are last night... and it’s amazing. Why have you felt the commitment to help those children?W: [1]Something about their situation connected to me, and in a way I was going on my own journey and connecting to these children and wanting to in a way heal myself whilst helping them.M: And hearing about their suffering? Something opened to you?W: Yeah. [1]I grew up as a motherless child. I had a roof over my head and I had food and I had a school to go to. And I still thought that my world was going to collapse on me, so how could itbe for these children who, most of them, having lost both of their parents, having no roof over their head, no food to eat, how horrifying and frightening it must be for them!M: You know, I wonder how this revelation came to you, you know, this is going to be a thing, for you. [2]This is not how people see you.W: I think having children and having a family force you to think about people besides yourself, I mean you don’t really have a choice, I think I just got to a point in my life. I thought I have so much, and it’s a great tragedy if I don’t use what I have to make the world a better place. I know that sounds silly, or cheesy, or like a cliché, whatever... but it’s the truth. If I was challenging people to open up their minds and their hearts, then I had to be willing to stand at the front of the line. And... and I appreciate and understand how people could be cynical, that’s fine, I accept that.M: Why do you appreciate that people can be cynical?W: [3]Because I think we live in a society, that, where people are naturally suspicious of acts of altruism or generosity.M: Or maybe they might be suspicious because they might think, well, you know, Madonna changes all the time. Is this simply another fad, a trend, or just a new; is this something that is really core to Madonna.W: My re-inventions are part of my evolution and my growth as a person. They’re aspects of it that are full of lesson. They are aspects of it that are real. I don’t see how anybody who really understands how complicated it is to adopt a child could say that someone toasts to do that as a fad. It’s just too difficult... it’s too traumatic.M: It’s been hard then to adopt David.W: We have not even been granted the full adoption. It’s supposed to be happening in the next month. So for the last 18 months I have been a foster parent. [4]I have been visited every 6 weeks by social workers who come into the house and make sure that you are being a good parent, and David’s health is thriving, and asking you all kinds of invasive questions, and you have to put up with it and endure it and you know, I have been fingerprinted about 20 times, and[4]undergone psychological evaluations and I think everybody who goes through adoption hasto do this. I am not alone and, but you know, I’d do it again.M: You would?W: Yeah.M: Why?W: Because David is amazing, because he’s brought so much joy to our lives and more than about him. And so, it was worthy. I think most people will suffer for the things they love.M: And now at this point in your life, it seems you’re opening, to some part of you, it’s softening, something that is looking for wisdom, usefulness.W: Well, thank God.M: Em... what do you mean by that?W: Well, thank God I am searching for wisdom and usefulness. Em, one hopes that one gets to that point in their lives sooner or later.M: Do you wish that you could just be anonymous?W: No, no...M: No?W: I mean, yeah, I have moments of it, but I don’t wanna wish that I am not me, I don’t wish I were someone else.M: What is it that you want to feel about your life?W: [5]That my soul reached its true potential. And that I did everything that I was put on this Earth to do...M: Well, thank you, Madonna.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTNEWS ITEM 1Stock markets in Europe and the United States have fallen sharply in response to further signs that the debt crisis in Greece is intensifying and could spread to other countries. Share prices in New York, London, Frankfurt and Paris fell by more than 2% after a major international credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s downgraded Greek debt to a level known informally as junk.[6]Standard & Poor’s downgraded its assessment of Greek bonds to the so-called junk status because of the growing danger that the bond holders will not be paid back in full. [7]Many big investment funds have rules that forbid them from holding junk bonds, says the move is likely to trigger a further round of selling. Share markets have taken fright, fearing that if Greece does default on its debts, it would hit many European banks which hold Greek bonds and could trigger a wider financial crisis. Already pressure is mounting on Portugal which has also seen its credit rating downgraded today, although it remains above junk status.NEWS ITEM 2Officials in the Philippines say at least a hundred people have died in floods and landslides in the north triggered by a week of heavy rain. This follows two storms in the past two weeks which have already left about 300 people dead. Reports said that even some evacuation centers had been flooded.[9]Officials say that 30 cities were hit by the landslide through the night where residents had taken to the rooftops of their houses for refuge. The northern Philippines have been pounded by heavy rain following the second typhoon in just over a week to hit the nation. Typhoon Parma has lingered in the north of the country turning into a tropical depression. It follows Typhoon Ketsana which killed more than 300 people when it hit on September 26.NEWS ITEM 3[10]The Supreme Court has upheld lethal injection as a method of execution. Justices rule 7 to 2 this morning rejecting a constitutional challenge brought by a case in Kentucky. [10]At issue was whether the most common method of capital punishment used by 35 states can cause excruciating pain for death row inmates, violating the constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. The ruling will likely allow states to resume executions which had been on hold pending the Supreme Court decision. Virginia’s governor has already lifted his state’s moratorium on executions.Test 2听力原文SECTION A MINI-LECTUREFive Main Literary Movements in American HistoryGood morning, everyone. Today’s lecture is the very first of a series of lectures on the main literary movements in United States history. In this class, we are going to cover five different movements in literature and discuss the origins and common beliefs of each movement. In this, our first class, I’d like to take some time to give you an overview of these five movements as a starting point. I’ll go over the period of time each movement covers, the place in the US where it got its start, the key figures in each movement, and the core beliefs of each.We won’t have time in the course to cover all literary movements, so we’re going to be focusing on the general time period of the 19th and 20th centuries. More specifically, this course will cover most of the important literary movements from 1830 to around 1940.The first literary movement we’ll be looking at in detail is called Transcendentalism. The reason we choose this as our starting point is that writers of this movement or period are the first to show a clear difference from British writers and British cultural tradition and heritage. Before this time, American writers and British writers shared similar views of the world and saw the world through the same lens. We sometimes refer to Transcendentalism as American Transcendentalism to differentiate it from an earlier philosophical movement in Europe. [1]American Transcendentalism was born in New England, the north-eastern part of the United States around the 1830s. [2]Writers in this movement believed, in very general terms, that nature, God, and the individual human were united, were the same, and that individuals did not need organized religion. American Transcendentalists also extolled individualism and encouraged individuals to be reliant on themselves and their development as human beings. Transcendentalists very often were active in social movements. Arguably the most important figure of this movement was Ralph Waldo Emerson, whose book called Nature, published in 1836, remains one of the movements most read works.The second movement we’re going to talk about is Romanticism, though it is more a series of movements in art, music and literature which lasted about 50 years and spread from Britain and Germany to other parts of the world. Basically, romanticism is centered on strong emotions and imagination rather than rational thought, [3]and there is an emphasis in American Romanticism to focus on the supernatural and on human psychology. Many works in this genre tell stories full of strong emotion, unexplained phenomenon, and unusual occurrences. [4]One of the most well known writers considered to be a Romantic writer is Edgar Allen Poe, who is known for his stories filled with mystery and who wrote many works we might now call psychological thrillers or horror stories. Poe thought that the human mind and imagination are factors in how we define reality.Our next movement is Realism, a movement which started in France in the mid 19th century before spreading to other areas, including the United States in the 1870s. This movement was, in many ways, a reaction to Romanticism in that it rejected strange and, indeed, romantic tales and aimed to show society and humanity as it was in real life. Realists focused on events that were ordinary, usual and typical rather than extraordinary or exotic. [5]Many writers of this movement were also involved with social change, and writing about real conditions of real people was seen asone way to educate the general public for the need for change. [6]One of this movement’s most easily recognizable names is Mark Twain, whose most famous stories were about everyday life in the American south, that is, the south eastern states of the US, and who worked throughout his life on a variety of social issues including ending slavery and giving workers more rights.Naturalism is an offshoot of Realism, and also had its roots in France. Both movements focused on the reality of everyday ordinary life, but Naturalism focused on how the outside world, that is, [7]a person’s environment, influences and, perhaps, determines that person’s behavior. Naturalism generally believes that a person has a destiny or fate, and that person can do little to change that destiny or fate. Many writers in this movement focused on problems in society, like poverty. [8]One of the movement’s most famous writers, Jack London, wrote books which compared animal behavior to human behavior, showing that human behavior is not all that different from animal behavior in extreme circumstances.The next movement we are going to look at is Modernism, which, of course, stretches beyond literature into music and art. The movement itself started in Europe in the late 19th century, as with many of the other movements, spread to America shortly after. The tumultuous period ending in World War I and World War II were seen by many as proof that the modern world was horrific and chaotic, and the end of World War II was seen as the start of a new era of humanity, either for good or for bad. Modernism reflects these thoughts, and writers in the Modernist era were looking, generally, to look beyond the old, the traditional, and were trying to find meaning in a new world.[9]If we have to choose one word to describe this movement, we would probably choose the word “progress”. Modernists were concerned with finding out what doesn’t work in the world and replacing it with what does. [10]One major figure of the American branch of Modernism was Ezra Pound, who, among other things, revolutionized poetry.OK. In today’s lecture, we’ve had a brief look at the origins and common beliefs of the five different movements in American literature. In our next lecture, we will discuss each movement in detail.SECTION B INTERVIEWW: Today I’d like to welcome Edward Fox, a seasoned real-estate agent, who is going to talk to us about buying a house. Hello, Edward, good to see you.M: Hello.W: Now Edward, I think for most people buying a house is a major life event, and probably the single most expensive item they are ever likely to buy. What precautions do they have to take before a real purchase? Can you give some suggestions?M: You are right in saying buying a house costs a lot. But as to me, the most important thing to consider before buying any property is the location.W: Location?M: Right. Because it is where you plan to spend a large part of your life. Or, indeed, the rest of your life in some circumstances. [1]Therefore, consider the type of life you enjoy leading. If you area very sociable person who enjoys nightclubs and discos, you may consider something close toa city. Anyway, a city is convenient for all types of nightlife.W: Then, for those who like to seek a quiet life, do you recommend a house in the countryside? M: Well, countryside is a tranquil place. [1]However, do remember that proximity to the place of work also counts. [2]Indeed, we spend most of our life at work, and you don’t want to have to spend two or more hours every day traveling to work, do you?W: Absolutely.M: Therefore, transport is of the utmost importance. [2]City suburbs, however, are often conveniently located for commuting to work, or for shopping, without being in the heart of a busy city.W: But houses in the suburbs are far more expensive than those in cities.M: [3]They seem to be, but actually houses located in cities can often exceed the price of suburban houses, so check out the prices. You may be surprised.W: Really? So we should consider our place of work and personality in choosing the location. Is that so?M: I’m afraid you have to take family into consideration as well. You may prefer a house that is away from a busy street or main road. And of course, remember that children have to attend school. If you have children, or you plan to have children, location is a very important factor.And of course, [1]remember that a family influences the size of the property.W: Oh, I see. How many types of houses can we choose?M: There are various types of houses. The first is called detached houses, which stand alone, and are not joined by another building. Then there are semi-detached houses, which are the most common. This is because they are, in fact, two houses joined together, and therefore take up less space. And there are town houses, too, which are many houses joined together to form a long row. But I don’t think that town houses are less expensive than semi-detached houses. They rarely are. [3]This is because they are usually built in cities where the price of the property is very expensive.W: Then what about old houses? They must be cheaper than new ones.M: Maybe they are. But if the house is too old, you may be faced with expensive repairs and renovation bills. [4]So have a house thoroughly checked by a professional surveyor before you decide to buy.W: I agree. It’s economical to buy old houses only when they are in good condition. By the way, a lot of property has a garden attached to it. Do you think it’s a good choice?M: It’s true that a lot of property has a garden. If you enjoy gardening, that’s fine. But if you don’t enjoy gardening then you may prefer a small garden, as opposed to a big one. But even if you do enjoy gardening it is important to remember that gardens take up a lot of your time. So keeping a garden in good order may be very difficult if you work long hours.W: You are quite right. Any other suggestions?M: [5]One final thing is the general feel of the place. Does it have a good atmosphere? And most important of all, would YOU feel comfortable living there?W: Edward, I never knew I had to consider so many things while buying a house. Thank you very much for talking with us.M: My pleasure.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTNEWS ITEM 1Twenty-five miners are now known to have died and four are missing in an accident at a West Virginia coal mine. [6]The worst mine disaster in the US since 1984 was caused by an underground explosion at Upper Big Branch, about 30 miles south of Charleston. It happened at about 3 p.m. in a chamber 330m below ground, mine owner Massey Energy Company said. [7]The rescue operation has been suspended because rising methane gas levels have heightened the risk of another blast. The operation will resume as soon as conditions allow, Massey Energy said. There are plans to drill holes from the surface to monitor gas levels and attempt to ventilate the mine chamber. A mine safety official said rescue teams had reached one of the mine’s airtight chambers stocked with food, water and oxygen but found no-one there. US President Barack Obama offered his “deepest condolences” to the families and friends of those who had died.NEWS ITEM 2A landmark law which makes education a fundamental right for children has come into effect in India. It is now legally enforceable for every child to demand free and elementary education between the ages of 6 and 14 years. [8]Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said enough funds would be made available to ensure that children had access to education. An estimated eight million children aged between 6 and 14 do not currently attend school in India. Mr. Singh said that the government was committed “to ensuring that all children irrespective of gender and social category have access to education”. Recalling his own childhood, [8]Mr. Singh, a qualified economist, said: “I read under the dim light of a kerosene lamp. I am what I am totally because of education.” Mr. Singh added, “So I want that the light of education should reach to all.”NEWS ITEM 3Light exercise during pregnancy may improve the future health of a child by controlling weight in the womb, New Zealand and US researchers say. Overweight or obese mums are more likely to have larger babies which could be at higher risk of health problems later in life. [9]A study of 84 first-time mothers found exercise was associated with slightly lighter babies. UK guidelines recommend regular light exercise for pregnant women. The rising weight of the UK population over the years has led to a rise in the number of overweight mothers. There is increasing evidence that the future metabolism of a child may be influenced by its environment in the womb, [10]and that babies who are relatively heavy for their length may be more likely to be obese in future years. Official guidance in the UK tells doctors to encourage women not to overeat during pregnancy, and to, wherever possible, take light exercise on a regular basis.Test 3听力原文SECTION A MINI-LECTUREAdvice for Students: How to Talk to ProfessorsGood afternoon. Today I’d like to give you advice on how to talk to professors. A while back, I recommended that students get to know their professors. I realize, though, that many students are intimidated or put off by their professors. This is especially so when students need something—a favor, special help with an assignment, or a second chance on a test.It doesn’t need to be that way. [1]Professors are people, just like everyone else, and if you approach your professors with the same basic respect and decency you offer everyone else you interact with, you’ll probably find that they react with the same.There are, though, a few things that you should keep in mind when you talk to your professors, especially if you’re going to ask for a particular favor:[2]The first thing you should remember to do is: call them by the right title. A “Doctor” is someone with a PhD; not all professors have a PhD. “Professor” is usually appropriate, unless you’ve been told otherwise. I prefer to be called by my first name, and I make that point clearly on the first day of class; if your professor hasn’t said anything about this, you’re better off not using their first name. If you’re totally unsure, a “Mr.” or “Ms.” is usually fine. Do not use “Mrs.” unless the professor herself uses it.Secondly, no matter under what situations, tell the truth. After the first couple of semesters of teaching, your average professor has much heard it all. It’s a sad fact, but true nonetheless, that we grow jaded and take all students’ excuses with a grain of salt. If a professor thinks he or she is being played, they’re not going to respond very well to whatever request you have to make, [3]so you might as well be honest. If you feel you absolutely must lie, at least make it a huge flaming whopper of a lie, so the professor can get a good laugh when they share it at the next faculty meeting.Thirdly, be prepared to do the work. If you’ve missed an assignment or a test or are falling behind in your reading, [4]and you are seeking help to get caught up or a special dispensation to make up the assignment, you’d better be prepared to do the work—and generally under more difficult circumstances. I get the impression that a lot of students imagine I might just say “don’t worry about it, I’ll give you the points anyway”, which, of course, is not going to happen.[5]Fourthly, be clear and concise. Unless you’re paying a “social call”, get to the point quickly: tell your professor what you need or want and be done with it. Don’t spend 30 minutes explaining your childhood and family arrangements and how hard it is getting a job with a few felony convictions on your record and blah blah blah for a 10-point assignment. Simply say “Professor, I missed an assignment, can I make it up? Can I do something else?”Lastly, remember to pay social calls. Your professor is probably required by school policy to be in his or her office and available to students for a set number of hours per week. On top of that, most professors like talking to students—it’s part of the reason we took the job. Pay your professor a visit or two, just to talk. Tell him or her about the work you’re interested in or about problems you’re having. [6]Build relationships with your professors—at the very least, they’ll remember you when you call up three years later asking for a reference letter.。