红字女权主义PPT 中英文


红字女权主义PPT 中英文

红字女权主义PPT 中英文
Introduction of the Author
Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author of this book was one of the most interesting, yet most ambivalent(矛盾 的) writer in American literary history. He was called the “Moral Historian of Puritan New England”.
海斯特,小说的主角,展现了她所处的社会边 缘的女性形象,霍桑通过她呈现了女性受压 迫的过程。海斯特与罗杰齐林沃斯的婚姻是 无爱的,因此,她是婚姻的牺牲品。而她与 牧师丁梅斯代尔的越轨爱情又使她在感受到 真爱的同时背负了通奸的罪名,在受过刑罚 后又彻底地被社会抛弃。
但是,海斯特是个充满个性的女人。尽管她 清楚地知道通奸罪有什么样的惩罚,但她有 勇气去触犯这严厉的清教法规。
独立改革后不久,美国妇女开始发起强劲而 有生机的妇女解放运动。第一次跟男人争夺 平等的政治权利,如选举权。霍桑十分熟悉 一些女权主义者和她们的要求,这对他女性 主义意识的形成产生了很深的影响。
His feminist idea was shown in his appreciation to the character of the heroine, namely the courage facing difficulties, heartfelt dedication(奉献) of love, independent consciousness, independent in men rule the world, and maternal (母亲的,母系的)qualities.



4 Themes
Adultery It is originally meant to be a symbol of shame.
As time goes by, Hester has added to the letter another meaning through her own efforts.
a devoted servant of God gloomy, weak-minded , selfish
suffering from experience of physical
aand spiritual disintegration
2 Characters
尖角阁的房子》1851 ❖ Blithedale Romance 《福谷传奇》 1852 ❖ The Marble Faun 《玉石雕像》 1860
2 Characters
2 Characters
Old Ugly Scholar Deformed shoulders(畸形的肩膀) Distorted soul(扭曲的灵魂) He is interested in revenge.
Dimmesdale suffered physical and mental torture(折磨).
Chillingworth hides his identity and revenge himself on Dimmesdale.
在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学 生带着 问题来 学习, 而问题 的设置 具有一 定的梯 度,由 浅入深 ,所提 出的问 题也很 明确



• The Scarlet Letter told a story of a puritan woman Hester Prynne who was punished to wear a scarlet A which stood for the crime of adultery. The pretty young lady tried to settle down in Boston with her old and ugly husband Chillinggworth, a scholar. But the latter did not appear for years. During this time, Hester committed adultery with a local Minster Dimmesdale, and gave birth to a girl Pearl. Facing the terrible punishment, Hester refused to give her lover’s name away to protect him. Years later, the husband Chillinggworth came to the town and found out the whole truth, and he operated an horror revenge on Dimmesdale, with hiding his own true name. Yet, as the story going, Hester and Dimmesdale became sympathetic figures, while Chillinggworth was a devil at last.



Christianity Catholics Protestants
Calvinists Methodists Anglicans Baptists Puritans
Hawthome was born in a declining noble family in Salem, Massachusetts, New England. Salem, his hometown, has ever been the place where Puritanism forces were rampant and several generations of his ancestors were fanatic Puritans; therefore, the Puritanism thought has a deep-rooted effect on Hawthome.
Hester Prynne was a woman who committed adultery, which is representation of the evil of human nature, and cannot be accepted by the society at that time and Puritans. Hester betrayed her husband and went against the principle of honesty on Puritan, so she must accept the severe punishment in the Puritan society at that time.
Died May 19, 1864
Family Background:
A family with a long Puritan tradition



to keep the reader
as a weapon to
in the world of
attack reality. It
uncertainty –
can be found
multiple point of
everywhere in his
writingຫໍສະໝຸດ 13Background &
a man of literary craftsmanship,extraordinary in
the use of symbol
the use of ambiguity
revelation of characters’ psychology
the use of supernatural
The symbol serves
Much of Hawthorne’s work is set in colonial New England, and many of his short stories have been read as moral allegories influenced by his Puritan background.
Author:Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hawthorne
• Introduction • Family background & life experiences • Works • Writing theme/style
• Attended Bowdoin College in 1821; • Hawthorne was hired in 1839 as a weigher


The Scarlet Letter ——Hawthorne
G Dimmesdale
• 1.Author • 2.Background • 3.plot summary • 4.Plot • 5.Analysis of characters • 6.Theme • 7.Artistic Features
• The Birth-Mark 《胎记》(1843) • Rappaccini’s Daughter 《拉帕奇尼的女儿》(1844) • My Kinsman, Major Molineux
• The Minister’s Black Veil 《教长的黑面纱》(1836) • Young Goodman Brown《好小伙子布朗》 (1835)
• Father: Died when he was only four • Mother: Relied on relatives in rearing
the children • A family with a long Puritan (清教徒)
Life experience
A man in the crowd told an elderly onlooker that Hester was punisheognition
Who is the elderly onlooker??
• Hester’s missing husband !!!
• Religion: Puritanism became popular.


The Feminist Movement
(also known as the Women's Movement, Women's Liberation, or Women's Lib) refers to a series of campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, voting rights, sexual harassment, and sexual violence. The goals of the movement vary from country to country, e.g. opposition to female genital cutting女性生殖器切割 in Sudan, or to the glass ceiling玻璃天花板 in Western countries.
Feminists are persons of either sex, or females only (in which case males may be profeminists), who believe in feminism.
A feminist is "an advocate or supporter of the rights and equality of women".
Men feminist
Karl Marx 卡尔·亨利希·马克思
Henrik Johan Ibsen 亨利克·约翰·易卜生


| 纳 撒 尼 尔
• 霍 桑
主要描述在清教徒时代,一位有夫之妇海丝特·白 兰以及一位年轻而德高望重的牧师阿瑟·丁梅斯代 尔发生不轨的行为被揭发,海丝特被审判并终生 佩戴一个红色A(Adultery:通奸 )字在胸前。没有 一同站
上审判台的牧师受尽身体以及精神上的折磨。与 此同时,其失踪已久的丈夫齐灵渥斯突然出现, 并隐藏身份对丁梅斯代尔展开一系列的报复行动。
❖ 倔强、坚强的性格:生出没落世家,父母贫穷,婚
苦无依,与牧师情感败露后独自承担耻辱,也不愿 牵连牧师。面对示众,表现出“好斗的精神”:
“她虽然面孔红得发烧,却露出高傲的微笑,用毫 无愧色的目光环视着她的同镇居民和街坊邻里。她 的裙袍的前胸上露出了一个用红色细布做就、周围 用金丝线精心绣成奇巧花边的一个字母A。” (第 一章)
❖ 1650年前后的波士顿,当地居民是1620至1630年间 来此定居的第一代移民,清教徒(加尔文教),他们 在英格兰受詹姆斯一世迫害,抱着创建人间乐土的 理想来新大陆,史称“朝圣的教父”。
❖ 英国清教徒:最初反抗罗马教皇专制、反对社会腐 败风气,注重理智,排斥感情,推崇理想,禁绝欲 望;后来发展到极端:迫害异端,不准妇女在街上 微笑,不准儿童嬉戏。
❖ 美丽、高贵的气质:“那年轻妇女身材颀长,体态 优美之极。她头上乌黑的浓发光彩夺目,在阳光下 可以说熠熠 生辉。她的面孔不仅皮肤滋润、五官端 正、容貌秀丽,而且还有一对鲜明的眉毛和一双漆 黑 的深目,十分楚楚动人。…她自有一 种端庄的 风韵,并不同子如今人们心目中的那种纤巧、轻盈 和不可言喻的优雅。 (第一章)



Important Detail
Continually,and in a thousand other ways,did she feel the innumerable throbs of anguish that had been so cunningly contrived for her by the undying,the everactive sentence of the Puritan tribunal.Clergymen paused in the street to address words of exhortation that brought a crowd,with its mingled grin and frown, around the poor, sinful woman . If she entered a church,trusting to share the Sabbath smile of the Universal Father,it was often her mishap to find herself the text of the discourse. She grew to have a dread of child ; for they had imbibed from their parents a vague idea of something horrible in this dreary woman,gliding silently through the town,with never .any companion but only one chil8d.
Analysis of Important Details


While the novel is, in large part, a record of the torment Hester suffers under the burden of her symbol of shame, eventually, after the implied marriage of her daughter Pearl and the death of Chillingworth and Dimmesdale, Hester becomes an accepted and even a highly valued member of the community.
—By Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Introduction of Book

The Scarlet Letter was published in 1850,written by Hawthorne.Its background is the New England under the control of Puritanism,and it tells a love affair in the seventeen-century Boston.
My Attitude
• Recently,The issue of affairs has been brought into public focus.The thought occurs to me.I know about the news,and the authorities have revised the law of marriage.Now we are entering a brand-newera full of material desires and innovations,and great changes have taken place in people's attitude towards some traditional practice.That's all,Maybe I should feel indebted ,because I choose the book by chance.so I happen to get fruits a lot.



The influence of Feminism
Some feminists believe that these areas there is still a lot to be a hard place, but some did not agree, and claimed that basically had already won the battle to fight.
Opinion On feminism
IN my opinion,The real women's rights, nature is the premise of "female" We want to admit that you are a female, and exert their own advantages Not make you like a man right , after all, our bodies have a uterus, physical characteristic is objective existence and strip, and to a certain extent, affect our psychology. 夏娃是亚当身上的肋骨 , 但这并不可悲。因为亚当需要肋骨。 没有这根肋骨,亚当就是不完整的。
She was one of concubines of Emperor Taizong; she was the empress of Emperor Caozong; she was the mother of Emperor Zhongzong and Emperor zhongzong and Emperor Ruizong;she was once a nun in the temple. But her most glorious title was that she was the only female emperor in Chinese history who actually ruled the whole country for almost half a century. She was considered an excellent woman politician in Chinese feudal time by Sun Yat-sen wife Song qing ling.



Mary (Iraq )
by Emma Watson
• I decided I was a feminist and this seemed uncomplicated to me. But my recent research has shown me that feminism has become an unpopular word. • Apparently I am among the ranks of women whose expressions are seen as too strong, too aggressive, isolating(孤立的), anti-men and,unattractive. • No country in the world can yet say they have achieved gender equality. • If we stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by what we are—we can all be freer and this is what HeForShe is about. It’s about freedom. • I am inviting you to step forward, to be seen to speak up, to be the he for she(成为一个为女性权益奋斗的男性). And to ask yourself ,if not me, who?If not now ,when?
• Sober(冷静的) • Heroic(豪迈的) • Brave and steadfast(勇毅的)



The beginning
The story starts during the summer of 1642, near Boston, in a Puritan village. A young woman, named Hester Prynne, has been led from the town prison with her infant daughter in her arms, and on the breast of her gown "a rag of scarlet cloth assumed the shape of a letter “A" It is the uppercase letter "A." The Scarlet Letter "A" represents the act of adultery that she has committed and it is to be a symbol of her sin—a badge of shame. On this day, Hester is led to the town scaffold and questioned by the town fathers, but she again refuses to identify her child's father.
The process of development
Hester’s husband who was regarded dead appeared among the onlookers. And he is now practicing medicine and calling himself Roger Chillingworth. Later, Chillingworth medicates Hester’s daughter Pearl and lives with Dimmesdale as his private doctor when Dimmesdale’s psychological pain deepens. Actually, Chillingworth suspects that there may be a connection between the minister's torments and Hester's secret, and he begin to test Dimmesdale to see what he can learn. And later he finds that Dimmesdale is Pearl’s father.



Emma Watson
The Definition of Feminism
The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.
Rise of Feminism
Female Education
Present Situation
“——女子不得参政” From the national leaders
and government officials at all levels, men occupy absolute advantage in numbers. Women speak little in politics, views现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责
Speakers:袁虹 王丽鸣 贾倩
Part one significance of feminism Part two history and evolution Part three present situation
Feminism in Literature
Jane Austin
Brontë sisters
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In the Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne described this consciousness into his villains, the heroine's inner world. Hawthorne revealed Hester's marginalized status(边缘地位), reflected female consciousness of the widespread in the Puritan society. Hawthorne also criticized that origin from the patriarchal(父权的,父系的) consciousness of unequal treatment of women.
1842年,霍桑和他的妻子索法亚·皮博迪结婚, 他的妻子是一个很独立的女人,没有她的支 持霍桑就不可能成为一个成功的作家。当霍 桑遇到经济困难时,全家就靠妻子的针线活 过日子。这种和谐的家庭生活促使霍桑去探 究作品的人物形象,爱和母性气质。
Thirdly, when the Independent Reform began, he saw many women made many movements for liberations.
在作品中,他描绘了一个反叛妇女———海 斯特,作为一个被社会抛弃的人,作为一个严 厉清教惩罚下的牺牲品,得到了巨大的同情。 她的美丽、勇气、反叛以及她作为一位母亲 所具有的美德都值得强调。
The embodiment of feminist consciousness on “Hester”
Being different from other male writers at the same time, Hawthorne wrote a novel into the feminist tendency. This kind of consciousness could be traced back to his life background, as well as the transcendentalist(超验主义), romanticism.
海斯特,小说的主角,展现了她所处的社会边 缘的女性形象,霍桑通过她呈现了女性受压 迫的过程。海斯特与罗杰齐林沃斯的婚姻是 无爱的,因此,她是婚姻的牺牲品。而她与 牧师丁梅斯代尔的越轨爱情又使她在感受到 真爱的同时背负了通奸的罪名,在受过刑罚 后又彻底地被社会抛弃。
但是,海斯特是个充满个性的女人。尽管她 清楚地知道通奸罪有什么样的惩罚,但她有 勇气去触犯这严厉的清教法规。
她通过自身痛苦的经历意识到妇女在社会中 的地位是不公平的。
因此,她要通过自己的行为去改变这一事实, 唤起女性的自我意识
出母性的光辉;她用绝妙的技艺装饰代表耻 辱的字母“A”,是在是用她的手工艺来做为 反抗的武器,通过美化字母“A”来否定它的 社会意义;她献身于慈善事业,为穷人缝制 衣服,照料病人,用善行将她的“通奸”标志 转变成了“能干”(Able)甚至“天 使”(An-gel)。这些行为都源自于她的女权 主义态度。
独立改革后不久,美国妇女开始发起强劲而 有生机的妇女解放运动。第一次跟男人争夺 平等的政治权利,如选举权。霍桑十分熟悉 一些女权主义者和她们的要求,这对他女性 主义意识的形成产生了很深的影响。
His feminist idea was shown in his appreciation to the character of the heroine, namely the courage facing difficulties, heartfelt dedication(奉献) of love, independent consciousness, independent in men rule the world, and maternal (母亲的,母系的)qualities.
The Embodiment of Hawthorne‘s Feminist Consciousness in “The Scarlet Letter” 霍桑的女权主义意识
Introduction of the Author
Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author of this book was one of the most interesting, yet most ambivalent(矛盾 的) writer in American literary history. He was called the “Moral Historian of Puritan New England”.
He’s one of the most influential writers in America in the 19th century. His novel The Scarlet Letter published in 1850 ensures his permanent fame in literature.
在霍桑年仅四岁的时候,他的父亲在一次航 海中不幸遇难,丢下了他28岁的妻子和三个 孩子。霍桑很同情妈妈,这也是他在《红字》 中高度赞扬母爱的原因。他妈妈的生活环境 让他开始思考妇女在父系社会中地位,他发 现她们处在社会的边缘地位
Secondly, because his wife was very kind-hearted, she always supported him. Therefore, he thought that women played a very important role in the mankind.
The Reasons Why He Wrote This Kind of Works
Firstly, when he was young, he father was died. He knew that his mother was very hard for living, so he was very sympathy with women.
Hester , the heroine in this book was repy being put into the prison , exposed to public and worn the scarlet letter. Spontaneously(自发地,自然地), her consciousness of resistance was produced. So Hester performed very bravely when she faced to the humiliation.
总之,与同时期的其他男性作家不同,霍桑在 写小说时,融入了女权主义倾向。这种意识 可追溯到他的生活背景,以及超验主义,浪漫 主义。
About the Novel
In this novel Hawthorne sets his story in the 17th century American Boston under the rule of puritan magistrates(地方法官,治安官). According to some theories of feminist criticism, Hawthorne's feminism consciousness prompted him to shape a rebellion(反抗,叛乱) character in the Scarlet letter.
根据一些女权主义批评理论,霍桑的女权主 义意识促使他在《红字》中塑造了一个反叛 女性。在《红字》中,霍桑将这种意识融入 到了他描绘的反派女主人公海斯特的内心世 界。霍桑通过揭示海斯特的社会边缘地位, 反映了在清教社会中普遍存在的厌女意识。 霍桑还谴责那种源于男权意识对妇女不平等 的待遇。
In his work, he portrayed a rebellious woman --, Hester, abandoned by the society and a man, was the victim of a Puritan severe penalty(刑罚,惩罚), and she got great sympathy. Her beauty, courage, rebellion, and her virtue as a mother are worth highlighting.
他的女权主义不仅表现在他对女主人公的品 质的欣赏,即面对困境的勇气,发自内心的执 着的爱,自立意识,在男性统治世界中的独立, 以及母性的特质。