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The graph shows the great changes in the number of people suffering from cancer from 1950 to 1990. The percentage of cancer sufferers went up 0.07% from 1950 to 1975. However, that figure decreased by 0.08% between 1975 and 1990. The changes provide us much food for thought.

There are certainly some reasons for the changes. During the first years, with the development of economy, the air was seriously polluted. At that time, questioning the quality of the air that people breathed became less important than worrying about the money they earned. After 1975, people began to realize that they have to pay dearly for their mistake. The authorities have done a lot to prevent air pollution. For example, many factories which polluted the air seriously were closed down That’s why the percentage of cancer has dropped since then on.

There is still a long way to go for combating air pollution. We are in the hope that new and great progress will be made in the future, and people can live a healthier life.

二、Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)


1.N本题考查文章的大意,可在做完后面9题后再解答。本文主要介绍有关robot races 比赛的情况,而不是比赛的优点和缺点,故题干表述错误。

2.N由原文第二段首句可知,most robots barely managed to get off the starting line,这就说明比赛并不算成功,故题干表述错误。

3.N根据题干中的信息词this year's race和the Grand Challenge定位原文第四段No surprise,then,that 43 teams…可知题干表述错误。

4.Y根据题干中的信息词The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA)定位原文,可知题干表述正确。

5.Y根据题干中的信息词the aim of the Grand Challenge定位原文,发现答案在小标题Unknown Course下第一段,可知题干表述正确。

6.N小标题Smart Money下第一段明确指出Neither Ghostrider nor It Came From the Garage made the final cut at this week’s qualifying races,可知题干是错误的。


8.rugged,rea1-life conditions。本题内容是关于跑道(Course)上设置的障碍物(obstacles)的,可推知答案在小标题Unknown Course下,其中第五段给出了答案。9.Ghostrider。答案在小标题Ghostrider下第四段。预读题干发现only这种绝对化表达,




11 D推断题:it is too early to quit. 暗示“最好别放弃”

12 B I don’t care much about something.此句显示说话人对某事物不太感兴趣。Care for意为“喜欢”

13 C Wait until the last minute。意为“什么事都等到最后一分钟”。据此进一步推断,W认为M学习习惯不好。

14 D


15 A

Other colors come in all sizes.此句话暗示顾客可以选择其他颜色

16 B

I am afraid … 暗示了一种否定语气;run out of film 意为“胶卷用完了”

17 A

根据get away from all the noise.此处暗示那个餐馆很安静

18 D

场景题:Gate9 for flight 901 to H.K. 非常典型的飞机用语。

19 D

根据M说:too much coffee harms your health.

20 D

对话中W提到:but doing exercise needs a lot of time. I am just too busy to do it.

21 D


22 D

对话结束部分W提到要尝试运动,但同时还得有咖啡。因此选项A,B应排除。选项C说W 还会继续大量喝咖啡,文章中没有提到大量。选项D说W还会买咖啡,因为W最后表示还要喝咖啡,因此D正确。

23 B

根据对话首句:do you know that Jack has been admitted to Graduate School of Peking University 以及后面:other students say he just declined a job offered by Simens可以判断,Jack毕业后将读书而不是去工作

24 C

对话中M提到:but he will lose years of gaining social experience and development.可见M非常重视在大公司工作获得的经验和发展。选项C于此一致。

25 B

推断题。根据对话内容可知,W选择毕业后工作是因为她还要还贷,据此可以判断她现在面临一些经济困难。选项A不正确,因为读书并不意味着他在个人发展方面没有上进心;选项C也不正确,M只是获得了去Microsoft的工作机会,但并不一定会成为经理;选项D 意为:W以后会读研究生,也不正确。

26 C


27 A
