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4. Text & Bibliography
• Text: "The Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables, and Florist and Nursery Stocks. Agricultural Handbook Number 66, USA, 2004 ", edited by Kenneth C. Gross, Gross,Chien Yi Wang and Mikal Saltveit is assigned as main reference text book.
5. Credit & Class Hour Assignment
34 class hours, 2.0 Credits. The detailed assignment of class hour was as follows: 5.1 Theoretical teaching contents (25 class hours) hours) 5.2 Experimental teaching contents (9 class hours) hours)
PostPost-harvest Biology
• • • • PostPost-harvest Physiology PostPost-harvest Pathology PostPost-harvest Molecular Biology PostPost-harvest Biochemistry
1. Goal Statement
The contents include ★ Respiratory metabolism; ★ Ethylene effects in post-harvest plant products; post★ Changes of color,texture,flavor and nutrition color,texture, during storage; ★ Post-harvest disorders (heat stress, chilling and Postfreezing injury,transpiration, gas injury in postinjury, postharvest plant produces).; ★Post-harvest diseases (pathogens) Post-
4. Text & Bibliography
• Bibliography: (1)Stanley J. Keys. Post-harvest Physiology of PostPerishable Plant Products. An AVI Book. Van Nostrand Reihhold.1991 (2)Irwin A. Taub, R. Paul Singh. Food Storage Singh. Stability. USA:CRC Press, 1998. (3)Amalendu Chakraverty, R. Paul Singh. PostSingh. Postharvest Technology: Cereals, Pulses, Fruits and Vegetables. USA: Science Publishers,Inc., 2001.
PostPost-harvest Biology
• • • • Chapter 0 Introduction Chapter 1 Respiratory Metabolism Chapter 2 Ethylene Effects Chapter 3 Changes of Color,Texture, Flavor Color,Texture,
and Nutrition
• Chapter 4 Post-harvest Diseases Post-
Chapter 0 Introduction
• Objects: Through the introduction, the students know the postpost-harvest loss and quality deterioration in relation to post-harvest Biology. post-
3. Instructional methods & course policy
This course is taught from lecture powerpoints which are available on class handouts. Assessment Strategy: Weights of individual categories contributing to overall grade (score policy): Final examination 70% Usually results and Curriculum Experiment of PostPost-harvest Biology 30% Total 100%
4. Text & Bibliography
• Bibliography: (6) Chinese version also can be used as one of reference. 潘永贵,谢江辉编著. 现代果蔬采后 潘永贵,谢江辉编著. 生理. 北京:化学工业出版社. 生理. 北京:化学工业出版社. 2009. (7)Chinese version also can be used as one of reference. 张维一,毕阳编著. 果蔬采后病害与 张维一,毕阳编著. 控制. 北京:中国农业出版社,1996. 控制. 北京:中国农业出版社,1996.
Chapter 0 Introduction
• Contents: 4. Contents of post-harvest biology and post-harvest postpostphysiology. 5. Importance of post-harvest Biology in maintaining postquality and decreasing loss of post-harvest fresh postplant products.
3. Instructional methods & course policy
Suggestions for Success: Final examination should be answered in English or Chinese, all references can be used during final examination.
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a basic understanding of the principles of physiological changes in postpostharvest plant products (especially in horticultural crops such as fruits and vegetables). At the conclusion of the course, all students undertake the fundamental principles and technologies in post-harvest plant products, postdevelop the technologies for decreasing loss and keeping quality of post-harvest plant products. post-
Chapter 0 Introduction
• Contents: 1. Basic characteristic of fresh plant products. 2. Losses and quality deterioration in fresh plant products after harvest. 3. Factors influence fresh plant products quality.
PostPost-harvest Biology
Professor, Dr. Lin Hetong College of Food Science , Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, Fujian 350002 China E-mail: hetonglin@163.com
PostPost-harvest Biology
Contact Information
• Instructors: Hetong Lin College of Food Science, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, Email: hetonglin@163.com Wenjian Cheng College of Food Science, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, Email: hcdxx@sina.com • Teaching Assistants: Yihui Chen and Xiangjia Kong.
1. Goal Statement
Pre-requisites: PreFood Materials, Food Microbiology, Food Biochemistry, Food Chemistry, Food Analysis and Nutrition.
2. Curriculum Nature & Course Objectives
1. Goal Statement
PostPost-harvest Biology is administered through the College of Food Science. This course is a compulsory specialized fundamental course with 34 class hours and 2.0 credits that is designed for students who is specializing in Food Science and Technology. This course provides an introduction to the principles of physiological changes in postpostharvest plant products (especially in horticultural crops such as fruits and vegetables).
4. Text & Bibliography
• Bibliography: (4)Thompson A. K. Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Fruits and Vegetables. Wallingford, UK: CAB International, 1998. (5)Chinese version also can be used as one of reference. 罗云波,蔡同一主编. 园艺产品贮藏 罗云波,蔡同一主编. 加工学(贮藏篇). 北京:中国农业大学出版社. 加工学(贮藏篇). 北京:中国农业大学出版社. 2001.