John Bunyan 约翰班扬生平 及天路历程
John Bunyan 约翰·班扬
![John Bunyan 约翰·班扬](
His style
• Bunyan wrote in a simple but lively and
vivid prose style . • His biblical language enabled him to narrate his stories and reveal his ideas in a direct and straightforward way.
• Christian with a heavy on his back reading the •
Bible City of Destruction will be destroyed someday by a big fire Slough of Despond, Vanity Fair, Doubting Castle, the Valley of Humiliation, and the Valley of the Shadow of Death Mr. Worldly Wiseman, Faithful, Hopeful, Giant Despair, the foul fiend Apollyon reaching the Celestial City,
• became Nonconformist preacher in 1655
Piety, Bible, Prayer Book
• imprisoned for unlicensed preaching in
1660 • In 1675 he was imprisoned again.
John Bunyan( 1628-1688)
• a poor tinker ‘s family • received very little formal education • enlisted into the Parliamentary Army
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John Bunyan (约翰·班扬)
![John Bunyan (约翰·班扬)](
• Bunyan was received into the Baptist Church in 1653.
• He started preaching in Bedford and nearby villages and gained an immense, popular following wherever he preached, earning the nickname “Bishop Bunyan”
• His severe and self-critical moral code provides the backdrop to Christian’s earnest and impassioned search for salvation in The Pilgrim’s Progress.
The Title: The Pilgrim’s Progress
• The Pilgrim’s Progress is about travel or, journey and the meaning that one man’s travel comes to acquire.
• Therefore the geographical wandering across the lands is also a spiritual development, which is the “progress” referred to in the title.
• Why Bunyan was insistent in preaching despite the threat of imprisonment.
• He became much interested in religions, but it was only after a tremendous spiritual conflict, lasting three or four years, that he found peace. • His life covered the period of the greatest crisis in the Puritan struggle for the survival of their various versions of extreme Protestant faith, and he himself was of Baptist (浸礼会教友)sympathies (支持). • He took part in the Civil War, After the Restoration of Charles II, the Puritans underwent (经历) severe persecution(迫害) & he himself was imprisoned twice for his preaching, once for 12 years.
Thanks for your attention!
Pilgrim’s Progress
• Bunyan did not attempt to portray the political confusion & social upheaval of 17th-century England. His concern was rather the study of man's spiritual life. • Theme: The Pilgrim's Progress is the most successful religious allegory(寓言) in the English language. Its purpose is to urge people to comply with Christian doctrines & seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weakness & all kinds of social evils. It is not only about something spiritual but also beats much relevance to the time. Its predominant metaphor-life as a journey-is simple & familiar.
• Part 1: Bunyan's life • Part 2: Bunyan’s works
• Part 3: The Pilgrim’s Progress
• Part 4: John Bunyan’s literary contribution and style
Christian’s Journey
Allegorical People
Allegorical Places
Faithful Truth
the Celestial City 天国城
Judge Hate-good
Envy Superstition
Pickthank拍马 Badman恶人 Malice怨恨
3. The religious book also gives a faithful picture of the English society in Bunyan’s age, added here and there with bitter satires upon the ruling classes.
the Delectable Mountains 快乐山
Doubting Castle 怀疑城堡 the Vanity Fair 名利场
the Slough of Despond 绝望泥潭
the City of Destruction 毁灭城
Analysis 2: The Pilgrim’s Progress
• 1. a master of allegory and parable
& a chief puritan writer.
• 约翰·班扬出生于英格兰东部区域贝德福德郡的贝 约翰· 德福德。青年时期曾被征入革命的议会军, 德福德。青年时期曾被征入革命的议会军,后在故 乡从事传教活动,反对当时英国旧教的专制与腐化 乡从事传教活动, 他主张: 。他主张: • 1、信教自由。 信教自由。 • 2、得救须重生,重生须受浸礼。 得救须重生,重生须受浸礼。 • 3、教义以《新约》为根据。 教义以《新约》为根据。 • 4、教会的组织应民主化,最高权应在教友,不在 教会的组织应民主化,最高权应在教友, 教会。 教会。 • 1660年斯图亚特王朝复辟,当局借口未经许可而传 1660年斯图亚特王朝复辟 年斯图亚特王朝复辟, 把他逮捕入狱两次,分别监禁十二年、 教,把他逮捕入狱两次,分别监禁十二年、六个月 狱中写就《天路历程》 。狱中写就《天路历程》(The Pilgrim‘s Progress)。 Progress)。
Progress) 《天路历程》(The Pilgrims Progress) 天路历程》 采用梦幻的形式讲述宗教寓言, 采用梦幻的形式讲述宗教寓言,但揭开梦 幻的面纱,展现在读者面前的是17 17世纪英 幻的面纱,展现在读者面前的是17世纪英 国社妻子先后寻找天国的经历, 及其妻子先后寻找天国的经历,语言简洁 平易, 平易,被誉为 “英国文学中最著名的寓 言”。
“Live like the children of God, that you may look your Father in the face with the comfort of another day.” day.”
Bunyan’s Death
1688年, 1688年,有一位父亲将其子赶 出家门,因他离家出走。这 个年轻人到了班扬那里,央 求他与其父谈一谈,以便能 与父亲和好。班扬骑马冒雨 赶去,见到了那个父亲。父 子俩在他的劝说下和好。但 班扬由此得了重感冒,并死 于此。
In his last sermon Bunyan said:
Four children- the first :Mary is blind. children-
Bunyan was born near Bedford, in England
贝德福德( 贝德福德(英格兰一郡及该 郡之首府) 郡之首府)
In 1653 Bunyan renounces(宣布放弃;与…断 (宣布放弃;与… 绝关系 ) the church of England and joins the church of John Gifford where he was rere-baptized(洗礼), and began to learn to preach. In 1660 ,Bunyan was arrested for preaching and jailed for 12 years.
在狱中他写道:“我被迫离妻 别子,在这个地方忍受骨肉分离之 苦。。我那可怜的失明的女儿玛丽, 她尤其令我牵挂。唉,一想到我的 玛丽所要忍受的,我就心如刀绞。 可怜的孩子,你在这个世上会遇到 怎样的苦难啊!你会被鞭打,不得 不乞讨,忍饥挨饿,衣不蔽体,还 有千千万万无法想像得到的灾难…”
John Bunyan 简介
![John Bunyan 简介](
• a story which teaches a lesson because
the people and places in it stand for abstract concepts(概念) • its central device is the personification of abstract entities such as vice,state of mind ,mode of life or types of characters • it may be employed in any literary form
• While he was in jail(监狱), he was starting
his most famous work The Pilgrim’s Progress. In 1672 he was released and licensed as a teacher
• In 1678,The Pilgrim’s Progress was
By 陈晓阳' s Group
• In the summer of 1688,he died of violent • Status : The greatest prose(散文) writer in
the 17th century
位于英国贝德福德郡的惠普 斯奈德公园的一处地形,从 高空观测颇似一个狮子。
Bedford, in 1628 the son of a poor tinker (焊锅匠) became a soldier in the Parliamentary army(议会军)
• •
基督徒克服了千难万 险,遭受了“艰难 山”“屈辱谷”“死荫 谷”“名利场”,他得 到了“贤惠”“虔诚” 和“仁爱”的鼓励,获 得了“忠信”的友谊, 最后在“盼望”的陪伴 下渡过了“死亡河”, 到达了天国。
基督徒经历各种艰 难曲折与磨难,追寻 天国的“天路历程” 即是人类寻求灵魂救 赎的历程。
在现实中有这样一句话:和谐即妥协。老 于世故的人是经常将之挂在嘴边的,他们个 个莫不处事圆滑,常常以好好先生的面目出 现,表面是个主持公道的人,实则是个毫无 原则的人。立场不坚定带来的就是两面三刀, 没有任何信义和原则可言,在生活中要识别 出这类人来。
基督徒朝圣的第一阶段使读者们意识到会 有最后审判日的来临,因而要悔罪,要皈依 基督教。
无论从神学还是现实的角度,文中的“基督徒”的信仰 之路都为我们每一个普通人提供了人生历程的行动指南和精 神支撑。 在人生的每个阶段,都会经历各种诱惑和考验,与此同时, 也会得到像“传道者”一样的圣人的指点,像“忠信”一样 的并肩前行的朋友,得到艰辛与喜悦,荆棘与坦途,付出与 收获并存。 作为一个接受无神论教育的人,我想即使没有宗教信仰, 我们依然可以从这些宗教文化中获得一些人生的启示,心灵 上的净化,以及精神上的指引,在人生路上,要有积极向上 的态度,要坚定自己的信念,要有感恩的心,这样我们的人 生才会更完满更有价值。
把你带到天国中神圣的地方; 只要你遵循书中的教诲,懂得它为你指引的方向。 毫无疑问,他将使懒汉变得勤劳,使瞎子看到令人 愉快的亮光。 您在寻找珍贵有益的东西吗?您能在寓言中看到真 理吗? 您容易忘记过去的事情吗?您能否记住从元旦到除 夕的经历?还是来阅读我那奇特的想象吧,它们会 使你全神贯注;对于那些孤立无援的人们来说,我 的梦幻也许就是最好的慰藉。、、、、、、
john bunyan
![john bunyan](
The Pilgrim’s Progress
This classic allegory tells the enthralling story of a Christian's epic journey toward heaven and the many temptations and distractions he encounters along the way. With a burden on his way. back, Christian reads a book that tells him that the city in which he and his family dwell will be set ablaze . Christian flees from the City of ablaze. Destruction and journeys through the Slough of Despond, the Interpreter's House, the House Beautiful, the Valley of Humiliation, the Valley of the Shadow of Death, Vanity Fair, Doubting Castle, and the Delectable Mountains before finally reaching the Celestial City.
Hale Waihona Puke 路历程《天路历程》为英国人班扬所著,该书借用 了寓言和梦境的形式,书中的叙述者在梦中 看到一个叫做“基督徒”的人正在读一本书, 知道了自己居住的城市将遭天火焚毁,惊恐 不已。这时一个叫“传道者”的人指点他必 须逃离自己的故乡,前往天国。基督徒背负 着世界的重担,从此踏上了艰难而勇敢的历 程,为自己、也为他人寻找救赎。第二部分 最早于1684年出版,写的是基督徒的妻子 “女基督徒”和孩子们在一个叫做“无畏” 的人的指引下,前往天堂的朝圣过程。
天路历程作者简介:约翰·班扬John Bunyan(1628-1688)是英国文学史上著名的小说家和散文家。
9-John Bunyan
![9-John Bunyan](
• In The Pilgrim's Progress, the basis of the allegorical narrative is the idea of a journey. The traveler’s name is Christian, and he represents every Christian in human world. The figures and places Christian encounters on his journey stand for the various experiences every Christian must go through in the quest for salvation.
John Bunyan (1628—1688)
• English minister and author who is best known for The Pilgrim's Progress, the most characteristic expression of the Puritan religious outlook. Until the decline of religious faith and the increase of books of popular instruction in the 19th century, Bunyan, like the Bible, was found in every English home and was known to every ordinary reader.
• In November 1660, Bunyan was charged with holding a service not in conformity with those of the Church of England. He refused to give an assurance that he would not repeat that offense and was imprisoned in the county jail, where he remained for 12 years. • Upon the publication of the Pilgrim's Progress, the allegory of Christian's journey to the Celestial City was instantly popular with all classes.
Christiana and their children to Celestial City.
The two parts work together as a unified whole, which describes and depicts the believer's life and struggles.
Pilgrim's Progress is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. Its purpose is to urge people to comply with Christian doctrines & seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weakness & all kinds of social evils. It is not only about something spiritual but also beats much relevance to the time. Its predominant metaphor-life as a journey-is simple & familiar.
John Bunyan
1660 to 1672
• Arrested in 1660 for preaching without a license --later was sentenced for 12 years. • While he was in jail, he was starting his most famous work pilgrim’s progress • 1672 he was released and licensed as a preacher
John Bunyan’s life
John Bunyan was born in 1628 to Thomas and Margaret Bunyan, in Bunyan's End in the parish of Elstow, Bedfordshire, England. His mother died when he was 15,and 13-year-old sister died a few weeks later. A few months later when John was 16 he was drafted into Cromwell’s army (war between parliament and the King Charles I)He was taught the trade of a tinker by his father (a mender of pots, utensils,) this was not a highly regarded trade.
He was married at about 20 to his first wife (about
which we know little, not even her name). She brought little to the marriage except for two books, one of which was an allegory .
John Bunyan was released in January 1672, when Charles II issued the Declaration of Religious Indulgence.
约翰· 班扬(1628-1688)是英国文学史上著名的散文家、小说家。 他的职业是小炉匠。他青年时期正值英国资产阶级革命,被征入 革命的议会军,离开军队后,在故乡从事传教活动。1660年斯图 亚特王朝复辟,当局借口未经许可而传教,把他逮捕狱,监禁了 十二年(1660-1672年)。《天路历程》写基督徒及其妻子先后寻 找天国的经历;班扬的语言工夫主要得力于民间口语和《圣经》, 特点是简单、明晰、生动、有力。尽管他距离文艺复兴不过一百 年,距离今天将近三百年,但在风格上更接近现代散文。
今来 世世 的的 一荣 切耀 都是 是永 倏远 忽不 即 1688年8月31日他因高烧未退在朋友家中不治过世。 会 他被葬在伦敦邦希田园 (Bunhill Fields)的墓园 逝消 之中。 的失 。的 ; Life of Bunyan 而
合 礼 的 人 是 个 伪 君 子
点 滴 皆 为 天 作 物
Life of Bunyan
班扬第一次被捕是在1660年11月,罪名是“非法聚会罪”,定他 罪名用的是在100年前伊丽莎白年代的一条法规。那天,班扬事先 已接到警告,地方行政官已经签发了逮捕令,只要他讲道就会被 抓起来。面对逮捕令,班扬决定绝不退却,他刚开始讲道就被投 入了监狱。 狱中,只要他答应停止讲道就可以自由,否则他将被流放美洲或 者更惨,但是班扬拒绝了。
必虽 然然 临迟 到延 ,, 不还 再要 迟等 延候 。; 因 为
基督徒背负着世界的重担,从此踏上了 艰难而勇敢的历程,为自己、也为他人 寻找救赎。从毁灭城出发,他经历了许 多考验,遇到了各种阴险人物的诱惑和 凶险。一路上,基督徒学会了如何抵制 诱惑,战胜困难,最终达到了自己的目 标,天堂的大门向他敞开。
第二部分最早于1684年出版,写的是基督徒的妻子“女基督徒” 和孩子们在一个叫做“无畏”的人的指引下,前往天堂的朝圣过 程。同基督徒的历程一样,他们也从毁灭城出发,在到达天国城 的大门之前,遇到了同样的艰难险阻,例如绝望潭、浮华集市、 怀疑城堡等等。然而这两个旅程却又很不相同。基督徒是自己上 路,他在路上会受到这样那样的帮助,有时也有一个两个同伴, 但基本上是他独自一人行进在通往漫漫的天国道路上。而女基督 徒却是与他人结伴而行,而且他们的同伴一路上不断壮大,相互 帮助,相互支持。
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The Bedford Jail was like all English jails of the day, a stink hole, filthy, no sanitation, little water or food, little warmth in the winter.
In 1666, John was briefly released for a few weeks, before being re-arrested - again, for preaching - and sent back to Bedford's County gaol, where he remained for a further six years. During that time, he wove taglaces to support his family and preached to his fellow prisoners - a congregation of about sixty. In his possession were two books, John Foxe's Book of Martyrs, the Bible, a violin he had made out of tin, a flute he'd made from a chair leg and a supply of pen and paper. Both music and writing were integral to John's Puritan faith. John Bunyan was released in January 1672, when Charles II issued the Declaration of Religious Indulgence.
The latter part was about Christian’s family, his wife and children. They also confronted numerous similar challenges, but our heroine succeeded with other’s helps and arrived in the same place as Christian. Bunyan was a Christian, and he wrote to announce his piety. Although the world, not only in the novel but also in the real society, was much wicked and immoral, the religious Christian chose to keep piety and pursue beauty and kindness. They trusted the God and they believed the world would become ideal one day with their sincere prayers and don
Christian allegory Two parts
The Pilgrim’s Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come. Touches of tenderness and quaint humor, bursts of heart-moving eloquence, and pure idiomatic English.
In 1874, a bronze statue of John Bunyan, sculpted by Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm, was erected in Bedford. This stands at the south-western corner of St Peter's Green, facing down Bedford's High Street. The site was chosen by Boehm for its significance as a crossroads.
In March 1675, following Charles II's withdrawal of the Declaration of Religious Indulgence, John was again imprisoned for preaching. At some time during these imprisonments he wrote this book ,T he P ilgrim 's P rogre ss . It was published in 1678 and Bunyan was shocked at how successful it was. By the time of his death, eight editions had appeared as well as a French and Dutch edition.
Bunyan’s Death
John went to London to settle a dispute between a son and a father, as well as to preach. After reconciling the two men, he was unable to preach because of the torrential rain. He became soaked in the rain, fell sick with a fever and died at age 60.
John Bunyan
John Bunyan’s life
Jo h n B u n y a n w a s b o rn in 1628 to T h o m a s a n d M a rg a re t B u n y a n , in B u n y a n 's E n d in th e p a ris h o f E ls to w , B e d fo rd s h ire , E n g la n d . H is m o th e r d ie d w h e n h e w a s 15,a n d 13-ye a r-o ld sis te r d ie d a fe w w e e k s la te r. A fe w m o n th s la te r w h e n Jo h n w a s 16 h e w a s d ra fte d in to C ro m w e ll’s a rm y (w a r b e tw e e n p a rlia m e n t a n d th e K in g C h a rle s I)H e w a s ta u g h t th e tra d e o f a tin k e r b y h is fa th e r (a m e n d e r o f p o ts , u te n s ils ,) th is w a s n o t a h ig h ly re g a rd e d tra d e .
The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come is a Christian allegory written by John Bunyan and published in February, 1678. It is regarded as one of the most significant works of religious English literature, has been translated into more than 200 languages, and has never been out of print.
This novel told a story combined by two parts, both of which were related to the arduous journeys of Christians. The protagonist in former part was named Christian, who originally lived in the City of Destruction, determined to take off the burden on his back and avoid being destroyed in his hometown, so he set out to seek for the Celestial City. He met with different people and various things on the way, which might guide him, mislead him, hurt him, help him or frighten him. Fortunately, he overcame all the difficulties and temptations, and eventually reached the Celestial City.
He was married at about 20 to his first wife (about which we know little, not even her name). She brought little to the marriage except for two books, one of which was an allegory . In 1658 his wife died, leaving John with 4 children, one of whom was blind. Aged 30, he was arrested for preaching at Eaton Socon and indicted for preaching without a license, but this offence did not result in imprisonment and he continued preaching. In 1659, Bunyan married again, to Elizabeth (surname unknown), by whom he had two more children Sarah (born 1667)and Joseph (born 1672).