

Structolipid? 20% Long Chain, Medium Chain Triglycerides Consumer Medicine Information

What is in this leaflet This leaflet answers some common questions about Structolipid. It does not contain all the available information. It does not take the place of talking to your doctor or pharmacist.

All medicines have risks and benefits. Your doctor has weighed the risks of you taking Structolipid against any benefits they expect it will have for you. Please read this leaflet carefully before using Structolipid 20%. If you have any questions or are unsure about anything, please ask your doctor or pharmacist. Keep this leaflet with the medicine. You may need to read it again.

What is Structolipid used for and how does it work

Structolipid is a sterile fat emulsion, which provides your body with energy and fatty acids. The active ingredient in Structolipid is purified structured triglyceride. It also contains other ingredients like egg lecithin which is isolated from egg yolk, glycerol and water for injections. Structolipid provides the energy and fatty acids in patients who require intravenous nutrition. Before you are given Structolipid

If the answer to any of the following questions is YES, you should tell your doctor BEFORE using Structolipid.

?Are you allergic to

soya oil, eggs, peanuts

or any of the

ingredients listed at the

end of this leaflet?

?Are you pregnant or

trying to become


?Are you


?Do you have liver or

kidney disease?

?Are you a diabetic?

?Do you have a disease

of the pancreas?

?Do you have a

disorder of the thyroid


?Are you taking


(medicines for

preventing blood


?Are you taking any

other medicines

including any that you

buy without a

prescription from your


supermarket or health

food shop. These

medicines may affect

the action of

Structolipid or may

affect how well

Structolipid works.

How is Structolipid


The dose of Structolipid which

you will require will be

determined by your doctor or

pharmacist. Your doctor will

supervise your treatment with


Side Effects

Structolipid, like all other

nutrient solutions which are

given intravenously, may

cause side effects in some

people. All the side effects

associated with Structolipid

may not yet have been


The common (this occurs in

more than 1% of people who

used it) side effects are

nausea, headache and rises in

your body temperature.

Other side effects (in less than

1% of people who used it) that

have occurred during treatment

with Structolipid are lower back

pain, breathing difficulties

(rapid breathing, shortness of

breath); increased blood

pressure; shivering, dizziness,

diarrhoea, rapid pulse,

vomiting and rash.

If you have these or any other

side effects during treatment,

tell your doctor.

In case of Overdosage

The symptoms of overdose

include fever, abnormalities in

blood results, blood clotting

disturbances, enlarged spleen

and coma. These symptoms

are usually reversible if the

infusion of the fat emulsion is


If you think you or anyone else

have been given too much

Structolipid, telephone your

doctor or contact the Poisons

Information Centre - New

Zealand: 0800 764 766.


The expiry date of Structolipid is on the label of the pack. Structolipid should not be used if the expiry date has passed.

Structolipid should be stored below 25oC, but not frozen. Do not use Structolipid if it has been frozen.

The contents of each bag of Structolipid are for single infusion only. Any unused Structolipid should be discarded. Do not use Structolipid if it is discoloured. Product Description List of other ingredients Structolipid also contains other ingredients such as glycerol, egg lecithin and water for injections.

Structolipid does not contain any preservative.

Pack sizes

Structolipid comes in a 250mL and 500mL bag.

Further Information More detailed information is available from your doctor or pharmacist. Therefore, if you have any concerns about the information or about Structolipid ask your doctor or pharmacist.


Fresenius Kabi New Zealand Limited

60 Pavilion Drive

Airport Oaks, Auckland 2022 New Zealand

Freecall: 0800 144 892

? = Registered Trademark

Date of information

This leaflet was prepared in March, 2010.


文章编号:1009-4881(2002)02-0004-04 中碳链甘油三酯及其应用① 罗登林 (武汉工业学院食品科学与工程学院,湖北武汉430022) 摘 要:综述了中碳链甘油三酯的理化性质、体内代谢特色、中碳链甘油三酯的合成方法以及中碳链甘油三酯的应用及其安全性,对于开发研究中碳链甘油三酯具有参考价值。 关键词:中碳链甘油三酯;性质;代谢特色;合成;应用 中图分类号:TQ225.24 文献标识码:B 中碳链甘油三酯(Medium-Chain Trigly c-erides,简称MCT)是指主要由八个碳原子和十个碳原子的饱和一元羧酸所组成的甘油三酯,即辛酸甘油三酯、癸酸甘油三酯或辛酸-癸酸混酸组成的甘油三酯[1]。它在自然界中是不存在的,属于一种天然油酯的改性产品,是非专一性结构脂。据最新估计,目前全球市场有MCT约9.98×106kg, 45%在美国,剩余55%在西欧。M CT的价格约为1.55~4.52美元/kg。由于我国椰子油和棕榈仁油产量很少,目前还未见有大批量生产MCT的厂家。国家每年都得花费大量外汇7.5~10万元/t 从国外进口。 1 理化性质 M CT在室温下呈无色无刺激性气味的液体,粘度约是普通植物油的一半(25~31cp/20℃)[2],具有稳定的抗氧化性。用Rancima试验法测定,在100℃下,氧化稳定性是豆油的16倍,用AOM法测定,在300h以上,过氧化值无变化。而豆油在16h 时,过氧化值即达100mg/kg。即使在高温或低温下M CT也非常稳定,长时间保持在油煎温度下使用后,其粘度仅略有增加,在0℃下也能保持透明的外观和较低的粘度。另外,MC T与各种溶剂、油脂、一些抗氧化剂、维生素都有很好的互溶性。由于它碳链短,在食品添加剂中可作为乳化剂使用,在水相与油相之间能形成稳定的乳化体系。所以,它的乳化稳定性、溶解性、延伸性和润滑性都优于普通油脂[3]。M CT与普通植物油脂的性质比较见图1~5[4] 。图3 MCT的延展性 4 武汉工业学院学报 Journal of Wuhan Poly technic U niversity 2002年 ①收稿日期:2001-11-21 作者简介:罗登林(1976—),男,湖北省麻城市人,99级研究生。


中链甘油三酯的研究进展 张星弛1,韩培涛2,李晓莉1,邵剑钢1,张启勇2 (1.陆军勤务学院,重庆401331;2.93975部队,新疆乌鲁木齐830000) 摘要:中链甘油三酯独特的理化性质和代谢特点使其具有预防肥胖、改善机体糖脂代谢等多种功能,在食品、医药、化妆品、饲料等多种行业得到广泛应用。本文对中链甘油三酯的理化性质、代谢特点、功能性质及安全性进行综述。 关键词:中链甘油三酯;抗疲劳;脂肪酸 The Research Progress of Medium Chain Triglyceride ZHANG Xing-chi 1,HAN Pei-tao 2,LI Xiao-li 1,SHAO Jian-gang 1,ZHANG Qi-yong 2 (1.Army Logistics University of PLA ,Chongqing 401331,China ;2.93975Force ,Urumqi 830000,Xinjiang ,China ) Abstract :Medium chain triglyceride with the unique physical and chemical properties and metabolic charac - teristics was discovered to have many functions ,such as preventing obesity ,improving the body's glucose and lipid metabolism ,and so on.It was reported to be widely used in food ,medicine ,cosmetics ,feed and other in -dustries.In this paper ,the physical and chemical properties ,metabolic characteristics ,functional properties and safety of medium chain triglycerides were reviewed. Key words :medium chain triglyceride ;anti-fatigue ;fatty acid 食品研究与开发 F ood Research And Development 圆园17年12月 第38卷第23期 DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1005-6521.2017.23.042 作者简介:张星弛(1994—),男(汉),硕士研究生,研究方向:军事装备保障。 早在上世纪五十年代,中链甘油三酯(Medium Chain Triglyceride ,MCT )就被引入到临床领域,最初的应用是用来替代长链甘油三酯用作脂肪吸收障碍患者的营养治疗,半个多世纪以来,随着对MCT 理化性质、功能性质、代谢特点、营养药理学以及营养生理学等特性研究的深入,使得MCT 在食品、医药、化妆品、动物饲料等诸多方面得到广泛应用与发展。1中链甘油三酯的定义 根据研究者研究对象的不同,对于中链脂肪酸中碳原子数的界定也有所差别。在营养学和生物化学中将中链脂肪酸(Medium Chain Fatty Acid ,MCFA )定义为含有8个~12个碳原子的饱和脂肪酸主要是指辛酸(C 8)和癸酸(C 10),而在有机化学中将其定义为含有6个~12个碳原子的饱和脂肪酸。MCFA 在日常摄取的食物中以中链甘油三酯(MCT )的形式存在,MCT 是由 中链脂肪酸构成的甘油三酯,主要指辛酸甘油三酯和癸酸甘油三酯。2 中链甘油三酯的来源 在自然界中,MCT 含量较少,主要来源于椰子油、棕榈仁油、母乳、牛奶及其制品。根据美国农业部营养数据库的资料显示,椰子油中含有58%的MCT ,棕榈仁油中含有54%的MCT ,椰丝中含有37%的MCT ,原椰子肉中含有19%的MCT 。人工合成MCT 的方法主要有化学合成法和酶合成法两种。化学合成法主要包括水解酯化法、酰氯醇解法等。水解酯化法是指以椰子油或者棕榈仁油为原料,经过水解分馏切割,得到富集MCFA ,然后再将MCFA 与甘油进行酯化、精制得到MCT 。此法的缺点是能耗大,耗时长,副产物分离难度大,优点是制得的MCT 纯度较高。酰氯醇解法是将椰子油、棕榈仁油水解、分馏得到MCFA ,然后MCFA 与三卤化磷(PX3)、五卤化磷(PX5)或者亚硫酰氯(SOCl 2)等反应制得酰氯,最后酰氯与甘油醇解制得 MCT [1]。改法虽然能耗较低,操作时间短,但是工艺比较 专题论述 220


Structolipid? 20% Long Chain, Medium Chain Triglycerides Consumer Medicine Information What is in this leaflet This leaflet answers some common questions about Structolipid. It does not contain all the available information. It does not take the place of talking to your doctor or pharmacist. All medicines have risks and benefits. Your doctor has weighed the risks of you taking Structolipid against any benefits they expect it will have for you. Please read this leaflet carefully before using Structolipid 20%. If you have any questions or are unsure about anything, please ask your doctor or pharmacist. Keep this leaflet with the medicine. You may need to read it again. What is Structolipid used for and how does it work Structolipid is a sterile fat emulsion, which provides your body with energy and fatty acids. The active ingredient in Structolipid is purified structured triglyceride. It also contains other ingredients like egg lecithin which is isolated from egg yolk, glycerol and water for injections. Structolipid provides the energy and fatty acids in patients who require intravenous nutrition. Before you are given Structolipid If the answer to any of the following questions is YES, you should tell your doctor BEFORE using Structolipid. ?Are you allergic to soya oil, eggs, peanuts or any of the ingredients listed at the end of this leaflet? ?Are you pregnant or trying to become pregnant? ?Are you breastfeeding? ?Do you have liver or kidney disease? ?Are you a diabetic? ?Do you have a disease of the pancreas? ?Do you have a disorder of the thyroid gland? ?Are you taking anticoagulants (medicines for preventing blood clotting)? ?Are you taking any other medicines including any that you buy without a prescription from your pharmacy, supermarket or health food shop. These medicines may affect the action of Structolipid or may affect how well Structolipid works. How is Structolipid given The dose of Structolipid which you will require will be determined by your doctor or pharmacist. Your doctor will supervise your treatment with Structolipid. Side Effects Structolipid, like all other nutrient solutions which are given intravenously, may cause side effects in some people. All the side effects associated with Structolipid may not yet have been detected. The common (this occurs in more than 1% of people who used it) side effects are nausea, headache and rises in your body temperature. Other side effects (in less than 1% of people who used it) that have occurred during treatment with Structolipid are lower back pain, breathing difficulties (rapid breathing, shortness of breath); increased blood pressure; shivering, dizziness, diarrhoea, rapid pulse, vomiting and rash. If you have these or any other side effects during treatment, tell your doctor. In case of Overdosage The symptoms of overdose include fever, abnormalities in blood results, blood clotting disturbances, enlarged spleen and coma. These symptoms are usually reversible if the infusion of the fat emulsion is discontinued. If you think you or anyone else have been given too much Structolipid, telephone your doctor or contact the Poisons Information Centre - New Zealand: 0800 764 766. Storage


1.目的:建立中链甘油三酸酯质量标准与检验规程。 2.范围:对中链甘油三酸酯的检验。 3.责任人:QA、QC。 4.内容: 4.1.性状本品为无色或微黄色透明的油状液体。 4.1.1.比重质量指标:(20℃/4℃)0.930 ~0.960。检测方法:按GB/T5526—1985 植物油脂检验比重测定法检验。4.1.2.黏度质量指标:25~33(m.Pa.s )(20℃)。检测方法:依法检测(CP2005版二部附录附录Ⅵ G第三法)。 4.1.3.折光指数质量指标:η20℃为1.448~1.451。检测方法:按GB/T5527—1985 植物油脂检验折光指数测定法检验4.1.4.羟值质量指标:≤10(mgKOH/g)。检验方法:依法检测(CP2005版二部附录附录ⅦH)。 4.1. 5.碘价 4.1. 5.1.质量指标:不得过1.0(Ig/100g)。 4.1. 5.2.检测方法:按GB/T5532—1995 植物油碘价测定检验。 4.1.6.皂化值质量指标:325~345(mgKOH/g)。检验方法:按GB/T5534—1995 动植物油脂皂化值的测定检验。 4.1.7.酸值指标要求:≤0.1(mgKOH/g)检验方法:按GBT5530-2005动植物油脂酸值和酸度测定中的冷溶剂法检验。 4.2.检查 4.2.1.水分质量指标:≤0.1%检测方法:依法检测(CP2005版二部附录附录ⅧM第一法)。 4.2.2.炽灼残渣质量指标:≤0.1%检验方法:依法检测(CP2005版二部附录附录ⅧN)。 4.2.3.过氧化值指标要求:≤1.0(meq/kg)试验方法:按GB/T5009.37-2003食用植物油卫生标准的分析方法中过氧化值第一法的规定检验。 4.2.4.卫生微生物学质量指标: 菌落总数≤1000cfu/ml。 霉菌和酵母均≤25cfu/ml。 大肠菌群≤30MPN/100ml 致病菌(沙门氏菌、志贺氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、溶血性链球菌)不得检出。检验方法: 菌落总数按GB4789.2操作。培养时间为48小时。 大肠菌群按GB4789.3操作。培养时间为24小时。 霉菌按GB4789.15操作。培养时间为120小时。 酵母按GB4789.15操作。培养时间为120小时。 致病菌按GB4789.4、GB4789.5、GB4789.10、GB4789.11操作。 4.3.检测周期 性状、比重、折光指数、酸值、水分、过氧化值、菌落总数、霉菌、酵母、大肠菌群等指标每批检测,其余指标每6个月检测一次。
