第九章 Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures进入战略和组织结构 国际企业与跨文化管理课件


Entry Strategies

Entry Strategies

Entry Strategies
Its well-conceived and implemented growth strategy(良好构思和执行的增长战略) Created an organization that promotes growth and success(创造了促进增长和成 功的组织机构) Its near-fanatical emphasis on quality control.(重视质量控制)
(一个企业把它的产品卖给本国的一个消费者,然后这个消费者再以 原来的形式或稍加改变后再出口给他国)
Example of Indirect exporting
The Association of Guatermala Coffee Producers sells bags of coffee to passengers boarding international flights in Guatemala City in order to gain export sales and to build consumer awareness of its product.
Critical Factors in Assessing New Market Opportunities
What are the major channels of distribution(discount structure, ties to present prቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱducers, levels of distribution separating producers from final customers, links between wholesalers, links between wholesalers and retailers, finance, role of government?) What are the characteristics of major productmarket segments?

最新文档-Chap009 Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures International Management Culture ,

最新文档-Chap009 Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures  International Management Culture ,
Organizational Expectations of Internationalization
Basic Organizational Structures
• Initial Division Structures
– Export arrangement • Common among manufacturing firms, especially those with technologically advanced products
5. EXPLAIN how organizational characteristics such as formalization, specialization, and centralization influence how organization is structured and functions
Strategic Alliance Recommendations
1. Know partner well before alliance is formed. 2. Expect differences in alliance objectives
among potential partners headquartered in different countries. 3. Having desired resource profiles does not guarantee other has complementary to firm’s resources. 4. Be sensitive to alliance partner needs. 5. After identify best partner, work on developing relationship of trust.

Foreign Market Entry Strategies

Foreign Market Entry Strategies

China-USA Business Review, August 2015, Vol. 14, No. 8, 395-398 doi: 10.17265/1537-1514/2015.08.002Foreign Market Entry StrategiesKenneth ShawState University of New York, Oswego, USAThis paper discusses issues surrounding foreign market entry. Initially, the paper attempts to determine why andhow a company makes a decision to enter a foreign market. Then there is a discussion of the timing and scale ofentry which must be considered. Next is a discussion of government resources and organizations that can assist inentry decisions. Modes of entry are then examined followed by three case studies in foreign market entry.Keywords: foreign market entry, timing, scale, government resources, international business, US Export ImportBankIntroductionIn recent years, foreign market entry has become increasingly popular. Entry decisions are also gaining attention from researchers of international business.Entering into a foreign market can potentially offer a firm many benefits in the global marketing area. The primary obstacle encountered by a multi-national enterprise when entering a foreign market is the selection ofan entry mode. There are many decisions that need to be made when choosing to enter a foreign market. Thesedecisions include which foreign markets to enter, when to enter them, on what scale, and the choice of entrymode. All comprehensive foreign market entry strategies offer unique benefits and costs and no two specificfirm’s entry strategies and results are the same. This review will look at various cases of foreign marketexpansion and seek to find if there is a best entry strategy.When deciding which foreign markets to enter, the choice is based upon an analysis of a nation’s long-run profit potential. Not all nations can offer the same profit potential to a firm and the potential is based on factorssuch as the economic and political environment of the country. The economic attractiveness of a country iscomprised of the size and demographics of the market, the present and future wealth of the country, the livingstandards, and potential economic growth. A country’s attractiveness can also depend on the benefits, costs,and risks associated with doing business in that country. Costs and risks involved with conducting business in aforeign country are generally lower in countries that are economically advanced and politically stable whichhave a free market system with little inflation or private sector debt. However, the potential for growth may begreater in an undeveloped country. Lastly, the value an international business can create in a foreign market isanother important factor. This is dependent on how suitable the product offering would be to that market andthe nature of competition in the country. Entry in a foreign market will be successful, if the internationalbusiness can offer the market a product that is not readily available and satisfies an unmet need. That value willKenneth Shaw, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Management and Marketing, State University of New York atOswego, USA.Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Kenneth Shaw, 312 Rich Hall Oswego, NY, 13126, USA.E-mail:***************.All Rights Reserved.FOREIGN MARKET ENTRY STRATEGIES396 offer the business the opportunity to charge higher prices and rapidly increase sales. Taking all of these factors into consideration, a firm should then rank countries based on their long-run profit potential and attractiveness (Porter, 1980).Timing and ScaleAfter a firm has chosen an attractive market, the next decision to be made is the timing of entry. Entry is considered early, when an international business enters the market prior to other foreign firms and late when it enters after other firms have already established themselves in the market. Entering the market early brings first mover advantages that include the opportunity to establish a strong brand name, acquire demand from the market, increase sales volume, and create switching costs that attach a customer to a given product or service. However, entering the market early can bring pioneering costs that a firm that enters the market later may be able to avoid. Pioneering costs include the costs of promoting and establishing the product. The probability of a firm surviving in a market increases, if they enter after several other firms have already established the market. Government regulations can also put an early entrant at a disadvantage, because laws can hinder the value of the early entrant’s investment (Hill, 2013).The next decision that needs to be made is the scale of entry and strategic commitments. Significant assets and resources are needed for a large scale foreign market entry, which commits a firm to the market. Strategic commitments alter the competitive playing field for other firms and produce various changes and inflexibility for the firm. Large scale market entry implies rapid entry and offers the first mover advantages, such as demand acquisition, scale economies, and switching costs. An entry on a smaller scale allows the firm to build themselves up gradually while becoming better acquainted with the market and limiting exposure to the market.Small scale market entry can also make it difficult for the firm to increase market share, because of their lack ofcommitment to the market. The small scale entrant reduces potential risk but also misses out on the opportunity for first mover advantages (Porter, 1980).Taking all of these considerations into mind, there are not right or wrong decisions for a firm to make. Each series of decisions offers unique rewards and benefits and costs and risks. Entry strategies that are associated with high risk include entering into a developing nation and entering on a large scale. Such entry strategies offer many benefits as well. Entering on a large scale can offer first mover advantage and long-run potential in the market.ResourcesThere are many resources available through governments, non-governmental organizations, and multinationals which facilitate a solid framework for entering any foreign market. Most of these resources are free or have very low costs. Some examples of these resources include the United States Commercial Service, which administers market reports, local partner searches, trade missions, and support for U.S. firms interested in pursuing exporting or entering target markets. This service operates in the U.S. and 100 other foreign countries. Another example is the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, an agency of the federal government that provides political risk insurance and project financing for projects that seek direct investment by U.S. firms. The U.S. Export Import Bank is an export credit agency of the federal government that provides insurance and financing for various projects that involve direct investment by U.S. firms across various industries. The U.S. Trade Development Agency offers grants for overseas projects that involve U.S. exports.All Rights Reserved.FOREIGN MARKET ENTRY STRATEGIES 397The Overseas Security Advisory Council aims to help U.S. businesses better protect their foreign operations,especially in countries with unstable conditions. The American Chamber of Commerce offers advocacy andsupport for U.S. firms in various foreign nations. A last example is The Princeton Council on World Affairswhich offers education, information, and strategic business development services for firms looking to expand inforeign markets (Gordin, 2011).Once a firm decides how they are going to enter the market, the next decision to make is what mode of entry they are going to pursue. There are six different modes of foreign entry: exporting, turn-key projects,licensing, franchising, establishing a joint venture with a host country firm, or establishing a wholly ownedsubsidiary in the host country. Each mode of foreign market entry offers various advantages and disadvantages(Root, 1987).In a case that examined 20 Romanian companies and their strategy of foreign market penetration, various conclusions were made. The objectives of this study were to identify a Romanian exporting company profile, tohighlight the organization of marketing activities for exporting enterprises, to identify the areas of activity forexporting enterprises, to identify the main export markets of the Romanian exporters, to identify theinternational experience of the Romanian exporting companies, and to identify the type of strategy used forentry into foreign markets by exporting Romanian enterprises and testing the model for grouping strategies onthe proposed foreign market penetration (Harangus & Duda, 2009). The main export markets of the surveyedcompanies were those of the European Union (EU), with over 88% of exports in 2007 being directed to marketsin the EU. The most targeted foreign markets were, in order of relevance, Italy, Germany, France, Hungary,Bulgaria, Austria, and also the United States (Harangus & Duda, 2009). The results of the research concludedthat approximately 60% of companies with high turnover used forms of direct export or had representationabroad. High turnover is defined by the study as having over 51 billion lei in capital (lei being the plural of leu,Romania’s currency). It was also concluded that 50% of companies with turnover less than 50 billion leipreferred cooperating with a foreign intermediary for their products to enter the foreign markets. This studyalso concluded that the most common strategy of foreign market entry for Romanian exporters in the developedmarkets of the EU or the U.S. was direct exporting, while the emerging markets of Central and Eastern Europeor Asia used the more cautious approach of a local intermediary in most cases.Another case looked at Tesco, the largest grocery store chain in the United Kingdom that owns a 25% share of the British market. By the early 1990s, their business was already booming and the company wasgenerating a large amount of free cash flow. Senior management had to decide what to do with the excessmoney they were earning and one strategy they agreed upon was foreign expansion. They decided that theywere interested in entering emerging markets in Eastern Europe or Asia. These emerging markets offered themone limited competitor and strong potential for growth. Their first endeavor was into a state-owned grocerychain with 43 locations in Hungary in 1994, when Tesco acquired a 14% market share. Then in 1995 theyacquired 31 stores in Poland. In 1996, they acquired 13 more stores in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (Hill,2013).Tesco began expanding into Asia in 1998 in Thailand, when they purchased 75% of Lotus, a local food retailer. Then they expanded into South Korea in 1999, when they partnered with Samsung. They then enteredinto Taiwan in 2000, Malaysia in 2002, and China in 2004. They were initially attracted to the Chinese marketbecause of its large size and rapid growth. They ultimately settled on a 50-50 joint venture with Hymall, ahypermarket chain. In 2007, Tesco entered the U.S. grocery market. By 2010, they had generated over 19 All Rights Reserved.FOREIGN MARKET ENTRY STRATEGIES398 billion euros outside the United Kingdom. They believe that their success was based upon devoting a large amount of attention to transferring its core capabilities in retailing to the new acquisitions instead of sending expatriates, their partnering strategy with Asia, and their focus on markets with good growth potential (Hill, 2013).Another case involves the 2004 strategic alliance of Cisco Systems and Fujitsu, a Japanese computer, electronics and telecommunications equipment company. By entering into this alliance with Fujitsu, Cisco believes that it can accomplish a number of different goals. First, both firms are pooling their research and development efforts that enable them to share technology and produce new products more easily. Second, by combining Cisco’s cutting edge technology and Fujitsu production skills, they believe that they will be able to offer more reliable products for consumers. Third, Fujitsu will provide Cisco with a more prominent sales presence in the Japanese market. Fourth, sales may also increase by the bundling of the co-branded routers together with other telecommunication that Fujitsu offers and creating a marketing plan that provides a comprehensive solution to consumers. The alliance began offering their first products in May of 2006. Both firms benefit from the alliance.ConclusionsAs can be seen from the various cases and examples of foreign market entry, there is no right or wrong way of entering a market. Each case is unique and requires a special strategy that is completely different from any other. There is also no entry strategy that is superior to others. Each different strategy can be successful if the firm takes the time before hand to extensively research the attractiveness of possible countries, their political and economic environment, their potential for long-term growth, and the benefits and costs associatedwith entering any given market.ReferencesGordin, A. (2011). Destination unknown, opportunity certain. Industry Week, 260(2), 52-54.Harangus, D., & Duda, D. D. (2009). The strategies of foreign market’s penetration used by Romanian enterprises from Westernfive region. Proceedings from Annals of Danube Adria Association for Automation and Manufacturing (DAAAM).Hill, C. W. I. (2013). International business: Competing in the global marketplace. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.Porter, M. E. (1980). Competitive strategy: Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors. New York: Free Press. Root, F. (1987). Entry strategies for international markets. Lanham: Lexington Books.All Rights Reserved.。

Chap14 Entry Strategy and Strategic Alliances

Chap14 Entry Strategy and Strategic Alliances
山东经济学院·国际贸易学院 School of International Trade, Shandong Economic University
❖ it avoids the costs of establishing local manufacturing operations
❖ The optimal mode varies by situation – what makes sense for one company might not make sense for another
❖ 优选模式由情况变化而定--适合一家公司的并不一定适合另一家
山东经济学院·国际贸易学院 School of International Trade, Shandong Economic University
School of International Trade, Shandong Economic University 1-8
School of International Trade, Shandong Economic University 1-9
山东经济学院·国际贸易学院 School of International Trade, Shandong Economic University
❖ A licensing agreement is an arrangement whereby a licensor grants the rights to intangible property to another entity (the licensee) for a specified time period, and in return, the licensor receives a royalty fee from the licensee



Chapter 9 Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization第9章全球营销管理:计划和组织1. Benefits of global marketing(1)When large market segments can be identified, economies of scale in production and marketing can be important competitive advantages for multinational companies.(2)Transfer of experience and know-how across countries through improved coordination and integration of marketing activities is also cited as a benefit of global operations.(3)Marketing globally also ensures that marketers have access to the toughest customers.(4)Diversity of markets served carries with it additional financial benefits.2. Planning process(1)Preliminary analysis and screening---Matching company and country needs(2)Adapting the marketing mix to target markets(3)Developing the marketing plan(4)Implementation and control3. Alternative market-entry strategies(1)Exporting出口模式输出的多是有形产品,产品在目标国家境外制造,然后运输到该国市场销售。

keegan09-Licensing, Investment, and Strategic Alliances(Global Marketing,Keegan and Green)

keegan09-Licensing, Investment, and Strategic Alliances(Global Marketing,Keegan and Green)

Keegan and Green, Chapter 9
Global Strategic Partnerships
• Possible terms:
– – – – Collaborative agreements Strategic alliances Strategic international alliances Global strategic partnerships
Keegan and Green, Chapter 9
Disadvantages of Licensing
• • • • • Limited participation Returns may be lost Lack of control Licensee may become competitor Licensee may exploit company resources
– – – – Patent Trade secret Brand name Product formulations
Keegan and Green, Chapter 9
Advantages of Licensing
• Provides additional profitability with little initial investment • Provides method of circumventing tariffs, quotas, and other export barriers • Attractive ROI • Low costs to implement
Keegan and Green, Chapter 9
Special Licensing Arrangements



2023年国际商务师真题Section 1: Multiple Choice Questions (每题4分,共40分)1. What is the main goal of international business?a) Maximizing profitsb) Market expansionc) Building relationshipsd) Creating employment opportunities2. Which of the following is an example of a trade barrier?a) Import quotasb) Free trade agreementsc) Investment incentivesd) Intellectual property rights3. Which of the following is not a major factor influencing the choice of foreign market entry mode?a) Market sizeb) Competitive landscapec) Political stabilityd) Exchange rates4. What does FOB stand for in international trade?a) Free on Boardb) Freight on Boardc) Free of Charged) Freight of Bill5. What is the purpose of a letter of credit in international trade?a) Guaranteeing payment to the exporterb) Allowing for price negotiationsc) Enforcing trade regulationsd) Facilitating customs clearance6. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using a joint venture as a market entry strategy?a) Shared risks and resourcesb) Shared profits and lossesc) Limited control over operationsd) Understanding of local market7. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization that aims to:a) Promote regional trade agreementsb) Facilitate dispute settlementc) Promote fair labor practicesd) Regulate exchange rates8. What is the main purpose of a market research analysis in international business?a) Identifying target marketsb) Developing marketing strategiesc) Assessing competitive landscaped) Estimating market demand9. Which of the following is an example of indirect exporting?a) Setting up a subsidiary abroadb) Licensing a product to a foreign firmc) Selling products directly to foreign customersd) Collaborating with a local distributor10. What is the primary role of a customs broker in international trade?a) Ensuring compliance with import regulationsb) Negotiating favorable terms with suppliersc) Managing export documentationd) Facilitating communication with foreign partnersSection 2: Short Answer Questions (每题10分,共40分)1. Explain four key advantages of international trade.2. Compare and contrast a joint venture and a wholly-owned subsidiary as market entry strategies.3. Identify and briefly explain three major risks in international business.4. Discuss the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on international trade.Section 3: Essay Question (30分)Choose one of the following essay questions and write a well-structured essay of approximately 500 words:1. Analyze the impact of digital technologies on international business operations.2. Discuss the importance of corporate social responsibility in international business.3. Evaluate the role of government policies in promoting or hindering international trade.ConclusionIn conclusion, the 2023 International Business Exam covered a range of topics including trade barriers, market entry strategies, international organizations, and the role of government policies in international trade. The exam assessed students' understanding of key concepts and their ability to analyze and evaluate various aspects of international business. By providing multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions, the exam aimed to test both theoretical knowledge and practical application. Overall, the exam challenged students to demonstrate their comprehension of international business principles and their ability to utilize them in real-world scenarios.。



4’*5=20分1.What are the stages of life cycle of product? Provide a short description for each of them. Chapter1P41.product development: development &research (D&R )costs mount2. Pre-introduction:marketing planning is involved, especially promotion costs mount3. introduction--distribution/price strategyAn initial low pricing policy to get into the market, though with little competition, price may be high initially to recoup development costs. Selection of a distribution model to get the product onto the market.4. growth--sales revenues outnumber costsThe growth stage is typically characterized by a strong growth in sales and profits.5.maturity成熟-competition is getting fierce, and profits level off. This is probably the most competitive time for most products and businesses need to invest wisely in any marketing they undertake.6. decline-sales /prices/profits drop; consumers are seeking for new productsEventually, the market for a product will start to shrink.2.What difficulties did Wal-Mart encounter遇到when it tried to expand Chinese market, and how did Wal-Mart solves these problems according what you have learned inthis semester? Chapter3 P50Regionalism:Wal-Mart have difficult in interprovincial transportation and distribution of the products they cover.How:Wal-Mart encourages suppliers that sell nationwide to use the distrubution center and offers back-haul services from their local e distribution centres and back-haul trucks.Nontariff Trade Barrier:government efforts to keep Chinese products on, and imported products off shelves.How:Chinese customers are still interested in trying new, imported goods. Financial Matters:Regional fragmentation of finance regulation, tax laws, and other institution has effect on the payment side of the supply chain. How:Wal-Mart has worked with the Chinese government to set up a holding company to consolidate joint venture distribution and finance. Inefficient LTL & Private, Nationwide Parcel Delivery:The choice of service providers is limited, and tracking, pickup, and delivery are unreliable.How:Chinese state-owned transport firms and foreign freight or parcel companies have recently been established.3.List at least five international market entry strategies, and provide a short description for each of them. Chapter2 P37 Exporting:Sell products /goods/visible commodities to the buyers fromdomestic markets to oversea marketsAgency:A global company grants an organization ( called as an agent )to sell its productsFranchising: Franchising is the practice of the right to use a firm's successful business model and brand for a prescribed period of time. For the franchiser, the franchise is an alternative to building "chain stores" to distribute goods that avoids the investments and liability of a chain. Contract Manufacturing :A contract manufacturer ("CM") is a manufacturer that contracts with a firm for components or products. It is a form of outsourcing.Management contracting: A management contract is an arrangement under which operational control of an enterprise is vested by contract in a separate enterprise that performs the necessary managerial functions in return for a fee.Original Equipment Manufacture (0EM):Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) is a term used when one company makes a part or subsystem that is used in another company's end product.FDI4.Make a comparison among absolute quota(绝对配额)/tariff-rate quotas(关税配额)/voluntary export restraints (VERs 自愿出口限制)absolute quota:To impose a maximum amount on the quantity or amount of imports of certain commodities for a specified period of time.tariff-rate quotas:The importing country sets a quantitative limit on the quantity of imported goods, and applies a higher or general tax rate to the goods imported after exceeding the limitVoluntary export restriction: is an action unilaterally taken and implemented by the exporting country. It is called "voluntary" and means that the exporting country has the formal right to cancel or modify the restrictive measures.5.Why do marketeers want to expand overseas markets, carrying an established product? Chapter7 P122 Saturation: the home market has peaked and is now saturated with your product.Declining interest:Foreign demand:receiving an unsolicited demand from a foreign buyer. Share enlargement: flush with cash or energized with curiosity,they wish to increase their sales by increasing their petition Exchange value: the value of national currencies can fluctuate wildly, often with deleterious effects on domestic companies.when production cost rise and domestic buying power declines, the marketeer have no choice but tolook offshore for customers.Preproduction penetration: prior to setting up full scale offshore production, a company will sell to the targeted market as a way of testing demand , observing price elasticity, or educating the population about a product. Government request: many developing countries finance their growth through exports, since domestic buying power is limited.6.Internet research is becoming widespread nowadays. Can you illustrate the benefits and shortcomings of internet research?Benefit: speed, immediacy, and a complete disregard for physical distance.1.focused and purposeful (so not recreational browsing),es internet information or internet-based resources3.tends towards the immediate (drawing answers from information you can access without delay)4.tends to access information without a purchase price. shortcomings1.unrecognized bias,2.difficulties in verifying a writer's credentials3.not be the most suitable resources to answer a particular question1.Advertising campaign 广告营销A planned set of adverting messages repeated in a variety of media.modity 商品Any article exchanged during trade. More commonly, it’s used to refer to raw materials.3.Consumer products 消费品Goods purchased by individuals or households for their personal use, as opposed to products purchased by businesses.4.Created market 新创市场A market where a product is placed on offer with no previous demand.5.Distributor 分销商A company that undertakes to purchase products from the manufacturer for resale in a given market.6.Dumping 倾销The export of goods to a market for sale at a price below actual production cost in an effort to gain market share.7.Exchange risk 外汇风险The risk associated with the potential for a change in the market value of currencies that occurs between the time an international contract is agreed upon and when payment is actually made.8.Expropriation 征用The forcible takeover by a local government of a foreign business operatingwithin its borders. The seizure generally happens without payment.9.Found market 新发现市场A market wherein consumer demand initiates the development of goods or services to meet that demand.10.Hard currency 硬通货National currencies that hold an internationally stable value over an extended period and have great ease of exchange.11.Marketing max 营销组合The combination of the marketing elements of product, price, place and promotion to generate the sale of goods or services.12.Market research 市场调研The objective and systematic process of locating and analyzing information for making decisions about a specific market or product.13.Niche marketing 利基营销/补缺营销Marketing strategy in which a company focuses its entire effort on a small, specialized segment of a larger market.14.On-the-ground 实地考察Research or information acquired in the actual market that’s the subject of the research.15.Penetration 市场渗透The degree to which a product and its promotion have attained market share in any targeted market segment.16.Positioning 市场定位The way that customers perceive a company’s product in relation to that of its competition.17.Product life cycle 产品生命周期The series of stages through which a product passes, including development, introduction, growth, maturity and decline.18.Segmentation 市场细分A strategy wherein a large market is subdivided into ever smaller pieces, with each new segment being the focus of its own marketing plan and effort. 19.Soft currency 软通货National currencies that have an unstable international value and are difficult to exchange, due to the issuing nation’s lack of recognized reserves.20.Statistical research 统计研究A method that utilizes date and measurements to determine consumer behavior and potential demand.。

LECTURE 11 Entry Strategy and Strategic Alliances

LECTURE 11 Entry Strategy and Strategic Alliances

• Turnkey projects are unattractive because
– the firm has no long-term interest in the foreign country – the firm may create a competitor – if the firm's process technology is a source of competitive advantage, then selling this technology through a turnkey project is also selling competitive advantage to potential and/or actual competitors
Entry Strategy and
Strategic Alliances
Basic Decisions Firms Make When Expanding Globally
Firms expanding internationally must decide 1. Which markets to enter 2. When to enter them and on what scale 3. Which entry mode to use
How Can Firms Enter Foreign Markets?
• These are six different ways to enter a foreign market 1. Exporting - common first step for many manufacturing firms 2. Turnkey projects - the contractor handles every detail of the project for a foreign client, including the training of operating personnel 3. Licensing - a licensor grants the rights to intangible property to the licensee for a specified time period, and in return, receives a royalty fee from the licensee



战略管理双语资料(共71页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Chapter 1 Strateg ic Ma n a gem e nt a nd Str a tegic Com pe titiven e ss ................... 错误!未定义书签。

Management Process .............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

The Rational Model ....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

The critique of the rational model .................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

The New Competitive Landscape ........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Globalized Competition ................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

Changes .......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

I/O model of Above-average Returns ..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



海淀区2023-2024学年第二学期期末练习高三英语 2024.5本试卷共 10 页,100 分。

考试时长 90 分钟。



第一部分知识运用(共两节,30分)第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Movement is our first language; I believe we’re born to dance. I’ve always had a special liking for dance, and my job.I got great 1 working in the therapeutic ( 治疗的) world; it felt more like a calling. I enjoyed every moment; my purpose and mission 2 me. My highlights are when I’ve witnessed once dull and hopeless eyes light up when the person felt seen, heard, and accepted.Then, ill health struck. As my health declined progressively, I had to stop doing what I loved.3 , all I had was being able to facilitate the occasional workshop when opportunity and energy aligned (一致). Chronic fatigue syndrome (慢性疲劳综合症) is a merciless beast.In 2020, the unimaginable happened. In addition to soul-destroying feeling of being4 , I began experiencing frequent vocal challenges of varying degrees. I could no longer accept facilitation invitations because my5 was now unreliable. I grieved, feeling like I was being swallowed by a damp, dark fog.After an extended period of being in self-pity, I 6 my thinking. I have internal value. My value or identity is not 7 by what I can or cannot do. Regarding my health journey, in time, I 8 this: it is what it is. For this season, this is my path.So, I started dancing again. Life is full of surprises, pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral, yet what matters is how we 9 to those surprises. Despite ongoing voice loss and health challenges, I found new ways to make a difference.You and I may not be able to choose the 10 life plays for us; however, we do get to choose how we will dance to it. May we dance with strength, courage, and grace.1. A. fame B. surprise C. pleasure D. inspiration2. A. fuelled B. attracted C. instructed D. calmed3. A. Simply B. Particularly C. Eventually D. Apparently4. A. tired B. annoyed C. disappointed D. injured5. A. mind B. sight C. sense D. voice6. A. discovered B. adjusted C. abandoned D. controlled7. A. ignored B. selected C. defined D. assisted8. A. accepted B. recalled C. questioned D. expected9. A. refer B. appeal C. turn D. respond10. A. role B. music C. joke D. game第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。

Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures

Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures

• A business arrangement under which one party (the franchisor) allows another (the franchisee) to operate an enterprise using its trademark, logo, production line, and methods of operation in return for a fee.
• Alliance: any type of cooperative relationship among different firms.
• 扩大代码共享(Code-Sharing)规模 MH370:该飞机属马来西亚航班,其航班 编号为MH370/MAS370,中国南方航空代 码共享航班号748(CZ748/CSN748) • 航线分布网的串连与飞行时间表的协调 • 在各地机场的服务柜台与贵宾室共享 • 与共同执行形象提升活动 • 常旅客计划(Frequent Flyer Program, FFP)的点数分享
2. From 1990s, what strategic changes did P&G decide to make? Use examples to illustrate them.
3. What changes do you think P&G has had to make in its organization and company culture to implement this strategy shift?
• Barriers: • Pre-merger: Cultural differences , time constraints

09 进入阻止与掠夺

09 进入阻止与掠夺
– q*1 = (A – w)/2B – q2/2 当q1 < K/2 当q1 > K1 – q*2 = (A – w – r)/2B – q1/2 如果q*2 > 0
• 进入者要进入,必须期望弥补沉没成本F2 • 这意味着进入者必须对产量做出较低的限制。
• 市场的演变取决于许多因素
– 一个是企业规模和增长之间的关系
• 吉布莱特定律Gibrat’s Law
– – – – 企业以相同规模开始 每个时期每家企业以一个随机分布得到的速度增长 该分布的均值和方差随着时间推移保持不变 结果是,企业规模分布接近正态对数分布
• 非常机械化的
– 不存在增长的策略
9.2.1 限制性定价模型
在价格为Pe 时, 进入没有盈利。
R1 Pd Pe D(P) = Market Demand MRe qe Qd Re Qd Q1 Quantity
进入者令边际收益 MCe 等于边际成本
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
• 即使坚持,在产量Qd ,垄断势力是否比古诺均衡更好? – 如果进入者的成本足够低,这一结论可能并不正确。
• 可信度可能将产量与生产能力相联系。
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
9.2.2 生产能力扩张和进入阻止 • 为了使掠夺能够成功并且是合理的
– 在第2期,潜在进入者能够观察在位者的生产能力选择
• 潜在进入者进入并生产在位者需要的生产能力K2 ,其成本为r.K2 • 生产的单位成本为w • 注意:进入者不会投资不用的生产能力
– 如果进入发生,企业在第2期进行古诺博弈



• Licensing typically involves one-time transfer of property; franchising requires ongoing assistance from the franchiser许可证一般包括一次性财产转移;特许经营则需要长 期的特许商的支持
• Conflicts-- exporters’ and importers’ goals 出口商和进口商的目标冲突
• Will there be sustainable competitive advantage in export markets? Why? 在出口市场是否还能够保持竞争优势?为什么? • What exports markets and segments will value our products sufficiently? 何种出口市场和细分市场可以充分体现产品的价值 • Standard product with standard marketing mix or tailored products? 标准化营销组合下的标准化产品还是量身定做的产 品? • What trade barriers impede export? 何种贸易壁垒阻碍了出口? • What are the appropriate channels for distribution? 适合的分销渠道是什么?
• Exclusive 独家 • Non-exclusive 非独家
• Cross-licensing 交叉许可
Licensing Agreement where licensor grants rights to intangible property to another entity for a specified period of time in return for royalties. 许可方在某一特定时期将无形资产的有关权利授予另一个实体 从而获取版税的协议。

chapter 6 entry strategy and strategic alliances

chapter 6 entry strategy and strategic alliances

1. The time, effort, and money spent to learn the rules of the game in a foreign business system are a form of pioneering cost.A) TrueB) False2. Firms using exporting as a means of serving a foreign market avoid the costs of setting up manufacturing operations in the host country and may be in a position to achieve experience curve and location economies.A) TrueB) False3 . Franchising has many of the same advantages as licensing, but there might be problems taking profits out of the host country and in quality control.A) TrueB) False4 . A firm considering foreign expansion must make three basic decisions. Which of the following is not one of those three?A) Which markets to enter?B) Are product lines wide and deep enough with sufficient inventories?C) When should markets be entered?D) On what scale should it consider entering?5 Entering on a large scale involves the commitment of significant resources and implies ____________________.A) a strong cultural match between the firm and the foreign marketB) proprietary knowledge that applies to the marketC) having well-training managers at headquarters who can assist the start-up operationD) rapid entry6 Which of the following is not one of the three serious drawbacks of licensing?A) The firm does not have tight control over manufacturing and other areas.B) It is not easy to use profits in other countries.C) It is almost impossible to enforce licensing agreements due to conflicting legal systems.D) There is a risk that technological know-how may get into the hands of competitors.7 Joint ventures share disadvantages with other forms of entry, including potential loss of proprietary technology and know-how and the inability to realize experience curve or location economies. One distinct disadvantage is that:A) the strategic commitment which is difficult to reverse.B) it attract new competitors in the country and the market as a whole.C) the shared ownership agreement can lead to conflicts for control among the investing firms.D) it is difficult to repatriate profits.8 Firms often expand internationally to gain greater returns from their _____________, transferring the skills and related products to foreign markets where indigenous competitors lack those skills.A) processesB) intellectual propertyC) people skills and assetsD) core competencies9 Which of the following is not one of the advantages of acquisitions?A) They are relatively quick to execute.B) They may preempt competitors.C) They are less risky than a greenfield investment.D) They do not require a significant amount of headquarters involvement.10 Acquisitions fail for all of the following reasons except:A) the acquiring firm often overpays for the assets of the acquired firm.B) there is a clash of cultures between the acquiring and the acquired firm.C) anticipated synergies prove to be more significant than anticipated.D) there is inadequate pre-acquisition screening.11 In general, a greenfield investment will be preferred when:A) there are strict environmental standards in the host country.B) there are established competitors in the host country market.C) when the market seems attractive but there are no incumbent firms to be acquired.D) embedded competencies, skills, routines and cultures are not at issue.12 Which of the following is not considered an advantage of strategic alliances?A) Strategic alliances facilitate entry into a foreign market.B) Strategic alliances do not take much management time and attention once they are set up.C) Strategic alliances allow firms to share costs and risks.D) Strategic alliances bring together complementary skills and assets.13 A good strategic alliance is structured so that:A) clear policies are developed to keep employees from partners from sharing too much.B) safeguards against opportunism are build into the agreement.C) technology can be shared openly.D) the originating firm maintains a strong and dominant role.14 A company that is concerned that technology that should remain proprietary will be transferred to a strategic alliance partner should do all of the following except:A) wall off critical technology.B) establish contractual safeguards.C) seek credible commitments.D) avoid cross licensing agreements.。

Chap009 Entry Strategies and Organizational Struct

Chap009 Entry Strategies and Organizational Struct
– Agreement under which two or more partners from different countries own or control a business
– Nonequity venture – Equity joint venture
• Advantages
– Improvement of efficiency – Access to knowledge – Political factors – Collusion or restriction in competition
chapter nine
Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures
Chapter Objectives
Five Chapter Objectives
1. DESCRIBE how an MNC develops and implements entry strategies and ownership structures
2. EXAMINE major types of entry strategies and organizational structures
3. ANALYZE advantages and disadvantage of each type of organizational structure, including conditions making one preferable to others
4. DESCRIBE recent, nontraditional organization arrangements coming out of mergers, joint ventures, keiretsus, and other new designs including electronic networks and product development structures
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Entry Strategies and Ownership Structures:
Export/Import 进入战略和所有权结构:
– Often the only available choices for small and new firms wanting to go international
• Licensee may avoid entry costs by licensing to a firm already there通过授予已经存在于当地市场的公司一种许可可以减少打入 市场的费用。
• Licensor usually is a small firm lacking financial and managerial resources许可人通常是小型公司缺乏资金和管理资源。
Strategic Alliance Recommendations 战略联盟的建议
1. Know partner well before alliance is formed.在结盟之前,充分 了解你的合伙人。
2. Expect differences in alliance objectives among potential partners headquartered in different countries.预计来自不同国家 的潜在合作者在结盟目的上的差异。
3. Having desired resource profiles does not guarantee other has complementary to firm’s resources.认识到拥有所期望的资源不 能保证能对你公司的资源起到补充作用。
4. Be sensitive to alliance partner needs.积极、快速领会合伙人的 需要。
attempt to “export jobs” • 母国联盟有时也反对成立外国独资公司,它们认为成立外国独资公司意味
着“出口工作”。 • Today many MNCs opt for merger, alliance, or joint venture than a
fully owned subsidiary • 现在许多跨国公司更倾向于选择兼并、联盟或合资公司,而不是独立子公
4. DESCRIBE recent, nontraditional organization arrangements coming out of mergers, joint ventures, keiretsus, and other new designs including electronic networks and product development structures 描述从兼并、合资公司以及从中衍生出的、非传统的新型组织结构设计,以及其 他比较新颖的设计形式,如电子网络结构和产品开发结构
2. EXAMINE major types of entry strategies and organizational structures 识别进入战略和组织结构的主要类型
3. ANALYZE advantages and disadvantage of each typeoforganizational structure, including conditions making one preferable to others 分析各种组织结构的优势劣势,以及它们各自的适用条件
Entry Strategies and
Ownership Structures: 进入战略和所有权结构: Mergers and Acquisitions兼并和收购
• The cross-border purchase or exchange of equity involving two or more companies
Entry Strategies and Ownership Structures: Franchising
进入战略和所有权结构: 特许经营
• Franchise: one party (the franchisor) permits another (the franchisee) to operate an enterprise using its trademark, logo, product line, and method of operation in return for a fee特许经营: 一方(授权方) 允许另一方 (被授权方) 通过付费的方式获得在经营运作中使用另一 方的商标、标志语、生产线以及生产方式的权利。
5. EXPLAIN how organizational characteristics such as formalization, specialization, and centralization influence how organization is structured and functions 解释组织特征,如规范化、专业化和集权化是如何影响组织的构建和运行的
chapter nine 第九章
Entry Strategies and Organizational Structures
Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
• Companies spending large share of revenues of R&D are likely to be licensors把总收入中相当一部分投入到研发上的公司很可能成 为许可人。
• Companies spending very little on R&D are more likely to be licensees在研发上投入较少的公司则更可能成为被许可人。
5. After identify best partner, work on developing relationship of trust.选定最佳合伙人后,在互相信任的基础上发展彼此的关系。
Global Strategic Alliances
Entry Strategies and Ownership Structures: Licensing
• Widely used in fast-food and hotel/motel industries被 广泛运用于快餐业和酒店业。
• With minor adjustments for local market, can result in highly profitable international business.这一概念被广泛 运用于国际市场,并且对于当地市场只要稍作调整,便 能带来高额利润。
Chapter Objectivesectives
1. DESCRIBE how an MNC develops and implements entry strategies and ownership structures 描述一个跨国公司是如何开发和实施进入战略和所有权结构的
进入战略和所有权结构: 许可证
• License is an agreement that allows one party to use an industrial property right in exchange for payment to other party许可证是一 种协议,协议的一方通过向另一方支付费用的方式,获得后者产业 产权的使用权。
is better without outside partners • 跨国公司希望能完全控制子公司,并且相信没有外来合伙人的企业管理将
是高效的。 • Some host countries concerned that MNC will drive out local
enterprises • 有些东道国家担心跨国企业会挤掉当地企业。 • Home country unions sometimes view foreign subsidiaries as an
Entry Strategies and Ownership Structures 进入战略和所有权结构 • Export/import进出口 • Wholly-owned subsidiary独资子公司 • Mergers/acquisitions兼并\收购 • Alliances/joint ventures联盟和合资企业 • Licensing许可证 • Franchising特许经营
Entry Strategies and Ownership Structures: 进入战略和所有权结构:
Wholly Owned Subsidiary独资子公司
• Overseas operation is totally owned and controlled by an MNC • 海外单位是为跨国公司完全所有并受其全权控制 • MNC’s desire for total control and belief that managerial efficiency
对于那些想要进入国际市场的小公司来说, 出口和进口通常是唯一的出路
– Also permits larger firms to begin international expansion with minimum investment
为想用小额投资进行国际扩张的大型公司提供一个渠道 – Paperwork can be turned over to export management
• 涉及两个或两个以上公司跨国界的资产购买或交换。