


















第二部分:超声波水表的安装超声波水表的安装需要遵循以下步骤:1. 清除安装位置的杂物和污垢,并确保安装位置平整稳固。

2. 将超声波水表与水管连接,确保连接处无漏水现象。

3. 打开水源,检查水表是否正常工作。

第三部分:超声波水表的使用方法超声波水表的使用方法如下:1. 用干净的布擦拭超声波水表的外壳,确保表面干净无尘。

2. 打开水龙头,水流经过超声波水表时,水表将开始工作并进行测量。

3. 超声波水表会自动记录水流量,并在表面显示当前的用水量。

4. 可以通过按键或旋转盘来切换显示模式,例如显示总用水量、流速等。

第四部分:注意事项在使用超声波水表时,需要注意以下事项:1. 避免超声波水表长时间暴露在阳光直射下,以防止温度过高影响其正常工作。

2. 定期清洁超声波水表,以防止灰尘和污垢堆积影响测量精度。

3. 如发现超声波水表异常,如显示不正常或测量值异常等情况,应及时联系专业人员进行检修或更换。

4. 注意超声波水表的防水性能,避免水流进入内部造成损坏。








WATERINFORMATION(超声波水表说明书)CUTE-LV SERIES ULTRASONICWATER METERPRODUCT INTRODUCTIONCHANGZHOU CUTE INTELLIGENT CO.,LTD1、OverviewCUTE serial ultrasonic water meter module is the core part to work with the base meter to measure and display the water flow.CUTE serires ultrasonic water meter with the M-BUS interface, The staff can read the meter data at any time by the remote reading management system with the M-BUSinterface and other device.2、Function and Characteristic 2.1 Under voltage warning;2.2 Automatic error correction tech;2.3 Temperature sensor cut and short circuit warning; 2.4 Flow sensor failure warning;2.5 High definition and wide temperature LCD; 2.6 Wide range ratio;2.7 Lithium battery life is more than 6+1;2.8 Can read the meter data by infrared tool at the spot; 2.9 With the M-BUS interface;3、Usage instruction1.The water meter operated by the menu, can change the work condition and display contents by the button on panel;There are 4 menu, the default is main menu, the change flow is as below:Means the long press time >2s;1) Main menu: normal condition; 2) Error menu 【E 】3) Information menu 【I 】 4) Verification program 【F 】The screen is off when stand by, press the button to awake the meter and enter the m ain menu, which show the accumulated flow(above figure), long press to change menu and read the data you need, the screen will be off after 3 minutes without any operation except the verification program 【F 】.Main MenuMain menuxxxxx.xxx m 3【E 】【I 】【F 】Error menu operation 【E 】Press<2s Long press>2sXXXXX.XXX m 3XX.XXX m 3/h AccumulationXXXXXXXX hDN20X.X.X.X.X.XXXInstant flowWork timeTypeFull screen 【E 】1 XX.XX.XX Battery fault (date)Accumulated timeInformation Menu 【I 】Verifivcation Menu 【F 】Press<2sLong press >2s【F 】 XXX.XXXXX m 3FXXX.XXXXX m 3/h F℃ XX.XX Zero clearWater temperature 瞬流 Instant flowAccumulated flow5 XX.XX.XX S6 XX.XX.XX S7 XX.XX.XX STranducer fault flow in (date)Tranducer fault flow out (date)换能器故障出水端发生日期(年月日)8 XX.XX.XXS7 XXXXXXX h8 XXXXXXX hXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXr XX d -xx.xx.xx Y M D xx.xx.xx H M S 【I 】Main add Second addEditionPresent datePresnet time Last month Readingr-xx.xx.xx Y M DXXXX.XXX m 3Last 2 months Reading4、Characteristics:Accumulated volume definition 0.001m 3 (working )0.00001m 3(verifying )Present flow definition 0.001 m 3/h (working ) 0.001 m 3/h (verifying ) Measure range Q 3/Q 1=400 Quiescentcurrent < 6uABattery life > 6+1 year LCD digits 8Max accumulatedtime4.2x109 hoours (work time>99999999, only display the last 8 valid digits )Max accumulated flow4.2x109m 3 (flow>99999.999 m 3 ,only display the last 8 valid digits )Accuracy class II class5、Failure analysis and solution No. Problem Cause Solution 1 Battery fault Under vlotage or bad connection Check the connector, changethe battery;2 Vacant pipe fault No water or not full in the pipe Fill the pipe full andeliminate the bubble3 Reflux fault The inflow and outflow reverse Adjust the inflow andoutflow4 Surpass range ratio The present instant flow is too high Lower the flow or change themeter 5 Water temperature Water temperature fault Lower the temperature orchange the meter 6 EE fault EE storage invalid Change the PCB 7 Transducer Inflow Change or reinstall thePress<2s Long press>2s 按大于2秒Remark :Under the verification menu, the accumulated flow and heat can be zero clear automatically, when the flow rate is 0,,if detect the flow rate in pipe is higher than the set point, zero clear the present accumulated data; When can't make zero clearunder some extrem conditio, which can be done by manual;Exit the verification menu without any operation in 2 hours;transducer8 Transducer OutflowChange or reinstall thetransducer6、PCB connector and outlineNote :Please read the documents carefully before using the products; If any qutstion, please don ’t hesitate to contact with us;Special instruction for the verification mode(1).Enter the verificaiton modeAfter turning on the water meter, press the button until seeing the 【F 】,then press again to see the below content :Accumulation Flow0.00000 m3ButtonLCDBattery connectorMain menuKW·h 【E 】【I 】【F 】Verification(2).Menu clausePress the button every time, you will see the caluse in order, please see thedetails in page 6;(3).NoteUnder the verification mode, the accumulated flow can be zero clear automatically,when the flow rate is 0, it will be zeroclear and start a new flow inspect automatically;。

LRW-2000 双声道超声波水表说明书

LRW-2000 双声道超声波水表说明书
LRW-2000 双声道超声波水表
1. 概述
§ 1.ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 引言
LRW-2000 系 列 水 表 是 依 据 中 国 国 家 水 表 标 准 GBT/778.1-2007 、 国 际 水 表 标 准 ISO4064-1:2005,IDT 等标准研发生产的产品。
该水表采用了公司最新开发的特有的超声波传播相位与时差测量技术,具有精度高,耗 电小、测量量程比宽、稳定可靠等显著特点。
5. 怎 样 使 用 ........................................................ - 24 -
§ 5.1 怎样修改计量单位 ....................................................................................... - 24 § 5.2 怎样修改累积量的小数点位置 ..................................................................... - 24 § 5.3 怎样重新设定年月日时分秒星期几 .............................................................. - 24 § 5.4 怎样确认水表是否工作完全正常(利用工作状态码快速诊断问题所在) ..... - 24 §5.5 怎样使用标定用专用窗口............................................................................. - 24 § 5.6 怎样使用内置的定量控制器 ......................................................................... - 25 § 5.7 怎样修改分时累积器的时间点 ..................................................................... - 26 § 5.8 怎样修改通讯地址 ....................................................................................... - 27 §5.9 怎样重新设定 M-BUS 第二地址................................................................... - 27 § 5.10 怎样修改红外通讯速率 .............................................................................. - 27 §5.11 怎样修改 RS485/M-bus 通讯速率 ............................................................. - 28 -



超声波液位计说明书之迟辟智美创作本说明书适用三线制或4线制、二线制由于盘装式和壁挂式已经停产,使用时可以参考本说明书一,用户自检:A,仪表正确通上合格的电源,按移位键(即左键)找出L(L是探头到反射面的距离),垂直瞄准空旷的墙面作为超声波的反射面(假设是水面),观察L的数字,显示L的数字和实际距离相等说明丈量功能正常.(首先要先熟悉有关距离L和液位H的关系图见附件).说明:1,由于仪表有严格的数据过滤和确认过程,数字变动可能会比您移动仪表的速度慢一些,属于正常现象.(有特殊要求请您在定货时说明)2,在检验的过程中应该注意:L(max)≤丈量距离能力, L(min)≥仪表的盲区C.3,一般情况下,仪表量程d+盲区C=仪表最年夜丈量距离能力L(max).4,量程是和输出电流P有关的参数,和其他无关.B,把超声波的发射口对向空旷的天空,一分钟以内仪表应该显示FFFF, 也可以取一块干燥的毛巾重叠数层堵住换能器的发射口,从原理上说仪表此时没有回波收到,同样仪表会显示FFFF.说明您的仪表抗干扰性能不错.C,按移位键找出P(仪表应该输出的电流值),用电流表直接丈量输出电流应该和P值相当.经过以上3个项目的检验,用户可以放心的使用了.二,连续按移位键可以依次检查仪表的以下参数参数:P-XXXX 以后应该输出的电流(mA)h-XXXX 最后一次所设定的“以后液位”值(m).h-该参数没有实际意义. 该数对应菜单01C-XXXX 仪表盲区(cm),盲区固有d-XXXX 仪表量程(m)该数对应菜单02d只和输出电流有关,和其他无关.H以后液(物)位m-XXXX 或L(距离m)XXXX对三线制超声波液位计用户菜单中编号为07的是工作模式转换.对二线制超声波液位计用户菜单中编号为04的是工作模式转换.工作模式设置为1.0000时是丈量距离模式,设置为0.000是丈量以后液位模式.按上升键仪器直接显示“以后液位”H或距离L.按SET键仪器直接显示P.三,如何进入用户菜单:1,先按住上升键(中间键)不放开,然后再按一下SET,显示屏呈现-XXXX-密码界面(其中有一位在闪烁).2,交替使用移位键和上升键,使界面改为-1234-(用户密码),连续按SET 键就进入用户设定01…..12的菜单.四,菜单编号的含意:1,三线制菜单01→以后物位HXXXX或丈量距离时显示为L XXXX显示H或L取决于工作模式转换的设置,设置为丈量液位模式时显示H,H需要在现场工位设置, 仪表设置为丈量距离模式时显示L,L不需要设置,可以直接丈量.在这里特别强调是:仪暗示场装置完毕后,必需先观察L的数字是否和实际距离相符合,如果2者相差甚远,(一般情况下L有误时的显示值往往会小于实际值,说明仪表收到的回波不是我们需要的回波,请你务必找出装置原因,直到2者基秘闻等为止,原因可以参考附件)02→仪表量程(只和输出电流有关)03→小液位切除(一般取0.005-0.02)04→上控105→下控106→回差107→工作模式转换(当设置为1.0000时,是丈量距离L模式,当设置为0.0000时,是丈量液位H模式)08→仪表号(通讯连网用)09→波特率1→1200,N,8,1.2→2400,N,8,1.3→4800,N,8,1.4→9600,N,8,1.1,二线制菜单01→以后物位HXXXXX 或丈量距离时显示为L XXXXX02→仪表量程(只和输出电流有关)03→小液位切除(推荐0.005-0.02)04→工作模式转换(当设置为1.0000时,是丈量距离L模式,当设置为0.0000时,是丈量液位H模式)五、“以后液位”及其他参数的设定.我们再一次强调:在设置“以后液位”前,先按移位键观察一下探头到液(料)位面的距离L是否准确,确认准确后就可以设定“以后液位”了.建议在设置〈以后物位〉最好在低水位时进行.(1)按上述进入用户菜单后,按SET键找到01代码后,再按一下SET键即可看到原来的参数(原数字无任何意义)X.XXXX,(其中有一位闪烁). (2)交替使用移位键和上升键,使数字改为你所需要确当“以后液位”值X.XXXX新数字,(注意小数点占一位,然后按一下SET键保管,进入下一代码02(改变02-量程和03-小物位切除的方法同上)说明:所谓→“以后液位”是指您在设置时的液位高度(或称为液位深度)(3)菜单的退出(和进入方法相同):在代码界面时先按住上升键不放开,然后按一下SET即可退出, 注意一定要在代码界面时完成退出把持(可以是任何代码界面如01、02 、03……12)(4)如要改变量程或修正小液位切除以及其他参数,可以依据上述(1)、(2)的方法.选择您所要修改参数代码(如02),再按一下SET键呈现代码原来的参数XXXXX,然后交替使用移位键和上升键,使界面改为新的X.XXXX(强调小数点占一位),再按一下SET键进入下一参数的代码03,此时如要继续修改其他参数,按以上方法以此类推把持.六、接线三线制或4线制接线图注意事项:为保证仪表的平安运行,防止和其他无关设备的线路同管走线.如果是分体式仪表,还必需遵循每台仪表自力串管走线的原则,以免相互干扰.附件一、仪表的参数01,电源→24VDC或(220V AC适合装置在干燥通风场所)02,输出→4~20mA(其中3线制或4线制可选232、485)03,精度→0.25~.05%04,环境温度→—20~50℃05,测距离力→俗称量程0~1、3、5、7、10、12、15、17、20m 06,外壳资料→ABS工程塑料07,接线→2线制、3线制或4线制08,支架开孔→φ68~70mm09,外形尺寸→200(高)X86(宽)X135(深)mm10,外壳资料→ABS工程塑料11,开关容量→(需定货时说明) 220V AC/0.2A,只限3线和4线制. 12,防护要求: 户外使用或比力湿润的场所要求装置防护罩.二、仪表适用范围和不成应用范围:1,平面状态→比如液体、移动平面可以是钢板、塑料、纸制品、木制品、玻璃制品等等.在装置垂直度好的情况下,发射效率最高,即收到的回波数量最多,应用最广.2,有固定形状→比如圆柱状的罐、瓶、人体、运功的小车等等.反射效率其次,所以对装置要求有比力高,应用较多.3,颗粒或者块状的物体→比如矿物、粒子或块状的煤碳、焦炭、塑料粒子等等.由于有漫反射的存在, 所以收到的回波最少,故回波效率最低,装置要求最高.4,由于以下物质的挥发气体或扬尘的吸声能力特强,所以一般情况下不成以应用.比如: 发烟硫酸、硝酸、贮存罐中的水泥、石灰、液体概况有年夜量的泡沫等等.又比如:达到仪表探头的温度在60℃以上或贮存罐的压力≥0.4Mpa时不成以应用.(如果应用在带温带压的贮存罐,定货时必需说明)5,如果您将本仪表应用在比如:盐酸、不发烟硫酸及其他腐蚀性很强的液位的丈量,请您选用防腐型液位计.三、贮存罐装置基本要求:四、关于发射角的界说:我们认为在能量减少一半(-3dB)处,以换能器轴线位中心的圆锥范围内界说位波束角.所以我们不成以认为波束角以外就没有声波的存在,只是反射能力减弱而已,所以我们在选择换能器的发射功率不是越年夜越好,因为发射功率(测距能力)越年夜波束角就越年夜,有时候在狭小空间装置超声波液位计我们采纳导波管(详细见超声波换能器装置注意事项)所以选择换能器的发射功率够用就行.五、仪表外型尺寸:六、不正常工作原因分析:A,显示为FFFF→提示仪表没有收到回波.1.探头装置倾斜→可以一边观察L一边调整垂直度.2.被测液体概况情况复杂(譬如:液体概况有泡沫、有漂浮物、进料口或出料口设置分歧理、有尘埃等)招致反射能力差→可以更换发射距离年夜一些的仪表或更改进出料口的位置.B,液位变动显示数字不变动.1,可能是液位高度进入盲区→可以抬高仪表装置位置或降低液位上限. 2,离边缘太近、边缘平整度很差、在被测物体的上方有明显障碍物→可以改变装置位置,同时观察仪表L数值的变动,直到L满足要求为止.3,贮存罐的装置口的设置或尺寸不符合要求→可以按上述要求改进. C,显示数字有规律性来回的挑动,(特点:其中有一个数字固定不变) 1,在被丈量的物体上方存在着比力弱小的虚假目标发生的虚假回波(有时有,有时无)→适度调整装置角度或位置,以便回避虚假目标,呵呵.我们还是要观察L数值,要求获得准确、稳定的L数值.2,依照“用户自检”的B的方法来判断干扰来自外部还是仪表自己,如能变FFFF,说明干扰来自外部,请查明原因(一般是装置分歧要求或罐内障碍物)反之来自仪表自己,要返回生产厂家检修.提示:在确认供电电源正常的情况下,当您反复找不出原因时,需要时请您对比菜单检查一下参数设置是否有误,比如量程、小液位切除等参数,其次电流输出在任何情况下应该不低于4mA OK.总之:超声波对装置环境的要求比力高,我们在这里再次反复强调,无论装置环境多复杂,在确定装置位置前,您最好先找到能够准确地丈量距离L的场所,就能够准确地丈量液位了,即我们牢牢抓住L(空气距离)这个检测工具,您就会驾轻就熟的应用超声波液位计了.最后总结一句顺口溜. 选好位, L准和稳.在设置〈以后物位〉最好能在低水位时进行.说明本仪表严重受潮,泡水以及毁灭性的损坏不在保修范围内.。





一、安装与连接1. 在安装超声波水表之前,请确保水表安装位置没有任何障碍物,并且具备稳定的水流条件。

2. 将超声波水表安装在水管上,确保连接口紧固,并使用密封胶垫进行密封,以防止漏水。

3. 连接超声波水表与数据采集设备或智能终端,确保连接稳定可靠。

二、使用方法1. 打开水源后,超声波水表会自动开始工作。


2. 您可以通过按下水表上的按键来切换显示屏上的信息,如总累计流量、瞬时流量、温度等。

3. 如果需要查看更多详细信息或进行设置,您可以使用数据采集设备或智能终端连接超声波水表,并通过对应软件进行操作。

4. 超声波水表具有自动检测功能,当出现故障或异常情况时,水表会自动报警,并显示相应的错误代码。


三、注意事项1. 在使用超声波水表之前,请阅读并理解产品说明书。


2. 超声波水表应安装在通风良好的环境中,避免阳光直射、高温、潮湿等影响测量精度的条件。

3. 定期清洁超声波水表的显示屏和外壳,确保清晰可见,并避免灰尘或污物进入水表内部。

4. 超声波水表具有较高的精度和灵敏度,请避免碰撞或摔落,以免影响正常使用。

5. 如需维修或更换超声波水表,请联系正规渠道的售后服务,切勿自行拆卸或修理。








一概述§1.1 引言欢迎您使用我公司研制生产的新一代TDS-100-1599855-1030-系列超声波流量计/超声波热量计/流量变送器/电池供电性超声波水表新一代TDS-100系列超声波流量计/超声波热量计/流量变送器/电池供电性超声波水表是在TDS-100第七版及第十一版超声波流量计的基础上,集11年专业生产制造超声波流量计的技术与经验,采用TI的MSP430FG4618低功耗单片机,最新开发的高性能、低价格、可靠性好、功能强大的全新系列产品。




新一代TDS-100系列超声波流量计/超声波热量计 /变送器/电池供电性超声波水表目前有四个不同型号的主板版本供用户选用,这四个版本分别称为第十三版、第十四版、第十五版和第十六版,简称为TDS13,TDS14,TDS15,TDS16。




再按版本号和产品型号仔细阅读说明书中对应章节,具体编码规则如下:§1.2 工作原理当超声波束在液体中传播时,液体的流动将使传播时间产生微小变化,其传播时间的变化正比于液体的流速,零流量时,两个传感器发射和接收声波所需的时间完全相同(唯一可实际测量零流量的技术),液体流动时,逆流方向的声波传输时间大于顺流方向的声波传输时间。

wPrime 280W-R超声波水表用户手册和安装指南说明书

wPrime 280W-R超声波水表用户手册和安装指南说明书

User’s Manual and installation guide wPrime Series: Domestic Metering280W-RUltrasonic Water Meter1.General information (3)1.1.Introduction: (3)1.2.General Safety: (3)1.3.Unpacking and Package Contents: (4)2.Technical Information (5)2.1.Automatic Meter Reading: (5)2.2.Built-in Time-Keeper (5)2.3.Battery Specifications (5)2.4.Product Measurement Method (5)2.5.Specifications (6)3.Operation (8)3.1.Built-in Battery (8)3.2.Power On (8)3.3.Menu Windows (8)4.Installation (10)4.1.Installation Directions (10)4.2.Site Selection: (10)4.3.Installation Position and Location: (10)4.4.Operations Check (12)5.Troubleshooting (13)5.1.Powers-On Errors (13)5.2.Other Problems and Solutions (13)6.Interface/Communication (15)6.1.Pulse Output (15)6.2.M-Bus/BACnet Output (15)6.3.Analog Output 4-20mA (17)6.4.Modbus Output (17)6.5.Wireless Output (19)1.General information1.1. Introduction:Thank you for your purchase of the 280W-R. One of the most prominent meters in the wPrime series, the 280W-R is an ultrasonic water meter that uses advanced technology based on the ultrasonic transit time principle. The water meter does not have moving parts; therefore there is no need to worry about maintenance and replacing worn out parts. In addition, the accuracy remains constant over time.The 280W-R is suitable for both commercial and industrial applications. The meter features a remote read-out (pulse, M-Bus, RS485 output, BACnet or Wireless). When equipped with an M-Bus module, the water meter can be networked through a two-wire bus to a central location for integrated resource management. An optional concentrator and data acquisition software make the whole system installation and integration easy. Spire Metering provides a complete AMR (automatic meter reading) solution as well.1.2.General Safety:Before installing your new 280W-R please consider the following:•Read this instruction guide carefully and follow the factory directions.•Injury or damage may occur if the user doesn’t read and understand this installation guide.•Consider handling and lifting instructions to avoid damage.•Never hold and transport the meter by the electronics box, but instead only by the flanged or threaded joint•Assembling and dismantling should be performed only when there is no pressure in the pipe •Beware of sharp edges•After installation, the tightness must be verified by pressurizing with cold water•Use the meter only under the specified operating conditions. When conducting the pressure test, make sure the pressure does not exceed 2.5MPa. Otherwise, dangers may arise and will void the warranty•The 280W-R water meter is not certified for use in hazardous environments. The local site safety codes and regulations must be observed.•The 280W-R water meter contains Lithium batteries. Please check to see if they’re working before using the water meter. The batteries must be recycled or disposed of properly.1.3.Unpacking and Package Contents:Your new 280W-R meter has been fully tested and calibrated. After carefully unpacking please inspect the meter for shipping damage. You should also have the following:•The 280W-R meter (flowcell body and the integral electronic display).•The installation Guide.•Certificate of calibration.2.Technical Information2.1.Automatic Meter Reading:AMR is a system that can be used for MBS (building management) or other networks. When equipped with a connection module, multiple 280W-Rs can be networked through a two-wire bus to a central location for integrated resource management. Spire Metering Technology provides an entire system of AMR solutions, making the system installation and integration very easy.The SpireCapture TM system is a cutting-edge fixed AMR system which integrates both wired and wireless AMR/AMI technologies. It can accommodate a variety of metering networks, such as M-Bus, Pulse, RF wireless, GSM/GPRS, BACnet module, and TCP/IP. The data center software communicates with those networks through a standardized platform, which allows you to start with a simple AMR system and gradually expand to a larger metering system.2.2.Built-in Time-KeeperA time-keeper is integrated into the 280W-R meter. The time-keeper remains operating as long as the battery is alive. In case of battery failure, the time-keeper will not keep running, and the time data will be lost. The user must re-enter the proper time values after the battery failure is recovered. The user can also set the date and time as desired.2.3.Battery SpecificationsLithium-Thionyl Chloride type batteryNominal Capacity: 19 AhNominal Voltage: 3.6VMax Recommended Continuous Current: 100mAMax Pulse Current Capability: 200mAOperating Temperature Range: -55°C (131°F) to 85°C (185°F)2.4.Product Measurement MethodThe measurement principal is based on ultrasonic transit time technology. The sensors, located in the meter’s body, send and receive the ultrasonic signal. The transit-time difference is processed by a strong signal processing signal in order to display the flow velocity and the volume.The ultrasonic water meter is a battery-powered precision flow meter designed for bidirectional flow measurement of water. The water meter can be used for a wide range of applications.2.5.SpecificationsNotes:• Default pipe joint is BSP threading.• NPT threading is available upon request.• L is flow sensor length. L1 is the total length of flow sensor plus extension pieces. • Weight includes extension piece. It may vary. Please contact us for exact measure. • 1m3/h is about 4.4GPM.• Dimension H, Φ1 and Φ2 are for reference only. Please contact us for exact measure.ApprovalsOIML R49, ISO 4064, NSF61-G, MID BElectrical DataPower Supply: Battery, 3.6V, LithiumReplacement Interval: >10 years at tBAT<30°C (86°F) based on one remote reading perday.Power Consumption: <0.1WBackup Power Supply: Internal SuperCapCommunication Interface: M-Bus (default). Optional: RF 433MHz or RF 868MHzwMBus*, RF 470MHz long range, Encoder or ModbusCE approval: EN61326-1:2006Electromagnetic Class: E2Accuracy / MPE (Maximum Permissible Error)MPE according to ISO 4064: 2005 or OIML R49±2 in the range Q2 ≤Q < Q4; ±5 in the range Q1 ≤Q ≤Q2 [for T ≤ 30ºC (85ºF)]±3 in the range Q2 ≤Q < Q4; ±5 in the range Q1 ≤Q ≤ Q2 [for T > 30ºC (85ºF)]Dynamic Range: 250 (For others please contact SpireMT)Mechanical DataMetrological Class: 2 (according to ISO 4064: 2005 or OIML R49) Environmental Class: B / CEnvironmental Temp: 0 ~ 60°C (32 ~ 140°F)Permissible Flow Temp: 0.1 ~ 60°C (35 ~ 140°F) for long term and up to 85°C (185°F) for<24 hours.Enclosure Protection: IP68Integrator Detachable: NoPressure: PN16Pressure LossThe pressure loss of a flow sensor is proportional to the square on the flow: Δp = k x Q2Here Δp is pressure loss, Q is volume flow rate and k is the coefficient.The DN15 (½”) meter has k=0.067 and Δp less than 0.48bar at Q3.The DN20 (.”) meter has k=0.019 and Δp less than 0.27bar at Q3The DN25 (1”) meter has k=0.006 and Δp less than 0.23bar at Q3.The pressure loss for all sizes meet the ISO 4064: 2005, OIML R49 standards.3.Operation3.1.Built-in BatteryThe instrument operates from the built-in Lithium battery, which is long-lasting… up to 10 years of operating time. For more details about the battery please refer to the battery specifications section 2.3. If your 280W-R is connected to an outside power source, such as M-Bus, the meter will not use the battery but instead draw power directly from the M-Bus.Due to transport regulations, the battery might be deactivated by an insulating strip, which must be removed completely in order to activate the meter. If a replacement battery is needed, please contact your representative or Spire Metering. If the meter needs to be sent by air freight, then the battery will be removed prior to shipping.For safety precautions, the batteries should not be opened, come into contact with water, or be exposed to temperatures above 80 °C (176°F). Batteries should be disposed of at proper collection centers.3.2.Power OnFirst, make sure to activate the battery and that the display will turn on. If the meter LCD is on, the meter is active already and no further action is needed. Generally, there should be no error messages, and the water meter will cycle between the total volume and the flow rate.The flow measurement program will always operate in the background of the user interface. This means that the flow measurement will keep running regardless of any user window browsing or viewing.Once it is turned on, the 280W-R will keep on running until its battery runs out. There is no need to turn off the device when not in use; the display will turn off by itself to save the battery.3.3.Menu WindowsThe user interface of this 280W-R water meter has several windows displays that can be viewed. The water meter calculates the results and updates the display constantly. The menus are displayed in loop-fashion. The following values can be displayed:•Total Volume (m3)•Flow rate (m3/h)•Serial number (ID)These are the top layer (A1-layer) of the menu display structure. On the second layer (A2-layer) of this structure, more information can be seen. To go from the A1-layer to the A2-layer, the user will need factory software tool change the LCD display. On the A2-layer, the following menus are displayed:•Total Volume with High Resolution (5 decimals)•The current time•The error code•Factory data 1•Factory data2, followed by meter size•Meter size•Factory data3•Factory data4•Flow rate (m3/h)Note: Factory Data 4 and Factory Data 5 are the calibration coefficients for Q1 (normal flow rate), Q2 (0.2 times normal flow rate), Q3 (0.1 times normal flow rate), and Q4 (minimum flow rate).Example: If Menu Factory Data 4 shows 626C 63CE, then the coefficient for Q1is626C (Hex) or 25196 (Dec), and the coefficient for Q2 is 63CE (Hex) or 25550 (Dec). Similarly, this applies to Factory Data 5.4.Installation4.1.Installation DirectionsThe water meter body should be completely full at all times for proper flow measurements. When this is not the case, it will show a loss of signal and the meter will not measure. The signal will be restored as soon as the pipe is full again.FLOW DIRECTION: The 280W-R is a one directional water meter. Note the indicating arrow for forward flow. Even though the meter can measure the reverse flow, however, the accuracy for reverse flow measurement is not guaranteed.Spire Metering recommends keeping the lid closed in case of direct sunlight exposure. However, no direct damage will occur while the lid is open temporarily.Do not expose the meter to excessive vibration. To prevent this from occurring, support the connection pipe spools on both ends of the water meter.To avoid measuring errors and malfunctioning of the flow meter due to air or an empty pipe, please observe the following precautions:• Installation of the flow meter should be at the lowest point of the system, if possible, since air will be built at the highest point of a system.• If possible, maintain positive back pressure in meter outlet piping.• In order to avoid cavitation, always install control valves downstream of the flow meter and never install the flow meter on a pump suction side.4.2.Site Selection:Find a suitable location for connecting the flow cell (the “tube” part of the device where water flows through) to the pipeline.•Do not install the meter within 0.5m of an AC power line or a high-frequency radiation source.•It is highly recommended to have a 5D straight pipe run upstream and 2D straight pipe run downstream, where D stands for pipe diameter.•When two or more water meters are installed closely, make sure they are distanced by 5D or more.•Do not install where back flow or pressure fluctuations may occur. An alternative is to install a non-return valve to prevent the backflow. We do offer easy-to-install insertion****************************************************************.•When using a wrench, hold the metal part of the sensor.•When connecting to a pipe line, use an O-ring for the sealing. Make sure the O-ring is centered at the joining point. Otherwise, it could generate flow disturbance, thusdegrade the meter accuracy•The meter sensor can be installed vertically or horizontally: When it is installed vertically, make sure the flow goes upward When it is installed horizontally, the flow-cell should be installed in a way so that the display faces upward and the two ultrasonictransducers on the horizontal plane.4.3.Installation Position and Location:Please refer to the following diagrams for correct installation and handling.Correct installation of meter on U-configurationFor proper and accurate reading, flow should go against gravitySensor can be on the side after installationHandle the metal of the meter during installation4.4.Operations Check• After the installation is complete, the air in the pipe has to be purged out completely.•Make sure the pressure in the system is normal.•Use meter only under the specified operating conditions. Make sure flow rate range is proper for the pipe.•Important: The pipe must be full of liquids during operation![Pick the date]5.Troubleshooting5.1.Powers-On ErrorsWhen powered on, the 280W-R meter automatically starts the self-diagnosis process to see if there are any hardware or software problems. If a problem is identified, an error message will be displayed. The following are the possible error messages, the corresponding causes, and their solutions:If this error is displayed, it means there is no water flowingthrough the water meter. Check the pipe’s water supply and tryto get it so that the pipe is full of water.If this error is displayed, it means that the flow is reversed.If this error is displayed, it means that the signal is abnormal.If this error is displayed, it means that means the battery islow.5.2.Other Problems and SolutionsQ1: Why does the instrument display 0.0000 flow rate while the liquid in the pipe is actually flowing?A1: There might not be enough water in the pipe. Try to get it so that water flow through the flow cell is almost full. Additionally, check the installation to see if it is in a desirable location.Q2: The displayed flow rate is much lower or much higher than the actual flow rate in the pipe under normal working conditions. Why?A2: The flow cell and meter might have been installed incorrectly. Check the connection.The amount of straight pipe run upstream and downstream may be too small. This can cause the data reading to be inaccurate.When the meter sensor is installed vertically, make sure the water flow goes upward. When it is installed horizontally, make sure the ultrasonic transducers of the flow cell are on the side instead of the top or bottom, as this may skew results.[Pick the date]6.Interface/CommunicationThe 280W-R will have one of the many options output pre-selected when placing the order. This section will describe each output:Pulse Output (see section 6.1)Mbus output (see section 6.2)Modbus/Bacnet/RS485 output (see section 6.3)4-20mA output (see section 6.4).Wireless output (see section 6.5)6.1.Pulse OutputThis opto-isolated digital output is an open Collector type pulse. The allowable voltage range for the pulse is 5-24 VDC. The input impedance (Rx) is set at the factory to be 11 KOHM. Consult the instrument representative or Spire Metering if you are uncertain as to the proper diagram interpretation and wires details:The table below shows all the details about the pulse parameters by size:Pulse Parameters RangeDefaultvalue(<DN125)Defaultvalue(<DN250)Defaultvalue(<DN500)NoteUpdate time 8s~3600s 60s 60s 60sPulse width 20ms~1000ms 50ms 50ms 50ms Low pulse, duty ratio is 50%Pulse interval 100ms~1000ms 100ms 100ms 100ms It means the minimal time interval between two pulsesPulse volume1 10 100 100010000 100000 (L)1000 100 10Pulses per 100m³.Such as: 1000 means100L per pulse.6.2.M-Bus/BACnet OutputThe M-Bus uses two wire cables which are going from the M-Bus Master / Repeater to eachPulse wires outputM-Bus device (bus structure). The M-Bus is polarity independent and needs no line termination resistors at the end of the cables.Any cable type may be used as long as the cable is suitable for 42 V / 500 mA. Shielding is not necessary and not recommended since the capacity of the cable should be minimized.In most cases a standard telephone cable is used which is a twisted-pair wire with a diameter of 0.8 mm each (2 x 0.8 mm). This type of cable should be used for the main wiring. For the wiring to the meters from the main wiring (last 1 … 5 m to the meter) a cable with smaller diameter may be used.The M-Bus system is an European instrument “bus” standard designed fo r domestic metering devices, such as water meters, heat/water meters, gas meters, etc., to communicate with data centers. The “bus” simply uses two non-polarized wires to achieve a variety of options for reliable meter reading, remote diagnosis, remote control, incremental pricing, time-based pricing, batch service, prepaid billing, and more. This ‘bus’ system is both simple and economical to wire and implement.A typical M-Bus AMR system consists of a number of M-Bus utility meters, several M-Bus concentrators, a GSM/GPRS/LTE Data Transmitter Unit (DTU) for each M-Bus concentrator, and a data center. The M-Bus Concentrator communicates with the data center computer through a GSM/GPRS network. The data center first issues a meter reading command and sends it to the network. The DTU receives the command and forwards it to the M-Bus concentrator. Then, the concentrator either replies to the command with requested data or passes the command to its submeters transparently.Please note that you may not need the DTU unit if you can connect the M-Bus concentrator(s) to your computer directly. Alternatively, you may connect the concentrator(s) to your computer through TCP-IP network by using Ethernet-232 adapters. Similarly, you may connect the concentrator(s) to your BACnet or MODBUS network by using proper adapters.The 280C Concentrators are used for an AMR system to facilitate the communication between the data center and the M-Bus utility meters of the AMR system. These concentrators support up to 280 meters 280W-R. A wireless M-Bus concentrator is also available, where the M-Bus concentrator is affixed with a GSM/GPRS/LTE data transmitter unit (DTU).[Pick the date]6.3. Analog Output 4-20mAThe current pulse output is passive 4-20 mA. 4 mA is always “0” (zero) flow and the 20 mA is factory programmable at the max flow rate of the meter.Below is the diagram showing the wiring details: 6.4. Modbus OutputThe 280W-R meter is equipped with MODBUS serial communications to volume rate data, volume data in a variety of engineering units. You select the engineering units you wish to use by mapping to the appropriate registers.This document provides a suggested list of registers to use.MODBUS REGISTER FORMAT AND NETWORKING INFORMATIONMODBUS RS485, 2-wire (half-duplex) serial output is master/Slave communication architecture. The 280W meter is the slave.With the MODBUS module option, the 280W-R supports standard MODBUS protocol:• Baud Rate: 9600 bps • Checksum: None • Data bit: 8 bits •Stop bit: 1 bit1. All registers are 16 bit MODBUS Holding Registers.2. MODBUS Holding Registers are used in 4 different ways.• As an Analog Value: In some cases these values are scaled by multiplying theregister contents by a fixed multiplier.• As a status or mode indicator where the register value can be “1” or “2”...etc. • As a control register where the host can write a value.3. Registers 40001 through 4038 are described below in the registers table.4-20mA output diagram outputMODBUS REGISTER TABLENotes:*Unit code:32 – Litre/H; 2C – Cubic Meter;29 – Litre; 35 – Cubic Meter/H.Data Format:For LONG data, it has 32bits. Thus, two registers are used to store a LONG. The first register (lower address) is for the lower 16bits of the data. The second register (higher address) is for the higher 16bits of the data.** Use factory software to change the communication protocol. If you set the Communication Mode to 1, and set the duration to 6556, then the meter will switch to M-Bus protocol. Resetting the external power will switch the mode back to MODBUS protocol.6.5.Wireless OutputThe 280W-R has could be remotely monitored with its robust and reliable wireless module. This module can be RF (for short distances, less than 2K feet), GPRS, GSM or LTE. Each water meter will be accessible as long as GSM/GPRS/LTE network is available.All the data can be monitored and analyzed using our software.For details on the wireless interface, please consult with our tech support department by phone at +1 978-263-7100 or by email at *******************.。

Longruncn LRW-2000双通道超声波水表说明书

Longruncn LRW-2000双通道超声波水表说明书

TYPE:LRW-200024 hours service: +86-186-5435-6933 Tel: +86-543-3382666 Fax: +86-543-3615999E-mail:***************************:LongruncnWebsite:Dalian Taosonics I nstrument Co.,Ltd is proud to introduce the new revolutionary, precise and super reliable ultrasonic water meter, Which is according to the -4064 778 standard.ISO GBT The water meter be adapted by advanced transit-time measurement technology , with theremarkable features of low power consumption, wide measuring range ratio, stable and reliable measurement.Each components t ake the 68 protection class, to ensure long term operation though water in I P the inside meter. Widely used in t he urban water supply, water resources management, irrigation, landscape management, industrial production and automation industryProtection Class 68IP Whole Machine Waterpr oof whole machine :sealed completely, reach 68 protection class.IP Parts waterproof Circuit board, tr ansducer and :battery also can reach 68 protection level, to IP ensure long term operation though water in the inside meterBuilt-in Batch Controller Built-in Time AccumulatorSet up the time controller by automatically or manually, so as to finish quantitative water supply or quantitative irrigation automatically.Set up the time- sharing flow accumulation at a set period time, to finish a gradient rate.for the refrigeration and air-condition industry.With the two way 1000 temperature transducer, PT which can finish the heat measurement, especially Double beam ultrasonic s ensor for high accuracy.High Accuracy MeasurementUltrasound Measurement,No Rotation, N o Moving PartsLong term measurement with high accuracy, stable and reliable operation.Applicable to variety of water quality, including the gravel and weeds water quality.Heat Measurement24 hours service: +86-186-5435-6933 Tel: +86-543-3382666 Fax: +86-543-3615999E-mail:***************************:LongruncnWebsite:Support -188 communication, support CJ the M- and communication, BUS MODBUS and support upgrade softwareStandard Configuration:External waterproof junction box, Can complete the wiring connection without opening the water meter cover485RS M-BUS 8~36VDC Two-wired system 4-20mA outputProvide below communication inter face and output 1(open collector output 1)OCT 2(open collector output 2)OCT C1( level pulse output 1)TTL C2( level pulse output 2)TTL when or dering, you can choose any two of the above communicationinterface or output, lead to the external junction boxPs:1-2 485+,485-3-4 V+,V-(8~36V)DC24 hours service: +86-186-5435-6933 Tel: +86-543-3382666 Fax: +86-543-3615999E-mail:***************************:LongruncnWebsite:AccuracyFlowrateQ1---Minimum Flowrate Q2---Transitional Flowrate Q3---Permanent FlowrateQ4---Overload Flowrate24 hours service: +86-186-5435-6933 Tel: +86-543-3382666 Fax: +86-543-3615999E-mail:***************************:LongruncnWebsite:24 hours service: +86-186-5435-6933 Tel: +86-543-3382666 Fax: +86-543-3615999E-mail:***************************:LongruncnWebsite:Unite:Nominal Size DN(mm)DimensionThreadConnection Thread LengthWeight PressureWeight PressureDimensionNominal Size DN(mm)Flange DimensionFlange Diameter Bolt Hole Center Bolt hole QuantitySealing surfaceFlange thickness24 hours service: +86-186-5435-6933 Tel: +86-543-3382666 Fax: +86-543-3615999E-mail:***************************:LongruncnWebsite:Water Resources Settlement, Remote Monitoring and Computer ManagementLow starting flowrate, measure smaller flowrate, increase water charge revenue.High accuracy measur ement, reliable guarantee of the water char ge.Wide measuring range ratio, suitable for large variable situation under the high and low peak flow.No rotation and moving parts, long life expectancy, suitable for variety of water quality, including the gravel and weeds water quality.Convenient communication network, facilitate the management of computer networking,improve the management efficiency, save running costs.Water Resources Management24 hours service: +86-186-5435-6933 Tel: +86-543-3382666 Fax: +86-543-3615999E-mail:***************************:LongruncnWebsite:Agricultural Irrigation and LandscapingTime control and quantitative control irrigation systemwater meter with built-in batch controller function, can set 5 s cheduled times per day for the program control according to local weather conditions, crop or plant growth habit, in order to achieve water-saving irrigation, s cientific irrigation.Also through the computer networking, to achieve the time and quantitative management irrigationIndustrial Water Measurement Production Water SupplySettlement of external water supply Settlement of internal water usageTwo-wired system 4-20mA power supply, can be used to the plant control system conveniently.24 hours service: +86-186-5435-6933 Tel: +86-543-3382666 Fax: +86-543-3615999E-mail:***************************:LongruncnWebsite:Single channel small ultrasonic water meter (Copper)Dual channel bulk ultrasonic water meter (Casted ductile iron)Dual channel bulk ultrasonic water meter (welded carbon s teel)Ps: you can choose any two of the above communication inter face or output signal, lead to the external junction box Example : -1 – 100 – 1 –1–1–0DN Description: 50 Ultrasonic water meter , Casted ductile iron mater ial , the communication interface t is 485,DN RS external power supply is 8-36V, without the wireless meter reading function.DC LRW-2000LRW-2000。








二、超声波水表的使用方法1. 安装:在安装超声波水表之前,确保水表与水管连接处没有漏水现象。



2. 使用:打开水龙头,水开始流动时,超声波水表会自动开始测量水流速度和流量。



3. 维护:超声波水表的维护相对简单,但也需要定期检查和清洁。



三、超声波水表的注意事项1. 避免超声波水表受到严重冲击或碰撞,以免影响水表的正常使用和测量的准确性。

2. 避免在超声波水表周围安装大功率电器设备,以免干扰水表的正常工作。

3. 超声波水表适用于清洁的自来水,不适用于浑浊的水或含有颗粒物质的水。


4. 在长时间不使用超声波水表时,应关闭水源,以免浪费水资源。

5. 如发现超声波水表显示异常或数据不准确,应及时联系专业人员进行维修或更换。




凯泉 T3-1 系列超声波水表 快速安装指南说明书

凯泉 T3-1 系列超声波水表 快速安装指南说明书

M01 显示正累计流量以及瞬时流量(水表无此窗口)
主菜单 M03
显示进水、回水温度及其温差(水表无此窗口,单位只能为摄氏度) 日历,第一行显示日期,星期;第二行显示的是小时和分钟
M04 第一行显示两路信号强度,故障错误代码;第二行显示两路信号质量
M05 标定窗口
M06 定量控制器(也称为灌溉控制器)窗口
3.3 流量范围
4. 菜单简介
4.1 操作方法 T3-1系列超声波水表为触摸屏按键操作,在显示面板上两个按键分别有分别标示为“ ”和“ ”。 键盘口诀:左键“ ”上 右键“ ”下 左右键“ ”修改 右左键“ ”退出
4.2 窗口显示菜单
窗口类 窗口
水表:显示净累计流量以及瞬时流量 热表:显示正累计热量以及瞬时热量
T3-1系列超声波水表设置了5类菜单选项,分别为:主菜单、辅助菜单1、辅助菜单2、定 量控制菜单、分时累积菜单。在主菜单界面下,用修改键“”可以进入任意菜单。 举例说明: 在主菜单M00时,按修改键“ ”进入月累计查询; 在主菜单M03时,按修改键“ ”进入辅助菜单1(M10~M19); 在辅助菜单1下的M19菜单,按修改键“ ”进入辅助菜单2(M20~M2A); 在主菜单M04时,按修改键“ ”进入日累计查询; 在主菜单M05时,进入启停标定状态;按修改键“ ”进入恒流标定状态; 在主菜单M06时,按修改键“ ” 进入定量控制和分时累积菜单(M30~M3C);
5. 其它
关于T3-1系列超声波水表的详细操作说明请参看《T3-1系列超声波水表使用说明书》。 您将了解到:
显示窗口详解 怎样修改计量单位? 怎样修改累积量的小数点位置? 怎样重新设定年月日时分秒星期几? 怎样确认水表是否工作完全正常? 怎样使用内置的定量控制器? 怎样修改通讯地址? 怎样修改分时累积器的时间点? 怎样修改红外通讯速率? 怎样修改RS485/M-bus通讯速率? ……





二、安装1. 安装位置:超声波水表应安装在水管的直线段上,避免有弯曲或阻塞的部分。

2. 安装方向:超声波水表应与水流方向一致安装,确保水流顺畅通过。

3. 安装环境:超声波水表应避免暴露在阳光直射、高温、潮湿或腐蚀性气体的环境中。

三、使用1. 读数方法:超声波水表通常具有LCD显示屏,用户可以直接读取水表上的数字显示来获取当前的流量值。

2. 流量单位:超声波水表通常以立方米或加仑为单位显示流量值,用户可以根据需要进行单位换算。

3. 使用注意:超声波水表应避免受到外力撞击或震动,以免影响测量精度。

4. 清洁维护:用户在清洁超声波水表时,应使用柔软的布擦拭,避免使用化学药剂或有机溶剂。

四、故障排除1. 无显示:如果超声波水表无法正常显示数字,用户应首先检查电池是否正常,如果电池电量不足,应及时更换。

2. 测量不准确:如果超声波水表的测量结果与实际情况不符,用户应检查水表安装是否正确,是否有漏水或堵塞的情况。

3. 其他故障:如果超声波水表出现其他故障,用户应联系专业人员进行维修或更换。

五、注意事项1. 避免冻结:超声波水表应避免暴露在极寒的环境中,以免冻结导致损坏。

2. 定期检查:用户应定期检查超声波水表的电池电量和测量精度,以确保其正常运行。

3. 防雷措施:用户应在雷雨天气时采取防雷措施,避免超声波水表受到雷击而损坏。

4. 防水措施:超声波水表通常具有防水功能,但用户仍应避免将水直接喷洒到水表上。







1. 安装:超声波水表需要安装在水管上,尤其是要安装在直管段中,并且要求管道两侧至少保留10倍管道直径的长度,以保证超声波的传感器能够正常工作,避免测量误差。

2. 开阀:超声波水表需要水流过才能进行测量,在第一次使用前应该先打开阀门,保证水流畅通,然后再安装超声波水表。

3. 拧开盖子:如果需要更换水表,拧开表盖即可拆卸,注意某些水表盖有两个螺丝,需先拆下一个,再把另一个螺丝拧下。

4. 液晶显示屏:超声波水表有一个液晶显示屏,可以清晰直观地显示目前的水量、流速、温度等参数信息。

5. 用水量:超声波水表可以按照日用水量、月用水量等不同单位进行

6. 投诉和处理:在使用超声波水表时,如有问题可及时向售后服务中






2019F154-37SC系列超声波水表DN15-DN40 安装使用说明书重要提示在安装前请仔细阅读本说明书,本说明书主要针对受过培训的专业人员,因此不包含基本安装步骤。








品质保障:设计、生产执行符合中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 778.1-2018~GB/T 778.5-2018《饮用冷水水表和热水水表》、CJ/T434-2013《超声波水表》、CJ266-2008《饮用水冷水水表安全规则》;出厂检定依据中华人民共和国国家计量检定规程JJG162-2019《饮用冷水水表检定规程》;中华人民共和国计量器具型式批准证书2019F154-37;质量标准体系GB/T 19001-2016 / ISO9001:2015标准;环境管理体系GB/T 24001-2016 / ISO14001:2015标准;测量管理体系GB/T 19022-2003 / ISO10012:2003标准。

目录1 产品介绍 (1)1.1产品特点 (1)1.2技术参数与特性 (1)1.2.1概况 (1)1.2.2流量参数 (2)1.2.3产品尺寸 (2)1.2.4标识说明 (3)2液晶显示 (4)2.1液晶显示界面 (4)2.2故障报警显示 (4)2.3高精菜单显示 (5)3典型安装及维护指南 (6)3.1典型安装示意图 (6)3.2安装注意事项 (6)3.3几种常见的错误安装方式 (6)3.4安装步骤 (8)4产品有害物质含量状态说明 (9)5保修承诺 (9)1 产品介绍1.1产品特点低始动流量;任意角度安装;超声波信号质量检测;水温检测,低温报警;符合饮用水标准要求;磁性按键,整机IP68设计;无活动部件,无磨损,可长期稳定运行;兼容GB/T 26831、CJ/T 188及Modbus RTU 等通讯协议。



智能型超声波液位计用户手册量程: 0-20米仪表工作电压: 24VDC,AC220V温馨提示:安装调试前,请仔细阅读用户手册!!超声波液位计超声波液位计保修卡回执用户名称联系地址联系人联系电话产品型号产品编号验收日期安装负责人……………………………………………………………………超声波液位计保修卡说明产品型号产品编号验收日期安装负责人保修政策:●用户在维修时请出示保修卡。











7超声波液位计目录1概述 (1)2 技术指标 (1)3仪表安装 (2)3.1仪表外形尺寸 (2)3.2仪表接线 (2)3.3安装参数含义 (3)3.4仪表安装原则 (3)3.5安装注意事项 (4)4仪表调试 (4)4.1键盘说明 (4)4.2 参数的设置 (4)4.2.1 液位标定 (4)4.2.2 20mA设置 (5)4.2.3探头高度 (5)4.2.4显示模式设置 (5)4.4.7 P--Multi菜单 (6)超声波液位计保修卡回执 (7)超声波液位计1、概述衷心感谢您选购本公司超声波液位计!本仪表包含多项专利技术,具有安全、清洁、精度高、寿命长、稳定可靠、安装维护方便等特点,适用酸、碱、盐、防腐、高温等各种领域。










二、超声波水表的安装与接入1. 安装位置:超声波水表应安装在水管上,确保水流顺畅,不得有任何阻塞物。

2. 接入供电:超声波水表需要接入电源供电,确保正常工作。


3. 接入通信:超声波水表可与远程监控系统相连接,实现远程读取和管理。


三、超声波水表的使用方法1. 开启水源:在使用超声波水表之前,请确保水源已经开启,并且水流畅通。

2. 读取数据:超声波水表可以通过显示屏上的数据直接读取当前的水流速度和水流量。

3. 数据记录:超声波水表可以记录一定时间段内的水流速度和水流量数据,供后续分析和管理使用。

4. 故障排除:如果超声波水表出现故障或不正常的读数,请及时联系售后服务人员进行维修处理。

四、超声波水表的注意事项1. 防止冰冻:超声波水表应避免长时间暴露在低温环境中,防止结冰导致设备损坏。

2. 防止高温:超声波水表应避免长时间暴露在高温环境中,以免影响设备的正常工作。

3. 防止震动:超声波水表应避免受到强烈的震动,以免影响测量的准确性。

4. 定期维护:超声波水表需要定期进行检查和维护,确保设备的正常运行。

5. 注意安全:在维护和使用超声波水表时,请注意安全,切勿触碰设备内部的电线等部件。


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CUTE-LV SERIES ULTRASONICWATER METERPRODUCT INTRODUCTIONCHANGZHOU CUTE INTELLIGENT CO.,LTD1、OverviewCUTE serial ultrasonic water meter module is the core part to work with the base meter to measure and display the water flow.CUTE serires ultrasonic water meter with the M-BUS interface, The staff can read the meter data at any time by the remote reading management system with the M-BUSinterface and other device.2、Function and Characteristic 2.1 Under voltage warning;2.2 Automatic error correction tech;2.3 Temperature sensor cut and short circuit warning; 2.4 Flow sensor failure warning;2.5 High definition and wide temperature LCD; 2.6 Wide range ratio;2.7 Lithium battery life is more than 6+1;2.8 Can read the meter data by infrared tool at the spot; 2.9 With the M-BUS interface;3、Usage instruction1.The water meter operated by the menu, can change the work condition and display contents by the button on panel;There are 4 menu, the default is main menu, the change flow is as below:Means the long press time >2s;1) Main menu: normal condition; 2) Error menu 【E 】3) Information menu 【I 】 4) Verification program 【F 】The screen is off when stand by, press the button to awake the meter and enter the m ain menu, which show the accumulated flow(above figure), long press to change menu and read the data you need, the screen will be off after 3 minutes without any operation except the verification program 【F 】.Main MenuMain menuxxxxx.xxx m 3【E 】 【I 】 【F 】Error menu operation 【E 】Press<2s Long press>2sXXXXX.XXX m 3XX.XXX m 3/h AccumulationXXXXXXXX hDN20X.X.X.X.X.XXXInstant flowWork timeTypeFull screen 【E 】1 XX.XX.XX Battery fault (date)Accumulated timeInformation Menu 【I 】Verifivcation Menu 【F 】Press<2sLong press >2s【F 】 XXX.XXXXX m 3FXXX.XXXXX m 3/h F℃ XX.XX Zero clearWater temperature 瞬流 Instant flowAccumulated flow5 XX.XX.XX S6 XX.XX.XX S7 XX.XX.XX STranducer fault flow in (date)Tranducer fault flow out (date)换能器故障 出水端 发生日期(年月日)8 XX.XX.XXS7 XXXXXXX h8 XXXXXXX hXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXr XX d -xx.xx.xx Y M D xx.xx.xx H M S 【I 】Main add Second addEditionPresent datePresnet time Last month Readingr-xx.xx.xx Y M DXXXX.XXX m 3Last 2 months Reading4、Characteristics:Accumulated volume definition 0.001m 3 (working ) 0.00001m 3(verifying )Present flow definition 0.001 m 3/h (working ) 0.001 m 3/h (verifying ) Measure range Q 3/Q 1=400 Quiescentcurrent < 6uABattery life > 6+1 year LCD digits 8Max accumulatedtime4.2x109 hoours (work time>99999999, only display the last 8 valid digits )Max accumulated flow4.2x109m 3 (flow>99999.999 m 3 ,only display the last 8 valid digits )Accuracy class II class5、Failure analysis and solution No. Problem Cause Solution 1 Battery fault Under vlotage or bad connection Check the connector, changethe battery;2 Vacant pipe fault No water or not full in the pipe Fill the pipe full andeliminate the bubble3 Reflux fault The inflow and outflow reverse Adjust the inflow andoutflow4 Surpass range ratio The present instant flow is too high Lower the flow or change themeter 5 Water temperature Water temperature fault Lower the temperature orchange the meter 6 EE fault EE storage invalid Change the PCB 7 Transducer Inflow Change or reinstall thePress<2s Long press>2s 按大于2秒Remark :Under the verification menu, the accumulated flow and heat can be zero clear automatically, when the flow rate is 0,,if detect the flow rate in pipe is higher than the set point, zero clear the present accumulated data; When can't make zero clear under some extrem conditio, which can be done by manual;Exit the verification menu without any operation in 2 hours;transducer8 Transducer OutflowChange or reinstall thetransducer6、PCB connector and outlineNote :Please read the documents carefully before using the products; If any qutstion, please don ’t hesitate to contact with us;Special instruction for the verification mode(1).Enter the verificaiton modeAfter turning on the water meter, press the button until seeing the 【F 】,then press again to see the below content :Accumulation Flow0.00000 m3ButtonLCDBattery connectorMain menuKW·h 【E 】 【I 】 【F 】Verification(2).Menu clausePress the button every time, you will see the caluse in order, please see thedetails in page 6;(3).NoteUnder the verification mode, the accumulated flow can be zero clear automatically,when the flow rate is 0, it will be zero clear and start a new flow inspect automatically;。
