


姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、单词辨音 (共10题;共42分)

1. (5分)找出划线部分发音不同的选项。

⑴________ A. glass B. grass C. stand D. ask

⑵________ A. very B. desk C. we D. shelf

⑶________ A. with B. kite C. white D. ride

⑷________ A. block B. note C. shop D. from

⑸________ A. puzzle B. June C. jump D. brush

2. (5分)找出划线部分发音不同的选项。

⑴________ A. grass B. lamp C. have D. active

⑵________ A. life B. give C. live D. think

⑶________ A. may B. says C. way D. pay

⑷________ A. break B. heat C. mean D. reason

⑸________ A. corner B. decide C. circle D. cry

3. (1分)whole home which hole________ (选出辅音发音相同的词)

4. (5分)找出划线部分发音不同的选项。

⑴________ A. few B. new C. knew D. sew

⑵________ A. house B. south C. soul D. mouth

⑶________ A. wall B. shall C. fall D. call

⑷________ A. none B. chose C. note D. close

⑸________ A. grown B. known C. thrown D. town

5. (1分)line kind little lot________ (选出辅音发音相同的词)

6. (5分)找出划线部分发音不同的选项。

⑴________A.woman B.come C.some D.none

⑵________A.group B.would C.through D.shout

⑶________A.trouble B.country C.enough D.mouth

⑷________A.thousand B.ground C.shout D.young

⑸________A.snow B.window C.how D.grow

7. (5分)找出划线部分发音不同的选项。

⑴________A.chair B.Chinese C.teacher D.school

⑵________ A. other B father C. that D. think

⑶________ A. city B. finish C. physical D. science

⑷________ A. subject B. student C. education D. Tuesday

⑸________ A. note B. soda C. cola D. not

8. (5分)找出划线部分发音不同的选项。

⑴________A.India B.silence C.blind D.tidy

⑵________A.headache B.chair C.teach D.change

⑶________A.white B.right C.give D.behind

⑷________A.face B.skate C.wake D.have

⑸________A.cake B.plane C.name D.many

9. (5分)找出划线部分发音不同的选项。

⑴________A.large B.March C.quarter D.far

⑵________A.moon B.noon C.cook D.food

⑶________A.twice B.city C.bicycle D.hike

⑷________A.living B.music C.nice D.histor

⑸________A.carry B.gate C.page D.game

10. (5分)找出划线部分发音不同的选项。

⑴________ A. name B. same C. game D. come

⑵________ A. table B. paper C. race D. any

⑶________ A. have B. than C. plan D. many

⑷________ A. animal B. camera C. glad D. fast

⑸________ A. plane B. make C. take D. away

参考答案一、单词辨音 (共10题;共42分)










辩音练习 一、下列各组词中,有一个词划线部分的读音与其他三个词划线部分的读音不同, 请选出。 ( )1. A. clothes ( )2. A. duty B. home B. student C. hello C. bus D. sorry D. excuse ( )3. A. clock B. those C. go D. coat ( )4. A. bus B. put C. cup D. up ( )5. A. down B. brown C. yellow D. how ( )6. A. desk B. next C. dress D. we ( )7. A. cake B. hat C. baby D. same ( )8. A. look B. room C. school D. broom ( )9. A. think B. thank C. they D. three ( )10. A. school B. Chinese C. chair D.teacher 二、下列各组词中,有一个词划线部分的读音与其他三个词划线部分的读音不同,请选出。 1.A.with B .then C.clothes D.month 2.A.mean B.meant C.bread D .heavy 3.A.popular B .half C. aunt D.last 0 4.A.food B.noodle C.foot D.broom

5.A.do n’t B.hope C.ago D.body 6.A.down B.crow C.how D.town 三、下列各组词中,有一个词划线部分的读音与其他三个词划线部分的读音不同,请选出。 1、A、bag B、map C、thank D、class 2、A、no B、row C、one D、old 3、A、five B、bike C、fine D、English 4、A、desk B、yes C、eleven D、pencil 5、A、good B、book C、afternoon D、goodbye 6、A.go B.some C.son D.mother 7、A.window B.how C.now D.down 8、A.us B.mum C.duty D.but 9、A.China B.school C.chair D.teacher 10、A.come B.nice C.coat D.clock 四、下列各组词中,有一个词划线部分的读音与其他三个词划线部分的读音不同,请选出。


八年级下册英语单词表 Uint1第一单元词组 1. will v.将;会;要 2. robot n.机器人 3. everything pron.每件事物 4. paper n.纸;纸张 5. use v.使用;利用 6. fewer adj.(few的比较级)较少的;较 少数 7. less adj.(little的比较级)较少;较小 8. pollution n.污染 9. tree n.树;树木 10. building n.建筑物;房屋 11. astronaut n.宇航员,航天员 12. rocket n.火箭 13. space n.空间;太空 14. space station 空间站 15. fly v.飞行 16. took v.(take的过去式) 17. moon n.月亮;月球 18. fall v.落下;跌落;变为 19. fell v.(fall的过去式) 20. fall in love with 爱上 21. parrot n.鹦鹉 22. alone adv.单独地;孤独地 23. pet n.宠物 24. probably adv.大概;或许 25. suit n.一套衣服 26. able adj.能;能够 27. be able to 能够……;得以…… 28. dress v.穿衣 29. casually adv.非正式地;随意地 30. which pron.哪个;哪几个 31. even adv.甚至32. The World Cup 世界杯 33. wrote v.(write的过去式) 34. myself pron.(反身代词)我自己;我 本人 35. interview n.面试;面谈 36. predict v.预报;预言 37. future n.将来;未来 38. prediction n.预言;预测 39. came v.(come的过去式) 40. come true 实现;达到 41. Sound n.声音 42. Company n.公司 43. Thought v.(think的过去式) 44. Fiction n.小说 45. unpleasant adj.使人不愉快的 46. scientist n.科学家 47. in the future 未来;将来 48. hundreds of 大量;许多 49. already adv.早已;已经 50. made v.(make的过去式) 51. factory n.工厂 52. simple adj.简单的;简易的 53. such adj.这样的;这种 54. bored adj.厌烦的;厌倦的 55. everywhere adv.各地;到处 56. human n.人;人类 57. shape n.外形;形状 58. huge n.巨大的;极大的 59. earthquake n.地震 60. snake n.蛇 61. possible adj.可能的 62. electric adj.电的;导电的 63. toothbrush n.牙刷 64. seem v.像是;似乎


单词辨音题解题秘籍 题型特征: 一组四个单词有两种读音,即有三个单词的划线部分读音有别于其他三个 技巧指导: 1.理清题意,辨清类型, 是考察元音还是辅音, 是考一个字母还是字母组合的发音。 2.如果划线部分是元音字母, 区别这个元音字母是开音节还是闭音节。 相对开音节:一个元音字母+一个辅音字母+不发音的e 如bike, cake, these, home, excuse 绝对开音节:辅音字母+一个元音字母结尾,且重读 如he, she, be, go, hi, 3.如果划线部分是元音字母组合,区别这个组合是重读还是弱读; 如:A. first B. bird C. term D. father 很明显,前面三个都是重读,发长音/?:/,而最后一个是单词末尾的弱读,发短音/?/ A. farmer B. term C. father D. worker 4.思考四个单词中有没有发音异于常规发音的单词,这种方法叫特殊单词比较法。 强化识记: 1.ir, or, ur, er 在重读音节中发/?:/, 如:bird, girl, skirt, thirty, work, word, nurse, purple, her; 在弱读音节中发/?/ 如,over, father, mother, doctor, colour, 2.n在k, c 前发/?/ 如think, thank, drink, uncle, pink; ng在单词中发/ng/ 如English, England, stronger, 3.oo在t,d,k前发短音/u/ 如foot, look, good, book, cook; oo在l,m,n前发长音/u:/ 如school, room, soon, zoo, 4. th发/θ/的情况/ ①动词,如think,thank, throw ②数词,如three, thirteen, thirty, third, fourth, fifth ③不定代词,如thing, , something, anything, everything, nothing th 发/e/的情况: ①亲属关系,如father, mother, brother ②指示代词,如this,that, these, those, the ③人称代词,如they, them,their, theirs; there ④介词,如with, without


一、判断下列单词划线部分的发音,相同用T表示,不同用F表示:A ( )1. office post ( )2. library right ( )3. these smell ( )4. plate dance ( ) 5. read head ( ) 6. horse daughter ( ) 7. coke cake ( ) 8. Tony hop B ( )1. give sit ( )2. red left ( )3. read bread ( )4. busy fly ( ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d14818588.html, seven ( ) 6. what water ( ) 7. room book ( ) 8. busy cut C ( )1. climb big ( )2. school food ( ) 3. hat have ( )4. cry city D ( ) 5.write white ( )6. color top ( ) 7. shirt sure ( ) 8. pet bread ( )1. know snowy ( ) 2.school cool ( ) 3. noisy boil ( ) 4. easy cheap ( ) 5.hot cold ( ) 6. hair hear ( ) 7. small fall ( ) 8. ugly try 答案: A:1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T/F (如果Tony是英式发音为F美式发音为T)B:1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. F C:1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. T D:1. T 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6.F 7. T 8. F


新人教版八年级下册英语单词表(人教版八年 级英语下册) Uint1第一单元词组和短语 1. will v.将;会;要 2. robot n.机器人 3. everything pron.每件事物 4. paper n.纸;纸张 5. use v.使用;利用 6. fewer adj.(few的比较级)较少的;较少数 7. less adj.(little的比较级)较少;较小 8. pollution n.污染 9. tree n.树;树木 10. building n.建筑物;房屋 11. astronaut n.宇航员,航天员 12. rocket n.火箭

13. space n.空间;太空 14. space station 空间站 15. fly v.飞行 16. took v.(take的过去式) 17. moon n.月亮;月球 18. fall v.落下;跌落;变为 19. fell v.(fall的过去式) 20. fall in love with 爱上 21. parrot n.鹦鹉 22. alone adv.单独地;孤独地 23. pet n.宠物 24. probably adv.大概;或许 25. suit n.一套衣服 26. able adj.能;能够

27. be able to 能够……;得以…… 28. dress v.穿衣 29. casually adv.非正式地;随意地 30. which pron.哪个;哪几个 31. even adv.甚至 32. The World Cup 世界杯 33. wrote v.(write的过去式) 34. myself pron.(反身代词)我自己;我本人 35. interview n.面试;面谈 36. predict v.预报;预言 37. future n.将来;未来 38. prediction n.预言;预测 39. came v.(come的过去式) 40. come true 实现;达到


五下专项训练——单词辨音 一、读一读,从句子中找出含有例词画线部分读音的单词 1. Danny hurts his tail but he likes to go shopping. stop: 2. I feel hungry. I want to buy two hot dogs to eat. but: 3. My teacher is kind to us. kite: ___________ 4. —What day is today? —It's Thursday. hurt: ___________ 5. Can you make a cake? sad: ___________ 二、判断每组单词画线部分读音是(T) 否(F)相同。 () 1. A. jump B. umbrella C. run B. some C. woman () 2.A. come B. baby C. try () 3.A. cry B. picture C. little () 4.A. it B. postcard C. home () 5.A. shop B. fast C. father () 6.A. ask B. great C. eat () 7.A. tea B. talked C. wanted () 8.A. walked B. father C. mother () 9.A. brother

( ) 10.A. window B. slow C. how () 11. A. have B. cat C. ask () 12. A. see B. sleep C. sheep () 13. A. give B. gift C. live ()1 4. A. day B. may C. play ()1 5. A. computer B. come C. some () 16. A. shop B. hotel C. stop () 17. A. but B. busy C. hungry () 18. A. time B. kind C. kite () 19. A. hurt B. nurse C. Thursday () 20. A. can B. panda C. sad () 21. A. shop B. stop C. no () 22. A. can B. cake C. sad ()23. A. Thursday B. hurt C. nurse () 24. A. time B. bike C. kite () 25. A. bus B. us C. put 三、读一读,选出与例词画线部分发音相同的单词。 ()1. run A. hungry B. ruler C. music ()2.who A. what B. whose C. where ()3. tea A. read B. sweater C. breakfast ()4.candy A. face B. Danny C. name ()5.like A. is B. in C. behind


新人教版八年级下册英语单词表(人教版八年级英语 下册) 新人教版八年级下册英语单词表(人教版八年级英语下册) Uint1第一单元词组和短语 1. will v.将;会;要 2. robot n.机器人 3. everything pron.每件事物 4. paper n.纸;纸张 5. use v.使用;利用 6. fewer adj.(few的比较级)较少的;较少数 7. less adj.(little的比较级)较少;较小 8. pollution n.污染 9. tree n.树;树木 10. building n.建筑物;房屋 11. astronaut n.宇航员,航天员 12. rocket n.火箭 13. space n.空间;太空 14. space station 空间站 15. fly v.飞行 16. took v.(take的过去式) 17. moon n.月亮;月球

18. fall v.落下;跌落;变为 19. fell v.(fall的过去式) 20. fall in love with 爱上 21. parrot n.鹦鹉 22. alone adv.单独地;孤独地 23. pet n.宠物 24. probably adv.大概;或许 25. suit n.一套衣服 26. able adj.能;能够 27. be able to 能够……;得以…… 28. dress v.穿衣 29. casually adv.非正式地;随意地 30. which pron.哪个;哪几个 31. even adv.甚至 32. The World Cup 世界杯 33. wrote v.(write的过去式) 34. myself pron.(反身代词)我自己;我本人 35. interview n.面试;面谈 36. predict v.预报;预言 37. future n.将来;未来 38. prediction n.预言;预测 39. came v.(come的过去式)


单词辩音 一、单词辩音 1. A. member B. next C. some D. desk 2. A. age B. grade C. radio D. again 3. A. sister B. begin C. lunchtime D. sing 4. A. strong B. often C. nothing D. hobby 5. A. cup B. supper C. understand D. put 6. A. books B. bags C. days D. boys 7. A. all B. always C. ball D. walk 8. A. dinner B. her C. master D. after 9. A. father B. three C. birthday D. throw 10. A. uncle B. pink C. English D. orange 1. A. glass B. glad C. dancing D. master 2 A. cost B. cotton C. shop D. come 3 A. pupil B. cute C. subject D. computer 4 A. chalk B. also C. walk D. talk 5 A. ground B. about C. cousin D. shout 6 A. crayon B. play C. days D. says 7 A. really B. team C. eat D. weak 8 A. foot B. good C. noodle D. look 9 A. reading B. meat C. team D. ready 10 A. sink B. English C. orange D. bank 1. A. happy B. table C. match D. man 2 A. else B. behind C. tennis D. member 3 A. with B. listen C. kind D. film 4 A. shop B. lot C. cold D. volleyball 5 A. fun B. club C. sun D. ruler 6 A. ball B. talk C. walk D. also 7 A. her B. master C. player D. newspaper 8 A. now B. bowl C. how D. flower 9 A. orange B. English C. think D. uncle 10 A. maps B. bikes C. names D. shops 1. A. match B. have C. January D. glasses 2 A. else B. member C. enjoy D. tennis 3 A. slim B. time C. winter D. trick 4 A. hope B. often C. hobby D. volleyball 5 A. fun B. club C. sun D. ruler 6 A. cook B. tooth C. food D. school 7 A. plays B. says C. stays D. ways 8 A. nurse B. Thursday C. Saturday D. turkey


单词辨音练习题总结 ()1. A .ruler B .bus C. cut D. cup ()2.A .short B .worker C. for D. morning ()3.A .cow B .now C. show D. how ()4.A .take B .make C. bag D. plane ()5.A .duck B. but C. use D. mum ( )6. A. name B. same C. game D. come ( )7. A. table B. paper C. race D. any ( )8. A. have B. than C. plan D. many ( )9. A. animal B. camera C. glad D. fast ( )10. A. plane B. make C. take D. away ( )11.A. ask B.France C. afternoonD. anything ( )12.A.bookcase B.baseball C.danger D. asketball ( )13. A. past B. father C. after D. happy ( )14.A. better B. lesson C. he D. best ( )15.A. envelope B. desk C. she D. bed ( )16.A. French B. second C. fever D. then ( )17.A. he B. she C. tell D. fever ( )18.A. yesterday B. present C. be D. penfriend ( )19.A.seven B.relative C.me D. dress ( )20.A. before B. behind C.festival D. because 21. ( )A. bag B. bad C. make 22. ( )A. bed B. pen C. he 23. ( )A. box B. close C. home 24. ( )A. bike B. cinema C. time 25. ( )A. this B. swim C. like 26. ( )A. sail B. may C. park 27. ( )A. girl B. turn C. tea 28. ( )A. warm B. car C. star 29. ( )A. but B. us C. use 30. ( )A. match B. fish C. short 31. a. grass b. lamp c. have d. active 32. a. life b. give c. live d. think 33. a. may b. says c. way d. pay 34. a. break b. heat c. mean d. reason 35. a. corner b. decide d. circle d. cry ( )36. disappear A. compareB. wear C. beard D. share ( )37. nation A. magic B. male C. chance D. castle ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d14818588.html,pare https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d14818588.html,mon https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d14818588.html,pany C. computer D. come ( )39. drugA. minute B. supply C. ruler D. hungry ( )40.A. find B. film C. five D. climb ( )41.A. mine B. live C. white D. Mike ( )42.A. milk B. kite C. finish D. give ( )43.A. this B. sign C. with D. little ( )44.A. sorry B. note C. home D. cold ( )45.A. hobby B. piano C. over D. comb ( )46.A. open B.lovely C.mother D. Monday ( )47.A. smoke B. from C. crossing D. box ()48. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse ()49. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths ()50. A. any B. catch C. black D. stamp ()51. A. book B. good C. food D. classroom ()52. A. pens B. teachers C. apples D. cat ( )53.A. like B. history C. Friday D. time ( )54. permission A. decision B. discussion C. question D. suggestion ( )55. A. happy B. family C. what D can ( )56. A. job B. comicC. doctor D. walkman ( )57. A. locker B. hers C. others D .secondary ( )58. A. Coke B. door C ball D floor ( )59. A. look B good C too D book ( )60. A. their B there C where D here 61. A. make B. late C. map D. male 62. A. famous B. found C. shout D. ground


2014新人教版八年级上册英语单词表全Unit 1 anyone /'eniw?n/ pron.任何人anywhere /'eniwe?(r)/ adv.任何地方 wonderful/'w?nd?(r)fl/adj.精彩的;绝妙的 few /fju:/adj.&pron.不多;很少 quite a few相当多;不少(后接可数名词) most/m??st/adj.,adv.&pron.最多;大多数 something /'s?mθ??/ pron.某事;某物 nothing(=not…anything)/'n?θ??/pron. 没有什么;没有一件东西 everyone/'evriw?n/pron.每人;人人;所有人 of course /?vk?:s/ 当然;自然myself /ma?'self/ pron.我自己;我本人 yourself /j?:'self/ pron.你自己;您自己 hen /hen/ n.母鸡 pig /p?g/n.猪 seem /si:m/ vi.好像;似乎;看来bored /b?:d/ adj.厌倦的;烦闷的someone /'s?mw?n/ pron.某人 diary/'da??ri/n.日记;日记簿(keep a diary) enjoyable/'?n'd????bl/ adj.有乐趣的;令人愉快的 activity /?k't?v?ti/ n.活动 decide /d?'sa?d/ v.决定;选定(decide to do sth.) try /tra?/ v.尝试;设法;努力 (try to do sth. /try doing sth. ) paragliding/'p?r?ɡla?d??/n.空中滑翔跳伞 feel like 给……的感觉;感受到bird /b?:d/ n.鸟 bicycle /'ba?s?kl/ n.自行车;脚踏车 building /'b?ld??/ n.建筑物;房子trader /'tre?d?(r)/ n.商人 wonder /'w?nd?(r)/ v.想知道;琢磨difference /'d?fr?ns/ n.差别;差异 top /t?p/ n.顶部;表面 wait /we?t/ v.等待;等候(wait for) umbrella /?m'brel?/ n.伞;雨伞 wet /wet/ adj.湿的;潮湿的;下雨的because of 因为 below/b?'l??/prep.&adv.在……下面;到……下面 enough/?'n?f/adj.足够的(地)adv.充足的 (地);充分的(地) hungry /'h??ɡri/ adj.饥饿的 as /?z/ conj.像……一样;如同 hill /h?l/ n.小山;山丘 duck /d?k/ n.鸭 dislike/d?s'la?k/v.&n.不喜爱(的事物);厌恶(的事物) Central Park 中央公园(美国纽约)HuangguoshuWarterfall /'w?:t?(r)f ?:l/ 黄果树瀑布(贵州) HongKong /,h??'k??/,/'ha:?,ka:?/香港(中 华人民共和国特别行政区) Malaysia /m?'le???/马来西亚; Malaysian/m?'le??n/adj.马来西亚的;n.马来西亚人 Georgetown/'d??:d?ta?n/乔治市(马来西亚) Weld /weld/ Quay /ki:/ 海墘街Penang /p?'n??/ Hill 槟城山(马来西亚) Tian'anmen Square/skwe?(r)/天安门广场 the Palace /'p?l?s/ Museum 故宫博物院 Unit 2


Class ___________ Name _______________ ( )1. A. guitar B. sing C. swim D. violin ( )2. A. practice B. piano C. also D relax ( )3. A. chess B. teach C. kitchen D. school ( )4. A. maps B. cups C. desks D. girls ( )5. A. chess B. tell C. people D. help ( )6.A. my B. why C. July D. busy ( )7. A. cup B. color C. computer D. nice ( )8. A. club B. drum C. musician D. up ( )9. A. June B. cup C. bus D. much ( )10. A. good B. tooth C. zoo D. pool ( )11. A. what B. white C. who D. which ( )12. A. write B. musician C. bridge D listen ( )13. A. piano B. fifty C. night D. dining ( )14. A. also B. home C. today D. radio ( )15. A. with B. tooth C. either D. other ( )16.A. make B. usually C. station D. radio ( )17. A. center B. shower C. never D. her ( )18. A. center B. weekend C. dress D. every ( )19. A. center B. club C. dance D. place ( )20 A.star B.party C.warm D.March


英语单词辨音题解题 强化识记: , or, ur, er 在重读音节中发/:/, 如: bird, girl, skirt, thirty, work, word, nurse, purple, her; 在弱读音节中发/ /如,over, father, mother, doctor, colour,在k, c 前发/ /,如think, thank, drink, uncle, pink; ng在单词中发 /ng/如English, England, stronger, 在t,d,k前发短音/u/,如foot, look, good, book, cook; oo在l,m,n前发长音/u:/,如school, room, soon, zoo, 发/θ/的情况/ ①动词,如think,thank, throw ②数词,如three, thirteen, thirty, third, fourth, fifth ③不定代词,如thing, , something, anything, everything, nothing th 发/ð/的情况: ①亲属关系,如father, mother, brother ②指示代词,如 this,that, these, those, the ③人称代词,如 they, them,their, theirs; there ④介词,如with, without 读 /t /;ck 读/k/; ph读/f/; th 读/θ/或/ð/; sh 读//; wh 读/w/; ng 读:// 特殊单词辨音小结: 常考!务必记好!


单词辨音练习题总结 () 1. A .ruler B .bus C. cut D. cup () 2.A .short B .worker C. for D. morning () 3.A .cow B .now C. show D. how () 4.A .take B .make C. bag D. plane () 5.A .duck B. but C. use D. mum ()6. A. name B. same C. game D. come ()7. A. table B. paper C. race D. any ()8. A. have B. than C. plan D. many ()9. A. animal B. camera C. glad D. fast ( )10. A. plane B. make C. take D. away 21. ()A. bag B. bad C. make 22. ()A. bed B. pen C. he 23. ()A. box B. close C. home 24. ()A. bike B. cinema C. time 25. ()A. this B. swim C. like 26. ()A. sail B. may C. park 27. ()A. girl B. turn C. tea 28. ()A. warm B. car C. star 29. ()A. but B. us C. use 30. ()A. match B. fish C. short 31. a. grass b. lamp c. have d. active 32. a. life b. give c. live d. think 33. a. may b. says c. way d. pay 34. a. break b. heat c. mean d. reason 35. a. corner b. decide d. circle d. cry ( )36. disappear A. compareB. wear C. beard D. share ( )37. nation A. magic B. male C. chance D. castle ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d14818588.html,pare https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d14818588.html,mon https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d14818588.html,pany C. computer D. come ( )39. drugA. minute B. supply C. ruler D. hungry ( )40.A. find B. film C. five D. climb ( )41.A. mine B. live C. white D. Mike ( )42.A. milk B. kite C. finish D. give ( )43.A. this B. sign C. with D. little ( )44.A. sorry B. note C. home D. cold ( )45.A. hobby B. piano C. over D. comb ( )46.A. open B.lovely C.mother D. Monday ( )47.A. smoke B. from C. crossing D. box ()48. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse () 49. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths


精选 八年级下册英语单词表 Uint1第一单元词组和短语 1.will v.将;会;要 2.robot n.机器人 3.everything pron.每件事物 4.paper n.纸;纸张 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d14818588.html,e v.使用;利用 6.fewer adj.(few的比较级)较少的;较 少数 7.less adj.(little的比较级)较少;较小 8.pollution n.污染 9.tree n.树;树木 10.building n.建筑物;房屋 11.astronaut n.宇航员,航天员 12.rocket n.火箭 13.space n.空间;太空 14.space station 空间站 15.fly v.飞行 16.took v.(take的过去式) 17.moon n.月亮;月球 18.fall v.落下;跌落;变为 19.fell v.(fall的过去式) 20.fall in love with 爱上21.parrot n.鹦鹉 22.alone adv.单独地;孤独地 23.pet n.宠物 24.probably adv.大概;或许 25.suit n.一套衣服 26.able adj.能;能够 27.be able to 能够……;得以…… 28.dress v.穿衣 29.casually adv.非正式地;随意地 30.which pron.哪个;哪几个 31.even adv.甚至 32.The World Cup 世界杯 33.wrote v.(write的过去式) 34.myself pron.(反身代词)我自己;我本 人 35.interview n.面试;面谈 36.predict v.预报;预言 37.future n.将来;未来 38.prediction n.预言;预测 39.came v.(come的过去式) https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d14818588.html,e true 实现;达到 41.Sound n.声音 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7d14818588.html,pany n.公司


初中英语七年级上学期单词辨音专项练习(二)(I)卷 一、单词辨音 (共10题;共42分) 1. (5分)找出划线部分发音不同的选项。 ⑴________A.some B.woman C.cover D.above ⑵________A.you B.touch C.country D.trouble ⑶________A.music B.pupil C.student D.June ⑷________A.star B.party C.warm D.March ⑸________A.word B.work C.worry D.worse 2. (1分)whole home which hole________ (选出辅音发音相同的词) 3. (5分)找出划线部分发音不同的选项。 ⑴________ A. water B. bank C. have D. thank ⑵________ A.build B. under C. umbrella D. cut ⑶________ A.soon B.look C.book D.good ⑷________ A.write B.whole C.whom D.whether ⑸________ A.find B.kind C.behind D.village 4. (5分)在下面A、B、C、D中,有一个单词的划线部分读音与其它三个单词的划线部分的读音不同,请找出来。 ⑴________A. heavy B. weather C. beach D. head ⑵________A. shower B. bowl C. grow D. know ⑶________A. along B. drink C. thing D. fun ⑷________A. fifth B. another C. tooth D. math ⑸________A. student B. full C. music D. cute 5. (5分)找出划线部分发音不同的选项。 ⑴________A.idea B.dead C.head D.ready ⑵________A.beat B.each C.really D.weak ⑶________A.live B.unkind C.fine D.smile ⑷________A.film B.child C.wish D.think ⑸________A.most B.shop C.cost D.copy 6. (5分)找出划线部分发音不同的选项。


英语单词辨音题解题 强化识记:?1。ir, or, ur,er 在重读音节中发/:/,如: bird,girl, skirt,thirty,work, word,nurse,pur ple, her;?在弱读音节中发//如,over, father,mother, doctor, colour,?2。n在k, c 前发/?/,如think,thank,drin k,uncle,pink;?ng在单词中发/ng/如English,En gland, stronger, 3。oo在t,d,k前发短音/u/,如foot, look,good,book,cook; oo在l,m,n前发长音/u:/,如school,room, soon, zoo,4 ?. th发/θ/的情况/?①动词,如think,thank,throw?②数词,如thr ee, thirteen, thirty, third,fourth, fifth?③不定代词,如thing, , something,anything, everything, nothing?th 发/ð/的情况:?①亲属关系,如father, mother,broth er ②指示代词,如this,that,these,those,the ③人称代词,如they,them,their, theirs; there ④介词,如with,without?5。ch读/t?/;ck读/k/;ph读/f/; th读/θ/或/ð/;sh 读/?/;wh读/w/;ng 读:/?/

特殊单词辨音小结: 常考!务必记好! ?上面这些常考的词,亲爱的孩子们你们都读对了吗??单词辨音常见方法:?分类选择法、对照选择法、分类排列法等。由于英语单词的拼法和读音之间有差异,因此就要求我们不仅能辨认音标,而且要掌握每个音标的正确读音,从而正确拼读出每一个单词。
