

Vampire吸血鬼来源英文简介 PPT

Vampire吸血鬼来源英文简介 PPT

They wore shrouds(裹尸布) and were often described as bloated and of ruddy (红的)and delicate countenance(面 容、表情). Although vampiric entities have been recorded in most cultures, the term vampire was not popularised until the early 18th century, after an influx(汇 入) of vampire superstition(迷信) into Western Europe from areas where vampire legends were frequent, such as the Balkans and Eastern Europe.
Early folkloric belief in vampires has been ascribed to the ignorance of the body's process of decomposition(分解) after death and how people in pre-industrial societies tried to rationalise(合理的说明) this, creating the figure of the vampire to explain the mysteries of death. Porphyria (卟啉症) was also linked with legends of vampirism in 1985 and received much media exposure, but this link has since been largely discredited(不足信的).



从最早的文字冒险游戏到现在的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏,吸 血鬼主题游戏经历了多年的发展。
这类游戏通常以黑暗、恐怖和神秘为基调,将玩家带入吸血鬼的世 界,体验不一样的冒险和战斗。
包括动作、角色扮演、策略等多种类型,满足了不同玩家的需求和 口味。
吸血鬼通常被描绘为面色苍白、眼睛 发红、牙齿锋利的人类形象,但也有 时会呈现出其他形态,如蝙蝠、狼等 。
吸血鬼拥有超自然的力量,如飞行、 变形、控制自然元素等,同时也有着 极高的智慧和寿命。
吸血鬼在文学和艺术作品中经常被用作恐怖、神秘和浪漫的象征,同时也反映 了人们对死亡和永生的思考。
从早期的化妆特效到现代的 CGI技术,特效在吸血鬼电影 中扮演着重要的角色。现代特 效能够创造出更加逼真、生动 的吸血鬼形象,增强了观众的 沉浸感。
吸血鬼电影中的服装和场景设 计也是视觉风格的重要组成部 分。服装和场景能够营造出吸 血鬼世界的神秘氛围,使观众 更好地融入故事情境。
分析当代流行的吸血鬼影视作品,探讨其故 事创意、角色塑造和观众接受度。
这部美国电视剧以一个吸血鬼、一个女巫和 一个人类的复杂关系为主线,展现了超自然
以现代高中为背景,讲述了一个人与吸血鬼 之间的爱情故事,探讨了青春、爱情和成长 的主题。



The Underworld typical classic 黑夜传说 2
A storm of autumn night , The Vampire female warrior Serena is killing a werewolf . Then she found a kidnapped human doctors and get he to safety . Later, Serena and human doctor Michael fall in love . But it can not change the truth that the war between vampires and werewolves . So the war between Vampires and werewolfs began .
暮光之城在2009年有凯瑟 暮光之城讲述了人类贝 琳哈德威克导演,主演为 拉和吸血鬼爱德华在福 克里斯汀斯图尔特和罗伯 克斯相遇后相爱并历经 特帕丁森
The two lovers swinged between love and danger, living each day with freshness and excitement, like the long gone sunshine, floating down to the city of Twilight. But in the super nature world, there are too many dangers . Later Bella found herself pregnant , she became a powerful vampire because the baby ,her and her family will protect her children.

吸血鬼 英语PPT

吸血鬼  英语PPT
Designed by Du Tingting
History of Vampires
Actually, at tracked back to Hebrew It can be the very beginning of
western myth, the vampire legend Bible. has already existed and flourished.
Witches are not enemies for vampires or hunters.Their obligation is to balance nature by using many kinds of spells (咒语).
Bremy He is Elena’s brother. Hunters are natural enemies for vampires.They know how to kill them with kinds of facilities.
Elena’s best friend.She cherishes their friendship more than her life.
Twilight 《暮光之城》 1. Twilight 《暮色》 2. New Moon 《新月》 3. Eclipse 《月食》 4. Breaking Dawn 《破晓》
This deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful movie captures a vampire’s struggle between defying instincts and satisfying desires.



• Derivation (起源)
Cain(该隐) :the son of Adam(亚当) and Eve(夏 娃),because he killed his brother so he was
cursed by god.
Judah(犹大):as we all know, he is a traitor (叛徒),so god made him live in the night, and can never die!
Many people still believe in vampire in lots of places all over the world to this day. The descriptions of vampires in films have effected on us. Vampire is an ancient and mysterious race. Vampire myths can go back thousands of years. They occur in almost every culture in Europe. In the beginning of the history, thousands of people believe this story and are afraid of them.
Historically, vampire skin was dark instead of the skin we see today in film. Nowadays, vampire skin is very white and smooth. This is likely that they do things at night and never get to see the sun. their skin gets white over time therefore.



• In 1897, Bram Stoker wrote a novel named Dracula (德拉库拉) . It is remembered as the typical vampire novel and provided the basis of the modern vampire legend. Dracula has been widely accepted as the ancestor vampire. The success of Dracula invented a special vampire genre which is still popular in the 21st century, with books, films, and television shows.
What’s a vampire?
• Vampires are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living person. • In other words, vampires are the creatures that feed on with blood. • vampire entities have been recorded in many cultures and it can date back to the early nineteenth century. The fascinating (迷人的) and sophisticated (复杂的) vampire of modern fiction was born in 1819 with the publication of The Vampire by John Polidori (约翰 波里 多利).

精彩的Vampire PPT

精彩的Vampire PPT

Earl Dracula 德古拉伯爵
• 德古拉伯爵在历史上确有其人, 1431年生于罗马尼亚的Sighisoara。 Dracula意为“龙之子”。这位瓦拉几 亚公国的督军常用苛刻的手段整肃异 己,又以各种严刑峻法整饬国家,其 中最有名的就是穿刺法,因此,“吸 血鬼”的称号传遍欧洲.
• 吸血鬼(vampire),意思是嗜血、吸 取血液的怪物的意思,为传说中背负 上帝诅咒的超自然生物,通过饮用人 类或其它生物的血液,能够令自身长 久生存下去,是西方世界里著名的魔 怪。
• 在犹太人的经文中,莉莉丝是亚当 的第一任妻子,因不满亚当的专制 而逃出伊甸园到红海边,作为惩罚 她每天要杀100名自己的后代,后来 莉莉丝开始杀死人类的婴儿作为报 复· · · •该隐是亚当和夏娃的第一个儿子, 他出于嫉妒杀死了自己的弟弟亚伯, 于是被逐出伊甸园,身上还带着上帝 得印记,让所有看到他的人都要杀他。 该隐在红海便找到了莉莉丝,莉莉丝 收留了他,并教导他如何吸食活人之 血而获得力量。该隐便成了吸血鬼的 始祖(也有人认为是莉莉丝)
Báthory Erzsébet
• In 1611,the court case of Bathory is the true one of bloodsucking in the history. Bathory lived in the castle of Hungary mountainous area. In order to keep youthful, she drunk young girl’s fresh blood. Bathory had been arrested when her crimes was found. And she was dead in 1614. • 1611年巴托里爵夫人诉讼案是历史上真实的 嗜血案件。巴托里爵夫人居住在匈牙利山区 的赛伊特城堡中,专门饮用少女的鲜血,以 保持惊人的美丽与青春。1610年案发后被拘 禁,直到1614年死去。



It can date back to the early nineteenth century when vampires were recorded in the folkloric tales. Early folkloric belief in vampires has been ascribed(归 因于) to the ignorance of the body‘s process of decomposition(腐烂) after death and how people in pre-industrial societies tried to rationalize this, creating the figure of the vampire to explain the mysteries of death. The fascinating and sophisticated (高雅的) vampire of modern fiction was born in 1819 with the publication of The Vampire by John Polidori. In 1897, Bram Stoker wrote a novel named Dracula which is remembered as the typical vampire novel and provided the basis of modern vampire legend.
The vampires can control people with their eyes. Long and sharp teeth
The typical image of the vampire : long and sharp teeth, white skin, red eyes, and they have supernatural powers. Besides, they will never grow old.


六、贵公子(Neonate)是刚被引介给亲王的新进血族成员,但还未在血族 社会中闯出名号。他们是最年轻的血族,当代的Neonate通常是第十叁代 之后。
七、婴儿(Childe)是还未被介绍给亲王认可的吸血鬼,他们也未被自己 的尊长(Sire)所释放。通常Childe是被当作儿童般被尊长照顾带养。
夹杂著惊惧与狂喜的情绪,这经过会使该血族永难忘怀。 一旦成为血族的一员,便获得“不死之身”,或者说
是一名“活死人”。血族是异于人类的生物,身体组织发生全 然的变化。血族的牙齿可以任意抽长,虽然大部份的时候为了 掩饰身份会隐藏起来。当血族吸血之后,会用自己的办法令伤 口愈合以掩盖痕迹。血族的心脏停止跳动,但也可以控制自己 心脏的跳动,体内的血液以扩散的方式流动,由于微血管已不 再饱含血液,因此血族的皮肤特别苍白。有时候,甚至会在哭 泣时流出血泪。血族可利用体内的血来治愈自己,当受到伤害 时,体内的血液会集中到伤处,伤口附近泛出紫红色,很快即
血族不用进食,但需要不断吸取鲜血。当血族感到饥饿时, 会对鲜血产生强烈的渴望,这种欲望的强烈程度,就像人类的
一、上古者、第三代吸血鬼(Antediluvian)他们是最古老的吸血鬼,并 且非常有可能是世界上最强大的生物。
二、长寿者、玛土撒拉(Methuselah):这是传说中的血族,他们活了一 两千年之久,算是第四或第五代的血族。
《惊情四百年》 《吸血鬼女王》 《吸血鬼复仇记》 《吸血迷情四百年》 《月黑风高》 《血色入侵》(瑞典原版)
《美版血色入侵》(好莱坞重拍,有著名美国血腥萝莉 科洛·莫瑞兹饰演吸血鬼 《永不满足》 《夜访吸血鬼》 《暮光之城1-暮色》 《暮光之城2-新月》 《暮光之城3-月食》 《暮光之城4-破晓》 《黑夜传说1》 《黑夜传们通常已活了两百到一千年,他们拥有强大的能 力,多半已在血族社会中占有一席之地,掌握了相当权力。



• Eclipse: • Follows Twilghts and New Moon • Released on June30 2010
Let us begin!
• Vampires and werewolves ruled at the box office this Fourth of July holiday weekend, with Summit Entertainment's third installment of 'The Twilight Saቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱa‘taking in $161.7 million since opening Wednesday. That's one of the biggest five-day debuts in Hollywood history,previously surpassed by just a handful of films, including 'The Dark Knight' and last summer's sequel to 'Transformers.' 7月4日美国国庆日这个周末,吸血鬼和狼人统治了票房,自周三上映 以来,顶峰娱乐公司(Summit Entertainment)的《暮光之城》(The Twilight Saga)第三部票房进账1.617亿美元。这是好莱坞历史上上映前 五天票房最高的影片之一,之前仅有《黑暗骑士》(The Dark Knight) 及 去年夏天上映的《变形金刚》(Transformers)续集等几部影片能超过这 个票房成绩。
• • • •
Blade: 1998 vampire film Directed by Stephen Norrington Snipes plays Blade


该隐创造了第二代吸血鬼,他们有13个后代,第 三代建立了13个大氏族,他们拥有强大的力量.数 千年后的今日,吸血鬼的血脉已经延伸到 第15~16 代,现在一系列 与吸血鬼有关的文化也 随之兴起, 如小说、电影等。
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Dracula 《 惊情四百年》 The Twilight Saga 《暮光之城》 1. Twilight 《暮色》 2. New Moon 《新月》 3. Eclipse 《月食》 4. Breaking Dawn 《破晓》 Let the Right one in 《生人勿近》 The Vampire‘s Assistant 《吸血鬼助手》 Interview with the Vampire 《夜访吸血鬼》 The Queen of the Damned 《被诅咒的女王》 Pandora 《 潘多拉》 The Vampire Armand 《吸血鬼阿蒙》 Vittorio the Vampire 《吸血鬼维多利奥》 Merrick 《梅瑞克》 Blood and Gold 《血和黄金》
• • • •
Long and sharp canines (犬齿) No shadow Can change into bats Perched place:grave and coffin(坟墓和 棺材) • Special abilities • Can’t go into a house without the host’s or living people’s invitation.
Hale Waihona Puke • In 1611,the court case[诉讼案] of Bathory is the ture one of bloodsucking[吸血动物的] in the history.Bathory lived in the castle of Hungary[匈牙利] mountainous area[多山地区].In order to keep youthful[青春的],she drunk young girl’s flesh blood.Bathory had been arrested[逮捕] when her crimes[罪行] was found.And she was dead in 1614. • 1611年巴托里爵夫人诉讼案是历史上真实的嗜血案 件。巴托里爵夫人居住在匈牙利山区的赛伊特城堡 中,专门饮用少女的鲜血,以保持惊人的美丽与青 春。1610年案发后被拘禁,直到1614年死去。



Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles
• 夜访吸血鬼(1994)
• 导演: 尼尔·乔丹 编剧: 安妮·莱斯 主演: 布拉德·皮特 / 安东尼奥·班德拉斯 / 汤 姆·克鲁斯 / 克斯汀·邓斯特 / 桑迪·牛顿 类型: 剧情 / 奇幻 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 1994-11-11 片长: 123 分钟 又名: 吸血迷情 IMDb链接: tt0110148
个人作品 1976年创作《夜访吸血鬼》(Interview with the Vampire ), 并在接下来的25年间接连创作了《吸血鬼莱斯特》(The Vampire Lestat 1987),《被诅咒的女王》(中译名“吸血鬼女王”The Queen of the Damned 1989),《偷尸贼的故事》中译名“肉体窃 贼”(中译名“肉体窃贼”The Tale of the Body Thief 1992), 《恶魔迈诺克》(Memnoch the Devil 1995),《潘朵拉》 (Pandora 1998),《吸血鬼阿曼德》(The Vampire Armand 1998), Pandora 1998 (The 1998) 《吸血鬼维多利奥》(Vittorio the Vampire 1999),《梅瑞克》 (Merrick 2000),《血和黄金》(Blood and Gold 2001),《布 莱克伍德庄园》(Blackwood Farm 2002),《血之颂歌》(Blood Canticle 2003)以其非凡的想象力构建起一个吸血鬼族的史诗。 著 名电影作品 这十本书中有两本被拍成了电影,一部是《夜访吸血鬼》, 另一部是《被诅咒的女王》。



吉尔斯· 德· 莱斯男爵(Gilles de Rais,1404年-1440年10月26日):著名的黑巫术师, 百年战争时期他是圣女贞德的战友,曾被誉为民族英雄,贞德被俘以后,男爵退隐于马什 库勒和蒂福日的领地埋头研究炼金术,希望借血来发现点金术的秘密,他大约把300名以 上的儿童折磨致死,后来被施以火刑。但他不是严格意义上的吸血鬼。 弗拉德三世(Vlad III,1431年11月-1476年12月):他是15世纪时瓦拉几亚公国的领主, 他有两个绰号:穿刺公(Ţepeş),龙之子(DRACULA),他曾击退了来自奥斯曼帝国 的入侵者,成为民族英雄,但他残暴冷酷,曾将成千上万的战俘用尖木桩钉死,许多编年 史都将他描述为暴君,“即使是历史上最嗜血的古罗马暴君:尼禄,戴克里先也没有如此 残酷和难以计数的刑罚”最重要的是,400年后,英国作家布拉姆· 斯托克以其为原型写成 哥特式小说《德古拉》(Dracula,1897年出版),他才得以闻名天下,并随着斯托克小 说被一再改编、搬上银幕、舞台、电视而成为吸血鬼的代名词。弗拉德三世像现藏于维也 纳艺术历史博物馆。 巴托里伯爵夫人(Erzsébet Báthory,1560年8月7日-1614年8月21日):这位夫人是 那达斯地伯爵的遗孀,由于伯爵常年在外征战,伯爵夫人无聊之间,在仆人托尔科的怂恿 下,学习妖术,在1600年伯爵去世以后更加肆无忌惮,经常挟持附近村庄里的少女,并 加以折磨,据相关编年史记载,伯爵夫人在喝受害者的血时非常快乐,甚至把血装满浴盆 用来沐浴,使自己永保青春美丽。其奶妈尤奥,管家乌依瓦里,女巫达尔维拉亦有参与此 事。1610年12月30日,她的表兄图尔索伯爵率兵攻克城堡救出一些受害者,伯爵夫人因 其贵族关系,而只被判终生监禁,共犯一律处以极刑,城堡也由此荒芜。巴托里伯爵夫人 的画像现藏于布达佩斯Andras Dabasi国立博物馆,历史画廊。
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Bella's sweet scent attracts him -makes him want to drink her blood, but at the same time suppresses his desire because he is deeply in love with her, wanted to protect her. The last part of the movie talked about Edward and his family fighting with the vampires that wanted to kill Bella. However, Bella knew what he is, and how dangerous it will be to be with him, but she is still uncontrollably in love with him.
The two lovers sw inged between love and danger, living each day with freshness and excitement, like the long gone sunshine, floating down to the city of Twilight. But in the supernatural world, there are too many danger involved. so what is Bella and Edward going to do? we will see in the latest series Breaking Dawn.
The Vampire, by Philip Burne Jones, 1897
The vampire’s features ’
The typical image of the vampire and the features are: long and sharp teeth, white skin, red eyes, and they have supernatural powers, will never grow old.
To kill a vampire must cut off their heads or stab wood Into their heart.
vampires on the movie
Interview with the Vampire 《夜访吸血鬼》 夜访吸血鬼》
Dracula 《 惊情四百年》 惊情四百年》 The Twilight Saga《暮光之城》 《暮光之城》
• In 1897, Bram Stoker wrote a novel named Dracula. It is remembered as t h e typical v a m p i r e n o v e l a n d provided the basis of the modern vampire legend. Dracula has been widely accepted as the ancestor vampire. The success of Dracula spawned a distinctive vampire genre which is still popular in the 21st century, with books, films, and television shows.
What’s a vampire? ’
• Vampires are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living person. • In other words, vampires are the creatures that feed on with blood. • vampire entities have been recorded in many cultures and it can date back to the early nineteenth century. The fascinating and sophisticated vampire of modern fiction was born in 1819 with the publication of The Vampire by John Polidori .
Both brothers begin to show affection towards Elena, mainly because of her resemblance to their past love Katherine Pierce. It is revealed that Elena is a descendant of Katherine, who eventually returns with plans against the trio.
They can control people with their eyes

People usually believe that vampires are afraid of garlic and they can’t get in a house without the host’s or living people’s invitation. Another important feature is that they fear of the sun, and the sun will burn them to ashes.
The Vampire Diaries《吸
血鬼日记》 血鬼日记》
The movie Twilight spoke about a pair of hard couple, 17 year old I s ab el l a Sw a n i s a sma r t ye t popular girl, because of her mother's remarriage, she exiled herself to a remote town named Forks. In this town, she met a mysterious classmate named Edward Cullen, then she found out Edward came from a "vegetarian" vampire family.
The series follows the life of Elena Gilbert a 17-year-old girl, who falls for a dark 162-year-old vampire named Stefan Salvatore.
Their relationship becomes increasingly complicated as Stefan's vicious and malevolent elder brother Damon returns with a plan to wreak havoc on the town and also to plan a revenge against his younger brother.
Vampire also means bloodthirsty, learn the meaning of monster blood, the Western world famous monster, why is monster, because he is in an awkward position: neither God nor the devil, more not human.
Now, the vampire metaphor is also used for the extraction of blood and sweat of others, rob others of t h e i r m o n e y, i d e a s o r o t h e r resources of the people.
It's generally believed that the vampire is a human-turned. In some novels, when people were bitten by a vampire they will become a vampire ,and some also believe that people will become vampires after they drink vampire's blood.