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甘肃省天水市第一人民医院妇产科甘肃天水 741000


Analysis of Missed Abortion Reasons and Prevention Measures of 1640 Cases Abstract:Objective: To investigate the etiology of patients with missed abortion during 10 years in our hospital outpatient and put forward some effective prevention measures. Methods: A retrospective analysis was made of 1640 missed abortion patients in the outpatient department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of our hospital from January 2008 to December 2017, and we analyzed the changes of the cause of abortion in 10 years. Results: In the past 10 years, the incidence of missed abortion caused by hypothyroidism has been increasing year by year, and the trend of impaired abortion caused by progesterone, mycoplasma infection and unknown causes has been declining year by year. The incidence of abortion in 10 years is increasing, and the total abortion induced by myoma of uterus is decreasing. Conclusion: To strengthen the prenuptial examination and regular antenatal examination, strengthen the knowledge and education of perinatal health care, and improve the quality of midwifery and obstetrics, is beneficial to prevent the occurrence of missed abortion.

Keywords: hypothyroidism; pregnancy; missed abortion.


1. 资料与方法

1.1 研究对象

选择2008年1月-2017年12月在我院妇产科门诊就诊的1640例稽留流产患者进行回顾性分析,这些病例均进行了妇科检查,排除器质性疾病,B超检查[3]确诊为稽留流产,年龄21-42岁、平均 (26.8±4.9)岁,孕周8-20周,流产次数0-4次。

1.2 研究方法


1.3 统计分析




表1. 10年间稽留流产原因统计表

年份例数甲减或亚甲减(%) 孕酮低下(%) 子宫肌瘤(%) 支原体感染(%) 不明原因(%) 2008 130 10(7.69) 41(31.54) 9(6.92) 36(27.69) 34(26.15) 2009 110 12(10.91) 31(28.18) 9 (8.18) 30(27.27) 28(25.46) 2010 122 15(12.30) 31(25.41) 13(10.66) 32(26.23) 31(25.41) 2011 130 25(19.23) 31(23.85) 9 (6.92) 33(25.39) 32(24.62) 2012 136 36(24.47) 32(23.53) 14(10.29) 34(25.00) 20(14.71) 2013 146 44(30.14) 34(23.29) 12(8.22) 36(24.66) 20(13.71) 2014 160 66(41.25) 34(21.25) 8 (8.00) 36(22.50) 16(10.00) 2015 180 88(48.89) 30(16.67) 12(6.67) 40(22.22) 10(5.56) 2016 246 147(59.76) 30(12.20) 10(4.07) 46(18.70) 13(5.28)
