
14C的T1/2为5730±40a,地下水定年的上限为(5~6) ×104a。
⑵ 14C定年和14C浓度单位及标准 ① 14C定年公式
A—— 测得含碳样品的14C产生的放射性,单
A0——同一样品与大气平衡时的放射比度 ② 14C相对浓度单位和标准
E. 化学沉淀或生物沉淀的碳酸钙样品的14C含
⑷ 14C年龄误差来源及修正 ① 测量误差;
② 大气中14C含量的变化:P33 图1—2 ③ 利用标准样品及δ13C的变化关系消除系 统误差
⑸ 14C法测定含碳样品的年龄的步骤:
同位素水文地球化学, 是直接或间接地应用水和
水溶 物质中保存的与水体 来源、形成环境和演化历 史有关的天然同位素信息, 去揭示各种水体的成因、
赋存条件及演化规律 ,为 查明水和水资源服务的学
(2) 地下水氚的定年:
①在一定条件下,地下水流中任意一点 的 滞留氚时(间T)(t)含有量关与,氚其的关输系式入为量:(T0)和水的
(4) 大气降水中的氚的各种效应 ① 纬度效应:氚浓度随纬度的增高而增高;
② 大陆效应:在同一纬度带上,氚浓度随远离 海岸线而逐步升高;
原因:赤道的宇宙射线中子强度变小,极地最 大,因而平流层各处氚的生产率有差别;大气环流 作用的影响;海洋表面的交换和稀释作用;人工氚 来源的加入。

2、要冒一次险!整个生命就是一场冒险。走得最远的人,常是愿意 去做,并愿意去冒险的人。“稳妥”之船,从未能从岸边走远。-戴尔.卡耐基。
梦 境
3、人生就像一杯没有加糖的咖啡,喝起来是苦涩的,回味起来却有 久久不会退去的余香。
同位素地球化学6(精选) 4、守业的最好办法就是不断的发展。 5、当爱不能完美,我宁愿选择无悔,不管来生多么美丽,我不愿失 去今生对你的记忆,我不求天长ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ久的美景,我只要生生世世的轮 回里有你。
61、奢侈是舒适的,否则就不是奢侈 。——CocoCha nel 62、少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学 ,如日 中之光 ;志而 好学, 如炳烛 之光。 ——刘 向 63、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 ——孔 丘 64、人生就是学校。在那里,与其说好 的教师 是幸福 ,不如 说好的 教师是 不幸。 ——海 贝尔 65、接受挑战,就可以享受胜利的喜悦 。——杰纳勒 尔·乔治·S·巴顿

A. 原子量小,同一元素的各同位素间
B. 轻同位素组成变化的主要原因是同
第五章 同位素地球化学Ⅰ
A. 原子量大,同一元素的各同位素间的相
对质量差异小(ΔA/A=0.7~1.2%),环境 的物理和化学条件的变化通常不导致重稳 定同位素组成的改变;
第五章 同位素地球化学Ⅰ
5. 同位素地球化学发展现状
同位素地球化学发展迅速,已渗透到地 球科学的各个研究领域,如:大地构造 学、岩石学、矿床学、海洋学、环境科 学、空间科学等。
♣ 实验测试技术不断完善和提高; ♣ 多元同位素体系的综合研究; ♣ 研究领域不断扩大; ♣ 各种新方法的出现 。
② 类型
1)放射性同位素(unstable or radioactive isotope)
其原子核是不稳定的,它们能自发地放出粒子并衰变成 另一种同位素。
2)稳定同位素(stable isotope)
原子核是稳定的,或者其原子核的变化不能被觉察。 元素周期表中,原子序数相同,原子质量不同,化学性

• 在Re-Os 年代学研究的早期,二次离子质谱、共 振离子质谱、加速器质谱、电感耦合等离子体质谱 (ICP-MS)都曾用于Re-Os 同位素的测定研究
• 近些年来,随着质谱技术及分析方法的发展,负离 子热表面电离质谱(NTIMS)已逐渐成为Re-Os年 代学研究尤其是Os 同位素比值测定的主要工具
Re-Os法,Sm-Nd法, Lu - Hf法
• Re,分散元素,不形成独立矿物,与Mo地 球化学相似性
• 地幔部分熔融时,中等不相容元素Re趋于进 入岩浆,而相容元素Os则趋于保留在地幔中。 因此,富集不相容元素的流体对地幔岩石的 交代作用通常难以对地幔岩石中Os的同位 素组成造成明显的影响。居于此原因,该体 系已被广泛地用于研究大陆岩石圈地幔的形 成和演化
• Re有两种天然同位素
– 185 -37.398%, – 187 -62.602%
• Os有七种天然同位素
– 184-0.02%, – 186-1.6%, – 187-1.6%, – 188-13.3%, – 189-16.1%, – 190-26.4%, – 192-41%
• 有些金属矿床辉钼矿的Re-Os 年龄高于其赋矿围 岩,原因不清;
• 黄铁矿等多数硫化物含Re-Os 量明显偏低,并含 有普通Os ,对样品化学制备过程中低本底的要求 很高,一般实验室难以达到,普通Os 也难以准确 扣除;

1 同位素的基本概念
同位素的定义 同位素定义:核内质子数相同而中子数不同的同
同位素的分类: (1) 放射性同位素:原子核不稳定,能自发进行放射性衰
变或核裂变,而转变为其它一类核素的同位素称为放射性同 位素。
(2) 稳定同位素:原子核稳定,其本身不会自发进行放射 性衰变或核裂变的同位素。
s(u°lfCide)min3er.a9l a8nd
an1d 1R.y2e,41979),
0408 and d34S0 = 21.
Oxidation processes M proedulcteinspgecpieos tihnatta(re7e6n0richTeod rinr3,4iSnre°laCtive) to the startin0g .m0a0terial, whereas reduc3tio.8n 1produces species tha0t .a2re8depleted in 34S.
cover: Cu Ba instead
alsVo haapveoarsmparlleesffseuct:re
(3) analysis of natural samples for which independent estimates of temperature are available.
1934年诺贝尔化学奖获得者Urey奠定了同位 素取代的物理化学性质变化的理论基础,并把它 用于地球科学。1946年他在英国皇家学会上发表

I NTRODUCTION AND P HYSICS OF THE N UCLEUSI NTRODUCTIONIsotope geochemistry has grown over the last 40 years to become one of the most important fields in the Earth Sciences as well as in geochemistry. It has two broad subdivisions: radiogenic isotope geochemistry and stable isotope geochemistry. These subdivisions reflect the two primary reasons why the isotopes of some elements vary in nature: radioactive decay and chemical fractionation. One might recognize a third subdivision: cosmogenic isotope geochemistry, but this subdivision is perhaps better considered a part of radiogenic isotope geochemistry, since although cosmogenically produced isotopes are not products of radioactive decay, they are products of nuclear reactions.The growth in the importance of isotope geochemistry reflects its remarkable success in attacking fundamental problems of Earth Science, as well as problems in astrophysics and physics. Isotope geo-chemistry has played an important role in transforming geology from a qualitative, observational science to a modern quantitative one. To appreciate the point, consider the Ice Ages, a phenomenon that has fascinated geologist and layman alike for the past 150 years. The idea that much of the northern hemisphere was once covered by glaciers was first advanced by Swiss zoologist Louis Agas-siz in 1837. His theory was based on observations of geomorphology and modern glaciers. Over the next 100 years, this theory advanced very little, other than the discovery that there had been more than one ice advance. Isotopic studies in the last 40 years (and primarily in the past 20) have deter-mined the exact times of these ice ages and the exact extent of temperature change (about 3° or so cooler in temperate latitudes). Knowing the timing of these glaciations has allowed us to conclude that variations in the Earth’s orbital parameters (the Milankovitch parameters) and resulting changes in insolation have been the direct cause of these ice ages. Comparing isotopically deter-mined temperatures with CO2 concentrations in bubbles in carefully dated ice cores leads to the hy-pothesis that atmospheric CO2 plays and important role in amplifying changes in insolation. Care-ful U-Th dating of corals is now revealing the detailed timing of the melting of the ice sheet. Com-paring this with stable isotope geothermometry shows that melting lagged warming (not too surpris-ingly). Other recent isotopic studies have revealed changes in the ocean circulation system as the last ice age ended. Changes in ocean circulation may also be an important feedback mechanism af-fecting climate. Twenty years ago, all this was very interesting, but not very relevant. Today, it pro-vides us with critical insights into how the planet’s climate system works. With the current concern over potential global warming and greenhouse gases, this information is extremely ‘relevant’.Other examples of the impact of isotope geochemistry could be listed. The list would include such diverse topics as ore genesis, mantle dynamics, hydrology, and hydrocarbon migration, monitors of the cosmic ray flux, crustal evolution, volcanology, oceanic circulation, archeology and anthropology, environmental protection and monitoring, and paleontology. Indeed, there are few, if any, areas of geological inquiry where isotopic studies have not had a significant impact.One of the first applications of isotope geochemistry remains one of the most important: geochro-nology and cosmochronology: the determination of the timing of events in the history of the Earth and the Universe. The first ‘date’ was obtained by Boltwood in 1907, who determined the age of a uranium ore sample by measuring the amount of the radiogenic daughter of U, namely lead, present. Other early applications include determining the abundance of isotopes in nature to constrain models of the nature of the nucleus and models of nucleosynthesis (the origin of the elements). Work on the latter problem still proceeds. The usefulness of stable isotope variations as indicators of the condi-tions of natural processes was recognized by Harold Urey in the 1940’s.This course will touch on many, though not all, of these applications. Before discussing applica-tions, however, we must build a firm basis in the physical and chemical fundamentals.P HYSICS OF THE N UCLEUSEarly Development of Atomic and the Nuclear TheoryThat all matter consists of atoms was first proposed by John Dalton, an English school teacher, in 1806. Prout showed in 1815 that atomic weights were integral multiples of the mass of hydrogen.This observation was strong support for the atomic theory, though it was subsequently shown not to hold for all elements. J. J. Thomson developed the first mass spectrograph in 1906 and provided the answer as to why the Law of Constant Proportions did not always hold: those elements not having in-teger weights had several isotopes, each of which had mass that was an integral multiple of the mass of H. In the mean time, Rutherford had made another important observation: that atoms con-sisted mostly of empty space. This led to Bohr’s model of the atom, proposed in 1910, which stated that the atom consisted of a nucleus, which contained most of the mass, and electrons in orbit about it.It was nevertheless unclear why some atoms had different mass than other atoms of the same element. The answer was provided by W. Bothe and H. Becker of Germany and James Chadwick of England: the neutron. Bothe and Becker discovered the particle, but mistook it for radiation.Chadwick won the Nobel Prize for determining the mass of the neutron in 1932. Various other experiments showed the neutron could be emitted and absorbed by nuclei, so it became clear t h a tdiffering numbers of neutrons caused some atoms to be heavier than other atoms of the same element.This bit of history leads to our first basic observation about the nucleus:it consists of protons and neutrons.Some Definitions and UnitsBefore we consider the nucleus in more detail, let’s set out some defi-nitions:N : the number of neutrons, Z : the number of protons (this is the same as atomic number, since the number of protons dictates the chemical properties of the atom), A : Mass number (N+Z), M : Atomic Mass, I :Neutron excess number (I=N-Z). Iso-topes have the same number of pro-tons, but different numbers of neutrons; isobars have the same mass number (N+Z); isotones have the same number of neutrons but different number of protons.The basic unit of nuclear mass is the dalton (formerly known as the amu, or atomic mass unit), which is based on the mass 12C ≡12, that is,the mass of 12C is 12 daltons. The masses of atomic particles are:proton: 1.007593 daltons (oramu, atomic mass units) =1.6726231 x 10-27 kg neutron 1.008982 daltonsFigure 1.1 Neutron number vs. proton number for stable nu-clides.electron 0.000548756 daltons = 9.10093897 x 10-31 kgNucleons, Nuclei, and Nuclear ForcesFigure 1.1 is a plot of N vs. Z showing which nuclides are stable. A key observation in understand-ing the nucleus is that not all nuclides (combinations of N and Z) are stable. In other words, we cannot simply throw protons and neutrons (collectively termed nucleons) together and expect them to necessarily to form a nucleus. For some combinations of N and Z, a nucleus forms, but is unstable, with half-lives from >1015yrs to <10–12sec.An interesting observation from Figure 1.1 is that N ≈Z for stable nuclei. Thus a significant portion of the nucleus consists of protons, which obviously tend to repel each other by electrostatic force. Notice also that for small A, N=Z, for large A, N>Z. This is another important observation t h a t will lead to the first model of the nucleus.From the observation that nuclei exist at all, it is apparent that another force must exist that is stronger than coulomb repulsion at short distances. It must be negligible at larger distances, otherwise all matter would collapse into a single nucleus. This force, called the nuclear force, is a manifestation of one of the fundamental forces of nature (or a manifestation of the single force in nature if you prefer unifying theories), called the strong force. If this force is assigned a strength of 1, then the strengths of other forces are: electromagnetic 10-2; weak force 10-5; gravity 10-39 (we’ll discuss the weak nuclear force later). Just as electromagnetic forces are mediated by a particle, the photon, the nuclear force is mediated by the pion. The photon carries one quantum of electromagnetic force field; the pion carries one quantum of nuclear force field. A comparison of the relative strengths of the nuclear and electromagnetic forces as a function of distance is shown in Figure 1.2.Atomic Masses and Binding EnergiesThe carbon 12 atom consists of 6 neutrons, 6 protons and 6 electrons. But using the masses listed above, we find that the masses of these 18 particles do not add to 12 daltons, the mass of 12C. There is no mistake, they do not add up. What has happened to the extra mass? The mass has been converted to the energy binding the nucleons.It is a general physical principle that thelowest energy configuration is the most stable. We would expect that if 4He is stable relative to two free neutrons and two free protons, 4He must be a lower energy state compared to the free particles. If this is the case, then we can predict from Einstein's mass-energy equiva-lence:E = mc2 1.1that the 4He nucleus has less mass that 2 free neutrons and protons. It does in fact have less mass. From the principle that the lowest energy configurations are the most stable and the mass-energy equivalence, we should be able to predict the relative stability of various nuclei from their masses alone.We define the mass decrement of an atom as:d = W – M 1.210–410–510–610–710–810–910–10Distance, 10-12 cmV,ergsFigure 1.2. The nuclear and electromagnetic potential of a proton as a function of distance from the proton.where W is the sum of the mass of the constituent particles and M is the actual mass of the atom. For example, W for 4He is W = 2m p +2m n + 2m e = 4.034248 daltons. The mass of 4He is 4.003873 daltons, so d = 0.030375 daltons. Converting this to energy using Equ. 1.1 yields 28.28 MeV. This energy is known as the binding energy . Dividing by A,the mass number, or number of nu-cleons, gives the binding energy per nucleon , E b :E b =W –M Ac21.10This is a measure of nuclear stabil-ity: those nuclei with the largestbinding energy per nucleon are the most stable. Figure 1.3 shows E b as a function of mass. Note that the nucleons of intermediate mass tend to be the most stable. This distribution of binding energy is important to the life history of stars, the abundances of the elements, and radioactive decay, as we shall see.Some indication of the relative strength of the nuclear binding force can be obtained by comparing the mass decrement associated with it to that associated with binding an electron to a proton in a hydrogen atom. The mass decrement we calculated above for He is of theorder of 1%, 1 part in 102. The massdecrement associated with bindingan electron to a nucleus of the orderof 1 part in 108. So bonds between nucleons are about 106 times stronger than bonds between electrons and nuclei.The Liquid Drop ModelWhy are some combinations of N and Z more stable than others? The answer has to do with the forces between nucleons and how nucleons are organized within the nucleus. The structure and organi-zation of the nucleus are questions still being actively researched in physics, and full treatment is cer-tainly beyond the scope of this class, but we can gain some valuable insight to nuclear stability by considering two of the simplest models of nuclear structure. The simplest model of the nucleus is the liquid-drop model , proposed by Niels Bohr in 1936. This model assumes all nucleons in a nucleus have equivalent states. As its name suggests, the model treats the binding between nucleons as similar to the binding between molecules in a liquid drop. According to the liquid-drop model, the total bindingFigure 1.3 Binding energy per nucleon vs. mass number.Figure 1.4 Variation of surface, coulomb, and volume energy per nucleon vs. mass number.of nucleons is influenced by 4 effects: a volume energy, a surface energy, an excess neutron energy, and a coulomb energy. The variation of three of these forces with mass number and their total effect is shown in Figure 1.4.In the liquid drop model, the binding energy is given by the equation:B(A,I)= a 1A – a 2A 2/3 – a 3I 2/4A – a 4Z 2/4A 3 + d1.11where:a 1: heat of condensation (volume energy µA) = 14 MeV a 2: surface tension energy = 13 MeV a 3: excess neutron energy = 18.1 MeV a 4: coulomb energy = 0.58 MeVd : even-odd fudge factor. Binding energy greatest for even-even and smallest for odd-odd.Some of the nuclear stability rules above can be deduced from equation 1.11. Solutions for equation 1.11 at constant A, that is for isobars, result in a hyperbolic function of I, as illustrated in Figure 1.5.For odd A, one nuclei will lie at or near the bottom of this function (energy well). For even A,twoFigure 1.5 Graphical illustration of total binding energies of the isobars of mass number A= 81 (left) and A=80 (right). Energy values lie on parabolas, a single parabola for odd A and two parabolas for even A. Binding energies of the 'last'proton and 'last' neutrons are approximated by the straight lines in the lower part of the figure. After Suess (1987).curves result, one for odd-odd, and one for even-even. The even-even curve will be the one with the lower (more stable) one.Odd-Even Effects and Magic NumbersSomething that we have alluded to and which the liquid drop model does not explain well is the even-odd effect. This effect is illustrated in Table 1.1. Clearly, even combinations of nuclides are much more likely to be stable than odd ones. This is the first indication that the liquid drop model does not provide a complete description of nuclear stability. Another observation not explained by the liquid drop model is the so-called Magic Numbers. The Magic Numbers are 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, and 126. Some observations about magic numbers:1. Isotopes and isotones with magic numbers are unusually common (i.e., there are a lot of differentnuclides in cases where N or Z equals a magic number).2. Magic number nuclides are unusually abundant in nature (high concentration of the nuclides).3. Delayed neutron emission in fission occurs in nuclei containing N*+1 (where N* denotes a magicnumber) neutrons.4. Heaviest stable nuclides occur at N=126 (and Z=83).5. Binding energy of last neutron or proton drops for N*+1.6. Neutron-capture cross sections for magic numbers are anomalously low.7. Nuclear properties (spin, magnetic moment, electrical quadrupole moment, metastable isomericstates) change when a magic number is reached.Table 1.1. Numbers of stable nuclei for odd and even Z and NZ N A number of stable nuclei number of very long-lived nuclei(Z + N)odd odd even45odd even odd503even odd odd553even even even16511The Shell Model of the NucleusThe state of the nucleus may be investigated in a number of ways. The electromagnetic spectra emitted by electrons is the principal means of investigating the electronic structure of the atom. B y analogy, we would expect that the electromagnetic spectra of the nucleus should yield clues to its structure, and indeed it does. However, the g spectra of nuclei are so complex that not much progress has been made interpreting it. Observations of magnetic moment and spin of the nucleus have been more useful (nuclear magnetic moment is also the basis of the nuclear magnetic resonance, or NMR, technique, used to investigate relations between atoms in lattices and the medical diagnostic technique nuclear magnetic imaging).Nuclei with magic numbers of protons or neutrons are particularly stable or ‘unreactive’. This is clearly analogous to chemical properties of atoms: atoms with filled electronic shells (the noble gases) are particularly unreactive. In addition, just as the chemical properties of an atom are largely dictated by the ‘last’ valence electron, properties such as the nucleus’s angular momentum and mag-netic moment can often be accounted for primarily by the ‘last’ odd nucleon. These observations sug-gest the nucleus may have a shell structure similar to the electronic shell structure of atoms, and leads to the shell model of the nucleus.In the shell model of the nucleus, the same general principles apply as to the shell model of the atom: possible states for particles are given by solutions to the Schrödinger Equation. Solutions to this equation, together with the Pauli Exclusion principle, which states that no two particles can have exactly the same set of quantum numbers, determine how many nucleons may occur in each shell. In the shell model, there are separate systems of shells for neutrons and protons. As do electrons, pro-tons and neutrons have intrinsic angular momentum, called spin, which is equal to 1/2h (h =h/2π, where h is Planck's constant and has units of momentum, h = 6.626 x 10-34 joule-sec). The total nuclear angular momentum, somewhat misleadingly called the nuclear spin, is the sum of (1) the intrinsic an-gular momentum of protons, (2) the intrinsic angular momentum of neutrons,and (3) the orbital angular momentum ofnucleons arising from their motion in thenucleus. Possible values for orbitalangular momentum are given by l , theorbital quantum number, which mayhave integral values. The total angular momentum of a nucleon in the nucleus is thus the sum of its orbital angular momentum plus its intrinsic angular momentum or spin: j = l ± 1/2. The plus or minus results because the spin angular momentum vector can be either in the same direction or opposite direction of the orbital angular momentum vector. Thus nuclear spin is related to the constituent nucleons in the manner shown in Table 1.2.Let’s now return to magic numbers and see how they relate to the shell model. The magic numbers belong to two different arithmetic series:N = 2, 8, 20, 40, 70, 112...N = 2, 6, 14, 28, 50, 82, 126...The lower magic numbers are part of the first series, the higher ones part of the second. The numbers in each series are related by their third differences (the differences between the differences between the differences). For example, for the first of the above series:28204070112Difference 612203042Difference 681012Difference 222This series turns out to be solutions to the Schrödinger equation for a three-dimensional harmonic os-cillator (Table 1.3). (This solution is different from the solution for particles in an isotropic Coulomb field, which describes electron shells).Table 1.3. Particles in a Three-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator (Solution of Schrödinger Equation)Nl 010213j1/21/23/21/23/25/21/23/25/27/2State s +p -p +s +d -d +p -p +f -f +No.2242462468S 261220Total(2)(8)(20) (40)N is the shell number; No. gives the number of particles in the orbit, which is equal to 2j +1; S gives the number ofparticles in the shell or state, and total is the total of particles in all shells filled. Magic number fail to follow the progression of the first series because only the f state is available in the fourth shell.Magnetic MomentA rotating charged particle produces a magnetic field. A magnetic field also arises from the orbital motion of charged particles. Thus electrons in orbit around the nucleus, and also spinning about an in-ternal axis, produce magnetic fields, much as a bar magnet. The strength of a bar magnet may be mea-sured by its magnetic moment, which is defined as the energy needed to turn the magnet from a posi-tion parallel to an external magnetic field to a perpendicular position. For the electron, the spin magnetic moment is equal to 1 Bohr magneton (µe ) = 5.8 ¥ 10-9 ev/gauss. The spin magnetic moment of the proton is 2.79 nuclear magnetons, which is about three orders of magnitude less than the Bohr magneton (hence nuclear magnetic fields do not contribute significantly to atomic ones). Surprisingly,in 1936 the neutron was also found to have an intrinsic magnetic moment, equal to -1.91 nuclear magne-tons. Because magnetism always involves motion of charges, this result suggested there is a non-uni-Table 1.2. Nuclear Spin and Odd-Even Nuclides Number of Nucleons Nuclear Spin Even-Even 0Even-Odd 1/2, 3/2, 5/2, 7/2 ...Odd-Odd 1,3form distribution of charge on the neutron, which was an early hint that neutrons, and protons, werecomposite particles rather than elementary ones.Total angular momentum andmagnetic moment of pairs of protons cancel because the vectors of each member of the pair are aligned in opposite directions. The same holds true for neutrons. Hence even-even nuclei have 0 angular momentum and magnetic moment.Angular momentum, or nuclear spin,of odd-even nuclides can havevalues of 1/2, 3/2, 5/2, and non-zero magnetic moment (Table 1.2). Odd-odd nuclei have integer value of angular momentum or 'nuclear spin'.From this we can see that the angu-lar momentum and magnetic mo-ment of a nuclear are determined by the last nucleon added to the nu-cleus. For example, 18O has eight protons and 10 neutrons, and hence 0angular momentum and magnetic moment. Adding one proton to this nucleus transforms it to 19F, which has angular momentum of 1/2 and magnetic moment of ~2.79. For thisreason, the shell model is also sometimes called the single-parti-cle model, since the structure can be recognized from the quantum-mechanical state of the “last”particle (usually). This is a little surprising since particles are assumed to interact.The three-dimensional harmonic oscillator solution explains only the first three magic numbers;magic numbers above that belong to another series. This difference may be explained by assuming there is a strong spin-orbit interaction, resulting from the orbital magnetic field acting upon the spin magnetic moment. This effect is called the Mayer-Jensen coupling. The concept is that the energy state of the nucleon depends strongly on the orientation of the spin of the particle relative to the orbit, and that parallel spin-orbit orientations are energetically favored, i.e., states with higher values of j tend to be the lowest energy states. This leads to filling of the orbits in a somewhat differ-ent order; i.e., such that high spin values are energetically favored. Spin-orbit interaction also occurs in the electron structure, but it is less important.Pairing EffectsIn the liquid-drop model, it was necessary to add a term d , the even-odd effect. This arises from a 'pairing energy' that exists between two nucleons of the same kind. When proton-proton and neutron-neutron pairing energies are equal, the binding energy defines a single hyperbola as a function of I (e.g., Figure 1.4). When they are not, as is often the case in the vicinity of magic numbers, the hyper-bola for odd A splits into two curves, one for even Z, the other for even N. An example is shown in Figure 1.6. The empirical rule is: Whenever the number of one kind of nucleon is somewhat larger than a magic number, the pairing energy of this kind of nucleon will be smaller than the other kind.neutron excess number in the vicinity of N=50.Capture Cross-SectionsInformation about the structure and stability of nuclei can also be obtained from observations of the probability that a nucleus will capture an additional nucleon. This probability is termed the cap-ture-cross section, and has units of area. Neutron capture cross sections are generally of greater use than proton capture cross sections, mainly because they are much larger. The reason for this is simply that a proton must overcome the repulsive coulomb forces to be captured, whereas a neutron, being neu-tral, does not feel the electrostatic forces. Neutron-capture cross sections are measured in barns, which have units if 10-24 cm2, and are denoted by s. The physical cross-section of a typical nucleus (e.g., Ca) is of the order of 5 x 10-25 cm2, and increases somewhat with mass number (more precisely, R = r0A1/3, where A is mass number and r0 is the nuclear force radius, 1.4 x 10-13 cm). While many neutron capture cross sections are of the order of 1 barn, they vary from 0 (for 4He) to 105 for 157Gd, and are not simple functions of nuclear mass (or size). They depend on nuclear structure, being for example, gen-erally low at magic numbers of N. Capture cross-sections also dependent on the energy of the neutron, the dependence varying from nuclide to nuclide.Collective ModelA slightly more complex model is called the collective model. It is intermediate between the liq-uid-drop and the shell models. It emphasizes the collective motion of nuclear matter, particularly the vibrations and rotations, both quantized in energy, in which large groups of nucleons can partici-pate. Even-even nuclides with Z or N close to magic numbers are particularly stable with nearly per-fect spherical symmetry. Spherical nuclides cannot rotate because of a dictum of quantum mechanics that a rotation about an axis of symmetry is undetectable, and in a sphere every axis is a symmetry axis. The excitation of such nuclei (that is, when their energy rises to some quantum level above the ground state) may be ascribed to the vibration of the nucleus as a whole. On the other hand, even-even nuclides far from magic numbers depart substantially from spherical symmetry and the excita-tion energies of their excited states may be ascribed to rotation of the nucleus as a whole.R EFERENCES AND S UGGESTIONS FOR F URTHER R EADINGDickin, A. 1995. Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Faure, G. 1986. Principles of Isotope Geology. New York: Wiley & Sons.Suess, H. E. 1987. Chemistry of the Solar System. New York: John Wiley and Sons.。
第七讲 同位素地球化学Re-Os同位素体系

0.02 1.59 1.96 13.24 16.15 26.26 40.78
187Re的半衰期为约42 Ga(= 1.666 10-11 a-1),且Re的 地球化学性质与钼元素十分相近,因此 Re-Os体系作为 定年(如辉钼矿)和示踪研究方法较早得到了地质应用;
Table 1 Osmium isotope ratios and isotope percentage for the University of Maryland at College Park (UMCP) Johnson-Matthey Os standarda
Isotopic ratio Measured value Isotope
Percentage composition
184Os/188Os 0.0013313 ± 13 184Os
186Os/188Osb 0.119848 ± 8
187Os/188Osb 0.113791 ± 15 187Os
189Os/188Os 1.21967 ± 14
Picrite, Basalt
Picrite, Basalt
Synth MORB Olivine
Experimental Experimental phenocryst-matrix phenocryst-matrix 0.001 Experimental
Vanwestrenen et al. 2000

但是,由于在低级变质作用和表生风化作用中 Pb、Th特别是U的活动性较大,因此硅酸盐岩 石的U-Pb和Th-Pb体系很少保持封闭:
例如美国怀何明州的Granite Mountain岩基的 全岩Th-Pb分析给出大致的等时线年龄为2.8Ga, 但U-Pb等时线图显示U已大量丢失而无法给出年 龄结果(Rosholt and Bartel, 1969)
9. U-Th-Pb同位素
U、Th在自然界多以四价氧化态出现,其离子 半径相近(U4+=0.105nm, Th4+=0.11nm),两 者可以相互置换
在氧化条件下,U形成可溶于水的铀酰离子 (UO22+)而成为活动性元素 Th只呈四价氧化态,且一般不溶于水
晶质铀矿和独居石最初被用来定年,但其 有限的分布限制了它们的应用。
锆石在中-酸岩中是一个广泛分布的富铀矿 物,因此被广泛地应用于U-Pb定年。
基性岩中的斜锆石也被用来定年(Krogh et al., 1987)。
2 2 P U * 0 3 ( e 2 t - 6 1 3 8 ) b 8
2 P * 0 7 b 式中*号代表放射成因铅
14.010× 109
4.9475× 10-11
由于238U、235U、232Th的半衰期比它们的子体的半衰 期长得多,即其衰变常数比子体的衰变常数小得多, 符合建立长期平衡的条件(见“衰变定律”一节)
经过数百万年以上的地质时代,并且矿物保持封闭体 系,就能达到长期平衡状态:
Isotope Abundance(% ) Half-life(years) Decayconstant(y-1)

fSm /Nd 14S70m /.1 14N 9 4sd 6 am 7 p1le
用此表示法,由壳内分馏事件引入的亏损地幔模式年龄的 误差由下式给出:
ErDrM T ffSSff/m //m /sN ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ Ndd(TCF T)m
这里TCF是真实的地壳形成年龄,Tm是部分熔融事件的 年龄。这种误差放大如图24所示。此问题通过分析熔 融年龄相当接近于它们形成年龄(<300Ma?)的样品可最 小化。
图16 月球岩石表现出的月球不同库间非常早期Sm/Nd分馏造成的 Nd演化图
图19 引入Nd新的亏损地幔演化模式文章的引用率变化
一、沉积作用 侵蚀作用中的Sm-Nd系统行为可通过对比由河流携带颗粒计
算的模式年龄与分水岭区沉积物源区平均地质年龄的对比来加 以考察。Goldstein和Jacobsen(1988)完成了美洲河流中颗粒的 此类研究。他们发现流过原始火成岩的河流携带精确反映源区 地壳存留年龄的沉积物(图20)。流过沉积岩分水岭的河流没有 适当加以证明,因为它们源区的地壳存留年龄还没有适当地定 量化。
与 成 岩 作 用 中 Sm-Nd 开 放 系 统 的 认 识 相 反 , Barovich 和Patchett(1992)证明即使在严重的变质变形中花岗质 岩的全岩Sm-Nd系统保持未受扰动。他们研究了切过元

■从矿床底部到顶部,δS34具有增大趋势 ■在共生矿物中: δS34黄铁矿 >δS34闪锌矿 >δS34方铅矿
■在地质作用过程中,因为多种硫化物旳形 成条件不同,相应旳硫同位素构成也不同, 所以硫同位素构成也就能够用来鉴别成岩 物质起源。
每个测定样品旳δ(‰)值可正可负,正值表达与原 则相比所测样品中重同位素有一定旳富集,而负值则 表达重同位素有一定旳贫化,亦即轻同位素有所富集。
不同相(不同矿物、液体、气体)中同位素构成不 同,即产生了同位素分馏,两相间同位素比值之商称 为同位素分馏系数
R / R, RA 、RB分别为A相及B相中重同位素
同位素分析资料要能够进行世界范围内旳比 较,就必须建立世界性旳原则样品。世界各国所 采用旳原则样品已基本统一。国际原则样品旳名 称及其同位素绝对比值见下:
H 平均大洋水标准(Standard Mean Ocean Water)
2、花岗岩旳硫化物 ■因为花岗岩成因复杂、多样,故其硫化物旳
δS34值也不相同 ■一般由幔源衍生而来旳花岗岩,其硫化物中
旳δS34值在-3~+8‰之间,且单个岩体中δS34 值变化范围窄,阐明成岩物质比较均匀
■ S花岗岩δS34值为-9.4~+7.6 ‰ ■ I花岗岩δS34值为-3.6~+5.0 ‰

235U → 207Pb + 7 + 4 - + E
t1/2 = 704 106yr 2= 9.8485 10-10yr-1
232Th 228 Ra ...... 224 Ra 220 Rn ...... 212 Pb ...... 208 Pb
Pb Pb
207 204
Pb Pb
235U 204 Pb
208 Pb 204 Pb
208 204
Pb Pb
232Th (e232t 204 Pb
由于U-Th-Pb体系可构成相互独立的衰变体系,原理上 对同一地质体进行同位素分析,可获得三个独立的年龄 值。如所分析样品符合等时线前提,238U-206Pb、235U207Pb、232Th-208Pb体系应该给出一致的年龄(相对误差 小于或等于10%);然而,由于U、Pb的易活动性,在 风化作用和低级变质作用,常可导致体系U-Pb同位素组 成不能保持封闭,往往得不到一致年龄,因此用等时线 法成功获得有意义年龄的实例相对有限。
假如矿物形成于3.0Ga,则 其具谐和年龄的207Pb/235U、
206Pb/238U比值将分别为 18.1902和0.59249
若样品形成后丢失部分放射成因铅,随后又封闭,那么 一组经历相同的样品,在207Pb*/ 235U和 206Pb*/ 238U为横 纵坐标的图上的数据点就构成了一条直线,即不一致线。
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• 放射性衰变引发的原子模型的质疑。原 子量的测量,衰变产生的铅与通常的铅 原子量不同,原子量不是整数值。
• 原子模型是否需要修改? • 索迪的大胆设想,同位素。
• 同位素:指原子核内质子数相同而中子数不同 的一类原子。
• 放射性:不稳定的原子核,自发地发射出粒子 和辐射能的性质。
• 原子核通过发射带负电的β粒子进行衰变。 • 也可以看作一个中子转变成一个质子和一个
电子,这个电子被发射出来。 • 同量异位素:质量数相同而质子数不同的一
类原子 • 能量问题,某一特定放射性核素发射的β粒子
具有连续的能量分布。 • 多余的能量,中微子的假定及发现。
相对丰度 (%)
40K 0.01167 分支 1.25×109
子体 40Ca、40Ar
87Rb 27.8346
β 4.88 ×1010
147Sm 15.0
1.06 ×1011
2.7 ×1010
187Re 62.93
• 阴极射线的发现,1897,汤姆森(J J Thomson), 负电荷粒子流(电子流),1906,诺贝尔物理学奖。
• 1880,贝可勒尔,紫外线照射铀盐,引起发光。伦 琴,阴极射线穿透黑纸,1895。1896,贝可勒尔, 铀盐的放射性。
• 居里夫妇,铀、钍、钋、镭,放射性。1903,诺贝 尔物理学奖。1911,分离出纯镭,诺贝尔化学奖。
• 147N + 10n
146C + 11H
• 147N + 10n
126C + 31H
• 14C和3H都用于同位素定年,比较年轻的
• 放射性母体核素衰变为稳定子体核素的衰变 速率,在任何时候(t)都与放射性原子数目 (N)成正比(Rutherford and Soddy,1902) • -dN/dt=λN
• 1898,卢瑟福(Rutherford),三种射线,α,β,γ, 氦核、电子、电磁辐射。
• 1900,索迪(Soddy)和卢瑟福,钍的化合 物研究,放射性元素的原子自发蜕变形成另 外的元素的原子,辐射的强度和所在的放射 性原子的数目成正比,与体系T、P等物理化 学条件无关。 -dN/dt=λN
• 一部分放射性原子衰变放射出带正电的 电子。
• 这种衰变可看作一个质子转变为一个中 子、一个正电子和一个中微子。
• 衰变结果,原子序数减少1,中子数增加 1,质量数不变。
• 核外电子和质子结合成中子。发射X射线。 • 从形式上看和上种方式接近,都是原子序数
降低一个,质量数不变,但机制不一样。 • 由于K层电子最靠近原子核,其被捕获的可
• 衰变常数:单位时间内放射性同位素的原子发 生衰变的几率
• 半衰期:一定数目的放射性原子衰变一半所需 要的时间
• 放射性衰变:一种元素的原子自发地发射 出粒子和辐射能,引起母核原子序数Z和 原子量N值的变化,从而使一种元素的原 子转变为另一种元素的原子。
• 天然放射性同位素65种 • 主要有六种衰变机制
• 马陶克的同量异位素定律,两个相邻的同量异 位素不能都是稳定的。这就意味着,两个稳定 的同量异位素必须被一个放射性同量异位素隔 开,后者通过分支衰变形成两个稳定的同量异 位素子核。
• 4018Ar、4019K、4020Ca,4019K→4018Ar+4020Ca。
• 原子弹和原子反应堆。
• 单程衰变放射性同位素:经过一次衰变就形 成稳定的子体
• 组成衰变系列的放射性同位素:经过一系列 的α、 β衰变,最终形成稳定子体同位素
• 宇宙核反应生成的放射性同位素:宇宙射线 产生的中子与某种稳定同位素作用形成的放 射性同位素。
• 式中λ为衰变比例常数,简称衰变常数, dN/dt是任一时刻(t)时的衰变速率。
衰变常数 与半衰期 关系
• 令N/N0=1/2,则t=T1/2 • T1/2=ln2/λ,或者 λ T1/2=ln2 • 对于实际应用,在衰变进行了10个半衰期
后,放射成因子核就算趋于 N0了。2-10, 1/1024
• we can determine a time simply by determining how much of the nuclide has decayed( nuclide decays to its daughter )
• Geochronology makes use of the constancy of the rate of radioactive decay. Since a radioactive nuclide decays to its daughter at a rate independent of everything, we can determine a time simply by determining how much of the nuclide has decayed.
4.3 ×1010
相对 丰度
半衰期 (年)
最终 产物
质量数 特点
238U 99.270 44.7 ×108 8 α +6 β 206Pb 4n+2
235U 0.7205 7.04×108 7 α +4 β 207Pb 4n+3
232Th 100 140×108 6 α +4 β 208Pb
• 氦核,使原子序数和中子数都减少2,质 量数减少4。
• 铀和钍的几个天然同位素子体要么发射 β负粒子,要么α,封闭循环。最终产 物一致。
• 某些重核,遭受轰击,裂变为两个或更多的 碎片。裂变过程,伴随产生α粒子、中子等, 引起进一步的裂变,链式反应。
• 裂变产物一般具有多余的中子,因而是放射 性的,通过连续的β衰变,变成稳定的同量 异位素。