体育英语 网球篇
tennis has also been an important part of the Olympic Games since 1896 It is a very popular sport in both professional and amateur circles
The History and Development of Tennis
Bottom Line Introduction
When hitting to the bottom line, aim for a spot just behind the baseline Use a compact swing, and hit the ball with plexy of spin Angle your shot well to make it difficult for your partner to reach
Introduction to Tennis
The origin of tennis
tennis originated in the 12th century in France, when it was known as "jeu de paume"
The development of tennis
Court Positioning
Prop court positioning is essential in singles Players need to position themselves in the middle or on the side of the court depending on where the ball is being hit and where they think their opponent will hit it next
⽹球英语2发球中的抛球(THE SERVICE TOSS)The most important part of any tennis serve is the toss. The service is theonly shot in tennis where the player is in control of the ball. The toss mustbe accurate if the serve is to be accurate.⽹球发球中最重要的是抛球.发球是⽹球中唯⼀由选⼿⾃⼰控球的击打.发球要精准的话抛球也就必须精准.On the service start position both arms should be out in front of thebody with the ball resting in the tossing hand. The racquet will be restingon the lower fingers of the tossing hand. This resting position of theracquet will allow your muscles to relax instead of pinning the ball againstthe strings.发球启始姿势是双臂在⾝前靠外,球在抛球⼿中.拍⼦靠在抛球⼿的低处⼿指上.拍⼦的停靠姿势可以使你的肌⾁放松,⽽不是把球压在拍线上.The toss arm should be at a 45 degree angle or less to the baseline. Ifyour using the continental grip (and you should be), your toss will beslightly over the left shoulder if your right handed. This means your tossarm angle will be almost parallel to the baseline before it begins its upwardmotion.抛球⼿臂与底线成45度或更⼩的⾓度.如果你⽤⼤陆式握拍(你应该这样握),你的抛球应该稍稍过左肩(以右⼿选⼿⽽⾔).这意味着在抛球⼿臂开始做上抛动作之前,它⼏乎与底线平⾏.As you begin the service, you will let the tossing hand drop down and itshouldng back with the racquet arm. This will create a good shoulderrotation if both arms are moving in the same direction.在你开始发球时,你使抛球⼿下降,同时持拍臂后挥.这样两臂同向运动会形成好的转肩.When holding the ball for the toss, the fingers should cradle the ballwithout the ball resting in the palm of the hand. Do not squeeze the ball butrather let the ball rest on the fingers to reduce muscular tension. The palmof the hand should be facing more to the side than up toward the sky. Thiswill help eliminate most of any wrist movement on the ball toss.当要抛球时,⼿指应架住球使它不靠在⼿掌中.不要捏球,⽽是使球停靠在⼿指上,来减轻肌⾁张⼒.⼿掌应更多地朝向侧⾯⽽不是指向天空.这样在抛球时可以减少⼤部分的转腕动作.The arm motion should be smooth and the arm should be straight not bentat the elbow. Do not bend or use the elbow to aid in the toss, this will onlycause a ball throw instead of a ball "lift". The stiff arm and stiff wristmotion keeps your ball toss more consistent.⼿臂动作应平顺,⼿臂要直,肘部不要弯曲.不要通过弯肘来辅助抛球,这样只会使球被扔上去,⽽不是被"抬上去".不弯曲的⼿臂和不转动的⼿腕可以使你的抛球保持更好的⼀致性.If you consistently put the ball toss in the right place your serve willbe consistent also.如果你可以持续⼀致地将球抛到你击球的正确位置,你的发球也会有很好的⼀致性.发球中的转肩(Service Shoulder Rotation)/hofertennis@/tiparchive33.htmlSERVICE SHOULDER ROTATION发球中的转肩The most common mistakes people make on their serves are to open the shoulders too soon and not turning the shoulders enough on the serve. Let me explai n.⼈们在发球中最常见的错误是打开肩部过快,以及转肩不够.让我解释⼀下.To hit a good serve one must position oneself at approximately sideways to the net or at a 90-degree angle to the baseline. The feet are sideways as well but t oes might be slightly pointed towards the baseline. The first motion is to turn the shoulders back 15 degrees. So if the shoulders are at a 90-degree angle to the net they should turn away from the net 105 degrees. This slight shoulder turn allows the body to fully use its rotational forces when hitting the serve. Some of us knew h ow John McEnroe stood to serve and then turn his back to the net on the toss. He was very good a using his body to serve.要发出⼀个好的发球,必须将⾝体置于与⽹⼤致平⾏的⽅向,或者说与⾝体与底线成90度⾓.脚也要平⾏底线,但脚趾可以稍稍朝向底线.第⼀个动作是往后转肩15度.因此因为⾝体与底线成90度,转肩后就成105度⾓.这样轻微的转肩可以使⾝体在发球时充分⽤上转动⼒.我们知道约翰.麦肯罗怎样站着发球,然后抛球时将他的背转动对着⽹.他⾮常善于使⽤他的⾝体来发球.The second common mistake is to open the shoulders too soon. I see many players turn their body open towards the net before the arm pulls the shoulders thr ough the contact. The best method for me to help someone is to have them hold their toss arm up longer than normal. This is because when the toss arm drops, it t ells the body to start rotating. The tossing arm is critical because its the first movement of the body after the toss is completed and its the first movement towards stri king the ball. Holding the toss arm up longer allows the racquet arm to build speed bring the shoulders around.第⼆个常见错误是打开肩过快.我看到很多选⼿在⼿臂带动肩部通过击球点之前就将⾝体转向⽹的⽅向.我帮助他们最好的办法是让他们将抛球⼿臂⾼举更长时间.这是因为当抛球⼿臂放下时,它就会告诉⾝体开始转动.抛球⼿臂是关键,因为它是抛球完毕后⾝体做的第⼀个动作,是准备开始击球的第⼀个动作.让抛球⼿臂举更长时间可以使执拍臂积聚速度带动肩部转动.s at its highest point and the toss arm is down low, almost pointing to the ground.发球时肩部是倾斜的也很重要.抛球臂向上运动时,那个肩部⽐执拍臂的肩更⾼.当抛球臂下降时(它应该落向⾝体的上腹部),肩部不单是上转,还要交换⾼低位置.在触球时,执拍臂的肩在它的最⾼点,抛球臂在低处,⼏乎指向地⾯.Doug Hofer, USPTA July 16, 2005发球别挠背(Don't Scratch Your Back)If you've ever had a serve lesson, the odds are good that yourinstructor told you to take your racquet back as if you were trying to scratchyour back. The problem with this advice is that players with good servicemotions never actually touch their backs with their frames, and players whotake this advice literally often end up with a lousy serve. Although it'sclear that the admonition to take your racquet to the back-scratch position isintended to help you visualize what a good service bacng feels like,there's a better way to do that.如果你上过发球课的话,你很可能听你的教练说过将拍⼦做挠背动作.这个建议的问题是,发球好的选⼿从来不会将他们的拍框接触到背部,⽽刻板的遵照这个建议去做常常会发出很烂的发球.虽然建议挠背动作的⽬的是帮助你了解好的发球后挥动作的感觉,但有⼀个更好的⽅法.Next time you practice your serve, rather than trying to achieve theback-scratch position, try to point the butt cap--the end of the handle whereyou see the company logo--straight up toward the sky when your racquet is allthe way back. You'll find that you have to arch your back, use your shouldermore, and employ a fuller bacng than if you simply tried to scratch yourback. Plus, you'll be less likely to develop a hitch, or undesired break, inyour service motion. All that adds up to a more powerful serve.下次你练习发球时,别想着做那个挠背动作,在拍⼦在⾝后的时候试着将球拍的底帽(上⾯有拍⼦公司的logo)指向天空.你会发现这样做你就必须弯你的背,更多的使⽤你的肩部,相⽐挠背会做到更充分的后挥.还有,你的发球动作也不⼤容易出现停顿.这些都会造就⼀个更强⼤的发球.对发球保持控制(Holding Serve)/hofertennis@/tiparchive39.htmlHOLDING SERVE对发球保持控制Being able to hold ones serve is very ingredient to becoming a great tennis player. There are a few factors that will increase your chances of holding serve even without a powerful serve.能够对⾃⼰的发球保持控制是成为⼀个好的⽹球选⼿不可或缺的素质.有⼀些因素可以增加你对发球的控制,即使可能不是强⼒的发球.First off, we would like to get at least 60% of our 1st serves in. When we continue to put the 1st serve into play we are putting pressure on our opponents. If we are constantly having to hit 2nd serves in or lose the point we are putting that same pressure on ourselves. So a consistent 1st serve with good pace and placement is a must.⾸先,我们需要保持60%的⼀发在界内.当我们持续成功⼀发时,我们就不断得给我们的对⼿以压⼒.如果我们经常不得不发⼆发或者丢分,我们就在将同样压⼒给我们⾃⼰.因此拥有⾼速,好落点的稳定⼀发是必须的.Second, we would like to place the ball in the service court. This means we consistently hit serves that land in one of three (3) places. In the deuce court we can serve the ball out wide, pulling our opponent off the court and opening up the court for our return. We can also serve down the middle at the T. This serve is good because it is hit at most opponents weaker side, the backhand for right-handers. This area is also good because it doesnt allow for much angle to hit winners with. The last serve is into the body. A serve that is placed down the middle of the service box will hopefully to produce a weak return that will allow us to end the point with a winner.第⼆,我们需要将球发进发球区.这意味着我们持续将球发在下⾯所说的3个位置中的⼀个.在双打中,我们可以将球发得更外⼀些,将我们的对于带出场外,为我们的回球打开位置.我们也可以将发在T区的中间.这样发球很好因为它是⼤部分对⼿的薄弱边--右⼿选⼿的反⼿区.它使得对⼿没有好的⾓度打出致胜球.最后⼀个位置是发向⾝体.发往发球区中间的球有希望得到对⼿的弱回球,我们就可以⽤⼀个致胜球得分.The third and final element is ball speed. Ball speed in this case refers to spin. The amount of spin a ball has directly affects its speed. Hitting a serve with spin will help keep the ball in place and allow for a fasterng. Hitting a ball flat with no spin should be used for the most power but it also creates more faults. Although spin slows a ball down, it allows us to hit a hard serve and use the spin to control the placement.最后⼀个因素是球速.这⾥说的球速指得是旋转.球旋转的程度直接影响它的速度.发旋转球可以使球落在适当位置,且允许你更快的挥拍.平击球主要是⽤于增加球的⼒量,但也增加的失误.尽管旋转使球速减慢,但它允许我们⼤⼒击球,通过旋转控制球的落点.Using these three elements of a serve at the proper time is important. Changing up the spin and placement on our serves will keep your opponent off balanced. Try hitting a 1st serve with 2nd serve power & spin or try hitting your 2nd serve with more power than your 1st. That should throw your opponent off guard. So when you're trying to win those close matches, having a reliable serve thats well place should allow you to hold serve more.在合适的时机使⽤发球的这三个⽅⾯很重要.在我们的发球中改变旋转和落点会使你的对⼿失去平衡.在⼀发时使⽤⼆发中的⼒量和旋转,或者试着在⼆发时使⽤⽐⼀发还⼤的⼒量.那样应该会把你的对⼿失去警惕.因此你想要赢取实⼒相当的⽐赛,拥有⼀个好落点的可靠发球会使能更好得控制⽐赛.Doug Hofer, USPTA October 14, 2005⾼级抛球技术(Advanced Ball Toss)/hofertennis@/tiparchive30.htmlADVANCED BALL TOSS⾼级抛球技术Here is a question from Alfredo in Florida.下⾯是佛罗⾥达的Alfredo的问题It is generally recommended for practicing your ball toss to place a racquet or a bucket slightly in front of your left foot and toss the ball so it will fall in the bucket or the racquet, whichever is used. Something that puzzles me is that some of the pros with the best serves toss the ball such that the ball describes a bow like traje ctory. They release the ball as recommended but the ball, if let fall on the court would fall about 1.5 - 2 feet to the left of the racquet or bucket placed in front of the l eft foot. Good examples of this are Pete Sampras and Marat Safin.练习抛球时通常建议在左脚稍前位置放⼀块拍⼦或桶,让球下落到⾥⾯.我有点搞不懂的是⼀些职业选⼿好的发球时,将球抛起划出像⼸的形状⼀样的轨迹.他们像建议中的那样松开球,但球落地时会掉在左脚前的拍⼦或桶左边⼤约1.5-2呎的地⽅.⽪特.桑普拉斯和马拉特.萨芬就是很好的例⼦.I saw a USTA satellite tournament where a guy with a great first serve took this to an extreme. He would toss-release the ball with his arm almost paralell to th e baseline and would actually hit it nowhere near where I would place a bucket or a racquet on the floor, but way to the left. It looked like he hit it to the left of his he ad in front of him. He had a trememdous pace and very good control.我在⼀场USTA卫星巡回赛中看到⼀个⼀发极棒的⼈把这种抛球发挥到极⾄.他会⼏乎与底线平⾏得⽤⼿臂抛出球,然后击球点与我练习时放的桶或拍⼦的位置完全不同,他的位置要左得多.看起来像是在他前⾯头部左⽅击球.他的球速很快,控制也⾮常好.The service ball toss that goes straight up and comes straight down is for beginners. Beginners use a eastern grip to serve so this ball toss placement is perfec t for them. Beginners don't use much shoulder rotation so there is no need to bring the toss arm back. The pro's however are using a continental grip to serve. This means their ball toss must be slightly to the left as you mentioned. The reason for the "bowed" toss as you described is because players must turn their shoulders 1 5% away from the net to achieve a good shoulder rotation. This makes it very difficult to turn your shoulders while tossing with the arm in front towards the net. Most players do bring the toss arm back with them on their ball toss and shoulder rotation. I do teach my advanced players to bring the toss arm back almost parallel to t he baseline like you observed. This allows the player to toss the ball in an arc over the left shoulder (for right handers) and still be able to have the ball toss end up inside the court.发球中直上直下的抛球适合初学者.他们采⽤东⽅式握拍所以这种抛球的位置很适合.初学者不怎么使⽤⼤的转肩动作,因此⽆需将抛球⼿臂收回.但职业选⼿使⽤⼤陆式握拍发球.这意味着他们的抛球必须稍稍靠左,像你提到的那样.像你描述的"⼸"式抛球的原因是选⼿必须将他们的肩与⽹的⽅向转开15%以获得更好的肩部旋转.⼿臂向前冲着⽹抛球会使得转肩很困难.很多选⼿在抛球转肩后的确会收回⼿臂.我在教我的⾼级学员时也会告诉他们把抛球⼿臂以⼏乎平⾏底线的⽅向收回,像你观察到的那样.这样使得选⼿可以将球以弧线⽅式越过左肩(右⼿选⼿),同时仍然可以使抛出的球落在场内.Doug Hofer, USPTA April 22, 2005为发球增加旋转(Adding Spin To Serves)/hofertennis@/tiparchive32.htmlADDING SPIN TO SERVES为发球增加旋转I received an e-mail from Thomas in Sweden asking for more information on the service. One aspect of the serve is the spin that players add to the serve shot. Basi cally there are two kinds of spin.我收到来⾃瑞典的Thomas的⼀封email,问我关于发球更多的信息.其中⼀个⽅⾯是选⼿发球时加⼊的旋转.基本上有两种旋转.Slice or sidespin is a serve that should move from the right to the left for a right-handed player. The slice serve is used primarily to pull a player out wide or to spin the ball into the receivers body. Sidespin serves make it more difficult for the receiver to track the ball that is moving.切削或叫侧旋发球对于右⼿选⼿来说是从右往左的发球(注:怀疑是笔误).切削发球主要⽤来将对⼿拉开⼤的⾓度,或者是将球旋转着飞⾝对⼿的⾝体.侧旋发球使得接球⼿更难追踪移动的球.Kick or topspin is a serve that shouldn't move laterally but instead curves up and then down into the court. The kick serve is used primarily to make sure the ball cl ears the net and still comes down inside the service line. Kick serves are widely used as a safe second serve. Topspin serves make the ball seem to jump up into t he receiver making it tough to return with power.Kick或叫上旋发球不能侧向移动,⽽应该向往上包,然后向下打进场地.上旋发球主要⽤来保证球过⽹,还能在发球线内落地.上旋发球被经常⽤于⼆发,以求安全.上旋发球使球像是上跳着飞向接球者,使得很难强⼒得回球.There are variances between the two spin serves. It is possible to hit a sidespin serve with some topspin on it. Likewise it is possible to hit a topspin serve with some sidespin on it. It is very difficult to hit a true or pure topspin or sidespin serve. The amount of sidespin or topspin you put on your serve depends upon what yo ur trying to accomplish.这两种旋转发球间有些不同.在发侧旋球时可能会加⼀些上旋在⾥⾯,同样的,在发上旋球时也可能加⼊⼀些侧旋.要想发出⼀个纯粹的上旋或是侧旋球⾮常.侧旋或上旋的量取决于你的意愿.Spin on any shot in tennis actually slows the balls forward speed down. So spin on the serve will be slower than if the ball was hit with no spin or flat. The disa dvantage to hitting all serves flat is that it is harder to consistently hit the ball hard and into the court. Spin serves allow for a greater margin for error and topspin ser ves allow for the greatest amount of service error.⽹球出⼀中任何的旋转都会减慢球前冲的速度.所以发旋转球会⽐不加旋转或叫平击球来得慢.只发平击球的缺点是要始终强⼒击球且保持在界内会很难.旋转发球对错误有更⼤的容忍度,上旋发球对于发球中的错误有最⼤的容忍度.It is very difficult to hit a spin serve unless youre using a continental grip. This grip allows for a more versatile serve because you can hit topspin, sidespin and f lat with the same grip by moving the ball toss and contact position.如果你不使⽤⼤陆式握拍,要发出旋转球会⾮常难.这种握拍使得你能更多样得发球,上旋,侧旋,通过调整抛球和击球点⽤同样的握法也可以发出平击球.Next week I'll discuss the body position and body rotation on the serve.Doug Hofer, USPTA July 9, 2005发上旋球(TOPSPIN SERVE)to create a topspin you don't have to hit the top of the ball.most of spins ( top, side, back) come from off-center hit. for example, whenyou're serving a topspin, your racket moves mostly up-forwards before itreaches the highest point when your arm and racket are straight in line,therefore, the force transmitted to ball will be up-forward. forward forcegives the pace, upward one brings the topspin. sure, during contact the ballsinks into the springbed,springs bite the ball and give it extra torque, thatis why we hear "brush the ball" always.为发出上旋球你不必击打球的上部.⼤部分的旋转球(上旋,侧旋,下旋)都是通过击打⾮中⼼位置得到的.例如,当你要发上旋球时,在达到击球点之前(在击球点时你的⼿臂和拍⼦成⼀条直线),你的拍⼦主要是在做向上,向前的运动,因此,传到球上的⼒量也是向上,向前.向前提供球往前的⼒量,向上提供上旋.在接触球,球陷⼊线床时,拍弦吃住球,给它附加的转矩,这就是为什么我们经常听到"刷球"的说法.the reasons, i mentioned off-center here, are:在这提到偏离中⼼击打的原因如下:1. you can get topspin by hitting the mid-back of the ball or even lower-backof the ball. this is a good new for people shorter than 6 feet because theycan raise their contact point which is critical for both percentage andplacement.1.你可以通过击打球的中-后部,甚⾄是中下-后部来达到上旋的⽬的.这对6呎以下的⼈来说是个好消息,因为这样他们这样可以在更⾼的位置击球,这对发球的成功率和球的落点都⾄关重要.2.off-center HIT means don't just brush, you need to hit hard as well. if youdon't hit hard the springbed won't bite the ball and there won't be serioustorque (pingpong is quite different since the ball is light and the rubber issticky).2.偏离中⼼击打表⽰不要只是刷球,你还需要狠狠得击打球.如果你击打得不够⽤⼒,线床就⽆法吃住球,也就没有很好的转矩了(乒乓球很不相同,因为它很轻,且橡胶拍⼦粘性好).3. when you develop your serve, try to get a variety of combinations on speedand spin. think about how much upward and forward you need when young yourstick. how much the ball pops is only important when it can jump far enough topush you back or it will be a sitting duck inside the baseline waving foropponent to strike.3.在你练习发球时,试着使⽤不同的⼒量和旋转.想想在挥拍时你需要给出多少向上和向前的⼒道.anyway, you can hit a topspin by hitting the top of the ball. but you need tochange the grip to eastern backhand more, jump much higher, full stretch yourarm, toss the ball more straight upwards and hit more forwards because youhave to work harder to reach the top of ball and keep the same contactheight. this will create a more curved short serve which i normally use tokick wide on ad court. the ball can jump out off half way of the sideline ofthe service box.当然,你依然可以通过击打球的上部来达到上旋.但你需要将握拍改成更多些东⽅反⼿,需要跳得更⾼,更充分的伸展⼿臂,将球抛得更竖直,向前的击打更多,因为在保持相同击球⾼度的情况下,你需要更努⼒得接触到球的上部.这样会产⽣更弯的短球.球可以落在发球区边线⼀半的位置直接跳出底线.教⼩孩打球(Teaching Yong Kids)TEACHING YOUNG KIDS教⼩孩打球One of the most often asked questions I receive is, At what age should I start my child with tennis? The answer I give depends upon their goal for their child.我收到的最常被问到的问题是:我的孩⼦应该在多少岁开始打⽹球?我的回答会根据他们对孩⼦的⽬标⽽不同.If the goal is just to enjoy tennis for a lifetime, then there is no hurry to rush into the sport. At 4 or 5 years of age work with your child at rolling a ball on the grou nd with their hand. Rolling a ball on the ground works on the developing hand-eye coordination needed later. Roll the ball to a specific area or target. Bouncing bal ls require more development, so start slowly by toss balls to child to catch. Have them catch with both hands off a bounce and out of the air. Throwing balls is also g ood for the development direction and speed control. Try throwing to a target or bucket. Some racquet skills may be introduced at this stage by rolling balls with a r acquet is a good way to begin controlling the ball with a youth racquet (21 length). Balancing a ball on the racquet strings and walking can even be quite difficult. K eep the skills fun! Make games out of them to keep your child interested. The attention span at this age is about 5 minutes so change skills or games often.如果⽬标是为了⼀⽣享受⽹球,那么不⽤那么着急冲进⽹球场.在4/5岁的时候可以让孩⼦在地上⽤⼿滚球玩.这样可以锻练⽇后需要的⼿-眼协调性.可以要求将球滚⾄特定区域或⽬标.拍球需要更⾼的技巧,所以可以⼀开始慢慢得抛球给孩⼦让他们接住.让他们⽤双⼿接球,接弹地球和空中球.抛球有益于发展⽅向和速度的控制⼒.可以试着扔向⼀个⽬标或桶⾥.在这个阶段也可以介绍⼀些⽤拍技巧,在青少年拍(长度为21吋)上滚动球是开始练习控球的好⽅法.在⾏进中保持球在球拍中有相当的难度.让这个练习有趣起来!这样通过游戏来保持你孩⼦的兴趣.这个年纪孩⼦的注意⼒时间⼤概在5分钟左右,因此应该时时变换练习技巧和游戏内容.At 6 to 7 years children have developed enough to begin more racquet skills. Keep in mind that continued toss and throwing of balls at this age is still vital for he patience on your part. Success at hitting a bounced ball in any direction requires that the person tossing be exceptional at tossing to a precise target. Keep it fun! Again, make games out of the skills to keep their interest.6/7岁的孩⼦已经发育好了⾜够的能⼒开始学习更多的球拍技巧.需要记住的是不断的练习抛接球在这个年龄来说对于⼿-眼协调性的发育依然很重要.球拍技巧需要增加新的内容,在地上滚动球,控制它的⽅向和速度.停住冲⾃⼰的来球对孩⼦来说是新的内容.⽤球拍往地上拍球或向空中拍球应该在练习真实击球前介绍给孩⼦.需要控制性的持续拍球.可以为此做为⼀个游戏,数拍球不失误的次数.将球抛地弹起孩⼦让他击打需要你的⼀些耐⼼.成功的将弹起的球击向任何⽅向需要抛球的⼈好的抛球精确性.依然要保持练习的有趣性,通过游戏练习技巧,留住他们的兴趣.At 8 to 9 years children are now ready to fully begin hitting tennis balls over a net. Emphasis should be place on stroke form and ball direction. Small strokes with a steady racquet will produce the best results. Try having your child drop and hit balls to a target. Next begin to toss balls to your child so that they can hit the ball ri ght back to you, softly with control. Tossing and serving is still difficult at this age but can still be taught. Playing actual tennis games can be introduced but kids hav e better success at short court games. Consecutive rallies with a forehand or backhand can be game. Serving or hitting to targets that make noise is a great incenti ve (think aluminum trash cans).在孩⼦8/9岁的时候可以带着孩⼦去⽹球场练球了.这⾥应该将重点放在击球动作和控制球的⽅向上.稳定的⼩⼒击球会有最好的效果.可以让你的孩⼦试着将球弹地然后击向⼀个⽬标.然后可以开始将抛向你的孩⼦让他们把球轻轻的,但有控制的击回给你.对于这个年龄,抛球发球仍然很难,但还是可以教⼀教.可以开始打打真正的⽐赛,但短场赛能对孩⼦产⽣更好的效果.连续的⽤正⼿或反⼿拉球可以作为⽐赛内容.⽤发球或击球打向⽬标来产⽣噪⾳会是⼀个很好的激励(可以考虑⽤铝的可乐罐).With all skills and game the right equipment makes all the difference. With racquets the right size youth racquet is important. Youth racquets come in lengths of 21, 23, and 25 and the different sizes should be used at they progress. Special tennis balls are also important. SpeedBall is an oversized, high density, foam ball ar e great to slow the game down. Low compression balls also slow the ball down to help with building striking skills. Low nets, pee wee nets or no net at all improves the success rate and increases the fun.在学会了所有的技术和⽐赛内容后,合适的装备的意义就很⼤了.⽤合适尺⼨的青少年拍很重要.少年拍长度有21, 23和25吋的,在他们不同的发育过程应选⽤不同的尺⼨.特殊的⽹球同样重要.快速球(SpeedBall))是⼀种⽐⼀般尺⼨要⼤,⾼密度的泡沫球,可以使速度慢下来.低⽓压的球也可以使拿球速慢下来,帮助发展击球技术.低⽹,⼩⽹或者不⽤⽹都可以增加成功率和乐趣.If you have any more questions about teaching kids feel free to email me with your questions.Doug Hofer, USPTA November 4, 2005关于⾓度的策略(Strategy of Angles)/hofertennis@/tiparchive37.htmlSTRATEGY OF ANGLES关于⾓度的策略Tennis is a game of angles. The court might be a rectangle, the lines are either vertical or horizantal but the game is built on utilizing the angles to your advant age.⽹球是有关⾓度的竞技.尽管场地是⽅的,线是竖直或横的,但这项竞技建⽴在你如何利⽤好⾓度.First, the most important angle is that of proximity to the net. The closer you play the net the greater the angle of possible returns. It just makes sense that if you play tennis from 5 feet behind the baseline, your at a disadvantage. To use this strategy, you would want to move up inside the baseline to attack or create more an gle. Likewise a return that lands short in the opponents court, gives your opponent an advantage. This was covered in my last tip about hitting deep.⾸先,最重要的⾓度是对⽹的接近程度.你离⽹越近,可能的回球⾓度就越⼤.你要站在底线后5呎的地⽅打球也说得过去,但你处在不利的位置.要⽤上这个策略,你需要站到底线以内来打出或创造更⼤的⾓度.相同的,回在对⼿场内的短球对你的对⼿有利.The second important angle used is the cross court or wide ball. The further the ball lands away from the center service mark laterally, the more angle is created f or the return. Hitting balls out towards the singles sidelines moves your opponent but it also gives your opponent greater angle of returns. This strategy plays out w hen a player hits a ball out wide to pull their opponent off the court. The hope is that the hit is strong enough or far enough away from the opponent to solicit an erro r. The error in this case could be a weak return that lands short or in the middle of the court for you to hit the opposite direction to win the point.要⽤到的第⼆重要的⾓度是穿越场地球,或者叫宽球(⼤⾓度球).球的落点离发球中⼼线越远,回球的⾓度就会越⼤.将球击在单打边线附近能够调动你的对⼿,但同时也给你对⼿更⼤⾓度的回球.这个策略只有将球⼤⾓度使对⼿拉出场地时才有效.这样做是寄望于击球⼒道⾜够或者使球离对⼿⾜够远,从⽽迫使他/她失误.这⾥所说的失误可以是⽆⼒的回球,或回在你的场地中间,那样你可以打对⽅相反的⽅向致胜得分.Many times baseline players will hit the ball cross court, pull their opponent out wide and then not take advantage of the strategy by looking for the short or mid dle ball to put away. Instead they stay back and hit the return to keep the rally alive. This utilized both angle strategies listed. The player uses angle to pull their opp onent wide and then they should move forward to create a better angle to hit the next shot.很多时候底线型选⼿会打出⼤斜线的穿越场地球,将对⼿⼤⾓度拉开,但却没有利⽤这个策略来寻找击打短球或中球.相反,他们呆在底线击球,使多回合对决继续.这样就误⽤了这两条策略.选⼿⽤⾓度将他们的对⼿拉开,然后应该上前,为下⼀板击球创造更好的⾓度.I only wanted to cover two angles in tennis that can be used by everyone at all levels. Shots hit closer to the net have a great probability of going in. Shots hit w ide or away from center give the chance to use the first angle by closing and putting the ball away.我只想讲两个⾓度策略,它们在各种⽔平的⽹球赛中都能⽤到.近⽹击球更容易将球保持界内.打出外⾓球更有机会拉动对⼿产⽣致胜球.Doug Hofer, USPTA September 22, 2005于⾓度的策略(2) (Strategy of Angles #2)/hofertennis@/tiparchive38.htmlSTRATEGY OF ANGLES #2关于⾓度的策略(2)。
介绍网球运动的英语作文英文回答:Tennis is a racket sport that is played by two or four players. The players use rackets to hit a hollow rubberball over a net and into the opponent's court. The game is played on a rectangular court that is divided in half by a net. The court is made of grass, clay, or hard court.Tennis is a popular sport that is played by people of all ages and skill levels. It is a great way to get exercise and have fun. Tennis can also be a competitive sport, and there are many professional tennis players who compete in tournaments around the world.The basic rules of tennis are as follows:The game starts with a serve. The server hits the ball over the net and into the opponent's court.The receiver must hit the ball back over the net and into the server's court.The players continue to hit the ball back and forth until one player makes a mistake.A player makes a mistake if they hit the ball out of bounds, into the net, or if they hit the ball twice in a row.The player who makes a mistake loses the point.The first player to win six points wins the game.The first player to win six games wins the set.The first player to win two sets wins the match.Tennis is a great sport for people of all ages and skill levels. It is a fun and challenging way to get exercise and have fun.中文回答:网球是一项由两名或四名球员进行的球拍运动。
网球术语英汉对照tennis 网球运动lawn tennis 草地网球运动grass court 草地网球场racket 球拍racket press球拍夹gut, string (球拍的)弦line ball 压线球,触线球baseline ball底线球sideline ball 边线球straight ball 直线球down-the-line shot 边线直线球crosscourt 斜线球high ball, lob高球low ball 低球long shot 长球short shot 短球cut 削球smash 抽球,扣球,高压球jump smash 跃起抽球,跃起高压球spin 旋转球low drive 抽低球volley 截击空中球,抽射,拦击low volley低截球deep ball 深球heavy ball重球net 落网球flat stroke平击球flat drive 平抽球let 重发球fluke, set-up, easy 机会球ground stroke 击触地球wide 打出边线的球overhead smash, overhand smash 高球扣杀game 局set 盘fifteen all 一平thirty all二平forty all 三平deuce 局末平分,盘末平局love game 一方得零分的一局double fault 双误,两次发球失误not up两跳,还击前球着地两次service line 发球线fore court 前场back court 后场centre mark中点server 发球员receiver 接球员Aace 发球时,对方接球完全没有碰触到球之得分球advantage 占先,打到deuce后优势之一方,分发球占先及接球占先advantage for receiver 接发球方占先advantage for server 发球方占先all 平(比分相同)alley 单打与双打之间的场区alley fighter 善于打硬仗和绝地反击的选手alternate service 换发球American twist 美式旋转球approach shot 上网球attacker 攻击型选手attacking return 攻击性回球asphalt courts 沥青球场Bback court 后场back-hand 反手击球back-hand drop shot 反手放短球back-hand half-volley 反手半截击back-hand volley 反手截击backspin 下旋球ball 网球ball boy 球童/拾球员ball change 换球ball sense 网感,球感ball control 控球技术band 球网白边baseline ball 底线球be quiet 安静best of 3 sets 三盘两胜制best of 5 sets 五盘三胜制blade of racket 拍面blocked return 堵截回击球bodyline ball 贴身球/追身球break point 破发点bye 比赛轮空Ccement court 水泥球场centre bond 中心布带centre mark 中点centre service line 中线chair-umpire 主裁判change sides 交换championship 锦标赛champion 冠军chip 切球chop stroke 削球classical guide 经典打法clay court 红土场地/泥地consistency 稳定性continental 大陆式correction 更正court surfaces 场地表面cover the court 防守covered court 室内场地cross shot 斜线球cross-corner 对角球crosscourt 斜线球cut 削球Ddark horse 黑马deep ball 深球default 弃权defensive 防御性deuce 局末平分, 盘末平局disqualify 取消比赛资格double bounces 球弹地两次double break point 2个破发点double fault 双误, 两次发球失误double-handed backhand 双手反手击球double hit 在一次挥拍中球碰撞球拍两次double elimination tournament 双打淘汰赛doubles side line 双打边线doubles 双打doubles court 双打场地down-the-line shot 边线直线球/落底线球depth shot 打深度球driven return 抽击回击球drop shot 吊小球/短球Eeastern 东方式eastern forehand 东方式正手EPO(erythropoietin) 增强体能的违禁药物etnaer service line 中线event begins 赛事开始exhibition 表演赛Ffault 失误fifteen 十五fifteen all 一平finish 比赛结束first service 第一发球fitness 状态flat(cannon ball) 平击球(炮弹式)flat drive 平抽球flat stroke 平击球/平发球fluke, set-up, easy 机会球follow-through 跟进动作foot fault 脚部犯规/脚误footwork 步法fore court 前场forehand 正手forehand half-volley 正手半截击球forehand volley 正手截击球forward spin 上旋forty 四十forty all 三平foul 发球出界、无效球foul shot 技术犯规Ggame 局(1局为四分)giant slayer 巨人杀手good ball 好球good return 有效回击grab-punch position 截击位置grandslam 指Wimbledon/U.S. Open/French Open/Australian Open四大赛事grass court 草地网球场grip 握拍姿势/握拍法ground ball 落地球ground stoke 击触地球,即球落地弹起后再击球,是最基本的打法(抽球) gut, string (球拍的)弦Hhalf-volley 半截击球/反弹球hand signal 手势handle of racket拍柄hard court 硬地场地heavy ball 重球hinder 妨碍/干扰hindrance 妨碍hitting the ball 击球high ball, lob 高球form 状态hot shot 热门人物Iin 界内有效球in-form 球感极佳interference 干扰interruption 中断比赛Jjump smash 跃起抽球just out 刚好出界kill 杀球,使对方无力防守之球knee 膝knock-out 淘汰赛Llawn tennis 草地网球运动lead 领先left service court 左发球区let 重发球/重赛lift drive 提拉抽球lift 拉弧圈球line ball 触线球linesman 司线员lob 吊高球/挑高球long ball/shot 长球love 0分(出自法语)love game 一方得零分的一局low ball 低球low drive 抽低球low volley 低截球Mmacadam 碎石make the draw 抽签match 记分match point 赛末点mental skills 心理状态mixed 混双Nnet 落网球/发球触网,分net in(有效)及net out(无效)两种net-cord judge 球网裁判员net-post 网柱net rusher 上网型选手no-man’s-land 真空地带not up 两跳,球在地上弹跳两次obscurity 冷门offensive 进攻性order of receiving 接发球次序order of service 发球次序out 界外无效球out court 场外地区out-of-form 球感不好over-grips 护柄带over the net 球过网overhead 高球overhand service 上手发球overhead smash, overhand smash 高球扣杀overrules 改判Ppartner 伙伴passing shot 穿越球percentage play 沉着应战permanent fixtures 场上的固定物placement 球落点place-up 抛球play 比赛开始player 参赛者point penalty 罚分point score 比分point-up 指着球pole 网柱postpone 延期比赛progressive playing 改善打发Rracket press 球拍夹racket 球拍racquet 球拍ranking 排名ready 准备比赛ready position 预备位置receive 接发球receiver 接球员receiving formation 接发球的位置referee 裁判return回击球right service court 右发球区rules 规则round 轮round robin tournament 循环赛Sscore 得分second service 第二发球seed buster 种子克星seeding player 非种子球员seeded player 种子球员sensation 热门人物serve 发球server 发球员service 发球service area 发球区service court 发球区service line 发球线service return 回发球set 盘(6局为一盘)set point 盘末点/盘点short shot 短球shots 球路side line 边线sideline ball 边线球sidespin 侧旋转球single court 单打场区single elimination tournament 单淘汰赛single net post 单打支柱single side line 单打边线sitter 极容易的“菜”球slice 侧旋球slice service 削发球smash 抽球/抽球scoring in tie-break 决胜局计分spin 旋转球split-stepping 分开两脚站立stamina 耐力stance 站姿statistics 技术统计straight ball 直线球strap 中央带,球网中带stretching exercises 伸展运动strings 球拍线suspension 暂停比赛surface of ball 球面surprise return 突然的回击suspension 暂停swing 挥拍Ttactics 战术take-back 拉拍tennis 网球运动/网球tennis lines 网球场上的线tennis togs 网球衣thirty 三十thirty all 二平through the net 穿网球throwing position 准备击球姿势tie-break 决胜局/抢七局,正赛未分胜负后的加赛tie-breaker 平局决胜制time 时间到timing 击球时间的掌握top spin 上旋球toss 抛球turn 转身triple break point 3个破发点twist 强烈旋转球Uumpire 裁判underhand service 下手发球underspin 下旋球unsighted 没看见up-and-comer 处于上升期的新人upset artist 爆冷专家Vvolley 截击空中球Wwarm-up 热身运动/准备活动western 西方式wide 打出边线的球wide ball 离身球wind up 收拍winner 胜利者/致胜球wood 木板wooden court 木板场地wrap-around 包卷打法wrist 腕草地球场grass court拍面blade of racket场外地区out court中线centre service line木板场地wooden court拍柄handle of racker网球衣tennis togs网柱pole网球鞋tennis shoes球面surface of ball发球区service area发球得分ace水泥球场cement court中心布带centre band单数局advantage(ad) court室内场地covered court上网advance to the net控制落点得分球ace placement 发球占先advantage in盘末平局advantage game接球占先advantage out再平分Again抽出角度来angle the drive上网approach the net试图击球attempt a stroke沥青球场asphait court后场打法backcourt play 后场球员backcourt player 后挡background反手握拍法backhand grip 反手扣杀backhand smash 反手击球backhand左场区backhand courtaapproach shot 上网球attacking return 攻击性回击球asphalt courts 沥青球场advantage 领先alternate service 换发球alley 单打与双打之间的场区all 平(比分相同)bback-hand 反手击球back-hand volley 反手截击back-hand half-volly 反手半截击back-hand drop shot 反手放放球ball 网球ball sense 网感ball control 控球技术blocked return 堵截回击球bodyline ball 贴身球base line 底线ball boy 拾球员ball change 换球bye 比赛轮空be quiet 安静cchip shot 削球cement courts 三合土球场clay courts 泥球球场centre mark 中点consistency 稳定性court surfaces 场地表面cross-court shot 斜线球change sides 交换championship 锦标赛champion 冠军correction 更正chair-umpire 主裁判ddoubles 双打double-handed backhand 双手反手击球drop shot 短球depth shot 打深度球down-the-line shot 落底线球driven return 抽击回击球duce 平分double hit 在一次挥拍中球碰撞球拍两次double fault 发球双错误double bounces 球弹地两次default 弃权disqualiy 取消比赛资格double elimination tournament 双打淘汰赛eevent begins 赛事开始etnaer service line 中线exhibition 表演赛eastern forehand 东方式正手fforehand 正手forehand volley 正手截击球forehand half-volley 正手半截击球footwork 步法foot fault 脚部犯规faults 失误fitness 状态first service 第一发球follow-through 跟进动作foul shot 技术犯规fifteen 15fourty 40ggrip 握拍姿势grass courts 草地球场grab-punch position 截击位置ground stroke 弹地球game 盘good ball 好球good return 有效回击hhalf-volley 半截击球hitting the ball 击球hand signal 手势hindrance 妨碍iinterference 干扰jjust out 刚好出界kknock-out 淘汰赛llob 高吊球low volley 低截击球let 发球时球触网love 0分linesman 视线员mmental skills 心理状态mixed 混双make the draw 抽签nnet 球网net-post 网柱net-cord judge 球网裁判员no-man's-land 真空地带not up 球在地上弹跳两次oover-grips 护柄带out 出界overhead 高球overhand service 上手发球ppartner 伙伴player 参赛者passing shot 超越球percentage play 沉著应战place-up 抛球point-up 指著球progressive playing 改善打法postpone 延期permanent fixtures 场上的固定物qrracket 网球拍rallies 连续ready position 预备位置receiver 接发球员receiving formation 接发球的位置return 回击球rules 规则referee 裁判round robin tournament 循环赛ranking 名次sservice 发球service return 回发球shots 球路spin 旋转球sidespin 侧旋转球slice service 削发球smash 扣杀球split-stepping 分开两脚站立stamina 耐力stance 站姿stretching exercisees 伸展运动strings 球拍线surprise return 突然的回击swing 挥拍second service 第二发球score 得分strap 中央带side line 边线service line 发球线service court 发球区single court 单打场区suspension 暂停seeding player 非种子球员seeded player 种子球员single eliminatin tournament 单淘汰赛ttactics 战术take-back 拉拍tennis lines 网球场上的线throwing position 准备击球姿势timing 击球时间的掌握topspin 上旋转球turn 转身thirty 30分through the net 穿网球tie-breaker 平局胜制uumpire 裁判underspin 下旋球vvolley 截击wwarming up 热身运动wide ball 离身球双发失误(Double):连续两次发球都失败,并被判为丢掉一分。
• Tennis in china
• Thanks to Li Na’s 2 grand slams that encouraging more children learn to pick up rackets and walk on the court.Not only in China but also in whole Asia • Chinese tennis has a great development in last decade and we believe that it would be better and better
History of Tennis
In the 12th-13th cencury,to get rid of the simple life, so Christian Moenks invented the interesting game.
Then,the game was introduced into the French palace and soon got popular in the royals.So it was also called royal tennis. The name “Tennis” comes from the French word “Tennez” (用手丢来丢去).
Rafael Nadal from Spain 14 grand slams winner(9 in French open,2 in Winbledon,1 in Australia open,2 in US open) The king of clay
• Maria Sharapova • from Russia • 5 grand slams winner(2 in French open,1 in Australia open,1 in Wimbledon open,1 in US open) • The most successful female player in commercial field
最详细的网球解说网球英语(The most detailed tennis commentarytennis English)Tennis should be mastered in EnglishAn English Chinese table tennis GlossaryTennis court, tennis, courtBoth hands, double, handedGrassland grass, court, lawn, courtRotating spinAsphalt field asphalt courtGravel yard, macadam, courtCement ground cement courtWooden ground wood courtRotating spinTopspin topspinBackspin underspinFlat flat strokeForehand forehandBackhand backhandLine (baseline line)Service line service lineBall sense ball senseMidline center line wrist wrist Doubles side line doubles side line Footwork foot workSingles side line single, side, line Take wind upNet netFollow up, follow the follow-through The net postKnee kneeSingles stand single net postFalling earth, ground, ballBand bandChop sliceThe net with strapClassic play, classical, guideSingle, double, sideline, zone, alleyRoll play wrap-aroundFrontcourt forecourtBackcourt backcourtServe service, serveLeft service court left service courtFlat (cannon) flat (cannon ball)Side spin sliceAt the service court, right, service, court Strong spin ball twistMidpoint center markAmerican style rotary ball American twist Singles court, singles, courtDoubles ground doubles courtDistributor serverCatcher receiverReceiving service, receiveTennis tennis ballRacket racquet, racketServing order order, of, serviceService order order, of, receivingGrip gripOriental EasternContinental ContinentalWestern style westernOverhand serve, overhand, service Underhand serve, underhand, serviceTie break tie-breakChange the ball, ball, changeThe score is point scoreThe game was gameThe score is setWheel roundVolley, block, volleyAnti Pinball half-volley score match High pressure ball smashLob lobDrop the ball, drop-shot0 points love (0)1 points fifteen (15)2 points thirty (30)3 points forty (40)Ping all (such as 30 Ping newspaper as "thirty all")Deuce deuceAdvantage advantage inTake advantage of advantage outOffensive offensiveDefensive defensiveBall placement placementPick edges, tossGet ready for activities warm-upTime to time, leading leadPrepare for the game, ready decider, scoring, in, tie-break The game starts, the play game is over, finishOut of bounds, outIn inWipe net netThree sets, two wins, the, best, of, 3, setsFive sets, three wins, the, best, of, 5, sets Repeat service, letLet replayAbstaining, defaultFoot error foot-faultPenalty points point penaltyTwo hop not upInterfere with (interference) hinderBall over net, over, the, netServe direct score ace, ABall through net throughFirst serve, first, serviceSecond serve, second, serviceServing fault, faultServe two times, Miss double, faultCorrect correctionTo overrulesTake inventory (set point)Match point (a point) match point No, unsightedDisqualification disqualifyTechnical foul foul shotDelayed game postponePause the game, suspensionInterrupt game interruption30-0 thirty-love30-30 thirty all40-0 forty love40-15 forty fifteen40-40 deucesAdvantage XXX (the first domain name)Wipe the net again, net, first/second, serveTennis in Chinese and EnglishRelease time: 2012-04-22 browsing times:I. site equipment terminologyTennis court, tennis, court, front court, fore, courtHard court, hard, court, backcourt, back, courtLand Court, clay, court, midfielder, mid-courtClay court, red, clay, court, left service court, left, service, courtGrass court, grass, court, right service court, right, service, courtCement court concrete court midpoint center markCarpet court, carpet, court, Hawkeye, Hawk-EyePlastic court, synthetic court singles court, singles courtPitch course, asphalt court, doubles ground, doubles, courtFixtures permanent, fixtures, tennis, tennis, ballScoreboard scoreboard, racket racquet, racketThe service line service line to tie the gripMidline center line clap neck throatDoubles sideline, doubles, side, line, pat, racket, faceSingle side line in the singles sideline midsizeThe end (bottom line) base line shot oversizeBlock net back, and, side, stops, handle handleStand stand clap handle thickness grip sizeNet net server, ball, machinesThe net post tennis wall tennis wallSingles, struts, single, net, post, string machine, tennis, stringerBand band push water heater court squeegeeThe net with strap vibration dampening device shock absorberSingle, doubles, sideline zone, alley, tennis shoes, tennisDessert sweet tennis skirt skirtTennis cap cap power level powerWhen the rotating speed of swing stringThe number of pounds of tension control control string Sweet type string pattern paixian dessertStroke type stroke style vertical string mains Hardness stiffness racket length lengthEquilibrium balance material composition composition Cross string crosses carbon fiber graphiteHead size head size titanium metal titaniomFrame thickness construction glass fiber fiberglass Frame frameTwo, competition and referee languageDistributor server score point scorePlayer receiver, game gameReceive service, receive disk, disk, score setService order order, of, service, score matchService order order, of, receiving 0 points, love (0)First serve, first, service 1, fifteen (15)Second serve, second, service 2, thirty (30)Overhand serve, overhand, service, 3, forty (40)Tie break, tie-break flat, allLong disk advantage set equal deuceThe ball placement server advantage for server preemptionPick side toss receiver advantage for receiver preemptionReady to move, warm-up leads leadTime to time, the decider scoring, in, tie-breakPrepare for the game, ready, finishThe game begins at play, out of bounds outRound round in inThree sets of, the, best, three, of line ball, ball, falls, on, lineFive sets, three wins, the, best, of, five, wiping nets, netPreliminaries qualifying matches 1/4 final quarterfinals The first round of the the first round final finalSemi-final semifinals postponed game postponeRepeat service, let, pause game, suspensionServing fault fault abstentions default双误双故障罚分点惩罚脚误故障活球期脚球重赛重播取消比赛资格取消发球无效服务妨碍让(干扰)阻碍两跳达不发球直接得分ACE技术犯规罚球盘点(盘决胜分)的设定点在网络上赛点球过网(一场比赛的决胜分)匹配点通过发球失误故障球穿网更正校正手势手信号改判否决得分赢点没看见未警告警告中断比赛两跳不中断失分失去点休息时间休息时间摔球拍滥用球拍更换新球球变化罚分点惩罚双局数游戏偶数意外干扰入侵单局数添加一些游戏身体触网身体接触交换发球改变服务准备练习热身正选选手主要吸引玩家混双混合双打比赛开始前弃权退出交换场地:准备准备改变立场种子选手种子选手名次排名轮空再见司网裁判网,裁判比赛中弃权退休球童球童(球的孩子)比赛开始玩球邀请赛邀请赛主裁判裁判元老赛退伍军人司线员边裁表演赛展览挑战赛挑战者友谊赛友谊赛希望赛期货正选赛主要画比赛卫星赛卫星国际排名国际排名青少年赛青少年比赛赛制赛制公开赛开放淘汰制消除系统资格赛预选赛国内排名国家排名外围赛资格赛循环赛制单曲循环三、技术用语握拍法握双手双手东方式东部旋转自旋大陆式大陆上旋上旋西方式西方下旋下旋球下手发球低手发球平击平换球球改变正手正手抛球折腾反手反手步法脚工作正手上旋球正手上旋球收拍风正手下旋球正手下旋球跟进,随挥跟进反手上旋球反手上旋球球感球感反手下旋球反手下旋球截击、拦网凌空直线球边线直线球放小球吊球落地球地面球深球深沟球斜线球斜线球反弹球半截击削球芯片高压球粉碎发球服务,服务挑高球LOB侧旋球片防御性防守平击球(炮弹式)平(炮弹)进攻性进攻强烈旋转球捻击落地球地面中风美式旋转球美国扭曲攻击球强迫拍摄经典打法经典指南转体夹旋转包卷打法环绕拍面角度垂直面开放式站位开放的姿态上网型球员网球员底线型球员底线球员四、国际网球组织和赛事用语国际网球联合会国际网球联合会(ITF)国际男子职业网球协会职业网球协会(ATP)国际女子职业网球协会女子网球协会(WTA)温布尔顿大赛wimblendon美国公开赛美国公开赛法国公开赛法网澳洲公开赛奥地利开放戴维斯杯戴维斯杯联合会杯联合会杯霍普曼杯霍普曼杯超九赛超9。
• 很明显,罗迪克上体产生了强大的向前的 冲击力。
• 注意看罗迪克的嘴,从抛球直到最后手腕 的用力结束,整个过程中,他都是闭住呼 气的。生理学上讲,憋气助于发力
• 站位——两脚平行球网,双肩则指向网柱 (为接下来的转体储备了能量)
• 没有后摆,只是后拉,整个拉拍过程都在体 前完成
• 屈膝角度极大——90°(国外最新的研究 证明,大部分职业男子选手此夹角为70%)
• 拍、抛球的同时,身体已经完成了明显的 预转。现在,你可以从正面看见他的整个 后背了。双脚都是前脚掌撑地,充分的向 前顶髋,以保证旋转轴的稳定,同时上体 开始后仰
(International Tennis Federation)
(Association of Tennis Professional )
(Women's Tennis Association )
• Australian Open Tennis Championship
Unit 5
M.I.C组员: 胡飞盈 任梦霞 郑越群 蒋星驰 袁建超 朱 凝
How much do you know about tennis ?
网球(tennis)是一项优美而激 烈的运动,网球运动的由来和 发展可以用四句话来概括:孕 育在法国,诞生在英国,开始 普及和形成高潮在美国,现在 盛行全世界,被称为世界第二 大球类运动。1885年前后,网 球运动传入中国,经过一百多 年的发展,网球在中国的影响 正在逐步扩大。
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2009年:48胜15负 2010年:48胜18负
TennisEnglish网球英语第一篇:Tennis English 网球英语Tennis English Abuse of racquetAceAdvantageAdvantage receiver Advantage serverAllAlleyAlley fighterAlternate serviceApproach shotAsphalt courtATPAttacker Attacking returnBackcourtBackhandBackhand drop shot Backhand volleyBackspinBackswingBagel摔球拍 Ace球:Agassi believed he had served an ace at 5-3(40-30)in the deciding set.占先:接发球占先发球占先平(比分相同)单打边线(sideline)和双打边线中间的区域。
sideline(边线)又称作tramline 善于打硬仗和绝地反击的选手换发球球员为了接下来要上网而打的一种球,通常带着下旋(underspin)沥青球场国际职业网球联合会(Association of T ennis Professionals)攻击型选手攻击性回击球后场,球场中发球线(service line)与底线(baseline)之间的区域反拍反手放小球反手截击下旋,球的底部向前旋转的旋转方式,造成球往上浮且落地后弹跳得较低击到球之前的挥拍动作:The key to having a powerful serve is in creating a loop in your backswing and letting your racquet head drop behind you as you toss the ball.以6-0的比分赢下该盘。
double bagel为以6-0, 6-0的比分赢下该场比赛。
I like tennis player-li na
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Li na introduced
Name: Li Na (Li Na) Gender: female Native: wuhan in hubei Birthday: 1982-2-26 Height: 1.72 m
Height: 62 kilograms
Project: tennis From China first WTA (women's tennis association) women's singles events, to China the first breaking into the top 30 tennis player, to China the first grand slam events seeds, and then to China's first grand slam singles player in the last eight. This is the Chinese tennis player li na body aurstory of tennis
1. Tennis origin and development The origin and evolution of the tennis with four words can be summarized: born in France, was born in the United Kingdom, started to form and popularity in the United States, is now popular climax the world, known as the world's second largest ball games.
篇一:《双语作文:我最喜欢的运动 My Favorite Sport》I like to do all kinds of sports, in the morning, I will do some jogging and in the evening, sometime I will go to the gym with my friends. My favorite sport is playing tennis, tennis brings my life so much happiness, I can watch the match while talking to my friends happily. To do the sport will improve my health and make me catch up with the time.我喜欢做各种各样的运动,早上,我会做一些慢跑,在晚上,有时候我会和朋友去体育馆。
When I was small, one day, when I went home after school, I felt bored and opened the TV, then I saw the tennis match. Two beautiful girls were playing intensively, the game was so excellent, I couldn’t move my eye away from the match. From then on, I started to fall in love with tennis, I watched many matches and got to know more about the game.当我还小的时候,一天,当我放学回家后,我觉得很无聊,打开电视机,然后看到了网球比赛。
网球运动英文解说作文Tennis is a popular sport all over the world. It is a game that requires skill, speed, endurance, and strategy. In this essay, I will explain the rules and techniques of tennis, as well as the equipment needed to play the game.The game of tennis is played on a rectangular courtthat is 78 feet long and 27 feet wide for singles matches, and 36 feet wide for doubles matches. The court is divided into two halves by a net that is 3 feet high at the center and 3.5 feet high at the posts. The objective of the game is to hit the ball over the net and into the opponent's court, with the aim of making it difficult for them to return the ball.The game starts with a serve, which is hit from behind the baseline on one side of the court. The server must hit the ball into the diagonal service box on the other side of the court, and the ball must land within the boundaries of the box. If the serve is successful, the point continueswith the players hitting the ball back and forth over the net until one player fails to return the ball, hits it out of bounds, or commits a fault.A fault occurs when the server fails to hit the ball into the correct service box, hits the net with the ball, or steps over the baseline before hitting the ball. If a fault occurs, the server gets a second chance to serve. If the second serve is also a fault, the server loses the point.There are two types of shots in tennis: the forehand and the backhand. The forehand is hit with the dominant hand on the same side of the body as the ball, while the backhand is hit with the non-dominant hand on the opposite side of the body. There are also different types of grips that players can use to hit the ball, such as the Eastern grip, the Western grip, and the Continental grip.In addition to the grip, players also need to choose the right type of racket for their playing style. Rackets come in different sizes, weights, and string tensions, andcan have different head sizes and shapes. Players also need to wear appropriate clothing and shoes that allow for easy movement on the court.Tennis is a sport that requires a lot of physical and mental stamina. Players need to be quick on their feet, have good hand-eye coordination, and be able to think strategically to outmaneuver their opponents. With practice and dedication, anyone can learn to play tennis and enjoy the thrill of the game.In conclusion, tennis is a challenging and exciting sport that requires skill, speed, endurance, and strategy. The rules and techniques of the game are simple to learn, but mastering them takes time and practice. With the right equipment and a love for the game, anyone can become a skilled tennis player and enjoy the many benefits of playing this popular sport.。
介绍网球作文用英文英文:Tennis is a popular sport worldwide, and I am a big fan of it. It is a great way to stay active and have fun at the same time. Tennis can be played individually or in pairs, and it is a sport that requires a lot of physical andmental endurance.One of the things I love about tennis is the challengeit presents. Every game is different, and you have to constantly adjust your strategy to outsmart your opponent.It is a game of skill and strategy, and it is alwaysexciting to see how the match will unfold.Another thing I enjoy about tennis is the social aspect. Whether you are playing with friends or participating in a tournament, tennis is a great way to meet new people and make connections. It is also a great way to bond withothers and create lasting memories.In terms of equipment, tennis requires a racket and a ball. There are many different types of rackets and balls available, and it is important to find the ones that work best for you. Personally, I prefer a racket that is not too heavy and has a good grip.Overall, tennis is a fantastic sport that offers a lotof benefits. It is a great way to stay active, challenge yourself, and meet new people. If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend giving it a shot.中文:网球是一项全球流行的运动,我是它的忠实粉丝。
Australian Open
Australian Open was a Grand Slam tennis tournament held in Melbourne, Australia in January The total prize pool was set at exactly A$20 million, with the winners of both the men's and women's singles competition each receiving A$1,281,000.Over 500 players competed in 2007.
Maria Sharapova
is a former World No. 1 Russian professional tennis player. Sharapova has won 23 WTA singles titles, including 3 Grand Slam singles titles . The Women's Tennis Association has ranked her World No. 1 in singles on 4 separate occasions. She became the World No. 1 for the first time on Aug 22, 2005 and last regained this ranking for the fourth time on May 19, 2008. Sharapova made her professional breakthrough in 2004 when, at age 17, she upset two-time defending champion and top seed Serena Williams in the 2004 Wimbledon final for her first Grand Slam singles title.
unit6 tennis体育英语之网球
• 美国网球公开赛(U.S. Open)是每年度第4项也是最后一项网球大满贯赛事,通常在每 年8月底至9月初举行,赛事共分为男子单打、女子单打、男子双打、女子双打和男女混合 双打五项,并且也有青少年组的比赛。自1978年开始赛事在纽约USTA国家网球中心举行。 目前男、女单打的冠军都可获得高达1百万美元以上的奖金。 中文名: 美国网球公开赛 外文名: U.S. Open 比赛级别: 大满贯赛事 举办地: 美国,纽约 比赛时间: 每年八月底至九月初 场地类型: 室外 硬地 奖金: US$ 19,600,000
Well-know Events—Grand Slam Wimbledon
大 满 贯
U.S. Open
French Open
Australian Open
Well-know Events—Grand Slam
Period Tournament Location Surface
Australian Open
Hard (Plexicushion)
June–July August– September
French Open
US Open
New York City
Hard (DecoTurf)
• 法国网球公开赛(French Open)通常在每年的5月至6月举行。是继澳大利亚公开 赛之后,第二个进行得大满贯赛事。法国公开赛规定每场比赛采用5盘3胜淘汰制, 所以,一场比赛打上4个小时是司空见惯的。在这样的球场上,花这么长的时间去 打一场比赛,球员要有超群的技术和惊人的毅力才行。法国网球公开赛是与温布尔 顿锦标赛一样,在世界网坛上享有盛名的传统比赛。 中文名: 法国网球公开赛 外文名: French Open 赛事级别: 大满贯赛事 举办地: 法国,巴黎 比赛时间: 每年五月中到六月初 场地类型: 室外 红土 奖金: € 15,264,500
英语作文网球比赛全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Tennis MatchTennis is a widely popular sport that is enjoyed by people of all ages around the world. Whether you are a beginner or a professional player, the thrill of a tennis match is something that can be enjoyed by everyone. In this article, I will talk about my experience playing in a tennis match and the excitement and challenges that come with it.I remember my first tennis match like it was yesterday. I was nervous, but also very excited to finally test my skills against another player. As I walked onto the court, I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. The sun was shining, the crowd was cheering, and I was ready to give it my all.The match started, and I quickly realized that playing in a match is completely different from practicing with a partner. The pressure to perform well and win every point was intense, but it also pushed me to play my best tennis. With each rally, I focusedon my footwork, my positioning, and my shot selection, trying to outsmart my opponent and earn a point.As the match progressed, I began to feel more comfortable on the court. I started to anticipate my opponent's shots, adjust my strategy accordingly, and stay mentally tough even when I made mistakes. The back-and-forth nature of tennis matches kept me on my toes, and the competitive spirit of the game fueled my determination to come out victorious.However, playing in a tennis match also comes with its own set of challenges. The physical and mental demands of the game can be draining, and staying focused and composed throughout the match is crucial to success. Dealing with the highs and lows of a match, managing my emotions, and staying positive when things weren't going my way were all important lessons that I learned through playing in matches.In the end, I emerged victorious in my first tennis match, but more importantly, I gained a newfound appreciation for the game and the thrill of competition. Tennis matches are a true test of skill, strategy, and mental toughness, and every point won or lost is a valuable learning experience that helps me improve as a player.In conclusion, playing in a tennis match is an exhilarating experience that pushes you to your limits and tests your abilities as a player. The excitement of competing against another player, the challenges of the game, and the satisfaction of giving it your all make tennis matches truly unforgettable. So, next time you step onto the court for a match, embrace the thrill, challenge yourself, and enjoy the journey of playing the sport you love.篇2Tennis TournamentTennis is a popular sport that is enjoyed by people all over the world. It is a fast-paced game that requires skill, agility, and mental toughness. One of the most exciting aspects of tennis is the tournament format, where players compete against each other in a series of matches to determine the ultimate winner.A tennis tournament typically consists of a number of rounds, with players competing in singles or doubles matches. The most prestigious tennis tournaments are known as the Grand Slam events, which include the Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, and US Open. These tournaments attract the best players in the world and offer large cash prizes to the winners.In a tennis tournament, players are seeded based on their ranking, with the top players receiving higher seeds and facing lower-ranked opponents in the early rounds. This usually ensures that the best players do not face each other until later in the tournament, increasing the suspense and drama for fans.The matches in a tennis tournament are played in abest-of-three or best-of-five sets format, depending on the event. Players must win a certain number of sets to advance to the next round, with tiebreaks used to break any sets that are tied at six games each.The atmosphere at a tennis tournament is always electric, with fans cheering on their favorite players and creating a lively and energetic atmosphere. Players must remain focused and composed under pressure, as one mistake can cost them the match.In addition to the on-court action, tennis tournaments also feature a variety of off-court activities, including autograph sessions, fan meet-and-greets, and sponsor events. Fans can also enjoy delicious food and beverages while watching the matches on big screens throughout the venue.Overall, a tennis tournament is a thrilling and exciting event that showcases the best players in the world competing at thehighest level. Whether you are a die-hard fan or a casual observer, there is something for everyone to enjoy at a tennis tournament. So grab your racket, head to the court, and get ready for some intense action!篇3Tennis is a popular sport that is enjoyed by millions of people around the world. It is a fast-paced and exciting game that requires skill, agility, and endurance. Tennis matches are played on a rectangular court with a net in the middle. The objective of the game is to hit the ball over the net and into the opponent's court, while trying to prevent them from doing the same.One of the most prestigious tennis tournaments in the world is the Wimbledon Championships, which is held annually at the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club in London. The tournament was first played in 1877 and has since become one of the most important events in the tennis calendar. Wimbledon is known for its tradition, history, and strict adherence to etiquette.The Wimbledon Championships consist of five main events: the men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles, women'sdoubles, and mixed doubles. The matches are played on grass courts, which adds an extra level of challenge for the players. The tournament attracts the best tennis players from around the world, who compete for the coveted Wimbledon title.One of the most iconic aspects of Wimbledon is the strict dress code that players must adhere to. Men are required to wear white tennis shirts and shorts, while women must wear white dresses or skirts. This tradition adds to the unique atmosphere of the tournament and sets it apart from other tennis events.In addition to the strict dress code, Wimbledon is also known for its tradition of serving strawberries and cream to spectators. This delicious treat has become synonymous with the tournament and is a must-have for anyone attending Wimbledon.The Wimbledon Championships are also famous for their royal connections. The tournament is attended by members of the British royal family, who are often seen in the royal box watching the matches. This adds an extra level of glamour and excitement to the event.Overall, the Wimbledon Championships are a celebration of tennis, tradition, and history. The tournament brings togetherthe best players in the world to compete for one of the most prestigious titles in the sport. With its unique traditions, exciting matches, and glamorous atmosphere, Wimbledon truly is the pinnacle of tennis excellence.。
aapproach shot 上网球attacking return 攻击性回击球asphalt courts 沥青球场advantage 领先alternate service 换发球alley 单打与双打之间的场区all 平(比分相同)bback-hand 反手击球back-hand volley 反手截击back-hand half-volly 反手半截击back-hand drop shot 反手放放球ball 网球ball sense 网感ball control 控球技术blocked return 堵截回击球bodyline ball 贴身球base line 底线ball boy 拾球员ball change 换球bye 比赛轮空be quiet 安静cchip shot 削球cement courts 三合土球场clay courts 泥球球场centre mark 中点consistency 稳定性court surfaces 场地表面cross-court shot 斜线球change sides 交换championship 锦标赛champion 冠军correction 更正chair-umpire 主裁判ddoubles 双打double-handed backhand 双手反手击球drop shot 短球depth shot 打深度球down-the-line shot 落底线球driven return 抽击回击球duce 平分double hit 在一次挥拍中球碰撞球拍两次double fault 发球双错误double bounces 球弹地两次default 弃权disqualiy 取消比赛资格double elimination tournament 双打淘汰赛eevent begins 赛事开始etnaer service line 中线exhibition 表演赛eastern forehand 东方式正手fforehand 正手forehand volley 正手截击球forehand half-volley 正手半截击球footwork 步法foot fault 脚部犯规faults 失误fitness 状态first service 第一发球follow-through 跟进动作foul shot 技术犯规fifteen 15fourty 40ggrip 握拍姿势grass courts 草地球场grab-punch position 截击位置ground stroke 弹地球game 盘good ball 好球good return 有效回击hhalf-volley 半截击球hitting the ball 击球hand signal 手势hindrance 妨碍iinterference 干扰jjust out 刚好出界kknock-out 淘汰赛llob 高吊球low volley 低截击球let 发球时球触网love 0分linesman 视线员mmental skills 心理状态mixed 混双make the draw 抽签nnet 球网net-post 网柱net-cord judge 球网裁判员no-man's-land 真空地带not up 球在地上弹跳两次oover-grips 护柄带out 出界overhead 高球overhand service 上手发球ppartner 伙伴player 参赛者passing shot 超越球percentage play 沉著应战place-up 抛球point-up 指著球progressive playing 改善打法postpone 延期permanent fixtures 场上的固定物qracket 网球拍rallies 连续ready position 预备位置receiver 接发球员receiving formation 接发球的位置return 回击球rules 规则referee 裁判round robin tournament 循环赛ranking 名次sservice 发球service return 回发球shots 球路spin 旋转球sidespin 侧旋转球slice service 削发球smash 扣杀球split-stepping 分开两脚站立stamina 耐力stance 站姿stretching exercisees 伸展运动strings 球拍线surprise return 突然的回击swing 挥拍second service 第二发球score 得分strap 中央带side line 边线service line 发球线service court 发球区single court 单打场区suspension 暂停seeding player 非种子球员seeded player 种子球员single eliminatin tournament 单淘汰赛ttactics 战术take-back 拉拍tennis lines 网球场上的线throwing position 准备击球姿势timing 击球时间的掌握topspin 上旋转球turn 转身thirty 30分through the net 穿网球tie-breaker 平局胜制uumpire 裁判underspin 下旋球vvolley 截击wwarming up 热身运动wide ball 离身球双发失误(Double):连续两次发球都失败,并被判为丢掉一分。
Tennis is a popular sport that is played on a rectangular court with a net dividing the playing area. It can be played individually against a single opponent (singles) or between two teams of two players each (doubles). The objective of the game is to hit the ball over the net and into the opponent's court in a way that makes it difficult or impossible for the opponent to return the ball. Tennis requires a combination of physical skill, strategy, and mental focus. It is a fast-paced and dynamic sport that demands speed, agility, and strength.
Translated content:
体育英语 网球篇
网球英语AAce [eis] (爱司球) –一个接发球方球员碰不到的优质发球:Agassi believed he had served an ace at 5-3 (40-30) in the deciding set.阿加西认为他在决胜盘中5-3(40-30)时曾发出过一记Ace球Advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ, əd'væn-] (占先) –为一位球员在平分( deuce )后再得一分的情况。
在这种情况下,这位球员只要再拿下一分,即可拿下该局Such action will advantage our cause.这样的行为将有助于我们的事业。
Alley –单打边线( sideline )和双打边线中间的区域。
sideline ['saidlain] (边线)又称作tramline ['træmlain]Approach shot [ə'prəutʃ] [ʃɔt]–球员为了接下来要上网而打的一种球,通常带著下旋( underspin )Goosen hits approach shot in heavy rain, Ball stops close to pin. 古森在大雨中一记近距离击球,球在球洞附近停下。
ATP –国际职业网球联合会( Association of Tennis Professionals ),男子的职业网球联合会BBackcourt (后场) ['bækkɔ:t] –球场中发球线( service line )与底线( baseline )之间的区域。
He rebounded the ball in backcourt. 他在后场抢到篮板球。
Backhand (反手拍、反拍) ['bæk'hændid] –一种以主要持拍手臂的背面来面向球的来向、跨过身体地挥动以击球的挥拍方法。
我喜欢的运动是羽毛球和网球英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Sports: Badminton and TennisI have always been an active person who enjoys engaging in various sports and physical activities. Among all the sports I have tried, two of my favorites are badminton and tennis. Both sports provide me with a great sense of fulfillment and enjoyment, and I would like to share my experiences with these sports.Badminton is a sport that I have been playing for many years.I was introduced to badminton when I was in high school, and I instantly fell in love with the fast-paced nature of the game. The thrill of hitting the shuttlecock back and forth across the net, the quick movements required to reach the shuttlecock, and the strategic thinking involved in outsmarting your opponent all make badminton an exciting and engaging sport.One of the things I love most about badminton is the intense physical workout it provides. Badminton requires players to have quick reflexes, agility, and endurance. The constant running, jumping, and swinging of the racket not only improve myphysical fitness but also help me stay in shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, playing badminton helps me relieve stress and clear my mind after a long day of work or study.Another reason why I enjoy playing badminton is the social aspect of the sport. Whether I am playing singles or doubles, badminton allows me to connect with others and build friendships through friendly competition. I have met so many like-minded individuals and made lasting friendships through this sport, and I am grateful for the sense of camaraderie and support that badminton has brought into my life.On the other hand, tennis is another sport that I have grown to love over the years. I started playing tennis in college, and I was immediately drawn to the excitement and challenge of the game. Tennis offers a different set of skills and techniques compared to badminton, but the thrill of hitting the ball with precision and power is equally satisfying.One of the things I appreciate about tennis is the mental aspect of the game. Tennis requires players to think strategically, anticipate their opponent's moves, and adapt their playing style accordingly. The mental toughness and concentration needed to excel in tennis have taught me valuable lessons about focus,resilience, and sportsmanship, which I apply not only on the court but also in other aspects of my life.Moreover, tennis has allowed me to push my physical limits and improve my overall fitness level. The constant movement, footwork, and coordination required in tennis have helped me enhance my speed, agility, and endurance. Playing tennis has also boosted my hand-eye coordination and reflexes, which has translated into better performance in other sports and activities.In addition to the physical and mental benefits, tennis has provided me with a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. The satisfaction of hitting a perfect serve, executing a flawless backhand, or winning a match against a tough opponent is something that I cherish and strive for in every game I play. The competitive nature of tennis has fueled my passion for the sport and motivated me to keep pushing myself to improve and reach new heights in my playing abilities.In conclusion, badminton and tennis are two sports that hold a special place in my heart. Both sports offer unique challenges, exhilarating experiences, and valuable life lessons that have shaped me into a better and more well-rounded individual. Whether I am on the badminton court or tennis court, I feel a sense of joy, fulfillment, and belonging that I cannot findanywhere else. I am grateful for the opportunities to play these sports and for the positive impact they have had on my life. I look forward to continuing my journey with badminton and tennis and to exploring new ways to challenge myself and grow as a player and as a person.篇2My Favorite Sports: Badminton and TennisSports have always played a significant role in my life. They not only keep me fit and healthy, but also provide me with a sense of achievement and happiness. Among all the sports I have tried, my two favorite sports are badminton and tennis.Badminton is a sport that I have been playing since I was a child. I remember the first time I held a badminton racket in my hand and hit the shuttlecock over the net. I instantly fell in love with the fast-paced nature of the game and the need for quick reflexes and agility. Badminton requires a great amount of coordination between hand and eye movements, as well as good footwork to move around the court efficiently.One of the things I love most about badminton is that it can be played by people of all ages and skill levels. Whether I am playing with friends for fun or competing in a tournament,badminton always brings me joy and excitement. The feeling of hitting a perfect shot or winning a close match is incomparable.On the other hand, tennis is a sport that I started playing in my teenage years. Although the rules and skills required in tennis are different from badminton, I found the experience enjoyable and challenging. The game of tennis demands not only physical strength and endurance, but also mental focus and strategic thinking. I love the feeling of power and control when I hit a forehand or backhand shot down the line, as well as the thrill of serving an ace.Tennis is a sport that requires a great deal of practice and dedication to improve. I have spent countless hours on the court working on my technique and refining my skills. The sport has taught me the importance of perseverance and discipline, as well as the value of teamwork and sportsmanship.In addition to the physical and mental benefits, both badminton and tennis have helped me build friendships and bond with others who share the same passion for sports. Whether I am playing doubles with my friends or participating in a mixed doubles tournament, the camaraderie and support from my teammates have always been a source of motivation and inspiration.Overall, badminton and tennis are not just sports to me, but a way of life. They have shaped me into the person I am today and taught me valuable lessons that I will carry with me forever. I am grateful for the opportunities to play these sports and look forward to many more years of enjoyment and success on the court.篇3My Favorite Sports: Badminton and TennisI have always been an active person, who enjoys spending time outdoors and playing sports. Two of my favorite sports are badminton and tennis. I love the fast pace and physical challenge that both sports offer, as well as the social aspect of playing with friends.I first started playing badminton when I was in high school. I was immediately drawn to the speed and agility required to play the game. Badminton is a fast-paced sport that requires quick reflexes and precise hand-eye coordination. I love the feeling of hitting the shuttlecock just right and watching it soar over the net. The best part about badminton is the competitive nature of the game. I always feel a rush of adrenaline when I play a close match against a worthy opponent.Tennis is another sport that I have grown to love over the years. I started playing tennis in college and quickly fell in love with the game. Tennis is a great workout that requires strength, endurance, and agility. I love the feeling of hitting a powerful serve or a well-placed shot that leaves my opponent scrambling to return the ball. Tennis is a mental game as much as it is physical, requiring strategic thinking and quick decision-making on the court.One of the things I enjoy most about both badminton and tennis is the social aspect of playing with friends. Whether it's doubles badminton or a singles tennis match, I always have a great time competing with my friends and pushing each other to be the best players we can be. Playing sports has brought me closer to my friends and has given me a sense of camaraderie that is hard to find elsewhere.In addition to the physical and social benefits of playing badminton and tennis, I also appreciate the mental benefits of both sports. Playing badminton and tennis requires focus, determination, and resilience. I have learned valuable lessons about perseverance and sportsmanship through playing these sports, lessons that have carried over into other areas of my life.Overall, badminton and tennis are two sports that I will continue to play for many years to come. I love the challenge, the excitement, and the camaraderie that come with playing these sports. Whether I'm on the court hitting the shuttlecock or the tennis ball, I always feel alive and energized when I'm playing badminton and tennis. These sports have brought me joy, friendship, and personal growth, and I am grateful for the opportunity to play them.。
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网球英语AAce [eis] (爱司球) –一个接发球方球员碰不到的优质发球:Agassi believed he had served an ace at 5-3 (40-30) in the deciding set.阿加西认为他在决胜盘中5-3(40-30)时曾发出过一记Ace球Advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ, əd'væn-] (占先) –为一位球员在平分( deuce )后再得一分的情况。
在这种情况下,这位球员只要再拿下一分,即可拿下该局Such action will advantage our cause.这样的行为将有助于我们的事业。
Alley –单打边线( sideline )和双打边线中间的区域。
sideline ['saidlain] (边线)又称作tramline ['træmlain]Approach shot [ə'prəutʃ] [ʃɔt]–球员为了接下来要上网而打的一种球,通常带著下旋( underspin )Goosen hits approach shot in heavy rain, Ball stops close to pin. 古森在大雨中一记近距离击球,球在球洞附近停下。
ATP –国际职业网球联合会( Association of Tennis Professionals ),男子的职业网球联合会BBackcourt (后场) ['bækkɔ:t] –球场中发球线( service line )与底线( baseline )之间的区域。
He rebounded the ball in backcourt. 他在后场抢到篮板球。
Backhand (反手拍、反拍) ['bæk'hændid] –一种以主要持拍手臂的背面来面向球的来向、跨过身体地挥动以击球的挥拍方法。
Backspin (下旋、倒旋) ['bæk,spin]–球的底部向前旋转的旋转方式。
This backspin makes the ball easier to catch.后旋球容易接。
Backswing ['bækswiŋ]–击到球之前的挥拍动作The key to having a powerful serve is in creating a loop in your backswing and letting your racquet head drop behind you as you toss the ball.要发出有力的球关键在于在击球前尽量把手臂轮成圆圈,抛起球后,把球拍举到头的后方。
∙Bagel (贝果) ['beiɡəl] –以6-0的比数赢下该盘。
double bagel为以6-0,6-0的比数赢下该场比赛Ball Boy (球童) –为当每一分打完时,在球场上负责捡球的男性或女性。
∙I was a ball boy when he used to play for Paris Saint-Germain.∙在莱昂纳多效力于巴黎圣日耳曼的时候,我是那里的一名球童Best of five (五盘三胜制) 比赛最多打五盘,先赢三盘者获胜Best of three (三盘两胜制)比赛最多打三盘,先赢两盘者获胜Big serve (大力发球)一个强而有力的发球,通常使得发球方在这一分中占有优势Do you like playing against Ljubicic and his big serve?∙你想和柳比西奇打吗?还有他的大力发球你感觉如何?∙Block (挡) [blɔk] 一种击球前挥拍动作不大的防御性击球方式,通常是在回发球时Bread stick –以6-1的比数赢下该盘。
参见贝果( bagel ) Break (破发球局、破发) –接发球方球员破了发球方球员的发球局而赢下该局Break point (破发点) –再赢一分即可破发的状况Bye (第一轮轮空) 该位球员不须要打第一轮,直接优惠晋级至第二轮。
在部分赛事的赛制设计上会给予种子球员此优惠;或是由于参赛人数不足等原因而给予部分球员此优惠CCenter line (中线) 在球场中间,垂直于网子、用来界定发球有效区域的直线。
Chip (切球、削球) [tʃip] 一种带著下旋( underspin )地挡( block )一球的击球方法Chip and charge –为一种积枀进攻的战略,回发球时带著下旋( underspin )然后上网Chop (切球、削球) [tʃɔp] –带著强烈下旋( underspin )的一球He often chopped the ball instead of driving it.他常常削球,而不是抽球。
Court (球埸) [kɔ:t] –设计用来打网球的区域∙The hotel has several tennis and squash courts.该旅馆有几个网球场和壁球场。
DDeuce (平分) [dju:s] –在一局( game )中,比分40-40的情况。
参见占先( advantage )Dink [diŋk]–脚步没有任何移动地击一球Dirtballer –擅长在红土球埸上打球的球员Double Fault (双发失误、双误) –在一分之中连续两次发球失误( fault ),导致球员因此输掉该分Doubles (双打) –由四位球员一起打球的网球比赛,球场的每边各有两名球员∙They are much better doubles players.他们是更好的双打选手。
Down the line (直线行进) –击一球并使之笔直地前进而进入对手的球场Drop shot (过网急坠球、放小球) –击球的力道很轻、使之刚好通过网子上方即坠下来的一球。
目的是使位置离网子很远的球员防备不及To hit a good drop shot one needs a good slice or underspin shot. Adrop shot is really nothing more than an underspin shot that landsshort or close to the net.要放好小球需要有好的切削球或下旋球技术。
∙Drop volley ['vɔli]–由截击( volley )所击出的过网急坠球( drop shot ) Basic shots include the backhand and forehand chops, the backhand and forehand drives. The backspin chop, the block shot, the drop shot, the smash, the cross shot and the half volley.基本打法包括:反手和正手削球.反手和正手抽球.削下旋球.推挡.吊球.扣杀.斜线球和快拨.∙ FFault (发球失误) [fɔ:lt] 发球时,球没有落进正确的区域。
因此这一分不会开始打He caught the ball on his first toss and then served a fault.他击中了第一次抛起的球,随后发球失误∙First Service (第一发球) –在一分开始时,发球方球员所拥有的两次发球机会中的第一次发球机会Flat (平击) –带著较少旋转的一球。
例如:平击发球( a flat serve )Follow through(随球动作) –击到球之后的挥拍动作Foot fault (脚误、脚部失误、踩线犯规) –发球方球员发球时,在球拍触到球之前,因为脚踩入球场或跨过中心标(the center hash mask)的假想延伸线而导致该次发球失误Setting an even poorer example was the tennis starSerena Williams, who was called for a foot fault late in her U.S.∙网球明星小威廉姆斯(Serena Williams)的事例更糟糕Forehand (正手拍、正拍) ['fɔ:hænd]一种以主要持拍手臂的正面面向球的来向、由身体后方向前挥击的挥拍方法。
参见反手拍( backhand ) I mean it's not only forehand, backhand.我的意思是不只正手击球和反手击球∙GGame point (局点) –指再赢得一分即可赢得该局的情况Golden set –没有输掉任何一分地赢下该盘Golden Slam (金满贯) [slæm] –在一年之中,完成大满贯( winning theGrand Slam )且赢得奥林匹克运动会中网球项目的金牌Is winning a calendar year Grand Slam (or Golden Slam like Steffi) one of your career goals?(赢得全满贯(或者像格拉芙那样赢得金满贯)是你职业生涯的目标吗?)Grand Slam (大满贯) –指一年里四个最著名的赛事:澳大利亚网球公开赛、法国网球公开赛(又称罗兰·加洛斯)、温布尔登网球锦标赛、美国网球公开赛。
完成大满贯( winning the Grand Slam )是指在一年之中这四个赛事全部赢下Groundies (击落地球)Groundstroke (击落地球) –在球于球场上弹跳一次后的正拍( forehand )或反拍( backhand )击球HHail Mary –一个枀高的高吊球( lob ),目的是防守。
Head (拍头) [hed] –球拍包含线的部分。
Hold (保住发球局、保发) –发球方球员赢下该局。
II-formation –双打中,在一分开始打之前,发球方球员和其搭挡站在球场同一边Inside-out –跑到球埸的一边(例如:反手拍那边)然后击出crosscourt 球Inside-in –跑到球埸的一边然后击出直线行进( down the line )的球。