10 Theodore_Dreiser美国文学

Main Literary Works
Sister Carrie 1900 《嘉莉妹妹》 嘉莉妹妹》 Jennie Gerhardt 1911 《珍妮姑娘》 珍妮姑娘》 Financial 1912 《金融家》 金融家》 The Titan 1914 《巨人》 巨人》 The “Genius” 1915 《天才 》 An American Tragedy 1925 《美国悲剧》 美国悲剧》 The Stoic 1947 《斯多葛》 斯多葛》
Born Died Occupation Wife Parents
Hale Waihona Puke 1871-08-27,Indiana 1945-12-28,Hollywood Novelist Sara White Sarah and John Paul Dreiser
Dreiser was born in Terre Haute, Indiana, to Sarah and John Paul Dreiser, a strict Catholic family. John Paul Dreiser was a German immigrant from Mayen in the Eifel region, and Sarah was from the Mennonite farming near Dayton, Ohio; she was disowned for marrying John and converting to Roman Catholicism. Theodore was the twelfth of thirteen children (the ninth of the ten surviving). The popular songwriter Paul Dresser (1857–1906) was his older brother.

作家作品Naturalism1、Stephen Crane斯蒂芬·克莱恩1871-1900 战争小说之父Maggie: A Girl of the Streets《街头女郎麦琪》(美国文学史上首次站在同情立场上描写受辱妇女的悲惨命运), a pioneering work of sociological naturalism;关于南北战争的The Red Badge of Courage《红色英勇勋章》,奠定了他在美国文坛上不可动摇的地位;优秀短篇小说集The Open Boat《海上扁舟》和blue hotel 《蓝色旅馆》; wounds in the rain 《雨中的伤痕》The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky《新娘来到黄天镇》2、Theodore Dreiser西奥多·德莱塞1871-1945美国文学史上最杰出的现实主义小说家,一位以探索充满磨难的现实生活着称的美国自然主义作家.Sister Carrie《嘉莉妹妹》,真实再现了当时美国社会;Jennie Gerhardt《珍妮姑娘》,被称为《嘉莉妹妹》的姐妹篇;Trilogy of Desire欲望三部曲(Financer金融家,The Titan巨人,The Stoic斯多噶);An American Tragedy《美国悲剧》是德莱赛成就最高的作品,是人们清晰地看到了美国社会的真实情况,“至今依然具有巨大的现实意义”在《美国悲剧》中,Dreiser intended to tell us that it is the social pressure that makes Clyde's downfall inevitable. Clyde's tragedy is a tragedy that depends upon the American social system which encouraged people to pursue the "dream of success" at all costs.1、Naturalism emphasized heredity and environment as important deterministic forces shaping individualized characters who were presented in special and detailed circumstances.2. The effect of Darwinist idea of "survival of the fittest" was shattering. It is not surprising to find in Dreiser's fiction a world of jungle, where “kill or to be killed” was the law.Dreiser's Writing Features:✓As a naturalist writer, Dreiser stressed determinism in his novels which deals with everyday life, often with its sordid side.✓As a naturalist, he developed the capacity for photographic and relentless (无情的) observation, thereby truthfully reflecting the society and people of his time.✓His narrative method is natural and free from artifice.Modern Poetry3、Robert Frost罗伯特·弗罗斯特1874-196320世纪最受欢迎的美国诗人, 美国文学中的桂冠诗人田园诗;自然诗☐He used symbols from everyday country life to express his deep ideas. His graceful and traditional poetic style is highly appreciated in the country.A Boy's Will少年心愿and North of Boston波士顿之北were published and highly acclaimed in England. Mending Wall修墙,After Apple-picking摘苹果之后;Mountain Interval山间The Road Not taken没有选择的道路;New Hampshire 《新罕布什尔West-running Brook西流的溪涧;A Further Range 又一片牧场;A Witness Tree一株作证的树a masque of reason《理智的假面具》a masque of mercy慈悲的假面具complete poems诗歌全集a steeple bush尖塔丛林The Analysis of “The Road Not Taken”1.when confronted with important decisions which one must make in life, one must accept theconsequences, for he will not have a chance to go back.2.He encourages people to try things new and choose the road less traveled by. At the same time,he expresses the regrets that one can not choose two at the same time.3.The poem is written in iambic pentameter with the rhyme scheme ABAAB4.Symbolism is used as a very effective writing technique.4、Ezra Pound艾兹拉·庞德1885-1972Imagism1) With a spirit of revolt against conventions, imagism was anti-romantic and anti-Victorian.2) Imagism produced free verse without imposing a rhythmical pattern.3) Imagism tried to record objective observations of an object or a situation without interpretation or comment by the poet (creating an image). It calls for brief language, and pinpoints the precise picture in as few words as possible.美国著名诗人,意象派的代表人物。

Delaisai德莱塞,T.Theodore Dreiser (1871~1945)美国小说家。

一、浪漫主义文学浪漫主义文学兴起于 18 世纪末至 19 世纪初,强调个人情感、想象力和自然的重要性。
(一)英国浪漫主义作家1、威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)他是英国浪漫主义诗歌的先驱之一,其作品强调对自然的热爱和对普通人生活的关注。
代表作有《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads)。
2、塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)他的诗作充满奇幻的想象和神秘的元素,《古舟子咏》(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)是其经典之作。
3、乔治·戈登·拜伦(George Gordon Byron)拜伦以其奔放的激情和叛逆的精神著称,作品有《唐璜》(Don Juan)等。
4、珀西·比希·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley)雪莱的诗歌富有理想主义和革命精神,《西风颂》(Ode to theWest Wind)广为流传。
(二)美国浪漫主义作家1、华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving)他的作品具有浓厚的地方色彩和幽默风格,《瑞普·凡·温克尔》(Rip Van Winkle)是其代表作。
2、詹姆斯·费尼莫·库珀(James Fenimore Cooper)以描写边疆生活和印第安人而闻名,《皮袜子故事集》(The Leatherstocking Tales)是其重要作品。
二、现实主义文学现实主义文学在 19 世纪中叶兴起,注重真实地反映社会现实和生活。
(一)英国现实主义作家1、查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)狄更斯的作品生动描绘了英国社会底层人民的生活,如《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist)、《大卫·科波菲尔》(David Copperfield)。

制作/演讲: 英语12-1班 胡江
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chapter 1
an introduction to the author
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Theodore Dreiser
西奥多· 德莱塞
西奥多·德莱塞(1871—1945),美国现代小说的先驱、 现实主义作家之一,他还是一个自然主义者,他的作品贴近广大人 民的生活,诚实、大胆、充满了生活的激情。 德莱塞出生在印第安纳州一个破产的小业主家庭。童年是 在苦难中度过的,中学没毕业就去芝加哥独自谋生。1889年,进 入印第安纳大学学习,一年后再次辍学。1892年,开始了记者生 涯。 他的代表作《嘉莉妹妹》真实再现了当时美国社会,而 《美国悲剧》则是德莱赛成就最高的作品,是人们清晰地看到了美 国社会的真实情况,“至今依然具有巨大的现实意义。”
杜洛埃:一个普通的推销员,凭借着手段,将嘉莉诱骗。但是最终爱上了嘉莉,可是 嘉莉已经和赫斯特伍德私奔了。一个花花公子而已,许多单纯的姑娘就是在这种诱惑 当中迷失了自己。
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main characters
George Hurstwood
•the manager of Fitzgerald and Moy's, a saloon in Chicago.
美国文学史Theodore Dreiser

Theodore Dreiser
Dreiser, Hemingway and William Faulkner are the three big giants of the modern novel.
Theodore Dreiser His life
His life
After a period of study at the Indiana University . He became a reporter on the
Chicago Globe.
He movied to New York in 1894.
Theodore Dreiser
His life
The life-and-death struggle between a squid and a lobster.
Theodore Dreiser
His works
Sister Carrie
Theodore Dreiser
controversial figure
powerful in the portrayal of the changing American life
style is crude naturalism
Theodore Dreiser
His works
Sister Carrie (1900) Jennie Gerhardt (1911) Trilogy of Desire: The Financier (1912) The Titan (1914) The Stoic (1947) The Genius (1915) An American Tragedy (1925) Dreiser Looks at Russia (1928) The Bulwark (1946)


《嘉莉妹妹》描写了农 村姑娘嘉莉来到大城市芝 加哥寻找幸福,为摆脱贫 困,出卖自己的贞操,先 后与推销员和酒店经理同 居,后又凭美貌与歌喉成 为演员的故事。作家以嘉 莉为代表深刻揭露了美国 资本主义制度对贫苦人民 压榨的残酷性和资产阶级 生活方式对小资产阶级分 子的腐蚀性。
嘉莉原本只是一个渴望见 世面,心地非常单纯的姑娘。 在开往芝加哥的火车上,在 她的心中还幻想着以后可以 回到故乡。可是残酷的现实 开始让她学会了虚伪与做作。 但是我们不能够说嘉莉无耻, 在被杜洛埃骗上床之后,嘉 莉还渴望杜洛埃能够与她结 婚。嘉莉无疑是向往更高的 生活层次,所以一步步的抓 住机会,努力向上爬。最终 嘉莉的成功,可以视为原则 不得不向社会现实妥协的表 现。
印第安纳大 学
代表作 品
《嘉莉妹 妹》
《珍妮姑娘》 《美国悲剧》 《金融家》 《天才》
自由资本主义蓬勃发展并进入兴盛时期,美 国从一个以农业为主的社会变成了一个以城 市为中心的社会。机械化的生产提高了效率。 农村多余的劳动力也进入了城市;科技经济 发展使人类对自然的依赖性降低,人们有更 多的自由选择自己想要的生活方式。都市无 疑是现代生活的中心,也成为了年轻人追求 的场所。嘉莉妹妹就是其中的一员。
嘉莉妹妹 作者:德莱塞
英文名 eiser 美国 1871年6月 27日
中文名 出生地 逝世日 期 信仰
西奥多· 德莱 塞 印第安纳州 特雷霍特镇 1945年12月 28日 天主教
职业 主要成 就
现实主义小 说家,自然 主义作家 被美国文学 艺术学会授 予荣誉奖
Theodore Dreiser

Literature Works
1900 1911 1912 1914 1915 1925 1946 Sister Carrie《嘉丽妹妹》 Carrie《嘉丽妹妹》 姊妹篇Jennie Gerhardt《珍妮姑娘》 姊妹篇Jennie Gerhardt《珍妮姑娘》 The Financier 《金融家》欲望三部曲第一步 《金融家》欲望三部曲第一步 Titan《巨人》欲望三部曲第二部 The Titan《巨人》欲望三部曲第二部 The "Genius"《天才》 "Genius"《天才》 An American Tragedy《美国的悲剧》代表作 Tragedy《美国的悲剧》代表作 The Bulwark《壁垒》 Bulwark《壁垒》
Your company sloganBiblioteka Writing Style
without good structure deficient characterization lack in imagination journalistic method新闻法 method新闻法 techniques in painting
Theodore Dreiser
American literary naturalist
About the author
Dreiser(1871-1945) Dreiser(1871-1945)西奥 德莱塞,美国小说家。生于印第 多·德莱塞,美国小说家。生于印第 安纳州特雷霍特镇。父亲是贫苦的 德国移民。他在公立学校接受了早 期教育(12岁便辍学开始自谋生计) 期教育(12岁便辍学开始自谋生计), 以后由人资助进入印第安纳大学学 习一年,一生的大部分时间从事新 闻工作。走遍芝加哥、匹兹堡、纽 约等大城市,广泛深入地观察了解 社会,为日后的文学创作积累了丰 富的素材。 Dreiser是美国现代小说的先驱和 Dreiser是美国现代小说的先驱和 代表作家,被认为是同海明威、福 克纳并列的美国现代小说的三巨头 Your company slogan 之一。
美国文学 西奥多德莱赛

Without good construction Deficient characterization Lack in imagination(realism) Simple words Techniques in painting (word-picture, sharp contrast, truth in color, movement in outline) Broad social background Rich plot Detailed psychological description specific and personal lanism: man as merely an animal driven by greed and sexual desire in a struggle for existence in which only the “fittest” survive Pessimistic view of human helplessness in the face of instinct and social forces. Determinism: No one is ethically free. Everything is determined by a complex of internal chemisms and by the forces of social pressure.
Consumerism:Pursuing the decent consumption, being aspired to
immoderate enjoyment and relaxation, and take it as the purpose of life and the values of life.
美国文学 笔记 Theodore Dreiser

Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945)A Short Bio•Birth: extremely poor, intensely religious, big family, German origin.•Education: sponsored by a teacher attending Indiana University.•Work experiences: (Chicago) real estate clerk and collection agent→a newspaper reporter; (NY) a magazine editor & writer→ 1911, a full-time writer.•Political stand: Left-oriented and joined the Communist Party shortly before his death.Literary Career•Major literary genres: short story & novels•Short stories: Free and Other Stories 1918, Chains 1921, Five Furniture 1930•Major novels:•Sister Carrie《嘉莉妹妹》1900 (his 1st novel, withheld for being immoral/for its relentless honesty in presenting the true nature of American→ became famous in the 1920s.);•Jennie Gerhardt《珍妮姑娘》1911;Major Novels•Cowper wood trilogy (“Trilogy of Desire” “欲望三部曲”):•The Financier《金融家》1912, The Titan 《巨人》1914, The Stoic《斯多葛》1917 →Harsh portrait of a type of ruthless businessman like Frank Cowperwood→“Might is right”/the powerful and the ruthless alone survive in this amoral world.•The Genius 《天才》1915 (autobiographical work);•An American Tragedy《美国悲剧》1925 (his masterpiece).Major Features•Determinism & tragic ending:•Characters are unable to assert their will against natural and economic forces.•Hu man tragedy comes as a result of collision between man’s biological needs and society’s ruthless manipulation.•Stubborn honesty: simple but highly moving characters•Natural narrative (ponderous):•massive details;•serious tone: never satirical or comic;•journalistic method of reiterationLiterary Position•“the wheelhouse of American naturalism”•“chief spokesman for the realistic novel”•“a profound and prescient critic of debased American values”Naturalism 自然主义•Background:•Charles Darwin’s On Origin of Species (1859):•The struggle for existence, survival of the fittest, natural selection;•Herbert Spencer’s social Darwinism:•the strongest or fittest should survive and flourish in society, while the weak and unfit would fall victim in the natural course of events to economic forces.• A literary movement that emerged in France, America, and England during the late 19th century and early 20th century and that emphasizes biological and socioeconomic determinism in fiction and drama. •Emergence in Europe: Emile Zola and Thomas Hardy.Major Features•Major characters:•human beings as higher animals whose lives are determined by the laws of heredity and environment and by basic drives over which they have no control: sex, hunger, and fear.•The universe is cold, godless, indifferent and hostile to human desires.•The naturalists’ recurrent concerns: Social systems that destroy and dehumanize; Individual experience of loss and failure.Writing Style•Scientifically accurate; Objective; Truthful in depicting life as a brutal struggle for survival; Factually detailed.Realism vs. Naturalism•Similarities:•Both strive for objectivity; Both are interested in the commonplace in contemporary life. •Differences:•Naturalists d escribe real life in a crude way, the way things really are; they don’t escape into a world of imagination.•Naturalists would go to the slums and write about the life of poverty and crime instead of going to a middle-class neighborhood and writing about middle-class life.•The naturalists’ tone in writing is less serious and less sympathetic but more detached and more pessimistic.Representatives of American Naturalism•Stephen Crane(1871-1900)斯蒂芬·克莱恩:The Red Badge of Courage《红色英勇勋章》•Jack London杰克·伦敦:The Call of the Wild《荒野的呼唤》Martin Eden《马丁·伊登》•Theodore Dreiser•Frank Norris: the Octopus《章鱼》An American TragedyQ: Who are the major characters?Clyde Griffiths –a bellboy in the hotel; Roberta Alden –a working girl at the factory; Sondra Finchley –daughter of a wealthy bossQ: Why is the story not only a tragedy, but also an “American Tragedy”?• A tragedy: A man’s losing struggle against forces that shape human destiny.•Clyde’s life is doomed t o a tragedy. He attempts to break free of the environmental, economic, social, and fatalistic forces but fails. These forces, such as the mental and physical traits that he inherits at birth, the surroundings in which he grows up, the financial status of his family, their lower-class background, and happenstance (the automobile accident, for example), cannot be surpassed by any human being in the world.•An American Tragedy:•The story of An American Tragedy reveals the cultural and moral price of the frenzied drive for wealth and status which is officially encouraged as the realization of the “American Dream”. It is the materialistic society that is as much to blame as the murderer himself.Chapter XLIIWhat happens at the beginning of this episode?What’s the difference between the two letters in terms of their language and the different life they represent? What’s your impression on Sondra and Roberta?What does Clyde feel when both letters reach him?What does he do after reading the letters?What impresses him in the newspaper?What does Clyde feel after reading the news?Chapter XLIIIWhere does Clyde decide to go finally?What attracts Clyde most when he arrives at Twelfth Lake? Could he entertain himself with Sondra freely? Why?What happens in the moon night when Clyde is with Sondra? Do you think Sondra is serious about their relationship?What does Sondra tell Clyde the next morning and what’s her declaration?What does Clyde suggest? What’s Sondra’s reaction?Can you describe Clyde’s response wh en Sondra refuses to elope with him? Does Clyde decide what to do at the end of this chapter?。

The book was initially rejected by many publishers on the grounds that is was "immoral". Indeed, Harper Brothers, the first publisher to see the book, rejected it by saying it was not, "sufficiently delicate to depict without offense to the reader the continued illicit relations of the heroine".
In his own life Dreiser practiced his principle that man's greatest appetite is sexual - the desire for women
Life Experience
His strength clearly ebbing, Dreiser died of heart failure on December 28, 1945, before completing the last chapter of The Stoic.
Dreiser worked for the New York World before Frank Norris, who was working for Doubleday, helped Dreiser's first novel, Sister Carrie (1900), to be published. However, the owners disapproved of the novel's subject matter (the moral corruption of the heroine, Carrie Meeber) and it was not promoted and therefore sold badly.
美国文学史考试之Theodore Dreiser

Theodore Dreiser1. Dreiser’s life and position:Theodore Dreiser is generally acknowledged as one of America's literary naturalists. He possessed none of the usual aids to a writer’s career: no money, no friend in power, no formal education worthy of mention, no family tradition in letters. With every disadvantage piled upon him, Dreiser, by his strong will and his dogged persistence, eventually burst out and became one of the important American writers.2. His major works:Sister Carrie 嘉丽妹妹--the best-knownFinancier 金融家The Titan 巨头The Stoic 斯多噶An American Tragedy 美国的悲剧3. Dreiser's style:Dreiser's style has been a controversial aspect of his work from the beginning. For lack of concision, his writings appear more inclusive and less selective, and the readers are sometimes burdened with massive detailed descriptions of characters and events. Though the time sequence is clear and the plot straight forward, he has been always accused of being awkward in sentence structure, inept and occasionally flatly wrong in word selection and meaning, and mixed and disorganized in voice and tone. For him language is a means of communication rather than an art form. However, Dreiser's contribution to the American literary history cannot be ignored. He broke away from the genteel tradition of literature and dramatized the life in a very realistic way. There is no comment, no judgment but facts of life in the stories. His style is not polished but very serious and well calculated to achieve the thematic ends he sought4. An analysis of Sister Carrie:Sister Carrie best embodies Dreiser’s naturalistic belief that men are controlled and conditioned by heredity, environment and chance, but a few extraordinary and unsophisticated human beings refuse to accept their fate wordlessly and instead strive, unsuccessfully, to find meaning and purpose for their existence. Carrie, as one of such, senses that she is merely a cipherin an uncaring world yet seeks to grasp the mysteries of life and thereby satisfies her desires for social status and material comfort. In Sister Carrie, Dreiser expressed his naturalistic pursuit by expounding the purposelessness of life and impotence of men.5. Dreiser’s literary naturalism (or American naturalism):As a genre, naturalism emphasized heredity and environment as important deterministic forces shaping individualized characters who were presented in special and detailed circumstances. At bottom, life was shown to be ironic, even tragic. Dreiser described earthly ex istence as “a welter of inscrutable forces,” in which was trapped each individual human being. In his words, Man is a “victim of forces over which he has no control.” To him, life is "so sad, so strange, so mysterious and so inexplicable." No wonder the characters in his books are often subject to the control of the natural forces -- especially those of environment and heredity.6. Dreiser’s naturalism in his works:In Sister Carrie Dreiser expressed his naturalistic pursuit by expounding the purposelessness of life and attacking the conventional moral standards.7. Dreiser’s exploration of human desire and revelation of the dark side of human nature:From the first novel Sister Carrie on, Dreiser set himself to project the American values for what he had found them to be --materialistic to the core. Living in such a society with such a value system, the human individual is obsessed with a never-ending, yet meaningless search for satisfaction of his desires. One of the desires is for money which was a motivating purpose of life in the United States in the late l9th century. For example, in Sister Carrie, there is not one character whose status is not determined economically. Sex is another human desire that Dreiser explored to considerable lengths in his novels to reveal the dark side of human nature. In Sister Carrie, Carrie climbs up the social ladder by means of her sexual appeal. Also in the “Trilogy of Desire,” the possession of sexual beauty symbolizes the acquisition of some social status of great magnitude. However, Dreiser never forgot to imply that these human desires in life could hardly be defined. They are there like a powerful "magnetism" governing human existence and reducing human beings to nothing. So like all naturalists he was restrained from finding a solution to the social problems that appeared in his novels and accordingly almost all his works have tragic endings.。

《珍妮姑娘》 <Jennie Gerhardt> 珍妮姑娘是一个纯 真善良、富于奉献精神 的劳动妇女。其柔顺依 人的性格既是美德,也 是弱点。珍妮最终成为 弃妇的结局,正是劳动 妇女的普遍遭遇。
珍妮是西方传统价值观念中的典 范女性,珍妮的女性美兼备一切成为 灰姑娘所必需的条件。她无私、宽宏 大量,默默地忍受一切不公平,付出 爱,付出青春,换来的却是一次次被 遗弃的厄运。 “我们所有的人或多或少都是被人 利用的,我们就像棋子一样被我们所 不能控制的环境制约。” ——《珍妮姑娘》
西奥多· 德莱塞 (Theodore Dreiser,1871—1945)
以资本主义社会的彻 底批判者的姿态登上 美国文坛,成为美国 现实主义传统文学的 一种标识。
德莱塞本身就是一位“天 才” ——杰罗姆〃拉维伊 (JEROME LOVING) 他的天才像太白金星似 的放射着无穷的光彩,始 终不是美国式的市侩手段 所淹没得了的。 ——瞿秋白
德莱塞的人生道路 生于印地安纳州的德国移民家庭,生活拮据。 16岁便自谋生路,后当记者10年,业余时间自 学哲学和科学理论。1900年,发表《嘉莉妹 妹》,1910年其姊妹篇《珍妮姑娘》问世,从 此,创作激情一发不可收,直至1925年,《美 国的悲剧》更是在国内外引起强烈反响。他的 一生虽历经磨难,但一直勤奋写作,共出版8部 长篇小说、4部短篇小说和诸多的游记、诗歌、 论文等。
《美国的悲剧》 <American Tragedy> 标志着德莱塞的现实主 义创作取得新的成就,也 是使他获得世界性声誉的 作品。 作品描写了对“美国梦” 的追求以及“美国梦”的 幻灭。
《美国的悲剧》是批判“美国梦”虚妄 的一部力作。克莱德便是受“美国梦” 毒害的一个典型牺牲品。 “这样的事,每一个在美国小镇上成长 的孩子都会遇到。在美国,这类事发生 之频繁,已到了惊人的程度。” ——德莱塞

Ⅳ. Theodore DreiserNaturalism(1)heredity and environment are the forces determining man‟s destiny, under what life was ironic, even tragic (2)human beings‟ life was trapped into …a welter of inscrutable forces‟(3)Darwin‟s idea of "survival of the fittest" is embodied as "kill or to be killed" in Dreiser‟s works (4)explain the insignificance of life and attack the conventional moral standards (5)materialism is the core. man has a meaningless, endless search for satisfaction of his desires, desires for money (6)sex is another human desire. Sexual beauty symbolizes the social status Sister Carrie1. Theme: The author invented the success of Carrie and the downfall of Hurstwood out of an inevitable and natural judgment, because the fittest can survive in a competitive, amoral society according to the social Darwinism. 2. The character analysis of Carrie: She follows the right direction to a pursuit of the American dream, and the circumstances and her desire for a better life direct to the successful goal. But she is not contented, because with wealth and fame, she still finds herself lonely. She is a product of the society, a realization of the theory of the survival of the fittest. 3. The character analysis of Hurstwood: He is a negative evidence of the theory of the survival of the fittest. Because he is still conventional and can not throw away the social morals, he is not fitted to live in New York. The Modern Period 1.background:second half of the 19th century to early of the 20th decades (1)natural and social sciences enormously advanced (2)capitalism came into its monopoly stage (3)the gap between the rich and the poor was further deepened (4)World War 1 2 broke 2.what ideas influence this period: all kinds of philosophical ideas (1)Karl Marx: scientific socialism (2)Darwin‟s theory of evolution,” survival of the fittest"(3)Freud‟s analytical psychology(4)The irrationalist philosophers give immense influence 3.ideas:Modernism originated from skepticism and disillusion of capitalism (2)The French symbolism announced modernism (3)takes the irrational philosophy and the theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base. The major themes are the distorted, alienated and ill relationships 4.difference between Modernism and Realism Modernism is a reaction against realism in many aspects (1)Modernism rejects rationalism, which is the theoretical base of Realism (2)Modernism reflects the source of Realism ,i.e. the external, objective, material world (3)Modernism rejects almost all the traditional elements in literature I. Ezra Pound Works: In a Station of the Metro, The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter, A PactA leading spokesman of the Imagist Movement Ezra Pound and his theory of Imagism 1. The principles: direct treatment of poetic subjects, elimination of merely ornamental or superfluous words, and rhythmical composition in the sequence of the musical phrase rather than in the sequence of a metronome. 2. Imagism is to present an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time. An imagistic poem must present the object exactly the way the thing is seen. And the reader can form the image of the object through the process of reading the abstract and concrete words. Works:Frost and his poetry on nature:Frost is deeply interested in nature and in men‟s relationship to nature. Nature appears as an F. Scott Fitzgerald1. Theme: Gatsby is American Everyman. His extraordinary energy and wealth make him pursue the incorruptible American Dream. Gatsby is great, because he is dignified and ennobled by his 2. The character analysis of Gatsby:Ernest Hemingway’s artistic features:1. The Hemingway code heroes and grace under pressure:defeated. Finally, they will be prevailing because of their indestructible spirit and courage. 2. The iceberg technique:Hemingway believes that a good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a character or action. American Naturalism The American naturalists accepted the more negative interpretation of Darwin Darwin‟‟s evolutionary theory and used it to accout for the behavior of those characters in literary works who were regarded as more or less complex combinations of inherited attributes, their habits conditioned by social and economic forces.2) naturalism is evolved from realism when the author‟s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more pessimistic. It is no more than a gloomy philosophical approach to reality, or to human existence.3>Dreiser is a leadi ng figure of his school. Imagism came into being in Britain and U.S around 1910 as a reaction to the traditional English po etry to express the sense of fragmentation and dislocation.2>the imagists, with Ezra Pound leading the way, hold that the most effective means to express these momentary impressions is through the use of one dominant image.3>imagism is characterized by the following three poetic principles: A. direct treatment of subject matter;B.economy of expression;C. as regards rhythm ,to compose in th sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of metronome. 4> pounds In a Station of the Metro is a well-known imagist poem. Imagism Imagist is applied to a group of poets prominent in America between 1909 and 1918. Imagism was a spirit of revolt against conventionalities rather than a goal set up as in itself a permanently lasting objective. All poetic language is the language of exploration. The point of Imagism is that it does not use images as ornaments. The image is itself the speech. The image is the word beyond formulated language. The most conspicuous figures of the imagist movement were Ezra Pound, Amy Lowell, Carl Sandburg and William Carlos Williams. Surrealism is an artistic movement doing away with the restrictions of realism and verisimilitude that might be imposed on an artist. In this movement, the artist sought to do away with conscious control and instead respond to the irrational urges of the subconscious mind. From this results the hallucinatory, bizarre, bizarre, often often often nightmarish nightmarish nightmarish quality quality of of surrealistic surrealistic surrealistic paintings paintings paintings and and and writings. writings. writings. Sample Sample surrealist writers include Frank O'Hara, John Ashberry, and Franz Kafka The Lost GenerationThis term is applied to the American writers, most of whom were basically expatriates. They left America and formed a community of writers and artists in Paris, involved with other European novelists and poets in their experimentation on new modes of thought and expression. The term "Lost Gen e ration " came from Gertrude Stein's remark to a mechanic in Hemingway's presence that "You are all a lost generation. " Hemingway used it as a motto in his novel The Sun Also Rises. Among those greatest figures in "The Lost Generation" are Ezra Pound, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway and Hart Crane who lost the traditional values as a result of the war and fought hard to seek new values and beliefs to fill the void of the post - war world which was full of physical wounds as well as mental chaos. American Dream: American Dream refers to the dream of material success, in which one, regardless of social status, acquires wealth and gains success by working hard and good luck. Inliterature, the theme of American Dream recurs. In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby comes from the west to the east with the dream of material success.by bootlegging and other illegal means he fulfilled his dream but ended up being killed. The novel tells the shattering of American Dream rather than its success. The lost generation is a term first used by Stein to describe the post-war I generation of American writers:men and women haunted by a sense of betrayal and emptiness brought about by the destructiveness of the war.2>full of youthful idealism, these individuals sought the meaning of life, drank excessively, had love affairs and created some of the finest American literature to date.3>the three best-known representatives of lost generation are F.Scott Fitzgerald, hemingway and John dos Passos. A Jazz age: The Jazz Age describes the period of the 1920s and 1930s, the years between World : The Jazz Age describes the period of the 1920s and 1930s, the years between World War I and WorldWar II,particularly in North America. With the rise of the great depression, the values of this age saw much decline. Perhaps the most representative literary work of the age is American writer F itzgerald‟s Fitzgerald‟sFitzgerald‟s The Great Gatsby. Highlighting what some describe as the decadence The Great Gatsby. Highlighting what some describe as the decadence and hedonism, as well as the growth of individualism. Fitzgerald is largely credited with coining theterm”term” Jazz Jazz A ge”.Age”.Code hero: The Hemingway hero is an average man of decidedly masculine tastes, sensitive and intelligent, a man of action, and one of few words. That is an individualist keeping emotions under control, stoic and self-disciplined in a dreadful place. These people are usually spiritual strong, people of certain skills, and most of them encounter death many times. The heroes in his book are all have something in common which Hemingway values: they have seen the cold world and for one cause or another, they boldly and courageously face the reality; whatever the result is, they are ready to live with grace under pressure. The Hemingway code hero has an indestructible spirit for his optimistic view of life, though he is pessimistic that is Hemingway. Iceberg TheoryErnest Hemingway‟s “iceberg theory”theory” suggests that the writer include in the text suggests that the writer include in the text only a small portion of what he knows, leaving about ninety percent of the content a mystery that grows beneath the surface of the writing. If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he mayomit things that will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them.The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. A good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a character or actionBlack humor is a term used in literature, drama, and film. It refers to grotesque or morbid humor us ed to express the absurdity, insensitivity, paradox, and cruelty of the modern world. Ordinary charac ters or situations are usually exaggerated far beyond the limits of normal satire or irony. Black hum or uses devices often associated with tragedy and is sometimes equated with tragic farce. For examp le, Catch-22 is the model representative of this type. The novels of such writers as Kurt V onnegut, Thomas Pynchon, John Barth, Joseph Heller, and Philip Roth contain elements of black humor. Harlem Renaissance is the blossoming of African American culture, particularly in the creative art s, centered in Harlem in New York City during 1918 and 1937. As a literary movement, it laid the groundwork for all later African American literature and had a significant impact on black literature and consciousness worldwide. Its leading literary figures include Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Jean Toomer and Wallace Thurman (1902 – 34). Their work both fed and took inspiration from the creative and commercial growth of jazz and a concurrent burgeoning of work by black visual artists such as Aaron Douglas. Central to the movement were efforts to explore all aspects of the African American experience and to reconceptualize "the Negro" independent of white stereotypes. Stream of consciousness(or interior monologue);In literary criticism, Stream of consciousness (or interior monologue);In literary criticism, Stream of consciousness denotes a literary technique which seeks to describe an individual ‟s point of view by giving the written equivalent of the characters thought processes. Stream of consciousness writing is strongly associated with the modernist movement. Its introduction in the literary context, transferred from psychology, is attributed to May Sinclair. Stream of consciousness writing is usually regarded as a special form of interior monologue and is characterized by associative leaps in syntax and punctuation that can make the prose difficult to follow,tracing as they do a character‟s character‟s fragmentary fragmentary thoughts and sensory feelings.famous writers to employ this technique in the english language include James Joyce and William Faulkner. Yoknapatawpha: Novelist William Faulkner created the legendary Yoknapatawpha County. Many of Faulkner‟s Faulkner‟s works are one connected story that happens in works are one connected story that happens in Y ok… He knew the South well. He spent most of his life there, and wrote with compassion about family, community, and the people he knew. Its fictitious population includes Southern white aristocrats, merchants, farmers, poor whites, and persecuted blacks. Faulkner told how the South is still affected by its past. "The past is never de ad," he wrote. "It's not even past.”。
Theodore Dreiser

Theodore Dreiser; tragedy; Roberta; Clyde; American Dream.
摘 Байду номын сангаас
American Tragedy based on an actual case tells the story of a social tragedy, in which a tiny successful young man killed his lover, sentenced to death at last. The novel highly criticizes the America legal system and expresses the course of the tragedy. Among all the comments on the causes of the tragedy, Charles Walcutl A. Waltonlitz, specifically makes an analysis about the causes of the tragedy. His idea is unique and profound for us to study. American Dream makes many young people lose their direction even lives.

美国文学史American Literature in the colonical and Revolutionary:1.Benjamin Franklin(本杰明.富兰克林)2.hilip Freneau 菲利普·费瑞诺Benjamin Franklin(本杰明.富兰克林)1)"Poor Richard's Almanac" 穷人查理德的年鉴(以笔名Richard Sunders)2)“annual collection of proverbs “流行谚语集(It soon became the most popular bookof its kind, largely because of Franklin's shrewd humor, and first spread his reputation) 3)The Way to Wealth (Father Abraham’s Sermon)致富之道(as the “perface to Poor RichardImproved)4)The Autobiography自传(18世纪美国唯一流传至今的自传)5)Founded the Junto, a club for informal discussion of scientific, economic and politicalideas. 建立了一个秘密俱乐部,讨论的主题是政治、经济和科学等时事方面的问题.6)established America's first circulating library, founded the college--University ofPennsylvania. 建立了美国第一个可租借的图书馆,还创办了一所大学——就是现在的宾夕法尼亚大学.7)first applied the terms "positive" and "negative" to electrical charges.8)Writer,printer,publisher,scientist,philanthropist,and diplomat,he was the most famousand respected private figure of his time.The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲;The British Prison Ship英国囚船;To the Memory of the Brave Americans纪念美国勇士-----同类诗中最佳;The Wild Honeysuckle野生的金银花;The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地(1)poet and political journalist 诗人和政治方面的新闻记者(2)perhaps the most outstanding writer of the post-revolutionary period.(3)has been called the "Father of American Poetry" 美国诗歌之父(4)Imaginative and melancholy treatment of nature and human life,and sharp satire against the British tyranny19th Century American LiteratureWashington Irving(华盛顿.欧文)1.James Fenimore Cooper(詹姆斯.芬尼莫.库珀)2.Nathaniel Hawthorne(纳萨尼尔.霍桑)3.Edgar Allan Poe (埃德加.阿伦.坡)4.Henry Daived Thoreau(亨利.戴维.梭罗)5.Herman Melville(赫尔曼.麦尔维尔)6.Walt Whiteman(沃尔特.惠特曼)The Rise of American Romanticism• One of the most important periods in the history of American literature, stretches from the end of the 18th century to the outbreak of the Civil War(1861-65).• It started with the publication of Washington Irving's e T he h Sketch Book(1820) and ended with Whitman's s Leaves f of Grass(1855)..Romanticism的特点:frequently shared certain general characteristics, moral enthusiam,faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception, and apresumption that he natural world was a source of corruption.浪漫主义之间大多是相通的,都注重道德,强调个人主义价值观和直觉感受,并且认为自然是美的源头,人类社会是腐败之源。
美国文学 Theodore Dreiser

• Carrie • traveling salesman, Chas H. Drouet • Hurstwood
The novel begins with the scene of Carrie leaving for Chicago in search of better prospects in life. She makes acquaintance with a travelling salesman, Chas H. Drouet during the journey. He is a typical urban society man who believes more in appearances than in meaningful existence. In her sister’s flat Carrie rapidly realizes the urgent need for employment. But Chicago city intimidates her with its size and complexity. She gets employment at a shoe factory which pays small wages. She loses even this job when she falls ill. In effect, • circumstances drive her into the hands of Drouet. She leaves her sister’s flat to set up her own house at Drouet’s insistence. Carrie is also introduced to Hurstwood in these circumstances. As Carrie realizes that she does not have a life with or without Drouet, she finds herself being wooed by Hurstwood who is increasingly infatuated with her, despite being a married man.
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As a novelist Dreiser made his debut with Sister Carrie, a powerful account of a young working girl‘s rise to success and her slow decline. “She was eighteen years of age, bright, timid and full of the illusions of ignorance and youth. Whatever touch of regret at parting characterized her thoughts it was certainly not for advantages now being given up. A gush of tears at her mother’s farewell kiss, a touch in the throat when the cars clacked by the flour mill where her father worked by the day, a pathetic sigh as the familiar green environs of the village passed in review, and the threads which bound her so lightly to girlhood and home were irretrievath
the help of his former teacher, he was able to spend the year 1889-1890 at Indiana University. Dreiser left after only a year. He was, however, a voracious贪婪 的 reader, and the impact of such writers as Hawthorne, Poe, Balzac, Herbert Spencer, and Freud influenced his thought and his reaction against organized religion.
film was a critical and commercial success, winning six Academy Awards. In 1991, A Place in the Sun was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
Theodore Dreiser (1871~1945 )
Introduction of the writer
Life Works
author, outstanding representative of naturalism, whose novels depict real-life subjects in a harsh light. Dreiser‘s novels were held to be amoral, and he battled throughout his career against censorship and popular taste. This started with SISTER CARRIE (1900). It was not until 1981 that the work was published in its original form. Dreiser's principal concern was with the conflict between human needs and the demands of society for material success.
Dreiser‘s semi-autobiographical半自传的 novel THE ’GENIUS‘ (1915)《天才》 was censured by the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice. The book remained off the market until Live right reissued it five years later. Dreiser’s commercially most successful novel was AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY (1925)《美国悲 剧》, which was adapted for screen for the first time in 1931, directed by Josef von Sternberg.
Carrie was reissued in 1907 and it became one of the most famous novels in literary history. Among its admirers was H.L. Mencken, an aspiring journalist, whom Dreiser had hired as a ghost-writer in his paper. William Wyler‘s film version, starring Laurence Olivier and Jennifer Jones, was made at the height of the Cold War and McCarthy era (麦卡锡时代). Paramount executives delayed the releasing of the film - they thought the picture was not good for America and it was a flo.
had objected strongly to the version because it portrayed his youthful killer as a sex-starved idle loafer (无业游 民). The second time was in 1951 under the title A Place in the Sun, starring Montgomery Clift and Elizabeth Taylor. During the filming the stars became attached to one another, which is reflected in the tenderness of their performance.
Indiana University
挈亚山脉西部最古老的大学之一,在全国共 有八个分校,分别是:Bloomington, Fort Wayne, Gary , Indianapolis, Kokomo, New Albany, Richmond和South Bend .这 八个分校共有教师4000多人,学生93000人, 其中研究生占19000人。作为一所享有盛誉 的明星级大学,印第安纳大学得到了美国社 会各界的普遍认可。
A Place in the Sun
It is a 1951 American drama film based on the novel An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser and the play, also titled An American Tragedy, which was adapted by Patrick Kearney from the novel. It tells the story of a working-class young man who is entangled with two women; one who works in his wealthy uncle's factory and the other a beautiful socialite. The film was directed by George Stevens from a screenplay by Harry Brown and Michael Wilson, and stars Montgomery Clift, Elizabeth Taylor, Shelley Winters, Anne Revere, and Raymond Burr.
Montgomery Clift
Montgomery Clift was Raised in an unconvential family, giving him nearly unlimited access to exceptional opportunities, Montgomery Clift reached a pinnacle of dramatic achievement. Due to unknown reasons, or perhaps due to a chronic back injury he sustained in a car accident, Clift became involved in heavy narcotic usage such that his credibility as an insurable actor was compromised.
Dreiser was born in Sullivan, Indiana, the ninth of ten children. His parents were poor. In the 1860s his father, a devout Catholic German immigrant, had attempted to establish his own woolen mill, but after it was destroyed in a fire, the family lived in poverty. Dreiser‘s schooling was erratic, as the family moved from town to town. He left home when he was 16 and worked at whatever jobs he could find.