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Module2 Fantasy Literature


1.系列,丛书________ 2. 精制的,精巧的_______3.小型望远镜________4.(小说,电影的)女主角_______ 5. 哲学的;达观的_________6. 消失________7.表现,举动_________8.确定地,一定地adv.________

9犹豫,迟疑v._______10. 气味,香味,芳香n._______11. 蹭,摩擦v___________12. 指节,掌指关节n._____ 13.神志不清的,昏昏沉沉的adj.______14. 疲惫,筋疲力尽n.______15. 渴望n.________16.热泪盈眶v._____17.巡逻,巡查v________18.轻拍,轻打v________19.看不见的adj.________20.僵硬地,不灵活地adv_____-__21.警觉地,警惕地adv.________22.(以鼻)吸气,嗅,闻v_________23.抽动,颤动v_______24.谨慎,小心n._________25. 眨眼睛v___________26.大略地,粗略地adv.________27.深深地,极度地adv__________28.完全陌生的adj________29.吸引,诱使v_________30.俯身,弯腰v________31.爬,攀v_____32.结构,框架n___________33.林荫大道,大街n_________34.完全地,绝对地adv_________35.视野,景象,景色n____________36.斜坡,斜面n___________37.公共绿地n________38.亮光,反光n._________39.战栗,发抖n__________40.开始出现的,开始发展的adj__________ 41.头晕,眩晕n___________42.报仇,复仇v___________43.邪恶的adj__________44.信封n____________45.文学的adj_________46.(文学等的)作品数量n_________47.有天才的,有天赋的adj___________48.(节目,计划等懂得)构成,安排n________ 49.趣闻,轶事n.________50.草稿n_________51.快的,迅速的adj__________52.顽强的,坚持的adj________ 53.调整n___________54.自动的,习惯的,自然发生的adj_________55.(批评等的)对象n__________





1.play an important part / role in …在…中起重要作用

2.have the main part in (a film) 在…中担当重要角色

3.have influence on/ upon/ sb.(sth.) 对…有影响

Reading Passage:

4.be stupefied with exhaustion 累得脑子发木

5.clear one’s head 让脑子清醒

6.pad out of 蹑手蹑脚地走出来

7.put down 放下;镇压

8.hold out on e’s hand 伸出手

9.all the same 尽管如此;虽然这样

10.rub …. against …在…上蹭…

11.feel such a longing to do sth. 渴望做某事

12.tears scald one’s eyes 某人热泪盈眶

13.turn away 转身跑了

14.reach out 伸出

15.be invisible to sb./ sth 对于…来说是看不见的;隐形的

16.step forward 向前迈

17.stand still 站着不动

18.cast about (around) sth 匆忙寻找某物

19.roughly square in shape 大体成方形

20.less a meter across 不到一米宽

21.be level with sth. 与…处于同等高度

22.without the slightest doubt深信不疑

23.for that reason alone仅仅是这个原因

24.look further向深处望

25.scramble through 爬过去

26.be laden with the scent of flowers 充满了花香

27.on the slope斜坡上

Listening And V ocabulary

28.revenge oneself on sb. for sth 因某事而对某人进行报复

29.fall in love with sb. 爱上某人

30.jump out of 跳出来

31.put a spell on 对…施咒语


32.separate from 与…分离

V ocabulary & Reading

33.the idea for 对…的想法

34.on the back of an envelope 在信封的背面

35.add flesh to the bones of the first story 给第一部小说添加内容

36.be associated with 与…联系在一起

37.have the burden of doing sth. 有…的负担

38.an adjustment to …对…的调整

39.a target for …. …的目标

40.appeal to 吸引

41.in an age of …在…的时代

42.be responsible for …对…负责

43.much to the pleasure of the schoolchildren 令上学的学生十分满意的事

44.be restricted to …限制在

45.translate … into …把…翻译成…

46.distribute … to …向…发行

47.on deposit in the bank 在银行的存款

Reading Practice

48.restore sth to sb. 把…恢复(归还)给…

49.ahead of sb. 在…面前

50.look back over one’s shoulder 回头看

51.catch a glimpse of 瞥见

52.leave the door open 开着门

53.shut oneself into 把自己关在…

54.something goes wrong 出差错

55.carry an umbrella over one’s head 打着伞

56.be shaped like …形状像….一样

57.step out from among the trees 从树林里出来

58.so as to …为了
