1、京东商城:(1)对于{产品本身}因素:第一步:建立评价系统的评价因素集U={U1,U2,U3}={产品种类,产品质量,产品价格};第二步:建立评语集合V={V1,V2,V3,V4 }={很好,较好,一般,差}={10,8,6,4}第三步,建立权重集A={a1,a2,a3}={0.4,0.3,0.3}第四步,建立单因素评价矩阵(模糊关系矩阵R)R1(产品种类)={0.2,0.3,0.3,0.2}R2(产品质量)={0.3,0.2,0.3,0.2}R3(产品价格)={0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1}所以,模糊关系矩阵R为:R=0.2 0.30.3 0.20.3 0.20.3 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1第五步,综合评价(取大取小算子) B=A.R={0.4,0.3,0.3}. 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.20.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1[0.3,0.3,0.3,0.1]所以京东商城“产品本身”得分=0.3*(10+8+6)+0.1*4=7.6. (2)对于{物流服务}因素: 第一步:建立评价系统的评价因素集U={U1,U2,U3 }={物流速度,产品包装,服务态度}; 第二步:建立评语集合V={V1,V2,V3,V4 }={很好,较好,一般,差}={10,8,6,4} 第三步,建立权重集 A={a1,a2,a3}={0.4,0.4,0.2}第四步,建立单因素评价矩阵(模糊关系矩阵R ) R1(物流速度)={0.6,0.3,0.1,0} R2(产品包装)={0.3,0.3,0.3,0.1} R3(服务态度)={0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1} 所以,模糊关系矩阵R 为:R=0.6 0.3 0.1 00.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1第五步,综合评价(取大取小算子) B=A.R={0.4,0.4,0.2}. 0.6 0.3 0.1 00.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1[0.35,0.27,0.27,0.1]所以京东商城“物流服务”得分=0.35*10+0.27*(8+6)+0.1*4=7.68 (3)对于{售后服务}因素: 第一步:建立评价系统的评价因素集 U={U1,U2 }={开具发票,退换货便利程度}; 第二步:建立评语集合V={V1,V2,V3,V4 }={很好,较好,一般,差}={10,8,6,4} 第三步,建立权重集 A={a1,a2}={0.5,0.5}第四步,建立单因素评价矩阵(模糊关系矩阵R ) R1(开具发票)={0.6,0.3,0.1,0} R2(退换货便利程度)={0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1} 所以,模糊关系矩阵R 为:R=0.6 0.30.1 00.4 0.30.2 0.1第五步,综合评价(取大取小算子) B=A.R={0.5,0.5}. 0.6 0.3 0.1 00.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 =[0.5,0.3,0.2,0.1][0.46,0.27,0.18,0.09]所以京东商城“售后服务”得分=0.46*10+0.27*8+0.18*6+0.1*4=8.24 (4)对于{其他方面}因素: 第一步:建立评价系统的评价因素集U={U1,U2,U3 }={付款方式,用户界面,客服态度}; 第二步:建立评语集合V={V1,V2,V3,V4 }={很好,较好,一般,差}={10,8,6,4} 第三步,建立权重集 A={a1,a2,a3}={0.4,0.4,0.2}第四步,建立单因素评价矩阵(模糊关系矩阵R ) R1(付款方式)={0.5,0.3,0.2,0} R2(用户界面)={0.3,0.3,0.3,0.1} R3(客服态度)={0.3,0.3,0.3,0.1} 所以,模糊关系矩阵R 为:R=0.5 0.3 0.2 00.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1第五步,综合评价(取大取小算子) B=A.R={0.4,0.4,0.2}. 0.5 0.3 0.2 00.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1[0.37,0.27,0.27,0.09]所以京东商城“其他方面”得分=0.37*10+0.27*(8+6)+0.09*4=7.84最终,京东商城“服务质量”总得分=0.4*7.6+0.3*7.68+0.15*8.24+0.15*7.84=7.76(分)2、苏宁易购(1)对于{产品本身}因素:第一步:建立评价系统的评价因素集U={U1,U2,U3 }={产品种类,产品质量,产品价格};第二步:建立评语集合V={V1,V2,V3,V4 }={很好,较好,一般,差}={10,8,6,4}第三步,建立权重集A={a1,a2,a3}={0.4,0.3,0.3}第四步,建立单因素评价矩阵(模糊关系矩阵R)R1(产品种类)={0.2,0.2,0.4,0.2}R2(产品质量)={0.3,0.4,0.2,0.1}R3(产品价格)={0.2,0.4,0.3,0.1}所以,模糊关系矩阵R为:R= 0.20.3 0.4 0.2 0.10.2 0.4 0.3 0.1第五步,综合评价(取大取小算子)B=A.R={0.4,0.3,0.3}. 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.20.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 =[0.3,0.3,0.4,0.2]0.2 0.40.3 0.1[0.25,0.25,0.33,0.17]所以苏宁易购“产品本身”得分=0.25*(10+8)+0.33*6+0.17*4=7.16 (2)对于{物流服务}因素:第一步:建立评价系统的评价因素集U={U1,U2,U3 }={物流速度,产品包装,服务态度};第二步:建立评语集合V={V1,V2,V3,V4 }={很好,较好,一般,差}={10,8,6,4}第三步,建立权重集A={a1,a2,a3}={0.4,0.4,0.2}第四步,建立单因素评价矩阵(模糊关系矩阵R)R1(物流速度)={0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1}R2(产品包装)={0.2,0.3,0.3,0.2} R3(服务态度)={0.3,0.3,0.3,0.1} 所以,模糊关系矩阵R 为:R=0.4 0.30.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1第五步,综合评价(取大取小算子) B=A.R={0.4,0.4,0.2}. 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.10.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1[0.33,0.25,0.25,0.17]所以苏宁易购“物流服务”得分=0.33*10+0.25*(8+6)+0.17*4=7.48 (3)对于{售后服务}因素: 第一步:建立评价系统的评价因素集 U={U1,U2 }={开具发票,退换货便利程度}; 第二步:建立评语集合V={V1,V2,V3,V4 }={很好,较好,一般,差}={10,8,6,4} 第三步,建立权重集 A={a1,a2 }={0.5,0.5}第四步,建立单因素评价矩阵(模糊关系矩阵R ) R1(开具发票)={0.6,0.3,0.1,0} R2(退换货便利程度)={0.6,0.3,0.1,0} 所以,模糊关系矩阵R 为:R=0.6 0.3 0.1 00.6 0.3 0.1 0第五步,综合评价(取大取小算子) B=A.R={0.5,0.5}. 0.6 0.3 0.1 00.6 0.3 0.1 0 =[0.5,0.3,0.1,0][0.56,0.33,0.11,0]所以苏宁易购“售后服务”得分=0.56*10+0.33*8+0.11*6+0*4=8.9 (4)对于{其他方面}因素: 第一步:建立评价系统的评价因素集U={U1,U2,U3 }={付款方式,用户界面,客服态度};第二步:建立评语集合V={V1,V2,V3,V4 }={很好,较好,一般,差}={10,8,6,4} 第三步,建立权重集A={a1,a2,a3}={0.4,0.4,0.2}第四步,建立单因素评价矩阵(模糊关系矩阵R)R1(付款方式)={0.2,0.3,0.3,0.2}R2(用户界面)={0.3,0.3,0.3,0.1}R3(客服态度)={0.3,0.3,0.3,0.1}所以,模糊关系矩阵R为:R=0.2 0.30.3 0.20.3 0.3 0.3 0.10.3 0.3 0.3 0.1第五步,综合评价(取大取小算子)B=A.R={0.4,0.4,0.2}. 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.20.3 0.3 0.3 0.10.3 0.3 0.3 0.1[0.27,0.27,0.27,0.19]所以苏宁易购“其他方面”得分=0.27*(10+8+6)+0.19*4=7.24最终,苏宁易购“服务质量”总得分=0.4*7.16+0.3*7.48+0.15*8.9+0.15*7.24=7.53(分)对比分析结果:两个电商的服务质量差别不大,在售后服务方面得分都较高,但优于苏宁建有较多的实体店,所以苏宁的售后服务优于京东;苏宁优于京东产品本身和物流服务方面京东优于苏宁;其他方面一般。
质量管理学网上作业题参考答案(更新)第一章参考答案一. 填空题1.固有特性要求2. 产品过程固有特性3. 寿命安全性4.功能性安全性舒适性5.规定功能总时间6. 时间内条件下能力7.设计成本8,输入输出活动9.顾客全部活动10. 产生实现二.选择题1.D2,A3. B4.P5. C三.判断题1. (V)2. (x)3. (V)4. (x) 、(V) 6. (x) 7. (V)第二章参考答案一、填空题1 .定性数据定量数据2,计量值计数值3. 定娄尺度定序尺度定距尺度4.总体样本5. 均值〃总体方差或总体标准差b)总体方差户(或总体标准差6.假设检验7. 参数估计区间估计二、选择题1.D2.A3. C4.A5.P三、简答题1 .答:总体是某一次统计分析中要研究的对象的全体:样本是从整体中随机抽取出并要对其进行详细分析的一部分个体,其中个体的数量称为样本量:2 .答:假设检验是指应用有限的样本数据对总体未知的重要信息(如均值、方差和标准差)进行合理的判断。
第三章统计过程控制与休哈特控制图第三章参考答案一、填空题1.UCLCLLCL2. 人机料法环测3. 技术标准4.偶然原因异常原因5.统计技术监控产品质量二、判断题1. (X) (V)3. (X)4.(x)5. (x)6. (x)7. (V)8 (V)d(x) 八O.( x)三、选择题1.B1.P5.A 4.C S.A第四章参考答案1 .答:绩效综合指数是指当总体质量是由几个指标共同反映时,需要把这几个指标组合成一个综合指数,用于衡量总体状况,这个综合指数称为绩效指数。
2 .答:绩效综合指数的应用步骤是:确定反映总体质量的若干的关键键质量特性:确定各关健质量特性及其重要程度的度量方法:综合考虑各关键质量特性的业绩及对总体质量的重要程度,合成为一个绩效综合指数。
19.对照规范进行分析时,对于无富余型直方图的情况,应采取的工序调整措施为( )。
10.某种事物的“特性”满足某个群体“要求”的程度越高,则说明( )。
11.全面质量管理阶段开始于( )。
15.正态分布的形状由标准偏差大小决定。在质量管理中,标准偏差反映了质量的好坏,标准偏差值越小,质量的一致性( )。
16.标准化的目的是( )。
2.调查表又称为( )。
习题答案(1~7)第一篇:质量管理学1.什么是质量?简述质量的三个特性?答:GB/T 19000-2000 idt ISO9000:2000版标准对“质量(quality)”一词作如下定义:一组固有特性满足要求的程度。
2.什么是质量特性,如何对质量特性分类?答:质量特性(quality characteristic)的定义:产品、过程或体系与要求有关的固有特性。
《质量管理》练习题及参考答案西南科技大学成教学院德阳教学点《质量管理》练习题及参考答案班级:姓名:学号:成绩:一、单项选择题(在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确的字母填在题后的括号内)1.属于汽车轮胎真正质量特性的是(A) A.使用寿命 B.耐磨度 C.抗拉强度 D.抗压强度 2.最先提出全面质量管理概念的学者是(B)A.朱兰 B.菲根堡姆C.戴明 D.泰罗3.我国自( C )年开展全面质量管理以来,在理论和实践上都有一定的发展。
A.1960B.1976C.1978D.19814.返工费属于( B )。
A.外部故障成本B.内部故障成本C.鉴定成本D.预防成本 5.( B )是调查用户对本企业产品的价格反映,摸清适宜的价格,新产品如何定价,为本企业确定产品目标成本,寻求适宜的质量水平提供依据。
A.产品调查 B.价格调查 C.市场需求量调查 D.流通渠道调查 6.( D )又称产品设想,是在市场调研的基础上进行的。
A.产品设计B.产品计划任务书C.产品总体方案设计D.产品构思7.在正态分布情况下,工序加工产品的质量特性值落在6 σ范围内的概率或可能性约为(A) A.99.73%B.95.45%C.68.27%D.80.25%8.工序能力定量表示为:Cp=T/60,其中T表示:( B)。
A.标准偏差B.产品的公差范围C.不合格品率D.分散幅度9.( D)是检验员在生产现场按一定的时间间隔或加工产品的一定数量间隔对有关工序的产品质量进行检验。
A.首件检验 B.装置检验 C.自动化检验D.巡回检验10.( A)是质量体系文件的主要内容,它阐明了一个组织的质量方针和质量体系的基本结构,是实施和保持质量体系所应长期遵循的文件。
A.质量手册B.程序文件C.质量计划D.质量记录11.产品质量产生、形成和实现的最后一个过程是(D )A.设计过程B.销售过程C.运输过程D.使用过程12.( D)是指确定质量活动和有关结果是否符合计划的安排,以及这些安排是否有效地实施并适合于达到预定的目标而进行的有系统的独立的检查。
第一次质量管理作业部门: xxx时间: xxx整理范文,仅供参考,可下载自行编辑习题一b=(100.8-40*13.8/5>/(360-40^2/5>=-0.24 a=2.76+0.24*8=4.68回归方程为y=4.68-0.24xr=(100.8-40*13.8/5>/(SORT(360-1600/5>*SQRT(40.42-13.8*13.8/5>>=-0.99398 相关性检验表 显著水平a r00.05 0.878 0.01 0.959因为|r|>=r0,所以可认为两变量相关可信,所配置的直线方程有意义。
习题二转速<X ) 涂层厚<Y ) X^2 Y^2XY 4 3.8 16 14.44 15.2 6 3.2 36 10.24 19.2 8 2.7 64 7.29 21.6 10 2.2 100 4.84 2212 1.9 144 3.61 22.8 总计 40 13.8 36040.42100.8平均数8 2.76X Y lnx lny(lnx>^2(lny>^2 lnx*lny 123 17 4.812184355 2.83321334423.157118278.02709785313.63394493120 13 4.787491743 2.56494935722.920077196.57896520612.27967387154 24 5.036952602 3.1780538325.3708915210.1000261516.0077065177 4 4.343805422 1.38629436118.868645541.9218120566.021792962总计4745818.98043412 9.96251089390.3167325226.6279012647.94311827设回归方程:y=Ax^B两边取对数:lny=lnA+Blnx 设y’=lnx,x'=lnx,A'=lnA,代入原方程,则y'=A'+Bx'由上表得出Lx’y’0.669923Lx’x’0.252513B 2.653027A-10.0983因为A’=lnA,则A=e^A',保留4位小数得:B 2.653A0.000041回归方程y=0.000041+2.653x相关系数表r0(1>r0(2>a5%1%N-2=20.950.99r0(1>=<|r|=<r0(2>,两变量相互不可信,方程没有意义。
国际标准ISO 9000: 2005《质量管理体系——基础和术语》中对质量的定义为:“一组固有特性满足要求的程度”。
IS09000: 2005标准《质量管理体系——基础和术语》中对质量特性的定义为:产品、过程或体系与要求有关的固定特性。
3.什么是质量管理?质量管理的各个发展阶段有什么特点?国际标准IS09000: 2005《质量管理体系——基础和术语》中对质量管理的定义为: “在质量方4.什么是全面质量管理?全面质量管理的特点有哪些?全面质量管理是以质量为中心,以全员参与为基础,旨在通过顾客和所有相关方受益而达到长期成功的一种管理途径。
5、质量管理体系的总体设计是根据___ ISO9000标准____规定的要求和___组织内部____的具体情况,对质量管理体系进行统筹规划、系统分析、整体设计,并提出设计方案的过程。
判断题1. 使用因果图进行质量管理,有助于找出问题的主要原因。
此种说法:×正确错误正确答案:错误2. 质量管理中的排列图,主要按照问题的重要程度显示每个项目对整个问题的作用。
此种说法:√正确错误正确答案:正确3. 质量管理中的关联图能够解决各种问题相互纠缠的局面。
此种说法:√正确错误正确答案:正确4. 质量管理中的PDPC法主要用来预防重大事故的发生。
此种说法:√正确错误正确答案:正确5. 使用PDOC法进行质量管理时,应在问题出现之前找出最佳方案。
恭喜您顺利通过考试!单选题1. 在质量管理中,因果图的程序不包括:√A规定结果B规定原因的类别C提出识别改进的机会D选取最大原因继续研究正确答案:C2. 在质量管理中,排列图的主要用途不包括:√A给问题排序B分析问题C找出解决方法D制定措施正确答案:D3. 在质量管理中,新QC手法不包括:√A亲和图B直方图C矩阵图D箭线图正确答案:B4. 质量管理中关联图的特点不包括:√A适合分析整理各种复杂因素交织的问题B简明扼要,一目了然C易于补充和修改D具有专业性正确答案:D5. 下列选项中,不属于按照结构进行分类的关联图类别是:√A中央集中型B单一目的型C单向汇集型D应用型正确答案:B6. 在质量管理中,可以系统寻求目的实现的最佳手段是:√A系统图B因果图C矩阵图D排列图正确答案:A7. 系统图的应用范围不包括:√A新产品开发中的质量设计B进行质量保证活动管理时C制定科研项目的实施计划时D和矩阵图搭配使用正确答案:C8. 关于系统图“故障树”,下列表述错误的是:√A由输入符号或关系符号组成B用以分析系统的安全问题或运行功能问题C表示导致灾害、伤害事故的逻辑关系D不需考虑工艺流程等问题正确答案:D9. 在质量管理中,能够有效预测小概率重大事件的方法是:√A关联图法B PDPC法C因果图法D系统图法正确答案:B10. 优选法的类别不包括:√A折叠纸条法B逆向思维法C陡坡法D分数法正确答案:B判断题11. 顺向思维法是从需要达到的目标出发,推导出可行方案的过程。
二、填空题1、较小,较大2、消费者与用户3、固有特性4、质量,全员参与5、全过程的质量管理,全企业的质量管理,全社会推动的质量管理三.单选题1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.A四.简答题1、什么是质量?你认为应当如何理解质量的概念?质量是一组固有特性满足要求的程度。
(2010-12-07)/ 注意:中文译“搭”或“达”要求:自组独立完成、根据提示找资料,用书本理论知识分析这些资料,撮文形式不限、可结合图片说明、中英文字、可列举你找到的有价值的资料、要求2000字,第15周周一打印提交(不同班同学成组的写清楚班别学号姓名)。
虽然文章形式可以自定,但内容要回答以下问题:(5M1E资料:造成产品质量的波动的原因主要有6个因素:a) 人(Man):操作者对质量的认识、技术熟练程度、身体状况b) 机器(Machine):机器设备、工夹具的精度和维护保养状况c) 材料(Material):材料的成分、物理性能和化学性能等;d) 方法(Method):这里包括加工工艺、工装选择、操作规程e)测量(Measurement):测量时采取的方法是否标准、正确;f) 环境(Enviromen)工作地的温度、湿度、照明和清洁条件由于这五个因素的英文名称的第一个字母是M和E,所以常简称为5M1E。
6要素只要有一个发生改变就必须重新计算)1.这个物流系统的成功因素在哪里?提示:内因、外因(5M1E、价格、成本(人力成本、硬件成本、管理成本)、员工管理;器材、流程、技术;人们生活习惯、铁路系统、可替代产品的竞争)2.在这个案例里,“质量”是什么?3.在这个案例里,“产品”是什么?4.在这个案例里,“顾客”是什么?(内部顾客、外部顾客)5.简述这系统的CUSTOMERS SERVICES, TRANSPORTATION, INFORMATION.6.你认为在新科技条件下,如何提高这个物流系统的效率及扩大它的营业总量?这行业的经营要留意什么市场情况的变化?Mumbai's tiffin carriers deliverNew Delhi- Some 5,000 semi-literate lunch-box carriers, called "dabbawalas" have built up a near-perfect record of service over the past 120 years, delivering home-cooked food to more than 200,000 people in the western Indian city Mumbai. During that colourful history, they have been courted by British royalty, lectured Microsoft management, and have become a case study for major business schools, including Harvard.The dabbawalas, part of the The Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Association (MTBSA), claim that during the organization's 120 years of operation, they have made just one error in 16 million transactions.That one acknowledged mistake took place in 2005, when Mumbai was lashed by heavy rains and floods and a rookie dabbawala could not make one of his deliveries.It's an error rate which surpasses the benchmark that blue-chip telecom and IT companies like Motorola, Genpact, Wipro, Infosys and IBM have set for their products, the president of the MTBSA, Raghunath Medage, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa.The out-of-the-box solutions of dabbawalas have captivated Britain's Prince Charles, who invited two of them to his wedding with Camila Parker Bowles. They have also taught Virgin Atlantic supremo Sir Richard Branson a thing or two about service with a smile.And starting this year, their business style will be studied across India by high school students.Dabbawalas are in textbooks because a day in their life starts with braving Mumbai's heat, humidity and peak-hour traffic, reaching the homes of students, entrepreneurs of small businesses, managers, especially bank staff, and mill workers. This wide assortment of customers prefers to buy their tiffin, or mid-day meal, from dabbawalas for reasons of economy, hygiene, caste and dietary restrictions, as well as thathome-cooked taste.Each day, between 8:30-9 am, the dabbawalas collect food in dabbas (lunch-boxes), each of which is color-coded to identify its owner and destination.Then the dabbawala puts all the dabbas onto a wooden crate, which he lugs on his head or uses a pushcart, moving fast using a combination of bicycle, train and his two feet to reach his destination.At various intermediary stations, dabbas are hauled onto platforms from exclusive trains and bogies and sorted for distribution.At Mumbai's downtown stations, the last link in the chain, a final relay of dabbawalas fans out to take the dabbas to their respective owners.Dabbawalas, each on an average catering to about 35 customers every day, collect, deliver, and return 200,000 two-kilogram lunch-boxes daily in Mumbai. They earn the equivalent of between 7.50 and 8.70 US dollars per month from each of their customers.The money they earn goes into a cooperative pool, from which they are paid an average monthly salary of 124-148 dollars.MTBSA takes in about 9 million dollars annually, much of which is used by the co-operative to provide low-cost loans to the carriers and for running costs.What's most amazing about their logistics is that they achieve very high quality with zero documentation, no sophisticated technology for tracking the movement of the lunch boxes and no motor vehicle for transport, other than the suburban train service, pushcarts and bicycles.Dabbawalas have been invited to deliver lectures to organizations like Accenture, the Reserve Bank of India, the Confederation Of Indian Industries (CII), and to the cream of India's management and engineering institutes.Shantanu Moitra, a consultant with Pricewaterhouse Coopers, said the the secret to the dabbawalas' success is the combination of "low-cost suburban train service that covers the entire Mumbai city, a close-knit family of dabbawalas from the same sect, competitive collaboration between groups,entrepreneurship, technical efficiency in logistics management, and a flat oraginasational structure."To create a feeling of ownership, each dabbawala has to bring some capital with him - including two bicycles (100 dollars), a wooden crate for the lunch-boxes (50 dollars), at least one set of white cotton loose shirt and pants (15 dollars), and the trademark white Gandhi hat (0.5 dollars).Hiring is selective because dabbawalas consider themselves to be the descendants of soldiers of the legendary 17th century Maharashtrian warrior-king Shivaji, who fought the British empire in pre-Independence India. They are hired from within a select Varkari sect in the western Indian state Maharashtra. "We believe in employing people from our own community. So whenever there is a vacancy, elders recommend a relative from their village," said Madhba, a dabbawala from Maharashtra.An 8th grade education is a recent pre-requisite, although out of 5,000 dabbawalas, about 85 per cent are illiterate. The remaining 15 per cent are educated up to 8th grade."Our system accommodates those who didn't or couldn't finish their studies. But we have people who have studied up to high school who couldn't find respectable jobs," said Medage. "Farming earns a pittance, compelling us to move to the city. And the tiffin service is a business of repute since we are not working under anyone. It's our own business, we are partners, it confers a higher status in society," said Sambhaji, another dabbawala, of whom only four are women."We earn more than many educated graduates," added dabbawala Khengle.The dabbawalas were given ISO quality certification last year. They also earned recognition from the Guiness Book of World Records and Ripley's Believe It Or Not.They are also proud to have avoided going on strike for the last 120 years, while producing near-zero carbon emissions, said MTBSA president Madage..What you can learn from a dabbawalla?A Six Sigma Quality Certification endorsed by Forbes magazine, a fan club that includes Prince Charles and Richard Branson (owner of the Virgin empire) -- this guest lecture was definitely going to be unlike any other we have had on campus at NITIE, Mumbai.The speakers were not your regular pinstripe,suit-clad, swanky corporate types who are oftenspotted in B-school auditoriums, spewing management jargon.Raghunath Megde and Gangaram Talekar, president and secretary respectively of the Nutan Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Charity Trustof Mumbai, were here to share their mantras on 'Time Management' and 'Supply Chain Management'.Popularly known as Mumbai's dabbawallas, they were here to explain how their establishment managed to supply, without any hitches,2,00,000 lunch boxes everyday in the busy metropolis of Mumbai.Note: The Six Sigma quality certification was established by the International Quality Federation in 1986, to judge the quality standards of an organisation. According to an article publishedin Forbes magazine in 1998, one mistake for every eight million deliveries constitutes Six Sigma quality standards.Food for thoughtBefore cutting to the management mantras, let's understand a few facts about our dabbawallas. Their mission is to serve their customers -- who are mainly office goers -- by delivering their lunch boxes at their doorstep on time.They have 5,000 people on their payroll to ensure the prompt delivery of lunchboxes within Mumbai; these 'delivery boys' travel by local trains and use bicycles or walk to reach every nook and corner of Mumbai.The lunch boxes are delivered exactly at 12.30 pm. Later, the empty boxes are collected and taken back to the homes, catering services or hotels before 5 pm. In fact, the next time you forget to strap on your watch before leaving for office, don't be surprised to find it in the lunchbox container brought by the dabbawalla from your home!On an average, every tiffin box changes hands four times and travels 60-70 kilometres in its journey to reach its eventual destination.Each box is differentiated and sorted along the route on the basis of markings on the lid, which give an indication of the source as well as the destination address.The management perspectiveMegde's presentation was in chaste Hindi. We got to know much about the operational aspects of the process.From this, I deduced that dabbawallas are a prime example of management guru Michael Porter's Five Forces Theory at work.According to Manav Malik, a first year student of NITIE, "Porter's theories, which are the basis for classical management principles, define the scope and nature of competition a company faces to attain leadership. Surprisingly, the dabbawalas are following these veryprinciples in spite of their ignoranceof the same."These are as follows:i. Threat of new entrants:According to Porter, the threat newentrants is dangerous to anyorganisation as it can take away themarket share the organisation enjoys.Started in 1880, the experience curve of the 125-year-old dabbawalla service serves as a huge entry barrier for potential competitors.Besides, it would be difficult to replicate this supply chain network that uses Mumbai's jam-packed local trains as its backbone.ii. Current competition: Porter's five forces theory states that strategy is determined by a unique combination of activities that deliver a different value proposition than competitors or the same value proposition in a better way.The dabbawallas do face competition from fast food joints as well as office canteens. However, since neither of these serve home food, the dabbawallas' core offering remains unchallenged.They have also tied up with many catering services and hotels to cater to the vast number of office goers.iii. Bargaining power of buyers: The delivery rates of the dabbawallas are so nominal (about Rs 300 per month) that one simply wouldn't bargain any further.Also, their current monopoly negates any scope of bargaining on the part of their customers.Thus, we encounter a perfect win-win combination for the customers as well as the dabbawallas.iv. Bargaining power of sellers: The dabbawallas use minimum infrastructure and practically no technology, hence they are not dependent on suppliers. Since they are a service-oriented organisation, they are not dependent on sellers to buy their product. Hence, sellers do not assume any prominence as would be the case in aproduct-oriented company.The strategy map framework in Porter's theory allows companies to identify and link together the critical internal processes and human, information and organisation capital that deliver the value proposition differently or better.Human capital is the greatest driving force in the dabbawalla community; as a result, they are not dependent on suppliers or technology, thus negating the seller's power in the equation.v. Threat of a new substitute product or service: As substitutes to home cooked food are not seen as a viable alternative in the Indian scenario, the threat to the dabbawalla service is not an issue at least in the foreseeable future.This gives them a leeway to probably expand their already existing network into newer cities as demand increases in these places as well.So, will these people next target the other metros in India? Only time will tell.Dabbawala methodology~ "Error is horror," said Talekar while explaining the operationalmotto. In the event of a dabbawalla meeting with an accident en route, alternative arrangements are made to deliver the lunch boxes.For example, in a group of 30 dabbawallas catering to an area, five people act as redundant members; it is these members who take on the responsibility of delivering the dabbas in case of any untoward happenings.~ The dabbawallas must be extremely disciplined. Consuming alcohol while on duty attracts a fine of Rs 1,000. Unwarranted absenteeism is not tolerated and is treated with a similar fine.~ Every dabbawalla gets a weekly off, usually on Sunday.~ The Gandhi cap serves as a potent symbol of identification in the crowded railway stations. Not wearing the cap attracts a fine of Rs 25.In fact, Richard Branson, the maverick businessman who is never shy to promote himself and the Virgin brand, donned a Gandhi topi and dhoti (the dabbawallas' signature dress code), during the launch of Virgin's inaugural flights to Mumbai.~ There are no specific selection criteria like age, sex or religion; however, I have never seen a female dabbawalla. The antecedents of the candidates are thoroughly verified and a new employee is takeninto the fold for a six-month probation.After that period, the employment is regularised with a salary of Rs 5,000 a month.~ It is interesting to note there is no retirement age, and any person can work till he is fit enough to carry on the tasks required of him.What we learnt~ "As management students, there was a lot that we learnt from this lecture," says Karthik A J, a first year management student at NITIE. " The belief that technology is indispensable to solve complex problems was shattered. FMCGs and other industries can learn a lot from the simple supply chain logistics and efficient reverse logistics (transfer of empty lunch boxes to the source location)," he adds.~ The concept of multi-level coding (colour coding on the lunch boxes for identification) and reverse logistics can be implemented in industries as diverse as soft drinks (where logistics becomes an important aspect, transporting the filled bottles to retailers and collecting empty bottles back to the plants), pharmaceuticals and other FMCG areas.For example, can the bar coding mechanism (a computerisedformat) which is prevalent and expensive, be simplified with just colour/ number coding?In small and medium scale organisations where bar coding systems would require a lot of resources, these systems can prove to be very efficient and cost effective.Moreover, the dependence on technology could be drastically reduced.~ The learning for a working executive are enormous too. Managers and executives alike spend a lot of their valuable time learning various concepts in people and time management. Newer mechanisms like Customer Relationship Management, etc, have been developed to assist executives in the same.But, in the midst of implementing technology and IT, basic principles in people management, sustainable relationship development and customer satisfaction have lost their meaning.Our friendly dabbawallas are a perfect example of an important principle of both business and management -- the thirst to serve customers in a simple yet effective fashion without falling into the technology trap. I think this is an aspect which needs to be re-learntand implemented in any organisation today.~ The most enduring lesson that we learnt was to put the customer ahead of everything else. It is said that when Prince Charles expressed a desire to meet them during his visit in 2003, the dabbawallas requested him to schedule the meeting such that it did not interfere with their mid-day delivery timings.Hot Potatoes: Pradip Thakker4,500 semi-literate dabbawalas collect and deliver 175,000 packages within hours. What should we learn from this unique, simple and highly efficient 120 year old logistics system? Hungry kya? What would you like: pizza from the local Domino‟s (30 minute delivery) or a fresh, hot meal from home? Most managers don‟t have a choice. It‟s either a packed lunch or junk food grabbed from a fast food outlet. Unless you live in Mumbai, that is, where a small army of …dabbawalas‟ picks up 175,000 lunches from homes and delivers them to harried students, managers and workers on every working day. At your desk. 12.30 pm on the dot. Served hot, of course. And now you can even order through the Internet.The Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Association (MTBSA) is a streamlined 120 year old organization with 4,500 semi-literate members providing a quality door-to-door service to a large andloyal customer base. How has MTBSA managed to survive through these tumultuous years?Hungry kya? What would you like: pizza from the local Domino‟s (30 minute delivery) or a fresh, hot meal from home? Most managers don‟t have a choice. It‟s either a packed lunch or junk food grabbed from a fast food outlet. Unless you live in Mumbai, that is, where a small army of …dabbawalas‟ picks up 175,000 lunches from homes and delivers them to harried students, managers and workers on every working day. At your desk. 12.30 pm on the dot. Served hot, of course. And now you can even order through the Internet.The Mumbai Tiffin Box Suppliers Association (MTBSA) is a streamlined 120 year old organization with 4,500 semi-literate members providing a quality door-to-door service to a large and loyal customer base.How has MTBSA managed to survive through these tumultuous years? The answer lies in a twin process that combines competitive collaboration between team members with a high level of technical efficiency in logistics management. It works like this.After the customer leaves for work, her lunch is packed into a tiffin provided by the dabbawala. A color-coded notation on the handle identifies its owner and destination. Once the dabbawala has picked up the tiffin, he moves fast using a combination of bicycles, trains and his two feet.A BBC crew filming dabbawalas in action was amazed at their speed. “Following our dabbawala wasn‟t easy, our film crew quickly lost him in the congestion of the train station. At VictoriaTerminus we found other fast moving dabbawalas, but not our subject... and at Mr Bhapat‟s ayurvedic pharmacy, the lunch had arrived long before the film crew,” the documentary noted wryly. So, how do they work so efficiently?team workThe entire system depends on teamwork and meticulous timing. Tiffins are collected from homes between 7.00 am and 9.00 am, and taken to the nearest railway station. At various intermediary stations, they are hauled onto platforms and sorted out forarea-wise distribution, so that a single tiffin could change hands three to four times in the course of its daily journey.At Mumbai‟s downtown stations, the last link in the chain, a final relay of dabbawalas fan out to th e tiffins‟ destined bellies. Lunch hour over, the whole process moves into reverse and the tiffins return to suburban homes by 6.00 pm.To better understand the complex sorting process, let‟s take an example. At Vile Parle Station, there are four groups of dabbawalas, each has twenty members and each member services 40 customers. That makes 3,200 tiffins in all. These3,200 tiffins have to be collected by 9.00 am, reached the station and sorted according to their destinations by 10.00 am when the …Dabbawala Special‟ train arrives.The railway provides sorting areas on platforms as well as special compartments on trains traveling south between 10.00 am and 11.30 am.During the journey, these 80 dabbawalas regroup according to the number of tiffins to be delivered in a particular area, and notaccording to the groups they actually belong to. If 150 tiffins are to be delivered in the Grant Road Station area, then four people are assigned to that station, keeping in mind one person can carry no more than 35-40 tiffins.During the earlier sorting process, each dabbawala would have concentrated on locating only those 40 tiffins under his charge, wherever they come from, and this specialization makes the entire system efficient and error-free. Typically it takes about ten to fifteen minutes to search, assemble and arrange 40 tiffins onto a crate, and by 12.30 pm they are delivered to offices.In a way, MTBSA‟s system is like the Internet. The Internet relies on a concept called packet switching. In packet switched networks, voice or data files are sliced into tiny sachets, each with its own coded address which directs its routing.These packets are then ferried in bursts, independent of other packets and possibly taking different routes, across the country or the world, and re-assembled at their destination. Packet switching maximizes network density, but there is a downside: your packets intermingle with other packets and if the network is overburdened, packets can collide with others, even get misdirected or lost in cyberspace, and almost certainly not arrive on time.elegant logisticsIn the dabbawalas‟ elegant logistics system, using 25 kms of public transport, 10 km of footwork and involving multiple transfer points, mistakes rarely happen. According to a Forbes 1998 article, one mistake for every eight million deliveries is the norm. How do they achieve virtual six sigma quality with zerodocumentation? For one, the system limits the routing and sorting to a few central points. Secondly, a simple color code determines not only packet routing but packet prioritizing as lunches transfer from train to bicycle to foot.who are the dabbawalas?Descendants of soldiers of the legendary Maharashtrian warriorking Shivaji, dabbawalas belong to the Malva caste, and arrive in Mumbai from places like Rajgurunagar, Akola, Ambegaon, Junnar and Maashi. “We believe in employing people from our own community. So whenever there is a vacancy, elders recommend a relative from their village,” says Madhba, a dabbawala.“F arming earns a pittance, compelling us to move to the city. And the tiffin service is a business of repute since we are not working under anyone. It‟s our own business, we are partners, it confers a higher status in society,” says Sambhaji, another dabbawa la. “We earn more than many padha-likha graduates,” adds Khengle smugly.The proud owner of a BA (Hons) degree, Raghunath Meghe, president of MTBSA, is a rare graduate. He wanted to be a chartered accountant but couldn‟t complete the course because of family problems. Of his three children, his daughter is a graduate working at ICICI, one son is a dabbawala and the younger son is still studying.Education till standard seven is a minimum prerequisite. According to Meghe, “This system accommodates those wh o didn‟t or couldn‟t finish their studies. It‟s obvious that those who score good marks go for higher education and not to do this job,but we have people who have studied up to standard twelve who couldn‟t find respectable jobs.” There are only two women dabbawalas.Apart from commitment and dedication, each dabbawala, like any businessman, has to bring some capital with him. Themini-mum investment is two bicycles (approximately Rs4,000), a wooden crate for the tiffins (Rs500), at least one white cotton kurta-pyjama (Rs600), and Rs20 for the trademark Gandhi topi.competitive collaborationMTBSA is a remarkably flat organization with just three tiers: the governing council (president, vice president, general secretary, treasurer and nine directors), the mukadams and the dabbawalas. Its first office was at Grant Road. Today it has offices near most railway stations.Here nobody is an employer and none are employees. Each dabbawala considers himself a shareholder and entrepreneur. Surprisingly MTBSA is a fairly recent entity: the service is believed to have started in the 1880s but officially registered itself only in 1968. Growth in membership is organic and dependent on market conditions.This decentralized organization assumed its current form in 1970, the most recent date of restructuring. Dabbawalas are divided into sub-groups of fifteen to 25, each supervised by four mukadams. Experienced old-timers, the mukadams are familiar with the colors and codings used in the complex logistics process.Their key responsibility is sorting tiffins but they play a critical role in resolving disputes; maintaining records of receipts and payments; acquiring new customers; and training junior dabbawalas on handling new customers on their first day.Each group is financially independent but coordinates with others for deliveries: the service could not exist otherwise. The process is competitive at the customers‟ end and united at the delivery end.Each group is also responsible for day-to-day functioning. And, more important, there is no organizational structure, managerial layers or explicit control mechanisms. The rationale behind the business model is to push internal competitiveness, which means that the four Vile Parle groups vie with each other to acquire new customers.building a clienteleThe range of customers includes students (both college and school), entrepreneurs of small businesses, managers, especially bank staff, and mill workers.They generally tend to be middle-class citizens who, for reasons of economy, hygiene, caste and dietary restrictions or simply because they prefer whole-some food from their kitchen, rely on the dabbawala to deliver a home cooked mid-day meal.New customers are generally acquired through referrals. Some are solicited by dabbawalas on railway platforms. Addresses are passed on to the dabbawala operating in the specific area, who then visits the customer to finalize arrangements. Today customers can also log onto the website toaccess the service.Service charges vary from Rs150 to Rs300 per tiffin per month, depending on location and collection time. Money is collected in the first week of every month and remitted to the mukadam on the first Sunday. He then divides the money equally among members of that group. It is assumed that one dabbawala can handle not more than 30-35 customers given that each tiffin weighs around 2 kgs. And this is the benchmark that every group tries to achieve.Typically, a twenty member group has 675 customers and earns Rs1,00,000 per month which is divided equally even if one dabbawala has 40 customers while another has 30. Groups compete with each other, but members within a group do not.It‟s common sense, points out one dabbawala.One dabbawala could collect 40 tiffins in the same time that it takes another to collect 30. From his earnings of betweenRs5,000 to Rs6,000, every dabbawala contributes Rs15 per month to the association. The amount is utilized for the community‟s upliftment, loans and marriage halls at concessional rates. All problems are usually resolved by association officials whose ruling is binding.Meetings are held office on the 15th of every month at the Dadar. During these meetings, particular emphasis is paid to customer service. If a tiffin is lost or stolen, an investigation is promptly instituted. Customers are allowed to deduct costs from any dabbawala found guilty of such a charge.If a customer complains of poor service, the association can shift the customer‟s account to another dabbawala. N odabbawala is allowed to undercut another.Before looking into internal disputes, the association charges a token Rs100 to ensure that only genuinely aggrieved members interested in a solution come to it with their problems, and the officials‟ time is n ot wasted on petty bickering.learningsLogistics is the new mantra for building competitive advantage, the world over. Mumbai‟s dabbawalas developed their home grown version long before the term was coined.Their attitude of competitive collaboration is equally unusual, particularly in India. The operation process is competitive at the customers‟ end but united at the delivery end, ensuring their survival since a century and more. Is their business model worth replicating in the digital age is the big questionDelhi not suitable for Mumbai's dabbawalas。
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1.在汽车轮胎的各个质量特性中,下列属于真正质量特性的是A.耐磨度B.抗压度C.抗拉强度D.使用寿命 [ ]2.在全面质量管理过程中,组织的上层的质量管理侧重点是A.开展合理化建议B.制定质量方针、质量目标C.开展质量管理小组活动D.对基层工作进行具体管理 [ ]3.在制造过程中发生的质量缺陷而造成的停工损失属于A.内部故障成本B.外部故障成本C.鉴定成本D.预防成本 [ ]4.若Cp=1.75时,可以采取的措施是A.降低对原材料的要求,简化质量检验B.加强质量检验,增加检验频次C.改进工艺,提高Cp值D.停止加工,挑出不合格品 [ ]5.以提高产品质量、降低消耗为目的,通过分析诊断,制订改进的目标,确定达到这些目标的具体措施和方法,这是PDCA循环的A.P阶段B.D阶段C.C阶段D.A阶段 [ ]6.企业本身或外部对企业实施的质量体系诸要素能否有效地达到规定的质量目标和顾客的要求所进行的有计划、独立、定期的检查和评价活动。
这是A.产品质量审核B.质量体系审核C.过程审核D.管理评审 [ ]7.对于正常形状的直方图,如属于偏态型,应采取的调整关系为A.已出现了不合格品,应多方面采取措施,减少标准偏差,或放宽过严的公差范围B.减少标准偏差C.工序能力出现过剩,应改变工艺,放宽加工精度或减检验频次D.调整分布中心,使分布中心与公差中心重合 [ ]8.在散布图中,成对的数据形成点子云,研究点子云的分布状态,便可推断成对数据之间的相关程度,当X值增加,相应的Y值也增加,说明X与Y之间是A.不相关B.正相关C.非线性相关D.负相关 [ ]9. 下列各项费用中属于内部故障成本的是A.降价费B.工序控制费C.不合格品处理费 D.进货测试费 [ ]10. 在针对制程作SPC控制图中,控制图的上、下控制界限,一般采用的法则是A.1σB.2σC.3σD.4σ[ ]11. 质量是一组[ ]满足要求的程度A、固有特性B、内在特性和外在特性C、特性D、赋预特性12. 下列属于第三方审核的是A、顾客进行的审核B、总公司对其下属公司组织的审核C、认证机构进行的审核D、对协作厂进行的审核 [ ]13.质量改进是消除[ ]的问题A.偶发性B.系统性C.持续性D.复杂性14. 与质量突破相比,质量改进侧重A.结果B. 总结C.控制D. 过程 [ ]15. "隐含的要求"是顾客和其它相关方的A.合同约定B.法规C.共同协商D.惯例 [ ]16.下列哪些费用为预防成本A.过程控制费用B.原材料检验费用C.质量审核费用D.复检费用 [ ]17. 控制图中的第一类错误是指A.生产正常,但点子偶然出界,判异B.过程异常,但点子排列未显示异常,判稳C.错误使用判稳准则D.选择控制图不当[ ]18. 已知某零件加工的过程能力指数cp=1.67,cpk=1.00,该过程的合格品率约为A.99.99%B.99.73%C.99.86%D.0.27% [ C ]19.质量方针是由企业的[ ]正式发布的该组织的总的质量宗旨和质量方向。
A.领导B.质量管理部门C.最高管理者D.总经理20. 控制图是对[ ]进行测定、记录、评估和监督过程是否处于统计控制状态的一种统计方法。
A.质量管理体系运行B.设备维护保养计划执行情况C.过程质量特性值D.计量检测系统21. 质量体系审核的对象是A.质量体系要素B.认证项目C.质量管理手册D.质量检验计划 [ ]22.PDCA循环可以上升、前进的关键阶段是A.P阶段B.D阶段C.C阶段D.A阶段 [ ]23. 由于刀具磨损所形成的直方图是[ A ]直方图。
A.平顶型B.锯齿型C.偏向型D.正常型24. 产品或质量体系认证,普遍称为[ ]认证。
A.生产企业B.顾客C.经销企业D.第三方25. “三包”对产品质量问题来说是一种A.补救措施B.预防措施C.改进措施D.安全措施 [ ]26. 下列变量中属于计量数据的是A.长度 B.不合格品数 C.彩色电视机台数 D.质量检验项目数 [ ]27. 在质量成本构成中,保修费用属于A.内部故障成本B.外部故障成本C.鉴定成本D.预防成本 [ ]28. 当出现以下哪条时,可以判断工序的生产过程异常?A.点子在控制界线内排列随机B.连续14点相邻上下交替C.无点子出界D.点子在界内排列无缺陷 [ ]29. 矢线图中的虚箭线表示A.先行作业的终结B.后续作业的开始C.作业D.作业间的相互关系[ ]30. 某机器生产电子盘片,为控制其重量,应采用A.不合格品率控制图B.均值一极差控制图C.中位数一极差图D.不合格品数控制图[ ]31. 企业在一定时期内在质量方面所要达到的预期成果称为A质量成本 B.质量目标 C.质量方针 D.质量水平 [ ]32.我国认证体系的授权机构是A.工商局B.税务局C.物价局D.技术监督局 [ ]33. 在正态分布情况下,工序加工产品的质量特性值落在6σ范围内的概率或可能性约为A.99.73%B.95.45%C.68.27%D.80.25% [ ]34. PDCA循环的关键在于A.P阶段B.D阶段C.A阶段D.C阶段 [ ]35. 在散布图中,当x增加,相应的y减少,则称x和y之间是A.正相关B.不相关C.负相关D.曲线相关 [ ]36. 方针目标展开过程中纵向展开时所用的主要方法是A.排列图 B. 矩阵图C.系统图 D. 网络图 [ ]37. 质量保证是质量管理的一部分,致力于A.满足质量要求 B. 增强满足质量要求的能力C.制定并实施质量方针和质量目标 D. 提供质量要求会得到满足的信任 [ ]38. 某顾客拟从某公司采购一批产品,决定委托认证机构以顾客的名义对该公司的质量管理体系进行审核,这种审核是一种A.内部审核 B. 第一审核C.第二方审核 D. 第三方审核 [ ]39. 质量计划通常是[ ]的结果之一。
A.质量策划 B. 质量保证C.质量控制 D. 质量审核40. PDPC法的用途有A.找出质量问题的主要影响因素 B.发现主要质量问题,抓住关键少数C.制订科研项目的实施计划 D.从不同角度发现质量问题的特征[ ]41. 关键线路的意义是指A.整个工期最短的线路B.整个工期最长的线路C.完成时间上有富裕,有机动时间的线路D.有时差的节点连结成的线路 [ ]42. 甲方厂为了解某产品质量特性分布,采集了150个数据绘制直方图,此时合理的分组数A.5 B. 6 C.11 D. 20[ ]43. 关于分层法,正确的说法是A.它经常与其它方法一起使用B. 分层法经常按数量多少进行分层C.分层法与经验无关D. 分层适当是指分层越细越好 [ ]44. 关于因果图,下面几种观点中错误的是A.确定原因应尽可能具体 B.因果图本身也需要不断改进C.最终往往因素越少越有效 D.可以同时分析两个以上的质量问题 [ ]45. 下面关于质量定义中“要求”的叙述,错误的是A.要求可由不同的相关方提出 B. 要求必须明示C.要求可以是多方面的 D. 要求不能代表期望[ ]四、简答题:1. 结合实际说说什么是服务质量。
2. 简述质量改进与质量控制、质量突破的关系。
3. 什么是适宜的质量水平?4.什么是PDCA循环,其主要特点是什么?5. 如何理解6σ管理?6. 说明过程能力指数与公差的关系。
7. 控制图诊断的原理是什么?8. 简述质量控制与质量保证的关系。
9. 质量管理的原则有哪些?10. 质量管理有哪些基础工作?11. 质量管理经历了哪些发展阶段,各阶段有何特点?12. 影响工序能力的因素有哪些??13、质量成本分析有哪些方法?.14、企业应如何对不合格服务进行补救?15、试说明内部审核和外部审核的联系。
1.某厂某年成本数据如下设备设计费 10000美元废品 150000美元检验费 180000美元多余库存损失费 45000美元供应商质量调查费 4000美元不合格品返修费 40000美元如果仅考虑上述质量成本,应采取哪些措施以降低质量成本?2. 某收音机厂采取一系列措施来提高晶体管收音机的质量。