四的四字成语关于四的四字成语导语:最美人间四月天里面说过,你是一树一树的花开,是燕在梁间呢喃,——你是爱,是暖,是希望,你是人间的四月天!关于四的成语也有很多的,请大家欣赏一下!1. 四海升平——指天下太平.2. 四海他人——指没有亲戚关系.3. 四海为家——原指帝王占有全国.后指什么地方都可以当作自己的家.指志在四方,不留恋家乡或个人小天地.4. 四海一家四海之内,犹如一家.形容天下一统.5. 四荒八极——四面八方极偏远之地.6. 四郊多垒——垒:营垒.敌军四面逼近,形势危急.也比喻竞争的对手多.7. 四角俱全——比喻完美无缺.8. 四脚朝天——四脚:指四肢.形容仰面跌倒.也形容人死去.9. 四马攒蹄——指两手两脚被捆在一起.10. 四面八方——指各个方面或各个地方.11. 四面出击——形容工作全面展开,没有重点.12. 四面楚歌——比喻陷入四面受敌、孤立无援的境地.13. 四面受敌——各个方面受到敌对势力的威胁或攻击.14. 四平八稳——原形容身体各部位匀称、结实.后常形容说话做事稳当.也形容做事只求不出差错,缺乏积极创新精神.15. 四清六活——形容机灵干练.16. 四衢八街——指大城市街道非常多.17. 四山五岳——泛指四面八方各个地区.18. 四时八节——四时:指春夏秋冬四季;八节:指立春、春分、立夏、夏至、立秋、秋分、立冬、冬至.泛指一年四季中各节气.19. 四时之气——本指一年四季的气象,后以“备四时之气”喻指人的.气度弘远.20. 四书五经——四书:亦称四子书,即《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》;五经:《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《易》、《春秋》.指儒家经典.21. 四体百骸——人体的各个部分.泛指全身.同“四肢百骸”.22. 四体不勤——四肢不劳动,形容脱离劳动.23. 四亭八当——亭、当:即停当,妥贴.形容一切事情都安排得十分妥贴.24. 四停八当——形容一切事情都安排得十分妥贴.同“四亭八当”.25. 四通八达——四面八方都有路可通.形容交通极便利.也形容通向各方.26. 四通五达——四通八达.形容交通畅达无阻.27. 四姻九戚——比喻亲戚极多.28. 四战之地——指四面平坦,无险可守,容易受攻击的地方.29. 四战之国——指四面平坦,无险可守,容易受攻击的地方.30. 四肢百骸——人体的各个部分.泛指全身.31. 四肢百体——人体的各个部分.泛指全身.同“四肢百骸”.32. 四至八道——旧时标志土地界域的用语.表示四面八方所到之处及通往的道路.33. 四百四病——指四肢百体的四时病痛.泛指各种疾病.34. 四不拗六——指少数人拗不过多数人的意见.35. 四冲八达——指四通八达的要道.同“四冲六达”.36. 四冲六达——指四通八达的要道.37. 四大皆空——四大:古印度称地、水、火风为“四大”.佛教用语.指世界上一切都是空虚的.是一种消极思想.38. 四方八面——到处;各个方面.39. 四方辐辏——比喻四方的人才或货物像车轮上的辐条聚集在毂上那样汇集到一处.后引申为从各方聚集的意思.40. 四方之志——志:志向.指远大的志向.亦作“志在四方”.41. 四分五裂——形容不完整,不集中,不团结,不统一.42. 四分五落——形容分散零乱.43. 四分五剖——四分五裂.形容分散,不统一.44. 四纷五落——形容分散零乱.同“四分五落”.45. 四海波静——比喻天下太平.46. 四海承风——指全国都接受教化.47. 四海鼎沸——四海:古人以为中国四境有海环绕,用以指全国各地;鼎沸:比喻局势不安定,如同鼎水沸腾.形容天下大乱.48. 四海九州——指全中国.49. 四海飘零——四海:代指全国各地.飘零:比喻遭到不幸,失去依靠,生活不安定.指到处飘泊,生活无着.50. 四海升平——升平:太平.天下太平.51. 巴三览四——比喻说话拉扯,没有中心.52. 不三不四——指不正派,也指不象样子.53. 差三错四——颠倒错乱.54. 倒三颠四——形容言行无条理或神智不清,精神恍惚.55. 低三下四——形容态度卑贱低下也指工作性质卑贱低下.56. 颠三倒四——形容说话做事错杂紊乱.57. 丢三落四——形容做事马虎粗心,不是丢了这个,就是忘了那个.58. 接三连四——接连不断.59. 拉三扯四——指谈话或议论牵扯无关的人或事.60. 拿三搬四——比喻不服从调派.61. 欺三瞒四——一再欺骗隐瞒.62. 说三道四——形容不负现任地胡乱议论.63. 挑三拣四——形容过分地挑剔.也指对工作或事物再三挑选.64. 调三窝四——搬弄是非,挑拔离间.65. 推三阻四——找各种借口推托.66. 言三语四——言、语:说、讲.形容人多嘴杂,议论纷纷.67. 再三再四——重复好几次.68. 张三李四——假设的名字,泛指某人或某些人.69. 朝三暮四——原指玩弄手法欺骗人.后用来比喻常常变卦,反复无常.。
全新版大学英语综合教程4课后翻译Unit 11. Mr. Doherty and his family are currently engaged in getting the autumn harvest in on the farm.多尔蒂先生和他的家人目前正在农场忙于秋收。
2. We must not underestimate the enemy. They are equipped with the most sophisticatedweapons.我们不能低估敌人,他们装备了最先进的武器。
3. Having been cut of a job/Not having had a job for 3months, Phil is getting increasinglydesperate.菲尔已经三个月没有找到工作了,正在变得越来越绝望。
4. Sam, as the project manager, is decisive, efficient, and accurate in his judgment.作为项目经理,山姆办事果断,工作效率高,且判断准确。
5. Since the chemical plant was identified as the source of solution, the village neighborhoodcommittee decided to close it down at the cost of 100 jobs.既然已经证实这家化工厂是污染源,村委会决定将其关闭,为此损失了一百个工作岗位。
Unit 21.There was an unusual quietness in the air, except for the sound of artillery in the distance.空气有一种不寻常的寂静,只有远处响着大炮的声音。
2. The expansion of urban areas in some African countries has been causing a significant fall inliving standards and an increase in social problems.在某些非洲国家城市的扩展已经引起生活水平相当大的下降和社会问题的增多。
1/ 4(7)四肢百骸:人体的各个部分。
英[fɔː(r)] 美[fɔːr]
num. 四;四个
adj. 四的;四个的
four hundred 名流;绅士
four modernizations 四个现代化(农,工,国防,科技);四化
gang of four 四人帮
big four 四大银行;大四星;四大会计师事务所
four balls 四坏球
four dimensional (adj.)四维的
on all fours 完全一致;四脚着地地;匍匐
four tones 四声
1、This street is four times shorter than that one.
2、The department offers four specialities.
英[fɔːθ] 美[fɔːrθ]
n. 第四;四分之一;第四音阶;第四档。
Who can count the dust of Jacob, and the number of the fourth part of Israel? 谁能数点雅各的尘土,谁能计算以色列的四分之一,我愿如义人之死而死。
欧陆风云4秘籍,如下:y esman强制AI接受所有外交win wars战争分数直接到100 add_heirtag 指定国家增加继承人man power增加人力fow 去战爭迷霚c ash 钱nopau setex t #切换显示暂停指示条(截图更好看)ne xtson g #换下一首BGMd ate [datein fo rmatyyyy.mm.dd] #改变当前日期ti me #现实时间oos #意义不明,我猜是重新生成一次校验码?c ombat sound - 战斗界面多久产生一次随机音效? 0-50 用了下,具体意义不明mo rehum ans(h umans) [nu m] #添加更多的m r.hum an wind ow(wn d) [A rgume nts:open/close] [wi ndowgui n ame]#打开或者关闭一个指定窗口rel oad [filename] #重载文件reloa dinte rface #重载界面reloa dfx [Argum ents: map/mapna me/po stfxor *.fx fi lenam e] #重新渲染rel oadte xture [tex turefilename] #重载材质reloa dloc#重载lo calis ation下文件pol l #查看可触发的事件(就是o n_act ions里面那些固定2年和5年触发一次的事件)` ev ent [event id][<Tar get C ountr y Tag>] #执行指定事件d ie(ki ll) [<Targ et Co untry Tag>] #弑君a dd_he ir [<Targe t Cou ntryTag>] #生成继承人(不用像EU3那样找侍女了)kill_heir[<Tar get C ountr y Tag>] #悲伤淹没了你,杀死指定国家继承人s iege[<Pro vince ID>] #指定省份围城即刻胜利 anne x [<T arget Coun try T ag>]#吞并指定国家 inte grate [<Ta rgetCount ry Ta g>] #整合指定国家(这两个都变成一个过程了,两者区别不是很清楚,貌似后者是联统下的合并?) vass alize [<Ta rgetCount ry Ta g>] #附庸指定国家disco ver [<Targ et Co untry Tag>] #发现指定国家首都省份win wars#战争胜利点数变为100%spr itele vel [<Spri te le vel>] #指定兵模等级pap votes #指向候选枢机主教名字会显示投票情况ki ll_ca rdina l #杀死列表第一位枢机主教cl ear #清空控制台v alida teeve nts #重新检测事件但不触发t estev ent [<Even t ID>] [<C harac ter I D>] #测试事件但不触发tes tmiss ion [<Miss ion N ame>] #测试任务但不触发c ash [<Amou nt>]#钱 popu latio n [<P rovin ceID>] [<A mount>] #给指定省份增加人口set missi onary progr ess [<Prov inceI D>] [<Amou nt>]#设置一个省份的传教进度 manp ower[<Amo unt>] #添加后备兵员add_nati ves [<Prov inceI D>] [<Amou nt>]#给指定省份增加土著a dd_re forml evel[<Amo unt>] #给帝国增加改革数目add_o pinio n [<C ountr y tag>] #增加指定国家对你的关系a dd_pi [<Co untry tag>] #增加指定国家的教廷影响力a dd_pa [<Co untry tag>] #增加指定国家族长权威add_cb [<casu s bel li ta g>] [<targ et co untry tag>] #添加对指定国家的指定宣战理由 remo ve_cb [<ca sus b ellitag>] [<ta rgetcount ry ta g>] #与上面相反t ag [<Count ry ta g>] #窜档指定国家reset_miss ion_c ancel [<Co untry tag>] #重置取消任务的任务间隔期(可马上再选任务)re move_defen der_f aith#移除玩家当前宗教的宗教守护者a dd_mi ssion ary [<Coun try t ag>]#给指定国家增加传教士add_c oloni st [<Count ry ta g>] #给指定国家增加殖民者a dd_in teres t [<C ountr y tag>] #添加指定国家到你感兴趣的国家列表中remov e_int erest [<Co untry tag>] #从感兴趣的国家列表中移除指定国家ad d_dip lo #A dds d iplom aticentro ute (看不懂)ad d_ide a_gro up [<Ideagroup key>] #添加理念组pow er [<stabi lity/tech_table_key/idea_key>] #使用君主力量点数p owerp oints [<AM OUNT> OPTI ONAL] #增加君主力量点数a dm [<AMOUN T> OP TIONA L] #增加行政力量点数 dip[<AMO UNT>OPTIO NAL]#增加外交力量点数mi l [<A MOUNT> OPT IONAL] #增加军事力量点数piety [<AM OUNT> OPTI ONAL] #增加虔诚stabi lity[<AMO UNT>OPTIO NAL]#提升稳定i mperi al_au thori ty [] #增加皇帝权威pre stige [] #增加威望Pr intSy nchSt uff #显示随机数和随机种子o bserv e(spe ctato r) #看海模式fow(debu g_fow) [<P rovin ce ID> OPT IONAL] #取消/开启战争迷雾 coll ision(debu g_col lisio n) #显示碰撞模型t i(deb ug_ti) #切换地图是否全开saveg ame #存盘 IP #显示你IPr eques tgame state #从主机获取游戏状态(单机别打这命令...会未响应) nudg e - G o tothe n udgetoolre volt[<Pro vince ID>] #指定省份叛乱pir ate [<Prov inceID>]#指定沿海省份出现海盗legit imacy [<AM OUNT>] #设定正统性map mode[Mapm ode t ype (int)] #切换地图模式ful lscre en #切换全屏sco re #分数balan ce -Regio n Bal anceoutpu t. pric es #物产价格信息a dd_co re [<Provi nce I D>] #给指定省份添加核心re move_core[<Pro vince ID>] #去除核心own [<Prov inceID>]#获得指定省份所有权c ontro ll [<Provi nce I D>] #获得指定省份控制权se lflea rning ai #开启/关闭A I学习能力(就EU的破AI还能这么凶残?) aivie w #显示AI额外信息yesma n #ai会同意你一切要求mem ory #显示已使用内存 msg#切换消息弹出 help log #在game.log里面显示所有控制台命令帮助 help [com mandname] #查看指定命令的帮助信息AAC亚琛A AC -Aache n.txtACH阿凯亚ACH - Prin cipal ity o f Ach aia.t xtA DA 阿达尔 ADA - Ad al.tx tAD E 也门ADE - Aden.txtAFG阿富汗A FG -Afgha nista n.txtAHM艾迈德纳格 AHM - Ah madna gar.t xtA KK 白羊 AKK- AkKoyun lu.tx tAL B 阿尔巴尼亚 AL B - A lbani a.txtALE阿朗松ALE - Alen con.t xtA LG 阿尔及尔 AL G - A lgier s.txtALH哈沙A LH -Haasa.txtALS阿尔萨斯ALS - Alsa ce.tx tAM A 尼子AMA - Amag o.txtAMG阿尔玛涅克 AMG - Ar mangn ac.tx tAN H 安哈尔特 ANH - An halt.txt ANN 安南 ANN - An nam.t xtA NS 安斯巴赫 AN S - A nsbac h.txtAQU阿奎莱亚 AQU- Aqu ileia.txtARA阿拉贡A RA -Arago n.txtARK若开A RK -Araka n.txtARM亚美尼亚 ARM- Arm enia.txt ASA 朝仓 ASA - As akura.txtASH阿散蒂A SH -Ashan ti.tx tAS S 阿萨姆 ASS- Ass am.tx tA TH 雅典 ATH- Duc hy of Athe ns.tx tAT J 亚齐ATJ - Atje h.txtAUG奥格斯堡 AUG- Aug sburg.txtAUV奥弗涅A UV -Auver gne.t xtA VI 阿维尼翁 AV I - A vigno n.txtAYD艾丁A YD -Aydin.txtAYU阿育他耶AYU - Ayut thaya.txtAZT阿兹特克AZT - Azte c Emp ire.t xtB AD 巴登 BAD- Bad en.tx tBA H 巴赫曼尼 BAH - Ba hmani s.txtBAL俾路支BAL - Balu chist an.tx tBA N 万丹BAN - Bant en.tx tBA R 巴尔BAR - Bar.txt BAV 巴伐利亚B AV -Bavar ia.tx tBD A 巴罗达 BDA- Bar oda.t xtB EI 文莱 BEI- Bru nei.t xtB EN 贝宁 BEN- Ben in.tx tBE R 布尔日 BER- Ber ry.tx tBH U 不丹BHU - Bhut an.tx tBI J 比贾布尔 BIJ - Bi japur.txtBLI巴厘 BL I - B ali.t xtB ND 本德尔汗德B ND -Bunde lkhan d.txtBNG孟加拉BNG - Beng al.tx tBO H 波希米亚 BOH - Bo hemia.txtBOS波斯尼亚BOS - Bosn ia.tx tBO U 波旁BOU - Bour bonna is.tx tBR A 勃兰登堡 BRA - Br anden burg.txt BRB 布拉邦特B RB -Braba nt.tx tBR E 不莱梅 BRE- Bre men.t xtB RI 布列塔尼 BR I - B ritta ny.tx tBR R 贝拉尔 BRR- Ber ar.tx tBR U 布伦瑞克 BRU - Br unswi ck.tx tBR Z 巴西BRZ - Braz il.tx tBS T 巴斯塔 BST- Bas tar.t xtB UL 保加利亚 BU L - B ulgar ia.tx tBU R 勃艮第 BUR- Bur gundy.txtBYZ拜占庭帝国 BYZ- Byz antin eEmpi re.tx t CA M 中美洲联邦 CA M - U PCA.t xtC AN 加拿大 CAN - Ca nada.txt CAS 卡斯提尔C AS -Casti le.tx tC EP 科孚 CEP- Cor fu.tx tCE Y 锡兰CEY - Ceyl on.tx tCH A 占婆CHA - Cham pa.tx tCH E 切洛基 CHE- Che rokee.txtCHG察合台C HG -Chaga tai K hanat e.txt CHK占巴塞CHK - Cham passa k.txtCHL智利C HL -Chile.txtCHM奇穆 CH M - C himu.txt CHP 香槟 CHP - Ch ampag ne.tx tCN D 坎达尔 CND - C andar.txtCNN康诺特C NN -Conna cht.t xtC OL 哥伦比亚 CO L - C olomb ia.tx tCO R 科西嘉 COR- Cor sica.txt CRE 克里克 CR E - C reek.txt CRI 克里米亚C RI -Crime a.txtCRN康沃尔CRN - Corn wall.txt CRO 克罗地亚C RO -Croat ia.tx tCR T 克里特 CRT- Cre te.tx tCS H 大顺CSH - Shun.txtCSK长宗我部CSK - Chos okabe.txtCXI大西 CX I - X i.txtCYP塞浦路斯 CYP- Cyp rus.t xtC ZH 大周 CZH- Zho u.txtDAI大越D AI -Dai V iet.t xtD AN 丹麦 DAN- Den mark.txt DAU 道芬 DAU - Da uphin e .tx tDE C 德干DEC - Decc an.tx tDH U 敦达尔 DHU- Dhu ndhar.txtDLH德里 DL H - D elhi.txt DNZ 但泽 DNZ - Da nzig.txt DTE 伊达 DTE - Da te.tx tDU L 杜勒卡迪尔 DU L - D ulkad ir.tx tEF R 东菲士兰 EFR - Ea st Fr isia.txt ENG 英格兰 EN G - E nglan d.txtEPI伊庇鲁斯 EPI- Des potat e ofEpiru s.txt ETH埃塞俄比亚 ETH - Et hiopi a.txtETR伊特鲁里亚 ETR - Et ruria.txtFER费拉拉F ER -Ferra ra.tx tFE Z 非斯FEZ - Fez.txt FIN 芬兰 FIN - Fi nland.txtFLA佛兰德斯FLA - Flan ders.txt FOI 富瓦 FOI - Fo ix.tx tFR A 法兰西 FRA- Fra nce.t xtF RI 弗里斯兰 FR I - F riesl and.t xtF RN 法兰克福 FR N - F rankf urt.t xtG AL 加利西亚 GA L - G alici a.txtGBR大不列颠 GBR- Gre at Br itain.txtGDW冈瓦纳G DW -Gondw ana.t xtG EL 海尔雷 GEL - Ge lre.t xtG EN 热那亚 GEN - Ge noa.t xtG EO 格鲁吉亚 GE O - G eorgi a.txtGER德意志GER - Germ any.t xtG OC 高康达 GOC - Go lcand a.txtGOL金帐G OL -Golde n Hor de.tx tGO T 哥特兰 GOT- Got land.txt GRA 格拉纳达G RA -Grana da.tx tGR E 希腊GRE - Gree ce.tx tGR J 迦贾德 GRJ- Gar jat.t xtG UJ 古吉拉特 GU J - G ujara t.txtGUY吉耶纳GUY - Guye nne.t xtG WA 瓜廖尔 GWA - Gw alior.txtHAB奥地利H AB -Austr ia.tx tHA I 埃诺HAI - Hain aut.t xtH AM 汉堡 HAM- Ham burg.txt HAN 汉诺威 HA N - H annov er.tx tHA T 海地HAT - Hait i.txtHAU豪萨H AU -Hausa.txtHED汉志 HE D - T he He djaz.txt HES 黑森 HES - He ssen.txt HIN 印度斯坦H IN -Hindu stan.txt HJO 北条 HJO - Ho jo.tx tHL R 神圣罗马帝国H LR -HolyRoman Empi re.tx t HO L 荷兰HOL - Holl and.t xtH SA 汉撒同盟 HS A - H ansa.txt HSK 细川 HSK - Ho sokaw a.txtHTK田山H TK -Hatak eyama.txtHUN匈牙利H UN -Hunga ry.tx tHU R 休伦HUR - Huro n.txtIKE池田I KE -Ikeda.txtIMG今川 IM G - I magaw a.txtINC印加I NC -IncaEmpir e.txtIRE爱尔兰IRE - Irel and.t xtI RO 易洛魁 IRO - Ir oqoui s.txtIRQ伊拉克IRQ - Iraq.txtITA意大利I TA -Italy.txtJAI贾拉伊尔德 JAI- Jal ayiri d.txtJAN杰格拉JAN - Jang aldes h.txtJAP日本J AP -Japan.txtJNP章普尔J NP -Jaunp ur.tx tJS L 斋沙默尔 JSL - Ja isalm er.tx tKA C 卡查KAC - Kach ar.tx tKA R 卡拉曼 KAR- Kar aman.txt KAT 卡提阿瓦K AT -Kathi awar.txt KAZ 喀山 KAZ - Ka zan.t xtK BO 卡奈姆博尔努KBO - Kane mBorn u.txt KGR坎格拉KGR - Kang ra.tx tKH A 蒙古KHA - Mong olKha nate.txt KHD 坎德什 KH D - K hande sh.tx tKH I 希瓦KHI - Khiv a.txtKHM高棉K HM -Khmer.txtKHO呼罗珊K HO -Khora san.t xtK LE 克里维斯 KL E - K leves.txtKLN开拉迪K LN -Kelad i.txtKMT科奇K MT -Koch.txt KNI 圣若望骑士团 KNI- The Knig hts.t xt K OC 科钦 KOC- Koc hin.t xtK OJ 耶路撒冷王国KOJ - Jeru salem.txtKOK浩罕 KO K - K okkan d.txtKOL科隆K OL -Colog ne.tx tKO N 刚果KON - Kong o.txtKOR朝鲜K OR -Korea.txtKRA克拉科夫KRA - Krak ow.tx tKR K 卡纳提克 KRK - Ca rnati c.txtKSH克什米尔 KSH- Kas hmir.txt KUR 库尔兰 KU R - C ourla nd.tx tKZ H 哈萨克 KZH- Kha zak H orde.txt LAN 兰开斯特L AN -Lanca ster.txt LAP 拉普拉塔L AP -La Pl ata.t xtL AU 萨克逊-劳恩堡 LAU- Lau enbur g.txt LEI伦斯特LEI - Lein ster.txt LIE 列日 LIE - Li ege.t xtL IT 立陶宛 LIT - Li thuan ia.tx tLI V 利沃尼亚骑士团LIV - Livo nianO rder.txt LNA 兰纳 LNA - La nNa.t xtL OA 卢安果 LOA - Lo ango.txt LOR 洛林 LOR - Lo rrain e.txtLOU路易斯安那 LOU - Lo usian a.txtLUA琅勃拉邦 LUA- Lua ng Pr abang.txtLUN吕讷堡L UN -Luneb urg.t xtL UX 卢森堡 LUX - Lu xembo urgh.txt LXA 澜沧 LXA - La nXang.txtMAB马拉巴尔MAB - Mala bar.t xtM AD 马杜赖 MAD - Ma durai.txtMAE前田 MA E - M aeda.txt MAG 马格德堡M AG -Magde burg.txt MAI 美因茨 MA I - M ainz.txt MAJ 满者伯夷M AJ -Majap ahit.txt MAL 马里 MAL - Ma li.tx tMA M 马穆鲁克 MAM - Ma meluk s.txtMAN曼图亚MAN - Mant ua.tx tMA R 马拉塔 MAR- Mar athas.txtMAW迈瓦尔M AW -Marwa r.txtMAY五月M AY -Maya.txt MAZ 马佐维亚M AZ -Mazov ia.tx tMC H 满洲MCH - Manc hu.tx tME I 迈森MEI - Meis sen.t xtM EN 孟忒瑟的 ME N - M entes e.txtMER梅瓦尔MER - Mewa r.txtMEW梅瓦特MEW - Mewa t.txtMEX墨西哥MEX - Mexi co.tx tMK L 梅克伦堡 MKL - Me cklen burg.txt MKS 望加锡 MK S - M akass ar.tx tML C 马六甲 MLC- Mal acca.txt MLO 米兰 MLO - Mi lan.t xtM LW 摩腊婆 MLW - Ma lwa.t xtM NG 大明 MNG- Min g.txtMNS明斯特MNS - Muns ter.t xtM OD 摩德纳 MOD - Mo dena.txt MOE 摩里亚 MO E - M orea.txt MOL 摩尔达维亚MOL - Mold avia.txt MON 黑山 MON - Mo ntene gro.t xtM OR 摩洛哥 MOR - Mo rocco.txtMOS莫斯科M OS -Musco wy.tx tMR I 毛利MRI - Mori.txtMSA马来亚M SA -Malay a.txtMTR马塔兰MTR - Mata ram.t xtM UG 莫卧儿 MUG - Mu ghal.txt MUL 木尔坦 MU L - M ultan.txtMUN明斯特M UN -Munst er.tx tMY S 迈索尔 MYS- Mys ore.t xtN AG 那格浦尔 NA G - N agpur.txtNAJ内志 NA J - N ajd.t xtN AP 那不勒斯 NA P - N aples.txtNAT原住民N AT -Nativ es.tx tNA V 纳瓦拉 NAV- Nav arra.txt NAX 纳克索斯N AX -Naxos.txtNED尼德兰N ED -Nethe rland s.txtNEV纳韦尔NEV - Neve rs.tx tNO G 诺盖NOG - Noga i.txtNOL诺森伯兰 NOL- Nor thumb erlan d.txtNOR挪威N OR -Norwa y.txtNOV诺夫哥罗德 NOV - No vgoro d.txtNPL尼泊尔NPL - Nepa l.txtNRM诺曼底NRM - Norm andy.txt NUB 丰吉 NUB - Fu nj.tx tNZ H 下诺夫哥罗德N ZH -Nizhn y Nov gorod.txtODA织田 OD A - O da.tx tOD H 奥德ODH - Oudh.txtOIR瓦剌 OI R - O iratH orde.txt OLD 奥尔登堡O LD -Olden burg.txt OMA 阿曼 OMA - Om an.tx tOR I 奥里萨 ORI- Ori ssa.t xtO RL 奥尔良 ORL - Or leans.txtOTM大友 OT M - O tomo.txt OUC 大内 OUC - Ou chi.t xtO YO 奥约 OYO- Oyo.txtPAL巴列丁奈PAL - ThePalat inat.txt PAP 教宗国 PA P - P apalState s.txtPAR帕尔玛PAR - Parm a.txtPAT北大年PAT - Patt ani.t xtP EG 勃固 PEG- Peg u.txtPER波斯P ER -Persi a.txtPEU秘鲁P EU -Peru.txt PIR 海盗 PIR - Pi rates.txtPIS比萨 PI S - P isa.t xtP LC 波兰立陶宛联邦 PLC- The Comm onwea lth.t xt P LT 波罗茨克 PL T - P olots k.txtPOL波兰P OL -Polan d.txtPOM波美拉尼亚 POM - Po mmern.txtPOR葡萄牙P OR -Portu gal.t xtP RG 巴拉圭 PRG - Pa ragua y.txtPRM彼尔姆PRM - Perm.txtPRO普罗旺斯PRO - Prov ence.txt PRU 普鲁士 PR U - P russi a.txtPSK普斯科夫 PSK- Psk ov.tx tPU N 旁遮普 PUN- Pun jab.t xtQ AR 黑羊 QAR- Qar a Koy unlu.txt QAS 卡西姆 QA S - Q asimK hanat e.txtQNG大清Q NG -Qing.txt QUE 魁北克 QU E - Q uebec.txtRAG拉古萨R AG -Ragus a.txtRAM拉玛赞RAM - Rama zan.t xtR EB 叛军 REB- Reb el Sc um.tx tRF R 革命法兰西 RF R - R evolu tiona ry Fr ance.txt RIG 里加 RIG - Ri ga.tx tRM N 罗马尼亚 RMN - Ro mania.txtRUS俄罗斯R US -Russi a.txtRYA梁赞R YA -Ryaza n.txtRYU琉球R YU -Ryuky u.txtSAR撒丁尼亚 SAR- Sar dinia.txtSAV萨伏依S AV -Savoy.txtSAX萨克森S AX -Saxon y.txtSBA斯波S BA -Shiba.txtSCA斯堪的纳维亚 SCA - Sc andin avia.txt SCO 苏格兰 SC O - S cotla nd.tx tSE R 塞尔维亚 SER - Se rbia.txt SHA 肖尼 SHA - Sh awnee.txtSHL荷尔施泰因 SHL- Hol stein.txtSHR沙迦 SH R - S harja h.txtSHY乌兹别克 SHY- Sha ybani d.txtSIB西伯利亚 SIB- Sib ir.tx tSI C 西西里 SIC- Sic ily.t xtS IE 锡耶纳 SIE - Si ena.t xtS IL 西里西亚 SI L - S ilesi a.txtSLZ萨尔茨堡 SLZ- Sal zburg.txtSMO斯模棱斯克 SMO- Smo lensk.txtSMZ岛津 SM Z - S himaz u.txtSND信德S ND -Sind.txt SOF 塞古 SOF - So fala.txt SOK 索科托 SO K - S okoto.txtSON桑海 SO N - S ongha i.txtSPA西班牙SPA - Spai n.txtSPI撒丁-皮德蒙特S PI -Sardi niaPi edmon t.txt SRU萨鲁汉SRU - Saru han.t xtS ST 掸邦 SST- Sha n.txtSTY斯提里亚 STY- Sty ria.t xtS UK 素可泰 SUK - Su khoth ai.tx tSU L 苏禄SUL - Sulu.txtSWE瑞典 SW E - S weden.txtSWI瑞士 SW I - S witze rland.txtSYR叙利亚S YR -Syria.txtTAU东吁 TA U - T aungu.txtTEU条顿骑士团 TEU- Teu tonic Orde r.txt THU图林根THU - Thur ingia.txtTIB乌斯藏T IB -Tibet.txtTIM帖木儿T IM -Timur id Em pire.txt TIR 蒂罗尔 TI R - T yrol.txt TKD 武田 TKD - Ta keda.txt TKG 德川 TKG - To kugaw a.txtTOK东京T OK -Tonki n.txtTOU图卢兹TOU - Toul ouse.txt TRA 特西瓦尼亚TRA - Tran sylva nia.t xtT RE 特拉比松 TR E - T rebiz ond.t xtT RI 特里尔 TRI - Tr ier.t xtT RP 的黎波里 TR P - T ripol i.txtTUN突尼斯TUN - Tuni sia.t xtT UR 奥斯曼 TUR - Ot toman Empi re.tx tTU S 托斯卡纳 TUS - Tu scany.txtTVE特维尔T VE -Tver.txt TYR 泰隆 TYR - Ty rone.txt UES 上杉 UES - Ue sugi.txt UKR 乌克兰 UK R - U krain e.txtULM乌尔姆ULM - Ulm.txt URB 乌尔比诺U RB -Urbin o.txtUSA美利坚USA - Unit ed St ates.txt UTR 乌得勒支U TR -Utrec ht.tx tVE N 威尼斯 VEN- Ven ice.t xtV IE 万象 VIE- Vie ntian e.txtVIJ维查耶那加尔 VI J - V ijaya nagar.txtVND维纳德V ND -Venad.txtVNZ委内瑞拉VNZ - Vene zuela.txtWAL瓦拉几亚WAL - Wall achia.txtWBG维尔茨堡WBG - Wurz burg.txt WES 威斯特伐利亚 WES- Wes tfali a.txt WLS威尔士WLS - Wale s.txtWUR符腾堡WUR - Wurt tembe rg.tx t YA R 雅罗斯拉夫 YA R - Y arosl avl.t xt Y MN 山名 YMN- Yam ana.t xtY OR 约克 YOR- Yor k.txtZAN斯瓦希里 ZAN- Zwa hili.txt ZAP 萨波特克Z AP -Zapot ec.tx tZA Z 扎波罗热 ZAZ - Za poroz hie.t xt Z IM 穆塔帕 ZIM - Mu tapa.txt 。
• 例子: • 夫妻刚结婚的时候,卿卿我我“相敬如宾”, 生活一段时间,平淡了,问题出现了,吵架生 气,如果不能得到及时解决,就会“相敬如 兵”,唇枪舌剑,互不相让,当气愤转为怨恨 的时候,就会导致“相敬如冰”了,冷的连话 都不想说,这样的光景,势必让魔鬼钻空子, 撒旦的谎言就会在你心中动工“这日子没法过 了”“他根本不爱我”,一个家庭就这样容易 破裂,原本一对相爱的人,就因为小事生气含 怒长久,导致爱不在,人分离。心灵造成很大 的创伤。
由21-26 节开始,主耶稣用六个例 子来讲解神的律法
• 一、旧约:不可杀人──新约:不可动怒、辱 骂、不和(21~26 节) • 二、旧约:不可奸淫──新约:不可动淫念、 离婚(27~32 节) • 三、旧约:不可背誓──新约:不可起誓、多 法利赛人 耶 稣 说 (33~37 节 ) 1、不可杀人 1、不可发怒 •2 四、旧约:以眼还眼 ──新约:不可作对、推 、不可奸淫 2、不可淫念 辞 (38~42 节 ) 3、不可背誓 3、不可说谎 •4 五、旧约:爱邻舍、恨仇敌 ──新约:爱仇敌、 、以眼还眼 4、不要做对 为逼迫者祷告 (43~47 节 5、恨仇敌 5、爱仇敌
• 上帝发怒 诗7:11 神是公义的审判者,又是天 天向恶人发怒的神。 出34:6 不轻易发怒 • 主耶稣也曾动怒(太21:12-19;23:17;可3: 15) • 摩西发怒 [出32:19]„„看见牛犊,又看见 人跳舞,便发烈怒,把两块版扔在山下摔碎 了„„ • 义怒:因圣洁的属性,恨恶罪恶;公义施行审 判 • 人的怒气即使出于公义,也常常容易失控而犯 罪,因为人的怒气也常常带着私欲。(人不绝 对公平)
• 例子: 开车司机 • 有的人气急了,说:傻了吧唧的,缺心眼啊; 也有人,嘴上不说,记在心里,心中怀恨、怀 怨,不肯饶恕,冷若冰霜。 • 因此,主耶稣提醒我们不要容许自己自私的怒 气。 • 如果动怒是被禁止的,那么侮辱和攻击的言词 同样是可耻的,是犯罪。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
全新版大学英语听说教程第四册听力原文(上海外语教育出版社)Unit1(BOOK4)Part B The Hospital WindowJack and Ben, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. Jack, whose bed was next to the room's only window, was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. But Ben had to spend all day and night flat on his bed. To kill time the two men began to talk. They talked for hours about their wives, families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, and where they had been on vacation. As days went by, a deep friendship began to develop between them.Every afternoon when Jack could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to Ben all the things he could see outside the window. And Ben began to live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amid flowers of every color of the rainbow. Grand old trees beautified the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance.As Jack described all this in exquisite detail, Ben would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scenes.One warm afternoon Jack described a parade passing by. Although Ben couldn't hear the band -- he could see it in his mind's eye as Jack portrayed it with descriptive words.Days and weeks passed. One morning the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of Jack, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.Ben was heart broken. Life without Jack was even more unbearable. How he longed to hear Jack's voice and his melodious descriptions of the outside world! As he looked at the window, an idea suddenly occurred to him. Perhaps he could see for himself what it was like outside. As soon as it seemed appropriate, Ben asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it for himself! He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall!'What could have compelled my roommate to describe such wonderful things outside this window?' Ben asked the nurse when she returned.'Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you to live on,' she said. 'You know, he was blind and could not even see the wall.'Questions:1. What does the story mainly tell us?2. Which of the following adjectives can best describe Jack?3. What did Jack describe to Ben according to the story?Part CAdditional ListeningShort ConversationsConversation 1:M: How do you like your roommate, Debby?W: Ever since we met on the first day of college, we've been inseparable.Q: What do you know about Debby and her roommate?Conversation 2:M: Have you heard from Linda lately? You two were so intimate in college.W: Well, honestly, I haven't heard from her as much as I used to since she moved to the east coast two months ago. But I'm sure the friendship between us is as strong as it was before.Q: What can you infer from the woman’s response?Conversation 3:W: Do you keep in touch with your old friends back home now that you don't see them regularly? M: Frankly, after I moved to this city, I'm out of touch with most of them except a few close ones. Q: What does the man mean?Conversation 4:W: It's polite to call a friend before we visit, isn't it?M: You're right. People usually don't like surprise visits. But close friends often drop in on each other.Q: What does the man mean?Conversation 5:M: Cathy, it seems that you and Sally do almost everything together.W: That's true. You see, we were born on the same day. We both majored in fashion designing. And we even have the same love for using bright-colored material in our designs. Isn't it amazing! Q: What can we learn from the conversation?Part DThe Colors of FriendshipLegend has it that the colors of the world started to quarrel one day. All claimed that they were the best, the most beautiful.Green said: "Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die."Blue interrupted: "You only think about the earth, but have you ever considered the color of the sky and the sea?"Hearing this, Yellow chuckled: "You are all so serious. I bring laughter, gaiety and warmth into the world. I am the color of the sun, the moon and all the stars. Without me there would be no fun."Orange started next to blow her trumpet: "I am the color of health and strength. I may be scarce, but I am precious, for I serve the needs of human life."At this, Red could stand it no longer. He shouted: "I am the ruler of all of you. I am the color of blood -- life's blood! I am also the color of danger and bravery, of passion and love."Purple rose up to his full height: "I am the color of royalty and power. I am the sign of authority and wisdom. People do not question me! They listen and obey."Finally Indigo spoke: "Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. I represent thought and reflection."And so the colors went on boasting. Their quarrelling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightning, followed by a roll of thunder. Rain started to pourdown. The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort.Just then rain began to speak: "You foolish colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest. Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me."Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands.Then rain continued: "From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky to form a great bow of colors as a reminder that you can all live in peace. The rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow."And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, a rainbow appears in the sky, to let us remember to appreciate one another.Unit 2Part BEmbarrassing Experiences (Part One)Interviewer: Rob, you went to Brazil, didn't you?Rob: Yes, I did.Interviewer: So, what happened?Rob: Well, I went into this meeting and there were about, er... seven or eight people in there and I just said 'Hello' to everybody and sat down. Apparently, what I should have done is to go round the room shaking hands with everyone individually. Well, you know, it's silly of me because I found out later it upset everyone. I mean, I think they felt I was taking them for granted.Kate: Well, I know that because when I was in France the first time, I finished a meeting , with 'Goodbye, everyone!' to all the people in the room. There were about half a dozen people there but I was in a hurry to leave, so I just said that and left. Well, I later found out that what I should have done is shake hands with everyone in the group before leaving. Now, apparently, it's the polite thing to do.Interviewer: Well, people shake hands in different ways, don't they?Rob: Oh, yes, that's right, they do. See, normally I shake hands quite gently when I meet someone. So when I went to the US for the first time, I think people there thought my weak handshake was a sign of weakness. Apparently, people there tend to shake hands quite firmly.Kate: Oh, gosh, you know, that reminds me: on my first trip to Germany, it was a long time ago, I was introduced to the boss in the company when he passed us in the corridor. Well, I wasn't prepared, and I mean, I had my left hand in my pocket. And when we shook hands I realized my left hand was still in my pocket. Well, that was, you know, very bad manners and I was quite embarrassed.Interviewer: And how about using first names? Have you made any mistakes there?Rob: Oh, yes, I have! When I first went to Italy I thought it was OK to use everyone's first name so as to seem friendly. And I later discovered that in business you shouldn't use someone's first name unless you are invited to. Oh, and you should always use their title as well.Kate: Hm, yeah, well, when I met people in Russia, you know, they seemed to be puzzled when I shook hands with them and said 'How do you do?' Well, what they do when they greet a stranger is to say their own names, so I had that all wrong!Rob: Oh, yes, I agree with that. Remembering names is very important.Interviewer: Shall we take a break? When we come back we'll move on to our next topic.Kate & Rob: OK.Questions:1. What is the conversation mainly about?2. Who might be the people Rob and Kate met in various countries?3. What can we infer about Kate and Rob from the conversation?4. Which countries has Kate visited, according to the conversation?5. Which countries has Rob visited, according to the conversation?6. What is the main message that the speakers want to tell us?Part CAdditional ListeningAmerican PartiesAs you would imagine, Americans move about a great deal at parties. At small gatherings they may sit down, but as soon as there are more people than chairs in a room - a little before this point - you will see first one and then another make some excuse to get to his feet to fetch a drink or greet a friend or open a window until soon everyone is standing, moving around, chatting with one group and then another. Sitting becomes static beyond a certain point. We expect people to move about and be "self-starters". It is quite normal for Americans to introduce themselves; they will drift around a room , stopping to talk wherever they like, introducing themselves and their companions. If this happens, you are expected to reply by giving your name and introducing the person with you; then at least the men generally shake hands. Sometimes the women do so as well, but often they merely nod and smile. A man usually shakes a woman's hand only if she extends it. Otherwise he too just nods and greets her.Statements:1. We can't imagine that Americans do not like big parties and they prefer going around at parties.2. At small parties they may sit down, but as more people come, they would stand up and move about.3. The reason why Americans like to stand is that they like the free atmosphere of the party.4. The meaning of "self-starters" is that Americans help themselves to drinks during the parties.5. Americans are more open-minded than British people according to the passage.6. If a woman doesn't extend her hand to a man at the party, he should not shakes hands with the woman.7. The passage shows a unique aspect of American culture.Embarrassing Experiences (Part Two)Interviewer: Let's go on with our talk. What do you think of business cards, Rob?Rob: I found them very useful when I was in Japan not so long ago. Each person can clearly see the other's name and the job title on the card. And I found out that you have to treat business cards with respect. What you've got to do is hold them with both hands and then read them very carefully. What happened to me was the first time I just took a man's card with one hand and put it straight into my pocket.Interviewer: What other advice do you have, Kate?Kate: Well, one time I unintentionally caused some problems when I was in China. Well, I was trying to make a joke when I pretended to criticize my business associate for being late for a meeting. And he was embarrassed, I mean, he was really embarrassed instead of being amused. Now you shouldn't criticize people in China or embarrass them. I mean, you must avoid confrontation. That's for sure!Rob: Oh, I must tell you about the first time I was in Mexico! I have to admit I found it a bit strange when business associates there touched me on the arm and the shoulder. Well, I tried to move away and, of course, they thought I was being very, very unfriendly. Apparently, it's quite usual there for men to touch each other in, you know, in a friendly way. Oh ... oh, and another thing, the first time I went to Korea I thought it was polite not to look someone in the eye too much. The Koreans I met seemed to be staring at me when I spoke, which seemed, you know, a bit odd at first. In Korea, eye contact conveys sincerity and it shows you're paying attention to the speaker.Kate: Oh, well, it seemed strange because you British don't look at each other so much when you're talking to each other. I mean, you look away, you know, most of the time. I found this hard to deal with when I first came to the UK, because people seemed to be embarrassed when I looked at them while they were speaking to me.Interviewer: So what's the thing visitors to Britain should avoid most?Rob: Well, I don't think we're all that sensitive, do you, Kate?Kate: Ohoo, well, I'll tell you, I made a big mistake when I was in Scotland. I found myself referring to the UK as "England" and to the British as "the English". Now, I know that would be just as bad in Wales, I guess.Rob: Yes, it certainly would!Unit 3Part BBirthday Celebrations Around the WorldChairman: Welcome to this special birthday edition of One World. Yes, folks, we've been on the air for exactly one year now, and we thought it would be a nice idea to have a special program dedicated to birthday celebrations around the world. With us in the studio tonight we have Shaheen Hag and Pat Cane, who have a weekly column on birthdays in the Toronto Daily Star. Shaheen: Good evening.Pat: Good evening.Chairman: Shaheen, perhaps we could begin with you. How are birthdays celebrated in India? Shaheen: Well, perhaps we're all assuming that everyone in the world celebrates their birthday. This just isn't the case. Low-income families in India, for instance, simply can't afford any festivities. And most Muslims don't celebrate their birthdays.Pat: I think Shaheen has raised an interesting point here. The Christian church, too, was actively against celebrating birthdays, and in any case most people, until a couple of hundred years ago, couldn't even read and wouldn't have even been able to spot their birthday on a calendar anyway. Shaheen: Of course some Muslims do celebrate their birthdays. In Egypt, Turkey and Indonesia, for example, the rich people invite friends and families around. But not in small villages. Chairman: Here in England your twenty-first used to be the big one. But now it seems to have moved to eighteen. Is that true?Pat: Yes, in most parts of the West eighteen is now the most important birthday. In Finland, for example, eighteen is the age when you can vote, you know, or buy wines, drive a car and so on. But in Japan I think you have to wait till you're twenty before you can smoke or drink. Shaheen: I know in Senegal, which is another Muslim country, girls get to vote at sixteen and boys at eighteen. And in Bangladesh, girls at eighteen and boys at twenty-one.Chairman: That's interesting. I mean is it typical that around the world girls are considered to bemore mature than boys?Shaheen: Yes, I think so, and there are some countries, particularly in South America, which have a big party only for girls. In Mexico and Argentina, for example, they have enormous parties for 15-year-old girls.Pat: You know in Norway they have a great party for anyone who's not married by the time they're thirty. It's kind of embarrassing. I mean you get pepper thrown at you.Chairman: Pepper? Why pepper?Pat: I'm not really sure.Shaheen: So does that mean that on your 29th birthday you can start thinking 'God I better get married'?Pat: Well, I'm not sure how seriously they take it.Chairman: In England we have quite big parties for your fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth and so on. Pat: Well, in Japan your eighty-eighth is considered ...Chairman: Eighty-eighth?Pat: ... to be the luckiest birthday. Eight is a very lucky number in Japan.Questions:1. What is One World?2. What is the topic of the program?3. What do Shaheen Hag and Pat Cane do?4. Why don't some people in India celebrate their birthdays?5. According to Pat, when did people around the world begin to celebrate their birthdays?6. Why is the eighteenth birthday so important in Finland?7. Why can girls in some countries get to vote at an earlier age than boys?8. Which of the countries mentioned in the text are Muslim countries?Part CAdditional ListeningsOne World One MinuteOne World One Minute is a unique film project that invites participants in every country around the globe to record, simultaneously, one minute of their lives, one minute of our world. Sponsors of this project have chosen 12:48 GMT, September 11th 2002 as the one minute to record. At that moment exactly a year earlier began the terrorist attacks that led to the deaths of more than 2,000 people from over 60 countries. For many this will be a time of remembrance and reflection. And for others this will be an appropriate time for international communication, cooperation and sharing. It will offer them an opportunity to share a moment of their world and their life with others, an opportunity to both talk to and listen to the world, to join with others around the globe and create a truly unique record and experience. This is the idea behind the project One World One Minute.Participants are free to choose what and how to record their One Minute. Some may want to take photographs, some paint or draw pictures, while others may want to write something and record their readings. The material can be submitted to the project organizers in Scotland via e-mail or post within 6 weeks of September 11th. All the material will then be made into a feature-length film, which will capture that One Minute of our existence.The film will explore the rich diversity that is both humanity and our world. It will allow a voice to all people regardless of nationality, religion, race, political viewpoint, gender or age. Therich diversity that is Humanity shall be there for all to see.Participants will not only be kept informed of the progress of the film and the release process but will be invited to actively participate through newsletters and discussion forums.When the film is finished, it will be shown in every country of the world, both in cinemas and on TV. Contributors will be invited to attend the premiere of the film in their respective countries and will receive a full screen credit on the finished production.Statements:1. One World One Minute is a project sponsored by some filmmakers in Hollywood.2. The purpose of the project is to record how people of the world mourn the death of those who lost their lives in New York's World Trade Center.3. Participants may come from different races or nations, have different religious beliefs, and maintain opposite political viewpoints.4. Participants are invited to record one minute of their lives on any given day.5. Participants are encouraged to make short video films to record an important event in their lives.6. The project will offer people from various parts of the world an opportunity to share a moment of their life with others.7. The organizers believe that humanity is represented by the colorful variety of people's life all over the world.8. Participants are required to submit what they have recorded to organizers by e-mail not later than September 11, 2002.9. All the material submitted by the participants will be made into a feature-length film and shown on TV and in cinemas throughout the world.10. The film will become a powerful means to unite people all over the world in the war against terrorism.Part DOne World, Many UniversesOurs is, in many ways, a world without boundaries. Being a citizen of a particular nation is almost as much as being a resident of a particular town or province. Boundaries of class and caste that once shaped societies continue to fade. The freedom of people to move increases gradually with the relaxation of immigration laws in the last century. Many countries have fairly simple requirements for obtaining citizenship and voting rights.In Europe, for example, the European Union's membership has grown to 15 countries and may increase to 21 or more by 2010. It has developed a common body of laws, common policies and practices, and a great deal of cooperation among its members. The adoption of the single currency, the euro, by 12 of its member countries and the circulation of euro cash in January 2002 have enabled citizens in these countries to move about even more freely.In addition, all of the major organized religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam, are alive and well, but less clearly and exclusively identified with specific cultures and geographic regions. People everywhere feel free to convert to other religions, and many people identify themselves with more than one religion.Since 1995, which is called the Year of the Internet, cyberspace has become a rich and realistic realm of experience. Its activities include the No-Self Network, which is concerned with liberation from the self. The network's members regard this liberation as an ordinary humanachievement-roughly comparable to learning to play the piano -- and not as a superhuman or divine feat. One World, Many Universes is, for me, the most persuasive mix of idealism and realism. This particular future is likely to be the most fast-changing one, rapidly evolving beyond what I have described.Questions:1. What is the passage mainly about?2. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as a reason that makes national boundaries less prominent?3. Which of the following is not one of the major religions mentioned in the passage?4. What enabled citizens in many EU countries to move about more freely?Unit4PartBHow to Use an OHPM: I want to use the overhead projector for my presentation. Could you show me how to use it? W: OK, let me show you. Just watch what I do. I... I'll talk you through the procedure.M: Thanks.W: Right, well. First of all, you put the OHP on the table here, about 2 meters from the wall or the screen. Er...do you have a screen?M: Er...no. I thought I'd just use the wall.W: Oh, er...well, a screen's better, but I suppose this wall will be all right. It is sort of white. Anyway, let's try it. So, the next thing you have to do is press these buttons in and lift this part up until it snaps into place.M: I see.W: And then turn it round so the head is facing towards the screen, I mean the wall, and now we can plug it in.M: Right, and you switch it on?W: Yeah. Then I press the switch here on the front...M: Right.W: There! And the light should come on.M: Right, OK.W: Yeah, there we are. So, you just place your transparency here on the glass.M: OK, there, oh!W: Oh, no! No, the other way up.M: Oh yes, of course.W: That's right, yeah. And to raise or lower the image you move this flap up or down... There, that's better.M: Right, OK.W: And finally, to focus the image you turn this wheel to make it sharp. There we are, that's not too bad.M: Oh, that's great, yeah. OK, thanks.W: Oh, one more thing: whatever you do, don't keep switching it on and off. I'm going to switch it off now. Now, when you use it in your presentation, you should leave it switched on, with a piece of paper over the glass.M: Right, I...er... I don't understand why you have to leave it on.W: Well, the reason why you have to do that is that you don't want the bulb to fail. The bulb fails easily if the machine is on and off frequently. If it does, you'll have to replace the bulb, which will be very hot and you may not have a spare anyway. So that's about it. Any questions?M: Erm...no, that seems all very clear. Thank you very much.W: You're welcome. Oh, and I really do think you need to get a screen, by the way. The picture would be much brighter than on that wall, you know.M: Oh, OK. Well, I'll ask Jim if he's got one.W: Oh, good idea! And make sure he shows you how to put it up!M: I will. Thanks again.PartCAdditional ListeningsHow to Send an E-mailM: I would like to send an e-mail to a friend of mine. Could you tell me how to do it?W: Certainly. First, you choose the e-mail program on your computer and click New Message. M: All right.W: OK? Well, then you start typing the name of the recipient. The program remembers the name and completes the e-mail address. Well, if not, you look up the name in the address book or contact list. OK? Well, if you want other people to get copies of the same message, you send them 'CCs', which are copies of the message. OK? Then you press Return on the keyboard and then you type the subject of the message. Now, there's no need to put the date because that goes in automatically when you send the message, together with the time. OK?M: Oh, yeah.W: Well, then you press Return again and start writing the message. Now, if you make a mistake, you just press Backspace to delete the previous letter or word and then type it again correctly. M: I see.W: Now, when you've finished, you read the whole message through to make sure it looks right and contains the right information. Now, if you decide you want to change sentences around, you can copy sentences and paste them in other places.M: And...er...er...how about spelling and punctuation, er...that can be corrected automatically, can't it?W: Well, yes and no. You can run your spell checker and that may bring up some mis-typings and things like that. But it definitely won't catch them all, so you must read it through to check your spelling, too. And check your punctuation at the same time. Now if you notice a misspelt word, or if you want to change a word or something like that, double-click on the word and type the new word over it.M: Fine. That's easy.W: Hmm. And then it's ready to send. You just click on Send and it'll go off immediately. And the other person will find your message in their Inbox when they next go online to get their messages. M: Right. Well, that sounds much easier than handwriting a message and faxing it.W: Sure it does.Questions:1. Where does the computer store the e-mail addresses of your friends?2. What does "CCs" stand for? When do you use "CCs"?3. What can you do if you want to change sentences around?4. What can you do if you want the computer to check mis-typings?5. What do you do if you want to change a word?PartDLayout of a LetterAs we go through, I'm going to tell you the layout of a formal letter in English -- you might want to note this information down on a separate piece of paper. OK, the first thing is to write the sender's address in the top right-hand corner. OK. This has a set order with the number of the house or flat followed by the name of the street; and then underneath that, perhaps the district if it's a big town, then under that the name of the town or city, with the postcode. And it's now common, quite acceptable, to write all this without any punctuation at all. And the address -- please write it now in the top right-hand corner -- is 12 Greenwood Avenue.And the next line is West Ealing (that's E-A-L-I-N-G). Next line: London W5-then a small gap -- 6RJ. London W5 6RJ.Now leave a line, and then write the date directly underneath the address. Now you can do this in several different ways. You can put 10 September, or September 10, or just 10 dot 9 dot 2003. So use one of these methods and put today's date in the correct place.And now, if you want, you could write the address of the person you are writing to. If you do that, you put it on the left-hand side of the paper, and you would usually start the address at roughly the same level as the date which is on the right-hand side.The next thing we write is the salutation. Our letter is to Sean White, and we begin Dear Mr. White -- please note exactly where it goes.Now, if you don't know the person's name you just put Dear Sir, or Dear Madam, or Dear Sir or Madam. In an informal letter you still use "Dear", but you start with the person's first name -- for example, Dear Maria or Dear Stephen or whatever.And at the end of the letter you sign off "Yours sincerely" -- capital "Y", but small "s". So could you write that now at the end of the letter, leaving a line first?Now, we put "sincerely" if we know the name of the person that we are writing to. But if you don't know the name, the traditional ending is "Yours faithfully". Now, this is the custom in Britain, although it is true to say that not everyone keeps to it, and I think in America they use different endings -- for example, they may finish a letter with "Truly yours".OK, if you are writing to a friend, then it's usually something like "best wishes", or often "love" if it's a member of your family or a very close friend, but not so common between two friends who are men. After the ending, in this case "Yours sincerely", leave a line, and then put your signature directly underneath. If your name is Maria Lee, write M. Lee underneath "Yours sincerely" Then type your full name below your signature. So do that now -- write your signature at the end of the letter. And that's it.Questions:1. According to the speaker, what should be included in the sender's address in a formal letter in English?2. Which of the following is not an acceptable way to date an English letter?3. What does the speaker say about addressing the receiver in a formal letter if we don't know the person's name?4. What does the speaker say about the ways to end a letter?5. When is it not advisable to end a letter with the word "love"?。
词汇分析音标:英 [fɔː] 美 [fɔr]释义:num. 四;四个adj. 四的;四个的n. (Four)人名;(西)福尔;(法)富尔短语four hundred 名流;绅士four modernizations四个现代化(农,工,国防,科技);四化gang of four 四人帮big four 四大银行;大四星;四大会计师事务所four balls 四坏球four dimensional adj. 四维的on all fours 完全一致;四脚着地地;匍匐four tones 四声例句1、The department offers four specialities. 这个系有四个专业。
2、His relationship with Mary went through four stages. 他与玛丽的关系经历了四个阶段。
3、about four months out of six, the Senator is away politicking. 六个月中约有四个月,这位参议员外出参加竞选活动。
4、Four quarts constitute a gallon. 四夸脱构成一加仑。
5、I bid four diamonds. 我叫四个方块。
2.3/4 的英文怎么写基数词+序数词threequarter(s)四分之三two-thirds [ 'tu:'θə:dz ]num. 三分之二英语分数的表示法:)~~一、用“基数词+序数词”表示分数在英语中通常是借助于基数词和序数词来共同表达的。
如:2.However,the number of boys will bea third or less than the girls in the class.但是,班里男生的人数将比女生少三分之一或更少。
欢迎阅读参考!1.经典四字成语及解释 1、喜出望外:遇到出乎意料的事情⽽特别⾼兴。
10、意味深长:意思含蓄深远,耐⼈寻味 11、忐忑不安:⼼神不定。
2.经典四字成语及解释 1、恋恋不舍:形容⾮常留恋,舍不得离开。