



西南高校《中学英语教学法》复习思索题及答案(0161)《中学英语教学法》复习思索题一、推断正误题(8分)The following statements are about the facts presented in the textbook, please indicate in the brackets before the statements whether they are true( T ) or ( F ). ( ) 1. Role play and improvisation are social interaction activities.( ) 2. Discovering missing information and discovering differences and following directions are all functional communicative activities.( ) 3. Stress in pronunciation is sometimes as important as grammar.( ) 4. Students need to be able to write phonetic transcripts of words.( ) 5. Adult learners need to focus on pronunciation, but young learners don?t. ( ) 6. Students need to know phonetics in order to learn English.( ) 7. Students need to be given detailed grammar rules if they are to learn a foreign language successfully. ( ) 8. If the students get enough chance to practise using a foreign language, they do not need to learn grammar.( ) 9. Teaching and learning grammar should focus on practice rather than the study of grammar itself.( ) 10. Grammar should be taught an practised in context.( ) 11. The best way to explain vocabulary is to translate.( ) 12. Words must be learned in language contexts.( ) 13. Knowing a word means that you know the pronunciation and meaning of it. ( ) 14. Students? errors are a very useful way of showing what they have and have not lear nt. So instead of seeing errors negatively, as a sign of failure, we see them positively as an indication of what we still need toteach.( ) 15. Testing implies evaluation based on a collection of information about what students know and can do.( ) 16. Classroom climate is strongly affected by the teachers? attitude and behaviour.( ) 17. In the Communicative Approach, a teacher is described as an “instructor”and students as “listeners” in class.( ) 18. The students? native language has no particular role in the Communicative Approach. The target language should be used not only during communicative activities, but also in explaining the activities to thestudents or in assigning homework.( ) 19. Words which we want students to understand, but which they will not need to use themselves. We call this passive vocabulary.( ) 20. Students? errors are a sign of failure, so we must correct every mistake they make.( ) 21. Culture is received greater attention in the Communicative Approach. ( ) 22. Spoken language is generally produced in informal, simple or common vocabulary.() 23. All new words in a lesson are equally important.( ) 24.Classroom climate is strongly affected by both the teachers? attitude and the students? behavior.( ) 25. V ocabulary can be divided into productive and receptive.( ) 26. Communicative competence refers to knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the language.( ) 27. Post-reading work usually contributes to the development of all the language skills and may involve using other skills than just reading.( ) 28. Written language is generally produced in fairly simple sentence structures.( ) 29. In the Communicative Approach, both teachers and students have multiple roles.( ) 30. Spoken language is sometimes produced in incomplete sentences.( )31. The skill practised in the pre-reading stage is anticipation.( ) 32. Communicative activities can be divided into functional communicative activities and social interaction activities.( ) 33. One way to teach reading is following the framework: presentation, practice and production. Each stage has a different goal and deals with different reading strategies.( ) 34. Students are given the structure in context and are asked to work out the rule for themselves. They are given guidance from the teacher in using evidence from the context to work out the usage of the structure. This is called the inductive method.( ) 35. Reading is an active process, during which the reader tries to understand the meaning of a given text. ( )36. If the aim of activity is to check that students can use the verbs correctly, you have to correct any major errors, especially those involving the verbs you have taught, or the activity will lose its point. ( ) 37. The skill practised in the pre-reading stage is inference.( ) 38. Words which we want students to understand, but which they will not need to use themselves. We call this active vocabulary.( ) 39. The typical example of functional communication activities is role play. ( ) 40. The target language should be used not only during communicative activities, but also in explaining the activities to the students or in assigning homework. ( ) 41. Y ou glance quickly through a text in order to find a specific piece of information, this skill is called scanning.( ) 42. Types of mistakes are slips, errors and attempts.( ) 43. The language you are learning is called target language.( ) 44. There is an important difference between assessment and testing.( ) 45. In many cases the term “materials” is used in place of “textbooks”, which refers to anything that is used by teachers or students to facilitate the learning of a language.( ) 46. It?s unnecessary for teachers to know how to evaluate, select and adapt textbooks.( ) 47. It is clearly whether someone can become a good language teacher solely depends on his/her command of the language.( ) 48. Foreign Language Teaching Methodology is a science which studies the processes and patterns of foreign language teaching, aiming at revealing the nature and laws of foreign language teaching.( ) 49. According to the Grammar Translation Methods, the spoken form of language is the most important aspect of language.( ) 50. Interactional view sees language as a linguistic system but also as a means for doing things.( ) 51. Functional view considers language as a communicative tool, whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people.( ) 52. Students are given the opportunities to use the newly presented language items in a controlled framework.This may be done by drills, or by repeating parts of the dialogue presented in the first stage. This stage isintended to develop accuracy skills. This describes the presentation stage. ( ) 53. When reading a text, I start by predicting the probable meaning, then I get to read and understand the words and phrases in the text to check whether that is really what the writer means. Sometimes I go theother way round. That?s to say, I combine the above 2 ways in my reading. This is the interactive model. ( ) 54. Learners have the opportunity to integrate the new language items with the old through activities that give free and extensive expression aimed at developing fluency skills. This refers to the production stage. ( ) 55. I usually start reading a text by recognising words, word connections, and phrase patterns as well as sentence patterns, then I can rapidly and automatically get meaning from the text. This is the top-downmodel.( ) 56. When reading a text, I first identify the topic, purpose and structure of the text, then I make guesses, predictions during reading. In this way, I create meaning from the text as a whole. This is the bottom-upmodel.( ) 57. Structural view sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.( ) 58. 语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及四种技能的综合运用力量。



单项选择题1、?Do you want to understand another culture? Then you ought to find out about its food.1.你想理解另一种文化吗?那么你应该找到他们的食物。


??2、?For if it was the other way, I know how I would feel. The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life.1. A. 因为如果是另外一条道路,我知道我会有怎样的感受。


2.3.4.因为如果这样的事发生在我身上,我知道我会有怎样的感受, 我们的爱让生命中的每件事都是那么的美好。

??3、?The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.1. F. 在坎坷的人生道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬季为我门歌唱的小鸟,使得冰天雪地的严冬变得较易忍受。


4、?Even after he became famous, however, Andersen still felt like an outsider. His personal relationships caused him much pain.1.即使是他成名之后,安徒生仍然觉得自己是个局外人。





英语文体学练习题1. 定义解释题:- 解释什么是“文体学”(Stylistics)。

- 描述“自由间接话语”(Free Indirect Discourse)在文体学中的作用。

2. 文本分析题:- 阅读以下文本片段,并分析其文体特征:"The wind howled through the empty streets, a ghostly wail that echoed the loneliness of the night."- 根据所给文本,讨论作者可能使用的修辞手法。

3. 比较分析题:- 比较并分析两个不同作家的文体特点,例如简·奥斯汀和查尔斯·狄更斯。

4. 语境分析题:- 讨论语境对文体的影响,举例说明在不同语境下,同一词汇或短语可能具有不同的文体效果。

5. 诗歌分析题:- 选取一首诗歌,分析其韵律、节奏、音韵和意象等文体元素。

6. 对话分析题:- 阅读一段对话,分析对话中角色的语言特征,如方言、俚语或特定词汇的使用。

7. 文体转换练习:- 将一段日常对话转换成正式文体,或将一段正式文体的文本转换成日常对话。

8. 文体特征识别题:- 阅读以下句子,并识别其文体特征:"He was a man of few words, but when he spoke, he commanded attention."9. 修辞手法识别题:- 识别并解释以下句子中使用的修辞手法:"The sun set slowly, as if reluctant to leave the sky."10. 文体创作题:- 创作一段描述性文本,使用至少三种不同的修辞手法,如比喻、拟人或夸张。

11. 文体与读者反应题:- 讨论文体如何影响读者对文本的理解和情感反应。

12. 跨文化文体学题:- 分析不同文化背景下的文体差异,以及这些差异如何影响跨文化交流。



(0099) 《英语文体学引论》复习思考题答案I. Explain in brief the following terms (10 points; in test it contains 10 terms):1. stylistics: the study or the investigation of style.2. style: the linguistic habit of a particular person(s) or characteristic of typical situations.3. dialect: a subtype of language which may be determined by geographical locality orparticular social groupings.4. morpheme: the smallest unit in a language that carries meaning.5. phoneme: the smallest sound unit in a specific language capable of semantic distinction.6. language: a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.7. register: language determined by situation.8. acoustic phonetics: a branch of phonetics dealing with the physical properties of thespeech sounds of a language.9. auditory phonetics: the study of how the sound of speech is received by the hearer.10. syllable: a vowel sound either with or without a consonant or consonants in clusters.11. general stylistics:the investigation of the linguistic features of all kinds of language use.12. literary stylistics: the study of the linguistic features of literature in particular, such asthose of poetry, novels and dramas.13. form: the particular way of expressing the message.14. content: the message or information or the communicative value that is encoded orloaded in a linguistic expression.15. phonological analysis: it is chiefly concerned about the sound patterns of a piece ofliterature, especially those of poetry.16. lexical analysis: it is chiefly concerned about the internal structure and the stylisticcoloring and the semantic relationship of the words in the text.17. syntactical analysis: it is chiefly concerned about how the words in a text are puttogether to produce meaning and other kinds of message.18. discoursal analysis: it is concerned about how sentences are joined together to produce acohesive and coherent text.19. paralinguistic features: the vocal effects caused by different shaping of the vocal cordsand openings20. social dialect: it is determined by the social groupings that a person belongs to.21. taboo: words forbidden to be used in public because of their being dirty or offensive22. whispery voice: utterance without any vocal cord vibration at all. Emphasizing contrast.23. breathy voice: utterance where there is too much breath for the needs of the articulation.24. creaky voice: a slow crackle of vocal cord vibrations at a low pitch, like a stick being runalong a fence.25. falsetto: a switch of the voice from one vocal register to a higher one; usually found onlyin males.26. common core words: refer to those words used in everyday life.27. technical words: refer to those words used in special professions.28. standard words: words that are used in the standard dialect.29. non-standard words: words labeled as slangs, vulgarisms and colloquialisms in thedictionary. the cultural and social implications of a word simile: a comparison between two things with emphasis on the similarity or likeness between them30. spoken words: words that most often used in face-to- face, casual and everydayconversations.31. literary words: words used in formal writings or literature.32. extension: a specific word comes to mean a general idea.33. specialization: the change of the word meaning may move in the opposite direction, aword with general reference is narrowed to a specific reference.34. elevation: words of derogatory association become words of favorable association.35. degradation: neutral words or words of favorable association degenerated intoderogatory words.36. metaphor: a covert comparison37. litotes: understatement38. irony: a figure of speech that takes the form of saying or implying the opposite of whatone feels to be the case39. compound sentence: a sentence made up of two or more simple sentences, joinedtogether by conjunctions or punctuations40. periodic sentence: one that is not grammatically complete until the end is reached41. loose sentence: one that may be brought to a grammatical close before the end is reached42. elliptical sentence: one in which either the subject or the predicate or part of thepredicate is missing43. inverted sentence: one in which the subject position is filled by other sentence elements44. antithesis: a figure of speech in the formula of X conj. Y with a contrast between them45. parallelism: a rhetorical device in which two or more than two similar syntacticstructures with different words are placed side by side46. repetition: a rhetorical device in which identical words are used but not necessarily inidentical position47. deviation: violation of standard use of the language48. cataphora: If the referred item comes after the referring item in a text, then it is a case ofcataphora.49. progressive conjunction: one sentence that joined by the use of conjunctive words ofaddition or progression50. field of discourse: the topic under discussion or the nature of the activity in whichlanguage is involvedII. Answer the following questions (50 points; in test it contains 5 questions):1. What is the relationship between form and content?One way of talking about style is to make a distinction between form and content.Content is the message or information or the communicative value that is encoded orloaded in a linguistic expression. Form is the particular way of expressing the message.The form is the style which may be different from case to case although the meaningmay remain the same. For example, the Chinese term 开始may be expressed indifferent English words, such as start, begin and commence, but each suggests a differentstyle.2. What are the differences between language and speech?Another way of talking about style is to make a distinction between language and speech, which may be translated in Chinese as 语言and 言语. This distinction was firstproposed by Saussure, the founder of the modern linguistics. According to Saussure,there are four major differences between language and speech.A. Language is abstract whereas speech is concrete. Language is abstract in the sensethat it has only psychological instead of physical existence. Language is notsomething that you can bring to the classroom and examine under the microscope,not something you can hear, see, smell , touch or taste. Speech is concrete in thesense that it has physical properties. Either can be heard in the spoken form or seenin the written form.B. Language is potential whereas speech is actual. Language is potential in the sensethat it is a kind of can-mean system, while speech is something that has an actualmeaning.C. Language is code whereas speech is message(语言是一个代码系统,言语才是信息). Language is a set of symbols that can be used to transmit information. Speechis the actual use of the language in an act of communication in a particular situationfor a particular purpose. It carries a real message.D. Language is stable and systematic whereas speech is subject to personal andsituational constraint. For example, the word book in the English language alwaysrefers to some printed matter. But in speech it may be used to refer to anything thatthe speaker wants to refer to by the use of it as long as it is understandable. Thecommon example is the sentence: He is a walking dictionary(a kind of book)meaning that he is very knowledgeable.3. What is the methodology of stylistic analysis? What are the levels of stylistic analysis?The major methodology for stylistic analysis is linguistic analysis. It tries to be objective or scientific in its analysis. According to the advocates of this methodology, anyone using this methodology to analyze a given text of literature will reach roughly the same conclusion.Levels of analysisSince stylistic analysis is a kind of linguistic analysis, naturally, how many levels of structure we have in a language correspondingly how many levels of structure at which we may do stylistic analysis.1) PhonologicalPhonological analysis is chiefly concerned about the sound patterns of a piece of literature, especially those of poetry.2) LexicalLexical analysis is chiefly concerned about the internal structure and the stylistic coloring and the semantic relationship of the words in the text.3) SyntacticalSyntactical analysis is chiefly concerned about how the words in a text are put together to produce meaning and other kinds of message.4) DiscoursalDiscoursal analysis is concerned about how sentences are joined together to producea cohesive and coherent text.4. Define paralinguistic features. What are they?Definition: the vocal effects caused by different shaping of the vocal cords and openings.Kinds and the corresponding stylistic effects.1) Whispery voice: utterance without any vocal cord vibration at all. Emphasizingcontrast.2) Breathy voice: utterance where there is too much breath for the needs of thearticulati on, the effect being one of mild ‘puffing and blowing’. Expressing surprise and astonishment.3) Creaky voice: a slow crackle of vocal cord vibrations at a low pitch, like a stickbeing run along a fence.4) Falsetto: a switch of the voice from one vocal register to a higher one; usually foundonly in males.5. What are the three ways of studying the sound of language?A. articulatory phoneticsThe study of the sounds of a language with special attention to the speaker: the movement of the lungs, vocal cords, tongue, the lips and other organs which produce and control the noisy outward breathing.B. acoustic phoneticsThe study of the physical properties of the sound waves in the air when being transmitted from the speaker to the hearer.C. auditory phoneticsThe study of how the sound of speech is received by the hearer6. What are the four typical meters in English poetry?In English poetry, stress is usually used in the realization of meter. The followings are the four most typical meters.1) Iamb: Iamb is a metric foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by astressed syllable.2) Trochee: Trochee is a metric foot consisting of a stressed syllable followed by anunstressed syllable.3) Anapest: Anapest is a metric foot composed of two unstressed syllables followed byone stressed one.4) Dactyl: Dactyl is a metric foot composed of one stressed syllable followed by twounstressed ones7. What is the relationship between sound and meaning?According to Saussure, the relationship between sound and meaning is arbitrary in the sense that why a certain meaning takes a particular sound has no reason and it is completely accident. But in literature, the writers always try to arrange the words in sucha way as to make the patterns of sound to directly suggest the meaning.8. What is the relationship between style and the choice of words, according to thestylisticians?The stylisticians’ attitude: they lay emphasis on the adaptability to the situation.Standard, non-standard, black, dialectal, slang, archaisms are equally good in their expressiveness. There is no distinction of one being superior and other being inferior.9. How many kinds of word meanings may be classified? And what are they?According to the linguists, a word has various kinds of meaning. The first kind of meaning is denotative meaning.1) Denotative (概念意义)The kind of meaning we can get from the dictionary. It can also be termed asdictionary meaning, conceptual meaning, logical meaning and referential meaning.This is the most basic meaning that we understand a word has.2) Stylistic = social (社会意义)The kind of meaning associated with a particular social situation in which a particular word is often used. e.g begin, start, commence3) Affective meaning(情感意义)It is the emotional, attitudinal and evaluative coloring of a word. e.g. cunning and clever. Both mean the skillful handling of a delicate or difficult situation. But they reveal different attitudes and evaluation of the speaker.4) Collocative (搭配意义)Some words may have the same dictionary meaning, but they collocate with different words, as shown by the pair or synonyms of pretty and handsome.5) Connotative (内涵意义)the cultural and social implications of a word.10. What are the three basic components of the English vocabulary?The three basic components of the English vocabularyA Anglo-Saxona. Members of the familyb. Parts of the bodyc. Natured. Timee. One-syllabled verbsB Frencha. Government and Lawb. Army and military activitiesc. Religiond. CostumesC Latina. Medicineb. Lawc. Theologyd. Sciencee. Literature11. Functionally speaking, what are the four types of English sentences?1) Declarative 2) Interrogative3) Exclamatory 4) Imperative12. What are the conjunctions used in combining English sentences?1) Progressive conjunction (推进性连接): by the use of conjunctive words of additionor progression, such as and, furthermore, moreover, etc.2) Contrastive conjunction (对照性连接): by the use of conjunctive words of contrastor transition, such as but, whereas, while, on the contrary, on the other hand, etc.3) Temporal conjunction (时间性连接): by the use of conjunctive words of temporalsequence, such as then, later, afterwards, at last, or finally, etc13. What are the gestures may be used in a casual conversation?Facial expressions, eye-contact, body positions, distance, physical touch, sound modification, clothing, and environment14. What are the three types of substitution? Can you give some examples?A. Nominal substitution (名词性替代)1) The meaning of o ne/ones e.g. You bought a red pencil, I’d like a blue one.2) The use of the “same”Example:A: I want a cup of teaB: The same.3) The use of “kind, sort”. e.g. American food is not the same as the English kind.B. Verbal substitution (动词性替代)Do you like Chinese food?Yes, I do.He likes Chinese food. So do I.C. Clausal substitution (分句性替代)1) The use of “so” “not”Example: A: Do you think he will come tomorrow?B: Yes, I think so./ No, I think not.2) LimitationClausal substitution applies only to sentences, where the predicate verb of amain clause is one of the following verbs:believe, be afraid, expect, fear, hope, imagine, say, tell, think, suppose.15. What is the relationship between dialect and register?Another way of talking about style, is to make a distinction between dialects and registers.A: Speaker orientedDialects are speaker oriented. What kind of speaker speaks what kind of dialect.Dialects may be regional or social. Regional dialect (地域方言)is determined by the geographical locality the speaker lives in. The social dialect is determined by the social groupings that a person belongs to.B: Situation orientedRegister is situational oriented. Register is the language determined by situation, and because of this we have such registers as formal English, informal English, classroom English, legal English, etc.16. Name at least five kinds of figures of speech in English.Simile, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, irony, overstatement, etc.17. Can you give some examples of rhetorical questions?Idea: a rhetorical question is one which does not really need an answer, or the answer is obviousExamples:Is that a reason for despair?Can any one doubt the wisdom of this action?Is no one going to defend me?What difference does it make then?18. What are the stylistic features of the Bible?1. 1. Biblical simplicity2. Full of balanced sentences3. The use of concrete words4. Short paragraphs5. Heavy use of and to begin a new paragraph6. Syntactical features1) simple and complete sentences2) the use of old forms of personal pronouns3) the second personal pronoun take the verb of –est as in shouldest,gavest,etc.,and the third person doth and hath which are absent in other styles of writing4) negation takes the form of“verb+not” without the use of auxiliaries19. What are the five kinds of reference in the English language?According to relative positions of the referring item and the referred item, reference may be classified into the following kinds.1) Anaphora(后照应)In a case of reference, if the referred item (a word or a phrase) come before the referring item in a text, then it is a case of anaphora.Example: Mr. Wang is an engineer, he graduated from Beijing University.2) Cataphora(前照应)On the other hand, if the referred item comes after the referring item in a text, then it is a case of cataphora. As in the example:I was introduced to them; it was John Leathwall and his wife.3) Exophora(外照应)If the interpretation of an item in a text depends on something in the immediate environment, then it is a case of exophora.Example: Did the gardener water those plants?4) Paraphora(平行照应)An item which refers to something in another text.Example: He is the Shylock Holmes in our class.5) Homophora(自照应)When the class is composed of only one member, then any mention of it is a case of homophora.Example: The moon moves around the earth.20. What are the three factors of register?1) Field of discourse —the topic under discussion or the nature of the activity inwhich language is involved.2) Tenor of discourse —the kind of social relationships between the participants in aconversation.3) Mode of discourse —the medium along which the message is being transmitted.21. Give examples to illustrate power relationship and solidarity relationship.Power relationship is a kind of vertical relationship in the sense that the two participants in the conversation hold unequal authority. For example, the relations between boss and employee, or between parents and children, or between teacher and students.Solidarity relationship is a horizontal relationship in that participants in a conversation hold equal authority. For example, the relations between playmates, classmates, friends, etc.22. What are the non-linguistic features of casual conversation?1) Unpreparedness or low degree of preparedness2) Frequent change of roles3) Monitoring4) Simultaneity in space and time5) Topic drifting6) Channel limitation7) Gestures23. What are the linguistic features of the language of news reporting?In news reporting one can find some characteristics in syntax, lexis, and textual structure.A. SyntaxThere is a heavy use of complex sentences and a heavy use of non-finite verb phrases. The subjects of sentences are usually very complicated. Compared with the verb phrases in the previous discussed varieties, the composition of the verb phrases in newspaper reporting is even simpler, mainly simple present or past tense. The structure of the noun phrases in news reporting is very complicated. There is a remarkable increase in the number of modifiers for an average sentence in the variety of newspaper reporting. And the modifiers themselves tend to be more complicatedly structured.B. LexisThere is rare use of pronouns, but by contrast, there is a remarkable increase of the use of proper nouns. The degree of complication in the aspect of word structure is about the same as that in public speech. Both in terms of the number of letters in an average word and the number of morphemes in an average word. Although the word structure in the style of newspaper reporting tends to be complicated, it is ever ready to use short instead of big word wherever possible, especially in headlines.Compound words are used frequently. Moreover, non phrases which actually express actions or state and heavily used, and they are derived from verb phrases in order to make the sentences more compact and save space without lowering the amount of information conveyed.C. Textual structureIn textual structure, one of the most outstanding characteristic is straightforwardness.24. What are the linguistic features of the language of advertisement?A. Syntax:In terms of syntax, the language of advertisement is simple in structure for easy understanding, and colloquial in style for familiarity, intimacy and solidarity. There is a higher frequency of imperative and interrogatives. As to structure, according to statistics, we have the lowest rate of occurrence of passive in comedies, the second lowest is in ads. There is also a heavy use of pre-modifiers, possessive’s,comparative and superlative adjectivesB. Lexis:There is a heavy use of compounds. Simple, short, inner structure and a highpercentage of active, affirmative, commendatory and large quantities of propernames could be found in the vocabulary of advertisement.C. Rhetorical devices:One can easily find a lot of parallelism, reiteration and alliteration.25. What is the relationship between literary language and ordinary language?1) The kind of language people use in daily conversation is the ultimate source of thelanguage of literature.2) Ordinary language follows the norm of convention, and the purpose is to beunderstood fully.3) Literary language is not the mechanical copy of ordinary language, but refined andprocessed.4) Literary language has some linguistic deviation.III. Stylistic analysis (20 points):1. Explain the connotative meaning of the italicized words or expressions in the followingsentences (12 points; in test it may or may not appear; it contains 3 words or expressions):1) Don’t trust her; she is a snake in the grass.Snake is a kind of animal, because of prejudice and cultural conventions now oftenused to refer to a person who is cunning and untrustworthy2) The enemy will attack us tomorrow morning, but we are still not well prepared. TheDamocles’ sword is hanging over us.Damocles’ sword is an allusion to Greek mythology. Damocles was invited to abanquet in the court. In the midst of the entertainment, Damocles looked up and sawsuspended above his head by a single thread a naked sword. By extension, it comesto mean an immediate danger.3) We have to consult him, you know, he is the real Titan in our class.Titan is a name used to refer to a class of gods huge in physical size. By extension,it comes to mean a person of great strength or influence.4) News from Pentagon today says …Pentagon is a huge building in Washington in which the U.S. Department ofDefense exercises its functions, now often used to refer to the ministry itself5) She knows nothing about the cruelty of the world. She is a lily.Lily is a flower and by cultural conventions a symbol of purity and innocence in thewest.6) Hamlet, according to some psycho-analysis theory, is a character who has theOedipus complex.According to psycho-analysis theory, Oedipus complex refers to the sexual love of an infant for the parent of the opposite sex, with jealousy of the other parent, often in an unconscious way. In this play, Hamlet is believed to have this kind of hidden desire. Actually, he seems to attempt to kill his father and marry his mother in his unconscious mind.7) He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Don’t believe what he says.A wolf is a wild animal that looks like a large dog and that kills and eats otheranimals. Here wolf is used to refer to persons who are cruel and untrustworthy.8) The doctor told him it is not cancer, however, it is only a white lie.A lie is something that someone says which they know is untrue. A white lie is a liethat is not very serious, deliberately made, usually is used to comfort others.9) He is always ready to help people when they are in need. He’s a real Robin Hood.Robin Hood is a legendary outlaw of medieval England. He is said to take money form the rich and give it to the poor. By extension, it comes to mean any person ready to defend the interest of the poor and innocent.10) Their policy is all sticks and no carrots.One uses carrot to refer to something that is offered to people in order to persuade them to do something. The word “stick” is used to refer to harsher persuasion.11) China never stands on the side of Chauvinism.Chauvin was a soldier under the command of Napoleon who had blind worship for Napoleon. By extension, it comes to mean a kind of narrow minded patriotism.12) Children are flowers of our countryFlowers here are the symbol of young, lovely things. Here the sentence means that children are the future of our country.2. What possible social relationships exist between the participants in the followingsentences? (12 points; in test we may have the same pattern)1) Excuse me, could you tell me the right time, please?2) What time is it, please?3) What’ the time?Sentence 1) shows a high degree of politeness and formality which may most probably appear in a conversation between strangers with great social distance in between.Sentence 2) still shows some degree of politeness and formality which may be in a conversation between acquaintances. Sentence 3) is a direct question without taking care of politeness. This is characteristic of conversations between friends or classmates orfamily members.3. Indicate what kind of figures of speech is used in the following examples? (8 points, intest we may have 2 sentences)The young hunter was as strong as a lion. (simile)Life is but a brief candle. (metaphor)from the cradle to the grave (metonymy)Many hands make light work. (synecdoche)She’s as old as a mountain. (hyperbole)A victorious defeat (oxymoron)He is a fool. He never knows where his personal interest lies. His whole heart is concerned about the interest of other people. (irony)Belinda smiled, and all the world was gay. (overstatement / hyperbole)The drunkard loves his bottle better than his wife. (metonymy)My love is a red, red rose. (metaphor)4. Try to analyze the following sentence and point out its stylistic value (12 points)1) Sentences can be classified into different kinds, e.g., according to their structures,various functions they apply, or according to the rhetorical effects they achieve. For example, Rhetorically speaking, we may have periodic, loose, elliptical, and inverted sentence. A periodic sentence is one that is not grammatically complete until the end is reached. Being the opening sentence of a novel, the reader may expect a serious one. And when the reader reads the beginning of the long sentence, they find an emphatic construction. And the first words are rather big and formal words, like “universally”, and “acknowledged”. Also, there is a word “truth”. From thes e words the reader’s suspense is risen and they would feel an immediate and strong interest in finding out what the universal truth is. While they are reading the long sentence, they feel more and more tense and serious till the very end of this sentence. But, out of their expectancy, they find the truth is the common one —money and wife. Because of the prolonged suspense, the reader would feel a sudden relaxation and ridiculous recreation. This sentence-building skill serves effectively and sets down the basic tone of the novel —being funny enough.2) This is indeed a very significant line in terms of its clause structure.Firstly, we may notice that the three clauses are short in length and simple in structure and arranged in chronological order. This generates a feeling that the acts of coming, seeing and conquering were simple, and were completed one after another in quick succession.Secondly, we can see that the three clauses have the same structure, i.e., they。



英语文体学教程课后题答案○91○92○93○94单选1 [单选题] *A、herB、his(正确答案)C、myD、your单选2 [单选题] *A、OfB、InC、OnD、At(正确答案)单选3 [单选题] *A、WhenB、WhereC、WhyD、How(正确答案)单选4 [单选题] *A、can't(正确答案)B、shouldn'tC、mustn'tD、needn't单选5 [单选题] *A、because(正确答案)B、soC、butD、or单选6 [单选题] *A、beautifulB、more beautiful(正确答案)C、most beautifulD、the most beautiful单选7 [单选题] *A、learnB、am learningC、learned(正确答案)D、will learn单选8 [单选题] *A、buys(正确答案)B、will buyC、is buyingD、has bought单选9 [单选题] *A、is teachingB、will teachC、teachesD、has taught(正确答案)单选10 [单选题] *A、sleepsB、is sleeping(正确答案)C、sleptD、has slept单选11 [单选题] *A、choosesB、choseC、is chosenD、was chosen(正确答案)单选12 [单选题] *A、where is the supermarketB、where was the supermarketC、where the supermarket is(正确答案)D、where the supermarket was完形13 [单选题] *A、suitableB、believableC、comfortableD、impossible(正确答案)完形14 [单选题] *A、 offeredB、canceled(正确答案)C、recordedD、improved完形15 [单选题] *A、argumentB、statementC、agreementD、encourage(正确答案)完形16 [单选题] *A、upsetB、curiousC、glad(正确答案)D、confused完形17 [单选题] *A、studyingB、exercising(正确答案)C、touchingD、driving完形18 [单选题] *A、closer(正确答案)B、betterC、colderD、stronger完形19 [单选题] *A、acceptB、enjoyC、stop(正确答案)D、keep完形20 [单选题] *A、chance(正确答案)B、courseC、dreamD、goalA篇21 [单选题] *A、BambooB、PaperC、ClothD、Wood(正确答案)A篇22 [单选题] *A、In 2000B、In 2001C、In 2006(正确答案)D、In 2016A篇23 [单选题] *A、To tell a storyB、To make a soundC、To watch a play and a gameD、To symbolize hope and luck(正确答案) B篇24 [单选题] *A、travel aroundB、experience lifeC、find the treasure(正确答案)D、help other peopleB篇25 [单选题] *A、excitedB、sorry(正确答案)C、satisfiedD、disappointedB篇26 [单选题] *A、live life to the fullest(正确答案)B、find many interestsC、develop skills to live in the wildD、never give up searching for treasureC篇27 [单选题] *A. It shows your good judgement.B. It harms your brain and your body.C. It helps you correct your faults and mistakes.D. It tells you that you are not excellent enough.(正确答案)C篇28 [单选题] *A. To prove that positive self-talk brings improvements.(正确答案)B. To show that negative self-talk has some bad influence.C. To stress the necessity of asking questions before exams.D. To introduce some good ways to help students and friends.C篇29 [单选题] *A. Negative Self-talk Can Hurt You(正确答案)B. Negative Self-talk Makes You FailC. Positive Self-talk Betters Your GradesD. Positive Self-talk Can Change Your GoalD篇30 [单选题] *A. helpful suggestions and ideasB. excellent products and services(正确答案)C. responsible children and parentsD. confident performances and voiceD篇31 [单选题] *A. Supportive.B. Various.C. Confusing.D. Harmful.(正确答案)D篇32 [单选题] *A. The economy can grow rapidly in competition.B. Kids should not just learn the skills of competition.(正确答案)C. UN was set up to call on people to create competition.D. Sportsmen should not be cooperative to win the game.D篇33 [单选题] *A. people should value competition more than cooperationB. people can perform better in competition than cooperationC. people can benefit more from cooperation than competition(正确答案)D. people should depend more on competition than cooperation。



[0099]《英语文体学引论》第一次[单选题]The smallest unit in a language that carries meaning is _____ .A:phemeB:morphemeC:phone参考答案:B[判断题]Ephemism is a kind of mild expression for an offensive or hush one参考答案:正确[单选题]What figure of speech has een used in "the young hunter was as strong as a lion"?A:metaphorB:metonymyC:synecdocheD:simile参考答案:D[多选题]Which of the following are the types of change of meaning of English words?A:extensionB:specializationC:elevationD:degradation参考答案:ABCD[判断题]Content is the style which may be different from case to case although the meaning may remain the same.参考答案:错误[判断题]Exophora is an item which refers to something in another text.参考答案:错误[多选题]What are the basic components of the English vocabulary?A:Anglo-SaxonB:GreekC:LatinD:French[单选题]stylistics is the study or the investigation of style.A:yesB:no参考答案:A[单选题]What figure of speech has een used in "Many hands make light work"? A:ironyB:overstatementC:synecdocheD:oxymoron参考答案:C[多选题]Which of the followings originate from Anglo-Saxon?A:Members of the familyB:TimeC:LawD:Science参考答案:AB第二批[多选题]What are the functions of inverted sentence ?A:For effectB:For emphasisC:For balanceD:For cohesion and conjunction参考答案:BCD[多选题]What are the levels of stylistic analysis?A:Phonological levelB:Lexical levelC:Syntactical levelD:Discoursal level[判断题]Simpley speaking, registers refer to languages which are determined by situation.参考答案:正确[多选题]What are the grammatical functions of stress?A:Emphasize a certain word or meaning.B:Distinguish words, phrases, same spelling, different meaning.C:Change of stress in words causes change of phonemes.D:Means of expressing strong emotions.参考答案:ABCD[单选题]What is the methodology of stylistic analysis?A:linguistic analysisB:discourse analysie参考答案:A[判断题]In this example: "Is this a non-smoker? I don't know", there is a Verbal ellipsis.参考答案:错误[判断题]Rhetorical question is a question which does not demand an answer or the answer is obvious.参考答案:正确[多选题]What are the stylistic functions of syntactic deviations in literature?A:As a marker of one’s social backgroundB:As a means of characterizationC:Social positionD:irony, satire, emphasis, comical effects参考答案:ABCD[判断题]A not-text is a group of sentences that are typically or logically linked together. This kind of linkage is called cohesion. So cohesion is the quality that makes a text a text.参考答案:错误[多选题]Structurally speaking, sentences may be classified into:A:Simple sentenceB:Exclamatory sentenceC:Compound sentenceD:Complex sentence参考答案:ACD第三批[判断题]Contrastive conjunction is achieved by the use of conjunctive words of addition or progression, such as and, furthermore, moreover, etc.参考答案:错误[判断题]Contrastive conjunction is achieved by the use of conjunctive words of addition or progression, such as and, furthermore, moreover, etc.参考答案:错误[判断题]In this example: "Is this a non-smoker? I don't know", there is a Verbal ellipsis.参考答案:错误[判断题]Simpley speaking, registers refer to languages which are determined by situation.参考答案:正确[判断题]Tenor of discourse is the social relationships between participants in communication.参考答案:正确[多选题]What are the stylistic functions of syntactic deviations in literature?A:As a marker of one’s social backgroundB:As a mean of characterizationC:Social positionD:Iron, satire, emphasis, comical, effect参考答案:ABCD[多选题]What are the functions of inverted sentence ?A:For effectB:For emphasisC:For balanceD:For cohesion and conjunction参考答案:BCD[多选题]Structurally speaking, sentences may be classified into:A:Simple sentenceB:ExclamatoryC:Compound sentenceD:Complex sentence参考答案:ACD[多选题]What are the grammatical functions of stress?A:Emphasize a certain word or meaningB:Distinguish words, phrases, samespllingC:Change of stress in words causes changeD:Means of expressing strong emotions .参考答案:ABCD[多选题]What are the levels of stylistic analysis?A:Phonological levelB:Lexical levelC:Syntactical levelD:Discoursal level参考答案:ABCD第四批[多选题]What are the differences between language and speech?A:Language is abstract whereas speech is concrete.B:Language is potential whereas speech is actual.C:Language is code whereas speech is message.D:Language is stable and systematic whereas speech is subject to personal and situational constraint.参考答案:ABCD[填空题]Loose sentence is the one that may be brought to a grammatical close before the end is reached or one in which the major information is presented _____ and the details of information are presented _____.参考答案:first; later[填空题]Style can be defined as the ___ habit of different people or characteristic of typical social situations.参考答案:linguistic[填空题]Stylistics may be defined as the study of or investigation of __.参考答案:style[论述题]Explain the connotative meaning of the underlined words in the sentence:She knows nothing about the cruelty of the world. She is a lilyLily is a flower and by cultural conventions a symbol of purity and innocence in the west.[论述题]Explain the connotative meaning of the italicized words or expressions in the following sentence:He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Don't Believe what he says.参考答案:A wolf is a wild animal that looks like a large dog and that kills and eats other animals. Here wolf is used to refer to persons who are cruel and untrustworthy.[单选题]What figures of speech have been used in the following sentence?Life is but a brief candle.A:simileB:metaphorC:metonymyD:synecdoche参考答案:B[单选题]What figures of speech have been used in the following sentence?The young hunter was as strong as a lion.A:simileB:metaphorC:metonymyD:synecdoche参考答案:A[填空题]The four major types of semantic change are______,______,_______ and_____.参考答案:extension; specialization;elevation;degration.[填空题]_____ phonetics is a branch of phonetics dealing with the physical properties of the speech sounds of a language.参考答案:AcousticIndicate what figures of speech have been used in the following sentence.from the cradle to the grave.参考答案:metonymy[填空题]Hyperbole can also be called______.参考答案:overstatement[论述题]Explain the term simile.参考答案:A simile is a comparison between two things with emphasis on the similarity or likeliness between them.[论述题] What is the formula of a simile?参考答案:It often takes the formula of X is like Y in the aspect of Z.[单选题]____ is the figure of speech which makes covert comparison.A:metaphorB:metonymyC:hyperboleD:oxymoron参考答案:A[论述题]What is register?参考答案:Register is language determined by situation.[论述题]Analyze the following case of simile in terms of tenor, vehicle and ground.He is as brave as a tiger.参考答案:"He” is the tenor, "tiger” is the vehicle, and "brave” is the ground.[填空题]The three situational factors that are most relevant to the deciding of a register are ___, ___ and ___.参考答案:field of discourse;tenor of discourse;mode of discourse[多选题]What are the stylistic functions of syntactic deviations in literature?A:As a marker of one’s social backgroundB:As a means of characterizationC:Social positionD:Other functions: irony, satire, emphasis, comical effects[单选题]_____ refers to the putting together of two contradictory words in one phrase.A:euphemismB:oxymoronC:synecdocheD:simile参考答案:B第六批[填空题]Oxymoron is the putting together of two ____ words in one phrase.参考答案:contradictory[填空题]Register refers to language determined by ____.参考答案:situation[填空题]periodic sentence is one that is not grammatically complete until the ___ is reached or one in which the ___ information is delayed until towards the end of the sentence参考答案:end;major[填空题]Indicate what figures of speech have been used in the following sentence________.The young hunter was as strong as a lion.参考答案:simile[单选题]The word" villain" shows the change of word meaning. Which type of semantic change is it?A:extentionB:specializationC:degration[论述题]Indicate what figures of speech have been used in the following sentence.The young hunter was as strong as a lion.参考答案:simile[单选题]The word"craftsman" shows the change of word meaning. Which type of semantic change is it? A:extentionB:elevationC:specialization参考答案:B[单选题]The word"hospital" shows the change of word meaning. Which type of semantic change is it? A:extentionB:elevationC:specialization参考答案:C[单选题]The word"economy" shows the change of word meaning. Which type of semantic change is it? A:extentionB:specializationC:elevation参考答案:A[论述题]Indicate what figures of speech have been used in the following sentenc e.Many hands make light work.参考答案:synecdoche。



课程名称[编号]:英语文体学引论[0099]1.Fill in the fllowing blanks with proper words.(20 points)1)___is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.2)Pause can be divided into structural pause and pause.3)Style can be defined as the___habit of different people or characteristic of typical social situations.4)____is a kind of mild expression for an offensive or hush one.l.Indicate what kind of figures of speech is used in the fllowing examples.(20 points)1)The boy was as cunning as a fox.2)China won the game against Japan by 3:2.3)If we don't hang together,we shall hang separately.4)He was a tiger in the battle field.___I..Explain in brief the fllowing terms.(20points)1)Morpheme2)Dialect3)Mode of discourse4)lronyIV.Please decide whether the fllowing statements are True(T)or False(F.(20 points)1)Syllable refers to a vowel sound either with or without a consonant or consonants in clusters.()2)Content is the style which may be different from case to case although the meaning may remain the same.()3)Rhetorical question is a question which does not demand an answer or the answer is obvious.()4)Exophora is an item which refers to something in another text.()V.Analyze the following conversation.Attention:please give the definition of this kind of figure of speech,and its stylistic effects.(20 points)Susan:Jim,can you give me Lincoln's Gettysburg Address?Jim:No,but he used to live at the White House in Washington DC.。



西南大学《英语写作二》复习思考题及答案(0232)《英语写作二》复习思考题I. Define the following writing terms (20)Narration DescriptionExposition ArgumentationStyle InductionSummary DeductionBook ReportII. Give brief answers to the following questions. (20)1.What is paragraph development by comparison? How does it differ from the contrastmethod?2.What is unity? And what is coherence?3.Can you name three ways of beginning a composition? And what are they?4.What are the two major logical reasoning methods? Explain them.5.Can you explain simile and metaphor, please?6.Can you name three ways of essay development?III. Choose one of the following topics and develop a composition of about 300 words.(30)7. A Little Learning Is Dangerous8.Character Is Fate9.Is Money Everything?10.Does the End Always Justify the Means?11.God Must Be Lonely12.Mercy Killing13.Honesty Is the Best Policy(0232)《英语写作二》复习思考题答案II.Define the following writing terms (20)Narration DescriptionExposition ArgumentationStyle InductionSummary DeductionBook ReportNarration:one of the four major types of writing, the other three being description, exposition, and argumentation. Narrative writing gives an account of events or experiences in chronological order; that is, in the order in which they occurred.A writer can also use the flashback method of story-telling, starting with an important point in the sequence of events to be narrated and then going back in time. A story can be narrated from the first person point of view or from the third person point of view. Two kinds of narration are discriminated: the straight or simple narrative and the plot narrative. The former records a series of events without introducing complications and solutions. The latter makes use of suspense and climax, stresses cause and effect, and is usually fictional. In its broad sense, narrative writing includes stories, biographies, histories, news items, and narrative poems. Narration does not work alone. It goes hand in hand with description.Description: one of the four major forms or types of discourse. It means painting in words a picture of a person, place, object, scene or setting. It enables the reader to see, hear, taste or feel in imagination. Description is seldom used for its sake. It goes hand in hand with narration, exposition or even argumentation. While narration follows time order, description makes use of space order. Scientific description is objective, literary description is impressionistic, and journalistic descriptionis a combination of the two. In literary description, figurative language abounds. Metaphor, simile, and personification are the most commonly used figures of speech.Exposition:one of the four major types of writing. Its function is to explain, explore or expound. Ways of development used in expository compositions include: definition, illustration, comparison, contrast, classification, analysis, cause and effect, and generalization. In drama and fiction, exposition refers to the essential information necessary for the audience and readers to appreciate what has happened and what is to happen.Argumentation:one of the four main types of writing, the other three being narration, description, and exposition. An argumentative essay aims to convince or persuade the reader that something is true or false.Style: how a writer says something. Style is the man.Induction: one of the methods used in the process of logical reasoning. It is the opposite of deduction.Summary: a type of writing that retells the main story in a book or that summarizes the main content in a longer piece of writing.Deduction: one of the methods used in the process of logical reasoning. It is the opposite of induction.Book Report:a type of writing that not only retells the main story in a book or that summarizes the main content in a longer piece of writing, but also contains the writer’s interpretation and analysis.III.G ive brief answers to the following questions. (20)1.What is paragraph development by comparison? How does it differ from the contrastmethod? (The former emphasizes the similarities and thelatter differences)2.What is unity? And what is coherence? (The former means “one paragraph, one mainidea” and the latter means “the unbroken and smooth forward movement of ideas.”3.Can you name three ways of beginning a composition? And what are they? (By asking aquestion, by using a quotation, by making an analogy and so on.)4.What are the two major logical reasoning methods? Explain them. (Induction anddeduction)5.Can you explain simile and metaphor, please? (The former is an explicit comparisonbetween two essentially different things. It is indicated by “like” or “as”. The latter is animplicit comparison between two distinct things. It is without “like” or “as”.)6.Can you name three ways of essay development? (By cause and effect, by comparisonand contrast, by classification, by time and space, and the like.)IV.Choose one of the following topics and develop a composition of about 300 words. (30)1. A Little Learning Is Dangerous2.Character Is Fate3.Is Money Everything?4.Does the End Always Justify the Means?5.God Must Be Lonely6.Mercy Killing7.Honesty Is the Best Policy。



西南大学培训与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷学期:2020年秋季课程名称【编号】:英语文体学引论【0099】 A卷考试类别:大作业满分:100分答案网叫福到(这四个字的拼音)I Fill in the following blanks with proper words(20 points)1)is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.2)Pause can be divided into structural pause and pause3)Style can be defined as the habit of different people or characteristic of typical social situations4)is a kind of mild expression for an offensive or hush one.ll.Indicate what kind of figures of speech is used in the following examples(20 points1)The boy was as cunning as a fox.2)China won the game against Japan by 3:23)If we dont hang together,we shall hang separately4)He was a tiger in the battle fieldl.Explain in brief the following terms(20 points1)Morpheme2)Dialect3)Mode of discourse4)IronylV Please decide whether the following statements are True(t)or False 1)Syllable refers to a vowel sound either with or without a consonant or consonants in clusters(2)Content is the style which may be different from case to case although the meaning may remain the same3)Rhetorical question is a question which does not demand an answer or theanswer is obvious.4)Exophora is an item which refers to something in another text.()V.Analyze the following conversation.Attention please give the definition of this kind of figure of speech,and its stylistic effects.(20 pointsSusan:Jim,can you give me LincoIn s Gettysburg Address?Jim:No,but he used to live at the white House in Washington DO。






西大学术英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. The term "academic" is most closely associated with which of the following fields?A. SportsB. MusicC. LiteratureD. Science2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of academic writing?A. Formal languageB. ObjectivityC. Personal opinionsD. Logical structure3. In academic research, the importance of referencing is to:A. Show off one's knowledgeB. Acknowledge the work of othersC. Avoid plagiarismD. All of the above4. The primary purpose of a literature review in academic writing is to:A. Summarize the author's own researchB. Provide background informationC. Criticize other scholars' workD. Introduce the methodology5. What is the correct order of sections in a typical academic paper?A. Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, ConclusionB. Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, AbstractC. Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, ReferencesD. Title, Introduction, Results, Methodology, Discussion, Conclusion6. Which of the following is not a common citation style?A. APAB. MLAC. ChicagoD. HTML7. The term "peer review" refers to the process where:A. Authors review their own workB. Other scholars in the same field evaluate the workC. The general public reviews the workD. The editor of a journal reviews the work8. Which of the following is an example of quantitative research?A. SurveysB. Case studiesC. InterviewsD. Observations9. The purpose of a hypothesis in research is to:A. Make predictionsB. Prove the researcher's beliefsC. Provide a conclusionD. Summarize the research10. In academic writing, the use of the first person is generally:A. Encouraged to add a personal touchB. Discouraged to maintain objectivityC. Required for all research papersD. Optional based on the field of study答案:1-5 DCBCC6-10 DBABA二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. The _______ section of an academic paper usually provides an overview of the research and its significance.2. When citing a source, it is important to include the_______, author(s), title, and publication year.3. The _______ is a document that lists all the sources cited in an academic paper.4. In academic writing, the use of _______ words and phrases helps to convey a sense of certainty.5. A _______ is a type of research that seeks to understand phenomena in depth, often through detailed case studies.6. The _______ is the part of an academic paper where the researcher presents the results of their study.7. The _______ section of a paper discusses the findings andrelates them to existing literature and theories.8. A _______ is a statement that proposes a possible relationship between variables.9. The _______ is the final part of an academic paper where the main points are summarized and future research directions are suggested.10. In a literature review, the researcher _______ previous research to establish a context for their own study.答案:1. Abstract2. citation3. References4. modal5. qualitative6. Results7. Discussion8. hypothesis9. Conclusion10. reviews三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. What are the key elements of a research proposal?2. Describe the process of conducting a literature review.3. Explain the difference between primary and secondary sources.4. What is the role of an abstract in academic writing?答案:1. Key elements of a research proposal include the research question, background information, literature review,methodology, expected results, and significance of the study.2. Conducting a literature review involves searching for and evaluating existing research on a topic, summarizing key findings, and synthesizing this information to identify gaps and establish a context for new research.3. Primary sources are original materials or evidence fromthe time period involved, created by a witness or participant. Secondary sources are based on primary sources and include analyses, interpretations, or summaries of the evidence.4. The role of an abstract in academic writing is to providea brief summary of the research paper, highlighting the main points, methods, results, and conclusions, allowing readersto quickly assess the relevance of the paper.四、论述题(每题15分,共。



西南大学英语试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。

A) 5:00 pmB) 6:00 pmC) 7:00 pm[答案] B2. 根据所听短文,回答以下问题:Q: What is the main topic of the passage?A) The history of the city.B) The development of tourism.C) The impact of climate change.[答案] B二、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读以下短文,选择最佳答案。

Passage 1:...(文章内容略)A) TrueB) FalseC) Not Given[答案] A2. 阅读以下短文,并回答以下问题。

Passage 2:...(文章内容略)Q: What can be inferred from the passage?A) The author supports the idea.B) The author is against the idea.C) The author is neutral.[答案] C三、词汇与语法(共20分)1. 从下列选项中选择最佳答案填空。

A) DespiteB) AlthoughC) Because[例句] _______ it was raining, they still went out for a walk.[答案] A2. 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。

[例句] The _______ (invent) of the computer has changed our lives.[答案] invention四、完形填空(共15分)1. 阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳选项填空。

Passage 3:...(文章内容略)[1] A) successB) failureC) achievement[答案] A[2] A) encouragedB) discouragedC) motivated[答案] C五、翻译(共15分)1. 将下列句子从英语翻译成中文。



Questions for English Stylistics1.What does general stylistics study?2.Why should we learn stylistics?3.What are the three steps of stylistic analysis?4.What are the functions of stress? Give examples.5.In what varieties of English the exclamation mark is most or least frequent?Why?6.Explain the functions of long and short paragraphs, and indicate in what varietiesof English short/long paragraphs are most frequently found.7.Give examples to illustrate the differences in pronunciation between standardBritish and American English.8.Give examples to illustrate the spelling differences between British and AmericanEnglish.9.Which of the two terms, American English and the American language, is moreappropriate, and why?10.What are the main differences between spoken English and written English?11.What is the danger if you use too much formal language in your dailyconversation?12.Can you use some colloquial words in writing? If so, what kind of writing shouldit be?13.What factors affect the degrees of formality?14.What is the effect of impersonal language?bel the following sentences according to the five degrees of formality:Would you be so good?Your silence is requested.Do shut up!Quiet, please.Put a sock in it!16.Are you speaking differently from or the same from your parents? Give examplesto illustrate your points.17.How did African American English come into being?18.Give examples of taboo and euphemisms.19.What are the basic stylistic features of conversation at the lexical level?20.What are the basic stylistic features of conversation at the semantic level?21.What are the most noticeable features of the vocabulary of casual conversation?22.How many types of public speeches are there?23.How do you make an effective public speech?24.What are the general stylistic features of public speeches?25.What are the general stylistic features of news reports?26.What are the general stylistic features and function of newspaper headlines?27.What types of variety may possibly co-occur with journalistic language? Why?28.What is the function of advertising language?29.How many parts does an advertisement usually consist of? And what are thefunctions of each part?30.Find some interesting advertisements from the Internet and present them to theclass with you own explanations.31.What is generally required of EST? Why?32.Tell how and why EST prefers impersonal sentence patterns?33.Why are the present tense and passive voice often used in EST?34.Why do we say that legal English appears extremely conservative and even oddin form? What archaic words are often found in legal documents?35.What punctuation marks occur the least frequently in legal documents?36.What is your favorite type of novel? Why?37.What are the general stylistic features of the language of a novel?38.What is the difference between poetry and prose?39.What are the commonly found stanzas in English?40.How does a poem appeal aesthetically to the reader?41.What is the function of lexical repetition? And what is the function of syntacticalrepetition?42.What effects are achieved through the manipulation of sounds?43.EST and Legal English are two widely different varieties, but there seem to existsome common features in style. Point them out.ment on how the author's selection of details of description and choice ofwords contributed to the atmosphere of the novel.“The Bottoms" succeeded to "Hell Row." Hell Row was a block of thatched, bulging cottages that stood by the brookside on Greenhill lane. There lived the colliers who worked in the little gin-pits two fields away. The brook ran under the alder trees, scarcely soiled by these small mines, whose coal was drawn to the surface by donkeys that plodded wearily in a circle round a gin, and all over the countryside were these same pits, some of which had been worked in the time of Charles II, the few colliers and the donkeys burrowing down like ants into the earth, making queer mounds and little black places among the corn-fields and the meadow. And the cottages of these coalminers, in blocks and pairs here and there, together with odd farms and homes of the stockingers, straying over the parish, formed the village of Bestwood.Then, some sixty years ago, a sudden change took place. The gin-pits were elbowed aside by the large mines of the financiers. The coal and iron field of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire was discovered. Carston, Waite and Co.appeared. Amid excitement, Lord Palmerston formally opened the company's first mine at Spinney Park, on the edge of Sherwood Forest.D. H. Lawrence: Sons and Lovers45.Analyze the metrics of the following poem by W. B Yeats: When you are old and gray and full of sleep, And nodding by the fires, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false and true, But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face;。



英语文体学课后习题答案Title: English Class Homework AnswersAs students, we often find ourselves faced with a multitude of homework assignments. One of the most common types of homework is the English class homework, which usually consists of reading comprehension exercises, grammar exercises, and writing assignments. In this article, we will provide answers to some common English class homework questions.1. Reading Comprehension ExercisesQuestion: What is the main idea of the passage?Answer: The main idea of the passage is that climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action.2. Grammar ExercisesQuestion: Identify the verb tense in the following sentence: "She will be singing at the concert tomorrow."Answer: The verb tense in the sentence is future continuous tense.3. Writing AssignmentsQuestion: Write a short paragraph describing your favorite hobby.Answer: My favorite hobby is painting. I find it to be a relaxing and creative outlet. I enjoy experimenting with different colors and techniques, and I often lose track of time when I'm engrossed in a painting.In conclusion, English class homework can be challenging, but with the right approach and practice, it can be a rewarding experience. By providing answersto common homework questions, students can gain a better understanding of the material and improve their English language skills.。



西南大学《语言学导论》复习思考题及答案(0181)《语言学导论》复习思考题Ⅰ. In each question there are four choices. Decide which one would be the best answer to the question, or would best complete the sentence. Write the corresponding letter on your ANSWER SHEET.1. The construction “honest people” is _______.A. a coordinate constructionB. an exocentric constructionC. an endocentric constructionD. an immediate constituent2. In the sentence “Can I have a bite to drink?” the speaker may not have a problem withcompetence, but with_______.A. performanceB. utteranceC. syntaxD. context3. The phrase “Colorful ideas sleep furiously” is an example of_______.A. rapport talkB. indexical languageC. an ungrammatical but acceptable sentenceD. a grammatical but unacceptable sentence4. Identify the morphemes in the word 'unimaginative':A. un-im-ag-in-at-iveB. un-imaginativeC. un-imagin-ativeD. unimagin-ative5. Which of the following two-term sets shows the feature of complementarity? _______.A. Husband/ WifeB. Alive/DeadC. Hot/ ColdD. White/ Black6. The Whorf Hypothesis claims that________.A. language is full of “rich points”, whose meanings are difficult to translate into anotherlanguageB. abstract terms are easily translatableC. accents are part of identityD. language influences culture-specific ways of knowing7. The phrase …time is a commodity? is an example of_______.A. The Whorf HypothesisB. A metaphoric systemC. A non-standard varietyD. A rich point8. The last phoneme in the word “hang” is a _______.A. glottalB. palatalC. dentalD. nasal9. Three places of articulation that involve the teeth and/or the lips are:A. palatal, velar, glottalB. bilabial, labiodental, dentalC. stop, fricative, affricativeD. nasal, lateral, semi vowel10. In the sentence 'I took my big brown cat to the vetyesterday', which of the following doesnot appear? _______.A. AdjectiveB. PrepositionC. AdverbD. Conjunction11. Which of the following statements is FALSE? ________.A. Language is just for communication.B. Language is one of many ways in which we experience the world.C. Language is a sign system.D. Language is arbitrary and conventional.12. The English language has______.A. morphemesB. syntaxC. number agreementD. all of the above13. “He” and “she” are not examples of gender agreement in English, because_____.A. they are pronounsB. they need not agree with other words in an English sentenceC. they mark biological/social genderD. both b and c above14. A phoneme is_____.A. the smallest meaningful unit in languageB. the smallest unit in languageC. the same as an allophoneD. both b and c above15. Of the following, what are the two types ofphonetics______.A. acoustic and electricB. arbitrary and auditoryC. articulatory and acousticD. allophonic and allomorphic16. / ik/ is a transcription of_______.A. sickB. chickC. chicD. thick17. True or false: Chinese has no inflections for grammatical case. ______.A. TrueB. False18. Traditional grammar is ________.A. descriptiveB. prescriptiveC. non-Latin-basedD. wrong19. ______ is the branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of speech sounds andprovides methods for their description, classification and transcription.A. PhonologyB. Phonetic alphabetC. Corpus linguisticsD. Phonetics20. The four major modes of semantic change are_______.A. extension, narrowing, elevation and degradationB. extension, generalization, elevation and degradationC. extension, narrowing, specialization and degradationD. extension, elevation, amelioration and degradation21. What is the m eaning relationship between the two words “plant/grass”? ______.A. HomonymyB. AntonymyC. HyponymyD. Allomorphs22. The phonetic transcription with diacritics is called _____.A. broad transcriptionB. International Phonetic AlphabetC. American English PronunciationD. narrow transcription23. The Black English sentence “I don't gotta do nothing” is considered incorrect because:a) it contains a double negative and is thus inherently incorrectb) it is impossible to understandc) it is not associated with the upper class use of standard Englishd) both a and b above24. According to their ______, words can classified into closed-class and open-class words.A. variabilityB. membershipC. similaritiesD. functions25. When language is used to "do things", it serves the _____ function.A. evocativeB. expressiveC. directiveD. performative26. "Classroom" is a _______.A. free morphemeB. derivativeC. compoundD. root.27. The phra se “time is a commodity” is an example of_______.A. The Whorf HypothesisB. A metaphoric systemC. A non-standard varietyD. A rich point28. _______ is a type of phonological process by which one sound takes on some or all thecharacteristics of a neighboring sound.A. AssimilationB. TransformationC. Code-switchingD. interference29. _______ refers to the use of a native language pattern or rule which leads to an error orinappropriate form in the target language.A. InterlanguageB. Positive transferC. Negative transferD. Overgeneralization30. In the sentence “I took my big brown cat to the vet yesterday”, which of the followingdoes not appear? _______.A. AdjectiveB. PrepositionC. AdverbD. Conjunction31. _______ is that part of the meaning of word or phrase that relates it to phenomena in thereal world or in a fictional or possible world.A. ConnotationB. Affective meaningC. DenotationD. Sense32. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as ______.A. unnaturalB. something to be fearedC. naturalD. abnormal33. The semantic components of the word “boy” can be expressed as _____.A. +human, +male, +adultB. +human, -male, +adultC. +human, -male, -adultD. +human, +male, -adult34. Conjunctions, preposition, pronouns and articles can be classified as ____.A. lexical wordsB. grammatical wordsC. pro-formsD. content words35. If two sounds are of no distinctive value, but are varieties of the same phoneme, they arecalled ______.A. phonesB. speech soundsC. allophonesD. morphs36. In the following sounds, _____ is a voiced stop.A. [b]B. [d]C. [p]D. [k]37. “You stand up”is transformed into “Stand up”. Which transformational rule is usedaccording to TG Grammar? _____.A. CopyingB. AdditionC. ReorderingD. Deletion38. The words such as TOFEL, NATO, UFO are _____.A. formed by blendingB. acronymsC. coined by back formationD. clipped words39. The words such as “brunch”, “motel” are _______.A. formed by blendingB. acronymsC. coined by back formationD. clipped words。



英语文体学期末考试卷答案英语文体学期末考试卷答案:Section A: Multiple Choice Questions1. C2. B3. A4. D5. C6. A7. B8. D9. A10. CSection B: True or False1. True2. False3. False4. True5. TrueSection C: Short Answer Questions1. The difference between a metaphor and a simile is that a metaphor does not use "like" or "as" to compare two things, while a simile does.2. Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in nearby words.3. An onomatopoeia is a word that imitates the sound it represents.4. A sonnet is a poem consisting of 14 lines, typically written in iambic pentameter.5. In poetry, meter is the rhythmic structure of a verse, determined by the number and length of feet in a line.6. Satire is the use of humor, irony, or exaggeration to criticize or expose human vices or shortcomings.7. A rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme between lines of a poem, usually denoted using letters to represent the rhyming words.8. A ballad is a narrative poem that tells a story, often about love or adventure, and is typically arranged in quatrains with a rhyming scheme.9. Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities beyond the literal meaning of the object or action.10. Theme is the central idea or message of a work of literature, which is often a universal truth or insight into human nature.Section D: Essay Questions1. Discuss the role of imagery in poetry, giving examples from at least two different poems.2. Analyze the use of irony in a short story of your choice, highlighting how it enhances the overall meaning of the story.3. Compare and contrast the themes of love and death in two different works of literature.4. Explain the significance of setting in a novel of your choice, and how it contributes to the development of the plot and characters.5. Evaluate the use of foreshadowing in a play you have studied, and its impact on the audience's understanding of the story.End of Exam.。

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(0099) 《英语文体学引论》复习思考题I. Explain in brief the following terms. (10 points; in test it contains 10 terms)1. stylistics2. style3. dialect4. morpheme5. phoneme6. language7. register 8. acoustic phonetics 9. auditory phonetics10. syllable 11. general stylistics 12. literary stylistics13. form 14. content 15. phonological analysis16. lexical analysis 17. syntactical analysis 18. discoursal analysis19. paralinguistic features 20. social dialect 21. taboo22. whispery voice 23. breathy voice 24. creaky voice25. falsetto 26. common core words 27. technical words28. standard words 29. non- standard words 30. spoken words31. literary words 32. extension 33. specialization34. elevation 35. degradation 36. metaphor37. litotes 38. irony 39. compound sentence40. periodic sentence 41. loose sentence 42. elliptical sentence43. inverted sentence 44. antithesis 45. parallelism46. repetition 47. deviation 48. cataphora49. progressive conjunction 50. field of discourseII. Answer the following questions. (50 points; in test it contains 5 questions)1. What is the relationship between form and content?2. What are the differences between language and speech?3. What is the methodology of stylistic analysis? What are the levels of stylistic analysis?4. Define paralinguistic features. What are they?5. What are the three ways of studying the sound of language?6. What are the four typical meters in English poetry?7. What is the relationship between sound and meaning?8. What is the relationship between style and the choice of words, according to the stylisticians?9. How many kinds of word meanings may be classified? And what are they?10. What are the three basic components of the English vocabulary?11. Functionally speaking, what are the four types of English sentences?12. What are the conjunctions used in combining English sentences?13. What are the gestures may be used in a casual conversation?14. What are the three types of substitution? Can you give some examples?15. What is the relationship between dialect and register?16. Name at least five kinds of figures of speech in English.17. Can you give some examples of rhetorical questions?18. What are the stylistic features of the Bible?19. What are the five kinds of reference in the English language?20. What are the three factors of register?21. Give examples to illustrate power relationship and solidarity relationship.22. What are the non-linguistic features of casual conversation?23. What are the linguistic features of the language of news reporting?24 .What are the linguistic features of the language of advertisement?25. What is the relationship between literary language and ordinary language?III. Stylistic analysis (20 points):1. Explain the connotative meaning of the italicized words or expressions in the followingsentences (12 points; in test it may or may not appear; it contains 3 words or expressions):.1) Don' t trust her; she is as nake in the grass.2) The enemy will attack us tomorrow morning, but we are still not well prepared. TheDamocles ' swo irsd hanging over us.3) We have to consult him, you know, he is the real Titan in our class.4) News from Pentagon today says ⋯5) She knows nothing about the cruelty of the world. She is a lily.6) Hamlet, according to some psycho-analysis theory, is a character who has the Oedipuscomplex.7) He is a wolf in sheep ' s clothing. Don ' t believe what he says.8) The doctor told him it is not cancer, however, it is only a white lie .9) He is always ready to help people when they are in need. He real Robin Hood'. s a10) Their policy is all sticks and no carrots .11) 0China never stands on the side of Chauvinism .12) Children are flowers of our country.2. What possible social relationships exist between the participants in the following sentences?(12 points; in test it may or may not appear )1) Excuse me, could you tell me the right time, please?2) What time is it, please?3) What' the time?3. Indicate what kind of figures of speech is used in the following examples? ( 8 points; intest it may or may not appear; it contains 2 items )The young hunter was as strong as a lion.Life is but a brief candle.from the cradle to the graveMany hands make light work.She' s as old as a mountain.A victorious defeatHe is a fool. He never knows where his personal interest lies. His whole heart is concernedabout the interest of other people.Belinda smiled, and all the world was gay.The drunkard loves his bottle better than his wife.My love is a red, red rose.4. Try to analyze the following sentence and point out its stylistic value ( 12 points; it mayor may not appear in test; if it appears, it contains one sentence )1) It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a fortune must bein want of a wife. (J. Austin. Pride and Prejudice)2) I came, I saw, I conquered. (Julius Caesar)3) O, my luve is like a red, red roseThat ' s newly sprung in June;O, my luve is like the melodieThat ' s sweetly play ' d in tune.(Robert Burns, A Red, Red Rose)4) A grief ago (Dylan Thomas)5) “ Don' t be such a harsh parent, father! ”“ Don' t father me! ”(0099) 《英语文体学引论》复习思考题答案I. Explain in brief the following terms (10 points; in test it contains 10 terms):1. stylistics: the study or the investigation of style.2. style: the linguistic habit of a particular person(s) or characteristic of typical situations.3. dialect: a subtype of language which may be determined by geographical locality or particularsocial groupings.4. morpheme: the smallest unit in a language that carries meaning.5. phoneme: the smallest sound unit in a specific language capable of semantic distinction.6. language: a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.7. register: language determined by situation.8. acoustic phonetics: a branch of phonetics dealing with the physical properties of the speechsounds of a language.9. auditory phonetics: the study of how the sound of speech is received by the hearer.10. syllable: a vowel sound either with or without a consonant or consonants in clusters.11. general stylistics: the investigation of the linguistic features of all kinds of language use.12. literary stylistics: the study of the linguistic features of literature in particular, such as those ofpoetry, novels and dramas.13. form: the particular way of expressing the message.14. content: the message or information or the communicative value that is encoded or loaded in alinguistic expression.15. phonological analysis: it is chiefly concerned about the sound patterns of a piece of literature,especially those of poetry.16. lexical analysis: it is chiefly concerned about the internal structure and the stylistic coloring andthe semantic relationship of the words in the text.17. syntactical analysis: it is chiefly concerned about how the words in a text are put together toproduce meaning and other kinds of message.18. discoursal analysis: it is concerned about how sentences are joined together to produce acohesive and coherent text.19. paralinguistic features: the vocal effects caused by different shaping of the vocal cords andopenings20. social dialect: it is determined by the social groupings that a person belongs to .21. taboo: words forbidden to be used in public because of their being dirty or offensive22. whispery voice: utterance without any vocal cord vibration at all. Emphasizing contrast .23. breathy voice: utterance where there is too much breath for the needs of the articulation.24. creaky voice: a slow crackle of vocal cord vibrations at a low pitch, like a stick being run alonga fence.25. falsetto: a switch of the voice from one vocal register to a higher one; usually found only inmales.26. common core words: refer to those words used in everyday life.27. technical words: refer to those words used in special professions .28. standard words: words that are used in the standard dialect.29. non-standard words: words labeled as slangs, vulgarisms and colloquialisms in the dictionary.the cultural and social implications of a word simile: a comparison between two things with emphasis on the similarity or likeness between them30. spoken words: words that most often used in face-to- face, casual and everydayconversations.31. literary words: words used in formal writings or literature.32. extension: a specific word comes to mean a general idea.33. specialization: the change of the word meaning may move in the opposite direction, a wordwith general reference is narrowed to a specific reference.34. elevation: words of derogatory association become words of favorable association.35. degradation: neutral words or words of favorable association degenerated into derogatory words.36. metaphor: a covert comparison37. litotes: understatement38. irony: a figure of speech that takes the form of saying or implying the opposite of what onefeels to be the case39. compound sentence: a sentence made up of two or more simple sentences, joined together byconjunctions or punctuations40. periodic sentence: one that is not grammatically complete until the end is reached41. loose sentence: one that may be brought to a grammatical close before the end is reached42. elliptical sentence: one in which either the subject or the predicate or part of the predicate ismissing43. inverted sentence: one in which the subject position is filled by other sentence elements44. antithesis: a figure of speech in the formula of X conj. Y with a contrast between them45. parallelism: a rhetorical device in which two or more than two similar syntactic structures withdifferent words are placed side by side46. repetition: a rhetorical device in which identical words are used but not necessarily in identicalposition47. deviation: violation of standard use of the language48. cataphora: If the referred item comes after the referring item in a text, then it is a case ofcataphora.49. progressive conjunction: one sentence that joined by the use of conjunctive words of additionor progression50. field of discourse: the topic under discussion or the nature of the activity in which language isinvolvedII. Answer the following questions (50 points; in test it contains 5 questions):1. What is the relationship between form and content?One way of talking about style is to make a distinction between form and content. Content is the message or information or the communicative value that is encoded or loaded in alinguistic expression. Form is the particular way of expressing the message. The form is thestyle which may be different from case to case although the meaning may remain the same.For example, the Chinese term 开始may be expressed in different English words, such asstart, begin and commence, but each suggests a different style.2. What are the differences between language and speech?Another way of talking about style is to make a distinction between language and speech,which may be translated in Chinese as 语言and 言语. This distinction was first proposed by Saussure, the founder of the modern linguistics. According to Saussure, there are four major differences between language and speech.A. Language is abstract whereas speech is concrete. Language is abstract in the sense thatit has only psychological instead of physical existence. Language is not something thatyou can bring to the classroom and examine under the microscope, not something youcan hear, see, smell , touch or taste. Speech is concrete in the sense that it has physicalproperties. Either can be heard in the spoken form or seen in the written form.B. Language is potential whereas speech is actual. Language is potential in the sense that itis a kind of can-mean system, while speech is something that has an actual meaning.C. Language is code whereas speech is message( 语言是一个代码系统,言语才是信息). Language is a set of symbols that can be used to transmit information. Speech is the actual use of the language in an act of communication in a particular situation for aparticular purpose. It carries a real message.D. Language is stable and systematic whereas speech is subject to personal and situationalconstraint. For example, the word book in the English language always refers to someprinted matter. But in speech it may be used to refer to anything that the speaker wants torefer to by the use of it as long as it is understandable. The common example is thesentence: He is a walking dictionary (a kind of book) meaning that he is veryknowledgeable.3. What is the methodology of stylistic analysis? What are the levels of stylistic analysis? Themajor methodology for stylistic analysis is linguistic analysis. It tries to be objective or scientific in its analysis. According to the advocates of this methodology, anyone using this methodology to analyze a given text of literature will reach roughly the same conclusion.Levels of analysisSince stylistic analysis is a kind of linguistic analysis, naturally, how many levels of structure we have in a language correspondingly how many levels of structure at which we may do stylistic analysis.1) PhonologicalPhonological analysis is chiefly concerned about the sound patterns of a piece of literature,especially those of poetry.2) Lexical Lexical analysis is chiefly concerned about the internal structure and the stylisticcoloring and the semantic relationship of the words in the text.3) Syntactical Syntactical analysis is chiefly concerned about how the words in a text are puttogether to produce meaning and other kinds of message.4) Discoursal Discoursal analysis is concerned about how sentences are joined together toproduce a cohesive and coherent text.4. Define paralinguistic features. What are they?Definition: the vocal effects caused by different shaping of the vocal cords and openings. Kindsand the corresponding stylistic effects.1) Whispery voice: utterance without any vocal cord vibration at all. Emphasizing contrast.2) Breathy voice: utterance where there is too much breath for the needs of the articulation,. Expressing surp the effect being one of mild ‘ puffing and blowing seand astonishment.3) Creaky voice: a slow crackle of vocal cord vibrations at a low pitch, like a stick being runalong a fence.4) Falsetto: a switch of the voice from one vocal register to a higher one; usually found only inmales.5. What are the three ways of studying the sound of language?A. articulatory phonetics The study of the sounds of a language with special attention to thespeaker: themovement of the lungs, vocal cords, tongue, the lips and other organs which produce andcontrol the noisy outward breathing.B. acoustic phonetics The study of the physical properties of the sound waves in the air whenbeing transmitted from the speaker to the hearer.C. auditory phoneticsThe study of how the sound of speech is received by the hearer6. What are the four typical meters in English poetry?In English poetry, stress is usually used in the realization of meter. The followings are the fourmost typical meters.1) Iamb: Iamb is a metric foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressedsyllable.2) Trochee: Trochee is a metric foot consisting of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressedsyllable.3) Anapest: Anapest is a metric foot composed of two unstressed syllables followed by onestressed one.4) Dactyl: Dactyl is a metric foot composed of one stressed syllable followed by two unstressedones7. What is the relationship between sound and meaning?According to Saussure, the relationship between sound and meaning is arbitrary in the sense that why a certain meaning takes a particular sound has no reason and it is completelyaccident. But in literature, the writers always try to arrange the words in such a way as to make the patterns of sound to directly suggest the meaning.8. What is the relationship between style and the choice of words, according to the stylisticians?The stylisticians ' attitude: they lay emphasis on the adaptability to the situation.Standard, non-standard, black, dialectal, slang, archaisms are equally good in theirexpressiveness. There is no distinction of one being superior and other being inferior.9. How many kinds of word meanings may be classified? And what are they?According to the linguists, a word has various kinds of meaning. The first kind of meaning is denotative meaning.1) Denotative (概念意义)The kind of meaning we can get from the dictionary. It can also be termed as dictionarymeaning , conceptual meaning , logical meaning and referential meaning . This is the most basic meaning that we understand a word has.2) Stylistic = social ( 社会意义)The kind of meaning associated with a particular social situation in which a particular wordis often used. e.g begin, start, commence3) Affective meaning ( 情感意义)It is the emotional, attitudinal and evaluative coloring of a word. e.g. cunning andclever. Both mean the skillful handling of a delicate or difficult situation. But they revealdifferent attitudes and evaluation of the speaker.4) Collocative ( 搭配意义)Some words may have the same dictionary meaning, but they collocate with differentwords, as shown by the pair or synonyms of pretty and handsome.5) Connotative ( 内涵意义)the cultural and social implications of a word.10. What are the three basic components of the English vocabulary?The three basic components of the English vocabularyA Anglo-Saxona. Members of the familyb. Parts of the bodyc. Natured. Timee. One-syllabled verbsB Frencha. Government and Lawb. Army and military activitiesc. Religiond. CostumesC Latina. Medicineb. Lawc. Theologyd. Sciencee. Literature11. Functionally speaking, what are the four types of English sentences?1) Declarative 2) Interrogative3) Exclamatory 4) Imperative12. What are the conjunctions used in combining English sentences?1) Progressive conjunction ( 推进性连接): by the use of conjunctive words of addition orprogression, such as and, furthermore, moreover, etc.2) Contrastive conjunction ( 对照性连接): by the use of conjunctive words of contrast ortransition, such as but, whereas, while, on the contrary, on the other hand, etc.3) Temporal conjunction ( 时间性连接): by the use of conjunctive words of temporalsequence, such ast hen, later, afterwards, at last, or finally , etc13. What are the gestures may be used in a casual conversation?Facial expressions, eye-contact, body positions, distance, physical touch, sound modification, clothing, and environment14. What are the three types of substitution? Can you give some examples?A. Nominal substitution (名词性替代)1)The meaning of one/ones e.g. You bought a red pencil, I ' d like a blue one.2)The use of the “ same”Example:A: I want a cup of teaB: The same.3)The use of “ kind, sort ” . e.g. American food is not the same as the English kind.B. Verbal substitution (动词性替代)Do you like Chinese food?Yes, I do.He likes Chinese food. So do I.C. Clausal substitution (分句性替代)1)The use of “so” “ not ”Example: A: Do you think he will come tomorrow?B: Yes, I think so./ No, I think not.2)LimitationClausal substitution applies only to sentences, where the predicate verb of a main clauseis one of the following verbs:believe, be afraid, expect, fear, hope, imagine, say, tell, think, suppose.15. What is the relationship between dialect and register?Another way of talking about style, is to make a distinction between dialects and registers.A: Speaker orientedDialects are speaker oriented. What kind of speaker speaks what kind of dialect.Dialects may be regional or social. Regional dialect (地域方言)is determined by thegeographical locality the speaker lives in. The social dialect is determined by the socialgroupings that a person belongs to.B: Situation orientedRegister is situational oriented. Register is the language determined by situation, and becauseof this we have such registers as formal English, informal English, classroom English, legalEnglish, etc.16. Name at least five kinds of figures of speech in English.Simile, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, irony, overstatement, etc.17. Can you give some examples of rhetorical questions?Idea: a rhetorical question is one which does not really need an answer, or the answer is obvious Examples:Is that a reason for despair?Can any one doubt the wisdom of this action?Is no one going to defend me?What difference does it make then?18. What are the stylistic features of the Bible?1. 1. Biblical simplicity2. Full of balanced sentences3. The use of concrete words4. Short paragraphs5. Heavy use of and to begin a new paragraph6. Syntactical features1) simple and complete sentences2) the use of old forms of personal pronouns3) the second personal pronoun take the verb of –est as in shouldest,gavest,etc., and thethird person doth and hath which are absent in other styles of writing4) negation takes the form of “ verb+not ” without the use of auxiliaries19. What are the five kinds of reference in the English language?According to relative positions of the referring item and the referred item, reference may beclassified into the following kinds.1) Anaphora( 后照应)In a case of reference, if the referred item (a word or a phrase) come before the referring item in a text, then it is a case of anaphora.Example: Mr. Wang is an engineer, he graduated from Beijing University.2) Cataphora(前照应)On the other hand, if the referred item comes after the referring item in a text, then it is a case of cataphora. As in the example:I was introduced to them; it was John Leathwall and his wife.3) Exophora( 外照应)If the interpretation of an item in a text depends on something in the immediate environment,then it is a case of exophora.Example: Did the gardener water those plants?4) Paraphora( 平行照应)An item which refers to something in another text.Example: He is the Shylock Holmes in our class.5) Homophora(自照应)When the class is composed of only one member, then any mention of it is a case ofhomophora.Example: The moon moves around the earth.20. What are the three factors of register?1) Field of discourse —the topic under discussion or the nature of the activity in which languageis involved.2) Tenor of discourse —the kind of social relationships between the participants in aconversation.3) Mode of discourse —the medium along which the message is being transmitted.21. Give examples to illustrate power relationship and solidarity relationship.Power relationship is a kind of vertical relationship in the sense that the two participants in the conversation hold unequal authority. For example, the relations between boss and employee, or between parents and children, or between teacher and students. Solidarity relationship is ahorizontal relationship in that participants in a conversation hold equal authority. For example, the relations between playmates, classmates, friends, etc.22. What are the non-linguistic features of casual conversation?1) Unpreparedness or low degree of preparedness2) Frequent change of roles3) Monitoring4) Simultaneity in space and time5) Topic drifting6) Channel limitation7) Gestures23. What are the linguistic features of the language of news reporting?In news reporting one can find some characteristics in syntax, lexis, and textual structure.A. SyntaxThere is a heavy use of complex sentences and a heavy use of non-finite verb phrases. Thesubjects of sentences are usually very complicated. Compared with the verb phrases in theprevious discussed varieties, the composition of the verb phrases in newspaper reporting iseven simpler, mainly simple present or past tense. The structure of the noun phrases in newsreporting is very complicated. There is a remarkable increase in the number of modifiers for an average sentence in the variety of newspaper reporting. And the modifiers themselves tend to be more complicatedly structured.B. LexisThere is rare use of pronouns, but by contrast, there is a remarkable increase of the use ofproper nouns. The degree of complication in the aspect of word structure is about the same as that in public speech. Both in terms of the number of letters in an average word and the number of morphemes in an average word. Although the word structure in the style of newspaperreporting tends to be complicated, it is ever ready to use short instead of big word whereverpossible, especially in headlines. Compound words are used frequently. Moreover, nonphrases which actually express actions or state and heavily used, and they are derived fromverb phrases in order to make the sentences more compact and save space without loweringthe amount of information conveyed.C. Textual structureIn textual structure, one of the most outstanding characteristic is straightforwardness.24. What are the linguistic features of the language of advertisement?A. Syntax:In terms of syntax, the language of advertisement is simple in structure for easy understanding, and colloquial in style for familiarity, intimacy and solidarity. There is a higher frequency ofimperative and interrogatives. As to structure, according to statistics, we have the lowest rate of occurrence of passive in comedies, the second lowest is in ads. There is also a heavy use ofpre-modifiers, possessive's, comparative and superlative adjectivesB. Lexis:There is a heavy use of compounds. Simple, short, inner structure and a high percentage ofactive, affirmative, commendatory and large quantities of proper names could be found in thevocabulary of advertisement.C. Rhetorical devices:One can easily find a lot of parallelism, reiteration and alliteration.25. What is the relationship between literary language and ordinary language?1) The kind of language people use in daily conversation is the ultimate source of the language ofliterature.2) Ordinary language follows the norm of convention, and the purpose is to be understoodfully.3) Literary language is not the mechanical copy of ordinary language, but refined andprocessed.4) Literary language has some linguistic deviation.III. Stylistic analysis (20 points):1. Explain the connotative meaning of the italicized words or expressions in the followingsentences (12 points; in test it may or may not appear; it contains 3 words or expressions):1) Don't trust her; she is as nake in the grass.Snake is a kind of animal, because of prejudice and cultural conventions now often used to refer to a person who is cunning and untrustworthy2) The enemy will attack us tomorrow morning, but we are still not well prepared. TheDamocles ' swo irsd hanging over us.Damocles 'sw ord is an allusion to Greek mythology. Damocles was invited to a banquet in the court. In the midst of the entertainment, Damocles looked up and saw suspended above his head by a single thread a naked sword. By extension, it comes to mean an immediate danger.3) We have to consult him, you know, he is the real Titan in our class.Titan is a name used to refer to a class of gods huge in physical size. By extension, it comes to mean a person of great strength or influence.4) News from Pentagon today says ⋯Pentagon is a huge building in Washington in which the U.S. Department of Defense exercises its functions, now often used to refer to the ministry itself5) She knows nothing about the cruelty of the world. She is a lily.Lily is a flower and by cultural conventions a symbol of purity and innocence in the west.6) Hamlet, according to some psycho-analysis theory, is a character who has the Oedipuscomplex.According to psycho-analysis theory, Oedipus complex refers to the sexual love of an infant for the parent of the opposite sex, with jealousy of the other parent, often in an unconscious way. In this play, Hamlet is believed to have this kind of hidden desire.Actually, he seems to attempt to kill his father and marry his mother in his unconscious mind.7) He is a wolf in sheep 's clothing. Don 't believe wh. at he saysA wolf is a wild animal that looks like a large dog and that kills and eats other animals.Here wolf is used to refer to persons who are cruel and untrustworthy.。
