如果事件A、B互斥,那么()()()P A B P A P B +=+如果事件A、B相互独立,那么(.)().()P A B P A P B =如果事件A在一次试验中发生的概率是P,那么n 次独立重复试验中恰好发生k 次的概率是()(1)k k n kn n P k C P P -=-第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分)一:选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。
)1、已知集合{}b P ,0=,{}Z x x x x Q ∈<-=,032,若φ≠⋂Q P ,则b 等于( )A 、1B 、2C 、1或2D 、82、 3、4、在一个口袋中装有5个白球和3个黑球,这些球除颜色外完全相同。
从中摸出3个球,至少摸到2个黑球的概率等于 (A )27 (B )38 (C )37 (D )9285、.已知二面角βα--l 的大小为030,m n 、为异面直线,m n αβ⊥⊥且,,m n 则、所成的角为 ( ) (A )030 (B )060 (C )090 (D )01206、设q p ,是简单命题,则“p 且q 为假”是“p 或q 为假”的 ( ) A 、必要不充分条件 B 、充分不必要条件C 、充要条件D 、既不充分也不必要条件7、8、9、 10、 11、12、二:填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分。
把答案填在题中横线上)13)不等式01>-xx的解集为 14)已知⎩⎨⎧≥+-≤-05302y x y x ,则22-+y x 的最大值是15)设常数0a >,42ax⎛ ⎝展开式中3x 的系数为32,则2l i m ()nn a a a →∞++⋅⋅⋅+=_____。
解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 17、18、19、(12分)20、(12分)21、[参考答案]一:选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。
1.2013年“深圳杯”全国大学生数学建模夏令营竞赛题 [J], ;
2.2013年“深圳杯”全国大学生数学建模夏令营成功举办 [J], 本刊编辑部;
3.2012年'深圳杯”全国大学生数学建模夏令营竞赛题目 [J], ;
4.2012年“深圳杯”全国大学生数学建模夏令营竞赛题 [J], 全国大学生数学建模竞赛组委会
5.2012年"深圳杯"全国大学生数学建模夏令营在深圳开营 [J],
2013年高中数学联赛初赛广东省试题一、填空题(每小题8分,满分64分)1、已知sin cos ,cos sin 2αβαβ==,则22sin cos βα+=_______. 解:0或3.2已知两式平方相加,得2sin 0β=或21cos .4β=222sin cos 2sin βαβ+==0或3.22、不等式632(2)(2)x x x x -+>+-的解集为_________. 解:(,1)(2,).-∞-⋃+∞原不等式等价于623(2)(2).x x x x +>+++ 设3()f x x x =+,则()f x 在R 上单调增.所以,原不等式等价于22()(2)21 2.f x f x x x x x >+⇔>+⇔<->或3、已知错误!未找到引用源。
表示不超过x 的最大整数),设方程12012{}2013x x -=的两个不同实数解为12,x x ,则2122013()x x ⨯+=__________. 解:2011-.由于1{}[0,1),(0,1)2013x ∈∈,所以112012(1,1).20122012x x ∈-⇒-<< 当102012x -<<时,原方程即21120121201320122013x x x -=+⇒=-; 当102012x ≤<时,原方程即2212012201312013x x x -=⇒=.4、在平面直角坐标系中,设点*(,)(,)A x y x y N ∈,一只虫子从原点O 出发,沿x 轴正方向或y 轴正方向爬行(该虫子只能在整点处改变爬行方向),到达终点A 的不同路线数目记为(,)f x y . 则(,2)f n =_______.解:1(1)(2).2n n ++ 111(1,2)323,(2,2)634,(3,2)104 5.222f f f ==⨯⨯==⨯⨯==⨯⨯猜测1(,2)(1)(2)2f n n n =++,可归纳证明.5、将一只小球放入一个长方体容器内,且与共点的三个面相接触.若小球上一点P 到这三个面的距离分别为4、5、5,则这只小球的半径为___________.解:3或11.分别以三个面两两的交线为x 轴、y 轴、z 轴,建立空间直角坐标系.设点P 坐标为(4,5,5),小球圆心O 坐标为(,,).r r r6、将20132012表示成两个*1()n n N n+∈型分数的乘积的不同方法数是________.(其中ab 与ba 是同一种表示方法)解:24.设,p q 是正整数,满足201311201220132012.20122012p q p p q q ++⨯=⋅⇒=+- 220122013231161503⨯=⨯⨯⨯⨯的正因数的个数为4(12)(11)48+⨯+=.注意到(,)()p q p q ≠与(,)q p 是相同的表示方法,故所求的方法数为24.7、设E 为正方形ABCD 边AB 的中点,分别在边AD 、BC 上任取两点P 、Q ,则∠PEQ 为锐角的概率为__________.解:3ln 4.4- 设正方形边长为1,,AP x BQ y ==.则1()()0.4EP EQ EA AP EB BQ EA EB AP BQ xy ⋅=+⋅+=⋅+⋅=-> 从而,14xy >. 又01,01x y <<<<. 故所求概率为两直线1,1x y ==及曲线14xy =所围成图形的面积与边长为1的正方形的面积之比,即1214313ln 41:1.4444x ⎛⎫⨯-=-⎪⎝⎭⎰8、已知实系数一元二次方程20ax bx c ++=有实根,则使得2222()()()a b b c c a ra -+-+-≥成立的正实数r 的最大值为____________.解:max 9.8r =不妨设1a =,方程20x bx c ++=的两实根为12,x x .由韦达定理,1212,.b x x c x x =--=222222()()()(1)()(1)a b b c c a b b c c ∴-+-+-=-+-+-22212121212(1)()(1)x x x x x x x x =++++++-2211222(1)(1)x x x x =++++2212131392[()][()].24248x x =++⋅++≥从而,98r ≤,当1212x x ==-时等号成立.二、解答题(第一道小题满分16分,后两道小题每题满分20分)9、已知数列{}n a 的各项均为正数,121,3a a ==,且对任意*n N ∈,都有2122n n n a a a ++=+.问:是否存在常数λ,使得21n n n a a a λ+++=对任意*n N ∈都成立? 解:在2122n n n a a a ++=+中,令1n =,得37.a = 若存在常数λ使得21n n n a a a λ+++=,则1328.3a a a λλ+=⇒=∵2122n n n a a a ++=+,∴2*112(2,)n n n a a a n n N -+=+≥∈.∴222212111112n n n n n n n n n n n n a a a a a a a a a a a a ++-++-++-=-⇒+=+.由于0n a >,上式两边同除以1n n a a +,得1121(2).n n n n n n a a a a n a a +-++++=≥所以,21113128.3n n n n n n a a a a a a a a a +-+++++====即存在常数83λ=,使得21n n n a a a λ+++=对任意*n N ∈都成立.34OM OA OB =+,点N 由34OM OA OB =+,得M点.所以,由椭圆定义有||||2 2.NCND +=11、已知*(,)m n m n N <∈,两个有限正整数集合,A B 满足:||||,||A B n A B m ==⋂=(这里用||X 表示集合X 的元素个数).平面向量集{,}k u k A B ∈⋃满足1i j i Aj Bu u ∈∈==∑∑. 证明:22||.k k A B u m n ∈⋃≥+∑ 证明:不妨设{1,2,,},{1,2,,2}.A n B n m n m n m ==-+-+-令121221,n m n n n m a a a a a a -++-======== 12 4.n m n m n a a a -+-+====由柯西不等式,注意到212()42().n mii an m m n m -==-+=+∑从而,22212||||.n m k i k A Bi u u m n-∈⋃==≥+∑∑。
国 结果的影响,构建量化模型描述深圳天景花园、阳光家园 ( 垃圾减量分类过程,模型应能以量化参数描述社会因素以 w 及个体因素,并在后续的进一步研究过程中通过调整相关 ww 参数来修正模型。因此,该模型应一个以居民小区为单位 . 的“垃圾分类过程控制模型”,能够描述小区“居民参与程 ma 度”及“垃圾减量分类效果”等分类效果随时间变化的关系。 di • 基于减量分类模型,试分析试点小区四类垃圾组分本身的 o. 数量存在什么样的相关性?各项激励措施与减量分类效果 net) 存在什么相关性?原因是什么?
中 国 我们使用“方根法”计算各指标的权值向量如下:
( w1 0.0368 0.0924 0.1129 0.1780 0.1450 0.1129 0.0718 0.0150 0.1561 0.0788
w 判断矩阵的最大特征值: max 10.1560 ww 一致性检验: .ma (1)一致性指标:
i 计算各评价对象与最优方案的接近程度: o. C [0.7393 0.0905 0.9705]
net 验证了结论:深圳市内两小区相比,天景花园垃圾减量回收效果要好于 ) 阳光家园,但相比中国台湾省,两小区均有一定的差距。
数学 2.2 基于观测数据的垃圾减量分类效果的衡量指标 中
• 为了更加精确地反映各小区的垃圾减量分类效果,我们
系统动力学模型 Vensim仿真
w.mad 基于观测数据的相关性分析
) 相关性与原因
以下每题均给出了代号为A, B, C, D 的四个选项,其中有且只有一个选项是正确的。
2. 答卷前,考生必须将自己的姓名、考号、学校要求填写在密封线左边的空格内。
3. 答题可用黑色或蓝色钢笔、 圆珠笔按各题要求答在试卷上, 但不能用铅笔或红笔,解答书写时不要超过装订线。
4. 考试结束时,将试卷交回,草稿纸不用上交。
1、已知ca 、、b 都是实数,并且>b>c a ,那么下列式子中,正确的是( ) A .>bc ab B.c >b ++b a C.b-c>b a - D.cb>c a 2、化简aba b a +-222的结果为( )。
A.ab - B.a ba - C.ab a + D.b -3、下列函数中,自变量x 的取值范围是﹥2x 的函数是( )A .2-=x y B.21-=x y C.12-=x y D.121-=x y 4、若一次函数b kx y +=的函数值y 随x 的增大而减小,且图象与y 轴的正半轴相交,那么k 和b 的符号判断正确的是( )。
A .k >0, b >0B .k >0.b <0C .k <0,b >0D .k <0,b <05、由于干旱,某水库的蓄水量随时间的增加而直线下降。
若该水库的蓄水量V (万米3)与干旱的时间t (天)的关系如图所示,则下列说法正确的是( )。
A.干旱开始后,蓄水量每天减少20万米3B.干旱开始后,蓄水量每天增加20万米3C.干旱开始时,蓄水量为200万米3D.干旱第50天时,蓄水量为1200万米3题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 答案 B B B C A D D C D D A A B B C 题号 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 答案 D A C B D D B C B D D C D C D第8题DCBA第12题D C B A6、把1枚质地均匀的普通硬币重复掷两次,落地后两次都在正面朝上的概率是( )。
2013年深圳市高三年级第一次调研考试数学(文科)答案及评分标准说明:一、本解答给出了一种或几种解法供参考,如果考生的解法与本解答不同,可根据试题的主要考查内容比照评分标准制订相应的评分细则.二、对计算题当考生的解答在某一步出现错误时,如果后续部分的解答未改变该题的内容和难度,可视影响的程度决定给分,但不得超过该部分正确解答应得分数的一半;如果后续部分的解答有较严重的错误,就不再给分.三、解答右端所注分数,表示考生正确做到这一步应得的累加分数. 四、只给整数分数,选择题和填空题不给中间分数.二、填空题:本大题每小题5分;第14、15两小题中选做一题,如果两题都做,以第14题的得分为最后得分),满分20分.11.63. 12.[26],. 13.53. 14.5. 15.三、解答题:本大题6小题,满分80分.解答须写出文字说明、证明过程和演算步骤.16.(本小题满分12分)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,2 sin ,1M θ( ),2 1,2cos N θ-( )(θ∈R ),且32OM ON ⋅=- .(1)求点,M N 的坐标;(2)若角,αβ的顶点都为坐标原点且始边都与x 轴的非负半轴重合,终边分别经过点,M N ,求tan αβ+()的值.解:(1) 3,2OM ON ⋅=- 223sin 2cos ,2θθ∴-=-………………….2分223sin 2(1sin ),2θθ∴--=-解得21sin 6θ=,25cos 6θ=所以1(,1)6M ,5(1,)3N - ………………….6分(2)由(1)可知1(,1)6M ,5(1,)3N -tan 6α∴=,5tan 3β=- ……………………………….10分tan tan tan()1tan tan αβαβαβ+∴+=-⋅563516()3-=-⨯-1333=……………………………….12分 【说明】 本小题主要考查了同角三角函数的关系、三角函数的定义、两角和正切公式,以及向量的有关知识.考查了运算能力. 17.(本小题满分12分)一次考试中,五名学生的数学、物理成绩如下表所示:(1)要从5名学生中选2人参加一项活动,求选中的学生中至少有一人的物理成绩高于90分的概率;(2)请在所给的直角坐标系中画出它们的散点图,并求这些数据的线性回归方程ˆy bx a =+.解:(1)从5名学生中任取2名学生的所有情况为:45(,)A A 、41(,)A A 、42(,)A A 、43(,)A A 、51(,)A A 、52(,)A A 、53(,)A A 、12(,)A A 、13(,)A A 、23(,)A A 共种情10况 (3)分其中至少有一人物理成绩高于90分的情况有:45(,)A A 、41(,)A A 、42(,)A A 、43(,)A A 、51(,)A A 、52(,)A A 、53(,)A A 共7种情况,故上述抽取的5人中选2人,选中的学生的物理成绩至少有一人的成绩高于90分的概率7P 10=.…………………………………………5分 (2)散点图如右所示. ……………………………………………6分可求得: x =59795939189++++=93,y =59392898987++++=90, ……………………………………………8分51()()30iii x x y y =--=∑∑=-51i 2i)x x (=22222420)2()4(+++-+-=40,3040b ==0.75,a y bx =-=20.25, ……………………………………………11分故y 关于x 的线性回归方程是:ˆ0.7520.25yx =+. ……………………………………………12分 【说明】 本题主要考查了古典概型和线性回归方程等知识,考查了学生的数据处理能力和应用意识.18.(本小题满分14分)如图甲,O ⊙的直径2AB =,圆上两点C D 、在直径AB 的两侧,使4CAB π∠=,3DAB π∠=.沿直径AB 折起,使两个半圆所在的平面互相垂直(如图乙),F 为BC 的中点,E 为AO 的中点.根据图乙解答下列各题:(1)求三棱锥C BOD -的体积;(2)求证:CB DE ⊥;(3)在 BD上是否存在一点G ,使得//FG 平面ACD ?若存在,试确定点G 的位置;若不存在,请说明理由.解:(1)C 为圆周上一点,且AB 为直径,90C ∴∠=︒,4CAB π∠=,AC BC ∴=∵O 为AB 中点,CO AB ∴⊥,A BCOD·(第18题图甲)A BFO D·(第18题图乙)·E G2,1AB CO =∴= .∵两个半圆所在平面ACB 与平面ADB 互相垂直且其交线为AB , ∴CO ⊥平面ABD ,CO ∴⊥平面BOD . ∴CO 就是点C 到平面BOD 的距离, 在Rt ABD ∆中,11112224BOD ABD S S ∆∆==⨯⨯=,11133412C BOD BOD V S CO -∆∴=⋅=⨯=. ………………………………………4分 (2)在AOD ∆中,60,,OAD OA OD ∠=︒=AOD ∴∆为正三角形,又E 为OA 的中点,DE AO ∴⊥,∵两个半圆所在平面ACB 与平面ADB 互相垂直且其交线为AB , DE ∴⊥平面ABC .∴CB DE ⊥. ………………………………………9分(3)存在,G 为 BD的中点.证明如下: 连接,,OG OF FG ,∴OG BD ⊥,∵AB 为⊙O 的直径, ∴AD BD ⊥ ∴//OG AD ,OG ⊄平面ACD ,AD ⊂平面ACD , ∴OG //平面ACD .在ABC ∆中,,O F 分别为,AB BC 的中点,//OF AC ∴,OF ⊄平面ACD ,//OF ∴平面ACD ,,OG OF O =∴平面//OFG 平面ACD ,又FG ⊂平面OFG ,//FG ∴平面ACD .………………………………………14分【说明】本题主要考察空间点、线、面位置关系,考查空间想象能力、运算能力和逻辑推理能力.19.(本题满分14分)设{}n a 是公比大于1的等比数列,n S 为数列{}n a 的前n 项和.已知37S =,且23a 是 13a +和34a +的等差中项.(1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式;(2)设111n n n n a b a a +=++()(),数列{}n b 的前n 项和为n T ,求证:12n T <.解:(1)由已知,得1231327(3)(4)3.2a a a a a a ++=⎧⎪⎨+++=⎪⎩,………………………………………3分解得22a =.设数列{}n a 的公比为q ,则12a q =,∴213122a a a q q q===,. 由37S =,可知2227q q++=, ∴22520q q -+=, 解得12122q q ==,. 由题意,得12q q >∴=,. …………………………………………………5分 ∴11a =.故数列{}n a 的通项为12n n a -=. …………………………………………………7分(2)∵1(1)(1)n n n n a b a a +=++112(21)(21)n n n --=++1112121n n -=-++, …………11分 ∴n S 112231111111111121212121212121n n -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=-+-+-++- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪++++++++⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭ 111121n =-++11221n =-+12<.……………………………………………14分【说明】考查了等差数列、等比数列的概念及其性质,考查了数列求和的“裂项相消法”;考查了学生的运算能力和思维能力.20.(本题满分14分)已知椭圆C 的中心为原点O ,焦点在x 轴上,离,且点1,(在该椭圆上.(1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)如图,椭圆C 的长轴为AB ,设P 是椭圆上异于A 、B 的任意一点,PH x ⊥轴,H 为垂足,点Q 满足PQ HP =,直线AQ 与过点B 且垂直于x 轴的直线交于点M ,4BM BN = .求证:OQN ∠为锐角.20.解:(1)设椭圆C 的方程为22221,(0)x y a b a b +=>>,由题意可得c e a == ,又222c b a +=,∴224b a =. …………………………………………2分∵椭圆C经过(1,2,代入椭圆方程有 2231414b b+=, 解得21b =. …………………………………………5分 ∴24a =,故椭圆C 的方程为 2214x y +=. …………………………………………6分 (2)设()00,P x y 0(22)x -<<, …………………………………………7分 ∵()2,0A -, ∵PQ HP =, ∴()00,2Q x y , ∴直线AQ 的方程为()00222y y x x =++. …………………………………………9分 令2x =,得0082,2y M x ⎛⎫⎪+⎝⎭.∵()2,0B ,4BM BN =,∴002,2y N x ⎛⎫⎪+⎝⎭. ∴()00,2QO x y =-- ,00002(1)2,2y x QN x x ⎛⎫-+=- ⎪+⎝⎭.∴()()2000000000002(1)4(1)2(2)222y x y x QO QN x x y x x x x -++⋅=--+-⋅=-+++ ∵220014x y +=, ∴220044y x =-∴02QO QN x ⋅=-…………………………………………12分∵022x -<<,∴020QO QN x ⋅=->.又O 、Q 、N 不在同一条直线,∴OQN ∠为锐角. …………………………………………………14分 【说明】本题主要考查椭圆的方程与性质、向量等基础知识,考查学生运算能力、推理论证以及分析问题、解决问题的能力. 21.(本小题满分14分)已知函数2ln , , 1x f x a x x a b a b a =+-- ∈>R ()(),e 是自然对数的底数. (1)试判断函数f x ()在区间0, +∞()上的单调性;(2)当e a =,4b =时,求整数k 的值,使得函数f x ()在区间, 1k k +()上存在零点;(3)若存在12, 1, 1x x ∈-[],使得12||e 1f x f x -≥-()(),试求a 的取值范围. 解:(1)()ln 2ln 2(1)ln xxf x a a x a x a a '=+-=+- …………………………1分由于1a >,故当(0,)x ∈+∞时,ln 0,10xa a >->,所以()0f x '>,…………2分故函数()f x 在(0,)+∞上单调递增 . …………………………………………3分 (2)2()4xf x e x x =+--,'()21xf x e x ∴=+-,(0)0f '∴=, ……………………………………4分当0x >时,1xe >,()0f x '∴>,故()f x 是(0,)+∞上的增函数;同理,()f x 是(,0)-∞上的减函数. …………………………………5分2(0)30,(1)40,(2)20f f e f e =-<=-<=->,当2x >,()0f x >,故当0x >时,函数()f x 的零点在(1,2)内,1k ∴=满足条件;211(0)30,(1)20,(2)20f f f e e=-<-=-<-=+>,当2x <-,()0f x >,故当0x <时,函数()f x 的零点在(2,1)--内,2k ∴=-满足条件. 综上所述 1k =或2-. ………………………………………7分 (3)2()ln xf x a x x a b =+--,因为存在12,[1,1]x x ∈-,使得12|()()|1f x f x e -≥-,所以当[1,1]x ∈-时,m a x m i n m a x m i n |()()|()()1f x f x f x f x e -=-≥-…………………………8分 ()ln 2ln 2(1)ln x x f x a a x a x a a '=+-=+-,①当0x >时,由1a >,可知10xa ->,ln 0a >,∴()0f x '>;②当0x <时,由1a >,可知 10xa -<,ln 0a >,∴()0f x '<;③当0x =时,()0f x '=.∴()f x 在[1,0]-上递减,在[0,1]上递增,…………………………………11分 ∴当[1,1]x ∈-时,{}min max ()(0)1,()max (1),(1)f x f b f x f f ==-=-, 而11(1)(1)(1ln )(1ln )2ln f f a a b a b a a a a--=+---++-=--, 设1()2ln (0)g t t t t t =-->,因为22121()1(1)0g t t t t '=+-=-≥(当1t =时取等号), ∴1()2ln g t t t t=--在(0,)t ∈+∞上单调递增,而(1)0g =,∴当1t >时,()0g t >, ∴当1a >时,12ln 0a a a-->, ∴(1)(1)f f >-, ∴(1)(0)1f f e -≥-,∴ln 1a a e -≥-,即ln ln a a e e -≥-,设()ln (1)h a a a a =->,则11()10a h a a a -'=-=>.∴函数()ln (1)h a a a a =->在(1,)+∞上为增函数, ∴a e ≥.即a 的取值范围是[),e +∞……………………………………14分【说明】本小题主要考查函数、导数、不等式证明等知识,通过运用导数知识解决函数、不等式问题,考查考生综合运用数学知识解决问题的能力,同时也考查函数与方程思想、化归与转化思想.命题: 李志敏、程武军、许世清 审题:魏显峰。
2013深圳夏令营数学建模承诺书我们仔细阅读了中国大学生数学建模竞赛的竞赛规则.我们完明白, 在竞赛开始后参赛队员不能以任何方式(包括电话、电子邮件、网上咨询等)与队外的任何人(包括指导教师)研究、讨论与赛题有关的问题.我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛规则的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出.我们郑重承诺,严格遵守竞赛规则,以保证竞赛的公正、公平性.如有违反竞赛规则的行为,我们将受到严肃处理.我们参赛选择的题号是(从题中选择一项填写): D 题所属学校:贵州民族大学参赛队员:1.姓名:2.姓名:3.姓名:指导教师或指导教师组负责人(打印并签名):2013深圳夏令营数学建模编号专用页赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):全国统一编号(由赛区组委会送交全国前编号):全国评阅编号(由全国组委会评阅前进行编号):自然灾害保险问题的研究摘要本文讨论了如何建立合理的自然灾害保险的问题,并建立了关于P省农业保险公司盈亏的简洁数学模型。
2013年 深圳杯 数学建模 C题论文
![2013年 深圳杯 数学建模 C题论文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e66a8f01fad6195f312ba6bf.png)
答卷编号(参赛学校填写):答卷编号(竞赛组委会填写):论文题目:(标明A、B、C、D之一)C 垃圾减量分类活动中社会及个体因素的量化分析组别:(填写研究生、本科生、专科生或中学生)本科生参赛队员信息(必填):参赛学校:黑龙江工程学院答卷编号(参赛学校填写):答卷编号(竞赛组委会填写):评阅情况(学校评阅专家填写):学校评阅1.学校评阅2.学校评阅3.评阅情况(联赛评阅专家填写):联赛评阅1.联赛评阅2.联赛评阅3.垃圾减量分类活动中社会及个体因素的量化分析摘要随着社会的不断发展,垃圾的数量越来越多,面对这一令人头疼的问题,为了更好地保护环境,我们应尽量减少垃圾并对已有的垃圾及时分类整理再循环利用。
P y
z 轴,建立空间直角坐标系.
∵ AB 2BC 2 ,∴ A(1 , 0 , 1) , B(1 , 0 , 1) .
又△ PAB 是正三角,△ PCD 是等腰三角形, „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 分
OP PD 2 OD2 PA2 AD 2 OD2 2 ,∴ P(0 , 2 , 0) .
从而, BO (1 , 0 , 1) , PA (1 , 2 , 1) , „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5 分
BO PA 1 (1) 0 ( 2 ) (1) 1 0 .
所以 BO PA , BO PA .„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„7 分
2013 年深圳市高三年级第二次调研考试数学(理科)试题参考答案及评分标准 第4页 共9页
(2)由(1) , PA (1 , 2 , 1) , AB (2 , 0 , 0) . 设平面 BPA 的法向量为 n1 ( x1 , y1 , z1 ) ,由
PA n1 0
2013 年深圳市高三年级第二次调研考试 数学 (理科) 参考答案及评分标准
一、选择题:本大题共 8 个小题,每小题 5 分,共 40 分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是 符合题目要求的. 题号 答案 1 A 2 D 3 B 4 D 5 A 6 A 7 D 8 C
二、填空题:本大题共 7 小题,考生作答 6 小题,每小题 5 分,满分 30 分. (一)必做题:第 9、10、11、12、13 题为必做题.
(2) (法一)由(1) ,得 B
2 3 ,所以 A sin( A ) 1 , 2 3 3 3 3 ab 2 3 从而 的取值范围为 (1 , ] . „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„12 分 c 3 2 , C ,根据余弦定理, (法二)由(1) 3 2 c 2 a 2 b 2 2ab cos a 2 b 2 ab „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„7 分 3
2011National English Contest for College students(Level C-Preliminary)Part I Listening Comprehension(30marks)Section A(5marks).0In this section,you will hear five short conversations.Each conversations will be read only once. At the end of each conversation,there will be a twenty-second pause,read the question and the there choices marked A,B and C,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.1.What does the man want to do?A.Get something to eat now.B.Find a quiet place that shows games.C.Watch the next game with the woman.2.Why does not the man have a MySpace account?A.He is not skilled at using computer.B.All of the instruction are in EnglishC.The woman won not teach him.3.How long does the woman plan to try teleworkingA.For a few days.B.For a few weeks.C.For a few months.4.What does the man hope will happen?A.The price of cell phone novels will go down.B.The novel’s author will writer longer stories.C.The woman will tell him ho the story ends.5.what is the woman going to do next?A.turn on her computer.B.Go for a walk with peter.C.Visit her new neighbors.Section B(10marks)In this section,you will hear two long conversations.Each conversation will be read only once. At the end each conversation,there will be a one minute pause.During the pause,read the questions,each with three choices marked A,B and C,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. Conversation one6.What did Jack do over the summer?A.He studied very hard.B.He took a summer class.C.He visited one of his teachers.7.What does Jack think of Ms Wellington as a teacher?A.Easy-going.B.Tough.C.Interesting.8.Why is Ms Wellington’s class hard?A.Her exams are difficult.B.She does not give students the help they need.C.She makes do lots of work.Conversation two9.Why is Mrs.Griffin going to the city where the hotel is located?A.He is on holiday.B.He’s on a business tripC.He is going to a conference.10.How many times has Mrs.Griffin stayed at the Sunrise Hotel?A.Twice.B.Once.C.Three times.11.Where is Mrs.Griffin form?A.Canada.B.New Zealand.C.Australia.12.What is Mrs.Griffin’s passport number?A.87647489B.87637289C.8763748913.What kind of room does Mrs.Griffin want?A.A single room for two nights.B.A double room for two nights.C.A single room for one night.14.When will Mrs.Griffin arrive at Sunrise Hotel?A.at9:15pmB.at9:35pmC.at10:00pm15.What food will be put into Mrs.Griffin’s room?A.a sandwich with fries.B.a cheese sandwich.C.a burger with chips.Section C(5Marks)16.What does the Associated Press ask editor and news directors to do?A.vote for the top stories of the year.B.describe the oil spill in the Gulf of MexicoC.writes about the11workers killed in the explosion17.Where are the doctors and technology experts from?A.New York.B.LondonC.Tokyo18.For how long does President Obama agree to extend the tax cuts?A.for four yearsB.for three yearsC.for two years.19.How many people in the world don’t have enough to eat,according to the report?A.more than one billion.B.some six hundred million.C.nearly nine hundred million20.What have astronomers recently discovered?A.there are unknown plants in older galaxies.B.there are many galaxies in the universeC.there are a lot more red dwarf in older galaxiesSection D(10marks)In the section,you will hear a short passage.There are10missing words phrases.Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear.Remember to write the answer on the answer sheetWhat do you do if you don’t get your first choice university?This____faces thousands of British every year.Many such_____turn to Clearing,a service that helps find university places for students at the last moment.If they don’t have the marks to get into their____,Clearing tells them about places available at other university,though they might have to read a difficult subject.This year has seen a record number of people applying to university.This,combined with the_____________________,an uncertain job market,and budget cuts at university,product even more of a scramble for places than usual.Some sources say six students have applied for each remaining___________________________placeThe British University Admissions Service,UCAS,says up to a quarter of this year’s university applicants-almost190000people-have not been admitted intoa____________________________.That is an increase of over46000students from last year.Faced with these figure,some British students might consider an interesting alternative:_____________________________.The University of Nottingham for is offering place at its campuses in Ningbo,near Shanghai,and Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.Students at these institutions can earn University of Nottingham degrees,according,engineering and English. Similarly,the University of Bolton says it has unlimited places at its campus in the United Arab Emirates.To deal with these problems,the UK’s Higher Education Minister,David Willet’s,is encouraging students who have not made the grade to consider alternatives to university,such as_______________________and studying at home.“There are arrange of options available,“he says.“people can reapply next year,so they should consider spending this year in a way that will add positively to their CVs.Getting_____________________or other skills will strengthen their chances next year.”Some commentators say,though that rising university costs,poor long-term_______________________, and a drop in graduate recruitment mean this the worst time to be a university student in the UK.Part Two Vocabulary and Structure(15marks)There are15incomplete sentences in this section.For each blank there are four choices marked A, B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.31.After four days of talks,we are glad to announce that the union and management have reached an______.The agreement is fair and benefits both sides.A.accordB.accomplishmentC.identityD.undertaking32.As the clerk______prepared my milk shake,I wondered how long she had been working there,mindlessly making ice cream treats in a set order of steps.A.logicallyB.methodicallyC.graphicallyD.synthetically33.As a boy he wanted to be a fireman.As a high school student,he thought he'd like to become a teacher.Now he______to be nothing more than a janitor.A.AssumesB.PrescribesC.AspiresD.Presumes34.Regardless of what caused it,I an grateful that have finally reached a point in my life_______I can appreciate my strengths,accept my weaknesses and try to be comfortable with everything in between.A.WhyB.WhereC.WhichD.What35.______information provided by members of the public,the police would have a much move difficult job.A.SupposingB.Provided theC.If it were not forD.On condition that36.Peter Brown was a painstaking writer;______,he once spent half a day on the composition ofa single sentence.A.On the other handB.NeverthelessC.MoreoverD.For example37.----What an I going to do about a present for Carol?----You______some flowers.A.Might have sent herB.Must have sent herC.Could send herD.Would send her38.Without the air holding in some of the sun's heat,the earth______cold at night,too cold for us to live on.A.Will be freezingB.Would be freezingC.An be frozenD.Would be frozen39.The students in our university each______an English dictionary.That is to say,each of the students in our university______an English dictionary.A.Have;hasB.Have;haveC.Has;haveD.Has;has40.Here's your kitchen.I hope you enjoy cooking here.Is there______else that you need?A.SomethingB.AnythingC.NothingD.Everything41.David______his business partner over plans to reduce the workforce.A.Came down toB.Broke down toC.Fell out withD.Went along with42.______is this piece of equipment to be removed from the building.A.On no accountB.AbsolutelyC.ScarcelyD.Not at all43.Helen's parents were______that she was still on the job.,but she had resigned.A.In doubtB.Of the opinionC.Under the impressionD.With suspicion44.----I don't think I will ever,in my life,win a lottery of five million dollars.----Well,______.Anything can happen.A.You made itB.You're kiddingC.What you sayD.You can never tell45.-----How did you find the concert in the Grand Theatre last night?-----______but the conductor was perfect.A.I couldn't agree moreB.I didn't think much of itC.I was crazy about itD.I really liked itPart Three Cloze(15marks)I have been reading a lot on my iPad recently,and I have some(46)_____(complain)not aboutthe iPad itself but about the state of digital reading generally.Reading is a subtle thing,and its subtleties are artifacts of a venerable medium:words printed in ink on paper.Glass and pixels aren't the same.When I read a physical book,I don't have to look anywhere else to find out how much I've read. The iPad e---reader,iBooks tries to create the(47)illu_____of a physical book.The pages seem to turn,and I can the edges of those that remain,but it's fake.There are always exactly six unturned pages,no matter(48)_____I am in the book.Also,there is a larger problem.Books in their digital format look vastly less"finished",or less genuine than real books.You can vary their font and type size,but this only makes them (49)_____(resemble)word---processed---no matter how(50)_____(wretch)or wonderful they are---will never look as good as Robert Hass's poems in the print edition of The Apple Trees at Olema.But your poems can look almost exactly as ugly---as"e---book---like"---as the Kindle version of that collection.All the e---book I've read have been ugly---books by Chang---rae Lee,Alvin Kernan,and Stieg Larsson---though the texts have been wonderful.I didn't grow up reading texts.I grew up reading books,and this(51)_____(differ)is important.When it comes to digital editions,the(52)_____(assume)seems to be that allbooks(53)are_____(create)equal.However,nothing could be further from the truth.In the mass migration from print to digital,we're seeing a profusion of digital books---many of them out of copyright---that look new and even"HD,"but which may well have been supplanted by more accurate editions and better translations.We need a digital readers'guide---a place where readers can find(54)_____whether the book they're about to download is the best available edition. (55)Fi_____,two related problems.I already have a personal library,but most of the books I've read have come from(56)_____(lend)libraries.Barnes&Noble has released an e---reader that allows short---term(57)_____(borrow)of some books.The entire idea behind Amazon's Kindle and Apple's iBooks assumes that you cannot read a book unless you own it first and that only you can read it unless you want to give your reading device to someone else.This goes against the social value of reading,the collective knowledge and(58)_____(collaborate)discourse that comes from access to(59)_____or our culture in general.Part Four Reading Comprehension(40marks).Section A(10marks).Questions61to65are based on the following passage.Not keen on reading?Do you have trouble finding a novel that arouses your interest?Why not follow Ammon Shea's example and start reading a dictionary?Mr Shea owns over1,000dictionaries and he reads them for fun.He recently spent a year reading all20volumes of the Oxford English Dictionary.The dictionary contains more than 20,000pages and over59million words.As he read from A to Z,he noted down interesting words in a ledger.This includes words such as"happify,"meaning to make someone happy and"tripudiate",which means to dance,skip or leap for joy.Mr Shea also kept a diary about this experience,which has since become abest---selling book.Why did he do this?He claims it was fun."I've always enjoyed reading dictionaries.They are far more interesting than people give then credit for,"he said.It appears that it was not his goal to sound more intelligent by using longer and more complex words."I'm not against long,fancy or obscure words,but I'm opposed to using then for their own sake,"he said.In fact,as a result of reading so many new words,Mr Shea often forgot everyday vocabulary. He wrote,"My head was so full of words that I often had trouble forming simple sentences."Mr Shea is not alone in his love of reading dictionaries.Elaine Higgleton,a representative of Collins Cbuild dictionaries,explained that thousands of crossword puzzle and Srabble fans read dictionaries for fun and to improve their games.Ms Higgleton did however note that,"It's probably not the best way to learn English,and you'd learn more than you need."It is not known how many of the59million words Ms Shea remembers,but he has certainly made history with his eccentric hobby.Questions61to65.Decide whether the following statements are True or False.61.Mr Shea has read1.000dictionaries.62.Mr Shea spent one month reading the Oxford English Dictionary.63.In Mr Shea's opinion,people don't give dictionaries enough credit for being interesting.64.Mr Shea thinks it is important t be able to use long and complicated words in everyday conversation.65.Elaine Higgleton thinks that reading a dictionary is the best way to learn English.Section B(10marks)Questions66to70are based on the following passage.Surfing is something people often get hooked on after trying it a few times.For many surfers it is much more than a hobby---they would probably agree with the American professional surfer Kelly Slater when he said,"Once you're in,you're in.There's no getting out.""Surfing",of course,refers to riding on ocean waves using a surfboard.Many surfers stand up on their boards,which requires god balance and is therefore difficult for most beginners to learn, but some lie down and"bodyboard"The history of surfing probably began with the Polynesian people of the Pacific Islands.One of the first white people to see anyone surfing was the British explorer Captain Gook,when his ship arrived in Hawaii in1779.He watched many Hawaiians riding waves on large pieces of wood, and reported that,"Surfing seems to give them a feeling of great pleasure."When surfing started to become very popular in the United States in the1950's and60s,surfers used large wooden boards(often more than three metres long)that were quite heavy.Boards today are shorter and also much lighter,because they are made of artificial materials instead of wood. For anyone who wants to try surfing.The only essentials are waves and a board.There are a few other things,however,that most surfers find important;a cord t attach one of their ankles to the board and therefore stop it from being carried a long way away when they fall off';wax,which they put on the surface of the board to help their feet stick to it;and a wetsuit to help them keep warm in cold water.The south---west of English is an example of a place where surfers usually need wetsuits,even in summer.Surfing has been a professional sport for many yeara and the very best surfers are able to make a living from it.Most of the best professional surfers in the last30years,both men and women,have been American or Australian,but surfers from Brazil,Peru and South Africa have also won important competitions.Questions66to70Answer the following questions with the information given in the assage in a maximum of10 words for each question.66.Why do most beginners find it difficult t stand up on a surfboard?67.In what part of the world did surfing probably begin?68.When did surfing start to become very popular in the United States?69.What do surfers use wax for?70.According to the passage,in what part of the world do surfers usually need wetsuits? Section C(10marks)Questions71to75are based on the following passage.The latest human development report from the United Nations Development Programmed (UNDP)contains some good news,but also a very serious warning about the threat posed y climate change.The report,published annually since1990,seeks to asses“human development”around the world,and calculates a“Human Development Index(HDI)for169counties.The HDI is based on average income,life expectancy and level of education in a country.Not surprisingly,rich counties tend to have higher HDIs than poor counties,but there are interesting variations in human development among countries with similar levels of economic development,because some have better health and education systems than others.According to the2010report,the county with the highest level of human development is Norway,followed by Australia,New Zealand,the United States and Ireland.Most of the lowest HDIs belong to counties in sub-Saharan Africa.Almost all counties around the worlds have higher HDIs now than in1990,despite the fact that since the2008financial crisis,the total number of people living in extreme poverty has increased.The report concludes that most people are healthier,live longer,are better educated and have access to more goods and services.Even in countries with severe economic problems, people’s level of health and education as generally improved.Although sub-Saharan African countries are at the bottom of the pile in terms of human development,some of them have madesignificant progress since1990.The report is critical,however,of the fact economic inequality has increased significantly in the last twenty years,both within and between countries.The greatest threat to improving HDIs in the future,according to the report,is climate change.Economic growth increases average incomes in a country through increasing production and consumption.However,if this leads to greater emissions of greenhouse gases,as has always been the case in the past,global warning will probably accelerate,and cause severe environmental problems in some parts of the world hat will threaten the livelihoods of huge numbers f people. The progress of the last twenty years,therefore,might not be sustainable.The only solution,according to the report,I to break the link between economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions-which,needless to say,is easier,said than done.Questions71to75Complete the following sentences with information given in the passage in a maximum of10 words for each blank.71.The concept of“human development”is based on the following three factors:_______,_____________and_____________.72.Some countries with similar levels of economic development have quite different HDIs because they have_____________.73._________________has caused the number of people living in extreme poverty to increase since2008.74.The report says that______________is the greatest threat to increasing HDIs in the future.75.The report says the link between____________and____________needs to be broken. Section D(10marks)Questions76to80are based on the following passageIt is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstanding between them.They have always complained,more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modern ways;that they are possessive and dominant;that they do not trust their children to deal with crises:that they talk too much about certain problems-and that they have no sense o humor,at least parent-child relationships.I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they felt themselves when were young.Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes,hairstyles, entertainers and music.This is not their motive.They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted,so they create a culture and society and their own.Then,if it turns out that their music,entertainers,vocabulary,clothes or hairstyles irritate their parents,this gives them additional enjoyment.They feel they are superior,at least in a small way,and that they are leaders in style and taste.Sometimes teenagers are resistant and proud because they do not want their parents to approve of what they do.If they did approve,it looks as if the teenager is betraying his own age group.All this is assuming that the teenager is the underdog:he can not win but at least he can keep his honor.This is a passive way of looking at things.It is natural enough after years of childhood,when children were completely under their parent’s control,but it ignores the fact that when they become teenagers,children are beginning to be responsible for themselves.If you plan to control your life,co-operation should be a part of that plan.You can charm other people,especially your parents,into doing things the way you want.You can also impress people with your of responsibility and your initiative,so that they will give you the authority to do what you want to do.Questions76to78Choose the best answer according to the passage.76the first paragraph is mainly about_____________.A teenagers’criticism of their parentsB misunderstanding between teenagers and their parentsC the dominance of parents over their childrenD teenagers’ability to deal with crises77teenagers have strange clothes and hairstyles because they___________A have a strong desire to be leaders in style and tasteB want to prove their existence by creating a culture of their ownC have no other way to enjoy themselvesD want to irritate their parent78teenagers do not want their parents to approve of what they do because they_______________.A have already been accepted into adult worldB feel that they are superior to adult worldC want to win adults over to their cultureD don’t want to appear to be disloyal to their own age groupQuestion79to80Translate the sentences in the passage into Chinese79I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they felt themselves when were young80You can charm other people,especially your parents,into doing things the way you want. Part V translate(10mark)Translate the following sentences into English,using the words given brackets.Remember to write your answer on the answer sheet.81他以牺牲健康为代价获得财富。
2013年深圳市高三年级第一次调研考试数学(理科)答案及评分标准说明:一、本解答给出了一种或几种解法供参考,如果考生的解法与本解答不同,可根据试题的主要考查内容比照评分标准制订相应的评分细则.二、对计算题当考生的解答在某一步出现错误时,如果后续部分的解答未改变该题的内容和难度,可视影响的程度决定给分,但不得超过该部分正确解答应得分数的一半;如果后续部分的解答有较严重的错误,就不再给分.三、解答右端所注分数,表示考生正确做到这一步应得的累加分数. 四、只给整数分数,选择题和填空题不给中间分数. 一、选择题:本大题每小题5分,满分40分.二、填空题:本大题每小题5分,满分30分. 9. 80; 10. 10; 11.278; 12.1213; 13.340≤≤a ; 14.)5,2(; 15.1. 三、解答题 16.(本小题满分12分)已知函数)50)(3π6πsin(2)(≤≤+=x x x f ,点A 、B 分别是函数y f x =()图像上的最高点和最低点.(1)求点A 、B 的坐标以及⋅的值;(2)设点A 、B 分别在角α、β的终边上,求)2tan(βα-的值. 解:(1)50≤≤x , ππ7π3636x π∴≤+≤, …………………………………1分 ∴1ππsin()1263x -≤+≤. ……………………………………………………………2分当πππ632x +=,即1=x 时,ππsin()163x +=,)(x f 取得最大值2; 当ππ7π636x +=,即5=x 时,ππ1sin()632x +=-,)(x f 取得最小值1-. 因此,点A 、B 的坐标分别是(1,2)A 、(5,1)B -. ………………………………4分152(1)3OA OB ∴⋅=⨯+⨯-=. ……………………………………………………6分(2)点)2,1(A 、)1,5(-B 分别在角α、β的终边上,tan 2α∴=,51tan -=β, …………………………………………8分图4212()55tan 2121()5β⨯-==---, ………………………………………………10分 ∴52()2912tan(2)5212()12αβ---==+⋅-. ………………………………………………12分 【说明】 本小题主要考查了三角函数)sin()(ϕω+=x A x f 的图象与性质,三角恒等变换,以及平面向量的数量积等基础知识,考查了简单的数学运算能力. 17.(本小题满分12分)一次考试中,五名同学的数学、物理成绩如下表所示:(1)请在图4的直角坐标系中作出这些数据的散点图,并求出这些数据的回归方程; (2)要从4名数学成绩在90分以上的同学中选2人参加一项活动,以X 表示选中的同学的物理成绩高于90分的人数,求随机变量X 的分布列及数学期望)(X E 的值.解:(1)散点图如右图所示.…………1x =59795939189++++=93,y =59392898987++++=90, ,4042 0)2()4()(22222512=+++-+-=-∑=i ix x303422)1(0)1()2()3()4())((51=⨯+⨯+-⨯+-⨯-+-⨯-=--∑=i i iy y x x,300.7540b ==,69.75bx =,20.25a y bx =-=. ………………………5分故这些数据的回归方程是:ˆ0.7520.25yx =+. ………………………6分(2)随机变量X 的可能取值为0,1,2. ……………………………………7分22241(0)=6C P X C ==;1122242(1)=3C C P X C ==;22241(2)=6C P X C ==. …………10分2013年深圳市高三年级第一次调研考试(数学理科)答案及评分标准 第 3 页 共 10页AB C D ⋅O⋅F 图5 图6 故X 的分布列为: ……………11分()E X ∴=610⨯+321⨯+612⨯=1. …………………………………………………12分【说明】本题主要考察读图表、线性回归方程、概率、随机变量分布列以及数学期望等基础知识,考查运用概率统计知识解决简单实际问题的能力,数据处理能力. 18.(本小题满分14分)如图5,O ⊙的直径4=AB ,点C 、D 为O ⊙上两点,且=45CAB ∠,∠DAB 60=,F 为BC 的中点.沿直径AB 折起,使两个半圆所在平面互相垂直(如图6).(1)求证://OF 平面ACD ;(2)求二面角C -AD -B 的余弦值;(3)在BD 上是否存在点G ,使得FG //平面ACD ?若存在,试指出点G 的位置,并求直线AG 与平面ACD 所成角的正弦值;若不存在,请说明理由.(法一):证明:(1)如右图,连接CO ,45=∠CAB ,AB CO ⊥∴,又F 为BC 的中点,45=∠∴FOB ,AC OF //∴.⊄OF 平面ACD ,⊂AC 平面ACD , ∴//OF 平面ACD .……………………3分 解:(2)过O 作AD OE ⊥于E ,连CE . AB CO ⊥ ,平面ABC ⊥平面ABD . ∴CO ⊥平面ABD . 又⊂AD 平面ABD , AD CO ⊥∴,⊥∴AD 平面CEO ,CE AD ⊥,则∠CEO 是二面角C -AD -B 的平面角. ………………………………5分60=∠OAD ,2=OA , 3=∴OE .由CO ⊥平面ABD ,⊂OE 平面ABD ,得CEO ∆为直角三角形,2=CO ,∴7=CE .∴CEO ∠cos =73=721. …………………………………………………………8分 (3)设在BD 上存在点G ,使得FG //平面ACD ,//OF 平面ACD , ∴平面//OFG 平面ACD ,AD OG //∴,==60BOG BAD ∠∠.因此,在BD 上存在点G ,使得FG //平面ACD ,且点G 为BD 的中点.……10分 连AG ,设AG 与平面ACD 所成角为α,点G 到平面ACD 的距离为h .ACD S ∆=CE AD ⨯⨯21=7221⨯⨯=7,OAD GAD S S ∆∆==3221⨯⨯=3,∴由ACD -G V =AGD -C V ,得h ⨯⨯731=2331⨯⨯,得7212=h . …………12分在AOG ∆中,2==OG AO ,120=∠AOG ,由余弦定理得AG =32,…13分AG h =∴αsin =77. …………………………………………………14分(法二):证明:(1)如图,以AB 所在的直线为y 轴,以OC 所在的直线为z 轴,以O 为原点,作空间直角坐标系xyz O -,则()0,20A ,-,()200,,C .)2,2,0()0,2,0()2,0,0(=--=,点F 为BC 的中点,∴点F 的坐标为(,)2,2,0(=.22OF AC ∴=,即//OF AC . ⊄OF 平面ACD ,⊂AC 平面ACD ,∴//OF 平面ACD . …………………………………………………………3分解:(2)60DAB ∠=,∴点D 的坐标()013,,D -,(3,1,0)AD =.设二面角--C AD B 的大小为θ,()1,,n x y z =为平面ACD 的一个法向量.2013年深圳市高三年级第一次调研考试(数学理科)答案及评分标准 第 5 页 共 10页由110,0,n AC n AD ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩ 有()()()),,0,2,20,,,0,x y z x y z ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩即220,0.y z y +=⎧⎪+=取1=x ,解得3-=y ,3=z .1n ∴=()331,,-. ……………………………………………5分取平面ADB 的一个法向量2n =()100,,, ………………………………………6分12121cos 7n n |n ||n |θ⨯⋅∴===⋅.………………………8分 (3)设在BD 上存在点G ,使得FG //平面ACD ,//OF 平面ACD ,∴平面//OFG 平面ACD ,则有AD OG //.设(0)OG AD λλ=>,(3,1,0)AD =,()30OG ,,λλ∴=.又2OG =,2=,解得1λ=±(舍去1-).()310OG ,∴=,则G 为BD 的中点.因此,在BD 上存在点G ,使得FG //平面ACD ,且点G 为BD 的中点.……11分 设直线AG 与平面ACD 所成角为α,(3,1,0)(0,2,0)AG =--=,根据(2)的计算(11n=为平面ACD 的一个法向量,113sin cos(90)7||||AG n AG n αα⋅∴=-===⋅. 因此,直线AG 与平面ACD . ……………………………14分 【说明】本题主要考察空间点、线、面位置关系,线面角、二面角及三角函数等基础知识,考查空间想象能力、运算能力和推理论证能力,考查用向量方法解决数学问题的能力. 19.(本小题满分14分)已知数列{}n a 满足:11=a ,2(0)a a a =≠,nn n a ap a 212++⋅=(其中p 为非零常数,*N n ∈).(1)判断数列}{1nn a a +是不是等比数列? (2)求n a ;(3)当1=a 时,令2n n nna b a +=,n S 为数列{}n b 的前n 项和,求n S . 解:(1)由nn n a a p a 212++⋅=,得n n n n a a p a a 112+++⋅=. ……………………………1分 令1n n na c a +=,则1c a =,1n n c pc +=.0≠a ,10c ∴≠,p c cnn =+1(非零常数),∴数列}{1nn a a+是等比数列. ……………………………………………………3分(2)数列{}n c 是首项为a ,公比为p 的等比数列,∴111n n n c c p a p --=⋅=⋅,即11n n naap a -+=. ……………………………4分当2n ≥时,230121121()()()1n n n n n n n a a a a a ap ap ap a aa -----=⋅⋅⋅⋅=⨯⨯⨯⨯23212n n n a p-+-=, ………………………………………………6分1a 满足上式, 2321*2,N n n n n a a pn -+-∴=∈. …………………………7分(3)12212211()()n n n n n n n n na a a ap ap a p a a a --++++=⋅=⨯=, ∴当1=a 时,212n n n nna b np pa -+==. …………………………………………8分 132112n n S p p n p -∴=⨯+⨯++⨯, ① 232121 1(1)n n n p S p n p n p -+=⨯++-⨯+⨯ ②∴当21p ≠,即1p ≠±时,①-②得: 22132121212(1)(1)1n n n n n p p p S p p pnpnp p-++--=+++-=--, 即221222(1),1(1)1n n n p p np S p p p +-=-≠±--. …………………………11分2013年深圳市高三年级第一次调研考试(数学理科)答案及评分标准 第 7 页 共 10页而当1p =时,(1)122n n n S n +=+++=, …………………………12分 当1p =-时,(1)(1)(2)()2n n n S n +=-+-++-=-.………………………13分综上所述,221222(1),1,2(1),1,2(1), 1.(1)1n n n n n p n n S p p p np p p p +⎧+=⎪⎪+⎪=-=-⎨⎪⎪--≠±⎪--⎩ ……………………………14分 【说明】考查了等比数列的通项公式、等比数列求和公式、简单递推数列求通项、错位求和等知识,考查了学生的运算能力,以及化归与转化、分类讨论的思想. 20.(本小题满分14分)已知两点)0,1(1-F 及)0,1(2F ,点P 在以1F 、2F 为焦点的椭圆C 上,且1PF 、21F F 、2PF 构成等差数列.(1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)如图7,动直线:l y kx m =+与椭圆C 有且仅有一个公共点,点,M N 是直线l 上的两点,且l M F ⊥1,l N F ⊥2. 求四边形12F MNF 面积S 的最大值.解:(1)依题意,设椭圆C的方程为2222x y a b +=1122PF FF PF 、、构成等差数列, ∴1122224a PF PF F F =+==, 2a =.又1c =,23b ∴=.∴椭圆C 的方程为22143x y+=. ……………………………………………………4分 (2) 将直线l 的方程y kx m =+代入椭圆C 的方程223412x y +=中,得01248)34(222=-+++m kmx x k .…………………………5分 由直线l 与椭圆C 仅有一个公共点知,2222644(43)(412)0k m k m ∆=-+-=, 化简得:2243m k =+. …………………………7分图7设11d F M ==,22d F M = (法一)当0k ≠时,设直线l 则12tan d d MN θ-=⨯,12d dMN k-∴=,221212121()22d d d d S d d k k --=+==m m 14++ 2243m k =+,∴当0k ≠时,3>m ,3343131=+>+m m ,32<S .当0=k 时,四边形12F MNF 是矩形,S =. ……………………………13分 所以四边形12F MNF 面积S 的最大值为 ………………………………14分(法二) 222222212222()2(53)11m k k d d k k +++=+==++, 222122233311m k k d d k k -+====++. MN ∴===四边形12F MNF 的面积121()2S MN d d =+)(11212d d k ++=, …………11分22221222122)1(1216)2(11++=+++=k k d d d d k S12)211(41622≤-+-=k . ………………………………………………13分 当且仅当0k =时,212,S S ==max S =.所以四边形12F MNF 的面积S 的最大值为 …………………………14分 【说明】本题主要考查椭圆的方程与性质、直线方程、直线与椭圆的位置关系等基础知 识,考查学生运算能力、推理论证以及分析问题、解决问题的能力,考查分类讨论、数形结合、化归与转化思想.2013年深圳市高三年级第一次调研考试(数学理科)答案及评分标准 第 9 页 共 10页21.(本小题满分14分)已知)0()(>-=a xax x f ,bx x x g +=ln 2)(,且直线22-=x y 与曲线)(x g y =相切.(1)若对),1[+∞内的一切实数x ,不等式)()(x g x f ≥恒成立,求实数a 的取值范围; (2)当1=a 时,求最大的正整数k ,使得对]3,[e ( 2.71828e =⋅⋅⋅是自然对数的底数)内的任意k 个实数k x x x ,,,21 都有)(16)()()(121k k x g x f x f x f ≤+++- 成立;(3)求证:)12ln(14412+>-∑=n i ini )(*N n ∈. 解:(1)设点),(00y x 为直线22-=x y 与曲线)(x g y =的切点,则有22ln 2000-=+x bx x . (*)b x x g +='2)( ,22=+∴b x . (**)由(*)、(**)两式,解得0=b ,x x g ln 2)(=. ……………………………2分由)()(x g x f ≥整理,得x x xaln 2-≤,1≥x ,∴要使不等式)()(x g x f ≥恒成立,必须x x x a ln 22-≤恒成立.设x x x x h ln 2)(2-=,2ln 22)1(ln 22)(--=⋅+-='x x xx x x x h ,xx h 22)(-='' ,∴当1≥x 时,0)(≥''x h ,则)(x h '是增函数,0)1()(='≥'∴h x h ,)(x h 是增函数,1)1()(=≥h x h ,1≤a .…………………5分因此,实数a 的取值范围是10≤<a . ………………………………………6分 (2)当1=a 时,xx x f 1)(-=, 011)(2>+='x x f ,)(x f ∴在]3,[e 上是增函数,)(x f 在]3,[e 上的最大值为38)3(=f . 要对]3,[e 内的任意k 个实数k x x x ,,,21 都有)(16)()()(121k k xg x f x f x f ≤+++- 成立,必须使得不等式左边的最大值小于或等于右边的最小值,当3121====-k x x x 时不等式左边取得最大值,e x k =时不等式右边取得最小值.21638)1(⨯≤⨯-∴k ,解得13≤k . 因此,k 的最大值为13. ………………………………………10分(3)证明(法一):当1=a 时,根据(1)的推导有,),1(+∞∈x 时,)()(x g x f >,即)1(21ln x x x -<. ………………………………………………………11分 令1212-+=k k x ,得)12121212(211212ln+---+<-+k k k k k k , 化简得144)12ln()12ln(2-<--+k kk k , ………………………………13分∑∑==-<--+=+ni n i i ii i n 121144)]12ln()12[ln()12ln(. ………………………14分 (法二)数学归纳法:当1=n 时,左边=34,右边=3ln , 根据(1)的推导有,),1(+∞∈x 时,)()(x g x f >,即x xx ln 21>-. 令3=x ,得3ln 2313>-,即3ln 34>. 因此,1=n 时不等式成立. ………………………………11分 (另解:25>e ,2716625)25(44>=>∴e ,27ln 4>∴,即3ln 34>.)假设当k n =时不等式成立,即)12ln(14412+>-∑=k i iki ,则当1+=k n 时,1)1(4)1(4)12ln(1)1(4)1(41441442212112-++++>-+++-=-∑∑=+=k k k k k i i i i ki k i , 要证1+=k n 时命题成立,即证)32ln(1)1(4)1(4)12ln(2+>-++++k k k k , 即证1232ln1)1(4)1(42++>-++k k k k . 在不等式x x x ln 21>-中,令1232++=k k x ,得 1)1(4)1(4)32121232(211232ln2-++=++-++<++k k k k k k k k . 1+=∴k n 时命题也成立. ………………………………………13分根据数学归纳法,可得不等式)12ln(14412+>-∑=n i ini 对一切*N n ∈成立. …14分 【说明】本题主要考查函数的性质、导数运算法则、导数的几何意义及其应用、不等式的求解与证明、数学归纳法等综合知识,考查学生的计算推理能力及分析问题、解决问题的能力及创新意识.命题: 喻秋生、姚亮、宋晓勤 审题:魏显峰。
2013年全国大学生英语竞赛试题和听力(C类初赛)2013 National English Contest for College Students(Level C - Preliminary)(总分:150分答题时间:120分钟)Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (5 marks)In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a twenty-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.1. Why didn’t the man go to see Macbeth last week?A. He didn’t manage to get a ticket.B. He had to attend a conference.C. He had a better production to watch.2. What does “Fill Me In” refer to in this conversation?A. A type of upgraded mobile phone.B. A well-selling magazine.C. A writer’s new book series.3. Why doesn’t the woman like the bag?A. She doesn’t like the pattern.B. It’s not easy to carry.C. It’s too big for her.4. What makes a bad CV according to the man?A. Fake information.B. Terrible writing.C. Undesirable length.5. How will Cathy continue her Spanish learning?A. She’s going to make a friend in Spain.B. She’ll communicate with a Spanish friend in Spain.C. She’ll practice speaking Spanish with an English friend.Section B (10 marks)In this section, you will hear two long conversation. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.Conversation One6. What traffic accident are the speakers talking about?A. A kid was knocked down by a car.B. Two cars crashed into a shop.C. A car ran into a wrong place.7. Why did the accident happen according the woman?A. There were many shops around.B. The crossing is in a wrong place.C. There was no crossing here.8. Which of the following is the suggestion they made?A. More traffic lights should be installed.B. A speed camera should be mounted.C. More policemen should patrol that area.9. Where, as the woman mentioned, has got improved traffic?A. Her own neighborhood.B. Her big brother’s neighborhood.C. Her parents’ neighborhood.10. How was the man punished for his traffic offence?A. He was fined 100 pounds with extra penalty points.B. He had to pay 150 pounds and got 6 penalty points.C. He finally paid 600 pounds without any penalty points.Conversation Two11. Why is the expert opposed to the view that memory aids make your memory worse?A. There is no evidence showing that memory aids are invalid.B. Human beings’ brain functions mainly through memory aids in an effective way.C. Memory aids encourage an organized approach which helps the brain function effectively.12. What is interview’s attitude towards the idea that visual image help the memoryA. It is hard to believe.B. It is nothing strange.C. It is obviously nonsense.13. Who developed the system of memory aids centuries ago?A. Inhabitants on an isolated island.B. The Ancient Greeks.原文网址: /college/2013/2013C.html由弘一网童保存,尚未注册。
2013National English Contestfor College Students(Level C-Preliminary)参考答案及作文评分标准Part I Listening Comprehension(30marks)Section A(5marks)1—5ABCCBSection B(10marks)6—10ABBCB11—15CABABSection C(5marks)16—20CACBBSection D(10marks)21.yearn for22.flush out23.tends to pensate forck of evidence26.separated into27.assessed28.medication29.contradictory30.wrinklesPart II Vocabulary and Structure(15marks)31—35CDCCB36—40BADCA41—45ADBCAPart III Cloze(10marks)46.hiding47.surprising48.pressure49.presidency50.existence51.with52.place53.gravity54.Additionally55.afternoonPart IV Reading Comprehension(40marks)Section A(10marks)paring58.unique59.altered60.privacySection B(10marks)61.F62.F63.T64.Pansies are more hardy than busy lizzies.65.Potentillas.Section C(10marks)66.extreme lengths/great patible with68.on condition69.C70.B Section D(10marks)71.Glaciers and forests.72.24cubic miles of ice.73.They have increased in numbers.74.阿拉斯加的大部分土地曾经是常年冰冻,或是一年中多数时间都保持冰冻状态,以此保持它的完整。
我们知道,抄袭别人的成果是违反竞赛规则的, 如果引用别人的成果或其他公开的资料(包括网上查到的资料),必须按照规定的参考文献的表述方式在正文引用处和参考文献中明确列出。
我们参赛选择的题号是(从A/B/C/D中选择一项填写):C 我们的参赛报名号为(如果赛区设置报名号的话):所属学校(请填写完整的全名):洛阳师范学院参赛队员 (打印并签名) :1.田菲菲2. 梁雪颖3. 王阵东指导教师或指导教师组负责人 (打印并签名):日期:2013年 06月 01 日赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):2013年“深圳杯”数学建模夏令营编号专用页赛区评阅编号(由赛区组委会评阅前进行编号):2013年.doc全国评阅编号(由全国组委会评阅前进行编号):垃圾减量分类活动中社会及个体因素的量化分析摘要由于人类生产和生活的不断发展,产生的垃圾对生态环境及人类生存带来极大的威胁,这逐渐成为重要的社会问题。
2、A,二进制11.01转为十进制,(11.01)2 = 1*2+1+0*0.5+1*0.25 = (3.25)10 。
9、D,A项6和17对11取余都是6发生冲突,B项10的平方和17的平方对11取余都是1发生冲突,C项6的两倍和17的两倍对11取余都是1发生冲突,D 项分别为1,2,3,4,不冲突。
a、b、c是素数,则 为整数,则 , 为正整数.化简整理后,有
ⅰ) , 不能围成三角形;
4. 如图,已知△ABC的面积为24,点D在线段AC上,点F在线段BC的延长线上,且BC=4CF,DCFE是平行四边形,则图中阴影部分的面积为( ).苞以十月下旬至家化学教案留八日化学教案便饥驱宣、歙间试卷试题入泾河化学教 ,则 ,
1.对正整数n,记n!=1×2×...×n,则1!+2!+3!+...+10!的末位数是( ).为太傅谢安的孙子试卷试题 (竟化学教案最终化学教案1 分;感化学教案感激化学教案1 分;谓化学教案称赞化学教案1分试卷试题全句翻译通顺2分)
my timetable this term, I mean, the last thing I need is three lectures on a Friday. I wish they wouldn’t change the timetable every term. W: Oh dear. I think last term was much better.
【听力原文】 M: I have to have an appointment first thing in the morning.
The doctor wants to do me tests and I mustn’t eat for twelve hours before that. I’m right, aren’t I? W: Yes. She said the best way is to go without breakfast and come in early. M: Yeah. Then I can have a snack and not miss too much time at work.
Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks) Part Ⅲ Cloze (10 marks) Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (40 marks) Part V Translation (10 marks) Part VI Error Correction (10 marks) Part VII IQ Test (5 marks) Part VIII Writing (30 marks)
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食品质量安全抽检数据分析摘要本文根据文章提出的不同问题,建立相应的数学模型,利用matlab 软件进行求解,对食品质量进行评价和找规律以及合理抽检方法。
针对问题二,我们先通过MATLAB 对原始数据进行检验,对残差向量进行分析,得到了残差向量分析图,剔除其中的异常点。
运用i 24578136x x x x x x x x >>>>>>>结论:在食品质量影响因素中食品产地影响最大,食品加工次之,季节影响最小,抽查地点几乎无影响。
改进后的食品抽检的办法以主要食品为准则层建立了层次分析(AHP )模型,对影响食品安检的危害性因素做出定量分析如问题二个影响因素大小。
关键词: 方差与回归分析 残差向量分析 评价指数 层次分析一问题重述“民以食为天”,食品安全关系到千家万户的生活与健康。
对于市场食品安全的分析,我们知道,和y 有关的变量有8个,研究y 与变量1x ,2x ,3x ,…8x 之间的定量关系的问题为多元回归问题。
对于各因素对食品安全的影响程度,由于利用偏回归平方和i Q 可以衡量每个变量在回归中所起的作用大小(即影响程度),我们对每个变量i x 的偏回归平方和i Q 进行了计算,最后把影响程度由深到浅的各因素进行了排序。
回归方程的显著性检验:事先我们并不能断定随机变量y 与一般变量1x ,2x ,3x ,…8x 之间是否确有线性关系。
将总的平方和总S 分解为回归平方和回S 和剩余平方和剩S ,运用F 检验法来判定线性回归方程的显著性。
回归系数的显著性检验:由于回归方程显著并不意味着每个自变量1x ,2x ,3x ,…8x 对因变量y 的影响都是重要的。
显然,如果某个变量对y 的作用不显著,那么在多元线性回归模型中,它前面的系数j β就可以取值为零。
因此,检验因子i x 是否显著等价于检验假设00=i H β: 。
最后再运用T 检验法来辨别模型中哪些因子是显著的及从这些数据中能否找出某些规律性的东西:如食品产地与食品质量的关系;食品销售地点(即抽检地点)与食品质量的关系;季节因素等等。
第三问:由于回归系数之间存在相关性,当从原回归方程中剔除一个变量时,其他变量,特别是与它密切相关的一些变量的回归系数就会受到影响,剔除一个变量后,这个变量对y 的影响很大部分转加到另一个变量对y 的影响上。
所以,我们对回归系数进行一次检验后,只能剔除所有不显著因子中t 值最小的,然后重新建立新的回归方程,再对新的回归系数逐个进行检验,直到余下的回归系数都显著为止。
构造其综合评价的递阶层次结构如下图:图:食品综合评价递阶层次结构2)建立V-A 层判断矩阵建立V-A 层判断矩阵的依据是:考虑A 层的四个因素对食品质量安全综合评价的重要性时,认为年均指标A1最重要,且A1比微生物、重金属、添加剂含量等值重要。
根据判断矩阵标度内容及其含义,可得V-A 层判断矩阵A :A1 A2 A3 A44321113/23/1113/23/12/32/312/13321A A A A A ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡= 3)A-B 层判断矩阵该层的矩阵元素ij b 确定如下:① 将每条准则1234A A A A 、、、下各指标抽查值用分指数公式/ij ij sj C C β=(1.1)标准化,其中ij C 是在i A 准则下第j 个指标抽查值的均值(或最大值),sj C 是第j 个抽查指标的最大允许不合格值。
② 对于每条准则下, 令max{|12,3,4}1,2,3,4min{|12,3,4}1,2,3,4kj ij lj ij j i j i ββββ======,,计算 ()/9i ki li ββ∆=-(1.2) ③ 设(,1s tst ir s t ββ-==∆ (1.3)对于任意的s β 与t β相比,其判断矩阵元素st β由以下确定||11111/st st st st st st st st r r r r r βββ≤=>=<-=-当取当取 当取此外1/s t t s sb b b == (1.4)按式(1.1)可得相应于表1.1中各指标抽查值的标准化值 由式子(1.2)(1.3)(1.4)得A-B 层的判断矩阵4)用方根法计算出判断矩阵A ,()n B 的归一化特征相量: VA 、VB(n) 5)计算判断矩阵(1)(2)(3),,B B B 的最大特征值max λ并进行一致性检验 一致性指标max 1()nii iBW nw λ==∑max ..1nC I n λ-=- 其中,n 为判断矩阵的阶数计算一致性比例......C I C R R I =其中..R I 为平均一致性指标,当..0.1C R <时判断矩阵具有好的一直性。
6)食品质量的综合评价指数的计算()()ij j i i i B Ai i V V PI β∑∑==∙=41412.模型的求解及结果以2013年第一至四期食品安全抽样检验产品抽查样本的32种食品的抽查值为例,求该抽查样本的食品质量安全综合评价指数。
表式子(4 :A V =(1A V ,2A V ,3A V ,3A V )={0.461539 0.230769 0.1538460.153846};(1)B V =( 1(1)B V ,2(1)B V ,3(1)B V ,4(1)B V )={0.732352 0.0984589 0.0889053 0.0802843}(2)B V =(1(2)B V ,2(2)B V ,3(2)B V ,4(2)B V )={0.72337 0.104756 0.0994301 0.0724441}(3)B V =( 1(3)B V ,2(3)B V ,3(3)B V ,4(3)B V )={0.723233 0.108991 0.0928252 0.0749515}(4)B V =(1(4)B V ,2(4)B V ,3(4)B V ,4(4)B V )={0.734622 0.0956177 0.0814922 0.0882682}其中,的4个分量分别表示A 层的4个因子(A1平均值、A2微生物平均值、A3、重金属平均值、A4、添加剂平均值)在综合评价中的各自的权重。