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英语新闻听力教程UNIT 4 原文及答案

UNIT 4 Statements and CommentsSection A 1.expressed concern 2.apologized remarks 3.denied charges warned 4.condemned 5.called for 6.threatened accused 7.deeply troubled 8.allegations baseless 10.stressed the importanceSection B 1. The Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper has announced the construction of two military facilities in the Arctic and a move to assert his country’s sovereignty over the contested region, which is estimated to contain billions of dollars of oil and gas deposits.2. A speaker purporting to be al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is accusing the US and the European Union of backing a war against Islam.3. The former president of Iran Mohammad Khatami says American attempts to impose western-style democracy on the Middle East are flawed because democracy is not something that can be exported.4. The Pentagon has issued a memo to rebut the criticism from several retired generals who called for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to resign.5. British Prime Minister Tony Blair says his country is taking tough new measures to fight extremism following last month’s deadly terrorist attacks in London.Answer:1.B 2.D 3A 4D 5CSection CItem 1Russian President Vladimir Putin says his country is prepared to help Kyrgyzstan’s new leaders establish stability in the wake of a political upheaval. Mr. Putin made these comments today following a telephone discussion with Kyrgyzstan’s opposition leader Kurmanbek Bakiyev who was appointed by parliament to lead an interim government. Kyrgyzstan’s new leaders are trying to restore order after two days of massive looting and street violence that left at least three people dead and injured many more.Answer:1-(B,D) 2-(A,D) 3-(G) 4-(E)Item 2 British officials in Iran have denied allegations of any British involvement in violence in the southwestern province of Khuzestan where at least four people were killed in two bomb attacks on Saturday. The British embassy in Tehran condemned the attacks and said Britain rejected allegations linking it to terrorist outrages. Several Iranian officials have made statements implicating British troops stationed across the border inside southern Iraq in the bombings and in previous attacks earlier this year which killed 10 people.Answer:Task1:1F 2F 3F 4T 5FTask2:1.embassy rejected linking to2.Iranian officials implicating bombings previous attacks Item 3 For the first time, President Bush has said it could be accurate to compare the recent escalation of violence in Iraq to the 1968 Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War. The Tet Offensive marked a strong downturn in public support for both the Vietnam War and then-President Lyndon Johnson. Mr. Bush spoke in an ABC TV interview in which he addressed increased violence in Iraq. The comparison of the insurgency in Iraq to the Tet Offensive in Vietnam was made in a column by Tom Friedman in the New York Times.Answer:1. The 1968 Tet Offensive (during the Vietnam War.)2 .Downturn in public support for both the Vietnam War and then-President3. Increased violence in Iraq.4. The New York Times.5. A column writer /a columnistSection DItem 1Iran’s president is denying reports he gave an interview to an Arab newspaper in which he threatened to halt oil sales if Tehran was referred to the United Nations Security Council. I ran’s Presidential Media Department made that denial in a statement issued today in a reaction to an article published in the Khaleej Times . Earlier today the United Arab Emirates-based newspaper reported that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened in an interview to stop oil sales if Iran is sent to the council for its nuclear activities. The reports from a French news agency say the reporter is astonished by the denial ,but the news agency say also says, the publisher of the newspaper says the c0nfusion may be due to the reporter not adequately identifying herself as a journalist.Answer:1.denying 2.halt oil sales 3.refered to 4.nuclear activities 5.Media 6.made that denial 7.reaction 8. French news agency 9. astonishedItem 2 South Korea and Japan say they have not detected any radioactivity to confirm North Korea’s claim that it conducted an underground nuclear test on Monday .Late Friday unnamed U.S. official said U.S. aircraft have detected traces of radiation in the airsamples collected near the suspected North Korea test site ,but they stressed no final determination had been made .World of the latest findings comes as the UN Security Council members continue to hammer out details of a draft resolution was expected Saturday .The UN draft resolution includes economic and weapons sanctions against North Korea, including a travel ban and financial restriction .Answer:Task1:1.D 2.BTask2:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.TItem 3 Russian President Vladimire Putin says he will not allow foreign powers to dictate Russia’s energy policy or interfe re in any of its internal affairs. In an interview broadcast from Saint Petersburg today , Mr. Putin told NBC News that recent Western criticism of Russia is a mix of cold war and colonialist thinking .Mr. Putin singled out U.S. Vice President Dick Chene y’s recent of Russian energy policy in which Cheney accused Russia of using its vast oil and gas resources as tools of intimidation .Putin compared those comments to an errant gunshot by Cheney that wounded a companion on a hunting trip earlier this year . The Russian leader host President Bush and other world leaders later this week in a summit of the G-8 industrialized nations . Mr. Putin said Russia is ready to hear well-intentioned criticism from foreign leaders , but said he will categorically reject what he called interference in Russia’s internal affairs .Answer:1. Putin says he will not allow foreign powers to dictate Russia’s energy policy or interfere in any of its internal affairs.2.In an NBC interview broadcast from Saint Petersburg today.3. He called it a mix of cold war and colonialist thinking4. Cheney accused Russia of using its vast oil and gas resources as tools of intimidation.5. He compared them to an errant gunshot by Cheney that wounded a companion on a hunting trip earlier this year .6. Russia welcomes well-intentioned criticism from foreign leaders. Section E 1. the new assessment of China’s military capability2. reinforces US arguments against lifting a European arms embargo3. as well as helping bringing those responsible to justice4. expressed personal condolences and the support of the American people5. the most closely guarded minister in the govern。

CNN新闻听力100篇News Item 1Many people in Japan have been forced to leave their homes. Japanese media report that 450,000people—half a million—are living in shelters like this evacuation center that was set up inside a junior highschool’s gym. Man y others are trying to get out of Japan entirely. Kyung Lah shows us the packed scene atTokyo’s airports and the deserted streets of downtown.News Item 2Investigators in Winnipeg have compiled evidence that two Canadian citizens conspired to travel toPakistan for terrorist training. There is also evidence that they planned subsequently to join the insurgencyagainst NATO forces in Afghanistan. Arrest warrants have been issued for Ferid Ahmed Imam, aged 30,and Maiwand Yar, aged 27. As the current whereabouts of Yar and Ahmed are unknown, these charges havebeen laid in absentia.News Item 3Rescue crews are spread out all over northern Japan trying to reach survivors of the quake andtsunami. But rescuers are facing obstacles as well. Obviously, they have to work around all the rubble andthe fooding you see here. But they’re also dealing with aftershocks. And the weather is supposed to getworse, which could in itself cause problems. There are scenes of incredible rescues taking place. A sixty-year-old man was swept out to sea, along with his house. He managed to hold on to part of his roof, and aJapanese naval ship found him foating nine miles off the coast.News Item 4The nation of Japan is reeling today, trying to recover from a devastating natural disaster. Theearthquake hit the island nation on Friday. It registered a magnitude of 8.9. That makes it the most powerfulquake to hit Japan in at least 100 years. There were reports over the weekend that the quake moved themain island of Japan—the entire island—by 8 feet!News Item 5And this is what it left behind: scenes of destruction. On Sunday, offcials estimated that more than1,500 people had been killed; more than 1,900 injured; more than 1,500 moremissing. Those estimatesall expected to go up. And the worst may not be over. Witnesses have reported feeling aftershocks. Andscientists in Japan say that there’s a strong chance of another quake, one with a magnitude of 7.0 or higher,hitting in the next few days.News Item 6One of the people who testified during yesterday’s hearings was Representative Keith Ellison, the 2frst Muslim elected to the U.S. Congress. He acknowledged that some Muslims are responsible for violentactions. But he said you can’t blame an entire community for the evil of some individuals. He got especiallyemotional talking about a Muslim paramedic and police cadet who died trying to help others during the9/11 terrorist attacks.News Item 7Water is the key ingredient in efforts to avoid a nuclear meltdown at a power plant in Japan. Theworkers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are trying to cool down the fuel rods inside the nuclearreactors. The normal cooling systems are n’t working. So, engineers are using fre trucks and police watercannons to try to attack the problem from the ground. Using military helicopters to drop water from thesky. Thursday, authorities said these efforts had been “somewhat effective”. That was based on the steamcoming out of the reactors and on the lower levels of radioactivity around the plant. News Item 8President Obama using this first-ever White House anti-bullying summit as a forum to try to bringattention to this very, very diffcult issue and say, look, for too long there have been students all around thecountry who have just accepted it, that they were going to get picked on, that they were going to be bullied,be the subject of assaults and violence and that it was sort of a rite of passage for kids. The president saysthat given all these tragic incidents where some kids have committed suicide over bullying, he says it’s timefor all of this to end, for schools to have higher standards.News Item 9In central Florida an eleven year old girl woke up in her own bed this morning and that’s reason tocelebrate, that’s because she had actually vanished into an alligator infested swamparea on Friday only tobe found yesterday alive and well, it’s an incredible story. She’s lucky.News Item 10President Obama has a new strategy that answers the astronavigational questions. He talked about it ina speech at the Kennedy Space Center yesterday. The president says he is 100 percent committed to NASAand its miss ion. He’s proposing that the agency get an additional $6 billion over the next 5 years, with agoal of sending humans to Mars by the 2030s.News Item 11President Obama is asking Wall Street to be part of his efforts to reform Wall Street. The presidentand members of Congress are looking at the ways to protect the U.S. economy from another fnancialcrisis. Yesterday, President Obama took his message to New York, to Wall Street. He’s pushing a billthat is being debated in the Senate right now and he explained why he wants the fnancial industry to getbehind it.3News Item 12More than 10,000 fights have been canceled since last weekend’s blizzard dumped 20 inches of snowon New York, bringing air traffc to a standstill from coast to coast. And with airline phone lines, Web sitesand reservation agents overloaded, re-booking those fights has been a nightmare. Imagine calling desperatefor help, only to get this message.News Item 13Experts believe, in some cases, airlines didn’t want to gam ble that the weather would put them at riskof being fned under the passenger bill of rights for keeping domestic fights waiting on the tarmac morethan three hours. The fnes are extremely high, $27,500 per passenger delayed more than three hours. Itmeans for a fight with 200 passengers, it may be over $5 million per airplane, per occurrence.News Item 14Emergency workers were trying to get food and supplies to the people there. But it is foods that haveclosed down every highway leading into the city. And get this: The regional airport was shut down onSunday, and offcials say it could be closed for weeks. Rock Hampton is home to around 75,000 people,but thousands of them don’t have homes any more. Flood waters destroyed the house s. The fooding is alsobeing blamed for several deaths.News Item 15Egypt, where that country’s president is urging his people to stand together “in the face of terrorism”.What he’s talking about is an attack on a Christian church that happened on N ew Year’s Eve. At least 21people were killed. Nearly 100 others were injured. Christians make up less than 10 percent of Egypt’spopulation. And as Ben Wedeman explains, this attack is making what was already a tense situation evenworse.News Item 16Two million spot fish, most of them are young, have been piling up on the shores. Early testingsuggests natural causes are playing, namely cold waters stress, a conditional cause by water temperaturesrapidly dropping below the species’ tolerant level. Large winter kills of spot have happened in the area atleast twice before. The last one was in January of 1980.News Item 17The state of Queensland was preparing to move from crisis to recovery when the situation deterioratedsharply. The death toll is expected to rise from fash fooding in the town of Toowoomba, west of Brisbane,with dozens of people still missing. Locals describe a wall of water that rushed through the town with prettymuch no warning. Cars were tossed about, buildings and structures moved. People swept away. The statecapital, Brisbane, is now under threat. The Brisbane River has broken its banks. More than 30 suburbs havebeen warned that they will be fooded a total of more than 6,000 homes.4News Item 18On February the 3rd, Verizon Wireless existing customers are going to have an exclusive opportunityto pre-order the iPhone 4 online ahead of general availability. One week later, on February 10th, the iPhone4 will launch to everyone at Verizon Wireless online, Verizon Wireless stores as well as at Apple stores andApple online. The price is going to be 199.99 for the 16 gig device, and 299.99 for the 32 gig device, with atwo-year contract.News Item 19The parents of the accused Tucson shooter are breaking their silence. Jared Loughery’s mom and dadhave been in seclusion since the weekend shooting, but now they have penned a statement saying they’rejust as perplexed as everyone else, saying this, “We don’t understand why this happened. It may not makeany difference but we wish that we could change the heinous events of Saturday. We care very deeply aboutthe victims and their families. We are so very sorry for their loss.” Six people died in the weekend shooting,14 others are hurt including Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford. Now friends of the Loughery family arespeaking up saying Jared was a good kid but something changed.News Item 20This morning, Haitians gathered at what remains of Notre Damn Cathedral to celebrate mash on thissomber occasion. One year has now passed since the earth shook Port-au Prince. The earthquake killedclose to a quarter million people. In October, disaster struck again in the form of a deadly epidemic ofcholera. The death till now is more than 3,600 people dead and climbing.News Item 2149 of the 50 states have some snow on the ground, somewhere this week, Florida being the loneexception. Here’s another way to look at it. The national weather service says 71% of the United States iscovered by snow. More than 40,000 houses are expected to food with up to 100,000 homes without power.Over 2000 Brisbane streets will sink below the murky waters while around 3,000 businesses are facingfnancial ruin.News Item 22Agency Brazil, the official Brazilian news agency, reports that nearly 75,000 people in thismountainous area are without power. Civil Defense offcials report there have been at least 30 mudslidesin the region in the last two days. Meanwhile, in the state of Sao Paulo, at least 24 people were killed asheavy rains continued to batter ground already soaked. To complicate matters even more, a dam gave way,fooding streets in Sao Jose dos Campos near the city of Sao Paulo. Non-stop rains have been pounding theregion since the beginning of the year and forecasters expect storms to continue until the end of this week.News Item 23An early-morning earthquake hits Pakistan. This happened around 1:30 a.m. local time on Wednesday 5in a remote area in southwestern Pakistan. Offcials said the quake had an initial magnitude of 7.2. Thatwould mean it was a “major” quake. There were reports that it lasted 20 or 30 seconds. One scientist saidit’s not uncommon for earthquakes to hit this region.News Item 24Republican John Boehner is currently serving in the role as speaker of the House. And earlier thisweek, he oversaw a House vote to repeal President Obama’s controversial health care reform law. This lawis widely considered to be President Obama’s bi ggest U.S. accomplishment while he was president. AndHouse Republicans are working to come up with some replacement plans for the law. But as SamanthaHayes explains, the idea of repealing the existing law altogether might not go any further than it alreadyhas.News Item 25More than 3 million of Australia’s population have been affected by this: massive fooding in easternAustralia. Authorities say it is one of the most costly disasters in Australia’s history. The foods have hada big impact on crops, on tourism, retail and manufacturing. Part of the reason this is worse than previousfoods or fres is that Queensland—the area where all this is happening—has had a big jump in population.One offcial said the government has already made about $227 million in recovery payments.News Item 26Robert Malay of the International Crisis Group is talking about countries very close to Tunisia thathave had the same kinds of problems, but where the stakes are much higher for America. T unisia’s revoltstarted with younger citizens fed up with high unemployment, rising costs of living and a corrupt federalgovernment. Similar problems are occurring in Egypt. There, like in Tunisia, a protester set himself on fre.And the same thing could happen in Jordan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia.News Item 27A bomb went off at the busiest airport in Moscow, Russia. This happened yesterday around 4:30 in theafternoon local time. Russia’s president called it a terrorist attack. There were reports that it was done by asuicide bomber. And when we put this show together yesterday, no one had claimed responsibility for theattack and Russian authorities hadn’t named any suspects.News Item 28Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says that whoever is b ehind Monday’s suicide bombing atMoscow’s busiest airport will be found and will be punished. The attack killed dozens of people, injuredmore than 150 others. And sadly, this bombing isn’t an isolated incident. Over the last decade, trains andplanes around Moscow have been bombed at least four times. President Medvedev said that part of theblame for Monday’s attack is on the people who were responsible for the airport’s security.6News Item 29The U.S. will have a deficit in 2011. A big deficit. In a report that came out yesterday, theCongressional Budget Offce, or CBO forecast that the U.S. government will spend $1.5 trillion more thanit makes this year. The CBO says one reason for that defcit is the deal that Democrats and Republicanspassed late last year to extend a set of tax cuts. Another reason for the prediction: The country’s sloweconomic recovery.News Item 30Tens of thousands of protestors have gathered in the Egyptian capital, possibly the largest crowd yet.They are still calling on President Hosni Mubarak to resign effective immediately. Earlier about 500 anti-government protestors broke away from the square. They headed toward the parliament building. Theychanted fraud. The army has surrounded the building protectively.News Item 31A truck was speeding down the wrong side of a California freeway. The 83-year-old driver hit themedian and then was struck by an oncoming car of a chain reaction right close to northbound lanes ofinterstate 5. Investigators say the driver was confused, couldn’t really explain how he ended up on thewrong side. He did get a ticket for driving the wrong way and with a suspended license.News Item 32The planes in parts of the mid-south are bracing for a powerful weather system. It’s forecast for 8states and could bring several feet of snow to the mountain west and up to 12 inches in parts of Oklahomawhere there is still digging out from last week’s storm. Parts of central Te xas could see two to four inchesof snow and sleet. The system is also expected to bring rain and snow to the south later in the week beforedelivering a wintry mix along parts of the East coast on Thursday.News Item 33Scenes of celebration turn to shouts of anger as the crisis in Egypt takes a new turn. This politicalunrest in the North African nation started late last month. Thousands of protesters is marching in the streets,calling for a change in leadership. Their main target: long-time President Hosni Mubarak. These protesterswant him out of offce now. Yesterday, a huge crowd showed up in the downtown square where a lot ofthese protests have been going on. The people there were cheering, getting ready for a speech that PresidentMubarak was scheduled to make, and the rumors were that he was going to step down.News Item 34Political protests turn violent in some of the Middle Eastern nations. The U.S. government says it’s“deeply concerned” about the crackdown on anti-government protesters in Bahrain. Yesterday, severalpeople were killed and hundreds more were injured in fghting between protesters and security forces. InYemen, at least 20 people were hurt when groups that support and oppose that country’s government threw 7stones at each other yesterday. And in Libya, some web sites called for a “Day of Rage” Thursday. Thatcould be a sign that anti-government protests are picking up in the country.News Item 35The earthquake that jolted the South Pacifc country left one of its biggest cities in ruins. Christchurch,located on New Zealand’s east coast, was badly shaken during lunch hour. It was a 6.3-magnitude quake,followed by strong aftershocks, and it was heartbreaking, according to New Zealand’s prime mi nister. 80percent of Christchurch is without power and phone lines are down, making communication challenging formany survivors. This quake was actually an aftershock itself, according to the U.S.Geological Survey.News Item 36Tuesday, four Americans were shot and killed by pirates who hijacked their ship in the Indian Oceanlast week. The U.S. military says 19 pirates were involved in the hijacking. Four of them were killed. Theother 15, captured. The ship, a 58-foot yacht called the Quest, along with its owners, Jean and Scott Adams.The couple, with two friends, changed course during their boating rally. They ended up in a part of theIndian Ocean where a lot of pirate attacks happen. Zain Verjee talked with a security expert to get an idea ofhow these pirates work.News Item 37Protests are still raging in Libya. Reports are that the Libyan government has responded with force,and some officials estimate that up to 1,000 people might have been killed in the violence. The UnitedNations says “those responsible for brutally shedding the blood of innocents must be punished.” The U.S.,promising that Libya’s government will be held responsible for acts of violence against protesters. And theArab League suspended Libya on Tuesday.News Item 38In New Zealand, people are holding on to hope as rescuers search for survivors of Tuesday’sdevastating earthquake. The powerful tremor hit Christchurch, one of New Zealand’s biggest cities. At least75 people were killed. Hundreds of others are missing. And rescuers are digging desperately through theruins of toppled buildings in parts of Christchurch.News Item 39In Big Lake, Minnesota, a man’s home is his ice castle. For the 4th straight year, Roger Hanson hasbuilt a massive ice structure in his backyard, 64 feet high, 85 feet wide, it’s twice as big as his own house.Hanson says his only concern, now, is that it’s starting to melt.News Item 40Hawaii is the seventh state in the country to recognize civil unions for same-sex couples. The governorsigned the bill into law yesterday. It gives partners in civil union the same rights and benefts that spouses in 8a marriage enjoy. That bill takes effect in January.News Item 41Mexican authorities made 10 arrests in the fatal shooting of a U.S. immigration agent earlier thismonth. One suspect presumed leader of a drug cartel allegedly behind the hit. Agent Jamie Zapata waskilled in an ambush while on a Mexican highway. Five other men, three women and a minor were alsoarrested.News Item 42U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the country of Libya is at a crossroads: could become apeaceful democracy; could face a drawn-out civil war. Right now, the situation is tense. There were reportsthat forces that are loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi tried to regain control of a town near thecapital that’s under the control of people who are against Colonel Gadhaf. The attempt was unsuccessful.But an offcial close to Gadhaf denied this even happened.News Item 43President Obama says the U.S. will spare no effort to learn how an outrageous attack happenedyesterday at Germany’s Frankfurt Airport. Two American troops were shot and killed on a U.S. militarybus. Two others were wounded. They were security forces who were being deployed. German police haveone suspect in custody. Offcials say that what they think happened is that the gunman rushed onto the buswhile it was waiting outside the terminal and then started shooting. This would be a federal crime in boththe United States and in Germany.News Item 44Mexican President Felipe Calderon travels north of the border for a two-day visit to the U.S. He’sscheduled to meet with American business leaders, leaders in Congress, and he’s meeting with PresidentObama, the two leaders getting together yesterday at the White House. They talked about immigrationpolicies, organized crime and violence along the U.S.-Mexico border. And of course, they discussed trade.Me xico is America’s third-largest trading partner. And it’s the second-largest market for American productsthat get sold outside the U.S.News Item 45The U.S. unemployment rate is down one-tenth of a point. It went from 9 percent in January to 8.9percent in February. That has been the lowest unemployment since April of 2009. But experts still havesome concerns about the future of the U.S. economy. Samantha Hayes explains some of those concerns andbreaks down some more details from this month’s unemployment report.News Item 46Scientists say Kilauea was shooting lava as high as 80 feet into the air on Sunday. The state is no 9stranger to volcanic eruptions. That’s how the Hawaiian Islands are believed to have been formed in the frstplace. The islands are the tops of a chain of volcanic mountains like this. Kilauea is one of the most activevolcanoes in the world. Since 1952, it’s erupted 34 times. And this lava you see here, it started fowing overthe weekend: It’s part of an ongoing eruption that started in 1983. It’s happening in a remote area, so nopeople or homes are threatened.News Item 47A would-be robber calls 911 because he’s scared of the homeowner. In Portland, a man charged withbreaking into a house says he was concerned the homeowner might have a gun. The homeowner also called911 and that’s when police found the suspect, 24-year-old Timothy James Chappic, locked in the bathroom.News Item 48The international community is trying to fnd ways to end the violence in Libya. And one suggestion isa no-fy zone over the country. What that would mean is that no military planes could fy over Libya withoutpermission. The United Nations Security Council is talking about it, and the idea has a lot of support fromcountries in the Middle East. NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is already running round-the-clock surveillance fights over Libya.News Item 49In neighboring Egypt, about a thousand people showed up for a pro-women demonstration yesterday.Women were a major part of the protests that forced former President Hosni Mubarak out of power fromEgypt last month. But this protest turned into a shouting match when groups of men started yelling anti-feminist chants, like “go home, that’s where you belong”. There were men on both sides of these protests.The people who organized the women’s march said they’re demanding “fair andequal opportunity for allEgyptian citizens—beyond gender, religion or class”.News Item 50Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a point at an event that commemorated the 100th anniversaryof International Women’s Day. When referring to the political unrest in the Middle East and North Africawe’ve seen lately, Secretary Clinton said women “have just as muc h right as the men to remake theirgovernments”. She and first lady Michelle Obama honored 10 women with the International Women ofCourage Award. Secretary Clinton said the women’s courage comes from putting others’ well-being beforetheir own. And Mrs. Obama said the awards send a message to women that “you are never alone in yourstruggle”.News Item 51After the Security Council’s vote, Libya’s government declared a cease-fre in its fghting with rebelforces. And it invited representatives from other nations to come to Libya to make sure the cease-fre wasreal. Coalition forces were convinced that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhaf was not following the rules 10of the cease-fre. On Saturday, the coalition attacked. You can hear the sounds of gunfre in the capital cityof Tripoli. A U.S. commander said missiles landed near the capital and around other cities as part of theseattacks.News Item 52All the 30,000 victims of the nation’s largest identity theft scheme had in common were credit reports.Reports on fle with three of the nation’s largest credit report agencies were stolen in wholesale batches andsold for 60 dollars a piece. And federal authorities say the men who unlock those reports and sold them toa Nigerian fraud ring and others was Philip Cummins, a 33-year-old former help desk operator at a LongIsland-based credit security frm.News Item 53In Washington, D.C., a commission set up by Congress is investigating the U.S. financial crisis.They’re looking i nto what caused it and hopefully how to avoid another one in the future. As part of thatinvestigation, the commission has been talking with some government offcials. Andthe chief executives of four of the country’s biggest b anks. The head of the commission said he wanted tohear the bankers talk about their companies’ roles in causing the crisis. The executives acknowledged thattheir banks had made mistakes, but said they didn’t realize how bad those mistakes were at the time.News Item 54An estimated 600,000 students dropped out of the class of 2008. The Alliance fgured out how thecountry could have benefited if just half of them, 300,000, had gotten their diplomas. It estimated theywould have earned a combined $4.1 billion more money in an average year. Then, they could have spent $2.8billion more and invested more than $1 billion more.News Item 55It’s been used for years by computer owners to chat online but most companies ban it from theworkplace. Now instant messaging is one of the hottest applications on office computers and somecompanies are encouraging it. Instant messaging or IM is a real-time real-exchange between one or moreonline computer users. It’s faster than email and it allo ws you to see if someone is available to chat. IM nowallows you to videoconference and share fles. It’s even available on mobile phones and PDAs.News Item 56The nation of Iran will mark a milestone later on this week. On Thursday, the country will celebratethe anniversary of when it became an Islamic republic. This goes back to 1979, when supporters of theAyatollah Khomeini, a religious leader, overthrew the country’s government. Khomeini became the supremeleader of Iran, and the nation offcially became an Islamic state. The United States and the European Unionare worried about potential violence during Thursday’s celebrations.11News Item 57President Obama has given his backing to building the frst nuclear reactors in the United States inthree decades. He said the country needed a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power stations to meet itsenergy needs and fght climate change. Mr. Obama is offering an 8-billion-dollar loan guarantee to the frstplant, but only if legislation against greenhouse gas emissions is part of the package.funding for new technologies, the U.S. risked falling behind other nations.News Item 58The Afghan Taliban is said to have lost one of its key leaders. Reports say its top military commanderand leading strategist, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, was captured at the beginning of this month in a jointoperation by Pakistani and American forces in Karachi. A spokesman for the Afghan Taliban denied that theleader had been taken.News Item 59Pope Benedict has called the sexual abuse of children by Roman Catholic clergy in Ireland a heinouscrime that wounded human dignity. His comments followed a meeting about the scandal with Irish bishopsin Rome. The Vatican said all will ag ree that the church’s teaching had been damaged. News Item 60The Inter-American Development Bank says the cost of rebuilding Haiti after last month’s earthquakecould reach 14 billion dollars. The estimate is based on preliminary damage assessment and comparisonswith previous disasters. The bank says the earthquake was proportionately the most destructive naturaldisaster of modern times when viewed in relation to the size of Haiti’s population and economy. The quakekilled about 230,000 people and left the capital Port-au-Prince in ruins.News Item 61Some environmental groups are criticizing Australia for its poor record on caring for endangeredspecies. More mammals have become extinct in that country over the last 200 years than in any other placein the world. And new laws to protect threatened animals are not always enforced. Australia’s Network Tenreports on the case of some endangered sea lions off the country’s southern shores. News Item 62Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Capitol Hill discussing lifting the ban on gays serving in thearmed forces. It’s the first major step in that direction since the 1993 policy “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”ignited the frestorm. As a frst step, Defense Secretary Robert Gates is expected to call for no longerdischarging people who are outed by others. Over the last 12 years, nearly 11,000 people have beendischarged from the military for being gay. Defense offcials privately say the appetite。

Unit 6Public HealthSection A warming up1. life expectancy2. regulators abortion3. rabies4. infected withcases 5. bird flu immune 6. outbreaks-borne 7. prescription medicines 8. AIDS 9. antiviral10. MedicareSection B 1. BTapescript: 1. The problem of obesity is spreading into many different aspects of Americans ’ lives. Now researchers have confirmed that some children are so fat they can’ t fit into car safety seats designed fordski.2. Two more Indian states have banned the sale of soft drinks produced by . giantsCoca-cola and Pepsi-cola after a test by an environmental group showed highpesticide levels. This brings the total number of states to six where there is a partialor full ban of the soft drinks.3.An Asian expert says disease and natural disasters may pose a great securitythreat to the region than conventional political conflicts.4.The United Nations say opium cultivation in Afghanistan has declined for the firsttime since 2001 as tens of thousands of farmers have given up opium poppies forlegal crops.5.The authorities in Iran have warned that if the dangerously high level of airpollution in the capital‘’ Teheran continues, there could be thousandsiesof. casualt Section CItem 1 1. ATapescript: The number of people infected with HIV, the virus that can lead to AIDS,is still rising and has passed 14 million worldwide for the first time. The UnitedNations said there had been five million new infections this year and warned thatAIDS was outstripping global and national efforts to contain it. Sub-Saharan Africaremains the worst affected region. In Asia, where more than eight million people are infected, the UN says infection rates are rising sharply. It warned that Pakistan, in particular, was on the verge of a serious epidemic.Item 2 Task 11. TTask 2 1. international conference malaria West African state scientific findingsin lost GDP3. world population’s is transmittedTapescript: The biggest ever international conference on malaria has begun in theWest African state of Cameroon to discuss the latest scientific findings on the disease which kills more than million people worldwide each year. 75 percent of those victimsare African children. Of the 2,000 delegates meeting in the capital Yaounde, 80% arefrom Africa. The disease costs the continent more than 12 billion dollars in lost GDPeach year. The latest research suggests that 41% ofthe world ’ s population live inareas where malaria is transmitted.Item 3 1. Whether more than one food company is responsible for an outbreak of E.coli bacteria. 2. Bad spinach from Natural Selection foods 3. Earth Bound Farm 4. It has recalled the spinach. 5. get rid of any fresh spinach in bags or other containers. 6.One person died and dozens were sick in 19 states.Tapescript: The Food and Drug Administration is investigating whether more thanone food company is responsible for an outbreak of bacteria. Officials have linkedbad spinach from natural Selection Foods as one source of the . the company saysthe products are sold under the brand name Earth Bound Farm. Doctor DavidAtchison with the FDA says Natural Selection Foods has voluntarily recalled thespinach. The FDA advises shoppers to get rid of any fresh spinach in bags or othercontainers. At least one person has died. Dozens of others have gotten sick in atleast 19 states.Section D EU Health Experts Meet to (1) Formulate Measures to contain the (2)Bird FluRecent outbreaks (3)German authorities confirmed the (4) presence of the H5N1virus in (5) wild swans. Outbreaks have also been reported in (6) the Balkans, (7)Turkey, the Caspian Sea areascountermeasures Increase surveillance and (8) toughen import bans (9) dedicatean additional million dollars for surveillance and (10) testing programsorder farmers to keep poultries indoors (11) to prevent transmission of the disease.Tapescript: European health experts have gathered in Bussel to formulate a responseto recent bird flu outbreaks among migratory birds. The Panel today endorsedmeasures that would increase surveillance and toughen import bans, such as theEuropean Union ’plan,s suspending the imports of untreated feathe rs from non-EUcountries. The European Commission has dedicated an additional million dollars forbird surveillance and testing programs. German authorities today confirmed thepresence of the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus in wild swans on an island in the Baltic Sea.Outbreaks have been confirmed in the Balkans, Turkey, the Caspian Seas andelsewhere. Several EUcountries have ordered farmers to keep poultries indoors toprevent transmission of the disease. But the World Organization for Animal Health inParis says this is not necessary at the present time.Item 2Task 11. DTask 21. F 3. TTapescript: A week after a toxic waste scandal brought down the government ofIvory Coast teams of Ivorian and French experts are still trying to establish exactlywhat the material was composed of. Tons of waste from a ship were dumped inleaking drums in at least 11 open air locations in Ivory Coast’ s biggest city Abidja Our correspondent James Copnall is there. The latest health ministry figures showthat nearly 16,000 people have sought treatment and 6 have died as a result of thetoxic waste. The numbers increased dramatically each day. This does notnecessarily mean that the health situation is deteriorating just as rapidly, however, astate of panic seems to have set in. meanwhile, teams of French and Ivorian expertswere attempting to find out what exactly the toxic waste was composed of.Item 31.It has issued an updated version of its strategy for dealing with a possibleinfluence pandemic.2.The updated strategy needs cities, states, and businesses to prepare now tokeep operating on their own and not on federal help.3.It could make up to 40% of the workforce too sick to work for two weeks at a time. The infection could remain active in a community for up to two months.4.The pandemic could cause as many as two million deaths in the United tends to break out when a never-before-seen strain of the virus startspassing from person to person.Tapescript: The White House has issued an updated version of its strategy for dealing with a possible influenza pandemic. The plan warns cities, states and businesses that they should prepare now to keep operating on their own and not count on federal help, and says that a flu pandemic could make up to 40% of the workforce too sick to work for two weeks at a time and that the infection could remain active in a community for up to two months. In the worst place, the report says, a pandemic could cause as many as two million deaths in the United States. Influenza pandemic tend to break out when a never-before-seen strain of the virus starts passing from person to person. Scientists are currently worried that the Asian bird flu might mutate into that kind of virus.Section E1.The move is expected to reduce expenses involved in the drug that has been hailed as a life-saving the study patients who cut their smoking in half also cut their risk of lungcancer by 27%.3.European Union officials continue to reassure the public that the apparentspread of the avian flu virus is at this point a threat to animals not humans.4. One hundred and twenty-three identification cards had been issued to patients who need them to prove to law enforcement personnel that they used marijuana for medical purposes.5.Analysts say total spending on research into malaria last year accounted for only about one third of one percent of total medical research and development funding.。

iUnit 1 Section CItem 2Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf says Pakistan and India are both optimistic about resolving their dispute over the Himalayan region of Kashmir, which both countries claim. In an exclusive interview with the Associated Press, General Musharraf says he hopes to settle the issue with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh while they’re both in power. Mr. Singh and General Musharraf are expected to try to move their peace dialogue forward when they meet next week in New Y ork at the United Nations General Assembly meeting.Item 3North Korea is demanding that Tokyo immediately lift sanctions imposed on Pyongyang in response to its test-launch of missiles. A North Korean envoy to Japan says his country will retaliate with stronger measures if the sanctions are not lifted. After North Korea test-fired seven missiles, Tokyo barred a North Koreans ferry from Japanese ports for six months and banned North Korean officials from entering the country. South Korea today rejected Pyongyang’s request for military talks, saying they were inappropriate at this time. But it said ministerial talks will go ahead as scheduled next week.Section D Item 2The State Department says V enezuelan police failed to protect the U.S. ambassador there as demonstrators threw eggs and food at his car. Spokesman Sean McCormack said V enezuela’s ambassador to the U.S. was summoned to the State Department to hear the U.S. complaint. A spokesman for the U.S. embassy in Caracas said groups of motorcyclists attacked the car carrying Ambassador William Brownfield. He said V enezuelan police escorts did nothing to stop the demonstrators who pounded on the car and chased it for miles. The embassy spokesman said the attack appeared to have been organized by the Caracas May or’s office. A spokesman for the mayor denied that charge. The U.S. has been at odds with V enezuelan President Hugo Chavez for several years.Item 3Russia has expressed regret for the killing of a Japanese fisherman today when a patrol vessel fired at a warning shot at a fishing boat near the disputed Kuril Islands. But Russia’s Foreign Ministry says in a statement that Japan is at fault for the incident because it does not curb Japanese fishing in Russian waters. Japan has launched a strong protest as we hear from VOA’s Steve Herman in Tokyo.“A diplomatic row broke out between Japan and Russia on Wednesday following the shooting death of a Japanese fisherman in waters claimed by both countries. The incident took place ear the island chain the Russians call the Kurils and the Japanese call the Northern Territories. The islands were seized from Japan by the Soviet Union in the closing days of world War II and have been under Russia control ever since, but Japan still claims them. Foreign Minister Taro Aso af ter summoning Russia’s deputy ambassador told reporters in Tokyo that the killing of the Japanese fisherman was an outrageous act. Steve Herman, VOA News, Tokyo.”Unit 2 Section CItem 2And a meeting in New Y ork between the foreign ministers of Guatemala and V enezuela has failed to resolve the deadlock over which country will represent Latin America and the Caribbean as a non-permanent member on the United Nations Security Council. In a BBC interview after the meeting, the Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro blamed Cuatemala for the ongoing impasse. He said it had shown no interest in agreeing to a compromised canidate.Item 3Africa’s first female elected leader met with President Bush at the White House today. Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf met with Mr. Bush in the Oval Office and then the two had lunch together in the White House’s East Room. Among the issues the two discussed, there is a request for Nigeria to hand over former Liberian President Charles Taylor, who is wanted on war crimes charges. She told reporters today that she asked Mr. Bush for help. Taylor has been living in exile in Nigeria. Many Liberians blamed him for fueling a civil war that ravaged the country.Section D Item 2Environment ministers and officials from more than 20 countries have ended four days of informal talks in Greenland in efforts to deal with global warming. Danish environment Minister Connie Hedegaard, the meeting’s host, called on participants to stop blaming one another for global warming and take concerted action. Participants of the meeting in Greenland’s Arctic town of Elucigot included the United States, China and several European countries. They focused on possible action after the first phase of the Kyoto Protocol, an accord on reducing global warming. It expires until 2012. U.N.studies show that global warming could melt polar icecaps and push thousands of species close to extinction.Item 3G-8 leaders are gathering near Edinburgh, Scotland at this hour for a summit that will focus on aid to Africa and protecting the environment. They are expected to endorse a write-off of more than 40 billion dollars in debt owed by 18 African countries mainly in the sub-Saharan region. On a stop in Denmark en route to Scotland, President Bush said he would emphasize the need for African nations to commit to good government to get the increased aid. In villages near the G-8 conference site demonstrators smashed car windows and fought with riot police. Some tried to storm barricades surrounding the conference site and dozens were arrested.Unit 3 Section CItem 2The United Nations relief agency says an attack on a displaced persons' camp in Sudan's western Darfur region has reportedly left 29 people dead and 10 seriously injured. A spokeswoman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees told VGA it' s the first time that a displaced persons' camp has been attacked in more than two years of civil war. The spokesman says up to 300 armed Arab men on horses and camels attacked the camp on Wednesday.Item 3The United Nations World Food Program has appealed urgently for donations of more than 150 million dollars to prevent a food crisis in southern Africa. It warned that almost 10 million people across six countries—Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Lesotho and Swaziland—urgently needed food aid. The shortages are blamed on drought and the effects of HIV/AIDS and chronic poverty. A BBC correspondent in southern Africa says that in Zimbabwe, children in rural areas have already started to show signs of malnutrition. She says some eat only once a day. Section D Item 2Despite U.S. objections, the United Nations General Assembly today overwhelmingly voted to create a new human rights council to improve the UN's ability to deal with human rights offenders. The council replaces the discredited UN Human Rights Commission based in Geneva. U.S. ambassador to the UN John Bolton told the Assembly today that UN made some improvements but they are not enough. Bolton told the Assembly that rules for the new council are too weak to prevent human rights violators from obtaining seats. Under the resolution adopted today, the old commission will be abolished June 16th, and the new council will convene three days later.Item 3The United Nations has welcomed new pledges by donor countries of nearly 600 million dollars to fund relief efforts after the South Asian earthquake. But the UN's chief relief coordinator Jan Egeland said it was not clear how much was for immediate emergency relief and how much for longer-term work. Pakistan says 79,000 people have died and Mr. Egeland had early warned that hundreds of thousands more could die without an immediate big boost in funds. Winter snow is expected in the earthquake zone within weeks. A top Pakistani relief official, General Farooq Ahmed, told the BBC that an extra 30,000 troops were in the area to help. Unit 4 Section CItem 2British officials in Iran have denied allegations of any British involvement in violence in the southwestern province of Khuzestan where at least four peop le were killed in two bomb attacks on Saturday. The British embassy in Tehran condemned the attacks and said Britain rejected allegations linking it to terrorist outrages. Several Iranian Officials have made statements implicating British troops stations across the border inside southern Iraq in the bombings and in previous attacks earlier this year which killed 10 people.Item 3For the first time, President Bush has said it could be accurate to compare the recent escalation of violence in Iraq to the 1968 Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War. The Tet Offensive marked a strong downturn in public support for both the Vietnam War and the President Lyndon Johnson Mr. Bush spoke in an ABC interview in which he addressed increased violence in Iraq. The comparison of the insurgency in Iraq to the Tet Offensive in Vietnam was made in a column by Tom Friedman in the New Y orkTime.Section DItem 2.South Korea and Japan say they have not detected any radioactivity to confirm North Korea’s claim that it conducted an u nderground nuclear test on Monday. Late Friday unnamed U.S. officials said U.S. aircraft have detected trace in the air samples collected near the suspected North Korea test site, but they stressed no final determination had been made. Word of the latest findings comes as the UN Security Council members continue to hammer out details of a draft resolution was excepted Saturday. The UN draft resolution includes economic and weapons sanctions againstNorth Korea, including a travel ban and financial restriction.Item 3Russian President Vladimir Putin says he will not allow foreign powers to dictateRussia’s energy policy or interfere in any of its internal affairs. In an interview broadcast from Saint Peterburg today, Mr. putin told BBC News that recent Western criticism of Russia is a mix of cold war and colonialist thinking. Mr. Putin singled out U.S. President Dick Cheney’s recent criticism of Russian energy policy in which Cheney accused Russia of using its vast oil and gas resources as tools of intimidation. Putin compared those comments to an errant gunshot by Cheney that wounded a companion on a hunting trip earlier this year. The Russian leader host President Bush and other world leaders later this week in a summit of the G-8 industrialized nations. Mr. Putin said Russian is ready to hear well-intentioned criticism from foreign leaders, but said he will categorically reject what he called interference in Russia’s internal affairs.Unit 5 Section CItem 2A Peruvian airliner carrying 100 passengers and crew members has crashed in a northeastern jungle town, killing at least 40 people. Officials say the TANS Air Flight 204 went down Tuesday while attempting an emergency landing during a severe storm. Police at the scene say foreign nationals are among the dead, including at least one Italian and an American. Officials say at least 52 people survived the accident with most being treated at area hospitals.Item 3Officials in Japan say the train crash near Osaka in western Japan has killed as many as 57 people, injured more than 400. A commuter train carrying around 580 passengers during morning rush hour Monday smashed into an apartment building near Amagasaki, about 400 kilometers west of Tokyo. Workers are still trying to reach some of the passengers trapped in the wreckage. The accident was Japan’s worst in more than four decades. Investigators say speed and driver inexperience may be factors in the crash.Section DItem 2A small aircraft has crashed into the 20th floor of a high-rise apartment building in New Y ork City, killing at least two people. The plane burst into flames on the impact and fire spread through several floors of the building. The White House said all the indications were that the crash was an accident. Investigators are at the scenegather ing evidence, but the authorities don’t believe the incident was linked to terrorism. The BBC’s Gitto Harry was at the scene shortly after the incident and sent this report.“Fire engines, police cars, ambulances completely blocking the avenue, people having been pushed onto the sidewalks. All they know at this stage is that either a plane or a helicopter has crashed into a building. There are helicopters circling above. There is smoke in the air. There are police running around. The are is being cordoned o ff.”There authorities in New Y ork now say that four people were killed in the plane crash in Manhattan. Reports from the United States say the plane was being piloted by the New Y ankee’s baseball pitcher Cory Lidle, who died in the incident.Item 3Thousands of victims of Hurricane Katrina are still being evacuated from New Orleans. More than 10,000 people already have been taken by bus to an emergency shelter at a sports stadium in Texas more than 550 kilometers from New Orleans. Rescuers in New Orleans are working to evacuate thousands of additional flood refugees in and near the city’s former convention center, a large building without power, water or toilet facilities, overflowing with crowds calling for food, water and other assistance. Meanwhile President Bush is to visit the devastated area today. He is schedule to visit parts of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana that were wrecked by the powerful hurricane.Unit 6 Section CItem 2The biggest ever international conference on malaria has begun in the West African state of Cameroon to discuss the latest scientific findings on the disease which kills more than 1.5 million people worldwide each year. 75% of those victims are African children. Of the 2,000 delegates meeting in the capital Y aounde, 80% are from Africa. The disease costs the continent more than 12 billion dollars in lost GDP each year. The latest research suggests that 41% of the world’s population live in areas where malaria is transmitted.Item 3The Food and Drug Administration is investigating whether more than one food company is responsible for an outbreak of E. coli bacteria. Officials have linked bad spinach from NaturalSelection Foods as one source of the E. coli. The company says the products are sold under the brand name Earth Bound Farm. Doctor David Atchison with the FDA says natural selection Foods has voluntarily recalled the spinach. The FDA advises shoppers to get rid of any fresh spinach in bags or other containers. At least one person has died. Dozens of others have gotten sick in at least 19states.Section D Item 2A week after a toxic waste scandal brought down the government of Ivory Coast, teams of Ivorian and French experts are still trying to establish exactly what the material was composed of. Tons of waste from a ship were dumped in leaking drums in at least 11 open air locations in Ivory Coast’s biggest city Abidjian. Ourcorrespondent James Copnall is there. The latest health ministry figures show that the health situation is deteriorating just as rapidly, however, a state of panic seems to have set in. meanwhile, teams of French and Ivorian experts were attempting to find out what exactly the toxic waste was composed of.Item 3The White House has issued an updated version of its strategy for dealing with a possible influenza pandemic. The plan warns cities, states and businesses that they should prepare now to keep operating on their own and not count on federal help, and says that a flu pandemic could make up to 40% of the workforce too sick to work for two weeks at a time and that the infection could remain active in a community for up to two months. In the worst case, the report says, a pandemic could cause as many as two million deaths in the United States. Influenza pandemics tend to break out when a never-before-seen strain of the virus starts passing from person to person. Scientists are currently worried that the Asian bird flu might mutate into that kind of virus.。

英语新闻稿听力原文加解析News Update 1。
New research suggests that the use of smartphones among young people is on a steady rise, with experts warning of potential health implications. A recent survey found that over 70% of teenagers spend more than four hours a day on their phones, scrolling through social media and streaming videos. While the technology offers convenience and connectivity, doctors are concerned about the impact on sleep patterns and mental health.Explanation: This news segment focuses on a recent trend of increased smartphone usage among youth and its potential health risks. The survey results are highlighted, and doctors' concerns are mentioned to give context to the issue.News Update 2。
In a breakthrough for renewable energy, scientists have developed a new type of solar panel that's both thinner and more efficient. The panels are made from a flexible material, allowing them to be easily integrated into buildings and vehicles. The technology is expected to significantly reduce the cost of solar energy and make it more accessible to the masses.Explanation: This news update highlights a scientific achievement in renewable energy technology. The new solar panels' features and potential impact on the cost and accessibility of solar energy are emphasized.News Update 3。

英语四级听力新闻练习题(一)Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.1.A. The law of weapon purchasing in Illinois State.B. The relationship between crime and mental illness.C. The graduate student of Northern Illinois University.D. The shooting happened in Northern Illinois University.2.A. The gunman has mental disease.B. The gunman is dissatisfied with the university.C. The gunman is dissatisfied with the lecture.D. It is not clear.Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.3.A. It has been influenced by war.B. It is devalued by its government.C. It is more competitive than before.D. It has turned into a global currency.4.A. Most experts support the four countries' currency change.B. The meeting on Friday is useless for global recovery.C.Currency wars threaten global economic recovery.D. Policymakers should cooperate with central bankers.Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.5.A. The preservation of coastal resorts.B. The closure of political disputes.C. The gap between the rich and the poor.D. The commitments to reduce carbon emissions.6.A. Promising.B. Hopeful.C. Disappointing.D. Satisfying.7.A. 18. B.80. C. 94. D. 194.阅读材料和参考答案Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.(1) The shooting occurred Thursday in a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, north of Chicago. The gunman entered the hall dressed in black and carrying a shotgun and three handguns and began firing as students sought cover under desks. One student who escaped unharmed told reporters his life had changed as a result of what he experienced. Police say the gunman was StevenKazmierczak,27, a former graduate student in Sociology at the school.Police say he purchased the shotgun and two of the handguns on Saturday, indicating he may have planned the attack in advance,(2) but authorities have not determined a motive for the shooting. Kazmierczak had no criminal record and no history of mental illness. Under Illinois state law he would not have been able to purchase a weapon legally if there had been a record of arrests or mental problems. But police say he stopped taking an unspecified medication recently and his behavior became erratic.1.What is this news item mainly about?A. The law of weapon purchasing in Illinois State.B. The relationship between crime and mental illness.C. The graduate student of Northern Illinois University.D. The shooting happened in Northern Illinois University.参考答案:D.【精析】由句(1)可知,美国芝加哥郊区迪卡布发生一起校园枪击案,一名枪手在北伊利诺伊大学朝一个演讲厅开枪.由此可知,新闻的主题是北伊利诺伊大学的枪击事件.2.What is the reason of the shooting?A. The gunman has mental disease.B. The gunman is dissatisfied with the university.C. The gunman is dissatisfied with the lecture.D. It is not clear.参考答案:D.【精析】由句(2)可知,枪击案的原因还不明了,目前可以明确的情况是该男子无犯罪记录,无精神病史.(3) In recent months a string of countries, from Japan to Switzerland, Colombia to Israel, have tried to drive down the value of their currencies. Some experts call it "competitive devaluation." Others, though, argue that it is nothing short of a currency war--and far from boosting global recovery, it threatens to undermine it.So concerned are policymakers that the issue looks set to dominate talks on Friday at a meeting of finance ministers and central bankers. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, which hosts the meeting in Washington, set out the concerns in the Financial Times on Tuesday.(4)"There is clearly the idea beginning to circulate that currencies can be used as a policy weapon. Translated into action, such an idea would represent a very serious risk to the global recovery, "he said.3.What has happened to Israel’s currency?A. It has been influenced by war.B. It is devalued by its government.C. It is more competitive than before.D. It has turned into a global currency.参考答案:B【精析】由句(3)可知,以色列对其货币进行了贬值.4.What can we learn from Dominique Strauss-Kahn?A. Most experts support the four countries' currency change.B. The meeting on Friday is useless for global recovery.C.Currency wars threaten global economic recovery.D. Policymakers should cooperate with central bankers.参考答案:C【精析】由句(4)可知,Dominique Strauss.Kahn认为.把货币作为政策武器不利于全球经济的恢复.The latest round of United Nations climate change talks begins Monday in the coastal resort city of Cancun, Mexico. Representatives from 194 countries are scheduled to attend. (5) Negotiators will try to close the political gap between commitments to reduce carbon emissions made by developed and developing nations.Last year's talks in Copenhagen, Denmark, carried high hopes for a binding global agreement to curb carbon emissions, (6) but in the end delivered a disappointing and loose set of voluntary actions named the "Copenhagen Accord."(7) Eighty countries responsible for 80 percent of the world's carbon emissions signed the accord, agreeing--among other things--that the global temperature rise should be limited to two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.5.What is the latest round of UN climate change talks focused on?A. The preservation of coastal resorts.B. The closure of political disputes.C. The gap between the rich and the poor.D. The commitments to reduce carbon emissions.参考答案:D【精析】由句(5)可知,谈判代表们将会努力缩小发展中国家和发达国家关于减少碳排放责任的政治差距.6.How was the result of last year’s talks in Copenhagen?A. Promising.B. Hopeful.C. Disappointing.D. Satisfying.参考答案:C【精析】由句(6)可知,去年哥本哈根的会谈本来被寄予厚望,希望能够达成有约束力的全球性协议,但最后却变成了令人失望的自愿行动。


高考英语听力理解新闻报道理解单选题30题1.What is the main topic of the news report?A.Sports eventB.Political situationC.Economic developmentD.Cultural festival答案:B。
选项A“Sports event”体育赛事,新闻中未提及。
选项C“Economic development”经济发展,新闻中没有相关内容。
选项D“Cultural festival”文化节日,也不是新闻的主题。
只有选项B“Political situation”符合新闻的主要内容。
2.Who is mentioned in the news report?A.A famous actorB.A renowned scientistC.An influential politicianD.A popular singer答案:C。
选项A“famous actor”著名演员,新闻中未出现。
选项B“renowned scientist”著名科学家,与新闻内容无关。
选项D“popular singer”流行歌手,新闻里没有提到。
而选项C“Influential politician”有影响力的政治家,是新闻中提到的人物。
3.What event is being reported?A.A charity concertB.An international conferenceC.A natural disasterD.A fashion show答案:B。
选项A“charity concert”慈善音乐会,新闻未涉及。
2021年12月英语四级(第2套)听力真题 新闻报道(1)

2021年12月英语四级(第2套)听力真题新闻报道(1)New York State plans to shut off the thundering waters of Niagara Falls — again.纽约州计划再一次关停尼亚加拉瀑布奔腾的水流。
At least, the American side of the falls.至少是美国部分的瀑布。
This "once in a lifetime" event actually may take place twice in some folks' lives.这种“生平仅见”的事情其实对于某些人来说这辈子可能见过两次了。
The New York State parks system wants to turn off the falls on the American side sometime in the next two to three years纽约州公园系统准备在接下来的两到三年时间内关停一段时间美国部分的瀑布,to replace two 115-year-old stone bridges that allow pedestrians, park vehicles and utilities access to Goat Island.以替换两座已有115年历史的桥梁,这两座桥用于行人、公园车辆等通行至公羊岛。
The American side of the falls were shut off in 1969 to study the buildup of rock at the base of the falls.美国部分的大瀑布曾经在1969年关闭过,当时是为了研究瀑布下的岩基。
When that happened, people came from all over the world to see the falls turned off.关停的时候,世界各地的人们都前来围观。

2020年7月大学英语四级听力材料及参考答案PartⅠWritingPartⅡListening Comprehension(25minutes)Section A[听力原文]Good morning.In today’s headlines,Scotland’s transport minister has warned of potentially extreme weather conditions as heavy snow is forecast across the country later this week.Orange warnings are in force for many areas for Wednesday and Thursday.The transport minister advised people in parts of Scotland covered by the orange alert to avoid travel on Wednesday.This is what he said to us:“The orange warning may be raised to red in some areas.That is a warning for snow that has never been seen since the modern system came into place in Scotland.”The orange warning has been extended until6p.m.on Thursday.Trains,planes and ferries are also likely to be affected,with a wind chill that could see parts of Britain feeling as cold as minus15degrees Celsius.The head of road policing said,“I would urge drivers to take extra care on the roads for their journeys.Drivers should make sure they’re prepared for their journey with warm clothing,food and drink,sufficient fuel and a charged mobile phone.There could be significant traffic delays,so please start to plan your journey now and consider if you really need to travel when conditions are this poor.”第2题、C答案解析:[听力原文]What were people in parts of Scotland advised to do?细节辨认题。

Cuba has re-established direct telephone links with the United States for the first time in 15 years. It is the first agreement signed between Cuban and American companies since the announcement last December that both states will renew diplomatic ties after more than 50 years of hostility. Will Grant reports from Havana."A key part of the decision by the Obama administration to restore diplomatic ties with Cuba was to help boost telecommunications on the island. In the long term it is hopped in Washington that would mean greater internet access. But for now it has at least brought a direct telephone connection between the two countries. Previously calls were rated by a third countries driving out of the cost of a call to the US from Cuba and making it prohibitively expensive for ordinary Cubans." Key Phrases/Words1. re-establish v. 重建,重新建⽴,恢复2. hostility n. 敌意,敌对状态3. prohibitively expensive 价格⾼昂(使⼈却步)。

This is Ray McCarthy with the news. Reports are ing in of a major train crash in Japan. A passenger train carrying hundreds of workers home from the center of Toykyo is reported to have hit an oning goods train. Both were traveling at high speed. Figures are not yet available but it is believed that the death toll could be as high as 300, with hundreds more injured. Emergency and rescue services rushed to the scene. But our reporter says it will take days to clear the track and to establish the numbers of the dead and injured. There was a similar accident on the same stretch of track four years ago.这里是雷·麦卡锡进展新闻报道。
新闻英语视听说(Unit 1) 听力文本与练习答案

Food Quality1Task One: Food Additives (1)Food additives are widely used in many countries. However, the discovery a number of yearsago that the food additive Sudan Red was harmful to human health led to a backlash against all food additives.For example, the milk we drink in the morning has calcium added to it; numerous beverages contain calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and other minerals; store bought salt contains iodine, zinc and silica; and potato chips have as many as 10 types of food additives, such as spices, edible pigments, citric acid, flavor additives, sweetening agents and silica.MSG and condiments are considered food additives. Yeast powder is also a food additive tooand is usually added to steamed breads. Even sodium carbonate is a food additive, too, and is often added to make congee.To better understand the functions of food additives, Nature & Science did two interesting experiments at a bakery.Flour, eggs, sugar, salt and soda are the basic materials used in baking cakes.First, let’s make a cake without any additives. Mixing egg yolks and whites evenly, we thenadd some sugar into it. When the egg and sugar are (done) being mixed, we immediately add flour, water, soda and bulking agents into the mixture and rapidly mix them to make the batter .All this must be done within 10 to 30 seconds after which the batter must be immediately placed into the oven to bake.Now, let’s make some cakes with additives. When the eggs and sugar are being m ixed, weadd some cake oil to the mixture. The cake oil is composed of acidity regulators, antioxidants, vitamin C and sodium bicarbonate. It can make the egg-sugar mixture rapidly inflate. After flour, water and soda are poured into the egg-sugar mixture, the cake oil can form compound membranes with proteins in the cake batter. This can significantly improve the strength and stability of bubbles in the batter and make sure that all of the ingredients are evenly distributed. Even after the batter is left for some time, the bubbles will not disappear.After the cakes are taken out of the oven we can see that the cakes that had the oil added to them are much nicer to look at and are more flexible than those without the additives. Even the insides of the cakes are remarkably different. The internal structure of the cake without additivesis uneven and brittle. But the internal structure of the cake with additives is even, soft and flexibleand tastes delicious and moist.The benefits of food additives do not just apply to cakes but also to many other foods.Emulsifiers are what give ice cream its delicious taste. The sweeteners lead to low-calorie,low-sugar products.Without edible pigments, there wouldn’t be various colorful candies.2Without preservatives, can ned foods couldn’t be preserved for months on end, making it difficult to get them to consumers’ hands before they go bad. Preservatives can prevent the growth of bacteria and ensure the freshness of nutrition in the food for a short period of time. From this aspect, food additives are very important to our health. Without them, we can hardly imagine what life would be like. Food additives can keep and improve the color and flavor of foods. They can even increase the nutritional value of certain foods and improve the quality of our life. With the rapid development of the food industry, the type and usage of food additives have increased dramatically, and they have been applied more widely and become an indispensable aspect of modern food processing. Task Two: Food Additives (2)Food additives are widely used in many countries. Several years ago, the discovery that something called Sudan Red was harmful to human health led to a backlash against all food additives. In toxicology, the dosage decides the toxicity.If the intake of a substance is below its acceptable intake level, damage to the human health is within an acceptable scope. After evaluating the safety of a food additive, scientists put forth its acceptable daily intake (ADI) per kilogram of an average person’s body weight as the basis for governments to stipulate the applications and maximum dosages of food additives.The Food Safety and Toxicology Evaluation Procedures issued by the Chinese Ministry of Health require that every food additive must undergo oral acute toxicity tests, genetic toxicity tests, teratogenic tests, 90-day feeding trials and carcinogenic tests in animals.According to their toxicological data, food additives are divided into 3 categories: very safe, safe and unsafe. The first category of food additives have no restrictions related to their usage in food processing. They do not need ADI values but simply reference dosages.For example, after a large number of biochemical and toxicological researches, the international Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) announced that it planned to cancel the acceptable daily intake restriction of monosodium glutamate (MSG).This shows that MSG is a very safe food additive. China’s standards stipulate that MSG can be used in various types of food according to the practical needs of food production. For example, the maximum reference dosage of MSG is 1.3 milligrams per kilogram in candy, 190 milligrams per kilogram in condiments and 4,300 milligrams per kilogram in soups.The second category of food additives is food additives deemed safe. JECFA has established ADI values for each of them.Their uses in food processing are restricted. For instance, long-term animal experiments show that lemon yellow has the weakest toxicity of synthetic pigments and is a safe food additive. Its ADI is 0―7.5 milligrams per kilogram. In China, it is stipulated that its maximum dosage is0.1 grams per kilogram in fruit juices, drinks, candies and shrimps and 0.02 grams per kilogram in ice cream.The third category of food additives is unsafe. According to toxicological data, such additives are considered to be unsafe for use in food. In 2002, the Chinese Ministry of Health announced the prohibition of 59 types of natural raw materials in food, They are unsafe and if they are found in any food product, the company in question would be subject to legal action.Now that there are so many toxicological regulations overseeing the safety of food additives,3 why do so many consumers think food additives are a food safety issue? This perception is in part caused by the bad behavior of a very small minority of food processing companies who violate the state’s health standards through the use of illegal food additives. They increase the dosage of food additives or add some things that are not food additives into food. Consumers should stand up and safeguard their rights.They have the right to know what additives are in the food they are buying. For example, soy sauce usually has preservatives added. When a consumer buys a bottle of soy sauce in the supermarket, he can read the specific name of the preservative, say sodium benzoate or potassium sorbate, on the label of the bottle. Similarly, the specific names of sweeteners, such as xylitol and acesulfame potassium, added to soy sauce should also be marked on the label.When a type of food is added with more than 2 coloring agents, their specific names, such as Fancy Red and Bright Blue, should be clearly marked on the label. So when consumers buy food at the market, they can read the instructions on food packages to know what additives are in them. This red liquid is called Carmine. It’s a synthetic edible pigment. Its acceptable daily intake (ADI) is up to 4 milligrams per kilogram. Its maximum dosage is no more than 0.1 grams per kilogram in candy and no more than 0.025 grams per kilogram in soy milk and sausage casing. It is important that we correctly understand food additives and what they are. We shouldn’t regard them as harmful, nor should we be misguided by attempts to exaggerate their benefits. Task Three: Sanlu MilkInvestigation Continues into Sanlu Milk PowderChinese authorities are launching an investigation, following reports of kidney stones in infants, after they were fed powdered milk made by Sanlu Company in Hebei Province. Sanlu has already admitted to contamination of the product.Friday saw investigators from the Ministry of Health, the quality watchdog and relevant departments visiting affected children in hospitals. They then visited Sanlu’s headquarters in Shijiazhuang city, to take samples, and check on how the local government was dealing with the incident.An initial investigation shows milk powder containing melamine, which is used in making plastics, fertilizers and cleaning products.The quality regulator has launched a nationwide probe into all baby milk powders. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health is sharing relevant information with the World Health Organization.Food Safety to Be Resolved in ChinaWell, The recent series of food safety scandals to hit China has prompted calls for a revamp to supervision practices. During the 3rd China Food Safety Forum, participants committed to implement stricter law enforcement to assure food safety in China.To buy or not to buy, it is a question many have to ponder now, as a wave of food safety scares has renewed fears in China over continued problems. Shoppers told us they hope food safety4violations will be resolved in a more effective and timely manner.(A Beijing resident)“I often buy food and other products that are popular and have a good reputation.”During the 3rd China Food Safety Forum, about 10 governmental departments related to food safety vowed to implement (more) stricter enforcement to assure the quality of food. (Yu Jun, vice director general of Department of Food Safety of State Council of China)“We will improve our monitoring system. We are urging the local governments to standard enterprises. Companies and individuals will be handed severe penalties if they break food safety or other laws pertaining to the quality of food.”In China, there are about 500 thousand food production companies. But for many of them, a weak food value chain is the main problem. When a scandal emerges, the public interrogates not only supervisory agencies, but also blames the food company at the center of the controversy. (Huang Qitai, chief scientist of Synutra International, Inc)“I think the food safety pr oblem depends on the people in the company. We should raise our company’s culture to a new level in order to win the respect of consumers, so we do not see the illegal additives in our food today.”A publicity week on China Food Safety is also beginning around the country. The aim is to make people know more about the State’s standard of food safety and the knowledge of additives in food.Tainted food scandals have caused nationwide concern. As, it is urgent for related departments to more strictly enforce laws and regulations to resolve the country’s food safety problems, which concern everyone’s health. 练习答案Unit One Food QualityTask One1. 1) D 2) B 3) A 4) C 5) D2. 1) materials 2) additives 3) sugar 4) mixture 5) oven 6) composed7) inflate 8) stability9) Even after the batter is left for some time, the bubbles won’t disappear.10) But the internal structure of the cake with additives is even, soft and flexible and tastes delicious and moist.Task Two1. 1) A 2) B 3) D 4) B 5) DTask Three1. 1) B 2) A 3) A 4) D 5) B2. 1) investigation 2) kidney stones 3) contamination 4) investigators5) quality watchdog 6) affected 7) headquarters 8) samples9) how the local government was dealing with the incident10) which is used in making plastics, fertilizers and cleaning products。

BBC新闻听力100篇News Item 1The Japanese government has played down concern about a possible nuclear meltdown, following a big explosion at a nuclear power station in the north of the country. The blast occurred a day after the area was hit by a powerful earthquake and tsunami. A top government offi cial, Yukio Edano, said a steel container encasing the nuclear reactor had not been ruptured by the blast.News Item 2Fifty thousand Japanese military personnel had been ordered to join the huge rescue and relief operation following the earthquake and tsunami. More than 1,000 people are feared dead. About 400 bodies were found in the town of Rikuzentakata, and Japanese media reports say 10,000 people are unaccounted for in Minamisanriku. Damian Grammaticas in the port of Sendai says the scenes of devastation there are astonishing.News Item 3International disaster relief teams have been sent to Japan. The United Nations said a nine strong UN team of experts would include several Japanese speakers. Britain said it was sending expert assistance after receiving a request from Japan. Singapore is also deploying an urban search and rescue team. American forces stationed in Japan have already been involved in rescue operations, and more than 50 territories and countries have offered assistance.News Item 4As offi cials in Japan struggle to assess the extent of the damage following the tsunami caused by a massive earthquake, it’s been announced that some 300 people are known to have been killed and more than 500 are unaccounted for in the area around the northern coastal city of Sendai. The 8.9-magnitude quake, the biggest ever recorded in Japan, sent a wave of water several meters high sweeping far inland. Its epicenter was about 130km off Japan’s east coast. In the capital Tokyo, several hundred kilometers away, buildings swayed violently during the quake, which was followed by a series of powerful aftershocks.News Item 5Slowly but relentlessly, Colonel Gaddafi’s forces seem to be winning the battle for Ras Lanuf. Opposition fi ghters are still in the town, but they are under intense pressure. The bombing from government warplanes continued today, and there’s a big plume of smoke from the oil installation which was hit a couple of days ago. There’s no sign of either the rebel fi ghters or the local population beginning to fl ee the area. If Ras Lanuf falls, it brings the frontline closer to the main opposition-held city of Benghazi.四级最新资料2012.12大学英语四六级写作技巧PPT(共98页)2012.12大学英语四六级实用总结之阅读技巧【备战2012.12】四六级优秀作文选,最新预测作文哦!【备战2012.12】英语周计划系列丛书:大学英语新四级写作周计划(第4版)2012.12英语周计划系列丛书大学英语新四级阅读周计划(第四版)【备战2012.12】XDF赵丽四级词汇5500串讲(共八十讲更新完毕!)2012.12新东方四级完整版复习资料,辅导班内部用的,和大家分享下2012.12考拉进阶四级30篇预测作文2012.12大学英语四级听力技巧精讲完整版(1-12)英语周计划系列丛书-大学英语新四级综合测试周计划(第4版)【备战2012.12】英语周计划系列丛书:大学英语新四级听力周计划(第4版)2012.12大学英语四级听力技巧精讲(1-12),更新在继续!2012.12环球卓越四级应试宝典,让你备战四级的路上不再有弯路!2012.12环球卓越四级热点作文20篇(写作小册子),不拿白不拿!!!多样式攻克大学英语四级词汇便携版(2012.12完整版)接着送大礼!!!2012.12王长喜四级3000高频词汇周计划送礼啦~~~2012.12王长喜四级30篇预测作文2012.12王长喜四级10套标准听力及原文+答案【好东东】害怕四级短文听力的进,短文听力训练好资料等你下载【好东东】2012.12文都大学英语四级考试一本通关(最新版)【大家网原创】2012年6月16日英语四级考试答案及解析!【好消息】最新2012《大学英语四级模拟试卷》(给力第二版)XDF《2012四级写作范文100篇》,让你最后20天作文得满分~~~【好消息】最新《大学英语四六级20天写作冲关快训》(给力第二版)大家网首发四级考试20天一本通2012年四级听力备考资料~不断更新中~~~大家网首发2012年6月10套大学英语4级考试命题改革与预测试卷(华研外语)大家网首发华研2012年6月四级8套强化听力+文本大家网首发2012年6月四级备考2000词汇卡片(附有听力)大家网首发华研四级2012年6月预测作文16篇+听力大家网首发2012举一反三710分四级写作典型题解历年大学英语四级真题试卷word+答案解析+听力原文+MP3(1989-2011.12)大家网首发2012年考拉进阶上海交通大学四级预测试卷及MP3.rar大家网首发2012举一反三710分四级阅读典型题解大家网首发2012举一反三710分四级综合典型题解大家网首发2012考拉进阶大学英语四级考试25篇押题作文+5套强化听力.rar大家网首发2012考拉进阶大学英语四级机考文件最新消息~大家网原创四级写作话题帖-吐血整理~~2012大学英语四、六级词汇词根词缀记忆法测试版PDF备战2012年6月四级-1000个高频词汇-(听力加强版)大家网原创四六级每日一练(各种题型专项训练)2012最新4级词汇大全(附有音标)四级100条阅读难句~每周更新~~~大家网版2011年12月大学英语四级真题图片版与pdf 版下载【大家网首发】2011.12.17四级听力MP3下载超清晰新东方英语四级精品全程班课件(音频+视频+word)汇总【备战2012】XDF四六级内部资料,过期不候【备战2012】英语四级考试高级语法讲义汇总【四六级机考】机考时代,你有木有加入?(内含机考参考资料)【备战2012年6月】英语四级写作备考推荐必看范文(汇总贴,给你导航)某辅导班四级精讲内部材料,全方位提高四级成绩!!!英语四级考试技巧汇总大全,共175页PDF,要的拿去!更多精华资料请点击【四级备考】历年精华资料大全四六级资料大全/forum-58-1.html2012四级备考资料大全/thread-2764304-1-1.html2012年六级精华资料大全/thread-2764307-1-1.html英语角/forum-439-1.html欢迎加入大家论坛四六级QQ群170208402 221970617 232765165 113796235。

英语新闻听力训练30题1. What is the main topic of the news?A. A sports eventB. A new movie releaseC. A scientific discoveryD. A political meeting答案:C。
听力中重点提到了一项科学发现,A 选项体育赛事未提及,B 选项新电影发布也未涉及,D 选项政治会议并非重点。
2. The news is mainly about:A. A fashion showB. A natural disasterC. A music concertD. A cultural festival答案:B。
通过听力可知,新闻主要在讲述一场自然灾害,A 选项时尚秀与新闻内容无关,C 选项音乐演唱会并非主旨,D 选项文化节也不是重点。
3. What does the news focus on?A. A business dealB. A school activityC. An art exhibitionD. A charity event答案:D。
在听力中,新闻重点围绕一个慈善活动展开,A 选项商业交易不是重点,B 选项学校活动未提及,C 选项艺术展览并非此新闻的核心。
4. The main content of the news is:A. A technological innovationB. A travel experienceC. A cooking competitionD. A book launch答案:A。
听力中着重介绍了一项技术创新,B 选项旅行经历未被提及,C 选项烹饪比赛不是主要内容,D 选项新书发布也不是重点。
5. What is the core of this news?A. A wildlife protection programB. A historical eventC. A dance performanceD. A sports training camp答案:A。
2021年12月英语四级(第2套)听力真题 新闻报道(3)

2021年12月英语四级(第2套)听力真题新闻报道(3)Three university students in Santiago, Chile, have developed a plant-powered device to charge their mobile phones.智利圣地亚哥的三个大学生发明了能给手机充电的植物供能设备。
The three engineering students got the idea for the device while sitting in their school's courtyard.这三个工程系学生是在学校操场上坐着的时候有的灵感。
Their invention is a small biological circuit they call E-Kaia.他们的发明是一个小的生物电路,取名叫E-Kaia。
It captures the energy which plants produce during photosynthesis— a process of converting sunlight into energy.当植物光合作用产能的时候,这个电路就会汲取能量。
A plant uses only a small part of the energy produced by that process.植物本身只会利用光合过程中的一小部分能量。
The rest goes into the soil.其余的部分就进入了土壤。
E-Kaia collects that energy.E-Kaia就收集那一部分能量。
The device plugs into the ground and then into a mobile phone.这个设备先插入土壤中然后再插入手机里。
The E-Kaia solved two problems for the engineering students.E-Kaia 为工程系学生解决了两个问题。
新闻英语视听说(Unit 4) 听力文本与练习答案

Water Problems1Task One: Water Supply Suspension in Taizhou, Zhejiang Meanwhile continuous rain has lifted reservoirs’ water level in South China’s Taizhou, Zhejiang Province. Most reservoirs, including the largest Changtan reservoirof Taizhou, passed the alarm level.High water pressure burst a pipeline on Sunday which caused a water supply suspension in Taizhou. The water shortage was resolved Tuesday afternoon but the crisis is still causing concern for local citizens.Last Sunday night, a main water supply pipeline at the Changtan Reservoir burst. 7000 cubic meters of water was wasted hourly. The water supply in many areas was suspended.(Yan Chuanhua, Head of Changtan reservoir)“Changtan reservoir’s water line has reached nearly 35 meters, which surpa ssesthe alarm line. The pipelines have been used for more than 15 years. Now we are trying to replace the broken pipeline as soon as possible.”After the pipeline burst, rescue teams made great efforts to make a replacement. Meanwhile, water supply downtown was severed. More than 300 thousand people lacked drinking water. The local government adopted various methods to guarantee people’s basic requirements.Taizhou firehouse sent out fire engine filled with clean water to communities and hospitals.Officials dispatched water 4 to 5 times a day.Schools took measures to tackle water shortages. The Headmaster of the Huangyan Experimental Middle School says they started using their back-up water facility right after the water suspension.(Kong Qingzhou, Huangyan Experimental Middle School)“I asked all teachers to tell their students to save water as much as possible.”2 In Jiufeng Park, a one thousand year old well serviced hundreds of people. A sense of urgency overwhelmed the crowd as people competed with their barrels, buckets and water bottles for the precious water.(Mrs. Zhao, Citizen)“In the past only 10 people get water from here.”Older people are going to the front of the line when it comes to water. This lady surnamed Wang, is in her 70s, and in only 2 hours’ time she was able to get a whole tricycle of water.(Lady Wang)I bring all the barrels in my home to here to get the water.Luckily the crisis was over quickly. On Tuesday afternoon the broken pipeline was replaced and the water supply returned to normal.Task Two: Water Pollution in China AlarmingThe theme of China’s Water Week Campaign is to secure sustainable development through a strict water management system. Water pollution in China poses a huge threat to the development of a sustainable water management.Statistics of a joint report from several Chinese universities show more than one third of the country’s industrial waste water flows directly into rivers and lakes.The water environment in most cities around the country is declining.An official report from the Ministry of Environmental Protection shows amongthe investigated 131 rivers that flow through cities, 36 are severely contaminated, and nearly 60 others polluted.Since the Songhua River benzene pollution incident in 2005, over 140 pollution cases have been reported.The Yellow River, an important water resource for North China, is suffering from serious pollution. Nearly 40 percent of its mainstream has been severely affected.The country’s longest river, the Yangtze, is being thr eatened by a continuous flow of billions of tons of polluted water.And situation is no better for the Huaihe River, in which the country has investedmost. It remains a severely polluted river.3 Water pollution has resulted in enormous economic losses. Experts point out that water pollution is a joint result of human factors, society and economic development. Task Three: Agricultural Pollution in FocusAgricultural pollution is another feature of the first national census on pollution sources. Rather than m any people’s impression, waste water from agriculture and people’s daily lives greatly exceeds the amount of polluted water produced by urban factories and industries.Untreated waste water running into the river. This has become a common sight in China’s large rural areas.As many counties focus much on agricultural production, efforts on environmental protection have long been ignored.Many regions lack basic waste disposal systems, and facilities to treat polluted water.But the long-term threat is highlighted by the newly released national census on pollution sources. It shows that more than 80% of the country’s water pollution comes from agricultural production and people’s daily lives. This means water pollution in rural areas is much worse than in urban areas. In terms of chemical pollutants such as nitrogen the same picture.Much of the agricultural pollution comes from farms. Plastic materials used for greenhouses are not biodegradable ( 生物所能分解的). And booming rural enterprises are also devastating the fragile environment. Mine exploration triggered a number of pollution and poisoning cases last year.Environmental protection authorities are determined to pay more attention to rural pollution. (Zhuang Guotai, Official of Ministry of Environmental Protection) “We should not only focus on environmental problems in the cities and urban industries, but we also need to focus more on rural environmental problems.”The central government has set up a special fund for environmental protection in rural areas. More than 4.5 billion yuan is expected to be spent this year, to deal with rural pollution, and provide technical support.Some villages in affluent ( 富裕的) provinces have introduced environmentalfacilities and methods. Farmers in this Zhejiang village are using flush toilets. Waste4 water flows to a local water purification center for recycling. Farmers are learning to classify their garbage.(A farmer)“I put all the garbage from the kitchen in one pack, and put plastic bottles in another pack for recycling.”More effort is needed to set up a complete waste disposal system. And it could bea long term task to improve the habits of hundreds of million farmers.What’s Wrong with the ClimateIn the summer of 2007, the Huai River valley experienced its heaviest floodingin over fifty years. The Anhui Flood Control Headquarters opened 9 flood diversion and storage areas in order to protect the 1.2 million people living along the river’s banks.The Ni River is one of the diversion rivers 分流河道;改道河流;导流for the Huai River. Usually, water flows from the Ni into the Huai. When the Huai is diverting flood water, the sluice gate 水闸leaving from the Ni to the Huai is closed. Thus, water flows from the Huai to the Ni. Liulong Village, located next to the Ni River becomes an indirect diversion area.After the heavy rain on July 7 and 8, Liulong Village was like a pot full of water.The flood water came so rapidly that the villagers could only take what they could carry as they were evacuated.In temporary tents, the villagers tried to continue as normally as possible.The village entrance is a dividing line between homes and the refugee tent. The villagers’ flooded homes are inside this line. Every day, some people row a small boatto see whether their houses are still there. Mr. Li went every 2 or 3 days. At this timethe streets have become streams, and familiar entrances of their courtyards are now docks.Villagers are helpless in the face of flooding. They never imagined that extremeclimatic events caused by global warming would make them homeless.5 In the summer of 2007, villagers beside Dongting Lake weren’t victims of floods, but something just as destructive hit them. Beginning in late June, they found their rice fields were infested with rats. Stretching a long rope across the field, they were able to drive out large numbers of rats.In the peanut field, the plants above ground looked fine, but once you pulled onthe stalk, all the peanuts at the roots had been eaten. Water melon, pumpkin, sugar cane and corn crops had all been destroyed, including even the lotus seeds grown in water. The rats also destroyed the roots of the willow trees.The rats are reed 芦苇voles 野鼠,鼹鼠,called water mice by the locals. They live in soft soil and lake beaches. In recent years, the Dongting Lake area received little rain, and lake sides were high and dry for much more time than before. The 700,000 acres of beach area around the lake became a suitable home for the rat population.But in the middle of 2007, heavy rainstorms hit the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and the Dongting Lake beaches were flooded once again. The rats were forcedto move out.A war between man and rodent ( 啮齿类动物) broke out.They used every method available including acctacking the rats, trying to flood them out, digging and poisoning them. Man was finally victorious. But the villagers were not sure if the rats would return. Experts warned people that there were still rats remaining on the floating trees and weeds. Extreme weather may trigger a chain reaction.When one area is hit by floods, another place has a drought. Tongjiang City atthe junction of the Songhua and Heilongjiang Rivers was such a site. 280,000 out of a total of 300,000 acres of crops dried up. In Chenzhou, Hunan, rice fields were punched to the point of cracking.Jiangxi Province was also experiencing a serious drought. The farmers there set their hopes on drought resistant chemicals and waited for rain. But the rain brought by monsoons had already gone. Could it rain again? However, the typhoons in 2007 didn’t bring rain but disasters instead.In Fuzhou, the streets are flooded and violent wind storms are destroying6 everything in sight. In Zhejiang, an 8 kilometer long and 800 meter-wide tornado toured through Longgang Township, and destroyed 156 houses. Finally, typhoon Sepat swept over seven provinces in the south, and caused a loss of 10 billion RMB.But, a later typhoon was no less ferocious. On October 6, the super typhoon Krosa entered the Taiwan Straits at a speed of 15 kilometers per second. It hit Taiwan twice then landed the third time at the junction of Zhejiang and Fujian bringing torrential rains. In Cangnan County, Zhejiang Province, hundreds of people were stranded by floods. It took over 3 hours for soldiers to evacuate the victims. Torrential rains hit Fuzhou, Fujian and Lianjiang. In Daguangban District of Liangjiang,17million acres of reclaimed land were flooded again.The growing number of extreme climate events can be ascribed to global warming, and the ultimate responsibility rests squarely with us. By wastefully burning fuels, we’re sending more and more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. If we’re everto slow, and perhaps even reverse climate change, we must conserve energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. That’s all for Nature and Science on CCTV international. I’m Dang Bing, by for now.练习答案Unit Four Water ProblemsTask One: Water supply suspension in Taizhou, Zhejiang1. Multiple Choices1) C 2) C 3) B 4) B 5) A2. Spot Dictation1) burst 2) suspended 3) alarm line 4) 15 years5) replace 6) rescue 7) downtown 8) guarantee9) sent out fire engines filled with clean water to communities and hospitals10) they started using their back-up water facility right after the water suspensionTask Two: Water pollution in China alarming1. Multiple Choices1) BD 2) ABD 3) CD 4) ACD 5) CD2. Spot dictation: numbers1) 131 2) 36 3) 60 4) 140 5) 40Task Three: Agricultural pollution in focusMultiple Choices.1) ABCD 2) ABCD 3) ABD 4) BCD 5) ABCD。

1.政治类Political leaders call for unity in face of global crisisRecent events have highlighted the need for governments to work together to tackle global issues such as climate change and terrorism. Politicians from around the world have called for greater cooperation and unity in the face of these challenges.2.经济类Global economy shows signs of recoveryFollowing several years of economic stagnation, the global economy is starting to show signs of recovery. Many countries are experiencing economic growth and unemployment rates are falling. However, experts warn that there are still significant economic challenges to overcome.3.社会类Protests erupt in major cities over police brutalityRecent incidents of police brutality have sparked widespread protests in major cities around the world. Demonstrators are calling for justice and accountability for police officers who abuse their power and violate human rights.4.文化类Art exhibit explores themes of love and lossA new art exhibit featuring works by local artists explores the complex themes of love and loss. The exhibit showcases a varietyof artistic styles and mediums, including painting, sculpture, and photography.以上是几个常见的新闻类别,这些素材可帮助学生在备考英语专四听力考试时快速记忆和理解相关内容。
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新闻英语常用语汇一.世界各国国名,首都Country Capital Afghanistan 阿富汗Kabul 咯布尔Albania 阿尔巴尼亚Tirana地拉那Algeria 阿尔及利亚Algiers 阿尔及尔Argentina 阿根廷Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯Australia 澳大利亚Canberra堪培拉Austria 奥地利Vienna维也纳Bangladesh 孟加拉国Dacca达卡Belgium 比利时Brussels 布鲁塞尔Brazil 巴西Brasilia巴西利亚Bulgaria 保加利亚Sofia 索非亚Burma 缅甸Rangoon 仰光Canada 加拿大Ottawa渥太华Chile 智利Santiago圣地亚哥China 中国Beijing北京Colombia 哥伦比亚Bogotá波哥达Congo 刚果Brazzaville 布拉柴维尔Cuba 古巴Havana哈瓦那Czechoslovakia 捷克斯洛伐克Prague 布拉格Denmark 丹麦Copenhagen 哥本哈根Egypt 埃及Cairo开罗Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚Addis Ababa亚的斯亚贝巴Fiji 斐济Suva苏瓦Finland 芬兰Helsinki 赫尔辛基France 法国Paris巴黎Germany 德国Berlin柏林Greece 希腊Athens雅典Haiti 海地Port-au-Prince太子港Hungary 匈牙利Budapest 布答佩斯Iceland 冰岛Reykjavik雷克亚未克India 印度Delhi新德里Indonesia 印度尼西亚Jakarta 雅加达Iran 伊朗Tehran德黑兰Iraq 伊拉克Baghdad巴格达Ireland 爱尔兰Dublin都柏林Israel 以色列Jerusalem耶路撒冷(行政首都)Tel Aviv 特拉维夫(立法首都)Jamaica 牙买加Kingston金斯敦Japan 日本Tokyo东京Jordan 约旦Amman阿曼Kampuchea(Cambodia)柬埔寨Phnom Penh金边Kenya 肯尼亚Nairobi内罗毕North Korea 北朝鲜Pyongyang平壤South Korea 南韩Seoul首尔Kuwait 科威特Kuwait City科威特城Laos 老挝Vientiane万象Lebanon 黎巴嫩Beirut贝鲁特Libya 利比亚Tripoli 的黎波里Luxembourg 卢森堡Luxembourg卢森堡Mexico 墨西哥Mexico City墨西哥城Malaysia 马来西亚Kuala Lumpur吉隆坡Mongolia 蒙古Ulan Bator乌兰巴托Morocco 摩洛哥Rabat拉巴特Nepal 尼泊尔Katmandu加德满都Netherlands 荷兰Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹New Zealand 新西兰Wellington惠灵顿Nigeria 尼日利亚Lagos拉各斯Norway 挪威Oslo奥斯陆Oman 阿曼Muscat马斯喀特Pakistan 巴基斯坦Islamabad伊斯兰堡Palestine 巴勒斯坦Peru 秘鲁Lima利马Philippine 菲律宾Manila马尼拉Poland 波兰Warsaw华沙Portugal 葡萄牙Lisbon里斯本Puerto Rico 波多黎各San Juan圣胡安Qatar 卡塔尔Doha多哈Romania 罗马尼亚Bucharest布加勒斯特Russia 俄罗斯Moscow莫斯科Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯Riyadh (royal)利雅得Jeddah (administrative) (行政首都)Senegal 塞内加尔Dakar达喀尔Singapore 新加坡Singapore新加坡South Africa 南非Cape Town (legislative)开普敦(立法首都)Pretoria (administrative) 比勒陀利亚(行政首都)Spain 西班牙Madrid马德里Sudan 苏丹Khartoum卡什穆Sweden 瑞典Stockholm斯德哥尔摩Switzerland 瑞士Berne 伯尔尼Syria 叙利亚Damascus大马士革Tanzania 坦桑尼亚Dar-es-Salaam达累斯萨拉姆Thailand 泰国Bangkok曼谷Togo 多哥Lome洛美Turkey 土耳其Ankara安卡拉Uganda 乌干达Kampala坎伯拉United Arab Emirates 阿联酋Abu Dhabi阿布扎比Vatican City State 梵第冈Vietnam 越南Hanoi河内Yemen 也门Aden亚丁Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫Belgrade贝尔格莱德Zaire 扎伊尔Kinshasa金沙莎Zambia 赞比亚Lusaka卢萨卡二.其他常用地名Adriatic Sea 亚德里亚海Angor (柬)吴哥窟Arcde Triomphe (法)凯旋门Aswan Dam (埃及尼罗河)阿斯旺水坝Baikal (俄)贝加尔(湖)Baltic Sea 波罗的海Big Apple 纽约的别名Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫(英国王宫)Cam Ranh Bay (越)金兰湾Camp David 戴维营Capitol Hill 国会山(美国国会所在地)Champs Elysees (法)香榭丽舍大道Elysee Palace 爱丽舍宫(法国总统府)Gaza (Strip) 加沙地带Geneva 日内瓦Gibraltar 直布罗陀Karolinscka Institute (瑞典)卡罗琳斯卡学院(发放诺贝尔奖金的机构)Kashmir 克什米尔Pacific Rim 环太平洋地区Yasukuni Shrine 靖国神社Kurile Islands 千岛群岛三.缩写词AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病)ANC African National Congress 非洲人国民大会APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum 亚太经济合作论坛(亚欧克)ARATS Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits海峡两岸关系协会ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟ATM Automatic Teller Machine 自动取款机BP British Petroleum Company 英国石油公司BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 牛海绵状脑病(俗称Mad cow disease 疯牛病,传染性脑病)CIA Central Intelligence Agency 中央情报局CMC Central Military Commission (中国共产党)中央军事委员会CPPCC Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(中国)全国人民政治协商会议CSCE Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe 欧洲安全和合作会议CTBT Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty 全面禁止核试验条约DMZ Demilitarized Zone 非军事区DNA deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸EC European Council 欧盟委员会EU European Union 欧洲联盟EURATOM European Union’s Atomic Energy Agency 欧洲原子能机构FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation 联邦调查局FIFA International Football Federation国际足球联合会FIS Islamic Salvation Front(阿尔及利亚)伊斯兰救国阵线FRELIMO Mozambique Liberation Front莫桑比克解放阵线FTAA Free Trade Area of the Americas美洲自由贸易区GATT the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade关税及贸易总协定GMT Greenwich Mean Time格林威治(格林尼治)平均时间GNP Gross National Product国民生产总值GNP Grand National Party(韩)大国民党HDTV High Definition Television高清晰度电视IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency国际原子能委员会IBM Inter-continental Ballistic Missile洲际弹道导弹ICJ International Court of Justice国际法院ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross红十字国际委员会ILO International Labor Organization国际劳工组织IMF International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织INF Treaty Intermediate-range Nuclear Force Treaty中程导弹条约Interpol (or ICPO) International Criminal Police Organization国际刑警组织IOC International Olympic Committee国际奥林匹克委员会IPR Intellectual Property rights知识产权IRC International Red Cross国际红十字会MFN Most Favored Nation最惠国MP (M. P) Member of Parliament(英国)下院议员NAFTA North America Free Trade Agreement北美自由贸易协议(由美国,加拿大和墨西哥签订)NAM Non-Aligned Movement不结盟运动NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration(美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization北大西洋公约组织NBA National Basketball Association全美篮球协会NGO Non-governmental Organization非政府机构N PC National People’s Congress(中国)全国人民代表大会NPT Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty核不扩散条约OAS Organization of American States美洲国家组织OAU Organization of African Unity非洲统一组织PNA Palestinian National Authority巴勒斯坦民族权利机构SCNPC Standing Committee of the National Pe ople’s Congress(中国)全国人民代表大会常务委员会SDI Strategic Defense Initiatives战略防御计划(星球大战,后改称Ballistic Missile Defense 弹道导弹防御系统)SEF Straits Exchange Foundation(台湾)海峡交流基金会SEZ Special Economic Zone(中国)经济特区START Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty消减战略武器条约SWAPO South Wes t African Peoples’ Organization西南非洲人民组织UCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade And Development联合国贸易和发展会议UFO Unidentified Flying Object未查明真相的空中飞行物,飞碟UNDP United Nations’ Development Program联合国发展总署UNDRO United Nations’ Disaster Relief Organization联合国灾难救济组织UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization联合国教科文组织UNFAO United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization联合国粮食及农业组织UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee联合国难民事务高级专员办事处UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund联合国儿童基金组织UNOM United Nations Observers Mission联合国观察团(例如观察南非选举)WEP World Food Program世界粮食署PKK Kurdish Workers Party(土)库尔德工人党PLO Palestine Liberation Organization巴勒斯坦解放组织PRI Institutional Revolutionary Party(墨)革命制度党RPF Rwandan Patriotic Front卢旺达爱国阵线四.报刊、通讯社和电台Associated Press (AP)美联社Interfax News Agency国际文化电讯社Itar-Tass News Agency俄通社-塔斯社简称俄塔社Korean Central News Agency (KCNA)(韩)中央通讯社Kuydo News Service(日)共同社Press Trust of India印度报业托拉斯Reuters路透社Tass News Agency塔斯社United Press-International News Service (UPI)合众国际社Xinhua News Agency新华社Al-Ahram Newspaper金字塔社AL-Baath Newspaper复兴社China Daily中国日报People’s Daily人民日报Isvestia消息报Pravda真理报Business Week商业周刊Christian Monitor基督教科学箴言报International Herald Tribune国际先驱论坛报Los Angels Times洛杉机时报New York Times纽约时报Newsweek新闻周刊Reader’s Digest读者文摘Time时代周刊U.S. News & American Reports美国新闻与世界报导Wall Street Journal华尔街日报Washington Post华盛顿邮报Daily Telegraph每日电讯报Financial Times金融时报Times泰晤士报ABC American Broadcasting Company美国广播公司BBC British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司CBS Columbia Broadcasting System哥伦比亚广播公司CNN US Cable News Network美国有线新闻网(或:美国有线新闻广播公司)CNS China News Service中国新闻社五.国际关系Economic and Social Council经济与社会理事会Disarmament Committee裁军委员会General Assembly联合国大会Regional Commission区域委员会International Court of Justice国际法院Non-permanent Member非常任理事国Permanent Member常任理事国Regional Commission区域委员会Secretary General联合国秘书长Security Council安全理事会Trusteeship Council托管理事会The United Nations联合国a courtesy call礼节性访问get-acquainted visit了解情况的访问a guard of honor仪仗队Air-force One(美国总统乘坐的)空军一号专机Arab League阿拉伯联盟Camp David Accord戴维营协议Chechen(俄)车臣族G-7 summit美、英、法、加、意、德、日七国首脑会议G-8 summit美、英、法、加、意、德、俄国的首脑会议Peace-keeping forces(联合国)维持和平部队Sikh锡克族Sino-中国的Soviet Union(前)苏联Super 301(美国对外贸易方面的)超级301条款Warsaw Pact(前)华沙条约组织Water Gate Scandal(美国)水门事件World Economic Forum(瑞士达沃斯)世界经济论坛七.政治Agrarian party 农民党、农业党Awami League (孟加拉)人民联盟Christian Democratic Party 基督教民主党Communist Party 共产党Conservative Party 保守党Democratic Party 民主党DPP Democratic Progressive Party (台)民进党Freedom Alliance 自由联盟Freedom Front 自由阵线Green Party 绿党HAMAS 哈马斯(伊斯兰抵挡组织)Indian National Congress 印度国民大会党IRA Irish Republican Army 爱尔兰共和军Justice Party 正义党KDP Kurdistan Democratic Party (伊拉克)库尔德民主党KMT Kuomintang (中国)国民党Komeito (日)公明党Labor Party 劳动党,公党LDP Liberal Democratic Party (日)自由民主党Liberal Party 自由党National Party (南非)国民党Nazi 德国国社党党员(纳粹分子)Opposition 反对党,反对派Patriotic front 爱国阵线People’s Party 人民党Progressive Party 进步党Republican Party 共和党Resistance Movement 抵抗运动Social Democratic Party 社会民主党Socialist Party 工人党,劳工党Youth League 青年团Cabinet 内阁Caucus 决策委员会,秘密会议coalition government 联合政府commission, committee 委员会Commonwealth 英联邦Congress 国会Council 委员会Department of Defense 国防部Department of State 国务院Diet (丹麦、日本等)国会Duma (俄)下议院Exchequer (英)财政部Foreign Ministry 外交部House of Representatives 众议院interim government 临时政府,过渡(性质的)政府Lower House (House of Commons) (英)下院National Security Council 国家安全委员会Panel (研究某个问题的)专门小组Parliament 议会Politburo 政治局,核心决策局Regime 政权Secretariat 秘书处,书记处Senate 参议院shadow cabinet 影子内阁standing committee 常设委员会State Council 国务院steering committee (团体组织中的)筹划指导委员会temporary (government) 临时(政府)tentative (cabinet) 临时(内阁)U. S federal reserve = U .S central bank 美联储Upper House (House of Lords) (英)上院八.国际金融CAC-40 index(法国)股市指数CD (certificate-of-deposit)大额存款单Chicago Mercantile Exchange芝加哥商业交易所Consumer Price Index (CPI) 消费者价格指数DJIA Dow-Jones Industrial Average道. 琼斯工业股价平均指数。