
以原料 的来 源 十分 丰富 ,因为高科 技工 艺处 理应
用 于其 生产 过程 中 ,所 以产 品不 会 污染环 境 ,因 此牛奶蛋 白纤维被称为 “ 2 1 世纪 的绿色纤 维 ” .在 纺织业 中具有 十分 广 阔的应 用前景 l 1 _ 。 工 业 批 量 生 产 牛奶 蛋 白纤 维 需 要 确 定 合 适
规格 见表 1和表 2 。
表 1 牛奶 蛋 白纤 维 的 规 格
干速 度 快 ,手 感 顺 滑 柔 软 。这 种 纤 维 所 制 成 的 织 物 .符 合 人 们 追 求 的衣 着 功 能 化 、保 健 化 和
个 性 化 .有 很 好 的穿 着 舒 适 性 ,又 有 理 想 的 外
观效 果 。 牛奶 蛋 白纤 维 的原 料 主要 是 牛 奶 ,所
实 验 项 目 :纤 维 的 吸放 湿 性 能 测 试 ,不 同 温湿 度条 件下 的纤维 比电阻测试 由图 1 、2 、3及 表 3可 以 看 出 .牛 奶 蛋 白 纤 维 的 吸湿 回潮 率 和 放 湿 回潮 率 均 高 于 腈 纶 纤 维 。说 明牛奶 蛋 白纤 维 的吸湿 性 较 腈纶 纤 维 好 ;
牛 奶 蛋 白纤 维 是 一 种 富 含 蛋 白质 的新 型 纤 维 ,手 感 柔软 细 腻 、滑 爽 ,透 气 吸 湿性 能 良好 , 染 色 性 能 优 良且 具 有 独 特 的 天 然 抗 菌 性 能 。 由
吸 放 湿 性 及 导 电性 能 人 手 对 其 指 标 进 行 测 试 ,
% 0
实 验 仪 器 :Y 8 0 2 A型八篮恒温烘箱 ,
F A 2 0 0 4 B 电 子 天 平 ,玻 璃 干 燥 皿 ,Y G( B ) 7 5 1 D

一、导电性能的评估指标为了准确评估碳纤维复合材料的导电性能,我们需要考虑以下指标:1. 电阻率:电阻率是衡量材料导电性能的关键指标,它表示单位长度内导体材料的电阻大小。
2. 导电性能的均匀性:碳纤维复合材料中导电性能的均匀性对于材料的整体导电效果至关重要。
3. 导电性能的稳定性:稳定性是指在长期使用过程中,碳纤维复合材料的导电性能是否保持恒定。
二、导电性能的测定方法为了测定碳纤维复合材料的导电性能,下面介绍几种常用的实验方法:1. 四探针法:四探针法是一种非常准确且广泛使用的测量电阻值的方法。
2. 热释电测量法:热释电测量法利用热效应原理进行导电性能的测定。
3. 阻抗分析法:阻抗分析法是一种电化学方法,它通过测量材料与电解液界面上的阻抗来获得导电性能数据。
1. 微观结构分析:通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等设备观察碳纤维复合材料的微观结构,可以了解材料中导电层的分布情况和排列方式,从而分析材料的导电性能。
2. 材料表面处理:通过在碳纤维复合材料表面进行化学处理、镀金或者其他表面改性方法,可以提高材料的导电性能。




2. 碱的作用
可以推测,涤纶分子中的酯键发生了一定程度 的水解,必然会导致分子链的断裂,聚合度的降 低,羧基、羟基含量增加,溶解度提高和纤维强 度的降低,但实验结果,与上述的推测不完全相 符。将涤纶短纤维分别用5、10、15、20和25克/ 升烧碱溶液回流沸煮1小时后,再测定其分子量, 结果都在20000左右,没有本质上的差异。但纤维 的失重百分率是随着碱液浓度的增大而逐渐增大 的。用同样方法测得涤纶长丝的失重百分率分别 为0.75、1.37、4.08、4.94、7.27。如图所示。
表6-2 一些纺织纤维从形变中回复的能力
纤维 棉 粘胶 60%) 1%伸长 5%伸长 10%伸长 91 52 — 67 32 23 99 69 51 84 54 34 90 89 89 98 65 51
涤纶纤维是 热塑型纤维的 一种,温度的 高低对它的机 械性能影响很 大。用涤纶丝 (纱),在不 同温度下测定 它的负荷-延 伸曲线,如图 所示。
随着温度的升高,纤维的断裂强度将逐渐下 降。合成纤维属 热塑性纤维 ,对热敏感,大 多数合成纤维在高温下的强度仍高于天然纤维 和再生纤维。此外,随着稳定升高,合成纤维 的断裂伸长率有所增加。在合成纤维中,聚酯 纤维的耐热性最好,不仅熔点和分解温度较高, 而且长时间承受高温作用后其强度损失较少。
三、涤纶生产概 况
涤纶短纤维过程:纺前准备→纺丝 (包括卷绕、给油、给湿) →后处理(包括集束、拉伸、 卷曲、干燥和热处理、切断)。
1. 纺前准备
连续生产时,将制得的聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯熔体直接进入 纺丝机进行纺丝。 间歇法生产时,需先进行铸带、切片和干燥。


Electrical Conductivity of the Carbon FiberConductive ConcreteHOU Zuofu 1,2, LI Zhuoqiu 1*, WANG Jianjun 1(1.School of Sciences, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China; 2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434023, China)Abstract: This paper discussed two methods to enhance the electrical conductivity of the carbon fi ber(CF) electrically conductive concrete. The increase in the content of stone and the amount of water used to dissolve the methylcellulose and marinate the carbon fi bers can decrease the electrical resistivity of the electrically conductive concrete effectively. Based on these two methods, the minimum CF content of the CF electrically conductive concrete for deicing or snow-melting application and the optimal ratio of the amount of water to dissolve the methylcellulose and marinate the carbon fi bers were obtained.Key words: carbon fiber; electrical resistivity; conductive concreteDOI 10.1007/s11595-005-2346-x1 IntroductionCF electrically conductive concrete is a newtype of concrete made by adding carbon fibers into conventional concrete. After adding the carbon fi bers, the electric resistivity of concrete can reduce to a necessary value for various applications such as self-monitoring [1], electromagnetic interference shielding [2], thermistor [3], lateral guidance in automatic highways [4], traffic monitoring and weighing in motion [5], deicing or snow-melting [6-11],etc . For example, the conductive concrete mixture containing 0.73% carbon fibers (by volume) and 20% silica fume(SF) has a good electrical conductivity and a superior mechanical strength when the ratio of cement to sand to stone is 1 1 1[12]. But in practical application, the price of conventional concrete can be decreased effectively by increasing the content of the sand and stone. At the same time, the rational content of the coarse aggregates can also enhance the mechanical properties of the hardened concrete. Reza et al had discussed the effect of the water-cement and sand-cement ratio on the electrical resistivity of CF reinforced mortar [13]. But the effect of the stone-cement ratio on the electrical resistivity is uncertain. Accordingly, the the properties of the electrically conductive concrete was discussed in this paper.Furthermore, in order to disperse the carbon fibers effectively, methylcellulose must be dissolved in water at fi rst. Then carbon fi bers and defoamer were added into water and stirred. It is found that the amount of water in this stage affects the final electrical resistivity of the conductive concrete and there is no report dealing with this problem.2 Experimental2.1 Materials and specimensCarbon fi bers of 7 μm in diameter and 5-10 mm in nominal length were used as the conductive filler. The carbon fibers were isotropic PAN-based and unsized. Other properties of CF are given in Table 1. SF, a by-product in the manufacture of ferro-silicon, was used as fiber dispersant. The chemical compositions and granularities of SF are given in Table 2. Methylcellulose was used as primary dispersant in the amount of 0.4 % by weight of binder (cement + SF). Standard river sand was used as fine aggregates, defoamer was added to accompany methylcellulose. The defoamer-cement ratio was 0.14% (by volume). The ratio of the high-range water-reducing agent to cement was 1% (by weight). The water-cement ratio was 0.55-0.60 (by weight) for CF conductive concrete and 0.45 for plain concrete, respectively.The thickness of all samples was 40 mm in the tests. Obviously, it is unsuitable to adopt coarse aggregateswas 15 mm, the smallest stone size was 5 mm, and the average stone size was 12 mm. The dimensions of the compressive specimens were 40 mm×40 mm×40 mm. The three points flexural tests were conducted using 160 mm×40 mm×40 mm bar specimens. The loading speed was 454 kg/min. Four specimens of each group were tested. The dimensions of the specimens for the electrical resistance measurement was 160 mm×130 mm×40 mm, three specimens of each group were tested.2.2 Electrode con fi gurationElectrode configuration is a very important aspect in the making of electrically conductive concrete for deicing or snow-melting. The electrode must be laid in the concrete and it must be protected from rusting. Therefore, the 0.3 mm thick perforated stainless steel strip was used as the electrode. The diameter of the holes must be greater than or equal to the maximum aggregate size of 15 mm to allow concrete to fl ow through to ensure a good bond between the electrode and the concrete. 2.3 Mixing procedureMethylcellulose was first added into water while stirring and left for approximately 20 min. to allow it to dissolve completely. Carbon fibers and defoamer were then added into water and stirred gently. The rest of the mixing water was poured into the mixer followed by the high-range water-reducing agent. Then the cement and SF were added and stirred by a rotary mixer for 3 min. The mixer was stopped and the carbon fi bers were poured into the mixer. When the mixer was run for 1 min, the sand was added and stirred for 3 min. Finally the stones were added and stirred for 3 min. After the mixture was poured into an oiled mold, the electrode (if applicable) was laid in fresh concrete. Then an external vibrator was used to facilitate compaction and decrease the amount of air bubbles. The samples were demolded after 24 hours and then cured at room temperature (temperature: +25℃; relative humidity: 70%).2.4 The electrical resistance measurementIn general, the four-probe method is found to be an effective method for measuring the volume electricalresistivity of the concrete samples. As the CF conductive concrete being discussed in this paper will be used in deicing or snow-melting, the electrode will be embedded in the concrete and the two-probe method will be used to determine the output power in practical application. Moreover, the contact resistance can also generate heat when the conductive concrete is connected to a power source. So it is unnecessary to distinguish the contact resistance from the total electrical resistance in this paper. Therefore, the electrical resistance measurements in this paper were all conducted using the two-probe method.If the electrical resistivity of CF conductive concrete used in deicing or snow melting is high, it will not generate heat effectively. Yehia et al illustrated that the electrical resistivity must be lower than 103 Ω·cm for the deicing application [11]. This paper suggests the threshold must be lower than 102 Ω·cm to ensure the CF conductive concrete generates heat effectively with 36 V safe voltage.3 Results and Discussion3.1 The influence of the ratios of cement to sand to stoneAccording to the previous study, the electrical resistivity of the conductive concrete mixture containing 0.73% carbon fibers (by volume) and 20% SF when the ratio of cement to sand to stone is 1 1 1 can meet the requirement for deicing or snow-melting [12]. Based on this result, four kinds of mixture that maintained the w /c at 0.55-0.58 and the fi ber volume at 0.73% (adding 20% SF) were designed and studied when the ratios of cement to sand to stone were 1 1 1, 1 2 1, 1 1 2, 1 2 2, respectively. All tests were taken after 28 days. The results are listed in Table 3.Table 3 Effects of different ratios on properties of CF conductive concreteProperties The ratio of cement to sandto stone(by weight)1:1:11:2:11:1:21:2:2Electrical resistivity /(Ω·cm)85.90579.0038.30210.30Flexural strength /MPa 5.69 5.10 5.81 3.19Compressive strength /MPa 44.70 41.5039.90 33.80As shown in Table 3, the electrical resistivity for the ratio of 1 1 2 is the lowest among the four mixtures. In other words, a proper increase of stone can decrease the electrical resistivity. Because the CF content was held constant, the increase of stone will lead to a more accumulation of CF in the matrix. Thus the matrix resistivity will decrease and lead to an overall decrease of the composite resistivity. Although a proper additionTable 1 Properties of CFTensile strength Tensile Density Electrical Content of /MPa modulus/GPa /(g/cm 3) resistivity/(μΩ·m) carbon/ % 2000-3000 175-215 1.74-1.77 30 =93Table 2 Chemical compositions and granularities of SF Chemical compositions SiO 2 Al 2O 3 MgO CaO Fe 2O 3 ig. loss Percent/% 91-93 0.98-0.2 0.9-0.2 0.47 0.15-1.6 2.0-5.0Particle size/μm 10 1-10 0.5-1 0.1- 0.5 <0.1Percent/% 2.3 8.6 14.2 61.5 11.3of the sand can enhance the electrical conductivity of the carbon fiber cement-based composites[14], but when the sand-cement ratio increases up to 2, the composite resistivity will obviously increase. That is to say, the excessive sand affects the formation of the carbon fi ber networks and then leads to an increase in the composite resistivity. This result is also consistent with the result of Reza’ s study[13]. The fl exural strength and compressive strength decrease with the increase of the sand-cement and stone–cement ratio because the increase of the aggregates will lead to a higher CF content in the matrix and increase the amount of air bubbles in the matrix. At the same time, the increase of the sand-cement and stone–cement ratio will also result in the decrease of the amount of cement in an unit volume of concrete and also affect the fi nal fl exural strength and compressive strength.Summing up the four ratios in the Table 3, at a certain CF content, when the ratio of cement to sand to stone is 1 1 2 (by weight), the properties of the CF conductive concrete are the best as a whole, with the exception of a slight decrease in compressive strength.Based on the aforementioned analysis, a further study was finished and the minimum CF content of the CF electrically conductive concrete for deicing or snow-melting was obtained. As seen in Fig.1, while the ratio of cement to sand to stone is 1 1 1, the electrical resistivity of the CF conductive concrete with 0.73% carbon fi bers can be reduced to 100 Ω·cm after regarding the size effect[13]. That is to say, 0.73% CF content can meet the lowest requirement for deicing or snow-melting application. But while the ratio of cement to sand to stone is increased to 1 1 2, the CF content can be reduced to about 0.58%.3.2 The influence of the amount of water in the beginning stageAlthough the water-cement ratio does not have a signifi cant effect on the electrical resistivity at a high CF content[13], but it was observed that the amount of water used to dissolve the methylcellulose and marinate the carbon fibers in the beginning stage affected the final electrical resistivity when the water-cement ratio was held constant. Three mixture designs with the water-cement ratio at 0.58, the fi ber volume at 0.58% and the ratio of cement to sand to stone at 1 1 2 were studied, while the ratio of the amount of water in the beginning stage to the total amount of water was 0.43, 0.57 and 0.71, respectively.As seen in Fig.2, there is a decrease in the electrical resistivity with the increasing water in the beginning stage. For example, when the ratio varies from 0.43 to 0.57, the electrical resistivity has a decrease of 40.1%. Of course, when the ratio varies from 0.57 to 0.71, there is only a slight decrease in the electrical resistivity. It is concluded that the large amount of water in the beginning stage improves the dispersion of the carbon fi bers when the fi ber volume and water-cement ratio are held constant. But while the percentage of the amount of water in the beginning stage is high enough to saturate the carbon fibers sufficiently, this effect is neglectable. So there is an optimal ratio of the amount of water in the beginning stage to the total amount of water in the making of CF electrically conductive concrete. In this paper, this ratio is presumed to be 0.6-0.7.4 ConclusionsThe conductive concrete mixture containing 0.58% CF (by volume) and 20% SF shows a good electrical conductivity and a superior mechanical strength while the ratio of cement to sand to stone is increased to 1 1 2. Furthermore, increasing the percentage of water used to dissolve the methylcellulose and marinate the carbon fibers in the beginning stage can also improve the dispersion of the carbon fi bers and then enhance the electrical conductivity of the CF electrically conductive concrete. In this paper, 60%-70% of the total water was suggested to be used to marinate the carbon fibers inthe beginning stage. These two methods can reduce thevolume fractions of CF and then decrease the cost of the CF electrically conductive concrete for deicing or snow-melting.References[1] M Chiarello, R Zinno. Electrical Conductivity of Self-monitoringCFRC[J]. Cement & Concrete Composites, 27(2005): 463-469 [2] X L Fu, D D L Chung. Submicron Carbon Filament Cement-MatrixComposites for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding[J]. Cem.Concr. Res., 1996, 26(10):1467-1472[3] S H Wen, D D L Chung. Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Cement asa Thermistor[J]. Cement and Concrete Research, 1999, 29(6):961-965[4] X.L Fu, D D L Chung. Radio-Wave Refl ecting Concrete for LateralGuidance in Automatic Highways[J]. Cement and Concrete Research, 1998, 28(6): 795-801[5] Z Q Shi, D D L Chung. Carbon Fiber Reinforced Concrete forTraffi c Monitoring and Weighing in Motion[J]. Cem. Concr. Res., 1999, 29(3):435-439[6] P Xie, J J Beaudoin. Electrically Conductive Concrete and ItsApplication in Deicing. 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张 建 辉 ( 家林 业 局 林 产 工 业 规 划 设 计 院 , 国 北京 10 1 ) 0 0 0
要 : 用 万用电表 、 使 x射线衍射仪 等仪 器对竹材 液化物碳 纤维 的电阻率、 R X D结构参数 等进行测 量 , 步 初
研 究了竹材液化 物碳 纤维 电阻率 随炭化 温度 、炭化 时间以及 X D结构参数的 变化规律 ,为进一 步探讨 其导电机 R
A b t a t A n v ra tra d XRD r s d t e s r r ssii a d XRD tu t r fc r o b rfo lq e e sr c : u ie s lmee n a e u e o m a u e e it t vy n sr cu e o ab n f e r m i u f d i i b mb o a e n whc hec n g a b t e t eit i n ab nz to e e au e c r o ia o m ea dXRD a o ,b s d o ih t ha e lw ewe n i r ss vt a d c r o iain tmp rt r , ab n z t n t s i y i i n
St y o e ti a o e te fCar o Fi e r m qu fe m b o ud n El crc lPr p ris o b n b rf o Li e d Ba i o
Z HANG i n h i Ja — u
( l nn dD s nIs t eo F rsyPout Id s , F ,eig10 1 , h a Pa ig n ei tu f oet rd c ut S AB in 00 0 C i ) n a g n it r sn r y j n
纺织物理 第四章 纤维的电学性质

• 极化形式 极化是一个过程,是时间的函数,分为四种形式,用极化率表示为:
e a p i
其中,αe、αa、αp、αi分别为电子、原子、偶极和界面极化率 1)电子极化:电场作用下,电子云从对称分布变为偏态分布的极化形式, 极化与时间无关,10-15s。 2)原子极化:原子骨架发生相对位移或变形引起的极化,极化与时间无 关,10-13s。
纤维导电物质源于水、杂质等,主要导电形式为离子导电。 • 电子导电的特点: • 分子密集排列有利于电子“跳跃”,甚至形成直接通道,加速电子的 迁移速度;光照条件下,电子导电产生明显的霍尔效应(半导体或导 体,沿Z方向加以磁场,沿X方向通以工作电流I,则在Y方向产生出 电动势,称为霍尔效应 );两极不产生电解物;随外压力增加,导电 性增加;随温度上升,导电性由变化不大到降低;极化时间短,与时 间无关。 • 离子导电的特点: • 随分子间空间(自由体积)增加而增大;两极产生电解物;因载流子 体积大,易受空间位阻约束,密度小,外压低,环境温度高,导电增 加;极化速度慢,与时间有关。
3、从通常因素看 (纤维主要导电机制是离子导电) (1)纤维的结构因素: ①纤维的分子量或聚合度: 相对分子质量↑→聚合度↑→链长→电子通道连续性↑→电子导电性↑。 相对分子质量↑→端基数、游离基分子↓→离子导电性↓。 ②纤维的聚集态结构: 结晶度、取向度↑→纤维自由体积↓→各向异性↑→离子导电性↓
无电场 大分子 低分子 + + 界面 外加电场 难 - + 易 - + - + 易 - + 难 + 界面 + 无电场 + E 界面 + + 外加电场 + + 界面 +
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表1 - 15为30冗和33%相对湿度下的纤两个绝缘体相互摩擦并分开时,得到电维静电电位序列。