新概念一册Lesson 31(共40张PPT)

1.The pen is yours,___?
2.Lucy likes English,____? 3.You aren’t a teacher,___? 4.Your brother can swim,___? 5.She doesn’t like the book,____? 6.The workers had to take the first
Lesson 31 Where’s Sally?
New words and expressions
tree climb who
树 爬攀登 谁
run grass after across cat
草,草地 在…之后 横过,穿过 猫
一.Words Usages.
1.under prep. 在…之下 eg: 在树下 under the tree 2.after prep.在…之后 run after…追赶,追逐 eg: run after the dog追狗
2.arrive in + 大地方 arrive at + 小地方 3.stay at a Youth Hostel 4.A member of the Y. H. A. 5.What else… ?
(三) Grammar
(Ⅰ) 反意疑问句:
eg: He doesn’t say very much, does he?
Jean: I beg your pardon? Who’s climbing the tree?
Jack: Tim is.
Jean: What about the dog? …怎么样?

5)run v.跑
run upstairs 跑上楼 run into 冲进 run after 追
刘翔跑地很快。 Liuxiang runs fast.
他跑过马路。 He ran across the road.
6)grass n.草,草地 7)after prep.在……之后
on the grass 在草地上
)cat n.猫(小猫崽:kitty)
①Do not let the cat out of the bag。 et the cat out of the bag 泄露机密
②It rains cats and dogs.倾盆大雨 = It rains heavily.
ou’d better stay at home now,it is raining cats and dogs outsaid. 你现在最好呆在家,外面倾盆大雨
run after
一只狗正在追逐一只猫。 A dog is runing after a .
8)across prep.横过,穿过
表示的是在物体表面上横着穿过 swim across the river 横游过河 walk across the street 横穿过街道
和through的区别 through表示在物体内部穿过 走着穿过 walk through walk through the grass
1)garden n.花园
(在国外,garden就是指自家的花园,所以 我们看到 public garden时,不足为奇。 park 公园
房子后面有一个花园 There is a garden behind the home. 我的家在公园的附近 My home is near the park.
5)run v.跑
run upstairs 跑上楼 run into 冲进 run after 追
刘翔跑地很快。 Liuxiang runs fast.
他跑过马路。 He ran across the road.
6)grass n.草,草地 7)after prep.在……之后
on the grass 在草地上
)cat n.猫(小猫崽:kitty)
①Do not let the cat out of the bag。 et the cat out of the bag 泄露机密
②It rains cats and dogs.倾盆大雨 = It rains heavily.
ou’d better stay at home now,it is raining cats and dogs outsaid. 你现在最好呆在家,外面倾盆大雨
run after
一只狗正在追逐一只猫。 A dog is runing after a .
8)across prep.横过,穿过
表示的是在物体表面上横着穿过 swim across the river 横游过河 walk across the street 横穿过街道
和through的区别 through表示在物体内部穿过 走着穿过 walk through walk through the grass
1)garden n.花园
(在国外,garden就是指自家的花园,所以 我们看到 public garden时,不足为奇。 park 公园
房子后面有一个花园 There is a garden behind the home. 我的家在公园的附近 My home is near the park.

closing coming dancing writing skating making
sitting running putting swimming jogging shopping
New words and expressions
• garden / 'ɡɑ:dn / n. 花园
• under / 'ʌndə / prep. 在……这下
• tree / tri:/
n. 树
• climb / klaim /
v. 爬,攀登
• who / hu:/
pron. 谁
• run / rʌn /
v. 跑
• grass / ɡrɑ:s /
n. 草,草地
• after / 'ɑ:ftə / prep. 在……之后
• across / ə'krɔs/ prep. 横过,穿过
• cat / kæ t /
n. 猫
See you
You made my day!
辑确 与; 修史
They are sleeping.
Hale Waihona Puke +ing1. It is dancing. dance 2. It is riding a bike. ride 3. They are skating. skate

• 6. I_____________(sing) an English song.
• 7. What________he__________(read)? • 8. He______________(make) a toy car. • 9. These girls ___________ (dance). • 10. My mother_____________(cook) in
look/listen(看/听),一般放句首, 引起说话人的注意
eg: We are playing games now. Look!A bird is flying. Listen!The girl is singing.
Where’s Sally?
• garden • under • tree • climb • who • run • grass • after • across • cat
New words 生词
n. 花园 prep. 在……之下 n. 树 v. 爬,攀登 pron. 谁 v. 跑 n. 草,草地 prep. 在……之后 prep. 横过,穿过 n. 猫
• JEAN: What about the dog? 那么狗呢?
• What about … 相当于 how about …,意思是 “关于……呢?……如何呢?” ,常用在向 对方提建议或询问天气、身体状况等情况下, 后可接名词、代词、及动词ing形式
• 试翻译下列句子: • What about some cakes? • 再吃块蛋糕好吗? • I am from Beijing. What about you? • 我是北京人,你呢? • What about playing football? • 去踢足球怎么样?

了 我 ,我 的 心 久久不 能平静 。 《 最 后 一 头 战象》 不止是 讲大象 的故事 ,也写出 了其它 的动物 的故事 ,其中,我 最喜 欢 的 还 是 写 大象的 ,名字叫 做象警 ,这个故 事的开 头就非 常有趣 :一天 ,“我” 每天观 察 动 物 的 休 息到了 ,可是,经 过了一 上午的 工作,也 在夏 天接受 了暴晒 ,又渴又 累,嘴唇 都 干 涩 地 裂 开了,突 然,“我 ”在xxx湖 旁看 到了一 大群动 物在走 动,好 奇地走 了过去 , 哇 塞 ,原 来 是 山上的 所有动 物,从巨 大的大 象到弱 小的小 老鼠,可 是奇 怪的是 红豺与
提 供 各 类 著 作的优 秀读后 感,分享 快乐! 我 非 常 喜 欢 看沈石 溪写的 动物小 说。最 近,我读 了他写 的《最 后一头 战象》 。 我 原 以 为 ,象 性格温 顺,是人 们的伙 伴,只 是普通 的动物 。不过 ,在读了 这本书 后却让 我 感 受 到 ,动 物身上 也有着 人类的 感情。 文中的 主人公 ——嘎 羧的行 为深深 的感动
What is she doing? She is cleaning the house. Is she doing her homework?
No, she isn’t.
What are they doing? They are running. Are they writing?
No, they aren’t.
野 鸡 只 有 一 步之遥 ,红豺却 没有扑 上去将 野鸡大 卸八块 ,再美美 地大
tree under
run after
• 主语+be动词+动词现在分词
提 供 各 类 著 作的优 秀读后 感,分享 快乐! 我 非 常 喜 欢 看沈石 溪写的 动物小 说。最 近,我读 了他写 的《最 后一头 战象》 。 我 原 以 为 ,象 性格温 顺,是人 们的伙 伴,只 是普通 的动物 。不过 ,在读了 这本书 后却让 我 感 受 到 ,动 物身上 也有着 人类的 感情。 文中的 主人公 ——嘎 羧的行 为深深 的感动
What is she doing? She is cleaning the house. Is she doing her homework?
No, she isn’t.
What are they doing? They are running. Are they writing?
No, they aren’t.
野 鸡 只 有 一 步之遥 ,红豺却 没有扑 上去将 野鸡大 卸八块 ,再美美 地大
tree under
run after
• 主语+be动词+动词现在分词
新概念1 Lesson 31 课件

grass /ɡrɑ:s/ n.草;草地
across the grass
in front of 在...前面
next to 相邻
between 在...中间
what where which when who whose why how
Lesson 31 Where's Sally ?
萨莉在哪里 ?
garden /'ɡɑ:dn/
gardening v.做园艺工作
tree /tri:/ n.树
climb /klaɪm/ v.爬;攀登
sit /sɪt/ v.坐
climb the tree
பைடு நூலகம்
climbing the tree
It's running across the grass. It's running after a cat.
She's sitting under the tree. What's she doing ?
He's climbing the tree. What's he doing ?
Tim is climbing the tree. What's Tim doing ?
Listen and answer the questions :
Where's Sally ? What's she doing ? What's Tim doing ? What's the dog doing ? Is the cat climbing the tree ?

Lesson 31 Where’s Sally? 萨利在哪里?
Everyday English 1. I will be rich!
我会很有钱的! 2. You are dreaming!
你做梦吧! 3. You wish?
tree under
run after
• ga_d_ _ • _nd_ _ • t_ _ _ • _ _im_ • w_ o
r_ _ _ra_ _ a_ r_ _ _ _ _t_ _ c_ _
garden [´gɑ:dn] n.花园 under [´ ʌndə ] prep.在……之下 tree [tri:] n.树 climb [klaɪm] v.爬,攀登 who [hu:] pron.谁 run [rʌn] v.跑 grass [grɑ:s] n.草,草地 after [´ ɑ:ftə] prep.在……之后 across [ə ´krɒs] prep.横过,穿过 cat [kæ t] n.猫
What is she doing? She is cleaning the house. Is she doing her homework?
No, she isn’t.
What are they doing? They are running.
Are they writing?
No, they aren’t.
You made my day!
1. Where is Sally? She`s ing the tree?
Everyday English 1. I will be rich!
我会很有钱的! 2. You are dreaming!
你做梦吧! 3. You wish?
tree under
run after
• ga_d_ _ • _nd_ _ • t_ _ _ • _ _im_ • w_ o
r_ _ _ra_ _ a_ r_ _ _ _ _t_ _ c_ _
garden [´gɑ:dn] n.花园 under [´ ʌndə ] prep.在……之下 tree [tri:] n.树 climb [klaɪm] v.爬,攀登 who [hu:] pron.谁 run [rʌn] v.跑 grass [grɑ:s] n.草,草地 after [´ ɑ:ftə] prep.在……之后 across [ə ´krɒs] prep.横过,穿过 cat [kæ t] n.猫
What is she doing? She is cleaning the house. Is she doing her homework?
No, she isn’t.
What are they doing? They are running.
Are they writing?
No, they aren’t.
You made my day!
1. Where is Sally? She`s ing the tree?

★语法Grammar 现在进行时(present continuous tense)
现在进行时构成为:be + doing ( do 表示实意动 词),主要有以下四种用法:
1)此时此刻正在进行或发生的动作,时间状语一 般用now (现在),at the moment(此时)。
Lesson 31 Where’s Sally?萨莉在哪里?
New words and expressions 生词和短语
garden n. 花园 under prep. 在……之下 tree n. 树 climb v. 爬,攀登 who pron. 谁 run v. 跑 grass n. 草,草地 after prep. 在……之后 across prep. 横过,穿过
3. tree n. 树
under the tree 在树下
climb the tree 爬树 an apple tree 一颗苹果树 a family tree 家谱 A pine tree 松树 Christmas tree 圣诞树 Tree farm 林场 tree ring 年轮 Clothes tree 挂衣架
It rains cats and dogs.倾盆大雨=it rains heavily。 Like a cat on hot bricks .局促不安,如热锅上的蚂蚁 The suspect is sitting there like a cat on a hot bricks.
Language points
★ run
vt. 经营,管理(跑生意,跑买卖) run the business 经营生意。 He runs a school. 他经营着一所学校。
★语法Grammar 现在进行时(present continuous tense)
现在进行时构成为:be + doing ( do 表示实意动 词),主要有以下四种用法:
1)此时此刻正在进行或发生的动作,时间状语一 般用now (现在),at the moment(此时)。
Lesson 31 Where’s Sally?萨莉在哪里?
New words and expressions 生词和短语
garden n. 花园 under prep. 在……之下 tree n. 树 climb v. 爬,攀登 who pron. 谁 run v. 跑 grass n. 草,草地 after prep. 在……之后 across prep. 横过,穿过
3. tree n. 树
under the tree 在树下
climb the tree 爬树 an apple tree 一颗苹果树 a family tree 家谱 A pine tree 松树 Christmas tree 圣诞树 Tree farm 林场 tree ring 年轮 Clothes tree 挂衣架
It rains cats and dogs.倾盆大雨=it rains heavily。 Like a cat on hot bricks .局促不安,如热锅上的蚂蚁 The suspect is sitting there like a cat on a hot bricks.
Language points
★ run
vt. 经营,管理(跑生意,跑买卖) run the business 经营生意。 He runs a school. 他经营着一所学校。

★ after prep.在……之后
After you. = You first, please. run after在……之后跑,追,追逐 A dog is running after a cat.一只狗正在追逐一只猫。
★ across prep.横过,穿过
表示的是在物体表面上横着穿过 run across 跑着横穿过 swim across the river 横游过河 walk across the street 横穿过街道 和through的区别 through表示在物体内部穿过 walk through the forest 走着穿过森林
you? 我喜欢爬山,你呢? Monkeys climb well.猴子善于攀登。
★ who pron.谁
Who is there? 谁在那?
Who is your teacher? 谁是你的老师?
Who is that? 谁来了?/谁的电话?
★ run v.跑
run-runner(跑步的人) run-ran(过去式) running shoes 跑鞋 run into 冲进
2)现阶段的一段时间正在进行或发生的动作,但 说话的此刻动作不一定正在进行着,时间状语 通常是recently ( 最近 ), these days ( 这些日 子 )。
3)在不少情况下,表示正在进行的动作的 汉语句子,并没有“正在”这样的字, 在译为英语时却必须用进行时态.
4)现在进行时后面加一个表示将来的时间 短语,比如tomorrow, soon 等等,就 可以表示将来的一种打算。
好吗? What about another cake? 再吃块蛋糕好吗? What about the TV play? 那个电视剧怎么样?
After you. = You first, please. run after在……之后跑,追,追逐 A dog is running after a cat.一只狗正在追逐一只猫。
★ across prep.横过,穿过
表示的是在物体表面上横着穿过 run across 跑着横穿过 swim across the river 横游过河 walk across the street 横穿过街道 和through的区别 through表示在物体内部穿过 walk through the forest 走着穿过森林
you? 我喜欢爬山,你呢? Monkeys climb well.猴子善于攀登。
★ who pron.谁
Who is there? 谁在那?
Who is your teacher? 谁是你的老师?
Who is that? 谁来了?/谁的电话?
★ run v.跑
run-runner(跑步的人) run-ran(过去式) running shoes 跑鞋 run into 冲进
2)现阶段的一段时间正在进行或发生的动作,但 说话的此刻动作不一定正在进行着,时间状语 通常是recently ( 最近 ), these days ( 这些日 子 )。
3)在不少情况下,表示正在进行的动作的 汉语句子,并没有“正在”这样的字, 在译为英语时却必须用进行时态.
4)现在进行时后面加一个表示将来的时间 短语,比如tomorrow, soon 等等,就 可以表示将来的一种打算。
好吗? What about another cake? 再吃块蛋糕好吗? What about the TV play? 那个电视剧怎么样?

Fill in the blanks
1. ______ they______(fly) a kite? Yes,_______. 2. ______you______(sit) in the boat? 3. ______he______(talk) with you? 4. We__________(play) football now. 5. What_________you_________(do)?
cut ----- cutting stop----- stopping swim------swimming begin ------ beginning
• JEAN: Where's Sally, Jack? • JACK: She's in the garden, Jean.
Where’s Sally?
• garden • under • tree • climb • who • run • grass • after • across • cat
New words 生词
n. 花园 prep. 在……之下 n. 树 v. 爬,攀登 pron. 谁 v. 跑 n. 草,草地 prep. 在……之后 prep. 横过,穿过 n. 猫
across prep. 横过,穿过
across指在物体表面穿过 through指从物体内部穿过
eg:across the grass 穿过草坪 through the trees 穿过森林
• cat
n. 猫
• rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨

• type v.打字 • I am typing.
• letter n.信 • write letters • 写信 • letter字母
• basket .篮子 • in the basket在篮子里 • basketball篮球 • play basketball打篮球
• eat v.吃 • eat a cake • I am eating • have也可以表示吃 • have breakfast • have lunch • have dinner
• who /hu:/ pron.谁 • Who are you • Who is your teacher • Why • Where • When • How
• run 跑 • run with me • 跟我跑 • I am running • run fast
• grass /gra:s/ n.草,草地 • on the grass
• bone • 骨头 • lazy bones懒骨头
• clean /kli:n/ v.清洗 • clean the house 打扫房子 • clean the room
JEAN : Where7 s Sally, Jack JACK : She's in the garden, Jean. JEAN : What's she doing JACK : She's sitting under the tree. JEAN : Is Tim in the garden, too JACK : Yes, he is.
• tree /tri:/ n.树 • in the tree • on the tree(长在树上) • There are many trees along the street. • apple tree

Open/shut Put on/take off Turn on/ turn off Sweep/clean/dust Air Give Empty
Lesson 31 Where is Sally?
tree under
Now, finish the exercises on page 64
What is he doing? He is drinking water (now).
Is he drinking water (now)?
Yes, he is.
① ②
不是所有动词都能用现在进行时态的,如: see、like、want、know 等动词往往都不用 进行时态.
S. + be + V.-ing S. + be + not + V.-ing Be + S. +v.-ing? Yes, S. + be / No, S. + be + not What + be + S. + v.-ing
They are watching TV. He is standing.
singing 2.不发音的e,去e+ing: taketaking 3.重读闭音节,双写+ing: run-running, swimswimming
Open/shut Put on/take off Turn on/ turn off Sweep/clean/dust Air Give Empty
Lesson 31 Where is Sally?
tree under
Now, finish the exercises on page 64
What is he doing? He is drinking water (now).
Is he drinking water (now)?
Yes, he is.
① ②
不是所有动词都能用现在进行时态的,如: see、like、want、know 等动词往往都不用 进行时态.
S. + be + V.-ing S. + be + not + V.-ing Be + S. +v.-ing? Yes, S. + be / No, S. + be + not What + be + S. + v.-ing
They are watching TV. He is standing.
singing 2.不发音的e,去e+ing: taketaking 3.重读闭音节,双写+ing: run-running, swimswimming
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Tim is crossing the street. Tim正在穿越马路。 run across the street 跑过马路
I cross my heart. 我保证,我发誓。
I just crossed my fingers. 我只不过是运气好。
★ cat n.猫(〈口〉小猫 kitty)
① Don’t let the cat out of the bag。 Who let the cat out of the bag? let the cat out of the bag 泄露机密 Care kills cat. 忧虑愁死猫。忧虑伤身。 ② It rains cats and dogs.倾盆大雨 = It rains heavily. like a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁 She was like a cat on hot bricks before her driving
在床底下有一双鞋子。 There is a pair of shoes under the bed.
Those shoes are under the bed. 这些鞋子在床底下。
There be(is/are) 要看主语、中心词
below 低于 over 悬空的正上方 on 有表面的接触
Monkeys climb well.猴子善于攀登。
★ who pron.谁
Who is there? 谁在那?
Who is your teacher? 谁是你的老师?
Who is that? 谁来了?/谁的电话?
★ run v.跑
run-runner(跑步的人) run-ran(过去式) running shoes 跑鞋
树上有一只鸟。 There is a bird in the tree.(表示躲在树冠里,比如鸟停在树叉上,外面看
上去是在树里的 ,不是树本身所有的)
树上有许多苹果 。 There are lots of apples on the tree. (是树本身所有的,比如树上结的
果子,就用on )
和through的区别 through表示在物体内部穿过 走着穿过 walk through walk through the grass/forest
across prep. 横过,穿过 实义动词 + across (介词)
cross n. 十字架,十字路口 v. 穿越 Red Cross 红 十字会
run upstairs 跑上楼 run into 冲进
刘翔跑得很快。 Liuxiang runs fast.(变成现在进行时)
他跑过马路。 He ran across the road.
★ run
vt. 经营,管理(跑生意,跑买卖) run the business 经营生意。 He runs a school. 他经营着一所学校。 He is running a business in China. 他在中国
★garden n.花园
(在国外,garden就是指自家的花园,所以我们可以看到 public garden。)
garden(自己花园) park 公园(公共地方) There is a garden behind the house.房子后面有一个花园
My home is near the park.我的家在公园的附近。
A dog is running after a cat.一只狗正在追逐一只猫。 Many young men are running after that girl. 许多年轻
★ across prep.横过,穿过
表示的是在物体表面上横着穿过 run across 跑着横穿过 swim across the river 横游过河 walk across the street 横穿过街道
garden centre 花卉中心 garden city 花园城市 in the garden 在花园里 garden → gardening bank → banking house → housing housekeeping & gardening 家居与园艺
★ under prep. 在……之下
★ climb v. 爬,攀登
m是鼻音,而b是爆破音,爆破音失去爆破。 climb the hill 爬山 climb the tree 爬树
Don’t climb the tree.不要爬树。
I like climbing the mountain, what about you? 我喜欢爬山,你呢?
New Concept English(Book 1) (新概念英语)(第一册)
Lesson 31 Where’s Sally?萨莉在哪里?
New worபைடு நூலகம்s and expressions 生词和短语
garden n. 花园 under prep. 在……之下 tree n. 树 climb v. 爬,攀登 who pron. 谁 run v. 跑 grass n. 草,草地 after prep. 在……之后 across prep. 横过,穿过 cat n. 猫
★ grass n.草,草地 ★ after prep.在……之后
keep off the grass 勿践踏草地 run across the grass 跑过草地 on the grass 在草地上 After you. = You first, please. run after在……之后跑,追,追逐
★ tree n. 树
under the tree 在树下
climb the tree 爬树
an apple tree 一颗苹果树
a rose tree
Christmas tree 圣诞树
a family tree 家谱
tree ring
clothes tree 挂衣架
I cross my heart. 我保证,我发誓。
I just crossed my fingers. 我只不过是运气好。
★ cat n.猫(〈口〉小猫 kitty)
① Don’t let the cat out of the bag。 Who let the cat out of the bag? let the cat out of the bag 泄露机密 Care kills cat. 忧虑愁死猫。忧虑伤身。 ② It rains cats and dogs.倾盆大雨 = It rains heavily. like a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁 She was like a cat on hot bricks before her driving
在床底下有一双鞋子。 There is a pair of shoes under the bed.
Those shoes are under the bed. 这些鞋子在床底下。
There be(is/are) 要看主语、中心词
below 低于 over 悬空的正上方 on 有表面的接触
Monkeys climb well.猴子善于攀登。
★ who pron.谁
Who is there? 谁在那?
Who is your teacher? 谁是你的老师?
Who is that? 谁来了?/谁的电话?
★ run v.跑
run-runner(跑步的人) run-ran(过去式) running shoes 跑鞋
树上有一只鸟。 There is a bird in the tree.(表示躲在树冠里,比如鸟停在树叉上,外面看
上去是在树里的 ,不是树本身所有的)
树上有许多苹果 。 There are lots of apples on the tree. (是树本身所有的,比如树上结的
果子,就用on )
和through的区别 through表示在物体内部穿过 走着穿过 walk through walk through the grass/forest
across prep. 横过,穿过 实义动词 + across (介词)
cross n. 十字架,十字路口 v. 穿越 Red Cross 红 十字会
run upstairs 跑上楼 run into 冲进
刘翔跑得很快。 Liuxiang runs fast.(变成现在进行时)
他跑过马路。 He ran across the road.
★ run
vt. 经营,管理(跑生意,跑买卖) run the business 经营生意。 He runs a school. 他经营着一所学校。 He is running a business in China. 他在中国
★garden n.花园
(在国外,garden就是指自家的花园,所以我们可以看到 public garden。)
garden(自己花园) park 公园(公共地方) There is a garden behind the house.房子后面有一个花园
My home is near the park.我的家在公园的附近。
A dog is running after a cat.一只狗正在追逐一只猫。 Many young men are running after that girl. 许多年轻
★ across prep.横过,穿过
表示的是在物体表面上横着穿过 run across 跑着横穿过 swim across the river 横游过河 walk across the street 横穿过街道
garden centre 花卉中心 garden city 花园城市 in the garden 在花园里 garden → gardening bank → banking house → housing housekeeping & gardening 家居与园艺
★ under prep. 在……之下
★ climb v. 爬,攀登
m是鼻音,而b是爆破音,爆破音失去爆破。 climb the hill 爬山 climb the tree 爬树
Don’t climb the tree.不要爬树。
I like climbing the mountain, what about you? 我喜欢爬山,你呢?
New Concept English(Book 1) (新概念英语)(第一册)
Lesson 31 Where’s Sally?萨莉在哪里?
New worபைடு நூலகம்s and expressions 生词和短语
garden n. 花园 under prep. 在……之下 tree n. 树 climb v. 爬,攀登 who pron. 谁 run v. 跑 grass n. 草,草地 after prep. 在……之后 across prep. 横过,穿过 cat n. 猫
★ grass n.草,草地 ★ after prep.在……之后
keep off the grass 勿践踏草地 run across the grass 跑过草地 on the grass 在草地上 After you. = You first, please. run after在……之后跑,追,追逐
★ tree n. 树
under the tree 在树下
climb the tree 爬树
an apple tree 一颗苹果树
a rose tree
Christmas tree 圣诞树
a family tree 家谱
tree ring
clothes tree 挂衣架