The above two de…nitions will rather be results not de…nitions when we derive them from utility maximization under some general circumstances in Ch. 3. w and I are nominal variables. When adjusted for price level, they become real variables.
Unless stated otherwise, we only consider X = RL and + p 2 RL ++
The Walrasian or competitive budget set Bp,w = fx 2 RL : p x w g is the set of all feasible + consumption bundles for the consumer who takes market prices as given and has wealth w .
Technical Assumptions When appropriate, we will assume that x (p, w ) is single-valued, continuous and di¤erentiable.
A function f : R ! R is continuous at c i¤ 8 > 0, 9δ s.t.jx c j < δ =) jf (x ) f (c )j < .
产业环境;指直接影响一群提供类似产品/服务的组织 的那部分环境,主要包括供应商、顾客、现有竞争者、 潜在进入者、替代品、互补品、政府机构或压力集团 等。
Daniel Kahneman 与行为决策
2002年诺贝尔经济学奖的一半授予卡纳 曼,是因为他“把心理研究的悟性和洞 察力与经济科学融合到一起,特别是有 关不确定条件下人们如何作出判断和决 策方面的研究”。 对理性行为的系统性背离
– 带有遗憾的非理性行为; – 貌似非理性但无遗憾的行为;
兰斯代尔 克莱维特 雷声 AMD 仙童 飞利浦
明确组织环境的划分与性质 掌握产业环境的结构性分析 理解竞争动态的含义与过程 了解组织对环境的反应过程与方式 掌握国际管理的环境、手段与阶段
4.1 组织环境的含义 4.2 产业环境与竞争动态 4.3 宏观环境及其影响 4.4 组织对环境的反应
供应商 顾客 现有竞争者 替代品 潜在竞争者 互补品
经济环境 社会-文化 技术 政治-法律 自然环境
4.1.2 环境的不确定性
不确定性:动态性; 复杂性. 动态性:变化的程度和频率; 复杂性:影响因素多样性,相关联性,需要掌握 的知识的量. 环境不确定性矩阵(P66) 简单/静态: 如一些原料供应商;垄断地位的公 共服务企业; 复杂/动态: 如计算机、航空、电子企业等. 问题:复杂/动态环境下的企业如何应付挑战?
4.1.1 组织环境的划分
宏观环境(一般环境)、产业环境、任务环境(具体 环境)。
Homework3 北大周黎安微观经济学作业和答案
Question 2: US Saving Rate
Go to the BEA web page () and get quarterly data for U.S. personal saving rate from 1980 to 2009. (Look for “Personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income” on Table 2.1 Personal Income and Its Disposition. Be smart and download the data, NOT copy them by hand). Plot the saving rate data over time (turn in the figure only do not show the table). What do you see? Can we find saving rate data for China? If so, do the same thing for the US.
Question 3: GDP Growth Rates Data
Go to Penn World Table (/php_site/pwt63/pwt63_form.php) and compute the average per capita real GDP growth rate for 10 countries between in 1971 and in 2000: you should choose 5 countries from “G7 countries” and another 5 countries should be less developed/developing countries and use “Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of c, g, i”. Briefly describe what you see in the data.
Micro 04 Classical Demand 2 微观经济学
+ + kLecture 4The Utility Maximization ProblemGiven prices p » 0 and wealth w >0, a consumer’s utility maximization problem (UMP) is:Max x ≥0u (x ) ,s.t. p ⋅ x ≤ w .Budget setB p ,w = {x ∈ R L: p ⋅ x ≤w } is bounded and closed. If p » 0 and u (.) iscontinuous, then the UMP always has a solution.The solution, denoted by x(p,w), is the Walrasian demand correspondence . It is called Walrasian demand function when it is single-valued.For each (p, w ) » 0, the utility value of the UMP is denoted v ( p , w ) ∈ R , called indirect utilityfunction . It is equal to u (x * ) with x * ∈ x ( p , w ) .Proposition D2 Suppose that u (.) is a continuous utility function representing a locallynon-satiated preference relation > defined on consumption setdemand correspondence x(p,w) possesses the following properties:X = R L . Then the Walrasian(i) Homogeneity of degree zero in (p,w): x(ap, aw)=x(p,w) for any p, w and scalar a >0; (ii) Walras’ law : p.x=w for all x in x(p,w);(iii) Convexity/uniqueness : if > is convex, so that u (.) is quasi-concave, then x(p,w) is a convex set. Moreover, if > is strictly convex, so that u (.) is strictly quasi-concave, then x(p,w) consists of a single element.If utility function u (.) is continuously differentiable , the Kuhn-Tucker conditions imply ifx * ∈ x ( p , w ) , there exists a multiplier λ ≥ 0 such that for l = 1,..., L ,∂u (x * )≤ λ∂x lp l , with equality if * > 0 ,or equivalently∇u (x * ) ≤ λ p and x * ⋅[∇u (x * ) - λ p ] = 0 .∂u (x * ) / ∂xp Hence if x * > 0 and x *> 0 , we have l = l . l k ∂u (x *) / ∂x p x l kL (x , ) ⋅ * j i 1 2 ∑ 2[Kuhn-Tucker Conditions: The optimal point x * of problemMax xsatisfies the following conditions:f (x ) s.t.g i (x ) ≤ 0 , ( i = 1,..., m ),x ≥ 0 ,(1) ∂L (x *, λ* ) f - λ g i ≤ 0 , ∂ * λ* x = 0 , and x * ≥ 0 , for j = 1,..., n . ∂x * j i j i =1∂x * j j(2) g i (x * ) ≤ 0 , andλ* ≥ 0 ; g i (x * ) ⋅ λ*= 0 . ]Example 1 (Cobb-Douglas utility function): Suppose L =2 and u (x , x ) = x α x 1-α with α ∈ (0,1)and k >0. This utility function can be transformed to strictly concave function. The UMP is121 2u (x 1 , x 2 ) = α ln x 1 + (1 - α ) ln x 2 , which is aMax x 1 , x 2u (x 1 , x 2 ) = α ln x 1 + (1 - α ) ln x 2 , s.t.,p 1 x 1 + p 2 x 2 = w .The first order conditions are:= λ p 11and 1 - αx 2= λ p 2 .From the budget constraint, we have λ = 1. It is the “shadow price of wealth”, which meanswthat∂v ( p , w ) = 1. It is easy to obtain the Walrasian demand functions ∂w wx ( p , w ) = α w and x ( p , w ) = (1 - α )w. 1p 2The indirect utility function is: v ( p , w ) = ln w + ln αα (1- α )1-α + ln p -α p α -1.Example 2 (Quasi-linear utility function): Suppose a consumer has differentiable and monotoneutility function of u (x ) = x 1 + ϕ (x 2 ,..., x L ) . The UMP isMax x 1 ,..., x Lu (x ) = x 1 + ϕ (x 2 ,..., x L ) , s.t.,p 1 x 1 + ... + p L x L ≤ w .Suppose there are interior solutions. The first order conditions areλ p = 1and∂ϕ = λ p ,l = 2,..., L ,i.e., 1λ = 1/ p ∂x land l∂ϕ =p l ,l = 2,..., L . 1 ∂x pl 1m j = αx 1 p+ We see from the first order conditions that the demand for commodityl = 2,..., L only dependson the relative prices but not the wealth.Proposition D3 Suppose that u (.) is a continuous utility function representing a locallynon-satiated preference > defined onX = R L . The indirect utility function v ( p , w ) is(i)Homogeneous of degree zero in (p, w );(ii)Strictly increasing in w and non-increasing inp l for any l ;(iii)Quasiconvex, that is, the set {( p , w ) : v ( p , w ) ≤ v } is convex for any v ;(iv) Continuous in p and w .Proof: (iii) ∀v ∈ R , for any (p,w) and (p’,w’) such that v ( p , w ) ≤ v and v ( p ', w ') ≤ v , denote( p ", w ") = α ( p , w ) + (1 - α )( p ', w ') = (α p + (1 - α ) p ',α w + (1 - α )w ') .We need to show that v ( p ", w ") ≤ v (which means set {( p , w ) : v ( p , w ) ≤ v } is convex).Since p "⋅ x ( p ", w ") ≤ w " , i.e.,α p ⋅ x ( p ", w ") + (1- α ) p '⋅ x ( p ", w ") ≤ α w + (1- α )w ' ,we shall have eitherp ⋅ x ( p ", w ") ≤ w or p '⋅ x ( p ", w ") ≤ w ' , which means eitheru (x ( p ", w ")) ≤ v ( p , w ) or u (x ( p ", w ")) ≤ v ( p ', w ') . Hence we have v ( p ", w ") ≤ v .x 2x 1+ + The Expenditure Minimization ProblemAn expenditure minimization problem (EMP ) is for p » 0andu > u (0) :Min x ≥0p.x , s.t. u (x ) ≥ u .The EMP is the “dual” problem to the UMP. It captures the same aim of efficient use of the consumer’s purchasing power while reversing the roles of objective function and constraint. The solution of the problem is denoted as h ( p , u ) , and e ( p , u ) ≡ p ⋅ h ( p , u ) .Proposition E1 Suppose that u (.) is a continuous utility function representing a locallynon-satiated preference > defined on consumption setX = R L and that the price vector isp » 0 . We have(i) Give wealth w >0, ifx * = x ( p , w ) , then x * = h ( p , u (x * )) and e ( p , u (x * )) = w . Inwords, if x * is optimal in the UMP with wealth w >0, thenx * is optimal in the EMP withutility level u ( x * ), and the minimized expenditure level in this EMP is exactly w .(ii) Give utility level u > u 0 , if x * = h ( p , u ) , then x * = x ( p , p ⋅ x * ) and v ( p , p ⋅ x * ) = u .In words, if x * is optimal in the EMP with utility levelu > u 0 , then x * is optimal in theUMP with wealth p ⋅ x * , and the maximized utility level in this UMP is exactly u .Proposition E1 says that e(p,u)=w if and only if v(p,w)=u.For any p » 0 , w > 0 , and u > u 0 , we havee ( p , v ( p , w )) = w and v ( p , e ( p , u )) = u .The set of optimal commodity vectors in the EMP,h ( p , u ) ⊂ R L , is known as the Hicksian(or compensated) demand correspondence . Using Proposition E1, we can relate the Hicksian and Walrasian demand correspondences as:h(p, u)=x(p, e(p, u))andx(p, w)=h(p, v(p, w)).+ x 21Proposition E2 Suppose that u (.) is a continuous utility function representing a locallynon-satiated preference relation > defined on the consumption setX = R L . The expenditurefunction e ( p , u ) is(i) Homogeneous of degree one in p ;(ii) Strictly increasing in u and non-decreasing in(iii) Concave in p ; (iv) Continuous in p and u .p l for any l ;Proof: (i) When e(p,u)=w , we have v(p,w)=u. Then e(ap,u)=e(ap,v(p,w))=e(ap,v(ap,aw))=aw .(ii) For any u”>u’, let w”=e(p,u”) and w’=e(p,u’). Since v(p,w”)>v(p,w’), we have w”>w’ , because v(p,w) is strictly increasing in w .Consider price vector p” and p’, with p " > p ' and p " = p ' for j ≠ l . Let w”=e(p”, u)lljjand w’=e(p’, u). Then u=v(p”, w”)=v(p’, w’). Since v(p, w) is non-increasing in p andstrictly increasing in w , we have w” ≥ w’. Hence e(p, w) is non-decreasing in p l for any l .(iii) For any utility level u and price p and p’, denote p”=ap+(1-a)p’. Let w”=e(p”, u),w=e(p, u) and w’=e(p’, u). We need to show that w " ≥ aw + (1 - a )w ' .Indeed, we have u=v(p”, w”)=v(p, w)=v(p’, w’). From the quasi-convexity of v (.,.), wehave v ( p ", aw + (1 - a )w ') ≤ u = v(p”, w”). Hence we must havew " ≥ aw + (1 - a )w 'from the monotonicity of v (.,.).+ * lpp 2Proposition E3 Suppose that u(.) is a continuous utility function representing a locallynon-satiated preference relation > defined on the consumption setX = R L . Then for anyp » 0 , the Hicksian demand correspondence h ( p ,u ) possesses the following properties:(i) Homogeneity of degree zero in p : h (α p , u ) = h ( p , u ) for any p, u and α > 0 .(ii) No excess utility: for any x ∈ h ( p , u ) , u(x)=u .(iii) Convexity/uniqueness: if > is convex, thenh ( p , u ) is a convex set; and if > is strictlyconvex, so that u (.) is strictly quasi-concave, then there is a unique element in h ( p , u ) .Proposition E4 Suppose that u (.) is a continuous utility function and that h(p,u) consists of asingle element for allp >> 0 . Then the Hicksian demand function h(p,u) satisfies thecompensated law of demand: For all p’ and p”, ( p "- p ')[h ( p ", u ) - h ( p ', u )] ≤ 0 .With an interior solution of the EMP, we shall have the first-order conditions:p = λ ∂u (x ) , for ∂x ll = 1,..., L ,where λ is the Lagrangean multiplier. Hence for any l , k ∈{1,..., L }, we havepu (x * ) l = l .Note that the first-order conditions are virtually the same as those of UMP.* p k u k (x )1 2 12αExample 3: (EMP with Cobb-Douglas utility function ) Consider following EMP:Min x 1 , x 2p 1 x 1 + p 1 x 2 , st. α ln x 1 + (1 - α ) ln x 2 ≥ ln uThe first order conditions are p = αλ x 1and p = (1 - α )λ. Solving for x 2p α p 1-αux 1 ,x 2and substitutingthem into the budget constraint, we have λ= 1 2 . Substituting it back to the first-orderαα (1 - α )1-αconditions, we obtain the Hicksian demand functions:h ( p , u ) = ϒ α p 2 /1-αu ,andh ( p , u ) = ϒ (1 - α ) p 1 / u . 1 ' (1- α ) p ∞ 2 ' α p ∞≤ The expenditure function is: 1 ƒ≤ 2 ƒe (p ,u )= u α -α (1 - α )α -1 p α p1-α .Homework : Page 97, 3.D.4, 3.E.5.。
pter 3 Chapter 3p Consumer Behavior Consumer BehaviorThere are three steps involved in the ystudy of consumer behavior1.Consumer Preferences◦T o describe how and why people prefer one good to another22.Budget Constraints◦People have limited incomesConsumer Behavior3Given preferences and limited incomes 3.Given preferences and limited incomes,what amount and type of goods will bepurchased?◦What combination of goods will consumersgbuy to maximize their satisfaction?Budget Constrainty Describe budget constraint◦AlgebraG h◦Graphy Describe changes in budget constraint y Government programs and budget constraintsy Non-linear budget linesConsumption Bundley A consumption bundle containing x1units of commodity 1 xcommodity 1, x2units of commodity 2 and so on up to x n units of commodity n is denoted by the ect r ()vector (x1, x2, … , x n).Physical ConstraintsNon negative:y Non-negative:Consumption set:X={ (x1, … , x n) | x1≥0, … , x n≥ 0 }y A consumption set is the collection of all physically possible consumption bundles hto the consumery Y ou only have 24 hours a dayy yy Subsistence needEy Etc.Budget ConstraintsCommodity prices are p p py1, p2, … , p n.y Q: When is a bundle (x1, … , x n) affordable at prices p1, … , p n?y A: Whenp1x1+ … + p n x n≤mh i th’(di bl) where m is the consumer’s (disposable) income.Budget ConstraintsThe bundles that are only just affordable yform the consumer’s budget constraint. This is the set{ (x1,…,x n) | x1 ≥0, …, x n≥ 0and+ … + p=p1x1 … p n x n m }.x2Budget constraint is +p =mm /p 2p 1x 1+ p 2x 2= m. x 1m /p 1x2Budget constraint is +p =mm /p 2p 1x 1+ p 2x 2= m.x 1m /p 1Budget Set and Constraint for T woCommoditiesx2Budget constraint is +p =mm /p 2p 1x 1+ p 2x 2= m.Just affordablex 1m /p 1Budget Set and Constraint for T woCommoditiesx2Budget constraint is +p =mm /p 2p 1x 1+ p 2x 2= m.Not affordableJust affordablex 1m /p 1x2Budget constraint is +p =mm /p 2p 1x 1+ p 2x 2= m.Not affordableAff d bl Just affordable Affordablex 1m /p 1x2Budget constraint is +p =mm /p 2p 1x 1+ p 2x 2= m.th ll tithe collection of all affordable bundles.Budget x 1m /p 1SetBudget Set and Constraint for T wo Commoditiesx2p 1x 1+ p 2x 2= m is =(p +m /p 2x 2= -(p 1/p 2)x 1+ m /p 2so slope is -p 1/p 2.Budget x 1m /p 1SetBudget Constraintsx 2Slope is -p 1/p 2-p +1p 1/p 2x 1Budget ConstraintsxOpp cost of an extra unit of2Opp. cost of an extra unit ofcommodity 1 is p1/p2unitsf f dit2-pforegone of commodity 2.+1p1/p2x1Budget ConstraintsxOpp cost of an extra unit of2Opp. cost of an extra unit ofcommodity 1 is p1/p2unitsf f dit2foregone of commodity 2.Opp. cost of an extraunit of commodity 2 is1units foregone-p/p+1p2/p1 units foregoneof commodity 1.p2p1x1Budget Sets & Constraints; Income and Price ChangesThe budget constraint and budget setydepend upon prices and income. What happens as prices or income change?How do the budget set and budgetg g constraint change as income m increases? x2Originalbudget setgx1Higher income gives more choiceNew affordable consumption x New affordable consumption choices2Original and Original and new budget constraints are constraints are parallel (same l )Originalbudget set slope).gx 1How do the budget set and budget constraint ow o t e bu get set a bu get co st a tchange as income m decreases?x 2Original budget set gx 1How do the budget set and budget constraint ow o t e bu get set a bu get co st a tchange as income m decreases?x 2Consumption bundles th t l that are no longer affordable.Old and newNew, smaller budget set constraints are parallel.x 1budget setBudget Constraints Budget Constraints --Income ChangesyIncreases in income m shift the constraint outward in a parallel manner thereby outward in a parallel manner, thereby enlarging the budget set and improving h ichoice.y Decreases in income m shift the constraint inward in a parallel manner, thereby shrinking the budget set and reducing choice.Budget ConstraintsBudget Constraints --Income ChangesNo original choice is lost and new choices yare added when income increases, so higher income cannot make a consumer worse off.y An income decrease may (typically will) make the consumer worse offmake the consumer worse off.Budget ConstraintsBudget Constraints --Price Changes What happens if just one price decreases? yy Suppose p1decreases.How do the budget set and budget constraint change as p1decreases from p1’to p1”?x2m/p2p-p1’/p2Originalbudget setgx1m/p1’m/p1”How do the budget set and budget constraint change as p1decreases from p1’to p1”?x2m/p2New affordable choicesp-p1’/p2Originalbudget setgx1m/p1’m/p1”Budget ConstraintsBudget Constraints --Price Changes Reducing the price of one commodityypivots the constraint outward. No old choice is lost and new choices are added, so reducing one price cannot make theg pconsumer worse offSimilarlyy Similarly, increasing one price pivots the constraint inwards, reduces choice and(i ll ill) k hmay (typically will) make the consumer worse off.Uniform Ad Valorem Sales T axesAny ad valorem sales tax (从价营业税)leviedat a rate of 5% increases all prices by 5%, from pto (1+005)p = 105pto (1+0.05)p = 1.05p.y An ad valorem sales tax levied at a rate of ti ll i b f t(1+)increases all prices by t p from p to (1+t)p.y A uniform sales tax is applied uniformly to allcommodities.Uniform Ad Valorem Sales T axes A uniform sales tax levied at ratey t changes the constraint fromp1x1+ p2x2= mto(1+t)p1x1+ (1+t)p2x2= m Uniform Ad Valorem Sales T axes A uniform sales tax levied at ratey t changes the constraint fromp1x1+ p2x2= mto(1+t)p1x1+ (1+t)p2x2= mi.e.p1x1+ p2x2= m/(1+t).Uniform Ad Valorem Sales T axesx 2m p 1x 1+ p 2x 2= m p 2p 1x 1+ p 2x 2= m/(1+t )m t p ()12+x m m 1p 1t p ()11+Uniform Ad Valorem Sales T axesx 2m Equivalent income loss m p 2q ism t t p ()12+m t tm−+=+11x m m 1t p ()11+p 1Uniform Ad Valorem Sales T axesx 2A uniform ad valorem l t l i d t t m sales tax levied at rate t is equivalent to an incomem p 2tax levied at ratet .t p ()12+t1+x m m 1t p ()11+p 1The Food Stamp ProgramFood stamps are coupons that can beylegally exchanged only for food.y How does a commodity-specific gift suchas a food stamp alter a family’s budgetp y g constraint?The Food Stamp ProgramSuppose m = $100 p ySuppose m = $100, p F = $1 and the price of “other goods” is p G = $1y“Other goods” is a composite good◦It simplifies the analysis to a 2-good modelyThe budget constraint is thenF +G =100.F G 100.The Food Stamp ProgramG F +G 100b f tF +G = 100: before stamps.100F100The Food Stamp ProgramF +G 100b f tGF +G = 100: before stamps.B d t t ft 40f d Budget set after 40 food stamps issued.(F-40) + G = 100 for F ≥40G=100 for F<40The Food Stamp ProgramG F +G 100b f tF +G = 100: before stamps.B d t t ft 40f d100Budget set after 40 food stamps issued.The family’s budget set is enlarged set is enlarged.F 10014040(F 40)+G 100f F (F-40) + G = 100 for F ≥40G=100 for F<40The Food Stamp ProgramWhat if food stamps can be traded on a yblack market for $0.50 each?y F+G=100+0.5×(40-F) for F<40(F-40)+G=100 for F y (F-40)+G 100 for F ≥40The Food Stamp ProgramG F +G 100b f t F + G = 100: before stamps.Budget constraint after 40120100gfood stamps issued.Budget constraint with Budget constraint with black market trading.F10014040F+G=100+05(40F)for F<40 F+G=100+0.5×(40-F) for F<40 (F-40)+G=100 for F ≥40The Food Stamp ProgramG F +G 100b f t F + G = 100: before stamps.Budget constraint after 40120100gfood stamps issued.Black market trading Black market trading makes the budget set larger again.F10014040TA Contact Info王娟juanwangpku@gmail com yjuanwangpku@ y 刘诗颖liushiying@ y 宫晴gongqing@ ripple wrz@gmail com y 王融璋ripple.wrz@ y 章天乐ztl@y TA Section: T uesday evening (7-9pm) at MBA Club (in the basement)下载课件作业和材料的路径下载课件、作业和材料的路径“公共课程”y公共课程/周黎安/中级微观2010 y username: u1y password: u11Shapes of Budget Constraints Q:y What makes a budget constraint a straight line?y A: A straight line has a constant slope and the constraint isp1x1+ … + p n x n= mso if prices are constants then a constraint is a straight line.Shapes of Budget Constraints But what if prices are not constants? yy E.g.bulk buying discounts, or price penalties for buying “too much”. Then constraints will be curvedy Then constraints will be curved.Shapes of Budget Constraints Shapes of Budget Constraints --Quantity DiscountsSuppose py2is constant at $1 but that p1=$2 for 0 ≤x1≤20 and p1=$1 for x1>20.Shapes of Budget Constraints Shapes of Budget Constraints --Quantity DiscountsySuppose p 2is constant at $1 but that p 1=$2 =$1 for x >20 for 0 ≤x 1≤20 and p 1$1 for x 1>20. y Then the constraint’s slope is2 f 0 2, for 0≤x 1≤20p 1/p 2=1, for x 1> 20Shapes of Budget Constraints with a Quantity Discount=$100x m = $100100Slope = -2 / 1 = -2(21)2(p 1=2, p 2=1)Slope = -1/ 1 = -1=1p (p 1=1, p 2=1)502080x 1Shapes of Budget Constraints with aQuantity Discount=$100x m = $100100Slope = -2 / 1 = -2(21)2(p 1=2, p 2=1)Slope = -1/ 1 = -1=1p (p 1=1, p 2=1)502080x 1Budget Constraints with a QuantityDiscountThe constraint isy2x 1+x 2=m for 0 ≤x 1≤202×20+(x 1-20)+x 2=m for x 1> 20Shapes of Budget Constraints with aQuantity Discount=$100x m= $1001002Budget ConstraintBudget Set502080x1Shapes of Budget Constraints with a Quantity Penaltyx2BudgetBudgetConstraintBudget Setx1Consumer PreferencesDescribe preferencesyy Indifference curves (无差异曲线)y Well-behaved preferencesy Marginal rate of substitution (边际替代率)Rationality in EconomicsBehavioral Postulatey:A decisionmaker always chooses its most preferred alternative from its set of available alternatives.y So to model choice we must model decision makers’ preferencesdecision-makers preferences.Preference RelationsyComparing two different consumptionbundles x and y:bundles, x and y: ◦strict preference (严格偏好): x is more preferred th than y◦Indifference (无差异): x is exactly as preferred as yf( ◦weak preference (弱偏好): x is as at least as preferred as is yAssumptions about Preference RelationsCompleteness (y完备性): For any two bundles x and y it is always possible to make the comparison between x and y y Reflexivity (反身性): Any bundle x is always at least as preferred as itselfAssumptions about Preference RelationsyT ransitivity (传递性: Ify ()x is at least as preferred as y, and y is at least as preferred as z, then x is at least as preferred as z .Indifference CurvesT ake a reference bundle x’ yake a reference bundle x. The set of all bundles equally preferred to x’ is theindifference curve containing x’; the set of all bundles y ∼x’.yIndifference Curvesx 2x’ ∼x” ∼x”’x’x”x”’x 1Indifference Curvesx 2z xypp xzyx 1Indifference CurvesAll bundles in I x 2x All bundles in I 1are strictly preferred to ll i I I 1all in I 2.zAll b dl i I I 2yAll bundles in I 2arestrictly preferred tox all in I 3.I 31Weakly Preferred Set (弱偏好集)x 2WP(x), the set of x (),bundles weaklypreferred to x.I(’)pI(x’)I(x)x 1Weakly Preferred Set (弱偏好集)x 2WP(x), the set of (),bundles weaklypreferred to x.x pWP(x)includes I(x).I(x)x 1Strictly Preferred Set (严格偏好集)x 2SP(x), the set of (),bundles strictlypreferred to x,x p ,does notincludeI(x).I(x)x 1Indifference Curves Cannot Intersectx 2I 1I 2xyzx 1Slopes of Indifference CurvesWhen more of a commodity is always ypreferred, the commodity is a good .y If every commodity is a good thenindifference curves are negatively sloped.g y pSlopes of Indifference Curves Good2Good 2Two goodsa negatively slopedindifference curve.indifference curve.Good 1Slopes of Indifference CurvesIf less of a commodity is always preferred ythen the commodity is a bad.Slopes of Indifference Curves Good2Good 2One good and onebad apositively slopedpositively slopedindifference curve.Bad 1ExamplesPerfect substitutes (y完全替代)y Perfect complements (完全互补) y Satiation (餍足)Extreme Cases of Indifference Curves: Perfect Curves: Perfect Substitutes Substitutesx 2Slopes are constant at Slopes are constant at --1.15I 2Bundles in I 2all have a totalof 15 unitsx 115Extreme Cases of Indifference Curves: Perfect Curves: Perfect Complements Complementsx 245oEach of (5,5), (5,9)and (95)and (9,5)contains 5 pairs so each is ll f d9equally preferred.I 15x 159Indifference Curves ExhibitingSatiationx 2S ti ti Satiation (bliss)rpointe t t e x 1B Well Well--Behaved PreferencesConvexity y: Mixtures of bundles are (at least weakly) preferred to the bundles themselves. E.g., the 50-50 mixture of thebundles x and y isy z = (0.5)x + (0.5)y.z is at least as preferred as x or y.Well Well--Behaved Preferences Behaved Preferences ----Convexity.x 2+xx+y is strictly preferred x 2+y 22z =x y 2is strictly preferred to both x and y.y y 2x 1y 1x 1+y12Well Well--Behaved Preferences Behaved Preferences ----Convexity.x 2xz =(tx +(1-t)y , tx +(1-t)y )1122is preferred to x and y for all 0 < t < 1.y o a 0t y 2x 1y 1Well Well--Behaved Preferences Behaved Preferences ----Convexity.Preferences are strictly convexwhen all mixtures z x 2xare strictlyto theirz preferred to their component bundles x and y ybundles x and y.y 2x 1y 1Well Well--Behaved Preferences Behaved Preferences ----Weak Convexity.x’z’Preferences areweakly convexif at z y least one mixture z is equally preferred is equally preferred to a component bundle xzy’bundle.yyNonNon--Convex Preferencesx2The mixture zz is less preferredthan x or y.t a o yy2x1y1More NonMore Non--Convex Preferencesx2The mixture zz is less preferredthan x or y.t a o yy2x1y1Marginal Rate of Substitution x2MRS at x’ islim-{Δx2/Δx1}Δx10= = --dx2/dx1at x’Δx2x’Δx1x1Marginal Rate of Substitution=MRS*dx so,at x’,MRS is x2dx2MRS dx1so, at x, MRS isthe rate at which the consumer isonly just willing to exchangeonlyonly just willingjust willing to exchangecommodity 2 for a small amountof commodity1.dx2of commodity 1.Marginal willingness to pay.x’dx1x1Marginal Rate of SubstitutionClothing 16AMRS = 6CMRS Δ−=1214-6FΔ810B1-4= 26DE14-2MRS 2Food24G11-123451MRS & Ind Curve PropertiesMRS & Ind. Curve Properties x 2MRS = 0.5MRS decreases(becomes more negative)(becomes more negative)as x 1increasesnonconvex preferences nonconvex preferencesMRS = 5x 1MRS & Ind Curve PropertiesMRS & Ind. Curve Properties MRS is not always increasing as x 2MRS is not always increasing asx 1increases nonconvexMRS MRS = 1preferences.= 0.5MRS = 2MRS 2x 1MRS and Utility Function_21),(Ux x U =2121_0),(dx Udx U x x dU U d =∂+∂==221U U dx x x ∂∂=−=∂∂211/|_x x dx MRS u u ∂∂=Utility Function and PreferencesA consumer’s preferences can be yA consumer s preferences can be represented by a utility functiony The “perfect substitutes” preference canbe represented by U(x, y)=x+yp y (,y)y y The “perfect complements” preferences:U( ) { }U(x, y)= min {x, y}Is the utility function representation unique y p q for a given preference?Utility Function and PreferencesThe utility representation is not unique yy A positive monotonic transformation of a utility function represents the same preference as the original utility function p g yy As long as the utility functions give the d i f th ti b dl same ordering of the consumption bundles, we say they represent the same preferencey The utility is ordinal , rather than cardinalPositive monotonic transformation)]2121//)('/0)(')],,([),(x u x u u f x v u f x x u f x x V ∂∂∂∂∂∂>=212121//)('/x u x u u f x v MRS ∂∂=∂∂=∂∂=Consumer ChoiceRational constrained choice yy Computing ordinary demands◦Interior solution (内在解)◦Corner solution (角点解)Economic RationalityThe principal behavioral postulate is that ya decision-maker chooses its mostpreferred alternative from those available to it.Th il bl h i i h y The available choices constitute the choice set.y How is the most preferred bundle in the choice set located?Rational Constrained Choicex 2More preferred bundlesAffordable bundlesx 1Rational Constrained Choicex 2(x *,x *)is the most 1,x 2) is the most preferred affordable bundle.x 2**x 1x 1Rational Constrained ChoiceThe most preferred affordable bundle is ycalled the consumer’s ORDINARYDEMAND (or DEMAND )at the given prices and budget.p gy Ordinary demands will be denoted by p m) and x p m)x 1*(p 1,p 2,m) and x 2*(p 1,p 2,m).Rational Constrained ChoiceWhen x y1* > 0 and x 2* > 0 the demanded bundle is INTERIOR .y If buying (x 1*,x 2*) costs $m then thebudget is exhausted.g Rational Constrained Choicex 2*,x *)is interior.(x 1,x 2) is interior.(x 1*,x 2*) exhausts thebudget.x 2**x 1x 1Rational Constrained Choicex 2(x *,x *)is interior.1,x 2) is interior.(a) (x 1*,x 2*) exhausts the budget;p *+p *=m.budget; p 1x 1 p 2x 2 m.x 2**x 1x 1Rational Constrained Choicex 2(x *,x *)is interior .1,x 2) is interior .(b) The slope of the indiff.curve at (x *,x *)equals curve at (x 1,x 2) equals the slope of the budget x 2*constraint.*x 1x 1Rational Constrained Choicey(x *,x *) satisfies 1,x 2) satisfies two conditions :y (a) the budget is exhausted;* + *p 1x 1* + p 2x 2* = m y (b) tangency: the slope of the budget ()g y p g constraint, -p 1/p 2, and the slope of the *,x *) are indifference curve containing (x 1,x 2) are equal at (x 1*,x 2*).Meaning of the T angency ConditionyConsumer’s marginal willingness to pay equals the g g p y q market exchange rate.y Suppose at a consumption bundle (x 1, x 2),MRS 2 P 1MRS= 2, P 1/P 2=1◦The consumer is willing to give up 2 unit of x 2to exchange for an additional unit of x 1◦The market allows her to give up only 1 unit of x 2to obtain an additional x 1y (x 1, x 2) is not optimal choicey She can be better off increasing her consumption of x 1.x 2x 1x 1Computing Ordinary DemandsSolve for 2 simultaneous equations ySolve for 2 simultaneous equations.◦T angency◦Budget constraintyThe conditions may be obtained by using the Lagrangian multiplier method, i.e., constrained optimization in calculusconstrained optimization in calculus.Computing Ordinary DemandsHow can this information be used toylocate (x 1*,x 2*) for given p 1, p 2and m?Computing Ordinary Demands Computing Ordinary Demands --a Cobb Cobb--Douglas Example.Suppose that the consumer has Cobb ySuppose that the consumer has Cobb-Douglas preferences.βα2121),(x x x x U =Computing Ordinary Demands Computing Ordinary Demands --a Cobb Cobb--Douglas Example.y At (x 1*,x 2*), MRS = p 1/p 2so the tangency diti (MRS = /) icondition (MRS = p 1/p 2) is yα12p p x x MRS β==121p β=)1(122x p x αComputing Ordinary Demands Computing Ordinary Demands --a Cobb Cobb--Douglas Example.y(x 1*,x 2*) also exhausts the budget so2mx x =+)(2211p pComputing Ordinary Demands Computing Ordinary Demands --a Cobb Cobb--Douglas Example.The solution to the simultaneous yequations (1) and (2) is:m 1*1p x βαα+=*2mx ββ=2p α+Lagrange Multipliers..),(221121=+m x p x p t s x x U Max )(),(221121=−∂=∂−−+=UL x p x p m x x U L λ0111∂∂∂∂UL p x x λ0222∂=−∂=∂p x x λ02211=−−=∂x p x p m LλEqual Marginal Principlex U x U ∂∂=∂∂=//21λn x x x U of case the In p p ∂),,...,,(2121n p x U x U x U ∂==∂∂=∂∂=/...//21λnp p 21Understanding Understanding lamda lamda∂∂+∂∂=dx U dx U dU 21∂=∂==UU dm x dm x dm 21λ∂∂+dxdx dU p x p x dx p dx p dm Since //,22112211λλλ+=+=dm dx p dx p dm p dm p dm /)(22112211λ=⇒dmdUHow to Allocate Time Efficiently?s s s U Max ni in ...11=++=∑=t f t f t f s t s ni i i i i i i 0)(,0)(),()1(..'''<>=Tt i i )2(1≤∑=t t f t t f t t f n n n /)(..../)(/)(222111λ=∂∂==∂∂=∂∂⇒timeof price shadow :λRational Constrained Choice: SummaryWhen x * > 0 and x * > 0 y1 > 0 and x2 > 0and (x 1*,x 2*) exhausts the budget,and indifference curves have no‘kinks’, the ordinary demands are obtained by solving:y (a) p 1x 1* + p 2x 2* = y (b) h l f h b d i / d f y(b) the slopes of the budget constraint, -p 1/p 2, and of the indifference curve containing (x 1*,x 2*) are equal t (**)at (x 1*,x 2*).Rational Constrained ChoiceBut what if x y1* = 0?y Or if x 2* = 0?y If either x 1* = 0 or x 2* = 0 then the *x *) is at a ordinary demand (x 1,x 2) is at a corner solution (角点解) to the problem of i i i tilit bj t t b d t maximizing utility subject to a budget constraint.Examples of Corner Solutions Examples of Corner Solutions ----the Perfect Substitutes Casex 2MRS = -1x 1Examples of Corner Solutions Examples of Corner Solutions ----the Perfect Substitutes Casex 2MRS = -1Slope =-p with p >p Slope = -p 1/p 2with p 1> p 2.x 1Examples of Corner Solutions Examples of Corner Solutions ----the Perfect Substitutes Casex 2MRS = -1Slope =-p with p >p Slope = -p 1/p 2with p 1> p 2.x 1Examples of Corner Solutions Examples of Corner Solutions ----the Perfect Substitutes Casex 2MRS = -1x y p 22*=Slope =-p with p >p Slope = -p 1/p 2with p 1> p 2.x 1x *=10Examples of Corner Solutions Examples of Corner Solutions ----the Perfect Substitutes Casex 2MRS = -1Slope =-p with p <p *Slope = -p 1/p 2with p 1< p 2.x 1y*x 20=x p 11=Examples of Corner Solutions Examples of Corner Solutions ----the Perfect Substitutes Casex2MRS = -1Slope = -p1/p2with p1= p2.yp2x1yp1Is T angency Condition Sufficient? Ty angency condition is sufficient and necessary if(1) Preferences are convex(2) Solutions are interior。
产边际成本变为 c xi 。但是产能投资有成本, C(xi ) 0.5ki xi2,i 1, 2 。为简单起见,
k1 k2 k 。企业面对的市场逆需求函数为 q p 。设 c kc 。两个厂商第一
3.分三步来比较两种情况下的社会福利。 (1)先求三级价格歧视的社会福利
S 市场:社会福利 CSS PSS 。
1 2
25) 50x
N 市场:社会福利 N CSN PSN 。
1 (100 50) 50y 2
W1 Ws WN 1875x 3750y
2012 北大光华金融硕士真题微观部分
1、(15 分)一个纳税人,效用函数为 ln w ,w 为其财富是固定值。国家按照固定税率 t
(0<t<1)对纳税人上报的收入征税,但此人可以少报收入,即报的收入为 x(0<x<w)。 同时税务机关有 p 的概率(0<p<1)查此人的收入,一旦查肯定能查出此人真实收入。查 出之后,不仅要补齐所少交的税款,同时还要承担罚金,罚金为应纳实际税款乘以一个大于
5、(20 分)城市里早上有 6000 人上班。可以选择两条路:环路和中心市区。走环路需 要 45 分钟但是不堵车。走中心市区不堵车时 20 分钟,堵车时花费时间为:20+N/100,N 为 选择走市区的人数。
(1)如果两条路都不收任何费用,那么均衡时有多少人走中心市区?(5 分) (2)如果政府决定通过限制走中心市区的人数来实现最小化所有人花费的总时间,ZF 每天随机抽取一部分人走中心市区,其他人则走环路。那么政府选择抽取的最优人数是多 少?(5 分) (3)如果政府打算通过征收费用来实现最小化所有人花费的总时间,对每个走中心市 区的人收取相同的固定费用 F,然后将收取的所有费用平均分配给所有 6000 个人。此时假
M d
20 20万
从而, P 0.0001 0.000238 0.0238% P 0.42
因此,大白菜的价格会变化(下降)0.0238 个百分点。 (2)这户农户所面对的需求线的需求价格弹性为
经济学原理课程讲义 北京大学经济学院:平新乔编写
见图 6.1
图 6.1:(a)市场(行业)
P0=ARi=MRi d
(b)个别企业 i
图 6.1(a)是某个行业的需求线 DD 与供给线 SS,以及他们的市场均衡价格 P0 与产量 Q0 的决定。DD 线是无数消费者的个人需求线水平加总而成的,SS 线也是无数生产者的个别
i d
M d
由于对个别企业 i 来说,总收入(总收益)TRi=p0qi,从而,其平均收益
TRi qi
p0qi qi
又由于 i 的边际收益
(TRi ) qi
( piqi ) qi
1 张维迎:《竞争力与企业成长》,第 2 页。北京大学出版社 2006 年版 1
完全竞争市场下的企业应当是没有太强势的。企业仍然是有活力的,但相互之间不分伯 仲,生产活动是完全可以相互替代的,即没有一个企业具有超群的核心竞争力。比如,农民 之间,你种大豆,我也种大豆,每人种的数量只是市场总产量中的一个微量。再比如,广东 东莞、佛山、中山、江门、深圳,福建厦门、漳州等地一大批 “来料加工” 企业,许多是 做 “贴牌” 的手机与其他电子产品的配件的,这些企业都没有 “核心竞争力”, 其生产 活动很容易被越南等国的同类企业所替代。这样的产业,就比较接近于“完全竞争市场”。 不要以为完全竞争的市场只是一种理论抽象,其实生活中大量的小微型企业的生存环境是很 接近于“完全竞争”的。其最根本的特征是:企业没有产品的定价权,而投入要素的价格又 受制于供货方。企业没有定价权,价格一般决定于国际市场上形成的市价,或者决定于国内 市场上行业的成交价。企业是“价格接受者”(price takers)。
二、一垄断厂商面临两种类型的消费者。第一类消费者的需求函数为 p=6-0.8q,第二 类消费者的需求函数为 p=12-q 某市场上共有第一类消费者 10 人,第二类消费者 20 人。该 厂商的边际成本始终为 3。
1.若厂商实行三级价格歧视,则对于两类消费者分别确定的价格和产量为多少?(5 分) 2.若厂商对于首次进入市场的消费者一次性收取固定费用 F,对于消费量按价格 p 收取 费用。若厂商需要保证两类消费者都能够消费,那么最优的 F 和 p 是多少?若厂商只需要保 证一类消费者能够消费,那么最优的 F 和 p 是多少?厂商会做出何种选择?(15 分)
N i 1
qi P Ci QP
I 3P 2q
I 3P 2q
3 由正常品和奢侈品的定义可知道
X 1 Y 1故 X 为正常品,Y 为奢侈品。
4 因为
I 2q 2P 2
0,Y q
I 3P 2q 2
故 X 和 Y 不可能是低档品,也不可能是吉芬商品。
二、解析:此题和 2010 年的那道价格歧视的题目很相近——光华老师很喜欢考这个。 这里告诉了你两类消费者的人数,在计算总利润时不要忘记把人数带入进去(有时题目告诉 的不是具体人数而是比例,也是一样的带入)
1 2
5 4
5 8
P) 2
(P 3)
5(6 4
20 (12
S.t. 0 P 6
第一节败德行为与逆向选择一、非对称信息 ASGMMATRIC1.定义:市场交易双方所掌握的信息如果出现一方多、一方少,或者一方有、一方无的情况,就叫作出现了非对称信息。
Chapter 1
1000 500
边际产出 递增区
边际产出 递降区
总产出 边际产出 平均产出
负边际 产出区
0 -500
8 10
Chapter 1
Total Product
A: slope of tangent = MP (20) B: slope of OB = AP (20) C: slope of OC= MP & AP
单位成本 ($) $10 $5
4000 5000
Chapter 1
最小有 效规模
长期单位成本 (含资金成本)
固定成本 固定成本不会随着产量水平改变 平均固定成本会随着产量水平上升而减少
可变动成本 总可变成本会随着生产水平上升而增加 平均可变成本会随着生产水平而不变、增加或减少
有时,固定成本和可变成本的分别不大.事实上,长期只是 一段短期接着另一段短期。
Chapter 1
如果生产要素价格不变的话,成本函数则是生产 函数的映射
要素价格改变影响成本曲线 技术改变影响成本曲线
Chapter 1
北大光华微观经济学作业 Problem Set-2
Problem Set 21. Richard is deciding whether to buy a state lottery ticket. Each ticket costs $1, and the probability of winning payoffs is given as follows: Probability Return0.5 $0.000.25 $1.000.2 $2.000.05 $7.50a) What is the expected value of Richard’s payoff if he buys a lottery ticket? What is the variance?b) Richard’s nickname is “No-risk Rick”. He is an extremely risk averseindividual. Would he buy the ticket?2. In class we showed the condition under which a risk neutral criminal will not commit crime. Now suppose that this criminal is risk averse, can you still get conclusion that raising fine or raising the probability of catching a violation will yield the similar deterrence effect? You may assume that the criminal has an initial wealth or income W.3.Suppose that the process of producing lightweight parkas by Polly’s Parkas is described by the function Q = 10K 0.8(L-40)0.2, where Q is the number of parkas produced, K is the number of machine hours, and L is the number of person-hours of labors.a) Derive the cost-minimizing demands for K and L as a function of Q, wage rates (w), and rental rates on machines (r). Use these to derive the total cost function. b) This process requires skilled workers, who earn $32 per hour. The rental rate is $64 per hour. At these factor prices, what are total costs as a function of Q? Does this technology exhibit decreasing, constant, or increasing returns to scale?c) Polly’s Parkas plans to produce 2000 parkas per week. At the factor prices given above, how many workers should they hire (at 40 hours per week) and how many machines should they rent (at 40 machine-hours per week)? What are themarginal and average costs at this level of production?4.Suppose you are the manager of a watch-making firm operating in a competitive market. Your cost function is given by C = 100 + Q 2, where Q is the level of output and C is total cost.a) If the price of watches is $60, how many watches should you produce to maximize profit? What will the profit level be?b) At what minimum price will the firm produce a positive output?5.一个竞争性企业的成本函数为。
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pter 4 Chapter 4pIndividual and Market Demand T opics to be Discussed y Individual Demandy Income and Substitution Effects y Market Demandy Consumer Surplusy Empirical Estimation of DemandIndividual Demandy Price Changes◦Using the figures developed in the previouschapter, the impact of a change in the price of food can be illustrated using indifferencecurves◦For each price change, we can determine how much of the good the individual wouldpurchase given their budget lines andindifference curves Effect of a Price ChangeAssume:•I = $20•PC= $2Clothing10Each price leads toC$•P F = $2, $1, $0.50A Each price leads todifferent amounts offood purchased 5DB6U1U34U2Food (unitsper month)1220per month) 4Effect of a Price ChangeThe Price-Consumption Curve traces out the utility Clothing10traces out the utility maximizing market basket for each priceof food Aof foodB5D6U 14U 3U 2Food (unitsper month)1220per month)4Effect of a Price ChangeyBy changing prices andshowing what the Demand Schedule gconsumer will purchase, we can P Q create a demand schedule and demand fh i di id l $2.004curve for the individual yFrom the previous l$1.0012example:$0.5020Effect of a Price ChangePriceIndividual Demand relatesof FoodE$200the quantity of a good that a consumer will buy to the price of that good.$2.00G$100Demand Curve $1.00$Food (nitsH$.50Food (units per month)41220Demand Curves Demand Curves ––Important Properties The level of utility that can be attainedychanges as we move along the curvey At every point on the demand curve, theconsumer is maximizing utility byg y y satisfying the condition that the MRS of food for clothing equals the ratio of the prices of food and clothingEffect of a Price ChangePrice of FoodE$200When the price falls,&MRS also fall$2.002/21P f /P c & MRS also fall G$100•E : P f /P c = 2/2 = 1 = MRS•G: P f /P c = 1/2= .5 = MRS •H:P f /P c = .5/2 = .25 = MRS$1.00$50Food (unitsH$.50Demand CurveFood (units per month)41220Individual DemandyIncome Changes◦Using the figures developed in the previous chapter, the impact of a change in the income can be illustrated using indifference curves ◦Changing income, with prices fixed, causes consumers to change their market basketsEffects of Income ChangesCl thi Clothing (units per month)Assume: P f = $1, P c = $2I = $10, $20, $30An increase in income,with the prices fixed with the prices fixed,causes consumers to altertheir choice of market basket.D75B U 2U 3Food (units 3AU 1per month)41016Individual DemandyIncome Changes◦The income-consumption curve traces out the utility-maximizing combinations of food and clothing associated with every income levelIndividual DemandyIncome Changes◦An increase in income shifts the budget line to the right, increasing consumption along the income-consumption curve◦Simultaneously, the increase in income shifts the demand curve to the rightEffects of Income ChangesCl thi Clothing (units per month)The Income Consumption Curve traces out the utility maximizing market basket for maximizing market basket for each income levelD 7Income Consumption Curve5B U 2U 3Food (units 3AU 1per month)41016Effects of Income ChangesPrice of foodAn increase in income, from $10 to $20 to $30, with the prices fixed, shifts theconsumer’s demand curve to consumer’s demand curve to the right as well.$1.00E G HD 3Food (units D 1D 2(per month)41016Individual DemandyIncome Changes◦When the income-consumption curve has a positive slope:x The quantity demanded increases with income x The income elasticity of demand is positive x The good is a normal goodIndividual DemandyIncome Changes◦When the income-consumption curve has a negative slope:x The quantity demanded decreases with income x The income elasticity of demand is negative x The good is an inferior goodAn Inferior GoodSteak (units per Income-ConsumptionBoth hamburger and steak behave as a normal good month)CCurve10as a normal good, between A and B...U 3…but hamburger becomes an inferior good when the income good when the income consumption curve bends backward between B and C.5BHamburgerAU 1U 2(units per month)3010520Individual DemandyEngel Curves◦Engel curves relate the quantity of good consumed to income◦If the good is a normal good, the Engel curve is upward sloping◦If the good is an inferior good, the Engel curve g g ,g is downward slopingEngel Curves30Income ($ per month)Engel curves slope 20g pupward for normal goods.10F d (it Food (units per month)481216Engel Curves30Income ($ per Engel curves are Inferiormonth)backward bending for inferior goods.20Normal10F d (it Food (unitsper month)481216Substitutes & ComplementsT ywo goods are considered substitutes if an increase (decrease) in the price of one leads to an increase (decrease) in the quantity demanded of the other q y◦Ex: movie tickets and video rentalsSubstitutes & ComplementsT ywo goods are considered complements if an increase (decrease) in the price of one leads to a decrease (increase) in the quantity demanded of the other q y◦Ex: gasoline and motor oilSubstitutes & ComplementsIf two goods are independent then ayIf two goods are independent, then a change in the price of one good has no effect on the quantity demanded of the other◦Ex: price of chicken and price of airplane ticketsIncome and Substitution Effects A change in the price of a good has two yeffects:◦Substitution Effect◦Income Effect Income and Substitution Effects y Substitution Effect◦The substitution effect is the change in anitem’s consumption associated with a changein the price of the item, with the level ofutility held constant◦When the price of an item declines, thesubstitution effect always leads to an increase in the quantity demanded of the good◦Why is substitution effect alwaysnonpositive?pIncome and Substitution Effects y Income Effect◦The income effect is the change in an item’sconsumption brought about by the increase in purchasing power, with the price of the itemheld constant◦When a person’s income increases, thequantity demanded for the product mayincrease or decrease Income and Substitution Effects y Income Effect◦Even with inferior goods, the income effect is rarely large enough to outweigh thesubstitution effectIncome and Substitution Effects: Normal GoodClothing (units per month)R When the price of food falls, consumption increases by F1F2as the consumer moves from A to B.CThe substitution effect, F1E,(from point A to D), changes therelative prices but keeps real income1AThe income effect, EF,relative prices but keeps real income(satisfaction) constant.,2,(from D to B) keeps relativeprices constant butincreases purchasing power.C2BDF d(iU1U2 SubstitutionEffectFood (unitsper month)O F1SIncome EffectF2TETotal EffectIncome and SubstitutionEffects: Inferior GoodRClothing(units permonth)Since food is aninferior good, theincome effect isincome effect isnegative. However,the substitution effectis larger than theAincome effect.BDU2U1SubstitutionEffectFood (unitsper month)O F1S F2TETotal EffectIncome EffectIncome and Substitution Effects y A Special Case: The Giffen Good◦The income effect may theoretically be largeenough to cause the demand curve for a good to slope upward◦This rarely occurs and is of little practicalinterestGiffen Goodsx2 A decrease in p1causesd d d fquantity demanded ofgood 1 to fall.x2’’’x2’x1x1’x1’’’Slutsky EquationThe formal expression of the price effect yis the following:Ix x dx ∂∂−∂=xu u x x p I p dp ∂•∂∂=_The Law of DemandThe demand for a normal good (i e theyThe demand for a normal good (i.e., the income effect is positive) increases when its price decreasesyNote that substitution effect is always ti itinegative or nonpositive Another Way of Decomposing PriceEffectHicksian substitution effect: holding the yutility constanty Slutsky substitution effect: holding the purchasing power constantp c s gpo e Slutsky Substitution Effectx 2x 2’x 2’’x 1x 1’x 1’’And Now And Now the the Income Effect Income Effectx 2x 2’(x 1’’’,x 2’’’)x 2’’x 1x 1’x 1’’Rebating A T axOriginal budget:ypx + y = my T axing x and rebate the tax, at optimal consumption (x’y’):consumption (x ,y ):(p+t)x’ + y’ = m + tx’px’ + y’ = my (x’,y’) is on the original budget (x ,y ) is on the original budget y “Getting prices right”Rebating a tax based on final consumptionMarket DemandyMarket Demand Curves◦A curve that relates the quantity of a good that all consumers in a market buy to the price of that good◦The sum of all the individual demand curves in the marketDetermining the Market Demand CurvePrice A B CMarket Demand16101632 2481325 3261018 404711 50246Summing to Obtain aMarket Demand CurvePrice5The market demandcurve is obtained bysumming the consumer’s 4summing the consumer sdemand curves3Market Demand 2Q tit 1D B D CD AQuantity 0510********Market DemandFrom this analysis one can see twoyimportant points:◦The market demand will shift to the right asmore consumers enter the market◦Factors that influence the demands of manyconsumers will also affect the market demand Market DemandAggregation is important to be able to ydiscuss regarding demand for different groups◦Households with children◦Consumers aged 20 –30, etc.Market DemandyPrice Elasticity of DemandMeasures the percentage change in the◦quantity demanded resulting from a percent change in price%P Q Q/Q Q E P Δ=Δ=Δ=QP P/P P %ΔΔΔPrice Elasticity of DemandyInelastic Demand◦E p is less than 1 in absolute value◦Quantity demanded is relatively unresponsive to a change in price ◦|%ΔQ| < |%ΔP|◦otal expenditure (P*Q) increases when price T otal expenditure (P Q) increases when price increasesPrice Elasticity of DemandyElastic Demand◦E p is greater than than 1 in absolute value◦Quantity demanded is relatively responsive to a change in price ◦|%ΔQ| > |%ΔP|◦otal expenditure (P*Q) decreases when T otal expenditure (P Q) decreases when price increasesPrice Elasticity and Consumer ExpenditurePrice Elasticity of DemandyIsoelastic Demand◦When price elasticity of demand is constantalong the entire demand curve◦Demand curve is bowed inward (not linear)Revenue and Own Revenue and Own--Price Elasticity of DemandIf raising a commodity’s price causes little yIf raising a commodity s price causes little decrease in quantity demanded, then sellers’ revenues rise.◦Hence own-price inelastic demand causes sellers’ revenues to rise as price rises.pyIf raising a commodity’s price causes a large decrease in quantity demanded, then sellers’ q y ,revenues fall.◦Hence own-priceelastic demand causes p sellers’ revenues to fall as price rises.Revenue and Own Revenue and Own--Price Elasticity of Demand)*Sellers’ revenue is R p p X p ()().=×Sellers revenue isRevenue and Own Revenue and Own--Price Elasticity of Demand)*Sellers’ revenue is R p p X p ()().=×Sellers revenue isdR **Sodp X p p dX dp=+())*Sellers’ revenue is R p p X p ()().=×Sellers revenue isdR **Sodp X p p dXdp=+()⎤⎡+=dXp 1X **⎥⎥⎦⎢⎢⎣dp )p (X )p (*)*Sellers’ revenue is R p p X p ()().=×Sellers revenue isdR **Sodp X p p dXdp =+()⎤⎡+=dX p 1X **⎥⎥⎦⎢⎢⎣dp )p (X )p (*[]=+X p *().1εRevenue and Own Revenue and Own--Price Elasticity of DemanddR*[]dpX p =+()1εRevenue and Own Revenue and Own--Price Elasticity of DemanddR*[]dpX p =+()1εso ifε=−1thendR=0dpand a change to price does not alter ll ’sellers’ revenue.dR*[]dpX p =+()1εbut if−<≤10εthendR>0dpand a price increase raises sellers’revenue.dR*[]dpX p =+()1εAnd ifε<−1thendR<0dpand a price increase reduces sellers’revenue.Marginal Revenue and Own Marginal Revenue and Own--Price Elasticity of DemandyA seller’s marginal revenue is the rate atwhich revenue changes with the number of units sold by the seller.dR q ()MR q dq().=Marginal Revenue and Own Marginal Revenue and Own--Price Elasticity of Demand ()dhll ’ id df i i hip(q) denotes the seller’s inverse demand function; i.e. the price at which the seller can sell q units. ThendR q dp q ()()==R q p q q()()=×MR q dq dqq p q ()()+=+⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥p q q p q dp q dq ()()().1Marginal Revenue and Own Marginal Revenue and Own--Price Elasticity of DemandMR q p q q dp q ()()().=+⎡⎢⎤⎥1p q dq ()⎣⎦dq ε=×dp p qandsoMR q p q ()().=+⎡⎤11⎣⎢⎦⎥εMarginal Revenue and Own Marginal Revenue and Own--Price Elasticity of DemandMR q p q ()()=+⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥11εsays that the rateat which a seller’s revenue changeswith the number of units it sellsdepends on the sensitivity of quantity d d dii hdemanded to price; i.e ., upon the of the own-price elasticity of demand.Marginal Revenue and Own Marginal Revenue and Own--Price Elasticity of Demand⎡1⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣ε+=1)q (p )q (MR If =−1then =εMR q ().0If −<≤10εthen MR q ().<0Ifε<−1thenMR q ().>0Marginal Revenue and Own Marginal Revenue and Own--Price Elasticity of Demand An example with linear inverse demand.a bq .=−p q q ()Then R q p q q a bq q ()()()==−andM R q a bq ().=−2Marginal Revenue and Own Marginal Revenue and Own--Price Elasticity of Demandpap q a bq()=−a/b qa/2bM R q a bq()=−2Marginal Revenue and OwnMarginal Revenue and Own--PriceElasticity of DemandapM R q a bq()=−2p q a bq()=−a/b qa/2b$R(q)qa/ba/2bIncome Elasticity*m ** ,i iX mi d XX d m η=×y Normal good: η>0y Inferior good: η<0y Luxury good: η>1y Necessary good: 0<η<1Consumer SurplusConsumers buy goods because it makes ythem better offy Consumer Surplus measures how much better off they areyConsumer SurplusyConsumer Surplus◦The difference between the maximum amount a consumer is willing to pay for a good and the amount actually paid◦Can calculate consumer surplus from the demand curveConsumer Surplus Consumer Surplus --ExampleStudent wants to buy concert tickets yy Demand curve tells us willingness to pay for each concert ticket◦1st ticket worth $20 but price is $14 so student generates $6 worth of surplus ◦Can measure this for each ticket◦T otal surplus is addition of surplus for each ti k t h d ticket purchasedConsumer Surplus Consumer Surplus --ExampleP i The consumer surplus of purchasing 6 concert tickets is the sum of the surplus derived from Price($ perticket)1920surplus derived from each one individually.1718Consumer Surplus6+5+4+3+2+1=211516 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 21 1314Market PriceWill not buy more than 7because surplus is negativeRock Concert Tickets2345601Consumer SurplusThe stepladder demand curve can be yconverted into a straight-line demand curve by making the units of the good smallery Consumer surplus is the area under the demand curve and above the priceConsumer SurplusP i Consumer Surplus for the Market DemandPrice($ per ticket)19201718CS = ½ ($20 -$14)*(1600) = $19,500Consumer Surplus1516Demand Curve1314Market Price Actual Expenditure Rock Concert Tickets2345601Applying Consumer SurplusCombining consumer surplus with the yaggregate profits that producers obtain, we can evaluate:1.Costs and benefits of different market structures2.Public policies that alter the behavior of consumers and firmsThe Value of Clean AirEmpirical data determined estimates for ythe demand for clean airy No market exists for clean air, but can see people are willing to pay for it p p g p y◦Ex: People pay more to buy houses where the air is cleanThe Value of Cleaner AirUsing these empirical estimates we canyUsing these empirical estimates, we can measure people’s consumer surplus for pollution reduction from the demand curveValuing Cleaner AirThe shaded area represents the consumer surplus generatedwhen air pollution is2000Valuep reduced by 5 parts per 100million of nitrous oxide at a cost of $1000 per part red ced part reduced.1000ANOX (pphm)1005(pp )Pollution ReductionValue of Cleaner AirA full cost benefit analysis would include yA full cost-benefit analysis would include total benefit of cleanupy T otal benefits would be compared to totalcosts to determine if the clean up wasp worthwhileEmpirical Estimation of DemandThe most direct way to obtainyinformation about demand is through interviews where consumers are askedhow much of a product they would bep y willing to buy at a given priceEmpirical Estimation of DemandyProblem◦Consumers may lack information or interest, or be misled by the interviewerEmpirical Estimation of Demand In direct marketing experiments actual y In direct marketing experiments, actual sales offers are posed to potential customers and the responses of customers are observed Empirical Estimation of Demand The Statistical Approach to DemandyEstimation◦Properly applied, the statistical approach todemand estimation can enable one to sortout the effects of variables on the quantitydemanded of a product◦“Least-squares” regression is one approachDemand Data for Raspberries Empirical Estimation of Demandy Assuming only price determines demand:◦Q = a -bP◦Q = 28.2 -1.00PEstimating DemandPrice 25D represents demandif only P determines 20demand and then from the data: Q =28.2-1.00P15d 1105d 2d 3D Quantity 0510152025Estimating Demand Estimating Demand ––Changes in IncomePrice 25d 1,d 2,d 3represent the demand for each income level. Including income in the demand equation:Q =a -bP +cI or 20the demand equation: Q a bP + cI or Q = 8.08 -.49P + .81I15d 1105Dd 2d 3Quantity510152025Empirical Estimation of Demandy Estimating Elasticities◦For the demand equation: Q = a -bPyElasticity:)/()/)(/(Q P b Q P P Q E P −=ΔΔ=Empirical Estimation of DemandyAssuming: Price and income elasticity are constant◦The isoelastic demand =)log()log()log(I c P b a Q +−=The slope, -b = price elasticity of demand Constant, c = income elasticity of demandEmpirical Estimation of Demandy Using the Raspberry data:log(I )P−=−Q+.081log().146)4.2log(Price elasticity = -0.24 (Inelastic)Income elasticity = 1.46I l ti it146。