



PEP六年级上册四会单词和重点句子汇总六年级上册四会单词Unit 1 by 经,乘foot脚bike自行车bus公共汽车train火车how怎样go to school上学traffic交通traffic light(交通灯)traffic rule(交通规则)stop(停,停车站)wait(等待)get to(到达)Unit 2 library(图书馆) post office(邮局) hospital(医院) cinema(电影院) bookstore(书店) where(哪里) please(请) next to(与…相邻) turn(转弯) right (右边) left(左边) straight(成直线地) then (然后)Unit 3 next week(下周) this morning(今天上午) this afternoon(今天下午) this evening (今天晚上)comic book(漫画书) post card(明信片) newspaper(报纸) buy(购买)Unit 4 hobby(爱好) ride a bike--riding a bike(骑自行车) dive--diving(跳水) play the violin—playing the violin(拉小提琴) make kites—making kites(制作风筝) collect stamps—collecting stamps(集邮) live –lives(居住) teach--teaches(教) go--goes(去) watch--watches(看) read--reads(读,看) does doesn’t=does notUnit 5 singer(歌唱家,歌手) writer(作家) actor(男演员) actress(女演员) artist(画家)TV reporter(电视台记者) engineer(工程师) accountant(会计) policeman(男警察) salesperson(销售员)cleaner(清洁工) where(在哪里,到哪里)work(工作)Unit 6 rain(雨) cloud (云) sun(太阳) stream(河,溪) come from(来自,从…来) seed(种子)soil(土壤) sprout (苗,芽) plant(植物,种植) should (应该) then(然后)六年级下册四会单词Unit 1 tall—taller更高的short—shorter 更矮的strong—stronger 更强壮的old—older 年龄更大的young—younger 更年轻的big—bigger 更大的heavy—heavier 更重的long—longer 更长的thin—thinner 更瘦的small—smaller (体型)更小的Unit 2 have a fever 发烧have a sore throat喉咙疼have a cold感冒have a toothache 牙疼have a headache 头疼matter事情,麻烦sore 疼的hurt疼痛nose 鼻子tired疲劳的,累的excited兴奋的angry生气的happy高兴的bored无聊的,烦人的sad 忧伤的,悲伤的Unit 3 watch—watched 看wash—washed 洗clean—cleaned打扫play—played玩visit—visited 看望do—did做last weekend 上一个周末go—went去go to a park—went to a park 去公园go swimming—went swimming去游泳go fishing—went fishing去钓鱼read—read 读go hiking—went hiking 去郊游Unit 4 learn Chinese—learned Chinese学汉语sing and dance—sang and danced 唱歌和跳舞eat good food—ate good food吃好吃的食物take pictures—took pictures 照相climb—climbed 爬have—had buy presents—bought presents买礼物row a boat—rowed a boat 划船see elephant—saw elephant 看大象go skiing—went skiing 去滑雪go ice-skating—went ice-skating 去滑冰how怎么,如何get—got 到达last 上一个的,留在最后的六年级上册重点句子1. --- How do you go to school? ——你怎么去上学?--- I go to school on foot. ——我步行去上学。



Unit 1笑,大笑laugh 穿wear 说say讲,叙述tell 开始start 小的,年幼的little 下一个next 机会turn 孩子(单数)child 开始start 晴朗的sunny 变成,变为becomeUnit 2有风的windy 多云的cloudy 天空sky带来bring 饮料drink 多雨的rainy遇见meetUnit 3假日,假期holiday 国庆节National Day长城the Great Wall 激动的,兴奋的excited 纸paper问ask 瓶子bottle 开始,最初at firstUnit 4……以前ago 办公室office 报纸newspaper新闻news 观看watch 电子书e-book用with 昨天yesterdayUnit 5标识sign 购物中心shopping centre 小心,当心careful 意思是mean 地面floor 在……周围aroundUnit 6保持,维持keep干净的,整洁的clean 使……变得make 肮脏的dirty博物馆museum 地面,地上groundUnit 7使用use很多much 石油oil 开车,驾驶drive其他的other 玻璃glass 收集collectUnit 8收到,接到get 下周next week 食物,食品food 富有的,有钱的rich 计划,打算planUnit 1大的large 强大的strong 小声地,安静地quietly弱的,软弱的weak 大声地loudly 开心地happilyUnit 2习惯habit 从不never 迟,晚late 完成finish干净的,整齐的tidy 快地fastUnit 3健康的healthy 饮食diet 一点 a little 几个a few 需要need Unit 4马路road 必须must 安全的safe 遵守follow 灯lightUnit 5儿童节Children’s Day 开始begin 结束endUnit 6国家country 将,将要will 学习learn欢迎welcome 游人,游客visitor 如like 月monthUnit 7回去go back to 多久how long 照片photo 旅游travelUnit 8梦想dream 将来,未来future 牙齿tooth爱护,照顾take care of 科学家scientist 艺术家artistUnit1房子house 房间room 在…前面in front of 她(宾格)her在…旁边beside 在…中间betweenUnit2学生student 教室classroom 第二second电脑computer 第三third 第一first 停下,停止stopUnit3.腿leg 手臂arm 脚foot 给giveUnit4擅长于be good at 读,阅读read 故事story 许多a lot of跳舞dance 唱歌singUnit5老师teacher 教teach 作家writer 写write工作work 医生doctor 帮助help 工人worker 护士nurseUnit6网友e-friend 电子邮件email 住,居住live 学习study 中国China 明天tomorrow 坐sit 在…旁边byUnit7拜访,参观visit 经常often 总是,一直always有时sometimes 那里thereUnit8买buy 接着,然后next 放put 早早地early 歌曲song他(宾格)him 我们(宾格)us 信letter 在…以后after五下四会单词Unit1为什么why 因为because 衣服clothes 让let穿上put on 不得不,必须have to 试穿try on脱下take off 有害的be bad for 留下,丢下leave …behindUnit2离…远far from 月亮moon 街,街道street 在…附近street城市city 乘by 公共汽车bus 步行on foot地铁metro 出租车taxi 自行车bike 飞机plane 火车trainUnit3问路ask the way 到达get to 搭乘take 上车get on下车get off 在…旁边next to 向…求助ask … for help 电影film车站stop 走walk 劳驾;对不起excuse me 沿着,顺着along 医院hospital 动物园zooUnit4感觉,感到feel 应该should 休息have a rest牙疼toothache 任何东西anythingUnit5擦,洗clean 烧,煮cook 扫地sweep the floor 忙碌busy花园garden 甜的sweetUnit6(猪、羊、牛等的)肉meat 蔬菜vegetable 西红柿tomato 土豆potato 我等不及了!I can’t wait!寻找look for 好吃的,美味的yummy面包breadUnit7节日festival 春节Spring Festival 一月January 二月February 称作call 饺子dumpling 五月May 六月June 粽子rice dumpling 九月September 十月October 十一月NovemberUnit8生日birthday 四月April 游戏game 三月March 七月July八月August 十二月December 戏剧play 答案answer。



期中复习知识点重点单词和短语四会单词:Unit 1Science科学,museum博物馆,post office邮局,bookstore书店,cinema电影院,hospital 医院,crossing十字路口,turn left 左拐,turn right右拐,go straight=walk straight直走,buy买, next to紧挨着/与……相邻,far from(离……远),near在……附近,behind(在……后面), in front of(在……前面)Unit 2 on foot步行,by bus =take a bus 乘公交车,by bike骑自行车,by plane,乘飞机,by taxi, 乘出租车,by ship,乘船,by subway 乘地铁,by train乘火车,slow down 慢下来,stop 停, wait等,Unit 3, visit one’s grandparents 看望祖(或外祖)父母 see a film 看电影take a trip 去旅行go to the supermarket 去超市this morning今天早上 this afternoon今天下午 this evening今天晚上 tonight在今晚 tomorrow明天 next week 下周dictionary 字(词)典comic book(儿童的)连环画册 word book 单词书postcard 明信片三会单词Unit 1send 邮寄between…and…在……和……之间,London Eye伦敦银,Thames 泰晤士河,finally终于,portion(食物的)一份,tasty美味的,stomach胃,astray走错方向 (p80) [Better to ask the way than go astray.问路总比迷路好。

]Unit 2by ferry乘轮渡,Hooray!好极了!pay attention to注意,cross the road横穿马路,traffic lights交通信号灯,at home在家, missed(miss的过去式)想念, different,不同,chopsticks,筷子(复数),cross穿过,look right向右看,same 相同的,door门, look at朝……看 play with 和……一起玩, British 英国的,double-decker双层公共汽车, same相同的, airplane 飞机(p70)course(赛马比赛的)跑道(p80)[Horses for courses.知人善任。



PEP六年级上册四会单词及重点句型英语四会单词Unit1foot(脚)bike(自行车)bus(公共汽车)train(火车)by (经,乘) how(怎样) go to school(上学)traffic(交通)stop(停,停车站)traffic light(交通灯)wait(等待)traffic rule(交通规则)get to(到达)Unit 2library(图书馆) post office(邮局)hospital(医院) cinema(电影院)bookstore(书店) where(在哪里,到哪) please(请) turn (转弯) next to(与…相邻)right (右边) left(左边) straight(成直线地) then (然后)Unit 3next week(下周) comic book(漫画书)this morning(今天上午) post card(明信片)this afternoon(今天下午) newspaper(报纸)this evening (今天晚上) buy(购买)Unit 4hobby(爱好) ride a bike--riding a bike(骑自行车)dive--diving(跳水) play the violin—playing the violin(拉小提琴) make kites—making kites(制作风筝) collect stamps—collecting stamps(集邮)live--lives(居住) teach--teaches(教)go--goes(去) watch--watches(看)read--reads(读,看) does-- doesn’t =does notUnit 5singer(歌唱家,歌手) engineer(工程师)writer(作家) accountant(会计)actor(男演员) policeman(男警察)actress(女演员) salesperson(销售员)artist(画家) cleaner(清洁工)TV reporter(电视台记者)where(在哪里,到哪里)work(工作)Unit 6rain(雨) seed(种子)cloud (云) soil(土壤)sun(太阳) sprout (苗,芽)stream(河,溪) plant(植物,种植)come from(来自,从…来) should (应该) then(然后)重点句子How do you go to school, Sarah?你怎么去学校,莎拉?Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike.通常我不行去学校,有时我骑自行车去。



PEP六年级英语上册四会单词、句子及语法点整理PEPц?Unit 1锛欻ow do you go there? on foot by bike 楠戣嚜琛岃溅by bus 涔y train 涔樼伀杞?how 鎬庢牱go to school traffic 浜ら€?traffic lights 浜ら€氱伅traffic rules ?stop 鍋滐紝鍋滆溅绔?wait 绛夊緟get to 鍒拌揪 1.How do you go to school, Sarah? 浣犳€庢牱鍘讳笂瀛︼紵Usually I go to school on foot. / Sometimes I go by bike. 閫氬父鎴戣蛋?2銆丠ow can I get to Zhongshan Park? 鎴You can go by the No. 15 bus. 浣犲彲浠ヤ箻鍧?15 ?Unit 2锛歐here Is the Science Museum? library 鍥句功棣?post office hospital 鍖婚櫌cinema 鐢靛奖闄?bookstore 涔﹀簵please 璇?next to 涓庘€︾浉閭?turn right 鍚戝彸杞瑃urn left 鍚戝乏杞琯o straight where 鍦ㄥ摢閲宼hen 鐒跺悗1. Where is the cinema, please??It's next to the hospital.瀹冧笌鍖婚櫌鐩搁偦銆?2. 2銆乀urn left at the cinema, then go straight. It's on the left.鍦ㄧ數褰遍櫌宸﹁浆锛岀劧鍚庣洿琛屻€傚畠灏卞湪宸﹁竟銆?Unit 3锛?What Are You Going to Do? next week 涓嬪懆this morning 浠婂ぉ涓婂崍this afternoon 浠婂ぉ涓嬪崍this evening 浠婂ぉ鏅氫笂comic book ?post card 鏄庝俊鐗?newspaper 鎶ョ焊buy 1. What are you going to do on the weekend? 鍛ㄦ湯浣犳墦绠楀共浠€涔堬紵I'm going to visit my grandparents this weekend.鎴戞墦绠楄繖鍛?2. Where are you going this afternoon? 浠婂?I'm going to the bookstore.鎴戞墦绠楀幓涔﹀簵銆?3銆?What are you going to buy锛熶綘鎵撶畻涔颁粈涔堬紵I'm going to buy a comic book.?4銆乄hen are you going?浣犳墦绠椾粈涔堟椂鍊欏幓锛?I am going at 3 o'clock銆傛垜鎵撶畻 3 鐐瑰幓銆?Unit 4锛?I Have a Pen Pal hobby 鐖卞ソride a bike--riding a bike 楠戣嚜琛岃溅dive--diving 璺虫按play the violin鈥昿laying the violin 鎷夊皬鎻愮惔make kites 鈥昺aking kites 鍒朵綔椋庣瓭collect stamps鈥昪ollecting stamps 闆嗛偖live 锟紺lives 灞呬綇teach--teaches 鏁?go--goes 鍘?watch--watches 鐪?read--reads 璇伙紝鐪?does doesn鈥檛=does not 1. What's your hobby?涔堬紵I like collecting stamps.?2銆丠e likes collecting stamps, too. ?3銆丏oes she teach math? --- Yes, she does.?Does she teach English?-- No, she doesn't.涓嶏紝濂逛笉鏁欍€?She teaches math.?Unit 5锛?What Does She Do? singer 姝屽敱瀹讹紝姝屾墜writer actor 鐢锋紨鍛?actress 濂虫紨鍛?artist TV reporter ?engineer 宸ョ▼甯?accountant policeman ?salesperson cleaner 娓呮磥宸?where 鍦ㄥ摢閲岋紝鍒板摢閲?work 宸ヤ綔 1.What does your mother do? What si your mother??She is a TV reporter.濂规槸涓€浣嶇數瑙嗗彴璁拌€呫€?2銆乄hat does your father do? 浣犵埜鐖告槸骞蹭粈涔堢殑锛烪e is an accountant.浠栨槸涓€浣嶄細璁°€?3銆乄here does she work? ?She works in a car company.濂瑰湪灏忔苯杞﹀叕鍙稿伐浣溿€?4銆丠ow does she go to work? She goes to work by bus.?Unit 6锛?The Story of Rain rain 闆?cloud 浜?sun stream 娌筹紝婧?come from 鏉ヨ嚜锛?浠庘€︽潵seed 绉嶅瓙soil 鍦熷¥sprout 鑻楋紝鑺?plant 妞嶇墿锛?should 搴then 鐒跺悗1. Where does the rain come from? --- It comes from the clouds.?2銆乄here does the cloud come from? 浜--- It comes from the vapour.?3銆乄here does the vapour come from? --- It comes from the water in the river.?4銆丠ow can the water become vapour?姘存€庢牱鍙樻垚姘磋捀姘旓紵--- The sun shines and the waterbecomes vapour.闃冲厜鐓ц€€锛屾按鍙樻垚钂告皵銆?5.銆丠ow do you do that? 浣犳€庢牱鍋氬憿? 6銆?What should you do then?鐒跺悗浣犲簲璇ュ共浠€涔堬紵鍔ㄨ瘝鍙樺寲褰㈠紡锛?鍔ㄨ瘝鐨勭幇鍦ㄥ垎璇嶏紝鐢ㄤ簬鐜板湪杩О+be(am is are)+1ng: reading flying looking cooking eating鈥?2銆佸姩璇嶆湯灏炬槸涓嶅彂闊崇殑e,鍘绘帀e,鍐嶅姞ing: take-taking come-coming ride-ridinghave-having make-making 鈥?3ing:run-running sit-sitting put-putting begin-beginning swimming鈥?渚嬶細I am reading a comic book. 鍚屾椂鍔ㄨ瘝鐜板湪鍒嗚瘝缁撴瀯杩樺彲浠ョ敤浜巐ike/enjoy I like swimming./I enjoy swimming.绉板崟鏁板舰寮忥紝鐢ㄤ簬always,often,usually,sometimes every dayО1銆佸姩璇嶆湯灏惧姞s: says asks sings answers looks makes鈥?2銆佷互s銆亁銆乧h 銆乻h缁撳熬鐨勫姩璇嶅姞es: teaches brushes鈥?3銆佷互杈呴煶瀛楁瘝+y缁撳熬鐨勶紝鍘粂鍙榠,鍐嶅姞es: fly-flies try-tries鈥?4.es锛?go-goes do-does have-has he has a book. 鐗规畩鐤戦棶鍙??璇㈤棶骞撮緞锛岀敤how old How old is Jenny? She is eleven. 璇㈤棶棰滆壊锛岀敤what colour What colour is your hair? It鈥檚black. 璇㈤棶浠锋牸锛岀敤how much How much is a stamp? 2 yuan. 璇㈤棶琛屼负鏂瑰紡锛岀敤how How do you go to school? By bus. 璇㈤棶鏁伴噺锛岀敤how many How many books do you have? I have twelve books. 璇㈤棶鏃堕棿锛岀敤when When is Teacher鈥檚Day?It鈥檚September tenth. 璇㈤棶鍏蜂綋鏃跺埢锛岀敤what time What timeis it now? It鈥檚6:30. 璇㈤棶鍦版柟锛岀敤where Where is the book? It鈥檚on the desk. 璇㈤棶浜猴紝鐢╳ho Who is she ?She is my sister. /灞?澶?..锛夛紝鐢╳hich Which season do you like ?I like summer. 璇㈤棶鑱屼笟锛岀敤what What do you do?I am a teacher. What are you?I am a teacher. 璇㈤棶鐖卞ソ锛岀敤what What is your hobby?I like swimming./My hobby is swimming. What do you like to do?I like swimming. 鏃舵€侊細1. (琛ㄧ粡甯革? 锛?锛?be鍔ㄨ瘝鐨勫彞瀛?I am a girl.(鑲? Are you a girl锛焂es,I am./No,I am not.() What is she锛?鐗规畩鐤戦棶鍙?She is a teacher./She is not a student.(鍚? 锛?锛?瀹炰箟鍔ㄨ瘝鐨勫彞瀛?A锛彞鍊熷姪鍔╁姩璇峝o I often read comic books and clean the room on Saturday.锛堣偗锛?I do not (don鈥檛) read comic books and clean the room on Sunday.(鍚? Do you often read comic books and clean the room on Saturday?Yes, I do./No,I don鈥檛.() What do you often do on Saturday?(鐗规畩鐤戦棶鍙? B:浜虹О紡锛屽湪鐤戦棶鍙ュ拰鍚﹀畾鍙ヤ腑鍔╁姩璇嶇敤does锛屽疄涔夊姩璇嶅彉涓哄師褰?She often reads comic books and clean the room on Saturday.锛堣偗锛?She does not (doesn鈥檛) read comic books and clean the room on Sunday.(鍚? Does she often read comic books and clean the room on Saturday?Yes, she does./No,she doesn鈥檛.() What does she often do on Saturday?(鐗规畩鐤戦棶鍙? 2. 為檯杩樻病鍋氾級閫氬父浼氭湁琛ㄥ皢鏉ョ殑鏃堕棿缁撴瀯锛氫汉绉?be锛坅m/is/are锛塯oing to +鍔ㄨ瘝鍘熷舰+鏃堕棿锛堣〃鎵撶畻锛?My mother is going to clean the room this weekend.(鑲? My mother is not going to clean the room this weekend.(鍚? Is your mother going to clean the room this weekend?Yes,she is ./No,she isn鈥檛.(涓) What is your mother going to do this weekend?(鐗规畩鐤戦棶鍙?3. 缁撴瀯锛氫汉绉?be锛坅m/is/are锛?鍔ㄨ瘝鍒嗚瘝缁撴瀯+(now) My uncle is making kites now.(鑲? My uncle is not making kites now.(鍚? Is your uncle is making kites now?Yes,he is./No,he isn鈥檛.( ) What is your uncle doing now?(鐗规畩鐤戦棶鍙?4. 鎯呮€佸姩璇峜an I can swim.(鑲? I can not swim.(鍚? Can you swim?Yes,I can./No,I can鈥檛.(涓€鑸) What can you do?(鐗规畩鐤戦棶鍙?。



新人教版英语六年级上册知识点总结Unit 2 Ways to go to school 一.知识点归纳(一)、词汇四会bike ( 自行车) by ( 乘坐) slow down 慢下来bus (公共汽车) foot (脚)stop 停下来train (火车) how (怎样)plane ( 飞机) go to school (上学)ship (轮船) taxi 出租车ferry 轮渡sled 雪橇subway ( 地铁) (交通工具前加by ;表示乘坐;但步行要用on foot )交通工具traffic tools 其他 2 (二)、重点句型①询问交通方式用疑问代词——你怎样去/来上学?——我走路去/来上学。

—— How does your father go to work ? 你父亲怎样去上班?——He goes to work by subway . 他坐地铁去上班。

②询问地点;用疑问代词where Where is your home ? 你家在哪里?It’s near the post office . 在邮局旁边。

Where are the teachers ? 老师们在哪儿They are in the teacher’s office .在老师的办公室。

③问路:How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital? 我怎么去福星医院?You can take the No .1 bus . 你可以乘坐1路公交车。

④交通规则(traffic rules ):Stop and wait at a red light . 红灯停Go at a green light . 绿灯行Slow down and stop at a yellow light . 黄灯停⑤You must drive slowly. You must wear a life jacket. You must stop at a red light 你必须开慢点。



PEP六年级英语上册四会单词、句子及语法点整理PEP六年级英语上册四会单词、句子及语法点整理Unit 1:How do you go there?步行by bike 骑自行车 by bus 乘公共汽车by train 乘火车 how 怎样 gl 上学 traffic 交通 traffic lights 交通灯 traffic rules 交通规则 stop 停,停车站 wait 等待 get to 到达1.How do you gl, Sarah? 你怎样去上学? Usually I gl/I go by bike. 通常我走路上学,有时骑自行车。

2、How can I get to Zhongshan Park? 我怎样能到达中山公园?You can go by the No. 15 bus. 你可以乘坐 15 路公交车。

Unit 2:Where Iuseum?library 图书馆邮局 hospital 医院 cinema 电影院 b书店please 请 next to 与…相邻 turn right 向右转turn left 向左转go straight直行 where 在哪里then 然后1. Wa, please? 请问电影院在哪里? It's nexal.它与医院相邻。

2. 2、Turn left aa, then go straight. It'left.在电影院左转,然后直行。


Unit 3: What Are You Going to Do?next week 下周g 今天上午 this a今天下午 this evening 今天晚上 comic book 漫画书 post card 明信片 newspaper 报纸 buy 购买1. What are you going to dweekend? 周末你打算干什么? I'm going to vgrandpaweekend.我打算这周末看望我的外祖父母。




下⾯是由带来的六年级上册英语单词句⼦,欢迎⼤家阅读!【篇⼀】六年级上册英语单词句⼦词汇 ⼀单元: 四会单词: 1)科学博物馆 sceience museum 2)邮局post office 3)书店bookstore 4)电*cinema 5)医院hospital 6)⼗字路⼝crossing 7)左转弯turn left 8)右转弯turn right 9)直⾏go straight 四会句⼦: 1)博物馆商店在哪⼉? Where is the museum shop? 在⼤门附近。

It’s near the door. 2)邮局在哪⼉? Where is te ppost office? 与博物馆相邻。

It’s next to the museum. 3)我们怎么到那⼉? How can we get there? 到书店左转,然后到医院右转。

Turn left at the bookstore.Then turn right at the hospital. ⼆单元: 四会单词: 1)步⾏on foot 2)乘公共汽车by bus 3)乘飞机by plane 4)乘出租车by taxi 5)乘轮船by ship 6)乘地铁by subway 7)乘⽕车by train 8)Slow down and stop at a yellow light. 9)Stop and wait at a red light. 10)Go at a green light. 四会句⼦: 1) 你怎么来学校的?How do you come to school. 通常我步⾏来,有时我乘公共汽车来。

Usually I come on foot.Sometimes I come by bus. 我经常骑⾃⾏车来。

I often come by bike. 2)我怎样才能到达复兴医院呢?How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital? 在那边乘坐57路公交车。



人教版小学英语六年级上册四会单词及句子Unit1 第一单元四会单词:science museum 科学博物馆post office 邮局bookstore 书店cinema 电影院hospital 医院crossing 十字路口turn left 向左转go straight 直走turn right 向右转四会句子:1-- Where is the museum shop? 博物馆的商店在哪儿?--It’s near the door 在大门附近2 --How can we get there? 我们怎么到那儿?--Turn left at the bookstore 到书店左转四会单词:on foot 走路by bus 乘公共汽车by taxi 乘出租车by plane 乘飞机by subway 乘地铁by ship 乘船by train 乘火车slow down 减速stop 停下wait 等go 走四会句子:1-- How do you come to school? 你怎么来学校的?--Usually, I come on foot 通常我走路来2 In the USA people on bikes must wear one 在美国骑自行车的人必须戴头盔3 Don’t go at the red light! 别闯红灯4 I must pay attention to the traffic lights 我必须注意交通信号灯四会单词:visit my grandparents 拜访我的外祖父母see a film 看电影take a trip 远行go to the supermarket 去超市dictionary 词典comic book 连环画书word book 单词书postcard 明信片四会句子:1 --What are you going to do tomorrow? 你明天打算做什么?--I’m going to have an art lesson. 我要上美术课2 We’re going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. 我要到人民公园去画画3 --Where are you going? 你们打算去哪儿?--We’re going to the cinema 我们打算去电影院4 When are you going? 你们什么时候去?四会单词:dance 跳舞sing 唱歌read stories 看故事书play football 踢足球do kung fu 打功夫cook Chinese food 做中国菜study Chinese 学习汉语do word puzzles 猜字谜go hiking 远足四会句子:1 --What are Peter ’s hobbies? 彼得有什么爱好?--He likes reading stories 他喜欢读故事2 --Does he live in Sydney? 他住在悉尼吗?--No, he doesn’t 不,他没有3 --Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking? 他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗?--Yes, he does是的,他喜欢四会单词:factory worker 工厂工人postman 邮递员businessman 生意人police officer 警察fisherman 渔民scientist 科学家pilot 飞行员coach 教练四会句子:1 --What does he do? 他是做什么的?--He is a businessman. 他是商人2--Where does he work? 他在哪儿工作?-- He works at sea. 他在海上工作。



最新新人教版英语六年级上册知识点总结Unit 2 Ways to go to school 一.知识点归纳(一)、词汇四会bike ( 自行车) by ( 乘坐) slow down 慢下来bus (公共汽车) foot (脚)stop 停下来train (火车) how (怎样)plane ( 飞机) go to school (上学)ship (轮船) taxi 出租车ferry 轮渡sled 雪橇subway ( 地铁) (交通工具前加by ,表示乘坐,但步行要用on foot )交通工具traffic tools 其他 2 (二)、重点句型①询问交通方式用疑问代词——你怎样去/来上学?——我走路去/来上学. ——How does your father go to work ? 你父亲怎样去上班?——He goes to work by subway . 他坐地铁去上班. ②询问地点,用疑问代词where Where is your home ? 你家在哪里?It’s near the post office . 在邮局旁边. Where are the teachers ? 老师们在哪儿They are in the teacher’s office .在老师的办公室. ③问路:How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital? 我怎么去福星医院?You can take the No .1 bus . 你可以乘坐1路公交车. ④交通规则(traffic rules ):Stop and wait at a red light . 红灯停Go at a green light . 绿灯行Slow down and stop at a yellow light . 黄灯停⑤You must drive slowly. You must wear a life jacket. You must stop at a red light 你必须开慢点. 你必须穿救生衣. 你必须在红灯时停. Don’t go at a red light. Don’t run on the ferry. Don’t let the dogs run too fast. 不要在红灯时走. 不要在轮渡上奔跑. 不要让狗跑的太快. Unit 3 My weekend plan 一、知识点归纳(一)、词汇四会next week /weekend 下周/ 周末newspaper 报纸this morning 今天上午漫画书Time this afternoon 今天下午word book 单词书(时间) this evening 今天晚上this weekend 这个周末dictionary 字典tonight 今夜tomorrow 明天post card 明信片take a trip 去旅游theme park 主题公园activities see a film 看电影others pet shop 宠物店(活动)go to the supermarket 去看电影(其他)supermarket 超市visit my grandparents 参观祖父母shoe store 鞋店二、重点句式和句型:本单元中出现的一个重点语法是一般将来时:表示将要发生的动作或状态,常和表示将来的时间连用. 构成:陈述肯定句:主语+ be going to + 动词原形+ 其他例子I am going to (go to) the bookstore by bus this afternoon. He/ She is going to take a trip by train this weekend. We/ They are going to see a film tonight. 3 否定句:主语+ be + not going to +动词原形+其他例子I am not going to (go to) the bookstore by bus this afternoon. He/ She is not going to take a trip by train this weekend. We/ They are not going to see a film tonight. 一般疑问句:Be+ 主语+ going to +动词原形+其他? 例子:Are you going to the bookstore by bus this afternoon? Yes,I am . No,I’m not. Is he/ She going to take a trip by train this weekend?Yes,he/ She is. No,he/ She isn’t. Are we/ they going to see a film tonight? Yes,we/ they are. No,we/ they aren’t. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句?例子:What are you going to do this afternoon? Where are you going this afternoon? How are you going to the bookstore this afternoon? When are you going to the bookstore by bus? (以上特殊疑问句中are you 可以替换为is he ,is she,are they,are we等) 三、重点句型: 1. we’re going to see a film about space trael! 我们将要去看关于火星之旅的电影.2. We are going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.我们打算去人民公园画一些画.3. Havea good time!玩的愉快. 4. ----What are you going to do in the future? 你将来想干什么?----I’m going to be a science teacher one day. 或I want to be a science teacher one day. 我想将来有一天当科学老师. Unit 4 I have a pen pal 本单元的重点是谈论某人的兴趣爱好,语法是动词的-ing形式和动词的第三人称单数形式. 一、词汇:dance (dancing) 跳舞sing (singing ) 唱歌hobby play football (playing football) 踢足球(爱好)read story (reading stories ) 看故事hobbies do kung fu (doing kung fu ) 练武术live (lives) in Shiyan 住在十堰like (likes) 喜欢teach (teaches) English 教英语study ( studies Chinese 学习汉语) go (goes) hiking 去远足cook (cooks ) Chinese food 制作中国食物) 第三人单数watch (watches) TV 看电视read (reads) newspaper读报纸do (does) word puzzles 猜字谜二、句型:1.询问某人的兴趣爱好:①----What’s your hobby?(单数句式) What are your hobbies?(复数句式)你的爱好是什么?----I like reading stories and singing. 我喜欢读故事书和唱歌. I also like…我也喜欢…②---- What’s Peter’s (his) / Amy’s (her) hobby? (单数句式) What are Peter’s (his) / Amy’s (her) hobbies? (复数句式)---- He / She likes reading stories and singing. 他/ 她喜欢读故事书和唱歌 4 2. 表示征求别人意见:Can I also be his pen pal? 我也可以做他的笔友吗?Sure.当然. 三、语法用法:(1)表达喜欢做某事,通常要用动词的-ing 形式,即:like doing sth. 如:like singing / playing football / listening to music / playing the pipa / watching TV等(2)一般现在时的用法表示经常或习惯性的动作或状态,常与every day /morning /evening ,often,usually,always,sometimes 等状语连用. 如:We do morning exercises every day. He usually goes to school by bike. 结构:肯定句:主语+动词+其他. 如:Miss white teaches English. 否定句:主语+don’t/doesn’t +动词+其他如:Miss white doesn’t teach English. 一般疑问句:Do/ Does +主语+ 动词原形+其他?如:Does Miss White teach English? 肯否定回答:Yes,she does ./ No,she doesn’t . 备注:第三人称单数用does,doesn’t. 没有does,doesn’t 时动词必须要有变化. 四、语法记忆小锦囊★一般现在时用法记忆歌:肯定句的现在式,不是三单用原形,要是三单就加s,es,若是否定疑问句,没有be就加个do,碰到三单加does. 如把does加在前,动词就要还原形. ★第三人称单数记忆小诀窍:我不能S,你不能S,他们她们它们、大家都不能S. 谁S?他她它S. Unit 5 What does he do ? 一、知识点归纳(一)词汇四会singer (歌手) writer ( 作家) Hong Kong ( 香港) head teacher 校长dancer 舞蹈家sea (大海)worker ( 工人) cleaner 清洁工factory ( 工厂) postman ( 邮递员) driver 司机stay ( 保持) businessman ( 商人) secretary 秘书university (大学) football player 足球运动员help ( 帮助) fisherman (渔民) money (金钱) scientist ( 科学家) gym ( 体育馆) police officer (警察) use ( 使用pilot ( 飞行员) type ( 打字) coach (教练) cook(厨师)quickly ( 迅速地) (二)重点句型职业job 三会 5 ①询问职业What does he(she) do ?/What is he(she) ?/What’s his(her) job? 他是做什么的?He/ She is a doctor. 他是一个医生. What do you do ?/What are you ? / What’s your job? 你是做什么的?I ’m a student . 我是一个学生.②询问工作的地点Where do you work ? 你在哪儿工作?I work in a school . 我在一个学校工作. Where does she / your mother work ? 她/ 你妈妈在哪儿工作?上词可替换. She works in a hospital . 她在一个医院工作. 一般疑问句:Does he work in a factory ? 他在工厂工作吗Yes ,he does . 是的.③询问怎样去工作How does your father go to work ? 你父亲怎么去上班?上词可替换. He goes to work by car . 他开车去上班. ④He works very hard and stays healthy. 他工作很努力而且保持健康. We should study hard and stay healthy. 我们应该努力学习并且保持健康. healthy life 健康生活lots of fish 许多鱼other cuntries 其他国家Unit 6 How do you feel? 重点单词:angry 生气的see a doctor 看病afraid 害怕的take a deep breath 深吸一口气情绪sad 难过的count to ten 数到十worried 担心的wear warm clothes 穿暖点happy 高兴地do more exercise 多锻炼重要句型: 1、They’re afraid of him. 他们害怕它. 2、The cat is angry with him. 这只猫很生他们的气. 3、What’s wrong ? Your father is ill. 怎么了?你爸爸病了. 4、Don’t be sad . 别伤心. 5、How do you feel ?你感觉怎么样?I am sad. 或I feel sad. 我很难过. How does Oliver / Amy / XX feel ? He / She is …. 或He / She feels …6、What should I / he / she / XX do ? 我/他/她/某人应该怎么做?You / He / She should + 动词原形(表示建议)你/他/她应该…。



Unit 1 How can I get there?science[ˈsaɪəns] 科学museum[mjuˈziːəm]博物馆post office[ˈpəʊst ɒfɪs] 邮局bookstore['bʊkstɔ:(r)]书店cinema[ˈsɪnəmə]电影院hospital[ˈhɒspɪtl]医院crossing[ˈkrɒsɪŋ] 十字路口turn[tɜːn]转弯left[left] 左straight[streɪt]笔直的right[raɪt]右Unit 2Ways to go to school. on foot[fʊt]步行by[baɪ] (表示方式)乘bus[bʌs]公共汽车plane[pleɪn]飞机taxi[ˈtæksi]出租汽车ship[ʃɪp] (大)船subway[ˈsʌbweɪ]地铁train[treɪn] 火车slow[sləʊ](使)放慢速度;慢的down[daʊn]减少;降低stop[stɒp] 停下Unit3My weekend plan.visit[ˈvɪzɪt]拜访film[fɪlm]电影see a film看电影triptrɪp]旅行1.take a trip去旅行supermarket[ˈsuːpəmɑːkɪt] 超市evening[ˈiːvnɪŋ] 晚上;傍晚tonight[təˈnaɪt]在今晚tomorrow[təˈmɒrəʊ]明天next week下周dictionary[ˈdɪkʃənri]词典comic[ˈkɒmɪk]滑稽的comic book(儿童的)连环画册word[wɜːd]单词2.word book单词书postcard[ˈpəʊstkɑːd]明信片Unit4 I have a pen pal.studies['stʌdɪz](study的第三人称单数形式)学习puzzle[ˈpʌzl] 迷hiking[ˈhaɪkɪŋ]远足Unit5 What does he do?factory[ˈfæktri]工厂worker[ˈwɜːkə(r)] 工人postman[ˈpəʊstmən] 邮递员businessman[ˈbɪznəsmæn]商人;企业家police officer[pəˈli:s ˈɔfisə]警察fisherman[ˈfɪʃəmən]渔民scientist[ˈsaɪəntɪst] 科学家pilot[ˈpaɪlət]飞行员coach[kəʊtʃ]教练Unit6How do you feel?angry[ˈæŋɡri]生气的afraid[əˈfreɪd] 害怕sad[sæd]难过的worried[ˈwʌrid]担心的;发愁的happy[ˈhæpi]高兴的see a doctor[ˈdɒktə(r)] 看病wear[weə(r)]穿more[mɔː(r)] 更多的deep[diːp]深的take a deep breath[breθ] 深吸一口气count[kaʊnt] 数数count to ten数到十。



word格式-可编辑-感谢下载支持做题方法指导(姓名:_____________)一、疑问词:what什么where哪里when什么时候which 哪一个who谁whose 谁的why 为什么how 怎样如何how many+可数名词复数多少how much多少钱二、动词结构(时间决定动词结构)A. 看到关键词:always, usually, often ,sometimes或every day ,every week等经常性时间,要理解成:平时做,平时做:动词用原形,如果是He/She/It/某某某平时做,动词要+s/es(即用三单形式)B. 看到关键词:look ,now, listen!要理解成:正在做。

正在做要用:is/am/are+doing(be 和doing二者缺一不可)。

C.看到看到关键词:next week/ next weekend, this morning/this afternoon/this evening,/tonight tomorrow等将来时间, 要理解成:打算做或者将要做。

打算做用is/am/are going to三、变一般疑问句的就是:一提一改一问号或一借一改一问号。



(如果找到的是动词原形,就借助动词do,如果是动词s/es,就借does,后面动词恢复原形)(注:一提是指将is/am/are/can/will/ould/could提到人猜前面,一借是指借助动词do/does, 一改是指第一,二人称互改:I am改Are you my改your等;some改any)四、就划线部分提问和变特殊疑问句的方法就是:1. 定疑问词2.去划线部分(划线部分是动词短语要用do代替,Where提问要去掉to)3.变一般疑问句(即:一提一改一问号或一借一改一问号)五、变否定句的方法是:1.找到离人称最近的is/am/are/can/will/would/could直接在后面+not2. 找不到,就在动词前面借助动词don’t/doesn’t,后面的动词要恢复原形。




一、四会单词(要求会听、说、读、写)1. visit.- 音标:英[ˈvɪzɪt];美[ˈvɪzɪt]- 词性:动词,意为“拜访;参观”。

例如:I often visit my grandparents on weekends.(我经常在周末看望我的祖父母。

)2. film.- 音标:英[fɪlm];美[fɪlm]- 词性:名词,意为“电影”。

如:I like to see a film.(我喜欢看电影。

)3. see a film.- 音标:[siːə fɪlm]- 词性:动词短语,意为“看电影”。

例如:Let's see a film tonight.(今晚让我们去看电影吧。

)4. trip.- 音标:英[trɪp];美[trɪp]- 词性:名词,意为“旅行”。

例如:We had a great trip last year.(我们去年有一次很棒的旅行。

)5. take a trip.- 音标:[teɪk ə trɪp]- 词性:动词短语,意为“去旅行”。

如:I want to take a trip to Beijing.(我想去北京旅行。

)6. supermarket.- 音标:英[ˈsuːpəmɑːkɪt];美[ˈsuːpərmɑːrkɪt]- 词性:名词,意为“超市”。

例如:My mother often goes shopping in the supermarket.(我妈妈经常在超市购物。

)7. evening.- 音标:英[ˈiːvnɪŋ];美[ˈiːvnɪŋ]- 词性:名词,意为“晚上;傍晚”。

例如:We often watch TV in the evening.(我们经常在晚上看电视。

)8. tonight.- 音标:英[təˈnaɪt];美[təˈnaɪt]- 词性:名词,意为“今晚”。

例如:What are you going to do tonight?(你今晚打算做什么?)9. tomorrow.- 音标:英[təˈmɒrəʊ];美[təˈmɑːroʊ]- 词性:名词,意为“明天”。

(Unit 6)小学英语人教版PEP六年级上册知识汇总

(Unit 6)小学英语人教版PEP六年级上册知识汇总

Unit 6四会词(会听说读写)考查形式:听力或笔试补全单词题PA angry 生气的afraid 害怕的sad 伤心的worried 担心的happy 开心的PB see a doctor 看医生do more exercise 多做运动wear warm clothes 穿暖和的衣服take a deep breath 深呼吸count to ten 数到十wear 穿count 数数more 更多的deep 深的breath 呼吸三会词(会听说读)考查形式:笔试第一大题选择不同类(同类)一项mice 老鼠(mouse 的复数)chase 追逐(三单:chases)(ing 形式:chasing)be afraid of 对...害怕be angry with 对...生气bad 坏的hurt 伤害maybe 也许ill 生病What’s wrong?怎么了?should 应该feel 感到well 好;健康not well 不太好wrong 有毛病ant 蚂蚁sit 坐on the grass 在草坪上hear 听见worry 担心stuck in 陷入mud 泥everyone 每人pull (+人)out of (把某人)拉出来be nice to (+人)对(某人)友好重点句型考查形式:连词成句The mice are afraid of the cat.老鼠害怕猫。

The cat is angry with them.猫对他们感到愤怒。

Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now!也许我们的猫正在抓老鼠呢!--What’s wrong?怎么了?--Your father is ill.你爸爸生病了。

He should see a doctor this morning.今天早晨他应该去看医生。

How does Dad feel now ?父亲现在感觉怎么样?Don’t be sad.别伤心。



人教版六年级上册英语单词和句子Unit1 How can I get there? 我们怎么到那儿?句子☆为四会句子(☆要默写。


)☆ 1、Where is the museum shop?博物馆的商店在哪儿?☆ 2、It’s near the door.在大门附近。

☆ 3、How can we get there?我们怎么到那儿?☆ 4、Turn left at the bookstore.在书店左转。

5、I want to buy a postcard. 我想买一张明信片。

6、I want to send it today. 我想今天寄出。

7、I’ll ask. 我去问问。

8、Wow, a talking robot! 哇!一个讲话机器人。

9、What a great museum! 好棒的一家博物馆!10、There is a pet hospital in my city. 在我的城市有一家宠物医院。

11、Wu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots.吴一凡和罗宾正在看一些机器人。

12、I know a great Italian restaurant. 我知道一家很棒的意大利餐厅。

13、Chen Jie is trying to be a tour guide for Oliver in Beijing.陈洁正试图给奥利佛当北京的向导。

14、Wu Yinfan’s grandpa ga ve Robin a new feature.吴一凡的爷爷给罗宾增加了一个新功能。

15、My new GPS works!我的全球定位系统起作用了。

16、My stomach hurts.我的胃不舒服了。

17、Is it far? 那儿远吗?No, it’s near. 不,它很近。

Unit 2 Ways to go to school.去上学的方式。



五升六年级·六年级英语『六年级英语上册四会单词和四会句子』Unit11.博物馆的商店在哪儿?Where is the museum shop?在大门附近。

It’s near the door.2.邮局在哪里?Wh ere is the post office?在博物馆旁边。

It’s next to the museum.3.我们怎么到那儿?How can we get there?到书店左转。

Turn left at the bookstore.Unit 21.你怎么来学校的?How do you come to school?通常我走路来。

Usually, I come on foot.有时候我坐公交。

Sometimes I come by bus.2.在美国骑自行车的人必须戴头盔。

In the USA people on b i k es○s must wear a helmet.3.别闯红灯。

Don’t go at the red light.4.我必须注意交通灯。

I must pay attention to the traffic light○s.5.在黄灯的时候慢下来并停下。

Sl ow down and stop at a yellow light.6.在绿灯的时候行走。

G o at a green light .7.在红灯的时候停下来并等一等。

Stop and wait at a red light .Unit 31.你明天打算做什么?What are...you going to.......dotomorrow?我要上美术课。

I.’.m going to........have an.. art lesson.我们要到人民公园去画画。

We’.re going to.........draw some picture○s in R enmin P ark.2.你们打算去哪儿?Where are you going?我们打算去电影院。



六年级上四会、三会单词、句子本学期要求四会的单词(听、说、读、写)Unit 1:by 经,乘foot脚bike自行车bus公共汽车train火车how 怎样go to school 上学traffic 交通traffic light交通灯traffic rule交通规则stop停,停车站wait 等待get to到达Unit 2:library图书馆post office邮局hospital医院 cinema电影院bookstore书店where在哪里,到哪里please请next to与…相邻turn转弯right右边left 左边straight成直线地 then然后Unit 3:next week下周this morning今天上午this afternoon今天下午this evening 今天晚上comic book漫画书post card 明信片newspaper报纸buy 购买Unit 4:hobby爱好ride a bike--riding a bike 骑自行车dive--diving跳水play the violin—playing the violin拉小提琴live –lives居住make kites—making kites 制作风筝teach--teaches 教collect stamps—collecting stamps 集邮go--goes 去watch--watches 看read--reads 读,看doesn’t=does notUnit 5:singer歌唱家,歌手writer作家actor男演员actress女演员artist画家TV reporter 电视台记者engineer工程师accountant会计policeman 男警察salesperson(销售员cleaner清洁工where在哪里,到哪里work 工作Unit 6:rain雨cloud云sun太阳stream河,溪come from 来自,从seed种子soil土壤sprout苗,芽 plant植物,种植should应该then然后本学期要求三会的单词(听、说、读,不要求写)Unit1:plane 飞机ship 船,舰subway 地铁then 然后fifth 第五remember 记住find 寻找difference 不同;区别same 相同的erery 每个;所有的country 国家always 总是;一直mean意思是drive驾驶right右边的side边English 英国if 如果Australia 澳大利亚however 但是left 左边的must 必须know知道driver司机Unit2:Science museum 科学博物馆far 远supermarket 超市bank 银行after school 放学以后want 想要buy 购买 a pair of 一双shoe store 鞋店get off 下车minute 分钟north 北south 南east 东west 西twelfth第十二party 聚会,晚会tell告诉start开始look for 寻找Unit3tonight 今晚tomorrow 明天take a trip 去旅行read a magazine 阅读杂志go to the cinema 去看电影theme park 主题公园the Great Wall 长城busy 忙碌的together一起地dictionary词典;字典magazine杂志fruit stand 水果摊pet shop 宠物商店need 需要plant 植物else 其他shop 商店Unit4:Show 展览pen pal 笔友twin 双胞胎之一something某事物must 一定,肯定fun 快乐;乐趣with 同…,和…. TV reporter 电视台记者different 不同的week 星期;周say 说;讲soon 不久excited兴奋Unit 5:Hong Kong 香港company 公司factory 工厂design设计tip 小建议money钱help 帮助well 好;对;满意地enjoy 喜欢tourist旅游者way 路,道motor cycle 摩托车police 警方Unit6:vapour 蒸汽;水汽shine 照耀become 变成little 小的drop 珠,滴wake up 醒,醒来feel 感觉think 想,思考meet 遇见,碰见high 高的other 其他的,另外的fall 落下down从高到低;向下into进入;到…里面come out 露出;出现again 再一次,又,再garden 花园easy 简单的put 放;放置several 一些;几个day 天see 看见pot 锅,碗,盆lovely 可爱的,美丽的make sure 核实get 得到month月份,月old 年龄的still 仍然;依旧;还是hardly 几乎没有;几乎不六年级上册四会句子P5 1.你是怎样去上学的? How do you go to school ?2.通常我走路去上学。

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Science museum科学博物馆post office邮局bookstore书店cinema电影院hospital医院crossing十字路口turn left向左转
go straight直走turn right向右转
1 Where is the museum shop?博物馆的商店在哪儿?
It`s near the door在大门附近
2 How can we get there?我们怎么到那儿?
Turn left at the bookstore到书店左转
On foot走路by bus乘公共汽车by taxi乘出租车by plane乘飞机by subway乘地铁by ship乘船by train乘火车slow down减速
1 How do you come to school?你怎么来学校的?
Usually,I come on foot通常我走路来
2 In the USA people on bikes must wear one在美国骑自行车的人必须戴头盔
3 Don’t go at the red light!别闯红灯
4 I must pay attention to the traffic lights我必须注意交通信号灯
Visit my grandparents拜访我的外祖父母see a film看电影take a trip 远行go to the supermarket去超市dictionary词典comic book连环
画书word book单词书postcard明信片
1 What are you going to do tomorrow?你明天打算做什么?
I`m going to have an art lesson.我要上美术课
2 We`re going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.我要到人民公园去画画
3 Where are you going?你们打算去哪儿?We`re going to the cinema我们打算去电影院
4 When are you going?你们什么时候去?
dancing跳舞singing唱歌reading stories看故事书playing football踢足球doing kung fu打功夫cooks Chinese food做中国菜studies Chinese学习汉语does word puzzles猜字谜goes hiking远足
1 What are Peter`s hobbies?彼得有什么爱好?He likes reading stories 他喜欢读故事
2 Does he live in Sydney?他住在悉尼吗?No,he doesn`t不,他没有
3 Does helike doing word puzzles and going hiking?他喜欢猜字谜和远足吗?Yes,he does是的,他喜欢
factory worker工厂工人postman邮递员businessman生意人police officer警察fisherman渔民scientist科学家pilot飞行员coach教练
1 What does he do?他是做什么的?He is a businessman.他是商人
2Where does he work?他在哪儿工作?He works at sea.
3 How does he go to work?他怎么上班?He goes to work by bike他骑自行车上班
angry生气的afraid害怕的sad悲伤地worried担心的happy开心的see a doctor看医生do more exercise做更多的锻炼take a deep breath深深吸一口气wear warm clothes穿暖和的衣服count to ten 数到十
1 They`re afraid of him.它们害怕它
2The cat is angry with them.这只猫生它们的气
3 What`s wrong?怎么了?Your father is ill你爸爸生病了
4 He should see a doctorthis morning他今天早上应该去看病
5 Don`t be sad别伤心。
