













花期在7月上旬至中旬,最早年份为 6月26日.喜肥沃湿润土壤。













亦称田野罂粟(field poppy)或法兰德斯罂粟(Flanders poppy)。







中国国花--牡丹(未定)China's national flower - Peony (undecided)柬埔寨国花--槟榔Cambodia's national flower - betel朝鲜国花--朝鲜杜鹃(金达来)Korean national flower - the Korean rhododendron (Jindal) 韩国国花--木槿South Korea's national flower - Hibiscus日本国花--樱花、菊花Japan's national flower - cherry blossom, chrysanthemum 老挝国花--鸡蛋花The national flower of Laos - egg flower缅甸国花--龙船花Myanmar's national flower - Ixora泰国国花--素馨、睡莲Thailand's national flower - jasmine, water lily马来西亚国花--扶桑Malaysia's national flower - hibiscus印度尼西亚国花--毛茉莉Indonesia's national flower - Jasmine Mao新加坡国花--万带兰Singapore's national flower - Vanda菲律宾国花--毛茉莉Philippines national flower - Jasmine Mao印度国花--荷花、菩提树India's national flower - lotus, Linden尼泊尔国花--杜鹃花The national flower of Nepal - Rhododendron不丹国花--蓝花绿绒蒿Bhutan's national flower - blue Meconopsis flowers孟加拉国花--睡莲Bangladesh Flower - Water Lily斯里兰卡国花--睡莲Sri Lanka's national flower - water lily阿富汁国花--郁金香A rich sauce flower - tulip巴基斯坦国花--素馨伊朗国花--大马士革月季Iran's national flower - Damascus Rose伊拉克国花--月季(红)Iraq's national flower - Rose (red)阿拉伯联合酋长国花--孔雀、百日草United Arab Emirates Flowers - Peacock, zinnia 也门国花--咖啡Yemeni national flower - Coffee叙利亚国花--月季Syria's national flower - rose黎巴嫩国花--雪松Lebanon's national flower - cedar以色列国国花--银莲花、油橄榄Israel's national flower - Anemone, olive土耳其国花--郁金香欧洲Turkey's national flower - the tulip Europe挪威国花--欧石楠Norway's national flower - the European heather 瑞典国花--欧洲白蜡Sweden's national flower - European Ash芬兰国花--铃兰Finland flower - Lily of the Valley丹麦国花--木春菊Denmark flower - wood Measures Adopted俄罗斯国花--向日葵Russia's national flower - Sunflower波兰国花--三色堇Poland national flower - pansy捷克斯洛伐克国花--椴树Czechoslovakia national flower - Tilia德国国花--矢车菊Germany's national flower - Cornflower南斯拉夫国花--洋李、铃兰Yugoslavia national flower - plum, lily of the valley 匈牙利国花--天竺葵Hungary national flower - geranium罗马尼亚国花--狗蔷薇Romania national flower - Rosa canina保加利亚国花--玫瑰、突厥蔷薇Bulgarian national flower - the rose, rose Turks英国国花--狗蔷薇British national flower - Rosa canina爱尔兰国花--白车轴草Ireland's national flower - white clover 法国国花--鸢尾French national flower - Iris荷兰国花--郁金香Netherlands flower - tulip比利时国花--虞美人、杜鹃花Belgium flower - Poppy, Rhododendron 卢森堡国花--月季Luxembourg National Flower - Rose摩纳哥国花--石竹Monaco flower - pink西班牙国花--香石竹Spain's national flower - carnation葡萄牙国花--雁来红、薰衣草Portugal flower - amaranth, lavender瑞士国花--火绒草Swiss Flower - edelweiss奥地利国花--火绒草Austria flower – edelweiss意大利国花--雏菊、月季Italy flower - daisies, roses圣马利诺国花--仙客来San Marino National Flower - Cyclamen 马耳他国花--矢车菊Malta national flower - Cornflower希腊国花--油橄榄、老鼠Greece flower - olive, mouseNorth America北美洲加拿大国花--糖槭Canada's national flower - sugar maple 美国国花--月季U.S. national flower - rose墨西哥国花--大丽花、仙人掌Mexico's national flower - Dahlia, cactus危地马拉国花--爪哇木棉The national flower of Guatemala - Java kapok萨尔瓦多国花--丝兰El Salvador National Flower - Yucca洪都拉斯国花--香石竹Honduras national flower - carnation尼加拉瓜国花--百合(姜黄色)Nicaragua flower - Lily (ginger)哥斯达黎加国花--卡特兰Costa Rican national flower - Cartland古巴国花--姜花、百合Cuba's national flower - ginger flowers, lilies牙买加国花--愈疮木Jamaica national flower - the more sore Wood海地国花--刺葵Haiti's national flower - Phoenix sylvestris多米尼加共和国国花--桃花心木Dominican Republic national flower - mahogany南美洲South America哥伦比亚国花--卡特兰、咖啡Colombian flower - Cartland, coffee厄瓜多尔国花--白兰花Ecuador national flower - White Orchid秘鲁国花--金鸡纳树、向日葵The national flower of Peru - Cinchona tree, sunflower 玻利维亚国花--向日葵Bolivia's national flower - Sunflower巴西国花--卡特兰Brazil's national flower - Cartland智利国花--野百合Chile's national flower - the wild lily阿根延国花--刺桐A Genyan flower - Erythrina乌拉圭国花--商陆、山楂Uruguay national flower - Commercial land, Hawthorn。




按颜色分类1. 郁金香(红色)Tulipa gesnerianna郁金香是荷兰的国花,1634~1637年间,被称为荷兰历史上的“郁金香狂热”的时期。



2. 郁金香(黄色)Tulipa gesnerianna在欧美,黄色的花通常不太受欢迎,有关的花语也都寓意较为消极。


3. 郁金香(白色)Tulipa gesnerianna16世纪来到土耳其的澳大利亚大使初次看到这种花,他向身边的土耳其人询问其名称,答案是:tulip。









National flowers

National  flowers

瑞典国花 Sweden
铃兰 lily of the valley
铃兰是圣母玛利亚哀悼基督的 眼泪变成的,把铃兰称为 “Our Lady's Tears”即圣母之 Tears” 泪,很多人也译为女人的眼泪。 在古老的苏塞克斯传说中,亚 当和夏娃听信了大毒蛇的谎言, 偷食了禁果,森林守护神圣雷 欧纳德发誓要杀死大毒蛇。在 与大毒蛇的搏斗中,他精疲力 竭与大毒蛇同归于尽,他的血 流经的土地上开出了朵朵洁白 的铃兰花。人们说那冰冷土地 上长出的铃兰就是圣雷欧纳德 的化身,凝聚了他的血液和精
巴西国花Brazil 巴西国花Brazil
毛蟹爪兰 Zygocactus truncactus 花形大而美丽,象征着巴 西人民高瞻远瞩;花瓣坚 实,象征着巴西人民坚毅 刚强;颜色富于变化,象 征着巴西人民不畏任何困 难 Flower big and beautiful, a symbol of Brazil's vision, Petals solid, symbolizing the Brazilian people strong determination, Colour abounds change, a symbol of Brazil do not afraid of any difficulty
花是和平、友好、吉祥、幸福的象征, 花是和平、友好、吉祥、幸福的象征,每个 国家都有自己的标志, 国家都有自己的标志,通过欣赏各国家的国 花更能感受得到每个国家独具特色的一面。
notional flower of China
牡丹 penoy,梅花 plum blossom,荷花lotus penoy,梅花 blossom,荷花lotus
金合欢sweetacacia 金合欢sweetacacia 花开时节,花篱似一 金色屏障,带着浓郁 的花香,令人沉醉 金合欢还是一种经济 树种,芳香的花可提 炼芳香油作高级香水 等化妆品的原料



世界各国的国花大全【常见问题】世界各国的国花大全【专家解答】亚洲各国国花 :阿富汗 Triticum sativum 小麦花(禾本科)缅甸 Ixora coccinea 龙船花(茜草科)婆罗树、稻花柬埔寨 Oryza sativa 稻花(禾本科)中国 Paeonia suffruticosa 牡丹(毛茛科)梅花(民国国花)、菊花印度 Nelumbo nucifera 莲花(睡莲科)菩提树、罂粟印度尼西亚 Jasminum gracillimum 马拉丁素馨(木犀科)西谷米(硕莪)伊郎 Rosa sp 黄色蔓蔷薇(蔷薇科)郁金香伊拉克 Rosa sp 红玫瑰(蔷薇科)枣椰子以色列 Olea europaea 油橄榄(木犀科)日本 Prunus jamasakura 樱花(蔷薇科)菊花、李花韩国、朝鲜 Hibiscus syriacus 木槿花(锦薇科)金达莱老挝 Plumeria sp 塔树花(夹竹桃科)菩提树、稻花黎巴嫩 Cedrus Iibam 黎巴嫩雪松(松科)马来西亚 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 朱槿(锦葵科)椰子孟加拉 Platanus sp. 悬铃木(悬铃木科)黄麻尼泊尔 Rhododendron arboreum 喜马拉雅山杜鹃莲花巴基斯坦 Jasminum sambac 茉莉(木犀科)玫瑰菲律宾 Jasminum sambac 茉莉(木犀科)兰花、西谷米沙特阿拉伯 Rosa sp. 乌丹玫瑰(蔷薇科)海枣树、素方花斯里兰卡 Nelumbo nucifera 莲花(睡莲科)大棕榈、石斛叙利亚 Anemone coronaria 五叶银莲花(毛莨科)杏花泰国 Oryza sativa 稻花(禾本科)柑桔、莲花、茉莉土尔其 Tulipa sp. 郁金香(百合科)玫瑰也门 Coffea arbica 咖啡(茜草科)新加坡 Rislya sp. 万代兰(兰科)阿拉伯联合酉长国 Tagetes patula 孔雀草(菊科)百日草、西番菊、红黄草大洋洲各国国花:澳大利亚 Acacia farnesiana 金合欢(含羞草科)蓝桉新西兰 Cyathea dealbata 银白树蕨(蕨科)四翅槐、贝壳杉斐济 Broussonetia PaPyrifera 扶桑(桑科)非洲各国国花 :刚果 Enpandrophragma sp. 香桃花心木(楝科)猴面包树埃及 Nymphaea caerulea 睡莲(睡莲科)草棉埃塞俄比亚 Zantedeschia aethiopica 马蹄莲(天南星科)咖啡加蓬 Spathodea campanulata 苞萼木(紫葳科)加纳 Phoenix dactylifera 海枣(棕榈科)可可、非洲鹅掌楸利比亚 Punica granatum 石榴(安石榴科)利比里亚 Piper nigrum 胡椒(胡椒科)油椰、香草果马达加斯加 Ravenalamadagascariensis 旅人蕉(旅人蕉科)摩洛哥 Qeurcus suber 栓皮储(壳斗科)塞拉利昂 Elaeis guineensis 非洲油椰(棕榈科)南非 Protea mellifera 密花普罗梯亚木(龙眼科)坦桑尼亚 Syzygium aromaticum 丁香(桃金娘科)塞内加尔 Adansonia digyfafa 猴面包树(木棉科)突尼斯 Acacia farnesiana 金合欢(含羞草科)油橄榄阿尔及利亚 Iris tectorum 鸢尾(鸢尾科)澳洲夹竹桃阿扎尼亚 Brodiaea californica 卜若地(百合科)津巴布韦 Glorilsa rothschildiana 嘉兰(百合科)欧洲各国国花 :阿尔巴尼亚 Quercus coccifera 胭脂虫栎(壳斗科)油橄榄奥地利 Leontpodium alpinum 火绒草(菊科)白百合花比利时 Papaver rhoeas 虞美人(罂粟科)保加利亚 Rosa damascena 大马士革玫瑰(蔷薇科)捷克 Tilia europaea 捷克椴(椴树科)玫瑰、康乃馨丹麦 Trifolium Pratense 红三叶草(豆科)山毛榉、五叶银莲花英国 Rosa sp. 红玫瑰(蔷薇科)法国 Iris spp 鸢尾(鸢尾科)玫瑰芬兰 Convallaria majalis 铃兰(百合科)英国栎、林奈木德国 Centaurea cyanus 矢车菊(菊科)欧椴、爱支栎希腊 Olea europaea 油橄榄(木犀科)月桂树、香堇菜荷兰 Tulipa sp. 郁金香(百合科)紫百合、康乃馨匈牙利 Tulipa sp. 郁金香(百合科)北爱尔兰 Rosa Carirla 铁钩蔷薇(蔷薇科)亚麻、槲栎意大利 Common Daisy 雏菊(菊科)五针松、康乃馨、堇菜爱尔兰 Trifolium repens 三叶草(豆科)金雀花、酢浆草列支敦士登 Liliuim bulbiferum var croceum 黄百合(百合科)卢森堡 Rosa sp. 玫瑰(蔷薇科)摩纳哥 Dianthus caryophyllus 康乃馨(石竹科)挪威 Picea excelsa 挪威云杉(松科)帚石南波兰 Violatricolor 三色堇(堇菜科)春白菊、罂粟、椴葡萄牙 Lavandula stoechas 薰衣草(辰形科)巴旦杏、白堇菜、栎树罗马尼亚 Rosa sp. 玫瑰(蔷薇科)白蔷薇圣马力诺 Cyclamen neapolifanum 仙客来(报春花科)玫瑰、油橄榄苏格兰 Onopordum acanthium 苏格兰刺蓟(菊科)西班牙 Punica granatum 石榴(安石榴科)玫瑰、康乃馨、油橄榄瑞典 Convallaria majalis 铃兰(百合科)棽树、三色苋、林奈木瑞士 Leontpodium alpinum 高山头绒草(菊科)龙胆草俄罗斯 Helianthus annuus 向日葵(菊科)白桦、母菊瓦利斯 Allium porrum 韭葱(百合科)水仙、槲树焚蒂冈城国 Lilium candidum 白百合花(百合科)南斯拉夫 Prunus domestica 桃花(蔷薇科)欧椴、铃兰立陶宛 Balfourdendron 芸香(芸香科)拉脱维亚 Leucanthemum vulgare 牛眼菊(菊科)马耳他 Centaurea cyanus 矢车菊(菊科)北美洲各国国花:美国 Rosa sp 玫瑰(蔷薇科)山楂、山月桂、蔷薇巴贝多 Poincina pulcherima 黄蝴蝶花(豆科)加拿大 Acer sachrum 糖槭(槭树科)南美洲各国国花:哥斯达黎加 Cattleya skinneri 卡特兰(兰科)阿开木古巴 Hedychium coronarium 姜花(姜科)大王椰子多米尼加 Swietenia mahogani 桃花心木(楝科)三色堇危地马拉 Lycasta skinneri 白花修女兰(兰科)桃花心木海地 Roystonea regia 王棕(棕榈科)西沙尔麻洪都拉斯 Dianthns caryphyllus 康乃馨(石竹科)北美油松、红玫瑰牙买加 Blighia sapida 甘蔗(禾本科)墨西哥 Dahlia sp. 大丽菊(菊科)胭脂仙人掌尼加拉瓜 Hedychium coronarium 姜花(姜科)天芥菜巴拿马 Carludovica palmata 棕树(棕榈科)巴拿马树、兰花萨尔瓦多 Yucca elephantipes 巨丝兰(龙舌兰科)咖啡特立尼达和多巴哥 Heliconia humilis 海里康(芭蕉科)阿根廷 Erythrina crista-galli 赛波花(豆科)卡特莱兰玻利维亚 Cantua huxifolia 黄杨叶坎吐阿木(花葱科)松树、巴沙木巴西 Chrystmascactus 毛蟹爪兰(仙人掌科)巴西木、钟花树智利 Lapageria rosea 吊钟花(百合科)海红豆哥伦比亚 Cattleya trianei 冬卡特莱兰(兰科)咖啡厄瓜多尔 Lycaste skinneri 白花修女兰(兰科)红金鸡纳树巴拉圭 Jasminum sambac 茉莉(木犀科)银果钟花树秘鲁 Cantua buxifolia 黄杨叶坎吐阿木(花葱科)向日葵乌拉圭 Erythrina crista-galli 海红豆(豆科)委内瑞拉 Catasetnm pileatum 五月兰(兰科)苍白果钟花树圭亚那 Nymphaea tetragona 睡莲(睡莲科)【本人点评】不同的国家有不同的文化,每个国家的国花也都不一样,那么,你知道几个国家的国花分别是什么呢?这里本人将世界各国的国花罗列了出来,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对我们网站的关注与支持!。



• 挪威——欧石楠(Europe heather) • 俗名苏格兰石楠,有一个美丽的译名——艾莉卡。
• 它在冰封的荒原倔强 • 地生长,漫山遍野, • 从不凋萎,在万物枯 • 槁的极地冰原,为驯 • 鹿们带来冽冽严冬里 • 温馨的食粮。但欧石 • 楠树丛的原意就是荒 • 野。
• 花语:孤
• 大洋洲中巴布亚新几内亚的 国花是杜鹃花,瓦努阿图、
斯没有国花,而其他的一些 国家国花不详
• 芬兰——铃兰(Lily of the Valley )
• 铃兰落花在风中飞舞的样子就像下雪一样,因此 铃兰的草原也被人们称为“银白色的天堂”。在 友情交往中,铃兰历
• 澳大利亚——金合欢(Acacia)
• 金色的金合欢代表着澳大利亚人所喜爱的绿荫及金子般的 色彩。它在1988年8月被正式宣布为澳大利亚国
• 花 在澳大利亚,稍加留意 • 就会发现,居民的庭院 • 不是用墙围起来,而是 • 用金合欢做刺篱,种在 • 房屋周围,非常别致。
• 来表示“幸福、纯 • 洁、处女”的骄傲, • “幸福赐予纯情的 • 少女”等美好的祝 • 愿。
• 花语
• 在法国,铃兰是纯洁,幸福的象征。每年5 月1日,法国人有互赠铃兰互相祝愿一年幸 福的意思,获赠人通常将花挂在房间里保 存全年,象征幸福永驻。铃兰花只伴着五 月的春风开放,她的花语是幸福归来 (return of happiness)。



世界各国国花一览表---------------------------------------简称洲地区英文国家Australia澳大利亚AU北美洲加勒比海地区CR北美洲中美洲Costa rica哥斯达黎加Cuba古巴CU北美洲加勒比海地区Haiti海地HT北美洲加勒比海地区HN北美洲中美洲Honduras洪都拉斯CA北美洲北美Canada加拿大US北美洲北美America美国MX北美洲北美Mexico墨西哥NI北美洲中美洲Nicaragua尼加拉瓜GT北美洲中美洲Guatemala危地马拉AR南美洲南部Argentina 阿根廷PK南美洲南部Pakistan巴基斯坦BR南美洲东部Brazil巴西BO南美洲中西部Bolivia玻利维亚EC南美洲中西部Ecuador厄瓜多尔CO南美洲北部Colombia 哥伦比亚GY南美洲北部Guyana圭亚那PE南美洲中西部Peru秘鲁CL南美洲南部Chile智利AT大洋洲大洋洲Austria奥地利BG大洋洲大洋洲Bulgaria保加利亚FJ大洋洲大洋洲Fiji斐济NZ大洋洲大洋洲New Zealand新西兰DZ非洲北非Algeria阿尔及利亚非洲北非阿扎尼亚EG非洲东非Egypt埃及CG非洲中非Congo刚果GH非洲西非Ghana加纳GA非洲中非Gabon加蓬ZW非洲南非Zimbabwe津巴布韦KE非洲东非Kenya肯尼亚LY非洲北非Libya利比亚MG非洲南非Malagasy马达加斯加MA非洲北非Morocco摩洛哥ZA非洲南非South Africa南非SN非洲西非Senegal塞内加尔SD非洲北非Sudan苏丹TZ非洲东非Tanzania坦桑尼亚TN非洲北非Tunisia突尼斯ZM非洲南非Zambia赞比亚ET欧洲西欧Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚IE欧洲东欧Ireland爱尔兰BE欧洲西欧Belgium比利时PL欧洲南欧Poland波兰DK欧洲北欧Denmark丹麦DE欧洲中欧Grmany德国RU欧洲东欧Russia俄罗斯FR欧洲西欧France法国VA欧洲南欧Vatican梵蒂冈FI欧洲北欧Finland芬兰NL欧洲西欧Netherlands荷兰CZ欧洲中欧Czech Republic捷克共和国LV欧洲东欧Latvia拉托维亚LT欧洲东欧Lithuania立陶宛LI欧洲中欧Liechtenstein列支敦士登LU欧洲西欧Luxembourg卢森堡RO欧洲南欧Romania罗马尼亚MT欧洲南欧Malta马尔他MC欧洲西欧Monaco摩纳哥PT欧洲南欧Portugal葡萄牙SE欧洲北欧Sweden瑞典CH欧洲中欧tzerland瑞士SM欧洲南欧San Marino圣马力诺ES欧洲南欧Spain西班牙GR欧洲南欧Greece希腊HU欧洲中欧Hungary匈牙利IT欧洲南欧Italy意大利GB欧洲西欧United Kingdom英国亚洲西亚Afghan阿富汗AE亚洲西亚United Arab Emirate阿拉伯联合酋长国PY亚洲西亚Paraguay巴拉圭BT亚洲南亚Bhutan不丹KP亚洲东亚North Korea朝鲜PH亚洲东南亚Philippines菲律宾KR亚洲东亚Korea韩国KH亚洲东南亚Cambodia柬埔寨LA亚洲东南亚Laos老挝LB亚洲西亚Lebanon黎巴嫩MY亚洲东南亚Malaysia马来西亚BD亚洲南亚Bangladesh孟加拉MM亚洲东南亚Burma缅甸NP亚洲南亚Nepal尼泊尔JP亚洲东亚Japan日本CY亚洲西亚Cyprus塞浦路斯LK亚洲南亚Sri Lanka斯里兰卡TH亚洲东南亚Thailand泰国TR亚洲西亚Turkey土耳其SG亚洲东南亚Singapore新加坡IQ亚洲西亚Iraq伊拉克IR亚洲西亚Iran伊朗IL亚洲西亚Israel以色列IN亚洲南亚India印度ID亚洲东南亚Indonesia印度尼西亚YU Yugoslavia南斯拉夫国花1国花2国花3金合欢卡特兰姜花王棕香石竹糖槭玫瑰山楂(五月开花,纪念五月号的拓荒者)仙人掌姜花丽卡斯特兰木棉象牙红赛波花茉莉素磬热带兰毛蟹爪兰坎涂花丽卡斯特兰热带兰三向卡特兰睡莲坎涂花向日葵百合花火绒草(雪绒花)突厥蔷薇玫瑰花扶桑郁金香银蕨桫椤鸢尾夹竹桃卜若地睡莲素馨芙蓉海枣火焰树(苞萼木)嘉兰肯山兰石榴旅人蕉凤凰木石竹月季匍匐卜若地猴面包树扶桑丁香花茉莉油橄榄叶子花马蹄莲白花酢浆草白车轴草杜鹃花虞美人月季三色堇冬青木春菊矢车菊向日葵鸢尾百合天竺葵百合铃兰郁金香椴树牛眼菊芸香百合月季玫瑰玫瑰蔷薇矢车菊石竹熏衣草铃兰也得怀火绒草仙客来石榴玫瑰花油橄榄大马士革月季香堇郁金香雏菊玫瑰蔷薇郁金香百日草孔雀草茉莉篮花红绒蒿(绿绒蒿)金达莱迎红杜鹃茉莉木槿花金达莱水仙睡莲鸡蛋花雪松扶桑睡莲龙船花杜鹃樱花油橄榄花莲花睡莲郁金香卓锦万代兰月季郁金香蔷薇银莲花荷花莲花茉莉铃兰感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。



MontHale Waihona Puke ly rose月季
Flower de- luce 鸢尾花
Lily 百合
sponge-tree [spʌndʒ]
flos hibisci
Cherry blossom / Japanese cherry
Cyclamen /sikləmən/
各国国花 the national flower
the national flower
• 国花是指以自己国内特别著名的花作为国 家表征的花,是一个国家领土完整、悠久 的历史文明和灿烂的文化,象征民族团结 的精神,高格精华的人格美德。但为各国 人民高度重视,反映了对祖国的热爱和浓 郁的民族感情,并可增强民族凝聚力。很 多国家以自己国内特别著名的花作为他们 国家的象征,并具有一定的涵意,这种花 被称为“国花”。

各国国花(the national flower)

各国国花(the national flower)

各国国花(the national flower)各国国花(the national flower)They put the cherry blossoms as a symbol of diligence, bravery and wisdom. Japan has "Cherry seven" saying, is that a very short flowering period. So the Japanese family is generally not a cherry blossom, think of the family is not the continuation of the prosperity.Holland - - TulipHolland, the European garden, flowers of the country, brought in Holland, can not but say its flower - tulip. Holland tulip history began, a man named J Lucius horticulturist. In sixteenth Century, the Vienna royal garden gardener J Lucius, from Austria to Turkey in the embassies are native to Asia, beautiful tulips, and with tulip arrived in Holland, the flower quickly throughout Holland, once a tulip mania. At first, the tulip value increases exponentially, many people crazy tulips, even someone with a garden villa in exchange for a precious varieties. By 1637, the tulip prices, the market crisis, for the government to rectify, returned to normal. Now the Holland tulip is one of the main export commodities. In Holland, the tulip is a symbol of beauty, solemn, luxurious and successful. Although the Holland tulip world famous, in fact, the tulip homeland in Turkey. The Turks prefer tulips. The tulip biological name is Tulipa, from Turkish TUber1d, meaning the tulip flowers like turbaned Islamic girl so beautiful. The tulip as the flower of Turkey earlier than Holland. Tulip brings colorful happy life for thepeople who love it. Hungary, Iran, New Zealand and the tulips as their national flowerFrench - IrisFrance is a country of flowers, it is the capital of Paris is the "flower" in the world. Mei Ying is regarded as the national flower of the French kingdom. According to legend Frank Wang Luyi, to accept the baptism of Clovis, gave him the gift of God is the lily flower, the French Lily and Louis flower ", similar to the pronunciation. As thelily flower for pure lily flower image of the white dove flying posture, a symbol of the Holy Spirit "". The French king Louis sixth, the lily flowers as his stamp and coin designs, decorative edge of his blue robe, he was wearing a blue robe to the king of the ceremony, so lily flower became the symbol of Royal power. In fact, the lily flower is Hong Mei ying. French root planting Orioles except for the tail now, it is also an important raw material for flavor. France's national flower, the other is a lily. According to legend, when France ruled the British crow bird king is the emblem for the frog. Once a recluse in his home appeared, commanded him to bring a beautiful shield to the queen, the shield carved on a lily. Later, Croatia Bismarck hold the shield on the battlefield, every battle won, then set for the lily flower.Australia - AcaciaAcacia is a legume barbed irrigation operation or small trees, two back pinnate, capitate clusters in leaf axils, in full bloom, as if the golden ball in general. In Australia, you will find a little attention,residents of the garden is walled in, but with the Acacia as Flacourtia, around the house, very chic. The flowering season, flower hedge like a golden shield, with a strong fragrance, intoxicated.Acacia is a species of fragrant flowers, aromatic oil can be extracted as a senior perfume and cosmetic raw material. Pod, bark and roots contain tannins, do a black dye, the stem out of the resin containing gum, can be used for medicine. Hard wood, can be valuable supplies.Brazil - hairy crab clawZygocactus is a native of Brazil, Mexico in the tropical rainforest epiphytes. Fresh green color, stem much branched, often clustered and drape, a branch is composed of several sections, each section is obovate or oblong, number of coherence, like the crab, hence the name. The roots cling to the trees on the high branches or not to shake the precipitous rock faces and sheer cliffs, the wind and rain. It is discovered by people from 1818 since, has been widely cultivated in the world, the selection of horticulturists, has cultivated more than 200 varieties. From the year October to March period, the flower is white, red, purple, a number of flowers and flower, no branches without leaves, very wonderful. Zygocactus with its beautiful plant shape, bright colors by flower lovers welcome. Brazil once presented this flower China, rich China orchid treasures.German - cornflowerEmperor William I of Prussia's mother, Queen Lewis, in a civil warin Berlin was forced to leave. Flight on the way, the car broke down,she and her two children parked on the roadside waiting, found the roadside blooming blue cornflower, she usedthe flowers into a garland, a nine year old William in the chest. William later became a coronation of the emperor of Germany, still very fond of cornflower, think it is auspicious flower. Cornflowers also inspire people to be careful and learnSouth Korea's national flower - Hibiscus FlowersThe history of Korea, the Korean national flag first appeared in nineteenth Century. Lee Wang Zhaozong for nineteen years, in August 1882, Ambassador Pu Yongxiao and Kim Yuyun was ordered to go to Japan to negotiate. On the way, two people took counsel, as the representative of a country without a national flag is not enough. Then, they go to Japan on board draw a flag. Portsmouth, gold two people came back in 1883, the flag was officially adopted as the flag of the Joseon Dynasty, and promulgated the use. In 1948, the establishment of the South Korean government also decided to use the flag as the national flag. Later, the Korean Ministry of Education issued the standard, making the flag and decided to use the top of the flagpole: Hibiscus flower - decorated. The flag on the pattern: white represents the circle in the middle of the land, on behalf of the people, around four hexagrams on behalf of the government.The United States -- roseThe United States national flower by hundred years of debate, on September 23, 1986 the house of Representatives by the national flower. They think the rose is the embodiment of love, peace, friendship, courage and dedication. Americans also believe that red rose symbolizes love and courage. Pink or lighttransmission agree with the praise, pink elegant and noble demeanor on behalf of, thank you deep pink, white symbolizes purity, yellow symbol of celebration and joy.Singapore - wandailanIn 1981, Singapore selected Zhuojin - generation flower. Zhuojin - generation also known as orchid, by the Fujian dialect, Orchid (orchid) a word and. Zhuojin - generation is a kind of orchid. It has the following exquisite characteristic. Looks beautiful and dignified, superior, and reveals the humble, symbolizing the Singapore People's temperament.It has a beautiful lip piece and five honor, lip piece into four, Singapore and four Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil are four languages of equality. The middle of the flower evil column, androgynous symbol of the source of happiness. By the relative flower under the lobes of the arch hand, a symbol of harmony, share the joys and sorrows, honor and disgrace. The lip piece rear has a flower like angle, the inner has sweet juice, a symbol of wealth junction aggregation location. The love of pollen cover opened, there are two flower piece, like two "golden eye", a symbol of look far ahead from a high plane. It stems climbingupward, upward, prosperous developed symbol. It's a flower Xie, a flower, the lifeblood of Singapore's national symbol has a long history, has the infinite confidence and hope for plastic. Singaporeans love orchid,prefer Zhuojin - generation, because in the most severe conditions, also can TuYan fang. A symbol of national spirit, industriousness and stamina, courage.The national flower of the worldAsiaChinese flower - Peony (unspecified)The North Korean rhododendron flower - (Jin Dalai)South Korea's national flower - HibiscusJapan's national flower - Cherry Blossom and chrysanthemumThe Lao national flower - egg flowerBurma flower - Dragon Boat flowerThailand flower - Jasmine, LilyMalaysia flower - HibiscusThe national flower of Indonesia - Mao MoliSingapore national flower - VandaThe national flower of Philippines - Mao MoliIndia flower - lotus, the bodhi treeRhododendron flower - NepalBhutan national flower - MeconopsisThe lotus flower - BangladeshThe lotus flower - Sri LankaA rich sauce flower - TulipPakistan flower - JasmineThe national flower of Iran - Damascus roseThe Iraqi national flower - Rose (red)Arabia Emirates flower - Peacock, ZinniaYemen flower - CoffeeSyria flower - RoseFlower - cedar of LebanonState of Israel flower - anemone, olive oilTurkey flower - Tulip EuropeNorway flower - HeatherThe Swedish national flower - European waxFinland flower - Lily of the valleyThe Danish national flower - wood spring Chrysanthemum The Russian national flower - SunflowerPoland flower - pansyCzechoslovakia flower - LindenThe German national flower - CentaureaYugoslavia flower - plum, lily of the valleyThe Hungarian national flower - GeraniumRomania flower - dog roseThe Bulgarian national flower - Rose, RosaceaeBritish national flower - dog roseThe Irish national flower - White CloverThe French national flower: IrisHolland flower - TulipBelgium flower - poppy, Rhododendron Luxemburg flower - RoseMonaco flower - PinkThe Spanish national flower - Carnation Portugal flower - amaranth, lavenderSwiss flower - EdelweissAustria flower - EdelweissItaly flower - Daisy, roseSan Marino national flower - CyclamenMalta flower - cornflowerThe Greek national flower - olive, mouse North AmericaCanada national flower - AcerThe United States national flower - Rose Mexico flower - dahlia, cactusKapok flower - GuatemalaSalvatore flower - yuccaHonduras flower - CarnationNicaragua flower - Lily (Jiang Huangshai) Costa Rica national flower - CartlandCuba's national flower - ginger flower, Lily Jamaica flower - gaiac woodHaiti flower - CanaryThe Republic of Dominica flower - MahoganySouth AmericaColumbia flower - Cartland, coffeeEcuador flower - white orchidPeru flower - Cinchona, sunflowerBolivia flower - SunflowerBrazil flower - CartlandChile's national flower - Wild LilyA genyan flower - CoralUruguay flower - Phytolacca and hawthornOceaniaAustralia flower - Acacia, EucalyptusThe New Zealand national flower - Cyatheaceae, te Kowhai Hibiscus flower - FijiAfricaThe lotus flower - EgyptLibya flower - PomegranateThe Tunisian jasmine flower -Algeria flower - oleander, irisMorocco flower - Rose, carnationSenegal flower - the baobab treeLiberia flower - PepperGarner flower - dateSultan flower - HibiscusTanzania flower - lilac, roseThe flower - flame treeZambia flower - leaf flowerMadagascar flower - Phoenix wood, StrelitziaceaeThe Seychelles national flower - moundlilyZimbabwe flower - GarlandChinese flower - PeonyChile's national flower - LilyBritish national flower - Rose (Rose)Italy flower - DaisyThe New Zealand national flower - Alsophila, silver fern Singapore national flower - Zhuojin - generationThe Spanish national flower - PomegranateTanzania flower - LilacThailand -- lotus flowerThe lotus flower - BangladeshThe lotus flower - EgyptJapanese cherry blossom flower - Mexico flower - Cactus The United States national flower - Hawthorn flower rose Kenya flower - KenshanlanHolland flower - TulipTurkey flower - TulipSouth Korea's national flower - wood plant flowersThe French national flower - Mei YingThe Russian national flower - Sunflower The German national flower - Centaurea Australia flower - AcaciaBrazil flower - tropical orchid, Zygocactus Afghanistan: tulipAlgeria, Australia: Iris oleanderArabia United Emirates: maidenhair, Zinnia Argentina: Ivory redAustria: EdelweissAzania: Bu RuodiBelgium: azalea, rose, Yu MeirenBhutan: luronghaoBolivia: Kan paintBulgaria: RosaceaeBurma: Dragon Boat flowerColumbia: three to KatelanCosta Rica: CattleyaCuba: ginger flowerDenmark: Wood spring Chrysanthemum Ecuador: Rika shitelanEthiopia: CallaFiji: HibiscusFinland: Lily of the valleyGreece: sweet violetHonduras: CarnationLiechtenstein: orange flower lily bulbils Hungary: tulipIndia: LotusIndonesia: Mao MoliIraq: RoseIran: Rosaceae, tulip flowerIreland: White Clover Anemone: Israel Kampuchea: water lilyLatvia: AsteraceaeLithuania: rueGuyana: water lilyLibya: PomegranateLaos: egg flowerLuxemburg: RoseNorth Korea: Rhododendron mucronulatum Madagascar: StrelitziaceaeMalaysia: HibiscusMalta: cornflowerMorocco: Rose, carnationNicaragua: ginger flowerNepal: Rhododendron treeMonaco: CarnationPakistan: Su QingPeru: sunflower, Kan paint Philippines: Mao MoliPoland: pansyPortugal: LavenderRomania: dog roseSwitzerland: EdelweissSouth Africa: creeping Ruodi Bu Sweden: Lily of the valley Guatemala: Rika shitelan Zimbabwe: Garland。



亚洲中国国花--牡丹(未定)Peony朝鲜国花--朝鲜杜鹃(金达来)Rhododendron韩国国花--木槿hibiscus日本国花--樱花、菊花Cherry blossom, chrysanthemum老挝国花--鸡蛋花Plumeria rubra缅甸国花--龙船花Ixora泰国国花--素馨、睡莲Jasmine, Water lilies马来西亚国花--扶桑Chinese Hibisci Rosae- Sinensis Flower 印度尼西亚国花--毛茉莉Winter Jasmine新加坡国花--万带兰Vanda denisoniana菲律宾国花--毛茉莉Winter Jasmine印度国花--荷花、菩提树The lotus, the bodhi tree尼泊尔国花--杜鹃花Rhododendron不丹国花--蓝花绿绒蒿Meconopsis孟加拉国花--睡莲Water lilies斯里兰卡国花--睡莲Water lilies阿富汁国花--郁金香Tulips巴基斯坦国花--素馨Jasmine伊朗国花--大马士革月季Damascus rose伊拉克国花--月季(红)Chinese rose阿拉伯联合酋长国花--百日草Zinnia elegans也门国花--咖啡Coffee叙利亚国花--月季Chinese rose黎巴嫩国花--雪松Cedar以色列国国花--银莲花、油橄榄Anemone。

Olive土耳其国花--郁金香Tulips欧洲挪威国花--欧石楠Erica瑞典国花--欧洲白蜡Fraxinus excelsior芬兰国花--铃兰Lily of the valley丹麦国花--木春菊Marguerite de Valois俄罗斯国花--向日葵Sunflower波兰国花--三色堇Pansy捷克斯洛伐克国花--椴树Linden德国国花--矢车菊Centaurea南斯拉夫国花--洋李、铃兰plum、Lily of the valley匈牙利国花--天竺葵Geranium罗马尼亚国花--狗蔷薇Dog Rose保加利亚国花--玫瑰、突厥蔷薇Rose、Turkish rose英国国花--狗蔷薇Dog Rose爱尔兰国花--白车轴草White clover法国国花--鸢尾Iris荷兰国花--郁金香Tulips比利时国花--虞美人、杜鹃花Corn poppy、Rhododendron 卢森堡国花--月季Chinese rose摩纳哥国花--石竹Pink西班牙国花--香石竹Carnation葡萄牙国花--雁来红、薰衣草Amaranthus、Lavender瑞士国花--火绒草Edelweiss奥地利国花--火绒草Edelweiss意大利国花--雏菊、月季Daisy、Chinese rose圣马利诺国花--仙客来Cyclamen马耳他国花--矢车菊Centaurea希腊国花--油橄榄Olive北美洲加拿大国花--糖槭Sugar maple美国国花--月季Chinese rose墨西哥国花--大丽花、仙人掌Dahlia、Cactus危地马拉国花--爪哇木棉Java kapok萨尔瓦多国花--丝兰Yucca洪都拉斯国花--香石竹Carnation尼加拉瓜国花--百合(姜黄色)Lily哥斯达黎加国花--卡特兰Cattleya古巴国花--姜花、百合garland-flower、Lily牙买加国花--愈疮木Lignum vitae海地国花--刺葵Phoenix多米尼加共和国国花--桃花心木Mahogany南美洲哥伦比亚国花--卡特兰、咖啡Cattleya、Coffee厄瓜多尔国花--白兰花White orchid秘鲁国花--金鸡纳树、向日葵cinchona、sunflower玻利维亚国花--向日葵sunflower巴西国花--卡特兰Cattleya智利国花--野百合rattlebush阿根延国花--刺桐Erythrina乌拉圭国花--商陆、山楂Phytolacca americana、Hawthorn大洋洲澳大利亚国花--金合欢、桉树espino、Eucalyptus新西兰国花--桫椤、四翅槐spinulose tree fern、Te Kowhai 斐济国花--扶桑Hibiscus rosa sinensis非洲埃及国花--睡莲water lily利比亚国花--石榴Pomegranate突尼斯国花--素馨Jasmine阿尔及利亚国花--夹竹桃、鸢尾Nerium oleander、Iris摩洛哥国花--月季、香石竹Chinese rose、Carnation塞内加尔国花--猴面包树Baobab Tree利比里亚国花--胡椒Pepper加纳国花--海枣Date苏丹国花--扶桑Hibiscus rosa sinensis坦桑尼亚国花--丁香、月季Clove、Chinese rose加蓬国花--火焰树Spathodea赞比亚国花--叶子花Bougainvillea马达加斯加国花--凤凰木、旅人蕉flame tree、traveller's-tree 塞舌尔国花--凤尾兰moundlily津巴布韦国花--嘉兰Garland。

100多种花的英文名及花语 最全双语对照

100多种花的英文名及花语 最全双语对照


你知道每种植物的花语是什么吗?ANEMONE -Forsaken, Sincerity秋牡丹 - 被抛弃的,诚心诚意ASTER - Symbol of Love, Daintiness紫苑 - 爱的象征,优美AZALEA-Take Care of Yourself For Me, Temperance, Fragile, Passion, Chinese Symbols of Womanhood杜鹃花 - 为了我保重你自己,温暖的,脆弱的,强烈的感情BACHELOR BUTTON -Single Blessedness矢车菊 - 单身的幸福BELLS OF IRELAND- Good Luck爱尔兰风铃草 - 好运气BLUEBELL -Humility野风信子 - 谦虚CAMELLIA -Admiration, Perfection, Good Luck Gift to a Man茶花 - 赞赏,完美,给男人以好运气的礼物CARNATION(GENERAL) - Fascination, Womanized Love康乃馨(普通) - 魅力使人柔弱的爱CATTAIL - Peace,Prosperity香蒲 - 和平,幸运CHRYSANTHEMUM(GENERAL) - You're A Wonderful Friend, Cheerfulness and Rest菊花(普通) - 你是个了不起的朋友,快活与放松COREOPSIS -Always Cheerful波斯菊 - 永远快乐CROCUS -Cheerfulness, Gladness番红花 - 快乐,高兴DAFFODIL -Regard, Unrequited Love, You're The Only One, The Sun Is Always Shining When I'm With You, Respect水仙花 - 关心,不计报答的爱,你是我的唯一,和你在一起时总是阳光明媚,尊敬DAISY -Innocence, Loyal Love, I'll Never tell, Purity雏菊 - 天真无邪,忠诚的爱,我永远不会说的,纯正FORGET ME NOT -True Love, Memories勿忘我 - 真爱,记忆FREESIA - Trust小苍兰 - 信任GARDENIA - You're Lovely, Secret Love栀子 - 你可爱,秘密的爱GLADIOLA - Give Me A Break, I'm Really Sincere, Flower Of The Gladiators剑兰 - 让我休息一下,我是真挚的,斗士的花HEATHER(LAVENDER) - Admiration, Solitude石楠花(淡紫色) - 赞赏,孤单HYACINTH(GENERAL) - Games and Sports, Richness, Dedicated to Apollo风信子(普通) - 游戏和体育,富有,献身于太阳神IRIS - Emblem Of France, Your Friendship Means So Much To Me, Faith, Hope,Wisdom and Valor, My Compliments, Promise鸢尾花 - 法国的象征,你的友情对我很重要,信任,希望,智慧与勇猛,我的问候,许诺JONQUIL - Love Me, Affection Returned, Desire, Sympathy, Desire For Affection Returned黄水仙 - 爱我吧,情感得到回报,欲望,同情,想要情感得到回报href="">广告于梦幻中闯荡的英豪们,梦幻西游新资料片绘梦山河火爆开启,届时有超级豪华礼包相送,^^还可以领取新手特权礼包等丰厚奖励!寻...LILAC - Beauty丁香花 - 美丽LILY (WHITE) -Virginity, Purity, Majesty, It's Heavenly To Be With You百合花(白色) - 童贞,纯洁,威严,和你在一起如同天堂ROSE (YELLOW) -Decrease Of Love, Jealously, Try To Care玫瑰(黄色) - 爱的减少,嫉妒,尝试去关心ROSE (SINGLE FULLBLOOM) - I Love You, I Still Love You玫瑰(单枝全开的) - 我爱你,我依然爱你SOLIDAGO -Success黄莺 - 成功STOCK - Bonds OfAffection, Promptness, You'll Always Be Beautiful To Me紫罗兰 - 感情的监禁,机敏,对我而言你永远那么美SUNFLOWER - Pride太阳花 - 骄傲TULIP (GENERAL) -Perfect Lover, Fame, Flower Emblem Of Holland,Luck郁金香(普通):完美的爱情,传说,荷兰之国花幸运VIOLET - Modesty,Virtue紫罗兰 - 质朴,美德WINTERGREENS -Harmony鹿蹄草 - 和谐ZINNIA (MAGENTA)- Lasting Affection百日草(洋红色) - 持续的爱更多花语More Flower language中国水仙new year lily 自尊/单恋石榴pomegranate 相思/永生报春花polyanthus 初恋/自作多情木棉cotton tree 热情紫丁香lilac 青春的回忆紫荆chinese redbud 故情/手足情百合lily 纯净/神圣紫罗兰wall flower 信任/爱的羁绊桃花peach 被你俘虏紫藤wistaria 沉迷的爱杜鹃azalea 爱的快乐/节制铃兰lily-of-the-valley 纤细/希望/纯洁牡丹tree paeony 富贵/羞怯银杏ginkgo 长寿芍药paeony 害羞蝴蝶兰moth orchid 幸福/纯洁/吉祥辛夷violet magnolia 友情/爱自然蟹爪仙人掌christmas cactus 锦上添花玫瑰rose 爱情/爱与美郁金香tulip 名誉/慈善/美丽茶花mon camelia 美德/谦逊千日红mon globe-amaranth 永恒的爱/不朽非洲堇African vioet 永恒的美天人菊indian blanket 团结/协力栀子花cape jasmine 喜悦/纯洁木槿rose of sharon 劝告/短暂的美风信子hyacinyh 悲哀/永远怀念百子莲african lily 爱的来临牵牛花morning glory 爱情/依赖君子兰kafir lily 宝贵/高贵非洲菊African daisy 神秘/兴奋含羞草esnsitive plant 敏感茉莉arabian jasmine 你属于我/亲切猪笼草pitcher plant 财源广进凌霄花creeper 好高骛远树兰orchid tree 平凡而清雅康乃馨caronation 温馨/慈祥鸡冠花cocksb 永生/爱美/痴情荷花lotus 神圣/纯洁鸢萝cypress vine 关怀/依附菩提bo-tree 结婚/圣洁大理花dahlia 移情别恋/优雅圣诞百合christmas bell 温暖的心一串红scarlet sage 热切的思念紫薇crape myrtle 圣洁/喜悦/长寿勿忘草forget-me-not 不要忘记我睡莲water lily 信仰/纯洁的心文心兰dacing lady 乐不思蜀吊兰spider plant 无奈/还有希望白头翁pappy anemone 坚忍/背信之恋向日葵sunflower 爱慕/光辉/高傲矢车菊cornflower 纤细/优雅/幸福竹bamboo 君子/平安金鱼草snapdrgon 傲慢/好管闲事夹竹桃oleander 深刻友情/谨慎金盏花pot marigold 离别之痛/迷恋扶桑china rose 体贴之美/纤细金银花japanese honeysuckle 真诚的爱/羁绊长春花old maid 愉快的回忆金莲花garden nasturium 爱国心秋海棠begonia 亲切/诚恳/单恋非洲凤仙African touch-me-not 高傲的人美人蕉canna 妄想/猜疑晚香玉tuberose 危险边缘的快乐梅花flowering apricot 忠实/坚毅F野姜花ginger lily 无聊圣诞红mon poinsettia 祝福你/付出菊花chrysamthemum 清廉/高洁虞美人Iceland poppy 安慰/遗忘/休息昙花epiphyllum 热情/短暂鸢尾iris 优雅的心/使命龙胆royal blue 最爱忧伤时的你腊梅winter sweet 依恋/慈爱木芙蓉cotton rose 纤细之美九重葛paper flower 夏日恋情/陶醉火鹤花flamingo flower 燃烧的心/烦恼三色堇tricolor viola 思念/爱的告白嘉德丽亚兰cattleya 敬爱/善意/倾慕。



法国 鸢尾草 orris
You only missed the orris and the roses
白色鸢尾ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ表纯
真,黄色表示友 谊永固、热情开 朗,蓝色是赞赏 对方素雅大方或 暗中仰慕.
芬兰 铃兰Lily
Lily of the valley is the national flower of Finland and Sweden
睡莲(waterlily)是埃及、泰国、孟加拉 和柬埔寨等国家的国花,花语为洁净、 纯真、妖艳。相传睡莲是山林沼泽中的 女神,waterlily意为“水中的女神”。古 埃及人称睡莲为“尼罗河的新娘”.
Far out in the water there were water-lilies
Calla [ˈkælə]
世界各国国花图片及英 语名字-简介
I came upon youth-and-old-age in flower.
Florid (花语)
ZINNIA (MAGENTA) - Lasting Affection 百日草(洋红色) - 持续的爱
韩国 木槿花. Hibiscus [haɪˈbɪskəs]
bloom and grow forever开花生长到永远 edelweiss, edelweiss雪绒花,雪绒花
bless my homeland forever祝愿我的祖国春常在 small and white, clean and bright又小又白,又干净又晶莹
you look happy to meet me 你看起来看见我很高兴 blossom of snow may you bloom and grow含苞待放的雪骨朵,也学



England: Rose
Since the Wars of the Roses(玫瑰 战争) ,rose became a symbol of England . Red roses symbolize love, this is general language in the world .
Italy :
Lily is pure and elegant,after independence,the chilean people agree that lily as the national flower.Lily is a symbol of people fighting for independence and freedom of the national spirit.
Russia: sunflower
Sunflowers are grown in many parts of the world now, but they were grown in the North America at first,they came to China in about Ming Dinasty. the flowers are yellow,from morning to nignt, they always turn round with the sun and face the sun,so they get the name -- sunflowers .
Mexico has more than 1000 kinds of cactus,the cactus is a sign of the country.It is a xerophytic(喜旱)plant,usually growing in the desert or arid(干旱的) areas. It can be seen in the Mexico desert area everywhere.

各国国花介绍 英语PPT

各国国花介绍 英语PPT

As we all know, rose means love, and different number of roses have different meanings.
Different number
1—You are my only (love at first sight) 2—There is only you and me (you, I concentrated thick) 3—I love you 4—My love will never change until death. 5— sincerely appreciate 6— mutual respect, mutual love, mutual understanding 7—I secretly love you 8— Thank you for your care and support to encourage 9— Permanently 10—The peak of perfection 101—The only love 11—Only care about you 108—For marriage 12—Everyday I love you more 111—Endless love 13—friendship will never end 144—Love you generation 14—pride after generation 15—apology (I’m sorry) 365—miss you every day 16—smooth, well, feels 999—Forever 18—forever young, sincere, frank 1001—until the end 19—Love to permanent 20—This would also like situation, always love you 21—sincere love 25—I wish you happiness



国名国花其它著名花木国花英文学名国花中文名(科名)亚洲各国国花阿富汗Triticumsativum小麦花(禾本科)缅甸Ixoracoccinea龙船花(茜草科)婆罗树、稻花柬埔寨Oryzasativa稻花(禾本科)中国Paeoniasuffruticosa牡丹(毛茛科)梅花(民国国花)、菊花印度Nelumbonucifera莲花(睡莲科)菩提树、罂粟印度尼西亚Jasminumgracillimum马拉丁素馨(木犀科)西谷米(硕莪)伊郎Rosa sp 黄色蔓蔷薇(蔷薇科)郁金香伊拉克Rosa sp 红玫瑰(蔷薇科)枣椰子以色列Oleaeuropaea油橄榄(木犀科)日本Prunusjamasakura樱花(蔷薇科)菊花、李花韩国、朝鲜Hibiscussyriacus木槿花(锦薇科)金达莱老挝Plumeriasp塔树花(夹竹桃科)菩提树、稻花黎巴嫩CedrusIibam黎巴嫩雪松(松科)马来西亚Hibiscusrosa-sinensis朱槿(锦葵科)椰子孟加拉Platanussp.悬铃木(悬铃木科)黄麻尼泊尔Rhododendron喜马拉雅山杜鹃(杜鹃科)莲花arboreum巴基斯坦Jasminumsambac茉莉(木犀科)玫瑰菲律宾Jasminumsambac茉莉(木犀科)兰花、西谷米沙特阿拉伯Rosa sp.乌丹玫瑰(蔷薇科)海枣树、素方花斯里兰卡Nelumbonucifera莲花(睡莲科)大棕榈、石斛叙利亚Anemonecoronaria五叶银莲花(毛莨科)杏花泰国Oryzasativa稻花(禾本科)柑桔、莲花、茉莉土尔其Tulipa sp. 郁金香(百合科)玫瑰也门Coffeaarbica咖啡(茜草科)新加坡Rislya sp. 万代兰(兰科)阿拉伯联合酉长国Tagetespatula孔雀草(菊科)百日草、西番菊、红黄草大洋洲各国国花澳大利亚Acaciafarnesiana金合欢(含羞草科)蓝桉新西兰Cyatheadealbata银白树蕨(蕨科)四翅槐、贝壳杉斐济BroussonetiaPaPyrifera扶桑(桑科)非洲各国国花刚果Enpandrophragmasp.香桃花心木(楝科)猴面包树埃及Nymphaea caerulea睡莲(睡莲科)草棉埃塞俄比Zantedesc马蹄莲(天南星咖啡亚hiaaethiopica科)加蓬Spathodeacampanulata苞萼木(紫葳科)加纳Phoenixdactylifera海枣(棕榈科)可可、非洲鹅掌楸利比亚Punicagranatum石榴(安石榴科)利比里亚Pipernigrum胡椒(胡椒科)油椰、香草果马达加斯加Ravenalamadagascariensis旅人蕉(旅人蕉科)摩洛哥Qeurcussuber栓皮储(壳斗科)塞拉利昂Elaeisguineensis非洲油椰(棕榈科)南非Proteamellifera密花普罗梯亚木(龙眼科)坦桑尼亚Syzygiumaromaticum丁香(桃金娘科)塞内加尔Adansonia digyfafa猴面包树(木棉科)突尼斯Acaciafarnesiana金合欢(含羞草科)油橄榄阿尔及利亚Iristectorum鸢尾(鸢尾科)澳洲夹竹桃阿扎尼亚Brodiaeacalifornica卜若地(百合科)津巴布韦Glorilsarothschildiana嘉兰(百合科)欧洲各国国花阿尔巴尼亚Quercuscoccifera胭脂虫栎(壳斗科)油橄榄奥地利Leontpodiumalpinum火绒草(菊科)白百合花比利时Papaverrhoeas虞美人(罂粟科)杜鹃花保加利亚Rosadamascena大马士革玫瑰(蔷薇科)捷克Tiliaeuropaea捷克椴(椴树科)玫瑰、康乃馨丹麦TrifoliumPratense红三叶草(豆科)山毛榉、五叶银莲花英国Rosa sp. 红玫瑰(蔷薇科)法国Iris spp 鸢尾(鸢尾科)玫瑰芬兰Convallaria majalis铃兰(百合科)英国栎、林奈木德国Centaureacyanus矢车菊(菊科)欧椴、爱支栎希腊Oleaeuropaea油橄榄(木犀科)月桂树、香堇菜荷兰Tulipa sp. 郁金香(百合科)紫百合、康乃馨匈牙利Tulipa sp. 郁金香(百合科)北爱尔兰RosaCarirla铁钩蔷薇(蔷薇科)亚麻、槲栎意大利CommonDaisy雏菊(菊科)五针松、康乃馨、堇菜爱尔兰Trifoliumrepens三叶草(豆科)金雀花、酢浆草列支敦士登Liliuimbulbiferum varcroceum黄百合(百合科)卢森堡Rosa sp. 玫瑰(蔷薇科)摩纳哥Dianthuscaryophyllus康乃馨(石竹科)挪威Piceaexcelsa挪威云杉(松科)帚石南波兰Violatricolor三色堇(堇菜科)春白菊、罂粟、椴葡萄牙Lavandula stoechas薰衣草(辰形科)巴旦杏、白堇菜、栎树罗马尼亚Rosa sp. 玫瑰(蔷薇科)白蔷薇圣马力诺Cyclamenneapolifanum仙客来(报春花科)玫瑰、油橄榄苏格兰Onopordumacanthium苏格兰刺蓟(菊科)西班牙Punicagranatum石榴(安石榴科)玫瑰、康乃馨、油橄榄瑞典Convallaria majalis铃兰(百合科)棽树、三色苋、林奈木瑞士Leontpodiumalpinum高山头绒草(菊科)红杜鹃、龙胆草俄罗斯Helianthus annuus向日葵(菊科)白桦、母菊瓦利斯Alliumporrum韭葱(百合科)水仙、槲树焚蒂冈城国Liliumcandidum白百合花(百合科)南斯拉夫Prunusdomestica桃花(蔷薇科)欧椴、铃兰立陶宛Balfourdendron芸香(芸香科)拉脱维亚Leucanthemumvulgare牛眼菊(菊科)马耳他Centaureacyanus矢车菊(菊科)北美洲各国国花美国Rosa sp 玫瑰(蔷薇科)山楂、山月桂、蔷薇巴贝多Poincinapulcherima黄蝴蝶花(豆科)加拿大Acersachrum糖槭(槭树科)南美洲各国国花哥斯达黎加Cattleyaskinneri卡特兰(兰科)阿开木古巴Hedychiumcoronarium姜花(姜科)大王椰子多米尼加Swieteniamahogani桃花心木(楝科)三色堇危地马拉Lycastaskinneri白花修女兰(兰科)桃花心木海地Roystonea regia王棕(棕榈科)西沙尔麻洪都拉斯Dianthnscaryphyllus康乃馨(石竹科)北美油松、红玫瑰牙买加Blighiasapida甘蔗(禾本科)墨西哥Dahlia sp. 大丽菊(菊科)胭脂仙人掌尼加拉瓜Hedychiumcoronarium姜花(姜科)天芥菜巴拿马Carludovicapalmata棕树(棕榈科)巴拿马树、兰花萨尔瓦多Yuccaelephantipes巨丝兰(龙舌兰科)咖啡特立尼达和多巴哥Heliconiahumilis海里康(芭蕉科)阿根廷Erythrinacrista-galli赛波花(豆科)卡特莱兰玻利维亚Cantuahuxifolia黄杨叶坎吐阿木(花葱科)松树、巴沙木巴西Chrystmascactus毛蟹爪兰(仙人掌科)巴西木、钟花树智利Lapageriarosea吊钟花(百合科)海红豆哥伦比亚Cattleyatrianei冬卡特莱兰(兰科)咖啡厄瓜多尔Lycaste 白花修女兰(兰红金鸡纳树skinneri 科)巴拉圭Jasminumsambac茉莉(木犀科)银果钟花树秘鲁Cantuabuxifolia黄杨叶坎吐阿木(花葱科)向日葵乌拉圭Erythrinacrista-galli海红豆(豆科)委内瑞拉Catasetnmpileatum五月兰(兰科)苍白果钟花树圭亚那Nymphaeatetragona睡莲(睡莲科)注:在网上,各网站对各国国花及其花语的说明很不一致,甚至互相矛盾。


National flower
Chinese: Peony (牡丹)
• The tree peony is Chinese traditional flower and has bhina.
It was awarded the title of Chinese national flower in 1994.
Russia: sunflower
Sunflowers are grown in many parts of the world now, but they were grown in the North America at first,they came to China in about Ming Dinasty. the flowers are yellow,from morning to nignt, they always turn round with the sun and face the sun,so they get the name -- sunflowers .There are many famous pictures about sunflowers and they are the national flower of Russia .
England: Rose
Since the Wars of the Roses(玫瑰战 争) ,rose became a symbol of England . Red roses symbolize love, this is general language in the world .
: Daisy
thank you
• Daisy has the appearance of primitive simplicity(古朴). Italy people think this likes a gentleman and childlike(天真 的) .




国花一般对一个国家的文化别具意义The national flower is a national symbol used as their national flower. The national flower of the culture of a country other significance2.....法国:神话:。




以后,克罗卑斯麦持此盾上战场交锋,每战告捷,从此以后定百合花为国花因为这种花有红,橙,紫,蓝,白,黑各色,不愧彩虹之称Because the flowers are red, orange, purple, blue, white, black and colored, worthy of the rainbow said香根鸢尾是幸福的象征.Iris florentina is a symbol of happiness外貌宁静,和谐,大方,It looks quiet, harmonious, generous体现了法兰西民族的自由乐观和光明磊落的精神Embodies the freedom of the French national spirit of optimism and open and aboveboard3....美国;美国国花经百年争论,于1986年9月23日国会众议院通过玫瑰为国花The United States national flower after hundred years controversy, in September 23, 1986 through the house of Representatives rose flower他们认为玫瑰是爱情、和平、友谊、勇气和献身精神的化身They think the rose is the embodiment of love, peace, friendship, courage and dedication美国人还认为红色月季花象征爱、爱情和勇气Americans also believe that red roses symbolize love, tendresse and courage淡粉色传递赞同或赞美的信息,粉色代表优雅和高贵的风度,深粉色表示感谢,白色象征纯洁,黄色象征喜庆和快乐light pink transmit the information of praise, pink represents the elegant and noble demeanor, deep pink show the gratitude, white symbolizes purity, yellow is the symbol of celebration and joy4....中国:::中国诗句:“国色朝酣酒,天香夜染衣”,,春风得意马蹄疾,一日看遍长安花。



世界各国的国花及其来历(一)世界各国的国花及其来历(一)2011-04-17 21:19很多国家以自己国内特别著名的花作为他们国家的象征,并具有一定的涵意,这种花被称为“国花”。





















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