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词性part of speech
1.名词 noun
1)专有名词 proper noun
2)普通名词 common noun
3)可数名词 countable noun
4)不可数名词uncountable noun
6)具体名词 concrete noun
7)物质名词 materialnoun
8)集体名词 collective noun
9)个体名词individual noun 2.动词 verb
1)及物动词transitive verb
3)限定动词 finite verb form
4)非限定动词 non-finite verb form
5)主动词main verb
6)系动词link verb
7)助动词 auxiliaryverb
8)情态动词 modal verb 9)规则动词regular verb
10)不规则动词 irregular verb
12)限定动词finite verb
13)非限定动词 infinite verb
14)使役动词causative verb
15)感官动词verbof senses
16)动态动词event verb
17)静态动词state verb
3.形容词 adjective
1)方式副词adverb of manner2)程度副词adverb of degree
3)时间副词adverb of time
4)地点副词adverb of place
6)连接性副词 conjunct
7)疑问副词 interrogative adverb 8)关系副词relative adverb
1)人称代词personal pronoun
2)物主代词 possessive pronoun
名词性物主代词nominal possessive pronoun
形容词性物主代词 adjectival possessive pronoun
3)反身代词 reflexive pronoun
4)指示代词demonstrative pronoun
5)疑问代词 interrogativepronoun
6)关系代词 relative pronoun
7)不定代词 indefinite pronoun
1)定冠词definite article
2)不定冠词 indefinite article
7.数词 numeral
1)基数词cardinal numeral
2)序数词ordinal numeral
8.介词 preposition
9.连词 conjunction
1.数number 1)单数形式 singular form
2) 复数形式 plu ral f or m 3) 规则形式 r eg ular for m 4) 不规则形式 ir regul ar fo rm 2. 格case 1) 普通格 co mmon case 2) 所有格 possessi ve ca se 3) 主格 nom inative ca se 4) 宾格 objec tive case 3. 性gender 1) 阴性 fe mini ne 2) 阳性 mas cul ine 3) 中性 n euter 4) 通性 c ommon 4. 人称 perso n 第一人称 f irst person 第二人称 s econ d p erso n 第三人称 thir d person 二、 句子成分 memb ers of s enten ce s 1. 主语 subject
2. 谓语 pr edi cate
3. 表语 pre dicat iv e
4. 宾语 o bj ect 1) 双宾语 dual object 2) 直接宾语 dire ct o bje ct 3) 间接宾语 in dire ct object 4) 复合宾语 co mplex object 5) 同源宾语 cognat e obj ect
5. 定语 attri but e
6. 状语 adve rbi al
7. 同位语 a pposit ive
8. 补语 comp lemen t 1) 主补su bject com ple men t 2) 宾补objec t c om plemen t
9. 表语 pr ed icati ve 10. 定语 a ttribute 11. 同位语 appo sitive 12. 状语 adv erbi al 三、 句子sen te nce (基本句型 bas ic se nt ence p ate rn ) 1. 简单句 sim ple senten ce 2. 并列句 co mp ound s ent ence 3. 复合句 comple x sent ence
4. 并列复合句 compound c ompl ex senten ce
5. 陈述句 declarative sent en ce
6. 存在句 exist ent ia l s entence
7. 疑问句 i nterroga tive sentenc e 1) 一般疑问句 g ene ral qu estio n 2) 特殊疑问句 s peci al qu estion 3) 选择疑问句 alternativ e quest ion 4) 反义疑问句 di sjunc tive quest io n 5) 附加疑问句 tag que sti on
6) 反义疑问句 dis juncti ve que stion 7) 修辞疑问句 r het or ica l quest io n 8) 感叹疑问句 exc lama to ry quest io n 8. 肯定句 posi tive s ente nce 9. 否定句 nega tive sen tence
10. 祈使句 imperat ive sente nc e 11. 省略句 elli ptic al sen tence 12. 感叹句 excl amato ry sen tence 四、 语气/语态/语序 mood /voice/order 1. 语气mood
1) 陈述语气 i ndicative mood 2) 祈使语气 impe rative mo od
3)虚拟语气 subjunctivemood 2.语态voice
主动语态 active voice
被动语态 passive voice
3.否定 negation
否定范围scope of negation
全部否定 full negation
局部否定partial negation
转移否定 shift of negation
4.语序 order
1)自然语序natural order
i.全部倒装full inversion
ii.部分倒装 partialinversion
3)直接引语direct speech
4)间接引语 indirect speech
5)自由直接引语free direct speech6)自由间接引语free indirect speech 5. 一致 agreement
主谓一致 subject—predicate agreement 语法一致grammatical agreement
概念一致 notional agreement
就近原则principle of proximity 强调emphasis

语音 pronunciation
语调 tone
升调 rising tone
降调falling tone
降升调falling-rising tone 7.文体 style
非正式文体 informal、
口语 spoken/oral English
套语 formulistic expression
英国英语 British English
美国英语 American English 8.用法 usage
感情色彩emotional coloring
贬义 derogatory
幽默 humorous
讽刺 sarcastic
挖苦 ironic 词性 part of speech
语法 grammar
句子 sentence
词组 phrase
9. 词类part of speech
实词notional word
虚词 structural word
单纯词simple word
10. 句法关系 syntatic relationship
并列 coordinate
前置修饰pre-modification 后置修饰 post-modification 限制restriction
双重限制 double-restriction 非限制non-restriction
1.从属句 subordinate clause
2.并列句coordinate clause
1)主语从句subject clause
2)表语从句 predicative clause
3)宾语从句object clause
4)同位语从句appositive clause
4.定语从句 attributive clause
5.宾语从句object clause
6.主语从句 subject clause
7.同位语从句appositive clause
8.状语从句adverbial clause
1)时间状语从句adverbialclauseof time
2)地点状语从句 adverbial clause ofplace
3)方式状语从句 adverbialclause of manner
4)让步状语从句 adverbial clause of concession
5)原因状语从句adverbial clause of cause
6)结果状语从句adverbial clause of result
7)目的状语从句adverbial clauseof purpose
8)条件状语从句 adverbial clause of condition
真实条件状语从句adverbial clause of real condition 非真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of unreal condition 含蓄条件句adverbialclause of implied condition
错综条件句 adverbial clause of mixed condition
9)比较状语从句adverbial clauseof comparison
1.现在时present tense
1)一般现在时presentsimple tense
2)现在进行时present continuous tense
3)现在完成时 present perfect tense
4)现在完成进行时 present perfect continuous tense
1)一般过去时past simple tense
2)过去进行时 past continuoustense
3)过去完成时 past perfect tense
4)过去完成进行时past perfect continuous tense
3.将来时future tense
1)一般将来时future simple tense
2)将来进行时 future continuous tense
3)将来完成时future perfect tense
4)将来完成进行时futureperfect continuous tense
1)一般过去将来时past future tense
2)过去将来进行时past futurecontinuous tense
3)过去将来完成时past future perfect tense
4)过去将来完成进行时past futureperfectcontinuous tense。
